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The Kansas

School Naturalist
Published by
The Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia
Prepared and Issued by
The Department of Biology, with
the cooperation of the Division of Education
Editor: John Breukelman
Department of Biology
Editorial Committee: Ina M. Borman, Helen M. Douglass,
Gilbert A. Leisman, David Parmelee, Dixon Smith
The Kansas School Naturalist is sent upon request, free of charge,
to Kansas teachers and others interested in nature education. Back
numbers are sent free as long as the supply lasts, except Vol. 5, No. 3,
Poisonous Snakes of Kansas. Copies of this issue may be obtained for
25 cents each postpaid. Send orders to The Kansas School Naturalist,
Department of Biology, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia,
The Kansas School Naturalist is published in November, January,
March, and May of each year by The Kansas State Teachers College,
1200 Commercial Street, Emporia, Kansas. Second-class postage paid
at Emporia, Kansas.
~ "

A mature and a young .ioint of a prickly pear cactus
\ , ,
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not to back into one while photo
graphing, or studying a cactus. The
cactus plant differs from these
other spiny plants in that it has
fleshy stems, usually without
leaves, spines arranged spirally on
the stem, similar sepals and petals,
the young fruit below the sepals,
and with only one seed cavity.
The cacti of Kansas may be
divided into three growth forms:
(1) low growing with flat, wide
stems; (2) tree-like with cylindrical
stems; (3) ball-shape, with glob
ular stems. The main part of a
cactus plant is the stem, even
though it may have a leaf-like ap
pearance. In the cacti that belong
to the genus Opuntia (which in
cludes the prid1y pear) the sec
tions of the stem are called joints.
In the small 'pin cushion" cacti, the
------ young leaf
oreole wiih
spines and
-------- - -gloc.hids
- -Joini of stem
--areole with
main bulk of the plant is the stem,
which may grow singly, or in a
cluster. The stems of the "tree"
cactus will not be confused with
le:::. ves, for they are branched -
similar to the stems of a bush. All
cactus stems have chlorophyll and,
therefore, manufacture food, the
function -usually carried on by the
On a cactus stem, you will find
the spines, which are modified
leaves, in clusters growing out of
spots called areoles. These areoles
are arranged spirally on the sfem.
The long spines are sharp and barb
ed on the end, but if you think only
the long spines can penetrate, you
should stick your finger (only don't
do it!) past the end of the spine and
touch the areole. You may, or may
not, feel a slight pain, but look at
the eud of your finger. It will be
filled with tiny brownish stickers,
called glochids. These glochids are
real trouble makers for the cactus
hunter because of their small size.
In season, you may find flowers
somewhere along the stem, usual
ly at the end. You cannot easily
distinguish the sepals from the
petals. The cactus uses both in at
tracting insects.
Below the sepals and petals is the
ovary. It is somewhat tubular and
may, or may not, be covered with
spines. It may also have some
small leaves on it during the early
stages. If you are looking for cac
tus leaves, you had better be out
there when the stem joints are very
young. The leaves are small, us
usually narrow and pointed, and
grow from the lower part of the
areole. Before the joint has reach
ed full size, these leaves will have
fallen. This is considered as a wa
ter saving habit - even cacti bel
ieve in, and practice conservation!
The stem is an important water
holding device. The inside is filled
with water storage cells used by the
plant during dry periods. During
a drought, you may see that the
joints of a prickly pear are wrinkled,
showing that they have shrunk as
a result of loss of water. The jOints
swell to normal size on the day af
ter a rain. In the fall, many cacti
wrinkle and wither, and no matter
how much wate! is given to them,
the storage cells will not fill. How
ever, the next spring will find them
full of water and the joints with
out wrinkles. The outside of the
stem is tough a\nd covered with a
layer of wax which retards evapora
Tuberous roots of a prickly pear cactus
The roots of most Kansas cacti
are quite shallow and commonly
spread several feet from the center
of the plant. The prickly pear has
from one to many tuberous roots.
These tubers are eaten by insects
and may have disappeared by the
time the patch has reached a dia
meter of two feet. By this time, the
joints in contact with the ground
have given rise to fibrous roots.
The roots of the "pin cushion" cac
tus consist of one long tap root and
many fibrous roots branching from
it. The "tree" cactus roots go deep
into sandy soil, but are more shal
low and spreading in harder soils.
Many animals use cactus plants
as their homes, and are certainly
well protected by the thick stems
and sharp spines. The wood rat,
for instance, collects sticks, weeds,
and trash of all sorts and piles them
up in the center of a cactus patch.
His home is beneath this pile. Mice
often build their nests beneath ;.l
cactus plant, and jackrabbits sit in
the little shade the plant affords.
With mice and other rodents a
round, it is no wonder that the
rattlesnakes make themselves at
home, too.
Cactus fruits are used as food by
animals such as rabbits, coyotes,
skunks, raccoons, rats, mice, and in
sects of many ki;tds. Pigs also are
fond of the fruits. Of course, if vou
wish to try cactus fruits yourself: be
sure first to remove the tiny glo
Many people enjoy a cactus gar
dent and plants may be purchased
in stores. Some of these so-called
cacti, however, are not cacti but
other spiny plants. Nevertheless,
they all make attractive plantings.
If wild cactus plants are collected
for an outdoor garden, it is best to
forget the main roots. Cut off the
portion of the plant you wish, take
it home, put it on the shelf in the
garage and forget it for a week.
This gives the cut surface a chance
;:0 heal and the plant a better
chance of surviving. After the week
has passed, place the stem on the
ground and push a small amount
of sandy soil around it, but do not
cover it. Water it enough to wet
the soil, but be careful about giving
it much water after that.
Plants may be grown from seeds,
which are slow in germinating and
may take six or eight weeks to
sprout. It may be:necessary to use
a small amount of Semesan, or other
seed disinfectant in the soil to keep
the seeds from molding. This can
be obtained at most seed stores.
The soil of a seed plot should be a
mixture of three parts of sand and
one part of good soil. After the
seeds have been planted to about a
depth of a quarter of an inch in the
soil, cover the plot with a piece of
burlap. Water the Dlot as vou
. ~ ~
would any other seed planting.
Do not remove the burlap until the
seeds start to germinate.
IF YOU CHANCE your mailing address dur
ing the school year, be sure Lo send 11 S both
yom old ,md your new 'ldress. The Kansas
School Naturalist is sent by second class
mail , which is not forwarded.
The drawing on page 4, and illl photog
raphs, wp.re prepared by the author. The
cartoon on page 6 was drawn by Teresl1
Duggan, freshman assistant in the Depart
ment of Biology, KSTC.
The plural of cactus is either Cl1cti or
cactu:; es, il ccording to most dictionaries.
Since most botanists prefer cacti , this is the
form we are using in this issue of The Kansas
School Naturalist.
Opuntia compressa, Opuntia humifusa, Opuntia rafinesquei
JOints flat, obovate (egg-shaped with
the large end out) to circular, 2 to 5
inches long, 1)2 to 4 inches broad. Spines
none to three on an areole, to B2 inches
long, white, or white with a reddish
brown base. Flowers yellow or yellow
with a red center, 21. inches across. Fruit
fleshy, clavate (tenpin-shaped) to oval,
1 to 21. inches long, ). to n inches thick,
pale pink to dark brick-red. Seeds yellow,
flat, roughly circular, about 3/16 inch
The common prickly pear, with all of
its many forms and variations, is the best
known cactus in Kansas. It grows in all
parts of the state and is the principal
flat-jointed cactus of the eastern two
thirds. In the western one-third of Kan
sas, it lives among other species and may
hybridize with them. Those with large
tuberous roots are often called Opttntia
The plant is low and spreading; some
of the joints lie flat on the ground. Most
plants have spines on the upper margin
and nearly half way down on the flat
surface, but some, especially in the shade,
have no spines at all. This, as in most
species of flat-jointed Opttntias, has the
longest spines at the top of the joint, with
the spine length decreasing toward the
center of the joint. The glochids are
about ) ~ inch long and present on all are
olps. However, joints partly covered with
soil may have glochids a half inch long.
Some joints have as many as eight
waxy flowers on the upper margin. The
petals are broad and sUlTound the many
stamens. At the base of the "petals" is the
cylindrical ovary, which may have a few
narrow leaves on it. Inside are from 25 to
100 flat seeds with small water storage
cells clinging tightly to them.
Opllnt-ia phaeacantha
Joints fla t, obovate to oval, 3 to 6
inches long, 2 to 4 inches broad. Spines
1 to 6 per areole, up to H, inches long,
white or brown and white variegated.
Flowers yell ow, sometimes salmon-pink,
2Jf inches across. Fruit fleshy, obovate,
l ) ~ inches long and ~ . inch across, wine
colored. Seeds yellow, flat , about 3116
inch across.
This prickly pear lives mainly in the
western one-third of the state where it
intermingles with Opuntia compl'essa. It
is low and spreading, and slightly t aller
than the previous species. In many speci
mens, some of the joints are diamond
shaped. It grows in the open, short grass
pastures and forms solid mats up t o 10
feet across. In rocky soil, the plants do
not grow as large as in sandy soil.
Spines are found on the upper )f to %
of the joint . Usually, t wo of the spines
are long and spread outward. The small
er spines are turned downward and may
li e close to the joint. The glochids are
yellow-brown, but may be golden yellow
on the young joints.
Several flowers are produced on the
upper margin of the joints. They are
usually yellow. but a few are pink. Later,
the wine-colored fruits are arranged like
a row of small goblets on the edge of the
joint. On the upper end of the fruit is the
old fl ower scaL In this species it is nearly
flat and smooth, perhaps with a few lines
on it, but in most other species the scar
is deep and rough.
0pHntia phaeacantha is easily con
fused with Opul1tia compl'essa, but can
be distinguished by the deep wine
colored fruit, the presence of a few
di amond-shaped joints, and its larger
size and heavier spines. These character
istics make it a favorit e home of the wood
JOints flat, obovate to circular, 2 to 4
inches long, mto 3 inches broad. Aerole
spines 6 to 14, 74 to l)f inches long, white
to red-brown. Flowers yellow to orange,
2Jf inches across. Fruit oval, 1 ~ to 1 inch
long, 3f inch in diameter, dry, spiny. Seeds
light straw-colored, flat, about 7 ~ inch
This cactus is native in the western
part of Kansas and is easily distinguished
from the other species of Opuntia. It has
spines on all areoles, which are quite close
together. Some of the shorter spines may
overlap those of a nearby areole. The
surface around the areole is usually
raised a trifle so as to give the joint a
"bumpy" appearance. One of the spines
on each areole is longer than the others
and extends outward and downward, ex
cept on the margin, where it points out
ward. The small spines point downward.
The color of the long spines varies from
white to red-brown with a yellowish tip.
Occasionally, a plant will be found which
Opt/nUa ]Jolyacantha
has long hair-like spines at the base of
the joint, especially when near the
ground. Some of these are 4 inches long
and are flexible enough to be wrapped
around the finger. The plants with these
long spines are often called Optmtia
The plant is small, 2 to 4 feet across,
and grows in the same habitat as the
other Opuntias. In most cases, it can be
identified at a distance by the gray color,
caused by the many white spines.
If there is any doubt as to the identity,
it can be accurately determined by the
fruit, which is dry and spiny. Small mam
mals eat the seeds by opening the fruit
at the lower end where there are no
spines. The fruits mature earlier than
those of the fleshy-fruited species. The
flower scar is usually somewhat flat with
a flared spiny rim around it. The seeds
are larger than those of the two previous
species - about 74 inch across and are
packed tightly in the fruit. There may be
40 to 100 seeds in these small fruits.
Opuntia fmgilis
Joints small, cylindrical to obovoid, 1
The plants are about 6 inches high
to 2 inches long, %to 1 inch thick. Spines
and form dense clumps up to a foot
5 to 10 per areole, up to % inch long,
across. Small plants are found all around
white, cream-colored, or red-brown. the larger ones, because the slightest
Flowers yellow, 2 inches across. Fruits
touch will break a jOint from the plant.
dry and spiny - rare. Seeds flat, yellow
By the middle of October, all remaining
about 3/16 inch across.
joints are attached more firmly to the II
The fragile cactus gets its name from
The spines on new joints are brownish
the fact that the end jOint is so loosely
and heavily barbed. There are 2 or 3 long
connected to the rest of the plant that
spines on the areole and 4 to 6 smaller
an animal walking by may dislodge a
ones, all of which extend outward. If the
joint, catch it in the fur , and carry it
big ones don't get you, the little ones
some distance. "Vhen the joint comes in
will! The glochids form a yellow, fuzzy
contact with the soil, it may take root and
mat at the base of the spines and are not
start a new plant. Perhaps this is the main
as disconcerting to humans as are those
method of reproduction, since mature
of the other OpunUas.
seed-bearing fruits are seldom found.
Locally, this species is called a "jumping The fragile cactus lives in the western
cactus," although it is not closely related half of the state, but is commonly over
to the "jumping cactus" of Arizona. The looked because of its small size. Too, it
joints often "jump" as high as a person's seems to grow best in the taller grass.
knee when kicked by the foot as the per Many people find it first, not from seeing
son walks through the grass where these it, but from feeling a sharp pain in the
c,lcti grow. lower leg.
joints cylindrical, main trunk \
inches in diameter, smaller bran
inch in diameter. Spines 6 to _
"reale, up to % inch long, white.
times with a purplish base, cover
a white papery sheath. Flow r
purple, 2 inches across. Fruit art
with flattened end, tuberculated.
drying to a straw-color. Seeds
with slight greenish cast, flat,
This is the "cane" cactus of }..:.
the only one which produces
stem. The curio stores of the So
are full of cactus canes, cactus
cactus jewelry boxes. and cac
trays. Although these are not
made from our tree cactus,
have the same mesh-vvork in the
The tree cactus is not common .
sas, but may be found in Morton
the extreme southwest county. T
always some question about plan!.!
native when found in other part;:

tnt: plant.
.r. .d
finnh" to

Opuntia i1nbricrzta
JOints cylindrical, main b'unk up to 3 state. Three plants in Ellsworth County
inches in diameter, smaller branches 1 are said to have been brought in on the
inch in diameter. Spines 6 to 24 per wool of sheep in the early days when
areole, up to inch long, white, some stock was driven from the Southwest,
times with a purplish base, covered with across Kansas, to the nearest railroad.
a white papery sheath. Flower rose Many of these plants are brought into the
purple, 2 inches across. Fruit orbicular state for planting in flower gardens.
with flattened end, tuberculated, yellow,
The green stem is covered with elong
drying to a straw-color. Seeds yellow
ated, laterally flattened tubercles. The
with slight greenish cast, flat, inch
areoles are on the upper end of these
ridges. White wooly glochids cover the
areole and the spines emerge from among
This is the "cane" cactus of Kansas
them. These spines point in all directions,
the only one which produces a woody
with 4 to 6 of them being long and
stem. The curio stores of the Southwest
covered with a thin sheatJ1. At times,
are full of cactus canes, cactus lamps,
this shea th is all too thin!
cactus jewelry boxes, and cactus ash
By late summer, the fruits on the ends
trays. Although these are not usually
of the whorled branches have lost their
made from our tree cactus, ours does
small spines and turned a bright yellow.
have the same mesh-work in the wood.
Later they dry and fall to the ground,
The tree cactus is not common in Kan
taking with them the 7.5 to 300 seeds.
sas, but may be found in Morton County,
the extreme southwest county. There is This cactus, because of its rarity in the
always some question about plants being state, should not be removed from its
native when found in other parts of the native home.
Mamlnillaria vivipflta
Plants solitary or in clusters, gl obular, 1
to 5 inches high, 2 to 3Jf inches in diame
ter. Tubercles extending in all directions,
grooved on the upper side, tipped with
spines. Spines 12 t o 24 per areole, 3 to 6
of thE:se are brownish centrnl spines )2
inch long, 9 to 18 are shOlter, white later
al spines inch long. Flowers pink to
purple, 1); inches across. Fruits green,
sometimes tinged with brown, ellipsoid,
!2 to %inch long, %to rs inch in diameter.
Seeds brown, finely pitted, 1116 inch
The best time to find this cactus is in
June when the purplish flowers blaze
forth on the prnirie. The single-stemmed
plants are small and cannot be found
easily in the grass. However, the larger
plants of 10 to 20 stems show plainly as
a dark mound. It is common in the west
ern half of Kansas, but also occurs farther
Each stem is covered with nipple-like
tubercl es which bear a crown of spines
on the end. TIle immature tubercles
have white, radiating but as they
mature, 3 to 6 brown or black spines ap
pear in the center. One of these central
spines usually points "straight out;" the
others point upward.
The fl owers nre produced at the top
of the stem between the tubercles. The
pointed petals spread to form a broad
funnel-shaped flower which opens dur
ing the day and closes at night. It con
tinues thus for 3 or 4 days.
By the time the fruit is mature, new
tubercles have been formed at the top of
the plant. This growth pushes the fruit
sidewise so it may appear to have grown
on the side. These fruits often form a
ring around the top, depending entirely
on the amount of growth. They contain
from 100 to small, brown, pitted
Mammillaria vivipara and Mamm il
laria radiosa are often considered as two
species, but in Kansas, the graduation
between the two is too gradual for one to
be able to distinguish them completely.
Pl ants solitarv or ill
topped globul ar: 1 to :2 illc
3 inches across, gro()\' d
lending in all directions.
to. 20 radiating white
spmes rarely present. FIn \
' [ I:
it . . -\:
' .
t _.

yellow, sometimes \\'ith a
inch across, petals pointt"-d '
red, ovoid, !,; inch long.
regular, finely pitted. '.
Many people walk 0\'(' 1'
cactus and do not see
nearly flush with the grnuu : .
top seldom exceeding :2 iner.
ground. It is the (,()!llll1PI
cactus of the Flin t Hill s.
found throughout the stat . I
not as rigid as those of 11103
they are often bent. SinCE- i:
tral spines "sti cking out "
formidable as the other ha'
This plant is often hidden
radiating spines, but as they
8 brown or black spines ap
center. One of these central
points "straight out;" the
. Ilpward.
. C"f5 are produced at the top
the tubercles. The
:.lls spread to form a broad
.,..r.: .::--... d flower which opens dur
md doses at night. It con
, tnT :3 or 4 days.
' 1Ilt" the fruit is mature, new
\"e been formed at the top of
This growth pushes the fruit
it m,lV appear to have grown
These fruits often fOim a
, he top, depending entirely
II of growth. They contain
- I :35(f small, brown, pitted
rio [lei/Jam and Mammil
.. !rE' often considered as two
,t in Kansas, the graduation
': e [\\ 0 is too gradual for one to
ibtinguish them completely.
M mnrnillaria rnissou1'iensis
Plants solitary or in clusters, flat and the flower does not tell of its loca
topped globular, 1 to 2 inches high, 11f to ti on, for it blends with the surroundings.
3 inches across, grooved tubercles ex The flower is produced at the end of the
tending in all directions, tipped with 10 stem, but as in the other ball cacti, the
to 20 radiating white spines, central new gro\.vth pushes the maturing fruits
spines rarely present. Flowers greenish to the side. It can be distinguished by the
yellow, sometimes with a pink cast, 114 yellowish flower and the brilliant red
inch across, petals pOinted. Fruit bright fruit. At first the fruits are green and
red, ovoid, % inch long. Seeds black, ir hardly discernable among the tubercl es.
regular, finely pitted. But by the first of November, they have
turned red. They remain on the plant
Many people walk over the top of this
throughout the winter, and even in :May
cactus do not see it. At times, it is
when the next year's flowers are wide
nearly flush with the ground, its flattened
open, these red fruits may still remain.
top seldom exceeding 2 inches above the
It may be difficult for small mammals to
ground. It is the common pin cushion
get them because they are down between
cactus of the Flint Hills, but may be
the whose radiating spines
found throughout the state. Its spines are
form a network above the fruit.
not as rigid as those of most cacti, in fact,
they are oft en bent. Since it has no cen Mammillaria missotll'iensis and Mam
tral spines "sticking out" it is not as miial'ia similis are now considered by
formidable as the other ball cacti'. most authorities as the same species, so
This plant is often hidden by tall grass they have not been separated here.
Echinocereus viridiflorus
Plants single or in clusters, conical or
globular, 2 or 3 inches high, to
inches in diameter. Areoles on 11 to 15
lengthwise ribs. Spines 15 to 23 per
<Ireole, white, red-purple, or variegated,
none to 3 central spines, 15 to 22 lateral
spines. Flowers on areoles near the base,
not more than half way up, yellow-green,
inches across. Fruit ell ipsoi d, green,
spiny. Seeds 1116 inch long, black rough.
This plant is found in Kansas only
along the extreme western edge. Its small
size and yellow-green flower make it
inconspicuous. It grows best in sandy or
gravelly soil on fl at land or on rather
steep slopes.
Instead of having individual tubercles
like tile other ball cacti , they are fused
into straight or slightly spiralled ribs ex
tending from top to bottom. The common
number of ribs is 13.
The areoles are slightly elliptical and
bea r the lateral spines along the edge.
The central spines arise out of a tuft of
white, wooly glochids. On some plants,
these spines are ]4 inch long and slightly
curved upward, whil e other plants have
short central spines or none at all. The
color of the spines, both latercl l and
central , varies from pure white to en
tirely red-purpl e.
The fragrant flowers are produced in
early June on the lower portion of the
ribs. Some plants produce single flowers,
while others produce groups in a ring
arOlmd the base of the plant. As the fruit
develops, it extends outward from the
rib and may be broken off by passing
animals. However, if anything gets close
to the long-spined variety - it will not
stay long!
These pl ants make attractive house
pluJ?ts; however, since they are so un
common in Kansas, they should not be
taken from their native habitat. Even
with cacti, we should practice Conselva
ti on.
1. Place a few clrops of \\ __
cactus joint and notice tll a
surface' will not absorb it.
2. Peel the epidermis from
of a joint, place it beside one : '.
peeled. Examine them the
''''hat has happened to the
3. Locate a cactus that ill:
"mold" on the lower part of --
Smear some of this white m :
note the red color. This is not ..
the white protective co\'erID_
cochineal insect. Even tod,I\ . .
juice is usecl as a dye by :
4. Find u Joint, part of ",hier ;_
Split it open with a long-bbd :
find the cause. If you find a lar _
it is probably that of the cl ark.' ;, .:
5. What is the greatest L
fruits you can find on one joi :;
6. How many shapes and
fruits Can you find? (Especiaih
ern Kansas) .
7. Start a cactus garden in
room. Beware of spines! ChC,;"
spines often get together'
8. Examine the open
prickly pear on the plant.
stamens move constantly?
9. Dig up the roots ancl ee :
Could they store water and f
10. Scr'lpe, or peel, the ti \ .:
from a ripe fruit. Eat the
member it is full of hard seeds.
11. Make some cactus jelk
stickery and sticky job, but t] .e
worth the effort. ( Not Sllgg 1
first grade!) -
Cactus Jelly - Recipe: R m
chids from fruits, put fruits i "
and cover them with water. C
and cook until tender. Pour off j
save it. Cover the fruits again ,, ::
cook, pour off juice and
A third cooking may be nece ' .r
juice will be thick, so thin it ,d t' '
cup juice, %cup water, :. ('t
juice, one package of pectin. :;
.J spines arise out of a tuft of
h-. glochids. On some plants,
" .11:-e inch long and slightly
,',ward, while other plants have
tl spines or none at all. The
the spines, both lateral and
.:ties from pure white to en
- _; rant flowers are produced in
on the lower portion of the
t:' produce single flowers,
- r.; produce groups in a ring
base of the plant. As the fruit
it extends outward from the
he broken off by passing
HOl\\'e\ er, if anything gets close
variety - it will not
lants make attractive house
wt:' \'er, since they are so un
1\:ansas, they should not be
"11 their native habitat. Even
we should practice Conserva-
1. Place a few drops of water on a sugar. Follow the directions on the pectin
cactus joint and notice that the waxy box.
surface will not absorb it.
12. Take colored pictures of the flow
2. Peel the epidermis from one side
ers and fruits. Perhaps some member of
of a joint, place it beside one that is not
the class has been in the Southwest and
peeled. Examine them the next day.
has pictures of the cacti from there.
What has happened to the one that was
Compare these pictures.
peeled? 13. Just a few words of warning if you
plan to hunt cacti!
3. Locate a cactus that has a white
"mold" on the lower part of the joints.
a. Remember that areas of
Smear some of this white material and
growth are also areas for rattlesnakes. No
note the red color. This is not a mold, but
need to say more!
the white protective covering of the b. Be sure to keep your mind on the
cochineal insect. Even today, this red sharpness of the spines and glochids,
juice is used as a dye by some people. even leather gloves are not ahvays a help.
4. Find a joint, part of which is yellow.
c. Remember that a pair of forceps, a
Split it open with a long-bladed knife and
needle, and a disinfectant are valuable
find the cause. If you find a larva inside,
it is probably that of the darkling beetle.
5. ''''hat is the greatest number of
fruits you can find on one joint?
BENSON, LYMAN. 1950. The Cacti of
6. How many shapes and colors of
Arizona. The University of Arizona
fruits can you find? (Especially in west
Press, Tucson. Illus. 134 pp.
ern Kansas)
7. Start a cactus garden in the school
CAROL DAVIDSON. 1940. Colorado
room. Beware of spines! Children and
Cacti. Abbey Garden Press, Pasadena.
spines often get together!
Illus. 71 pp.
8. Examine the open flower of a
prickly pear on the plant. Why do the
MANNING, REG. 1957. What KiJula
stamens move constantly?
Cactus Izzat? Reganson Cartoon Books,
Phoenix, Arizona. Illus. 107 pp.
9. Dig up the roots and see the size.
Could they store water and food?
10. Scrape, or peel, the tiny glochids
ona's Cactuses. Desert Botanical Gar
from a ripe fruit. Eat the fruit, but re
den of Arizona, Bulletin No.1, Phoe
member it is full of hard seeds.
nix,. Illus. 116 pp.
11. Make some cactus jelly - it is a
stickery and sticky job, but the result is
Kansas Wild Flowers. University of
worth the effort. (Not suggested for a
Kansas Press, Lawrence. Illus. 463 pp.
first grade!)
Cactus Jelly - Recipe: Remove glo
chids from fruits, put fruits in a kettle
The Department of Biology is sponsoring
and cover them with water. Crush fruits its fifth Audubon Screen Tour Series during
and cook until tender. Pour off juice and
the current school yem. The dates were
somewhat earlier than usual this year, so that
save it. Cover the fruits again with water,
only one number remains. Dr. O. S. Pet
and it. cook, pour off juice again save
tingill, Jr. , Cornell University Ornithologist,
A third cooking may be necessary. This
will present "Tip 0' the Mitten," March 29,
juice will be thick, so thin it with water.
1962, at 7:30 p.m., at Albert Taylor Hall,
KSTC. Most of this film was taken at the
2)f cup juice, %cup water, cup lemon
University of Michigan Biological Station,
juice, one package of pectin, 5 cups
located in Northern Michigan.
Oct. 19.54, Window Nature Study; Dec. 1954, Wildlife in
Winter; Feb. 1955, Children' s Books for Nature Study (First in a
series); April 1955, Let's Go Outdoors; Oct. 1955, Fall Wild
Howers; Dec. 1955, Snow; Feb. 1956, Spring 'Wildflowers; April
1956, Turtl es in Kansas; Oct. 1956, Hawks in Kans<l s; Dec.
19.56, Children's Books for Nature Study (Second in the series);
Feb. 1957, Life in a Pond; April 1957, Spiders; Oct. 1957,
Along the Roadside; Dec. 1957, An Outline for Conservation
Teaching in Kansas; Feb. 1958, Trees; April 1958, Summer
Wildflowers; Oct. 1958, Watersheds in Kansas ; Dec. 1958,
Let's Build Eiquipll1ent; Feb. 19.59, Poisonous Snakes of Kansas;
April J959, Life in a Stream; Oct. 1959, Field Trips; Dec. 1959,
Conservation Arithmetic; Feb. 1960, The Sparrow Family; April
1960, Measures and Weights; Nov. 1960, Let's Experiment ; Jan.
1961, Recent Science Books for Children; March 1961, The
Greatest Show on Earth; May 1961, The F.B. {ind Rena G. Ross
Natural History Reservation; Nov. 1961, Rhythms in Nature.
Those printed in boldfaced type are still available, free of
charge except Poisonous Snakes of Kansas, which is sold for 25
per copy postpaid, to pay for the increased printing costs due
to the color plates.
The out-of-print issues may be found in m,lDY school and
public libraries in Kansas.
IT IS NOT TOO E A l ~ L Y to plan to attend the 1962
Workshop in Conservation, which will be a part of
the 1962 Summer Session of the Kansas State
Teachers College of Emporia, during June and
As in the past several years, the Workshop will
cover water, soil, grassland, and wildlife conserva
tion, with emphasis throughout on conservation
teaching. Such topics as geography and climate of
Kansas, water resources, soil erosion problems and
control, grass as a resource, bird banding, wild
flowers, conservation clubs, and conservation
teaching in various grades will be discussed. There
will be lectures, demonstrations, discussion groups,
films, slides, field trips, projects, a!ld individual and
group reports. You may enroll for undergraduate
or graduate credit.
Exact dates, fees , and other details will appear
in later issues of The Kansas School Naturalist . For
further information write the director, Mr. Thomas
A. Eddy, Department of Biology, KSTC, Emporia.

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