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Name(s):_______________________________________ Task:___________________________________________

Does not meet requirements Does not address the task at all. Unit vocabulary is not used at all. Meets some of the requirements Addresses the task but may go on tangent Limited unit vocabulary is used Meets most of the requirements Addresses the task Meets all requirements Addresses the task




Does not use the studied grammar and/or errors make it very difficult to understand

Uses studied grammar some of the time but errors interfere with comprehension

Vocabulary is limited to unit and correctly used most of the time. Uses studied grammar correctly most of the time, errors do not detract

Vocabulary is used correctly & may attempt to go beyond the unit. Uses studied grammar correctly, errors dont detract may attempt to go beyond current unit.

Name(s):_______________________________________ Task:___________________________________________
Does not meet requirements Does not address the task at all. Unit vocabulary is not used at all. Meets some of the requirements Addresses the task but may go on tangent Limited unit vocabulary is used Meets most of the requirements Addresses the task Meets all requirements Addresses the task




Does not use the studied grammar and/or errors make it very difficult to understand

Uses studied grammar some of the time but errors interfere with comprehension

Vocabulary is limited to unit and correctly used most of the time. Uses studied grammar correctly most of the time, errors do not detract

Vocabulary is used correctly& may attempt to go beyond the unit. Uses studied grammar correctly, errors dont detract & may attempt to go beyond current unit.

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