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Prompt 1. The object of education should be to teach skills, not values 2.

The nature of democracy requires that its citizens be dependent upon one another

3. Of all the forms of media, television has the strongest influence on public opinion

T Aboriginal residential schools; tried to teach values Democracies want to take care of its citizens; provide welfare (social security) to those unemployed (taxpayers dollars). Most democratic countries do provide some form of welfare. This is an example of dependency in democracy; citizens facing difficult times depend on other members in order to fulfill needs. Kennedy vs. Nixon presidential debate first televised debate on television, Kennedy looked better than Nixon and won

A Catholic schools (or other faith based schools) Entrance exams (medicine, law, dentistry). People seeking positions greater than number of spots available. These people work individually or independently to achieve scores that will distinguish themselves.

S Consent vs. no consent Needs vs. wants Needs dependent on one another to have basic necessities; wants work independently and are not dependent on one another

4. History is a record of humanitys wars

5. To obey an unjust law is to approve of it

6. The personal privacy of citizens should be protected from government intrusion

When looking at a timeline, it is clear that war played a major role in shaping humanitys history. There is a disproportionate number of wars in history, including WWI and WWII two of the worlds darkest times. War affects other aspects of society, such as culture, society, literature. A common perspective is economics; many economists analyze the economy during and post-war (ex. Hyperinflation in Germany). Given this, it is reasonable to say that history is a record of humanitys wars. It is generally assumed that the compliance and silence of citizens in response to unjust laws implies support. For example, prior to Canadian women gaining the right to vote in 1918, women didnt benefit from the same legal rights as men. It was assumed that women didnt have the same knowledge of men and could not make informed legal decisions. These laws were initially critiqued because they were believed to be fair and logical views by greater society. Charter of Rights and Freedoms; bill passed during Torontos G20 elections that allowed for search of individuals Bill Blair and police officers facing disciplinary action for breaching citizens rights. Society was not threatened; many people were protesting peacefully.

Obamas presidential victory; viewed as an underdog initially compared to Clinton and McCain, but won due to promotion via internet and texting. Reached out to youth (target: 18-29 year olds) and increased the number of youth voting in general Heritage societies intentionally try to preserve the past; ex. Living museums like pioneer villages where actors weave, churn butter, candle making, etc. This is an example of history concerned with everyday life rather than war

Past vs. present Technology is the new up and coming method of communication

Large scale vs. small scale Looking at a large scale, war has a major impact on history and aspects of society Small scale history is about preserving a moment/period of time

Vaccination by Louis Pasteur

Depends if the change in laws or belief requires conflict; if so, history is a record of war

Nurenberg laws: anti-Semitic laws that discriminated against Jews. As an extension of these laws, Nazis began mission to exterminate Jews, take away their legal rights and property. Although they didnt approve of these laws, failure to comply would result in death of their families.

In situations where laws cannot be challenged without dangerous repercussions, obeying an unjust law isnt necessarily approving of it

Airport and metal detectors; encroach little on privacy to protect society collectively

Governments allowed to intrude a persons privacy for the safety of society. Otherwise, the right to individual privacy is fundamental.

7. The introduction of modern technologies is harmful to underdeveloped areas of the world

8. The good of a society depends upon the defence of individual rights

Nikes sweatshops; using technologies to exploit underdeveloped nations at developed nations expense. It is important to mention that developed nations are generally the creators of modern technology In a democracy, everyone is treated equally and constitutions (Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms) have been created to ensure that the individual rights of its citizens are protected. G20 and violation of the right to assembly/freedom of speech was unjustified.

Antiretrovirals for HIV; money invested into foundations such as the Belinda Gates Foundation to promote research

Industrial vs. medical

9. In politics, ones friends and enemies are often the same

10. A students academic success depends more on hard work than intelligence

11. New technologies often hide problems that are only revealed later

Candidates of the same political party. For example, Hilary Clinton vs. Barack Obama (Democrats) in the 2008 presidential elections. While both of them fought an aggressive campaign against each other, the success of the Democrat party depended on them being able to work with each other. Obama extended an offer to Clinton to be his Secretary of State, knowing that she was a person that he could trust. Academic success defined as getting a high GPA in school; depends on the nature of the course. For example, when studying an introductory/beginner course, such as introduction to anatomy, practice and hard work is required to memorize the body parts. Intelligence isnt as important to success in this situation, because in these types of courses, dont have to use the material to solve problems Nuclear power developed to be a clean, high-yield source of energy, but resulted in many problems not considered before its creation. Dumping of nuclear wastes occur in the Nevada Desert of the United States, causing damage to the environment. Continued use of nuclear power had caused unsolvable environmental damage.

Anti-terrorism act; In the light of the 9/11 attacks, this act was passed in order to disable and dismantle the activities of terrorist groups and those who support them.One of its clauses is the ability to detain suspected terrorists for up to 72 days. However, this act was justifiable, because Canadas nation security was in jeopardy. Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama; Palin is part of the Republican Party, so naturally she has different views than Obama does. For example, in debated regarding health care reform in the states, the two parties had extremely different views. Obama proposed on offering affordable health care to everyone, whereas Palin said that would result in citizens having little control over their health care and being rationed. Intelligence is more important in specialized courses, with vague topics. For example, studying Einsteins theory of relativity requires to think abstractly, and in order to apply his theories successfully solve problems. Success in these courses is more depending on being able to see the answer, opposed to working hard

War vs. peace

People with differing ideologies are unlikely to be able to cooperate

Introductory vs. specialized

12. Displaying intelligence can sometimes be a politicians

In democracy, people often want to vote for a candidate that is

Solar panels have a few problems that were not considered upon its creation, but are solvable, allowing the technology to benefit the world. For example, while solar panels were created as an energy source that did not damage the environment, they are only useful when the sun is out. However, this problem is solvable because solar energy can be complimented with other forms of energy, such as wind and hydro power. Technocracy: form of government where experts in

If the hidden problems have a current solution, the technologys power is stronger than its detriments

If the form of government/citizens value


13. In times of war, maintaining public support is often the most difficult battle

14. Television news should be expected to present both sides of an issue

15. The public is swayed more by new ideas that good ones

relatable and charismatic. For example, in recent Canadian federal election, the liberal party suffered a major hit because of their leader, Michael Ignatieff. He was very educated, attending UofT, Oxford and Harvard University. However, many people did not want to vote for him because they felt as he was too elitest. That same year, Jack Layton lead his NDP part to the biggest victory they had in Canadian history. The difference was that Jack Layton was described as a people person In order to maintain war efforts abroad, the government must receive support from the public. In the US, the president alone cannot conduct war the Congress declares war and funds efforts. The people, in turn, vote for members of Congress that make these decisions. If the US wishes to continue war efforts, it is thus necessary to have public support. Persian Gulf War of the 90s lasted only a few months, and received a great deal of support from the US citizens. The war had immediate results: prevented Sadaam Hussain from taking over Kuwait and the oil reserves. There was progress and battles that occurred, such as the capture of Army Specialists and blowing up of wells. The freedom of the press plays an important role in democracy. News reporters and journalists serve as a check to the lawmakers by informing the citizens about their actions. Ideally, reporters should strive to be objective in presenting the news, so that readers can gain a balanced perspective on the issue and make well informed decisions. When voting for candidates in the Presidential Election, it is important to equally present the views of both candidates, so citizen can make a well informed decision for who they are voting for. CNN is a major network that advocates unbiased reporting, often hosting debates with representatives from both sides/parties. Having a wellinformed citizenry to choose the best president is in the nations interests. As humans, we are innately attracted to the novel and

technology are in control of decision making (ex. Scientists and engineers vs. politicians and businessmen). Decisions makers are selected on how knowledgeable and skilful they are in the field. Chairman Mao of China is highly regarded for his intelligence, as his warfare strategies led to the Peoples Republic of China (Republic of China is known as Taiwan). He was often depicted in political propaganda, and regarded as a father and visionary by the people of China. War effort in Afghanistan initially had a great deal of public support due to 9/11 attacks and immediate threat of Al Qaeda and the Taliban. War was waged to dismantle these groups and bring their leaders to trial. However, in recent months, there isnt much progress with the war effort, and public support has declined. Thus, it has been more difficult to maintain forces in Afghanistan. As a result, the public is pushing for President Obama to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, although the Taliban groups still exist.

intelligence (ie. Democracy vs. technocracy)

Easier to maintain support when a war is moving quickly (ie. Results are attained)

When maintaining public support for example, the war in Afghanistan. In order for the war efforts to continue and for the country to be able to mobilize troops, the news does not want to show the damage that Americans have done to Afghanistans. For example, the news focuses on American casualties and progress, opposed to Afghanistan progress and casualties.

Countrys best interests to choose better president (both sides) and maintaining public support

Apple iPad vs. HP Touchpad both tablets have been on the

Depends if a person is knowledgeable about the

16. It is always best to be cautious in financial matters

17. A persons first priority in life should be financial security

interesting. By nature of this curiosity, we are often more willing to try new things and explore. Study on the Salesman Effect, where it showed test subjects were persuaded more by products they heard nothing about. Having no background knowledge, they were more likely to believe the salesperson presenting information to them. Thalidomide new drug to help deal with morning sickness, but had adverse side effects. However, mothers didnt know about this because had nothing to compare the product to, since it was the first of its kind. Subprime mortgage crisis; cause of the worldwide recession, and is especially prevalent in European Countries (France, Greece). Subprime mortgages are issued to people who do not qualify for a conventional mortgage. Generally, these people have weakened credit history and are less likely to repay their loans. Subprime mortgages were packed and sold mortgage backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt commissions (CDO). The demands for these products were so high that lenders decreased their standards and subprime mortgages were approved for people who could never hope to afford them. Banks and investors started to go into debt and borrowed large amounts of money to purchase CDOs and MBS products. Suddenly, many of these products lost their value and many financial institutions collapsed and started a chain reaction that impacted financial markets worldwide. Investors and financial institutions who were not cautious and invested heavily in the US housing market lost lots of money. However, countries such as Canada and Spain who were more cautious were not as affected by the recession as much as other countries in the world. Financial security a reserve of money that a person has in order to attain their needs, such as their house, food, etc. Most peoples main priority is to be financially secure, so they can live a comfortable life and obtain their needs and wants.

market long enough for consumers to try, except the HP touchpad was more recently released. However, due to the lower than expected sales of the HP touchpad, it has been pulled from the market. A likely reason for this is because before spending on hundreds of dollars on the products, the consumers were able to compare the two touchpads, and were better prepared to scrutinize the newer p roduct.

product when there is no basis for comparison or prior knowledge about the product, people rely on their intuition and are more likely swayed by new ideas. However, if they have background knowledge of the product or do research on it, more inclined to purchase the better quality product.

Matt Groening risked tons of money to retrieve Simpsons data

Corporate vs. personal

Life threatening illness; priority to pay the costs of treatment, because otherwise person wont be around to be financially secure. For example, the drug cetuximab is one of the few drugs available for colorectal cancer, and costs up to #30,000

Healthy vs. Life-threatening conditions

18. Plans for achieving social justice can succeed only when those affected give their approval

19. Political freedoms are best appreciated in those countries where they do not exist

20. A good movie often teaches a moral lesson

21. A government has not only the right, but the responsibility, to regulate what is broadcast over the public airwaves

22. Price is not necessarily a reflection of value

Social justice equality of all people under the law. Womens movement in Canada in 1918 to gain the right to vote: most people were in favour of this movement, because benefitted society as a whole since more bodies in the workforce Arab Spring/2011 Egyptian revolution: many people in these countries, tired of authoritarian governments have rebelled to overthrow their leaders. Millions of Egyptians demanded the overthrow of the President Hosni Mubarak, resulting in the death and injuries of thousands of civilians. Reasons for the uprising: electoral fraud, unemployment rates, price inflation, low minimum wages, etc. My Sisters Keeper; shows the right to individual freedoms; protagonist Anna emancipates for the legal right to her body. Movie open eyes to consequences of technologies and ethical battles in everyday life (based on a true story) In a democratic government, people have the right to freedom of expression. Individuals and groups can voice their opinions without fearing governmental threat. However, that freedom of expression is limited. FCC (Federal Communications Commission) the government regulates the airways through the FCC to prevent viewers from being exposed to harmful material. For example, a recent video went viral of Luka Magnotta murdering a victim. However, the video cannot be aired over public television, as it is too disturbing. However, people are free to view the video online if they so desire to. Price the monetary value a person has to pay in order to attain that item. Value - the benefit the product that to the user/quality of the product. Usually a consumer looks for both of these things, but they do not necessarily co-incicide: a higher price doesnt always mean better quality. The fashion industry has sky-high prices, however many high-priced objects doesnt necessarily translate into a more

for an 8-week treatment. Gay marriage once regarded as forbidden, but people in general are now opening up to it. Initially, the majority of people opposed this type of marriage, but the resilience of politicians and creation of laws has helped in achieving social justice. G20 protests

Social benefit vs. individual freedoms. Sometimes the majority has to suffer for the sake of the minority in order for social justice to occur.

When political freedoms are threatened (internal wars vs. peace) generally, many people do not take advantage of political freedoms people are content with their way of living. However, when

Avatar; highly acclaimed and received numerous awards for innovation in graphic design and stunning 3D effects, however movie was created for entertainment purposes opposed to teaching a lesson Government cannot suppress public opinions as done in an authoritarian country. For example, when the US aided Indonesia in the massacre of the East Timor, the government not only lied about their assistance in the massacre, but pressured the media to not place any emphasis on the war. One-tenth of the Timorese people were killed in the slaughter. The US prevented citizens from obtaining truth and prevented them from reacting (positively or negatively) towards the government. By doing this, the government limited the citizens freedom of speech and right to protest fundamental rights of any democracy. Equipment in hospitals products sold to companies/other service providers are less likely to be in the public mind. The hospitals will not buy better equipment unless the quality increases and these is a benefit with that product.

Intent of movie (informative vs.entertainment)

Government only allowed to block material that harms children/encourages violence

Whether the product is involved with popular trends

23. Education serves to restrict the human mind rather than free it

durable/better quality product. People can increase the cost of these items without increasing the quality, because they know people are buying the product for the brand, not the durability/quality. Building a foundation in education; students are encouraged to memorize facts, rather than explore or ask questions Neil Armstrong Americans competing with Soviet Union to see who could send a man to the moon first Dhruv Ravi

When student is familiar and now can ask questions to problems that havent been solves ex. Scientific experiments with hypotheses Underground railroad songs between blacks to communicate for freedom; difference is that creativity flourishes in the dark Michael Rafferty

Young vs. old

24. Creativity flourishes in circumstances where freedom of speech is openly permitted 25. Granting mercy is sometimes the best way for a judge to serve justice 26. Politicians should vote according to their beliefs, without worrying whether their constituents agree with those beliefs

Need for creativity; American were encouraged to be creative during the Cold War, Blacks were creative to achieve freedom Intent to harm victim

27. Local governments should be allowed to govern free of federal interference

28. Almost every great fortune is made at the expense of other people

29. The courts should punish the guilty according to the nature of the crime

Obama makes decisions based on his beliefs and not swayed by the many views people; if so, no decisions would be made and he would appear to be a weak leader; economic crisis, healthcare reform Illegal to pump gas in New Jersey and Oregon local issue; law put in place because a driver died from a fire caused by gasoline when pumping gas. This is a local issue, because incidents occur in one region but not another. Wal-mart: huge superstore that competes with other local businesses and offers a variety of products at the lowest prices. The fortune that Wal-Mart makes is at the expense of other businesses. Michael Rafferty

Duty of politicians to protect the welfare of people even if against their own beliefs. George Bushs war in Iraq troops are still there and money heavily invested, causing the nation to suffer Declaring war a local government doesnt have the amenities (army or funds) for war, and thus requires many states to cooperate in a unit.

Peace vs. war: during peace, needs a level headed leader

Large scale vs. small scale

Opening of Tim Horton in Southhampton: no other coffee shops existed, so not competing with local businesses, but took advantage of a service that was not offered previously Nazanin Fatehi young Iranian girl who stabbed a man in selfdefence, which resulted in his death. Initially, the Iranian criminal court sentenced her to death. However, upon support from a Miss World Canada supermodel, the United Nations and Amnesty International, this ruling was overturned. However, while Nazanins case was brought to the public, many cases of Iranian girls acting in self-defence arent. Skype allows people to communicate, but doesnt require anyone to divulge personal information Celebrities There is an intense public interest in the lives of celebrities. This is why tabloids are a multi-million dollar industry. The pictures in these

Depends if company is establishing competition with other businesses


30. Advances in communication have led to a loss in personal privacy 31. There are times when an individuals private acts should become a public concern

Facebook employers checking out potential employees

Purpose of communication (ex. If personal information required) Public official vs. private citizen. Public official any person holding a legislative position where they are appointed or directed. Private citizen doesnt

Maxime Bernier Minister of Foreign Affairs in Canada. As a cabinet minister, he was a direct advisor to the Prime Minister. Bernier started dating a woman

32. A country needs enemies, real or imagined, in order to maintain its identity

named Julie Couillard. She first came to attention when she was wearing a revealing dress at his swearing-in ceremony. The media found out that Couillard has past romantic links to the Hells Angels biker gang, and married and divorced a drug dealer. When it was revealed that Bernier was dating a woman with these past ties to this dangerous gang, it started controversy. Some Canadians thought that his relationship is private and there are no rules against him dating her. However, his high political position and her past links to biker gangs may lead to security concerns for himself and the country. A political scandal erupted when it was discovered that Bernier has left confidential NATO (North American Treaty Organization; intergovernmental military alliance) briefing notes at her home. Bernier was unaware that the papers were missing. Couillard returned the papers to the ministry months later, raising concern. Bernier subsequently resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The nature of the documents and the past links to Hells Angels together posed a risk to national security. The Liberals and NDP called for an RCMP investigation into the matter and possible security breaches. This is one example where an individuals private acts should become a public concern. Colonialism: The British Empire had many colonies in North America and held sovereignty over them. However, as the colonies grew unrest began to stir: the colonies were taxed by the monarchy and didnt have any political representation in Britain. (TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION) In addition, the colonies thought they were separate entities (they were an ocean away) and Britain couldnt make decisions that would benefit them. This lead to the American Revolution the Americans declared independence and war ensued. The colonies started out as separate states, but when war broke out and Britain became the enemy, they united together to create a new identity as the United States. Thus a common

tabloids are often from freelance photographers who sell their photos. Over the years there has been more media coverage on aggressive paparazzi. For example, pursuing paparazzi were partially to blame in the accident that killed Princess Diana. Many celebrities believe that paparazzi are invading their privacy. Recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger passed an anti-paparazzi law. Under the law, it is illegal to sell and take photos of celebrities in private/familial activities. Violators face up to $50,000 in fines. Celebrities supported this legislation because it protects their rights to privacy. Celebrities right to privacy is an example of when individuals private acts should not become a public concern.

hold any official public position. Maxime Bernier held a high government position and had access to sensitive documents. Since he is a high ranking public official, his private acts should be a public concern because his actions may affect national security. On the other hand, although the public is very interested in the lives of celebrities, they have a right to privacy, since they are private citizens. Their private acts should not be a public concern. It is their right to privacy that this new California legislation is trying to protect.

Neutrality: A nation that adopts an international policy of neutrality has certain rights and responsibilities. The nation does not participate in foreign wars and other countries may not invade a neutral country. An example is Switzerland: it is a neutral country and has no allegiance to any country. Because of its neutrality, Switzerland often acts a mediator between parties. Geneva is a city in Switzerland where many treaty talks have been held. Given its neutrality, Switzerland technically has no enemies real or imagined. However, it still manages to maintain its identity and keep its unique role on the world stage. Therefore, enemies are not required to maintain identity and Switzerland is a prime example

New vs. old: new identities require enemies to maintain it (very fragile). The colonies had to come together in order to face the powerful Britain. Older, more established countries do not, because they have culture, customs and history in order to maintain their identity.

33. Too many politicians turn public matters into private gains 34. By studying other cultures, we increase the understanding of our own

enemy brought the colonies together. A common goal and threat helped maintain their new identity as the United States of America. Arnoldo Aleman

of that.

Dalton McGuinty

35. A democratic government must provide equal opportunity for all citizens

Culture: a communitys set of shared values, goals and practices. Developing an understanding of cultures is essential in adapting to a global world where we increasingly need to interact with people of different backgrounds. Studying the Ancient Egyptians: eye makeup, first writing system (hieroglyphics), calendar how technology evolved to accommodate our daily needs. Right to free primary and secondary education

Residential schools

Depends on the country and if politician can be held accountable Consent vs. forced

36. Freedom of speech should include acts or opinions that may be objectionable to the majority of people 37. An effective leader must possess the ability not only to deal with current problems, but to anticipate future ones 38. Leadership involves speaking out when other might keep silent

Controversial subjects/differing opinions views on gay marriage Anti-terrorism act: when the lives of the citizens are in jeopardy, all the money and effort should be spent in preserving the nation Winston Churchill after WWII told the people of Britain to never lose hope and to assure them that victory was possible

Affirmative action aboriginal people; because these people were mistreated in the past, and in comparison to the rest of the population, they havent been successful in completing education. Universities have special circumstances favouring the hiring of these people, in order to improve their situation and make amends for the prior harm. Harmful content Luka Magnotta video

History of mistreatment from the government

Harm vs. no harm

Deal with current recession: since there is no immediate threat, should spent effort dealing with current situation William Lyon Mackenzie King knew that war was imminent after Germanys invasion of Poland. However, the citizens also were aware of this fact and were with the war effort. By not speaking up, unrest began to grow with the people, resulting in an even stronger will to participate in the war and greater public support. Manhattan Project Organ/bone marrow donors David Miller: Mayor of Toronto. Before serving as a politician, he was a lawyer at a prominent law firm in Toronto. During his time in office, he declined his 2.5% raise increase because of the recession. His annual salary is approximately 200,000

Whether national security is at stake (war vs. peace)

Depends on the morale of the people if people need their spirits lifted, then they need a leader to speak up and guide them. However, if they have high spirits and are in support of an objective, then they do not need a leader to necessarily speak up.

39. In politics, good intentions cannot justify bad actions 40. Human behaviour is guided primarily by self-interest 43. Wealthy politicians cannot offer fair representation to all the people

East Timor Nike: child labour to make a profit Arnoldo Aleman: 81st president of Nicaragua. Most politicians in poorer countries come from wealthy backgrounds because they required money in order to campaign. Before presidency, he worked as a lawyer. In addition, he owned many coffee

Depends if Day-to day living vs. life and death situations Education and poverty of the country. In poor countries (like Nicaragua), the people are less educated and less likely to demand accountability. In these countries, politicians are unlikely to provide fair representation to all the people. They are more

47. Democracy necessarily implies the suppression of some individual interests for the good of society as a whole 50. Higher education would be more effective if colleges were more selective in choosing their students

plantations active member of the business community. Nicaragua is a third world country, and most of the country cannot afford proper sanitation. In addition, it is listed as the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. After 5 years as President, it was revealed there was widespread corruption in his government. It was found out that Arnoldo embezzled $100 million while in office. The crime was even more heinous considering most of the people live in poverty. He is an example of a wealthy politician that cannot offer fair representation to all the people. Canadian gun registry ensure safety of citizens

relatively wealthy. He opposed the building of a condominium near High Park because he wanted to use that land for affordable housing for low income residents. He was reelected for another term. Like all politicians, he had his opponents. However, he is a wealthy politician that is regarded by most as caring about the peoples well-being and offering fair representation to all the people.

likely to act in ways that benefit themselves because they are able to get away with it. However, in countries like Canada, where most of the people are educated, people except a higher level of accountability from the government. For example, there are Freedom of Information Acts that allow people to access government information. Thus wealthy politicians in these countries are likely to provide fair representation to all the people because there are more checks in place to guard against the misuse of power. Threat vs. no threat

G20 Bill Blair subject to disciplinary action

Current Canadian medical schools

51. A nations ability to survive is often dependent on its military strength.

52. Stability in society can lead to stagnation

53. Education should promote leading inside the classroom as

American Revolutionary war In order to gain independence, the militaries of the colony had to unite in order to overthrow Britain. Stability in society can lead to stagnation when there is no changes in the political/social structure which would be necessary to better serve the majority of the population. King Henry the Eighth: lead an absolutist regime and rule in a certain way to preserve the power he or she possesses. There was no threat to the power of his government, as these nobles were predetermined. However, because the nobles were stable, they didnt progress with the times and enforced traditional methods. As a consequence, when French were opposed to new troubles, they were slow to grow and rebound, as their King didnt have their support. Where practical experience is a benefit - ex. Labs, cadavers

Elizabeth Blackwell first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States. She was the only woman in a class of 150 men, and was often isolated and told to absent herself from class because the lectures would be too vulgar for her to handle. This selectivity is not effective, as it is denying half the population to learn (and as we see today, women have succeeded in professional careers). Switzerland

Depends on criteria for selection (ex. Equal opportunity versus discrimination)

Old vs. new

Canadian democratic government; ex. Changes in gay marriage laws. Canada is stable (no threat of other groups), but progresses with the times.

Individual vs. group decisions: if power is in an individual, stability can lead to stagnation because individual has no incentive to grow and adapt for the society. However, if in a democratic government, while stable laws are in place, the government is represented collectively and ensure that needs are met.

When unethical: Milgram experiment

Should be promoted unless it is unethical/undoable

well as within 54. Lies are less harmful than the truth 56. In business, the image of a product is more important than the product itself 57. The most effective way to change peoples opinions is to appeal to their emotions 60. It is better to tolerate minor defects in the law than to change it

Stephen Harpers jet planes

Manhattan Project

When national security at stake

Louis Vutton/fashion industry soft sell, based on images, selling a certain look Hitler

Computers hard sell; based on numbers, gigahertz, speed, etc. Product is more important than its image Stephen Harper

Needs versus wants

War vs. peace

61. Creative inspiration, rather than careful planning, often results in the best solution to a problem

Laws are more to be concrete and applicable to everyone, and written in a way so they are transparent. However, there are minor loopholes in laws that allow them to be subject to interpretation in some instances. Minor defect in the internet copyright laws with increasing technologies: making it difficult to write a concrete law. SOPA was rejected by the government would take a huge deal of time and resources to implement law, and law wasnt physically hurting anyone. Trojan Horse allowed Greeks to take over Troy to mark the end of Trojan War

Stand-your-ground law: allows a person to attack in self-defence. This law need to be changed after a 13-year old was shot by George Zimmerman. Because this law was open to interpretation, the security of people is in jeopardy.

If there is harm involved

62. A good education is its own reward 66. A person who enters public life is necessarily forced to surrender some degree of personal privacy

83. The way to achieve political success is to promise people that their lives will be better 85. Progress often complicates as much as it simplifies

Womens independence; ex. Elizabeth Blackwell Politician John Brownless; Premier of Alberta (United Farmers of Alberta). Was forced to resign after sex scandal, and his party lost every single seat in the following election (attributable to the scandal). While what happens in his personal life may not necessarily affect his ability to be a premier, many people dont want to elect a politician with bad morals Hitler

D-day: The Allied Invasion of Normandy; the Allies convinced Hitler that the attacks would be in another region, and swooped into Normandy, resulting in one of the greatest victories for the allies Studies = higher income Mats Sundin captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs

Long-standing vs. recent problem

Past vs. present If person makes decisions regarding well-being of others

Stephen Harper

War vs. peace

For example, a few years ago pharmaceutical companies were trying to develop a drug to serve as an anti-histamine. The result was the creation of Allegra, a drug that is metabolized by CYP3A4 enzymes in the body to its active metabolite, Seledine, which causes the anti-histamine therapeutic effects. However, in the process of developing this drug and running it in clinical trials, they ran into complications: if people who

Louis Pasteur conducted several experiments to determine whether life arose sponantaneously. Scientists knew that if a flask with chicken broth was left open, that life would grow in it, however they did not know why this was and proposed many theories, many believing (but not actually proving experimentally) that life could arise spontaneously. Pasteur took into account the many situations that could cause

If all other variables are taken into account. Progress simplifies a process when all factors relating to the answer or cure to a problem are accounted for. When experiments are conducted, what is observed is the path from point A to B, and nothing else. However, when not all these factors are taken into consideration, progress can complicate a process more than it simplifies it. With reference to the Allegra example, possible

95. A politicians public image is more important than his or her ideas 100. The primary requirement for a successful politician is common sense

were taking Allegra were also taking anti-fungal medications, the CYP3A4 enzyme would be inhibited. This prevented Allegra from being metabolized into Seledine and causing therapeutic effects. As a result, the build up of the Allegra compound in the body caused adverse effects, such as cardiac arrhythmias. The adverse drug reactions from multi-drug use is a complication in the progress of developing an effective anti-histamine. Kennedy vs. Nixon debate

life in the flask, and developed an experiment that isolated solely the flask and the chicken broth. He not only sealed the flask from the environment, but also sterilized it. He didnt discover any life in the flask, indicating that it wasnt possible for life to magically appear.

drug-drug interactions were not taken into account, and now additional experiments must be conducted in order to create an effective drug. When additional factors have to be considered, it makes progress much more difficult and harder to obtain a simple answer.

Dalton McGuinty practical decisions (based on evidence) Politicians have the duty to be voice of the people they govern; their policies and attitudes reflect the nation they represent. A successful politician is one that receives support from the people they represent. In order for a politician to gain this support, and thus be successful, it is essential that they address the needs of the people. These needs could be practical, meaning that there is concrete, tangible evidence supporting those needs. For example, a politician that advocates for welfare does so based on the empirical statistics showing that there was a rise in people unemployed. People may have moral needs, which is the "right" way of dealing with a problem. A moral need is one such as banning abortion rights - there is no concrete evidence showing whether one should or shouldn't legalize it, but it is based on how people regard the sanctity of life. Many successful politicians are motivated more by practical considerations than moral values. Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario, is a successful politician because he makes decisions based on practicality. For example, many Canadians believe that money should be heavily invested in education, because of the statistics showing how people who have attained secondary education make more income. McGuinty is a huge advocate for education, and by promising Ontarians that he would heavily invest in providing more affordable education for all, he

Hitler appeal to morals Politicians have the duty to be voice of the people they govern; their policies and attitudes reflect the nation they represent. A successful politician is one that receives support from the people they represent. In order for a politician to gain this support, and thus be successful, it is essential that they address the needs of the people. These needs could be practical, meaning that there is concrete, tangible evidence supporting those needs. For example, a politician that advocates for welfare does so based on the empirical statistics showing that there was a rise in people unemployed. People may have moral needs, which is the "right" way of dealing with a problem. A moral need is one such as banning abortion rights - there is no concrete evidence showing whether one should or shouldn't legalize it, but it is based on how people regard the sanctity of life. Many successful politicians are motivated more by practical considerations than moral values. Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario, is a successful politician because he makes decisions based on practicality. For example, many Canadians believe that money should be heavily invested in education, because of the statistics showing how people who have attained secondary education make more income. McGuinty is a huge advocate for education, and by promising Ontarians that he would heavily invest in providing more affordable education for all, he was elected as Premier. This was

War vs. peace Politicians have the duty to be voice of the people they govern; their policies and attitudes reflect the nation they represent. A successful politician is one that receives support from the people they represent. In order for a politician to gain this support, and thus be successful, it is essential that they address the needs of the people. These needs could be practical, meaning that there is concrete, tangible evidence supporting those needs. For example, a politician that advocates for welfare does so based on the empirical statistics showing that there was a rise in people unemployed. People may have moral needs, which is the "right" way of dealing with a problem. A moral need is one such as banning abortion rights - there is no concrete evidence showing whether one should or shouldn't legalize it, but it is based on how people regard the sanctity of life. Many successful politicians are motivated more by practical considerations than moral values. Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario, is a successful politician because he makes decisions based on practicality. For example, many Canadians believe that money should be heavily invested in education, because of the statistics showing how people who have attained secondary education make more income. McGuinty is a huge advocate for education, and by promising Ontarians that he would heavily invest in providing more affordable education for all, he was elected as Premier. This was

101. In a democracy, the government is never justified in lying to its citizens

108. Although it claims to promote individuality, most advertising promotes conformity 122. A democratic government is never justified in keeping secrets from the voting public 125. Adaption is necessary for success to businesses 126. A business main purpose is to make a profit 129. It is in the nature of democracy to reward mediocrity

was elected as Premier. This was not a decision based on morals, but on actual evidence that education is a benefit. A democratic government, by definition, allows its citizens to vote for the members of their government. Countries such as Canada and the United States are democratic. The elected members of government are supposed to represent the values of the people after all, that is why they won over the other candidates. As a result, it is their duty to inform the people they represent about information regarding decisions they are making; this ensures that the interests of the people who elected them are maintained. This includes information about national security, or the safety of the nation as a whole. For example, the leader of the Federal Conservative Canadian government, Stephen Harper, was criticized by Canadians for lying about his investment in fighter jets. Harper secretly invested $20 billion dollars of taxpayers money into the project, unknown to most citizens. Many Canadians were upset at this investment, given that Canada doesnt have a dire need for the extreme security measures and has more prevalent problems such as increasing unemployment rates. This secrecy was unjustified, and was against the beliefs of the majority of Canadians who had elected Harper to represent them. Axe commericals

not a decision based on morals, but on actual evidence that education is a benefit. However, there are certain times where the government is justified in hiding information from the public in order to ensure the safety of the nation as a whole. An example of this would be during times of war, where war tactics must be kept confidential, as a breach in information may cause the plan to fail, compromising the nations security. The Manhattan Project in the United States during World War II was an example of this: the government kept the creation of nuclear weapons and release of the nuclear bomb on Japan a secret from its citizens. If information about this project has leaked, the effect of unleashing the bomb to show that the United States could protect itself wouldnt have been as powerful, because other nations (Germany and Japan) would have suspected and prepared for it in advance. At the time, the purpose for its creation (to cut short the war and save millions of lives on both sides) was justified. As a result, the citizens of the United States are better protected because of the governments secrecy.

not a decision based on morals, but on actual evidence that education is a benefit. To decide when information should be kept from the public, is is important to consider whether the country is at peace or at war. If a country is at peace, such as Canada during Harpers rule, the public should be informed about the governments decisions. Lying about the creation of fighter jets does not provide any national security to the nation, and thus, the secret is not justified. However, during times of war, the government can decide to keep secrets from the public, as they have a duty to protect the safety of its citizens. Thus, the United States was justified in hiding in war tactics from the public. A democratic government has a duty to provide the best for the citizens, and depending on the state of the nation, secrecy may or may not be justified.

Public service announcements

Conformity to sell a product

Stephen Harpers F35 fighter jets RIM didnt adapt and are failing Selling a product Mediocrity regular people Welfare Canada pays out people Louis Vutton

Manhattan Project

National security/war vs. peace

Apple made iPads, created the need for the product; first of its kinds Non-for profit organization Zellers didnt step up to WalMart, but democracy doesnt reward average businesses but the large superstores Computers

Competition vs. no competition

Goals of business Personal vs. corporate

164. The way something is sold is often more important than what is being sold 182. A politicians lifestyle should reflect his or her political views

Needs vs. wants

Bill Clinton healthy heart diet

Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal

Personal vs. public

187. Groups that attempt to influence government policy are only interested in benefitting themselves 194. Good government demands that principles must sometimes be sacrificed 195. Developed nations have an obligation to provide aid the underdeveloped nations of the world

TTC strike increasing jobs, pay, benefits

Medecins Sans Frontiers

Profit vs. non-profit

Manhattan project


War vs. peace best interest of the nation Depends if the aid will be a benefit to the nation

A reason to provide aid, along for moral reasons, is because the growth of developed nations often occurred at the expense of other nations. Britain had owned many colonies in Africa, (South Africa, Kenya, Libya), and oppressed the rights of black people. For years, these people were regarded as slaves, and we subject to brutality and dangerous work on plantations. The nations were prosperous at the expense of these people, thus Britain has a obligation to help these nations. -

198. Most advertising is designed to prevent people from making rational choices 201. To be successful in business, it is important to appear socially acceptable

Zimbabwes Robert Mugabe although the nation is suffering from AIDS and poverty, and there is a need for aid, money sent into the country goes to the corrupt government. The President had gotten this position through rigged elections. He was racist against Zimbabwes white minority. As a consequence, many developed nations stopped funding this country less a positive change was seen in the administration, as providing this aid goes towards the destruction of human rights. -

Body Shop advocates animalfree testing

203. Education makes everyone equal 204. Music has the power to entertain, but seldom to educate Objectivity should be the primary goal in reporting the news The best education teaches students to question authority Education makes everyone equal

Rise in education in Afghanistan Eminem

Esso refuses to invest in renewable resources, discouraged Kyoto protocol (bill designed to fight global warming). Greenpeace tried to start a campaign to boycott Esso, but is still a million-dollar corporation because people need gas. There arent a variety of affordable alternatives to gas just yet. Residential schools ABCs and other songs

Needs vs. wants

Consent vs. forces Intent of musician

Politics (CNN) and voting Foundation

Primary rubrics, similar forms of evaluations, everyone having to take required courses

Maintaining public support war in Afghanistan Familiarity; ex. Galileo is regarded as a major scientist because he questioned the world Post-secondary preparing people for different jobs (blue vs. white collar), which results with people with different incomes

Countrys best interests Young vs. old

Education after high school

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