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2013 Assignment - II Faculty: Mrs. Sandhya S Subject title: Object-Oriented Modeling and Design Patterns Subject Code: 10MCA51

Instructions to students For the mini project titles given below each student is required to draw the following Unified Modeling Language diagrams: i) Structure Diagrams: Class diagram, Component diagram, Deployment diagram ii) Behavior Diagram: Activity, Usecase, State machine, Sequence, Communication diagram

GROUP I: Data warehousing and Mining S.No 1 2 3 4 5 Title Building an Operational Data Store for a organization using Extraction, Transformation and Loading Tool Feedback classification with respect to Opinion mining for Online Forum using Hierarchical Clustering technique Analysis of diabetic data set by using Density based scanning technique Implementation of Support Vector machine technique to issue credit cards Market basket analysis and prediction using Advanced Apriori algorithm Analysis of air pollution data using Nave Bayes Classification method
Development of an algorithm to draw Spectral Signature of an image

Student Name Rahul Shaw Priyanka S.K Siddharth P.S Vishnu M.G Santosh Kumar J Srinivas Rashmi M Priya P Rajath Kumar S Pradeep Kumar

6 7

Amit Surendra
Rajashekar Prithviraj

GROUP II: Information Retrieval S.No 8 9 10 Title Content based information retrieval in text documents using Bayesian probabilistic strategies Genetic algorithm adoption in text document retrieval process Vector space model and inverted indexing strategy for content based text document retrieval Student Name Sunil Kumar Syed Dasthagiri Shawon Maithy Suhail Khan Sandeep Santra Saurabh Kumar

GROUP III: Information and Network Security S.No

11 12 13

Implementation of Secure algorithm in Bluetooth networks Automated N/W data visualize using python Congestion controlling in a private cloud using NS2/NS3 (Simulation + Controlling mechanism)

Student Name
Sri Hari

Ravi Raj Sandip Choubey Purushotam

GROUP IV: Web 2.0 and Rich Internet Applications S.No Title 13 Web based sports portal for automated match decisions of events 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Web portal on information bulletin Developing an image viewer application with Flex Online student registration portal Work scheduling and performance monitoring portal Development of virtual keyboard for web based applications Implementation of Effective data extraction using XML technology Implementation of widgets in a web portal Performance analysis using ultra light weight chart using Ajax Department feedback web portal Student Name Syed Tazeenul Ranjith S Vivek Kerketta Rohit Soni Subramanya C Samrajya ES Shruthi N Supriya Naik Sampath Kumar Sujan Shahanz Fatima Swapna Pavangat Rajan Kumar Sachin Sharma Ramesh S Ujwal Vinay Kumar Venkat Prithvi Santosh Niranjan

Group V: Software Testing Draw the class model for the following scenerios: a) In a university there are different classrooms, offices and departments. A department has a name and it contains many offices. A person working at the university has a unique ID and can be a professor or an employee. A professor can be a full, associate or assistant professor and he/she is enrolled in one department. Offices and classrooms have a number ID, and a classroom has a number of seats. Every employee works in an office.

b) We want to model a system for management of flights and pilots. An airline operates flights. Each airline has an ID. Each flight has an ID a departure airport and an arrival airport: an airport as a unique identifier. Each flight has a pilot and a co-pilot, and it uses an aircraft of a certain type; a flight has also a departure time and an arrival time. An airline owns a set of aircrafts of different types. An aircraft can be in a working state or it can be under repair. In a particular moment an aircraft can be landed or airborne. A company has a set of pilots: each pilot has an experience level: 1 is minimum, 3 is maximum. A type of aeroplane may need a particular number of pilots, with a different role (e.g.: captain, co-pilot, navigator): there must be at least one captain and one co-pilot, and a captain must have a level 3. c) A bank system contains data on customers (identified by name and address) and their accounts. Each account has a balance and there are 2 type of accounts: one for savings which offers an interest rate, the other for investments, used to buy stocks.Stocks are bought at a certain quantity for a certain price (ticker) and the bank applies commission on stock orders.

Faculty Incharge

Director MCA

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