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Howdy boys! Obviously youre reading this because you want to be better at picking up women.

If not, then youve come to the wrong place! All right, so lets get started with an introduction. I am what I would call a semi-natural PUA. In my pre-ASF days I had decent success, I was getting my share of the action but I wasn't getting it consistently. I mainly relied on my looks to attract chicks, but I found myself coming up short of the finish line more often than not. After I discovered ASF, I tried and failed miserably with SS. MM worked fairly well but I was getting alot of flakes. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't MM that was getting me flakes, it was my implementation of it. I just couldn't keep track of all the steps, the state the target was in, when I should go into the next step, etc. Again this has nothing to do with MM, I'm sure it's a great method. It's just that I'm an impatient bastard and it was taking me too long. :) I also tried Juggler's method and GWM, but neither of them felt like a complete method. Again, it has nothing to do with Juggler's method or GWM, it was my implementation of it. I think a big reason why I couldn't use these methods was because I'd never seen them in real life, only read about them and tried them out in the field the way I thought they were supposed to be used. Another reason why I decided to find a method that was suited to my own personality and set of beliefs was the realization that I could never be as good as Ross Jeffries, Mystery, Juggler or Gunwitch using their methods. So after analyzing my game (or lack of game :)) and ALOT of soul searching I came up with Razorjack Method (RJM). The biggest difference Ive noticed between RJM and the other methods is that the other methods look at the art of PU from the outside in, i.e. external observations regarding body language, behavior, etc. RJM looks at PU from the inside out, ie how you feel, how you want to do things, etc. I realized long ago that I cant keep track of my body language, how far apart my feet are, whether Im leaning in or not, if Im in the attraction phase, rapport phase, etc. I realized however that I do know how feel about myself, who I am, what I want etc and created a method that would utilize those qualities. I believe that weak body language, unattractive behavior, social incompetence, etc are really just symptoms of low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and fear. In my opinion, some methods alleviate the symptoms rather than cure the disease. You can alleviate all the symptoms of cancer with a bunch of drugs and fake perfect health but the disease is still there. I think a lot of people are comfortable doing things this way because alleviating one symptom at a time is a lot easier than trying to cure the disease that isnt visible to the naked eye. But if you the cure the disease, the symptoms will disappear automatically and there is nothing to fake. This is why Im not going to teach you how to stand, walk, talk, etc. Rather I am going to teach you to bring out PU skills from your personality.

Another thing I found is that PU is not a linear process going from one stage to the next like so many would have you believe, its a dynamic process thats never exactly the same from one PU to the next. Thats because no 2 women are exactly the same and you evolve as person and dont always feel the same from one day to the next. As you read on you will also realize that RJM is a very natural and dynamic method, because its actually suited to the individual persons beliefs and personality rather than a One-SizeFits-All scheme. After teaching RJM to enough guys, I know that RJM works. Whether or not it will work for you depends on a certain number factors like how much time and dedication you put in, how easy it is for you learn about yourself, how fast you learn things, etc. So Ill give you the tools and the knowledge, the rest is up to you.

A Word About Women

OK, lets talk about the objects of our desires. The whole reason why you want to learn Razorjack Method! :) All right first a little history lesson. This is in no way provable fact, its rather my own personal opinion of why things are the way they are today in western societies. This way of thinking works for me and I dont think Im too far off. Try and bear with me here! :) I believe that nature gave us certain behavior and desires in order to increase our chances for survival. For instance, nature gave us a sex drive so that we would reproduce and keep our species alive and evolving. I believe nature gave us the feeling of attraction in order to choose mates that would increase the chances of survival for our offspring. Back in the caveman days, a physically strong and intelligent man could live out in the wilderness by himself. He could hunt and kill animals and still survive fairly well. He isnt dependant on anyone else except himself for his own survival. Women on the other hand were incapable of doing this. They were, and still are physically weaker and slower than the average man. They also had the burden of pregnancy and child-care, which also didnt help their chances of survival alone. They were dependant on others, whether its men, other women, etc. They were dependant on a society. OK, so now that we made it clear that women needed a society of some sort for survival, you need to understand that all societies have a social structure. Now when choosing a mate from this social structure, who do you think the women were most attracted to? Who would they choose for mating? I would say the man who was the leader of the group who was more than likely the strongest and most experienced in survival skills. Why? Because this would insure her offsprings and her own survival. So all of the women tried to climb up to the highest rung of the social ladder where the Alpha male was. And the Alpha male got all of the pussy in his social group. This is very common in the animal kingdom and I believe that as humans we still have these instincts.

So ten thousand years later when societies became larger and larger, all of the beta males are tired of not getting any pussy. Being intelligent in their own way and knowing that women werent allowed certain privileges afforded only to men, such as being able to work, make their own money, vote, etc, beta men came up with things like arranged marriages, monogamy and 1-on-1 relationships as being the ideal. Combined with social pressure, it was completely unacceptable for women to live alone or raise children outside of marriage. Women who werent married were the outcasts of society. More often then not, women had no say in which man they could marry. Men could pay dowries to the womans families or just negotiate with the womans father for marriage. This way the beta males could get pussy, even though they were not the most desirable men in society. And this is successful for a while. Now we get to modern society, where women are NOT dependant on men for survival. They can go out into the world, make a living and have successful careers. Women can now decide and choose for themselves which men they want. So which men are these women attracted to? Who would they choose as mates, boyfriends, lovers, etc? Of course it goes back to their natural instincts, where it was the male on the top rung of the social ladder. Today these are famous people, rock stars, actors, professional athletes, millionaires, successful businessmen, etc. Believe it or not women are trying to get us just as much if not more than we are trying to get them. But they are trying to get men higher up on the social ladder. They want to climb up as high as they can. This is completely natural and instinctual to them. This also explains why they behave the way they do. They will always try to fit in whatever situation is presented to them. This is why women say one thing and do another. They will say things that are socially accepted, but do things that their emotions and instincts tell them to. For instance, if they think they can climb higher up the social ladder by being sexually provocative in certain situations, then they will do just that. This explains why certain women behave the way they do in clubs and bars. Women will change their behavior completely in order to fit in different situations and they will try to out do their female competition if they think they have a chance. A woman will even use the social status of her man to try and climb OVER him. An example of this is where women will stay with a man and until she tires of him and then leave him when a better man comes along. You know we can sit here and say that its immoral and disgusting behavior, but we cant blame women for being what nature has programmed them to be. This is who they are. Just like nature designed us to men go out and spread our genes by giving us the desire to have sex with many women. Women also react to what their emotions dictate rather than logic. When you remove the social implications, most women will make decisions based on their emotions and how they feel. So armed with this knowledge, we will use a womans instincts to our advantage to attract them the way they were designed to be attracted! :)

Attraction and Rapport

OK, lets discuss a little PU theory. Almost all of the top PUAs in the world will agree that consistent success in PU requires both attraction and rapport being established. The major difference between the methods is HOW attraction and rapport are established. I cant count the number of times Ive heard inexperienced guys asking others what went wrong in their PU attempts. Now thats good, this is the only way you learn and improve, by asking questions and getting feedback. Whats bad is that a lot of the times they will receive complete bullshit advice like, there wasnt enough attraction or rapport established. I mean how do you establish attraction and rapport? You really cant MAKE anyone feel anything let alone attraction or rapport. And yet a lot of guys will focus just on doing this. Attraction and rapport are only her REACTIONS in response to your ACTIONS. So rather than focus on creating those reactions, I focus on my actions. Does this make sense? I know a lot of guys will say stuff like But in the attraction stage I use things like attraction routines, negs, DHV, etc and in the rapport stage I use stories, etc. IMO these things are just bandages and alleviation for symptoms of a larger disease. Im the most successful PUA I know in real life. And guess what? I dont use any routines, negs, DHV, etc. Those of you who have read my contributions on mASF know that I assume both attraction and rapport when I PU. I dont even think about these things, but after closer examination of my method youll see that I trigger both attraction and rapport from my personality and way of interacting automatically. This is also part of RJM and I will get into it more of how this is done later on. For now just understand that attraction and rapport are not things that you need to consciously create, it can be done just by being yourself.

The Basics
All right, before you can go and PU chicks, you need to have the basics down. The first thing is to get your head right. You need to understand and find out what you have of value to women. Lets do a little exercise: Imagine that you work for an elite fashion model agency. It's your job to go out and recruit new talent, tomorrow's top female supermodels. Ok I know you're getting a hard on now, but try and pay attention. :) Ok, now your office is full of hot women that would be willing to do anything for you just so you would pick them. When you are trying to discover the next supermodel how would you act in front of all the hot candidates in your office? Do you think you would have to ask for sex or would it just come as part of the job? Would you go around trying to impress the candidates or is it the candidates' job to try and impress you? Knowing that

there are 200 hot and willing women in the room, would you try and come up with some clever sneaky way to sex one of the candidates or would you just tell her "let's go"? I know you're thinking that this would be a dream scenario and impossible for ordinary guys. I agree, it would require a tremendous amount of luck to get a job like that. But it doesn't require anything to adopt that frame of mind. This is the core essence of RJM. Those model candidates would flock to the recruiting agent because he is the only one who could give them what they've dreamed of. RJM is based on the idea that the PUA KNOWS he has something of such rare quality that women would flock to him without hesitation. If you don't believe you have anything of such rare quality than you should stop right here, RJM is not for you. You'd be better off with one of the other methods. So what is this rare quality that I'm referring to? Well I can't tell you, only you can answer this. Remember earlier where I mentioned that my method is not a One-SizeFits-All method rather its designed to fit around the individuals personality and beliefs, well this is what I meant. This is not easy, it takes time and a lot of soul-searching. You have to find out exactly what your beliefs are, what your best and worst qualities are, what your reality is, etc. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because as humans we tend to change and evolve. OK, now that I've filled your head with plenty of abstract information, let me explain what my rare quality is and how I acquired it. In order for me to find out what kind of person I am, I had to ask myself some questions. I suggest anyone wanting to learn Razorjack Method do the same and be COMPLETELY honest here, DO NOT MENTAL MASTURBATE! 1. Why would any chick want me? (Make a list here explaining why) 2. What do I have that she would want? (Make a list here with all your qualities) 3. What am I willing to give a chick that I want? (Make a list of things that YOU like doing and that you know chicks would also enjoy) 4. How would I treat a chick that I let into my life? (Make a list of the special treatment a chick can get from you if you let her into your world) 5. Are the qualities I have valuable to me? (I hope you can answer, yes, b/c if they're are valuable to you then they can also be valuable to others) 6. Knowing that I have these special qualities (from question #2), who is the most important person in my life? (You should know the answer to this one) 7. Now that I know how special I am, who would get more out of a PU, me or the chick? 8. Knowing that the chick would have a lot more to gain than me out of an interaction, would ANY and ALL chicks be lucky to have me in their lives? 9. Knowing that ANY chick would be lucky to have me in their life, if she doesn't realize this then is there something wrong with me or is this particular chick too stupid to realize just how lucky she is? 10. Knowing that I'm as valuable as a Ferrari on the car market, do I need to convince anyone to drive a Ferrari or does the Ferrari sell it self? If this chick doesn't realize how

lucky she is, do I need to convince her she's making a mistake or do I give the 11 hotter chicks, standing behind her (that would LOVE to have me in their life), a chance? 12. Now that I have something valuable for EVERY women in the world, what qualities should she have in order for me to let her in my life? (make a list of the qualities you want in a woman) 13. What are the rules people have to follow in order to stay a part of my life?(make a list of the rules women or anyone for that matter must follow in order to have you in their lives) There are probably 1000 more questions to list here, but you get the idea. Understand that these are questions are suited for me and this is what I needed, you may need to modify these questions, come up with your own or not need all of them. It all depends on who you are and whats missing in your personality. I found out that I am a very generous person towards people that I feel deserve my generosity. So my mindset is that I am giving a rare gift to any woman I PU. I know what you're thinking: "well what the hell is your rare gift, Razorjack?" Well since I'm a generous person, here it is: My rare gift is my reality, my world. My reality consists of free love to any one I let in. This includes not just good sex, but incredible sex where I would actually like to make a woman's fantasy come true. In my reality there is mutual respect. No one is judged or accused in my reality, this means that women are free to tell me their most erotic fantasies without me accusing them of being sluts or perverts. I love to pleasure and spoil women, like giving sensual massages and cooking romantic dinners for them. I love being intimate with women, doesn't just have to be sex. I love to make women feel good. I will always listen and try to help the women in my world whenever they would need it. I genuinely care for and love all the women in my life. They can get love and intimacy from me whenever they want (if I have free time). I also have rules that people need to follow. I don't let just anyone into my world, women need to qualify first. I will not tolerate manipulation or disrespect by anyone. Violation of these and other rules will result in first a warning and then being ejected out of my world if violations persist. Now that I showed you my reality, its time for you to develop your own. Realize that this section is designed to boost your self-confidence, find out more about yourself and realize that you have something of value to women. It will also help you figure out what qualities you are looking for in women. This is absolutely essential in PU.


Whats funny is that I dont do anything out of the ordinary to generate attraction. Im fairly good looking, but there are much better looking guys than me around. I dont have the body of a Greek God. I make a decent living, but Im not the richest guy around. I dont use C&F, negs or other attraction routines. So how am I doing it?

First of all remember what I wrote earlier in that you cant MAKE anyone feel attraction. As soon as you try and make someone feel attraction for you, you become unattractive. Why? Because attractive people KNOW they are already attractive and dont try to attract anyone, it comes automatically. So as soon as you try and attract someone then you start behaving like an unattractive person. Confusing and counter-intuitive isnt it? :) OK, so now that you understand that you shouldnt try and attract someone, how do you become an attractive person? Well remember when we talked about how women are attracted to guys at the top of the social ladder? Well I take on all of the qualities of the guys at the top of this social ladder. I radiate that I am one of these guys. If you ever seen a celebrity, professional athlete, self-made millionaire or any of these other desirable people interact in ordinary environments, you will notice that they behave in very different ways than ordinary people. For instance, a lot of guys talk about how they need to be in a high-energy state in order to PU chicks. Imagine someone like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise when they want to meet chicks. Do you think they get all high-energy and stupidly excited to an artificial state that they normally would never be in just so they could PU chicks? OK, here it comes, I know what youre thinking: But these guys are famous, everyone knows who they are!! OK then lets replace them with a professional athlete, someone that not all chicks know about. This person just radiates something special and everyone picks up on that, whether they know who he is or not. Its all in his attitude and behavior. He is relaxed and confident. He is not out trying to prove anything to anyone. Nor does he care what other people think about him. Why not? What can a person nowhere near his skills or stage in life, do for him? Do you think Tiger Woods (Pro golf player) worries about what a weekend hacker (amateur golf player) thinks of his golf swing, abilities, etc? Do you think Bill Gates, the founder and owner of Microsoft, is worried about what a computer hacker wannabe thinks of his companys products? Do you think Brad Pitt worries about what some aspiring amateur thinks about his acting skills? Would you worry about what some 45-year old virgin thinks of your PU skills? Hell no! Hes beneath you and has nothing to offer except a worthless opinion. Now go back to the social ladder and think about the guys at the very top. Do they worry about the opinions of others below them? Nope! Those opinions are totally worthless to them.

Do they worry about social rules, implications and consequences? Nope! Why not, you ask? Think about who make those social rules to begin with. Its these guys up at the very top, that make these rules and everyone else follows them. Everyone else wants to be like them and wants their approval. Understand that masculine is attracted to feminine and feminine is attracted to masculine. Of course there are exceptions, but well limit this to PU purposes. So these guys up at the top of the social ladder, who dont give a shit about the social ladder to begin with, are the masculine ideals for western societies. Now think about the ordinary chumps or AFCs that worry about what others think of them, worry about their image, that dont want to be looked down upon by others, worried about if women find them attractive or not, etc. So they do what is socially correct, in order to be accepted by others, they try to fit in, they dont want to be the outsider, they want to be higher up on the social ladder, etc. In essence these guys behave like women! They are feminine by behavior! Now I told you that feminine is attracted to masculine. Do you need to work out why chicks arent attracted to these AFCs? So the moral of this story is dont be a male-bitch! Be one of the guys at the very top of the social ladder. Easier said then done, but I just showed you the path. So now I can leave you with an appropriate quote from the movie The Matrix in the scene where Neo has just rescued Morpheus from the agents and Trinity from the falling helicopter, but still doesnt believe he is The One. Morpheus says to Neo: Sooner or later, youre going to realize just as I didTheres a difference between knowing the pathand walking the path. Now I just showed you the path, it will take some time, but believe me boys, when you start walking the path, not only will you know it but so will everyone else. And youll never be the same again!

Ok, lets talk a bit about rapport. To me, rapport is when your target feels comfortable around you, trusts you and feels a connection with you. Its vital for rapport to be created in order to be consistently successful in PU. However just like attraction, you cannot MAKE anyone feel rapport. You cannot MAKE anyone feel comfortable around you nor can you MAKE anyone trust you. And you definitely cannot MAKE anyone feel a connection with you. As soon as you try to make someone trust you, you behave like someone who cannot be trusted. Imagine a used car salesman you just met telling you:

Theres nothing wrong with this car. Absolutely nothing at all! Trust me! The first thing youll think is OK, whats wrong with this car? The same if you try to make some one feel comfortable around you. Think back to when you were alone with a girl and she was nervous. You try to calm her down by saying Its OK, just relax, itll be all right. Then the chick immediately starts thinking Why? Whats he going to do to me? As soon as you try to make someone feel comfortable around you is when you start to make people nervous. Youll get pretty much the same way results if you try to make someone feel a connection with you. Again just as with attraction, its confusing and counter-intuitive, isnt it? So now the million-dollar question: How do we create the trust, comfort and connection with our targets? Just as emulating the qualities of attractive people generates attraction, rapport is generated by emulating the qualities of people we trust, feel comfortable around and have a connection with. So lets take a look at how we behave around our family, good friends and lovers. These are people we have rapport with. Then well compare that with people we dont have rapport with, namely strangers. Lets start with trust and comfort. Have you ever observed how 2 strangers talk to each other? They stand face to face with some distance in between them. That distance is what society refers to as personal space. We are taught from early childhood to respect the personal space of others. Strangers make sure they dont get into the other's personal space. The topic of discussion is usually something neutral and serious. You also noticed that they are tense around each other and not completely relaxed. They are usually concerned about saying the right thing and not offending the other or doing something that will leave a bad impression on the other. And they definitely arent touching each other. Now compare this with how 2 best friends or lovers interact with each other. They stand or sit next to each other. Theyre in each others personal spaces. Theyre completely relaxed and comfortable around each other. The topic of discussion is usually personal, it could be very serious or humorous. They might be cracking jokes and having fun together. These 2 arent worried about saying the right thing or doing something that will leave a bad impression, because they already know each other. And if theyre lovers then they certainly arent afraid of touching or getting sensual with each other. If you want your target to feel trust and comfort around you then you have to behave like someone she could trust and feel comfortable around. That means you have to get in her personal space. You cant be worried about saying the wrong thing or leaving a bad impression. You have to touch her, talk about personal things with her, laugh and have

fun with her and most importantly, you have to relax and be comfortable yourself around her. You have to behave exactly as her lover would behave around her. Now lets discuss this thing called connection. A connection is something you feel towards someone that you believe knows and understands you and you know and understand that person. So in order to have a connection with your target, you have to get to know and understand her and she has to get to know and understand you. How do we do this? I call it qualifying. Qualifying is finding out if your target has the qualities you are looking for. In order to do this you have to first know what qualities you are looking for in a woman. This is one of the questions from the Natural Game Basics section. So how do we go about qualifying? How do you find out if women have the qualities you are looking for? The biggest mistake I see most guys do is asking women straight out without getting specific. For instance, I read about a lot of guys who go around asking women if they are adventurous. So what is adventurous? Suppose you are buying a used car. Not that Im comparing picking up women to buying a used car! :) But this is just to show demonstrate where guys go wrong when trying to get to know a woman. OK so you see a car that you like and you talk to the salesman. Now do you just ask him straight out if everything is OK with the car? No of course not! Because if you do, he will just say Yes and you will learn nothing about the car. Following the same line of thinking, its like asking the salesman if hes trustworthy. Ridiculous. Instead you want to find out everything about the car that you can so there are no hidden surprises after you already paid for it. You want a clear demonstration that the car is fully functional. Getting back to PU, you need to know what specific qualities you are looking for, then you give her a chance to demonstrate those qualities. So if you, like me, enjoy traveling and want to know if she likes doing the same then talk about traveling and let her do the same. For example, talk about some of your most memorable trips and let her talk about hers. Tell stories in VIVID details, paint up scenarios and pictures for her to imagine herself in. The more details that you can put up, the better she'll be able to understand what you're talking about, the better she'll be able to understand you and the easier she'll be able to connect with you. Which is exactly what you want.

When you qualify like this and get down to specific details, you will start to see her for the unique creature she is. The best part is she will want to do the same with you, when she sees that you are not asking the same old boring crap that most guys talk about, Where you from?, What do you do? , etc. Now when she understands that you are getting to know her for who she is, that you are trying to connect with her, she is able to trust you and feels comfortable around you, then she will feel a connection with you. And if you add her feeling attraction for you into the equation, then she will feel a sexual connection with you.

Putting it all Together

Now that Ive given you the basic knowledge, its time to put it all together into your very own style. Now I dont care how you go about implementing Razorjack Method because you have to adapt it to suit your personality, but you must have certain things in place if youre going to be successful in PU. First of all you need to establish attraction and this you do by being at the top of the social ladder as described in V. Natural Game Attraction. If you are going to be an attractive person then you must take on the qualities and attributes of people who are already on top of the social ladder. You have to make these a part of you. It will take time, but when you get it right, you will see just how easy and effortless it is to attract women. You ever hear women say that some guy is attractive and sexy, but they dont why? They say that he just has it. Well I truly believe that this is the it they are talking about. OK, the next the thing is you need to approach your target. Sure some women will approach you, but most wont and you wont get anywhere with a woman unless youre interacting with her. So now you approach your target. How do you want to approach her? What do YOU need to feel in the approach? Me personally, I need to feel the sexual tension in the approach. So I approach in a way that creates sexual tension and that is by touching her and letting her know that Im interested in her right from the beginning. I want her to know why Im talking to her. This is what excites me and this is what I NEED to feel or I just wont continue because Ill get bored. Now you may not need to feel sexual tension like I do, maybe you would rather be mysterious in the beginning. In that case you dont need to open as boldly as I do, you can be a bit more neutral with your approach. It really doesnt matter HOW you approach as long as you are doing what you WANT to do and NOT something that you THINK she will find acceptable. You have to remember that someone on top of the social ladder is not going to worry about how the other person sees them or looking for their approval. Think of someone like James Bond or Brad Pitt approaching a woman. How would he go about it?

Would he be all shy, timid, and worried about this woman accepting him? No of course not! He knows that if this one doesnt want him there are plenty of other women that do! So he is just going to approach this person with the intention of finding out if she is the type of woman that he wants. OK so you open and shes receptive. Now what? Well now its all about trust, comfort and connection that you read about in Natural Game Rapport. Be relaxed around her, touch her, be close to her, talk about personal things, get to know her for who she REALLY is, etc. Remember that in order to PU successfully you have to behave like her lover. This means that you have to escalate, you cannot rely on her to do it for you. You cannot hesitate when you get an opening, you must keep it moving forward. The way to do this is actually very simple. You first get her comfortable with your presence and you touching her. Then you escalate and wait till shes comfortable with that. Then you escalate and wait till shes comfortable with that. Then you escalate and wait till shes comfortable with that, etc. If at anytime she objects when you escalate, then just take a step back, relax and try again later. A quick recap: The whole idea here is to do 2 things at the same time and in parallel with each other: 1. Use your body language, attitude and verbal skills to spark attraction and rapport. 2. Physically escalating, i.e. from neutral kino to moving closer to looking deep in her eyes to smelling her neck and hair to kissing etc. Now the reason why I believe that PU is NOT a series of steps, but rather a dynamic method, is that there are a lot of different things happening at the same time. You are NOT trying to attract women, instead you use your body language, attitude and confidence to assume that attraction already exists. You do not TRY and create rapport with the woman youre talking to, you BEHAVE like a person she already has rapport with. You do NOT try to FAKE a connection with a woman, you REALLY try to find out her unique qualities and FEEL a GENUINE connection. You see that attraction, rapport and escalating are connected together Do not concern yourself over what is happening in what order, because it will change from PU to PU. They all happen in parallel to each other in a dynamic process and that is the beauty of it. Happy hunting! :)


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