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Julius & 7irglnla Fleenor 3-1146 Shlmoochlal Shlnjukuy Tokyo


forwarding A^t: Mrs* Nadine fleanor olvrton

802 3. 8th Ave.

IaklBa> Vaahington newsletter

Bear Friends:

APBIL 1964

VICTORIES Since last writing^ one businessman from the Ni^t ^iglish Bihie Classes has received Christ in faith and been baptized into Christ* ?ive more at the SAKAI

village work were baptised on Easter Sun^ This brings the maber of Christians
to 11 in this town of 20,000 people, whe^ there is no church building of any kind and no other group of Chilstians meeting except in the little house i^re Krs* agl-

wada is woz^cLng. Aiko Mori, age 19* (one of the girls converted in the Ihaaeda Church)
has lived for the past year with us and has been training in child evangelisB aad teaching and personal wo3^ under Virginia. She has gone to help in the SAKAI work and has proved a great help. Miss Ito who became ill, has returned to her he to gain
back her strength* Paring the first week of April, Julius, a team of Japanese workers, and Stanley Buttray, a fellow missionary held a week of tent meetings in SAKAI. Huch house-to->ho\i8e calling, tract distribution, and personal witnessing was done preceed-

ing the meetings* We used films on the Life of Christ to attract people* Prom 60 to 80 children a day came, but the evening adult meetings were small with mostly hig^ school boys in attendance because of heavy rains after the first ni^t; but four said they were interested in becoming Christians and bou^t Bibles and are coming to the House meeting* This was a time of much seed sowing and we are expecting to yield the
fruit at a later date.

BIBLE SCHOOL PGR PRAYER AITD EVANGELISM $8,000.00 has come in to date and the building is about one-third finished. Continue to pray that the balance of SB,000*00 needed for completion will come in by the July Ist deadline. This building will house the

church, -make class rooms for week-day English Bible classes to attract those irtio would not come for Bible alone, and also house the team of men we hope to train in the Word of God, Prayer, and Evangelistic methods.
SOMMER CAMP VILL BE EXPANDED Dr* L. T* Rayner, who visited our camp work last year, has brou^t $3,000*00 to help us add another building to our camp site in Kamis^wa. This will make it a larger place for winning souls, training Japanese in the Word of God, and Summer Evangelism* Ei^t camps are planned for the s\mmier* $3*00 will send a child to camp* Perhaps an individual or class would like to send a child to camp. Last year 10 were baptized at camp and others confessed faith in Christ, but were not allowed by their families to be baptized yet. This is an ideal place for the ingather ing of souls* Perhaps some summer camps in America would like to send their missionary offering for this camp in Japan* Another $3,000*00 will be needed for the completion
of this unit*

MAY EVANGELISM Julius will conduct two months of ni^t class for lay-evangelists at Umaeda Church and also an evangelistic meeting* Virginia and Mrs* Kagiwada will go for 3 days of meetings in homes in KAHO where Mrs* Aono and davighter are working in eight different villages surrounding the city of KAMO in northern Japan* THE SICK HEALED e are happy to report that all the missionaries and Japanese for whom we requested prayer in the last newsletter are all well on the road to recovery* Continue to pray we have the measure of health needed to complete the task God has
given us to do*

Sincerely in Him,
f r


Jan. to Hay, 1964

We regret we juat can't write to all a, personal letter, bo will you accept this account..
of the family as a poor substitutei

On April 17th Stephen turned 17. It's a wonderful age in.many ways* Stephen attends the imerican School in Japan and takes advanced Japanese, U.story, English, and is president of the Psychology Club idiich is taught by a teacher with a Ph.D. In the sub ject. & conducts a noon Prayer Meeting Group which meets in a school bus during the lunch hour. This school is composed of business people's childiwa, the diplozoatic corps*
children and missionary children. Stephen teaches English conversation three times a week for his spending money and his "Vish fund for a trip to Europe.** He the second lead in the school play, appeared on a TV panel speaking in Japanese, and saxig on the

Japanese radio station-with an American Polk Singing group this year* His hone project
is to read all his father's library on Bible related subjects before he leaves home* He said the other day, **Dad, living in a missionary home is a wonderful educational oppor tunity* I meet all kinds of people and watch how you and Horn deal with each one* I
couia never get this idM of an edwatio^ih a JBible uoiiegeV* Stephra^eels he i^ts

to stay in Japan and take four years in a Japanese University and major in Japanese, Chinese, and Russian languages and related history subjects. Then he hopes to work his
way across Europe on his way back to America. So a bpy dreams hopes and plans. AtmI
we, as parents, watch and pray and hope that this son mig^t be used to the fullest for God's glory*

JPUA Our 12 year old is glowing with health and vigor and a great love for people and animals. Her collection of animals consists of: 5 pigeons, one rooster, one pointer,
and one tiger cat. She has finally come to enjoy her piano lessons. She earns $2*00 a week teaching English conversation lessons for her spending money. She will graduate from the 6th grade in June, wears the same size shoes as her mother, and is 5 feet and 3 inches tcdl. She said last ni^t, **I don't know what is happening to me, but I used to hate bosrs last year and I just love them all this year.** We replied, "Ikm't worry dear,*
you're normal.**

DANA LEE Ten year olds are lots of fun, and Dana Lee is nO exception. She hates piano,
makes every effort to win the hearts of the cat and dog from her sister, and loves secrets*

She is dark and slim, as her sister'is fair and plump. She earns her spending money doing dishes and baby sitting with Grace. She is Grace's favorite. She, as well as Julia, is
now wearing braces. Both girls attend the Christian Academy^ about one hour our mission home. This is where Stephen attended up throu^ the 10th grade. T^te a note and nut it^ln her Bftcret^boaE-^e day"and-thMt-said to me, see qy secret wish?** I said I would, and lAen I opened the box and read the by train from Dana Lee youliimt to note, it said,

when I remamber that. Each ni^t when I pray with her and hug'and kiss her, she says, "Oh, mama, I can never get enou^^ hugs and kisses to last me, but want moire.** So Dana Lee,
as well as our other three, give us cme more joyous task of loving and being loved*
GRACE ELIZABETH The name Grace suits this little one to a T. She is three and a half, and rattles English and Japanese with complete ease. She can get her way in almost any thing by the gracious way she asks permission to do sonething. She is the darling of us D.1 and goes witii us most everywhere because she never seems to tire or get cranky^ but just curls up and goes to sleep lAen the time coiaes* Her favorite trip is to the **Airplane Porch**. She has gone several times to the Airport to meet guests with us and stood out on the large concrete platform and cannot be convinced that the word Airport describes the
place as well as '-Airplane Porch." So who are we to argue with such a persuasive little

**! wish and pray I can win one soul to Christ t^s year.** I still get a lump in oy throat

girl, ^he also cedls the Play School MI SCHOOL* She enjoys the Japanese children that
c^e into our home weekly, and this is a way Mama can be with Gracie and yet contact little Japanese lives and the lives of their mothers who come four times a week for En^^ish teachingy learning of songs about God the Father and Jesus His Son, and to pray to the One True
and Living God.


In our last nevslotter we asked for people to adopt a **Splritual Child** and to pray for that one daily* Ve have received eleven replies to date, and we are now answering these letters personally with a picture and description of the person and special prayer re quests for that individual.
WE MEED KOBE PRAYER POWER IP we are to reach the 99*000,000 unsaved in Japan.

The first person to respond last November to this request began praying for a young University student who was a Christian, but sporadic in his church attendanceo This young man's father was unsaved and near death in the hospital* The father has now re covered completely* The young man has not missed a Sunday in church and has brou^^t three different University students to the church services to introduce them to Christ and is active in the Youth Program* Ve see what daily prayer by an ^erican Christian
who cares has done for this one weak Christian* Ve need this same kind of help for over a hundred_^0thersjt^ PLEASE WRITE TODAY AND SEND .THE ATTACHED FORM AND WE VILL^SEND THE


Ve are making out a financied report and sending it only to our living link churches and regular supporters directly from Japan. If any regular supporter of the work does not receive one by the end of May, please let us know*

Pray for a hunger and thirst after Gk>d to come upon the people of Japan and a mighty
conviction of sin*

Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers into the fields white unto harvest*

P3?ay that the Fleenor family mi^t be kept In the center of God*s will in all their
evangelistic activities* There is much to do and only so many hours in a day, so we
need wisdom to choose what is the best way to use our time each day*

SEND THE BOB VARRICK FAMILY TO JAPAN They are well qualified and called to this work in Japan. Please contact them for a speaking date* If you want to take part in their living link support, write to them.

Mr* & Mrs* R* C, Varrlck

804 No Morgan Street

Rushvllle, Indiana


Julius & Virginia Fleenor Forwarding Agent in States,

Mrs. Nadine Fleenor Wolverton 802 South 8th Avenue

Yakima, Washington

Within this tiny circle

live over 94 million

people. About ^ of
th^ children. Ihe

Nfeny, even hundreds of people pray for a missionary but hw about these Japanese Christians
in heathen hones and with

Japanese Christians
and your missionaries
alike oust " wrestle..

against principalities.. pcwers..rulers of the darkness. Spiritual wickedness in hi^ places r

only a busy missicsiary or Japanese Christian to pray for them. Oft^ they
wrestle alone without

prayer help of fellcw

Christians such as we in America have.


Is it little wonder so many hundreds turn back after making a first confession of faith or else fall along
the side as the forces of this land (which for centuries

has belonged to Satan) put on a full attack.


Upon your request we will send you the name of Japanese Christian or person who is seriously studying the Bible who needs your prayers. This may be an adult, youth or child. We will send you as much information as we can and a picture if possible.

I hereby agree to adopt one Japanese as my " Spiritual Child" for

whom I covenant with the Lord to pray daily and definitely. I will try to interest other Christians to pray for this one also, Please send me information concerning this one so that I may know how best to pray for him (or her).
My name


Zone _____ State


Julius Fleenor, 3-1146 Shimoochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo (Postage sea mail 8(t air mail 25^) or else mail to forwarding agent above.

Julius &Virginia Pleenor

51146 ShimOOchiai
Shinjuku, Tokyo
NEWSLETTER - May 27, 1964


^ Ma-Hno S^yh
1800 Vest 43rd Place
Los Angelesy California

VICTORIES The various evangelistic efforts in May resulted in several young people making a clear confession of faith in Christ, but parents opposed their being baptized* In such cases we teach the young person the scriptures and then if they are willing to be persecuted by their family for this faithfulness to Christ, we baptize them. We find if they stand the test, they make the best of Christianso We also see some who turn back at least for a tine under such strong family pressxireo So pray for these who do love God, do believe Jesus was His Son and died for them on the cross and who want to surrender their lives to God, but are being hindered One girl has been forbidden to attend church since she was baptized, but is now working in another town and goes to church without her parents knowing and she sends letters to us saying she is praying for the conversion of her family. In KAMO area there were three village homes which opened their doors and allowed us to preach Christ in their houses. We were surrounded by idols, but they gave the gospel a hearing. One woman who claimed to be healed by praying to idols said when the message was finished on "God, Sin, and Salvation" these words "Yes, my body was healed, but it*s my heart of sin which needs to be healed." Pray for conviction of sin and faith toward Jesus Christ for these three complete families. In KAMO we had a street meeting for 1,000 high school students giving them tractso About 40 came to the follow up meeting and four bou^t Bibles and one girl came up to Virginia and said before she spoke, these words, "When you are finished preaching, may I have a personal word with you?" Virginia saw the girl after the service and the girl said, "I want to know where the church meets here* I have been wanting to know who God is and to believe in the True God for a long time, and I believe your coming to KAMO today is the chance God has given me." Jesus said, "No man comes unto me unless the Father draweth him." We had prayed for God to cause a hunger and thirst after ri^teousness to come upon the people and a conviction of sino Here we saw clearly one answer. Three high school boys came to daily fpllow-up classes and expressed a clear desire to know the True God Pray for this seed that was sown and for the Aonos who are faithfully woridng these

Most conversions in the United States are people under 18 years of age.

Think of the difficulties if every child and young person who was to be baptized in America was opposed in this act of faith by their family Then pray for these Japanese. The young business man who was baptized into Christ in April had recently
been separated from his wife. Now they are reunited and she sees such a change in her husband, she is coming to church and says she, too, wants to become a Christian.

The enclosed envelope is for your convenience

Julius* mother has served for 15 years

as our forwarding agent. She is coming to Japan in July to stay for about a year. A very dear friend and faithful supporter of missions, Mrs. Maxine Sevb. 1800 W 43 PI.. Los Angeles. Calif, has volunteered to take over the duties of depositing and trans

ferring funds for us. Just make out checks or money orders to Julius or Virginia Pleenor,' Missionaries to Japan. PLEASE SEND ALL FUNDS TO HER PROM July, 1964. She will send you a receipt and serve in the same capacity as Mrs. Nadine Pleenor Wolverton has for many years. jBeing a forwarding agent is a big job and we want to express our
appreciation publicly for this service which Julius* mother has rendered without pay

for 15 years. Her heart, her hands, and her personal funds have often gone to the mission work here. Mrs. Seyb's willingness to take over these duties is an answer to


In April and May, funds have been very low.

We have two new buiiH-injyrfl

We will not go into the detailso

we have many pressing expenses for evangelism.


By July, we must have $7,500, more for the School for Prayer and Evaogeliaai and the Shimoochxai Church project and S4,000. for completion of the Camp Unit. Both build ings are going above the estimates. God has provided $13,500. on these two projects this year through a few dedicated individuals. Will you join us in prayer for the meeting of these bills. S500 will send a child to camp during the month of ^gust.

Perhaps your Vacation Bible School would like to send an offering for the camp project
or else the Summer Camp you may be associated with this summer.


this need here in Japan should be met by you#


Use the enclosed envelope for your

Dr. Rayner will be with us in June again, Lord willingo He has gathered $3,000. to date for the camp project because after visiting last year, he felt this was a good w^y to evangelize. Not only do we have camps, but for the 10 days in August we train a group of Christians and work with them in witnessing for the Lord and doing street
meeting and evangelistic work when over 100,000 people come into Karuizawa for the

big Obon Festival.

Wo gave out 50,000 tracts last year and about forty people a night

were dealt with personally as they gathered on the edge of the crowd siKgin,^ gospel songs with us. About twenty came to the camp house for personal teaching during the day after the street meetings. Dr. Rayner could see our small 8-room camp house was not adequate for the program that should be conducted. Thus we began in faith to
build the 1st of May.

"Lift up your eyes unto the fields white imto harvest. The harvest indeed is plentious but the labourers are few." This family is ready to sail by September 1st. They are badly needed here and should begin their language study immediately this fall.
Mr & Mrs. R. C. Warrick

^ Jim Scott
6537 Gloria, Van Nuys, California

On May 8th Stephen was awarded membership in tJjcT^IJational Honor Soci^y oi\ which the

American School where he attends has a chapte^ This is given for outstaiiing chai*SiDTce'-Stephei!-has just attended this
Please con

acter, scholarship, leadership, and service.

school for 8 months, we feel God has used him in giving him this honor.

tinue to pray for him. He is planning to do some Youth Club Evangelism in villages
around Karuizawa this summer with another missionary boy.

Our household is most excited about Grandma coming. Julius' mother father came to Japan in 1951 and built our mission house, using generously of their own funds as
well as offerings that came in for that project. Julius* father went to be with the Lord two years later. Three years ago, Julius' mother remarried and since Mr. Clarenc*

Wolvertoh does not like to travel, he has graciously offered to keep the home fires biiming while Julius* mother comes to Japan to visit her only scJn and his family. She plans to arrive July 13th, which is during a break between two of oxir week-end camps
so we will all be at the airport awaiting this joyous reunion.

For your prayers anJ your faithful financial support, we give thanks.
we could not preach Christ in Japan.

Without you,


The Julius Fleenor Family

Julius Pleenor Family

Shinjuku, Tokyo

3-11^6 Shimoochiai

Porwardiog Agent for Fonds

ISOO West U3rd Place

Lob Angeles, California

Mrs. Maxlne Seyb

Dear PriendSy^-i.'^^^^'^ ~
ing. worlc;^d the- camp work combined during July and August;
25 "baptized into Christ


you a picWrsJ^ "brief, here are the results, from-the Pestivairs^e^t mae^15 confessions of faith "by people \Aio plan to be "baptized in home

This lias "^6^ the most vronderful summer we have ever had in Japan,


60 seekers viio bought Bibles or portions who were dealt with

personally 150 canpers viio feel that their lives will never be the same as a result of God's working in the canp program

50,000 tracts distributed during the ten days of Festival in Karuizawa

near our cairp site.

Ihese numbers can in no way explain the blessings and the opportunities
placed into our hands this summer. Three University students and one high school boy were baptized as a result of the street meeting work. One had

been dealt with last summer by Dr. Rayner, our missionary guest from India, viio will soon Join the work here in Japan (note; Dr. Rayner returned to Japan the middle of September), This same University student in turn brought three
of his friends for Bible teaching after his conversion.

Stephen, our 17 year old son, once or twice a week gathered boys in the villages around Karuizawa for Bible teaching. As a result, he baptized three of these
boys into Christ.

Two young workirig girls from the "YMCA Bible Class where Julius teaches came

to three camps and finally surrendered their lives to Christ and were baptized. They said, "Oh, vdiat a wonderful Joy and peace comes v^en the decision is finally made." These new converts are now attending the Shimoochiai church. One week of canp was for our children of under-privileged homes in Nishi Arai. One ycung girl viio is a Junior hi^ student asked prayer for her father >4io
beats her and her little sister. Her mother and older sister ran off from home

five years bqo and finally the grandmother could take the father's abuse no longer end ran off. The little girl said, "But now I have an Eternal Fether who loves me and is perfect and yho is preparing a Home for me," As a result of the church's interest, one of the church officers and his wife who have only one son have decided to "become foster parents to this young girl and her little

sister in order to protect them from tie drunken father. Pray that the father

will sign papers to release the girls to the Chikida family and that someone

will volunteer $10.00 a month support for food for each of these girls.
mistreated children.

were first brou^t to the Sunday School and Church by the Chikida family. There
Continue to pray that God will send the Warricks to Japan

are many situations similar to this vtiiere we need a Christian couple to care for
to oversee such a work for such children.

Now we are in the fall schedule of seed sowing. Julius teaches three classes a week at the "YMCA and many of these students are coming to the church now. Also

a week besides Ki^t School for lay evangelists at the Umaeda church and regular
preaching in the various churches,

one Bil)le claee for men at RiWqro University, and two

classes at Shimoochiai

Virginia begins her daily children's classes for children ages three throu^ bth
grade, plus a class for Junior Hi^ students, one for mothers and two adult Bible

classes* Also personal counseling and extra woman's meetings afford other won derful opportunities. Also she serves as mission secretaxy so if we owe you a letter, be patient with us as we know you have sent us to preach and live Christ and we know you want us to take care of these things first,

^e children are now all in school for the fall. !Die girls at Christian Acadeo^ and Stephen at the American School. Stephen is now reading the newspG^er in
Japanese as well as the Bible.

Mrs. Wolverton, Julius' mother, is proving a tremendous help to us as well as a blessing to just have her sweet pres^ce in the home. Missionary children miss the chance to be near grandma's and our children are basking in the attentions
that only a grandma can give.

Die dedication of the Shimoochiai church and Bible S.chool for Prayer and Evan gelism will take place in October, I\inds are coming in to pay off the balance and we do appreciate those v&io are helping to meet this urgent need.
Br. Bayner, formerly of India, has Joined in the work her in Japan with his re turn from the U.S* this month and will be working with us in our various evangel istic projects. H:. Bayner worked with us last year in the summer can^s and
The summer work is most

has been used of Qod to raise funds for the first unit of the new summer canp
for coo^letion of the second unit by next summer.

buildings. !Ihe old building was torn down and we are trusting God for the funds

fruitful and we appreciate your prayers for its expansion as years go by.
Many people have taken a "spiritual child*', that is, a Japanese Christian or seeker for viiom to pray daily. We are behind in some of the requests, but will

be sending a picture and definite prayer requests to each of you who requested
to help us in this way.

Dae results of the summer work can be attributed to the preaching of the Word of God and the prayers of the saints. If you have been praying, then you can be assured that your prayers as well as the offerings you make for the physical
necessities of the work here were most necessary for the conversion of souls.

Continue to pray that God will cause situations to come upon the people of this
nation to give them a hunger and thirst after ri^teousness and a sense of sin

and their need of a Saviour. Pray for workers and pray for us that we be kept
in the center of Grod's will in all our activities.

We give thanks to God upon every remembrance of you.


Xhe^lius Flee


Dedication Oct 18. 1964




3-1146 Shimoochiai

Shinjuku, Tokyo

History and Prospectus

Lm..^ Pi I

^ L.

J began meeting in 1952 on land donated church through Mr. & Mrs.
if Sasaki of the Shimoochiai Christian
Foundation. At first a mission house

The Shimoochiai Church of Christ

with a large meeting room served as

a Sunday School


place. In 1955 a small temporary church

Bible School dormitory 2nd floor building was built on the front of the ({^.K property. As the church grew, we felt the need to have a better building for the opportunities presenting
themselves. Through many kind Christians in America and through the sacrificial giving by members of the Shimoochiai Church the above building was completed

and furnished in September of 1964. The program of the church includes worship,
prayer services, English Bible classes, Christian life school for children ages 3 to 12 during the week day featuring English and Bible and the development of the

children's understanding of Jesus Christ. All teaching is geared to winning souls

and the church holds a regular evangelistic program. The second story of the building is dedicated for a Bible School for Prayer and Evangelism and will be used for young men who wish to study full time Bible and develop their prayer life as a means of being used of God in evangelism.
Six week intensive Bible courses will be offered and then two weeks will be

spent in active evangelism, then a week of prayer and rest before again entering
the cycle of study.

Night classes are open to both men and women of all churches. On October

23 a course in Child Evangelism will begin. It will meet each Friday night from 7 to 9 for six months. This will be taught by Mrs. Russell of the Child Evangelism Fellowship. Other courses will be opened as time goes on. Extensions of the
night school will be held in other churches also.

Bible courses in the Bible School for Prayer and Evangelism will be taught by various pastors and missionaries of the Church of Christ beginning from April

Pastor Shigeru Hagio is the minister of the Shimoochiai Church. The missionaries

in charge of the English program, and the Bible school are Mr. & Mrs. J. Fleenor.

Our greatest need is faithful prayer that these buildings supplied by the Hand of 'God might be used to His glory.


Interior of Church (tLfffirtS)

htlfZo 1955^F-, ^ttlCD

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1964^1^10^ 18H


^5^/f ^ [E f

1 14 6

95 1 - 6 0 2 5
DEC 11 mi

Forwarding ^ent
Julius Fleenor
for funds:

>1146 Shimoochiai
Shlnjuku, Tokyo Japan

Mrs. Maxine Seyb

1800 W. 1^3rd PI.

Los Angeles




Ihis has heen a blessed year in so many ways and to sum things up in auinbers, you

may get some is^ression of God's blessing upon the work here, but mich cannot be
written in such a report.

Total Baptized into Christ during the year

Buildings completed and in use during 19^4

^4 in various churches and canj)

$18,500.00 800,00

Shimoochiai Church of Christ & Bible School The Japanese Christians paid for furnishings

(Indebtedness as of Oct. 28 on bldg. is $3,500* .plase make this a matter of prayer.)

First wing of can^) building in Karaizawa conmleted 7i000,00

(Balance owed to Dr. Bayner on this,..$2,000)

Life Work Eecruits: At the present time we have eight life woric recruits in active training. Esther Togawa is seon to return from the states after her graduation and training in an orphanage there to help among the slum children in Nishi Arai.

New Bible classes have been opened in Rikkyo University, Waseda Hi^, as well as

the main Tokyo YMCA, by Julius. Diree have been won to Christ throu^ these classes.
Five English Bible classes for age groups varying from 3 years through University

and Working People's groups are held each week at the Shimoochiai church. Three parents are attending church as a result of the pre-school children's influence.
The Umaeda church, in the Kishi Arai area, continues with Julius and Pastor Hagio

own people,

The church pays all its running expenses and Julius conducts regular

lay-leadership courses enabling the elders and deacons to preach and teach their

Uie summer camp program resulted in 25 baptized, 15 confessions of faith, 6o

seekers iiAio bou^t Bibles or portions, I50 can^iers, and 50000 tracts distributed
during the 10 daj's of Festival in Karuizawa.
VILLAGE CHURCHES MEETING IN H0^^ES: The Ksrao church still meets in homes and has

had six added to Christ during the past year. The Sakai church is just one year old as of September of this year and meets in a rented house. Total members
number IJ with a large Sunday School program.

Itanks he unto Cjch

fiis unspealzaUe

2^0%. 9.-

November 1964
Dear Friends, It haB "been the prayer of our hearts this year, "Father, cause those things to come into our lives that we mi^t glorify Thee," His continual working ou of His purposes in our lives amazes us. We pray
that I9b5 migjit mean a further working our of His grace in our lives and yours as we each one do the work He has cut out for us, God has used many circumstances to make us marvel at His greatness.

In this same letter you will find a Year-Jhd Heport of God's dealings with us. Also you will find a brochure showing the Shimoochiai Church of Christ and Bible School for Prayer and Evangelism Building which was dedicated on Oct. 18. Please accept this as a personal thanks to each person who has prayed for us, who has supported the work through the years, and viho has given a special offering for the building needs this


for Julius & Virginia with

Dr. L.T, Eayner for b vekB

On November 2, Lord willing, we will leave enroute for India. As this comes into your hands you will be surprised to know we are on our way through Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, India, Pakistan and the foothills of the Himalayas as special conference speakers for groups of lepers, Bible Colleges, Schools of Evangelism, and Deeper Life Confer ences in these various places. Let us tell you how this has come about.

Dr. Bayner in June of this year asked us to pray about going with

him for 6 weeks on such a trip as above mentioned.

We said we would

go if God would make it very clear to us that it was His will and would make every spiritual and material provision for the trip.
Thus we prayed as we ministered here in Japan. Marvelously, each test we made as to our going came up with a "Yes.'* By midOctober a Christian knowiiig of Dr. Bayner's desire for us to accompany him on this trip volunteered to pay our complete round trip tickets if we would go. He felt God would use us to minister to many and to help ease the load for Dr. Bayner.

\ftiy should two missionaries called and working in Japan leave and go on

each a trip? Here are the answers we came up with as we inquired of the Lord, "i, Julius* mother is with us and most willing to care for the children in
order that we "be free to go.


We will be visiting Japanese missionarie- in Taiwan, Thailand, India,

Pakistan and the foothills of the Himalayas. We will be able to see first-hand the effectiveness of Japanese missionaries, their needs, and

survey these areas as well as others as possible places for Japanese

missionaries to enter. We hope that the School of Prayer and Evangelism will send out Japanese to Asian countries in years ahead. We will also

act as interpreters for Dr. Rayner v4io is interested in getting needed

help for these fine missionaries.


Dr. Rayner was introduced to us by Dr. C. T. Walberg of the Gongregational

Church of Christ in June of 19b3. Since that time. Dr. Rayner has felt

called to minister in Japan and has baptized some personally and has done much personal work. Dr. Rayner has raised many thousands of dollars for

the new Can^i wing ($7,5^)

Bible School here at Shimoochiai ($18,500)

Dr. Rayner served

" and loaned of his persorial- aeans to make them possible.

23 years in India and after his wife and son died 1^^ years ago has worked on

the borders of Tibet and China among the most primitive Indian groups. Those doors are now closed to foreign missionaries, but he has a burden to

help national workers all over Southeast Asia. We felt it would please God if we mi^t help Dr. Rayner in this six weeks of ministry viien he has been used of God so greatly to help the work here^.in Japan, _Dr. Rfi^ner was told

in April that he had the worst form of^leufcenda'alld could live no more than

three months. After prayer and seeki^"God-'clear guidance, he has de

Please pray for him.

cided to keep on going in the work God has laid before him in spite of pain
and extreme weakness at times.

Since the funds offered for the expense of this trip are designated for this

trip and it alone, we could in no way use them for the work in Japan, and
felt tl-iat was a further demonstration that God wanted us to go.


We both have a great sense of God's thrusting us out into this six weeks
of strenuous ministry. It will not be a pleasure trip of sight seeing, but
we do intend to have our eyes open to see what God wants us to see, Pive missionaries and three Japanese have willingly agreed to take over
Bible classes in the church and at Univerisities for us daring our absence,

This seems anpj^ier provision by God for our going.


K.-.That we mi^t be empowered for the ministry God has given us and that His
protection be about us and our family daring the separation,
""" 2r "Julius' mother will be taking care of allrmail that comes and will deposit -

funds here in Tokyo for us, pay workers, students, and forward all mail to
us. She has been directed to provide funds IP 1EEY COME during Christmas
Also we always like to do something

for Christmas parties for slam children and in small village churches vAiere
the children come from heathen homes.

special for the Japanese workers during Christmas so please do not hesitate
to designate Christmas offerings for the Japanese vdiile we are away, as Mrs.
Wolverton will take charge of all these matters,

God bless you and give you a Wonderful Christmas is our prayer.

The Julius Fleenor Family

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