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BCC Intensive English Program Grade 12 Course Syllabus for Semester 2 / 201 !

Course #b$e%tives& This course is an outcomes-based, English language enrichment course designed to develop and consolidate students skills in the areas of '" 10(- Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Standardized Testing and rammar!

Strand 1&
Standard )1*1 ! +nderstanding of and %a,a%ity to inter,ret -hat has been heard and read from various ty,es of media. and ability to e/,ress o,inions -ith ,ro,er reasoning* "! #bserve instructions in manuals for various t$pes of %ork, clarifications, e&planations and descriptions heard and read! '! (ccuratel$ read aloud te&ts, ne%s, advertisements, poems and skits b$ observing the principles of reading! )! E&plain and %rite sentences and te&ts related to various forms of non-te&t information, as %ell as specif$ and %rite various forms of non-te&t information related to sentences and te&ts heard or read! *! +dentif$ the main idea, anal$ze the essence, interpret and e&press opinions from listening to and reading feature articles and entertainment articles, as %ell as provide ,ustifications and e&amples for illustration! -! To encourage students to be active and constructive in their o%n learning! To use English as a tool to create meaning, seek kno%ledge, and to interact effectivel$ %ith others in the school conte&t and in the broader communit$! Standard )1*2 Endo-ment -ith language %ommuni%ation s0ills for e/%hange of data and information1 effi%ient e/,ression of feelings and o,inions* "! .onverse and %rite to e&change data about themselves and various matters around them, e&periences, situations, ne%s/incidents and issues of interest to societ$, and communicate the data continuousl$ and appropriatel$! '! .hoose and use re0uests and give instructions, clarifications and e&planations fluentl$! )! Speak and %rite to e&press needs and offer, accept and refuse to give help in simulated or real situations! *! Speak and %rite appropriatel$ to ask for and give data, describe, e&plain, compare and e&press opinions about matters/ issues/ne%s and situations heard and read! -! Speak and %rite to describe their o%n feelings and opinions about various matters, activities, e&periences and ne%s/incidents %ith proper reasoning! 1! To e&tend students competence and confidence in using English in a range of demanding and challenging conte&ts!

Standard )1* 2bility to ,resent data. information. %on%e,ts and vie-s about various matters through s,ea0ing and -riting*

"! Speak and %rite to present data themselves/e&periences, ne%s/incidents, matters and various issues of interest to societ$! '! Speak and %rite to summarize the main idea/theme identified from anal$sis of matters, activities, ne%s, incidents and situations in accordance %ith their interests! )! Speak and %rite to e&press opinions about activities, e&periences and incidents in the local area, societ$ and the %orld, as %ell as provide ,ustifications and e&amples for illustration!

Strand 2& 3anguage and Culture

Standard )2*1 2,,re%iation of the relationshi, bet-een language and %ulture of native s,ea0ers and %a,a%ity for use of language a,,ro,riate to o%%asions and ,la%es* "! .hoose the language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate to various persons, occasions and places b$ observing social manners and culture of native speakers! '! E&plain/discuss the lifest$les, thoughts, beliefs and origins of customs and traditions of native speakers! )! 2articipate in, give advice and organize language and cultural activities appropriatel$! Standard )2*2 2,,re%iation of similarities and differen%es bet-een language and %ulture of native and 4hai s,ea0ers. and %a,a%ity for a%%urate and a,,ro,riate use of language* "! E&plain/compare differences bet%een the structures of sentences, te&ts, idioms, sa$ings, proverbs and poems in foreign languages and Thai language! '! (nal$ze/discuss similarities and differences bet%een the lifest$les, beliefs and culture of native speakers and those of Thais, and appl$ them appropriatel$! )! (bilit$ to present data, information, concepts and vie%s about various matters through speaking and %riting! *! To integrate learning English %ith other areas of the .ollege curriculum!

Strand & 3anguage and 5elationshi, -ith #ther 3earning 2reas

Standard ) *1 +sage of foreign languages to lin0 0no-ledge -ith other learning areas. as foundation for further develo,ment and to see0 0no-ledge and -iden one6s -orld vie-* "! Research/search for, make records, summarize and e&press opinions about the data related to other learning areas, and present them through speaking and %riting! '! To encourage students to become responsible, independent, reflective learners! )! To promote an atmosphere of collaboration and co-operation amongst students! *! To ensure our students are full$ prepared to pass the 3niversit$ entrance e&am and %rite an outstanding letter of interest and self-reference!

Strand "& 3anguage and 5elationshi, -ith Community and the 7orld
Standard )"*1& 2bility to use foreign languages in various situations in s%hool. %ommunity and so%iety* "! 3se language for communication in real situations/simulated situations in the classroom, school, communit$ and societ$! Standard )"*2& +sage of foreign languages as basi% tools for further edu%ation. livelihood and e/%hange of learning -ith the -orld %ommunity* "! 3se foreign languages in conducting research, collecting, anal$zing and summarizing kno%ledge/various data from the media and different learning sources for further education and livelihood! '! 4isseminate/conve$ to the public data and ne%s about the school, communit$ and the local area/the nation in foreign languages! Specific course ob,ectives include5 To encourage students to be active and constructive in their o%n learning, using English as a tool to create meaning, seek kno%ledge, and to interact effectivel$ %ith others in the school conte&t and in the broader communit$! To e&tend students competence and confidence in using English in a range of demanding and challenging conte&ts! To integrate learning English %ith other areas of the .ollege curriculum! To encourage students to become responsible, independent, reflective learners! To promote an atmosphere of collaboration and co-operation amongst students! To ensure our students are full$ prepared to pass the 3niversit$ entrance e&am and %rite an outstanding letters of interest and self-reference! Courseboo0 Summit ' 67oan Saslo% and (llen (scher8 rammar 2ractice 9 3pper +ntermediate- 64ebra 2o%ell and Elaine Walker8 4ea%hing 3earning 8aterials and 5esour%es Student coursebook: rammar course book: support and assistance of Thai Language

Teachers: flashcards: cds, 4;4s: supplementar$ 4;4s: materials to complete pro,ects and activities 6construction paper, colored markers, paint etc8: overhead pro,ector: television: video camera: cassette/.4/4;4 pla$er: smart boards!

Course S%hedule 7ee0 Com,lete +nit ( 1 #%t* 29! :ov* 01 6Revie%8 +nit ( ;ob Satisfa%tion We %ill discuss motivational factors, dealing %ith in-house personal relationships and cold calling! We %ill read about %h$ staff re%ards are so important and %h$ treating $our emplo$ees humanel$ %ill ensure great returns! rammar 9 S$non$ms and %ord building: conditionals! +nit = 8anagement styles +n this unit %e %ill learn about different aspects of management st$les! We %ill discuss presentations and %ill role pla$ being a 2ro,ect =anager for a team! rammar 9 Te&t references and the sub,unctive! .hanging sentence structure, the passive and the causative! > 7ee0 ( -ill in%lude the 5eading and 7riting C24>s! +nit 10 Customer Servi%e +n this unit students %ill learn about the factors in and importance of customer service! We %ill role pla$ using bod$ language! rammar 9 erunds5 formed from a verb but can behave like a noun -ing! > 7ee0 9 -ill in%lude the S,ea0ing and 3istening C24>s! Christmas Brea0 ! @e%* 2 ;an* 01 Students return ;an* 2 +nit 12 8ergers and 2%Auisitions 11 1 ;an* 0? 2" +nit 12 We %ill discuss ac0uisitions, mergers and ,oint ventures! We %ill learn ho% companies are taken over b$ larger companies! rammar 9 2rediction and probabilit$! > 7ee0 12 -ill in%lude the S@ and Grammar E/ams* ! IEP End of Semester E/ams* Student <ook pg!""'-"'" rammar 2ractice <ook pgs!"B- 9 "@B +nit (. =. 10 and 12 4o,i% 4e/t Summit 2 +nit ( Student <ook pgs!**9-" rammar 2ractice <ook pgs!"*1 9 "-"

2( :ov* 0" ! 2<

+nit = Student <ook pgs!11-?) rammar 2ractice <ook pgs!"-' 9 "1?

+nit 10 ? 0< @e%* 02 @e%* 20 10 @e%* 2 ;an* 01 Student <ook pgs!@1-"A) rammar 2ractice <ook pgs!"1B 9 "B*

1" ;an* 2= ;an* 1 1( )eb* 0 0= 1? )eb* 10!1"

8ain S%hool End of Semester E/ams* Ba%%alaureate for 1?0th Graduating Class

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