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© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), Ljubljana

ISSN 1581-0267

UDK/UDC: 556.535 Prejeto/Received: 3. 4. 2007

Pregledni znanstveni članek – Review scientific paper Sprejeto/Accepted: 20. 8. 2007



Simon RUSJAN, Matjaž MIKOŠ

Članek podaja vpogled v dinamiko premeščanja lebdečih plavin na nivoju porečij. V uvodnem delu
so predstavljeni osnovni vzroki za spremenjene količine lebdečih plavin v vodnem okolju ter
problemi, ki so posledica teh sprememb. V nadaljevanju je podan opis elementov dinamike
premeščanja suspendiranih plavin od procesov sproščanja do procesov premeščanja in odlaganja.
Glede na prostorsko razsežnost so posebej obravnavani procesi erozije tal, procesi
podpovršinskega spiranja in premeščanja, procesi erozije brežin vodotoka ter medsebojni vplivi
med temi procesi. Predstavljeni so osnovni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razvitost posameznega
erozijskega procesa. V drugem delu so podrobneje opisane nekatere možnost matematičnih zapisov
posameznih elementov dinamike premeščanja lebdečih plavin. Posebna pozornost je namenjena
procesom sproščanja in premeščanja delcev zemljin pod vplivom udarcev dežnih kapljic,
nadaljnjemu premeščanju mobiliziranih delcev s površinskim padavinskim odtokom ter
premeščanju lebdečih plavin po strugi vodotoka.
Ključne besede: hidrologija, erozija tal, sproščanje sedimentov, premeščanje plavin, lebdeče
plavine, modeliranje, rečni procesi

The article gives an insight into the dynamics of suspended load transport in river basins. In the
introductory section, some basic causes for the changed quantity of suspended load in the aquatic
environment are presented together with the problems that arise from these changes. In
continuation a description of the elements of the suspended load transport dynamics is represented,
ranging from the processes of sediment detachment to the processes of suspended load transport
and deposition. As regards the spatial dimension, the processes of soil erosion, processes of
subsurface flushing and transport, processes of bank erosion end interactions between these
processes are discussed. Some basic factors influencing the development of erosion processes are
introduced. In the second part some possible mathematical formulations of the suspended load
transport dynamics are more precisely described. Special attention is given to the processes of
detachment and transport of soil particles by raindrop impact, further transport of the mobilised
soil particles with surface rainfall runoff and transport of suspended load in river channels.
Key words: hydrology, soil erosion, sediment detachment, sediment transport, suspended load,
modelling, fluvial processes

Negativne vplive visokih koncentracij The negative impacts of high
lebdečih plavin na vlogo vodotokov kot concentrations of suspended load on the role
kompleksnih ekosistemov opazujemo že dolgo of rivers as complex ecosystems have been
časa. Spremenjena dinamika premeščanja observed for a long time. The changed
lebdečih plavin v vodotoku je večinoma dynamics of the suspended load in a river is
posledica spremenjene rabe prispevnih površin frequently a consequence of the changed land
use in the river basin. If anti-erosion measures
vodotoka. Kmetijske površine so ob
in agricultural areas are not properly carried
neizvajanju ukrepov za zmanjšanje out, these areas are the largest source of
odplavljanja zemljine s površinskim odtokom, suspended load in the river. These measures
ukrepov za preprečevanje koncentriranja prevent the concentration of the surface runoff
padavinskega odtoka in posledičnega razvoja and the resulting development of different
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

različnih oblik vodne erozije največji vir forms of water erosion (Woodward, 1995;
lebdečih plavin, ki se po vodotoku premeščajo Boardman, 1996). On the other hand,
(Woodward, 1995; Boardman, 1996). Po drugi floodplains on which the deposition of the
strani predstavljajo poplavne ravnice, na suspended sediments occurs make for very
katerih se lebdeče plavine odlagajo, zelo fertile agricultural land. Industrial and urban
rodovitne kmetijske površine. Izdaten vir areas are another abundant source of
suspended load (Walling, 1995). Intensified
lebdečih plavin so tudi industrijska in urbana
and accelerated concentration of rainfall runoff
območja (Walling, 1995). Intenzivirana in from impervious (paved) urban areas causes
pospešena koncentracija meteornega odtoka z intensive flushing of fine particles (Lougran
neprepustnih (tlakovanih) urbanih površin and Campbell, 1995; Walling, 2005).
privede do intenzivnega spiranja drobnih Looking at the watercourse as an ecosystem
delcev (Lougran in Campbell, 1995; Walling, unit, the influences of changed dynamics of
2005). the suspended sediment processes are also
Gledano z vidika vodotoka kot expressed through changed self-purification
ekosistemske enote, se ti vplivi odražajo na processes in the watercourse. On a global
spremenjenih samočistilnih procesih v scale, the estimated quantity of transported
vodotoku. Ocena skupnega letnega suspended load from the land to the sea
premeščanja lebdečih plavin s kopnega v amounts approximately 15 x 109 tons, the
oceane znaša približno 15 x 109 ton, maximum extremes of annual specific
maksimalni ekstremi letnih specifičnih suspended load reach about 50,000 t/km2
dotokov lebdečih plavin pa dosežejo okoli (Walling, 1995).
50.000 t/km2 (Walling, 1995). The recognition of a wider environmental
importance of suspended load has stimulated
Prepoznavanje širšega okoljskega pomena
the tendency for spatial and temporal
lebdečih plavin je spodbudilo težnjo po quantification of the suspended load
prostorskem in časovnem kvantificiranju concentration in the rivers. In the USA,
koncentracije ter količine plavin v vodotokih. suspended sediments are recognized as one of
Suspendirani sedimenti so tako v ZDA na the main pollutants of surface waters in the
seznamu glavnih onesnažil površinskih voda sense of quantity (when talking about the so
tako v smislu količine (ko govorimo o t. i. called “pure sediment”) and in the sense of the
»čistem sedimentu«) kot tudi kvalitete quality of the sediment when we have in mind
sedimentov, pri čemer imamo v mislih the pollutants which are adsorbed on the
onesnažila, ki so na sedimente adsorbirana sediment particles, respectively (EPA, 1993).
(EPA, 1993). In this paper, some aspects of the dynamics
V članku so podrobneje predstavljeni of detachment, transport and deposition of
nekateri vidiki dinamike sproščanja, suspended load with the possibilities of
premeščanja in odlaganja lebdečih plavin ter modelling of these natural processes are
možnosti modeliranja teh naravnih procesov. presented in more detail.




S pojmom sediment imenujemo zemljine, ki The term sediment is used for the soil
which has been transported from the position
so se zaradi določenega erozijskega procesa
of its origin and deposited elsewhere due to
premestile (sprostile) iz lege svojega nastanka certain erosive processes. The term load
in odložile drugje. S pojmom plavine pa represents sediments which are at least
mislimo sedimente v rečni strugi, ki se pod occasionally displaced by the water current
vplivom vodnega toka vsaj občasno inside the river channel (Petkovšek, 2002).
premeščajo (Petkovšek, 2002). Lebdeče Suspended load is a part of the total quantity
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

(suspendirane) plavine so del skupne količine of load which is very rarely in contact with the
plavin, ki so ob premeščanju zelo redko v stiku river channel bottom during the transport.
z dnom vodotoka. Zaradi turbulence lebdijo v Owing to the turbulence, the suspended load
vodnem toku in se zadržujejo na določeni particles float inside the water column on a
razdalji od dna vodotoka. Hitrost premeščanja certain distance from the channel bottom. The
lebdečih plavin je večinoma enaka hitrosti velocity of the transport of suspended load is
mostly equal to the velocity of the water
vodnega toka. Glede na zrnavostno sestavo
current. Regarding the particle size distribution
lebdečih plavi so to predvsem drobni delci of the suspended load, the particles are mainly
velikostnega razreda gline in melja. in the class of silt and clay.
Veliko naravnih in antropogenih dejavnikov A great deal of natural and anthropogenic
vpliva na proces sproščanja, premeščanja in factors influences the process of detachment,
odlaganja lebdečih plavin. Med transport and deposition of suspended
najpomembnejše dejavnike dinamike sediments. Among the most important natural
premeščanja plavin štejemo predvsem factors of the dynamics of suspended sediment
padavine kot gonilno silo, geomorfologijo, transport are rainfall as the driving force,
pedološke značilnosti tal ter vegetacijo geomorphology, soil pedological
(Wharton, 2000). Antropogeni dejavniki characteristics and vegetation (Wharton,
vplivajo na stopnjo povezljivosti virov plavin 2000). The anthropogenic factors influence the
in vodotokov ter nadaljnje premeščanje degree of the connectivity between suspended
sediment source areas and rivers and their
lebdečih plavin po rečni mreži. Z izgradnjo further transport along the river channel
drenažnih sistemov (dreniranje kmetijskih network. The construction of drainage systems
površin ali meteorna odvodnja z urbanih (drainage of agricultural areas, urban drainage
površin itd.) se te povezave okrepijo systems, etc.) strengthens these connections
(Richards, 1993). Sproščanje je rezultat (Richards, 1993). The detachment is a result of
neravnotežja med silami, ki ohranjajo delce imbalance between forces, which keep soil
zemljine na mestu oz. vezane v strukturne particles bound in structure aggregates of soil
agregate tal (te sile so kontrolirane predvsem z (these forces are controlled by soil texture and
zrnavostno sestavo zemljine in stopnjo soil moisture) and shear forces which tend to
vlažnosti v tleh) ter strižnimi napetostmi, ki mobilize these particles. Detachment is mainly
delce mobilizirajo. Sproščanje je predvsem the consequence of the erosive strength of
posledica erozijske moči dežnih kapljic in raindrops and shear stress of the rainwater
runoff. Therefore, the main factor of further
strižnih napetosti površinskega odtoka
sediment transport is water flow but the
padavinske vode. Glavni dejavnik premeščanja dislocation of the sediments can be also
sedimentov po pobočju je torej vodni tok, induced by the splash of raindrops. The
premeščanje sedimentov pa je lahko sediment transport mostly occurs after the
spodbujeno tudi s pljuski dežnih kapljic. formation of the surface rainfall runoff,
Večinoma se premeščanje pojavi šele z furthermore, the transport of the sediments
nastopom površinskega odtoka in se torej occurs earlier on the surface which is less
pojavi prej na podlagi, ki je manj prepustna in pervious and has small infiltration capacity
ima manjšo infiltracijsko sposobnost (Petkovšek, 2000).
(Petkovšek, 2000).



Poti sproščanja, premeščanja ter odlaganja Paths of detachment, transport and

lebdečih plavin na nivoju rečnega odseka so deposition of suspended load on the level of
prikazane na sliki 1. the river reach are shown in Figure 1.

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

Slika 1. Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin na nivoju rečnega odseka.

Figure 1. Suspended sediment transport dynamics on the level of a river reach.

Vzdolž vseh poti je prisotna velika High spatial and temporal unsteadiness is
prostorska in časovna spremenljivost present along all the paths of transport. In the
premeščanja. V nadaljevanju sledi opis continuation, a description of individual
posameznih elementov dinamike premeščanja elements of the sediment transport (erosion
sedimentov (erozijskega procesa) na nivoju process) on the level of a river reach is given.
odseka vodotoka.

2.2.1 Erozija tal 2.2.1 Soil erosion

Gledano s hidrološkega vidika pojmujemo Looking from a hydrological point of view,

površinsko spiranje in odplavljanje zemljin surface flushing and washing of the soil due to
zaradi delovanja tekoče vode erozija tal runoff water is called soil erosion (Laubel,
(Laubel, 2004). To lahko nadalje glede na 2004). Regarding the evolution of the erosion
razvoj erozijskega procesa delimo na process, soil erosion can be further divided
ploskovno erozijo, žlebično, medžlebično ter into processes of sheet erosion, rill erosion,
jarkovno erozijo. Ploskovna erozija je bolj ali interrill erosion and gully erosion. Sheet
manj enakomerno razporejena na površju tal in erosion is more or less evenly distributed on
povzroča spiranje (sproščanje in začetno the soil surface and causes washing
premeščanje) delcev zemljin in zemljinskih (detachment and initial transport) of soil
agregatov po površju. Žlebična erozija se particles and soil aggregates. Rill erosion
pojavi, ko pride do koncentriranja occurs when the surface rainfall runoff
površinskega odtoka vode. Rezultat tega je concentrates which results in the formation of
tvorba žlebičev. Razvoj žlebičev je odvisen od rills. The development of rills depends on the
potencialnega sproščanja, premestitvene potential detachment of soil particles, sediment

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

zmogljivosti, dejanskega premeščanja, carrying capacity, sediment load,

koncentriranosti površinskega odtoka in concentration of the runoff and interacting
medsebojnega ravnotežja teh procesov (Hahn equilibrium of the processes (Hahn et al.,
et al., 1994). Večji del erozije v medžlebičnem 1994). The majority of the erosion in the
prostoru (medžlebična erozija) je posledica interrill space (interrill erosion) is a
pljuskov dežnih kapljic. Jarkovna erozija se consequence of raindrop impact upon the soil.
pojavlja z nadaljnjim stekanjem površinskega Gully erosion appears due to further concourse
odtoka vode. Pomembna razlika med jarkovno of rainfall runoff. Besides the differences in
in žlebično erozijo je poleg samih dimenzij the dimension of rills and gullies
jarkov v primerjavi z žlebiči (morfoloških (morphological characteristics), an important
karakteristik) tudi različen vpliv erozijske distinction arises from the influence of
moči dežnih kapljic. Pri jarkovni eroziji je raindrop impacts. The splashing of the
vpliv pljuskov dežnih praktično zanemarljiv, raindrops can be neglected in the case of gully
pomemben element premeščanja pa postane erosion. Depending on the depth of gullies, an
sediment, ki se nahaja pod površjem tal important element of the erosion becomes
odvisno od globine erozijskih jarkov (Collison, sediment detachment in the soil subsurface
1996). Količinska razmerja med sproščenimi layers (Collison, 1996). The variableness of
in dejansko premeščenimi sedimenti z quantity ratios between detached and
omenjenimi erozijskimi procesi so lahko zelo transported sediments by these soil erosion
spremenljiva (Richards, 1993; Prossed in processes can be substantial (Richards, 1993;
Dietrich, 1995). Prossed & Dietrich, 1995).
Vse omenjene oblike erozije tal lahko The emergence of the soil erosion processes
zaradi površinskega odtoka vode nastopajo can appear separately but the combination and
ločeno, v večini primerov pa gre za interactions of all these forms of soil erosion is
kombinacijo različnih oblik erozije tal. Pojav more likely. The phenomenon of rill and gully
žlebične in jarkovne erozije je močno vezan na erosion depends mainly on the sufficient
zadostno dolžino pobočja, ki vpliva na stopnjo length of the slope which influences the degree
koncentriranosti površinskega odtoka vode. of the concentration of surface rainfall runoff.
Dominantno sosledje razvoja procesov erozije The dominant sequence of the processes
tal navzdol po pobočju je torej: ploskovna → further downslope is: sheet erosion → rill +
žlebična + medžlebična → jarkovna erozija. interrill erosion → gully erosion.

2.2.2 Podpovršinsko spiranje in 2.2.2 Subsurface washing and transport

Analysis of transport of fine soil particles
Analiza premeščanja drobnih delcev through different soil horizons due to
zemljin skozi različne plasti talnih horizontov percolation of water was traditionally not
pod vplivom pronicajoče vode je bila given much attention because surface soil
tradicionalno deležna manjše pozornosti, saj so erosion processes are much more intensive.
procesi površinskega spiranja veliko Some studies show that the proportion of
intenzivnejši. Nekatere študije kažejo, da je natural subsurface washing and transport
delež naravnega podpovršinskega spiranja in through soil horizons reaches less than 1 % of
total sediment load (Grant et al., 1996).
premeščanja delcev zemljin manj kot 1 %
Subsurface transport causes the displacement
skupne količine premeščenega sedimenta
of the finest soil particles and dissolved soil
(Grant et al., 1996). Pri podpovršinskem minerals in ionic form (these are referred to as
premeščanju skozi talne horizonte se s TDS – Total Dissolved Solids) with
pronicajočo vodo transportirajo najdrobnejši percolating water.
delci zemljin in razni raztopljeni minerali v When subsurface drainage systems are
ionski obliki, ki jih štejemo med skupne installed, which accelerate the detachment and
raztopljene snovi v vodi (TDS – Total mobilization of soil particles and dissolved
Dissolved Solids).
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

Pri vgradnji drenažnih sistemov lahko solids with draining water, the subsurface
postane podpovršinsko premeščanje s transport could become an unnegligible
pospešeno mobilizacijo delcev zemljin skozi element of the determination of the sediment
horizonte tal nezanemarljiv element določanja transport balance and identification of the
bilance premeščenih plavin in identifikacije sources of the suspended load in the
virov plavin v vodotoku. Drenažni sistem watercourse channel. Drainage systems (i.e.
lahko predstavlja neposredno povezavo med from agricultural areas) can represent the
viri plavin ter strugo vodotoka. Modifikacije v direct link between the sediment source areas
and watercourse channel. Modification of the
strukturiranosti tal (prisotnost makropor)
soil structure (presence of macropores)
izboljša mobilnost delcev, saj je v večjih
improves the mobility of the particles
medzrnskih prostorih sposobnost adsorbcije, transported by percolating water owing to the
sedimentacije in sejanja delcev, ki se diminished adsorption, sedimentation and
premeščajo z izcejanjem vode, manjša sowing capacity of the larger intergranular
(Armstrong in Harris, 1996). Makropore spaces (Armstrong & Harris, 1996). The
pripomorejo k hitrejši infiltraciji padavinske macropores improve the rainfall infiltration
vode v tla ter premeščanju mobiliziranih finih capacity of the soil and transport of mobilized
delce skozi mikropore v globlje plasti tal. Ko fine soil particles into deeper soil layers. When
govorimo o procesih premeščanja sedimentov talking about the process of the transport of
skozi makropore se pogosto uporablja izraz fine sediment particles through macropores,
»interna erozija«. Izraz identificira proces, ko the term “internal erosion” is often used. The
se lahko znotraj makropor v talnih horizontih, term identifies the process when soil erosion
ki segajo globje, pojavljajo procesi erodiranja can occur inside the macropores in the deeper
tal (Grant et al., 1996). soil horizons (Grant et al., 1996).

2.2.3 Erozija brežin vodotoka 2.2.3 Bank erosion

Erozija brežin vodotoka lahko v rečno Bank erosion can contribute a significant
mrežo prispeva izdatno količino lebdečih amount of suspended load to the fluvial
plavin. Suspendirane snovi, ki se sproščajo s system. Suspended load detached from the
spodjedanjem brežin strug z erozijskim banks by water current undercutting can
delovanjem vodnega toka, lahko predstavljajo represent more than 50 % of all suspended
tudi 50 % vseh lebdečih plavin, ki se sproščajo load that is transported from certain river basin
na določenem prispevnem območju vodotoka (Hahn et al., 1994). The evaluation of the
(Hahn et al., 1994). Ocenjene stopnje degree (intensity) of the bank erosion varies
(intenzivnosti) erodiranja brežin se tako from 0.01 m/year to 1000 m/year (Dietrich et
gibljejo od 0.01 m/leto do 1000 m/leto al., 1992). Evaluating the average degree of
(Dietrich et al., 1992). Ocena povprečne the bank erosion is therefore difficult. The
stopnje erozije brežin na izbranem odseku suspended sediment budget in the watercourse
vodotoka je zaradi tega zahtevna. Bilanco bank section can be expressed as (Laubel,
lebdečih plavin znotraj odseka brežine lahko 2004):
zapišemo kot (Laubel, 2004):
∆s = Qsin − Qsout ± Qslat + Qsbank (1)

kjer je ∆s bilanca lebdečih plavin, Qsin je vtok where ∆s is suspended load budget (sediment
lebdečih plavin, Qsout je iztok lebdečih plavin, storage), Qsin is load input from upstream
Qsbank je sproščanje lebdečih plavin z brežin, reach, Qsout is load output downstream, Qsbank
Qslat pa lateralni prenos lebdečih plavin (slika is wash of suspended load from the banks, and
2). Qslat is lateral transfer of suspended load
(Figure 2).

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

Slika 2: Bilanca lebdečih plavin znotraj odseka brežine vodotoka.

Figure 2: Suspended load budget inside the watercourse bank section.

Procese erodiranja brežin strug vodotokov The processes of the watercourse bank
lahko razdelimo v tri osnovne skupine erosion can be classified into tree basic groups
(Lawler, 1992): (Lawler, 1992):
1. Procesi, katerih posledica je razrahljanje 1. Weakening processes that cause the
povezav med delci zemljine v brežini. loosening of the connections between bank
2. Neposredno erozivno delovanje vodnega soils particles.
toka. 2. Direct fluid entrainment.
3. Masna gibanja in masne izgube. 3. Mass failures.
Procesi erozivnega delovanja vodnega toka in The prevalence of the processes of the direct
razrahljanja povezav med delci v zemljini so fluid entrainment and the weakening processes
prevladujoči v vodotokih manjših velikostnih in the bank soil was observed in small streams,
razredov oz. povirnih delih vodotokov, e.g. in the uppermost stream reaches. In larger
medtem ko se v dolvodnih odsekih vodotokov rivers, e.g. in the downstream river sections,
oz. večjih vodotokih pogosteje pojavljajo the processes of larger mass failures occur
procesi večjih masnih gibanj in masnih izgub. more often. The most important factors
Najpomembnejši dejavniki, ki vplivajo na influencing the intensity of the bank erosion
intenzivnost erozijskih procesov na brežinah, processes are (Schiechtl & Stern, 1997):
so predvsem naslednji (Schiechtl in Stern, 1. Properties of the water current (distribution
1997): of water velocity in the cross section).
1. Lastnosti vodnega toka (razporeditev 2. Composition of the bank material
pretočnih hitrosti v prečnem prerezu). (sequence of bank material layers).
2. Sestava materiala v brežini (sosledje plasti
3. Climate (quantity and distribution of
materiala v talnem profilu).
3. Podnebne razmere (količina in
4. Soil moisture.
razporeditev padavin).
5. Morphology of watercourse channel
4. Vlažnostne razmere v tleh.
(width/depth ratio).
5. Morfologija struge vodotoka (razmerje
6. Vegetation cover of the watercourse bank.
med širino in globino struge).
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

6. Prisotnost vegetacije na brežini. 7. Anthropogenic influences.

7. Antropogeni vplivi. Hooke (1980) analyzed the spatial
Hooke (1980) je analiziral prostorsko variability of the bank erosion. The results
spremenljivost erozije brežin. Rezultati kažejo, show that in 73 % of study cases, the spatial
da je prostorska spremenljivost erozijskih variability of the bank erosion depends on
pojavov na brežinah strug v 73 % primerov seven main variables: size of the catchment
odvisna od sedmih poglavitnih spremenljivk: area, ratio between clayey and loamy particles
velikosti prispevnega območja, razmerja med in the bank material, presence of the gravel
deležem glineni in meljastih delcev, prisotnosti layer, radius of the watercourse bend, slope of
prodnatega sloja, razmerja med širino in the watercourse channel and height of the
globino struge, polmera rečnega zavoja, padca banks.
dna struge in višine brežin. Lawler (1995) has stressed the influence of
Lawler (1995) izpostavlja vpliv magnitude, the magnitude, temporal and spatial
časovne in prostorske razporeditve pretokov v distribution of discharges in the watercourse
vodotoku na pojav erozijskih procesov na on the phenomenon of bank erosion processes.
brežinah. Poudarjena je povezava med The stress is on the interconnectivity between
pojavnostjo treh osnovnih skupin procesov the occurrence of three basic classes of bank
erodiranja brežin in spremenljivostjo moči erosion and the water flow strength variability,
vodnega toka, geometrijo ter sestavo materiala geometry and the structure of the bank
v brežinah. material.
Fluviomorfološki klasifikacijski sistem The fluviomorphological classification
(Rosgen, 1996) v svojem t. i. tretjem nivoju
system (Rosgen, 1996) in the third level of
ocene razmer znotraj rečnega odseka (the
stream reach condition assessment represents a
Level III stream reach condition assessment)
tool for acquiring a quantitative assessment of
predstavlja orodje za pridobitev kvantitativnih
bank erosion for comparable reaches (types) of
ocen erozije brežin za primerljive odseke (tipe)
rivers. The system includes the BEP factor
vodotokov. V sistem sta vključena faktor
(Bank Erosion Potential ratings) and factor for
potencialne erozije brežin (BEP – Bank
the assessment of the shear stress on the bank
Erosion Potential ratings) in faktor za oceno
strižne napetosti ob brežini (NBS – Near Bank (NBS – Near Bank Stress estimates). Rosgen
Stress estimates). Rosgen (1996) podaja (1996) gives values of R2 between 0.87 to 0.93
vrednost R2 med 0,87 in 0,93, ko je primerjal when comparing two sample study sites
dve vzorčni območji glede na pripadajoči regarding their values of BEP and NBS factors
vrednosti faktorjev BEP in NBS za oceno for the assessment of the bank erosion rates
stopnje erozije brežin ter dejanskimi and measured bank erosion. On the other hand,
meritvami erozije brežin. Harmel et al. (1999) Harmel et al. (1999) discovered a much worse
je po drugi strani ugotovil slabo ujemanje agreement between the BEP and NBS factors
faktorjev BEP in NBS z dejanskimi stopnjami and the actual measured degree of bank
erozije brežin na 36 izbranih odsekih brežin. erosion on 36 studied watercourse sections.



Zaradi kompleksnosti dinamike transporta Due to complexity of the suspended matter

suspendiranih snovi se je procesno utemeljeno transport dynamics, the process based
modeliranje, ki bi vključevalo procese modeling, which would include the processes
sproščanja, premeščanja in odlaganja, pojavilo of detachment, transport and deposition,
veliko kasneje kot empirični modeli za occurred much later than the empirical models
ocenjevanje skupnih količin sproščenih for the assessment of total quantity of

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

sedimentov z določenega območja. Procesno transported sediments from the catchment.

utemeljeni modeli se večinoma uporabljajo za Process based models are mainly used to
oceno erozijskih procesov na mikro nivojih assess the erosion processes on the micro-scale
(območja velikosti od nekaj m2 do nekaj 10 (areas of few m2 to few 10 m2) on specially
m2) na posebej pripravljenih merilnih poljih, prepared measuring fields; the results obtained
rezultate pa se ekstrapolira na večje površine. on the measuring fields are then extrapolated
Za potrebe modeliranja transporta lebdečih to larger areas.
plavin na nivoju porečja se procese For the purpose of modeling the suspended
najpogosteje razdeli na tiste, ki se odvijajo na load transport on the scale of the river basin,
prispevnih površinah, ter procese, ki se the processes are divided into processes which
odvijajo v rečni strugi. Nekateri pristopi k take place in the river basin and those inside
modeliranju posameznih elementov the watercourse channel. Some of the
premeščanja lebdečih plavin so predstavljeni v approaches to the modeling of the elements of
nadaljevanju. suspended load transport are discussed bellow.



Udarci dežnih kapljic razrahljajo in Raindrop impacts loosen and break the
prekinejo kohezivne vezi med delci zemljine cohesive bonds between soil particles. The soil
in jih na ta način naredijo mobilne. Osnovni particles become mobile. The main factors
dejavniki, ki vplivajo na efektivnost udarcev influencing the efficacy of the raindrop
dežnih kapljic, so značilnosti dežja, značilnosti impacts are the characteristics of rain, soil
zemljine, pokrovnost tal ter globina vode na characteristics, soil cover and thickness of
površju tal (Hairsine et al., 1999). Številne water layer on the soil surface (Hairsine et al.,
teoretične in empirične raziskave so prispevale 1999). Many theoretical and empirical
k razvoju enačb, s katerimi skušamo opisati researches contributed to the development of
vpliv udarcev dežnih kapljic na sproščanje the equations which try to describe the
suspendiranih sedimentov. Elementi, ki se raindrop impact on the suspended sediment
najpogosteje vključeni v enačbe, so intenziteta detachment. The elements that are often
dežja, kinetična energija dežja ter gibalna included in the equations are rainfall intensity,
količina dežnih kapljic. Teoretična raziskava, kinetic energy and rainfall momentum.
ki sta jo izvedla Styczen in Hogh-Schmidt Theoretical research by Styczen and Hogh-
(Wicks in Bathurst, 1996), je stopnjo Schmidt (Wicks & Bathurst, 1996) linked
sproščanja lebdečih plavin povezala z vsoto together the degree of the suspended sediment
kvadratov gibalne količine dežja v času detachment and the sum of the total rainfall
padavinskega pojava. Za izračun te vsote je momentum squared through the rainfall event.
treba poznati porazdelitev velikosti dežnih For the computation of this sum, the
kapljic, intenziteto dežja ter hitrost, pri kateri distribution of the raindrop size through the
dežne kapljice udarjajo ob tla. Zahtevani rainfall event, rainfall intensity, and velocity at
podatki, predvsem o porazdelitvi dežnih which raindrops hit the ground should be
kapljic ter hitrosti, s katero dežne kaplje known. It is very unlikely that the distribution
udarjajo ob tla, so le redko na voljo. of the raindrops through the rainfall event and
Poenostavljeni zapis enačbe za izračun the velocity at which raindrops hit the ground
kvadrata gibalne količine dežja ima obliko is known. The simplified equation for the total
(Wicks in Bathurst, 1996): rainfall momentum squared computation has a
form (Wicks & Bathurst, 1996):

MR =α ⋅Iβ (2)

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

kjer je MR kvadrirana gibalna količina dežja na where MR is the total rainfall momentum
enoto površine v [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1], I je squared on the unit of surface in [(kgm/s)2m-2s-
intenziteta dežja [mm/h], α in β sta 1
], I is rainfall intensity [mm/h], α in β are
brezdimenzijska koeficienta, ki sta podana dimensionless coefficients which are defined
tabelarično v odvisnosti od intenzitete dežja. in subordination to the rainfall intensity and
Vpliv značilnosti zemljine na stopnjo are given in tables. The influence of the soil
sproščanja suspendiranih sedimentov zaradi characteristics on the degree of the suspended
udarcev dežnih kapljic se poizkuša ovrednotiti sediment detachment owing to the raindrop
z zrnavostno sestavo zemljine, vsebnostjo impact is described by the soil texture,
glinenih delcev v zemljini, strižnimi containment of clay particles in the soil, soil
značilnostmi zemljine ter koherentnost shear characteristics and coherence of soil
zemljinskih agregatov. Do sedaj ugotovljene aggregates. So far, however, the established
povezave med stopnjo sproščanja relationships linking the degree of soil
suspendiranih sedimentov in značilnostmi detachment by raindrop to soil properties have
zemljine ne omogočajo splošne kvantifikacije defied the general quantification of the
pojava (Hairsine et al., 1999). phenomena (Hairsine et al., 1999).
Zelo pomembna je pravilna opredelitev Proper characterisation of the influence of
vpliva pokrovnosti tal na sproščanje ground cover on the suspended sediment
suspendiranih sedimentov. Ponavadi se detachment is very important. The ground
pokrovnost tal pri modeliranju upošteva z cover is usually considered by different
raznimi empiričnimi redukcijskimi faktorji empirical reduction factors of the rainfall
kinetične energije dežja. Z vidika modeliranja kinetic energy. From the perspective of the
je posebej zanimiv vpliv višje vegetacije. modelling, the influence of tall vegetation
Visoka vegetacija prestreza dežne kaplje, cover is of special interest. The tall vegetation
padavinska voda se koncentrira na listih ter v intercepts the raindrops, the rainfall
obliki večjih kapljic pada proti tlom (ang. »leaf concentrates on leafs and falls on the ground in
drip«). Takšna kaplja pa ima poleg velikosti the form of larger drops. The process is called
povsem spremenjeno kinetično energijo. Vpliv “leaf drip”. Besides their modified size, these
udarcev kapljic, ki padajo z listov dreves, na raindrops also have completely changed
intenziteto sproščanja suspendiranih kinetic energy. The influence of the impact of
sedimentov je lahko celo večji, kot je these modified raindrops on the suspended
sproščanje zaradi neposrednih udarcev dežnih sediment detachment can be even greater than
kapljic. Dejavniki, s katerimi opredelimo vpliv the sediment detachment caused by direct
kapljanja dežja z višje vegetacije, so raindrop impacts. The factors used to describe
(Dissmeyer in Foster, 1984): povprečna višina, the leaf drip effect are (Dissmeyer & Foster,
s katere prestrežene dežne kaplje padajo proti 1984): the average height from which the
tlom, delež pokritosti tal z visoko vegetacijo in intercepted raindrops fall on the ground,
stopnja dreniranja vegetacijskega pokrova, s portion of the soil covered by taller vegetation
katero opredelimo delež prestreženih padavin, and the degree of the vegetation cover
ki dejansko dosežejo tla. Kvadrat gibalne drainage which serves to define the proportion
količine dežnih kapljic, ki so rezultat of the intercepted rainfall that actually reaches
prestrezanja, se določa z naslednjo enačbo the ground. The rainfall momentum squared of
(Wicks in Bathurst, 1996): the intercepted raindrops is described by
equation (Wicks & Bathurst, 1996):

⎛V ⋅ ρ ⋅π ⋅ D3 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ DRIP% ⋅ DRAIN
⎝ 6 ⎠
MD = , (3)
⎛ π ⋅ D3 ⎞
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 6 ⎠
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

kjer je MD kvadrat gibalne količine dežnih where MD represents the rainfall momentum
kapljic, ki padajo proti tlom z višje vegetacije squared of the intercepted raindrops in
(dreves) v [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1], V je hitrost dežnih [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1], V is the velocity of the
kapljic, ki padajo z dreves v [m/s], ρ je gostota intercepted raindrops in [m/s], ρ is density of
vode v [kg/m3], D je premer dežnih kapljic, ki water in [kg/m3], D is diameter of the
padajo proti tlom z višje vegetacije v [m], intercepted raindrops in [m], (typically the
(tipično naj bi bil premer dežnih kapljic 5–6 raindrop diameter is 5 to 6 mm), DRIP% is the
mm), DRIP% je delež padavinskega odtoka, ki proportion of the rainfall which drains from
odteka z vegetacijskega pokrova kot kapljanje, the vegetation cover as leaf drip; DRAIN is the
DRAIN pa je hitrost odvajanja padavinske velocity of rainfall drainage through canopy
vode skozi vegetacijski pokrov v [m/s]. [m/s].
Debelina plasti površinskega padavinskega The thickness of the surface rainfall runoff
odtoka ima prav tako pomemben vpliv na layer has also an important impact on the
stopnjo sproščanja suspendiranih sedimentov. detachment rate of suspended sediments. The
Pogosto se opredeli t. i. kritična globina, ki critical depth of the surface runoff that
izniči vplive udarcev dežnih kapljic ob tla. V eliminates the influence of the raindrop impact
modelih se opredeli redukcijski faktor vpliva is usually defined. In models, this is described
udarcev dežnih kapljic ob tla, ki jih absorbira by the reduction factor of the raindrop impact
plast padavinskega odtoka. Opredelitev which is absorbed by surface layer of the
redukcijskega faktorja mora poleg globine rainfall runoff. Beside the thickness of the
(debeline) plasti površinskega odtoka vode surface runoff layer, the definition of the
upoštevati tudi velikost dežnih kapljic. reduction factor should also consider the size
Redukcijski faktor se določi na naslednji način of the raindrops. The reduction factor is
(Knighton, 1998): defined as (Knighton, 1998):

Fw = exp((1 − h / Dm ); h > Dm (4)

Fw = 1; h < Dm, (5)

kjer je Fw redukcijski faktor, h je globina oz. where Fw is water depth correction factor, h is
debelina plasti površinskega odtoka v [m] in depth or thickness of the surface rainfall runoff
Dm srednji premer dežnih kapljic v [m]. layer in [m], and Dm is median raindrop
Izvedene so bile številne študije, katerih cilj diameter in [m].
je bil ugotoviti povezavo med velikostjo Numerous studies aimed to ascertain the
dežnih kapljic in intenziteto padavin. Ena od connection between the size of the raindrops
razvitih empiričnih povezav, ki sta jo razvila and the intensity of the rainfall. One of the
Laws in Parson (Wicks in Bathurst, 1996), ima empirical linkages was developed by Laws and
obliko: Parson (Wicks in Bathurst, 1996). It has a

Dm = 0.00124 ⋅ I 0.182 , (6)

kjer je Dm srednji premer dežnih kapljic v where Dm represents median diameter of the
[mm] in I intenziteta padavin v [mm/h]. raindrops in [mm] and I is rainfall intensity in
Kombinacijo vplivov opisanih procesov na [mm/h].
stopnjo sproščanja sedimentov pod vplivom A combination of described influences on
udarcev dežnih kapljic zapišemo z naslednjo the degree of the suspended sediment
enačbo (Wicks in Bathurst, 1996): detachment can be described by the equation
bellow (Wicks & Bathurst, 1996):

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

DR = k r ⋅ Fw ⋅ (1 − CG ) ⋅ [(1 − C C ) ⋅ M R + M D ], (7)
kjer je DR sproščanje zemljine pod vplivom where DR is suspended sediment detachment
udarcev dežnih kapljic v [kg/m2s], kr je by the raindrop impact in [kg/m2s], kr is
koeficient erodibilnosti zemljine zaradi coefficient of soil erodibility due to raindrop
udarcev dežnih kapljic v [J-1], Fw redukcijski impact in [J-1], Fw is correction factor for the
faktor zaradi površinskega padavinskega surface rainfall runoff, CG is portion of the
odtoka, CG je delež površine tal pokrit z nizko land surface covered by low vegetation (grass,
vegetacijo (trave, zelišča, nizko grmičevje), CC herbs, moderate bushes), CC is portion of the
je delež površine tal pokrit z visoko vegetacijo land surface covered by tall vegetation (tall
(višje grmičevje, drevesa), MR kvadrirana bushes, trees), MR is total rainfall momentum
gibalna količina dežja v [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1] in MD squared in [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1], and MD represents
kvadrat gibalne količine dežnih kapljic, ki the rainfall momentum squared of the
padajo proti tlom z višje vegetacije (dreves) v intercepted raindrops which fall on the ground
[(kgm/s)2m-2s-1]. from higher vegetation in [(kgm/s)2m-2s-1].



Površinski padavinski odtok razrahlja vezi Surface rainfall runoff (overland flow)
med delci zemljine s strižnimi silami, ki weakens the bonds between soil particles by
delujejo na površino tal. Ključni element pri shear forces acting on the soil surface. The key
tem je prostorska variabilnost, ki je pogojena s element in this is spatial variability which
stopnjo koncentriranja padavinskega odtoka depends on the degree of concentration of the
ter pojavnostjo ploskovnega spiranja, žlebične, rainfall runoff and related processes of sheet
medžlebične ter jarkovne erozije. erosion, rill, interrill and gully erosion. The
following simple description of the processes
Poenostavljeno lahko procese sproščanja
of the suspended sediment detachment due to
zemljine zaradi površinskega odtoka opišemo
surface rainfall runoff can be used (Knighton,
z naslednjo enačbo (Knighton, 1998): 1998):

⎛τ ⎞
DF = k f ⋅ ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟; τ > τc (8)
⎝τ c ⎠
D F = 0; τ ≤ τc, (9)
kjer je DF sproščanje zemljine zaradi where DF is suspended sediment detachment
površinskega padavinskega odtoka v [kg/m2s], by overland flow in [kg/m2s], kf is overland
kf je koeficient erodibilnosti zemljine zaradi flow soil erodibility coefficient in [kg/m2s], τc
površinskega padavinskega odtoka v [kg/m2s], is critical shear stress defined from adapted
τc je kritična strižna napetost določena iz Shields curve in [N/m2] and τ is shear stress
prirejenega Shieldsove krivulje v [N/m2] in τ caused by surface rainfall runoff in [N/m2].
je strižna napetost, ki jo povzroči površinski The value of the overland flow soil erodibility
padavinski odtok v [N/m2]. Vrednost coefficient kf is defined experimentally for
koeficienta erodibilnosti kf je določena different soil types.
eksperimentalno za različne tipe zemljin.

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana



Modeliranje premeščanja lebdečih plavin Modelling of the suspended load transport

po pobočju mora upoštevati prostorsko in by surface rainfall runoff downslope must
časovno spremenljivost. V procesno consider the spatial and temporal variability.
utemeljenih modelih erozije tal se premeščanje Process based soil erosion models simulate the
plavin po pobočju simulira s primerjavo process through the comparison of local
lokalne premestitvene zmogljivosti suspended load transport capacity of surface
površinskega odtoka, količine sedimentov, ki runoff, quantity of sediments available from
so razpoložljivi oz. dotekajo z višjih območij upslope areas as upstream supply and local
pobočja, ter lokalne erozije. Za opis procesa se erosion. For the description of the process two
uporabljajo dvodimenzijske parcialne dimensional partial differential equations for
diferencialne enačbe, s katerimi upoštevamo the conservation of suspended sediment mass
zakon o ohranitvi mase sedimentov (Knighton, are used (Knighton, 1998):

∂ (h ⋅ c) ∂z ∂g ∂g y
+ (1 − λ ) ⋅ + x + = 0, (10)
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂y
kjer je h globina površinskega padavinskega where h is depth of surface rainfall runoff
odtoka v [m], c je koncentracija sedimentov v layer in [m], c is sediment concentration in
[m3/m3], λ je poroznost površja tal, z je [m3/m3], λ is soil surface porosity, z is
višinska razlika [m], t je časovni korak v [s], gx difference in height in [m], t is time step in [s],
je količina plavin premeščena v smeri x v gx is load transport rate in the x direction in
[m3/sm] in gy je količina plavin premeščena v [m3/sm] and gy is load transport rate in the y
direction in [m3/sm]. In models, the equation
smeri y v [m3/sm]. Enačbo se v modelih
above is usually applied on pre-defined spatial
običajno aplicira na določene prostorske
sub-units. Spatial extensions of these sub-units
podenote. Prostorske razsežnosti teh podenot v in the x and y direction depend on the soil
x- in y-smeri so odvisne od morfoloških surface morphological characteristics.
značilnosti površja. In the next phase, total transport from the
Skupno premeščanje s skupka posameznih cluster of individual soil surface sub-unit is
podenot površja tal se v nadaljnji fazi calculated by the use of different algorithms
preračunava z uporabo različnih algoritmov, ki which enable definition of the direction of
omogočajo opredeljevanje smeri premeščanja downslope sediment transport based on the
navzdol po pobočju na podlagi morfoloških morphological characteristics of the surface.
značilnosti površja. Poglavitni problem pri The main problem of the described approach
tovrstnem pristopu k modeliranju premeščanja to downslope suspended matter transport is the
suspendiranih snovi predstavlja natančnost accuracy of the description of morphological
opisa morfoloških nepravilnosti (npr. lokalna irregularities (for example local depression
areas) which can substantially influence the
depresijska območja), ki znatno vplivajo na
transport dynamics. The described approaches
dinamiko premeščanja. Opisani pristopi k to the modelling of the suspended load
modeliranju procesov sproščanja in detachment and transport processes are
premeščanja lebdečih plavin so vključeni v included into the SHESED model, which is
model SHESED, ki je eden od modulov SHE one of the modules of SHE (System
(System Hydrologique Europeen) Hydrologique Europeen) hydrological
hidrološkega modelnega sistema (Wicks in modeling system (Wicks & Bathurst, 1996;
Bathurst, 1996; Weltje in Eynatten, 2004). Weltje & Eynatten, 2004).

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana


Quantity of the transported suspended load in
Količina premeščenih plavin po strugi the river channel is the result of the suspended
vodotoka je rezultat dotoka plavin s prispevnih sediment inflow from the river basin and the
površin ter procesov sproščanja in odlaganja processes of detachment and deposition of
plavin znotraj struge. Podlaga modeliranja teh suspended load inside the channel. The
procesov so v večini primerov laboratorijske modelling of these processes is mainly based
raziskave. V naravnih strugah se procesi on laboratory research. In natural channels the
premeščanja plavin močno zakomplicirajo, processes of suspended load transport become
veliko modelov, razvitih v laboratorijskem much more complex; many models developed
okolju, pa pri dejanskih aplikacijah v naravi ne in laboratory conditions do not offer applicable
nudi uporabnih rezultatov. V nadaljevanju je results when applied in natural rivers. In
na kratko predstavljen princip računanja continuation, a short description of the
premeščanja lebdečih plavin v vodotokih, suspended load transport principles as used in
kakršen je uporabljen v modelih HEC 6, modelling systems HEC 6, GSTARS 2.0 and
GSTARS 2.0 in STAND. V modelih so med STAND is given. The suspended load in these
lebdeče plavine uvrščeni drobni peski, melji in models includes fine sand, silt and clay. The
gline. Transport posameznega zrnavostnega transport of individual suspended load grain
razreda lebdečih plavin opišemo z class is described by advection-dispersion
advekcijsko-disperzijsko enačbo (Zeng in equation (Zeng & Beck, 2003):
Beck, 2003):

∂ ( AC s ) ∂ (QC s ) ∂ ⎛ ∂C ⎞
+ − ⎜ A ⋅ E s ⋅ s ⎟ − A ⋅ Ps = 0 , (11)
∂t ∂x ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠
kjer je Cs koncentracija suspendiranih snovi za where Cs is suspended matter concentration for
posamezen zrnavostni razred v [kg/m3], Q je each class in [kg/m3], Q is discharge in [m3/s],
pretok, Es disperzijski koeficient za Es is suspended matter dispersion coefficient
suspendirane snovi posameznega zrnavostnega for each grain class in [m2/s], Ps is a source or
razreda v [m2/s], Ps izvor oz. ponor lebdečih sink term of suspended load which is
plavin, ki ga določajo procesi sproščanja in determined by the processes of sediment
odlaganje lebdečih plavin ter morfološke entrainment, deposition and morphological
karakteristike struge katere upoštevamo z characteristics of the channel considered by
omočenim obodom struge A v [m]. Izvor ali the wetted perimeter A in [m]. The source or
ponor lebdečih plavin opredelimo na naslednji sink of suspended load is defined as (Zeng &
način (Zeng in Beck, 2003): Beck, 2003):

Ps = −k sed ⋅ (C s − C p ) , (12)

kjer je ksed koeficient, ki opisuje stopnjo oz. where ksed is a coefficient describing the rate or
prirastek, s katerim se dejanska koncentracija increment at which the actual suspended load
lebdečih plavin približuje potencialni concentration reaches its potential
koncentraciji, Cp je premestitvena zmogljivost concentration, Cp is transport potential of the
vodnega toka za posamezen zrnavostni razred, water flow for each grain class expressed as
izražena kot koncentracija lebdečih plavin v concentration of suspended load in [ppm].
[ppm]. Koeficient ksed se nadalje opredeli kot Coefficient ksed is further defined as (Zeng &
(Zeng in Beck, 2003): Beck, 2003):

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

⎛ l ⋅ϖ ⎞
k sed = k sedDep ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (13)
⎝ q ⎠
za odlaganje suspendiranih snovi in for deposition of suspended matter, and

⎛ q ⎞
k sed = k sedEnt ⎜ ⎟ (14)
⎝ l ⋅ϖ ⎠
za sproščanje (vnos) suspendiranih snovi. for entrainment (inflow) of suspended matter.
Elementi zgornjih enačb so: ksedDep je Elements of the equation above are: ksedDep is
koeficient odlaganja lebdečih plavin; ksedEnt je suspended load deposition coefficient, ksedEnt is
koeficient sproščanja (vnosa) lebdečih plavin; suspended load entrainment coefficient, q is
q je specifični pretok vode na širinski meter specific discharge per unit width in [m2/s], l is
struge v [m2/s], l je značilna dolžina med characteristic length between two consecutive
dvema zaporednima prečnima prerezoma
channel cross sections in [m], ϖ is suspended
struge v [m]; ϖ je hitrost usedanja delcev
suspendirane snovi v [m/s]. Potencialno load particle settling velocity in [m/s]. Water
premestitveno zmogljivost vodnega toka Cp za flow transport potential Cp for individual
posamezen zrnavostni razred lebdečih plavin, suspended load grain class expressed as
izraženo kot koncentracijo lebdečih plavin v concentration of suspended load concentration
[ppm], se določi po Yangovi enačbi (Yang et in [ppm] is determined by the Yang equation
al., 1998): (Yang et al., 1998):

ϖ ⋅d U ⎛ ϖ ⋅d U ⎞ ⎛ V ⋅ s Vcr ⋅ s ⎞
C p = 5.435− 0.286⋅ log − 0.457⋅ log * + ⎜1.799− 0.409⋅ log − 0.314⋅ log * ⎟ ⋅ log⎜ − ⎟ , (15)
ν ϖ ⎝ ν ϖ⎠ ⎝ϖ ϖ ⎠
kjer je ϖ je hitrost usedanja delcev v [m/s]; d where ϖ is particle settling velocity in [m/s], d
je srednja velikost posameznega zravostnega is median grain size of individual grain class in
razreda v [m]; ν je kinematična viskoznost [m], ν is water kinematic viscosity in [m2/s], V
vode v [m2/s]; U* je strižna hitrost v [m/s]; V je is flow velocity in [m/s], s is energy slope and
hitrost vodnega toka v [m/s]; s je padec Vcr is critical velocity for incipient motion of
energijske črte in Vcr je kritična hitrost za particles in [m/s]. The equation is useful
začetek gibanja delcev lebdečih plavin v [m/s].
especially for the computations of transport
Enačba je primerna za račun premestitvenih
zmogljivosti vodotokov, katerih pretežni del potential of rivers where the substantial
plavin (več kot 60 %) predstavljajo lebdeče portion of the total load (more than 60 %)
snovi. represents the suspended load.


Podrobnejša analiza dinamike premeščanja A detailed analysis of the suspended load

lebdečih plavin je možna le na podlagi transport dynamics is feasible only on the
basis of quality data which provide an insight
kakovostnih podatkov, ki omogočajo vpogled
into spatial and temporal suspended load
v časovno in prostorsko spremenljivost
concentration changeability in the rivers. The
koncentracije lebdečih plavin v vodotoku. assessment of the principal sources of
Ugotavljanje poglavitnih virov ter spremljanje suspended load requires additional
masne bilance lebdečih plavin na measurements in the river basins.
karakterističnem prispevnem območju zahteva In Slovenia, the monitoring of the
vzpostavitev dodatnih meritev na prispevnih suspended load transport is performed by the
površinah vodotoka. Environmental Agency of the Republic of
V Sloveniji monitoring premeščanja Slovenia (ARSO); in 2006, 13 rivers were
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

lebdečih plavin izvaja Agencija Republike included in the monitoring network (Ulaga,
Slovenije za okolje (ARSO); v letu 2006 je 2006). Daily sampling of suspended load is
bilo tako v mrežo monitoringa vključenih 13 carried out on 5 large rivers, other sampling is
rek (Ulaga, 2006). Dnevni odvzem vzorcev se performed in the periods of extreme
izvaja na petih večjih rekah, na ostalih pa se hydrological events. The analysis of the
odvzem opravlja v času izjemnih hidroloških monitoring results of the suspended load
dogodkov. Dosedanje analize rezultatov transport accomplished so far showed that
about 70 % of the material is transported
monitoringa premeščanja lebdečih plavin so
during the periods of high water stages (Ulaga,
pokazale, da se približno 70 % materiala
2005). In Slovenia, detailed studies of
premesti prav v obdobjih visokih voda (Ulaga, suspended load detachment and transport on
2005). Podrobnejše študije sproščanja in the level of watersheds are rare. The analysis
premeščanja lebdečih plavin na nivoju of the suspended load budget along the chain
prispevnih območij vodotokov so v Sloveniji of hydropower plants on the Sava river is
redke. Analizo bilance lebdečih plavin vzdolž given by Mikoš (2000). In the headwater parts
verige hidroelektrarn na reki Savi podaja of the Soča river basin, mass movement
Mikoš (2000). V povirnih predelih reke Soče processes such as rainfall-induced landslides
so bili kot zelo pomemben lokalni vir and debris flows, as well as earthquake-
suspendiranih sedimentov prepoznani pojavi induced rock falls, were identified as very
masnega gibanja kot so zemeljski plazovi in important local suspended sediment sources
drobirski tokovi, ki so se sprožili ob močnih (Mikoš et al., 2006). Suspended load and
padavinah ter podori, sproženi ob potresih transport of adsorbed particulate mercury
(Mikoš et al., 2006). Lebdeče plavine in along the Idrijca and Soča rivers into the Gulf
premeščanje na njih vezanega partikularnega of Trieste (Žagar et al., 2004; 2006; Žibert &
živega srebra po reki Idrijci in Soči do Gosar, 2006) is a rare example of taking into
account suspended loads when estimating the
Tržaškega zaliva (Žagar et al., 2004; 2006;
ecological state of the water environment in
Žibert in Gosar, 2006) je redek primer Slovenia.
upoštevanja lebdečih plavin pri ocenjevanju Future research should be orientated into
ekološkega stanja vodnega okolja v Sloveniji. the acquirement of longer series of data with
Bodoče raziskave se bodo morale usmeriti v increased frequency of data acquisition about
pridobivanje dolgotrajnejših nizov podatkov z the factors, which control the processes of
večjo frekvenco vzorčevanja o dejavnikih, ki suspended sediment detachment and
kontrolirajo procese sproščanja suspendiranih suspended load transport along the stream
sedimentov in premeščanja lebdečih plavin network (Boardman, 1996). An advance in this
vzdolž rečnega sistema (Boardman, 1996). direction is offered by the implementation of
Napredek v tej smeri predstavlja uvajanje new measuring equipment which provides
novih merilnih naprav, ki omogočajo zvezni continuous data acquisition. The majority of
časovni zajem podatkov. Večina naprav za equipment for continuous acquisition is based
zvezno zajemanje podatkov temelji na on different measuring techniques that enable
različnih merilnih tehnikah, ki omogočajo indirect determination of quantity and granular
posredno določevanje količine in zrnavosti composition of suspended sediments (Wren et
al., 2000).
suspendiranih sedimentov (Wren et al., 2000).
For instance, laser disdrometer enables
Tako na primer laserski disdrometer
gathering of data on raindrop size and velocity
omogoča pridobitev podatkov o velikosti in that are the two key parameters for the
hitrosti dežnih kapljic, ključnih dveh prediction and modelling of suspended
parametrov za napovedovanje in modeliranje sediment detachment. Continuous
sproščanja suspendiranih sedimentov. Zvezne measurements of suspended load
meritve koncentracij lebdečih plavin v concentrations in a stream are possible by
vodotoku omogoča merilec motnosti OBS-3+ OBS-3+ turbidimeter (detailed description of
(podrobnejši opis merilne opreme na the equipment can be found at:
http://ksh.fgg.uni-lj.si/). http://ksh.fgg.uni-lj.si/).
Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

Ob tem velja omeniti nekatere omejitve pri However, this measuring equipment has
uporabi te merske opreme, predvsem veliko some limitations, for example, the laser
energijsko potratnost (zato akumulatorsko disdrometer has a very high energy demand
napajanje pogosto ne zadošča) v primeru (thus often battery energy is not enough);
laserskega disdrometra ter občutljivost na OBS-3+ turbidimeter is very sensitive to the
lokalne okoljske pogoje (svetloba, rast alg, local environmental conditions (light, algae
plavje) v primeru merilca motnosti OBS-3+. growth, floating debris). Furthermore,
Omenjeni faktorji lahko znatno omejuje suspended load concentrations are measured
avtonomnost te terenske opreme. indirectly. All these factors can substantially
Na Katedri za splošno hidrotehniko UL diminish the autonomy of this field equipment.
At the Chair of Hydrology and Hydraulic
FGG že več let uvajamo sodobne merilne
Engineering UL FGG, we have been
tehnike na eksperimentalnih porečjih v
implementing the advanced measuring
Sloveniji. Esperimentalno porečje reke Reke equipment for several years in the
ter njenega pritoka Padeža je opremljeno z experimental watersheds in Slovenia. The
laserskim disdrometrom ter dvema merilcema experimental watershed of the Reka river and
motnosti OBS-3+ (Brilly et al., 2002; Rusjan its tributary the Padež stream are equipped by
et al., 2006). Na prispevnem območju Padeža a laser disdrometer and two OBS-3+
se na podlagi meritev potencialnega sproščanja turbidimeters (Brilly et al., 2002; Rusjan et al.,
suspendiranih sedimentov in njihovega 2006). On the Padež watershed, the
premeščanja po vodotoku ocenjuje količina measurements of potential detachment of
odloženih sedimentov v načrtovani suspended sediment and its transport along the
akumulaciji, ki bo novi vir pitne vode za stream will be used to assess sediment
slovensko obalno območje. deposition in the planned reservoir, foreseen as
Kakovostnejši podatki o koncentracijah a new souce of water supply for the Slovenian
lebdečih plavin v vodotokih, merjeni v coastal region.
posameznih hidroloških prerezih, bodo The improved quality of the data about the
omogočili boljše razumevanje procesov v suspended load concentration in streams,
smislu kratkotrajne spremenljivosti kakovosti measured in single hydrologic cross sections,
vode ter ekološkega stanja vodnega will enable a better understanding of the
ekosistema. processes in the sense of short-term
Z vidika modeliranja dinamike premeščanja changeability of water quality and ecological
lebdečih plavin so zato gotovo najbolj state of the water ecosystem.
zanimivi specifični “neobičajni” Thus, from the point of view of suspended
sediment transport modelling, the specific
hidrometeorološki dogodki različnih povratnih
“unusual” hydrometeorological events of
different recurrence intervals are of special
Po drugi strani daljši časovni nizi podatkov interest.
o vsakdanjem, na prvi pogled nezanimivem On the other hand, longer time series of
dogajanju, omogočajo sledenje trendov data about everyday, seemingly uninteresting
dinamike premeščanja lebdečih plavin kot events, provide the tracing of the trends of
posledico človekovih aktivnosti ali širših suspended sediment transport dynamics as a
(globalnih) okoljskih sprememb. consequence of anthropogenic activities or
V večini terenskih primerov analize wider (global) environmental changes.
dinamike premeščanja lebdečih plavin na In the majority of field cases of analysis of
nivoju porečja ostaja skoraj nerešen problem the dynamics of suspended sediment transport,
opredelitve prostorskega merila, ki glede na the problem of the definition of the spatial
značilne klimatske, hidrološke, geomorfološke scale, which as to the climatic, hydrological,
razmere ali primerljivo rabo površin, še geomorphological conditions or land use, still
omogoča ekstrapolacijo lokalno izmerjenih enables upscaling of locally measured data,
podatkov. remains largely unsolved.

Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

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Rusjan, S., Mikoš, M.: Dinamika premeščanja lebdečih plavin v porečjih –
Suspended load transport dynamics in river basins
© Acta hydrotechnica 24/40 (2006), 1-20, Ljubljana

Naslova avtorjev - Authors' Addresses

Simon Rusjan
Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo – Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Univerza v Ljubljani – University of Ljubljana
Jamova cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: simon.rusjan@fgg.uni-lj.si

prof. dr. Matjaž Mikoš

Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo – Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Univerza v Ljubljani – University of Ljubljana
Jamova cesta 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
E-mail: matjaz.mikos@fgg.uni-lj.si


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