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2 i 1G73 i/'


Julius Fleenor Family

Mission to Japan
1-5-15 Naka Ochiai

ForwartTlng Agent
Maxine Seyb

Shinjuku, Tokyo 161


131 Hall Circle, #58 Tustin, Cal, 92o80

It was good to return to Japan in January to a warm welcome and get involved in preaching


Four more had been baptized at Christ-

"ft MMMM

^S|^H jK^

Soka Churches and Kindergarten work (3 hours

from Tokyo) to ask me to preach there and

come from Mrs, Kagiwada from the Sakai and

baptize four more next week.

here in my absence and a phone call has

People from this


work come to our summer camp work ,

in the establishing of this work and do some

I helped


year I hope to help in strengthening these

small churches more than ever.
in rural areas,

of the preaching and baptizing there.

Remember these

little groups of Christians throughout Japan

Julius is pictured above with Hideaki YOSHIYA (to his left) whom he baptized Christmas 1973,
His sister Dr, YAMAMOTO is in the center with her daughter PIA, This Christian family brought

thiri six year old girl with her father

(family friends) to church in January,

Dr, Yamamoto,

her brother, and daughter plan a summer tour of tbp .SJigtes and will visit some of our supporting churches. More about this in our next newsletter. Good news concerning my mother is that I left her feeling very well and weekly tests show she is responding to the medication for liver cancer, I am thankful for God's provision for me to be with her when she had.surgery and her health was so critical. Thank you for your prayers,

1, Fifty were baptized at summer camp, and in Tokyo through the combined ministry of Pastor Morohashi, my son Stephen, and myself with the personal witnessing of the Japanese Christians, 2, Three men at the Shimoochiai (Tokyo Church) definitely feel called to preach and are in preparation for this goal studying and preaching and witnessing. Pray for them, 3, The Tokyo Shimoochiai Church is self-supporting, has a fine pastor, John Morohashi, and also sends a tithe monthly to a Japanese missionary working in Asia, 4, The Umeda (Second Tokyo Church at Nishi Arai) is growing and is self-supporting with its

own building and pastor.

More about this church in our next newsletter,

5, Other churches meeting in "kindergartens and homes in rural areas show growth also,

capsule of OBJECTIVES FOR 1975 )

1, Possible relocation of Tokyo Shimoochiai Church by selling this land and using part of the money to relocate the church in Tokyo under Pastor Morohashi and part to relocate
the Fleenors in the suburbs of Tokyo to do a pioneer work,

2, Plans begun for prelimary evangelism in outlying districts in view of church planting and
relocation of mission house,

3, Training leadership--encouraging those called to preach to be personal witnesses, 4, Continued home meetings for evangelism in Christian homes or where one member of a home
is a Christian,

5, Preparing literature and tape messages by

Pastor to be


The picture to the right shows Pastor MOROHASHI and his wife and child. To the right of them

is her sister and mother who are Christians also,|Bg^ 3

_JOHN^ MOROHASHI accepted Christ 15 years ago &
we have helped in his training and have worked

^ f

this entire time in camp evangelism with him,



He came in September to take leadership of the

Shimoochiai Church and to continue to work in



the summer evangelism with us, PRAY FOR HIM,

\''' |

The material on the back page was a blessing

to me and I encourage you to read it.
Sincerely, Julius Fleenor



The following article from the Fall 1974 issue of Straight from the Shoulder written by John Haggai,

President of Evangelism International, Box 13, \tlanta,

Georgia, so impressed us we wanted to share it with you. We were given permission to use it and hope you find it helpful. If so, share it with others.

Straight Comment. . .
. . . from John Haggai

I always listen carefully to what Christians are saying. What many are saying
today, i don't like. To hear them, one would think that God had abdicated the throne of heaven, hanged crepe on the doorknob and advertised the celestial metropolis for rent.

Christians are always to be thermostats rather than thermometers. . .setting the temperature rather than registering the temperature.
God says in Joshua 1:9 "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good coura^ be hot afraid, rieTther~Be"thoTl (liSTf)^VeitT"tOT the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Discourage means dis-courage.. .the absence of courage. There is no room for discouragement in the experience of a Christian's life or in the lexicon of a Christian's vocabulary. It distresses me greatly that so many are bad-mouthing the economy and forecasting irreparable financial disaster.
Since when is the Christian to look to the Dow Jones instead of to the


It has been thrilling to us to have individuals and Churches writing to ask how they can help us. We have not heard one word of complaint from any of our supporters about the present economic fears in the United States. Everything we read in the newspapers is bad news.
We have come to the conclusion that

divine Scriptures.. .to the economic soothsayers rather than to the Spirit of

The Apostle Paul reminds us that we are to "in all things give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (I Thessalonians 5:18) Paul also said, "We glory in tribulation." He didn't say that we tolerate it,
sidestep it or abominate it.

we are blessed with knowing people who support missions and live above
the circumstances of life and in

the world of God's provision.

We are so thankful that the same

God who sends the missionary

provides for those who are called to support the missionary. We do

remember you in prayer and are confident of the prom"iVe of God
in Phil, 4:19.

Thank God for the economic downturn. It has introduced a new spirit of humility in our country. It has brought about sober reflection on the prodigal handling of God-given resources. We dishonor the Lord if we fail to look to Him totally to get us through. David sard, "This is the day that the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." It is a cause for rejoicing that many people through this present economic distress have revised their priorities so as to give the Lord Jesus a greater place in their lives. It is not that they have more of the Lord; it's that they let the
Lord have more of them.

God forbid that those of us who call ourselves Christians should permit the economic indicators to determtne our joy, our serenity and ourpriorttfer.Let me make a few suggestions that I hope and pray will be of help: 1. Begin every day with the Lord. Read your Bible, pray and then spend a
suitable time in meditation.



There is no depression in Heaven.

GOD IS OUR SOURCE of all our needs.
What wonderful "Good News" we have

to bring to the World. Thank you for being co-workers with us in



2. Repeat to yourself the words of David, "This is the day that the Lord hath made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." 3. Reflect upon the truth of I Corinthians 10:13. 4. Eliminate from your vocabulary negative chatter that dishonors God, corrodes the atmosphere and robs you of joy that God intends to be your portion. 5. Look for the hand of God even in your distress. 6. Share with others the joy of resting in Christ. 7. Review your priorities and make sure that they are consistent with God's directive will for your life. 8. Write out your objectives, your plan of action to reach them. . .and intermediate and ultimate time targets. Our hearts here at E.I. have been lifted by the observation that many of God's people, relying solely upon Him, have risen to new heights of vision and faith and generosity and prayer participation than we have previously


"To God be the glory, great things He hath done." .. .And is doing.

NOTE: Reprints are available from Evangelism International.


JUNE 16, 1975

Julius Fleenor Family

Mission to Japan
1-5-15 Naka Ochiai

Forwarding Agent

Shinjuku, Tokyo 161

Dear Friends,

131 Hall Circle, 58 Tustin, Calif, 92680

Dr. Yamamoto graciously offered to pay Virginia's round trip plane fare plus the car expenses for this tour to the churches with Virginia acting as tour guide. Julius' mother came to love Dr, Yamamoto and her family last summer while she was visiting us in Japan, She has offered the use of her big car for the trip. Virginia will be navigator and
Dr, Yamamoto will drive. Grace and Pia will keep the accounts, drink in Americana. Pia "

is enrolled for September at Mills College in Oakland, California,

spiritual blessing from meeting with the American Christians,

We all expect a great

"C. JULIUS^iJNEXPECTEDLY CALLED TO THE STATES JUNE 5 Anmternationai phone call told us that Julius' mother.had been put in the hospital June 3

and the doctor said her condition was irreversible and that she had only days to live. On the Sunday before June 5th we had the joy of seeing Dr, Yamamoto's 74 year old mother being baptized into Christ, Julius' mother had been praying especially for her conversion

since last summer when she sat next to her in our camp garden and watched her daughter

A letter back to Japan from Julius has brought unusual ne\^ of his_mother. When he arrived

June 5~it~looked as if she might die any hour.

Two days later she was taken off of intravenous feeding and the lumps on her neck all disappeared.
The doctor came in on June 11th and said she has

improved so much that she could go home on June 13,

It seems God has a purpose for our wonderful mother to stay longer with us, WE REJOICE IN THIS. She was prepared to go to be with her Lord, but now we are looking for some days in Yakima with her before starting the tour of the churches. Our first speaking date will be on the Yakima Indian Reservation where friends over the years, the
John Hills and Bruce Hills have invited us to



Before leaving Julius and son Stephen talk over the summer evangelism in Karuizawa, Stephen and Pastor Morohashi will take full charge of this, Julius worked many hours in April and

May preparing the buildings for use.

Pictured to the left is Virginia

*'-; on newspapers on
platform with Grace

a** ^^


John a

on the
When we

ticket then
an hour to

to take the 2h hour

-if' beloved Karuizawa,

The children

100 miles into the mountains of our



' s a l t y rice cookies with seaweed

consider such a trip great fun, buying ^nd eating frozen madarin oranges,
covering and a thin wooden box of vinegar rice with fish and pickles.


finishes off the treat.

Oh yes, ice

cream snacks are sold too.

The plan was to leave the three children with Julius and Stephen and Carol helping in their
car. When Julius was suddenly -called to the states, our Stephen and Carol graciously accepted

the work. Once again we thanked God he had called our son and given him a wife with a true missionary heart to work together with us in Japan, Although Stephen's ministry here is independent of ours and extends beyond anything we have started, he has cooperated with us in the summer evangelism and taken the leadership in making it more and more a soul winning venture. This year he will be training teams to take into villages surrounding the Karuizawa
bringing in the new converts for training,

will go into the outskirts of Tokyo each Sundayto care for a preaching point which Julius had planned to care for this summer during the furlough of Andrew Patton who originally opened

full responsibility for the children for the summer until Julius can return. Further, Stephen

camp building, using the camp as the base for the workers for prayer and training and for

Stephen's mission funds can in no way cover the summer evangelism and travel expense
to the Ghiba work etc, so we shall be counting on the support of our churches so we can

send him a weekly amount to keep things going. The Japanese government voted a 30% increase


gasoline for a Datsun Bluebird is- $30,00 iri American exchange. All utilities alid^propane ' gas' iTsrwent up with the government raise. BUT WE ARE EXPECTING AGREAT INGATHERING OF
SOULS THIS SUMMER AND TRUSTING GOD TO PROVIDE THROUGH HIS CHURCH. HE IS ABLEi The churches are showing continued spiritual growth and souls continue to come. Since ox^--^last letter there have been eight baptized;lnto Christ here at the Shimoochiai Church and One

in all salaries in Japan and this is turn works for inflation in all things, A_tank of

in the country work. AccordTng*-t"d He Word, "In due season we shall reap if we faint not."
and reap. ^

If the Lord tarries we ask 25__years more to sow

T'T)ur^ family brings us one of the greatest joys. Below is a picture of Laurie on her seventh "^birtKday May 9th. Becky, Stephen's daughter, age 6, is seated to her right. The two of them
will share a room with bunk beds for the summer in the beautiful mountains of Karuizawa.

Virginia spent five days fishing, and cooking and bicyling with the children from June 8
to June 13 before returning to Tokyo to prepare to fly for the states.
be a missionary preacher to Japan."

"activities during the summer. Gloria has


iKA2^K0 TAKEBUCHI has'iv^ with us' for two*

Virginia's closest prayer partner
is Mrs, Matsumura who came out of

years. She was baptized by Stephen at camp three years ago and came to Tokyo to college. She
serves as our secretary for Japanese letters and tutors the four children in Japanese reading and writing. She also will help Carol at camp. She is pictured below
She has won with her brother who she won to Christ.

nine of her college friends to Christ, teaches in the

Sunday School. She also help to win one of the teachers

ofher col ege and he is also a member here at S^imoochiai,


Three have expressed

interest in becoming Christians.

Buddhism 15 years ago. She is a wonderful prayer warrior and when we have a real
need we often phone her to pray with us. Soon we see a victory. In times of sickness she always calls, brings food, encouragement

and prays. She is a real mother to us here in Japan. She is one of our joys and is
truly a ministering spirit to many,

Julius is pictured with Stephen with a fine young man Hr. Takagi whom Stephen won to
Christ at the "Si^er Karuizawa coffee house

evangelism time two years ago. America,

He can now

preach and plans to be a missionary to South

He is majoring in Spanish in college.
Pastor Morohashi has worked with us for over

15 years having received his training in our School of Evangelism as well as being a great student of the Word. His aymointed messages

are a blessing. Front left is MrT Yamazato who

is training for the ministry also.

Carol Fleenor is shown with Debra Dana born November 10,

Every summer at Karuizawa Camp, God has given Carol the opportunity to meet at least one person who knows English to whom she witnesses and wins to Christ, Besides caring for her three, and our three youngest children, she is in charge of the housing and food for the entire camp. Two Japanese girls and two young
summer recruit missioaaries will help her,

Mary Beckman is coming for the month of August and Gloria

Simon will help the entire months* of July and August,

Virginia took the picture on the right in June during a family bike
trip, Stephen is shown with his

son Peter and his daughter Becky, Our three youngest impatiently
wait for the picture to be taken

before speeding off down the mountain roads with mother trailing behind at her pace.

One of the things Virginia will do in the

states will be to consult with the doctors

of the Shrine Hospitals about further bone repair work for John and Joe. An American specialist saw both boys early in June here in Japan and suggests some treatment to give

John a perfectly straight elbow and complete use of it, Joe is taking exercises for a hip
injury from early childhood.

One of Virginia's favorite things is having a chance to

hold little Debbie Dana during one of the few times

Stephen and Carol can get away for a few hours.

here in Japan,


grandma and grandpa is another added pleasure we have


all be used to his glory this summer.

Next letter will tell of our new work in another place.

This work will begin in September,

Sincerely, Julius and Virginia





Julius & Virginia Pleenor



1-5-15 Naka Ochiai

Shinjuku, Tokyo 161

Maxine Seyb 131 Hall Circle


family Sept. to Dec. 1975

12450 NW Barnes Rd

Tustin, California 92680

(503) 646-0204

Apt. 27 L Portland, OR 97229

Much has happened since our June newsletter when we told

about my being called to the states on June 5th because

my mother was expected to live but a few hours. After my arrival and much prayer, she rallied and was able to



come home from the hospital. Our daughter Dana Lee who
nurse's aid came to help care for mother at home. When Virginia, our daughter Grace 15, with Dr. Yamamoto and

ll ^
ll" ^

is preparing for missionary service and trained as a

her daughter Pia arrived from Japan on June 20th for


their long planned for tour of the United States they found Mother Fleenor sitting up bravely smiling and making their five day stay in her Yakima home one of great joy. We knew she was fragi^S and would not be with us long and i t was agreed among us that Virginia would continue

the tour to the., churches even in the event that mother

should go to Heaven before the end of the summer. On


in the morning shortly after I had received a phone

mi Rj. saying . L ^ put i_ our a. o i.o the Tokyo Airport he had two adopted

July 9th she slipped quietly away in her sleep at 3:30

Fleenor and his mother

June 2bth just two weeks Home-qolno
nci-i, j. j_

call from our son Stephen, missionary in Japan, from

Japanese sons John and Joe and our youngest daughter ^ ^ Laurie on a direct flight from Tokyo to Seattle. They were here for the Homegoing Service a few days later. PLANS CHANGED The plan to leave the three younger children in Japan for the summer was changed when Virginia checked in at the Portland Shriners Hospital on June 27th and was told by the head surgeon that she should bring John over immediately for surgery for his deformed elbow which had been broken and left unset before we adopted him. It was also operated on once before we got him and he had a terrible bone infection for over 8 months. Joey our younger boy also has a gradual shortening of his left leg by a problem in his hip joint. The doctors will have a final conference about treatment for this in October here in Portland. Now he is wearing a built up shoe. But we felt we should get treatment and medical opinions since we were both in the states for the summer. John was scheduled for surgery twice and then in the final consultation the doctors decided not to operate because there was too much danger of stirring up a still dormant infection in the bones. We will be consulting with one more Christian bone specialist before leaving the United States. RETURN TO TOKYO DELAYED TWO MONTHS. Since we must pursue the medical treatment of the boys we have put the children in school here in Portland and are renting an apartment using my mother's furniture which I must dispose of or store until regular furlough in three years or so from now. Other important things related to our work to Japan also are being done: (1) Mr. Sherman Holmes, a lawyer, of the Central Christian Church in Portlan(^ is helping us to form a Mission and have i t made a legal tax free corporation for doing religious work. This is necessary and helpful in relation to our future outreach in Japan. We need to set up an accounting system here in Oregon and a small board so all our records will meet the IRS standards. This will help our supporters and also enable us to be more effective. '(2) We are interviewing and encouraging several recruits for missionary service

and advising them as to preparation and needs as missionaries.

(3) Desire to set up some

information in booklet form that would be helpful to missionary recruits in preparing

for service (4) The Central Christian Church of Portland, Oregon is also allowing us to use their printing equipment to make up a brochure covering a history of our lest 25 years in Japan and goals for the next 25 years if the Lord tarries.

f ,

with our daughters Dana Lee (University of

Oregon and Recruit for Japan) and our daughter Grace (10th grade in HS) with Grandma on June

picture to the left shows Pia Yamamoto

25th. Dr. Yamamoto, Pia's mother drove 10,000

visiting our main supporting churches. Many saic after hearing Dr. Yamamoto and Pia give their

niiles during the summer seeing 28 states and

testimonies "The proof is in the pudding."

Truly we all could see the power of the gospel

these two Japanese. Pia has put her membership in the Fruitvale Christian Church in Oakland, Cal. and has begun to teach a Sunday School class there. she is attending Mills College for four years. from San Jose Bible College will be working with her in helping to make this a vital church and i t is located in a changing neighborhood with a membership made up mostly of

elderly Christians. Pray this Japanese girl will be a missionary to the community of Oakland and within Mills College during the four years there. Dr. Yamamoto flew to Tokyo September 18 to help in the relocation conferences for the church in Tokyo as she is one of the trustees.

A letter from Stephen, our missionary son in Japan, tells of the victories in the summer work. There was some opposition to the gospel this year in the mountains, there were still 80 decisions for Christ among the Japanese dealt with during the week of evangelism with three being baptized into Christ. There were 30 Japanese young peop? e involved in witnessing and
in Bible study to prepare them to be used by God.

Word from Japan through our Japanese pastor John Morohashi is that there is a buyer for our property so I may need to return to Japan before the end of the year and complete this business and leave the plans and responsibilities here in Portland in my wife, Virginia's
hands. In that case she would follow me back to Japan with the children after the semester

ends early in January.

Our daughter Grace, 15, has been invited to stay with our niece and

nephew Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Crawford here in Portland.

The experience of being in a vital and

much alive Christian Church like the Somerset Christian Church in the Beaverton area of

Portland and attending a year in an American high school should better prepare her for life. She will come back to Japan in June 1976 to finish her last two years of high school.
Daughter Julia and husband Shinichi Shosen with son Joshua locating in Portland. Our son-

in-law having finished his graduate degree at Harvard just moved to Portland this week to work a few years before setting up his office in Japan. It is nice to have them near us.

"October "l^^^sirks 25 years since we first-arrived in Japan. The picture on the right shows Virginia and me when we sailed from San Pedro, California young and


hopeful. When we saw the green island of Japan in the

early mists of that autumn morning, we felt we had


come home. Today we are older, but still hopeful. The gospel has been preached, churches have been planted,
the language has been sxibdued if not mastered in our minds and mouths, and we can see Christians carrying on, new missionaries we have encouraged are working in

before in her history. More Bibles are printed and l^old in Japan than in any nation in the world but the

Japan, and we see more open doors in Japan than ever


JH jjjjjjH '

I United States. We went to a poor broken nation struggling after World War II and now she is a great world power influencing the whole world. The number of Christians haS more than doubled. In spite of trials of false Christians and

persecutions, we still see the faithful Christians and expect greater things.
WILL YOU PRAY FOR US ESPECIALLY DURING OCTOBER Pray as we are opening new work and have a new vision for a greater outreach through means we have never used before. We will be writing about this soon in our new letter. . , Sincerely, r ^



Proverbs 31:28 "Her children arise up and call

her blessed."

ft w

As we have been saddened by the passing of Julius* mother from this world we think of the above scripture. She was really looking forward to meeting Jesus Christ face to face. She and Julius* father first came to Japan on Christmas day of 1951 following the death of Julius's only brother, Stanley Pleenor, in the Korean war. They used much of the insurance money

to help build our mission center in Tokyo which has been used
where Jesus has

f *


for 23 years as a place for winning people to Jesus Christ and

sheltering people in trouble, teaching and counseling people,

and providing a place for us to make a

been the Head and where seven Fleenor children have grown

up to love God and to love Japan as well as their own native

country of America. Mother and Dad Fleenor worked with their own hands and

heart to build that Mission home and to encourage us in our language studies that year. Two years later Julius* father went to Heaven leaving mama a widow. She remarried 10 years later to Clarence Wolverton who passed from this life in December 1973. Clarence graciously allowed her to come visit and help us for a year in Japan thirteen years ago when Julius and I were called to seven Asian countries for evangelism. Mother Fleenor cared for the children during that tour. She has donated three cars to the mission work, served as forwarding agent for our first 15 years on the field, spent hours hand addrfissing thousands of newsletters. She often did without personal wants in order to give for important things. She was a wonderful mother-in-law.. I shall thank God upon every remembrance of her. Heaven has become more precious to us. The assurance of life after death is a sustaining force and the comfort of theHoly Spirit at this time is real. She rejoiced that each of her children and grandchildren was a Christian. Our memories are sweet and beautiful and we rise up and call her blessed. THE SUMMER TRIP was 10,0000 miles of blessings of meeting with the churches and seeing beautiful America. We saw the liberty bell and read the words written on it "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." Recalling this as the proclamation from

Lev. 25:10 where God said in the 49th year or the seven times seven Jubilee 50"^^ year there
was to be deliverance and liberty proclaimed throughout all the land. Realizing that this

is the year 49 of Emperor Hirohito,

This is his chance to leave Japan as the first ruling

Emperor ever to leave in the history of Japan. Let us pray he will meet with real Christians during his 14 days in the United States. During the first 14 days of October would you put up the picture on the back of this newsletter as a reminder to pray for all of Japan and for the Emperor as a symbol of the People of Japan. It is utterly impossible that the Emperor can become a Christian and bow down before the Most High God and still worship the dead spirits of the ancestors of Japan as he is required to do in the Shinto religion. "But with God nothing is impossible" Also Peter says "God is not willing any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
THIS IS A CALL TO PRAYER Will you give yourself to prayer daily for these 14 days of October

especially for the conversion of the Imperial Household and for the leaders in authority and all the people of Japan. Then remember the missionaries and Japanese ministers and evangelists. Will you pray the prayer Jesus asked us to pray: Matt. 9:36-38 "BUT WHEN HE SAW THE MULTITUDES, HE WAS MOVED WITH COMPASSION ON THEM, BECAUSE

Thank you for your prayers for Julius' mother, for the children and for opening your homes. We need a miracle of healing -Tnymg Hriur as the doctors say they can do no more.

or over 50 years. Emperor Hirohito

L has wanted to visit the United

has come. President Ford has ex

r States; now at last the right lime

tended an Invitation, and the emperor, who is well aware of the importance of
maintaining good Japanese-American

relations, has gladly accepted. More

over, on the personal level, both he and Empress Nagako are overjoyed."
Thus did Grand Chamberlain Sukemasa Irie, a long-time intimate and ad viser of Hirohito, describe to PARADE

the 74-year-old emperor's unabashed

enthusiasm for his history-making trip

to the U.S.a 14~day (Oct. 1-14) whirl wind tour that will represent the first time in Japan's history that a reigning
emperor has visited the continental U.S.

(Technically, the emperor did set foot in

the U.S. back in 1971 when, on his way

to Europe, he stopped over in Anchor age, Alaska, and briefly met President

As it turns out, the timing of the em peror's sentimental Journey couldn't

have been more apt or more poignant.

For it was exactly 30 years ago this

month that the Japanese Imperial Army

surrendered to the occupying Allied Forces under Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Andit was also 30 yearsago that the shy. frail, "divine". Emperor Hirohitoin whose name 1.5 million Japanese sol diers had gone to their deathsap peared before MacArthur to personally take full responsibility for the war. It was a gesture that clearly subjected the emperor to the death penalty, and MacArthur later confessed In his Reminis cences that he had been "moved to the

very marrow of my bones." Explained

the general: "He was an emperor by in

herent birth, but In that instant I knew

I faced the First Gentleman of Japan In

his own right."

of himself as a god. He realized that his

Not a 'god'
As it happened, the emperor was not judged personally responsible for the war; rather, the overzealous generals
were. However, as part of the Allied Forces conversion of Japan from an autocratic to a democratic country, the

name had been abused by the military,

and frankly, it was something of a relief to be rid of the burden of his so-called

As for the tour itself, every step has been carefully discussed and planned by Japanese officialdom. Currently the
royal couple is scheduled to visit and

Thus, for the past three decades,

stripped of this divinity, and In his new completely ceremonial role as a consti tutional monarch. Emperor Hirohito has presided over Japan's remarkable conversionfrom an autocracy that sought to destroy America, to a demo cratic nation that eagerly seeks our

be feted in six major cities: Washing

ton, D.C., New York, Chicago, San Fran cisco, LosAngeiesandHonoiulu.Because

he is an avid student of marine biology,

the emperor will visit two marine bio

emperor was told by MacArthur to go

before the Japanese people and publicly

declare that from then on he would reign not as a "god," but as a human being; and this. Hirohito promptly did. Remembers Irie; "For some people, it of course came as a shock, but per sonally, the emperor had never thought

logical stations, one near San Diego,

Gal., and the o^er on Cape Cod, Mass.

who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."

The above picture and clippings were taken from a Portland newspaper and will help vou to pray more intelligently for the Imperial Household. The Bible says in I Tim 2:1-4 I exhort that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour

Copy Sheet For:


Issue No.



< 1,'y-C 7
1 2

^^ TITLE: Gleanings ( Oct. 2, 75

Julius J'leenor's mother wen? to


6 1975


her reward on July 9) 1975I


c A


her husband had visited Japan ^hortlsr

h 5

after Julius and Nrs. Virginia^ Fleenor went to Japan 25 years| ago.
His mother served as their for\vardin


agent for their first 15 yearsj in Ja pan,

She went to Japan and haby-sa'tf for c n e

10 11 12

full year with the children of Juli\ s

and Virginia so they could do |

evangelistic work in 7 Asian dountrjes.
Also she donated 5 cars to thd rieei.ors


for their mission work-

She ^pent

16 17

hours hand addressing thousands of

newsletters. She often did without

personal wants in order to gi-|e for

iiQportant things. Virginia whites:

" She was a wonderful mother-in-law

20 21

This mother reminds us of the'words


in the last chapter of Proverts.

The forwarding agent for Jiiilius

Nrs- Virginia Eleenor is: Maxine


Seyb, 131 Hall Circle # 58,

Tustin, GA 92580.




Type within the lines. If short,

lengthen the next line that member of characters. If long, shorten the
nAv+. 11 np +.ha-fc number of characters.






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S erving
H im Jesus Christ
God's Son

* Nev; Forwarding Agent & Address Mr. & Mrs. George Crawford

1075 NW. 123 Avenue Apt. 16 Portland, Oregon 97229


Dear Friends: "We give thanks upon every remembrance of you." Please note the new name of the mission. We are now in the process of incorporating and are using the ancient FISH symbol which the early Christians used to denote their faitho Each
Greek letter for the word FISH was the same letter for one of the names of Jesus Christ.

I was the letter for lesus or our English Jesus

X was the letter for Christ

e was the letter for God

Y was the l e t t e r for Son E was the l e t t e r for Saviour

The fish drawn by ancient Christians meant they had faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their Saviour. This is the message we are commianicatina to the Japanese particularly and

to anyone we might meet. During November we want to pray for you especially so please use the enclosed card and self-addressed envelope to send us your prayer request. We want to be intercessors for Japan and also for those of you who send us. We are commanded by God
to "pray one for another." Also let us "Bear one another's burdens.-o"


In October we took, a trip to California to talk over mission

changes with our wonderful forwarding agent, Maxine Seyb, who has served for 13 years without salary. She has given hours of time caring for the mission business of forwarding funds and
mailing packages and trying in every way to increase support for the work in Japan. Three years ago she was forced to

retire from the Hilton Hotel, where she worked as a secretary,

because of health problems. Now with the incorporating of the mission there will be more detailed bookkeeping. Maxine's eye

^ p r o b l e m will not allow her to continue this work. She will

J .
I ^

continue to work getting prayer partners for young people who

' a r e interested in missionary service.

Please write us if you

are a recruit and desire prayer partners or intercessors to help you in finding God's will. These requests for prayer will
.sent on to Maxine at her new address in Orange, California. We are thankful for Maxine's friendship and love through the

Maxine & & Virainia Virginia

taken Oct. taken Oct.

years. Will you pause in reading this newsletter and pray

especially for a healing for her and God's special blessing for her new ministry of helping missionary recruits. There

forwarding agents. It is all work and no glory. We do want California California to express our thanks here;, however. We would like to introduce in this newsletter our new forwarding agents Mr. & Mrs. George Crawford. The Crawfords visited Japan five years ago and stayed over two months helping us in the summer camp. They were able to observe on a day to day basis the ministry. They are the in-laws of Virginia's niece, Pat Crawford. The Crawfords have served as church treasurers in two churches and Georgia Crawford is a retired accountant. George has agreed to arrange and send out sets of slides concerning our mission work. We feel very thankful for God providing at this time two willing workers for this job when we shall need a more difficult bookkeeping system for the mission now that we are seeking incorporation.

1975 1975 in in

surely is some very special reward in Heaven for missionary

We are thankful for a Christian lawyer Mr. Sherman Holmes of the Central Christian Church in Portland who is helping in the legal details of the mission incorporetion. Once completed, individuals can receive a tax exempt receipt.

After January 15 we can receive personal correspondence at our field address in Japan 1-5-15 Naka Ochiai, Shinjuku, Tokyo 161. Until then, please use the Oregon address.

sending through a church may make out your donations

to our mission work to the NISHI ARAI CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION

and mail them to our forwarding agents Mr. & Mrs. George Crawford. They will send you a receipt and record i t in our books. Then the check will go through the Foundation and they will send a check to our forwarding agent to be deposited. Your check will serve as your tax exempt record for the I.R.S. After our mission is incorporated you may use our mission name. We hope this will be completed by

New Forwarding Agents:

George and Georgia Crawford

1075 NW 123 Avenue

Apt. 16

Portland, Oregon 97229

The picture to the left shows

Julius with the minister of the
Christian Church of Los

Angeles, Charles Magnuson and to the far right is our long time
friend of missions^Arlyn Weber, an eider of that church. The two young men in the center are Michael Komoto


M^*TJMBh9 '^pfT A
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October by his High School teacher,

who was baptized that morning in Rich Tamble, also a member of the
Del Amo Church. Mike is a 3rd

generation Japanese American. He is

on the Wrestling Team and his coach
Rich Tamble who made i t known to
students that if they were


were welcome-%o -come


the life of his teacher and came

asking how he could find God. It was a joy to be present in that

service and to hear Mike say, "I

believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, and I take Him as my personal
Saviour." We have invited Rich and Mike to come to Japan for the summer and witness to Japanese

young people at camp if God opens the door for them- The Del Amo Church just informed us they decided to support our work on a regular monthly basis. The following month one of our main supporting churches informed us they were having financial problems because of the change of neighborhood around their church building and many members moving away. Thus they informed us they must temporarily stop their monthly commitment to our mission work. It was beautiful
to see how God had laid on the hearts of another group to take up this need just at the right


Please pray for both of these churches that God will give thon direction and meet their

needs and new responsibilities.

We rejoiced to hear from one of our faithful mission supporters, Irene Agemy of Ansonia, Conn, that she
had witnessed the baptism of a lovely Japanese lady she had been teaching in her home many months. Dr. Yamamoto and Virginia had one day to witness to her and sent 30 English-Japanese bi-lingual Bibles for her to give to other Japanese war brides in her Japan-American Club contacts. Word comes she was taking four of the Bibles to her Japanese friends the week after she
received Jesus Christ as her Savioior.

We called on Mrs. Lee and her family, pictured to the

right. Mrs. Lee was baptized into Christ on Christmas day last year in Tokyo through our ministry thereo Now they have moved to California as Mr. Lee is in
business there. It was a joy to take them to the Hacienda Heights Christian Church in October and hear Mr. Lee say that he wants his family in church each Sunday and that he plans to go sometimes with them. Mr Lee said, "There was a language barrier and I did not understand everything, but I felt sincere warmth and love among those Christians as I have never felt before among other Americans since

coming to this country." Pray this may become a

Christian home

Their Majesties
Empress Shops
of this colonial town Wednes

(Kyodo-Reuter) The Em press bought a pair of silver

cufflinks figurines. for the Emperor

day and was presented with two hand-made goblets, made from a design by one of America's founding fathers,
Thomas Jefferson.

Wednesday and five pewter The Empress visited a pew I ter shop in the historic area
The above article

Then, after browsing prlV a t e i y among the shop's

wares for about 20 minutes,

appeared in the
JAPAN TIMES newspaper ; in Tokyo Oct. 3, 1975

she made her purchases. One of her aides paid the bill of $64.50 plus $2.50 tax.
The cufflinks are in the de-

sign of a fish used by ancient

Christians to denote their reli gion.

The above picture shows Julius and Virginia with Paul and Dora Hunter, friends of many years. We were present October 8th at the Music Pavilion in Los Angeles when the Emperor and Empress of Japan made a public appearance on the balcony above. We prayed for their safety and for
their conversion to Jesus Christ. We know they have studied the Bible for over nine years

and have studied Christian history.

For that reason we are rather impressed by the article

printed in the English Japan Times. The Japanese papers only stated she bought cuff links in the shape of a fish with the Greek word for fish written on it. Is it possible that the

Empress was communicating something to the Christian world.' Let us continue in prayer.
Julius has been teaching Bible in Japanese each Thursday at the Central Christian Church in Portland to a group of Japanese wives who come in the morning to study English Bible. Also
both Virginia and Julius are having opportianity to give information to young people interested
in missionary service.

Word from Japan tells us three more have been baptized by Pastor Morohashi this fall at the
Shimoochiai Church located in front of the Mission Center.

Dr. Yamamoto tells us about two more of her patients accepting the Lord and ready to be
baptized soon.

The decision to relocate the mission center where we, the Fleenors, have made our home for

23 years has been made definite. The plan is to sell by the end of 1976 and use part of the
funds for the church in a central area of Tokyo and for the Fleenors to move to an outlying area to start a new work and plant new churches there- We need much prayer for the wisdom needed in the various legal details of the sale and purchasing of new property.

Now we are winding up the various mission related duties here in the states.
examinations are scheduled for John and Joe.

Two more

At this time we have all the x-ray copies

and reports from the Shriners Hospital in Portland. Joe is to have x-rays every six months for two years and then possible surgery on his leg. John will have a neurolgist test him again who examined him three years ago. We ask your continued prayers for the complete
healing of their bodies.

Plans call for leaving Grace in the United States with Virginia's niece and her family, Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Crawford and two teen-aged children. At the end of the school year Grace will

return to Japan to finish her last two years of high school and be with her family.

She is

High School. This seems like a good opportunity for her.

with a wonderful Christian family and attending a wonderful Christian Church and in a good

Also her two older sisters and

Stephen, her brother will be on furlough, and all living in the state of Oregon.
We have a clear sense of God's leading from day to day and ask your prayers that we be kept in His will in all our decisions. Sincerely, Julius and Virginia

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