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Meeting Minutes

May 2, 2009

1. Call to Order @ 11:02 AM

2. Roll Call – Chu, Davis, Guzman, Harman, Kleinschmidt, and Shaw present;
Haseman and McCammon absent

3. Additions or Corrections to Agenda

a. Add Secretary to announcements under Pro-tempore

i. Motion made by Senator Harman

ii. Seconded by Senator Chu

4. Approval of Agenda

a. Agenda approved in a 6-0-0 vote

5. Confirmation of Senate Position #1: Abraham Robles not in attendance

a. Khoa Ho

i. Senator Chu asked about goal for active role/community events

1. Wants to reschedule times/get more people involved

b. Melissa Boles

i. Senator Guzman asked about ONE Campaign @ Clark College

1. Answered she wanted more involvement

ii. Senator Chu asked about campus involvement

1. Wants to target a widespread audience

c. Senator Chu asked about voting procedures

i. Vice-President Mousleh said voting to be done by last name

d. Vice-President Mousleh asked if a motion needed to be made

e. By a vote of Boles – 5, Ho – 1, Boles is Senator

6. Confirmation of Senate Position #2: Paul Field and Nicole Storm not in

a. Spring Atkinson
i. More ideas for non-traditional students

ii. Senator Kleinschmidt asked about committee interests for next


1. Atkinson interested in either Programming or External


iii. Senator Kleinschmidt asked about impressions of Programming

1. Atkinson said she wants a lasting legacy to be left

iv. Senator Davis asked why Atkinson didn’t run

1. Atkinson said it was a personal choice

b. Senator Chu asked if there was a statement for Nicole Storm

c. By a vote of Atkinson – 6, Storm – 1, Atkinson is Senator

7. Senate Position #3: Paul Field and Nicole Storm not in attendance

a. Khoa Ho

i. Senator Guzman asked Ho about how he would create a

healthier campus

ii. Senator Chu informed Ho that it wasn’t his duty to sponsor a

club but to work with him in general

iii. Senator Kleinschmidt asked about club involvement, then

vouched for involvement and that it was encouraging

iv. By a vote of Ho – 5, Storm – 3, Ho is Senator

8. Confirmation of 2009-2010 Executive Staff

a. Tiffany Moore – Leadership Development Director

i. Passionate about leadership

ii. Senator Chu asked what Moore would disagree with in the job

1. Moore said that there was nothing

iii. Senator Chu asked what Moore would add to the job description
1. Moore said that she would add the leadership events
planned for the SGC Meeting but is unsure about adding
anything else because the position is so new

iv. Senator Chu asked Moore what types of speakers she would be

1. Moore said that they will not be the same exact speakers
as the 2008-2009 school year

v. Senator Chu encouraged Moore to contact speakers from WSL,

OSA, etc.

vi. Senator Davis asked about community organizations with

Doernbecher Children’s Hospital

1. Moore contacted eight different bands for “Battle of the


vii. Senator Shaw asked about time commitments for 2009-2010

school year

1. Moore has none besides school and LDD

viii. By a vote of 7-0-2, Moore is confirmed

b. Michael Hatch – Public Relations Director

i. President Ferderer read a statement from Michael Hatch

1. “Morning, Senate! First off, I’d like to thank you for the
dedication you have shown by attending an emergency
meeting on a Saturday! We’re off to a great start, and I
hope such dedication continues throughout the summer
and next school year. I am, regrettably, unable to attend
this meeting as I’m currently in Las Vegas, probably
preparing to walk my sister down the aisle at her wedding
(say “smiley face” here). I wish I could be there in person
to introduce myself to those of you that don’t already
know me. I am a very dedicated worker, and I try to make
the environment as fun as it can be. I will do my best to
step into the role of PR Director and get things rolling so
we can start the year off strong. If confirmed, I pledge: to
continue the wonderful job Nicole has done this year as
our current PR Director; to build a relationship with our
students and between the executive staff and the senate;
and to make sure that people know that we are ASWSUV,
and we are doing great things. Thank you, Michael Hatch”

ii. Senator Chu asked if Hatch was familiar with English grammar

1. President Ferderer said that he was

2. Vice-President Mousleh commented on his vast design


iii. Senator Chu asked if Hatch’s relations with the VanCougar would
harbor him

1. President Ferderer said absolutely not

iv. Senator Kleinschmidt said Hatch also applied for the web editor
of the VanCougar

v. Senator Shaw stated that he was hardworking

vi. By a vote of 9-0-0, Hatch is confirmed

c. Peter Sterr – Director of Legislative Affairs

i. Has been working closely with the WSL and has been involved in
ASWSUV for a few years; has also been lobbying in Olympia

ii. Senator Guzman asked what more Sterr had to offer

1. Sterr said he had a lot of ASWSUV experiences that have

shaped his skills

iii. Senator Chu is concerned about the Fall, asked Sterr what Civic
Engagements he had in mind

1. Sterr said Fall would be an opportunity to build student

relationships; opportunity to promote on-campus

iv. Senator Chu asked what Sterr thought of a local WSL Chapter

1. Sterr likes the idea and thinks it is a good opportunity

v. Senator Chu asked Sterr to explain how he would support

changes from WSL to WSA

1. Sterr said he would vote in support of the change

vi. Senator Chu asked Sterr how he would incorporate local and
federal politics
vii. Senator Chu noted that the Vancouver City Council recognized

viii. Senator Chu asked about Question #5 on Sterr’s application and

recommended consultation with the PR Director for “urban
campi” – since it is not a word.

ix. Senator Chu referred to Question #4 and applauded Sterr on his

deference to the newly elected leadership

x. Senator Kleinschmidt asked about the Regent Position


1. Sterr is listed in the Top Three; will be interviewed by

Governor Gregoire in July

xi. Senator Atkinson asked about Resolution 18.003 passed by 18th

Senate and how Sterr will use it

1. Sterr would utilize the document and present it to the

Legislature, WSL, etc.

xii. Senator Harman asked about time commitments for 2009-2010

school year

1. Required to take 12 credits each semester if he receives

Student Regent, however Sterr only needs 17 to graduate

xiii. Senator Ho asked how Sterr would differ from previous DLA

1. Sterr said that he wouldn’t really because he helped to

define the position

xiv. By a vote of 8-0-1, Sterr is confirmed

d. Janine Johnston – Activities Director

i. President Ferderer read a statement from Janine Johnston

1. “Hello, my name is Janine Johnston and I am honored to

be considered for a position within the ASWSUV. I look
forward to expanding my knowledge of student activities
by learning the University processes and getting to know
a new campus. I have been involved with student
government for the past three years and know that I still
have opportunities to learn each day. I have heard the
question floating around, “How will I be able to go from
managing, to being managed?” My answer to this is
simple; I am not currently and have never seen myself as
a “manager” within student government. I believe a
manager is someone who gets others to do work because
they have to, not because they want to. I am a student
leader and I believe in discovering what motivates an
individual and helping them find a connection to the work
they do. I look forward to collaborating and working with
Nick and Nicole, as well as the entire ASWSUV team. I will
bring a positive and energetic force to WSU Vancouver,
while creating some awesome activities with the event
assistant and the newly created coordinator positions. As
far as how my position will tie into the work that is done
by the Event Assistant, I see our work directly intertwined,
while it will be my responsibility to ensure successful
programming happens throughout the year. Thank you
very much, Janine Johnston”

2. Activities Director will be putting on 3 major events

ii. Senator Chu vouched for Johnston and attested to her

motivation, but was curious as to what events she had planned

1. President Ferderer stated that Johnston planned Mt. Hood

Community College’s Blood Drives, which had a number
of participants

iii. Senator Chu wanted to know what in her previous activities had
gone well and what she had learned.

1. Question withdrawn due to Johnston being absent and

President Ferderer not feeling qualified to answer.

iv. Senator Chu asked if Johnston had any plans to manage the
proposed budget.

1. President Ferderer said that Johnston would be starting

earlier to craft a plan.

v. Senator Chu asked if President Ferderer anticipated any funding

questions from the Activities Department.

1. President Ferderer said that no, he did not.

vi. Senator Chu asked if the senate should confirm the Activities
Board members as they are paid members of ASWSUV.

1. President Ferderer said he didn’t see why not.

vii. A Senator asked how Johnston planned on incorporating non-
trads into events.

1. President Ferderer said that she would work with the

special events coordinator.

viii. Senator Boles asked President Ferderer to clarify event planning

amounts – 3 events a month or 3 a semester?

1. President Ferderer clarified that it would be 3 monthly

ix. By a vote of 6-0-3, Johnston is confirmed

e. Ben Hook – IT Assistant

i. Hook has loved working on hardware aspects and the website

this year, and has ordered two Macintosh computers for the
Executive Staff

ii. Senator Ho asked what new things would be put on the ASWSUV

1. Hook said that a face for the Student Government and

Activities is already set up

iii. Senator Guzman asked if Hook had received the scholarship

1. Hook said he was placed on a waitlist

2. Senator Davis asked for clarification; Senator Atkinson

explained the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference
and that it had no bearing on President Ferderer and Vice-
President Mousleh hiring Hook

iv. Senator Chu encouraged a database for past legislation

1. Hook said he would take care of it

v. Senator Chu asked how the website could be used to further

promotion of ASWSUV to students.

1. Hook said that there was a problem with a firewall that

prevented access on campus, though he was working with

a. McIlvoy clarified that the ASWSUV website can be

used through the OSI website
vi. Senator Chu asked how switching to Macintosh computers would
help/hurt the shared drive

1. Hook said that since Macs have no problems it would help

vii. Senator Atkinson supports Mac use; even though she is a PC,
and asked Hook what type of training he would like to
participate in.

1. Hook wants to get ASWSUV their own server, so training

on that, as well as training on how to write a proposal

viii. Senator Kleinschmidt asked what challenges Hook had run in to

1. Hook said that figuring out where everything was on

Michael’s computer was his biggest challenge

ix. Senator Davis asked if Hook was employed outside of school

1. Hook works 18 hours a week between IT Assistant and his

job in the VIT Lab

x. By a vote of 9-0-0, Hook confirmed

f. Eric Eccleston – Event Assistant

i. President Ferderer read a statement from Eric Eccleston

1. “Senate, I am very excited to be in the position of event

assistant coordinator, I believe that this next year is going
to be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for all of us to
grow. As the event assistant I plan on heading up all of
the recurring events around campus and to help out with
any other event through WSUV. I believe that this will be a
great position for me because I have always seen myself
as a very proactive person and someone who enjoys
having a lot of fun. That is why I think that this position
will be such a great fit, I will have the ability to have a lot
of fun as well as direct some awesome events. I have
been trying to participate in lots of events including
basketball on Wednesday nights and several different
events throughout the year but all the while wanting to
take a more active role in the ASWSUV and I think that
this is the best way for me to do it. I am looking forward
to a great year with all of you and can’t wait to kick it off.
Sincerely, Eric Eccleston”

ii. Senator Chu asked if Eccleston had planned any events

1. President Ferderer said that he had helped with events at
Central Washington University.

iii. By a vote of 5-0-4, Eccleston approved

9. Budget Confirmation

a. Vice-President Mousleh stated how budget works

b. Senator Atkinson noted that ASWSUV received 1,300 less than was
asked for

i. $1,363 difference, which does not include rollover

ii. Senator Chu moved to amend 0100-01 Activities Board from

$5,000 to $2,400 (which is $1,200 per semester)

1. Senator Atkinson seconded

2. Motion passed

c. Senator Chu moved to increase line item 0100-04 Training – Fall from
$1,500 to $2,000

i. Senator Chu withdrew

d. Senator Chu moved to amend 0100-01 Wages-Executive/Senate from

$85,800 to $83,200, 0100-04 Travel Training-Fall from $1,500 to
$2,000, 0100-04 Travel from $6,800 to $7,300 and 0100 Administration
to $130, 240.

i. Senator Kleinschmidt seconded

ii. Motion passed

e. Senator Davis moved to reallocate $8,000 from 0500-03 Ticket

Subsidies to 0500-03 Leadership Development Funds, increasing
Leadership Development Funds from $5,000 to $13,000

i. Motion withdrawn

f. Senator Guzman moved to reallocate $3,000 from Ticket Subsidies to

Leadership Development Funds and to reallocate $5,000 from Ticket
Subsidies to 0100-03 Miscellaneous, increasing Leadership
Development Funds to $8,000 and Miscellaneous to $8,000

i. Senator Davis seconded

ii. Motion withdrawn

g. Senator Guzman moved to reallocate $3,000 from Ticket Subsidies to
Leadership Development Funds, increasing Leadership Development
Funds to $8,000

i. Senator Harman seconded

ii. Motion withdrawn

h. Senator Kleinschmidt moved to reduce 0500-03 Ticket Subsidies to

$12,000 and reallocate the $4,000 to 0500-03 Leadership
Development Funds, increasing Leadership Development Funds to

i. Senator Atkinson seconded

ii. Motion passed

i. Recess taken at 1:45; Senator Harman excused from meeting

j. Meeting back at 1:54 (Attendance now Atkinson, Boles, Chu, Davis,

Guzman, Ho, Kleinschmidt and Shaw)

k. Line 0100-03 Director of Legislative Affairs (DLA) Budget

i. Senator Chu wants to know whether or not the budget includes

funding for Fall & Spring activities

ii. Senator Atkinson stated that the budget is based on the Pullman
DLA Budget

1. DLA Sterr echoed Senator Atkinson and said that the

number will probably include activities

iii. Senator Chu concerned about lack of funds and wants to

minimize forced use of the Miscellaneous fund

iv. Senator Boles asked DLA Sterr where the activity money would
come from

1. DLA Sterr said that most of the activities were low cost or
free, and that the money could come out of the DLA
Budget, the Miscellaneous Fund or the Activities Budget,
depending on the activity. He also noted that the previous
DLA spent approximately $900

v. Senator Davis is interested in getting an apartment in Olympia

and splitting the cost with other campuses to possibly cut costs
vi. DLA Sterr thinks that $15,000 is enough for this year and that if
need be, the money will have to come from the Miscellaneous

l. Line 0100-04 Travel Training-Spring

i. Senator Chu is curious about the line item since there was no
Spring Training

1. DLA Sterr said that there was an on-campus refocus

training that was 3-4 hours; cost is supplies and food

ii. Senator Davis asked if Sterr found the training effective.

1. DLA Sterr said that it was good as a regrouping session.

iii. Senators confused about the difference between an all-student

government meeting and student government training

1. Senator Atkinson stated that meetings are more agenda

based, but training is more free-flowing, organic

2. Senator Shaw said that all student government meetings

were more to touch base

3. Michelle McIlvoy said that trainings can use Student

Government funds for food; there was still training
happening at ASG Meetings

m. Line 0100-03 Goods & Services Training Retreat

i. Senator Davis curious about other senator’s thoughts on being

mandated to go

ii. Senator Atkinson said that the training retreat is about learning
about the group you are working with, it is important to learn
what roles we play with each other, and that what we get is
bigger than the $3,000

iii. Senator Chu said that the summer retreat helped him to
understand his coworkers, and he believes that an investment in
the student government is an investment in the student body

iv. Senator Shaw asked if there was a way to make it more cost
effective later.

v. Senator Kleinschmidt said that there are lots of benefits for

being more team oriented
vi. Senator Guzman said that a retreat is a great time to ask
questions and not be as fearful.

vii. Senator Chu said that constitutional issues are not relevant at
this point in time.

viii. IT Assistant Ben Hook made a statement in support of the


ix. Senator Davis has an alternative. He spoke to Professor Tom

Tripp, who thinks that we can accomplish the same goals on
campus. Tripp has offered to do leadership training for free.

x. Senator Ho would like to consider on-campus training for cost

effectiveness, but wants to attend the retreat.

xi. Senator Guzman said that it is not the same experience on

campus as off.

xii. Senator Atkinson would see a benefit to doing both.

xiii. President Ferderer believes that group based is beneficial.

xiv. Senator Chu said that the retreat is about us teaching each

xv. Senator Kleinschmidt agreed with Senator Atkinson.

xvi. DLA Sterr said that if you do training on campus you can’t get
away, that being in town gives you the opportunity to have other

xvii. Senator Shaw is in favor of funding the retreat because it is a

time to discuss perspectives and learn about other personalities.

n. Senator Atkinson moves to eat

i. Senator Chu seconds

o. Recess over at 2:55 – Senator Harman dismissed

p. Line 0100-04 Travel-General

i. Used for any travel not relating to another line item

ii. Senator Davis is for flying because it saves time.

iii. Was put at $3,000 because it is adequate.

q. 0200-03 Election Board Materials

i. Senator Davis is curious whether it should be increased or

1. Both Senator Boles and Leadership Development Director

Moore maintain that it should remain at the current

r. 0100-03 Promotions

i. Is $3,000 enough?

1. VanCougar funds are to be paid back in advertising for


ii. President Ferderer wants to put excess money ($737) in

Miscellaneous fund

iii. The number in promotions was $1500 at this time last year, was
padded with rollover funds

iv. The Promotions number won’t be increasing

s. Senator Atkinson clarified that 0100-03 Goods & Services Comcast

Cable, which is $2,000, used to come out of Miscellaneous but was
added as a line item since it is a recurring cost.

t. 0100-03 Miscellaneous

i. Senator Chu doesn’t want too much money in miscellaneous

ii. Senator Atkinson is interested in bringing line item 0100-03

Supplies in to play

1. Both President Ferderer and DLA Sterr believe that

supplies will be sufficient

2. Michelle McIlvoy stated that supplies will not come from

this fund right away, they will come from last years’ fund

3. Senator Chu is considering $100-200 for supplies

4. DLA Sterr says that we have more than enough for


u. 0100-03 Comcast Cable

i. Senator Davis is interested in regulations

1. Senator Guzman agrees with regulations

ii. Senator Atkinson stated that Senate always pays for Comcast
and that we are not here to be “Big Brother,” also there is self-
facilitating; asking people to turn off offensive things.

iii. Comcast is cable for the entire campus, including FSC and the
Fitness Center

v. Senator Chu moved to allocate the remaining $737 to 0200-03 Goods

& Services Student Events Pool, increasing Student Events Pool from
$50,000 to $50,737; Goods & Services from $59,500 to $60,237 and
0200 Student Services from $61,450 to $62,187

i. Senator Davis seconded

ii. Motion passed

w. Senator Chu moved to vote on budget

i. Senator Atkinson seconded

ii. Motion passed

x. By a vote of 8-0-0, Budget passed

10.Budget Control

a. President and Vice-President will have budget control for summer

b. Senator Chu noted that the Senate can create directives

i. Directives make sure that money is allocated a certain way and


ii. Rollover should be addressed after the budget goes into affect

iii. Would the executive cabinet put all of the money in the
miscellaneous fund?

1. Senator Guzman is curious about a cap for the

miscellaneous fund

a. Possible directive for the executive staff

c. Budget rolls over in accounts, i.e.; 0100, 0200, 0300, etc.

d. Do the bylaws say that we have to have a directive at this meeting?

i. Constitution Article V, Part 9 makes no specific time statement

about directives
11.Discussion of Senate Summer Training Meetings

a. This discussion should not include the retreat

b. Group training vs. single person training

c. Mentor training

d. Spending time in the Senate office

e. Square One training with Michelle McIlvoy, who will send out an email
about the training


a. Senator Chu would like to recognize Vice-President Mousleh for her

great work with Roberts Rules of Order

b. Senator Boles would like to recognize the Senate for a great meeting
and Senator Davis for passing the budget

c. Senators Kleinschmidt and Guzman would like to recognize the Senate

for a great meeting

d. Senator Atkinson would like to recognize the non-returning Senators for

making it through the meeting as well as the people that stayed

e. DLA Sterr would like to recognize the Senate for doing a good job
questioning the Executive Staff candidates


a. ASWSUV Summer Retreat – August 7, 8 and 9

i. President Ferderer presented the Senate with a slideshow

ii. Senator Atkinson is interested in cooking meals

iii. President Ferderer and Vice-President Mousleh are the ones

planning the event

b. Pro-tempore

i. Will need to be nominated and chosen at the next meeting

ii. Senators Chu and Guzman expressed interest in being Pro-


c. Secretary
i. Will need to be nominated and chosen at the next meeting

ii. Senators Atkinson, Boles and Guzman expressed interest in

being Secretary

14.For the Good of the Order

a. Read over the 200 section of the Bylaws about committees and email
any questions

b. Michelle McIlvoy

i. Budget Forum at 3:30 on Monday May 4 in ADM 110

ii. Student Media Board is looking for two at large members

iii. Diversity Council is seeking an intern

c. President Ferderer

i. There are three open Activities Board positions

ii. All Senate Correspondence should be CC’d to the Vice-President

15.Meeting Adjourned at 4:30 pm

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