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2 BPA Bisphenol A Numbers Means Some experts believe there are also some health concerns about chemicals

leaking from plastic containers with the numbers 3, 6 and 7. The chemicals could leach into food or drink if used for a long time or heated. Plastics with numbers 1, 2 4 and 5 are safe to contain food and drink. One chemical that has expert worries and can be present in plastics with the number 7 is bisphenol !"# $. Some scientists have claimed "# can be a hormone disruptor and lead to illnesses such as cancer and impaired childhood development. %ast &ear 'anada became the first countr& to ban bab& bottles that contain "# . o summari!e, plastics "2, "4 and "5 are #enerall$ considered safe Plastic "1% are plastic, and it(s usuall& clear. This plastic is considered generall& safe. )owever, it is known to ha&e a porous surface that allows bacteria and fla&or to accumulate, so it is best not to keep reusing these bottles as makeshift containers. This plastic is picked up b& most curbside rec&cling programs. Plastic "2% This is high densit& pol&eth&lene, or )*#+. Most milk 'u#s, deter#ent bottles, 'uice bottles, butter tubs, and toiletries bottles are made of this. ,t is usuall& opa-ue. This plastic is considered safe and has low risk of leaching. ,t is also picked up b& most rec&cling programs. Plastic "(% his is pol$&in$l chloride, or P)*. ,t is used to make food wrap, bottles for cookin# oil, and plumbin# pipes. P)* is a tou#h plastic but it is not considered safe to cook food near it. here are phthalates in this material softenin# chemicals that interfere with hormonal de&elopment. .ou should minimi/e use of 03 plastic around food as much as possible. Ne&er cook usin# food wrap, especiall$ in a microwa&e o&en. ,f the wrap is listed as microwa&e+safe then , would still not let it touch the food while using it in the microwave. 03 plastic is rarel& accepted b& rec&cling programs. Plastic "4% This is low densit& pol&eth&lene !%*#+$. ,t is used to make grocer& bags, some food wraps, s-uee/able bottles, and bread bags. This plastic is considered safe, but is unfortunatel& not often accepted b& curbside rec&cling programs. Plastic "5% this is pol&prop&lene. .ogurt cups and similar wide1necked containers are often made from it, as well as water bottles with a cloud& finish. .ou(ll also find it in medicine bottles, ketchup and s&rup bottles, and straws. his plastic is also considered safe, and is increasingl& being accepted b& curbside rec&cling programs. Plastic "-% this is pol&st&rene, or .t$rofoam, from which disposable containers and packaging are made. .ou(ll also find it in disposable plates and cups. +vidence is increasingl& suggesting that this t$pe of plastic leaches potentiall$ to/ic chemicals,

7 especiall$ when heated. , suggest avoiding the use of 06 plastic as much as possible. ,t is difficult to rec&cle and most rec&cling programs won(t accept it. Plastic "0% This number basicall& means 3ever&thing else.4 ,t(s a mixed bag, composed of plastics, which were in&ented after 1120. #ol&carbonate falls into this categor&, including the dreaded BPA. .o do modern plastics used in an$thin# from iPods to computer cases. ,t also includes some bab$ bottles and food stora#e containers, which resist staining. 3se of "0 plastic is at $our own risk, since &ou don(t know what could be in it. .ou should dispose of an& food or drink related product, especiall& for children, that is known to contain "# . , personall& also view an& other food or drink container made from 07 plastic with a good deal of suspicion. ,t is difficult to rec&cle 07 plastic and most curbside rec&cling programs won(t accept it. o summari!e, plastics "2, "4 and "5 are #enerall$ considered safe. Plastic "1 is safe too but should not be re+used due to the risk of #rowin# bacteria. n& other plastic should be used with extreme caution, especiall& around food or drink. The risk is even greater when heating food. 5or microwaving in particular, remember that microwave safe containers aren(t necessaril& health&. The& 6ust won(t melt. ,n #eneral, it4s better to a&oid microwa&in# plastic entirel$ and stick to #lass.

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