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12/3/2012 12:42:00 PM I.

Study the following myths: The birth of Apollo and Artemis Leto is second generation Titan Zeus had an affair with Leto which caused Hera to become jealous Artemis born on Ortygia or Quail Island first and then helps Leto birth Apollo on Delos Her made earth not accept so she found floating islands Ortygia and Delos Artemis o Potnia theron or mistress of animals o Diana (Artemis) of Ephesus is famous temple at Ephesus Destroyed by Herostratus Damnatio Memoriae his name is never spoken so his memory will be forgotten by everyone

Apollo o Nothing in excess, moderation o o o o Compassionate and ruthless Healer and destroyer ( Illiad 1) He brings a plague Can be a friend or destroyer of humans

o Hes antithesis of Dionysus o Due to his association with music, there is some association with Orpheus o Advocate for a new kind of justice o Assisted oriestes in the acquittal of oriestes mother o Apollo and Pan (king Midas) Pipes vs lyre String instruments are more sophisticated Flutes/pipes are more unsettling Apollo usually depicted holding lyre Contest between them o Asked mountain to decide best music o Pan played and everyone stopped, the animals got excited and wanted to dance o Apollo plaued and the earth stopped and was mesmerized o Everyone agreed Apollo was better except Midas

Midas was given donkey ears, so hes not an accurate judge Pan ( half man half goat) there is a contest where pan or Apollo provoked the other party to a musical conest and they went up to the mountain and asked the mountain to decide which music is the best pan played his pipes and everything stopped the animals stopped to listen etc Ovid said the music made them feel like dancing. When Apollo played the earth stopped and everyone was mesmorized and Apollo won only dissenter was king midas who thought pan was the bestso Apollo made king midas ears really big mmidas simbolyzes someone without good judgement

Apollo and Marsyas Whoever won could do whatever they wanted to the other Apollo won and skinned Marsyas alive Marsyas was a satyr and he played the flute and he challenged Apollo to a contest and lost

Muses were the judges Apollo and Pytho(n) Temple at Delphi- the oracle of Apollo The location of temple was where Apollo killed a python o Hera sent a serpent after Leto o Taking over the place of mother goddess by killing the python o Omphalos or the navel stone that Greeks believed marked the center of the worldmiddle was the oracle of delphi Zeus had two eagles fly from ends of the earth and met at Delphi Oracle called Sibyl or Pythia

Tripod- where Pythia sat while giving Apollos response took bath in Kastalian Spring adytum- opening with gas where Pythia went into ecstatic state Priests interpreted her words and made them into a phrase Apollo and Sibyl She guided Aeneus to Underworld Sibyl wants as many years as grains in heap of sand

Apollo gave her the years and not the youth so she grew smaller and all that remains is her voice in a bottle Apollo and Daphne Daphne means laurel because Daphne changed into laurel tree Daughter of a river god Apollo made fun of Eros so he made Apollo love Daphne and Daphne hate Apollo Eros turned daphne into a laurel tree as she ran away Apollo was still in love with her and he made a promise to always take care of laurel trees Apollo still loved Daphne and so made wreath of her leaves o Awarded to victors in competition o Roman commanders won them in triumphs o Poet laureate, nobel laureate

o Laurel wreathes were a sign of victory and success Apollo and Cassandra Daughter of Priam and Hecabe Apollo gave her prophecy but she refused advances so no one believes her o Warned against Trojan horse and warned Agamemnon not to go inside his house because Clytemnestra would kill him

Apollo and Hyacinthus Competed in discus and accidentally killed his friend and turned him into Hyacinths Apollo and Cyparissus Cyparissus Accidentally killed his own favorite stag and Cyparissus wasted away because he was so sad Apollo tried to comfort him but he was so sad he died Apollo turned him into a cypress tree Typical to have cypress trees around cemetaries to express the pain that comes from death Young women who gave into his advances and she became pregnant She became pregnant Coronis had affair with another mortal o Raven told him about it and was turned black o Struck her with an arrow o He gave her proper funeral rites and removed the baby

Apollo and Coronis

o Gave baby Asclepius to centaur, Chiron Apollo and Asclepius Patron of doctors Asclepiads- intellectual children or doctors Hippocrates, school of Cos o Raised Hippolytus from the dead o Zeus upset and sent Asclepius to Tartarus o Apollo killed thunderbolt makers Apollo was punished to work for Admetus Does favor for Admetus, bring back from death Apollo in the Oresteia Play by Aeschylus Agamemnon comes home from Trojan war and Clytemnestra kills him o He was warned by Cassandra o In revenge for daughter, Iphigenia Orestes kills his mother in revenge and is tortured by Erinyes Orestes is on trial for killing Clytemnestra o Athena and Apollo intervene and determine only legal parent is the father Wife, Alcestis agrees to die in his place

Artemis and childbirth: the children of Niobe Niobe daughter of Tantalus 14 children at the same time, Niobids boasted that her children were better than Letos so Apollo and Athena killed children gods turned her into a stone that always flows water The myth of Hippolytus Aphrodite makes Phaedra, Hippolytus step mother, fall in love with him Each character makes choices, but is it choice or fate? Theseus is mad and uses one of Poseidons curses to curse his son But a bull comes from the ocean and attacks Hippolytus Father and son are reconciled Callisto and Artemis o Zeus disguised himself as Artemis and seduced Callisto who was a follower of Artemis so Artemis kicked her out

o Hera turned Callisto into a bear and son is Arcas o Turned into Ursa Major and Arcturus Artemis and Actaeon

Young man saw Artemis bathing Splashed water on him and turned him into a deer that was torn to pieces by his own dogs

Penthesilea and Achilles she was an amazon fighting in the Trojan war Achilles killed her but in doing so, her helmet fell off and he fell in love Hypsipyle and the Argonauts Queen of Lemnos Aphrodite cursed all women on that island, the Lemnian Women Bad body odor that kept men away

Argonauts landed on island and the smell disappeared Antiope and Theseus Theseus wanted to defeat the amazons She was the princess, mother of Hippolytus Antiope dies while the Amazons try and retrieve her

II. Learn how the following figure in the myths you have studied: Artemis, Apollo Hippolyte Amazonian Queen, sister to Antiope and Penthesilea Magical girdle from father, Ares 9th labor of Heracles to retrieve the magic girdle and he killed Hippolyte

III. Know the meaning of the following names/ terms: Pythian Games Competition in honor of Apollo Performed at Delphi Every 4 years Musical competitions and atheletic competitions Large sculpture of bronze charioteer Chariot races o Famously The Charioteer

sphinx statue of triple goddess

Hecate, Selene, and Artemis o Goddess of nether world, moon goddess, divine huntress

a-mazon from Scythia androktones o etiological myth is single breast because an Amazon would cut off one breast so it wouldnt interfere with her bow Amazonomachy o Portrayal of fight of the Amazons on Parthenon

V. Euripides' Hippolytus: Read the passages included in your textbook. Be prepared to discuss the plot of the play and its characters Consider the following questions: How does the family background or past of the characters relate to their actions in the play? What is the role of Aphrodite and Artemis in the play? Do human characters act out of their own free will or are their actions predetermined?

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