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Fuck this shit. OMG h!" #a$#a$ic. %&'as' (!d &'t this 'nd)*

D!n2t #' $idicu&!us)

That+s "hat I h'a$ ,'!,&' sa- "h'n s''in( this CHILD ABUSE

H'$'+s .- ans"'$ t! that/

D!n+t ask (!d t! d! "hat YOU can d! -!u$s'&0 t! 'nd this chi&d a#us'. 1ust d! "hat -!u "!u&d d! i0 this "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t)
(Read the full text carefully, and then you know what to do to END this CHILD AB !E"#
Responsible for text and layout: Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster; www.intacthumanity.org


D!n+t ask (!d t! d! "hat -!u can d! -!u$s'&0 t! st!, this CHILD ABUSE. 1ust d! "hat -!u "!u&d d! i0 this "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t) $es, I know what you would do if this were done to you as an adult% A3 $ou would ha&e no dou't whatsoe&er that forced circu(cision done on an adult is ) *LA+ED" B3 $ou would therefore DE,AND LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* on the CRI,E done to you" C3 As soon as you find out that the authority refuses to enforce the law on this A!!A L*, you would create a DECLARA*I)N of DE,AND for LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*, de(andin. fro( the authority to fulfill its constitutional o'li.ation / 01th A(end(ent 2 to 3R)*EC* ALL CI*I4EN 2 thus of course also you 2 E5 ALL$, and so to also enforce the law on -orced ,ale Circu(cision done to you as an adult" D3 $ou would also i((ediately call on ALL $) R -RIEND! to END)R!E this DECLARA*I)N with you in DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*, and you would call on ALL $) R -RIEND! to call on ALL *HEIR -RIEND! to AL!) END)R!E this DECLARA*I)N in DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*" E3 !ince you know that there is an IN*AC*I6I!*2(o&e(ent with thousands of IN*A*I6I!*!, you would also i((ediately call on all these thousands of IN*AC*I6I!*! to END)R!E this DECLARA*I)N with you in DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*, and you would call on ALL IN*AC*I6I!* to call on ALL *HEIR -ELL)+ IN*AC*I6I!* to AL!) END)R!E this DECLARA*I)N in DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* on *HI! CRI,E of -)RCED ,ALE CIRC ,CI!I)N done to you as an adult" F3 $es, if this were done to $) as an adult, you would !CREA, 7No 8erson has the le.al ri.ht to do this to (e as an adult"9 : you would also !CREA, 7-orced Circu(cision on any adult of any a.e and .ender I! ) *LA+ED and I DE,AND LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* on *HI! CRI,E done to (e as an adult"9 G3 $es, if this were done to $) as an adult, you would 'e out on the streets holdin. u8 )NE !I;N )NL$< 7I ha&e 'een -)RCE- LL$ , *ILA*ED9 : 7-orced Circu(cision on an adult is ) *LA+ED"9 : 7*he authority refuses to enforce the law on this cri(e done on (e as an adult"9 : 7I DE,AND LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*"9 H3 $ou would call on ALL your fellow adult citi=en : es8ecially on ALL your friends : and also of course on ALL IN*C*I6I!*! to also 'e out on the streets H)LDIN; 3 *HE 6ER$ !A,E !I;N in DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*, knowin., that the authority D)E! HA6E the C)N!*I* *I)NAL )BLI;A*I)N to also EN-)RCE *HE LA+ on any for( of -orced Circu(cision 8er8etrated on AN$ AD L* ,ALE CI*I4EN" I3 $es, if this were done to $) as an adult, you would ha&e no 8ro'le( whatsoe&er to understand the EA!$ L);IC that in any case of -orced Circu(cision on an AD L*, the LA+ , !* BE EN-)RCED, >ust the &ery sa(e as *HE LA+ , !* BE EN-)RCED if this is done to any CHILD of any a.e and .ender" : and you would also not ha&e any 8ro'le( to understand the EA!$ L);IC, that if the authority does not enforce the law on this CRI,E when 8er8etrated on (ale2citi=en, then it is a'solutely 8ara(ount that ALL 3E)3LE who are a.ainst this cri(e END)R!E the DECLARA*I)N of DE,AND for LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* and !*AND *);E*HER IN )NE 6)ICE and AC*I)N fro( C)A!* to C)A!* in C)N!*AN*, C))3ERA*I6E, C))RDINA*ED, DIREC* DE,AND of LA+ EN-)RCE,EN*"""


N! ,'titi!n*6 NO discussi!n*6 NO $'s'a$ch*6 NO chit chat*6 NO tit 0!$ tat*6 N) 7white .lo&e a88roach9? N) 78retty 8lease9? N) 78lease (utilator (ake your infor(ed decision to whether or not you 7wish9 to (utilate AD L*!9? N) 78retty 8lease !ay No *o Adult -orced Circu(cision9? N) 78retty 8lease !a&e Adults -ro( -orced Circu(cision9? N) 7-orced Circu(cision on Adults is unethical, wron., har(ful, 8ainful : so 8retty 8lease AD L* , *ILA*)R (ake your 7infor(ed consent9? N) C),3R),I!E""" Y's7 I kn!" a&s!7 that i0 this "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t, you would NE6ER say< 7)nly -orced Circu(cision on -e(ale2Adults is outlawed, 'ut ,ale2Adults are accorded no such le.islati&e 8rotection9 : yes, I know, you would NE6ER say this if this were done to you as an adult (ale% N!"/ Sinc' this undis,uta#&' T8UTH a#!ut "hat -!u "!u&d und!u#t'd&- d! i0 FO8CED CI8CUMCISION "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t 9 .a&' is 'sta#&ish'd : and I do know that you cannot deny the *R *H I a( tellin. you a'out $) and what you would do in case this were done to you as an adult" and sinc' :E ALL ;NO: that th' issu' h'$' is NOT F!$c'd Ci$cu.cisi!n !n Adu&t5Ma&'s* B * the issue here is this !$!*E,A*I4ED NA*I)NAL and ;L)BAL CHILD AB !E of -)RCED ,ALE2CHILD ;ENI*AL , *ILA*I)N @@@ I ask ALL )- $) who ha&e N)* endorsed the ni&ersal Declaration of De(and for Law Enforce(ent on any for( of -orced CHILD Circu(cision this incon&enient Auestion a.ain< :HY d! YOU 8EFUSE t! DEMAND LA: ENFO8CEMENT !n F!$c'd Ma&'5Chi&d Ci$cu.cisi!n, while at the sa(e ti(e you would I,,EDIA*EL$ DE,AND LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* when this were done to you as an adult : and while you would i((ediately call on all your friends and friendBs friends to >oin you in this de(andC9 :h'n this "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t -!u d'.and &a" 'n0!$c'.'nt7 #ut sinc' it is d!n' t! chi&d$'n -!u DON+T<<)) @@@ what is +R)N; with $) C : how do you ex8lain this INH ,ANE D) BLE !*ANDARDC : *HI! DI!CRI,INA*)R$ BEHA6I) R" Y!u s'' / and this I also say to those fellow intacti&ists who ha&e already endorsed / it is N)* enou.h to only endorse the ni&ersal Declaration and then 7wait and see what A(en does to (ake this work9 @@@ Re(e('er (y words< 7:E MUST GATHE8 th' C8ITICAL MASS !0 ENDO8SEMENT !0 th' Uni='$sa& D'c&a$ati!n !0 D'.and 0!$ La" En0!$c'.'nt)* >>> It is a#s!&ut'&- 'ss'ntia& that E?E8Y ENDO8SEE ca&&s !n his4h'$ 0$i'nds t! d! th' sa.')* Y!u a&& ha=' 0$i'nds7 and a&s! hund$'ds !0 intacti=ist50$i'nds h'$' !n 0ac'#!!k. !o if e&eryone of you 3R),)*E! the ni&ersal Declaration of De(and a(on.st your friends, and calls u8on these friends to do the sa(e 'y callin. on their friends : we will achie&e this CRI*ICAL ,A!! in a short 8eriod of ti(e, (>ust as I do a(on.st (y friends, and ALL of (y friends ha&e endorsed the declaration# AND *HAN the 7snow'all of the si=e of D1D endorse(ents9 'eco(es the reAuired A6ALANCHE : FLODDING THE LEGAL SYSTEM "ith OU8 1USTIFIED DEMAND : DEMOC8ATICALLY FO8CING th' GO?E8NMENT t! 0u&0i&& its c!nstituti!na& !#&i(ati!n)


D!'s th' %$!5Ci$c Esta#&ish.'nt and its SE8?ANT th' G!='$n.'nt LO?E* th' Uni='$sa& D'c&a$ati!n !0 D'.and 0!$ La" En0!$c'.'nt< NO7 !0 c!u$s' n!t) : th'- FEA8 n!thin( .!$' than this ,$!0!und d'.!c$atic ,u#&ic acti!n. D! th' (!='$n.'nt and its c!..andin( Chi&d Muti&atin( Esta#&ish.'nt ha=' an- 0!$. !0 LEGAL LE?E8AGE a(ainst this acti!n< NO) Can an- ,'$s!n ,$!duc' int'&&i(i#&' '=id'nc' t! th' c!nt$a$- !0 .- d'ducti!n< NO) !0 c!u$s' n!t) S!/ d! $'ad a&& this a(ain6 '=a&uat'6 $'5'=a&uat' and DO "hat LOGIC 'na#&'s -!u t! d!. D!n+t ask (!d t! d! "hat -!u can d! -!u$s'&0 t! st!, this CHILD ABUSE. 1ust d! "hat -!u "!u&d d! i0 this "'$' d!n' t! -!u as an adu&t) Think a#!ut this) B' HONEST and d! this SELF58EFLECTION) :yes, if you are honest with yourself, this leads you in the correct direction, na(ely< a3 END)R!E,EN* of DE,AND for LA+ EN-)RCE,EN* AC*I)N" #3 3R),)*I)N of the ni&ersal Declaration re8eatedly and as wides8read as 8ossi'le" htt8<EEwww%intacthu(anity%or.Edeclaration2of2de(andEendorse(ent%ht(l @@ A(en% Ferusale(, 0Dth )cto'er GH0I A(en Ronald )'erhollen=er23aternoster !chool of Hu(anity Intact Hu(anity%or. ;lo'al !y(8osiu( for an Intact Hu(anity www%intacthu(anity%or. intact%hu(anityJ.(ail%co(

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