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JULHO / 2008

PROFISSIONAL BSICOPROFISSIONAL BSICO PROFISSIONAL aa aa BSICOPROFISSIONAL a BSICO PROFISSIONAL BSICO LEIA ATENTAMENTE AS INSTRUES ABAIXO. FORMAO:FORMAO: 01 - Voc recebeu do fiscal o seguinte material: a) este caderno, com o enunciado das 70 (setenta) questes objetivas, sem repetio ou falha, FORMAO:FORMAO: com aRANGEIRA seguinte distribuio: L NGUA EST L NGUA PORT UGUESA II INGL S II ESPANHOL I I CO NHECI M ENT O S ESPEC F I C O S FORMAO: DIREIT DIREIT DIREIT DIREIT Questes Pontos Questes Pontos Questes Pontos Questes Pontos Questes Pontos DIREIT O2 , (1(1 1a10 0,5 21a25 0,5 21 a 2 5 0 , 5 3 1 a 4OO 0 1 , 0 OO 51a60 0 1 1 a 2 0 1(1(1 ,5 26a30 1,5 26a30 1,5 41a50 1,5 61a70 2,5 (1
b)1 CARTO-RESPOSTA destinado s respostas das questes objetivas formuladas nas provas. 02 - Verifique se este material est em ordem e se o seu nome e nmero de inscrio conferem com os CARTO-RESPOSTA que aparecem no . Caso contrrio, notifique IMEDIATAMENTE o fiscal. 03 - Aps a conferncia, o candidato dever assinar no espao prprio do CARTO, preferivelmente a caneta esferogrfica de tinta na cor preta. 04 - No CARTO-RESPOSTA, a marcao das letras correspondentes s respostas certas deve ser feita cobrindo a letra e preenchendo todo o espao compreendido pelos crculos, a caneta esferogrfica de tinta na cor preta, de forma contnua e densa. A LEITORA TICA sensvel a marcas escuras; portanto, preencha os campos de marcao completamente, sem deixar claros. Exemplo: A C D E 05 - Tenha muito cuidado com o CARTO-RESPOSTA, para no o DOBRAR, AMASSAR ou MANCHAR. O CARTO-RESPOSTA SOMENTE poder ser substitudo caso esteja danificado em suas margens superior ou inferior - BARRA DE RECONHECIMENTO PARA LEITURA TICA. 06 - Para cada uma das questes objetivas, so apresentadas 5 alternativas classificadas com as letras (A), (B), (C), (D) e (E); s uma responde adequadamente ao quesito proposto. Voc s deve assinalar UMA RESPOSTA: a marcao em mais de uma alternativa anula a questo, MESMO QUE UMA DAS RESPOSTAS ESTEJA CORRETA. 07 - As questes objetivas so identificadas pelo nmero que se situa acima de seu enunciado. 08 - SER ELIMINADO do Processo Seletivo Pblico o candidato que: a) se utilizar, durante a realizao das provas, de mquinas e/ou relgios de calcular, bem como de rdios gravadores, headphones , telefones celulares ou fontes de consulta de qualquer espcie; b) se ausentar da sala em que se realizam as provas levando consigo o Caderno de Questes e/ou o CARTO-RESPOSTA. Obs. O candidato s poder se ausentar do recinto das provas aps uma hora contada a partir do efetivo incio das mesmas. Por motivo de segurana, o candidato s poder levar o Caderno de Questes, seminutos permanecer dentro da sala at 30 (trinta) antes do horrio estabelecido para o encerramento das provas. 09 - Reserve os 30 (trinta) minutos finais para marcar seu CARTO-RESPOSTA. Os rascunhos e as marcaes assinaladas no Caderno de Questes NO SERO LEVADOS EM CONTA. 10 - Quando terminar, entregue ao fiscal O CADERNO DE QUESTES, ressalvado o disposto na obs. do item 08, E O CARTO- RESPOSTA e ASSINE A LISTA DE PRESENA. 11 - O TEMPO DISPONVEL PARA ESTAS PROVAS DE QUESTES OBJETIVAS DE 4 (QUATRO) HORAS. 12

- As questes e os gabaritos das Provas Objetivas sero divulgados, no primeiro dia til aps provas, nas pginas do BNDES (www.bndes.gov.br) e da FUNDAO CESGRANRIO (www.cesgranrio.org.br) . a realizao das

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What are the best jobs of 2008?
If youre job hunting in the professional or service- oriented fields, we have good news. Of the ten categories into which the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) divides jobs, the professional and 5 service categories already the two largest in the economy will boast the most job openings in 2008. In the next decade, 17 percent more employees will be employed in these two categories than are today, nearly double the expansion of other categories. 1 0 With an increase in demand, professional and service jobs, which include professions like educator, scientist, health care worker and artist in the professional category, and police officer, child caretaker and 1 5 cosmetologist in the service category, will also add roughly a million new jobs to the economy. By comparison, other categories such as construction, sales and administration, are predicted to grow by only 10 percent; all eight other occupational groups combined will 2 0 add only about half a million jobs to the economy in 2008. But wait a second: Arent we heading for recession? Where are all these open jobs coming from? While new jobs are being created, they dont represent the 2 5 majority of the open positions workers will see this year. Career switching and baby-boomer retirement will create a higher turnover than ever, which will continue to increase the supply of jobs available. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that while 3 0 a slightly expanding economy is spurring job growth in a majority of fields, the need to replace workers who leave a field permanently is expected to create more openings than growth will. According to Chris Higgins, 3 5 Senior Associate Director of Career Management at the University of Pennsylvanias Wharton School, the retirement boom has increased students interest in general management rotation programs, introduced by many companies to 4 0 prevent the loss of a record number of retirees. He notes that companies are using these rotation programs as a way of fast-tracking replacements in management, and students are using them as a way of getting 4 5 a taste for different departments and niches within a company. It turns out to benefit the employers as well as the employees, observes Higgins. If youre job searching in certain occupational groups namely farming, production, or transportation youre 5 0 looking at slow or negative growth and poor job availability. Peer occupational groups, however, are hiring at a brisker pace: construction, administration, and maintenance and repair are all groups that are 5 5 experiencing healthy growth or job availability. On the other hand, if youre looking in the white-collar realm, youre better set for 2008; both growth and availability are predicted to be healthy for the foreseeable future. Within the 6 professional rubric, three particular PROFISSIONAL BSICO sectors DIREITO are displaying FORMAO: (1a FASE) the most aggressive growth rates: computer/ mathematical, community/social service, and w health w w . p c practices jobs are each projected to grow by




20 percent in the next decade, with education/library jobs following at 14 percent. That means that if youre an aspiring teacher or health worker, you wont be looking for jobs the jobs will be looking for you. While computer and mathematical science jobs are projected to grow at nearly double the rate of other types of jobs, growth in this demographic has actually slowed in the last decade as the software industry matures and as routine work is increasingly outsourced abroad, says the BLS. Theres still healthy hiring here, however, and some experts are saying computer science jobs will be in increasing demand. Tech firms are picking up hiring again, Higgins notes, in a way they havent in nearly a decade. Companies like Google are hiring online sales, operations, and Internet services employees in droves. In short, computer and mathematical experts continue to be a sought-after demographic. They may not see the same demand that educators and health again. professionals are enjoying anytime soon, but By Chris Dannen. Portfolio.com it may not be long before the p.m. techET industry updated 5:22 Feb. 22, 2008. reaches 90s-level hiring and growth once

The main purpose of this text is to (A) point out the most promising careers in the near future. (B) discuss the growth of the economy in the technical sector only. (C) advise companies to implement rotation programs for students. (D) criticize new college programs that train professionals for the new markets. (E) warn against the negative health effects of early retirement for baby-boomers.

The fragment But wait a second: Arent we heading for recession? (line 19) reveals an attitude of (A) anger and shock. (B) surprise and irony. (C) resignation and hope. (D) refusal and complaint. (E) indifference and submission.

In lines 20-29, Chris Dannen, the author of the text, states that the new job openings available are a result of I - people moving into other careers or occupations; II - the implementation of new professional positions; III - women who leave their jobs to take care of their babies; IV the retirement of the workers who have reached their 60s. The ONLY correct statement(s) is(are) (A) III. (B) I and III. (C) III and IV. (D) I, II and IV. (E) II, III and IV.

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According to Paragraph 4 (lines 30-41), why are rotation programs beneficial to the companies that implement them? (A) Such programs help managers learn more about the companies before they retire. (B) Employees are switching to and from different departments in order to find the one that pays best. (C) Most retirees are interested in going back to work in their companies to prevent financial losses. (D) The companies need to increase the supply of jobs available and, therefore, implement rotating shifts for employees. (E) It is a way to train college students in different areas in the company and train professionals who will be able to replace the retiring managers.

In terms of reference, it is correct to affirm that (A) 17 percent more employees... (lines 6-7) refers to employees in the construction, sales and administration categories. (B) nearly double the expansion... (line 8) refers to the expansion of the professional and service categories. (C) are predicted to grow by only 10 percent; (lines 15 -16) refers to the growth of jobs in all eight other occupational groups. (D) ...14 percent. (line 57) refers to estimated increase of community and social service jobs. (E) ...nearly double the rate of other types of jobs, (lines 61-62) refers to the predicted growth of educational and library jobs.

Which of the following occupations are NOT seen as promising? (A) Teaching, child caretaker and police officer. (B) Health care jobs and community social service. (C) Cosmetologist, computer science specialist and librarian. (D) Farming, positions in the transport or production industry. (E) Business administration, technical maintenance or repair.

Check the item where there is a correct correspondence between the boldfaced word(s) and the idea in italics. (A) If youre job hunting in the professional or service-oriented fields, we have good news. (lines 1-2) consequence. (B) While new jobs are being created, they dont represent the majority of the open positions workers will see this year. (lines 20-22) exemplification. (C) Peer occupational groups, however, are hiring at a brisker pace: (lines 45-46) addition. (D) On the other hand, if youre looking in the white-collar realm, youre better set for 2008; (lines 48-49) condition (E) In short, computer and mathematical experts continue to be a sought-after demographic. (lines 70-72) concluding summary.

Check the option that contains a correct correspondence of meaning. (A) roughly (line 13) and approximately are antonyms. (B) spurring (line 26) and preventing are synonyms. (C) replacements (line 37) and substitutions have the same meaning. (D) brisker (line 45) could not be substituted by quicker. (E) displaying (line 53) and showing express contrasting ideas.

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if youre an aspiring teacher or health worker, you wont be looking for jobs the jobs will be looking for you. (lines 57- 59) implies that (A) employers will be seeking for teachers to work in health- related jobs. (B) employers are expected to hire fewer teachers and health workers than they do nowadays. (C) there will be plenty of job positions available for teachers and health workers. (D) it will not be easy to find a position as a teacher or health worker in the near future. (E) only teachers and health workers will need to find new jobs in other fields. According to the last paragraph in the text, which statement is true about the IT (Information Technology) job market? (A) Computer science jobs will only be available for healthy professionals. (B) Tech firms are on their way to show the same employment rates of the 90s. (C) Companies such as Google are significantly cutting down their regular labor force in different areas. (D) The BLS states that the software industry has eliminated job reduction in the previous decade because of the tendency to outsource abroad. (E) The IT industry has matured and suffered a slower growth rate in hiring during the last decade and this is not expected to change in 2008.



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1-D 2-A 3-C 4-D E 17 - B 18 - B 19 - E 20 - E L 5-D

LL N N N U G G A U U P A A P O PR O T R R TT G U U G E U U S E E A S S I A A IIIII G U G 6 - B 7 - B 8 - A 9 - D 10 - B 11 - C 12 - A 13 - E 14 - E 15 - A 16 -

LN L G N U G G A U U E A A E S E T S S R TT A R R N A A G N N E G G IR E IE A R I A A IN II G N N L G G L S L S I IS II I 21 - A 22 - B 23 - D 24 - E 25 - D 26 - C 27 - C 28 - B 29 - E 30 - B L LN L G N NU G G A U U E A A S E E T S S R T T A R R N A A G N N E G G IR E IE A R I A A ES E E P S S A P P N A A H N N O H H L O O L IIL II I 21 - A 22 - B 23 - C 24 - D 25 - D 26 - B 27 - E 28 - E 29 - A 30 - C C CO CN O O H N N EH H C EE IM C C IE M IM N E T E N N O TT S OS E S E S E P S S E P P C E E C F C IF C I O IS C O O S S FO F FR O M R R A M M A A O :O O ::

31 D 31 B 31 D 31 A 31 B 31 D 31 E 32 B 32 A 32 A 32 B 32 C 32 E 32 D 33 D 33 A 33 E 33 A 33 C 33 B 33 D 34 D 34 C 34 D 34 D 34 C 34 C 34 A 35 D 35 E 35 B 35 A 35 E 35 A 35 B 36 A 36 D 36 E 36 C 36 A 36 D 36 A 37 A 37 C 37 A 37 E 37 C 37 E 37 E 38 B 38 B 38 C 38 A 38 C 38 A 38 D 39 C 39 E 39 D 39 B 39 E 39 B 39 A 40 C 40 E 40 B 40 C 40 D 40 C 40 C 41 A 41 B 41 D 41 A 41 D 41 B 41 E 42 B 42 C 42 C 42 D 42 D 42 C 42 E 43 B 43 C 43 B 43 E 43 B 43 B 43 A 44 E 44 E 44 A 44 E 44 A 44 E 44 D 45 C 45 A 45 D 45 C 45 D 45 C 45 D 46 C 46 B 46 C 46 A 46 C 46 B 46 C 47 C 47 D 47 A 47 B 47 B 47 B 47 A 48 C 48 B 48 B 48 D 48 E 48 A 48 C 49 A 49 C 49 C 49 D 49 B 49 D 49 D 50 C 50 A 50 B 50 B 50 C 50 D 50 A 51 A 51 A 51 E 51 E 51 D 51 B 51 B 52 B 52 D 52 E 52 A 52 A 52 D 52 E 53 A 53 A 53 A 53 E 53 C 53 A 53 A 54 E 54 D 54 C 54 C 54 B 54 C 54 C 55 B 55 C 55 E 55 D 55 A 55 E 55 E 56 E 56 E 56 E 56 E 56 D 56 D 56 B 57 E 57 B 57 D 57 B 57 A 57 A 57 B 58 D 58 E 58 E 58 B 58 C 58 E 58 D 59 D 59 D 59 E 59 A 59 C 59 D 59 B 60 B 60 D 60 E 60 C 60 E 60 C 60 C 61 A 61 A 61 A 61 C 61 B 61 A 61 E 62 E 62 C 62 B 62 D 62 D 62 A 62 E 63 D 63 C 63 D 63 C 63 C 63 D 63 A 64 E 64 C 64 C 64 A 64 B 64 C 64 B 65 D 65 B 65 C 65 D 65 C 65 D 65 B 66 E 66 D 66 A 66 B 66 A 66 B 66 C 67 B 67 B 67 E 67 B 67 E 67 E 67 A 68 C 68 C 68 B 68 E 68 C 68 C 68 C 69 A 69 D 69 B 69 A 69 B 69 A 69 C 70 D 70 D 70 B 70 D 70 D 70 E 70 A

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