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Reardon 1 Taylor Reardon Mrs. Raymond English 1103 3 November 2013 Annotated Bibliography Blac ! Michele ".

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. 2010 #$mmary Report. Atlanta! %A& National "enter 'or (n)$ry *revention and "ontrol! Nov. 2011. +eb. 31 ,ct 2013. -Blac .. This is a s$rvey that provides intrig$ing statistics abo$t age! in)$ry! rape! and other topics o' se/$al violence that 0ill aid me is the description o' the most common scenarios and other essential 'acts that are o' importance. 1obash! R.Emerson! R$ssell *. 1obash! 2ate "avanagh! and R$th 3e0is. Changing Violent Men. Tho$sand ,a s& #A%E *$blications! 2000. 11450. *rint. -1obash.. This boo ill$strates the nat$re o' attac s and in)$ries o' 0omen 'rom the men6s point o' vie0. (t also provides insight into some o' the rationales $sed to )$sti'y the violence and to blame the 0oman 'or the behavior enacted by the man. (n my opinion this so$rce is great beca$se it allo0s the vie0er to see the sit$ation in a di''erent light7 in the eye o' the ab$ser. This 0o$ld help me to develop a reasoning behind the ab$sive behavior that is most commonly seen in males. 8ampton! Robert! Maria 9andergri''4Avery! and :oan 2im. ;<nderstanding the ,rigins and (ncidence o' #po$sal 9iolence in North America.; Violence in Homes and Communities. Tho$sand ,a s& #A%E *$blications! 1===. 3=4>0. *rint. -8ampton.. This so$rce is a chapter o$t o' a boo on violence in homes and comm$nities. The chapter6s main 'oc$s is on violence that is perpetrated by men against their 'emale intimate partners. (t begins 0ith a historical analysis o' spo$sal ab$se and an e/amination o' incidence and prevalence iss$es. "oncl$ding 0ith an e/ploration o' the ma)or theories s$rro$nding 0i'e ab$se.

Reardon 2

This boo incl$des ma)or 'acts that s$pport the a$thor6s ideas being e/pressed abo$t spo$sal ab$se 0hich is 0hy this so$rce 0ill be $sed in my semester long pro)ect. Melnic ! Meredith. ;Rape ? 9iolence& <# #$rvey @inds M$ch 8igher Rates than tho$ght.; TIME. 1A.12 2011& n. page. +eb. 3 Nov. 2013. -Melnic .. This article is 'rom T(ME magaBine as 0ell b$t is more relevant to o$r research topic. The article tal s abo$t the data that 0as collected 'rom the 2010 National (ntimate *artner and #e/$al 9iolence #$rvey. This data provided 0ill aid in the e''orts to sho0 the importance and dangers o' domesticCse/$al violence and the health e''ects that lasts 'or a li'etime. ,verlien! "arolina! and Margareta 8yden. ;"hildren6s Actions +hen E/periencing 1omestic 9iolence.; Childhood: a lo!al "ournal o# Child $esearch. 15.D -200=.& D>=4D=5. +eb. 2 Nov 2013. -,verlien.. This so$rce is a peer4revie0ed article on children6s actions 0hen they e/perience domestic violence. (t gives several cases o' real li'e instances 0hen each child e/amined had been ab$sed and 0hat they did d$ring and a'ter the horrible event. This article 0ill be help'$l 'or me 0hen describing the sit$ation o' domestic violence 'rom the child6s point o' vie0. #ado0is ! 1r. 3a$ra. ;(ntimate *artner 9iolence To0ards +omen.; Clin Evid -2010.& n.pag. NCI%. +eb. 2 Nov 2013. -#ado0is .. This so$rce is a systematic revie0 that presents in'ormation relating to the e''ectiveness and sa'ety o' the 'ollo0ing interventions& advocacy7 career co$nseling pl$s critical conscio$sness a0areness7 cognitive behavioral co$nseling7 cognitive tra$ma therapy7 co$nseling7 n$rse s$pport and g$idance7 peer s$pport gro$ps7 sa'ety planning7 and shelters. Not only does it e/amine these topics b$t it also gives evidence to s$pport its hypothesis. ( 0ill $se this so$rce in my semester4long pro)ect beca$se it has ey evidence behind its ideas and hypothesis that are thro$ghly s$pported.

Reardon 3 #tatman! :an Berliner. The %attered &oman's Survival uide. 1allas& Taylor *$blishing "ompany! 1==0. 143>. *rint. -#tatman.. The %attered &oman's Survival uide is a boo so$rce that provides in'ormation abo$t identi'ying an ab$sive man and tells detailed stories abo$t real4li'e cases. Altho$gh this boo is aimed at only 0omen in ab$sive relationships and not men! it still has relevant in'ormation abo$t ho0 to and 0ho to call 'or help. (n addition! it contains an inde/ 'illed 0ith n$mbers o' organiBations yo$ can call 'or help that are organiBed by states and ma)or cities. ( 0o$ld de'initely $se this so$rce to describe the pro'ile o' the battering personality and ho0 0omen can 'ind 0as to get o$t o' their sit$ation be'ore it gets 0orse.

#BalavitB! Maia. ;8otter +orld Means 8otter Tempers! More 9iolence.; TIME. 2 A$g 2013& n. page. +eb. 3 Nov. 2013. -#BalavitB.. This article is 'rom T(ME magaBine abo$t the relationship bet0een the hot 0eather and tempers in people that have started to arise. +hen ( 'irst read this article ( tho$ght it 0as silly to thin that the 0eather co$ld a''ect people6s moods $ntil ( sa0 that there 0as m$ltiple articles on the s$b)ect. 1epending on the direction my partner and ( ta e! ( do not thin that this article 0ill be relevant to o$r research. Tavara! 3$is. ;#e/$al 9iolence.; %est Practice ( $esearch Clinical )!stetrics ( ynaecology. 20.3 -2005.& 3=A4D0E. +eb. 31 ,ct. 2013. -Tavara.. This so$rce is 'rom an online scholarly article e/plains the characteristics o' se/$al violence and conseF$ences o' se/$al violence 'or 0omen6s health that not only incl$de the physical in)$ries b$t also the psychological damage done. #ince this is a scholarly article it provides research and evidence that s$pports the a$thor6s concl$sion that violation has serio$s immediate! medi$m4term and long4term reperc$ssions on health.

Reardon D 9.! Ts$i! "he$ng M.! and 3e$ng *. ;8elp4see ing among male victims o' partner ab$se& Mens hard times.; ". Community Psychology. 3E.5 -2010.& >5=4>E0. +eb. 3 Nov. 2013. -9.Ts$i.. This )o$rnal article is a st$dy o' si/ty4eight males 0hich completed a s$rvey to identi'y iss$es o' male victims in partner ab$se. Along 0ith the s$rvey is a disc$ssion on 0hy the male victims donGt reach o$t 'or help. This article may or may not be $sed in my semester4long pro)ect b$t i' $sed it 0ill help to broaden the scope o' domestic violence by not only ma ing it seen 'rom the side o' the 0omen b$t also the side o' men 0hich is rare.

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