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ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT 1 Main points LR-3 Taichong, GB-20 Fengchi, PC-6 Neiguan, CV-12 Zhongwan, CV-17 Tanzhong, CV-23

Lianquan, LI-18 128 head and neck pain Futu and ST-11 Qishe. Reducing method is used on these points except on LI-18 and ST-11, on which even method is applied.


In all kinds of Qi stagnation, stagnation of the Liver-Qi is generally the root cause. Treatment for stagnation of Qi will therefore be focused on alleviating the stagnation of Liver-Qi. LR-3, the Source point from the Liver channel, fulfils the above function. PC-6, the Connecting point of the Pericardium channel and the Confluence point of the Yin Linking Vessel, and CV-17, the Gathering point for the Qi, help LR-3 circulate the Liver-Qi and regulate the emotions. They also promote the circulation of Qi in the Heart and Spleen. GB-20 calms the Shen and relieves spasm and tension in the body and throat. CV-12, the Gathering point for the Fu organs, promotes their physiological function and eliminates Damp-Phlegm. CV-23, LI-18 and ST-11, the local points, are used to benefit the throat and relieve the throat pain.

Alternative points

LU-1 Zhongfu, LU-6 Kongzui, ST-9 Renying, ST-10 Shuitu, LR-8 Ququan, LR-14 Qimen, BL-18 Ganshu, HT-3 Shaohai and SP-6 Sanyinjiao, etc.


1. If there is depression, a sensation of fullness and pain in the chest due to stagnation of Liver-Qi, add LR-14, the Front Collecting point of the Liver, to smooth the Liver, circulate the Liver-Qi and relieve the depression 2. If there is irritability, add LR-2 and GB-43, the Spring points of the Liver channel and Gallbladder channel respectively, to clear the Heat from the Liver and relieve the irritability 3. If there is a headache, add GV-20 to calm the Liver, subdue the Liver-Yang and sedate the headache 4. If there is a poor appetite, abdominal fullness, flatulence and belching due to stagnation of Spleen-Qi, add LR-13, the Front Collecting point of the Spleen, and BL-20, the Back Transporting point of the Spleen, to smooth the Spleen and relieve stagnation 5. If there is insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep and sighing due to stagnation of Heart-Qi, add HT-3 and Extra Sishencong to regulate the Heart and calm the Shen 6. If there is a bitter taste in the mouth, constipation due to stagnation of Qi in the Lesser Yang channel, add GB-40, the Source point of the Gallbladder channel, and TE-6 to regulate the Lesser Yang channel and relieve stagnation.

Accumulation of Damp-Phlegm in the Throat

Symptoms and signs Gradual onset of a slight throat pain, with no redness in the throat, but a slight swelling, itching and pricking feeling, and aggravation after eating fatty or sweet food are the signs and symptoms of Damp-Phlegm in the throat. The pain is also accompanied by diminishment or loss of the sense of smell and taste, a nasal discharge, cough, occasional expectoration of phlegm from the throat, a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, a poor appetite, loose stools, a thick and greasy tongue coating and a slippery pulse. Principle of treatment Activate the Spleen and Stomach, eliminate the DampPhlegm and relieve the pain.

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