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Certified Mail Article Number: Common Law Trust Mandatory Injunction Judicial Definition Superior Common Law Court

ublic Notice! ublic "ecord MANDAT#"$ INJ%CNTI#N defined: A &mandatory injunction' is one w(ic( commands t(e defendant to do some positi)e act* +ailey )* Sc(nit,ius- ./ Atl* /01- /0.- 23 N* J* 45* 6.0 Stew*7 .80* A &mandatory injunction' is t(e counterpart in e5uity of a &mandamus' at law- and may be used a9ainst public officers* It may be in direct form a command- or in t(e direct form of pro(ibitin9 t(e refusal to do an act to w(ic( anot(er (as a ri9(t* arsons )* Marye 6%*S*7 :; <ed* ..;- .:.* &Mandatory injunctions' are t(ose- w(ic( re5uire of a party t(e performance of some act- and t(ey always to some e=tent anticipate t(e jud9ment of t(e court* It may ultimately be determined t(at suc( an order was erroneous- but it is not less wit(in t(e power of t(e court to 9rant it* eople )* Mc>Ane- :0 N* $* Supp* ?0.- 80 @un- .32* A(ere a primary injunction- w(ile purportin9 simply to restrain a wron9- and w(ile ne9ati)e in its termsmay be so framed t(at it restrains t(e defendant from permittin9 (is pre)ious wron9ful act to operate- and t(erefore )irtually compels (im to undo it by remo)in9 t(e obstructions or erections- and by restorin9 t(e plaintiff to (is former condition- it is a &mandatory injunction-' and resembles in its effect t(e &restorati)e interdict' of t(e "oman law- and is used w(ere t(e injury is immediate and pressin9 and repairable- and clearly establis(ed by t(e proofs- and not ac5uiesced in by plaintiff* T(e rule is fully establis(ed at least by t(e 4n9lis( decisions- and is not contro)erted by American aut(ority- t(at in suc( cases- w(ere t(e facts are clearly establis(ed and t(e injury is real- and t(e plaintiff acted promptly upon (is ac5uirin9 Bnowled9e of defendantCs proceedin9- a preliminary mandatory injunction may be 9ranted- alt(ou9( t(e act complained of was fully completed before t(e suit was commenced* roctor )* Stuart- 2/ ac* 31.- 31;- 2 #Bl* /8? 6citin9 ; om* 45* Jur* D .;3?7* A(ereas defined pursuant to Illinois Common Law Act: Sec* .* T(at t(e common law of 4n9land- so far as t(e same is applicable and of a 9eneral nature- and all statutes or acts of t(e +ritis( parliament made in aid of- and to supply t(e defects of t(e common law- prior to t(e fourt( year of James t(e <irst- e=ceptin9 t(e second section of t(e si=t( c(apter of 2;d 4li,abet(- t(e ei9(t( c(apter of .;t( 4li,abet(- and nint( c(apter of ;8t( @enry 4i9(t(- and w(ic( are of a 9eneral nature and not local to t(at Bin9dom- s(all be t(e rule of decision- and s(all be considered as of full force until repealed by le9islati)e aut(ority* 6Source: "*S* .082p* :/?*7 So)erei9n eople or <reeborn are t(ose men w(o are not bound by oat( to ser)e ot(er men* Subjects are t(ose men w(o (a)e 9i)en an oat( of ser)ice to anot(er man- or 9roup of men* 4)ery <reeborn w(o follows EodCs Laws is blessed wit( t(e ri9(t to settle (is own disputes i*e* (olds (is own court at will* <reeborn may brin9 suit a9ainst ot(er freeborn- t(ou9( eac( (as e5ual standin9- and is not bound by any ot(er mans court unless by oat(- or )oluntary dele9ation* A freeborn is 9enerally empowered to settle disputes between (is subjects* T(is is dependent upon t(e oat( between t(e freeborn and t(e subject* A freeman may brin9 suit a9ainst (is own subjects* Subjects (a)e no standin9 in court- sa)e t(at of t(eir master* T(ey may sue t(eir master only at (is pleasure- unless t(e oat( between t(e master and subject specifically allows itw(ic( is not common* No subject may directly sue anot(er freeborn- but must appeal to (is master to sue for relief on (is be(alf* A(ereas defined pursuant to: Superior Common Law Court of t(e Illinois republicF +ecause Common Law is t(e basis of t(e laws in America- Common Law is w(at is bein9 referred to in almost e)ery place w(ere t(e word GLawG appears wit(in t(e Constitution- t(e Declaration of Independence- and t(e +ill of "i9(ts* T(ese documents were desi9ned to eliminate t(e )icious 45uity- Maritime or Admiralty Laws t(at we re)olted a9ainst in #ur "e)olution a9ainst t(e totalitarianism of 4n9land* <ACT H T(e Constitution does 9rant t(e <ederal union t(e power to establis( Courts of 45uity and Maritime Courts* +ecause t(e federal entity is concerned wit( actions and acti)ities between t(e Statesdealin9 wit( t(e Indian Nations- and International Associations it needs a system of laws to mana9e t(ese responsibilities* <ACT H 45uity Courts are concerned wit( contracts- and settlement of disa9reements between fictional

Certified Mail Article Number: entities* Since t(e States are fictional entities t(e ar9uments and disputes between t(e States are properly addressed in 45uity Courts* T(ey (a)e not(in9 to do wit( anyt(in9 else* T(ey do not deal wit( So)erei9n eople- wit( property ri9(ts- or ot(er matters in)ol)in9 suc( t(in9s* <ACT H Maritime Courts are concerned only wit( actions and acti)ities occurrin9 in International acti)ities and on t(e (i9( seas* Maritime Courts (a)e jurisdiction o)er suc( t(in9s as captured na)al )essels- piracysal)a9e of 9oods from sunBen s(ips- and mutiny by t(e crew of a s(ip* T(ey do not deal wit( So)erei9n eople- wit( 6pri)ate7 property ri9(ts- or ot(er matters in)ol)in9 suc( t(in9s* <ACT H T(e t(ird type of Court t(at is only briefly mentioned in t(e Constitution is t(e Common Law Court* T(e Se)ent( Amendment to t(e Constitution is )ery clear about t(e power and t(e aut(ority )ested in t(e Common Law Courts* In Suits at common law- w(ere t(e )alue in contro)ersy s(all e=ceed twenty dollars- t(e ri9(t of trial by jury s(all be preser)ed- and no fact tried by a jury- s(all be ot(erwise reH e=amined in any Court of t(e %nited States- t(an accordin9 to t(e rules of t(e common law* I +ill of "i9(ts H Amendment JII <ACT H T(e si9nificance of t(is is pointed up by t(e fact t(at any contro)ersy in)ol)in9 Money 6Eold and Sil)er Coins7 in an amount 9reater t(an twenty dollars- or any property suc( as real estate can only be tried in a Court of Common Law wit( t(e ri9(t of trial by a jury w(o decides t(e Law as well as t(e <acts of t(e caseK <ACT H T(is means t(at any Mort9a9e <oreclosure action can be tried only in a Court of Common Lawand t(at neit(er t(e <ederal Con9ress- nor t(e State Le9islature- (as any Constitutional aut(ority to pro)ide t(at mort9a9e foreclosure actions s(all be actions in 45uity or Maritime CourtsK T(is means t(at S(eriffLs Sales- <oreclosure Sales- <oreclosure Auction Sales- as a result of t(ese Mort9a9e <oreclosure actions are null and )oidK As a direct effect t(e S(eriffs (a)e participated in criminal confiscation of real property 6pri)ate property7 in )iolation of t(e Constitution and of t(eir oat(s of officeK A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: I 4rie "*"* Co* )* TompBins- ;12 %*S* /2 6.?;07F T(ere is no federal 9eneral common law* Con9ress (as no power to declare substanti)e rules of common law applicable in a state w(et(er t(ey be local in t(eir nature or L9eneral-L be t(ey commercial law or a part of t(e law of torts* And no clause in t(e Constitution purports to confer suc( a power upon t(e federal courts* <ACT H A(en we created t(e Constitution Ae as So)erei9n eople issued absolute mandates to our public ser)ants- t(e officers t(at would staff our creation in t(e form of t(e Laws of t(e Constitution* T(is amounted to a Arit of Mandamus commandin9 t(em to do e=actly as t(ey were told* Mandate: An order by a So)erei9n to (is subjects* A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: I @auenstein )s Lyn(am 6.11 %S 20;7F T(ere can be no limitation on t(e power of t(e people of t(e %nited States* +y t(eir aut(ority t(e State Constitutions were made- and by t(eir aut(ority t(e Constitution of t(e %nited States was establis(ed* <ACT H Ae t(e eople also issued a Arit of ro(ibition to our public ser)ants t(at was desi9ned to pro(ibit t(em from performin9 actions t(at were not specifically set fort( in t(e Constitution* <ACT H T(ere is no contract between t(e So)erei9n eople and t(e Constitution- Ae t(e eople cannot )iolate t(e terms and conditions set fort( in t(e Constitution* Ae t(e eople cannot )iolate t(e conditions of an a9reement t(at does not e=ist* <ACT H T(e contract t(at e=ists concernin9 t(e Constitutions t(at Ae t(e eople created is by and between t(e So)erei9n eople and our public ser)ants* T(e #at( of #ffice- subscribed to by eac( public ser)ant- is a contract t(at t(ey will defend and up(old t(e Constitution t(at Ae t(e eople created* <ACT H Ae t(e eople made no pro)isions t(at bound us to any performance wit(in t(e lan9ua9e of eit(er t(e State or <ederal Constitutions* T(e #at( of #ffice is t(erefore- sworn Duties and #bli9ations to

Certified Mail Article Number: perform said Duties and #bli9ations 6debts7 to perform fall upon t(e s(oulders of t(e Constitutional officers- office (olders- a9ents and or assi9ns* <ACT H T(ere are not- nor can t(ere e)er be- any circumstances under w(ic( t(e Constitutional #ffices t(at we created t(rou9( t(e Constitution- can (a)e- or can e=ercise- any power to brin9 any law suit- or action at law- a9ainst any of t(e So)erei9n eople* So)erei9nty of t(e people cannot be lost- taBen away- nor 9i)en away* <ACT H %sin9 our Eod 9ranted So)erei9nty we created a form of 9o)ernment t(at seemed best to us to effect our safety and (appiness by creatin9 a 9o)ernment t(at must ser)e our e)ery command- and (as no power to interfere wit( or bot(er our daily li)es* <ACT H T(e proof of t(ese statements are found in t(e Declaration of Independence: Ae (old t(ese trut(s to be selfHe)ident- t(at all men are created e5ual- t(at t(ey are endowed by t(eir Creator wit( certain unHaH lienHable "i9(ts- t(at amon9 t(ese are Life- Liberty- and t(e pursuit of @appiness* T(at to secure t(ese ri9(ts- Eo)ernments are instituted amon9 Men- deri)in9 t(eir just powers from t(e consent of t(e 9o)ernedt(at w(ene)er any <orm of Eo)ernment becomes destructi)e of t(ese ends- it is t(e "i9(t of t(e eople to alter or to abolis( it- and to institute new Eo)ernment- layin9 its foundation on suc( principles- and or9ani,in9 its powers in suc( form- as to t(em s(all seem most liBely to effect t(eir Safety and @appiness* <ACT H T(e system of laws t(at eac( one of t(e So)erei9n eople (as a9reed to be subject to is t(e Common Laws* #nly by one of t(e So)erei9n eople specifically a9reein9 to be subject to a law- billre9ulation- code- or ordinance will any of t(e So)erei9n eople be subject to t(at law- bill- re9ulation- codeor ordinance* <ACT H T(is is w(y t(e system of Common Laws is not detailed in eit(er t(e <ederal or State Constitutions* T(e So)erei9n eople retained all ri9(ts to Common Law and in doin9 so 9ranted no ri9(ts to t(e <ederal or State entities to do anyt(in9 t(at would interfere wit( or impact upon t(e eoples So)erei9n ri9(ts* T(ere is no federal 9eneral common law* A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: I 4rie "*"* Co* )* TompBins- ;12 %*S* /2 6.?;07F Con9ress (as no power to declare substanti)e rules of common law applicable in a state w(et(er t(ey be local in t(eir nature or L9eneral-L be t(ey commercial law or a part of t(e law of torts* And no clause in t(e Constitution purports to confer suc( a power upon t(e federal courts A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: @a9ans )* La)ine- 2.3 %* S* 3;; GT(e law re5uires proof of jurisdiction to appear on t(e record of t(e administrati)e a9ency and all administrati)e proceedin9s*G A(ereas defined pursuant to: Supreme Court Annotated Statue: %*S* )* Anderson- /1 <*Supp* /2? 6D* C* Aas(* .?237F &Jurisdiction of court may be c(allen9ed at any sta9e of t(e proceedin9- and also may be c(allen9ed after con)iction and e=ecution of jud9ment by way of writ of (abeas corpus*' A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: Norman )* Mieber- ; #r at :1:H1; In re9ard to courts of inferior jurisdiction- &if t(e record does not s(ow upon its face t(e facts necessary to 9i)e jurisdiction- t(ey will be presumed not to (a)e e=isted*' A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: %*S* )* T(rocBmorton- ?0 %S /. G<raud )itiates t(e most solemn contracts- documents and e)en jud9ments*G A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: Nudd )* +urrows- ?. %*S 2:/* &<raud destroys t(e )alidity of e)eryt(in9 into w(ic( it enters-' A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: "ubinstein )* Collins- :1 <*;d ./1- .??1 &>nowin9 failure to disclose material information necessary to pre)ent statement from bein9 misleadin9- or maBin9 representation despite Bnowled9e t(at it (as no reasonable basis in fact- are actionable as fraud

Certified Mail Article Number: under law*' A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: +ransom )* Standard @ardware- Inc*- 082 S*A*:d ?.?- .??2F NaO & arty in interest may become liable for fraud by mere silent ac5uiescence and partaBin9 of benefits of fraud*' 4= dolo malo non oritur actio defined: #ut of fraud no action arisesF fraud ne)er 9i)es a ri9(t of action* No court will lend its aid to a man w(o founds (is cause of action upon an immoral or ille9al act* As found in +lacBLs Law Dictionary- <ift( 4dition- pa9e 31?* A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: +oyce )* Erundy- ; et* :.1 &<raud )itiates e)eryt(in9' A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: %nited States )* Lee- .1/ %*S* .?/- ::1::.- . S*Ct* :21- :/.F A(en a Citi,en c(allen9es t(e acts of a federal or state official as bein9 ille9al- t(at official cannot just simply a)oid liability based upon t(e fact t(at (e is a public official* A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: %nited States )* Lee- .1/ %*S* .?/- ::1::.- . S*Ct* :21- :/.- t(e %nited States claimed title to Arlin9ton- LeeLs estate- )ia a ta= sale some years earlier- (eld to be )oid by t(e Court* In so )oidin9 t(e title of t(e %nited States- t(e Court declared: GNo man in t(is country is so (i9( t(at (e is abo)e t(e law* No officer of t(e law may set t(at law at defiance wit( impunity* All t(e officers of t(e 9o)ernment- from t(e (i9(est to t(e lowest- are creatures of t(e law and are bound to obey it* It is t(e only supreme power in our system of 9o)ernment- and e)ery man w(o by acceptin9 office participates in its functions is only t(e more stron9ly bound to submit to t(at supremacy- and to obser)e t(e limitations w(ic( it imposes upon t(e e=ercise of t(e aut(ority w(ic( it 9i)es* GS(all it be said*** t(at t(e courts cannot 9i)e remedy w(en t(e citi,en (as been depri)ed of (is property by force- (is estate sei,ed and con)erted to t(e use of t(e 9o)ernment wit(out any lawful aut(ority- wit(out any process of law- and wit(out any compensation- because t(e president (as ordered it and (is officers are in possessionP If suc( be t(e law of t(is country- it sanctions a tyranny w(ic( (as no e=istence in t(e monarc(ies of 4urope- nor in any ot(er 9o)ernment w(ic( (as a just claim to wellHre9ulated liberty and t(e protection of personal ri9(ts*G A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated StatuteF See ierce )* %nited States 6GT(e <loyd AcceptancesG7- 8 Aall* 682 %*S*7 ///- /88 6GAe (a)e no officers in t(is 9o)ernment from t(e resident down to t(e most subordinate a9ent- w(o does not (old office under t(e law- wit( prescribed duties and limited aut(orityG7F Cunnin9(am )* Macon- .1? %*S* 22/- 23:- 23/- ; S*Ct* :?:- :?8 6GIn t(ese cases (e is not sued as- or because (e is- t(e officer of t(e 9o)ernment- but as an indi)idual- and t(e court is not ousted of jurisdiction because (e asserts aut(ority as suc( officer* To maBe out (is defense (e must s(ow t(at (is aut(ority was sufficient in law to protect (im*** It is no answer for t(e defendant to say I am an officer of t(e 9o)ernment and acted under its aut(ority unless (e s(ows t(e sufficiency of t(at aut(orityG7F and oinde=ter )* Ereen(ow- ..2 %*S* :81- :08- 3 S*Ct* ?1;- ?.: A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: #wen )s* City of Independence- .11 S Ct* .;?0F Maine )s* T(iboutot- .11 S* Ct* :31:F and @afer )s* Melo- 31: %*S* :. A@4"4AS- officials and e)en jud9es (a)e no immunity officials and jud9es are deemed to Bnow t(e law and sworn to up(old t(e lawF officials and jud9es cannot claim to act in 9ood fait( in willful depri)ation of law- t(ey certainly cannot plead i9norance of t(e law- e)en t(e Citi,en cannot plead i9norance of t(e lawt(e courts (a)e ruled t(ere is no suc( t(in9 as i9norance of t(e law- it is ludicrous for learned officials and jud9es to plead i9norance of t(e law t(erefore t(ere is no immunity- judicial or ot(erwise- in matters of ri9(ts secured by t(e Constitution for t(e %nited States of America* See: Title 2: %*S*C* Sec* .?0;* A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: Ailliamson )* %*S* Department of

Certified Mail Article Number: A9riculture- 0.3 <*:d* ;/?- ACL% <oundation )* +arr- ?3: <*:d* 238- :?; %*S* App* DC .1.- 6CA DC .??.7* GA(en lawsuits are brou9(t a9ainst federal officials- t(ey must be brou9(t a9ainst t(em in t(eir Gindi)idualG capacity not t(eir official capacity* A(en federal officials perpetrate constitutional torts- t(ey do so ultra )ires 6beyond t(e powers7 and lose t(e s(ield of immunity*G A(ereas defined pursuant toF Supreme Court Annotated Statue: Ealle9os )* @a99erty- N*D* of New $orB/0? <* Supp* ?; 6.?007: G ersonal in)ol)ement in depri)ation of constitutional ri9(ts is prere5uisite to award of dama9es- but defendant may be personally in)ol)ed in constitutional depri)ation by direct participation- failure to remedy wron9s after learnin9 about it- creation of a policy or custom under w(ic( unconstitutional practices occur or 9ross ne9li9ence in mana9in9 subordinates w(o cause )iolation*G Dedimus otestatem 9i)en t(e &Aut(ority' to carry out t(e Duties of t(e office of ublic Trust you (old* HHHHDedimus otestatem defined: term- w(ic( means- GAe (a)e 9i)en t(e power*G As a public ser)ant you (a)e &Absolutely' N# &Aut(ority' until you (a)e been 9i)en t(e ower- and to be &Aut(entic' your action (as to be Certified and Aut(enticated* @oldin9 #ffice of ublic Trust- as a ublic #fficial you must be able to produce a Certified copy of t(e #ri9inal &blue' Aet InB Si9nature Contract &Certificate' w(ereby you (a)e been 9i)en t(e Aut(ority* Ait(out &Dedimus otestatem-' as ublic #fficial you (a)e failed to @onor Current Article <our- Section #ne Constitutions of t(e %nited States &<ull <ait( and Credit s(all be 9i)en in eac( state to t(e public acts- records- and judicial proceedin9s of e)ery ot(er state 6International Treaty Statute7* +y dis(onorin9 t(is re5uirement all actions are &wit(out' force or effect &Null and Joid*' T(is act in accordance wit( t(e followin9 %*S* Supreme Court Annotated Statute: @ale )* @enBel- :1. %*S* 2; at 28 6.?137: GT(e indi)idual may stand upon (is constitutional ri9(ts as a citi,en* @e is entitled to carry on (is pri)ate business in (is own way* @is power to contract is unlimited* @e owes no suc( duty Nto submit (is booBs and papers for an e=aminationO to t(e State- since (e recei)es not(in9 t(erefrom- beyond t(e protection of (is life and property* @is ri9(ts are suc( as e=isted by t(e law of t(e land NCommon LawO lon9 antecedent to t(e or9ani,ation of t(e State- and can only be taBen from (im by due process of law- and in accordance wit( t(e Constitution* Amon9 (is ri9(ts are a refusal to incriminate (imself- and t(e immunity of (imself and (is property from arrest or sei,ure e=cept under a warrant of t(e law* @e owes not(in9 to t(e public so lon9 as (e does not trespass upon t(eir ri9(ts*G "IJAT4 defined: Affectin9 or belon9in9 to pri)ate indi)iduals- as distinct from t(e public 9enerally* Not officialF not clot(ed wit( office* eople )* owell- :01 Mic(* /??- :82 N*A* ;8:- ;8;* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ..?37* A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated StatuteF 4= arte >earny- 33 Cal* :.:F Smit( )* Andrews- / Cal* /3:: &A court of record is a &superior court*' A court not of record is an &inferior court*' &Inferior courts' are t(ose w(ose jurisdiction is limited and special and w(ose proceedin9s are not accordin9 to t(e course of t(e common law*' &An undisputed affida)it of claim becomes final jud9ment* A(en one fails to answer or refute an affida)it of claim made a9ainst (im- t(e affida)it first presented is considered absolute in trut(* +y not rebuttin9 w(at (as been claimed a9ainst (im- one becomes 9uilty by (is silence* Idem non esse et non apparetI It is t(e same t(in9 not to e=ist and not to appear* Qui tacet consentire )ideturI @e w(o is silent appears to consent*' A(ereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated StatuteF 4= parte AatBins- ; et*- at :1:H:1;* Ncited by SC@N4C>L#T@ J* +%STAM#NT4- 2.: %*S* :.0- :33 6.?8;7 &T(e jud9ment of a court of record w(ose jurisdiction is final- is as conclusi)e on all t(e world as t(e jud9ment of t(is court would be* It is as conclusi)e on t(is court as it is on ot(er courts* It puts an end to in5uiry concernin9 t(e fact- by decidin9 it* LAA M4"C@ANT defined: +ody of law 9o)ernin9 commercial transactions- w(ic( (ad its ori9in in common law of 4n9land re9ulatin9 merc(ants* See %*C*C* D .H.1;* See also Commercial LawF Mercantile LawF %niform Commercial Code* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e 00/7 M4"C@ANT defined: #ne w(o is en9a9ed in t(e purc(ase and sale of 9oodsF a trafficBerF a retailerF a trader* Term commonly refers to person w(o purc(ases 9oods at w(ole sale for resale at retailF i*e* person

Certified Mail Article Number: w(o operates a retail business 6retailer7* A person w(o deals in 9oods of t(e Bind or ot(erwise by (is occupation (olds (imself out as (a)in9 Bnowled9e or sBill peculiar to t(e practices or 9oods in)ol)ed in t(e transaction or to w(om suc( Bnowled9e or sBill may be attributed by (is employment of an a9ent or broBer or ot(er intermediary w(o by (is occupation (olds (imself out as (a)in9 suc( Bnowled9e or sBill* %*C*C* D :H.126.7* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?087 M4"CANTIL4 defined: #f- pertainin9 to- or c(aracteristic of- merc(ants- or t(e business of merc(antsF (a)in9 to do wit( trade or commerce or t(e business of buyin9 and sellin9 merc(andiseF tradin9F commercialF conducted or actin9 on business principles* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?0/7 M4"CANTIL4 AE4NCI4S: See Credit bureau* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?0/7 M4"CANTIL4 LAA defined: An e=pression substantially e5ui)alent to commercial law* It desi9nates t(e system of rules- customs- and usa9es 9enerally reco9ni,ed and adopted by merc(ants and traders- and w(ic(- eit(er in its simplicity or as modified by common law or statutes- constitutes t(e law for t(e re9ulation of t(eir transactions and t(e solution of t(eir contro)ersies* T(e %niform Commercial Code is t(e 9eneral body of law 9o)ernin9 commercial or mercantile transactions* See %niform Commercial Code* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?0/7 M4"CANTIL4 A 4": See Commercial aperF Ne9otiable Instruments* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?0/7 M4"CANTIL4 S 4CIALT$ defined: A writin9 t(at is not payable to order or to bearer but is ot(erwise ne9otiable* See %*C*C* D ;H013 6maBin9 Article ; applicable to instruments lacBin9 words of ne9otiability7* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e ?0/7 CL4AN @ANDS D#CT"IN4 defined: %nder t(is doctrine- e5uity will not 9rant relief to a party- w(o- as actor- seeBs to set judicial mac(inery in motion and obtain some remedy- if suc( party in prior conduct (as )iolated conscience or 9ood fait( or ot(er e5uitable principle* <ranBlin )* <ranBlin- ;/3 Mo* 22:-:0; S*A*:d 20;- 20/* #ne seeBin9 e5uitable relief cannot taBe ad)anta9e of oneLs own wron9* <air Automoti)e "epair- Inc* )* CarHR Ser)ice Systems- Inc*- : Dist*-.:0 Ill*App*;d 8/;-02 Ill* Dec* :3- 28. N*4*:d 332-330* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e :317 A(ereas defined pursuant to %*C*C*: G"ecordG means information t(at is inscribed on a tan9ible medium or t(at is stored in an electronic or ot(er medium and is retrie)able in percei)able form* A(ereas defined pursuant to %*C*C*: GEood fait(-G e=cept as ot(erwise pro)ided in Article 3- means (onesty in fact and t(e obser)ance of reasonable commercial standards of fair dealin9* A(ereas defined pursuant to %*C*C*: GA99rie)ed partyG means a party entitled to pursue a remedy* A(ereas defined pursuant to %*C*C*: G"emedyG means any remedial ri9(t to w(ic( an a99rie)ed party is entitled wit( or wit(out resort to a tribunal* Sui Juris- Bnown as: Jo(n- of t(e 9enealo9y of Doe freeborn spiritual bein9 on t(e land state t(e facts contained (erein are true- correct- complete- and not misleadin9- to t(e best of my personal first (and Bnowled9e and belief* +ein9 of sound mind- competent- o)er t(e a9e of .0* T(is my free will- )oluntary act and deed to maBe- e=ecute- seal- acBnowled9e and deli)er under my (and and seal wit( e=plicit reser)ation of all my unalienable ri9(ts and my specific common law ri9(t not to be bound by any contract or obli9ation w(ic( I (a)e not entered into Bnowin9ly- willin9ly- )oluntarily- and wit(out misrepresentationduress- or coercion- w(ereby I did not si9n nor consent* I am not now nor (a)e e)er been a %*S* Citi,en or a <ourteent( Amendment <ederal Citi,en or 4mployee- I am not bound by sworn oat( or oat( of office* A(ereas I (ereby disclaim Clauses #ne and Two of Section #ne to t(e <ourteent( Amendment- to9et(er wit( Article <our Section T(ree Clause Two* Nemo- aliens: rei- sine satisdatione- de fensor idonens intelli9itur defined: No man is considered a

Certified Mail Article Number: competent defender of anot(erCs property- wit(out security* A rule of t(e "oman law- applied In part In admiralty cases* . Curt* :1:* Nemo est snpra le9es defined: No one is abo)e t(e law* Lofft- .2:* Nemo alieno nomine le9e a9e re potest defined: No one can sue in t(e name of anot(er* Di9* 31- .8- .:a* In my ri)ate Capacity as Eeneral Administrator of said account Droit- Droit- T(is ser)es Notice t(at your offer (as been Accepted as Jaluable Consideration and "eturned for Jalue* T(is property is 4=empt from Le)y* lease Adjust t(is Account for t(e roceeds- roducts- Accounts and <i=tures and "elease T(e #rder6s7 of T(e Court to Me Immediately* MaBe adjustment and close t(is account immediately- wit( prejudice* I accept your #at(- #at( of #ffice Security A9reement- Constitutions as byHlaws- and Malfeasance +ond and place you in t(e ri)ate commencin9 t(is selfHe=ecutin9 bindin9 contract between you and I* <urt(er- I appoint you trustee on your (onor and solemn #at( to perform your obli9ations and duties to rotect My unHaHlienHable "i9(ts in your <iduciary Capacity a9ainst any and all claims- le9al actions- orders- warrants- jud9ments- demands- liabilities- losses- foreclosure- depositions- summonseslawsuits- costs- fines- liens- le)ies- penalties- ta=es- dama9es- interests- and e=penses w(atsoe)er- bot( absolute and contin9ent- as are due and as mi9(t become due- now e=istin9 and as mi9(t (ereafter ariseand as mi9(t be suffered by- imposed on- and incurred by Debtor for any and e)ery reason- purpose- and cause w(atsoe)er* lease (onor #bli9ation of Eood <ait( in erformance of your Duties* Quid ro Quosan e5ual e=c(an9e or substitution* T(is my free will- )oluntary act and deed true and lawful attorneyHinHfact to maBe- e=ecute- sealacBnowled9e and deli)er under my (and and seal- e=plicitly reser)in9 all ri9(ts wit(out prejudiceF +y:SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Sui Juris Bnown asF Jo(n of t(e 9enealo9y of Doe +ailor for J#@N D#4 +ailee S SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Jane- "oe T(ird arty Aitness GSealed and deli)ered in t(e presence of us*G STAT4 #< ILLIN#IS 7 7 SS: C#%NT$ #< C##> 7 C4"TI<ICAT4 #< AC>N#AL4DEM4NT #n t(is date t(e indi)idual named abo)e- in (is!(er stated capacity- personally appeared before me to e=ecute t(is acBnowled9ement t(at t(is instrument was si9ned- sealed- and deli)ered as t(eir free will)oluntary act and deed to maBe- e=ecute- seal- acBnowled9e and deli)er under t(eir (and and seal )erified and aut(enticated for t(e uses and purposes t(erein mentioned* SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS DAT4 A<<IR N#TA"$ S4AL I< "4Q%I"4D SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Si9nature of N#TA"$ %+LIC Date Commission 4=pires SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

N#TIC4: ublic acts defined: are t(ose w(ic( (a)e a public aut(ority- and w(ic( (a)e been made before public officers- are aut(ori,ed by a public seal- (a)e been made public by t(e aut(ority of a ma9istrate- or w(ic( (a)e been e=tracted and been properly aut(enticated from public records* +lacBCs Law Dictionary Si=t( 4dition 6pa9e :/7

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