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Important Articles of the Indian Constitution: Indian constitution is the largest constitution in the world it contains originally 395

Articles, 22 parts, and 8 schedule. And presently it has 8 articles, 22 parts, and !2 schedules. " #art !$ Art. ! to art. : % Art.!$ &ame and territory of the union. % Art.2 $ Admission and 'sta(lishment of the new state. % Art.3$ )ormation of new states and alteration of areas, (oundaries, and name of e*isting states. " #art 2$ Art. 5 to art. !!: % Art.5 $ Citi+enship at the commencement of the constitution. % Art.,$ -ights of citi+enship of certain person who ha.e migrated to India from #a/istan. % Art.!0$ continuance of rights of citi+enship. % Art.!!$ #arliament to regulate the right of citi+enship (y law. " #art 3$ Art.!2 to art.35 % Art.!2$ 1efinition of the state % Art.!3 2aws inconsistent with or in derogation of the fundamental rights. 3riginally, constitution pro.ided for 4 (asic fundamental rights, now there are only si* rights, one -ight to property 56A 3! was deleted from the list of th fundamental rights (y amendment act !948. It made a legal right 56A 300$A in #art 7II of the constitution. 8ome important )undamental -ights are as: % -ight to '9uality: Art. ! to Art. !8 Art.! $ '9uality (efore the law. Art.!5 $ #rohi(ition of discrimination on the grounds of

religion, race, caste, se* 3r place of (irth. % Art.!,$ '9uality of opportunity in matters of pu(lic employment. % Art.!4$ A(olition of the untoucha(ility. % Art.!8$ A(olition of titles -ight to )reedom: Art. !9 to art. 22 % Art.!9 guarantees to all the citi+ens the si* rights :a; -ight to freedom of speech and e*pression. :(; -ight to assem(le peacefully and without arms. :c; -ight to form associations or unions. :d; -ight to mo.e freely throughout the territory of India. :e; -ight to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India. :f; -ight to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade, and (usiness. Art.20$ #rotection in respect of con.iction for offences. Art.2!$#rotection of life and personal li(erty. Art .22$ #rotection against arrest and detention in certain cases. % -ight against '*ploitation: Art.23 < art. 2 Art. 23$ #rohi(ition of traffic in human (eings and forced la(our. Art.2 $ #rohi(ition of employment of children in factories and mines, 5nder age of ! . " -ight to )reedom of -eligion: Art.25 to art. 28 % Art.25$ )reedom of conscience and free profession practice and propagation of religion. % Art.2,$ )reedom to manage religious affairs. % Art.24$ )reedom as to pay ta*es for promotion of any particular religion.

% Art.28$ )reedom from attending religious instruction. " Cultural and 'ducational -ights:Art.29 < art. 30 % Art. 29$ #rotection of interest of minorities. % Art.30$ -ight of minorities to esta(lish and administer educational institutions. " Art.32$ -emedies for enforcement of )undamental -ights. " #art. 1irecti.e #rincipal of states #olicy: Art 3, to art. 5! % Art.3,$ 1efinition % Art.34$ Application of 1#8# % Art.39A$ '9ual =ustice and free legal aid % Art. 0$ 3rganisation of .illage panchayat % Art. !$ -ight to wor/ , to education, and to pu(lic assistance in certain cases % Art. 3$ 2i.ing >ages, etc. for >or/ers. % Art. 3A$ #articipation of wor/ers in management of industries. % Art. $ 5niform ci.il code :applica(le in ?oa only;. % Art. 5$ #ro.ision for free and compulsory education for children. % Art. ,$ #romotion of educational and economic interest of scheduled castes, 8@ and 3AC. % Art. 4$1uty of the state to raise the le.el of nutrition and the standard of li.ing and to impro.e pu(lic health. % Art. 8$3rganisation of agriculture and animal hus(andry. % Art. 9$ #rotection of monuments and places and o(=ects of natural importance. % Art.50$ 8eparation of =udiciary from e*ecuti.e. % Art.5!$ #romotion of international peace and security. )undamental 1uties: #art IB$A$ Art 5!A % It contains, originally !0 duties, now it contains !!

duties (y 8, thamendments act 2002. #art.5$ @he 5nion '*ecuti.e: % Art.52$ @he #resident of India % Art.53$ '*ecuti.e #ower of the union. % Art.5 $ 'lection of #resident % Art.,!$ #rocedure for Impeachment of the #resident. % Art.,3$ @he Bice$president of India. % Art., $ @he Bice$#resident to (e e*$officio chairman the council of 8tates. % Art.,,$'lection of Bice$president. % Art.42$#radoning powers of #resident. % Art.4 $ Council of minister to aid and ad.ice #resident. % Art.4,$ Attorney$?eneral for India. % Art.49$ Constitution of #arliament % Art.80$ Composition of -a=ya 8a(ha. % Art.8!$ Composition of 2o/ 8a(ha. % Art.83$ 1uration of Couses of #arliament. % Art.93$ @he spea/ers and 1eputy 8pea/ers of the house of the people. % Art.!05$ #owers, #ri.ileges etc of the Couse of #arliament. % Art.!09$ 8pecial procedure in respects of money (ills % Art.!!0$ 1efinition of DEoney AillsF. % Art.!!2$ Annual )inancial Audget. % Art.!! $Appropriation Aills. % Art.!23$ #owers of the #resident to promulgate 3rdinances during recess of parliament. % Art.!2 $ 'sta(lishment of 8upreme Court. % Art.!25$ 8alaries of Gudges. % Art.!2,$ Appointment of acting Chief =ustice. % Art.!24$ Appointment of ad$hoc =udges. % Art.!28$Attendence of retired =udge at sitting of the 8upreme Court. % Art.!29$ 8upreme court to (e court of -ecord. % Art.!30$ 8eat of the 8upreme court.

% Art.!3,$ 8pecial lea.es for appeal to the 8upreme Court. % Art.!34$ -e.iew of =udgements or orders (y the 8upreme court. % Art.! !$1ecision of the 8upreme Court (inding on all the courts. % Art.! 8$ Comptroller and Auditor$ ?eneral of India % Art.! 9$ 1uties and #owers of CA?. % Art.!53$ ?o.ernors of 8tate % Art.!5 $ '*ecuti.e #owers of ?o.ernor. % Art.!,!$ #ardoning powers of the ?o.ernor. % Art.!,5$Ad.ocate$?eneral of the 8tate. % Art.2!3$ #ower of ?o.ernor to promulgate ordinances. % Art.2! $ Cigh Courts for states. % Art.2!5$ Cigh Courts to (e court of record. % Art.22,$ #ower of Cigh Courts to issue certain writs. % Art.233$ Appointment of 1istrict =udges. % Art.235$ Control o.er 8u($ordinate Courts. % Art.2 3A$ ?ram 8a(ha % Art.2 3A$ Constitution of #anchayats % Art.280$ )inance Commission % Art.300$A$ -ight to property. % Art.30!$)reedom to trade, commerce, and intercourse. % Art.302$ #ower of #arliament to impose restrictions on trade, commerce, and intercourse. % Art.3!2$ All$ India$8er.ice. % Art.3!5$ #u(lic ser.ice commissionHs for the union and for the states % Art.320$ )unctions of #u(lic 8er.ice Commission. % Art.323A$ Administrati.e @ri(unals % Art.32 $8uperintendence, direction and control of 'lections to (e .ested in an 'lection Commission. % Art.325$ &o person to (e ineligi(le for inclusion in or to claim to (e included in a special, electoral roll on grounds of religion, race, caste, or se*. % Art.32,$ 'lections to the house of the people and to

the legislati.e assem(lies of states to (e on the (asis of adult suffrage. % Art.338$ &ational Commission for the 8C, < 8@. % Art.3 0$ Appointment of a commission to in.estigate the conditions of (ac/ward classes. % Art.3 3$ 3fficial languages of the 5nion. % Art.3 5$ 3fficial languages or languages of a states. % Art.3 8$ 2anguages to (e used in the 8upreme Court and in the Cigh Courts. % Art.35!$1irecti.e for de.elopment of the hindi languages. % Art.352$ #roclamation of emergency : &ational 'mergency;. % Art.35,$ 8tate 'mergency % Art.3,0$ )inancial 'mergency % Art.3,!$ #rotection of #resident and ?o.ernors % Art.3,8$ #owers of #arliaments to amend the constitution. % Art.340$8pecial pro.ision of G<I. % Art.393$Constituion of India.

Amendments to the Indian Constitution

Here is a list of all amendments to the Indian Constitution. Amendments are very frequently asked in Civil Services Exam by UPSC and other exams


Date of Enforcement June 18, 1951


1st amendment

To fully secure the constitutional validity of zamindari abolition laws. To place reasonable restriction on freedom of speech. A new constitutional device, called chedule 9 introduced to protect laws that are contrary to the !onstitutionally "uaranteed

fundamental ri"hts. These laws encroach upon property ri"hts, freedom of speech and e#uality before law

$nd amendment

%ay 1, 195&

A technical amendment to fi' the size of each parliamentary constituency between (5),))) and 85),))) voters.

+imits ma'imum no of seats in lo, abha up to 5)) tates to be divided &rd amendment *ebruary $$, 1955 into constituencies such that one member of a constituency represents between 5))))) and -5)))) people /estrictions on property ri"hts and inclusion of related bills in chedule 9 of the constitution 1rovides for a consultation mechanism with concerned states in matters relatin" to the amendments to the territorial matters and in the re2namin" of the state Amended the 3nion and tate +ists with respect to raisin" of ta'es

.th amendment

April $-, 1955

5th amendment

0ecember $., 1955

(th amendment

eptember 11, 195(

/eor"anization of states on lin"uistic lines Abolition of !lass A, 5, !, 0 -th amendment 4ovember 1, 195( states 6ntroduction of 3nion Territories !larify state7s power of compulsory ac#uisition and re#uisitionin" of private January 5, 19() property 6nclude 8amindari abolition laws in chedule 9 of the constitution

8th amendment

9th amendment

0ecember $8, 19()

%inor ad9ustments to territory of 6ndian 3nion conse#uent to a"reement with 1a,istan for settlement of disputes by demarcation of border villa"es, etc.

1)th amendment

6ncorporation of 0adra, 4a"ar and Au"ust 11, 19(1 :aveli as a 3nion Territory after ac#uisition from 1ortu"al ;lection of <ice 1resident by ;lectoral !olle"e consistin" of members of both :ouses of 1arliament, instead of election by a Joint ittin" of 1arliament. 6ndemnify the 1resident and <ice 1resident ;lection procedure from challen"e on "rounds of e'istence of any vacancies in the electoral colle"e 6ncorporation of =oa, 0aman and 0iu as a 3nion Territory, after ac#uisition from 1ortu"al *ormation of tate of 4a"aland, with special protection under Article &-1A 6ncorporation of 1ondicherry into the 3nion of 6ndia !reation of +e"islative Assemblies for :imachal 1radesh, Tripura, %anipur and =oa

11th amendment

0ecember 19, 19(1

1$th amendment

0ecember $), 19(1

1&th amendment

0ecember 1, 19(&

1.th amendment

0ecember $8, 19($

15th amendment

/aise the retirement a"e of 9ud"es from () to ($. >ther minor >ctober 5, 19(& amendments for rationalizin" interpretation of rules re"ardin" 9ud"es etc. >ctober 5, 19(& %a,e it obli"atory for see,ers of public office to swear their alle"iance to the

1(th amendment

6ndian /epublic and prescribe the various obli"atory templates To secure the constitutional validity of ac#uisition of ;states and place land ac#uisition laws in chedule 9 of the constitution

1-th amendment

June $), 19(.

18th amendment

Technical Amendment to include 3nion Territories in Article & and hence Au"ust $-, 19(( permit reor"anisation of 3nion Territories Abolish ;lection Tribunals and enable trial of election petitions by re"ular :i"h !ourts 6ndemnify ? validate 9ud"ments, decrees, orders and sentences passed by 9ud"es. <alidate the appointment, postin", promotion and transfer of 9ud"es e'cept those not eli"ible for appointment under article $&&. Amendment was needed to overcome the effect of 9ud"ement invalidatin" appointments of certain 9ud"es in the state of 3ttar 1radesh.

19th amendment

0ecember 11, 19((

$)th amendment

0ecember $$, 19((

$1th amendment $$nd amendment

April 1), 19(-


indhi as a 4ational +an"ua"e

eptember $5, 19(9

1rovision to form Autonomous states within the tate of Assam

$&rd amendment

;'tend reservation for ! @ T and nomination of An"lo 6ndian members in January $&, 19-) 1arliament and tate Assemblies for another ten years i.e. up to 198) 4ovember 5, 19-1 ;nable parliament to dilute



fundamental ri"hts throu"h amendments to the constitution /estrict property ri"hts and compensation in case the state ta,es over private property Abolition of privy purse paid to former rulers of princely states which were incorporated into the 6ndian /epublic

$5th amendment

April $), 19-$

$(th amendment

0ecember $8, 19-1

$-th amendment

/eor"anization of %izoram into a 3nion *ebruary 15, 19-$ Territory with a le"islature and council of ministers /ationalized !ivil ervice rules to ma,e it uniform across those appointed prior Au"ust $9, 19-$ to 6ndependence and post independence 1laces land reform acts and amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution

$8th amendment

$9th amendment

June 9, 19-$

&)th amendment

!han"es the basis for appeals in upreme !ourt of 6ndia in case of !ivil *ebruary $-, 19-& uits from value criteria to one involvin" substantial #uestion of law 6ncreased size of 1arliament from 5$5 to 5.5 seats. 6ncreased seats went to the new states >ctober 1-, 19-& formed in 4orth ;ast 6ndia and minor ad9ustment conse#uent to 19-1 0elimitation e'ercise 1rotection of re"ional ri"hts in Telan"ana and Andhra re"ions of of Andhra 1radesh

&1th amendment

&$nd amendment

July 1, 19-.


&&rd amendment

%ay 19, 19-.

1rescribes procedure for resi"nation by members of parliament and state le"islatures. 1rescribes procedure for verification and acceptance of resi"nation by house spea,er 1lace land reform acts and amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution Terms and !onditions for the 6ncorporation of i,,im into the 3nion of 6ndia *ormation of i,,im as a the 6ndian 3nion tate within

&.th amendment

eptember -, 19-.

&5th amendment

%arch 1, 19-5

&(th amendment &-th amendment &8th amendment

April $(, 19-5

%ay &, 19-5

*ormation of Arunachal 1radesh le"islative assembly ;nhances the powers of 1resident and =overnors to pass ordinances

Au"ust 1, 19-5

&9th amendment

4e"ated the 9ud"ement of Allahabad :i"h !ourt invalidatin" 1rime %inister 6ndira =andhi7s election to parliament. Au"ust 1), 19-5 Amendment placed restrictions on 9udicial scrutiny of post of 1rime %inister ;nable 1arliament to ma,e laws with respect to ;'clusive ;conomic 8one and vest the mineral wealth with 3nion of 6ndia. 1lace land reform ? other acts and amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution /aised /etirement A"e +imit of !hairmen and %embers of 3nion and

.)th amendment

%ay $-, 19-(

.1th amendment

eptember -, 19-(

tate 1ublic !ommissions from si'ty to si'ty two. Amendment passed durin" internal emer"ency by 6ndira =andhi. 1rovides for curtailment of fundamental ri"hts, imposes fundamental duties and chan"es to the basic structure of the constitution by ma,in" 6ndia a A ocialist ecularA /epublic Amendment passed after revocation of internal emer"ency in the !ountry. /epeals some of the more 7Anti2 *reedom7 amendments enacted throu"h Amendment 5ill .$ Amendment passed after revocation of internal emer"ency in the !ountry. 1rovides for human ri"hts safe"uards and mechanisms to prevent abuse of e'ecutive and le"islative authority. Annuls some Amendments enacted in Amendment 5ill .$

.$nd amendment

April 1, 19--

.&rd amendment

April 1&, 19-8

..th amendment

eptember (, 19-9

.5th amendment

;'tend reservation for ! @ T and nomination of An"lo 6ndian members in January $5, 198) 1arliament and tate Assemblies for another ten years i.e. up to 199) Amendment to ne"ate 9udicial *ebruary $, 198& pronouncements on scope and applicability on ales Ta' 1lace land reform acts and Au"ust $(, 198. amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution April 1, 1985 Article &5( amended to permit 1resident7s rule up to two years in the

.(th amendment

.-th amendment

.8th amendment

state of 1un9ab /eco"nize Tripura as a Tribal tate and enable the creation of a Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous 0istrict !ouncil Technical Amendment to curtailment of *undamental /i"hts as per 1art 666 as prescribed in Article && to cover ecurity 1ersonnel protectin" property and communication infrastructure 1rovide reservation to cheduled Tribes in 4a"aland, %e"halaya, %izoram and Arunachal 1radesh +e"islative Assemblies Anti 0efection +aw 2 1rovide dis#ualification of members from parliament and assembly in case of defection from one party to other pecial provision with respect to the tate of %izoram. 6ncrease the salary of !hief Justice of 6ndia ? other Jud"es 1rovisions for determinin" future increases without the need for constitutional amendment

.9th amendment

eptember 11, 198.

5)th amendment

eptember 11, 198.

51th amendment

June 1(, 198(

5$nd amendment

%arch 1, 1985

5&rd amendment

*ebruary $), 198-

5.th amendment

April 1, 198(

55th amendment

pecial powers to =overnor *ebruary $), 198- conse#uent to formation of state of Arunachal 1radesh Transition provision to enable formation of state of =oa 1rovide reservation to cheduled

5(th amendment 5-th

%ay &), 198-

eptember $1,



Tribes in 4a"aland, %e"halaya, %izoram and Arunachal 1radesh +e"islative Assemblies

58th amendment

1rovision to publish authentic :indi translation of constitution 0ecember 9, 1981rovision to publish authentic :indi translation of future amendments Article &5( amended to permit 1resident7s rule up to three years in the state of 1un9ab Articles &5$ and Article &59A amended to permit imposin" emer"ency in state of 1un9ab or in specific districts of the state of 1un9ab 1rofessional Ta' increased from a ma'imum of /s. $5)@2 to a ma'imum of /s. $5))@2 /educe a"e for votin" ri"hts from $1 to 18 ;'tend reservation for ! @ T and nomination of An"lo 6ndian members in 1arliament and tate Assemblies for another ten years i.e. up to $)))

59th amendment

%arch &), 1988

()th amendment

0ecember $), 1988

(1th amendment

%arch $8, 1989

($nd amendment

0ecember $), 1989

(&rd amendment

;mer"ency powers applicable to tate January (, 199) of 1un9ab, accorded in Article &59A as per amendment 59 repealed Article &5( amended to permit 1resident7s rule up to three years and si' months in the state of 1un9ab 4ational !ommission for cheduled !astes and cheduled Tribes formed and its statutory powers specified in

(.th amendment

April 1(, 199)

(5th amendment

%arch 1$, 199$

The !onstitution. 1lace land reform acts and amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution

((th amendment

June -, 199)

(-th amendment

Article &5( amended to permit >ctober ., 199) 1resident7s rule up to four years in the state of 1un9ab Article &5( amended to permit 1resident7s rule up to five years in the state of 1un9ab

(8th amendment

%arch 1$, 1991

(9th amendment

To provide for a le"islative assembly and council of ministers for *ederal *ebruary 1, 199$ 4ational !apital of 0elhi. 0elhi continues to be a 3nion Territory 6nclude 4ational !apital of 0elhi and 3nion Territory of 1ondicherry in electoral colle"e for 1residential ;lection 6nclude Bon,ani, %anipuri and 4epali as 4ational +an"ua"es

-)th amendment

0ecember $1, 1991

-1th amendment

Au"ust &1, 199$

-$nd amendment

1rovide reservation to cheduled 0ecember 5, 199$ Tribes in Tripura tate +e"islative Assembly tatutory provisions for 1anchayat /a9 as third level of administration in villa"es tatutory provisions for +ocal Administrative bodies as third level of administration in urban areas such as

-&rd amendment

April $., 199&

-.th amendment

June 1, 199&

towns and cities -5th amendment 1rovisions for settin" up /ent !ontrol Tribunals

%ay 15, 199.

-(th amendment

;nable continuance of (9C reservation in Tamil 4adu by includin" the relevant Au"ust &1, 199. Tamil 4adu Act under 9th chedule of the constitution A technical amendment to protect reservation to !@ T ;mployees in promotions

--th amendment

June 1-, 1995

-8th amendment

1lace land reform acts and Au"ust &), 1995 amendments to these act under chedule 9 of the constitution ;'tend reservation for ! @ T and nomination of An"lo 6ndian members in January $5, $))) 1arliament and tate Assemblies for another ten years i.e. up to $)1) 6mplement Tenth *inance !ommission recommendation to simplify the ta' structures by poolin" and sharin" all ta'es between states and The !entre 1rotect ! @ T reservation in fillin" bac,lo" of vacancies 1ermit rela'ation of #ualifyin" mar,s and other criteria in reservation in promotion for ! @ T candidates ;'empt Arunachal 1radesh from reservation for cheduled !astes in 1anchayati /a9 institutions

-9th amendment

8)th amendment

June 9, $)))

81th amendment

June 9, $)))

8$nd amendment

eptember 8, $)))

8&rd amendment

eptember 8, $)))

8.th amendment

;'tend the usa"e of 19-1 national *ebruary $1, $))$ census population fi"ures for state wise distribution of parliamentary seats A technical amendment to protect January ., $))$ seniority in case of promotions of !@ T ;mployees 1rovides /i"ht to ;ducation until the 0ecember 1$,$))$ a"e of fourteen and ;arly childhood care until the a"e of si' ;'tend the usa"e of 19-1 national census population fi"ures for state wise distribution of parliamentary seats To e'tend statutory cover for levy and utilization of ervice Ta' The 4ational !ommission for cheduled !astes and cheduled Tribes was bifurcated into The 4ational !ommission for cheduled !astes and The 4ational !ommission for cheduled Tribes /eservation in Assam Assembly relatin" to 5odoland Territory Area

85th amendment

8(th amendment

8-th amendment

June $$, $))&

88th amendment

January 15, $)).

89th amendment

eptember $8, $))&

9)th amendment

eptember $8, $))&

91th amendment

/estrict the size of council of ministers January 1, $)). to 15 C of le"islative members ? to stren"then Anti 0efection laws ;nable +evy of ervice Ta' January -, $)). 6nclude 5odo, 0o"ri, antali and %aithili as 4ational +an"ua"es January $), $))( To enable provision of reservation for other bac,ward classes D>.5.!.E in

9$nd amendment

9&rd amendment

"overnment as well as private educational institutions To provide for a %inister of Tribal Felfare in newly created Jhar,hand and !hhattis"arh tates ;'tended the reservation of seats in +o, abha and tate Assemblies for ! and T from si'ty to seventy years

9.th amendment

June 1$, $))(

95th amendment

! "anuary #$#

9(th amendment

% Se&tember #$$

Substituted '(dia' for '(riya'

9-th amendment

$ "anuary #$

Added the )ords 'or co*o&erative societies' in Article $+,l-,c- and inserted article .%/ i.e0 Promotion of Co* o&erative Societies and added Part*I1/ i.e0 2HE C(* (PE3A2I4E S(CIE2IES

Amendments Made Under 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act

Contributed by C.5. 4erma 2he . nd Constitutional Amendment Act ,$+67- brou8ht a number of chan8es in the Constitution. 2he Act inter* alia 8ave &re&onderance to the 9irective Princi&les of State Policy over the :undamental 3i8hts. Established the su&remacy of Parliament and curtailed the &o)ers of "udiciary. 2he Act )as first of its kind. Is )as the most com&rehensive Act and touched almost all the sensitive areas of the Constitution. 2he Amendment )as meant to enhance enormously the stren8th of the ;overnment. '2he ma<or Amendments made in the Constitution by the . nd Amendment Act are= ' > . . . . . Preamble . . . . . ? 2he characteri@ation of India as ASoverei8n 9emocratic 3e&ublicB has been chan8ed to ASoverei8n Socialist Secular 9emocratic 3e&ublicB. 2he )ords AUnity of the nationB have been chan8ed to AUnity and inte8rity of the nationC . > . . . . . Parliament and State . . . . . ? 5e8islatures ? 2he life of the 5ok Sabha and State 5e8islative Assemblies )as extended from ! to 7 years. Executive ? It ammended Article 6. to state ex&licitly that the President shall act in accordance )ith the advice of the Council of Dinisters in dischar8e of his duty .

"udiciary ? 2he . nd Ammendment Act inserted Article % A in order to deny the Su&reme Court the &o)er to consider the Constitutional validity of a State la). Another ne) &rovision. Article $%$A0 8ave the Su&reme Court and exclusive <urisdiction to determine question relatin8 to the Constitutional validity of a central la). Article $..A and Article $ EA0 the creatures of Constitutional Amendment Act made further innovation the area of <udicial revie) of the Constitutionality of le8islation. Under Article $..A the minimum number of <ud8es of the Su&reme Court to decide a question of a Constitutional validity of a central or State la) )as fixed as at least seven and further0 this required t)o*t)o*thirds ma<ority of the <ud8es sittin8 declare la) as unconstitutional. Fhile the &o)er of the Hi8h Court enforce fundamental ri8hts remained untouched0 several restrictions )ere im&osed on its &o)er to issue )rits Afor any other &ur&oseB. > . . . . . :ederalism . . . . . ? 2he Act added Article !6A in the Constitution to enable the Centre to de&loy any armed force of the union0 or any other force under its control. :or dealin8 )ith any 8rave situation of la) and order in any State. > . :undamental 3i8hts and 9irective Princi&les . ? A ma<or chan8e that )as made by . nd Constitutional Amendment )as to 8ive &rimacy to all directive &rinci&les over the fundamental ri8ht contained in Articles $.0 $+ or %$. the . nd Constitutional Amendment added a fe) more directive &rinci&les free le8al aid0 &artici&ation of )orkers in mana8ement of industries0 &rotection for environment and &rotection of forests and )ildlife of the country . > . . . :undamental 9uties . . . ? 2he . nd Amendment Act inserted Article !$*A to create a ne) &art called I4*A in the Constitution0 )hich &rescribed the fundamental duties to the citi@ens. > . . . . . Emer8ency . . . . . ? Prior to . nd Amendment Act0 the President could declare emer8ency under Article %! throu8hout the country and not in a &art of the country alone. 2he Act authorised the President to &roclaim emer8ency in any &art of the country. 2he dominant thrust of the Amendment )as to reduce the role of courts0 &articularly0 that of the Hi8h Courts. It also sou8ht to stren8then Parliament in various )ays )hich in effect0 added to the &o)er of the Central ;overnment it dre) enormous criticism &articularly for it )as &ushed throu8h durin8 Emer8ency.

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