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Este guia s faz sentido para quem realmente gosta de c upar! Se "oc# $ do tipo que c upa apenas para cumprir o script% esque&a' N(o e)iste nada mais sem gra&a do que uma c upada *urocr+tica! Se% ao contr+rio% "oc# sente prazer "erdadeiro em dar prazer com a *oca% este guia ir+ l e a,udar a mel orar ainda mais sua performance! - . Antes de tudo% con"$m con ecer a fruta em detal es! /ara isso% d# uma conferida na p+gina Anatomia de uma Xo)ota! Mas ten a sempre em mente que o se)o oral n(o se restringe 0 regi(o genital! O corpo da mul er $ todo sens1"el e merece ser *ei,ado% lam*ido e c upado por inteiro! 2laro que algumas partes s(o mais sens1"eis que outras e isso "aria de mul er para mul er! /ortanto% para n(o correr o risco de desagradar% comece lam*endo o p$ da cama! A1 n(o tem como errar! 3alando s$rio% "+ de"agar% lam*endo pelas *eiradas! Em se tratando de assunto t(o delicado 4so* todos os sentidos5 nunca "+ direto ao ponto! O grelo $ por demais sens1"el e at$ mesmo o contato da l1ngua pode ser inc6modo se sua parceira n(o esti"er suficientemente e)citada! 7 . Os seios e os mamilos s(o timos pontos de partida! 8rate.os com carin o% c upe de"agar% passe a l1ngua nos mamilos e sinta.os endurecer! Morda *em de le"e 4a n(o ser que ela pe&a o contr+rio5!


2uidado com a *ar*a por fazer! Em*ora algumas mul eres gostem% a maioria "ai se sentir incomodada! :ar*a ro&ando em lugares sens1"eis funciona como uma li)a! ; . Dedique aten&(o especial 0 nuca e 0s costas! Dei)e a l1ngua deslizar lentamente de cima para *ai)o% at$ a *ase da coluna! < = :ei,e a *unda% as co)as% as "iril as!!! :rinque com a l1ngua em torno do >nus% lam*a carin osamente o per1neo 4aquele pedacin o que fica entre a )ota e o cuzin o% tam*em con ecido como peleta = courin o entre o c? e a *uceta5! @oc# pode e de"e se concentrar durante alguns minutos nessa regi(o e)tremamente rica em terminais ner"osos e% por isso mesmo% super sens1"el!

EX/ER9MEN8E''''' Tomar vinho ou champanhe Derrame lentamente so*re a *uceta e "+ lam*endo% sor"endo cada gota! N(o use destilado 4u1sque% "odAa etc5 porque arde! B . :em% finalmente c egou o momento de encarar a coisa de frente! Ela% a essa altura% de"e estar louca para sentir sua *oca en"ol"endo.a por inteiro! /ro"oque um pouco mais! 8oque a )o)ota dela com os dedos% introduza um ou dois na "agina% me)a l+ dentro% sinta o calor% a umidade! 8ire os dedos% lam*uzados do caldin o dela e c upe% sinta o sa*or!!! Ela "ai adorar "er "oc# fazendo isso!

C . A )o)ota possui uma DarquiteturaD comple)a% rica em detal es! E)plore todos as do*rin as! Deslize a l1ngua pelos pequenos l+*ios% de

cima para *ai)o% de *ai)o para cima% de um lado% do outro!!! Se ligue na te)tura e no sa*or!

EX/ER9MEN8E'''' 2om Eelo 2oloque uma pedrin a de gelo na *oca e% ao mesmo tempo% c upe a )o)ota dela! A mescla do calor da sua *oca com o frio do gelo pro"oca sensa&Fes incr1"eis! 2U9DADO'''' Algumas mul eres s(o t(o sens1"eis que n(o aguentam o contato direto com a ponta do grelo! Nesses casos% concentre.se nas laterais dele ou use a pele que reco*re o clitris como prote&(o! G . Separe os l+*ios da )ota com os dedos e enfie a l1ngua na "agina o mais fundo que "oc# puder! 3a&a mo"imentos de entra.e.sai com a l1ngua% imitando uma *oa trepada!

H . En"ol"a a )o)ota toda com a a*oca e c upe gulosamente% como quem c upa uma fruta madura% sor"endo cada gota do melzin o dela% sem dei)ar de tra*al ar com a l1ngua!

I . O grelo $ a meta! Somente quem sa*e trat+.lo adequadamente $ capaz de dar uma c upada inesquec1"el! Mais do que nunca% "oc# precisa estar sintonizado com sua parceira% atento 0s suas rea&Fes mais sutis! Esse $ o mel or de todos os guias para fazer a coisa certa!

-J . E)perimente enfiar um ou dois dedos na "agina enquanto lam*e o grelo dela! Me)a l+ dentro de"agar% fa&a mo"imentos lentos de entra.e. sai com os dedos% tente encontrar o /onto E 4uma protu*er>ncia na parte anterior da "agina% a uns B cm da entrada5! Se "oc# fizer isso direito ela "ai ficar doida! Se ela l e pedir para tirar os dedos% tire! Algumas mul eres perdem a concentra&(o quando "oc# faz isso! Do mesmo modo% "oc# pode e)perimentar enfiar um dedo no >nus dela enquanto c upa! Mas "+ com calma porque nem todas gostam desse tipo de carin o! 3ique ligado nas rea&Fes dela!

-- . 2oloque o grelo na *oca e c upe sua"emente enquanto *rinca com a l1ngua na ponta dele! Alterne as c upadas com lam*idas ao longo da fenda da )o)ota% nas "iril as% nos grandes l+*ios!!! @olte a se concentrar no grelo% "i*rando a l1ngua *em r+pido! A altern>ncia $ importante pois a manipula&(o constante do clitris pode pro"ocar um resultado oposto ao dese,adoK ele tende a ficar dormente e a1 todo o camin o que "oc# construiu rumo ao prazer supremo da sua parceira "ai por +gua a*ai)o! Mas t#m um detal eK se "oc# perce*er que ela est+ prestes a gozar% n(o pare nem mude a forma como est+ fazendo! Manten a o ritmo e a press(o at$ o fim! EX/ER9MEN8E'''' 2om Sor"ete 3a&a da *uceta uma ta&a! Escol a um sor"ete *em cremoso e dei)e descongelar um pouco% at$ o ponto em que come&a a amolecer! Sa*ores di"ersos% para todos os gostos! 2om Eel$ia ou 2 antilL @ale tudo e quanto mais melado mel or! 2uidado para n(o dar formiga depois! Carlos Drumond de Andrade, nosso poeta maior, era adepto e escreveu um belo poema sobre o tema: A Lngua Lambe A l1ngua lam*e as p$talas "ermel as da rosa pluria*ertaM a l1ngua la"ra certo oculto *ot(o% e "ai tecendo l$pidas "aria&Fes de le"es ritmos E lam*e% lam*ilonga% lam*ilenta% a licorina gruta ca*eluda% e% quanto mais lam*ente% mais ati"a% atinge o c$u do c$u% entre gemidos% entre gritos% *alidos e rugidos de leFes na floresta% enfurecidos!

Let's Talk About Sex hat men need to kno! about !omen's sexual health"

9f Lou are liAe most people% Lou pro*a*lL t inA Lou alreadL AnoN e"erLt ing t ere is to AnoN a*out se)! OoNe"er% it is N at Lou donPt AnoNQor donPt *ot er to asAQt at could urt Lou! Re are not talAing a*out satisfLing Lour partner 4alt oug t at is important too'5% *ut a*out issues t at affect *ot er as Nell as Lour oNn se)ual ealt ! Read on to learn "alua*le lessons a*out *irt control% menstrual cLcles% and N en Lou are most liAelL to get Lour partner pregnant! AnLt ing else Lou donPt AnoN! Rell% do not *e afraid to asA' h# she's $ust not in the mood Sou could *lame er lacA of interest in se) on a "arietL of factorsQfrom fatigue to stress to emotional issues! OoNe"er% Lou maL not *e considering anot er li*ido.Ailler! DManL commonlL used anti.depressant drugs can a"e a negati"e impact *ot on li*ido and on a*ilitL to ac ie"e orgasm%D saLs Nanette Santoro% M!D!% professor of o*stetrics and gLnaecologL at Al*ert Einstein 2ollege of Medicine! 9f LouPre in a neN relations ipQand s e asnPt Let re"ealed to Lou t at s ePs e"en taAing antidepressantsQLou mig t *e left frustrated and Nondering if LouP"e suddenlL lost Lour touc ! 3or some Nomen% *eing on t e /ill can also diminis t eir interest in se)Qpro*a*lL *ecause t e /ill NorAs *L suppressing "arious ormones% including testosterone 4t e ormone t at usuallL fires t e se) dri"e5! %&S: 't's not all in her head D8 at time of t e mont D maL *e t e topic of countless ,oAes% *ut if Lour partner is suffering from premenstrual sLmptoms% it is no ,oAe to er! DA*out HJ percent of Nomen suffer from some tLpe of /MS sLmptomsQ from p Lsical complaints liAe *loating and *reast tenderness to emotional ones liAe mood sNings and irrita*ilitL%D saLs Santoro! 8 roug out a NomanPs mont lL cLcle% ormone le"els fluctuate! 9n addition% rig t *efore er period arri"es% t ere is a uge drop in estrogens% and t e *rain respond to t e lacA of estrogens *L also dropping serotonin production! SerotoninQAnoNn as t e Dfeel.good ormoneDQis N at gi"es Lou a sense of Nell *eing! Not surprisinglL% N en it drops% Lour girl Nill get cranAL% and maL cra"e t e sort of ig .car* comfort foods t at *oost serotonin le"els! So *e sensiti"e to er /MS sLmptoms% and consider Lourself lucAL t at Lour ormones do not NreaA t is Aind of a"oc on Lou' (er sexual histor# is no! #ours

DSou are noN sleeping Nit TN ome"erU s e as slept Nit in er past% and Lou are su*,ecting Lourself to anL se)uallL transmitted diseases s e maL a"e gotten from pre"ious partners%D saLs Santoro! And N ile itPs not necessarilL important to di"ulge e)act num*ers and all t e intimate details of Lour pre"ious se)ual partners% it is important to AnoN oN s e as protected erself in t e past and N en Nas t e last time s e Nas tested for se)uallL transmitted diseases! hat she can do i) the condom breaks 9f LouP"e ad unprotected se)Q*ecause t e condom *roAe% *ecause Lou t oug t s e Nas on t e /ill% or *ecause neit er of Lou *ot ered to *ring up t e su*,ect of *irt control in t e eat of t e momentQt ere is an option for elping to pre"ent an unNanted pregnancL! 8 e so.called Dmorning.after pillD is a"aila*le Nit out a prescription under t e *rand name /lan : 4Lou need to request it at t e p armacL counter% *ut need not get a prescription from Lour doctor5! D8 ere are manL t eories as to oN it NorAs%D saLs Santoro! D9t mig t pre"ent a pregnancL from implanting in t e uterus or it maL interfere Nit t e fertilization of t e egg!D 9t needs to *e taAen Nit in G7 ours of unprotected se)% and in"ol"es tNo doses% so if an accident appens% talA to Lou colla*orate a*out er Nillingness to taAe it and urge er to do it quicAlL! Sex ma# make her su))er :lame it on anatomL% *ut Nomen are more prone to suffer from Least infections% "aginal infections% and urinarL tract infections *ecause of a"ing intercourse! DSemen is muc more liAelL to disrupt a NomanPs normal "aginal pO and aggra"ate or precipitate an infection%D saLs Santoro! D9tPs prettL unliAelL for a man to get Least or ot er infection from a Noman!D So N en s e pops out of *ed to pee immediatelL after se) 4N ic doctors recommend to pre"ent *ladder infections5Qor NonPt a"e se) Nit Lou *ecause s ePs got a *urning infection doNn *eloNQ a"e pitL on er and *e glad Lour anatomL Aeeps Lou safer from suc insults! *no! !hat she's doing to prevent pregnanc# DAnL man N o sleeps Nit a Noman Nit out intending to sign on for life as t e fat er of er *a*LQand lea"es t e contraception totallL up to er Nit out t inAing a*out itQdeser"es t e paternitL suit e is risAing'D Narns Santoro! SeriouslL% t is is a con"ersation Lou simplL a"e to a"e *efore Lou get *usL! R en in dou*t 4e"en if s e saLs s e is on t e /ill or using a diap ragm5% Near a condom! D9f Lou donPt AnoN er Nell enoug to AnoN e)actlL oN careful s e is a*out taAing t e /ill or using ot er protection% t en donPt taAe t e risA%D saLs Santoro! +ind out her most )ertile da#s

9f Lour goal isnPt to *ecome a fat er rig t noNQand Lour partner is not using ormonal *irt control 4liAe t e /ill or Depo./ro"era5Qit paLs to AnoN a little a*out er cLcle! 9t is a commonlL eld *elief t at all Nomen a"e a 7H.daL cLcle% and o"ulate midNaL t roug Qaround daL -<! E"en if t at is t e case Nit Lour partner% t ere is still a se"eral.daL NindoN. surrounding o"ulation during N ic s e can get pregnant! Since sperm can li"e in t e fallopian tu*es for up to G7 ours% s e can get pregnant if Lou a"e unprotected se) at anL time during t e t ree daLs *efore s e actuallL o"ulates% as Nell as t e daL after! 9n addition% more importantlL% cLcles can "arL from Noman to Noman% and e"en from mont to mont ! DVust *ecause s e saLs t at er period comes e"erL 7H daLs liAe clocANorA% Lou s ould still assume t erePs room for error in t at num*er%D saLs Santoro! 9n addition% Les% a Noman can e"en get pregnant during er period! D9f er menstrual cLcle is s ort 4liAe 7B daLs or so5 and s e *leeds for se"eral daLs% s e could potentiallL still *e *leeding *ut also *e o"ulating%D Santoro e)plains! STDs,the one thing #ou don't !ant to share R ile it is easier for a man to pass most se)uallL transmitted diseases to a Noman 4as opposed to "ice "ersa5% Lou *ot need to *e concerned a*out protecting Loursel"es and eac ot er! And donPt maAe anL assumptions a*out oN safe Lou are! D9t is important to remem*er t at S8Ds cut t roug e"erL social stratum% so asA Lour partner a*out anL AnoNn S8Ds s e as and talA a*out N en Lou Nere *ot last tested%D saLs Santoro! And N ile t eL donPt offer a*solutelL foolproof protection% condoms are still Lour *est defense against s aring infections! Some of t e most common S8Ds include c lamLdia 4N ic afflicts a*out 7H million people eac Lear5 and O/@% t e uman papilloma "irus% N ic affects a*out 7J million! O/@ is so easilL spread t at t e 2enters for Disease 2ontrol and /re"ention estimates t at a se)uallL acti"e Noman as a*out an HJ percent c ance of contracting it in er lifetime! And *e "erL careful of erpes! 9f s e as a cold sore 4oral erpes5% it can *e passed to Lou "ia oral se) and manifest as genital erpesQand Lou could do t e same to er! 9f t e relations ip seems liAe it mig t a"e legs% itPs a good opportunitL to go get tested for t e full range of S8Ds! DEoing toget er and getting screened for S8Ds can *e a "erL romantic gesture%D saLs Santoro!

Sex -d )or .ro!n/0p .irls 12 things ever# !oman needs to kno! :L SallL RadLAa for MSN Oealt W 3itness MedicallL Re"ieNed :LK 2Lnt ia Oaines% M!D! - X 7 X Ne)t Y

9tZs *een se"eral Lears since Lou sat t roug t at si)t .grade se)ual ealt class and t en giggled s LlL a*out it afterNard Nit Lour girlfriends! And in t ose inter"ening Lears% LouP"e undou*tedlL learned a lot more t an N at Nas on t e grade.sc ool curriculum! :ut ,ust *ecause LouPre older and Niser noNQand a"e *een doing responsi*le t ings liAe going for Lour annual gLno appointment% using appropriate *irt control% and protecting Lourself from se)uallL transmitted diseasesQt at still doesnZt mean Lou AnoN it all! So consider t is a little refres er course! Re asAed Dr! Nanette Santoro% professor of o*stetrics[gLnecologL and NomenPs ealt at t e Al*ert Einstein 2ollege of Medicine in NeN SorA 2itL% to Neig in on t e stuff Lou reallL should AnoN a*out Lour se)ual ealt ! 3ou don't have to get #our period" Rit t e U!S! 3ood and Drug AdministrationPs appro"al of so.called Dcontinuous *irt control pills%D t e mont lL menstrual cLcle maL soon *ecome of t ing of t e past! R ile it maL seem some oN Nrong not to *leed e"erL 7H daLs or so% doctors assert t at Nomen on anL form of oral contracepti"es donPt need t at NeeA of place*o pills! D8 ere is a *elief t at t e pill TN en taAen on a 7H.daL cLcleU produces a normal period% *ut t atPs not t e case%D e)plains Santoro! 8aAing t e pill reproduces t e ormones of pregnancL 4N ic is N L o"ulation is suppressed5 rat er t an t e ormonal fluctuations of a menstrual cLcle! R en LouZre not on t e pill% t e endometrial lining *uilds up and needs to *e s ed mont lL! D:ut a Noman taAing t e pill as a "erL% "erL t in endometrial lining%D saLs Santoro! DAnd if not ing *uilds up% not ing needs to *e s ed!D At least 42 percent o) men and !omen are in)ected !ith (%5" 8 is S8D 4full nameK uman papilloma"irus5 is not onlL u*iquitous% it is also dangerous! Se"eral "arieties of t e "irus a"e *een identified as a cause of cer"ical cancer! And N ile condoms can elp pre"ent transmission% since t e "irus can spread t roug anL genital contact% t eL canPt offer complete protection! 2urrentlL% t e *est *et for pre"ention is Eardasil% t e recentlL appro"ed O/@ "accine! 9tPs most effecti"e if recei"ed *efore LouP"e engaged in anL se)ual acti"itL% and itPs onlL recommended for Nomen under age 7C! 3or e"erLone else% safe se) and regular testing *L Lour gLno is still Lour *est *et! The most e))ective birth control method is the one #ou use correctl#" 8 e pill ad"ertises a *etter t an II percent efficacL rate% and condoms 4N en used DperfectlLD5 rate a*out IH percent! :ut sAip a feN pills or taAe t em on an irregular sc edule% and Lou could easilL find Lourself pregnant! And t e failure rate for DtLpical useD of condoms is as muc as

-B percent! D8 atPs N L 9 fa"or t ose t at do not require foret oug t%D saLs Santoro! Suc options Nould include Mirena 4an estrogen.free intrauterine contraception de"ice t at can *e left in place for up to fi"e Lears5 and t e Nu"aRing 4a fle)i*le ring placed ig in t e "agina t at releases ormones similar to t e pill and is replaced eac mont 5! 3ou can get pregnant be)ore, during, or a)ter ovulation" Since sperm can sur"i"e for 7< to <H ours in Lour reproducti"e tract% Lou could concei"e if Lou a"e se) a daL or so *efore Lou o"ulate or up to a feN daLs after! So if Lou are trLing to a"e a *a*L% t atPs t e time to get *usL! And if LouPre not planning a pregnancL% t atPs a good time to *e e)tra.diligent a*out *irt control! %eeing a)ter sex can prevent a urinar# tract in)ection" D8rauma to t e uret ra during se) can cause germs to spread upNards to t e *ladder and cause an infection%D Santoro saLs! 8 e *est pre"enti"e measures are also t e simplestK Oead to t e *at room after Lou a"e se)% drinA plentL of Nater% and if Lou are prone to U89s% drinAing cran*errL ,uice as *een s oNn to elp flus *acteria out of t e sLstem! ') #our birth control )ails, there's a morning/a)ter option" 3or Lears% some doctors quietlL ga"e t eir patients an e)tra dose of *irt control pills after unprotected se) in order to pre"ent pregnancL! NoN% t e so.called Dmorning.after pillD is a"aila*le o"er t e counter in a drug called /lan :! D9tPs not entirelL clear oN it NorAs% *ut t ere are se"eral possi*ilities%D saLs Santoro! 9t mig t alter t e consistencL of t e cer"ical mucus so t at sperm canPt get t roug M and it mig t c ange t e uterine lining to pre"ent implantation! 3our sex drive is a))ected b# #our hormones 6and #our relationship7" Unless LouPre on t e pill% Lour le"els of ormonesQespeciallL estrogen% progesterone and testosterone 4Les% Nomen a"e it too5Qfluctuate t roug out t e mont ! And t ose peaAs and "alleLs can *e one reason N L LouPre in t e mood one nig t and could care less a*out se) anot er! And after menopause% N en production of t ose reproducti"e ormones Nanes% Nomen often e)perience a drop in se)ual interest! :ut studies a"e s oNn t at it maL *e Lour partner% not Lour ormones% t at are reallL important! DRelations ip qualitL plaLs t e *iggest role in se)ual moti"ation for Nomen%D Santoro saLs! 't pa#s to kno! #our o!n breasts"

R ile t ere as *een some contro"ersL o"er t e ultimate "alue of doing mont lL *reast self.e)ams% manL doctors still recommend *eing proacti"e and conducting t e e)ams! 9f Lou find a lump t atZs ard and doesnZt mo"e around easilL% Aeep an eLe on it! 9f it persists *eLond Lour ne)t period% it mig t *e Nort mentioning to Lour doctor! :ut Santoro saLs t at muc more important t an t e self.e)am is getting annual e)ams *L Lour doctor and mammograms as recommended *ased on Lour age and familL istorL! +ertilit# starts to head do!nhill earlier than #ou think" R ile most Nomen Nill not notice it quite so soon% fertilitL actuallL *egins to diminis in t e earlL ;Js% and t e situation gets more pronounced *L t e late ;Js! DMost of t e time% medical treatments can o"ercome fertilitL pro*lems at t at stage%D saLs Santoro! D:ut *L t e time a Noman is in er <Js% s e is far less liAelL to *e elped *L ig .tec treatments!D 8 e *iggest culprit in age.related fertilitL declines is t e qualitL of t e eggs *eing released! Sou are *orn Nit all t e eggs LouZll e"er a"e 4unliAe men% N o maAe fres sperm dailL5% and as t eL age t eL are more liAelL to a"e c romosomal defects t at maAe it arder to get pregnant% increase t e risA of miscarriage% and account for t e increase in conditions liAe DoNn sLndrome among *a*ies *orn to older mot ers! -xercise ma# be #our best de)ence against premenstrual s#ndrome" SLmptoms liAe *loating and moodiness can *e a mont lL nuisance% and not muc as reallL *een pro"en to elp! According to Santoro% "itamin :C as s oNn some promise% *ut s e cautions not to taAe more t an BJ milligrams a daL! And N ile t erePs little conclusi"e medical e"idence t at e)ercise Nill eliminate or alle"iate /MS sLmptoms% anecdotal e"idence is strong! A good NorAout can *oost moodQand N en LouZre ead is in a *etter place% LouPre less liAelL to N ine a*out t e ot er stuff'

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