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The world of dreams has always been a fantasy to the human mind This inexplicable world full of illusions

and images has puzzled humans since centuries, and the curiosity has always tried to untangle the mysteries and the interpretations of the dreams ,and the occult messages , if there are any and if those messages and images are the result of our hidden desires or they are the results of our unconcious mind. But what exactly is meant by unconcious mind ? Does it really exists or is it just a mere hyopothetical space crafted by philosophers and psychologists? When we talk of dreams and unconcious, immediately Sigmund Freud comes to our mind, one of the most important figures who paved the way to deduce the complexities of human dreams with a scientific approach. As the notable psychoanylst states ( Ch. 1 . The scientific literature of dream problem, Interpretation of dreams) I shall demonstrate that there is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams, and that on the application of this technique every dream will reveal itself as a psychological structure, full of significance, and one which may be assigned to a specific place in the psychic activities of the waking state Freud came out with scientific methodologies to unravel the occult mystries of the strangeness and obscurity of dreams , and how each element of the dreams is a self projection of the desires ( as stated by Lacan) with the help of these methodologies one may be able to decipher the extraordinary variations in the content as well as the visualisation of the dreams. . First we would be going through Freudian methodolgies and subsequently we would be using them to analyse two movies- The Vanilla Sky directed by Cameron Crowe in which we would be going through the manifestation of the desires on dreams and their uncontrolled outcome and The Machinist by Brad Anderson, which plays with the subtle unconcious of the protagonist and the occult emotions of guilt and their projections. Freud On Dreams In his book, Interpretation of Dreams ,( ch 1 ,Section B- The Material of Dreams-Memory in dreams) Freud states that That all the material composing the content of a dream is somehow derived from experience, that it is reproduced or remembered in the dream This is true that our dreams are manifestations of our experiences and daily life. All that is projected in the dreams is either influenced by a person whom we had talked to or someone who we know very well , experiences that we have had , places that we have visited or from the things we do normally, our habits, our lifestyle and the list goes on. According to Freud , the whole content of a dream can be largely grouped under two entities , they are The Manifest and The Latent content. Generally speaking, the former represents the dream itself, the imagery and the depictions , the visual content of the dream and the latter signifies , as its name suggests the latent , or the hidden meaning to every imagery , projections, and visuals and related to the occult

meaning behind them . Manifest content is the product of the individuals psyche and it can be interpreted as the product of the elements experienced by the individual such as actual images and thought, presented in a very bizarre way , short term and in a very non linear fashion. The latent content comprises of the hidden meaning of the dream , ones hidden desires , feelings, emotions which are a part of the individuals internal struggle in the subconcious of the human mind. Freud stresses that it is the selection of the material that projects itself in the dreams , that comprises not only the coherent normal experiences , but some of the unexpected and out of the blue, whose relation to the individual is difficult to trace.But the depth of meaning that can be derived from scratching out this layer can reveal profound underlying thoughts within an individuals unconcious. It teaches us that "nothing which we have once psychically possessed is ever entirely lost" (Scholz, p. 34.)

The work which transformes the latent dream into the manifest one is called the The dream work . It is this dreamwork that acts as a cinematic projector and the film reel that plays is derived from our life and those very moments that went down to stroll in the subconcious.. Dreams have a wonderful poetry, an apposite allegory, an incomparable sense of humour, a delightful irony. They see the world in the light of a peculiar idealization, and often intensify the effect of their phenomena by the most ingenious understanding of the reality underlying them. They show us earthly beauty in a truly heavenly radiance, the sublime in its supremest majesty, and that which we know to be terrible in its most frightful form, while the ridiculous becomes indescribably and drastically comical. And on waking we are sometimes still so full of one of these impressions that it will occur to us that such things have never yet been offered to us by the real world." ( Pg 22, E.The psychological pecularities of Dreams, The interpretation of Dreams) Freud introduces certain methodologies to interpret dreams . these methodolgies come in handy while going through the material, extracting the latent dream content obtained by the method. They are condensation , displacement , plastic representation and secondary revision. Condensation is carried out by total omission of certain latent elements and by only a part of the some complexes in the latent dream passing over into the manifest one. That can be resulted ino combining of two or more elements being fused together into a single element , or in simpler terms combining a number of images into one , but each one retaining some part of its original and omitting the other. Displacement stands out as the dream work plan to shred some of the references and allowing the dreamer to shift the emotional intensity from one dream thought to another. The another one is the plastic representation where the hidden emotions and desires take up as symbolic representations in dreams. The dreamer forms visual images rather than to express formal relations among thoughts in conceptual terms. The images are in the other sensory modalities beside the visual auditory and olifactory present as thoughts, ideas , feelings

or single words. The secondary revision is responsible for the organized narrative and story like quality of the dream , that is the sequence of events and their organization . Vanilla sky The film Vanilla sky is 2001 American film directed , co produced , and co- written by Cameron Crow .It is a remake of 1997 Spanish film Abre los Ojos( open your eyes), written by Alejandro Amenbar and Mateo Gil. Personally I feel that Vanilla sky Stands out to be more Intense and creative in representing the theme of the movie.The movie depicts the life of a young man , David Aames, played by Tom Cruise , and his constant tussle with his unconcious and dreams and he is unable to decipher whether he is in a state of reality or a dream . The movie starts with the cityscape of New york from heights and a feminine voice calling out Open your eyes ,which is the recorded voice of Davids alarm clock .He gets up and gets ready for work and as he drives towards his office, he finds out that the streets are totally empty and and none is there . When he reaches New York Times Square he finds out that it is totally deserted and he begins to Run and being paranoid screams out and finds himself awaken this time, as this all was nothing but a dream and the sound of his alarm clock speaking Open your eyes, but this time with a different voice,that is of Juliana, ( Cameron Diaz), who is Davids casual fling partner . Here we see displacement in the dream , as substitution of Voice in alarm clock . The actual one being of Julianas , but the substituted one of being Sofias , Davids love interest . The birds eye view of New York is corollary to Davids real life , as we learn that he is afraid of heights.Here again we see displacement, that is substituting fear of height with the images as if he is flying. The absence of people reflects the loneliness and running away from it is his loneliness where he cannot relate himself to anyone around him, where everyone see him as a rich brat, who just got to inherit his fathers company without any hard work. Since , his childhood , he was considered reckless and irresponsible .The next sequence in which David is wearing a prosthetic Mask and is in jail , talking to a psychatrist Mr. McCabe as he is been accused of a murder, and he recollects the moment when he met Sofa , a young dancer who came to her Birthday Party, with Brian , his Best friend. In one of the scenes , Sofia is looking at a distorted guitar of a famous rock and roll singer , placed as an artpiece in Davids home. The distortion of life and the non linear form of lifestyle corresponds to the broken guitar. Meeting with Sofia was a inforgettable moment for David,as he sees himself falling for her at first sight.In the succcessive scenes, he leaves from the Sofias House and finds himself being stalked by Juliana .Obviously , Juliana is envious about the growing proximity of David and Sofia, and while she tries to persuade David , of their relationship , she asks him What is Happiness to you David? . This is the same question that we see being asked about by the young man , on the terrace to David. Here we see , that this dream leads David to his unending search for the reasons of his happiness. According to Freud, our latent wishes and emotions are the manifest content of the dreams ,so this simplifies that Davids reasons for happiness are being manifested in this question , which appears many times in the movie.

The accident appears to be a dream to David which he later tells Sofia , But sees her running away from himself. Though we do not see yet the disfigured face, but later it explains the cause of the disfigurement. This distortion of face depicts the non -linearity and the broken life of David and exclusion of Juliana from his life. The prosthetic mask follows the censorship , where he to accept his deformity, and much more being distanced away from Sofa . One of the peculiar things of the movie is its Non linear form of depiction , where the protagonist himself is ambiguous about his presence state, whether he is in dream or is he In reality. As Freud says the dream has at its disposal no means of representing these logical relations between the dreamthoughts. In most cases it disregards all these conjunctions, and undertakes the elaboration only of the material content of the dream-thoughts. It is left to the interpretation of the dream to restore the coherence which the dream-work has destroyed. ( Pg 102,C. the means of representation of Dream,Interpretation of dreams) The bar scene , where David , confronts with his friend Brian and Sofia, whom he feels is ignoring her because of his distorted face is where it leads a scuffle amongst the two and David because of his uncanny behaviour. After the incident , he breaks up and lies unconcious in the street near Sofias house. In the morning , Sofia comes up to wake her up with her Open Your eyes. We see that whenever he gets up from a dream it is the voice of Sofia , who is doing that. The dream reproduces only a distorted form of the dream-wish in the unconscious.Again, in the lock up , while discussing the incident, Dr. McCabe asks him the same question again , that What is Happiness to you David?. This is Nothing, But another self projection of David and catapulting the same question again and again to himself only. displacement of another kind does occur, and that it manifests itself in an exchange of the verbal expression for the thought in question ( Pg 110, D. Regard for representability,the Interpretaion of dreams ) Thus we see , how displacement helps us to unravel the circulation of Davids question to himself in different manifestations. Davids dreams starts to play with him,on the night when he is with Sofa ,when he sees that he is now cured and the distortion of has been cured and returned to normalcy.Though he still have some hallucinations of his distorted face. But , the night when he is with Sofa , but actually finds out Juliana beside her , who tells him that she is Sofa and he asfixiates her with pillow and when he removes the pillow , he realizes that he has killed Sofa. Here we see condensation playing a major role in the dreams of David. His fear and desires entangle in such a way that they are intensely represented as violence and yearning for Sofa in his dreams. The Lucid dream of the life extension in the final part of the movie explains all the mysteries of Davids Mind.This whole series of events was nothing but Davids extended dream,and the whole thing is his creation.After he had fallen in the street, Sofa didnt ever turned up, and he went home and later ended his life.But his Lucid dream begins from that point where he was lying in the street .After that he moment it was all a dream of the life that he wanted to live with Sofa.Elements of plastic representation begin to reveal, when the Man calling himself the tech support of Life extension explains him that it is he who chose this whole scenario

. The individual parts of this complicated structure naturally stand in the most manifold logical relations to one another. They constitute foregroundand background, digressions, illustrations, conditions, lines of argument and objections. When the whole mass of these dream-thoughts is subjected to the pressure of the dream-work, during which the fragments are turned about, broken up and compacted, ( Pg, 102, C . the means of representations of dreams , The interpretation of dreams) The moments that he spent in his dream was crafted out from the iconography of his youth.He and Sofa walking by the street was inspired by the album cover that once moved him. Dr. McCabe is also not real , but a figment of his imagination that was inspired by a movie in which a father talked to son , and this was represented as a protective and understanding figure of Dr. McCabe, just like a father having a conversation with his son and clearing his dilemmas. The fact that he barely knew Sofa in his real life but in his dream she was his saviour truly stands out. The Monet like skies in the final scene , were his mothers favourite and the last scene on the roof where he has the final choice to continue with the dream or to face the real world,is a concrete representation of his own choices in life, but in dream with a slight imaginative touch. He chose the roof as to end his fear of heights. Again the projection of his question by the young man what is happiness to you David? And the fact that Brian used to say that the The sweet is never as sweet without the sour are his manifestations derived from the real life, a means of plastic representation and symbolism. The final scene where he jumps from the roof is his way to end the dream and with it the fear of heights.Its is his moment of choice , where he wants to continue with his real life. In the end , he wakes up with the voice calling him to Open your eyes , which is the voice of Sofa , and it is the same voice that wakes him up from every dream.This is his manifestation that Sofa is reality to him and that is why each time it is Sofas voice, waking him up from the world of his dreams.

The Machinist The Machinist is a 2004 English language film directed by Brad Anderson , starring Christian Bale as Trevor Reznik, who is a machinist in a metal workshop and who claims that he has not slept in a year and is haunted by flashes of recurring imagery and everyday events in his life , where he is unable to deduce the reasons and lead him to a state of paranoia. It is his unconcious psyche that plays with him in which his occult emotions are deeply based , which results in an unusual series of events . First of all the the imageries that flashes before his eyes keep repeating themselves. As Freud states A relaxation of resistances with a consequent pushing forward ofunconscious material, takes place regularly in the state of sleep, and thus brings about a necessary precondition for the construction of dreams. ( Pg. 13 ,Chp.IV , Psychichal qualities, An outline of Psychoanalysis) These are many images that flash before Trevor in his daily life, and someway or the other he experiences Dej v ,and the simplest reason is that these all images are a play of Trevors unconcious mind , and they keep appearing before him conveying some ciphered messages which Trevor and leading him to utter confusion . Starting with the car cigarette lighter , Trevor is bewildered every time he uses that lighter and the constanly appearing post it notes with a game of hangman and a puzzle written on it, which he is able to solve in the final and explains the reason for his insomnia. These all are a result of profusion and

complexities of human mind , which reveal the interconnections and reveal the determinants of the disturbances in Trevors unconcious. One of the most frequent imagery is the clock , which shows the time-1:30, whenever Trevor glances at them , be it the clock at the airport, or his house, or at Marias house. The character of Ivan Is Intelligibly crafted by Trevor in the movie. Truly , Ivan is Trevors creation . One of the striking fact is that he appears whenever Trevor snoozes off to sleep and out of the blue Ivan is beside him. The role of Ivan is Trevors Id ,the repressed part of h is personality, he is instinctive and primal and he cant be reasoned with or satisfied with, who is created by Trevors prolonged insomnia.Due to this Trevor is unable to think rationally , but Ivan , his id plays a major role that acts as a link with his forgotten memory. Ivan is always seen wearing exactly the same clothes that Trevor was wearing at the moment when he was involved in Hit and Run case, which is Trevors repressed self. The waitress Maria and Nicholas could be seen as Trevor's Super-ego as a means to place guilt on Trevor, and as it is revealed at the end of the film the child he hit and killed with his car resembled Nicholas and the mother resembles Maria, but in reality he didnt know them personally it is his manifestations of his unconcious mind , that he can interact with them as if he knew them, as they are a projection of his guilt over his actions, and may possibly act as a form of repentance as a way to end his insomnia and balance out his life again. in the economic conflicts which arise at this point, the id and the super-ego often make common cause against the hard-pressed ego which tries to cling to reality in order to retain its normal state. If the other two become too strong, they succeed in loosening and altering the ego's organization,so that its proper relation to reality is disturbed (Pg. 18 Ch. VI, The technique of psychoanalysis, An outline of Psychoanalysis It is this super-ego and Id that are leading him to the state of paranoia, because they have become too strong ,as his manifestations of guilt which had got etched deeply in his unconcious mind. The imagery of the crossroads which Trevor finds himself to be lost corresponds to the site where the accident took place. The representation of crossroads and the water tank is the constant remembrance of his site of guilt. And when he was at the airport , he sees a poster of Mothers day , which is a true means of representing the pain of the mother and his repentance for her. During his conversation with waitress Maria, which is the figment of his unconcious, the super ego , he says that a little guilt , goes a long way , not surprisingly he is refering to his own guilt and his course of actions . This is his ego, making up to the incident and trying to find out the way for his inner peace and satisfaction. The horror ride sequence in the amusement park , the repressed memories take a more graphical representation in his subconcious . The ride which is called Route 666 is Trevors real ride , that is t he Chevy that he was driving when he ran over Nicholas.His super ego , again takes him back to the flashes of images of guilt and repentance.The figures in the ride demonstrate the present state of Trevors mind, and recollect the corresponding events.The man hanging from a tree and the caption of : Guilt , written on it,a sliced limb corresponds to the accident with Miller and his hand during an accident in the workshop,the guilt of triggering the accident, a burning , crashed car and a dead body lying near it,,A representation of his repressed emotions,and the most intense being where a manequinn of a young boy pops out and the ride car running over them, mirroring Trevors hit and run, the tunnel of the ride ,exactly

like the tunnel through which he passed after the accident, all these are manifestations of his repressed memories. the young and feeble ego put back into the unconscious state some of the material it had already taken in, dropped it, and behave in the same way to some fresh impressions which it might have taken in, so that these, having been rejected, could leave a trace only in the id. In consideration of its origin we speak of this latter portion of the id as the repressed ( Pg.14, Chp. Dream interpretation as an illustration, An outline of Psychoanalysis) The notes on his regfrigerator with stick figures and the wordplay with the letters is also his depiction of guilt. The word that he makes from the missing letter , are mother and killer , both pertaining from the incident. The photograph that he finds out in Ivans purse, proving his acquaintance with other co worker Reynolds, and as a proof of his existence , upon being confronted with Stieve , turns out to be his own photograph, thus proving that Ivan really does not exist, but it is the repressed id of Trevor, that Trevor who killed Nicholas and ran away. The final scene in which he kills Ivan and after rolling him in a carpet and he goes to the dam to dump him reveals the height of his uncontrolled psyche over his feeling of guilt. As he dumps him, and sees somebody approaching him , and as the carpet rolls over , it is seen that it is totally empty , and the man who has approached him , is no one but Ivan, his id. In the final , as he washes his hand, which again is his one of the actions to get rid of the guilt,and the feeling of despite, he sees Ivan standing behind him , and he recognizes as himself, the murderer and all the events of the hit and run flash before his eyes. In the end he realizes his mistake , and decides to stop running from it. He goes to the police station and surrenders so to and this feeling of guilt , and we see Trevor sleeping contently for the first time in the entire movie.
The super-ego is aware of it in its judicial functions as our conscience. It is a remarkable thing that the super-ego often displays a severity for which no model has been provided by the real parents, and moreover that it calls the ego to account not only for its deeds but equally for its thoughts and unexecuted intentions, of which the super-ego seems to have knowledge. This reminds us that the hero of the Oedipus legend too felt guilty for his deeds and submitted himself to self-punishment (Pg 35 chapter IX , The internal world, an Outline of psychoanalysis)

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