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Dita Oky Purnama Jati

Introduction Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that is still world attention. Until now, there are no one country that is free of tuberculosis. Mortality and morbidity caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis was also high. In 2009, 1.7 million people died from tuberculosis (600,000 including women) while there were 9.4 million new cases of tuberculosis (3.3 million of them women). A third of the world's population has been infected with tuberculosis which the majority of tuberculosis patients are of childbearing age (15-55 years). Tuberculosis remains out of control in many developing nations. These nations require medical and financial assistance from developed nations in order to control the sprea of tubercuosis globally. Tuberculosis disease was also relating with the lost economic loss of household income. According to WHO, a person suffering from tuberculosis are expected to lose their household income approximately 3-4 months. Almost all people often have a cough, but most of them didnt aware that they experienced cough a symptom of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease that very dangerous if not treated immediately. Many people think that tuberculosis was not caused by bacteria, but because their food is not nutrition. Less nutrition foods and area of residence were not clean often they make cause of this disease. Without them knowing that tuberculosis bacteria in the body can threat their lives. "Stop tuberculosis in our lives and control targets are to be zero deaths due to tuberculosis, its the slogan for World tuberculosis Day. In many cases of this disease, can be rapidly developed due to inattention of tuberculosis. The way talked with tuberculosis patients without use of masks can cause they contracted the tuberculosis bacteria. The transmission occurs through the air

containing tuberculosis sputum sparks. However, someone who is infected bacteria tuberculosis are not always fell sick, depending on their immune system. Therefore, learning about things related tuberculosis should be given because of erroneous knowledge can make them contracting the disease. I believe, people should know information about tuberculosis for preventing transmission of tuberculosis bacteria.


Tuberculosis Background A. Definition of Tuberculosis Tuberculosis, commonly know as TB, is a contagious and often severe airbone disease caused by a bacterial infection. Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis typically affects the lungs, but it also may affect any other organ of the body. It is usually treated with regimen of drugs taken for 6 months to 2 years, depending on the type of infection. The pathogenesis of tuberculosis transmission through droplets are inhaled by humans. Entry into the respiratory tract can spread throughout the body through the blood, lymph system or to other organs. B. Epidemiology of Tuberculosis Globally, roughly 2 billion people are infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and roughly 2 to 3 million people die from active tuberculosis each year despite the fact that it is curable. In the United States, about 13 million people are latently infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, meaning that they are not currently sick but that they could fall ill with tuberculosis at any time. The United States had 14,093 new cases of active tuberculosis in 2005 and about 1,500 deaths. The annual incidence of tuberculosis in the United States declined by approximately 5% per year from 1953 to 1983. In 1984, this decline slowed, and then the incidence of tuberculosis rose from 1988 to 1992, reaching 10.5 cases per 100,000 population. Since 1992, more effective infection control practices and treatment protocols have reduced tuberculosis rates to 4.8 per 100,000 population as of 2005. Despite this good news, the eradication of tuberculosis from the United States remains very difficult. One reason is that we continue to import new cases from countries where TB remains out of control. Tuberculosis rates generally risen with increasing urbanization, because it is easier for an airbone disease to spread when people are packed closely together. The number of tuberculosis patients in

indonesia dicreased, from rank three to five in the world. The prevelance

of tuberculosis patients in indonesia in all cases amounted 660.000 and the incidence estimates amounted to 430.000 new cases in tuberculosis. II. The Reason People Should Know Information About Tuberculosis A. Tuberculosis is Dangerous Disease Many people who do not know that tuberculosis is very dangerous. Most people always underestimate of the old cough, and none heal. A little knowledge and a lack of clarity about the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, exacerbated tuberculosis patient simprovement. The following signs and symptoms of tuberculosis. Signs and Symptoms of Tuberculosis Adult Cough productive for 3 weeks or more, tightness, chest pain, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, fever, chills more than 1 month and sweating at night. Children Cough for more than 30 days, fever without cause, recurrent diarrhea not cured with medication, sweating at night, and weight loss for 3 months consecutively. After knowing the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, it is expected they will be more wary of coughing that happened. In addition to need to know the signs and symptoms, they also have to know about the types of tuberculosis itself. Tuberculosis varies

considerably depending on the area of the body affected by tuberculosis bacteria. Classification of Tuberculosis Lung tuberculosis Tuberculosis that attacks the tissues of the lung parenchyma. Not including the pleura (membrane lung) and hilar glands. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis that attacks the organs other than the lungs, such as spinal, meningitis (the brain membrane), the bones and lymph nodes. Active tuberculosis When a person gets infected with tuberculosis, a person's immune system cells will usually wall off the infection and cause the tuberculosis bacteria to go into an inactive form that causes no symptoms and is not contagious. Laten tuberculosis Tuberculosis that not contagious, but in a certain period can be active tuberculosis when the immune system decreases. From learning about the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis, it is expected that we play an active role in reducing the risk of tuberculosis. B. To Prevent Transmission of Bacteria Tuberculosis Tuberculosis transmission occurs through air containing TB sputum spark. However, someone who is infected with tuberculosis germs are not always falling ill, depending on their immune system. "Therefore, keep our immune system to maintain health and apply 6 Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBs), such as regular meal, a balanced diet, and enough vegetables and fruits; Maintain personal hygiene and the environment; Exercising correctly, fairly, and regular; Do not smoke, do not consume alcohol, and not misusing drugs; adequate and regular rest, and immediately seek treatment if sick. Based on the recommended strategy for tuberculosis control (DOTS = Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse) consists of 5 components, namely the government's commitment to maintain control of tuberculosis; detection of tuberculosis cases among people who have symptoms through sputum examination; regular treatment for 6 - 8 months supervised; routine tuberculosis drug supply and

uninterrupted, and systems for monitoring and evaluation of treatment and programs. Expected to control tuberculosis cases. In addition, the global tuberculosis control plan supported by 6 components of tuberculosis control strategy recently developed WHO, the pursuit of improvement and expansion of high-quality DOTS, case-tuberculosis co-infection with HIV, immune anti-double against tuberculosis and other challenges, contribute in strengthening health systems, the perception of all service providers, empower tuberculosis patients and the public and to realize and promote research. From learn it all, expect the incidence of tuberculosis in Indonesia can be decreased, so that the population would be far from the disease. III. Tips for Patients Tuberculosis A. How to Use Medications Propely The principle of treatment of tuberculosis is providing antituberculosis drugs properly and fairly, avoiding the use of monotherapy drugs to prevent resistance, and patient compliance. not all tuberculosis drugs can be used for patients who Terken tuberculosis. there are several categories of treatment of tuberculosis, namely: Category I: For new patients with smear-positive and negative, as well as severe extrapulmonary tuberculosis. Category II: for new tuberculosis Category III: for new patients with smear-negative and positive rontgen mild pain and mild extra-pulmonary tuberculosis.

B. How to Motivate The tuberculosis Patients Family support is important in order to improve medication adherence. Family is the unit closest to the patient and is the biggest motivator of behavior treatment in patients with tuberculosis.

Family should be supportive, always ready to provide support to patients in the treatment routine. Lack of attention and support families in supervising and remind patients to take medication can improve the degree of patient compliance.

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