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com Jahangir World Times Published: Feburary, 2013

The European Economic Crisis and its Impact on World

The situation in many debt-ridden countries worsened with a major political uphea al and the resultant chan!e in ei!ht out o" 1# countries hit by the crisis$ The crisis led to power shi"ts in %reece, Ireland, Italy, &ortu!al, 'pain, 'lo enia, 'lo a(ia, and the )etherlands$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

A number of countries in Europe face serious financial crisis that has made it impossible for them to refinance their o!ernment debt" #he debt crisis resulted from a number of comple$ factors such as the easy%credit conditions durin the 2002%0& period 'hich facilitated hi h%ris( lendin and borro'in practices, the )200*%2012 lobal financial crisis, the )200&%2012 lobal recession, international trade imbalances, the real estate bubbles, fiscal policy choices related to o!ernment re!enues and e$penses and lobali+ation of finance" Another reason for the crisis is the approach used by nations to bail out troubled ban(in industries and pri!ate bond%holders" #he result 'as the burdenin of these economies 'ith the pri!ate debts" #he debt crisis started in late 200, as a result of the risin pri!ate and o!ernment debt" #he interestin part of the crisis is the different causes 'hich !aried from country to country" Amon them is the property bubble throu h 'hich the ban(in system bailouts 'ere transferred to so!erei n debt" #hese bailout pac(a es 'ere the response of o!ernments in these countries to boost the slo'in of economies in the post%bubble era" #he hi h public%sector 'a e and pension commitment 'ere another cause 'hich increased the o!ernment debt" #he situation in many debt%ridden countries 'orsened 'ith a ma-or political uphea!al and the resultant chan e in ei ht out of 1* countries hit by the crisis" #he crisis led to po'er shifts in .reece, /reland, /taly, 0ortu al, Spain, Slo!enia, Slo!a(ia, and the 1etherlands" 2espite so!erei n debt ha!in risen substantially in only a fe' Euro+one countries, 'ith the three most affected countries .reece, /reland and 0ortu al collecti!ely only accountin for 34 of the Euro+one5s ross domestic product 6.207, it has become a percei!ed problem for the area as a 'hole, leadin to speculation of further conta ion of other European countries and a possible brea(up of the Euro+one and slo'in do'n of the 'orld economy" #he response of some o!ernments 'as on austerity measures such as hi her ta$es and lo'er e$penses 'hich contributed to social unrest" #he economists did not fa!our these steps rather many of them ad!ocate reater deficits for economies stru lin to sail throu h debt crisis" #he ad!ice 'as especially for countries facin sharp rise in the bud et deficits and so!erei n debts" #he main ar ument 'as the crisis of in!estors5 confidence 'hich fuelled the fli ht of capital from the debt% stric(en countries to better performin economies" /n the mid%2012, due to implementation of structural reforms and successful fiscal measures in the countries at ris( and !arious policy measures ta(en by European Union 6EU7 leaders, financial stability in the Euro+one has impro!ed si nificantly and interest rates ha!e steadily fallen" #he conta ion ris( has also reatly diminished for other euro +one countries" As of October 2012 only three out of 1* Euro+one countries, namely .reece, 0ortu al and 8yprus still battled 'ith lon %term interest rates abo!e 3 per cent" 9y the end of 2012, the debt crisis forced fi!e out of 1* Euro+one countries to see( help from other nations" 9y the end of 2012, the debt crisis forced fi!e out of 1* Euro+one countries to see( help from other nations" #he countries li(e .reece facin debt crisis 'ere amon ood performer economies in early mid% 2000s" #he lobal financial crisis of the late 2000s, .reece 'as hit hard because of its shippin and tourism industries 'hich 'ere especially sensiti!e to business cycle" #he o!ernment spent hea!ily to (eep the economy runnin " /t helped the economy but the country5s debt increased accordin ly" As the crisis intensified, the .ree( o!ernment re:uested an initial loan of ;<= billion in 2010 from the EU and /nternational >oney Fund 6/>F7 to co!er its financial needs"

/n response, the stoc( mar(ets 'orld'ide declined alon 'ith the euro currency" #he .ree( o!ernment announced a series of austerity measures to secure a three%year ;110 billion loan" #he .ree( public resented this 'ith reat an er leadin to massi!e protests, riots and social unrest" Althou h austerity measures helped .reece mana e primary deficit but as a side%effect it also increased the recessionary pressures and ne ati!e impact on economy" /n February 2012, an />F official ne otiatin .ree( austerity measures admitted that e$cessi!e spendin cuts 'ere harmin .reece" #o control the situation, the />F and other lenders a reed in 2012 to pro!ide a second bailout pac(a e 'orth ;130 billion, conditional on the implementation of another harsh austerity pac(a e" For the first time, the bailout deal also in cluded a debt%restructurin a reement 'ith the pri!ate holders of .ree( o!ernment bonds" /t is the 'orld5s bi est debt%restructurin deal e!er done, affectin some ;203 billion of .ree( o!ernment bonds" /n return, the Euro roup a reed to lo'er interest rates and prolon debt maturities and to pro!ide .reece 'ith additional funds of around ;10bn for a debt%buy%bac( pro ramme" #he latter allo'ed .reece to retire about half of the ;32 billion in debt that Athens o'es pri!ate creditors, thereby sha!in rou hly ;20 billion of that debt" #his should brin .reece5s debt%to%.20 ratio do'n to 12<4 by 2020 and 'ell belo' 1104 t'o years later" ?ithout a reement the debt%to%.20 ratio 'ould ha!e risen to 1&&4 in 2013" #he /rish debt crisis 'as not based on o!ernment o!er%spendin , but from the state uaranteein the si$ main /rish%based ban(s 'ho had financed a property bubble" /n 200&, Finance >inister issued a t'o%year uarantee to ban(s5 depositors and bond%holders" #he uarantees 'ere subse:uently rene'ed for ne' deposits and bonds in a sli htly different manner" ?ith /reland5s credit ratin fallin rapidly in the face of mountin estimates of the ban(in losses, uaranteed depositors and bondholders cashed in durin 200,%10" ?ith yields on /rish .o!ernment debt risin rapidly, the o!ernment ne otiated bailout pac(a e of ;3*"= billion in 1o!ember 2010" #o ether 'ith additional ;1*"= billion comin from /reland5s o'n reser!es and pensions, the o!ernment recei!ed ;&= billion, of 'hich up to ;3< billion 'as to be used to support the country5s ailin financial sector" /n return the o!ernment a reed to reduce its bud et deficit to belo' three percent by 201=" #he .ree( o!ernment announced a series of austerity measures to secure a three%year ;110 billion loan" /n @uly 2011 European leaders a reed to cut the interest rate that /reland 'as payin on its bailout loan from around 34 to bet'een 3"=4 and <4 and to double the loan time to 1= years" #he mo!e

'as e$pected to sa!e the country bet'een 300 and *00 million Euros per year" #he outloo( of the /rish economy is promisin " Accordin to the 8entre for Economics and 9usiness Research /reland5s e$port%led reco!ery 'ill radually pull its economy out of its trou h" #he impro!ed economic outloo( has helped /rish economy" #he cost of 10%year o!ernment bonds has already fallen substantially since its record hi h at 124 in mid%@uly 2011" /n @uly 2012, it 'as do'n at a sustainable 3"34 and it is e$pected to fall e!en further to a le!el of only <4 by 201=" /n @uly 2012, for the first time since September 2010, /reland 'as able to return to the financial mar(ets sellin o!er ;= billion in lon %term o!ernment debt 'ith an interest rate of =",4 for the fi!e%year bonds and 3"14 for the ei ht%year bonds at sale" ?hen lobal crisis disrupted the mar(ets and the 'orld economy, to ether 'ith the US credit crunch and the European debt crisis, 0ortu al 'as one of the most affected economies to succumb" /n the summer of 2010, 5>oodys /n!estors Ser!ice cut 0ortu al5s so!erei n bond ratin , 'hich led to increased pressure on 0ortu uese o!ernment bonds" /n the first half of 2011, 0ortu al re:uested a ;*& billion bailout pac(a e to stabili+e its public finances" #hese measures 'ere put in place as a direct result of decades%lon o!ernmental o!erspendin and an o!er bureaucratised ci!il ser!ice" After the bailout 'as announced, the 0ortu uese o!ernment implement measures to impro!e the State5s financial situation and the country started to be seen as mo!in on the ri ht trac(" Spain had a comparati!ely lo' debt le!el amon ad!anced economies prior to the crisis" /t is a public debt relati!e to .20 in 2010 'as only 304, more than 20 points less than .ermany, France or the US and more than 30 points less than /taly, /reland or .reece" 2ebt 'as lar ely a!oided by the balloonin ta$ re!enue from the housin bubble, 'hich helped accommodate a decade of increased o!ernment spendin 'ithout debt accumulation" ?hen the bubble burst, Spain spent lar e amounts of money on ban( bailouts" #he ban( bailouts and the economic do'nturn increased the country5s deficit and debt le!els and led to a substantial do'n radin of its credit ratin " #o build up trust in the financial mar(ets, the o!ernment be an to introduce austerity measures and it amended the Spanish 8onstitution in 2011 to re:uire a balanced bud et at both the national and re ional le!el by 2020" As one of the lar est euro +one economies 6lar er than .reece, 0ortu al and /reland combined7 the condition of SpainAs economy is of particular concern to international obser!ers" Under pressure from the United States, the />F, other European countries and the European 8ommission the Spanish o!ernments e!entually succeeded in trimmin the deficit from 11"24 of .20 in 200, to an e$pected ="<4 in 2012" Accordin to the latest debt, sustainability analysis published by the European 8ommission in October 2012, the fiscal outloo( for Spain, if assumin the country 'ill stic( to the fiscal consolidation path and tar ets outlined by the countryAs current pro ramme, 'ill result in a debt%to% .20 ratio reachin its ma$imum at 1104 in 201& follo'ed by a declinin trend in subse:uent years" ?ith re ard to the structural deficit, the same outloo( promised it 'ould radually decline to comply 'ith the ma$imum 0"=4 le!el re:uired by the Fiscal 8ompact in 2022B202*" #he 'riter can be approached at American Uni!ersity in the Emirates 2ubai, UAE 2r Cafar >ueen 1asir

The Crisis o" %o ernment isn*t + er

The Islamists are "ast losin! their popularity, but their opponents are still too wea( and di ided to ote them out o" o""ice
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

/n a ne' year5s messa e >uhammad 9adia, the Supreme .uide of E ypt5s >uslim 9rotherhood, ad!ised his follo'ers to temper resilience 'ith ma nanimity" D9e li(e the tree 'hich, 'hen battered by stones, drops its finest fruit,E he said" Fis most prominent adherent, 0resident >uhammad >orsi, has certainly pro!en resilient" / norin a tide of opposition that has s'ollen since he too( office in @une, >r >orsi pushed throu h a contro!ersial referendum in 2ecember to endorse a ne' constitution" Since then he has faced do'n challen es from E ypt5s restless -ud es, bra!ed serial resi nations of ad!isers and ministers, and parried opponents by sponsorin a national dialo ue that is actually bein held -ust by 9rothers and their allies" At elections ne$t month for the lo'er house of parliament, the 9rotherhood5s party loo(s set to do 'ell" /n the interim, than(s to an election last year 'hen only 104 !oted, it controls the pre!iously 'ea( upper house, 'hich the ne' constitution has helpfully turned into E ypt5s sole if temporary le islature" Get >r >orsi has sho'n little ma nanimity" /nstead of usin his ri ht to appoint a third of seats in the upper house to ma(e it more di!erse, he put in more yes%men" #he 9rotherhood5s ro'dy members ha!e been allo'ed to beat up protesters outside the president5s office" /ts la'yers, le islators and allies in the media ha!e launched increasin ly sharp attac(s on his critics" E ypt5s public prosecutor, recently appointed by >r >orsi o!er furious ob-ections from his peers, has

ordered a probe into a tele!ision satirist, 9assem Goussef, 'hom /slamist liti ators accuse of insultin the president" Fis crimeH Usin as a prop a red, heart%shaped pillo' 'ith >r >orsi5s face pictured on it" #he Supreme .uide also called on the 9rothers to stru le a ainst DopportunistsE 'hose oal is to Dundermine the popular 'illE and to Dfoil the /slamist pro-ectE" Other dar(er mutterin s are bein heard in /slamist :uarters" An article on a 9rotherly 'ebsite, for instance, hints of a conspiracy a ainst E ypt5s ne' order by 8optic 8hristians and Cionists, orchestrated by an American ma nate, Sheldon Adelson" #he mood on E ypt5s streets is bitter and polarised" #he comin eneral election 'ill be the se!enth time since the re!olution of @anuary 2=th, 2011, that E yptians ha!e been as(ed to :ueue for hours in national polls" /n 2ecember5s fla'ed and rushed referendum, fe'er than a third of re istered !oters turned out" Richer and better%educated ones lar ely !oted a ainst >r >orsi5s constitution but the rural poor !oted o!er'helmin ly in fa!our, uppin the o!erall yes !ote to 3<4, enou h to render futile the 'idespread claims of fraud" >r >orsi pushed throu h a contro!ersial referendum in 2ecember to endorse a ne' constitution" Since then he has faced do'n challen es from E ypt5s restless -ud es, bra!ed serial resi nations of ad!isers and ministers, and parried opponents by sponsorin a national dialo ue that is actually bein held -ust by 9rothers and their allies" 0ri!ate opinion polls su est that the 9rotherhood, thou h still adept at mobilisin its core of support, is increasin ly mistrusted" 0o!erty and -oblessness ha!e increased since the re!olution nearly t'o years a o" ?hen >r >orsi5s cabinet clumsily un!eiled but then retracted a set of ta$ increases in 2ecember, further delayin a lon %a'aited debt%relief deal 'ith the />F, a ratin s a ency do'n raded E ypt onto a par 'ith stric(en .reece" >any hotels are empty" #hree%:uarters of the 1ile cruise fleet 'as rounded o!er the 8hristmas hi h season" Forei n currency is dryin up" #he central ban( has allo'ed the E yptian pound to depreciate for the first time since the re!olution" /nflation is set to ather pace" E yptians are painfully a'are that, to secure the />F5s proffered I<"& billion loan, 'hich could unloc( a lot more forei n aid, se!ere austerity measures, includin cuts in ener y subsidies, must be imposed"

9ut >r >orsi5s troubles ha!e yet to help his non%/slamist opponents" 2espite efforts to for e a united front, secular liberals ha!e failed to pro!ide a con!incin alternati!e or to create stron net'or(s" 9ut this could chan e" Some sense a comin reaction not only a ainst the 9rothers,

'hose ima e of piety and competence has been tarnished, but a ainst the /slamist trend in eneral" Get fe' e$pect this to happen in time to affect ne$t month5s election" #he 9rothers may be more 'orried by a challen e from their ri ht" /n the eneral election a year a o, puritan Salafist parties ot a :uarter of the seats" #he countryAs most charismatic Salafist politician, Fa+em Abu /smail, has announced an alliance 'ith a roup of senior fi ures in the lar est Salafist party, 'ho recently resi ned en masse in protest a ainst its doctrinal ri idity" ?ith his fol(sy charm puttin the dour >r >orsi in the shade, and 'ith the 9rothers blamed for failin to fi$ thin s, the Fa+emoon, as >r Abu /smailAs ro'dy enthusiasts ha!e been dubbed, may pro!e to be the ne$tJand no less alarmin J'a!e of E yptAs future" @?# 2es(

The &a(-,"!han -elations , post-201. scenario

The &a(-,"!han relations ha e been on a thorny road since &a(istan/s establishment in 10.#$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

0a(istan and Af hanistan are no' led by pra matic leaders 'ho focus on domestic economic ro'th and political stability" 9ut it is unclear 'hether this harmony in national oals and principles can o!erride the lon %standin mutual suspicions and o!ercome a cacophony of contradictory domestic interests" 2espite intensifyin the 0a(istan%Af hanistan political consultations and the acti!e US role in the re ion, fears about trust deficit and state%sponsored terrorist intrusions still persist particularly bet'een the t'o national security establishments" #heir reluctance for economic and security cooperation to boost trade and discoura e cross%border terrorism la s far behind the

t'o nations5 political slo an 'ords Dbrotherly countriesE and Dstrate ic nei hboursE" 1ot'ithstandin the tremendous lon %term potential, the promises of bilateral trade and in!estment cooperation in the oil and as sectors 6'ith especial reference to the 8aspian Sea oil7, small industries, ban(in , education and e!en transportation still remain unfulfilled" /nternationally, 0a(istan and Af hanistan are in a mood to re!erse their 8old ?ar strate ic roles" A risin Kabul intensifies its re ional proacti!e diplomacy aimed at curtailin ne ati!e role by the nei hbourin countries inside its borders" And, on the other hand, a retrenched 0a(istan pursues a minimalist% passi!ely reacti!e policy in Af hanistan to counter /ndian desi ns in its bac( round" #he 0a(%Af han relations ha!e been on a thorny road since 0a(istan5s establishment in 1,<*" #hey oscillated from the 1,=0s, 530s and 5*0s bitter ideolo ical split and cross%border hostilities to 0a(istan5s acti!e role durin the So!iet in!asion in Af hanistan durin 1,*,%1,&& and in the 1,,0s" 2urin the post%2001 period, they en-oyed normal state%to%state relations thou h not for lon " #hey a!oided 'ar but had profound disa reements includin the 2urand line border" 9oth countries, led by a ne' eneration of ?esternised pra matic leaders, no' focus on their domestic economic ro'th, political stability, secure borders and cross%border terrorism" Althou h they stri!e for a docile relationship bet'een the t'o countries, they shy a'ay from more a ressi!e oals of rebuildin trust bet'een the t'o erst'hile untrust'orthy countries" /t5s a ne ation to a friendly nei hbourly relationship" #he strate ic nei hbourhood is desi ned to tilt to one another5s shoulders in lobal affairs to a!oid 'ar or a pro$y 'ar and de!elop to ether in harmony" #hey often support the fre:uently%stated principles of counterterrorism policies, cooperation to counter terrorism, state so!erei nty, non% interference in domestic affairs and a -oint strate y to eliminate terrorism in the re ion" /slamabad and Kabul are both part of the US%led international coalition fi htin a ainst lobal terrorism, separatism and reli ious e$tremism" Fo'e!er, beyond this they do not share common political, military, national security and economic interests" E!ery ne$t 'ee(, the top leadership of the t'o countries pronounces hostile statements and blames each other for interference in internal affairs respecti!ely" .eo raphically nei hbours, 0a(istan and Af hanistan are strate ically policy%'ise far apart" 9oth ha!e totally failed to stand to ether a ainst their common enemy ) Al%Laeda" #hou h Osama 9in Maden is dead, and Al%Laeda5s bac(bone is fractured, many Af hans fear that once the ?est lea!es them alone, their country 'ill plun e into a ci!il 'ar" ?ill their po'erful nei hbours, includin 0a(istan, continue their interference in the landloc(ed Af hanistan or a ree to a stability pact and non%interferenceH Al%Laeda is still present here and its allies in Af hanistan and 0a(istan are 'or(in 'ith full force" #a(e the case of the ##0 6#ehri(%e%#aliban%e%0a(istan7" #heir modus operandi is -ust li(e Al%Laeda and they are doin utmost dama e to the state" 1obody (no's for sure as to ho' they 'ill react to the US pullout from Af hanistan" #heir future policies 'ill be more focused in the aftermath of the Arab mo!ements" A risin Kabul intensifies its re ional proacti!e diplomacy aimed at curtailin ne ati!e role by the nei hbourin countries inside its borders" Stabilisin Af hanistan and 0a(istan and ensurin that Al%Laeda plays no role in either country has become e!en more !ital in the aftermath of the Arab re!olutions 6nic(named Arab Sprin 7" #he Arab Sprin has offered a chance to the >uslim ?orld for faster economic pro ress, democracy, literacy and stability" Fo'e!er, the unleashed e$tremists from Af hanistan and 0a(istan can destabilise the >iddle East and destroy chan es there" #hus the Arab Sprin compounded by the US 'ithdra'al from the re ion has resulted in ne' transformations of peace%buildin 'ith the ad!ersaries" #he 'ithdra'al of US forces from Af hanistan depends on ma(in peace 'ith the #aliban" #his 'ould lea!e a self%sustainin Af han o!ernment and army to ta(e o!er the responsibilities of

security, o!ernance and de!elopment in the post%201< Af hanistan" Fo'e!er, re ional security is essential if Af hanistan is to sur!i!e" Unfortunately, peace tal(s bet'een the #aliban and the US ha!e not been contributed by 0a(istan" /slamabad has al'ays been in the hub of the Af han affairs" 1o%one can deny the fact that 0a(istan 'as the frontline ally of the ?est durin the So!iet in!asion in Af hanistan" Similarly, 0a(istan pro!ided !ital lo istical and intelli ence support to the US and its 1A#O allies durin their attac( on Af hanistan in 2001" 1o' peace tal(s sans 0a(istan bet'een the !ital sta(eholders 6#aliban and the US in 2oha7, the natural phenomenon of a successful diplomacy 'ill not 'or(" /t oes 'ithout sayin that 0a(istan is an important country in the peace% buildin process concernin Af hanistan" So i norin such an important country 'ill be tantamount to a fra ile peace in Af hanistan" ?ith the US%1A#O 'ithdra'al in 201<, a friendly relationship bet'een 0a(istan and Af hanistan becomes a prere:uisite of a successful strate y for the entire re ion" #he truth is that the ?est can no lon er afford to fi ht in Af hanistan" Accordin to a public poll, *04 Europeans oppose the Af han 'ar" #he number of people, in the US, opposed to 'ar is around 30 per cent" 9et'een year 2001 and 2010, the US spent a total of I<<< billion in Af hanistan, includin I2= billion each for economic de!elopment and Af han security forces"

/f economic costs and not ma-or successes on the battlefield determine the end ame in Af hanistan, it 'ill be e$tremely harmful and mi ht result in a fra ile peace" /n that case a fra ile peace in Af hanistan 'ill directly affect 0a(istan and its people" 0recisely, Af han 0resident Famid Kar+ai seems to ha!e lost trust not only of a lar e number of Af hans but also the international community" Fe has failed to impro!e o!ernance, tac(le corruption or carry out free and fair election" Fe is at the lo erheads 'ith the 0a(istani administration" 0resident Kar+ai normally blames 0a(istan for his bad o!ernance and militancy in his country" Fis faulty counterterrorism policies hit bac(" 9ut he blames 0a(istan for his failure" Fe appears to be 'rapped in contradictions and eni mas" /f there is to be an effecti!e transition to'ard self o!ernment, then a clear%headed !isionary Af han leadership is needed" Such leadership 'ill loo( at the future 'hile (eepin cordial and friendly relations 'ith the nei hbours includin 0a(istan" As the end ame approaches, intense competition has de!eloped amon Af hanistan5s nei hbours includin /ran, 0a(istan, 8hina, #ur(menistan, U+be(istan, and #a-i(istan" #hese countries ha!e a lon and bloody record of monumental interference in Af hanistan" /n case of fra ile peace in Af hanistan in the post%201< era, they 'ould probably be preparin for mo!in in once a ain, recruitin their pro$ies amon the Af han 'arlords and spendin money and e$ertin influence in the country" Af hanistan cannot be stable unless its nei hbours li(e /ndia, Russia, and Saudi Arabia

a ree on non%interference" Re ional diplomacy is the need of the hour for a lon er and lastin peace for 0a(istan and Af hanistan ali(e" #he Arab Sprin has offered a chance to the >uslim ?orld for faster economic pro ress, democracy, literacy and stability" #he re ion is beset 'ith crises that are ettin 'orse, but there is still time before 201< to rectify the situation" 1e otiations 'ith the #aliban are indeed important" Fo'e!er, this must not ta(e place in bits and pieces" #he US is conductin tal(s 'ith the #aliban in 2ohaN 'hereas the Kar+ai o!ernment holds tal(s 'ith the #aliban in 0aris" #his is a dichotomy in a fra mented policy of the US" A coherent and inte rated ne otiation policy of the US%Af hanistan%0a(istan is direly needed to deal 'ith the #aliban -ointly and effecti!ely" #he US policy and strate y ha!e not been shared 'ith its allies" /t must clarify 'hat relationship it 'ants to ha!e 'ith Af hanistan, 0a(istan and the 'ider re ion after its 'ithdra'al in 201<" #he US must stop surprises for Af hanistan and 0a(istan" A policy and strate y (no'n to its allies 'ill be more comprehensi!e, effecti!e and pra matic" #his 'ill further ma(e 0a(istan and Af hanistan sit to ether to contain the common enemy %% the terrorists" As lon as strate ic in interests of the US, Af hanistan and 0a(istan are in conflict, peace in the re ion 'ill not be possible" After comprehensi!e ne otiations, 0a(istan and Af hanistan need to launch a stability%operation in the t'o countries" /t must be creati!e and share capabilities" #rade and commercial a reements are possible only after peace and security in the re ion" Once stability is established, oil and as pro-ects of the 8aspian Sea 'ill sho'er fortune upon the re ion" 0a(istan and Af hanistan must support each other if the process of political reconciliation is to remain on trac(" /t 'ill result in a peaceful and prosperous Af hanistan 'hich 'ill be a uarantee for the entire re ion" #he alternati!e is that the entire re ion falls into the abyss" #he 'riter teaches at the 2epartment of /nternational Relations, the Uni!ersity of 0esha'ar" syedshaheedOhotmail"co"u( 2r Syed Fussain Shaheed Soher'ordi

'till 1loody
Thou!h iolence has dipped since 2une 2012, Ira3is are still a sad and "ear"ul bunch
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

On the last day of 2012, a year after the last American troops left /ra:, endin nearly nine years of military occupation, at least 33 /ra:is perished in a 'a!e of bombin s and shootin s across the country that tar eted policemen, o!ernment officials and ordinary people of !aried sects" Accordin to /ra: 9ody 8ount 6/987, a meticulous mainly American and 9ritish monitorin roup, the o!erall toll in deaths of ci!ilians due to political !iolence last year 'as <,<*1, sli htly more than the year before" On a!era e, there 'ere 1& bombin s and =3 !iolent deaths a 'ee(" /ra: is hardly a country at peace" Get the monthly toll in 2012 fell steadily and mar(edly after @une" #he !iolence 'as also increasin ly concentrated in a fe' areasP <34 of the deaths counted by the /98 'ere in t'o of the country5s 1& pro!inces, 9a hdad and 1ine!eh, 'hich abuts Syria and has >osul at its hub" #he rest of the country may be more peaceful than at any time since the fall of Saddam Fussein in 2003" /ra:5s main oil%producin areas, in the south, are enerally free of trouble, 'ith e$ports boosted to 2"&m barrels a day, the hi hest rate for three decades" Get fe' /ra:is are celebratin " #hat e$tra money has yet to impro!e public ser!ices or to raise family incomes appreciably" #he underlyin !iolence still amounts to 'hat the /98 terms Dan entrenched conflictE" ?orse, the factors that feed the strife are still at play" /n particular, 1uri al% >ali(i, the tou h Shia >uslim 'ho has been prime minister since 2003, sho's increasin ly authoritarian, sectarian and democracy%sappin tendencies, ruthlessly oustin or outmanoeu!rin ri!als, and usin underhand methods to impose his 'ill" Fe is 'idely !ie'ed as a 'ould%be dictator, tolerant of corruption, reliant on the bac(in of /ran and 'illin cynically to stir up strife bet'een /ra:5s minority of Sunni Arabs and its Shia ma-ority, or 'ith /ra:5s fiercely autonomous Kurds in the north, to maintain his rip on po'er in 9a hdad" A recent 'a!e of protests across the mainly Sunni areas to the north and 'est of 9a hdad, includin stri(es and sit%ins, has sharpened sectarian strife" Sunnis 'ere particularly outra ed last month 'hen the body uards of the Sunni finance minister, Rafi al%/ssa'i, 'ere arrested" #hat pro!o(ed memories of a similar episode a year a o, 'hen >r >ali(i5s men -ailed, tortured and sentenced to death the uards of the !ice%president, #are: al%Fashemi, another leadin Sunni, accusin them of bein part of a death%s:uad that 'as tar etin Shias" >r Fashemi fled to the /ra:i Kurds5 capital, Erbil, and no' resides in #ur(ey" Fe 'as later sentenced to death in absentia" A serious illness that has recently befallen /ra:5s mainly ceremonial president, @alal #alabani, a Kurd 'ho has sometimes acted effecti!ely as a mediator abo!e the sectarian fray, has further -an led /ra:i ner!es" A recent 'a!e of protests across the mainly Sunni areas to the north and 'est of 9a hdad, includin stri(es and sit%ins, has sharpened sectarian strife" Sunnis 'ere particularly outra ed last

month 'hen the body uards of the Sunni finance minister, Rafi al%/ssa'i, 'ere arrested" Sunni rie!ances o deep" Mon dominant until Saddam Fussein5s fall 6he 'as e$ecuted in 20037 and ha!in suffered the brunt of !iolence durin America5s occupation, /ra:5s Sunni Arabs rec(on they are no' deliberately mar inalised" Addressin a cro'd in the to'n of Ramadi, 'est of 9a hdad, >r /ssa'i complained that Sunnis 'ere bein D hettoisedE" 2istricts 'here they still predominate in 9a hdad had, he said, been turned into D iant prisons rin ed by concrete bloc(s"E #he ci!il 'ar ne$t door in Syria, 'ith its increasin ly bitter sectarian fla!our, has not helped" ?hile /ra:i Sunni roups, includin some tied to al%Laeda, lend arms and fi hters to Syria5s rebels, >r >ali(i5s o!ernment :uietly aids 9ashar Assad5s embattled re ime" Sunni /ra:i insur ents 'ho once attac(ed Americans are tar etin /ra:i Shias and people connected to >r >ali(i5s o!ernment" #he recent Sunni protests ha!e also ained sympathy from >u:tada al%Sadr, a fiery Shia cleric 'hose po'erful popular mo!ement has ro'n increasin ly critical of >r >ali(i"

0erhaps in an effort to 'in bac(in across the Arab sectarian chasm, >r >ali(i has been raisin the sta(es 'ith the Kurds, 'ho claim areas, includin the city of Kir(u(, that ha!e lar e non%Kurdish populations" #he oil ministry in 9a hdad fiercely opposes the increasin ly successful efforts of the Kurds to persuade forei n companies to e$ploit oil in their o'n re ion" /ra: is still a !iolent mess" /ts democracy, imposed by the Americans, loo(s fra ile" And the prospect of real harmony bet'een the three main ethnic and sectarian componentsJArab Shias, Arab Sunnis and KurdsJloo(s as distant as e!er" @?# 2es(

4The "uture o" &a(istan lies in holdin! "ree, "air and transparent election$*

5p, close and intimate with 6r -ichard +lson 5' ,mbassador to &a(istan
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

&ro"ile >r Richard Olson 'as s'orn in as Ambassador to 0a(istan on September 2<, 2012" 0re!iously, he ser!ed as the 8oordinatin 2irector for 2e!elopment and Economic Affairs at U"S" Embassy in Kabul, Af hanistan, from 2011 to 2012" Ambassador Olson also ser!ed as U"S" Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates 6UAE7 from 200& to 2011" Fe is a member of the Senior Forei n Ser!ice, class of >inister 8ounselor" Fe raduated from 9ro'n Uni!ersity in 1,&1, recei!in an A"9" in Ma' and Society 6Fonors7 and Fistory" >r Olson has been a'arded the 0residential 2istin uished Ser!ice A'ard, the Secretary of State5s A'ard for 0ublic Outreach, the State 2epartment5s Superior Fonor A'ard 6three times7, and the Secretary of 2efense5s E$ceptional 8i!ilian Ser!ice A'ard 6for his ser!ice in /ra:7" >r Olson -oined the U"S" 2epartment of State in 1,&2" Fe has ser!ed in >e$ico, U anda, #unisia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, the UAE 6'here he ser!ed both in Abu 2habi and 2ubai7 and in 1a-af, /ra:" Fe 'as also 2eputy 8hief of >ission at the United States >ission to the 1orth Atlantic #reaty Or ani+ation 61A#O7" Fis ?ashin ton assi nments includeP State 2epartment Operations 8enter 6t'ice7, 1A#O 2es(, the Office of /srael and 0alestinian Affairs 6t'ice, includin as 2irector7, and the Office of /ra:i Affairs, includin as 2irector" 2ahan!ir*s World Times 72WT8 approached 9is E:cellency -ichard +lson, the 5nited 'tates* ,mbassador to &a(istan, "or an e:clusi e inter iew$ The "ollowin! are e:cerpts;

2WT; E:cellency, <r Tahirul =adri led a 4>on! 6arch/ to Islamabad at a time when &a(istan is loo(in! "orward to ha e a "irst-e er democratic transition$ 9ow would you comment on the present situation? -+; ?e are loo(in for'ard to transition of po'er from one ci!ilian authority to another ci!ilian authority throu h a free and fair election" ?e are happy that the issue of QMon >archA 'as settled in a peaceful manner" #he people also en-oyed the ri ht to et assembled freely" #he future of 0a(istan lies in holdin free, fair and transparent election" #he people of 0a(istan are to decide the future of their country throu h an election process" ?e are encoura ed that the QMon >archA remained peaceful" ?e do not support any indi!idual or any particular political party" ?e did not support 2r #ahirul Ladri" ?e only support democracy in 0a(istan" 2WT; There is tension between &a(istan and India on the >ine o" Control 7>oC8$ 9ow do you "eel about this re!ion? -+; ?e feel :uite encoura ed to note that ceasefire on the Mine of 8ontrol is maintainin no'" /t is imperati!e for both 0a(istan and /ndia to 'or( to ether to pre!ent incidents of !iolation of ceasefire on the Mine of 8ontrol" 2WT; &resident 1arac( +bama has ta(en oath as &resident o" the 5nited 'tates "or his second term$ Will his administration "ollow the same policy, or rethin(in!, bac( in Washin!ton? -+; #he policy of the United States to'ards 0a(istan 'ill continue on the same lines as it has been in the past" ?e 'ant to build up a stron partnership 'ith 0a(istan based on the common appreciation of our mutual interests and mutual respect" 0resident Obama has a lon %time !ision for our relation 'ith 0a(istan" 2WT; When you tal( o" the continuity o" the 5' policy, does that mean a continuity o" the drone stri(es? -+; /t is not a secret that there are many challen es in our relationship, especially in year 2011 on'ards" / thin( there is a sense of partnership, a ne' sense of en a ement since last summer" #here ha!e been hi h%le!el contacts bet'een the t'o sides" Forei n >inister Fina Rabbani Khar has been to ?ashin ton and 0resident Cardari to 1e' Gor(" ?e also held meetin s 'ith different 'or(in roups, and they ha!e been tal(in of cooperation in ener y, education, economy and financial sectors" Our relationship is on a much more producti!e side" Our relationship is to ta(e for'ard and put the relationship on solid le!els" ?hether it is a tal( of drones or anythin else, the broader :uestion is of counterin terrorism and e$tremism" 0a(istan and the United States share the common ob-ecti!es 'ith re ard to counterin e$tremism" #his is a part of our bilateral dialo ue and 'e discuss many issues as ho' to mo!e for'ard" 2WT; @ollowin! the 'alala incident, the two countries held intensi e tal(s$ <o you thin( there are still some points o" di er!ence? -+; ?hat is important is to identify the common interests bet'een the t'o countries" ?e 'ant to 'or( to ether for economic partnership, solution to the ener y problem etc" ?e ha!e been cooperatin in refurbishin the ma-or ener y sources" #hrou h refurbishin , 'e are proud of ha!in added <00>? of electricity last year to the national rid here"

2WT; We (now the strate!ic dialo!ue is bac( on trac( and di""erent wor(in! !roups ha e been holdin! meetin!s$ 1ut certain promises made to &a(istan by the 5' still remain to be "ul"illed$ @or instance, the aid promised under the Aerry >u!ar 1erman 7A>18 law has not yet been !i en$ Thou!h this arran!ement is under the 5' law, the in"low is not bein! maintained$ <on/t you thin( it/s a slowdown policy? -+; / donAt thin( it is a :uestion of a slo'do'n" /t is :uite difficult to et assistance pro ramme up in runnin in a short order" ?e are no' reachin a le!el of maturity on the pro ramme under the KM9 la'" #hatAs true that money is in!ol!ed and 'e ha!e not been able to do that as yet" Fo'e!er, 'e are 'or(in on it as to ho' to allo' funds and spend them to fulfil our commitments that 'e ha!e made in the past" / 'ould say that you 'ould see o!er the ne$t si$ months !arious pro-ects comin up in line under the KM9 pro ramme" 2WT; The -econstruction +pportunity Bones 7-oBs8 was another major promise made by the 5nited 'tates$ What is the pro!ress on settin! up the -oBs? -+; #he RoCs pro!ed difficult to et support in the United States" ?hat 'e 'ant to do is to 'or( in future to'ards a mar(et access enerally" #here is al'ays more mar(et access a!ailable, especially for 0a(istanAs te$tile producers" One of the thin s to do is to ma(e 0a(istan businessmen and entrepreneurs a'are of the opportunities they can a!ail under the enerali+ed mar(et access in the United States" 2WT; 9ow about the military assistance? Is it still suspended? -+; ?e ha!e !ery acti!e dialo ue 'ith respect to security assistance" /t is not a topic that / 'ant to ma(e comments on publicly because the sub-ect is !ery sensiti!e" 9ut / can say that 'e ha!e en a ements on this front and 'e do ha!e an assistance pro ramme oin on" 2WT; With the pullout time-"rame nearin!, how is the perception in Washin!ton in the postwithdrawal scenario? Cour E:cellency has also ser ed in ,"!hanistan$ 6ay we (now whether you are optimistic, or share pessimism about the "uture o" ,"!hanistan? -+; / am optimistic on the arran ements 'hich ha!e been put in place in re ard to Af hanistan" /All not call or cate orise it as a 'ithdra'al" ?hat is happenin in the aftermath of 2ecember 201< is a final transfer of security authorities from the /SAF to the Af han security forces" ?e actually do not plan to disen a e from 0a(istan or 'ith 0a(istan" One of the important thin s that ha!e dri!en the

US policy for the last se!eral years is the appreciation of 'hat happened in 1,&,%,0" 2WT; There are lot o" apprehensions around that the 5' mi!ht ditch once a!ain and abandon this re!ion without appropriate settlement in ,"!hanistan? -+; / 'anted to tal( about this" #he US policy to'ards Af hanistan has been !ery conscious of this aspect" 9oth in Af hanistan and in the re ion, 'e ha!e ta(en some concrete measures to address these issues" First, 'e ha!e a strate ic partnership 'ith Af hanistan 'hich re ulates our relationship in the comin decade of transformation i"e" 201< to 202<" #he 9onn and #o(yo conferences pled ed to pro!ide fundin to Af hanistan in the transition period" #he Af hans ha!e to determine their o'n political pro ramme for transition as election is to be held in April 201<" So the situation today is !ery different from the one in 1,,0" /n addition, 'e are in the process of ne otiatin a bilateral security a reement 'hich 'ill establish parameters under 'hich the US forces mi ht be able to stay after 201<, if so in!ited" 2WT; It means the 5' is just handin! o er security to the ,"!han "orces, but it would continue to be stayin! o er inside ,"!hanistan? -+; ?e are not interested in permanent bases in Af hanistan" Our only consideration is that there is a security assistance pro ramme for Af hanistan in the post%201<" /t 'ill be a !ery limited set%up and mission" And for that too, the decision has to be made by Af hans and the US president" / do not 'ant to pre-ud e" ?e are discussin the potential frame'or( for such a presence" / thin( the o!erarchin point is to be en a ed e$tensi!ely in a sli htly different manner in the post%201< scenario" 2WT; With reconciliation process inside ,"!hanistan, the 5nited 'tates wanted to hold a dialo!ue with the 9a33ani %roup$ The 5' held the dialo!ue in =atar but did not release the Taliban "rom %itmo$ Is there any clarity in Washin!ton as to this ery issue? -+; ?ith respect to the reconciliation, 'e 'elcome the recent !isit by Af han Fi h 0eace 8ouncil to 0a(istan" /t is a ood omen that the t'o sides are tal(in and buildin confidence" ?hat / 'ould say on a broader perspecti!e is that 0a(istan is a part of the solution in Af hanistan" On the :uestion of reconciliation, 'e 'elcome the role and effort made by 0a(istan" ?ith respect to the Fa::ani net'or(, our position is 'ell (no'n and 'e ha!e concerns on the Fa::ani net'or(" ?e 'ant to 'or( to ether 'ith the 0a(istan o!ernment to continue to s:uee+e the Fa::ani net'or(" ?e see the Fa::ani net'or( as a threat to all as 'ell as to the transition in 201< and beyond" @?# 2es(

>ine o" Dulnerability

The latest "lare-up o" tensions alon! the >ine o" Control 7>oC8 in Aashmir is a reminder o" the accident-prone nature o" &a(istan-India relations in a strate!ic en ironment unaltered by impro ement in trade and political ties$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he border hostilities 'itnessed last 'ee( are inherent in the unresol!ed status of bilateral disputes" #his ma(es the Mo8 susceptible to ad!anta e see(in by one or both sides" 2espite tradin accusations in the past se!eral days, both countries ha!e sho'n mutual interest in defusin the present tensions to (eep the process of normalisation on trac(" E!en so :uestions ha!e been raised about 'hether the e$istin arran ements are ade:uate for escalation control or need to be stren thened by more formal and robust mechanismsH /f cross%Mo8 clashes a fe' 'ee(s a o had their enesis in /ndia5s construction of ne' bun(ers that are barred by a 200= a reement that follo'ed the 2003 ceasefire, ho' can similar !iolence be a!erted in the futureH Recallin the se:uence of e!ents so far 'ill help to ans'er these :uestions" Met us therefore consider the (no'n facts about the incidents of @anuary 3, & and 10 and the de!elopments that led up to them" #he 0a(istani !ersion of ho' it all started focuses on the attempt by the /ndian army around three months a o to build ne' obser!ation posts around the !illa e of 8haronda in the Fa-i 0ir sector" Fere it is important to recall the -oint statement a reed bet'een the t'o countries in 200=" #his follo'ed the Mo8 ceasefire a reed at the prime ministerial%le!el in 2003" /n the Au ust &, 200= -oint statement issued after the second round of e$pert%le!el tal(s, both countries a reed not to Dde!elop any ne' posts and defence 'or(s alon the Mo8"E #his commitment 'as reaffirmed in subse:uent -oint statements" ?hen efforts to build ne' posts 'ere made or suspected in the past, border fla meetin s 'ere sou ht to resol!e the matter" #his time around 'hen 0a(istan5s military authorities detected ne' constructions bein built near the Mo8, they as(ed for the customary fla meetin to address the issue" #he directors eneral of >ilitary Operations from both countries also spo(e t'ice on the hotline" ?hen 0a(istan5s ob-ection to the construction 'or( 'as con!eyed it 'as met by the /ndian insistence that this 'as routine maintenance of old fortifications and not a ceasefire !iolation" 2urin October 'arnin s o!er a loudspea(er by 0a(istani troops in the area also yielded no results" #hereafter the construction became the cause of e$chan e of fire bet'een the t'o" An action%reaction cycle follo'ed" >ortar fire led to /ndian claims of ci!ilian casualties in the !illa e" #hen follo'ed a cross%border /ndian attac( on the 0a(istani position at Sa'an 0atra from 'here the firin is said to ha!e come" ?hile e$chan e of fire across the Mo8 is not unusual, crossin the Mine is relati!ely rare and represents an escalatory step re arded by both sides as a

serious ceasefire !iolation" #he /ndian incursion 'ithin 30 metres of the 0a(istani post 'as repulsed" #he raidin party 'as chased a'ay but the @anuary 3 clash claimed the life of a 0a(istani soldier and left another 'ounded" /ndia insists that maintenance%related 'or( on present posts should include up rade of the Mo8 fence" /slamabad finds this 0a(istan5s account 'as supported by a report in #he Findu of @anuary 10" Accordin to the ne'spaper, the /ndian army5s bun(er construction spar(ed the spiral of cross%border !iolence ) the 'orst since the ceasefire 'ent into effect" ?hen /ndia5s 2efence >inistry sou ht to refute the report, the paper insisted that the official denial in fact accepted (ey elements of its story includin the construction around 8haronda, 'hich tri ered the clashes" #he day after the /ndian attac(, on @anuary *, 0a(istan5s 2., >O spo(e on the hotline 'ith his /ndian counterpart to lod e a complaint about the DunacceptableE pro!ocation" A day later, 0a(istani troops 'ere accused by /ndian officials of conductin a cross%border raid in another sector, at Fotsprin , alle edly (illin t'o soldiers, one of 'hom 'as said to ha!e been beheaded" On the mornin of @anuary ,, the t'o 2.s spo(e a ain" #his time the /ndian official protested and demanded that 0a(istan 5return5 the head of the /ndian soldier" 0a(istan5s military and Forei n >inistry spo(esmen denied this incident too( place and described it as an /ndian fabrication to di!ert attention from the first incident and instead mali n 0a(istan" #ellin ly an /ndian army statement of @anuary &, attributed to a spo(esman of the 1orthern 8ommand, made no reference to any mutilation of soldiers5 bodies, only to a fire%fi ht in 'hich t'o soldiers died"

>ean'hile as much of the /ndian media 'hipped up a fren+y 0a(istan5s media remained muted in its response" ?hen opposition parties assailed the 8on ress o!ernment for its D'ea( responseE more ha'(ish statements emer ed from /ndia5s political and military leaders" /t didn5t stop there" On @anuary 10, at Fotsprin in A+ad Kashmir, sniper fire from /ndian troops claimed the life of a 0a(istani soldier" /n the t'o capitals, hi h commissioners 'ere summoned, protests lod ed and demands made for in!esti ation into the disputed incidents" /slamabad5s offer to hold an independent in:uiry of ceasefire !iolations by the United 1ations Obser!ers .roup for /ndia and 0a(istan 6U1O./07 'as

rebuffed by 2elhi, to no%one5s surprise" /ndia has ne!er allo'ed U1>O./0 to operate on its side of the Mo8 and since 1,*2 also refused to report complaints to the obser!er roup" 9order tensions are li(ely to subside in the days ahead" 9ut the fra ility of the Mo8 in the frau ht conte$t of a festerin dispute 'ill persist" And in the absence of any accommodation o!er Kashmir, the 2003 ceasefire 'ill continue to ser!e as a 'ay of maintainin a tenuous peace in a hea!ily militarised and !olatile re ion" 8an this process be sustained if contentious issues remain unaddressed 'hile mo!ement is made on 5softer5 issuesH #he ceasefire has by and lar e held since 2003 despite periodic e$chan es of fire and occasional s(irmishes" /t 'as also obser!ed durin the most serious escalation in tensions in recent years that follo'ed the 200& terrorist attac(s in >umbai" After 200&, /ndian authorities fre:uently ac(no'led ed that the cross%Mo8 DinfiltrationE had substantially declined" 9ut complaints of ceasefire breaches ha!e been increasin " #hese mutual complaints 'ere most recently reiterated durin the e$pert%le!el tal(s on military 89>s in 2elhi on 2ecember 2&, 2012" /f the ceasefire is not to become a hosta e to incidents li(e the recent ones, tri ered by contention o!er ne' constructions, it 'ould ma(e sense to formalise the a reement on non%construction of ne' posts alon the Mo8" Mast 'ee(5s hostilities illustrate that this mutual commitment can be undermined by disa reements o!er 'hether constructions are 'ithin the barred ran e" #he 200= underta(in on non%construction of posts has been under discussion in the e$pert%le!el tal(s since 2003" /t also fi ured in the last round in 2ecember 2012" 2iscussion has been aimed at e!ol!in a frame'or( a reement by establishin clear parameters for non%construction of defence posts" 9ut pro ress has been lacial" 1o consensus has emer ed on the proposed elements for such an a reement" 0a(istan 'ants the posts to be barred 'ithin =00 metres on either side of the Mo8" 2iscussion has also ran ed o!er specifyin the limits of maintenance 'or( for e$istin posts" /ndia insists that maintenance%related 'or( on present posts should include up rade of the Mo8 fence" /slamabad finds this unacceptable" Reconcilin these differences to conclude a comprehensi!e 8onfidence 9uildin >easure 689>7 mi ht help stren then the ceasefireAs operation" 8hances of future contention can also be minimised if this incorporates an e$plicit mechanism for a dispute resolution" #his 'ill not eliminate the incidents that become flashpoints for border clashes but it 'ould address an aspect of an easily inflamed situation" A more fundamental :uestion is raised about the future of the normalisation process" 8an this process be sustained if contentious issues remain unaddressed 'hile mo!ement is made on QsofterA issuesH Ultimately durable dRtente depends as much on the t'o countriesA ability to o!ercome their di!er ences as on pursuin areas of con!er ence" Unless meanin ful steps are ta(en to impro!e the security climate and resol!e disputes, the normalisation process 'ill be at ris( of relapsin into tensions" Until this broader conte$t e!ol!es, the Mo8 'ill continue to si nify more !ulnerability than stability" #he 'riter is a special ad!iser to the @an .roupB.eo and a former en!oy to the US and the UK" 2r >aleeha Modhi

%eneral Aayani*s -ussia Disit; , &aradi!m 'hi"t

The 'o iet "ailure in ,"!hanistan due to &a(istan*s acti e support "or the ,"!han 2ihad (ept both the states loc(ed in a state o" continuous hostility, with the result that their relations were "ar "rom bein! normal "or a lon! time$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

/n the inter%state relations, politics has made national interests dominant all other considerations" #he same 'as true about the 8hina%U"S" rapprochement in 1,*2, the U"S"%USSR dRtente durin the 8old ?ar 'hen the U"S" and Russia came closer to each other" So the same is true about 0a(istan5s 'armin up to the Russian Federation" 0a(istan5s 8hief of Army Staff 68OAS7 .eneral Ashfa: 0ar!e+ Kayani5s recent !isit to Russia has been breedin hi h e$pectations in !arious circles and many ha!e already be un to interpret it as a paradi m shift that 'ould i!e a ne' boost to relations of both the countries" >any e!ents indicate a thrust to this shift in the modes of thin(in in both the countries li(e the recent !isit of 2irector .eneral 62.7 /nter%Ser!ices /ntelli ence 6/S/7 Mt" .en" Caheerul /slam to Russia in 'hich he held e$tensi!e tal(s 'ith his Russian counterpart >i(hail Frad(o!" #he tal(s 'ere termed 5fruitful5 by e$perts" And there 'as a !ery important !isit of 8OAS .eneral Kayani in October 2012, his secound to Russia , the first bein in year 200," #hey 'ere more of a se:uel of !isits by the air chief and also by0resident Asif Cardari, 'ho !isited Russia in >ay 2012" 1ot'ithstandin the present cuddlin up of relations, there e$ists a history of hostility bet'een both the countries" #his featured 0a(istan5s -oinin of the capitalist bloc in response to in!itations from both the U"S" and Russia" #hen it 'as 0a(istan5s enterin into the anti%communist alliances li(e SEA#O and 8E1#O" #his mar(ed the be innin of the 'orsenin of relations" #hen there occurred the e!ent of shootin do'n of a U2 spy plane by the So!iet Union, 'hich had flo'n from 0esha'ar Air 9ase 60a(istan7 in 1,30" /t 'as purported to be spyin o!er the So!iet Union for the United States" #hen, there came a bitter e!ent of disinte ration of East 0a(istan in 'hich the So!iet Union had openly bac(ed the /ndian Army to attac( 0a(istan" Mastly, the So!iet failure in Af hanistan due to 0a(istan5s acti!e support for the Af han @ihad (ept both the states loc(ed in a state of continuous hostility, 'ith the result that their relations 'ere far from bein normal for a lon time"

As in international politics the 5lo!e and hate5 relationships are not permanent and such thin s are subser!ient to the clearly%defined national interests" Or, it can be put in this 'ay that the real politic of today5s politics has forced yesterday5s foes to become allies of today" Such is the case 'ith tha' in relations bet'een 0a(istan and Russia" #here are some eostrate ic interests of both the countries 'hich can be fulfilled if they 'or( in concurrence 'ith each other" #his dRtente bet'een them may yield positi!e fruits on economic and social fronts, but that appears to be uided by strate ic considerations" First, both of them ha!e sta(es in the Af han end ameN both are nei hbours and sta(eholders in Af hanistan" 9oth 'ant an Af hanistan free from the U"S" bases in future, especially in the 'a(e of the U"S"%Af hanistan strate ic partnership a reement" #his 'ill allo' and ensure presence of U"S" troops and security contractors in Af hanistan beyond 201< %% a scenario hardly acceptable to both Russia and 0a(istan" Secondly, the issues of distrust ha!e no' doubled 'ith Sladimir 0utin5s becomin 0resident of Russia on >ay *, 2012" >r 0utin, 'ho pre!iously ser!ed as president from year 2000 to 200&, did not ha!e smooth e$perience 'ith the 9ush Administration because he supported the U"S" military action a ainst #aliban in 2001" Fe 'ent a step for'ard in appeasin the U"S" by supportin the deployment of the U"S" military units into 8entral Asia" Fe stressed better ties 'ith 1A#O" ?hen 9ush decided to 'ithdra' from the Anti%9allistic >issile #reaty, 0utin did not sho' reaction 'hich apparently meant a (ind of silent acceptance of the decision" 9ut this time around he had ta(en o!er as the president, i!in a thou ht that the U"S" had not responded in a manner it should ha!e to his o!ertures" #hese issues 'ould ha!e certainly dra'n Russia diplomatically closer to 0a(istan" #hirdly, if the alliance 'or(s, then Russia may respond positi!ely by 'ishin /ndia to stop fomentin unrest in 9alochistan" 0a(istan may respond by eliminatin camps of the 8entral Asian militants li!in in tribal areas and the border lands" Russia has also sho'n its readiness to fund and pro!ide technical assistance for the /ran%0a(istan as pipeline pro-ect" Fourthly, i!en 0a(istan5s historically troubled relationship 'ith the U"S" and the recent plun e in relations, it is seriously thin(in of di!ersifyin its relations 'ith 'orld po'ers" #he U"S" does not pro!e to be a reliable source in military hard'are for 0a(istan, 'ith 8hina not bein able to satisfy the military needs of 0a(istan" So 0a(istan has an ur e to see( military hard'are from Russia" Fifthly, /ndia is 'armin up to the U"S" and the latter is helpin it in its nuclear technolo y and 'eaponry alon 'ith carryin out -oint military e$ercises in Ra-asthan" Mast year a Russian commander, Ale$ander 0ostino!, on his !isit to 0a(istan discussed the possibility of holdin -oint military e$ercises and e$chan e of trainers and trainees" #hey had strate ic concerns 'hich brou ht them closer" Aside from it, this alliance is li(ely to et on 'ell 'ith the economic front as 'ell" >osco' has sho'n its 'illin ness in connection 'ith the moderni+ation and sophistication of 0a(istan Steel >ills, by increasin its capacity from 1"1 to 1"= million tons and then up to 3 million tons" /n the comin years, Russia intends to in!est USI=00 in 0a(istan Steel >ills" Russia has also sho'n its readiness to fund and pro!ide technical assistance for the /ran%0a(istan as pipeline pro-ect" 1o', it is up to the 0a(istan o!ernment that it a'ards this contract to Russia5s oil and as company .a+prom" #hese relations 'ill promote and cement ties in the education and science sectors too" 0a(istani students can benefit from Russian uni!ersities if scholarships are a'arded to them" Also, 0a(istan can benefit from the Russian e$perience in space technolo y" As discussed earlier 0a(istan stands a ood chance of ettin Russian military hard'are" #he sale of Russia%made planes, li(e >/ series, 'as stopped to 0a(istan because of the /ndian influence"

Fo'e!er, the recent tha' in relations may offer some chances on that front" #he 0a(istan army a!iation uses mostly Russia%made >/%1* helicopters" /t may also be able to en-oy an up rade status 'ith help from Russia" As such the Russian source can probably be a better option and alternati!e for 0a(istan especially in !ie' of the U"S" sanctions 'ith re ard to the F13 planes" #he @F1* thunder%fi hter -et production that 0a(istan does -ointly 'ith 8hina at the Kamra Aeronautical 8omple$ is po'ered by Russian en inesN and 0a(istan and 8hina see( to e$port the @F1* thunder% fi hter -ets" 0recisely, 0a(istan has become tired of its arm%t'istin by the U"S" Get it hopes that the cushion in diplomacy this relationship is li(ely to incur to 0a(istan 'ill help soften the U"S" attitude to'ards 0a(istan" Some :uarters opine that the U"S" 'ill be alarmed after this de!elopment and 'ill also enter into lucrati!e deals that it has stuc( 'ith /ndia" 9ut this !ie' still remains ha+y" Mastly, in!ol!in much of the e$pectations by this unison is somethin unrealistic" /ndia still features prime in RussiaAs strate ic calculations" #he trade of military hard'are bet'een the both is stupendous, and /ndia is the bi est buyer of Russian arms, -et fi hters, tan(s, submarines and 'arships from Russia" Luite recently a nuclear%po'ered submarine, 'hich is capable of oin into deep 'aters and stayin there, has been pro!ided to /ndia by Russia" #he presumption that Russia 'ill sacrifice its si$%decade relations 'ith /ndia and sell most sophisticated 'eapons to 0a(istan is somethin unrealistic" 9ut this recent tha' at least su ests that thin s ha!e started mo!in in the positi!e direction" >urad Kassi

Con er!ence and <i er!ence in &a(-5' -elations

This article aims at underscorin! the matters o" understandin! and the issues o" miscellaneous opinion and policies between &a(istan and the 5' o er the distincti e national and international conte:ts that directly lin( the two parties* interests and spell out causes o" sur i al o" interaction between them durin! crucial times o" *pull-and-push*$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he history of relations bet'een 0a(istan and the United States 6US7 has by and lar e mo!ed a roller coaster profile, o'in to multiple and comple$ dimensions" #his multi%dimensional relation 'ith t'o di!erse approaches of co%dependency and trust deficit in!ol!es the t'o countries in con!er in and di!er in bilateral relations" Fo'e!er, this relationship is mutually !aluable for both the countries and mostly dependent on the meetin %points 'ith reference to the main issues" Get the sole superpo'er status of the US and the si nificant position of 0a(istan, as a political and strate ic hub of South Asia, raise sudden and stron outbursts in this relation" #his article aims at underscorin the matters of understandin and the issues of miscellaneous opinion and policies bet'een 0a(istan and the US o!er the distincti!e national and international conte$ts that directly lin( the t'o parties5 interests and spell out causes of sur!i!al of interaction bet'een them durin crucial times of 5pull%and%push5" Startin 'ith the story of relations by the post%,B11 era, 'e can ma(e a list of con!er in and di!er in interests in this complicated t'o%pron ed affair" After September ,B11, 0a(istan en a ed 'ith the US in its 'ar on terror ta(in a U%turn on its Af han policy" #his en a ement 'as a coordinated mo!e to'ards a union and uniformity re ardless of this :uestion that 'ho 'as a decision%ma(er on 0a(istan5s side and 'hat could be the far%reachin upshot of that decision" For the State 2epartment, it 'as imperati!e to in!ol!e 0a(istan in this ame because of its eostrate ic and diplomatic relationships 'ith Af hanistan" For 0a(istan, in the 'ords of then 8hief E$ecuti!e of 0a(istan .en" 0er!ai+ >usharraf, it 'as essential to support the US to sur!i!e its territorial inte rity as bein an economically 'ea( country %% 0a(istan %% could not bear any assault or economic sanctions" 9esides it 'as a time for 0a(istan to flop all the /ndian propa andas a ainst 0a(istan5s Kashmir a enda, the nu(es and the attempts to tarnish 0a(istan5s ima e in the international community as a terrorist country" #his post%,B11 0a(%US 5marria e of con!enience5 started 'ith the mutual promises and pled es, but shortly after that both the parties found each other standin at different platforms" #he trust%deficit phase started on both ends o!er !arious issues 'ith the result that the 'ar on terror did not end in a year" As e$pected and estimated by 0a(istan, the US alle ed that the 0a(istan administration and intelli ence a encies 'ere in!ol!ed in the dual policyma(in efforts to satisfy both the parties 6the US and the #aliban7" #he US became suspicious about the officially%authorised use of the in!ested amount in 0a(istan for this 'ar, 'hereas the 0a(istani administration e$pressed its dissatisfaction o!er the economic support from the US, and ultimately the fact that Osama bin Maden 'as (illed in

0a(istan by the US forces 'as a stron point to underpin the US suspicions about the sympathisers of al%Laeda amon the people of 0a(istan, the intelli ence a encies and e!en at the o!ernment le!el" 2espite the fact that 0a(istan has prompted its effort to th'art the nuclear proliferation, the States 2epartment still remains suspicious about the success of 0a(istan5s effort in this connection" Additionally, the other one%(ey clash 'ith the US as a result of this prolon ed stru le a ainst terrorism is the issue of the drone stri(es in FA#A, 'hich is a matter of serious concern for the 0a(istani ci!ilians more than the administration" #he .o!ernment of 0a(istan denied at the outset any role of 8/A in 0a(istan, but later 'hen the number of stri(es and the resultant causalities escalated the o!ernment started condemnin them publicly" Fo'e!er, the secret deal bet'een 0a(istan and the US re ardin the drone attac(s 'as reported by a US paper, #he ?ashin ton 0ost, on < October 200&" #he ?ashin ton 0ost reported that there 'as a secret deal bet'een US and 0a(istan for allo'in these drone attac(s" #his statement 'as discarded by the then forei n minister of 0a(istan" /n response to such statements, 0a(istan re:uested the US to i!e them control o!er drones and pro!ide them re:uired technical trainin and assistance" 9ut the US re-ected this re:uest for fear of lea(a e of information about the militant tar ets" 8oncei!ably, the US does not 'ant to multiply its troubles as it is already concerned about the pre!ious issue concernin 0a(istan5s reliability of the nuclear command and control system" /t fears the e$tremist roups5 control o!er nu(es in case of any radical ta(eo!er" #his fear spilled o!er 'ith the re!elation of the 5AL Khan net'or(5 'ith 5proof5 of the nuclear proliferation acti!ities" Re-ectin all the US concerns, as to its nuclear assets that they may fall in the hands of the e$tremists, 0a(istan claims a robust command and control system" 2espite the fact that 0a(istan has prompted its effort to th'art the nuclear proliferation, the States 2epartment still remains suspicious about the success of 0a(istan5s effort in this connection"

#he list of di!er ences in the interests of 0a(istan and the US e$tends to other issues also" #he US (eeps a comprehensi!e and institutionalised relationship 'ith /ndia, co!erin broad fields such as economic relations, political dialo ues and the military e$chan es" #he US appreciates /ndia5s acti!e democracy and economic and technolo ical e$pansion and aims at usin her as a counter'ei ht to 8hina" 8hina5s containment policy, under 'hich the US intends to clout the economic and political de!elopment of the 0eople5s Republic of 8hina to ma(e it a di!ided and fra ile state to (eep on its he emony in Asia, is a main contendin issue bet'een the US and 0a(istan"

?ith re ard to this policy, the borderin countries of 8hina are on the US list to be played as counter'ei ht" Follo'in this ob-ecti!e, the US prioritises diplomatic, economic and military relations 'ith these counties" #he main proponents of this US policy are Af hanistan, U+be(istan, #a-i(istan, South Korea, @apan, /ndia and Sietnam" 0a(istan bein a strate ic partner of 8hina is out of this US 5 rand desi n5 for Asia" /t is neither 'illin nor capable of -oinin this lon %term US plan" #he US appreciates /ndia5s acti!e democracy and economic and technolo ical e$pansion and aims at usin her as a counter'ei ht to 8hina" Similar to the 8hina containment policy, the US (eeps a deliberate strate y of action a ainst /ran as 'ell" #he affair of US resentment a ainst /ran contains three sub-ects in particular includin /ran5s nuclear enrichment policy, the issue concernin protection of the US bases in Af hanistan as 'ell as the .ulf, and any e$pected a ression by /ran a ainst /srael" #hese issues upset the 0a(%US dealin s because 0a(istan5s friendship 'ith /ran is uni:ue in a sense of close historical, cultural, reli ious and strate ic attachment" 0a(istan cannot support the anti%/ran policies of the United States" #he US resistance to the 0a(istan%/ran as pipeline pro-ect, 'hich is in 0a(istan5s national interest, is also a (no'n issue" #he /ran%0a(istan as pipeline plan has been stron ly opposed by the US" Fo'e!er, this pipeline is crucially ad!anta eous for 0a(istan to deli!er natural as from /ran to 0a(istan" /n @anuary 2010, the US forced 0a(istan to :uit this pro-ect and offered her a ne' pro-ect for li:uefied natural as terminal and importin electricity from #a-i(istan and Af hanistan to 0a(istan" ?hen 0a(istan did not abandon the pro-ect, usin another source by means of Saudi Arabia, the US made an endea!our a ainst this pro-ect" /t 'as reported that Saudi Arabia offered an alternate pro-ect to 0a(istan that included a cash loan and oil facility in case of cancellin the prolific as pipeline pro-ect 'ith /ran" 9ut, accordin to the 0a(istani administrationP D/slamabad 'ill not i!e in to the US pressures to mothball the pro-ect and 'ill finish the hu e pipeline pro-ect at any cost and that the pro-ect 'as in line 'ith the country5s national interest"E 2espite these facts, it is also an undeniable reality that the 0a(istan%US relations e!entually depend on the con!er ence of their national interests" 9oth in short and lon term, pro!idin each other mutual beneficial opportunities in se!eral fields such as the future of Af hanistan, peace and stability in South Asia and deterrin the threat of terrorism"

#he US depends on 0a(istan for its 1A#O supply routes to Af hanistan" Althou h there are other net'or(s for the transport supply, they are !ery e$pensi!e" >oreo!er, it needs to focus on 0a(istan for carryin on the reconciliation process 'ith the #aliban in Af hanistan for peace and stability of

0a(istan and the re ion in the post%transition period" /n addition, 0a(istan is 'orried about the /ndian presence and acti!ities in Af hanistan" #hey belie!e that the /ndian interests in Af hanistan are beyond economic and political spheres centered a ainst the interests of 0a(istan" E!en then both the countries (eep a number of possibilities for compromise 'ithin the confi uration of their status and standard" 9ein a superpo'er, both economically and militarily, the US helps 0a(istan in bilateral, economic, commercial, technolo ical and academic fields, 'hereas 0a(istan remains an important country due to its strate ic location, nu(es and maybe a moderate /slam policy" #he 'riter is an Assistant 0rofessor At the 2epartment of /nternational Relations, Uni!ersity of Sindh, @amshoro" EmailP /shatTirOyahoo"com /shrat Abbasi

+ur 4%ree( Tra!edy/

The situation in &a(istan is no di""erent$ We too witnessed the ,thenian scene bein! enacted in our capital with a lot o" political "erment and "renEy$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

On a day in 3,, 98, philosopher Socrates stood before a -ury of =00 of his fello'%Athenians accused of Drefusin to reco ni+e the ods reco ni+ed by the stateE and of Dcorruptin the youthE" /f found uiltyN his penalty could be death" #he trial too( place in the heart of the city 'ith the -urors

seated on 'ooden benches surrounded by a cro'd of spectators" After hearin the ar uments by both Socrates and his accusers, instead of deliberatin on the merits of the case %% as 'as re:uired under the Athenian la' %% the -ury by a !ote of 2&0 to 220 promptly a!e a 5 uilty5 !erdict and sentenced him to death" #he Athenian la' prescribed death by drin(in a cup of poison" Socrates 'ho 'as *0 years old and 'ell%respected by Athenians as their benefactor 'as to be his o'n e$ecutioner" Fe 'as ta(en to the nearby -ail 'here his sentence 'as to be carried out" 0lato, the most famous student of Socrates, 'as not present at his mentor5s death but (ne' those 'ho 'ere there" Fe describes the scene throu h the narrati!e !oice of a fictional character, 0haedo" #he dialo ue ta(es place in Socrates5 prison cell 'here he a'aits his e$ecution" Socrates is !isited there by his friend 8rito 'ho had made arran ements to smu le him out of prison to the safety of e$ile" 9ut Socrates declined 8rito5s offer to escape" #he man 'ho 'as to administer the poison brou ht the cup full of hemloc( mi$ to him and as(ed him to drin( it" 0haedo5s account oes onP DUp to this moment most of us 'ere able 'ith some decency to hold bac( our tears, but 'hen 'e sa' him drin(in the poison to the last drop, 'e could restrain oursel!es no lon er" D/n spite of myself, tears came in floods so / co!ered my face and 'ept %% not for him but at my o'n misfortune at losin such a man as my friend" 8rito, e!en before me rose and 'ent out 'hen he could chec( his tears no lon er" Apollodorus 'as already steadily 'eepin , and by dryin his eyes, cryin a ain and sobbin " Fe affected e!eryone present e$cept for Socrates himself 'ho said, 5you are stran e fello'sN 'hat is 'ron 'ith youH5 #hese 'ords made us ashamed, and 'e stopped cryin "E As the chill sensation ot to his 'aist, Socrates unco!ered his head and said his last 'ordsP D8rito, 'e o'e a rooster to Asclepius" 2o pay it" 2on5t for et"E DOf course,E said 8rito" D2o you 'ant to say anythin elseH #here 'as no reply to this :uestion, but after a 'hile he a!e a sli ht stir, and the attendant unco!ered him and e$amined his eyes" #hen 8rito sa' that he 'as dead, he closed his mouth and eyelids" #his 'as the end of our friend, the best, 'isest and most upri ht man of any that / ha!e e!er (no'n"E Socrates 'ho -oined eternity li!ed nearly 2,<00 years a o durin the time of Athenian transition from the hei ht of lory to its ab-ect decline after its defeat by Sparta in the 0eloponnesian ?ar" ?hile democratic Athens, the stron est city%state in .reece prior to the 'ar5s be innin , found itself de!astated and reduced to complete subser!ience and anarchy, oli archic Sparta emer ed as the leadin po'er of .reece" #he economic costs of the 'ar 'ere felt all across .reeceN po!erty became 'idespread in the 0eloponnese and Athens ne!er re ained its pre%'ar prosperity" #he Athenian public 'as totally disillusioned 'ith the then pre!ailin 5democracy5 'ith ross inade:uacies of o!ernance, morality and la' and order" #hey 'ere fed up 'ith their corrupt rulers" Socrates understood their pain and an uish" 8laimin loyalty to his state, he challen ed the course of Athenian politics and society" Fe praised better o!erned Sparta, the archri!al to Athens, and blamed his o'n state5s corrupt politics in !arious dialo ues" One of Socrates5 purported offences to the rulin hierarchy 'as his position as a social and moral critic" Fe spo(e out a ainst them and a ainst their corrupt practices in the name of 5democracy5" #he economic costs of the 'ar 'ere felt all across .reeceN po!erty became 'idespread in the 0eloponnese and Athens ne!er re ained its pre%'ar prosperity" 2urin the last years of Socrates5 life, Athens 'as in continual flu$ due to political and economic uphea!al" 2emocracy 'as o!erthro'n by a -unta (no'n as the #hirty #yrants 'ho ruled for about a year before the Athenian democracy returned to po'er at 'hich point it declared a status :uo%dri!en

5amnesty5 for all recent e!ents" /t 'as the then 1RO that Socrates challen ed" Rather than acceptin 'hat he percei!ed as opportunistic po'er%based immorality 'ithin his state, Socrates :uestioned the collecti!e notion of Dmi ht ma(es ri htE that 'as so rampant in his state" Fe belie!ed the state 'as more important than the rotten Athenian politics" Fe spo(e the truth and challen ed the status :uo" >ore than t'o millennia after his death, Socrates is as rele!ant as e!er" #he .ree(s are already nostal ic of him" #hey ha!e come to despise their present leaders, mistrust their media and resent the stern teachin s of 9russels bureaucrats" 1o' they are turnin to the same 'ise man for helpP the same Athenian 'ho doled out self%help tips 'hile railin a ainst the hypocrisies of society and the state ) and 'hose lessons li!e on more than 2,<00 years after his death"

#he situation in 0a(istan is no different" ?e too 'itnessed the Athenian scene bein enacted in our capital 'ith a lot of political ferment and fren+y" 2r #ahir%ul%Ladri 'as no Socrates" 9ut, li(e Socrates, he beha!ed as 'hat 0lato had described his esteemed mentor a 5 adfly5 of the state 'ho irritated the Athenian men of status :uo by in!o(in issues of -ustice, la' and oodness" 2r Ladri too irritated the men and perhaps a fe' hea!ily%coated and painted 'omen of status :uo in 0a(istan" Fe had challen ed the rotten system in 'hich the same feudalised and elitist oli archy consistin of different men at different times under different political fla s had (ept the nation hosta e 'ith or 'ithout military collusion since independence" Rather than acceptin 'hat he percei!ed as opportunistic po'er%based immorality 'ithin his state, Socrates :uestioned the collecti!e notion of Dmi ht ma(es ri htE that 'as so rampant in his state" ?hate!er his personal moti!es or political ambitions, he did storm 0a(istan5s citadel of political 5po'er and reed5 i!in a loud 'a(e%up call to the people that sounded death (nell to the country5s deeply%entrenched status%:uo%dri!en feudal, tribal and elitist po'er structure" Fe spo(e the truth callin for a chan e that the people had been 'aitin for too lon " #hey -oined him in thron s because they 'ere sic( and tired of the system that had i!en them nothin but hardships and miseries" #hey trusted him because he did not belon to the e$clusi!e club of 0a(istan5s pri!ile ed political 5fraternity"5 #o be part of this 5fraternity5, one must be !ery ante%thesis of the criteria laid do'n in Articles 32 and 33 that Ladri had demanded to be implemented in letter and spirit" Fe rattled the political ran(s by sho'in to the politicians their true face in the mirror" 1o 'onder, there 'as so much of political rumpus" Fo' dared he challen e the domain to 'hich nobody, not e!en the successi!e military dictators, could e!er brin about a chan eH Ladri5s crime 'as no different from that of Socrates" Fe

had to be punished" 1o sooner did Ladri i!e his last ultimatum shootin heartbeats and pulse rates up, the 5-ury5 arri!ed" 8urtains in Ladri5s bulletproof QcontainerA 'ere dra'n and the trial lasted -ust for a couple of hours" #he !erdict 'as unanimous" Ladri shall be admitted into the i nominious QfraternityA that he had !o'ed to topple" Fe 'illin ly accepted to be his o'n e$ecutioner and -oined the e$clusi!e club, for in a ne' confi uration of political po'er" Unli(e the real .ree( tra edy, all in the QcontainerA 'ere seen happy, leefully embracin each other" #he hosta e cro'd returned home 'ith no chan e in si ht" #here could not be a more comic end to our Q.ree( tra edy"A #he 'riter is a former forei n secretary Shamshad Ahmad #he 'riter is a former forei n secretary"

Chan!e +n Islamabad/s 4million-man march/ 6other o" all 3uestionsFG

9ow did Imran Ahan mana!e to !ather such a lar!e crowd on +ctober 30, 2012? 9ow did <r Tahirul =adri mana!e to !ather such a lar!e crowd on <ecember 23, 2012? ,nd, how did <r Tahirul =adri mana!e to (eep tens o" thousands "or "our wintry ni!hts in the open?
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he mother of all :uestionsH /slamabad5s 5million%man march5 can be bro(en do'n into t'oP the leader and the follo'ers" A lot has been said about the leader but not much about the follo'ers" #he mother of all :uestions isP ?hy did tens of thousands of 0a(istanis spend four ni hts under free+in open s(ies of /slamabadH Fo' did /mran Khan mana e to ather such a lar e cro'd on October 30, 2012H Fo' did 2r #ahirul Ladri mana e to ather such a lar e cro'd on 2ecember 23, 2012H And, ho' did 2r

#ahirul Ladri mana e to (eep tens of thousands for four 'intry ni hts in the openH /n each one of the abo!e cases my focus is not on the leader but the tens of thousands of 0a(istanis 'ho undertoo( the effort to be present in those atherin s" ?hy 'as there a #ahrir S:uareH Ges, Fosni >ubara( 'as a dictator for 30 lon years" 9ut 'hy 'asn5t there a #ahrir S:uare in Sin aporeH After all, Mee Kuan Ge' 'as a dictator 'ho lasted 31 lon years" ?hy 'asn5t there a #ahrir S:uare in >alaysiaH After all, >ahathir >ohamad, althou h elected !ia fi!e consecuti!e rather contro!ersial elections, ruled as a dictator for 22 lon years" Ans'erP A #ahrir S:uare ta(es place only in states 'here there is a hu e ap bet'een the priorities of the rulers and the needs of the ruled 6'hether the rulers are elected or not is irrele!ant7" ?hy did tens of thousands of 0a(istanis spend four ni hts under free+in open s(ies of /slamabadH Fo' did /mran Khan mana e to ather such a lar e cro'd on October 30H Fo' did 2r #ahirul Ladri mana e to ather such a lar e cro'd on 2ecember 23H Ans'erP 0a(istanis yearn for a chan e" A political doctrine under 'hich the prime minister can di!ert Rs=0 billion from other de!elopmental pro-ects to his o'n discretionary fund needs to be chan ed" After 3= years of e$perimentin 'ith different models of o!ernance there no' is a consensus on democracy as the model of o!ernance" 9ut an electoral doctrine under 'hich a federal minister can (eep =1 !ehicles for his personal use needs to be chan ed" A political doctrine under 'hich the prime minister can di!ert Rs=0 billion from other de!elopmental pro-ects to his o'n discretionary fund needs to be chan ed" And, an economic doctrine under 'hich 0/A loses Rs*0 million a day, e!ery day of the year, needs to be chan ed"

@ust as( any 0a(istani, bet'een Khyber and Karachi, these si$ :uestionsP /s 0a(istan headin in the ri ht directionH ?ould the assemblies that 'ill be formed after Election 2013 be any different from past assembliesH 2o 'e as a nation 'ant to continue 'ith a political doctrine that allo's a minister in the federal cabinet to (eep =1 official !ehicles for his useH 2o 'e as a nation 'ant to continue 'ith an electoral doctrine that allo's the prime minister to di!ert Rs=0 billion from de!elopment pro-ects to his discretionary fund -ust before a eneral electionH 2o 'e as a nation 'ant an economic doctrine that allo's 0/A to lose Rs*0 million a day, e!ery day of the yearH 2o 'e 'ant an electoral doctrine that allo's the chief minister of 9alochistan to disburse Rs300 million to each >0A -ust before electionsH ?hy can5t the rulin class read the 'ritin on the 'allH Mo and behold, 'e can amend the constitution in a day then 'hy canAt 'e ha!e electoral reforms before the elections that are still

months a'ayH #he 'riter is a columnist based in /slamabad" EmailP farru(h1=Ohotmail"com" #'itterP Osaleemfarru(h 2r Farru(h Saleem

&&&/s H-year -e!ime The 1est -e en!eG

*2iay 1hutto*, *doctrine o" ictimhood*, and abo e all *democracy is the best re en!e* with a theory o" political rapprochement as "ollowed by &a(istan &eople*s &arty 7&&&8 top leadership &anch Aa Tola 7the !an! o" "i e8; the &&&, &6>-), &6>-=, 6=6 and ,)& 7and o" course a *"riendly opposition*8 lay e:posed as those at the helm o" a""airs stay put$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

?ith o!ernments in /slamabad, Sindh, Khyber 0u(htun(h'a, 9alochistan, .il it%9altistan and A+ad @ammu and Kashmir 6A@K7, they are crac(in -o(es at a funeral 'hile they 'ei h the o!ernment5s fi!e%year feats" ?hate!er the e$cuse, if any, one doubts %% 'hate!er they boast of the fi!e years of democracy %% corruption tops the list plus the most%discussed and moaned po'er crisis bein faced by the country" 1ational Accountability 9ureau 61A97 8hairman Admiral 6retd7 Fasih 9u(hari5s latest disclosure that 0a(istan loses up to Rs & billion a day in corruption has e$ceeded e!en the other'ise massi!e corruption fi ures by #ransparency /nternational 0a(istan 6#/07, 'hich sees Rs &,=00 billion corruption durin the first four years of the 000 tenure led by 6sac(ed7 prime minister Gousaf Ra+a .ilani" Get the per%day%corruption of Rs & billion as pointed out by the 1A9 chairman means

corruption for Rs 2", trillion in one year and Rs 1<"= trillion in fi!e years" #he oil mafia, a riculture cartel and ta$%e!asionBtheft are the ma-or culprits" #his disclosure by the 1A9 chairman presents a far dismal picture compared to the one i!en by the #/0 in respect of the mountin corruption in 0a(istan" #he #/0 has pointed out that 0a(istan lost more than Rs &,=00 billion 6Rs &"= trillion or I,< billion7 in corruption, ta$%e!asion and bad o!ernance durin the 000 o!ernment5s four%year tenure" 9ut these fi ures 'ere stron ly contested by the 000 o!ernment and its leaders" #he #/0 had pointed out corruption of Rs 3,0 billion in 200&, Rs <=0 billion in 200,, Rs &2= billion in 2010 and Rs 1,100 billion in 2011 under the present o!ernment" #he total corruption from these identified cases is Rs 2,*3= billion" /n addition, accordin to the #/0, the minister for finance has confirmed corruption in the F9R of o!er Rs =00 billion per year, 'hich ma(es the total Rs 2,000 billion" #he Auditor .eneral of 0a(istan pointed out Rs 31= billion corruption in 2010N the 0ublic Accounts 8ommittee 60A87 reco!ered Rs 11= billion in 30 months till 2011N the circular debt is Rs 1,0 billionN the KES8 'as i!en Rs == billion ille al benefits per annum since 200&N the state%o'ned enterprises li(e 0SO, 0/A, 0a(istan Steel, Rail'ays, SS.8, S1.8 are de!ourin Rs 1=0%300 billion per annumN the ta$ to the .20 ratio in 200& 'as 114, 'hich came do'n in 2011 to ,"14 instead of re isterin an increase" Syed Gousaf Ra+a .ilani5s tenure has been percei!ed 'orld'ide as the most corrupt bac(ed by plunderers of the national 'ealth 'ho 'ere protected, re'arded and e!en offered (ey positions instead of bein tried and imprisoned" /t 'as due to the o!ernment5s bad repute that e!en durin times of natural disasters li(e de!astatin floods 2, countries refused cash help to the 0005s o!ernment" /n the conte$t of the 0005s corruption cases li(e the rental po'er pro-ects, the O ra scam, the Ephedrine :uota and the smu lin issue, the runnin of 0/A li(e a 5mom and dad store5, the Fascam, the 0a(istan Steel plunder, bun lin in 0a(istan Rail'ays, to name a fe', the fi!e%year performance of the o!ernment is far from satisfactory" #he o!ernment5s term remained mar(ed 'ith contro!ersies and failures, 'hich contributed to'ards a 'ea( federation" #he 000%led o!ernment did only one thin !ery 'ellN it resorted to e!ery petty tactic to prolon its rule" #he #/0 has pointed out that 0a(istan lost more than Rs &,=00 billion 6Rs &"= trillion or I,< billion7 in corruption, ta$%e!asion and bad o!ernance durin the 000 o!ernment5s four%year tenure" /n doin so, the o!ernment borro'ed a mammoth more than I20 billion from international lendin a encies" #he e$ternal debt burden 'as o!er I<3 billion in @une 200&, and as of September 2012 it soared to I33"2< billion, hi her by <3 per cent 'hen the 000%led coalition o!ernment came into po'er in the 8entre" ?here did this I20 billion oH 1o betterment of the people and no bi pro-ect e$ecuted, rather the bul( of the forei n borro'in 'as spent on o!ernment5s e$penditures" /ndeed, the o!ernment5s e$penditures are of non%de!elopment nature" #he 000%led coalition o!ernment5s current e$penditure raph also portrays the e$tra!a ant trend" #he current e$penditure amounted to Rs 13<,"2 billion durin fiscal 200&%200," #he !olume of the current e$penditure 'as Rs 231<"& billion in fiscal 2011%12, 'hereas the o!ernment estimates current e$penditures to the tune of Rs 2*3* billion durin fiscal 2012%2013" Mi(e'ise, a similar precedence is set in the o!ernment5s borro'in from the ban(in sector" A hefty Rs <&<="< billion of the domestic debt is accrued durin the tenure so far" #he portfolio of domestic debt is Rs &120"1 billion as on September 2012 up by 1<& per cent 'hen the 000 'as not in po'er" #he domestic debt 'as Rs 32*<"* billion in @une 200&" #he o!ernment is no' mintin money from the State 9an( of 0a(istan 6S907" #he repercussions in the days to come 'ill be more horrifyin than 'hat e$perts thin(" One reflection of this bad practice is the d'indlin rupee !alue

a ainst the US dollar" 1o', the 000%led po'er forces face a Ferculean tas( of a I= billion paybac( to the /nternational >onetary Fund 6/>F7" #he forei n e$chan e reser!es 'ere I11"<0 billion in @une 200&" /t 'as I12"<3 billion in 200,, I13"*= billion in 2010, I1&"2< billion in 2011 and I1="2& billion in 2012" #he fore$ 'ere I13"==& billion as on @anuary < this year" #he reser!es 'ill sin( drastically once the payment to the />F is made" #he ne' bailout pac(a e 'ith the international lendin a ency is less li(ely as the o!ernment is nearin completion of its fi!e%year term in less than t'o months5 time" #he military re ime of .eneral 0er!e+ >usharraf be:ueathed the po'er crises as all and sundry in the o!ernment bemoaned and cried hoarse" #he >usharraf sa a continues e!en no' because si$ to 1& hours of prolon ed incessant load%sheddin has paralysed economic acti!ities in 0a(istan" #he 'orst%affected is the 0un-ab" >any belie!e since the 000 has not its o!ernment in the pro!ince, it is punishin the people" For the last fi!e years the 0un-ab has been the centre of a itation by the eneral public o!er lac( of electricity" ?hether it is >ultan, Faisalabad or Mahore the people too( to the streets a ainst the menace of load%sheddin fre:uently durin summer e!ery year" #he o!ernment failed in o!ercomin the circular debt" #he o!ernment o'es Rs <<="* billion to oil and as companies and /ndependent 0o'er 0roducers 6/00s7" #he o!ernment o'es Rs 2,0 billion to the /00s, Rs 2<"2 billion to 0SO, Rs 2, billion to as companies and Rs *3", billion to ?apda for hydel eneration" #he pri!ate sector is the bi est defaulter that o'es Rs 1,*"3 billion to the federal o!ernment, follo'ed by Sindh 'ith Rs == billion, 0un-ab Rs * billion, Khyber 0a(htun(h'a Rs 20 billion and 9alochistan o'es Rs 3"* billion" #he federal o!ernment5s different departments ha!e not paid their electricity dues to the tune of Rs 13"& billion" #he A@K o!ernment o'es Rs 13"< billion, the federally%administered tribal areas Rs 2="3 billion and the Karachi Electricity Supply 8ompany 6KES87 o'e Rs =,"3 billion to the federal o!ernment" Get hardly any concrete measure has been as re ards the clearin of the circular debt or the reco!erin of dues from the pro!inces and other departments" Around Rs 2 trillion ha!e been spent on the po'er sector subsidies in the first half of current fiscal" #he rates of electricity and as ha!e been tripled so ta$es on their consumption, but the o!ernment failed in ma(in a sin le si nificant achie!ement" 81. is sold for Rs 3* a (ilo in no'" #o remember, it 'as -ust Rs 3* bac( in 200&N petrol 'as around 33 rupees a litre compared to Rs 103 in 2013" 2iesel is also costlier %% sold for Rs ,<"3< as a ainst Rs <<"13 per litre in 200&, 'hereas the M0. rate 'as Rs =3 per (ilo as a ainst the current rate of o!er Rs 1=0 a (ilo" #he o!ernment fi ures claim to ha!e curtailed inflation" #he food inflation 'as 1*"30 per cent in fiscal 200*%200&" /t dropped to 11 per cent in fiscal 2011%2012 and further sun( to *"30 per cent durin the first half of the current fiscal" .eneral inflation dropped to &"30 per cent in @uly% 2ecember 2012 from 12 per cent in 200&" Fo'e!er, items in inflation bas(ets and price fluctuation do not meet reality chec(s" #he loose interest%rate re ime does not necessitate lo'er inflation" Either it is eneral inflation, food inflation or the core inflation" #he price of hi h%:uality flour 'as Rs 13 per (ilo in 200& as compared to Rs << a (ilo" Rice 'as sold at Rs ,0 a (ilo in 200& as a ainst Rs 120 no'" #he price of one (ilo su ar is no' Rs == in comparison 'ith Rs 2= a (ilo in 200&" #he economic 'i+ards need to probe the lo'er food inflation claim by the o!ernment" E:ternal <ebt @une 200& I<3"13bn @une 200, I=2"33bn @une 2010 I=*"33bn @une 2011 I31"&<bn 2ec 2011 I31"13bn

Sept 2012 I33"2<bn <omestic <ebt @une 200& Rs 32*<"*bn @une 200, Rs 3&30"3bn @une 2010 Rs <&,<"3bn @une 2011 Rs 3231"3bn Feb 2012 Rs *21="3bn Sept 2012 Rs &120"1bn Current e:penditure 200&%0, 13<,"2bn 200,%10 13,,bn 2010%11 22,=bn 2011%12 231<"&bn 2012%13 2*3*bn Asad Kaleem

Challen!es to &a(istan*s 'ecurity

The 'outh ,sian re!ion has always been under the in"luence o" e:tra-re!ional powers$ The interplay o" their strate!ic and economic interests considerably marred bilateral relations between states in 'outh ,sia, particularly &a(istan and India$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he international security scenario has lon been under transformation due to ma-or shifts in political, economic and strate ic interests of states" /n a contemporary era, incidents of ,B11 resulted

in drastic chan es in the security%related perceptions, concerns, policies and mechanisms of states across the lobe" Amon other re ions, the South Asian security scenario has also under one ma-or chan es durin the last decade" /n 0a(istan, the internal security issues rose to a dan erous le!el and, hence, assumed reater prominence than e$ternal security threats" #he South Asian re ion has al'ays been under the influence of e$tra%re ional po'ers" #he interplay of their strate ic and economic interests considerably marred bilateral relations bet'een states in South Asia, particularly 0a(istan and /ndia, hence posin challen es to re ional security" At the re ional le!el, ta(in con!entional 6e$ternal7 security threats to 0a(istan into consideration, its eastern nei hbour /ndia has lon been re arded as a potential threat in !ie' of the critical e:uation the t'o countries ha!e e$perienced durin the past si$ decades" And 0a(istan5s 'estern border remains porous and !ulnerable to !iolence" A certain le!el of deterrence has been maintained 'ith /ndia" Fo'e!er, 'ith the chan in re ional security scenario, especially in 'a(e of 'ar a ainst terrorism in Af hanistan, the 0a(istan%/ndia e:uation turned e!en more se!ere increasin the !ulnerability of the deterrence" 2espite the composite dialo ue and other peace o!ertures, a number of territorial and other issues remain unsettled bet'een the t'o countries that continue to pose threats to security" >oreo!er, there is al'ays a possibility of conflict escalation in the 'a(e of periodic firin incidents across the Mine of 8ontrol 6Mo87" 8onsiderin internal security threatsN perceptions and understandin on the Dmost rie!ousE of the e$istin threats differ amon different security and strate ic analysts" #he e$istin internal security threats may include sectarian !iolence, ethnic di!ide 6includin mo!ements in 9alochistan7, small arms proliferation and abo!e all terrorism" #he opinion of a number of political analysts !aries 'ith re ard to 'hich problem is the most serious and 'hich should be addressed first" 0a(istan is a pluralistic societyN ho'e!er, internal problems and e$ternal influences 'rec(ed the !ery fabric of its society" As 0a(istan faces the se!ere fallout of the 'ar a ainst terrorism in its 'estern nei hbour, its internal security deteriorates radually" #he le acy of partition, economic and political instability, fra ile democracy, feudal trends, corruption, illiteracy, unemployment, radicali+ation and polari+ation of 0a(istani society, e$tremism and intolerance may be re arded as the root%causes of internal security problemsN the e$ternal factors considerably manipulated the internal problems of 0a(istan" As a conse:uence, the internal security situation is e$tremely fra ile as 0a(istan faces ra!e internal security threats, especially terrorism" #here has been an unprecedented increase in terror incidents in 0a(istan durin the last decade, 'hich in turn posed multifaceted challen es to the counterterrorism strate y" #he US%led 'ar a ainst terrorism in Af hanistan deteriorated re ional security" 0a(istan no' faces another challen e of dealin 'ith drone attac(s inside its territory" On the other hand, /ndia has increased its influence in Af hanistan see(in a reater role in re ional politics, follo'in the announced 'ithdra'al of US troops from Af hanistan in 201<" #hus, 0a(istan faces a reater challen e of dealin 'ith security threats, in one form or the other, emanatin from the e!er% chan in re ional scenario and also to balance its e:uations 'ith re ional players" Althou h 8hina has pro!ed to be 0a(istan5s trusted strate ic ally in supportin its security apparatus and mechanism in order to deal 'ith e$istin security threats" Of late, there has been a paradi m shift in its policies to'ards 0a(istan" #he 8hina%/ndia rapprochement pa!ed the 'ay for an economic alliance in some roupin s as 'ell" Undoubtedly, 0a(istan is faced 'ith enormous and di!erse challen es in the 'a(e of internal security problems and the o!ernment has yet to de!ise an effecti!e internal security policy" Mately,

the 0a(istan Army re arded internal security threats as Dsub%con!entional threatsE and stated in a ne' military doctrineP Dthe on oin acti!ities of #aliban militants in the resti!e tribal re ions and unabated terrorist attac(s on o!ernment installations in ma-or cities are posin a real threat to 0a(istan5s security"E

Fo'e!er, 2irector .eneral for /nter%Ser!ices 0ublic Relations 6/S0R7 >a-or .eneral Asim Saleem 9a-'a cate orically saidP D#he Army prepares for all forms of threats" Sub%con!entional threat is a reality and is a part of a threat matri$ faced by our country" 9ut it doesn5t mean that the con!entional threat has receded"E #o some people, the statement may appear a paradi m shift in our military strate yN the con!entional threats 'ould remain as the (ey concern to the army" #he internal security is re arded as of paramount importance to e!ery country" 0a(istan has been under se!ere criticism by other countries and international a encies o!er the deterioratin internal security situation and is !ie'ed as DunsafeE by a number of countries" /t has also been criticised as De$porter of terrorismE" #o allay all the misperceptions and alle ations 0a(istan faced o!er the years it needs to adopt a comprehensi!e strate y that encompasses all rele!ant sections of the state and society" As 0a(istanAs eneral election nears, the ne' o!ernment 'ould be re:uired to 'or( for internal security" And for a stable and prosperous 0a(istan, internal security is imperati!e" Althou h e$ternal and internal security threats in 0a(istan are tied to ether, they are re:uired to be dealt 'ith by separate strate ies" U1abiha .ul is a researcher and analyst on international affairs and a !isitin faculty member at the 2epartment of /nternational Relations, Uni!ersity of Karachi" 1abiha .ul

1ane or 1oon? In esti!ation "or @air Trial 1ill, 2012

&recisely, the law has not success"ully trans"ormed the e:tant practice o" in"ormal re!ime o" *interception* or *sur eillance* to "ormal re!ime$ In reality, a dual "ormally in"ormal mechanism has been pro ided, which will ultimately pro ide a le!al co er to ille!al practices$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

E!eryone has an opinion to offer on the ne'ly%passed la' styled as the /n!esti ation for Fair #rial Act, 2012 6/F#7" Some call it intrusi!e because it is desi ned to circum!ent the ri ht to pri!acy as en!isioned in Article 1< of the 8onstitution of 0a(istanN others thin( that it is symbolic of the fact that the country is united a ainst terrorism and that 'ith the passa e of the bill into the la', more con!ictions 'ill be recorded a ainst terrorists" From a practitioner5s !ie'point, both !ie's are 'ay off the mar(" #he reality and practice in !o ue belie both" #he first and the foremost is the point that intelli ence a encies are already usin 5interception5 and 5sur!eillance5 and ha!e ne!er really bothered to sub-ect themsel!es to any formal o!ersi ht mechanism in!ol!in -udiciary" #hose, indeed, allude to le al pro!isions 'hich 'ere heretofore absent" #his may be considered a step for'ard, but a careful readin of the la' sho's that, in fact, it is a case of 5one step for'ard and t'o steps bac(5" #he la' as it has been passed pro!ides for t'o types of 'arrantsP one, a -udicial 'arrant issued by a -ud e 6under Section 11 of /F#7 and t'o, an interim 'arrant issued by the e$ecuti!e head 6under Section 1< of /F#7" #he interim 'arrant can be issued for se!en days in cases of ur ency and has to be put for appro!al to a -ud e" /n our criminal -ustice system, issuin 'arrants has been a -udicial function and throu h /F#, the -udicial po'er 'ill be e$ercised by e$ecuti!e, 'hich mi ht run a ainst Article 1*= of the 8onstitution" A con!enient ruse to defeat the la' is that an interim 'arrant is issued for fi!e to si$ days 6less than se!en7 and then 'ithdra'n and, later on, re%issued" 0recisely, the la' has not successfully transformed the e$tant practice of informal re ime of 5interception5 or 5sur!eillance5 to formal re ime" /n reality, a dual formally informal mechanism has been pro!ided, 'hich 'ill ultimately pro!ide a le al co!er to ille al practices"

Secondly, the la' is utterly abstract" #he concept of 5applicant5 6and not of /n!esti ation Officer7 has been introduced" #he 5applicant5 has been defined in Section 3 in !ery 'ide terms and it includes or ani+ations, 'hich are a product of e$ecuti!e orders and not of statutes" For e$ample, no la' authori+es constitution of 5Field /ntelli ence Unit5, yet it has been included in the 5applicant5 cate ory" Mi(e'ise, Section 1& pro!ides for ser!in of the 'arrant on the 5ser!ice pro!ider5 throu h 52esi nated A ency or 9oard5 and none else" ?ithout any notification of a 2esi nated A ency, the process cannot be ser!ed and e$ecuted" 9esides, the pro!ision pro!ides a cushion to already o!erly% protected 5ser!ice pro!iders5 to 'ard off any le al order pro!ided throu h any other process" For e$ample, Section ,< of the 8riminal 0rocedure 8ode 1&,& authori+es a court or a police officer to ma(e the documents or other thin s a!ailable by anyone 'hen re:uired and necessary for the purpose of in!esti ation" 9ut the la' has not anticipated ho' the situation 'ill be dealt 'ith" #he la' as it has been passed pro!ides for t'o types of 'arrantsP one, a -udicial 'arrant issued by a -ud e 6under Section 11 of /F#7 and t'o, an interim 'arrant issued by the e$ecuti!e head 6under Section 1< of /F#7" #hirdly, the la' does not contribute to'ards obtainin la'ful con!ictions" #he /F# 'as introduced in the 'a(e of ac:uittal of terrorists 'anted in the hi h%profile terrorism cases and it is e$pected that it 'ill address the le al sna s affectin prosecutions" #he e$pectation is not !ery 'ell%placed for an ob!ious reason that in many such cases no electronic e!idence 'as produced" Fad it been produced and admitted, it 'ould ha!e al'ays been open to rebuttal" #he only step for'ard in /F# is that the 5e$pert5 'ho retrie!es the electronic e!idence has been brou ht at par 'ith an e$pert under Section =10 of 8riminal 0rocedure 8ode" 9ut still a smart la'yer may mana e to brin the e$pert to courtroom for cross%e$amination on the rounds of necessity and for the sa(e of -ustice" #he e$pert can only uarantee the inte rity of electronic e!idence, but the 'hole case of prosecution must be corroborated by electronic e!idence" /n reality, the 5a encies5 arrest terrorists and hand them to police to prosecute them" #he information, trust and e!idence aps bet'een the t'o or ani+ations result in failed prosecutions"

Fourthly, the /F# is !ery narro' in its application" /t only pro!ides for issuance of 'arrants of

5interception5 or 5sur!eillance5 in a !ery limited number of cases that are re istered under specific la's, 'hich are outlined in a schedule to /F#" #hese la's do not include Anti%>oney Maunderin Act, 2010, 1ational Accountability 9ureau Ordinance, 1,,, and some important offences of 0a(istan 0enal 8ode, 1&30" #he narro' application implies limited use of the la'" #he la's outlined in the schedule also focus primarily on e$ternal security and military perspecti!es" #he internal security dimension, 'hich focuses on protection of life and property of a citi+en and 'hich ser!es as a conduit bet'een la'%enforcement and military operation is clearly missin " /n other 'ords, the lin(a e bet'een crime and terrorism is absent" 8rime and terrorism are ine$orably lin(ed 'ith each other" /ts e$clusion culminates into a faltered strate y and an inchoate la'" Fifthly, Section 23 of /F# is the reminder of the fact that the la' is not to stren then the primary la'%enforcement a ency i"e" police" As al'ays, police 'ill be chipped in at a later sta e only to result in aps of information, trust and e!idence" Section 23617 calls for reproduction hereP #he only step for'ard in /F# is that the Qe$pertA 'ho retrie!es the electronic e!idence has been brou ht at par 'ith an e$pert under Section =10 of 8riminal 0rocedure 8ode" DRe istration of a caseP #he e!idence includin the data, information, and material collected or recei!ed pursuant to the 'arrant shall be e$amined by the officer authori+ed by the applicant in this behalf and if he is able to form an opinion, that the same discloses elements of commission, harbourin , abettin or conspirin or attemptin to commit any schedule offence, he may immediately cause re istration of an F/R and in that e!ent he shall hand o!er the e!idence includin material, information, and data to the concerned in!esti ation officer so that it forms part of the record for the purpose of in!esti ation and prosecution"E #he problem 'ith 5handin o!er5 is too serious and is ob!ious" /t has been the root%cause of many ac:uittals in hi h%profile terrorism cases, 'hich has brou ht embarrassment to la'%enforcement a encies in 0a(istan" /f anyone is considered competent enou h to et the 'arrant issued for 5interception5 or 5sur!eillance5, then 'hy he is not ready to face the court and be himself the in!esti ator in the case" Authority must be coupled 'ith responsibility" Anyone 'ishin to en-oy the authority should do so 'ith reciprocal responsibility" #he duality of the system also e$poses citi+ens to breach their ri ht to pri!acy"

Finally, the Statement of Ob-ects and Reasons spells out that the /F# is primarily a la' on 5pre!enti!e5 side" #he statement reads in its fourth recitalP D?hereas, in 0a(istan, the la's and the criminal -ustice system are not tailored for or eared

to'ards pre%emptin and pre!entin acts of crime or terror, and the act of crime or terror has to actually occur for re istration of an F/R and thereafter the police ta(e co ni+ance" /t is e$pected that the la' 'ould pro!ide a le al frame'or( for a encies to la'fully conduct the sur!eillance of an indi!idual 'ho is li(ely to or suspected of en a in in preparation to conduct an act of crime or terror"E /nstead of empo'erin police 'ith le al po'ers on pre!enti!e side, the /F# is an attempt to formali+e the role of a encies in in!esti ations" Under the scheme of ad-udication in criminal cases, any e!idence collected prior to the re istration of an F/R is not i!en due heed at trial and thou h the -ud es consider it, they seldom accord !alue to such e!idence" #hus it has criminal -urisprudence and a due process of constitutional obli ation 6under Article 10%A7 of the 8onstitution has de!eloped that it is li(ely that /F# 'ill not pro!e itself to be a boon for the rule of la'" Kamran Adil

The &a(-India Thaw and >oC Tension

The peace process was still bleedin! "rom the wounds o" the 6umbai terror attac(s that iolation o" cease"ire on the >oC has put a serious 3uestion mar( on the "uture o" the on-!oin! peace process between the two countries$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he incidents across the Mine of 8ontrol 6Mo87 in early @anuary ha!e e$posed the !ulnerability of the so%called irre!ersibility of the peace process bet'een 0a(istan and /ndia" #he peace process 'as still bleedin from the 'ounds of the >umbai terror attac(s that !iolation of ceasefire on the Mo8 has put a serious :uestion mar( on the future of the on% oin peace process bet'een the t'o countries" #he peoples of the t'o countries in particular and the 'orld in eneral are 'orried about

the e!ents still to unfold in future" /t 'as at midni ht bet'een @anuary = and 3 that the /ndian Army attac(ed inside the Mo8 on the A@K side, (illin one 0a(istani soldier and 'oundin another" #he /ndian side came up 'ith a heinous alle ation a ainst the 0a(istan Army of beheadin and mutilatin bodies of t'o /ndian soldiers" 0a(istan ho'e!er denied the char e" #he /ndian Army once a ain !iolated ceasefire across the Mo8 and (illed another soldier, >ohy%ud%2in" #he blame ame once a ain ot i nited and the t'o sides indul ed in the infamous practice of summonin each other5s diplomats" #he entire ood'ill, if any, enerated throu h the resumption of the dialo ue process brou ht bac( to s:uare throu h unnecessary statements and irresponsible media hype" #he moti!ated hype 9efore the current Mo8 flare%up, 2elhi 'as abu++ 'ith protests in their 5red +one5 on the rape incident and media 'as absolutely focused on the scope and the intensity of the protest" #he incidents at the Mo8 pro!ided a di!ersion and the /ndian media started indul in in an unnecessary hype" #he story of 5decapitation5 and 5mutilation5 of the /ndian soldiers bodies lured reno'ned anchors of the #S channel in /ndia to di!ert and pro!ide to their !ie'ers a ne' spice, the 0a(istan% bashin as usual" #he enra ed /ndian Army 8hief, .eneral 9i(ram Sin h, duly informed the media of orderin /ndian soldiers to remain on the offensi!e" #he forei n minister of 0a(istan labelled /ndians of 'ar%mon erin , 'hile she 'as in the United States" ?hile the soldiers 'ere !iolatin the sanctity of the ceasefire and the media 'as creatin hypes, the :uest for peace 6Aman (i Asha7 'as desperately ho!erin around inside the ca e of the 0a(istan%/ndia traditional hatred" 0a(istan has not left the path of sanity and Forei n >inister Fina Rabbani Khar has proposed the forei n minister%le!el tal(s bet'een the t'o countries for de%escalatin the situation" &a(istan*s perspecti e From the !ery first incident of the ceasefire !iolation by the /ndian side, 0a(istan follo'ed the course prescribed and practised throu h the established mechanisms of handlin such situations" #he 2irector .eneral of >ilitary Operations 62.>O7 of 0a(istan Army spo(e to his /ndian counterpart and as(ed for halt to the recurrence of such incidents" #he /ndian side ob!iously refused to accept such a esture 'herein they 'ere 5accused5 of (illin a 0a(istani soldier" #hen the /ndian side came up 'ith a story of their soldiers bein 5mutilated5 and 5decapitated5" 9efore /ndia could sell its story abroad, the /ndians started contradictin each other" #he Mo8 is on hi h mountains 'hich are sno'%co!ered and far beyond the approach of common citi+ens" #he alle ations and the counter%alle ations emanate from the t'o respecti!e armies" #he army%fed information prompted the t'o o!ernments to summon each other5s diplomats" #he media 'as lured to create hype on the basis of information from the same source" An independent in!esti ation into the t'o opposin claims seemed imperati!e" And that is 'hy 0a(istan officially proposed an impartial in!esti ation throu h the United 1ations >ilitary Obser!er .roup for /ndia and 0a(istan 6U1>O./07" For ob!ious reasons, /ndia refused to accept the su estion"

/ndia is no' :uestionin the mandate of U1>O./0 and its rele!ance to the Mo8 crisis" /ndia thin(s Dthe role of the United 1ations >ilitary Obser!ers .roup in /ndia 0a(istan 6U1>O./07, 'hich monitors the ceasefire alon the Mine of 8ontrol in the disputed Kashmir, has been o!erta(en by the 1,*2 bilateral Simla a reementE" #o /ndia, the U1>O./0 had been put in place to super!ise the ceasefire line as a result of the 1,<, Karachi a reement" #hat ceasefire line no lon er e$isted" #he ne' one 'as established on 1* 2ecember 1,*1 and follo'ed by an a reement bet'een the t'o countries in 1,*2, 'hich pro!ided for settlement of these disputes by peaceful means throu h bilateral ne otiations" #he a reement also resulted in con!ersion of the ceasefire line into the line of control" #he /ndian side belie!es that the ceasefire line had thus o!erta(en by the Mo8 and, therefore, the U1>O./0 remains in!alid" On the top of the impediments to bilateral trade lies the decades%old mistrust bet'een the t'o countries" On the other side, 0a(istan belie!es that D1o bilateral a reement bet'een /ndia and 0a(istan has o!erta(en or affected the role or le ality of the <2%member obser!er roup called U1>O./0 and the .roup5s mandate remained Dfully !alid, rele!ant and operati!e"E #he 0a(istan perspecti!e remains !indicated because of the fact that both /ndia and 0a(istan are hostin the U1>O./0" 0a(istan has not left the path of sanity and Forei n >inister Fina Rabbani Khar has proposed the forei n minister%le!el tal(s bet'een the t'o countries for de%escalatin the situation" #he /ndians ha!e not re-ected the offer" International response #he 'orld5s ma-or capitals ha!e sharply reacted to the deterioratin situation alon the Mo8 and ha!e been demandin immediate de%escalation" ?ashin ton, Mondon, 0aris, 9erlin etc reacted sharply and ur ed for restraint sho'n from the t'o sides" #he United States in particular has been prompt in ur in the t'o countries to sho' respect for ceasefire" Kno'led eable sources belie!e that 'ith the risin tensions across the Mo8, US Ambassador to /slamabad Richard Olson discussed at len th 'ith his host authorities and similarly the US Ambassador to 1e' 2elhi" 1ancy @" 0o'ell discussed 'ith her host authorities the need to de%escalate on the Mo8" 8allin upon the t'o countries to de%escalate, the United States has consistently been as(in the t'o countries to et en a ed themsel!es, thereby rulin out any chances of mediation" #he /ndian side ne!er li(es outsiders to mediate bet'een 0a(istan and /ndia and the US mi ht not li(e to -eopardise its ne' found friendship 'ith /ndia"

Implications on the &a(-India relations #he incidents across the Mine of 8ontrol ha!e certainly created a 5pause5 in bilateral relations" /mplementation of the ne' !isa a reement not'ithstandin , the trade normalisation is sufferin suffocation" #he first !ictim of the Mo8 incidents is cancellation of 0a(istan5s 8ommerce >inister >a(hdoom Amin Fahim5s !isit to /ndia" >r Fahim 'as in!ited by his /ndian counterpart Anand Sharma to attend the .lobal 0artnership Summit, to be held in late @anuary at A ra" 0a(istan has already con!eyed its 'illin ness to attend the summit" #heir meetin alon 'ith t'o commerce secretaries 'ould ha!e pro!ided an opportunity to mo!e for'ard, e!en if by an inch"

#he other pendin issue of the rant of the >ost%Fa!oured 1ation 6>F17 status to /ndia could ha!e once a ain been discussed" 0a(istan announced and repeatedly assured /ndia and the international community to rant the >F1 status by 2ecember 31, 2012 but it could not come up to the promise" Officially, it is stated that the consultation process 'ithin the sta(eholders is not yet completed" 9ut insiders belie!e that the a riculturist lobby in the country is !ehemently opposin any such decision" #he farmin community belie!es that i!en the hi h price of inputs and scarcity of 'ater as 'ell as po'er, the a riculture products of 0a(istan cannot compete 'ith the /ndians in terms of the pricin mechanism" Similarly, the automobile manufacturin sector is not feelin at ease and then is the discomfort of te$tile and other sectors" #he issue of the 1on%#ariff 9arriers hamperin ro'th of 0a(istan5s e$ports to /ndia is another ma-or irritation" 0a(istan has consistently been callin upon /ndia to remo!e its non%tariff barriers" #he eneral perception in 0a(istan has been that despite the rant of an >F1 status to 0a(istan by /ndia, the bilateral trade has been in fa!our of /ndia" 1o' /ndia, for its part, has a reed to e$amine its non%tariff barriers" #o promote trade both tariff and non%tariff barriers 61#9s7 need to be reducedBremo!ed" #he t'o o!ernments established a ?or(in .roup 6?.7 specifically dedicated to address and resol!e the clearly identified sector%specific barriers to trade" #he ?. comprised technical e$perts and representati!es of re ulatory bodies directly concerned 'ith the clearly identified barriers" #he t'o countries ha!e tra!elled a lon to a ree on normalisation" Fo'e!er, some serious issues still remain unresol!ed" On the top of the impediments to bilateral trade lies the decade%old mistrust bet'een the t'o countries" #he mistrust emanatin basically from the inability of the t'o countries in resol!in the disputes li(e Kashmir and others has ne!er let creation of a cooperati!e atmosphere bet'een the t'o countries" /n order to build up confidence, dispel misunderstandin s and allay any misapprehensions, it is essential that o!ernments in both the countries support the business communities in promotion of a bilateral trade" #he European Union 6EU7 and ASEA1 are e$amples

of the successful trade diplomacy for peace and de!elopment" #he t'o countries must learn to control odd incidents li(e !iolation of the ceasefire across the Mine of 8ontrol" Shau(at 0iracha

End!ame in ,"!hanistan Implications and Way "orward

The withdrawal o" 5' "orces has special si!ni"icance "or 'outh ,sia in !eneral and &a(istan in particular$ This article loo(s at issues "rom di""erent an!les with a lo!ical and prudent solution which, i" implemented, would ensure peace and security in the re!ion$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he attac( on ?orld #rade 8enter in September 2001 prompted a bloody era of 'ar, 'hich en ulfed both Af hanistan and 0a(istan, continued for o!er a decade" /t is ho'e!er set to end in 2ecember 201< after the 'ithdra'al of troops from Af hanistan by the US and 1A#O" #he hunt% -ourney of Osama 9in Maden that be an from the mountains of #ora 9ora ended in his assassination durin the Abbottabad operation in >ay 2011" #he 'ithdra'al of US forces has special si nificance for South Asia in eneral and 0a(istan in particular" AmericaAs 0a(%Af han policy 200, 'as meant to destroy, dismantle and defeat the al% Laeda but it failed, and no' America appears to be tryin its face%sa!in " First, 'e must distin uish bet'een the al%Laeda and #aliban 6/slamic fundamentalists7" Al%Laeda is a lobal /slamic militant or ani+ation formed by O9M 6Osama 9in Maden7 in 1,&&%&, 'ith ori in traceable to the post% So!iet 'ar in Af hanistan" #he #aliban is a local outfit and its main clout is 'ithin Af hanistan and the 'estern border of 0a(istan" Al%Laeda, at present, stands 'ea(ened in Af hanistan but the

#aliban are still a formidable force to 'restle 'ith" Accordin to Economist ma a+ine, the #aliban po'er is on the rise and the US o!ernment needs to accommodate them if they 'ant peace in Af hanistan" #o ha!e a clear picture of the Af han scenario, it is better to mention the main players in this end ame and their concerns" #he primary sta(eholders are the Kar+ai o!ernment, the Af han #aliban, America and 0a(istan and, secondary, the sta(eholdersP /ndia, Russia, /ran and the Af han 'arlords" #he Kar+ai o!ernment demands the #aliban surrender 'eapons, denounce the al%Laeda and accept the 'rit of the Af han o!ernment" On the other hand, the Af han #aliban 'ant their remo!al from terroristsA list, release of prisoners and immediate 'ithdra'al of the US troops from Af hanistan" America desires peaceful and pro%American o!ernment and an honourable e$it from Af hanistan, 'hereas 0a(istan 'ants peaceful and pro%0a(istan o!ernment in Af hanistan 'ith ne li ible interference by /ndia" AmericaAs 0a(%Af han policy 200, 'as meant to destroy, dismantle and defeat the al%Laeda but it failed, and no' America appears to be tryin its face%sa!in " ?ithout addressin the concerns of (ey players, the Af hanistan conundrum can ne!er be sol!ed" /t must be (ept in mind by America that alone it cannot settle the Af hanistan issue" 9ac( in 1,&,, 'hen the Russians left Af hanistan, it propped up a pro%So!iet re ime of 2r 1a-eebullah and pro!ided it financial help, but he 'as (illed in 1,,3 and hence the country 'ent to ci!il 'ar" So America must reali+e that it has to include all the sta(eholders to de!elop a peace map" #he recent incidents sho' that America has finally accepted that it has to ta(e a bac( seat in dealin 'ith the #aliban because its Q(ill and tal(A policy simply does not 'or(" #he failure of tal(s in Latar corroborates the fact" #he Af hanistan 0eace 8ouncil has de!ised a roadmap for peace 201= 'hich underlines that the #aliban 'ill e!entually surrender and may be allo'ed to rule o!er their ma-ority areas" 8ritics su est that the #aliban may not surrender and 'ill probably 'ait for America to lea!e so they can capture the 'hole of Af hanistan" #his is a fla'ed narrati!e as described by 8yril Almeida in an En lish%lan ua e daily" Fe 'as ri ht in pointin out that the #aliban insur ency is not li(e the erst'hile >u-ahideenAs @ihad durin the So!iet 'ar" #he 0ashtuns consist of only <0%<= per cent of the Af han population and only 30,000%3=,000 of them are #aliban"

Any peace initiati!e that has the bac(in of the national and re ional parties is bound to succeed" /n the eyes of the 9ritish Ambassador to Kabul, one of the reasons for failure of the Kar+ai o!ernment is the constitution by the French and forcibly implemented by Americans" #he :uestion arisesP 'ill peace plans or initiati!es enforced by forei n po'ers continue to failH First of all, three circles of ne otiations are re:uired" #he first one is the intra%Af han circle, and it 'ill include all the sta(eholders in Af hanistan i"e" 0ashtun, non%0ashtun 6#a-i(, U+be( and Fa+ara7 and the current o!ernment" #he aim of these ne otiations should be to address the concerns of the non% state actors and de!elop a roadmap ensurin peace and stability in the re ion" #he second is the re ional circle, and it 'ill include 0a(istan, /ndia, Russia and 8hina" 0a(istan has ma-or concerns 'ith re ard to the /ndian clout in Af hanistan" /ndia has no' 'on the minin contracts in Af hanistan and is currently in!estin around = billion dollars annually" Luite naturally, Russia and 8hina 'ant peace in Af hanistan because of the spread of 'ar in the southern Russia and support for the East #ur(estan mo!ement in 8hina" All these re ional players should sit to ether and chal( out a strate y in 'hich they need to accept that the only solution of lon %lastin peace in Af hanistan is to let the Af han people decide their future" 0a(istan must i!e up its clichRd stance of Dstrate ic depthE" And /ndia must not try to increase its military clout under the arb of trainin the Af han police" Russia and 8hina must support the Af han o!ernment economically" #he third is the international circle, and it 'ill include America and its allies li(e 0a(istan" Economist estimates that an amount of < billion dollars is re:uired annually to run the o!ernment and that the international sta(eholders should pro!ide financial help to the Af han o!ernment" >oreo!er America should announce that it has no intention of stayin in Af hanistan beyond 2ecember 201< so the #aliban can also -oin the peace process" E!en if some force has to be maintained, it should be under the umbrella of the United 1ations" Once these circles de!elop a strate y, only then all these players should sit to ether and chal( out a plan acceptable to all these circles"

0eace in Af hanistan is beneficial for all Asia and all o!er the 'orld"

not -ust the people of Af hanistan but also those in South

0a(istan needs to understand that it already has 3 million Af han refu ees and if a ci!il 'ar starts there, more refu ees 'ill across o!er the border" 0a(istan has lost <0,000 people and 3=00 soldiers in the name of 'ar on terror and it is still fi htin militancy on its soil" /f there is peace in Af hanistan, at least one front 'ould be closed and only then 0a(istan can concentrate on eliminatin menace of terrorism from its frontier re ions" #herefore, the idea of Dstrate ic depthE should be i!en up" #he distinction bet'een ood and bad #aliban should be eliminated" #hose militants 'ho (ill Americans across the border are as bad as those 'ho (ill innocent people in cities in 0a(istan" /f 'e condone !iolence in one area, the same !iolence 'ill erupt 'ith more force in our area" #rue to the sayin Sun #+u by D#he supreme art of 'ar is to subdue the enemy 'ithout fi htin "E 2r Ceshan Fanif, 0AS

2012 Cear o" 'ubtle Trans"ormation

,s we usher in 2013, some o" the (ey e ents o" 2012 will be remembered, in all probability, not e:actly because o" what happened, but because o" the subtle trans"ormin! e ents that sowed the seeds "or some o" the more si!ni"icant trans"ormations o" our times$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he most important e!ents 'ere not those that 'ill find place in record boo(s, but those 'hich ha!e a potential to lead to such si nificant e!ents in future" ?hether it 'as a risin sectarian !iolence in Syria or the US e$it from Af hanistan, it put the 'orld on crucial crossroads from 'here unforeseen directions can open up" #he most important de!elopments 'ere in the most de!eloped 'orld as economic !o's seem to ha!e no end, and

politics repeatedly threatened to ta(e o!er" 2anuary Suicide bomber (ills =3 and in-ures 130 in 9asra, /ra: 1otices issued to 0resident Asif Cardari, .en Kayani, .en 0asha and former 0> 1a'a+ Sharif in the >emo scandal Former army chief arrested in ouster bid of /slamic o!ernment in #ur(ey 2ouble Shah sentenced to 1< years5 in -ail, confiscation of property and fine Supreme 8ourt re-ects 0>5s intra court appeal 0ir 0a aro died in Mondon 2efence Secretary remo!ed by prime minister Arfa Karim, the youn est /# 'i+ard, died Supreme 8ourt issues notice to 0rime >inister Gousaf Ra+a .ilani 9abar A'an5s la' practice licence suspended 0a(istan beat En land in first test Substandard 0/8 medicines (ill 10& Senate5s consensus 6resolution7 on re istration of a case a ainst .en >usharraf 1*3 (illed, 1,000 in-ured in stampede durin football match in E ypt 230 die of o!ernment bombin in SyriaP 8hina and Russia !eto resolution Arbab .hulam Rahim elected 0>M%Mi(e%minded president 8har e%sheet a ainst 0> .ilani, denies char es 1ational Assembly consensus on 20th Amend 0a(istan a rees to reopen 1A#O supply 0a(istani mo!ie 5Sa!in Face5 'ins Oscar A'ard @ebruary 3", ma nitude :ua(e hits near the central 0hilippines 'ith <3 confirmed deaths At least *3 people (illed in the E yptian football riots in 0ort Said #ens of thousands stranded by floods in 1e' South ?ales and Lueensland 6Australia7 Lueen Eli+abeth // mar(s her 30th anni!ersary of becomin 9ritain5s monarch" She turned &3 on April 21, but on February 3 mar(ed the 30th anni!ersary since her ascension to the throne" #he UK unemployment rate reaches 1* year hi h of &"<4 Syrian army (ills 100 ci!ilians in artillery shellin of Foms and Fama A series of bomb attac(s across 12 /ra:i cities (ill 30 and in-ures 200 ?orld Fealth Or ani+ation remo!es /ndia from the list of polio endemic countries 6arch

#ropical Storm /rina (ills 3= in >ada ascar

#oyota recalls *00,000 !ehicles o!er safety concerns 110 people 'ere (illed and 33 missin after a ferry collided 'ith an oil%tan(er near 2ha(a, 9an ladesh /ndian batsman Siachen #endul(ar became first cric(eter to score 100 international centuries African Union suspends >ali5s membership follo'in a coup Russian 0resident Sladimir 0utin 'ins Russian presidential election amid alle ations of !oter fraud >ar!i >emon -oined >uslim Mea ue%1 0>M%1 and the Mi(e%minded consensus on election alliance 0a(istan tests Fatf%2 successfully 0005s ?aheeda Shah dis:ualified for beatin a pollin staff female member 0un-ab .o!ernment announced reforms pac(a e for 'omen ri hts 1ayyer 9o(hari and Sabir 9aloch elected 8hairman, 2eputy of Senate #S artiste #ahira 9o(hari died /sha: 2ar too( char e as Opposition Meader in Senate 9an ladesh beat /ndia in Asia 8up @a!ed Fashmi -oined 0a(istan #ehri(%i%/nsaf 60#/7 0a(istan beat 92 and becomes Asian 8hampion Mia:at @atoi -oins 0>M%1 0a(istani student >usa Fero+e 'ins ?orld 8ompetition of >athematics ,pril America char e%sheets Khalid Shei(h, four others, fi$es head%money for Fafi+ Saeed 12<, includin three officers of the 0a(istan Army and 11 ci!ilians, buried under iceber at Siachen 0a(istani scientist Khalil Lureshi released Fi!e federal ministers and si$ ministers of state too( oath Accounts of Ra-a 0er!e+ Ashraf, Mia:at @atoi and Shau(at #areen fro+en 0arliament suspends Mord 1a+ir5s Mabour 0arty membership 9ho-a Airlines plane crashes in /slamabad, (illin 2* on board Supreme 8ourt con!icted 0> Gousaf Ra+a .ilani in contempt of court caseN the sentence lasted -ust 30 seconds" @oyce 9anda became 0resident of >ala'i 0rime >inister of .reece Mucas 0apademos resi ned and called an election for >ay 3 #he unfinished ?orld #rade 8enter o!ertoo( the Empire State buildin to become the tallest buildin in 1e' Gor( An o!erloaded ferry capsi+ed in the 9rahmaputra Ri!er 6/ndia7, (illin 103 people 6ay #he Socialist 0arty member elected president of France 0a(istan tests Fatf%, successfully Asamul Fa: 'ins Escorial Open #ennis title 8hina and Russia si n I1= billion dollar trade deal 2une

0a(istan tests 8ruise missile Raad /ncrease in the federal bud et, salaries and 204 raise in pensions announced /nterior >inister Rehman >ali(5s Senate membership suspended for dual citi+enship Me endary sin er >ehdi Fasan died Ria+ >ali(5s scandal surfaced on a pri!ate #S channel 8ountry%'ide demos a ainst load%sheddin claim many li!es Saudi 0rince 1aif died 000 leader Fo+ia ?ahab e$pired Supreme 8ourt dis:ualified 0> .ilani, 1A membership also cancelled Arrest 'arrants for Ria+ >ali(, son, = others for ille al land occupation 8ric(eter Salman 9utt released from 9ritish -ail Ra-a 0er!e+ Ashraf became 0rime >in ister of 0a(istan >uhammad >orsi elected E ypt5s prime minister 8haudhry 0er!ai+ Elahi became 0a(istan5s first !ice prime minister 2uly US apolo ises to 0a(istan o!er the Salala incident 1A, Senate pass contempt%of%court bill 0arliamentary 8ommittee nominates Fa(hruddin . /brahim as 0a(istan5s 8hief Election 8ommissioner 0>M%1 suspends 8aptain Safdar5s party membership ,u!ust 0a(istan si ns 1A#O supply a reement 'ith US till 201= 1e' !oter lists released US 0resident Obama imposes ne' economic sanctions on /ran S8 declares ne' contempt%of%court la' as null and !oid >on olia -ails former president for four years for corruption Fi-i5s former prime minister -ailed for one year for bun lin 8oup bid a ainst o!ernment in #ur(eyN forced retirement of <0 eneral admirals 9lac('ater fined I=00 million Ria+ >ali( char e%sheeted in land scam, denies char es US 'ins 10< medals in Olympics, 8hina remains number 2 Attac( on 0AF5s Kamra AirbaseN nine terrorists 'ere (illed O/8 suspended Syria5s membership

100 dams for 9alochistan appro!ed

'eptember A10, Functional, 100 desert Sindh o!ernment on Mocal 9odies Ordinance issue Rains, floods (illed 1,< in 0a(istan Fire at factoriesN 30 (illed in MahoreN burnt 2&, ali!e in Karachi <3 dead in country'ide demos a ainst blasphemous s(etches Remote%control bomb (illed a 0AF !an in 0esha'ar +ctober

0a(istan #ehri(%e%/nsaf peace march to South ?a+iristan ?est /ndies 'on #'enty 8up for the first time 0rime minister remo!ed in Mibya Australia 'ins ?omen5s #%#'enty ?orld 8up Former president of >aldi!es 1asheed arrested #eena e school irl >alala Gousaf+ai 'ounded in attac( by #aliban, shifted to Lueen Eli+abeth Fospital in En land 2r Sher Af an 1ia+i e$pired

/ndian film stars Saifullah Khan and Kareena Kapoor ot married 0a(istanis set 'orld record of ma(in a 6national7 fla Sandy 6hurricane7 de!astation claimed 101 li!es in America, causin I=0b loss )o ember 0a(istan 'on Asian Kabaddi #ournament US court re-ected 2r Afia5s appeal, -ailed her for &3 years 9arac( Obama 'on US election 'ith 303 electoral !otes >alala 2ay obser!ed under auspices of the U1 20 (illed in Ra'alpindi suicide bomb attac( on >uharram procession A-mal Kasab han ed in /ndia 2& countries in( I=00b accord for mutual trade till 201& #he ra!e of !eteran 0alestinian leader Gasser Arafat e$humed <ecember #he threat of the 'orld5s end at the conclusion of a si nificant period 621st7 in the >esoamerican Mon 8ount calendar 1= (illed in #aliban5s suicide bombin attac( at US military post in @alalabad >uhammad Asif of 0a(istan became ?orld 8hampion of snoo(er Mahore Fi h 8ourt ordered buildin of Kala 2am 0a(istan beat /ndia, after ei ht lon years, 'innin Kansi medal /ndian court ordered release of 0a(istani scientist 2r Khalil 8hishti 9illions of rupees embe++led in 0a(istan5s me a pro-ects, , accordin to 1A9 chief S8 summoned >L> leader Altaf Fussain in contempt%of%court case for @anuary * 2*, includin 20 schoolchildren, shot dead in US state of 8onnecticut @?# Editorial 9oard

, 1rie" 9istory o" Election in &a(istan

In the history o" &a(istan, the "irst direct elections to the national and pro incial assemblies were held in 10#0$ The intelli!ence a!encies reported to %eneral Cahya Ahan that no party would !et majority in parliament$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

At the time of independence, 0a(istan 'as 'ithout a constitution" #he .o!ernment of /ndia Act 1,3=, 'as adopted as its interim constitution" #he >uslim and non%>uslim members of the pre% independence Assembly of /ndia from areas comprisin 0a(istan formed its first 8onstituent 6le islati!e7 Assembly" #he ori inal members of the 8onstituent Assembly 'ere 3," #hey 'ere indirectly elected in 1,<3 by the pro!incial assemblies !otin throu h a proportional representation system by means of a sin le transferable !ote" #he >embers of the 0ro!incial Assemblies 'ere earlier elected on a restricted franchise basis in 1,<3" #he 8onstituent Assembly 68A7 created four seats for 9aha'alpur, Khairpur, 9alochistan and 1?F0 6no' Khyber 0a(htun(ha'a7, 'hich 'ere nominated by the rulers" #he si$ members of the 8A 'ere chosen by the pro!incial assemblies in 1,<,, and the number of members of 8A 'as raised from 3, to *, 'hich included 31 la'yers, 2* landlords, nine businessmen and 12 liberal professionals" VFassan >uhammadP .eneral Election in 0a(istan p" 3W 2urin 1,<*%1,=< no direct election 'as held for the central le islature" Fo'e!er, direct elections to the pro!incial assemblies 'ere held on the basis of adult franchise in 1,=1" /n 0un-ab, =0 per cent of the electorate polled their !otes" #he >uslim Mea ue ot 30 per cent !otes polled and ba ed 1<3 seats out of the total 1,* seats" #he >uslim Mea ue could et only 10 seats in East 0a(istan 'hile the United Front ot 223 seats and the 1ational 8on ress 2< seats" >any >uslim Mea ue leaders had their election security forfeited" #he elections to the Second 8onstituent Assembly 'ere held on @une 21, 1,==" #he 0ro!incial Assembly members ser!ed as the Electoral 8olle e for the election to the Second 8onstituent Assembly" #he presidential election 'as held in 1,30, in 'hich *=,2&3 9asic 2emocracy 6927 members reposed trust in then 0resident Field >arshal Ayub Khan" #he referendum also a!e him the mandate for ma(in a constitution" #he 92 members elected the 1ational Assembly in 1,32" #he total members 'ere 1=3, includin si$ 'omen 'ith =0 per cent representation each" /n 1,3=, the presidential election 'as held a ain" Ayub Khan and >adr%e%>illat >ohtarma Fatima @innah contested this election" 0resident Ayub used the state machinery and funds to buy !otes of 92 members" #he election 'as ri ed and Ayub Khan 'on by securin <,,*00 !otes as a ainst 2&,3<= obtained by the >adr%e%>illat" /n the history of 0a(istan, the first direct elections to the national and pro!incial assemblies 'ere held in 1,*0" #he intelli ence a encies reported to .eneral Gahya Khan that no party 'ould et ma-ority in parliament" #hus the result of the 1,*0 election surprised e!eryone" #he people in East and ?est 0a(istan frustrated the desi ns of .en Gahya, 'ho 'anted to perpetuate his rule in !ie' of

a possible split mandate" #he A'ami Mea ue in East 0a(istan and the 000 in ?est 0a(istan ot the ma-ority !ote" #he A'ami Mea ue ot 130, 000 &1, 0>M 6L7 ,, 0>M 687 *, 1A0 3 and the @U/ * seats in the 1ational Assembly" Almost 30 per cent of re istered !oters used their ri ht to !ote in this election" .eneral Gahya Khan did not transfer po'er to >u-ib%ur%Rehman and chose to opt for an army operation in East 0a(istan in order to resol!e the political issue" 2ha(a fell to the /ndian Army after the 1,*1 'ar 'ith /ndia" .en Gahya 'as forced to hand o!er po'er to the 000 8hairman, Culfi(ar Ali 9hutto, 'ho 'as a ma-ority leader in ?est 0a(istan" C" A" 9hutto 'as o!er%confident due to his popular re!olutionary reform" Fe decided to hold a eneral election in >arch 1,**, a year earlier of his constitutional term" #he 000 once a ain ot a t'o%third ma-ority in the 1ational Assembly and 'on 1== seats" #he 0a(istan 1ational Alliance 601A7 could 'in only 33 seats" #he opposition did not accept the result and started a mo!ement a ainst the 000 o!ernment 'hich culminated in the martial la' by .eneral Cia%ul%Fa:" .eneral Cia held the election in 1,&= on non%party basis" #he >o!ement for Restoration of 2emocracy 6>R27 ) an alliance of 11 political parties % boycotted these elections" >any >uslim Mea ue leaders had their election security forfeited" #he elections to the Second 8onstituent Assembly 'ere held on @une 21, 1,==" After the death of .eneral Cia%ul%Fa: the election 'as held in October 1,&& in 'hich the 000 ot ,3 seats in the 1ational Assembly, /@/ =< and the /ndependents <0 seats" 9ena+ir 9hutto 'as elected as the first 'oman prime minister of 0a(istan" She could rule only for 20 months 'hen 0resident .hulam /sha: Khan dismissed her o!ernment under Article =&B2%9 of the 8onstitution" #he election, 'hich 'as held in 1,,0, 'as ri ed" Some 1<0 million rupees 'ere distributed amon the candidates opposed to the 000 by the /S/" #he /@/ rabbed 103 seats of the 1ational Assembly, 'hereas 0a(istan 2emocratic Alliance 602A7 ot only << seats" >ian 1a'a+ Sharif 'as elected the 0rime >inister of 0a(istan" Fe ruled the country till 1& @uly 1,,3 'hen his o!ernment 'as dismissed by 0resident .hulam /sha: Khan" 1e' election 'as held in October 1,,3" >oeen Lureshi 'as named as a careta(er prime minister of 0a(istan" 000 secured &, seats of the 1ational Assembly 'hile 0>M ot *3 seats" 9ena+ir 9hutto formed o!ernment as the second 'oman prime minister" Fer o!ernment 'as ho'e!er dissol!ed by 0resident Faroo: Khan Me hari on 1o!ember =, 1,,3 under Article =&B2%9 of the 8onstitution" 1e' election 'as held on February *, 1,,*" #he 0>M, under 1a'a+ Sharif, ot a hea!y mandate by securin 13* seats" #he 000 could 'in only 1& seats in the 1,,* election" >ian 1a'a+ Sharif once a ain formed the o!ernment as prime minister" Fis o!ernment 'as sac(ed by Army 8hief .eneral 0er!ai+ >usharraf, 'ho became the 8hief E$ecuti!e of 0a(istan" .eneral >usharraf held election in 2002 in 'hich the (in 5s party, 0>M 6L7, secured 11& seats of the 1ational Assembly" 000 ot &1 seats, >uttahida >a-lis%Amal 6>>A7 ot 30 seats and 0>M%1 only 1& seats"

>ir Cafarullah @amali 'as elected the prime minister" #he 0>M%L o!ernment completed its full term because .eneral >usharraf remained 0resident of 0a(istan as 'ell as 8hief of the Army Staff 68OAS7" #he last election 'as held in February 200& after the assassination of 9ena+ir 9hutto" As a result, the 000 emer ed as the ma-ority party and formed a coalition o!ernment first 'ith the help of 0>M%1, >L> and @U/ but the 0>M%1 left the coalition" Fo'e!er, the 0>M%L -oined the o!ernment" And, no', the citi+ens of 0a(istan are loo(in for'ard to the ne' election 'hich is -ust around the corner" #he 'riter is a reno'ned columnist" EmailP :ayyumni+amiO mail"com Layyum 1i+ami

The Winter o" the World II

Throu!h conscious e""orts at the !lobal le el, the world can witness a "lourishin! sprin! a"ter o ercomin! the present dreary winter$ Indeed, man(ind needs an unprecedented warmth and lo e to counter and then come out o" this time o" winter and brin! about a sprin! o" lo e and prosperity "or people$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

1$ 2$ a" b" c" d" 3$ a" b" c" d" e" f" " .$ H$ a" b" c" I$

Introduction 5nprecedented crises "aced by humanity Economic ?oes Social crises .eopolitical tensions En!ironmental threats -easons o" this winter 8old%bloodedness 1ature bein harsh Mac( of -ustice Mac( of reli ious and cultural harmony /neffecti!eness of U1 Spirit of man is dyin 0opulation e$plosion and scarcity of resources I" winter comes, can sprin! be "ar behind? World needs e:hibition o" warmth, compas sion and lo e 0romotin compassion to restore peace in the 'orld Mo!e for humanity Mo!e for nature Conclusion

#here is nothin permanent in this uni!erse e$cept chan e" Fuman history re!eals that man(ind has ne!er e$perienced the same circumstances for lon " /t has al'ays one throu h ood and bad times" 9ut 'here the ebb and flo' of life on Earth is fascinatin to students of history, it also betrays the fact that 'hat man(ind is e$periencin in a contemporary era is 5the 'inter of the 'orld5" 2espite all the pro ress made in the scientific and cultural fields, human bein s continue to suffer li(e ne!er before" /n fact most of this sufferin has been a result of this !ery scientific pro ress that human bein s ha!e been able to achie!e" #oday, 'e face threats to our o'n e$istence li(e ne!er before" ?e ha!e been able to ather enou h 'eapons to ensure destruction of life on earth" ?e produce food abundant enou h to feed the entire population of earth t'ice but still millions of people die of hun er each year" >an(ind has ne!er before e$perienced sufferin s li(e these at such a scale and the time 'e are li!in in seems the 'orst of all times" #he miseries and sufferin s endured by man(ind are so o!er'helmin that chances of a 'ay%out seem !ery blea(" #here seems a little ray of hope to end this 'inter as human bein s are the ones responsible for it" 9ut if 'e analy+e the present scene from a positi!e an le, the

!ery process of nature presents a 'ay%out for human bein s" #hrou h conscious efforts at the lobal le!el, the 'orld can 'itness a flourishin sprin after o!ercomin the present dreary 'inter" /ndeed, man(ind needs an unprecedented 'armth and lo!e to counter and then come out of this time of 'inter and brin about a sprin of lo!e and prosperity for people" #imes ha!e ne!er remained the same" Fistory of man(ind is replete 'ith tales of rise and fall of reat ci!ili+ations" .ree(s, Romans, E yptians, Arabs, and /ndians, to name a fe', prospered and reached the +enith of ro'th and pro ress" Fistory also ma(es mention of reat 'ars, famines, epidemics and natural disasters that 'rea(ed ha!oc in the 'orld" Fo'e!er, one hallmar( of human history is that each time man(ind has been able to re enerate after e!ery calamity" 9ut human race in the contemporary era is facin problems of such a scale as ne!er 'itnessed before" #he reatest problem today relates to the economic 'oes of people" /n spite of enormous ro'th of economies and unprecedented de!elopment in !arious sectors, 'hat 'e obser!e is the ra!est of all the problems %% po!erty and hun er" 8apitalism 'hich is hailed as the best system to achie!e ma$imum production and ro'th has also contributed to ma$imum po!erty" ?hat 'e 'itness today is the dan erously%sustained hi h le!el of unemployment due to chronic labour mar(et imbalances in capitalist mar(ets" #here is a fast 'idenin ap bet'een ha!es and ha!e%nots, 'hich not only produces chronic po!erty and hun er but also pro!o(es 'idespread public protests" #his in turn stalls 'hate!er economic acti!ity is oin on in the local mar(ets and further a ra!ates the situation" .lobali+ation and a re!olution in information and communication fields 'ere hailed as si nificant measures in ma$imisin the trade and business acti!ities throu hout the 'orld" #he ?orld #rade Or ani+ation came as an international institution to ensure free trade and pro!ision of cheap oods for all mar(ets" Fo'e!er, it has recei!ed a se!ere bac(lash from societies all o!er the 'orld"

A serious problem ) termed by anthropolo ists as 5the mother of all problems5 ) is the e$orbitant rise in 'orld population" Fuman population 'hich numbered less than one billion for nearly si$ millennia of ci!ili+ed history has no' -umped to more than se!en billion in -ust three centuries" #his rapid rise in ro'th rate has created problems of all sorts" #he e$plosi!e population has probably reached the ceilin limit of 'orld5s capacity 'here more people die of hun er than from

natural diseases" Social problems li(e unemployment, po!erty and slums, insecurity and decay of social !alues and ethics are the problems that ensue from population e$plosion" #he ro'in population e$plosion is a reat challen e as 'ell as a matter of reat concern for 'orld leaders" #his population e$plosion is also causin political tensions at re ional as 'ell as international le!el" 9irth rates, unfortunately, are hi her in those countries 'here there are not enou h economic opportunities to absorb this additional number of people" Resultantly, hundreds of thousands of people each year try to mi rate to areas 'here there are percei!ed economic opportunities" #his uncontrolled mi ration causes problems for the source as 'ell as destination societies" >aterialism and indi!idualism ha!e eroded the basic social fabric of society and !irtues li(e compassion, and spiritual and intellectual !alues ha!e !anished from 'orld" 2espite all the pro ress in medical science and technolo ical ad!ance in dia nostic and curati!e fields, human bein s continue to suffer from communicable and chronic diseases" 2iseases, epidemics and pandemics ta(e a hea!y toll on human li!es each year" >uch of this failure is due to misdirected medical system 'ith more focus on curati!e side and i norin the pre!enti!e side" #he tale of human sufferin does not end here" >an(ind today is faced 'ith eopolitical tensions across the 'orld" Sery often 'e see international disputes leadin to armed conflicts inflictin losses on humanity reflectin failure of our diplomatic means" ?e ha!e succeeded in in!entin 'eapons of mass%destruction ) nuclear, chemical, biolo ical and radiolo ical ) 'ith an unprecedented scale of destruction" #here are fra ile states that threaten to destabili+e re ions as 'ell as the 'orld due to their o'n instability" #errorism has emer ed as the reatest threat of ne' millennium" #his ne' and !a ue phenomenon has multiple dimensions and continues to di!ide the 'orld into perpetrators and !ictims" So far, 'e ha!e not been able to define this phenomenon" ?ater crisis is another reat trouble botherin the human be in s in the contemporary 'orld" #he fast depletin sources of fresh 'ater ha!e not only brou ht a :uestion mar( to the e$istence of many reat societies, it has also become a source of re ional and international conflicts o!er ri hts of its usa e" >oreo!er, !arious en!ironmental threats ha!e also created troubles for humanity" #he 'orld of today is confronted 'ith a uni:ue threat 'hich had ne!er before e$isted" 8limate chan e due to risin reenhouse as emissions is one such phenomenon" /t reflects a dan er for e$istence of life on Earth and also is a result of our failure to adapt our lifestyles to the need of time" ?e continue to spread pollution in this beautiful creation of .od" Air, 'ater, land ) nothin has been spared from this e$cessi!e and irresponsible use of resources of earth" Furthermore, population e$plosion and rapid, uncontrolled urbani+ation ha!e i!en rise to urban spra'l leadin to problems in pro!ision of ci!ic facilities to citi+ens" 1ature has also been harsh as 'e see an unprecedented rise in fre:uency as 'ell as intensity of e$treme 'eather e!ents li(e earth:ua(es, hurricanes, and floods" #hese natural calamities pose a reat challen e to the modern 'orld as 'ell as human intellect" 8limate chan e due to risin reenhouse as emissions is one such phenomenon" #he reasons of this 5'inter of the 'orld5 are not un(no'n" /t is the cold%bloodedness of human bein s themsel!es that is lar ely responsible for such a state of affairs" ?e no more ha!e any re ard for fello' Fomo sapiens or nature" ?e continue to e$ploit mother earth as 'ell as other men ruthlessly for our benefits" Mac( of -ustice is the chief reason behind the sorro's and 'orries in this 'orld" Our societies are bein mana ed on the principle of 5mi ht is ri ht5" ?hoe!er is po'erful or 'ealthy becomes one of

the 5more e:uals5" Mac( of reli ious and cultural harmony is another ma-or reason of today5s problems of the 'orld" >an(ind has seen bloody 'ars fou ht on reli ious :uestions but the intolerance and e$tremism on the :uestion of reli ion or ethnicity that e$ists in our societies today is unmatched in history" 9elon in to one reli ion or sect ma(es you an alien for those belon in to others" #his intolerance is a ma-or source of trouble for peace in the 'orld" 2espite material pro ress and prosperity, the spirit of man is dyin " >an5s spirit endures his sufferin but 'hen the spirit is sufferin , there seems little cure" >an(ind is de!oid of compassion and lo!e for fello'%humans" >aterialism and indi!idualism ha!e eroded the basic social fabric of society and !irtues li(e compassion, and spiritual and intellectual !alues ha!e !anished from 'orld" #he population e$plosion and the resultant scarcity of resources is another reason for 5'inter of the 'orld5" #he population ro'th to le!els unima inable fe' centuries bac( is lar ely responsible for po!erty and hun er as 'ell as pollution" #he 'orld population has crossed all ceilin s that 'ere estimated to be beyond the capacity threshold of the Earth and it continues to ro' at alarmin pace threatenin the e$istence of life on earth" 2espite all odds, there is al'ays a ray of hope for humanity as there is al'ays a da'n to e!ery ni ht" A 'hite tremendous daybrea( 'aits behind e!ery ni ht" #he responsibility lies 'ith the intellectuals and leaders of the 'orld to et to ether and chal( out a strate y to protect the 'orld from ro'in !iolence, a ression and other problems" ?e need to promote lo!e for humanity as 'e no lon er can afford the barbarism of hatred and dis ust" Fatred breeds hatred and lo!e be ets lo!e" ?e need to promote !irtues of peaceful coe$istence and lo!e for humanity in order to defeat the e!il forces of hatred and di!ide" #o conclude, the problems faced by man(ind are tremendous and unmatched in history" /ronically, 'e are the ones responsible for most of the troubles confrontin us today" 9ut the ma nitude of these crises is of such reat scale that it is threatenin the e$istence of life on earth" >an(ind needs to respond to these challen es 'ith unprecedented 'armth and lo!e for fello'%humans and nature as 'ell as for future enerations so 'e may pass them on to a 'orld featurin sprin of prosperity and lo!e" 2r ?aheed As har 68S07

&a(istan is -ich in )atural -esources but &oor in their 6ana!ement$

J>i"e without conser ation o" natural resources would be li(e a dea" listenin! to music or a blind enjoyin! dance per"ormance$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

1atural resources affect the life of a modern man, directly or indirectly" #he impact is :uite !isible at consumer le!el, industry le!el and means of transportation and so on" 1o one can deny the fact that natural resources in its different manifestations are the ultimate dri!in force" 8onsumer usin it to run their daily life, industry needs it to maintain its production line 'hile transport industry is usin it to ser!e the commuters" As a result, this hea!y dependence a!e birth to the problem of resource mana ement in itself and today a resource rich country lay e$posed to the problems at social, economic, political fronts"E #here is no denyin the fact that 0a(istan is one of the richest countries in terms of natural resources and its immense eo%strate ic potential" 9ut sadly, it is one of the poorest countries in terms of mana ement also" #he country5s abundant 'ealth of resources includin that of ener y, a riculture, minerals, population, and eo raphy needs no e$planation, but unli(e the de!eloped countries, these ha!e not been properly utilised due to poor mana ement" #his dismal situation is caused due to se!eral fla's 'hich ha!e led to poor o!ernance of country since its inception e$cept some brief periods of economic prosperity" 0re!alent political ri!alry and instability, 'orsenin la' and order situation and rampant corruption ha!e led to resource de!elopment impasse" A broader o!er!ie' of eo raphic position of 0a(istan re!eals that it is located in South Asia and has 3=0 miles of coastline on the Arabian Sea and .ulf of Oman" #he 'est is bordered by Af hanistan and /ran" /ndia is to the east and 8hina in the far northeast" #he country is strate ically located bet'een South Asia, 8entral Asia, and the >iddle East" Our country is besto'ed 'ith some of the best soil resources, for instance, natural as, oil, hydro po'er potential, coal, iron, copper, salt, and limestone and so on" Our farmers produce 'heat, cotton, rice, su arcane, e s, fruit and !e etables" ?e ha!e lar e cattle farms 'hich produce meat and mil( in abundance" 0rimary industry includes te$tiles, food processin , pharmaceuticals, construction materials, fertili+er, and paper products" >a-or e$ports comprise te$tile products, rice, leather oods, sports oods, carpets, ru s, and chemicals" 0a(istan imports petroleum, machinery, plastic, edible oil, iron, steel, tea, and paper" 8oal reser!es are estimated at 1*= billion tons" #his 'ould e:uate to 31& billion barrels of crude oil" ?hen compared to oil reser!es this is more than t'ice the amount of the top four countries" 1atural as production is at a hi h le!el in 0a(istan" Estimated reser!es are &&="3 billion cubic meters 6as of @anuary 200,7" .as fields are e$pected to last for another 20 years" #he Sui as field is the lar est, accountin for 234 of 0a(istan5s as production" 2aily production is 1, million cubic meters a day" Under the barren mountains of 9alochistan and hot sands of Sindh, there is unlimited amount of oil and as reser!es not touched yet" And still further, 'e ha!e fertile lands of 0un-ab, ready to feed a

population t'ice as bi as 'e are no', the best irri ation system 6'aitin for more 'ater reser!oirs to enrich it7, and the best :uality cotton and rice" 9alochistan is a mountainous desert area, consistin of 3"= la(h s:" (ms" /t borders /ran, Af hanistan and its Southern 9oundary is the Arabian Sea 'ith strate ically important port of .'adar on the >a(ran 8oast, commandin approach to the Strait of Formu+" /ts total population is *"= million" 9alochistan occupies <3"3 percent of 0a(istan5s total area and is least populated" .'adar is an important district of 9alochistan, ha!in 300 Kilometres lon border" Until 1,=&, it had been a part of the State of Oman" On 2ecember 1,=&, 0a(istan bou ht it 'ith an amount of ==0 million Rupees" /t 'as su ested as a suitable site for port in 1,3< and thus in 2002, the construction of the port 'as initiated 'ith the help of 8hina" #he .'adar 0ort, bein the third lar est port of the 'orld, is situated at the door'ay of the 0ersian .ulf 61&0 nautical miles from the Strait of Formu+ throu h 'hich <04 of ?orld5s Oil passes7 and at the lar est trade route of the 'orld" /t is due to this fact that ma(es it eo%strate ically more important to the 'orld po'ers" Ric(ode(, the part of 8ha i 6#ehsil of 9alochistan7, means DFilloc( of .old" 0a(istan and /nternational media has hi hli hted a ne' discussion on 5Ric(ode(5" /t is the 'orld5s <th lar est deposit of old and copper" /t has been disco!ered that the mountains of 9alochistan are filled up 'ith much costly reser!oirs of mineral" 1e!ertheless, it has also been pro!ed that the old and copper reser!es of about I230 billion are buried under the Ric(ode(" 9ut it is !ery unfortunate that 0a(istan is dependent upon forei n companies for e$plorin , minin , sur!eyin and refinin of our natural 'ealth" 9alochistan has been di!ided amon 0a(istan, /ran and Af hanistan" /t has been o!erloo(ed since the times of the 9ritish Rulers" /t is that part of 0a(istan that consists of different lin uistic and ethnic roups 0a(istani leadership must focus on e$ploration of natural resources and their scientific mana ement" 0roperly mana ed natural resources can play a !ital role in national ro'th" E$tensi!e eolo ical sur!ey is re:uired to disco!er the resource potential" 0lannin and !ision is needed to e$plore the untapped resources and effecti!e strate y is essential to fully e$ploit the resources under use" D1ature has i!en you e!erythin P you ha!e ot unlimited resources" #he foundations of your State ha!e been laid, and it is no' for you to build, and build as :uic(ly and as 'ell as you can" So o ahead and / 'ish you .od speed"E Luaid%e%A+am, >uhammad Ali @innah 6>essa e to the 1ation on the occasion of the first Anni!ersary of 0a(istan on 1<th Au ust, 1,<&7 0a(istan, despite its natural resources, is still a problem ridden, po!erty prone, underde!eloped and third 'orld country" Economy of 0a(istan is in shambles" All our important industries that once ser!ed as important contributor to the national .20 ha!e been closed do'n" Su ar, cement and shoe industry is on its do'nfall 'hile te$tile industry is on the !er e of disaster" Forei n in!estors are not ready to set up their businesses in 0a(istan" #hey ha!e their o'n set of problems 'hich include painful and len thy procedure of ettin licenses and 'or( permits in 0a(istan, po'er crises, terrorism a ra!ate the crisis" >ultinational 8ompanies are reluctant to open their offices and franchises in 0a(istan" >ore than *0 >18s ha!e already pac(ed up their business in 0a(istan" Economic prosperity, ho'e!er, ser!es as a bac(bone for the o!erall pro ress of a nation" One thin is common in all de!eloped nations, J they are economically sound" ?hen citi+ens of a country are freed from the 'orries of earnin a li!elihood to sustain their li!es, they di!ert their attention to more useful thin s" #hey focus on education, mana e healthcare, de!elop technolo ies that ma(e life easy and much more" 0oor economic condition is the root cause of so many problems that e$ist in a society" Unfortunately, 0a(istan5s economic condition is pathetic" As if po'er crises, lac( of forei n in!estment for the de!elopment of industrial +ones, bac('ard and out%dated technolo y 'ere not enou h, 0a(istan5s indul ence in 'ar on terrorism ser!ed as a fatal blo' to the already crumblin economic state"

>oreo!er, 1orthern areas of 0a(istan ha!e been a place of reat tourist attraction" #he beautiful hills, the lush reen !alleys, shimmerin la(es and flo'in 'aterfalls brou ht many a tourist from all o!er the 'orld to 0a(istan" #his contributed to forei n e$chan e" #ourism /ndustry 'as one of the boomin industries of 0a(istan" 9esides attractin forei n e$chan e, it also pro!ided employment to local people" /n addition to that, tourist industry 'as a source of friendly relations 'ith other countries" 1e!ertheless, 'ar on terrorism has ser!ed as a serious blo' to the tourism industry of 0a(istan" 2ue to 'ar on terror, local people of 'ar%ridden areas are mi ratin to other areas of 0a(istan" 8ountry has seen the lar est mi ration since its independence in 1,<*" #hese people ha!e left their homes, businesses, possessions and property bac( home" #his lar e influ$ of people and their rehabilitation is an economic burden on 0a(istan" Unemployment 'as an on oin problem for us and no' the issue of pro!idin employment to these mi rants has become a matter of serious concern" #his portion of population is contributin nothin 'orth'hile to the national e$che:uer, yet they ha!e to be benefited from it" #his unproducti!e lot of people is a ro'in economic burden for 0a(istan"

*04 population of 0a(istan li!es in !illa es" >ost of them don5t ha!e access to ade:uate basic needs of life" #hey are stru lin to ma(e both ends meet" A lar e chun( of population li!es belo' po!erty line" #hey li!e in miserable conditions" Mac( of proper food, clothin and shelter, poor sanitation, unsafe and sometimes contaminated drin(in 'ater are some of their many problems" 0o!erty itself i!es rise to !arious other social problems" /t depri!es children of poor people to access education and healthcare" A sense of depri!ation manifests itself in form of !arious crimes" #hat is 'hy e!ery no' and then, 'e read crime stories in ne'spapers that are characteri+ed by lo'er orders of society 'ho adopt ille al means to et the financial prosperity 'hich they cannot achie!e other'ise" /n order to ta(e ma$imum benefits from natural resources there is a need of technical education of people in!ol!ed in resource e$ploitation and mana ement" #he technical education ensures that there is minimum 'asta e of the resources" Fence, such education should be made compulsory for the people in concerned areas of acti!ity" On the other hand, the politicians, policy ma(ers and all the sta(e holders must adopt a rational approach not to politici+e natural resources" /t should be prioriti+ed as the !ital national interest and dealt 'ith as such" /t needs not to be emphasised that 0a(istan is not poor but poor mana ement of its natural resources has made it so" #he enormous natural resources of all (inds li(e ener y, minerals, a riculture, and manpo'er could ha!e made this country a 'ealthy economy" #hus, the dauntin challen e of poor mana ement of natural resources direly needs to be addressed not only to o!ercome the perils caused due to it but also to achie!e economic self sufficiency and prosperity of the nation" 9y

surpassin this challen e, 0a(istan is destined to ha!e prominent place in the 'orld as a stable, ro'in and prosperous nation" D?e should ha!e a State in 'hich 'e could li!e and breathe as free men and 'hich 'e could de!elop accordin to our o'n li hts and culture and 'here principles of /slamic social -ustice could find free play"E Luaid%e%A+am, >uhammad Ali @innah 2r Luratul Ain >ali( 68S07

India and &a(istan; Continued Con"lict or Cooperation?

1y 'tanley Wolpert, 1er(eley Cear 2010 5ni ersity o" Cali"ornia &ress &&$ 12I, &rice -s 1,I0H$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

/n /ndia and 0a(istanP 8ontinued 8onflict or 8ooperationH Stanley ?olpert, an e$pert on modern political history of 0a(istan and /ndia, sets out to e$plore the reasons 'hich e$plain the continuin conflicts bet'een the t'o countries" #he tas( is reat 'ith a comple$ 'eb of historical, political and reli ious narrati!es that are at the base of the conflict relationship bet'een the t'o nei hbours" ?hile the main focus of the boo( is the Kashmir issue, the author also brin s to fore the contemporary domestic political scenario of the t'o countries" ?olpert persuasi!ely ar ues that no

issue other than the conflict o!er Kashmir 5has pro!ed more deadly, costly or intractable5 in the entire South Asia" ?olpert -umps into the deep sea of the subcontinent5s history to trace the Kashmir conflict" Since 11<&, 'hen it 'as first mentioned in a historical te$t, Kashmir had remained a peaceful !alley" Asho(a >aurya ruled the /ndian subcontinent 623,%232 9"8"E"7 and founded the capital, Srina ar" Since that time, the !alley had remained a symbol of peace, harmony and tran:uillity" /n the &th century, Finduism entered the !ale !ia its most po'erful Findu monarch, Malitaditya" #he 11th century 'itnessed the ad!ent of /slam throu h the con:uest of >ahmud of .ha+ni" #he nati!es of the !alley had the liberty to practise their reli ion as there 'as no reli ious discrimination under any of its many rulers" #he Af han in!aders brou ht pain and misery to the people and they 'ere compelled to appeal to the Si(h >ahara-a of 0un-ab, Ran-it Sin h, to come to Srina ar to sa!e them" Fe pro!ed little better than his precursors and thus be an the sorry sa a of an inept and di!isi!e leadership that continues to pla ue the Kashmiri people to this day" #he year 1,<* 'as a milestone in the 'orld5s history as t'o ne' states % 0a(istan and /ndia % emer ed on the 'orld map" #he beautiful and peaceful !alley turned into a 5!alley of blood5 'hen Mord >ountbatten left the destiny of < million Kashmiris to the personal choice of >ahara-a Fari Sin h" #he >ahara-a 'anted to (eep @ammu and Kashmir independent but this 'as not acceptable to both socialist 1ehru5s /ndia and >r @innah5s 0a(istan5" October 1,<* 'itnessed the @allian'ala incident of Kashmir 'hen the Findu landlords opened fire on >uslim peasants 'ho had refused to pay land ta$es" #his incident became the immediate cause for /ndia and 0a(istan to send their troops into the !alley" ?olpert persuasi!ely ar ues that no issue other than the conflict o!er Kashmir 5has pro!ed more deadly, costly or intractable5 in entire South Asia" /n @anuary 1,<&, /ndia too( this case to the U1 Security 8ouncil accusin 0a(istan of a ression and called for immediate and effecti!e measures to put pressure on 0a(istan" 0a(istan5s position 'as that it entered the !alley to protect the >uslim population there and it 'ould 'ithdra' its forces if /ndia pulled bac( its entire forces from the !alley" On 1< >arch 1,=0, the Security 8ouncil passed a resolution for a plebiscite in Kashmir and Sir O'en 2i$en 'as appointed as plebiscite mediator" Fe proposed a possible solution to resol!e the Kashmir conflict by di!idin it into the >uslim ma-ority Sale of Kashmir and its Findu%9uddhist ma-orities in @ammu and Mada(h" Mater on, the Security 8ouncil sent more administers for a U1 plebiscite but /ndia5s leadership turned a deaf ear to such proposals and the ultimate results 'ere that both sides deployed more troops and hea!y artillery close to the ceasefire line and often e$chan ed hea!y fire across the U1 ceasefire line" ?olpert has criticised the leadership of both /ndia and 0a(istan for their short%si hted policies and parochial nationalistic approach" On * @uly 200,, 0resident Asif Cardari admitted that prior to the incident of ,B11 0a(istan 'as in!ol!ed in trainin militants to use as pro$ies a ainst /ndia in Kashmir" /ndia, on the other hand, has been in!ol!ed in human ri hts !iolations and suppression of demands by Kashmiris for independence" #he author thro's considerable li ht on domestic political uphea!als of both countries since partition" Fe loo(s at a 'ide array of efforts on both sides for establishin peace and cooperation bet'een the t'o countries" Fe ar ues that 'hile 0a(istan has 'itnessed three dictatorial re imes

'hich ha!e 'ea(ened its democratic institutions, /ndia has seen the rise of Findu nationalist parties and leaders such as 1arindra >odi 'ho ha!e sou ht to 'iden the Findu%>uslim di!ide and capitali+e upon it" 50otential Solutions to the Kashmir 8onflict5 is perhaps the most important part of the boo( 'here ?olpert analyses the 5!arious entrenched sensiti!ities5 associated 'ith the issue on both sides" Fe says that 5the most realistic solution to the Kashmir conflict5 is the acceptance of the Mine of 8ontrol as the 5northern%most international border of /ndia and 0a(istan5" Fe ar ues that 0a(istan has lost the moral round to push for self%determination to Kashmir5s >uslim ma-ority by failin to 5sustain a freely%elected polity capable of protectin its o'n people5" On the /ndian side, the 5most troublin potential obstacle5 to this 5realistic5 solution 'ould be the election of another 9@0%led central o!ernment" #hou h ?olpert is emphatic about lettin the Kashmiri people 5choose their o'n leaders in free and fair elections5, he fails to point out that Kashmiris lac( a unified stance on their proposed national destination" ?hat is more important than /ndia and 0a(istan acceptin a 5realistic5 solution is the need for consensus amon the Kashmiris about their future national and territorial status" >una++a Khan

<iscrimination in, to and Throu!h Education

The education system o" a country carries paramount importance because its pro!ress entirely depends on education$ The better the education system, the more pro!ress a nation will ma(e$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he first Education 8onference 'as held in 1,<* as per the directi!es of the founder of 0a(istan, Luaid%e%A+am >uhammad Ali @innah" #he Father of the 1ation pro!ided basic uidelines for future de!elopment of education, stressin such system 'hich could match our history, culture and at the same time indoctrinate an appreciable sense of honour, inte rity, responsibility and a true spirit of selfless ser!ice to our fello'%humans" >any countries around the 'orld ha!e made their mar( by dint of creatin and allo'in :uality%

education for citi+ens" Education, in fact, is the deli!ery of (no'led e and a particular s(ill by a teacher to his or her students" >ost importantly there are three thin s that a ood teacher can supply to his studentsN and they are encoura ement, enli htenment and inspiration" #hou h this deli!ery of (no'led e ta(es place throu h the len th and breadth of our belo!ed homeland at all educational institutions, yet that is not :uite satisfactory and effecti!e" Accordin to a definition, an educated person is the one 'ho can read a ne'spaper and 'rite a simple letter in any lan ua e" Keepin in mind this definition, 'e can say that around =0 per cent of the population of 0a(istan is literate but the reality is far from truth" #he present education system is to blame for people5s i norance because this has failed to meet people5s needs" #he failure of education system in 0a(istan is due to a number of reasons" 0a(istan5s education system is di!ided and torn alon many lines" #here is a difference in lan ua e, there is a difference in curriculum, there is a difference in terms of 'hat is offered in different eo raphical boundaries of 0a(istan, and then there is a difference in class as 'ell" En lish medium, Urdu medium, A and O Me!els, >atric and FSc, reli ious, non%reli ious, pri!ate, public, elite, middle class and many more similar di!isions e$ist there" /f discrimination is not fully e$posed, it cannot be effecti!ely opposed" #hat is to say, in 0a(istan, the education system is not 'ell%or ani+ed because it creates and encoura es discrimination amon people 'ith different educational bac( rounds" #he courses thus offered in public schools are totally different from those of En lish%medium pri!ate schools" A student comin from a small !illa e for further studies at a o!ernment school in a bi city la s far behind in (no'led e, confidence and personality de!elopment as compared to a student 'ho en-oys the facility of studyin at an e$pensi!e En lish%medium school 'hich has a completely different course, 'hen it comes to findin a ood -ob" So, ar uably, a public sector educational institution cannot uarantee students a really bri ht future" Fo'e!er competent an En lish%medium school student may be, the employer prefers a -ob%see(er only 'ith an e$cellent educational bac( round from some institution of repute" And that is ho' discrimination raises its head to permeate throu h the !eins" For that matter, American schools are on the top of the list as they offer the best possible facilities in this sector in 0a(istan" Get an insufficient number of institutions cater only to the elite, 'ho can afford to pay hu e amounts of money for the schoolin of their children" /n the second line, 'e see schools li(e the 8ity School and the 9eaconhouse School System on top of the list of pri!ate schools, offerin :uality%education but still the ma-ority of people in 0a(istan cannot afford too e$pensi!e schools in bi cities" #hen, 'e ha!e cadet schools 'hich in fact are fe'er in number, yet they endea!our to pro!ide :uality education to the youn lot in a bit systematic 'ay" >ostly students attend o!ernment%run schools in our country" E!ery o!ernment claims that it 'ould ta(e special initiati!es and measures in this !ery direction in order to ensure :uality education but, sadly, hardly any chan e is 'itnessed ultimately because o!ernment policies are al'ays tailored in air% conditioned rooms" And most of the time, the policyma(ers remain una'are of the fact as to 'hat problems crop up ahead" ?hether applicable or not, these policies barely pro!e any ood to citi+ens 'hen put into practice" #hen 'e ha!e the madressa education system" One finds to one5s surprise a fairly lar e number of such madariss across 0a(istan, 'here a lar e number of students et enrolled" /n the Cia re ime, the o!ernment supported them a lot and rather stren thened them to e$ploit for reasons best (no'n to the re ime" 9ut, no', after the chan in trends, ne' policies coupled 'ith pressures from some superpo'ers one 'ould only :uestion the aim and ob-ecti!e of the type and :uality of education they pro!ide to students" >aybe the o!ernment should re!ie' and monitor the madressa education system so as to 'in tacit support of countries around the 'orld to ensure a better future for all" >ost importantly there are three thin s that a ood teacher can supply to his studentsN and they are encoura ement, enli htenment and inspiration" United States A ency for /nternational 2e!elopment 6USA/27 has in!ested o!er I3&2 million in

0a(istan since year 2002 to reform education system" /n 200,, the U"S" 8on ress appro!ed a bill authorisin I1"= billion a year in non%military aid for ne$t fi!e years" ?hile the bill does not earmar( a specific amount for education, it is authori+ed to pro!ide assistance in educational reform includin pro rammes for de!elopment of modern, nation'ide school curricula for public, pri!ate, and reli ious schools and support for o!ersi ht of educational institutions includin reli ious schools" Some e$perts say that a lar e portion of de!elopment aid is spent on international consultants and o!erhead costs" /t is a common belief that the 0a(istani o!ernment, 'ith its poor record of transparency and distribution of aid, 'ill as usual pro!e an ineffecti!e partner" Mac( of coordination bet'een the 8entre and the local authorities responsible for implementin educational reform adds to the problem" Accordin to a forei n affairs e$pert, the international donors must 'or( in collaboration of their local partners to help them in initiati!es and introduction of educational reform"

Our society, follo'in the forei n artificial trends and alien culture blindly, attaches utmost importance to the En lish%medium schools in the pri!ate sector unreasonably" Fence, the education system is bent upon creatin a ya'nin ap in the common manAs thin(in rapidly" /t is hi h time the o!ernment re!ie' the present syllabi especially in the public%sector schools deeply and sensibly so as to eliminate this discrimination forth'ith 'ith introduction of ne' courses in response to the demand and call of time" Furthermore, there should be complete harmony as far as the impartin of :uality and purposeful education is concerned the motto bein Q'e need one and a unified education systemA" Fassaan 9in Cubair

<elhi 'inister; ,n Eye-+pener "or &a(istan

The case o" the Indian rape ictim, 6iss 2ayoti 'in!h &andey, is an eye-opener$ This hi!hly despicable and condemnable incident has raised serious 3uestions about the political leadership, the structure o" policin!, the law and order situation, moral alues and the place o" women in society$
US Ambassador Richard Olson

Friday, February 01, 2013

/n democratic societies, human ri hts are discussed at len th, morality is !alued, and democracy is considered !ital for sur!i!al" >edia 'or(s as a 'atchdo , the leaders tal( about e:uality, and the states ma(e la's to protect citi+ens" #he case of an /ndian rape !ictim, @ayoti Sin h 0andey, pro!es to be an eye%opener" #he case of the /ndian rape !ictim, >iss @ayoti Sin h 0andey, is an eye%opener" #his hi hly despicable and condemnable incident has raised serious :uestions about the political leadership, the structure of policin , the la' and order situation, moral !alues and the place of 'omen in society" #he media portrays a 'oman as a se$ symbol" Fin ers are also pointed at the le itimacy and authenticity of the so%called effort to pro!ide secure en!ironment for 'omen to li!e and 'or(" Repu nant le!els of female foeticide, female illiteracy, child marria e, se$ual and 'or(%place harassment, domestic !iolence, threatenin and intolerance a ainst 'omen are indeed !ery harsh realities that 'omen face and if not addressed 'ith seriousness 'ill increase chaos and ine:uality in society" Such abhorrent incidents are 'itnessed not in /ndia only one finds, to one5s dismay, many noticeable happenin s of similar nature in our society also" #his incident pointed to a deep%rooted miso yny and patriarchy 'hich afflict our society, breedin structures, discourses and attitudes 'hich condemn !ictims of se$ual !iolence to a life of shame and silence" >iso yny and patriarchy are perpetuated and sustained by our collecti!e participation" #he patriarchal and male%chau!inistic discourses in our society are not limited to certain indi!iduals" #he o!ernment, society and media play a !ital role in stren thenin this deep%rooted solecism in the mentality of people that 'omen are inferiorN they are a threat to honour" So they should be controlled, dictated and commanded" ?e should all be blamed and the burden of accusations of rape, !iolence and harassment rests on our shoulders" #he role of o!ernance in 0a(istan is to protect 'omen5s ri hts" Unfortunately, the trac( record has not been !ery ood" >any fla's can be identified in the le islation and implementation of la's" For instance, the Fadood Ordinance re:uires of a 'oman to produce at least three 'itnesses to pro!e that she has been raped" /n !illa es, the perpetrators of such heinous crimes are influential landlords 'ho can 'ield their po'er and pressure the local police in this connection" /f someone dares to spea( out a ainst them, they do not desist e!en from abductin a member of the !ictim5s family" #his happens fre:uently because the la'%enforcement a encies shy a'ay from their due responsibility and duty" A ma-ority of 'omen remain una'are of their constitutional ri hts because

they ha!e no access to information or approach to those in authority" And, sadly, the o!ernment is least bothered to ta(e satisfactory and appropriate measures to inform and educate 'or(in 'omen as 'ell as house'i!es about their ri hts" A youn 'oman prefers to et beaten up brutally by her husband instead of reportin the abuse to police station" ?e bein part of this society rather stren then this system of discrimination in one 'ay or the other" ?e tend to demoralise the female members of our families by e$hortin them to et bac( home before sunset" E!en, !ery often, 'e monitor their mo!ement 'ith a certain amount of suspicion" 1ot only that 'e feel unduly concerned as to 'hat they 'ear, ho' they tal( and the manner in 'hich they attract others5 attention" Ad!isin them a ainst payin attention to those around them %% may it be their 'or(%place, mar(et or a public place %% or e!en loo(in at stran ers" >ost of the families particularly the lo'er%middle class train their dau hters for acceptance of unconditional obedience of the family elders" 8ontinuin 'ith this undesirable attitude, 'e participate in perpetuatin this discrimination 'hen 'e tell youn 'omen that a !irtuous 'oman5s reputation is at sta(e each time she steps out of and hence 'arm them a ainst blemishin their honour and di nity" 1e!ertheless, 'e i nore the domestic%abuse occurrences in our nei hbourhood, because 'e do not 'ant to po(e our nose in someone5s personal affairs" ?e are responsible for such remorseful actions 'hen each time 'e as( a 'oman to ma(e some inappropriate and unreasonable sacrifices for the di nity of her family" #he patriarchal and male%chau!inistic discourses in our society are not limited to certain indi!iduals" Ar uably, 'e are to be blamed for this ra!e problem because 'e fa!our the idea that a 'oman usually in!ites harassment due to her 5pro!ocati!e5 dressin " ?e should also be held responsible 'hen 'e 'ant our sons to proceed for hi her studies and choose to become doctors and en ineers, 'hile 'e prefer our dau hters to become -ust ood house'i!es" >oreo!er, 'e spurn and discoura e outspo(en and bold irls" ?e do ross in-ustice 'hen 'e call routine se$ual harassment -ust 5e!e teasin 5, 'hen 'e i nore another 'histle, another remar( and another threat" ?e unconsciously or unintentionally ma(e it permissible for a man to o le at a irl, to tease her, to pester her and to dominate o!er her enerally" Sometimes 'e commit this offence 'hen 'e oppose 'omen5s participation in politics, belie!in that they are simply incapable of runnin the affairs of the country, 'hen 'e thin( that reli ion does not allo' them to come out of their homes to 'or( 'ith men" #hen, 'e are to be blamed for failin to ma(e la's a ainst cruelties li(e 'anni and sa'ara 6the i!in a'ay of a 'oman to a ri!al party to settle a dispute" A s'ara e$chan e can be used to settle murder, adultery, (idnappin or another offence7N and 'e !ote for politicians 'ho arran e to marry their dau hters 'ith the Foly Luran to sa!e their property, 'hen 'e do not see( consent of the irl before pushin her to marry a man they hardly (no'" ?omen5s ri hts non% o!ernment or anisations 61.O7 and the so%called feminists also create problems for the opposite se$ in 0a(istan" ?ithout reali+in the round realities and 'omen5s problems they fi ht a ainst 5moderni+ation5 and 5'esterni+ation5" 9esides the o!ernment and society, media is also responsible for promotin stereotype and hac(neyed mindset a ainst 'omen 'hen mo!ies are made 'ith a mindless script, se$ism, untamed masculinity and !ictimised femininity" / ne!er met @ayoti" / don5t (no' ho' she loo(ed li(e, 'hat her dreams 'ere, and ho' she felt 'hen she 'as !ictimised"

9ut / (no' one thin " Fer brutal death sheds li ht on countless other 'omen 'ho face se$ual !iolence not only in /ndia but also in 0a(istan" ?e ha!e to :uestion our part someho' in the rape, culture, miso yny and patriarchy cases" /t hi hli hts resistance, protests, sub!ersion and stru le by those 'ho ha!e challen ed the aforementioned participations and of those 'ho continue to do so" #he mere condemnin of all such heinous and despicable crimes 'ould not 'or(" ?e need a broader cultural and mental shift to re%e!aluate and ele!ate the status of 'omenfol( in society" Only such an approach 'ould ensure their safety and protection at 'or(place and pro!ide them e:ual opportunities in !arious 'al(s of life" A:das ?aheed Sandhila

4The 9arder you Wor(, the >uc(ier you are/

,mna -a"i3ue, &,', H1st C''-2011
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

One needs to be careful to select ri ht topic for essay and then understandin the re:uirements of e$aminer alon 'ith pro!idin solid ar uments" 2ahan!ir*s World Times; Aindly tell us about your educational bac(!round and achie ements in detail? ,mna -a"i3ue; / ha!e done >sc >ass 8ommunication from 1ational Uni!ersity of >odern Man ua es 61U>M7 /slamabad 'ith distinction" / am a old medalist" /n fact, it 'as a shift from my pre!ious course of studies, because / did F"sc 60re%>edical7 and 9"sc 'ith the sub-ects of Coolo y, 9otany and 8hemistry" / started my professional career 'ith United 1ations /nformation 8entre as a 8ommunication 8oordinator" / left the -ob after my success in 8SS%2011 e$am" 2WT; Was it your "irst attempt? I" yes, then how did you secure this presti!ious position, i" it*s otherwise, please share the e:perience o" pre ious attempts? ,-; /t 'as my second attempt" /n 200& after completin 9"sc, / tried my luc( in 8SS e$ams" / didn5t ta(e those e$ams seriously" / scored 33< mar(s in 'ritten but failed in En lish 0rRcis and 8omposition paper by three mar(s only, but / 'as satisfied 'ith my o!erall performance" #hat result made me realise that / could do 'ell if / had concentrated a little more on some 'ea( areas of my studies" #here 'as another factor" >y studies 'ere incomplete at that time so / decided to ta(e admission in >"sc" 2urin those t'o years, / fully concentrated on my studies" #hen a ain / appeared in 8SS e$am after a ap of t'o years" ?ith the blessin s of Allah Almi hty and prayers of my lo!ed%ones, / stood succeeded that time" 2WT; What is so special in &,' and how it is better than other !roups? ,-; 0AS 'as al'ays my dream" 0AS is one of the most presti ious cadres of ci!il ser!ices, A 0AS officer is (no'n as eneral officer 'ho can ser!e any'here, o'in to the fact that 0AS has ma$imum hori+ontal and !ertical mobility" /t has ma$imum public interaction and you ha!e the opportunity to 'or( and control at federal, pro!incial and district le!el, due to these facts 2>. attracts me the most" 2WT; 9ow did you prepare "or the C'' e:ams?

,-; / made a certain strate y for the preparation" For En lishP E$plorin the 'orld of En lish and ?ren X >artin5s boo( of Fi h School En lish .rammar" 0a( AffairsP #re( to 0AK/S#A1, /(ram Rabbani5s boo( also easy to understand For 8urrent affairsP / ne!er consulted a sin le boo( or source" / e$tracted the (no'led e from ne'spapers, internet, ma a+ines, discussions, tal( sho's" '''"+emt!"com is a useful 'ebsite because it contains archi!es of all tal( sho's" 2WT; What strate!y one should adopt to !et a prominent position amon! others? ,-; ?hile attemptin any paper, try to include -ar ons of that particular sub-ect to i!e the e$aminer an impression that you ha!e the sufficient (no'led e of that sub-ect" #hese tric(s can i!e additional mar(s" Gou can al'ays create difference throu h hard 'or(, dedication, proper selection of sub-ects, usin o'n mind instead of follo'in others blindly, self%analysis, 'ritin practice and assessin the thin s from the e$amination point of !ie'" 2WT; 6ajority o" candidates "lun( in En!lish Essay and En!lish Composition paper$ What precautions or steps will you su!!est "or these two crucial papers? ,-; For essay, you should spend 1=to20 minutes for selectin the topic, it 'ill sa!e you from disaster, once you ha!e selected the ri ht topic, there 'ill be no issue of time at least for mana in your essay in 2"= hours, and this is sufficient time for attemptin essay" After selectin the topic, ma(e outline, it should be lo ical, se:uential, 'ell%mana ed, self%spea(in so that e$aminer don5t find any difficulty in understandin it" From your outline, e$aminer 'ill ha!e an idea that you are able to pass the paper or not so be careful 'hile 'ritin outline, follo'in points should be (ept in mind" 1" Rele!ance of content 'ith the topic 2" Man ua e 6sentences 'ith correct rammar, so it is al'ays preferred to 'rite short sentences, as there 'ill be a fe' chances of mista(es"7 3" Fand'ritin N should be neat and le ible as paper5s cosmetic !alue also has its o'n importance" <" Ar umentation =" AdditionalB Supplementary content includin e$amples, !erses, :uotes, facts and fi ures if needed 6particularly in factual essays7, ma(e your essay uni:ue 'ith these colours" 3" /ntroduction should be the best, as the e$aminer 'ill -ud e your essay and ma(e an impression in the !ery be innin , directly hit the topic 'ithout oin into the irrele!ant details" *" Essay should be 'ell%arran ed, all the content should be presented in a se:uence, for e$ample bac( round can5t come prior to e$amples or solutions, coherence in the arran ement of facts is necessary" &" /n conclusion, don5t introduce any ne' idea, -ustify the i!en content in conclusion by e$plainin in a fe' sentences" #ry to create a uni:ue impact amon thousands of essays" Mearnin tric(s and tips and then practisin 'ill i!e you more benefit, instead of ma(in directionless efforts" 2WT; 'ee(in! !uidance prior to e:am was an essential prere3uisite o" C'', what sort o" !uidance is re3uired "or the "resh aspirants and how do you see the 2ahan!ir*s World Times 72WT8 as "ar as !uidance "or C''-e:am is concerned? ,-; .uidance plays crucial role for 8SS preparation, aspirants should remain in touch 'ith the successful candidates as 'ell as e$perienced 8S0s so that they can ha!e a producti!e discussion on !arious topics and aspects of this e$am, 8SS forum is another important source for ettin useful information, / ha!e a 'onderful e$perience of usin forum as it pro!ides a platform to share your ideas 'hich really help durin e$ams and in inter!ie' as 'ell, apart from that readin effecti!e

material for e$ams is essential, / 'ould li(e to appreciate @?# in this re ard because it is !ery useful for the aspirants from current affairs perspecti!e and it is e:ually helpful in increasin the moti!ation le!el of aspirants by publishin inspirational success stories of those 'ho ha!e cleared this presti ious e$am" 2WT; ,nythin! interestin! or surprisin! re!ardin! the e:ams you would li(e to share with our readers$ ,-; / 'ant to share somethin !ery pleasant" / o'e my success in 8SS e$am to my father" /t 'as his desire and he used to stay 'ith me in the e$amination centre from ,P00am to =P00pm durin all my e$ams" E!ery time / 'ould come out of the hall, he 'as there 'ith his optimistic face" / belie!e that parentsA prayers can do miracles" ,ny 6essa!e Success in 8SS is a combination of !arious factors includin hard 'or(, dedication, consistency, luc( and abo!e all prayers of your parents" So (eep all these in redients 'ith you" Some people ha!e .od% ifted talent and others achie!e success in life throu h their o'n efforts so be amon the satisfied souls by puttin your best efforts for positi!e aims in life, best of luc(Y ?a:as /:bal

Docabulary In )ews
con"ounded; 7adj$8 con"used, be"uddled, perple:ed
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

000 is confounded after 0>M%1 !ictory in by%polls" swanson!; 6n7 a final performance or effort Fe has decided to ma(e this tour his s'anson " "ester; 6!7 intensify, a ra!ate, blister 0olitical interference has festered po'er 'oes in 0a(istan" stalemate; 6n7 deadloc(, standoff, impasse Syrian ci!il 'ar came at a stalemate as Assad said that he 'on5t o" adieu; 6n7 fare'ell, oodbye, !alediction #endul(ar bids adieu to O2/s but (een on playin #est cric(et" bKte noire; 6n7 ad!ersary, bu bear, trouble For Republicans, ta$es ha!e become a bZte noire" e:ude; 6!7 display, e$hibit, sho' Shahba+ Sharif5s felicitation to the ne' 0un-ab o!ernor e$udes cordiality bet'een them" sleuth; 6n7 detecti!e, in!esti ator, a ent F/A sleuths e$amined blast site in Mahore" s3uabble; 6n7 ar ument, bic(erin , pettifo ery US a!erted fiscal cliff after months of ner!e%rac(in s:uabbles"

"racas; 6n7 disturbance, affray, melee, scuffle 2octors call stri(e after .u-ran'ala hospital fracas" ob"uscated; 6!7 confused, cali inous, be'ildered, complicated #he obfuscated en!ironment has led to sheer despondency amon st people" jaded; 6ad-"7 e$hausted, blasR, fati ued, 'orn%out /ndian team loo(s -aded in second O2/ a ainst 0a(istan" "leece; 6!7 steal, flim%flam, s'indle, #ransporters fleece the commuters due to closure of 81." indelible; ineffaceable, inerasable, lastin , unfor ettable La+i Fussain Ahmed lea!es indelible mar( on @/ politics" titular; 6ad-"7 in name only, nominal, so%called /nter!ener says that Laim Ali Shah is only a titular 8>" bemoan; 6!7 be'ail, deplore, lament 9usinessmen are bemoanin the socioeconomic deterioration of the country" sojourn; 6n7 temporary stay, stopo!er, layo!er Asif Cardari5s recent stay in Karachi is his lon est so-ourn a'ay from 0residency" teetotaller; 6n7 abstainer, abstinent, prohibitionist #eetotaler 0an(a- Kapoor plays alcoholic in his film >atru Ki 9i-lee Ka >andola" sa!; 6!7 drop, decline, sin( Oil prices sa before 'ee(ly ener y report" tinderbo:; 6n7 a potentially e$plosi!e place or situation 8hina paper that set off protests is still a tinderbo$" nascent; 6ad-"7 emer ent, buddin , de!elopin /n Maos, nascent freedoms ta(e step bac(" tot; 6n7 baby, child, offsprin 9ritish Royal tot is due in @uly" chide; 6!7critici+e, lecture, admonish, berate, blame She chided him for not replyin to her letters" con"ound; 6!7 astonish, be'ilder, dumbfound, flabber ast, perple$ #he inflation fi ure confounded economic analysts" dan!le; 6!7 droop, han , suspend, s'in , trail /f you must carry a purse, hold it close and do not dan le it from your arm" !asp; 6!7 pant, puff, cho(e, catch your breath Fe asped for air before bein pulled under a ain" &hrasal Derb rope in; to persuade to ta(e part in some acti!ity /n+amam 'as roped in as battin consultant by 0a(istan 8ric(et 9oard" Idioms rub salt into wounds; to ma(e a bad e$perience e!en more painful #he S8 re istrar refused to appear before 0A8 and to rub salt into the committee5s 'ounds, he told media that 0A85s act is unconstitutional" wipe the slate clean; ma(e a fresh start, for et the past A S'iss court 'iped the slate clean for a farmer, relie!in him of a debt" in the o""in!; li(ely to happen or appear soon A code of ethics for -ournalists is in the offin " rule the roost; to be in char eN dominate Only politicians are to rule the roost in country says the 0resident" han! in the balance; to be in doubt, undecided #he fate of 13 complaints a ainst suspected en!ironmental polluters han s in the balance" ta(e "la(; face stron criticism

9oth media and the 1A9 too( turns to ta(e fla( in both houses of parliament sweep one o"" one*s "eet; to o!er'helm someone ?hat s'ept me off my feet 'as the 'ay he loo(ed after me 'hen / 'as hospitalised" >uhammad Usman 9utt

=ueries o" C'' 9ope"uls

=L1; 9ow to answer the 3uestion as(ed about our personality traits in Inter iew?
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

9estP conscientious, trust'orthy and self%reliant" ?orstP intense, competiti!e, perfectionist" /t is a common :uestion in /nter!ie' especially 'ith 0sycholo ists5 0anel" ?hen they as( you to describe your three best and 'orst personality traits, 'atch out that inter!ie'ers are increasin ly sa!!y about e!asions of the second part of the :uestion, so it5s best to -ust face it directly" Find ne ati!e 'ords that are double%sided J that can be flipped to be positi!e" For e$ample, in the sample ans'er, Dcompetiti!eE can mean Dcombati!eE and Da ressi!e,E but it can also mean D oal%oriented, dili ent, and determinedE" Mi(e'ise, DintenseE can mean, on the one hand, DharshE and De$treme,E and on the other, Dpassion% ateE and Dpo'erfulE" And DperfectionistE can mean Dcontrollin E and Dunyieldin ,E but also Dmeticulous, dedicated, and thorou hE" A ood rule of thumb is to choose positi!es that don5t ma(e you sound arro ant, and ne ati!es that can be i!en a positi!e spin" =L2; 9ow should I sol e opinion based 3uestions especially in &a(istan- and Current ,""airs papers?

#he !ery reason for e$aminers5 increasin ly as(in opinion%based :uestions, especially in these t'o papers, is due to the candidates5 traditional 'ay of attemptin papers" Remember it is a competiti!e e$amination and e!eryone no' reads ood standard te$tboo(s in addition to 8SS specific ones a!ailable in mar(et" #hus, 'hen the source of information is same, e$aminer encoura es ori inality of approach and in%depth analysis of issues as(ed" /n such :uestions, you need to be specific in your ar umentation" Gou should start your ans'er 'ith an introductory para raph i!in your interpretation of the issue as(edN briefly describin the course your ar umentation 'ould be follo'in " #hen you should pro!e your ar ument in a lo ical flo' i!in facts and :uotes 'here!er rele!ant" /n such :uestions, you are -ud ed on the basis of your le!el of 5understandin 5, depth of (no'led e and analysis of issues" =L3; Is it use"ul to !i e brie" outline be"ore the answers? /t is not re:uired e$cept in En lish Essay paper" Fo'e!er, a lot of candidates adopt this approach" /t i!es the e$aminer a ready reference of 'hat ar uments you 'ould be de!elopin in your ans'er" Fo'e!er, such outline doesn5t carry any mar(s of its o'n" =L.; I "eel C'' is a pressure e:am so how I can control my ner es "rom the pressure o" e:amination hall especially in the "irst two papers? /t is a common problem" E$am ner!es ) as this condition is called ) are a combination of many factors" Fear of un(no'n is the most common one as it directly relates to your le!el of preparedness" #hose candidates 'ho ha!e studied and practised 'ell for e$ams tend to be more confident" #hus, best 'ay to a!oid it is to prepare 'ell and be confident" Another reason of an$iety is the e$cessi!e use of caffeine%containin drin(s such as coffee, tea, and co(e" #o calm your ner!es, you need to reduce inta(e of these drin(s a day before e$amination" Fa!in a healthy brea(fast (eeps your tummy normal" 2eep breathin is a useful techni:ue to calm you" /n the e$am hall, you need to be focused on paper" @ust belie!e in yourself and your preparation" =LH; I ha e my own opinion re!ardin! )ational and International issues but, I am a"raid that perhaps my opinion can annoy the inter iew panel? 2ear candidate, remember that the inter!ie'in panel ne!er has any prefi$ed opinion on :uestions as(ed, and any difference of opinion by the candidates 'ould ne!er be considered ad!ersely" #he panel is al'ays impartial and is only interested in the response and !ie's of the candidate" /t is, therefore, ad!ised that the candidates should not ha!e any constraint on their minds" #he candidates are e$pected to i!e !ery fran(, forthri ht, ori inal, independent and 'ell% considered ans'ers particularly on contro!ersial issues affectin our national policies" 9old and uninhibited !ie's by the candidates are appreciated" Any eneralised ans'er, !ery ordinary and rhetoric in content, 'ithout (eepin the round realities in mind, as 'ell as lac(in factual data, lo ic and rationale 'ould ob!iously be uncon!incin and conse:uently 'ould not accrue any merit" Fo'e!er, ha!in said that, you also need to (eep it in mind that you ha!e to pro!e your opinion 'ith solid ar uments" So 'hate!er stance you ta(e in inter!ie', prepare yourself to defend it in front of the panel" =LI; 'ir would you please recommend any boo( which can pro ide !eneral !uidance about C''? 9est uide in this re ard is the F0S8 .uideline a!ailable at F0S8 'ebsite '''"fpsc" o!"p(B" A !ery useful boo( for be inners is TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT by Adeel 1ia+"

=L#; I ha e arts bac(!round so should I !o "or &sycholo!y as optional because it is scorin!? 0sycholo y seems the most fa!ourite optional sub-ect as 'e et a lot of :uestions of this sub-ect are bein as(ed by 8SS Aspirants" /n your case, it5s a tou h choice, rather a ris(y one" /t depends ho' much time you can spare for this sub-ect" Gou need to -ust o throu h the syllabus of 0sycholo y and if you thin( you can understand it 'ell, then o for it" 9ut do remember that it5s your attempt, not the sub-ect that 'ould fetch you ood or bad scores" Attemptin 0sycholo y doesn5t uarantee any score of its o'nN you ha!e to i!e it a thorou h preparation" /f you are unsure, lea!e this idea and concentrate on other sub-ects 'hich you can prepare 'ell" A ood attempt in papers li(e @ournalism, Sociolo y, 9ritishB/ndo%0a( Fistory, /nternational Ma', and Re ional Man ua es ensures e$cellent mar(s to candidates each year" =LM; 9ow I should introduce mysel" in the be!innin! o" inter iew? #his introduction :uestion is a !ital sta e of inter!ie'" /t is said to be an ice%brea(er for an inter!ie' by 'hich the inter!ie'er allo's you to settle do'n and ma(e yourself comfortable as you are ans'erin the most e$pected :uestion that e!ery candidate has prepared the best" Fo'e!er, it has a lot more si nificance than merely bein an ice%brea(er" #he basic introduction is a synopsis of your information that you ha!e already pro!ided in your 8S, but it also presents you 'ith an opportunity to add some effecti!e techni:ues to your inter!ie'" So -ust i!e your full name and 'or( portfolio, if any" 1e$t you should i!e your educational profile and any additional courses or e$periences of 'or(in " Also mention your interests if you ha!e been a member of any association or part of any team or or anisation" #hat5ll be it" Gou need to practise it for 2%3 minutes" Gour effecti!e communication, ri ht from the be innin helps you ma(e a mar(" =L0; Why %eo!raphy scores are not consistent? .eo raphy is a science sub-ect and has traditionally been a fa!ourite sub-ect of successful candidates" E!ery year, most of the candidates 'ho secure top 100 positions in 8SS ha!e .eo raphy as their optional sub-ect" Fo'e!er, many a candidates fail to secure ood mar(s in this sub-ect due to their faulty approach" First of all, they follo' substandard boo(s rather than the te$tboo(s recommended for this sub-ect" #hey do not i!e to%the%point ans'ers as re:uired in a science sub-ect" #hey i!e unnecessarily len thy ans'ers 'ith irrele!ant material" >ore importantly, they fail to dra' re:uired dia rams and maps 'hich could help attain ood mar(s" @?# 2es(

This 6onth in 9istory @ebruary

@eb 1, 2003 - 'i:teen minutes be"ore it was scheduled to land, the 'pace 'huttle Columbia bro(e apart in "li!ht o er west Te:as, (illin! all se en crew members$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he accident may ha!e resulted from dama e caused durin liftoff 'hen a piece of insulatin foam from the e$ternal fuel tan( bro(e off, piercin a hole in the shuttle5s left 'in that allo'ed hot ases to penetrate the 'in upon re%entry into the Earth5s atmosphere" #his 'as the second space shuttle lost in fli ht" /n @anuary 1,&3, 8hallen er e$ploded durin liftoff" @eb 2, 1MM2 - /rish no!elist and poet @ames @oyce 'as born in 2ublin, /reland" Fis 'or(s include 2ubliners, A 0ortrait of the Artist as a Goun >an, Ulysses, and Fine an5s ?a(e" @eb 2, 1000 - /n South Africa, the 30%year%old ban on the African 1ational 8on ress 'as lifted by 0resident F"?" de Kler(, 'ho also promised to free 1elson >andela and remo!e restrictions on political opposition roups" @eb 3, 1M#0 - #he 1=th Amendment to the U"S" 8onstitution 'as ratified, uaranteein the ri ht of citi+ens to !ote, re ardless of race, color, or pre!ious condition of ser!itude" @eb 3, 1013 - #he 13th Amendment to the U"S" 8onstitution 'as ratified, rantin 8on ress the authority to collect income ta$es" @eb 3, 1M21 - #he first female physician in the U"S", Eli+abeth 9lac('ell 'as born near 9ristol, En land" As a irl, her family mo!ed to 1e' Gor( State" She 'as a'arded her >2 by the >edical /nstitute of .ene!a, 1e' Gor(, in 1&<," @eb 3, 10.3 - An e$traordinary act of heroism occurred in the icy 'aters off .reenland after the U"S" Army transport ship 2orchester 'as hit by a .erman torpedo and be an to sin( rapidly" ?hen it became apparent there 'ere not enou h life -ac(ets, four U"S" Army chaplains on board remo!ed theirs, handed them to fri htened youn soldiers, and chose to o do'n 'ith the ship 'hile prayin " @eb ., 10MH - #'enty countries in the United 1ations si ned a document entitled 58on!ention A ainst #orture and Other 8ruel, /nhuman or 2e radin #reatment or 0unishment"5 @eb H, 101# - #he ne' constitution of >e$ico, allo'in s'eepin social chan es, 'as adopted" @eb H, 1000 N #he Kashmir Solidarity 2ay is obser!ed on = February e!ery year since 1,,0 in 0a(istan as a day of protest a ainst the /ndian control of part of Kashmir" /t is a national holiday in 0a(istan" @eb I, 1#MM - >assachusetts became the si$th state to ratify the ne' U"S" 8onstitution by a !ote of 1&* to 13&"

@eb I, 10H2 - Kin .eor e S/ of En land died" Upon his death, his dau hter 0rincess Eli+abeth became Lueen Eli+abeth //, Lueen of the United Kin dom of .reat 9ritain and 1orthern /reland" Fer actual coronation too( place on @une 2, 1,=3" @eb #, 1#0H - #he 11th Amendment to the U"S" 8onstitution 'as ratified, limitin the po'ers of the federal -udiciary o!er the states by prohibitin federal la'suits a ainst indi!idual states" @eb #, 1M12 - 9ritish no!elist 8harles 2ic(ens 'as born in 0ortsmouth, En land" Fe e$pressed social ine:ualities in his 'or(s includin 2a!id 8opperfield, Oli!er #'ist, and 1icholas 1ic(leby" /n 1&<3, he 'rote A 8hristmas 8arol in -ust a fe' 'ee(s, 'hich is an enormously popular 'or( e!en today" @eb M, 1010 - #he 9oy Scouts of America 'as founded by ?illiam 9oyce in ?ashin ton, 2"8", modelled after the 9ritish 9oy Scouts" @eb 0, 10.3 - 2urin ?orld ?ar // in the 0acific, the U"S" troops captured .uadalcanal in the Solomon /slands after si$ months of battle, 'ith ,,000 @apanese and 2,000 Americans (illed" @eb 10, 10.2 - #he first >edal of Fonor durin ?orld ?ar // 'as a'arded to 2nd Mt" Ale$ander 1inin er 6posthumously7 for heroism durin the 9attle of 9ataan" @ebr 11, 1M.# - American in!entor #homas Edison 'as born in >ilan, Ohio" #hrou hout his lifetime he ac:uired o!er 1,200 patents includin the incandescent bulb, phono raph and mo!ie camera" 9est (no'n for his :uote D.enius is one per cent inspiration and ninety%nine per cent perspiration"E @eb 11, 1020 - /talian dictator 9enito >ussolini ranted political independence to Satican 8ity and reco ni+ed the so!erei nty of the 0ope 6Foly See7 o!er the area, measurin about 110 acres" @eb 11, 1000 - /n South Africa, 1elson >andela, at *1, 'as released from prison after ser!in 2* years in -ail on char es of attemptin to o!erthro' the apartheid o!ernment" /n April 1,,<, he 'as elected president in the first all%race elections"

@eb 11, 2011 - /n E ypt, 0resident Fosni >ubara( resi ned amid a massi!e protest callin for his ouster" #housands of youn E yptians and others had protested non%stop for 1& days in 8airo, Ale$andria and else'here" >ubara( had ruled E ypt for nearly 30 years, functionin as a !irtual

dictator" @eb 12, 1M00 - Abraham Mincoln, the 13th U"S" 0resident, 'as born in Fardin 8ounty, Kentuc(y" Fe led the nation throu h the tumultuous 8i!il ?ar, freed the sla!es, composed the .ettysbur Address, and established #han(s i!in " @eb 12, 1000 - #he impeachment trial of 0resident 9ill 8linton in the U"S" Senate ended" ?ith the 'hole 'orld 'atchin !ia tele!ision, Senators stood up one by one durin the final roll call to !ote 5 uilty5 or 5not uilty"5 @eb 13, 10.H - 2urin ?orld ?ar // in Europe, 9ritish and American planes be an massi!e bombin on 2resden, .ermany" A four%day firestorm erupted that 'as !isible for 200 miles and it en ulfed the historic old city, (illin an estimated 13=,000 .erman ci!ilians" @eb 1. - 8elebrated as 6Saint7 Salentine5s 2ay around the 'orld, no' one of the most 'idely obser!ed unofficial holidays in 'hich romantic reetin cards and ifts are e$chan ed" @eb 1., 1020 - #he St" Salentine5s 2ay massacre occurred in 8hica o as se!en members of the 9u s >oran an 'ere unned do'n by fi!e of Al 8apone5s mobsters posin as police" @eb 1H, 1HI. - Astronomer and physicist .alileo .alilei 61=3<%13<27 'as born in 0isa, /taly" Fe 'as the first astronomer to use a telescope and ad!anced the theory that the sun, not the earth, 'as the center of the solar system" @eb 1H, 10M0 - So!iet Russia completed its military 'ithdra'al from Af hanistan after nine years of unsuccessful in!ol!ement in the ci!il 'ar bet'een >uslim rebel roups and the Russian%bac(ed Af han o!ernment" O!er 1=,000 Russian soldiers had been (illed in the fi htin " @eb 1I, 103H - Entertainer and politician Sonny 9ono 'as born in 2etroit, >ichi an" Follo'in a career as a popular sin er, he became mayor of 0alm Sprin s, 8alifornia, and then became a Republican con ressman, ser!in until his accidental death from a s(iin mishap" @eb 1#, 1000 - Apache 8hief .eronimo 61&2,%1,0,7 died 'hile in capti!ity at Fort Sill, O(lahoma" Fe had led a small roup of 'arriors on raids throu hout Ari+ona and 1e' >e$ico" 8au ht once, he escaped" #he U"S" Army then sent =,000 men to recapture him" @eb 1M, 1M02 - American politician ?endell ?ill(ie 'as born in El'ood, /llinois" Fe 'as the Republican nominee for president in 1,<0, runnin a ainst Fran(lin 2" Roose!elt" @eb 10, 10.2 - /nternment of @apanese Americans be an after 0resident Fran(lin Roose!elt issued an e$ecuti!e order re:uirin those li!in on the 0acific coast to report for relocation" O!er 110,000 persons therefore shut do'n their businesses, sold off their property, :uit school and mo!ed inland to the relocation centers" @eb 20, 10I2 - Astronaut @ohn .lenn became the first American launched into orbit" #ra!elin aboard the 5Friendship *5 spacecraft, .lenn reached an altitude of 132 miles 6230(ms7 and completed three orbits in a fli ht lastin -ust under fi!e hours" @eb 21, 10IH - Former 9lac( >uslim leader >alcolm [ 61,2=%1,3=7 'as shot and (illed 'hile deli!erin a speech in a ballroom in 1e' Gor( 8ity" @eb 21, 10#2 - 0resident Richard 1i$on arri!ed in 8hina for historic meetin s 'ith 8hairman >ao

#se%tun and 0remier 8hou En%lai" @eb 22, 1#32 - .eor e ?ashin ton 'as born in ?estmoreland 8ounty, Sir inia" Fe ser!ed as commander of the 8ontinental Army durin the American Re!olution and became the first U"S" 0resident" @eb 22, 10HI - /n >ont omery, Alabama, &0 participants in the three%month%old bus boycott !oluntarily a!e themsel!es up for arrest after an ultimatum from 'hite city leaders" >artin Muther Kin and Rosa 0ar(s 'ere amon those arrested" @eb 23, 1001 - /n 2esert Storm, the Allied round offensi!e be an after a de!astatin month%lon air campai n tar etin /ra:i troops in both /ra: and Ku'ait" @eb 2., 1MI# - #he Fouse of Representati!es !oted to impeach 0resident Andre' @ohnson" @eb 2H, 1010 - >illicent Fen'ic( 'as born in 1e' Gor( 8ity" She championed liberal causes, ser!in as a member of the U"1" .eneral Assembly and as a U"S" 8on ress'oman" @eb 2I, 1M.M - #he 8ommunist >anifesto pamphlet 'as published by t'o youn socialists, Karl >ar$ and Friedrich En els" /t ad!ocated the abolition of all pri!ate property and a system in 'hich 'or(ers o'n all means of production, land, factories and machinery" @ebruary 2I, 100. - 0olitical foes of Russian 0resident 9oris Geltsin 'ere freed by a eneral amnesty ranted by the ne' Russian 0arliament" @ebruary 2#, 10H0 - #he 22nd Amendment to the U"S" 8onstitution 'as ratified, limitin the president to t'o terms or a ma$imum of ten years in office" @ebruary 2M, 10MI - S'edish 0rime >inister Olof 0alme 61,2*%1,&37 'as assassinated in Stoc(holm 'hile e$itin a mo!ie theater 'ith his 'ife"

@ebruary 2M, 100. - 1A#O conducted its first combat action in its <= year history as four 9osnian Serb -ets 'ere shot do'n by American fi hters in a no%fly +one" 1uman Ahmed

W+->< I) @+C5'
)ews @rom )ational O International &ress <ec 2012- 2an 2013
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013


<ec 13; #he 1A9 chief, Admiral 6retd7 Fasih 9o(hari, raised the estimate of the le!el of corruption in the country to Rs"13 billion a day or Rs"= trillion a year dismissin o!ernment5s reaction" <ec 13; #he ministry of food security conceded that po!erty has been increasin in the country durin the past four and a half years of the 000%led coalition o!ernment" <ec 1.; 0rime >inister Ra-a 0er!ai+ Ashraf desi nated his son%in%la' Ra-a A+eemul Fa: as e$ecuti!e director of the ?orld 9an(" <ec 1.; #he /nternational 8entre for Settlement of /n!estment 2isputes 6/8S/27 tribunal allo'ed the 9alochistan o!ernment and 2r Samar >ubara(mand to carry out minin and smeltin pro-ect in Re(o 2i:" <ec 1#; #he Election 8ommission of 0a(istan 6E807 transferred Sindh Election 8ommissioner Sonu Khan 9aloch to its central secretariat in /slamabad as the ne' director% eneral bud et" <ec 1#; #he U120 and Federal @udicial Academy 6F@A7 si ned a >emorandum of Understandin allo'in the partnership to 'or( in areas of infrastructure and /# support, policy en a ement, capacity buildin and research and ad!ocacy" <ec 1M; Fi!e 'omen !accinators 'ere (illed and a couple of their male collea ues 'ere in-ured in Karachi and 0esha'ar" <ec 1M; #he European Union donated its 2012 1obel peace pri+e cash, plus a one million%euro top% up, to thousands of children impacted by 'ar in Syria, 8olombia, 8on o and 0a(istan" <ec 10; 0resident Asif Ali Cardari si ned D#he Ri ht to Free and 8ompulsory Education 9ill% 2012E"

<ec 10; >alala Gousuf+ai 'as declared runner%up as #ime ma a+ine named 0resident 9arac( Obama as its 5person of the year5 for the second time"

<ec 10; #he ?orld Fealth Or ani+ation suspended polio operations in 0a(istan and called bac( their field 'or(ers due to security threats" <ec 20; #he 1ational Assembly passed a bill to permit state interception of pri!ate communication mainly to trac( terrorists, after the o!ernment accepted 32 amendments proposed by the main opposition party" <ec 20; #he Supreme 8ourt 6S87 barred the actin chairman of 0a(istan Electronic >edia Re ulatory Authority 60emra7, 2r Abdul @abbar, from holdin office" <ec 21; #he Oil and .as 2e!elopment 8ompany Mimited 6O.28M7 disco!ered as reser!oir of about 1"03 trillion cubic feet 6#8F7 from its 'ell Cin S>M%/, located in 2era 9u ti, 9alochistan" <ec 21; 0resident Asif Ali Cardari assented to Airports Security Force 6Amendment7 9ill 2012" <ec 22; #he Election 8ommission of 0a(istan 6E807 proposed a four%fold increase in election e$penditure to Rs"3 million for a 1ational Assembly seat and Rs"<m for that of a pro!incial assembly" <ec 23; #he ?orld >eteorolo ical Or anisation of the United 1ations unanimously re%elected 2r Lamar%u+%Caman 8haudhry !ice%president of ?>O for Asian Re ion for four years" <ec 2.; 0resident Asif Ali Cardari inau urated a =0>? 'indmill pro-ect that enerates ener y from rene'able sources, in @himpir near #hatta" <ec 2.; 0a(istan officially reco nised Koso!o as an independent state" 0a(istan\s Ambassador to #ur(ey has been accredited to Koso!o as the country5s en!oy" <ec 2H; 0a(istan /nternational Airlines launched its Luetta%Kandahar ser!ice" <ec 2H; 0resident Asif Ali Cardari decorated Sindh .o!ernor 2r /shrat%ul%Ebad 'ith 1ishan%i% /mtia+, the hi hest ci!il a'ard, in reco nition of 2r Ebad5s ser!ices in the field of public ser!ice as o!ernor o!er the past 10 years" <ec 2H; >a(hdoom Ahmad >ehmood too( oath as 2&th o!ernor of 0un-ab" <ec 2H; A no%confidence motion a ainst Spea(er of the 9alochistan Assembly, >r >uhammad Aslam 9hootani, 'as adopted in the assembly"

<ec 2I; 0rime >inister Ra-a 0er!e+ Ashraf appro!ed comprehensi!e uidelines for streamlinin the ci!il ser!ice" <ec 2I; 0un-ab ot an independent nephrolo y department, the first in the pro!ince" <ec 2I; #he 0a(istan Rail'ays and a pri!ate company si ned an a reement to operate third passen er train, the 1i ht 8oach E$press, bet'een 0un-ab and Sindh capitals" <ec 2I; #he Khyber 0a(htun(h'a o!ernment appointed Faroon 9ilour, the son of assassinated senior minister 9ashir 9ilour, ad!iser to 8hief >inister Ameer Faider Foti on local o!ernment affairs" <ec 2#; Goun 9ila'al mar(ed his entry into acti!e politics at a lar e rally held to pay homa e to his mother, 9ena+ir 9hutto, on the fifth anni!ersary of her assassination" <ec 2M; Meader of the 0a(istani #aliban Fa(imullah >ehsud said he 'as 'illin to hold peace tal(s 'ith the 0a(istan o!ernment but 'ould ne!er lay do'n arms till implementation of Shariah in the country"

<ec 2M; #he 0a(istani teena e acti!ist >alala Gousuf+ai 'as named as #he #imes DGoun 0erson of the GearE" <ec 20; 2ata from =3 meteorolo ical stations in 0a(istan sho's a sharp rise in temperature durin the first decade of the 21st century, e$cept the year 200=" /mpacts included loss of !e etation, deforestation and irre ular precipitation, says a study, part of the Synthesis Report 2012" <ec 20; A refurbished plant for manufacture of small arms ammunition 'as commissioned at the 0a(istan Ordnance Factories 60OF7 ?ah 8antt" <ec 30; >ir >ohammad Gusuf 9adini of 0a(istan 0eople5s 0arty 'as elected unopposed to a Senate seat" <ec 30; Rotary @o .oth, a model !illa e for the 'orst flood%affected 1=0 families of 2istrict #hatta 'as inau urated by 1isar Ahmed Khuhro, Spea(er Sindh Assembly" <ec 30; A boo( DAi( .ha+alE consistin of 30,000 !erses and 'ritten by 0ir+ada Ashi:ue Keran!i 'as launched" #he boo( claimed to be a record%brea(in lon est poetic creation e!er 'ritten in Urdu in form of

.ha+al" <ec 31; #he o!ernment set another ei ht senior #aliban leaders free in t'o batches o!er the past fe' days" <ec 31; #he 9alochistan Assembly elected Syed >atiullah A ha of @U/%F as spea(er and 2r Fou+ia >arri of 910%A'ami as the deputy spea(er" <ec 31; Sharee(a, a 0un-abi film produced by Syed 1oor, 'as declared the mo!ie of 2012 and 'on the 32nd Asian A'ards" 2an 01; #he Supreme 8ourt suspended its re istrar5s summonin by the 0ublic Accounts 8ommittee of the 1ational Assembly" 2an 01; #he Economic 8oordination 8ommittee 6E887 of the cabinet appro!ed Mi:uefied 0etroleum .as 6M0.7 0olicy and chan ed the composition of the shareholdin in 9usiness #rain by increasin 0a(istan Rail'ays5 share" 2an 01; 9yco5s sin le point moorin 6S0>7 facility, set up on the coast of Arabian Sea at a distance of appro$imately 1<(m from the 9yco5s >ou+a Kund site, 'as commissioned" 2an 02; Ciauddin Gousaf+ai, the father of >alala Gousuf+ai, 'as appointed 0a(istan5s education attachR in 9irmin ham" 2an 03; #he Abbottabad 8ommission, tas(ed 'ith re!ealin the circumstances surroundin the (illin of Osama bin Maden in a US raid in 2011, presented its findin s to 0rime >inister" 2an 03; >alala Gousuf+ai 'as chosen as the Ferald5s 0erson of the Gear for 2012 for Dchampionin the cause of irls5 education" 2an 03; #he 9ena+ir /ncome Support 0ro ramme 69/S07 si ned a memorandum of understandin 6>oU7 'ith #ransparency /nternational 0a(istan 6#/07 to further stren then its accountability mechanism" 2an 0.P #he Election 8ommission of 0a(istan 6E807 appointed Sonu Khan 9aloch as Khyber 0a(htun(h'a Election 8ommissioner replacin K0 Election 8ommissioner #ari: Ladri, 'ho 'as made the 0un-ab Election 8ommissioner" #he 0un-ab E8 head, >ehboob An'ar, 'as made Sindh Election 8ommissioner" 2an 0H; #he 0un-ab /nstitute of Man ua e, Art and 8ulture launched a yearly cash a'ard of Rs"100,000 for the best 'or(s on 0un-abi lan ua e and literature after the name of reno'ned 0un-abi scholar researcher, poet, 'riter and -ournalist Shaf:at #an!ir >ir+a" 2an 0I; A 0a(istani soldier 'as (illed and another in-ured in a unfi ht bet'een /ndian and 0a(istani troops in Kashmir, an incident that could hei hten tensions bet'een the nei hbours" 2an 0I; /ntense fo and chill bro(e =0%year record in plain areas of 0un-ab" 2an 0I; Former 8hief @ustice of 0esha'ar Fi h 8ourt 60F87 >uhammad Ra+a Khan 'as appointed ad!iser at the Federal Ombudsman5s office" 2an 0#; #he Supreme 8ourt accepted >L> chief Altaf Fussain5s apolo y in a contempt of court

case" 2an 0#; #eh+eebun 1isa, an officer of A@K5s mana ement roup, became the first 'oman deputy commissioner in A+ad @ammu X Kashmir 6A@K7 'hen she assumed the char e of her office" 2an 00; Ra-a A+eemul Fa:, 0rime >inister Ra-a 0er!ai+ Ashraf5s son%in%la', assumed the char e as Alternate E$ecuti!e 2irector of the ?orld 9an(" 2an 00; 2istin uished politician and acti!ist 1ilofar 9a(htiar 'as decorated, in /ndia, 'ith Fappy ?omen Fappy ?orld A'ard 2012 for humanitarian ser!ices" 2an 00; #he &th South Asian Free >edia 8onference 2013 ) A South Asian Sision and UnionP openin minds, openin borders, 'as held in Mahore on @anuary =%,, 2013" 2an 00; #he Safma re%elected /mtia+ Alam, editor of Luarterly South Asian @ournal, as its Secretary .eneral" 0olitical Editor of Findustan #imes Sinod Sharma 'as chosen as 0resident 'hile 0a(istani -ournalist >ehmal Sarfra+ became 2eputy Secretary .eneral for the ne$t term" 2an 00; 0a(istan proposed a U1 probe into attac(s across the Mine of 8ontrol 6Mo87 o!er the past fe' days" 2an 00; ]9et'een 8lay and 2ust] by 0a(istani author >usharraf Ali Faroo:i 'as amon fi!e boo(s shortlisted for Asia5s most presti ious a'ard, the I30,000 >an Asian Miterary 0ri+e" 2an 10; 9omb and suicide attac(s in Luetta and a po'erful e$plosion in the >in ora to'n of S'at !alley claimed the li!es of at least 11= people and left 231 others in-ured" 2an 10; #he A'ami 1ational 0arty 6A107 nominated >inister for /nformation >ian /fti(har Fussain as its parliamentary leader in Khyber 0a(htun(h'a Assembly" 2an 10; #he 8ompetition 8ommission of 0a(istan 68807 imposed a fine of Rs"2= million on the /nstitute of 8hartered Accountants of 0a(istan 6/8A07, and restrained it from prohibitin trainin of non%/8A0 accountancy students by their appro!ed trainin or anisations" 2an 12; #he 0a(%Saudi @oint na!al e$ercise 1aseem Al 9ahr commenced" #his 'as the 10th e$ercise of this series and 'as held in 0a(istani 'aters" 2an 1.; 9alochistan .o!ernor Culfi(ar Ali >a si too( o!er as chief e$ecuti!e of 9alochistan after a proclamation for imposition of o!ernor5s rule in the pro!ince 'as issued" 2an 1.; After the acceptance of their demands, the Fa+ara Shia community ended their protest and buried the bodies of their &3 lo!ed ones (illed in the t'in bomb blasts" 2an 1.; #he 0a(istan army lod ed a stron protest 'ith the /ndian military authorities o!er Dcontinuous ceasefire !iolationsE alon the Mine of 8ontrol 6Mo87 in Kashmir" 2an 1.; #he pro!incial o!ernment appro!ed establishment of Khyber 0a(htun(h'a Authority for 0romotion of Re ional Man ua es" 2an 1.; Shahru(h @atoi, the main accused in the Shah+eb murder case, surrendered himself to the 0a(istani 8onsulate .eneral in 2ubai"

2an 1H; #he 9alochistan Assembly unanimously adopted t'o resolutions 'hich re-ected imposition of o!ernor5s rule in the pro!ince as an undemocratic mo!e, demanded re!ersal and called for a -udicial in:uiry into the (illin of Shia Fa+aras in bomb blasts" 2an 1H; #he Supreme 8ourt directed the 1ational Accountability 9ureau 61A97 to arrest 0rime >inister Ra-a 0er!ai+ Ashraf and other persons, in!ol!ed in Rental 0o'er 0ro-ects 6R00s7 scam" 2an 1H; Supreme 8ourt 6S87 constituted a t'o%member >edia Accountability 8ommission headed by @ustice 6R7 1asir Aslam Cahid and comprisin @a!ed @abbar" 2an 1H; #he Mahore Fi h 8ourt set aside appointment of chairman 0a(istan #elecommunication Authority by declarin it ille al and ordered his immediate remo!al"

<ec 11; An international study re!ealed that Asian schoolchildren dominate in readin , math and science, comin in ahead of their peers in Europe and the US" <ec 11; Soldiers arrested >ali\s prime minister and ordered him to resi n" <ec 13; 2ian o 8isso(o s'ore in as the ne' interim prime minister of >ali"

<ec 13; European Union finance ministers bro(ered a deal to create a sin le ban( super!isor 'ith po'ers to close do'n lenders ri ht across the euro+one" <ec 1.; At least 2& people, includin 20 children, 'ere (illed 'hen at least one shooter opened fire at an elementary school in 1e'to'n, 8onnecticut" <ec 1.; 8hina pro!ided the United 1ations 'ith detailed claims to 'aters in the East 8hina Sea" <ec 1.; En!oys in 2ubai si ned a ne' U1 telecommunications treaty to endorse a reater o!ernment control of the internet" #he US and more than 20 other countries refused to ratify the accord by the 1,3%nation /nternational #elecommunications Union" <ec 1.; /ndian and 0a(istani home ministers si ned an a reement to ease !isa restrictions for tra!ellers" <ec 1#; Sene+uelans sho'ed o!er'helmin support for Fu o 8ha!e+As United Socialist 0arty in

elections for o!ernors by selectin its candidates in almost all of the nation5s 23 states" <ec 1#; ?orld5s scariest brid e, #itlis 8liff ?al(, opened in S'it+erland" /t5s a pedestrian 'al('ay suspended 1,=00ft abo!e a lacier in the S'iss Alps and is the hi hest suspension brid e in Europe at ,,000ft abo!e sea le!el" <ec 1#; Romanian 0resident #raian 9asescu reappointed Sictor 0onta as prime minister, a!ertin the ris( of a political crisis in one of the European Union5s ne'est states" <ec 1M; South African president @acob Cuma scored a thumpin !ictory in the A185s leadership contest to lead Africa5s lar est economy until 201," <ec 1M; 9ritain5s Lueen Eli+abeth // attended her first%e!er cabinet meetin to mar( her diamond -ubilee, the only monarch to do so since 1*&1" <ec 1M; A 0a(istani ori in Fouse of Mords member, Mord #ari: Ahmad of ?imbledon, 'as made Mord in ?aitin to the Lueen Eli+abeth // at her ma-esty #he Lueen5s household" >r #ari: 'ill perform !arious duties of state, includin the recei!in of heads of states on behalf of her ma-esty" <ec 10; South Korea elected 0ar( .eun%Fye, dau hter of the country5s former military ruler, as its first female president" <ec 10; Russia5s lo'er house, State 2uma, of parliament passed in a (ey second readin a bill bannin Americans from adoptin Russian orphans amid a hu e outcry a ainst the mo!e" <ec 20; #'enty%year%old Oli!ia 8ulpo, an American uni!ersity student, became >iss Uni!erse, brin in the cro'n bac( to the United States after a drou ht of more than a decade"

<ec 20; French 0resident Fran^ois Follande ac(no'led ed FranceAs \brutal\ colonial rule o!er the Al erian people, as he sou ht to launch a ne' era in ties on a t'o%day !isit" <ec 20; 0ope 9enedict [S/ si ned a decree reco nisin the Dheroic !irtuesE of late 0ope 0aul S/, puttin him on the first step to'ards beatification and e!entually sainthood" <ec 20; /ndia successfully test%fired an indi enously de!eloped nuclear capable 0rith!i%// missile 'ith a stri(e ran e of 3=0(m" <ec 21; South Korean rapper 0sy made social media history 'hen his !iral hit son , 5.an nam Style5, became the first !ideo on Gou#ube to reach one billion !ie's"

<ec 22; /taly5s head of state dissol!ed parliament and 0rime >inister >ario >onti resi ned" <ec 2.; U(rainian 0resident Si(tor Ganu(o!ich named Serhiy Arbu+o! first deputy prime minister in the ne' o!ernment" <ec 2.; Russian 0resident Sladimir 0utin si ned deals to sell *1 military helicopters and (its to build <2 fi hter -ets to /ndia" <ec 2H; E ypt !oters appro!ed o!er'helmin ly a constitution drafted by 0resident >ohamed >ursi5s /slamist allies" #he o!ernment also imposed currency restrictions to cope 'ith an economic crisis 'orsened by 'ee(s of unrest" <ec 2I; Russia5s upper house of parliament unanimously bac(ed a bill barrin Americans from adoptin Russian children" <ec 2I; Shin+o Abe 'as !oted bac( into office as @apanese prime minister" <ec 2I; 8hina launched ser!ices on the 'orld5s lon est hi h%speed rail route, the 2,2,&%(ilometre 61,<2=%mile7 line bet'een 9ei-in and .uan +hou" 2ecember 23 'as chosen to commemorate the birth, in 1&,3, of late 8hinese leader >ao Cedon " <ec 2M; South Korea nominated its trade minister, #aeho 9ar(, to succeed 0ascal Mamy as director% eneral of the ?orld #rade Or anisation" <ec 2M; 8hina launched commercial and public ser!ices across the Asia%0acific re ion on its domestic satellite na!i ation net'or(" #he 9eidou system is e$pected to pro!ide lobal co!era e by 2020" <ec 20; 0resident 9arac( Obama enacted a la' to counter /ran5s alle ed influence in Matin America" <ec 20; 8hina passed a ne' la' stipulatin that family members should pay re ular !isit to their elderly relati!es" <ec 20; Saudi Arabia un!eiled its lar est%e!er bud et, boostin 2013 e$penditure outlay to &20 billion riyals 6I21, billion7" <ec 31; /ran test%fired a ran e of 'eapons durin on oin manoeu!res near the Strait of Formu+" #he /ranian%made air defence system Raad, or #hunder, 'as amon the 'eapons tested" #he Raad system fires missiles 'ith a ran e of =0 (ilometres, capable of hittin tar ets at 22,000 metres 6*=,000 feet7" 2an 01; #he U1 Special Rapporteur on the /ndependence of @ud es and Ma'yers, .abriela Knaul, appealed to the Sri Man(an o!ernment to 5reconsider5 the impeachment of 8hief @ustice Shirani 9andaranaya(e" 2an 01; #he US Senate endorsed a plan to a!ert fiscal cliff and sent it to the Fouse of Representati!es 'ith a stron bipartisan !ote, ma(in it difficult for the Fouse to re-ect it" Ei hty% nine of the 100 senators !oted for the measure" 2an 02; /ran shot do'n t'o US%made RL%11 reconnaissance drones in the past 1= months, addin

to a ScanEa le drone and RL%1*0 Sentinel stealth aircraft it already claims to ha!e captured" 2an 03; #he Sri Man(an Supreme 8ourt declared the impeachment of 8hief @ustice Shirani 9andaranaya(e as unconstitutional and null and !oid" 2an 03; .en" @ohn R" Allen, the senior US commander in Af hanistan, submitted military option to the 0enta on that 'ould (eep 3,000 to 20,000 American troops in Af hanistan after 201<" 2an 03; #ur(ey tied up a iant a reement 'ith the United Arab Emirates for the de!elopment of coal fields in southern #ur(ey to enerate electricity and ensure po'er for the fast% ro'in economy" 2an 03; #he US 0resident 9arac( Obama si ned the Dfiscal cliffE deal into la', a!ertin a financial crisis 'ith lobal repercussions" 2an 03; 0resident 9arac( Obama si ned a I333 billion defence bill that ti htens penalties on /ran and stren thens security at diplomatic missions 'orld'ide" 2an 0.; @ohn 9oehner 'on re%election as spea(er of the Fouse of Representati!es and 'ill a ain lead Republicans as they ta(e on the ?hite Fouse o!er federal spendin " 2an 0H; A monster bluefin tuna sold for a record%brea(in I1"& million, nearly three times the pre!ious hi h set last year" #he 222%(ilo ram fish, cau ht off @apan5s northern city of Oma, fetched a 'innin bid of 1=="< million yen 6about I1"& million7" 2an 0I; 0resident 9ashar al%Assad offered a roadmap to end Syria5s conflict" #he main Syrian opposition roupin , the 1ational 8oalition, immediately re-ected the plan" 2an 0I; Sene+uelan la'ma(ers re%elected a staunch ally of Fu o 8ha!e+ to head the 1ational Assembly" 2an 0#; Al eria and Latar si ned nine accords, includin for the construction of a steel plant, durin a !isit by Latari Emir Shei(h Famad bin Khalifa al%#hani" 2an 0#; US 0resident 9arac( Obama nominated t'o contro!ersial officials, 8huc( Fa el and @ohn 9rennan, as secretary of defence and the 8/A chief respecti!ely for his second%term national security team" 2an 0#; /ndia5s chief -ustice ordered -ud es to set up special courts to fast%trac( trials for se$ crimes after the outcry o!er a brutal an %rape and murder" 2an 0#; >alta5s president dissol!ed 0arliament and set national elections for >arch ," 2an 0#; A top aide to 0resident >ahmoud Ahmadine-ad 'as replaced as the head of /ran5s state /slamic Republic 1e's A ency 6/R1A7" 2an 00; >o!ie oers in 8hina spent 1* billion yuan 6I2"* billion7 on tic(ets last year, turnin the country into the second%lar est film mar(et in the 'orld" United States is the 'orld5s lar est mo!ie mar(et" 2an 00; #he European Union un!eiled a ne' cybercrime centre 6E837 in #he Fa ue"

2an 00; A US defence contractor, accused of helpin torture prisoners at /ra:5s infamous Abu .hraib prison, paid former detainees more than I= million to settle a la' suit" 2an 00; 9ritain5s capital be an year%lon celebrations for the 1=0th anni!ersary of the 'orld5s oldest under round passen er rail'ay" 2an 00; #he United States hinted at 'ithdra'al of all its troops from Af hanistan by 201< and also emphasised 0a(istan5s role in brin in stability to the 'ar%ra!a ed country" 2an 10; ?ith his choice of @acob @" Me' to be secretary of the 0resident 9arac( Obama completed the transformation of his economic team" 2an 10; #he South Korean capital Seoul installed anti%suicide monitorin de!ices on brid es o!er the city5s Fan Ri!er" 2an 11; US 0resident 9arac( Obama said that it 'ould be !ery hard to ima ine stability and peace in the re ion if 0a(istan and Af hanistan did not come to some a reement" 2an 11; Saudi Kin Abdullah appointed 'omen for the first time to a top ad!isory body, 'ith decrees published mar(in a brea(throu h" 2an 13; Sri Man(an 0resident >ahinda Ra-apa(sa sac(ed the country5s first female 8hief @ustice Shirani 9andarnaya(e after ratifyin her impeachment by parliament" 2an 1.; Suicides in the US military sur ed to a record 3<, last year, far e$ceedin American combat deaths in Af hanistan" 2an 1.; #he UAE and Ar entina si ned an a reement to cooperate in the field of peaceful nuclear ener y" 2an 1.; /ran hosta e drama DAr oE scored a s'eet double !ictory at the .olden .lobe a'ards, 'innin best mo!ie drama, the ni ht5s top pri+e, and best director for 9en Afflec(" 2an 1.; #he o!ernors of >adina and the resti!e Eastern Re ion of Saudi Arabia 'ere remo!ed" 2an 1.; /ndian%ori in politician Falimah Gacob became Sin apore5s first female Spea(er of parliament" 2an 1.; .lobal 'armin has caused monthly records for heat to increase fi!efold in fre:uency, accordin to a study by scientists in .ermany and Spain" 2an 1H; Russia ranted 9an ladesh a I1 billion loan for 'eapons purchases and I=00 million to help one of Asia5s poorest countries build its first nuclear po'er plant" 2an 1H; Former Attorney eneral >ohan 0eiris 'as s'orn in as Sri Man(a5s <<th chief @ustice" 2an 1H; /ndian 0rime >inister >anmohan Sin h said that the business 'ith 0a(istan could not be as usual after the incidents at the Mine of 8ontrol 6Mo87" /ndia also chan ed its mind about the ne' !isa re ime, citin 5technical problems5"

'cience O Technolo!y

<ec 1#; A brain%remo!al tool used by ancient E yptian embalmers 'as found 'ed ed in the s(ull of a female mummy after embalmers left it there thousands of years a o" <ec 10; #he 8eti, one of our closest stars, is a ood candidate for hostin an Earth%li(e planet, astronomers reported" Mocated a relati!ely close 12 li ht years a'ay, the Sun%li(e star has fi!e planets that orbit it in a balmy +one 'hich i!es the best chance for nurturin life" <ec 2M; #itan arum, also (no'n as the Dcorpse flo'erE, is the 'orld5s smelliest and lar est tropical flo'er" 2an 01; Female humpbac(s on the pro'l prefer the lar est males on the breedin round, 'hile smaller males ra!itate to'ards smaller females ) apparently so as Dto run less ris( of a bi male comin o!er and beatin you upE" 2an 01; #he human brain responds to music in different 'ays, dependin on the listener5s emotional reaction, amon other thin s" 1o' researchers report that the same holds true for birds listenin to bird son " 2an 01; Addin to the current crop of health ris(s in!ol!ed in space tra!el, ne' research su ests that it could be harmful for the brain because alactic cosmic radiation could cause Al+heimer5s" 2an 03; Our >il(y ?ay ala$y is home to at least 100 billion alien planets, and possibly many more, a ne' study su ests" 2an 0M; #he >il(y ?ay contains at least 1* billion planets the si+e of Earth" Astronomers usin 1ASA5s Kepler spacecraft found that about 1* per cent of stars in our ala$y ha!e a planet about the si+e of Earth in a close orbit" 2an 0M; A ne' study su ests that babies learn bits of their nati!e lan ua es e!en before they are born" A baby de!elops the ability to hear by about 30 'ee(s5 estation" 2an 00; Meno!o is to release a 2*%inch ?indo's & 08 billed as a computer for multiple users" 2an 00; An asteroid belie!ed to pose a remote ris( of collidin 'ith Earth this century is 20 per cent bi er than pre!iously thou ht" /n a press release, the European Space A ency 6ESA7 said its Ferschel deep%space telescope had scanned a space roc( called ,,,<2 Apophis as it headed to'ards its closest flyby 'ith our planet in years" 2an 00; 2012 'as the 'armest year on record in the conti uous United States, accordin to scientists 'ith #he 1ational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" 2an 00; A smart #S, un!eiled at the /nternational 8onsumer Electronics Sho', offers technolo ies that 'atch the !ie'er, in an effort to offer more rele!ant pro rammin " 2an 10; A ne' species of flyin fro 'hich can lide from tree to tree usin its 'ebbed hands and feet as parachutes has been disco!ered" 2an 12; Astronomers ha!e disco!ered the lar est (no'n structure in the uni!erse, a clump of acti!e alactic cores that stretches < billion li ht%years from end to end" 2an 1H; A batch of 1,000%year%old manuscripts from the mountainous northern reaches of

Af hanistan has re!ealed pre!iously un(no'n details about the cultural, economic and reli ious life of a @e'ish society in a 0ersian part of the >uslim empire in the 11th century" 2an 1H; Adult shar(s ha!e sensiti!e receptors that can detect electric fields emitted by prey and predators" 1o' it turns out that at least in one species, their unborn offsprin ha!e the same po'ers"

<ec 1.; #he State 9an( of 0a(istan cut its policy interest rate by =0 basis points to ,"= per cent brin in do'n the rate to a sin le di it for the first time in fi!e years" <ec 10; #he S'iss ban(in iant U9S announced a record settlement 'ith financial re ulators in se!eral countries, a reein to a combined I1"= billion in fines for its role in Mibor" 2an 03; 1atural catastrophes includin the US hurricane Sandy caused I130 billion 'orth of dama e in 2012, the 'orld\s leadin reinsurer, >unich Re, estimated" 2an 0.; #hailand lost its status as the 'orld5s top rice e$porter in 2012 o!erta(en by /ndia and Sietnam" 2an 0.; Mu$ury .erman carma(er >ercedes 9en+ achie!ed record sales in 2012" About 1"3 million >ercedes 9en+ cars 'ere purchased in 2012" 2an 0#; 0a(istan Rail'ays 60R7 purchased 202 coaches of different types from 8hina at a cost of abo!e Rs"13 billion" 2an 0M; #he State 9an( of 0a(istan allo'ed the Fau-i Foundation to ac:uire ma-ority shares of the As(ari 9an(" 2an 0M; US re ulators ha!e reached an I&"= billion settlement 'ith 10 ma-or lenders to resol!e claims of foreclosure abuses, includin the use of fla'ed paper'or( and bun led loan modifications that may ha!e led to 'ron ful e!ictions" 2an 11; Sindh achie!ed ,3 per cent of the 'heat so'in tar et obtainin the production le!el of 3"3 million tonnes for 2012%13 Rabi crop" 2an 11; @apan5s ne' o!ernment un!eiled a I223"= billion stimulus plan in the latest bid to boost the 'orld5s number three economy" 2an 12; 0rime >inister Ra-a 0er!ai+ Ashraf inau urated the 0hase%1 of Al%#u'air:i Steel >ills, ha!in the annual production capacity of 1"2& million tonnes" 2an 1.; #he Federal 9oard of Re!enue 6F9R7 e$tended the -urisdiction of the ?eb 9ased Auto 8learance 6?e9o87 soft'are to off%port container terminals" 2an 1H; Stoc(s fell by o!er =00 points, the fourth time in its history, follo'in arrest orders issued for the prime minister in a corruption case"

<ec 11; Serbia5s 1o!a( 2-o(o!ic beat Andy >urray to the /nternational #ennis Federation5s 6/#F7

annual men5s ?orld 8hampion a'ard" Serena ?illiams of the US too( the 'omen5s pri+e for a third time" <ec 13; 0a(istan lost the final of the 9lind #20 ?orld 8up to /ndia by 2, runs in 9an alore" <ec 1I; Amir Khan, a 9ritish bo$er of 0a(istan ori in defeated pre!iously unbeaten American 8arlos >olina in a li ht%'elter'ei ht sho'do'n" <ec 1I; 8hen Mon 'on badminton5s 9?F Super series Finals by do'nin 8hinese compatriot 2u 0en yu" <ec 1I; 8orinthians stunned 8helsea to 'in soccer5s 8lub ?orld 8up" <ec 1I; ?orld super middle'ei ht champion Arthur Abraham defended his ?9O belt 'ith a technical (noc(%out 'in o!er France5s >ehdi 9ouadla in 1urember " <ec 1I; Kenyan runners s'ept the titles in both men5s and 'omen5s cate ories in the Fubon #aipei >arathon" <ec 1#; 0a(istan 'on the second 2eaf Asia 8up, crushin Sri Man(a by ,2 runs in the final" <ec 1#; Sind /nstitute of Urolo y and #ransplantation5s 6S/U#7 athletes 'on si$ medals includin one old, three sil!er and t'o bron+e in the <th >iddle East #ransplant .ames at Abu 2habi" <ec 1#; En land bro(e a 2&%year%old -in$ 'ith a historic #est series 'in on /ndian soil 'ith a 2%1 !erdict in their fa!our" <ec 1M; 0a(istan handball team 'on the sil!er medal in the U%21 Asian 8hallen e #rophy in Kathmandu, 1epal"/ndia 'on old medal 'hile Gemen clinched bron+e" <ec 1M; >ohamed 9in Fammam, the former F/FA presidential candidate resi ned from all his positions in football and has been i!en a life ban" <ec 10; Australia ?omen 'on the Rose 9o'l 3%1 'ith a se!en%run !ictory in the final O2/ a ainst 1e' Cealand ?omen" <ec 22; #he >alaysian heroine 1icol 2a!id e$tended her record of ?orld Open titles to se!en from ei ht finals" <ec 22; Sin apore lifted the AFF Su+u(i 8up for a record fourth time 'ith a 'in o!er #hailand" <ec 23; /ndian battin le end Sachin #endul(ar announced his retirement from One%2ay /nternational cric(et after scorin a record brea(in <, centuries in the =0%o!er format" <ec 2I; 0resident Asif Ali Cardari inau urated the Shaheed >ohtarama 9ena+ir 9hutto /nternational 8ric(et Stadium in .arhi Khuda 9a(hsh" <ec 2#; 0a(istan 'on the Asian 8hampions #rophy hoc(ey tournament by beatin /ndia =%< in final" <ec 2#; @ournalists from 23 ne's a encies chose three%time Formula One champion Sebastian Settel as the European Sportsperson of the Gear"

<ec 2#; 0a(istan5s ne' fast bo'lin sensation >ohammad /rfan is the tallest cric(eter in the history 'ith a hei ht of se!en feet and one inch" <ec 2M; /ndia sur!i!ed 0a(istan s(ipper >ohammad Fafee+5s scare in the second #20 /nternational to le!el the series 1%1" <ec 2M; ?apda emer ed !ictorious in the 32nd 1ational .ames, 'innin the Luaid%iA+am trophy" #hey rabbed 1,0 old, &3 sil!er and <3 bron+e medals" 0a(istan Army had been 'innin the main trophy since the inception of the national ala in 1,<&" <ec 31; @apan5s Kohei Kono (noc(ed out title%holder #epparith Ko(iet ym of #hailand to 'in the ?orld 9o$in Association 6?9A7 super fly'ei ht title" <ec 31; 9an ladesh shel!ed a planned cric(et tour of 0a(istan on safety rounds" 2an 03; 1asir @amshed5s century helped 0a(istan to trounce /ndia in the second one%day international at the Eden .ardens and 'in the three%match series" 2an 0H; Serena ?illiams captured her <*th career title 'ith a comprehensi!e !ictory in the 9risbane /nternational final" 2an 0I; /ndia 'on the thrillin third O2/, denyin 0a(istan a clean s'eep" 2an 0I; Andy >urray defeated 9ul arian .ri or 2imitro! in the 9risbane /nternational final" 2an 0I; Australia beat Sri Man(a in the third and final #est to s'eep the series 3%0" /n addition, >ichael Fussey called it a day and announced the end of his #est career" 2an 0I; Spain secured a surprise !ictory in the Fopman 8up to 'in the mi$ed teams5 e!ent for the fourth time" 2an 0I; Austrian star >arcel Firscher 'on his third ?orld 8up slalom of the season settin a ne' ?orld 8up record of nine successi!e podium finishes in both this discipline and the iant slalom" 2an 0#; 1icol 2a!id retained her ?orld Series S:uash Finals title defeatin En land5s Maura >assaro" /n the men5s final, E ypt5s Amr Shabana beat En land5s 1ic( >atthe'" 2an 0M; >ali( Am-ad Ali 1oon 'as reelected as president of the 0un-ab S:uash Association" 2an 0M; Mionel >essi 'on an unprecedented fourth, consecuti!e, F/FA 9allon d\Or" 9efore it, >essi and former French star >ichel 0latini 'ere only players to 'in three strai ht 9allon d5Or a'ards" 2an 00; America5s 2ustin @ohnson captured the 0.A #our5s season%opener to 'in the Fyundai #ournament of 8hampions" 2an 00; Latari ace 1asser al%Attiya 'on his second successi!e sta e in this year5s 2a(ar Rally" 2an 10; 0a(istan 8ric(et 9oard 60897 launched 0a(istan Super Mea ue 60SM7 in an effort to re!i!e international cric(et in the country"

2an 10; #he 0a(istan 8ric(et 9oard 60897 launched the lo o of its #'enty20 0a(istan Super Mea ue 60SM7" 2an 12; Russia5s Elena Sesnina 'on her first ?#A title in the Fobart /nternational final" 2an 13; Off%spinner Saeed A-mal s'ept four trophies in the 0a(istan 8ric(et 9oard 608975s inau ural a'ards ceremony" 2an 1.; South Africa completed a series 'in o!er 1e' Cealand after thumpin them in the second #est" >uhammad Usman 9utt

&6' %E)E-,> A)+W>E<%E &,&E- 2012

1$ Canton is a city in;
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

7a8 8hina 6b7 South Korea 6c7 #hailand 6d7 .ermany 2" /ndonesia and >alaysia are separated byP 6a7 /naccessible mountain 6b7 >alacca Strait 6c7 .ulf of >alaysia 6d7 1one of these 3" 8apital of Cimbab'e is 6a7 Ma os 6b7 0retoria 6c7 Seoul 6d7 1one of these

<" >yanmar is the ne' name ofP 6a7 9urma 6b7 8eylon 6c7 8ambodia 6d7 1one of these =" >orocco and Spain are separated byP 6a7 0yrenees Fills 6b7 Strait of .ibraltar 6c7 Alps 6d7 Ri!er Rhine 3" #he Ape$ elected body in /srael is calledP 6a7 8on ress 6d7 Knesset 6c7 0arliament 6d7 Shura *" 8ommunist Re!olution in Russia too( place in the month ofP 6a7 @une 6b7 >arch 6c7 October 6d7 1o!ember &" 0ulit+er is an American A'ard in the field ofP 6a7 Metters and @ournalism 6b7 Scuba 6c7 Sports 6d7 >usic ," #he name of U"S En!oy for Af hanistan and 0a(istan is 6a7 Richard Folbroo(e 6b7 Meon 0anetta 6c7 >arc .rossman 6d7 Robert .ates 10" 2e facto meansP 6a7 Actual as a fact 6c7 2efecti!e 6d7 2eficient 11" 8arte 9lanche meansP 6a7 ?heel in the motion 6b7 A blan( thin 6c7 .oin by the rules 6d7 Full discretionary po'ers 12" 8orri endum meansP 6a7 #hin s to be corrected 6b7 A enda of the meetin 6c7 Study of some ender 6d7 8orrespondence 13" Fau$ 0as means 6a7 A line person 6b7 Muc( 6c7 False and incorrect step 6d7 ?isdom 1<" Fifth column refers to 6a7 Mon 'ritin 6b7 Moyalty 6c7 #reachery 6d7 Fo o pillar 1=" 0ediatrics refers toP 6a7 8are of pre nant 'omen 6b7 8are of old people 6b7 Me al

6c7 8are of bones and pin( 6d7 8are of children 13" 0ytha oras, eometrician belon ed toP 6a7 >esopetrrie 6b7 .reece 6c7 Syria 6d7 /taly 1*" Asian 2rama 'as 'ritten byP 6a7 @oseph 8onrad 6b7 .unner >yrdal 6c7 #homas 0ain 6d7 @a'ahar Mal 1ehru 1&" #olstoy 'as the author of famous no!el 6a7 /diot 6b7 2ar( 8ontinent 6c7 For 'hom the 9ell #olls 6d7 ?ar and 0eace 1," ?hich of the follo'in ran(s in the air force is hi her5 6a7 S:uadron Meader 6b7 Air 8ommdore 6c7 ?in 8ommander 6d7 .roup 8aptain 20" #he Fead:uarter of ?#O is atP 6a7 Rome 6b7 .ene!a 6c7 Mondon 6d7 1e' Gor( 21" /nternational 8ourt of @ustice sits atP 6a7 9russels 6b7 .ene!a 6c7 Mondon 6d7 0aris 22" Feat recei!ed by earth from the sun is (no'n as 6a7 /nsulation 6b7 Solar heat 6c7 Solar radiation 6d7 #hermal radiation 23" #he cheapest source of electricity eneration isP 6a7 1uclear 6b7 Fydel 6c7 Solar 6d7 #hermal 2<" Mar est political a ency in 0a(istan tribal area in terms of area isP 6a7 >ohamand 6b7 South ?a+iristan 6c7 1orth ?a+iristan 6d7 Kurram 2=" Mo'ari 0ass connectsP 6a7 2ir 'ith 8hitral 6b7 Kalam 'ith .il it 6c7 .oram 8hashma 'ith 1ooristan 6d7 Ka han Salley 'ith 8hilas 23" From Karachi farthest point on the coastal hi h'ay isP 6a7 0asni 6b7 .'adar _ Ormara 6d7 @i'ani 2*" 8ircumference of earth is aroundP 6a7 21*000 (m 6b7 *0000 (m

6c7 <0000 (m 6d7 =0000 (m 2&" #he deepest point in 0acific Ocean isP 6a7 >ariana #rench 6b7 #on a #rench 6c7 0orto Rico #rench 6d7 @a!e #rench 2," >ount Kiliman-aro is situated inP 6a7 Kenya 6b7 U anda 6c7 #an+ania 6d7 South Africa 30" Sue+ 8anal lin(s the follo'in seas 6a7 Red Sea 'ith >editerranean Sea 6b7 >editerranean Sea 'ith Adriatic Sea 6c7 9lac( Sea and Ae ean Sea 6d7 0ersian .ulf 'ith Arabian Sea 31" Kho-a( 0ass is located bet'een 6a7 Luetta and 2"/" Khan 6b7 Luetta and 8haman 6c7 @amrud Mandi(otal 6d7 Sibbi and >achh 32" 1earest part of atmosphere to earth is called 6a7 #roposphere 6b7 /onosphere 6c7 >esosphere 6d7 Stratosphere 33" 8olosseum, an amphitheatre, 'as builtP 6a7 1epalese 6b7 Rome 6c7 >ilan 6d7 Athens 3<" Special theory of relati!ity 'as proposed byP 6a7 .alilee 6b7 Robert Foo( 6c7 /saac 1e'ton 6d7 Albert Einstein 3=" /saac 1e'ton a!eP 6a7 Ma' of .eometry 6b7 1one of these 6c7 Ma' of 0lanetary >otion 6d7 Ma's of >otion and Ma's of .ra!itation 33" D8omposition of Alchemy] is 'ritten byP 6a7 @abir /bn Fayyan 6b7 /bn Al%Faitham 6c7 /bn Rushd 6d7 1asir Al%2in 3*" #he boo( 5Al Lanun Fi #ib5 is 'ritten byP 6a7 Al 9altani 6b7 /bn Rushd 6c7 Al 9iruni 6d7 Abu Ali Sina 3&" 8hile has a lon est shore alon P 6a7 Atlantic Sea 6b7 9lac( Sea 6c7 0acific Sea 6d7 >editerranean Sea 3," .ro'th 2omestic 0roduct in 0a(istan is ro'in at the rate ofP 6a7 2"<4 6b7 3"*4 6c7 ="=4 6d7 *4

<0" A riculture, the (ey sector in the 0a(istan economy accounts for 6a7 <=4 of ."2"0" 6b7 =14 of ."2"0" 6c7 214 of ."2"0" 6d7 2&4 of ."2"0" <1" #he earth is more closer to Sun inP 6a7 @anuary 6b7 @une 6c7 @uly 6d7 September <2" #ime re:uired for a computer to locate and transfer data is calledP 6a7 9asic #ime 6b7 Startin time 6c7 Access #ime 6d7 Analo ue #ime <3" A de!ice 'hich encodes character by mere depression of (eys is (no'n as 6a7 Keyboard 6b7 >ouse 6c7 Fard 2ri!e 6d7 0rinter <<" >i$ture of t'o metals is calledP 6a7 >ouse 6b7 2ispersion 6c7 Alloy 6d7 Fard 2ri!e <=" #he area inside a computer frame and au$iliary stora e 'here data and instructions are stored is calledP 6a7 >emory 6b7 Recorder 6c7 Fopper /nterpreter 6d7 Fard 2ri!e <3" An e$tremely small piece of silicon on 'hich inte rated circuits are implicated is calledP 6a7 Feed 6b7 Follerith 8ode 6c7 8hip 6d7 8ard Reader <*" #he time, ta(en by li ht to reach earth from the Sun isP 6a7 10 minutes 20 seconds 6b7 12 minutes 30 seconds 6c7 < minutes 30 seconds 6d7 & minutes 1= seconds <&" #he shape of our mil(y 'ay ala$y isP 6a7 Elliptic 6b7 Rectan ular 6c7 /rre ular 6d7 Spiral <," #he coldest planet of Solar System is 6a7 0luto 6b7 Saturn 6c7 >ars 6d7 @upiter =0" 9/>A1 is the airline of 6a7 8ambodia 6b7 Af hanistan 6c7 9an ladesh 6d7 Sri Man(a =1" 3&th 0arallel line is a boundary that lies bet'een 6a7 >yanmar and #hailand 6b7 #hailand and >alaysia 6c7 South and 1orth Korea

6d7 /ndia and 8hina =2" O$y en by !olume has presence in the atmosphere of about 6a7 134 6b7 214 6c7 314 6d7 <34 =3" #he bri htest planet in the solar system is 6a7 Senus 6b7 Saturn 6c7 1eptune 6d7 >ars =<" #he planet 'ith shortest day time is 6a7 Earth 6b7 @upiter 6c7 Senus 6d7 0luto ==" /nsulin in human body is produced in 6a7 0ancreas 6b7 1one of these 6c7 Mi!er 6d7 Kidney =3" 2ynamite 'as disco!ered byP 6a7 2aimler 6b7 Alfred 1obel 6c7 Freud 6d7 >osley =*" Fo' far is 2ead Sea belo' >editerranean 6a7 200 meters 6b7 300 meters 6c7 <00 meters 6d7 =00 meters =&" Ma's of Feredity 'ere disco!ered byP 6a7 2ar'in 6b7 9en-amin Fran(lin 6c7 >endel 6d7 1one of these =," 1obel 0ri+e in 0hysics 'as a'arded to 0rofessor Abdus Salam in the yearP 6a7 1,3& 6b7 1,*3 6c7 1,*, 6d7 1,&2 30" #he lon est ri!er is located inP 6a7 Asia 6b7 Matin America 7c8 ,"rica 6d7 1orth America 31" #he hi hest mountain pea(, >ount E!erest, has been named after 8ol .eor e E!erest 'ho 'as 6a7 8ommandant of 1st >ountain /nfantry Unit 6b7 Sur!eyor .eneral of /ndia 6c7 A 8ommander of .oslcha 9ri ade 6d7 A 0olitical A ent in 1?F0 32" 8hristopher 8olumbus 'ho disco!ered America 'as 6a7 Spanish 6b7 /talian 6c7 French 6d7 2utch 33" #he annual a!era e flo' of 'ater in /ndus Ri!er System is 6a7 1<0 >AF 6b7 111 >AF 6c7 100 >AF 6d7 ,, >AF 3<" #he sin le bi est hydel po'er eneratin site is situated in

6a7 9ra+il 6b7 United Slates 6c7 /ndian 6d7 8hina 3=" #he US con ress and Senate raised the debt limited of US .o!ernment by 6a7 I=000 billion 6b7 I1000 billion 6c7 I1=00 billion 6d7 I2000 billion 33" />F and ?orld 9an( 'ere created throu h 6a7 #reaty of Sersailles 6b7 9retton ?oods A reement 6c7 Gaita 8onference 6d7 1e' 2eal 3*" >oorish Kin dom of .ranada 6Spain7 surrendered to 8hristians in the yearP 6a7 1<== 6b7 1<,2 6c7 1=2& 6d7 1==* 3&" #he 0resident of Gu osla!iaBSerbia 'ho 'as indicated and tried by ?ar 8riminal #ribunal 'asP 6a7 Fran-o #udrnan 6b7 Radeosla! 9rad-nin 6c7 Slobodan >ilo`e!ic 6d7 Ral(o >elefic 3," ?ho 'as not the member of the1st 8abinet of 0a(istanH 6a7 @o indar 1ath >andal 6b7 >ali( .hulam >uhammad 6c7 Sardar Abdur Rab 1ishtar 6d7 Fussain Shaheed Suhra'ardy *0" 0resident of Syria 9ashar Al Asad is by faith aP 6a7 Ala!i 6b7 Shia 6c7 2ru+e 6d7 Sunni *1" US 0resident 9arac( Fussain Obama5s father 'as 6a7 1i erian 6b7 E yptian 6c7 Kenyan 6d7 /ndonesian *2" 9lind 2olphins are found m 6a7 1ile Ri!er 6b7 Gan t+e Ri!er 6c7 .an es Ri!er 6d7 1one of these *3" #he 8aptain of 0a(istan 8ric(et team 'hich defeated En land in the O!al in 1,=< 6a7 Abdul Fafee+ Kardar 6b7 Khan >uhammad 6c7 Fa+al >ehmood 6d7 Fanif >uhammad *<" #he 1st Olympic .old >edal for 0a(istan 'as in the Summer Olympic .ames ofP 6a7 1,== 6b7 1,30 6c7 1,3= 6d7 1,*0 *=" ?hen Ayub Khan too( o!er po'er in 1,=&, the 0rime >inister of 0a(istan 'asP 6a7 >ali( Fero+ Khan 1oon 6b7 >uhammad Ali 9o ra 6c7 Fussain Shaheed Suhar'ardy 6d7 1one of these

*3" #he first /nternational fli ht indentation by 0/A 'as on 6a7 *th @une 1,=< 6b7 1st Feb1,== 6c7 1*th @une 1,31 6d7 2=th >ay 1,=1 **" #he present 2eputy 8hairman of 0lannin 8ommission is 6a7 2r /shrat Fussain 6b7 2r Shahid Am-ad 6c7 1adeem ul Fa: 6d7 2r A(ram Shei(h *&" #he present Secretary .eneral of U1 is from, 6a7 2r /shrat Fussain 6b7 2r Shahid Am-ad 6c7 Australia 6d7 South Korea *," #he cash balance of the company is more than the cash balance of USP 6a7 >icrosoft 6b7 Apple 6c7 9ethel 6d7 2un0ont &0" After the con:uest of 0un-ab, 9ritish constituted a three member 9oard of Administration for o!ernin the 0un-ab" /ndicate 'ho 'as not the member amon the follo'in P 6a7 8harles >ansel 6b7 9obert >ont omery 6c7 @ohn Ma'rence 6d7 Fenry Ma'rence &1" #he father of >odern Science fiction isP 6a7 Aid Furled 6b7 >aupassant 6c7 9ernard Russell 6d7 F" ." ?ells &2" #he office of 2istrict >a istrate 'as abolished throu h 6a7 0olice Order 2002 6b7 Amendment in 8ode of 8riminal 0rocedure 6c7 Mocal .o!ernment Ordinance 2001 6d7 1*th Amendment in the 8onstitution &3" /ndian Rail'ay started operation 6a7 1&13 6b7 1&<* 6c7 1&=3 6d7 1&33 &<" First /nternational Olympic .ames 'ere held in .reece in 1&,3 in the month of 6a7 >arch 6b7 April 6c7 >ay 6d7 @une &=" One 'ho 'on rand Salam in tennis t'ice is 6a7 Roy Emerson 6b7 Meo Fod 6c7 Rod Ma!er 6d7 @immy 8onners &3" Fan in ardens of 9abylon 'ere located in the modern day 6a7 Mebanon 6b7 /ra: 6c7 Syria 6d7 @ordon @?# Editorial 9oard

9ow to 6ana!e Ener!y Consumption in +""ices and Wor(places

Ener!y consumption in o""ices and wor(places needs to be addressed on a lar!e scale as lot o" ener!y is consumed and wasted here$ The use o" e:cess ener!y contributes to the problems associated with dwindlin! "ossil "uel reser es$ ,lso, wastin! ener!y reduces pro"itability$
US Ambassador Richard Olson
Friday, February 01, 2013

#he o!ernment support pro rammes in some countries on ener y efficiency and mana ement as 'ell as carbon mana ement ha!e pro!ed that most companies can reduce their ener y costs by implementin maintenance and cost%effecti!e measures, 'hich help in mana in ener y consumption in offices and 'or(places" #he = steps and tips for effecti!e mana ement of ener y consumption in offices and 'or(places areP % 1$ Commitment 2$ 5nderstand 3$ &lan and +r!aniEe .$ ,ct H$ Control, 6onitor O -e iew 'tep 1$ Commitment Ener y must be used efficiently 'ithin the or ani+ation in order to (eep carbon dio$ide emissions to a minimum 'here!er possible" #he or ani+ational policy should include steps and effecti!e measures to'ards the en!ironment% the senior mana ement must set an e$ample by inculcatin a sustainability dri!e in office premises and by adaptin rene'able ener y and encoura in pro-ects that ma(e use of clean ener y" #his 'ill definitely i!e rise to ener y efficiency and impro!ed mana ement of ener y consumption in offices and 'or(places" A fe' of the employees 'ithin the or ani+ation must form a team and ta(e up the responsibility to ma(e other employees a'are of the importance of ener y efficiency and this team must et all the necessary co%operation needed by the senior mana ement" #his ener y team must act as the firms eyes and ears for mana in ener y 'asta eN be responsible for readin the meters and chec(in the fuel billsN de!elop a 'ee(ly or

monthly chec(list of dutiesN and consider formin an DEner y Action #eamE to report on pro ress and problems to stimulate further action" #he Key factors for commitment and efficient mana ement of ener y in offices and 'or(places areP % 0ressure for chan e 6senior mana ement commitment is essential7 A clear shared !ision 6in!ol!ement of staff7 8apacity for chan e 6pro!ide the resourcesP time X finance7 Action 6monitor performance X (eep commu nication channels open7 'tep 2$ 5nderstand DGou can5t mana e 'hat you don5t measureE is especially true for mana ement of ener y in offices and 'or(places" >eter readin s at re ular and fre:uent inter!als are necessary to control the ener y costs" 8onstant 'atch on the meter 'ill enableP % /dentification of e$ceptional consumption and :uic( attention to the causes 8hec(in of utility in!oices 'ill ensure that the payment is done only for the amount of fuel that is consumed 8omparison of current costs and performance 'ith pre!ious years 8omparison of se!eral sites, processes or buildin s in the company 'ith each other Assessin the seasonal pattern of consumption >a(in these comparisons 'ill help set impro!ement tar ets and identify 'here the reatest scope for sa!in ener y e$ists in business" Fo' often you ta(e meter readin s 'ill be determined by ho' much ener y is used" As a eneral rule of thumb, meters should be read monthly if in!oicin is :uarterly and be read 'ee(ly if in!oicin is monthly" >eter readin s can be recorded on 'or(sheets or on a computer spreadsheet" /n either case consumption can then be displayed raphically, 'hich is useful for detectin trends and i!in 'arnin of e$ceptional consumption" /n short payin attention to the simplest acti!ity helps in efficient mana ement of ener y consumption in offices and 'or(places" 'tep 3$ &lan and +r!aniEe An ener y policy statement must be introduced in e!ery or ani+ation to raise the a'areness amon the staff and demonstrate the commitment of senior mana ement to'ards mana ement of ener y consumption in office" A simple policy statement should set out the main ob-ecti!es, to ether 'ith the performance tar ets that need to be met to fulfill the ob-ecti!es" Once ob-ecti!es and tar ets ha!e been a reed, action plans can be dra'n up to dri!e the mana ement plan for'ard and set do'n 'hat needs to be done and 'hen"

'tep .$ ,ct A ood 'ay of mana in ener y consumption in office and findin ener y 'aste is to conduct an initial ener y 'al(%round" As( (ey members of the staff to identify problems and opportunities, and ensure that they feel part of the assessment process" #he pattern of ener y use 'ill !ary throu hout

the day, so it is useful to !ary the times of the 'al(%rounds, for e$ampleP ?hen the cleaners are on duty At lunchtime At ni ht or o!er 'ee(ends 6if the meter readin s indicate that there is une$pectedly hi h ener y use durin these periods7 ?hene!er ener y is bein 'asted because of lac( of a'areness, or procedures are bein i nored, repair or maintenance 'or( is needed to reduce ener y costs, or there is a need for capital in!estment" 'tep H$ Control, 6onitor O -e iew Ener y mana ement should be a process of continuous control and impro!ement, not a one%off effort" Recordin as 'ell as monitorin systems must be set up to chec( 'hether tar ets are bein met" >onitorin and #ar etin 6>X#7 has been sho'n to be an effecti!e mana ement tool in numerous companies and or ani+ations 9ut it should be (ept up" E$perience has sho'n that once companies stop monitorin their ener y use on a re ular basis, 'aste starts to occur ) often at least 104 in a relati!ely short time" #his is because problems arise 6for e$ample failed or 'ron ly set controls7 and procedures chan e and the effect on ener y consumption oes unnoticed or une$plained" #herefore, efficient mana ement of ener y consumption in offices and 'or(places, 'ith re ular data collection, its re!ie', monitorin and control 'ill ensure that ener y is not 'asted and there is efficient ener y use" 1abeel 1ia+

!ll material is sourced "rom http://jworldtimes.com/ and is copyright o" the respecti#e o$ners.

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