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Medical Schools

Univer sity Type 1. University of Aberdeen Campus School of Medicine

Offer AAA Chem and either maths or bio UKCAT

Course Type Lectures, tutorials, practical anatomy and clinical sessions and small roup Community Course sessions UKCA #roblem91ased Learnin , #ractical sessions, Communication s:ills, #ro;ect <or:, 09Learnin lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory <or:, practicals, bedside eBperience, clinical eBperience, little #1L, enCuiry based learnin

Interesting Points !ption to study rural medicine The re ent scheme " support and mentorin Student pairin scheme #atient contact year 1 !pportunity study abroad #oss. $ntercalated humanities module 1%& places

Open Day &'th Au ust &(1)

Hospitals Attached

&. 1arts 2 the London City6 School of Medicine 2 Campus ,entistry 3+ith 4ueen Mary University5 Russell roup ). University of Campus 1irmin ham School of Medicine Russell roup

AAAb Chem and bio at AS and at least one at A& UKCAT 78( UCAS A@AA includin 1io and Chem Ao UKCAT or 1MAT $f ta:in Music at A& must have academic AS

#atient contact year 1 $ndependent attitude to learnin =e< formal lectures &>) #laces

&&nd ?une &(1)

Aberdeen * $nfirmary, Childrens an Maternity, * Cornhill, +oodend, , -ray.s /osp 0l in and *ai more /ospital, $nverness. Mile 0nd /o 1arts, The * London

Dear 1 2 & " System based teachin . Learn anatomy throu h prosection. Small roups. Learn psycholo y and sociolo y of health. 1iomedical ethics. Ten days in the community <ith patients. SSc. Dear ) " Clinical s:ills in teachin hospitals. Communication teachin . Learn about common diseases and dia nosis and mana ement of them. Dear 7 2 % " Clinical attachments in medical, sur ical and other specialties.

&(th, &1st, &&nd ?une

7. 1ri hton 2 SusseB Campus Medical School

AAA includin bio and chem at A& UKCAT

At the UniversityE tutorials, seminars, lectures and lab <or: Clinical S:ills SuiteE #ersonal and clinical s:ills development

Can intercalate if you achieve ood rades in eBams 0lective studies " t<o months in 7th year for studies of your o<n choice in UK or aboad #ersonal tutors and <elfare tutors )7% places Dear 12& " system based learnin . =amily studies. ,evelop clinical s:ills. $nte rated modules. SSCs. +ee:ly clinical symposia " focus on diseases and problem solvin . Small roup teachin E >918. Dear )E 7 > <ee: clinical attachments. +ee:ly teachin on scientific basis. Supported by tutor. Dear 7E 1e ins <ith > <ee: elective. *otation clinical placements in specialties. Underta:e research pro;ect. Dear %E &7 <ee:s of placements. =inals. 8 <ee: preparation for practice and emer ency medicine. Seminar pro ramme. Cadaveric ,issection $nter rated clinical eBperience " from first <ee:. 0arly assessments in clinical s:ills Stron -# placements Clinical symposia " focus on specific diseases from diff. points of vie< Additional components " elective 2 research !nly 17( students in each year

%. University of 1ristol Campus =aculty of Medicine Russell roup

AAA includin Chemistry and Lab 1ased Science at A& Ao entrance eBam =ive -CS0.s A6A@

lectures, practicals and small9 roup tutorials initially. Later learn in clinical attachments

8. Cambrid e University Colle ia School of Clinical te Medicine Russell roup

A@AA AS6 A& passes in Chemistry and t<o of bio, maths and physics 1MAT

'. Cardiff

University Campus


) years of theory " lectures, practicals and small roups Clinical studies " learnin in clinical settin s, seminars, tutorials and roup discussions Small tutorials,

Dear 1E Medicine in society. Cellular basis of medicine. System based learnin . Dear &E Systems. $ntroduction to clinical s:ills. SSC Dear )E ,evelopment of clinical s:ills. #sychiatry and ethics. Medicine and sur ery. Musculos:eletal diseases, emer ency medicine and ophthalmolo y Dear 7E Community oriented medical practice. !bstetrics and ynaecolo y. Clinical sciences. SSC Dear %E Senior medicine and sur ery. #rep for practice. 0lective period. Academy net<or: " be in in year & but mainly years )9% Mentor +hole #erson Care unit " arts based &18 places #rosected Cadaveric Material " dissection optional SiB years " includes compulsory 1Sc year =irst three years " MFST " mainly science based althou h some patient contact in -# sur eries and clinics Dears )98 " clinical studies !pen ,aysE Ae<nham " 186), Trinity /all " 1>6), Churchill " 1167, =itG<illiam " &'67, Trinity 9&%68, Kin .s " 76' &>( places Clinical placements across all of <ales

&'th ?une and 17th Septemb er

Cambrid e Uni 979%6'


School of Medicine Russell roup

T<o from 1io, chem and maths. Third a level does not need to be science related UKCAT Min. % -CS0.s A@6A " normally >A@.s

lectures and lab sessions. Clinical s:ills sessions and then clinical placements

>. ,undee University Campus =aculty of Medicine, ,entistry and Aursin

AAA $ncludin chem and another science. Ao preference on third UKCAT

+ide ran e of teachin methods " roup discussions, clinical teachin , lectures, e9 learnin , lab <or: 2

Dear 12&E $ntroduction to science and health. ,evelop communication s:ills. Clinical scenarios. !ne day a <ee: patient contact. Dear ) 2 7 is mostly clinical " three >91( <ee: placements. 7th year focus on compleB cases and chronic disease. Dear % " preparation for practice. T<o > <ee: placements follo<ed by elective placement !ptional 1Sc year " 1(( students intercalate. $nter rated SSc each year Allo< reta:es in all years. !pportunity to study abroad in elective placement )(( places but socialiGe <ith lots of non9 medics. Cheap to live. Spoonfed at the start. Cons! Limited inter rated 1Sc options " must achieve ood rades to intercalate. 1(( people do it each year. Clinical can ta:e place across +ales. #roblem based learnin " core clinical problems !ne third is SSc Lots of ne< technolo y " increasin use of $T and study uides 0lective study " international travel Clinical attachments in ,undee and else<here in UK

?une &(1)

H. University of Campus 0dinbur h =aculty of Medicine Russell roup

AAAb " Chemistry and one of bio, maths or physics. UKCAT Ao intervie< Avera e -CS0.s 8A@.s. Top )rd have >9 11 A@.s. AAA " Chemistry and one of maths, physics or bio. UKCAT

practical.s Lectures, <ard based teachin , roup based learnin , portfolio based learnin , #1L.

1(.-las o< University Campus =aculty of Medicine Russell roup

Lectures, tutorials, #1L. #racticals and clinical bedside teachin , cadaveric dissection

11./ull Dor: Medical Campus School Russell roup

AAAb " includin 1iolo y and Chemistry. Must be predicted AA1 to be

#1L " uided by tutor Clinical #lacements

17' places *evisit modules learnt in years 19& a ain in )9% Dears 19&E Study the biomedical and clinical sciences. #ractical clinical and research s:ills learnt throu h <or:shops, community pro;ects and -# based teachin . ) SSc. Dears )97E /ospital and community attachments. Clincial sciences are revisited and developed. Dear % " #reparation for practice. > <ee: elective period abroad !ptional 1Sc year 1H( places *evisit topics on several occasions #hase 1E 1asics of biomedicals sub;ects and early clinical and vocational s:ills #hase &E System based, inte rated approach " clinical problems relatin to individual systems #hase )E Most time in hospitals. *e ular bedside teachin . 0lective study. #hase 7E Attached to specialities in hospitals #hase 1E #1L in roup of > " same people for <hole year Clinical placements from the start " half a day each <ee: year 1 and full day a <ee: in year & " half in primary care #hase &E =ull eBposure to clinical medicine. 0ach <ee: both in -#

17th ?une &nd Septemb er &>th Septemb er

1)th ?une 7th Septemb er

/ull !pen ,aysE &Hth ?une 17th Septemb er

considered. UKCAT

1&.$mperial Colle e City London School of Medicine Russell roup

AAAb " chemistry and biolo y 1MAT Aeed AAA111 in core -CS0.s

#1L, small roup clinical learnin , cadaveric dissection, lectures

sur eries and hospital <ards. Continue #1L. #hase )E Shado<in ?unior ,octor. /ospital rotations and -# <or:. A fifth SSc 0lective period of > <ee:s in year 7 " option abroad !ptional 1Sc year About )(( places Compulsoy 1Sc year " total 8 year course Dear 1 2 &E ,octor and patient " #1L, Clinical eBperience " communications s:ills tau ht 9 #ay visits to a patient in a clinical and home settin . Small roup <or: <ith -# or consultant. Scientific basis of medicine " lar e emphasis on science Dear )E three 1( <ee: clinical attachments. #1L studied <ithin attachments Dear 7E 1Sc year Dear %E #atholo y course Dear 8E Seven three <ee: clinical attachments. T<o <or: eBperience attachments " one in medicine and one in sur ery. Speciality choice module. 0i ht <ee: elective. MUS$C SC/!LA*S/$#IIIII Fery or anised. $nterprofessional learnin SSc throu hout &)rd ?une 1>th

1).Keele University Campus School of Medicine

AAAb6A@A1b includin bio

#1L in years 19& Case 1L in year

or chem plus another science sub;ect and a third ri orous sub;ect. UKCAT

17.Kin .s Colle e London City6 School of Medicine Campus Russell roup

AAAb6AAaab " chem and bio compulsory. UKCAT

) Case illustrated Learnin in year 7 &( hours self directed study per <ee: %98 lectures a <ee: #ractical sessions &(J in community &( contacts hours Lectures, seminars, dissection, trainin from peers and patient educators

0mphasis on practical <or: #atient contact in year 1 0lective period in year % $ntercalated de ree " masters or 1Sc 1&( places

Au ust 1Hth and &(th !ctober

#atient contact from first <ee: ,issection and prosection teachin Ao #1L +ide ran e of SSC.s and !ptional 1Sc year +or: alon side other healthcare students *einforced material " spiral curriculum %&( per year Dear 1E Meet patients throu hout " or aniGed around clinical scenarios Dear &E 1e in inter9professional education " communication and ethics. Clinical contact sessions Dear )E Clinical teachin inte rated across specialities 9 learn clinical eBamination etc. Clinical attachments.

&nd ?uly 18th ?uly

1%.University of Leeds Campus School of Medicine Russell roup

!ne to one, roup based, inter9 professional, case based learnin AAA Chemistry 3A&5 1iolo y 3at least AS5 UKCAT Loo:s at top 8 -CS0.s Clinical conteBt, a fe< lectures, mostly small roups " clinical problems. #hase $$E clinical environment, seminars, bedside teachin Mostly #1L, clinical s:ills lessons, communication s:ills trainin ,

18.University of Leicester Campus Medical School

1'.Liverpool University Campus =aculty of /ealth 2 Life Sciences Russell roup

AAAb includin chemistry and biolo y at A&

Dear 7E 1uild on :no<led e. Specialities. Dear %E #reparation for practice -# placements could be all over south east ,issection 0arly clinical eBposure and patient contact Spiral curriculum " content continually reinforced !ne9to9one learnin approach " re ular tutor contact #hase $E Science bac: round and clinical s:ills. #sycholo ical and social conteBt of illness. T<o SSC " can be a lan ua e or humanities #hase $$E Shado<in doctors. Clinical bloc:s. Smallest clinical teachin roups in UK. =our three <ee: SSC attachments. 0lective at end of #hase $$. #lacements beyond Leicester " up to half 1'H places )&% places 3%1 at Lancaster5 #hase 1E Teachin based around clinical cases. 0Bplore biomedical sciences. Clinical s:ills classes #hase &E Understand ho< healthy bodies function, learn to reco niGe health problems, dia nosis s:ills, mana in patients. #hase )E #reparation for practice. $ntensive clinical eBperience.

1%th ?une

&16(861) &&6(861) &>6(H61) 1&61(61)

*oyal Liverp 1road reen +histon, Ain Uni, +alton Centre for Aeurolo y, #ar:, Liverp +omen.s, A /ey Childre Countess of

1>.University of Campus Manchester =aculty of Medical 2 /uman Sciences Russell roup

AAA includin Chemistry and one of biolo y6mat hs etc UKCAT -CS0.s rade A6A@ in % sub;ects

Learn throu h cases. Cadaveric dissection. Clinical s:ills tau ht in clinical placements.

1H.University of City6 Ae<castle Medical Campus School Russell roup

UKCAT AAA includin Chem and6or 1io at A or AS.

Clinical s:ills teachin , teachin sessions, lab <or:,

% <ee: elective abroad 0Bchan e pro rammeE study abroad for ) months !ptional 1Sc year Academic and clinical advisor for each student Clinical eBperience throu hout !ptional 1Sc year and option to Study in 0urope #hase 1E =oundation of :no<led e. =ocus on practical s:ills. +ee:ly dissection. *e ular clinical placements. #hase &E $n teachin hospitals. =ully inte rated clinical and scientific learnin . Application of scientific principles. Learn clinical s:ills. Dear ) " clinical s:ills revie<. Modules on Kheart, lun s 2 blood. and nutrition, metabolism 2 eBcretion.. Dear 7 " themes of Kmind and movement. and Kfamily.. !pportunity to pursue research option. #hase )E #reparation for practice. +or: based assessments. 0lective. #hase 1E #rofessional development, medicine in the community, biomedical science, SSC. #atient contact from be innin . $ndepth study of patient <ith chronic illness. #hase &E $nte rated <ith ,urham. Allocated to a re ional clinical base unit. Underta:e initial introduction to clinical practice in a ran e of specialties. Spend



Lancashire Teachin /o 3#reston5 Salford *oya Central Manchester University /ospital of S Manchester

&>6861) &H6861) &>6H61)

Aorth Cumb University /ospitals, 4 0liGabeth /o City /ospita Sunderland, Tyneside, University /ospital Ao

&(.University of Campus Aottin ham =aculty of Medicine 2 /ealth Sciences Russell roup

AAA " chem and bio at A& UKCAT

Lectures seminars, clinical eBperience,

&1.University of !Bford Russell roup

Colle ia te

A@AA includin Chemistry and one of bio, physics or maths. 1MAT " heavily reliant on this. /eavily reliant on -CS0 rades. UKCAT

Tutorials, prosection, lectures, seminars.



0Beter Campus

Small roup

half day each <ee: in -#. SSCs and elective study. #reparation for practice. !ptional 1Sc year &&% places at Ae<castle 3)&' in combination5 Case based learnin . 1ased throu hout Aorth 0ast for clinicals. &7( places Dear 1 2 &E 1asic medical science, clinical practice. SSC. Learn clinical s:ills. Dear )E Supervised research pro;ect " et 1MedSci. Dears 7 2%E Clinical phase " intensive clinical teachin , rotation in specialities, )8 <ee: advanced clinical eBperience, elective, preparation for practice 1%% students #re9Clinical " Learn structure and function of body. +or:in <ith -#. =ormal assessment by <ritten papers. #rinciples of clinical anatomy 3end of yr. )5 1A in Medical Sciences " *esearch pro;ect. 0Btended 0ssay. Clinical " Dear 7E =ocus on clinical s:ills. -# residential attachment. Lab <or:. *otations in hospitals. Special study module. Dear %E SiB > <ee: bloc:s " rotate throu h specialist clinical areas. Dear 8E #reparation for practice. 1( <ee: elective. Dears 1 2 &E Scientific foundations <ithin

,urham, So Tees /ospita Aorth Tees a /artlepool, ,arlin ton /ospital. &>6861) &H6861) 1)6H61) 176H61)

4ueen.s Me Centre, City /ospital, *o ,erby

&86861) &'6861) &(6H61)

?ohn *adclif Churchill, A !rthopaedic Centre, /or -eneral


*oyal ,evon

Medical School Russell roup

A@AAc or AAAc includin Chem, and either 1io or #hysics 8 A.s at -CS0

learnin , tutor led " ) times a fortni ht, individual study, plenary sessions <ith all students, clinical s:ills resource centre. Dears ) 2 7 learn in clinical conteBt.

&).#lymouth #eninsula Medicine ,entistry

University Campus Schools of and

A@AAc " AAAc Must incluce Chem and either bio or physics. U:CAT

Small roup learnin , independent learnin , clinical conteBt, plenary sessions, SSU, seminars,

&7.4ueen.s University Campus 1elfast, =aculty of Medicine 2 /ealth Sciences

AAAa Chemistry and one from

a clinical conteBt. Understand human and societal impact of disease. Structured around the human life cycle. Learn anatomy <ith L9*ays, ima in and models. Learn clinical s:ills in resource centre <ith simulators. Community placements. Special Study Units 3three <ee:s5. Dears ) 2 7E Locations across the S+. *otate throu h placements. $nte rated clinical learnin " study siB Kpath<ays of care.. Science developed durin placements supported by study uides. SSU. 7 <ee: clinical placement international eBchan e. !ptional 1Sc. Dear %E #reparation for practice. 0lective. Dears 1 2 &E Core scientific foundations <ithin clinical conteBt. Structured around human life cycle Dears )27E Clinical practice " team based. *otate throu h hospital and community placements. Learn about basic and human science. #ractise clinical s:ills and communication. Dear %E #ractical implementation of s:ills. Underta:e Kapprenticeship attachments.. Supplement learnin <ith indicative presentations portfolio. H <ee: elective. Dears 12&E Scientific basis of medical practice. -ain :no<led e about each body system, focusin on the mechanisms of cellular structure and

3medical school5 1168 '6H

0Beter /osp

&(67 168

*oyal Corn< /ospital, Ao ,evon ,istr /ospital

&>68 &H68

Throu hout Aorthern $re



1iolo y, #hysics and Maths UKCAT 1est H -CS0.s mar:ed out of )( and combined <ith UKCAT UKCAT AAA includin Chem and another science. 8 -CS0.s at A Clinical teachin on <ards 2 in clinics, lectures, seminars, tutorials, small roup <or:, dissection, computer9based learnin

&%.University of Sheffield Campus School of Medicine Russell roup

&8.University Southampton

of Campus School

AAAa includin

Systems based method clinical

function. $nte rated <ith clinical s:ills trainin Dear )E Classroom based clinical teachin . $nte rated <ith therapeutic, patholo ical and microbiolo ical principles Dear 72%E Trainin in emer ency medicine and eneral practice " advance clinical s:ills. Apprenticeship follo<in foundation doctor. Learn ethics, communication and team<or:. #hase 1E Systems based learnin and teachin . Also covers Kmedicine and society.. SSC. Three <ee:s of intensive clinical eBperience. #hase &E =irst three <ee:s learn clinical s:ills. Clinical Attachments. SSCs. Learn medical sciences " si ns and symptoms of disease and dia nosis. =our ) <ee: placements. !ptional 1MedSci. #hase )E Clinically based. -# and hospital <or: in sub9speciality sub;ects. *otate throu h disciplines. 0lective. #hase 7E #reparation for practise. SSC. &)' places. Cons! Aot a lot of anatomy teachin . Too much emphasis on public health. ,isor anised. #lacements can be Cuite far. -ain 1achelor of Medicine and 1MedSci in % years. <ith opportunity for 8 years

1%68 H6' 2 1(6' 176H

*oyal /allam /ospital, Ao -eneral /os

%6' and 86'

/ospitals in Southampto

of Medicine Russell roup

Chem and 1io UKCAT Ao intervie< ' -CS0s A@9 1


&'.St Andre<s University City =aculty of Medical Sciences

AAA includin Chem and one other science Competitive applicants have predicted A@AA UKCAT " used as a cut off point and 1%J of admissions score

Case based, video presentations, dissection, lectures, seminars, tutorials

<ith masters de ree. Can ta:e intercalated de ree at another uni. Dear 12&E Clinical settin s and #lacement as /ealthcare Assistant. Systems based learnin . SSC. Dear )E $n depth study and clinical placements. =ocus on effects of disorders on patients 2 families Dear 7E #lacements in ran e of specialties Dear %E 0Bperience. 0lective. Apprenticeship based attachments. #reparation for practice. !pportunity to study in -ermany. Allocated a personal tutor. 1Sc from St. Andre<s and M1 Ch1 from partner uni Dear 1E =irst semester " overvie< of structure, function and behavior of cells, tissues 2 systems. Second semester " musculos:eletal system. Case9based clinical scenarios. Clinical s:ills. Dears &2)E /onours pro ramme " study in depth structure 2 function of systems. 0Bamine disease mechanisms and therapeutic treatment in each. ,eeper understandin of communication, ethics, public health, health psycholo y etc. SSC " dissertation. *e ular primary care attachments. Dear 798 spent at Manchester or Scottish Uni. 17% places

86H and '6H

#ortsmouth +inchester

1%68 &61(

&>.St -eor e.s, University City of London

AAAb include chem and bio. UKCAT

Spiral learnin , case based, tutorial, #1L, lectures, tutorial, anatomy session

&H.University Colle e City London Medical School Russell roup

Cons! F. 0Bpensive accommodation. Small city to not much ni htlife. Ao past papers. Ao &79hour library or facilities. Spend time doin a portfolio. Lac: of clinical in year 12&. Content is focused in siB modulesE life cycle, life protection, life support, life maintenance, life structure and life control. Dears 12&E 0mphasis on lectures, tutorials and roup activity <ith short clinical placements. Dear )E Combination of #1L and SSC, rotatin <ith clinical attachments. !ptional $ntercalated 1Sc Dear 72%E clinical attachments <ith lectures. 0lective. #rofessional development " one mornin a <ee: of clinical s:ills " builds confidence for tal:in to patients. +ide ran e of -Sc options. -ood student support system. +ell or aniGed teachin " online lecture notes etc. -ood ran e of SSC.s Aot much <or: to hand in. Lar e year roup. Lots of libraries and lon openin hours. #arent system.


)(.University An lia


0ast Campus

8. Cardiff " '.( '. UCL " '.1 >. -las o< " '.) H. 1arts " '.8 1(./ull Dor: " '.> Student Satisfaction Top 1(E 1. !Bford &. Aberdeen ). UCL 7. Leeds %. Leicester 8. Cambrid e '. Ae<castle >. 4ueen.s 1elfast H. St. Andre<s 1(.1ri hton SusseB Medical School 11.$mperial 1&.0dinbur h Lo<est Application6#laces *atiosE 1. Sheffield " 7.1 &. 4ueen.s 1elfast " 7.& ). Cambrid e " 8.1 7. ,urham " 8.% %. Manchester " 8.8

&. 4ueen.s 1elfast ). 1irmin ham ).7 7. /ull Dor: ).% %. ,urham ).% 8. 1arts 7.( '. Manchester 7.( >. #eninsula 7.( H. -las o< 7.1 1(.Lancaster 7.8


Student Satisfaction Top 1(E 1. !Bford &. Keele ). St. Andre<s 7. 4ueen.s 1elfast %. 1ri hton and SusseB 8. Aberdeen '. Ae<castle >. Cambrid e H. Leicester 1(.0Beter 11.#lymouth Applications6!ffer *atioE 1. Sheffield &.1

-uaranteed intervie< fromE /ull Dor: 4ueen.s 1elfast St. -eor e.s Ae<castle -las o< Li:ely intervie< fromE Cardiff 3relyin on #S5 Lancaster Leicester 3relyin on #S5 Southampton 3relyin on UKCAT ran:in 5

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