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-vWELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., NC.! SAND CAN"ON, f#$#a OP% ON ONE &OR%GAGE CORP.! A&ER CAN HO&E &OR%GAGESER' C NG! & CHELLE HAL"ARD! KA%H" S& %H! SHAP RO, F SH&AN ( GACHE, LLP! GERALD SHAP RO!BARR" F SH&AN! RONALD GACHE! &AR SAAJ&O!JESS CA CON%E! NA%AL E C)R%S! JONA%HAN ROSSER! JA&ESJOHNSON! JA" SHEARER! an* &ER D %H ABR SS Defen*ants. COMPLAINT Plaintiff, JOHN DOE, +e,e-. s/es Defen*ants, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., NC.! SAND CAN"ON, f#$#a OP% ON ONE &OR%GAGE CORP.! A&ER CA HO&E &OR%GAGE SER' C NG! & CHELLE HAL"ARD! KA%H" S& %H! SHAP RO, F SH&AN( GACHE, LLP! GERALD SHAP RO! BARR" F SH&AN! RONALD GACHE! &AR SA AJ&O! JESS CA CON%E! NA%AL E C)R%S, JONA%HAN ROSSER! JA&ES JOHNSON,JA" SHEARER! (&ER D %H ABR SS. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT 0. %+is is an a1tion fo, *a2a3es -,o/3+t fo, *a2a3es fo, violations of t+e Real Estate Settle2ent P,a1ti1es A1t 4RESPA5 06 ).S.C. 7689: et se;.! fo, *a2a3es fo, violations of t+e %,/t+ in Len*in3 A1t 4% LA50: ).S.C. 708<0 et se;.! fo, *a2a3es fo, violations of t+e Fai, De-t Colle1tion P,a1ti1es A1t 4FDCPA5 0: ).S.C. 708=6 et se;.! an* fo, *e1la,ato,. an* in>/n1tive ,elief. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. %+e >/,is*i1tion of t+is Co/,t is 1onfe,,e* -. 12 U.S.C. 72614! 15 U.S.C. 71692; and28 U.S.C.71331. ?. 'en/e is @,o@e, in t+is Dist,i1t @/,s/ant to 6A ).S.C. 70?=0-.

<. %+is is an a1tion fo, *a2a3es B+i1+ eC1ee* DE:,999.99. :. Plaintiff, CHARAN G. K)&AR, is a ,esi*ent of t+e State of Flo,i*a. 8. Defen*ant, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., NC. 4FWells Fa,3o.G5, is a DelaBa,e Co,@o,ation, a/t+o,iHe* to *o -/siness in Flo,i*a. E. SAND CAN"ON, f#$#a OP% ON ONE &OR%GAGE 4FSan* Can.onG5 A. A&ER CA HO&E &OR%GAGE SER' C NG 4FA2e,i1a Ho2eG5! A. & CHELLE HAL"ARD 4FHal.a,*G5 is Ass. Se1. an* 'i1e P,es fo, San* Can.on. =. KA%H" S& %H 4FS2it+G5 is Asst. Se1t fo, San* Can.on. A. SHAP RO, F SH&AN( GACHE 4FS+a@i,o, Fis+2anG5 is a Flo,i*a laB fi,2. =. GERALD SHAP RO4FS+a@i,oG5 is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an 09. BARR" F SH&AN 4FFis+2anG5is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an 00. RONALD GACHE 4FGa1+eG5is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an 09. &AR SA AJ&O4FA>2oG5 is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an 00. JESS CA CON%E 4FConteG5, is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an 06. NA%AL E C)R%S 4FC/,tsG5, is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an 0?. JONA%HAN ROSSER4FRosse,G5 is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an 0<. JA&ES JOHNSON4FJo+nsonG5 is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an 0:. JA" SHEARER 4FS+ea,e,G5is an Atto,ne. fo, S+a@i,o( Fis+2an. 0:. &ER D %H ABR SS 4FA-,issG5 is an Atto,ne. E. All 1on*itions @,e1e*ent to t+e -,in3in3 of t+is a1tion +ave -een @e,fo,2e*, Baive* o, eC1/se*. A. Plaintiff 1onten*s t+at Defen*ants +ave 1ons@i,e* an* 1o22itte* f,a/* in o,*e, to B,on3f/ll. fo,e1lose Bit+ total *is,e3a,* fo, Fe*e,al an* State laBs. =. Plaintiff 1onten*s t+at Defen*ants +ave 1,eate* an* 1a/se* f,a/*/lent *o1/2ents to -e file* into t+e @/-li1 ,e1o,*s of Se2inole 1o/nt. an* into t+e State Co/,t 3ivin3 t+e a@@ea,an1e

t+at t+e,e is a le3al fo,e1los/,e 3oin3 B+ile so2e o, all of t+e Defen*ants 1ontin/e to -,ea$ t+e laB. 09. Plaintiff 1onten*s t+at t+is is 1o22on @,a1ti1e -. so2e o, all Defen*ants nationBi*e an* t+at so2e o, all Defen*ants a,e /n*e, investi3ation -. t+e ).S. De@a,t2ent of J/sti1e an* t+e Atto,ne.s Gene,al of -ot+ t+e )nite* States an* Flo,i*a. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 00. On o, a-o/t Jan/a,. A, 6909 Wells Fa,3o t+,o/3+ t+ei, atto,ne.s, S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, LLP file* a 1o2@laint fo, fo,e1los/,e in Se2inole 1o/nt. a3ainst t+e Plaintiff. %+e 1o2@laint Bas si3ne* -. Conte. 06. On o, a-o/t Jan/a,. 69, 6909 sai* Plaintiff Bas se,ve* a s/22ons an* 1o2@laint f,o2 Well Fa,3o atte2@tin3 to fo,e1los/,e on t+e Plaintiffs @,o@e,t.. 0?. Wells Fa,3o 1lai2e* Bit+in its Gene,al Alle3ations on lineE t+at it +a* a1;/i,e* t+e ,i3+t to enfo,1e t+e Note an* &o,t3a3e f,o2 t+e Pa,t. entitle* to enfo,1e t+e Note. 0<. On line A of t+e sa2e Gene,al Alle3ations Wells Fa,3o 1lai2s to -e t+e oBne, of t+e Note an* &o,t3a3e o, a1;/i,e* t+e ,i3+ts to enfo,1e t+e s/->e1t Note an* &o,t3a3e. 0:. On o, a-o/t Fe-,/a,. 6:, 6909, al2ost tBo 2ont+s afte, t+e filin3 of t+e 1o2@laint, Wells Fa,3o file* a -o3/s assi3n2ent t+at Bas @,e@a,e* -. an* ,et/,ne* to S+a@i,o( Fis+2an4EC+i-it FAG5. 08. An ins@e1tion of t+e assi3n2ent s+oBs t+at Wells Fa,3o, San* Can.on, an* S+a@i,o( Fis+2an all s+a,e t+e sa2e %a2@a a**,ess, B+en in fa1t Wells Fa,3o an* San* Can.on -ot+ a,e lo1ate* in Califo,nia. 0E. F/,t+e, ins@e1tion s+oBs t+e,e is no a1t/al assi3n2ent *ate -/t ,at+e, a -a* atte2@t to 2a$e it loo$ li$e t+e,e Bas an assi3n2ent on Jan/a,. 68, 6909.%+e *o1/2ent Bas @,e@a,e* an* ,e1o,*e* -. S+a@i,o (Fis+2an, a 1lea, 1onfli1t of inte,est. 0A. On o, a-o/t &a,1+ 68, 6909, S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an 2aile* Plaintiff lette,s an* 1o@ies of *o1/2ents @/,@o,tin3 to vali*ate t+e alle3e* *e-t. %+e lette, Bas si3ne* -. C/,ts. %+e @/,@o,te* vali*ation *e2an*e* @a.2ents of a2o/nts not a/t+o,iHe* -. an. 1ont,a1t o, o,*e, of t+e Co/,t. %+ese in1l/*e FFORECLOS)RE A%%ORNE"S FEES AND COS%SG of D?,:?0.99, APPRA SAL FEE of D099.99, FBORROWER N%ER' EW FEEG OF D8:.99, an* FCORPORA%E AD'ANCEG of DA9.99. %+e vali*ation state* t+at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an ,e@,esente* A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3, n1. an* *e2an*e* t+at Plaintiff 2a$e @a.off to A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3, n1. 0A. n t+e De1la,ation of Dale &. S/3i2oto, P,esi*ent of San* Can.on, f#$#a O@tion One &o,t3a3e 4OO&C5, si3ne* /n*e, @enalt. of @e,>/,.4EC+i-it FBG5, file* in t+e )nite* States Ban$,/@t1. Co/,t in t+e East Dist,i1t of Lo/isiana an* *ate* &a,1+ 0A, 699=, S/3i2oto 1lea,l.

states on t+e se1on* @a3e line 8 t+at San* Can.on *oes not oBn an. ,esi*ential ,eal estate 2o,t3a3es. 0=. HoB t+en 1an Hal.a,* an* S2it+ assi3n t+e alle3e* 2o,t3a3e on -e+alf of San* Can.onI %+e ansBe, is si2@leJ t+e. a,e not+in3 2o,e t+an ,o-o si3ne,s. 69. An inte,net sea,1+ ,eveals t+at Hal.a,* +as si3ne* as t+e folloBin3J 'i1e P,esi*ent of &o,t3a3e Ele1t,oni1 Re3ist,ation S.ste2s 'i1e P,esi*ent of A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Assistant Se1,eta,. an* 'i1e P,esi*ent of San* Can.on f#$#a O@tion One &o,t3a3e 60. An inte,net sea,1+ ,eveals t+atS2it+, Hal.a,*Ks 1o-1ons@i,ato,, +as si3ne* as t+e folloBin3J Assistant Se1,eta,., &ERS, as No2inee fo, A2e,i1an B,o$e,s Con*/it Assistant Se1,eta,., &ERS, as No2inee fo, A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e A11e@tan1e, n1. Assistant Se1,eta,., &ERS, as No2inee fo, Ho2e-an1 &o,t3a3e Co,@. Assistant Se1,eta,., San* Can.on Co,@o,ation, f#$#a O@tion One &o,t3a3e Co,@o,ation, -. A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3, n1. as Atto,ne.-in-Fa1t Atto,ne.-in-Fa1t, A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3, n1. Atto,ne.- n-Fa1t, A2e,i;/est &o,t3a3e Co2@an. Assistant Se1,eta,. of &o,t3a3e Ele1t,oni1 S.ste2s as no2inee fo, A2e,i1an B,o$e,s Con*/it Assistant Se1,eta,. of A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3 Assistant Se1,eta,. of ).S. Ban$ National Asso1iation Assistant Se1,eta,. of San* Can.on f#$#a O@tion One &o,t3a3e 66. S2it+ si3ns 2an. *iffe,ent >o- titles on 2o,t3a3e-,elate* *o1/2ents, often /sin3 *iffe,ent titles on t+e sa2e *a.. S+e often si3ns as an offi1e, of &ERS 4L&o,t3a3e Ele1t,oni1 Re3ist,ation S.ste2s, n1.L5 S+e often si3ns *o1/2ents Bit+ ot+e, AH&S -Ja1$sonville e2@lo.ees in1l/*in3 Alisa D+i2it,i, %+e,esa Es@osito, &i1+elle Hal.a,*, &i1+ael H/nt, Jose@+ Ka2ins$i an* C.nt+ia Stevens. %itles att,i-/te* to Kat+. S2it+ in1l/*e t+e folloBin3J Assistant Se1,eta,., A,3ent &o,t3a3e Co2@an., LLC -. Citi Resi*ential Len*in3, n1., as Atto,ne.- nFa1t. 6?. W+ile it 2a. a@@ea, t+at t+ese in*ivi*/als +ol* 2/lti@le +i3+ ,an$in3 @ositions Bit+ 2an. of t+e la,3est -an$in3 o,3aniHations in t+e ).S. t+e ,ealit. is t+e. -ot+ Bo,$ fo, Len*e, P,o1essin3 Se,vi1es n1., in Ja1$sonville Flo,i*a an* a,e a11o2@li1es Bit+ S+a@i,o Fis+2an, San* Can.on, Len*e,, an* 2an. ot+e, laB fi,2s nationBi*e. 6<. Len*e, P,o1essin3 n1, alon3 Bit+ S+a@i,o Fis+2an is /n*e, investi3ation -. t+e Flo,i*a Atto,ne. Gene,al fo, t+is ve,. 1on*/1t of s/-2ittin3 f,a/*/lent @a@e,Bo,$ into t+e Co/,t an* P/-li1 ,e1o,*s 4EC+i-it FCG5. 6:. An eCa2ination of t+e Se1/,ities an* EC1+an3e Co22issionKs Be-site ,eveals t+at t+e O@tion One 699E-FMD6 &o,t3a3e Loan S1+e*/le 4EC+i-it FDG5 in B+i1+ t+e PlaintiffKs 2o,t3a3e Bas se1/,itiHe* +a* a 1losin3 *ate of &a,1+ 0, 699E.%+at 2eans t+e a1t/al assi3n2ent

of 2o,t3a3e +a* to ta$e @la1e @,io, to t+e *a. of t+e 1losin3 as ,e;/i,e* -. t+e %,/stee an* t+e ins/,an1e 1a,,ie, o, t+e %,/st Bo/l* +ave -een in violation of Re3/lation AB, te2 00664*54<5 4ii5. 68. %+e a1t/al Se,vi1in3 an* Poolin3 a3,ee2ent 1an -e fo/n* at t+e folloBin3 Be-siteJ+tt@J##BBB.se1info.1o2#*;%28./0?<.1.+t2N0stPa3e. 6E. Plaintiff neve, ,e1eive* noti1e of t,ansfe, o, assi3n2ent f,o2 t+e Defen*ant B+i1+ is a violation -ot+ State an* Fe*e,al laB an* a -,ea1+ of a3,ee2ent. 6A. Plaintiff sent an e-2ail to S+a@i,o, Fis+2an, Ga1+e, A>2o, Conte, C/,ts, Rosse,, Jo+nson, S+ea,e,, an* A-,iss notif.in3 t+e2 t+at t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase Bas 1lea,l. -ase* on f,a/*. 6=. S+a@i,o is a Pa,tne, at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as ,es@onsi-ilit. fo, t+e a1tions of t+e fi,2, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as overseen the violations o FDCPA an* 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?9. Fis+2an is a Pa,tne, at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as ,es@onsi-ilit. fo, t+e a1tions of t+e fi,2, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?0. Ga1+eis a Pa,tne, at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as ,es@onsi-ilit. fo, t+e a1tions of t+e fi,2, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?6. A>2ois a &ana3in3 Di,e1to, at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as ,es@onsi-ilit. fo, t+e a1tions of t+e fi,2, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. S+e +as 1+osen to i3no,e +e, ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ??. Conte is an atto,ne. at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. S+e +as 1+osen to i3no,e +e, ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?<. C/,tsis an atto,ne. at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. S+e +as 1+osen to i3no,e +e, ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?:. Rosse,is an atto,ne. at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s.

?8. Jo+nsonis an atto,ne. at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?E. S+ea,e,is an atto,ne. at S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. He +as 1+osen to i3no,e +is ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?A. A-,issis an atto,ne. at , +as -een a1tive in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff, an* +as -een *i,e1tl. notifie* of its ille3al an* /net+i1al a1tivities in t+e fo,e1los/,e 1ase a3ainst Plaintiff. S+e +as 1+osen to i3no,e +e, ,es@onsi-ilities in ,e1tif.in3 t+ese @,o-le2s. ?=. On Ma! "#$ %&&#$ Plaintiff sent a lette, 4RESPA lette,5 -. 1e,tifie* 2ail to Defen*ants Wells Fa,3o. %+e lette, *e2an*e* 1e,tain *o1/2ents an* t+e ansBe, to 2o,e t+an 699 ;/estions ,e3a,*in3 t+e se,vi1in3 of PlaintiffKs 2o,t3a3e. <9. De en'ants (ells Far)o have not res*on'e' at all to the RESPA letter+ COUNT I VIOLATION OF REAL ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES ACT (RESPA), 12 U.S.C. 2605 ,Y DEFENDANT (ELLS FARGO ?<. Pa,a3,a@+s 0 t+,o/3+ ?? a,e ,ealle3e* as t+o/3+ f/ll. set fo,t+ +e,ein. ?:. Defen*ants Wells Fa,3oa,e se,vi1e,s of a fe*e,all. ,elate* 2o,t3a3e loanBit+in t+e 2eanin3 of t+e Real Estate Settle2ent P,o1e*/,es A1t 4RESPA5, 06 ).S.C. 7689:. ?8. PlaintiffKs B,itten ,e;/ests fo, info,2ation a-o/t +is a11o/nt an* 1o,,e1tion of Defen*antsK n/2e,o/s e,,o,s Be,e OO;/alifie* B,itten ,e;/estsKK Bit+in t+e 2eanin3 of RESPA. ?E. Wells Fa,3o *eli-e,atel. faile* to ,es@on* in a @,o@e, an* ti2el. Ba. to PlaintiffKs OO;/alifie* B,itten ,e;/estsKK fo, info,2ation a-o/t, an* 1o,,e1tions to, +is 2o,t3a3e a11o/nt, in violation of 06 ).S.C. 7689:4e5. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff *e2an*s >/*32ent a3ainst Wells Fa,3o fo, a @,o@e, a11o/ntin3 an* a@@li1ation of +is 2o,t3a3e @a.2ents an* fo, a1t/al, stat/to,.,t,e-le an*#o, @/nitive *a2a3es, an* atto,ne.Ks fees an* 1osts, alon3 Bit+ an. ot+e, an* f/,t+e, ,elief as t+e 1o/,t *ee2s >/st an* @,o@e,, @/,s/ant to06 ).S.C. 7689:. COUNT II VIOLATION OF TRUTH IN LENDING ACT (TILA), 15 U.S.C. 1641 ,Y DEFENDANTS (ELLS FARGO- SAND CANYON- . AMERICAN

?<. Pa,a3,a@+s 0 t+,o/3+ ?? a,e ,ealle3e* as t+o/3+ f/ll. set fo,t+ +e,ein. ?:. A neB 1,e*ito, 2/st @,ovi*e noti1e of its stat/s @/,s/ant to 15 U.S.C. 71641(g): 405 n 3ene,al n a**ition to ot+e, *is1los/,es ,e;/i,e* -. t+is s/-1+a@te,, not late, t+an ?9 *a.s afte, t+e *ate on B+i1+ a 2o,t3a3e loan is sol* o, ot+e,Bise t,ansfe,,e* o, assi3ne* to a t+i,* @a,t., t+e 1,e*ito, t+at is t+e neB oBne, o, assi3nee of t+e *e-t s+all notif. t+e -o,,oBe, in B,itin3 of s/1+ t,ansfe,, in1l/*in3P 4A5t+e i*entit., a**,ess, tele@+one n/2-e, of t+e neB 1,e*ito,! 4B5t+e *ate of t,ansfe,! 4C5+oB to ,ea1+ an a3ent o, @a,t. +avin3 a/t+o,it. to a1t on -e+alf of t+e neB 1,e*ito,! 4D5t+e lo1ation of t+e @la1e B+e,e t,ansfe, of oBne,s+i@ of t+e *e-t is ,e1o,*e*! an* 4E5an. ot+e, ,elevant info,2ation ,e3a,*in3 t+e neB 1,e*ito,. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff *e2an*s >/*32ent fo, *a2a3es a3ainst Wells Fa,3o, San* Can.on, an* A2e,i1anfo, a1t/al o, stat/to,. *a2a3es, an* @/nitive *a2a3es, atto,ne.Qs fees an* 1osts, @/,s/ant to 15 U.S.C. 71640(a). COUNT III VIOLATION OF FAIR DE,T COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT /FDCPA0$ "1 U+S+C+ 2"34% ,Y DEFENDANTS (ELLS FARGO- SAND CANYON- AMERICAN5ALYARD- SMIT5- S5APIRO$ FIS5MAN . GAC5E-S5APIRO-FIS5MAN- GAC5EAJMO- CONTE- CURTS-JO5NSON-S5EARER- . A,RISS ?9. Pa,a3,a@+s 0 t+,o/3+ ?? a,e ,ealle3e* as t+o/3+ f/ll. set fo,t+ +e,ein. 31. Plaintiff is a consu !" #it$in t$! 71692a(3). !aningof t$! %&CP'( 15 U.S.C. !aning of

32. &!f!ndants )!lls %a"goa"! d!*t coll!cto"s #it$in t$! t$! %&CP'( 15 U.S.C. 71692a(6).

33. Defen*antsWells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss violate* t+e FDCPA. Defen*antsK violations in1l/*e, -/t a,e not li2ite* to, t+e folloBin3J (a) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692d *, !ngaging in conduct t$! natu"al cons!-u!nc! of #$ic$ is to $a"ass( o.."!ss( o" a*us! an, .!"son. (*)&!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(2) *, fals!l, "!."!s!nting t$! c$a"act!"( a ount( o" l!gal status of an, d!*t.

(c) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(6) *, sal! o" t"ansf!" of an, int!"!st in t$! d!*t #ill caus! t$! consu !" to los! an, clai o" d!f!ns! to .a, !nt of t$! d!*t. (d)&!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(8) *, co unicating o" t$"!at!ning to co unicat! to an, .!"son c"!dit info" ation #$ic$ is /no#n o" #$ic$ s$ould *! /no#n to *! fals!( including t$! failu"! to co unicat! t$at a dis.ut!d d!*t is dis.ut!d. (!) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(10) *, t$! us! of an, fals! "!."!s!ntation o" d!c!.ti+! !ans to coll!ct o" att! .t to coll!ct an, d!*t o" to o*tain info" ation conc!"ning a consu !". (f) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(11) *, t$! failu"! to disclos! in t$! initial #"itt!n co unication #it$ t$! consu !" t$at t$! d!*t coll!cto" is att! .ting to coll!ct a d!*t and t$at an, info" ation o*tain!d #ill *! us!d fo" t$at .u".os!( and t$! failu"! to disclos! in su*s!-u!nt co unications t$at t$! co unication is f"o a d!*t coll!cto". (g)&!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692!(14) *, t$! us! of an, na ! ot$!" t$an t$! t"u! na ! of t$! d!*t coll!cto"0s *usin!ss. ($)&!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692f(1) *, t$! coll!ction of an, a ount (including an, int!"!st( f!!( c$a"g!( o" !1.!ns! incid!ntal to t$! ."inci.al o*ligation) unl!ss suc$ a ount is !1."!ssl, aut$o"i2!d *, t$! ag"!! !nt c"!ating t$! d!*t o" .!" itt!d *, la#. (i) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692f(6) ta/!n o" t$"!at!n!d to unla#full, "!.oss!ss o" disa*l! t$! consu !"0s ."o.!"t,. (3) &!f!ndant Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*! S2it+! S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an! S+a@i,o! Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,iss +iolat!d 15 U.S.C. 71692g *,( Bit+in five *a.s afte, t+e initial 1o22/ni1ation Bit+ Plaintiff in 1onne1tion Bit+ t+e 1olle1tion of an. *e-t, failin3 to sen* Plaintiff a B,itten noti1e 1ontainin3 a state2ent t+at /nless t+e 1ons/2e,, Bit+in t+i,t. *a.s afte, ,e1ei@t of t+e noti1e, *is@/tes t+e vali*it. of t+e *e-t, o, an. @o,tion t+e,eof, t+e *e-t Bill -e ass/2e* to -e vali* -. t+e *e-t 1olle1to,! a state2ent t+at if t+e 1ons/2e, notifies t+e *e-t 1olle1to, in B,itin3 Bit+in t+e t+i,t.-*a. @e,io* t+at t+e *e-t, o, an. @o,tion t+e,eof, is *is@/te*, t+e *e-t 1olle1to, Bill o-tain ve,ifi1ation of

t+e *e-t o, a 1o@. of a >/*32ent a3ainst t+e 1ons/2e, an* a 1o@. of s/1+ ve,ifi1ation o, >/*32ent Bill -e 2aile* to t+e 1ons/2e, -. t+e *e-t 1olle1to,! an* a state2ent t+at, /@on t+e 1ons/2e,Qs B,itten ,e;/est Bit+in t+e t+i,t.-*a. @e,io*, t+e *e-t 1olle1to, Bill @,ovi*e t+e 1ons/2e, Bit+ t+e na2e an* a**,ess of t+e o,i3inal 1,e*ito,, if *iffe,ent f,o2 t+e 1/,,ent 1,e*ito,. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff *e2an*s >/*32ent fo, *a2a3es a3ainst Wells Fa,3o! San* Can.on! A2e,i1an! Hal.a,*J! S2it+!S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an, S+a@i,o!Fis+2an! Ga1+e! A>2o! Conte! C/,ts! Jo+nson! S+ea,e,! ( A-,issfo, a1t/al o, stat/to,. *a2a3es, an* @/nitive *a2a3es, atto,ne.Qs fees an* 1osts, @/,s/ant to 15 U.S.C. 71692/. DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Plaintiff +e,e-. *e2an*s a t,ial -. >/,. of all iss/es so t,ia-le as a 2atte, of laB. Date*J J/l. 6:, 6900 Res@e1tf/ll. s/-2itte*,

Jo+n Doe

t +as 1o2e to 2. attention t+at t+e Plaintiff in t+e fo,e1los/,e laBs/it a3ainst 2e, FWELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS %R)S%EE FOR OP% ON ONE &OR%GAGE LOAN %R)S% 699EFMD6 ASSE%-BASED CER% F CA%ES, SER ES 699E-FMD6G, 1annot -e t+e 1o,,e1t Plaintiff fo, at least five ,easons. Fi,st is t+at t+e Assi3n2ent of &o,t3a3e si3ne* on Jan/a,. 68, 6909 an* ,e1o,*e* in t+e P/-li1 Re1o,*s of Se2inole Co/nt. on Fe-,/a,. 6:, 6909 states t+at FSan' Can!on Cor*oration 676a O*tion One Mort)a)e Cor*oration$ 4FAssi3no,G5R.+as 3,ante*, -a,3aine*, sol*, t,ansfe,,e*, an* set ove,, an* -. t+ese @,esents *oes 3,ant, -a,3ain, sell, t,ansfe, an* set ove, /nto (ells Far)o ,an7$ N+A+$ as Tr8stee or O*tion One Mort)a)e Loan Tr8st %&&#9F:D% Asset9 ,a;7e' Certi i;ates$ Series %&#9F:D%$ 4FAssi3neeG5G t+e 2o,t3a3e in ;/estion. %+is Bas .ea,s afte, t+e t,/st +a* -een 1lose* to neB assets, so t+at t,ansa1tion Bas i2@ossi-le. Se1on* is t+e in*ivi*/als B+o si3ne* t+e @/,@o,te* Assi3n2ent of &o,t3a3e, &i1+elle Hal.a,* an* Kat+. S2it+, a,e noto,io/s ,o-o-si3ne,s B+o +ave f,a/*/lentl. si3ne* in n/2e,o/s 1a@a1ities as ,e@,esentatives of n/2e,o/s entities. %+e. a,e al2ost 1e,tainl. not e2@lo.ees of San* Can.on +avin3 an. $noBle*3e of t+e alle3e* t,ansa1tion.As a 2atte, of fa1t t+e,e a,e seve,al o@en 1o/,t 1ases @en*in3 a3ainst t+ese in*ivi*/als. %+i,* t+e Assi3n2ent of &o,t3a3e Bas @,e@a,e* -. S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an an* /ses its oBn a**,ess fo, -ot+ si*es of t+e t,ansa1tion. Does S+a@i,o ( Fis+2an a1t/all. ,e@,esent all t+ese @a,tiesI t a@@ea,s t+at t+e Assi3n2ent Bas @,e@a,e* f,a/*/lentl. afte, t+e fa1t in o,*e, to fa-,i1ate a 1a/se of a1tion. Fo/,t+is t+at a11o,*in3 to t+e4atta1+e*5 De1la,ation of Dale &. S/3i2oto, P,esi*ent of San* Can.on, f#$#a O@tion One &o,t3a3e 4OO&C5, si3ne* /n*e, @enalt. of @e,>/,. an* file* into t+e )nite* States Ban$,/@t1. Co/,t in t+e East Dist,i1t of Lo/isiana on &a,1+ 0A, 699=, S/3i2oto 1lea,l. states t+at San* Can.on *oes not oBn an. ,esi*ential ,eal estate 2o,t3a3es. At t+e ti2e of t+e alle3e* t,ansfe, of t+e 2o,t3a3e t+is Bas t,/e. So t+e assi3n2ent a-ove 1o/l* not +ave +a@@ene*. Fift+ is t+e FNO% CE RES) RED B" %HE FA R DEB% COLLEC% ON PRAC% CES AC%, 0: ).S.C. SEC% ON 08=6, et se;.G atta1+e* as @a,t f t+e Co2@laint states t+at t+e F1,e*ito, to B+o2 t+e *e-t is oBe* is A&ER CAN HO&E &OR%GAGE SER' C NG, NC. AS SER' CER FOR WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. AS %R)S%EE FOR OP% ON ONE &OR%GAGE LOAN %R)S% 699E-FMD6 ASSE%-BASED CER% F CA%ES, SER ES 699EFMD6.G f A2e,i1an Ho2e &o,t3a3e Se,vi1in3, n1. is t+e 1,e*ito,, t+e. a,e not i*entifie* as t+e Plaintiff o, ot+e,Bise even 2entione* in t+e Co2@laint. Please investi3ate t+e fa1ts t+at +ave @,ovi*e* .o/.Base* on t+is info,2ation t,/st t+at .o/ Bill i22e*iatel. *is2iss t+e fo,e1los/,e laBs/it a3ainst 2e. %+an$ .o/ fo, .o/, 1onsi*e,ation. aBait .o/, ,es@onse. C+a,an G. K/2a, T@+one n/2-e,U

NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% Ge,al* S+a@i,o 3e,al*Xlo3s.1o2 Ba,,. Fis+2an NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% NCL)DEP C%)RE L+tt@J##BBB.flo,i*a-a,.o,3#i1ons#e1-lan$.3ifL VW &ERGEFOR&A% NE% -fis+2anXlo3s.1o2 Ronal* Ga1+e ,3a1+eXlo3s.1o2 &a,isa A>2o 2a>2oXlo3s.1o2 Natalie C/,ts n1/,tsXlo3s.1o2 Jessi1a Conte >1onteXlo3s.1o2 Jonat+an Rosse, >,osse,Xlo3s.1o2 Ja2es Jo+nson >a>o+nsonXlo3s.1o2 Ja. S+ea,e, >s+ea,e,Xlo3s.1o2 &e,i*it+ A-,iss 2e,i*it+Xa-,isslaB.1o2

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