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Spiritual Leader: Jill Loving, Licensed Unity Teacher ! Ofce: 209-723-3427 ! Cell: 209-489-7533 Email: unitymerced@hushmail.com ! Website: unity.

org ! Facebook: unitymerced We are part of: Unity World Wide Ministries & Silent Unity !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loving Letter
for November & December 2013
Of course it is with mixed emotions that I write this Last Loving Letter. However our themes for the last two months of the year Thanksgiving - I am blessed and Rejoice, I welcome each day with zeal and enthusiasm!! just about sum it up. I am grateful that you all have found a Spiritual Leader to take my place and I know you will love and cherish her as you have myself. It is wonderful to see the energy around this new beginning as you all scurry about with enthusiasm getting the house ready for Rev Twyla and the ofce moved for Janine. So different from the energy when I took the lead! I am grateful for all the time I have spent here, almost ten years in one capacity or another. Grateful for the opportunity you gave me to learn and grow through service and through Spiritual Enlightenment and Education at Unity Village leading to me nally becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher and your Spiritual Leader. I am grateful for all those who have worked so closely with me as

we raise Unity of Merced up in as many ways as possible. First Mike who was with me all the way in those early years and is now so instrumental in keeping Unity of Merced sound in building, aided and abetted by his Nehemiah Team. Then the number of people who have supported me in the ofce. Initially Betty remember Betty and her dachunds? Then Rose and Vicki and now Janine. The other constant through many of those years has been Janet Hay. She and Janine will be !a great support for Twyla releasing her from much of the day to day business, freeing her to do the development work of this community. I am grateful for our teams of speakers and musicians we have collected over the years, and all those who also support our Sunday Service, owers, platform, ushers and the !hospitality ministries. I am grateful for our devoted Prayer ministry, the Course in Miracles and the Book Group who meet and extend each others spiritual lives. Finally I am grateful for the Youth Education Ministry who raise up our young people. What a team! One of the highlights of my time was you was the beginning of 2007 when I appealed to you all to pray me up a husband or have Spirit re! Page 1 of 6 !

veal some other strategy to enable me to stay with you as my visa approached it's expiry date! Within two months I re-met Jim and the following year we were wed, then began the process that resulted in my Green card by 2009! Now I am grateful that I can leave you empowered to continue the growth and development of Unity of Merced so it's presence and power can be felt across Merced. December's theme Rejoice, I welcome each day with zeal and enthusiasm!! is exactly how we intend to approach the next years of our lives together. I am looking forward to devoting the next years to my life with Jim while we can both still do all the things we want to do. !I pray that horse back riding will still be one of those things once I heal from this last fall! A return to England is in the plan, as is a cruise around Australia. Then there is much of the US neither of us has visited so the trusty trailer will come into its own for that. Wherever we are living our lives, with zeal and enthusiasm, know that you all will always hold a special place in our hearts. !I will keep in touch and come and join you on special occasions. Love peace and blessings Jill

Board Chaplains Corner By: Dr. Judith Hartman Do not say Yes to please or because you think, you do not have a choice. You do! Every choice brings you closer to or further away from what you want. So, before you say, Yes, think carefully about what you want to create. As soon as you say Yes, your intention becomes directed to an outcome. Saying Yes, is a creative act, a commitment to bring something new into existence. When you realize the creative power contained in saying Yes, you will begin to realize the importance of getting clear on what you want. Clarity on what matters to you, brings what you want into alignment with who you are, and what you are saying Yes to. When you say Yes to what you want, and commit with your whole heart, the universe responds. If you do not think you can have what you want then you are accepting No as your answer. This practice is more than saying the word. It is recognizing the actions that distinguish a Yes from a No. I came to fully understand this when I began to lose my eyesight. I went to a specialist and did all the things prescribed, but continued to experience the loss. Then it came to me. I thought I was saying Yes to a healing but in practice I was saying Yes to a new and unknown experience. I made a commitment to follow the prescribed treatment and said Yes wholeheartedly to the outcome. If you nd you are not getting the results you want, ask What am I saying Yes to? Is it different

from what I say I want? Pay attention to your results. If your actions do not match your intention then stop and afrm what you specically want. This can be a major wake-up call. So here is the practice: Say YES only to what you want. Notice if NO has become your answer in any area of your life. Switch NO to YES if that is your true intention. Rene your YES to specically what you are asking to receive, and be open to receive it. Be grateful for what you have and the opportunity to say YES now. It will modify your thinking about what is possible and guide your actions. Remember when you say YES, the universe says YES! So, bring all of your attention and intention to what you ask for. It will make a difference in your choices and a difference in how clearly you see your future. Blessings!

Youth of Unity Teachers Meet as needed Lead: Sarah Anderson Email: sarahanderson1122@gmail.com Book Group Tuesdays @ Barnes & Noble 4:30 p.m. A Course in Miracles Tuesdays 7-9:00 p.m. with Randy and Mattie Lane - this is a long established class so please call 6286383 before joining Fun & Fitness Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary. Participate in a fusion of basic belly dance moves and gentle exercise that will lift your spirit and energize your being.

Hospitality Ministry meets 12 noon 1st Sunday of the month. Lead: Susan Benes Call: 209-777-7771 Email: smbpaints@aol.com. Sunday Service Support Ministry We are still looking for ushers. If you are interested contact the Office. Bookstore Ministry: View our inventory at: http://www.librarything.com/home/ UnityMerced Volunteers needed to help staff the bookstore Lead: Mattie Lane Email: mattielane@sbcglobal.net Nehemiah Ministry meets most Saturdays. Their Honey-Do-List is at the back of the sanctuary. Please add any repairs you notice that need attention. Lead: Mike Fragulia Email: fragulia@sbcglobal.net

Our Prayer ministry continues to thrive on Tuesdays at noon. Betty Parker sends out our new prayer cards every Tuesday morning.

" email Prayer Requests to: unitymerced@hushmail.com "

Every TUESDAY at 12 Noon Prayer Service in the YE building Teen Room. Please hold your Prayer Angels intention daily. An occasional note, card, or small gift is also appreciated. Use the Angel Drop Off Point (book shelves under the bulletin boards at the back of the sanctuary) or our church address as your return address to preserve your anonymity!
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Blessed Come-Unity As the seasons scroll by so does our evolution. Like the seasons we have to tune is to be aware of the sometimes, subtle processes of change. This is my passion for Planet Unity. There is a grand metaphoric, seasonal shifting process going on within the spectrum of humanity. Like coming out of the spiritual winter where the gratitude and rejoicing has been in the deep freeze of superficial thinking and reward systems. The greatest gift of this shift is from being motivated by a carrot out there to receiving the inner karat, like a raw diamond. In the metaphor of the diamond, first we have coal. Then the pressure builds over time to transform us. By gratitude, the coal is transformed to a diamond by the grateful patience within life pressures to form a diamond. From there, our gratitude cuts the diamond to describe its dimensions and facets. There we begin the sparkle season, from the depths of our facets and clarity. Ultimately displaying the presence pure Spirit blessed beauty that comes into expression by the sacred seasoning process. I remember when the Occupy movement was in Veterans Park. I

was so thrilled to stand with a movement that stood outside the paradigm of the haves and havenots. I came with my tall staff where a wabi-sabi sign places at the top. On one side was a picture of my book. On the other side said Simply Rich~A Cosmic Romance Whole-Sum Positioning for We The People. It was so liberating to stand on a ground where we were finished with doing things the way where the world powers serve some but not every. Some how that movement was not sustainable. It brings me to Mother Teresa when she said that she would not march against war, but she would stand for peace. This is the stand that is the seed and intention of Planet Unity. Planet Unity is an exercise of our Diamond Life in the making. Transferring our attention and resources to the innermost where the Spirit sets the pace and process for our energetic, scientific and sacred evolutions. Bringing peace home from the inside out with dedicated practice. I am just getting started in establishing the atmosphere for the universal citizenship, and certainly committed to the grand season of Unity for all. Blessings to the most Whole-Sum! One Love! iPeace Love Joy!

From A Cosmic Romance The Affair to Remember The CosmicSeason The cosmic season brings one backby going forwardadding seasoning for flavor to our originsee Spring Birthes Summer...Summer Flowers Into Autumn Autumn Falls into WinterWinter Burrows Under Spring.. Spring Flies Out Of BurrowsSummer Settles Fsrom Springs FlightAutumn Melts From Summer Settles.. Winter Freezes Seasons Sights Making us at homeRound and round we PLANET Unity *Bright Ideas* Universal Sciences *Dialogue* Life Afrming Entertainment On the Grounds of Unity of Merced 305 W. 26th St., Merced, CA Alternating Saturdays Next meeting: Saturday, Nov. 9th, 2013 7-9ish p.m. For more info please contact: Joy Sundee Widmark @ 818-405-2160

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A Holiday Message for the Spiritually Minded:

Spiritual truth is often a very rare thing in the outspoken world of money, competition, and territorial defensiveness. !All of this is the norm for a population of mankind that is and perhaps always has been running a little out of control from a spiritual point of view. Ofcial recognition by the world seems to be one of the main motivating factors we see played out over and over again. !Whether it is a hot new product by a smart new company anxious to win and be seen as winners or an old country who conveniently forgot to curb rampant pollution in the name of hopeful modern prosperity, it is the same energy taking different forms. The hidden belief is that the whole is willing to sacrice for a few who now deserve it because they are seemingly more special than the rest and besides, "it's my turn!" !On an individual level one may observe the workaholic, the neglectful parent, or the old friend who simply "moved on." !And why must it always be so? !For money, recognition, and "just because" that's what everybody else is doing? !Seems to be the same old, same old, year after year. !Does the world know no other way? !Where is the love and mercy, or is that just for the weak and ineffective, the small and insignicant? In the holy light of spiritual truth at the start of the current holiday season, may we try to remember year round that our experience here is temporary. !Yes, all that we work for so carefully and cautiously and all that we are so proud of will slip through the ngers at some point

and the old winner shall be no more than a memory of a guy or gal who worked themselves literally to the bone. We may choose to see greater understanding than the world can give by observing and learning from the phenomenon of "near death experiences." !It is well known every NDE was trans formative to the individual participant because of their brush with the deep, divine, ever present love of God (perhaps for the rst time). !All of these accounts may also show us the truth of our own existence. !The truth I wish to bring forward as a gift at this "present moment" is that our senses (sight, hearing, smell, etc.) all belong to the eternal consciousness (the true Self) and not the temporary body (the little self). !The popularly held illusion is that our senses do belong to the body and therefore it always seems to be given much more "weight" than it deserves, just like all the worldly focus on money and recognition. May we all come to a better understanding this holiday season of our true identities-- that we are all eternal beings independent of the body and death is simply not possible! !What a reason to celebrate!!! !This I share with love and divine recognition for all, Jereme

URGENT Board News!!!

Unity Merced Ofce has successfully moved to the YE building. Watch for the new signs and please pop in and visit with Janine during the week and admire her new environment. The Prayer Group has re-located to the Teen Room Tuesdays at 12 noon. The Manse (as the ofce has now become) has to have some rewiring work done before we can safely instal either a stove or our new spiritual leader Rev Twyla! Dear Bob Puphal is getting quotes as I write. We will still need an electric stove, fridge freezer, washing machine and dryer to complete the Manse provision. Contact the ofce for details. H.Q and Association News Dont forget we belong to an international organization. Keep in touch with all they do, and offer for your personal growth, through the web site www.unity.org, subscribe to Unity magazine and The Path the regular email newsletter

Newsletter Deadline for the

Jan. / Feb. 2014 issue is Sunday, December 29th, 2013 Lead: Janet Hay Overbey Email: jhoverbey@clearwire.net

Allan Spencer's Marimba Band Christmas Concert at Unity of Merced Friday, December 13th 7 p.m. $15 Just 100 tickets so make sure you buy yours as soon as we offer them!
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Prosperity Report
Total Income:! $7,344.36 Total Expenses: $5,364.15 Balance at End of Sept. $3,556,81

Our ofce manager Janine Adcock is now in the ofce Monday 9-11 a.m. Tuesday 11 a.m. 4 p.m. Wed 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m. 4 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. 1 p.m.

November 2013 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Line-up November 3rd Speaker-Amy Moffat Music-Kate&Roddy Jackson Platform-Rich Gipson Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Dee Dee Lead Usher-Frank McMillon Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Ida Fragulia Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-Janine November 10th Speaker-Jill Loving, LUT Accompanist-Allan Spencer Special Music-Cheryl Lochett Platform-Dan Aleman Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Charlotte Mak Lead Usher-?

Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Ida Fragulia Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-Betty P. November 17th Speaker-Karen Damme Accompanist-John Albano Special Music-Lorraine Walsh Platform-Rich Gipson Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Twila Stout Lead Usher-Frank McMillon Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Ida Fragulia

Uniteens/Y.O.U.-? Hospitality-Frank & Janie November 24th - Installation Speaker-Rev. Twyla Reece Music-Ed Benes&Allan Spencer Platform-Kelly Lowe Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Charlotte Mak Lead Usher-? Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Ida Fragulia Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-ALL Hands!

Thanksgiving Potluck

December 2013 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service Line-up December 1st - First Advent Speaker-Rev. Twyla Reece Music-Kate & Roddy Jackson Platform-Ida Fragulia Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Dee Dee Lead Usher-Frank McMillon Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Sarah Anderson Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-Janine December 5th - Thursday Decorate the Sanctuary December 8th - Second Advent Speaker-Haywood Leverette Accompanist-Allan Spencer Special Music-Cheryl Lockett Platform-Dan Aleman Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Charlotte Mak Lead Usher-? Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Sarah Anderson

Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-Betty P. December 15th - Third Advent Speaker-Joy Widmark Accompanist-John Albano Special Music-Lorraine Walsh Platform-Rich Gipson Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Twila Stout Lead Usher-Frank McMillon Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Sarah Anderson Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-Frank & Janie December 22nd - Fourth Advent Speaker-Rev. Twyla Reece Music-Ed Benes & Allan Spencer Platform-Kelly Lowe
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Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-Charlotte Mak Lead Usher-? Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Sarah Anderson Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-ALL Hands! Christmas Potluck December 29th Speaker-Rev. Nancy McNatt Music-TBA Platform-TBA Sound-Mike/Jereme Flowers-? Lead Usher-? Bookstore UniTots-Whitney UniKids-Ida Fragulia Uniteens/Y.O.U.-Karen Damme Hospitality-?

305 W. 26th Street Merced, CA 95340

November / December 2013 Weekly Calendar & Scheduled Meetings

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Service ---------------4:00 p.m. U.U. every Sunday Monday 7-8:00 a.m. AA Meeting ---------------9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Ofce Open ---------------6:30-8 p.m. RCA Meeting Tuesday 7-8:00 a.m. AA Meeting ---------------11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ofce Open ---------------12:00 Noon Prayer Service ---------------7-9:00 p.m. A Course in Miracles w/ Mattie and Randy Lane Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Ofce Open ---------------Bellydance Fitness w/Janet 6-7:00 p.m. ---------------also 6-7:30 p.m. AA Meeting (Children Welcome) Thursday 7-8:00 a.m. AA Meeting ---------------11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Ofce Open Friday 7-8:00 a.m. AA Meeting ---------------10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Ofce Open Saturday 8-9:00 a.m. AA Meeting ---------------Planet Unity alternate Saturdays

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