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Project Report: The Reforestation of Nusakambangan Island

Stephanus Mulyadi YSBS CILACAP 9/8/2012


Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

NARRATIVE REPORT Report Number Subject Name of Partner Organization The Project Title Report Period Report Summary The Narrative Report Progress of Reforestation Nusakambangan Island with Strengthening Local Society Model Yayasan Sosial Bina Sejahtera Cilacap Reforestation of Nusakambangan Island First Report (August 2011) The Process of this report involved the Foundation staff, project staff and the formers being trained. The information was collected through direct interview, visitation and field direct observation. Contributors: project staff, local government, and the framers

Introduction As the follow up to the M.O.U. between Central Java Province Law and Human Rights Department and The Foundation of the Bringing About of Prosperity and Good Will (YSBS Cilacap) No. WUM.01.10-323, dated 7 April 2010, in the same year YSBS started the reforestation project in Solok Jero area, in Nusakambangan Island. The purpose of the reforestation project is to restore the forest in Nusakambangan Island to the previous ecosystem and give a significant contribution on reducing the danger of global warming. Therefore, we prioritize the indigenous plants from the Island to be planted and the strategy that we use is organizing and recruiting the settlers around the area so that they can participate actively in implementing the reforestation program in Nusakambangan Island. To keep the sustainability and the success of the project we carry out the system what is called tumpang sari, which means in the same area among those main and hard trees which may not be cut or logged they also plant and cultivate sorts of vegetable called palawija. The project was officially confirmed by the Vice Governor of Central Java Province, Mrs. Rustriningsih, and witnessed by the Law and Human Rights Department of Central Java Province, Mr. Chairudin Idrus, on May 1 st 2011. The following is our report on the implementation of the project so far. We are also attaching some pictures on the project.

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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

I. The Improvement of the Project.

Foto 1 Pic 1. Showing the area which has been covered by the indigenous plant from the island. With the appropriate treatment the plants grew well and healthily.

1) Seedling The first step of the reforestation is seedling the indigenous plants. The seedling nursery is done in the area to guarantee the efficiency and the indigenousness of the plants. The seedling planting is done both in the base camp of the project and in the settlers land. The seedlings in the base camp functions as the samples, whereas the ones in the settlers land is meant to reduce the distance between the seedling area and the reforestation area which can minimize the cost of moving the young plants to the reforestation area.
Foto 2-3

Pics 2 and 3, showing the seedling process in the Base Camp of the Coordinator Reforestation Project.

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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

The seedlings in this Base camp gives a very important education to the settlers, for they can learn the appropriate seedling process and study how to do the seedlings correctly, also how to overcome the plant disease they might encounter. The readied seedlings then are taken to the settlers area. Until now (2012) we have planted over one million indigenous trees in Nusakambangan.

Foto 4-5

Foto 6-7

Foto 8-9 Pics 6 - 9 show the seedling in the settlers area next to their huts.

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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

2) The implementation of tumpang sari system to support the project. As we mentioned above that in this reforestation project we carry out Tumpang Sari system. We chose that system because there has been no better system to support the sustainability of the project with the least cost so far. Tumpang Sari system means the settlers can plant vegetables / palawija among the timber or the fruit trees. So, the settlers who are involved in the project do not receive any payment, but they can still harvest from the vegetable and fruit trees which they plant among the indigenous plants. This system proves to function very well, where the symbiosis take places.

Foto 10-11

Foto 12-15 Pics 10 and 11 show the indigenous plant among the vegetable and fruit trees. Pics 12 - 15 show the young indigenous plants after the vegetable was harvested.

Due to the failure of the paddy harvest the previous year, the Foundation of the Bringing About of the Prosperity and Good Will helped the farmers by donating money to buy corn seed, lentils kidney beans, and green peas. Those plants grew very well and the first harvest yieled a good quality and quantity crop.

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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

Foto 16-18 Pics 16 - 18 show the Palawija which grew very well and gave the farmers the successful way out to overcome the problem due to the Paddi Gogo failure.

3) The Harvest

Foto 19-22 The Palawija Harvest helped by the Foundation Corn 7,5 ton July 2011 Kindey Beans 6 ton July 2011 Green Beans 6 ton July 2011 Pics 19- 22 show the harvest of Corn and beans.

Pic 23. A farmer thank Father Charlie (the Foundation) for the donation which are corn seeds, kidney bean seed, and green bean seeds that have helped them from the Paddi Gogo failure. Foto 23

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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

4) Instructions for the Non Worker People in Nusakambangan Island

Foto 24

To maintain the security and the success of the reforestation project in Nusakambangan Island, two years before ( in 2009 )Nusakambangan Prison authority issued instructions for settlers/non worker people around the Nusakambangan Prison area. There are 5 ( five ) prohibitions in that instructions that should be obeyed by all non workers people in the area, e.g.: a) Prohibition to change the function and mission of Nusakambangan forest, b) Prohibition to log the natural trees or planted trees, c) Prohibition to open a new area/settlement, d) Prohibition to sell or buy land/farmer area, and e) Prohibiton to hunt. The settlers/farmers who are being trained by the Foundation have always obeyed those five prohibitions. Unfortunately, those instructions are only directed to the non worker people in Nusakambangan area. Some problems still comes up so far, such as there are still timberthieves and hunters who come from outside the Nusakambangan area (they are not the people who live in Nusakambangan Island).
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Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

5) Planting the Spaying The Reforestation Project managed by the Foundation of the Bringing About of the Prosperity and Good Will in Solok Jero area, Nusakambangan Island has shown a satisfying improvement. Tumpangsari system works very well, (warga binaan) the farmers can harvest and the indigenous plants have grown very well. These following pictures show some trees being planted, namely Jabon trees, have grown very well.

Foto 25-26 Pics 25 - 26 show the young indigenous trees (managed to grow well)

6) Spectacles/Problems The settlers/farmers in Solok jero who are trained by the foundation have some roles. Besides as the pioneers who plan the indigenous plants, they also help the forest police to guard the Nusakambangan forest from the timber thieves. As a result, sometimes they have a threat from the timber thieves. Mr. Memet, the Foundations coordinator of the reforestation project, is one of those who have ever been threatened by the timber thieves, because he helped the police to catch the thieves. To protect the farmers from the threat, the Foundation asked for help from the Marines who post in Klaces, Nusakambangan.
Foto 27-28

7) Advisorying and Supptoring for The Farmers

Pics 27-28 Mr. Memet and the Marines are exchanging the mobile numbers to communicate in case of the threats or other dangerous criminal actions.

Narrative Project Report of Reforestation Nusakambangan Island -YSBS | 8


Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

The Foundation not only gave donations in the form of seeds and other farming material, but also a training, educational meeting, and discussion on finding solution on how to send their children to school for a better future than just farming in Nusakambangan Island. Therefore, the Foundation regularly has a meeting with the farmers. The following pictures show Father Charlie, OMI, is discussing with the farmers on the possibilities of their children going to schools managed by the Foundation with the scholarship from the Foundation. Two schools which are promising enough among others are: SMK (Vocational School) and Akademi Maritime Nusantara (Nusantara Maritime Academy). Both have proved to enable the graduates to get jobs quicker with a very well payment. In this case, they can help the parents in Nusakambangan Island.

Foto 29 Pic 29. Father Charlie is discussing with the farmers about the education for their children.

8) The Coordination Meeting with The Wardens of Batu Nusakambangan Prison. The Reforestation Project in Nusakambangan Island can only work well if the security is well guaranteed. Therefore, the existence of Warden Squad who work hand in hand with the
Narrative Project Report of Reforestation Nusakambangan Island -YSBS | 9


Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

people in keeping the security is also urgent. The Foundation always makes coordination and regularly has a meeting with the squad to consolidate the forest security and the farmer safety in Nusakambangan Island.

Foto 30-31 Pics 30-31 show the meeting between Father Charlie with the Batu Prison Squad discussing the coordination with the farmer to catch the timber thieves. One gang has been arrested and is waiting for the trial.

9) The Committment for the Future The Foundation Reforestation Project, especially in Solok Jero area, has just been started. From the evaluation of the first period we can conclude that the Reforestation Project is showing a satisfying progress. Even some of the indigenous trees has grown more than 2 (two) meters tall. On the other hand, due to the harvest of Palawija and fruit trees, the farmers become more enthusiastic to succeed the big Reforestation Project in Nusakambangan Island. Up to the moment, there are 7 hectares of the farmers land which still have not been planted with the indigenous plants (see the pic 32 below). This is because of the dry season which makes it unable to plant the indigenous trees. The planting will be done as soon as the wet season comes; the wet season is predicted to start in September.

Narrative Project Report of Reforestation Nusakambangan Island -YSBS | 10


Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

Foto 32

Pic 32 shows the land which is ready to be planted with the indigenous plants..

As committed from the beginning, the Foundation of the Bringing About of the Prosperity and Good Will still commits to give 1(one) million rupiahs to every farmer who succeeds to plant the indigenous plant and fruit trees in their land. Hopefully with that money they can cultivate more arid savanna to be planted with the indigenous plants and the fruit trees with the Tumpang Sari system so that the Reforestation widens. In that Reforestation area, it is forbidden to plant productive plants, but only the indigenous plants and fruit trees. The farmer/people are not allowed to cut or log the trees. They can only harvest the fruits from the trees. On Thursday, 4 August 2011, after the meeting on The Uncontrolled Forest Logging especially Albiso Trees in Nusakambangan Island, which was held in Cilacap Districts Meeting Room, we made a discussion with the Forest Police on working together to support the indigenous plants seedling in Solok Jero. The result of the discussion was the Forest Police was willing to guide the farmers to find the seed in the reservation forest and train the farmer on how to propagate the seedlings properly in such a way that it produces the high
Narrative Project Report of Reforestation Nusakambangan Island -YSBS | 11


Gedung AMN Lt.4, Jl. Kendeng 307 Sidanegara, Cilacap 53223. Jawa Tengah INDONESIA NPWP No. 01-245-092.0-522.000 - KEPMEN HUKUM DAN HAM RI NO. AHU-3098 AH.01.04.Tahun 2011 Tel.Fax. +62-282-507 000 4 E-Mail: ysbscilacap@yahoo.com website: www.ysbs.or.id

quality indigenous trees. Based on our data, there are 170.000 indigenous seedlings in the pollybags which are ready to be planted in the wet season. CONCLUSION As the conclusion, we can inform that the Reforestation Project which is done together with the farmers in Solok Jero Nusakambangan has shown a very satisfying result. Regarding about the importance of Reforestation for human life, we are committed to keep on doing the Reforestation Project. We are grateful that the same commitment also happens to Central Java Province Law and Human Rights Department, Government and parties involved. This is the report that we can provide so far. We really appreciate and deeply thank for all the support and partnership that have been given so far and in the future (sm).

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