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Wayne Hartman



The Search for Center was a newsletter that was created in the hopes of establishing a community on the
Internet. It grew from its humble beginnings to a substantial enterprise with many sections and features
each month. As such, it was far more than what one typically expects from a “newsletter”. However, our
only advertising was word of mouth and in the nine months that the newsletters were produced, the
number of hits to the various pages of the newsletter did not warrant all the time and effort that went into
creating them. Such was my assessment anyway when I discontinued the newsletter after an abbreviated
Issue #9.

I’m moved now to capture what was expressed during that special time and share it in a different way.
Most of the information is timeless, so there is much that is still of value to the reader now. Much of the
expression is stream of consciousness material from me. But, occasionally there were contributions from
others to various sections. Special thanks to Dawn Kalin and Ed Kunin for their contributions.

I believe the original intent was the Search for a physical center for Beyond Imagination. However, it
seems that it was more important for me to establish a deeper connection with the source at the center of
my being. It should be obvious that this did indeed occur. Hopefully, it occurred in a manner that can
somehow be transmitted to you through what is shared here. I can’t guarantee anything. All that I can do
is try.

Why did the expression only last nine months? I don’t really know. It just seemed right to end it when I
did. Part of the decision came from the lack of participation from others. This was my attempt to stretch
beyond myself and start to create a community. And, that just wasn’t happening. Whether that is because
the timing was wrong, or my approach was wrong, I don’t know. But, the feedback was definitely that
what I was doing wasn’t working. It wasn’t achieving the results that I desired. It is not that I had
anything better to do with the time, or anything else to try. It was just that the newsletter wasn’t doing it.

I don’t really remember what happened after that. Perhaps that is when the Musings of a Spiritual
Warrior started. The next few years were pretty lean overall for Beyond Imagination expression.

I hope you enjoy what you find here. Perhaps if there is sufficient interest we can start up something like
this again. Though, I would want volunteers to assist with some of the sections and the page work. It is
important that we do something to establish ourselves as a community. It doesn’t matter that we are in
physical proximity to one another. What matters is that we are one in spirit and realize this.

Be Happy and Create Well!

In Peace, Love and Light,



Redondo Beach, July 2003





31 October 1996

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen. So if you are one who desires to get involved in the Search please join in :) This Newsletter will
grow as the Light within our Beings grows.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used for resources and
services so please feel free to add to our collection.



I believe the world can be a better place. I believe it is possible.

I believe the power to create a better world is out there. We just need to come together and focus our
individual power in one direction. Creating mass power to reach a common goal is our intent.

You see we can create the perfect world but first we have to WANT to and second we have to TRULY
believe that we can. Once we have those two things we are half way there. The next step would be to act
on your newfound realizations.

Start imagining what the perfect world would be like, make it fun, enjoy yourself, and let your
imagination run wild. Because if you can imagine it you can create it. WOW imagine what could be !

Just something to think about.

In Joy the Light, Wunjo.



Letters to the Editor


Treasures from the Dragon's Lair

[Community input is encouraged and actively sought for most sections.]



Since this is our first month, I thought we'd start off with a brief interview with Wunjo, the editor /
publisher of the Newsletter.

Question 1: Why are you creating this Newsletter NOW?

Answer: Because now is the right time to do so. I believe now is the time ... that it will enable us to reach
the right people, igniting a spark within their hearts. They say now is the quickening. Well, we'd better
have something to quicken. I am ready to fly. Are you???

Question 2: What does the title "The Search for Center" mean?

Answer: The search for the center of our beings, our inner wisdom, peace and love ... the search for truth,
integrity, compassion ... the search for other beings that believe that it is possible to make dreams come
true. Also, this includes a search for land to create the most incredible Spiritual Center that anyone can
imagine. And, most of all, the search to be free.

Question 3: What do you mean by "COMMUNITY"?

Answer: A group of spiritual people working together for a common goal. This newsletter is intended to
be a community effort. I expect it to create a life of it's own with people contributing their creative efforts.
This is just the beginning ... anything can happen.

Question 4: Are there any "causes" that you promote? ... environmental, social, and political?

Answer: We honor and respect this most magnificent jewel of a planet that we are so lucky to experience,
along with all lifeforms ... the beloved animals and plants that we share it with. Our current social and
political systems are a joke so we strive to create something better. We know that by our efforts we can
manifest a world in which abundance and happiness reign.

Question 5: What effects do you want the Newsletter to have?

Answer: I want it to draw in the people who feel they are here to help bring about a new way of living ...
a new way of thinking ... people that are truly walking their talk. Now wouldn't that be nice to have
people actually do what they say they do or do what they would like to do. That alone could jump us
ahead a level or two. Further, I would like this newsletter to really open up our hearts and allow the love
to flow, because with LOVE we can do anything ... anything that our hearts desire. All we need to do is
care for one another and allow the LOVE of spirit to flow through us into all that we do.

Question 6: Is there anything you want to ask of your readers? ... what actions do you want them to take?

Answer: I want them to feel totally free to express themselves. This newsletter is for them. Please give us
feedback and contribute whatever creative works you are moved to share. We appreciate all the help we
can get. Feel free to submit anything you think would move or teach others. Check out our Features and
sections, all of which you can participate in if you so desire. Our hope is to find people who desire to
Create great things. Consider this an opportunity to allow SPIRIT to truly express through YOU.


That Time Of Year
WHEN the leaves start to turn the color of fall
Summer ending and winter beginning,
The air of the wind swirls around and around
The snow falling down, falling down,
Lightly veiling the newly colored leaves of fall.
With a nip in the air that was not there, making you aware.
Aware that change is in the air .

Dawn Kalin (1967- )

To soar on wings Beyond Imagination.

Awakening to the rosy dawn of a New Age.

Charioteer guided by the Heavens.

Manifesting the simple Truth that "I AM".

Always the Warrior for the Divine.

Pathfinder, Wayshower ... Visionary.

Lighting the way that others might SEE.

A vehicle for Spirit, serving the Plan.

Building a World that is destined to be.

Expressing LOVE always,

right HERE and right NOW.

Wayne Hartman (1958 - )



I dream of a world united in Peace, where each individual receives what they need physically,
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually ... a world of abundance, joy, and great happiness ... a world where
LOVE is truly expressed and where spirit is manifest as fully as possible.

Yes, it is far different than the world we see today. But the VISION of my dreams is stronger than the
vision of my eyes. I KNOW that what I see in this VISION is to be. Exactly when is for spirit to
determine ... but that it will exist, I have no doubt. And further, I see it as part of my path to make it so.

Of course, manifesting such a world will require the creative energies of all of us. It will require us to
work with one another in ways that are new ... ways that stretch and test our abilities to the utmost. But
the rewards are great. We are creating a TRUE COMMUNITY, in which each of us can fully express all
that we are.

The results of this creative expression will literally be BEYOND IMAGINATION. Yes, we can create a
Utopia, a "Heaven on Earth". Yes, such is indeed within our power. It all begins with a dream
accompanied by an intense desire to manifest the dream. We are Creators, here to create the world that we
would prefer to live in. Such is our birthright and our destiny.

The time has come for us to speak and to act in a manner consistent with the DREAM. The Aquarian Age
is dawning. With this Dawn comes the birth of new depth of expression of consciousness in this realm. It
is for us to make ourselves ready for this expression in every way that we can, NOW. Know Thyself
becomes the battle cry. For only through such knowing is spirit fully expressed.

Individual action alone is not enough, however. The times ahead require that we work closely together to
manifest things and structures that no individual can create alone. Community is what it is all about.
Though, this does not require a loss of individual freedom ... rather it requires exercising the freedom to
cooperate and act together to create great things. Where two or more are joined together to create ...
MAGIC happens as consciousness blesses the union with a spiritual force that is beyond compare. Such is
how massive change occurs. It is spirit herself that does the work through us.

So, it is here that we start ... with a Newsletter that promotes interaction that facilitates building a
community. It matters not that we are collocated in the beginning. For it is where our hearts are that we
truly are. And hearts can be aligned regardless of any illusions of time and distance.

Also, the power of numbers is far more than most would guess. Even a dozen acting together can be
stronger than thousands acting alone. Such is the magnifying factor when spirit is invoked. With such
strength, even the largest tasks are mere child's play. It is simply a matter of doing what we are moved to
do in each moment ... and allowing the sheer force of spirit to overcome any obstacles that we might
encounter in the process.

I DREAM of a World that is to be.

Let SPIRIT work through us to MAKE IT SO!



December 1996




We Love You, Wunjo!

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen. So if you are one who desires to get involved in the Search please join in :) This Newsletter will
grow as the Light within our Beings grows.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used for resources and
services so please feel free to add to our collection.

I would like to thank all who visited our first newsletter and, in particular, those moved to contribute
inputs and provide feedback. I especially want to thank Wayne Hartman for putting this newsletter
together. Without him this newsletter would not be here. So Thank YOU Wayne with all my heart!! :)

People seem to like our idea of coming together to create great things. This makes me very happy. :) I did
some researching on the web for like-minded groups and organizations and was successful in finding
some. I am happy to say there are indeed more of us out there. We will be putting our friends that want to
achieve similar or complementary goals in our recommended sites so please go see who else is among us.

There is already a network of communities called United Communities of Spirit which we have joined. If
you know of any others please let us know. I would like to bring all of the Networks together to Create
one global network of people working for Spirit.

We have added some new sections and will continue adding more, as they are needed. Like we said in our
first issue, this newsletter is going to grow to fill whatever needs it can ... so keep posted to see what
develops. I think that is the fun part :) Our current plans call for monthly newsletters to be available on the
WWW one week prior to the beginning of the month.

I feel good about this newsletter and what magic might just come of it :) So please join us and help us
create a better one each month, we need your energy to make it manifest. And we always want feedback
... feedback ... feedback!

Well, thanks again for your support. Remember this is your newsletter. Feel free to contribute in whatever
way you feel might serve the community and/or serve spirit. After all, it is through US collectively that
spirit expresses physically.





Letters to the Editor

Treasures from the Dragon's Lair


Book Review by Nancy

Community Forums

Sharing of Experiences

Issues/Recommended Action




Well since we did not get any letters to the editor I will use this Space to say goodbye to a very special
friend that I will never see again.
His Name is Aeneas.
My best friend, the one that was always there for me when I needed him. He added so much JOY to my
life, so much LOVE that filled my heart. Why would Spirit separate us? I thought we are here to
experience LOVE in the flesh. So why take away the flesh that filled me with such warmth and a
marvelous feeling.

Oh how you fed my senses. Your Beauty so striking, your gentle touch so soft. How could this be? I will
never hold you again! What am I to do? That thought pierces my heart filling me with pain. Pain that
shatters my reality. I can't believe it is true, how did this happen, out of my life in an instant and never to
return, I will never see your sweet face again. I am not ready to say goodbye, I want more of you in my
life. I don't want to stop loving and caring for you; you that were the joy of my life, every moment you
were near me I felt whole. You must come back; I need you to be with me.

But you are back, right here in spirit, one with mine, and Knowing that will ease my pain. But I do not
understand why you had to go, what was the reason? What did you have to do and what am I to learn or
experience from this loss of Love. Maybe I am to learn that you don't have to be in the physical to Love,
Aeneas' spirit is with me now too, that has not changed, just his physical body which I dearly loved, but
there is more to love, the part of him that will never die. So why not keep loving? Why stop loving?!!!! It
will be hard, but I will never stop loving you and loving all the things we enjoyed together, there were so
many :) Oh how I will miss your sweet nudges my dear friend. Oh how I wish we could be together one
last time and give the best hug ever. Oh how I Love you Aeneas my dear, dear kitty. I miss you! :(




December 1996

Crows have been an important symbol in my life this month. They signify CHANGE ... major change. My
wife has noticed them no less than a dozen times in the past month. After the 4th or 5th time, they
appeared to me as well. One day alone, I saw several hundred of them on the ground near the on-ramp to
Highway 1 in Monterey. This was the same day I got a job offer after being unemployed for three months.
The message was that change was no longer in the air ... now it was GROUNDED! It is finally here!

I strongly feel that this is indeed the beginning of a new chapter in my life. The adventure is about to take
off in a manner and direction that is completely unknown to me; yet, it is exciting to no end. Exactly
where this will take me, I do not know. However, I am confident that spirit knows precisely where we are
headed and will reveal whatever I need to know when I need to know it. Why should that be? Simply
because that is the way it is. I have never known spirit to operate in any other way.

The adventure takes me to a new job in a new town. Yet, in many ways the job is like coming home. It
allows me to continue work that I have done in the past in an environment where people are familiar with
my work and me and respect my abilities. No, the work has nothing to do with creating the larger
foundations for a new world; at least nothing that I am aware of yet. At the same time, I am compelled to
be here. There is a sense that it is right, though I know not why. It will be interesting to see what is
revealed when the veils come down.

Being unemployed was a bit strange and humbling. It was obvious that an income was required soon. But,
at no time did I feel that I was in control of "manifesting" a job. I had never been unemployed before ...
and though my talents are many, they did not seem to translate very well into things potential employers
understood and were willing to pay for. It's interesting, the first job I applied and interviewed for turned
out to be the one that I got. The process just took three months from the time I interviewed until the time I
got the offer. During the entire period, I was never "worried". I trusted that spirit would come though with
something as she always has. Not that I wasn't a bit concerned at times. I did take actions to search for
work when it appeared that spirit wasn't coming forth with anything. But, none of these actions came
close to manifesting anything. In fact, they were more frustrating than anything else.

Looking back, my sense is that I truly needed the rest. Also, the experience demonstrated that trust in
spirit is always warranted. It taught me that my faith wasn't quite as certain as I thought. It also taught me
that it is spirit, not me, in control of my destiny now. Of that, I am more certain than ever. One major side
benefit: the break gave me the opportunity to birth a new expression of spirit and start co-creating
something with another person that I had never attempted to do before. I have Dawn (wunjo) to thank for
that, and am very grateful for her trust, friendship, assistance, laughter, joy and encouragement.

It is amazing how easy it is to DO SOMETHING. It really is. One just has to boldly start and unleash the
forces of the universe to do their part to create whatever is needed. No, it does not necessarily happen
overnight. Then again, there is no reason why it cannot do so if the circumstances so warrant. The bottom
line is that it does not matter. All we can do in the moment is express in the manner that spirit moves us
to. That is always the best that we can do and be. The key is allowing spirit to express as she will, rather
than imposing our will and defining the outcomes. Trusting in spirit and the natural process of reality
creation will take us to where spirit would have us be ... this is not necessarily somewhere that we would
choose to go on our own.
Many wise men (and women) have taught us that we create our reality from our thoughts and beliefs. Yet,
it takes one more step ... acting in accord with the thoughts and beliefs. It is the step of taking action that
makes all the difference. This is the key that unlocks the door. This is how we inform spirit of what we
truly want, and what we are willing to actively co-create in our lives and in our world.

This Newsletter was created to bring people together in a manner that facilitates taking such action.
However, for that to work everyone must do their part and find a way to participate in a way that serves
others. Service should not be work ... it is the natural expression of spirit through us. It should be fun and
joyous ... it should leave one feeling elated, fulfilled, and full of love. Out of such expression, we
collectively can build and do great things. We can literally build the infrastructures for the world in which
we choose to live. We are co-creators, gods and goddesses in our own right. When we reclaim our power
and allow spirit, our true nature, to express itself through us, what we can create is beyond imagination ...
literally beyond anything that has been done before. We are limited only by the walls we build around
ourselves and the chains we shackle ourselves in. There is a better way to live. We can be FREE! Actually,
we are FREE. It is time to manifest that fact and create the social structures necessary to support us rather
than control and enslave us.

However, to make this happen, we must have the courage to act, to do something that makes a difference
in not only our lives but in the lives of others, and on a larger scale for society or the world at large.
Exactly what we do isn't so important. It is being committed enough to act that matters and trusting that
the free flow of spirit through us will ensure that the action is appropriate. Our willingness to serve spirit,
to be the vessel through which she manifests her works in the world is the greatest gift we have to offer
not only to ourselves but also to all life.


The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)



Collective Image Psychology suggests that collective imagery, our perception of "human nature",
motivates collective (group) behavior. Negative collective imagery, the notion human nature leaves
something to be desired, generates hierarchical structures as some try to distinguish themselves from a
despised mass. The theory, its ramifications, and suggestions for changing the way things are can be found
at my utopia site.

Some find the theory too simple (simplistic?) but it has firm philosophical roots. Human behavior is
genetic or psychological (mind or body). We don't see group behavior as psychological because we
recognize no group mind. When you deal in perceptions, the mind, the unconscious, the id, etc. become
irrelevant because behavior is perceived as a function of belief.

Others say collective imagery reprises the Jungian collective unconscious. In one sense there is a parallel.
Jung collectivized Freudian thinking in his effort to develop a collective psychology. Collective imagery
collectivizes self-image psychology, a widely accepted notion and the basis of popular twelve step
programs. Like self-image psychology, collective image psychology recognizes no unconscious.
Everything is conscious and within our control. We, individually and collectively, are responsible for the
way we behave.

If anyone wishes to discuss these concepts, I shall be happy to respond.

Ed Kunin


With the recent election over and results showing that less than half of the eligible voters actually did so,
it seems that the issue of voting and "democratic" decision making processes deserves some attention.
Personally, I have been of voting age for 20 years, and have never bothered to even register, much less
vote. Yes, like most of you, I was told that the right to vote was a "sacred" privilege that few people in the
world are free enough to possess. I was also told that it was my "civic duty", one of the responsibilities of
being a citizen in the US. However, none of this was convincing to me. I've never felt it was important to
me or those I care about to stay abreast of current events. Further, the very nature of politics and the
political process is abhorrent to me. There has never been a time when I truly felt that any of the issues
being voted on had any real impact on my life. Similarly, it has never really mattered to me who held a
particular office. My sense is that officeholders owe the ones that get them there. These are generally the
corporations and special interest groups that support them and fund their campaigns. And, such support
always comes with BIG strings attached. Such people, companies, and groups expect special treatment in
specific areas that concern them. In many cases, this is in areas that impact how business is done, and
ultimately the bottom line profits that companies can realize. You can bet that all of these groups make
their "investments" carefully and see a big return on their investments as a result.

Overall, I still have a strong sense that nothing the government does or does not do has any meaningful
impact on the way I live my life. Oh, taxes may go up or down but in the current system dramatic changes
to the status quo are highly unlikely. In most cases, specific legislation has no real impact. I live in a state,
CA that probably has millions of laws on the books by now. Yes, they have some impact on the way

people interact and do business. But, overall, I'd be hardpressed to come up with a dozen laws that I am
aware of observing on a regular basis, laws that impact my personal behavior to any degree.

Do others have a different assessment of the importance of voting? Is there a compelling reason for voting
that I've missed all these years? Do you believe your vote truly counts and makes a difference? Does
voting allow you to speak your voice? Do the issues you are asked to vote on really matter to you? Are the
people you are asked to vote for the best people available for the respective offices? Does the process give
you enough information to really make an educated choice on either issues or candidates?



If community is truly going to work, individuals must participate. This requires the commitment of time,
energy, and sometimes resources to do something. It can start with something as simple as submitting
ideas, such as this opinion or material for other areas of the Newsletter. Ultimately, however, it requires
much more. Community requires a commitment to developing mutually beneficial relationships ... it
requires caring enough to get involved in one another’s lives in ways that truly make a difference. There is
no greater gift you can give than helping to make another’s life better by sharing whom that you are and
allowing spirit to express through you to them.

For larger infrastructure changes, it will take many cooperating and working together on projects that
make a difference for the collective whole. Deciding what these projects will be, and determining who
will be involved in doing what tasks to carry them out will not be easy. However, before we can begin to
do this, we must establish a commonality of purpose and we must jointly agree to do what we can
individually to contribute to achieving this larger purpose. This all starts with establishing a base of ideas
from which our cooperative efforts can spring forth. This newsletter provides a vehicle for such ideas to
be expressed and discussed. However, this cannot be done by a few people carrying the load. It is up to
each of you to realize that your ideas and opinions have value too ... that your inputs matter and can make
a difference. They can only do so if you voice them, though. This requires taking the time to write and
submit them, and do the appropriate research if necessary. You don't have to do it alone. Reach out to the
community to find other interested people whom you can work with. Develop the necessary relationships
to facilitate working together, and then take action to make it so, informing others of progress and getting
others involved when needed.

The bottom line is taking the responsibility to do something. Even if it is not the "right" thing, it does not
really matter. If you stay flexible, your target will naturally shift to whatever is needed from a spiritual
standpoint. Just stay open and watch the feedback that the universe provides and steer according to the
guidance it contains. Trust that the work you do is not your own, but is done by spirit through you. Spirit
always has the talents and resources required to manifest what must be done in accordance with The Plan
or Thy Will. For individuals, this requires the courage to express whatever you are moved to express in
the manner that your spirit dictates.

It all starts with a commitment to get involved and stay involved. Ultimately this is expressed by
volunteering for specific tasks, and being responsible for carrying out any commitments that you make.
You can't necessarily wait until such specific tasks are defined. If you see something you feel needs to be
done and are interested in doing something about it, feel free to define your own task(s) and enlist others
to help where they are needed. Also, it is not necessary to have the answers when you start. Just

identifying that there is a problem or an area for improvement is enough to get the process rolling. You
may find others that already have answers, or ideas on how to find answers, if you can ask the questions
and provide a focus.



Feedback is essential for building the foundations for a community. It is the reflection that the mirror
shows to us to allow us to determine what impact our efforts are having. If you simply read this and then
sit back in silence, you are NOT doing your part. You have a brain, feelings, and a voice. Please use them
to express how you feel about problems, issues, ideas, and needed actions ... or anything else you care
about. Give your ideas voice ... allow your spirit the chance to speak or to express as it will.

Without feedback, we have no guidance by which to steer along our path and ensure we are moving in a
direction that truly serves your needs and the overall collective needs. Your inputs are valuable and can
make a difference, but only if you give them wings and let them fly. Have the courage to do so. We care
deeply about what you think and how you feel. You are spirit enjoying a physical experience. You know
what you need to express more fully. Let us know, and well see if there is anything we can do to facilitate
increasing your expression of your freedom.



We believe ourselves to be a "free people". In fact, our country (the US) stands as the symbol and bastion
of freedom in the world, a role it has had for many years now. Interesting, I just corrected a typo. I spelled
"now" as "NWO", the New World Order. Very curious that I would make that error at this moment. The
NWO has both negative and positive visions attached to it. On one extreme is a very small group who
hold all the power and impose their "order" on us. Such is the opposite of any expression of FREEDOM.
At the other extreme are the prophets of the New Age who foresee a time characterized by the basic
principles of peace, harmony, sympathy, understanding, tolerance, equality, creativity, fair distribution of
goods and services, and freedom of expression.

These visions are very different. What will be manifest will probably lie somewhere between these,
preferably closer to the later; but undoubtedly in the manner that is most suited to provide the collective
with an environment that supports learning what we came to learn, and more importantly doing what we
came to do.

Freedom is a very interesting concept. It is a personal choice we make about the way we live our lives and
operate among our fellow man. The choices we make determine the shackles we must bear, and the walls,
obstacles, or other prisons that confine us. It is not the outside circumstances that determine this. It is our

mental, emotional, and spiritual state. We can be FREE anywhere and in any circumstances. Similarly, we
can be imprisoned anywhere and in any circumstances. In either case ... we do it to ourselves.

Being free to spend a portion of my time on recreation or other activities of my choice is only one type of
freedom. In our current society, I am also free to spend the fruits of my labor (wages) on an incredible
variety of goods and services. However do I really need 10 kinds of corn flakes to choice from, or 50
remedies for headaches or cold symptoms, or 100's of different brands, models, and sizes of televisions,
stereos, VCRs or computers? Does that really serve me? Does that really enhance my personal freedom in
any way?

Isn't access to information much more important? Yet, we live in a world where information has great
value yet is far from free. Much that our government does is classified at a number of different levels,
specifically to limit access to those with a definite "need to know". Most of this is done under the
umbrella of national security. Under these guidelines, information that is deemed to cause "damage",
"serious damage", or "grave damage" to the nation is carefully controlled and safeguarded. It is amazing
to me how much information is classified in such a manner and thereby kept out of the hands of we the
people. Can the information truly be that important? And is it's nature truly such that its release would
have such devastating impact. Somehow I find that very hard to swallow. At the same time, I know that
such are the laws in our present society and that so long as they are on the books; they must be respected
and abided by.

Yet, there is a gnawing in my stomach, a sense that in building a system that requires such control of
important information, we have somehow given away a great part of our freedom. And further, that we
have no real insight into just how much. There must be a better way. Information hiding is a game. A
game that has a real impact on the way not only governments behave, but corporations as well. In the case
of corporations, the motive is competitive advantage ... sometimes obtained via "ethical" business
behavior but just as often not. Yes, there are laws that provide the rules of the game. But, these can easily
be broken. Yes, corporations do this at the risk of being caught and having to pay a penalty. But, in many
cases, the penalty is little more than a slap on the wrist, and the risk of being caught is relatively low to
begin with.

So, what does this mean in personal terms? How does it impact me as an individual? I am very free in
many ways. In particular, the most important way to me is freedom of expression. I exercise that freedom
regularly. My experience is that I can say anything I want to say whenever I want to say it. There is no
sensor. This medium, in particular, provides me with a blank slate on which I can communicate to the
world at large. For the past few years I have found this extremely satisfying even though I know not how
my expression impacts others. Just being able to express in this fashion is enough, at least for the time

In terms of being able to access information, there are things I am curious about for which I cannot get
satisfactory answers. For instance, the whole issue of UFOs. Either our government knows something
about them or it does not. These things exist or they do not. Yet, if I ask a question such as "Did UFO's
crash in New Mexico in the 1940's?", I cannot expect to get a straight answer. The official responses do
not agree with the little information that is available. Further, it is not in the best interest of those who
may have been involved to reveal the level of their involvement and the nature of decisions that they
made. A more important question may be "What do WE the people have a right to know?" Just because
we can ask a question, or are curious about an issue, may not be sufficient. In fact, in our present society,
it is definitely NOT sufficient.

I might ask similar questions about what we truly know about the nature of the mind. Though I'm not sure
I really want to find out the nature of any research done and experiments that have been conducted to gain
that knowledge. At the same time, there is a sense that something important is missing. How do we ensure
that our government conducts its affairs "ethically", if we have no insight into what they are doing since
so much of it is done in secret behind doors that are potentially never to be opened?

So, we are back to the issue of personal freedom. What choices are mine to make that truly involve the
exercise of real freedom? My sense is that there are very few in my life ... and unfortunately even fewer in
the lives of most people. Yet, in the ways that truly matter, I am indeed a free spirit and shall always be.



BOOK REVIEW by Nancy Lattimer

The Western Guide to Feng Shui

Creating Balance, Harmony, and Prosperity in Your Environment

by Terah Kathryn Collins

Trade Paperback $12.95 ..... 200 pages ..... Hay House, Inc.

For anyone interested in feng shui this is the best book on the topic I've read. Ms. Collins cuts through all
the foreign terminology that makes the subject confusing. Her book is very practical from a Western
standpoint and easy to read. She uses diagrams that give understanding at a glance and allow the reader to
do a basic feng shui consultation with little confusion.

After reading this book it is easy to understand why some rooms feel so comfortable and others just don't
seem to have it. Her chapters on techniques to achieve balance give practical solutions for homes of
Western design. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in this often difficult to understand


*** Channel created at Saturday, November 2, 1996 7:01:11 PM



lion: Hmm... Well, I'm here!

lion: Perhaps I should have requested people to RSVP???

lion: Well, I guess I'll have a forum with myself and people can read it later if they want.

lion: Let's see, it's always best to begin at the beginning.

lion: My wife will tell you this is one area I am expert in. You could say I am no stranger to Ego. It
expresses through me often ... usually in good ways, but sometimes in ways that leave a bit to be desired
... OK, maybe more than a bit.

lion: But then, what should you expect from one who has been a loner and a hermit much of my life?

lion: "I" is a big part of my world ... perhaps even the BIGGEST part. Yet, that which I call "I" has
undergone dramatic changes throughout my life. I am not whom I was 3 months ago, much less 3 years
ago ... and even further removed for "I" at 28 or "I" at 16.

lion: Yet, through all of this, the being that I am ... that part of me which observes and even uses the ego
has remained a constant.

lion: Hmm... Yes, it has learned from what it has observed and experienced. But it has not undergone the
dramatic shifts in awareness that the ego has experienced.

lion: Interesting, it is as if this deeper part of myself is more ancient ... it KNOWS with a wisdom that has
not come from experience in this existence alone. Its home is NOT this world of illusion ... though it finds
this to be a fascinating playground for the consciousness that it is and for expressing spirit creatively and

lion: Some might consider me Egocentric, or self-centered. But how does one differentiate between self-,
Self, and SELF-centered?

lion: If WE are truly ONE ... can we ever be other than SELF-centered? Yet, at the same time, if our
concerns are always focused on self, we are limiting our reality in a way that is quite stupid actually.
Especially if we limit the flow of spirit through us and the expression of LOVE.

lion: The EGO can see the world with blinders at times. Many people color much of what they do with a
"what's in it for me" attitude.

lion: But, the soul knows that such is not its native expression. It knows that SERVICE to others as well
as to self is required for it to operate properly in this world, and for it to truly express whom that it is.

lion: When we think ... I want, I need, how can I look better, me ... me ... me. The world turns darker and
darker. Interesting that a simple reflection is all it takes to turn ME into WE. All it takes is a shift in point
of view to allow the light to shine through to bless the entire community that we touch.

lion: It really is simple. And it is amazing how great it feels when the ego is able to express itself in
SERVICE to others, rather than service to self alone.

lion: One area I've always had difficulty with is setting goals. I didn't want to impose my will on anything.
Yes, I have a very strong will. But, along with that strength came a sense of being very uncomfortable
expressing that will upon others.

lion: Perhaps this is why I've lived my life alone so much ... it was easier expressing as a hermit, or not
expressing as it were; than expressing in the real world among others.

lion: Oh, I still have a high opinion of myself and my abilities, a VERY HIGH opinion. And yes, that may
come across as being full of myself. But, I really have nothing else to be full of.

lion: Knowing myself is as critical to my life as breathing. It literally is. I cannot think of living without
having such an intense focus on who and what I am, and more important "how is it that spirit can best
express through us?"

lion: This is my PASSION! It always has been thus. I sense that this is true not only for this life but for
many others as well.

lion: Expressing whom that I AM is what I must do, in whatever manner spirit moves me to do so. It is
not what I want that matters. It is what spirit would have me do. She is the star that guides me ... in good
times and bad through the great unknown.

lion: Without her there, I would literally have no clue as to what to do or where to turn next, or how to
express the energy that flows through me. None of this comes from me. My Ego observes it as well. And
it too, knows that the flow of life and the expression of spirit is a great mystery that it will never fathom.

lion: All that it can do is TRUST that it will be moved to express as it must ... not by its own dictates, but
by those of a source far greater than it, that it cannot even begin to comprehend.

lion: So, does there appear to be contradiction? Perhaps. But, there is a comfort in being self-confident,
and being relaxed and at ease in the face of the unknown.

lion: Further, it is truly amazing how much is unknown. Even after untold lifetimes and over two decades
of serious metaphysical study in this one ... I'm still blown away by how little I truly know about myself
and how my abilities work.

lion: So many processes are simply MAGICAL.

lion: These words that flow through me now, for instance. I have no idea of where they come from. I have
no sense of being aware of their creation. Yes, I am experiencing typing them. But I am also experiencing

reading them. Further, I am amazed by what comes through. I have no firsthand awareness of being the
author of my own thoughts.

lion: So how does the ego fit into this? You tell me. Most people I've met would not even consider
questioning where there thoughts come from. These people take credit for the activity that occurs in their
mind ... and in many cases for whatever they feel as well.

lion: For me it is not so simple. Unless I have a true sense of doing something, and an understanding to
some degree of how I do it ... the "conscious I", which many might equate with the ego, does not take
credit. Yes, I know that there is part of my Self or my SELF which does this but my "self" is limited to
that part of the greater ME of which I am truly aware.

lion: That is why I said earlier that my ego has changed dramatically over my lifetime. It is the "I" of
which I am aware, and being thus it changes whenever my awareness grows. In several instances, this has
literally been the equivalent of dying and being reborn.

lion: Just over three years ago ... this is exactly what happened. If you're interested, see Beyond Mind and
my Notes. They describe what I was feeling and thinking and experiencing during a time when I was
undergoing a major spiritual awakening and transformation.

lion: Now, I see the ego as an ally for the expression of spirit. It is a friend of mine, but it is clearly NOT
all that I AM, or even what I am most of the time. It is the part of me that focuses on making sense of
physical reality and expressing in the physical world. It is definitely not ALL of me. In fact, it is not even
clear that it is a major player anymore.

lion: Hmm... then again, perhaps I should not be the judge of that.

lion: I'm still uncomfortable with goals and with wanting things to be a certain way. There is a strong
aversion to being overly attached to anything, especially any particular outcome.

*** wunjo (wunjo@ptp66.rof.net) has joined channel #wunjolion

lion: My sense is that life is to be LIVED in the HERE and NOW. Further, the UNKNOWN is the domain
in which spirit dwells. SHE operates behind the scenes and all that we experience is the PLAY she has


*** Channel created at Saturday, November 9, 1996 6:40:04 PM


lion: OK, this is the second Community Forum sponsored by In Search of Center.

wunjo: ok back:)

lion: The topic tonight is MANIFESTING THE IDEAL COMMUNITY.

lion: There was a paragraph writeup on it in the Community Forum section of our Newsletter.

lion: http://www.redshift.com/~beyond/NEWS is the URL in case any of you have not been there.

lion: This session will be logged and posted there probably by tomorrow.

lion: Let's start with What is the Ideal Community?

lion: Must people live together to manifest it?

wunjo: no

lion: Or, can part of the spirit of community be created via the interactions we have over the internet?

LadyNada: well this channel can be a community

lion: Is a sharing of resources and services required?

wunjo: that is what is great about energy it works all over

Solan: sorry, my mac crashed.

wunjo: hi Solan thanks for coming:)

lion: Or, is a sharing or ideas more important? ... and further a supporting and encouraging of one
another's ideas?

Solan: what's the subtopic???

wunjo: the question is do we need to live together to manifest community

lion: It seems to me that manifestation requires DOING SOMETHING based on the ideas, not just
thinking about things.

Susanrose: well, I know some ppl who meet in real life for gatherings after forming a cyber community

Susanrose: they sort of make themselves an underground culture

lion: Community is a joint creation. It must foster an environment that encourages and allows individuals
to express whom that they are, not only on their own, but in conjunction with others.

lion: What shortcomings does the current society have that prevents it from being an ideal community?

Susanrose: I do not know if that detracts from the neighborhoods, local community that they should focus
on... or if they would have been loners or not involved anyways

lion: What services would you like to see be made available that simply are not there right now?

Susanrose: sharing of child care

wunjo: too much ego!

lion: Hmm... I have no "neighborhood". I've lived in a house for 7.5 years and don't know a single person
within a mile of where I live, other than my wife.

wunjo: welcome jo jo: thank you, wunjo!

Susanrose: lion...do you have neighbors?

lion: Unfortunately I think it is that way for many, especially in California.

Susanrose: well when you have lousy weather, you have a good excuse not to meet neighbors

lion: People live in houses and apartments on my block. I don't know who they are, so I would not
consider them neighbors.

lion: In Monterey, we have GREAT weather.

Susanrose: but in calif... don't you cut grass or wash cars or something?

lion: Yes, but I never see anyone. Even walking the dog daily, I don't meet people.

Susanrose: hmmmm dog walking ought to do the trick :)\

Solan: yeah, meeting folks seems to be half the battle.

lion: I guess being an introvert doesn't help.

Solan smiles

lion: Especially a BIG TIME introvert.

Susanrose: lion, why don't you have a pot luck picknic...invite all your neighbors to MEET one another

Solan: I have a lot of experience with intentional community, where people come together around a
certain understanding/desire/belief.

lion: Maybe that is why I spend so much time writing.

Susanrose: if no one shows, then so what?

Solan: so what? That would be a big emotional event, for me anyway!

Susanrose: Solan, have you had a good experience with it?

Solan: Yes, and no.

*** Signoff: jo (Love to you all ........)

wunjo: ahh tell us

Susanrose: I mean nothing ventured, nothing gained Solan

Solan: Sometimes it takes awhile to figure out if you 'fit in' with the community.

Susanrose: I met a guy who thought intentional community meant polyamourous coupling

Solan: Yeah, SR, that's in some ways true, but there are so many stinkin' (sometimes) EMOTIONAL
obstacles to community... these get overlooked very easily, IMHO.

Susanrose: I thought it sounded emotionally confusing

Solan wows

Solan: what it do you mean SR?

Solan never did THAT kind of community. :O

Susanrose: I think he was looking for a primary lover to start a community of open relationships

Solan: My wife and I left our last experience because the founders had no intention of sharing power or

Susanrose: I thought it may bring about alot of tricky karma I am not ready for :)

lion: How would each of you define "community"?

lion: Especially "intentional community"?

wunjo: well I was involved in a woman’s group and found out that they were not into walk your talk. And
I once lived and worked on a resort that wanted to be a community.

Solan: Hmmmm.... a group of people who know each other and share something in common.

*** crimson (~jbixman@slip26.cedar.tcd.net) has joined channel #wunjolion

Susanrose: hmmmmm...Well, this guy who wanted to start an intentional community with me would not
even help me get to the garage to have some work done on my car....

lion: It seems that it calls for a coming together of a group of people to share in one another’s lives in a
manner that supports the welfare of everyone.

Solan: well, we know what he wanted to share. !

Susanrose: I do not think that a community member should turn their back on someone who really
needed help.

wunjo: welcome Crimson

Susanrose: Community members help each other out.

Solan: Does it not depend on what the 'focus' of the community is?

crimson: namaste all

Nancy: 'evening, Crimson

Solan: For instance, there may be a 'therapy' community of people who all go to the same therapist, and
they may have social gatherings, etc. but that commitment may not extend to helping one another with
errands, etc.

Susanrose: solan, yes, the focus matters....I could not be in a community with fundamentalists, no matter
how nice or helpful they were

Solan: I like the feel of your def, Lion.

lion: Whether this coming together is around a set of beliefs, or a common purpose, or just a caring love
and concern for one another doesn't really matter other than determining the means by which the
community interacts, and how it focuses its efforts.

Solan: I think successful communities know what their focus and commitment levels are, and have them
fairly well defined.

lion: Agree Solan ... that is VERY important.

wunjo: well that is what we want to do

Solan: So many people try and start something with very fuzzy ideals, and so attract nonaligned people

lion: One of my main problems with our current society is that we have no real contract with one another.

Susanrose: lion, have you had any interesting definitions from your web page question of the month

Solan: Who's we, Wunjo?

Solan: yeah Lion.

wunjo: Lion and I

lion: The replies are posted. Only 4 or 5 so far. You can reach them from

wunjo: well all who want to do it:)

lion: Most of next month’s newsletter is done. We expect to release it in a week or so. Around the 20th.

Solan: Right!

wunjo: mostly being there for one another.

Solan: What the focus of your community? Do you yet know?

lion: Of those SR, one is yours, one is wunjo's, and one is mine.

Susanrose: :)

lion: Ultimately, I think of community in grand terms ... on the level of the country, and even the whole
world. My sense is that major social changes are necessary to allow the promised Aquarian Age to be

Solan: Well, unfortunately, I have a promise to keep, so I must head off. :(

Susanrose: global village

wunjo: yes Global

lion: We have chosen to live during the transition period.

Susanrose: good to meet you

Nancy: Night Solan

Solan: Check out http://www.inxpress.net/~joyfire/ekone... it’s the pages for a Ranch community I am
connected with, out in WA state.

Susanrose: ok

Solan: They have a summer horse camp for kids, and host all kinds of people as they pass thru.

wunjo: thanks for coming nancy go see our site:)

Solan: Good luck in your forum. Lemme know if you meet again... Community is one of my life purposes
and I want to dialog lots on it!

lion: Those of us already moved to do something are starting to discover who we are and the roles we
came to play ... and are starting to make the connections required to allow us to fulfill the purpose that
called us here to begin with.

*** Solan has left channel #wunjolion

Susanrose: Is it your purpose in the web page to build a community that shares a real home?

wunjo: that's me:)

lion: Exactly where this will take us is still uncertain. But our souls call to us, they move us to DO what
we must do. And, following their direction we will indeed succeed in our missions. For spirit has already
set the destiny ... we have only to enact her wishes.

Nancy: :)

wunjo: very nice lion

lion: SR don't know that yet. But at some point it seems that personal contact ... and living in the vicinity
of one another will be necessary ... though perhaps with many groups in different locations.

wunjo: yes I like that idea

wunjo: groups around the world.

Susanrose: :)

lion: There are many open questions. What services are required? How are these generated and distributed
or shared? What decisions must be made? Who makes them and by what processes? Should everything be
democratic and require a vote? Who has the power to do what? And how do we assure such power is not

Susanrose: I think a leader should be elected

Susanrose: I also think that everyone in the group should be able to have a reasonable income

lion: Another major issue is how do we "manifest equality"? Is it fair that one persons labor is worth $10
per hour while another’s is worth $100,000 per hour?

Susanrose: to be able to bring into the group

Susanrose: no, but I would not like to be carrying the lion's share (excuse the pun) of bill paying

wunjo: LOL!

lion: I agree that leaders are needed. But they must be people who can fulfill the position because they
want to SERVE in that capacity, NOT because they like POWER.

wunjo: I know what you mean

Susanrose: yes, it is an honor to serve

Nancy: How would you discern the difference?

lion: Don't worry SR, I carry more than my share of bill paying... enough for 2 or 3 people. LOL!!!

wunjo: AHH YES the power thing

lion: We need better means for evaluating people. My sense is that various practitioners of metaphysical
arts could be used to ensure people are suited for such positions by their temperament, character, and

Nancy: How could you be sure of their "art"? And what of individual choice??

lion: However, before we get to that, we need to define what we would expect such people to do. Until we
know that, we have no basis on which to judge whether they are suited or not.

lion: Individuals could choose by volunteering. The selection process should have multiple people
practicing their "arts" so that an overall assessment can be made.

lion: My sense is that at some level we as individuals already know where we fit in the larger scheme of
things. We decided on our role at levels of which we are not now conscious. We just need some help in
consciously getting there.

Susanrose: lion, I feel you should be close enough to a fairly large city for some of the members to be
able to commute to work, and be able to bring a substantial cash flow into the group for development

Susanrose: I would not like a kibbutz type of environment, where we all went out to pick grapefruits

wunjo: I understand that Susanrose

lion: That might be true, unless we could come up with a way to provide services remotely so that
proximity didn't matter that much.

lion: No kibbutz. I don't do gardening or pick fruit. Sorry. LOL!!!

wunjo: LOL!:)

Susanrose: I had a girlfriend who joined her boyfriend in Israel on a kibbutz

Susanrose: and that was her experience

lion: wunjo likes gardening though. She can do my share. LOL!!!

wunjo: I feel if we can get the right people we can do wonders!!!!!!!!!!:)

Nancy: Wunjo, what is the purpose of this group?

Susanrose: where do you live, wunjo?.... are you in calif too?

wunjo: yes it is!!!!:) :) :) :)

lion: So, does anyone else have a sense that we will see major social change by 2002 or so?

wunjo: nope Aspen co but am from ca.

lion: VERY MAJOR change?

wunjo: YES!

Susanrose: sorry

wunjo: sorry for what

wunjo: Nancy to create Great things

wunjo: I believe we can:)

Nancy: Yes, I mean your statement.....

Nancy: If we get the right people we can do wonders

lion: What services should the community provide to its members? What actions can we take RIGHT now
to start doing this ... actions that empower us to make a difference in one another’s lives and in the lives of
all others we touch as well?

wunjo: getting the right people

Nancy: I wondered what direction you were going toward, what type of wonders

*** LadyNada is now known as CosmicLove

wunjo: PEACE

lion: How do we walk our talk? How do we demonstrate by example that there is another way to be that
allows our spirits to express more openly and fully?

wunjo: HARMONY

Nancy: So peace is the primary objective??? Excuse me, I'm new

wunjo: oops

wunjo: sorry thank you for the question


*** CosmicLove is now known as CsmicLover

wunjo: ya that's it :)

wunjo: to be FREE

wunjo: we want to change the way we live now

lion: We start doing that by acting individually in a way that allows us to express all that we are, and then
in couples and small groups that enable us to do things collectively that we could not do alone.

wunjo: because we KNOW it can be better

lion: Eventually we grow to larger and larger groups, specializing as dictated by an overall plan that
consciousness has set.

wunjo: it is already happening

wunjo: we just need to join in

lion: We don't have to know the answers. We only have to trust spirit ... and, in particular, to trust that she
is moving us to do what must be done. Though, we also must have the courage to ACT and DO what she
moves us to do.

lion: Namaste crimson! I missed when you joined us.

wunjo: Lion hello LOL!!!

wunjo: Lion:) I welcomed Crimson :)

wunjo: crimson are you there:)

lion: It seems that having open lines of communication is crucial. I'm finding that the Internet is very well
suited for providing an infrastructure that supports fairly rapid communication globally.

wunjo: yes isn't it great:)

wunjo: so what should our next step be?

lion: Another thought on who should have what offices. Given that we just finished an election, it seems
appropriate. A few years ago, I came up with the idea that each candidate should be allowed a 60 minute

Susanrose: The primary objective, imo, is to manifest love through form.

wunjo: ahhh

wunjo: yes I like that

Susanrose: we are spirits here to learn a human experience

wunjo: lion:)

Susanrose: not humans trying to be spirits

lion: 15 minutes on what the job requires. 15 minutes on who am I and why am I qualified to do it. 15
minutes on what are the major issues/problems. Final 15 minutes on what I will do about them.

lion: Agree Susanrose. That is why our purpose is to allow spirit to more fully express in flesh. By doing
so, we more fully express whom that we TRULY are.

Susanrose: :)

wunjo: :)

lion: And yes, LOVE is the answer to EVERYTHING!

wunjo: Susanrose I am happy we met:)

Susanrose: I am so sleepy,,, late for me here...I think you are beautiful folks

Susanrose: I wish we were all in Pittsburgh

wunjo: LOL!:)

Susanrose: it would be great to have a community with you

wunjo: yes well let’s start

wunjo: I think we need to bring the people together first

Susanrose: well, you ought to pick a common visualization of a symbol

wunjo: then we can move together

lion: THANKS Susanrose. We'll start by doing whatever we can via this medium. Then we'll see where
else the adventure takes us.

Susanrose: if we think it, they will come... (field of dreams....giggle)

wunjo: :)

Nancy: :)

wunjo: GREAT:)

Susanrose: good night all!

lion: No, no, no... IF WE BUILD IT, they will come!

Susanrose: smile

wunjo: That is what I think we just need to think it

Susanrose: I'll take one with a jacuzzi

Susanrose: haha

Nancy: Good night, Susanrose

Susanrose: bye now


wunjo: Natural hot springs!!!!!!!!

wunjo: I KNOW :)

wunjo: we will do!!!

lion: We already have castles in the air. It is time NOW to build the foundations.

wunjo: ha before you go susanrose what do you think would be a good question of the month for next

lion: wunjo: You could think "there is a million dollars in my hand" until the day you die. That would not
be enough to ever make it so.

wunjo: something about community

wunjo: ok

wunjo: LION I really did not mean that

lion: Nancy: you're being very quiet???

wunjo: I know we need to do more:)

Nancy: yes

lion: Why?

wunjo: what do you think Nancy

lion: Come on, I know you have ideas on this ... but don't let me push too much. LOL!

wunjo: what happen to crimson???

Nancy: well, are caps equivalent to shouting as in some areas or...

Nancy: used for emphasis?

wunjo: no not here

Nancy: I wasn't sure if I was being shouted at or not!! LOL

lion: I use them for emphasis.

Nancy: ok, phew

wunjo: we are very loving beings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lion: Sometimes people hit the caps lock key.

Nancy: yes

crimson: Namaste spirits, your intentions are honorable, Peace and Love

*** crimson has left channel #wunjolion

*** CsmicLover has left channel #wunjolion

Nancy: I think it extremely important to define those foundations!!!

lion: I know first hand that thinking is not enough. I've probably done more than most do in a lifetime ...
maybe several lifetimes. :)

Nancy: So if thinking is not going to do it and foundations must be built...

lion: Yes. Sounds like a topic for a Newsletter Feature. Defining the Foundations. Think I'll start it in
January and request feedback/inputs.

Nancy: then isn't clear definition the first order?

Nancy: of business??????

lion: YES!! Clearly defining what we want is essential.

wunjo: our question of the month was what you thought was involved in an ideal community

wunjo: we are trying to get feedback so we can make Foundations

lion: Part of the problem is that the foundations require that we have a common understanding of what we
want society to be. The foundations are simply the framework we must build to support that Vision of
how society functions.

wunjo: we need help

Nancy: Yes, the common understanding seems a goal not easily reached in one month or so

lion: It seems that it will be more productive if we work this in a non-realtime mode.

Nancy: It seems to me that in order to reach common understanding....

lion: My sense is that it would help if I come up with a strawman framework that people can then
comment on and contribute to. It would provide more focus and give people more time to really think
about the issues and what they want to say.

Nancy: aspects for commonality first might be tossed into the arena to be agreed upon

Nancy: yes, that's an idea...

Nancy: I was thinking of someone mentioning childcare earlier this evening....

wunjo: Nancy do you have a web page

lion: I have a 100 page book at my site that covers many of the principles involved and provides ideas on
how things should be made different. That was written 3 years ago. I'm probably ready to take a fresh cut
at it.

Nancy: Not something you even think of if you don't have children

wunjo: I do childcare:)

Nancy: ok

lion: She has the Bookstore in the Community Services section of the Newsletter. :)

Nancy: metaphysical books mostly

wunjo: oh!!! thaT IS YOU:)

Nancy: LOL. I'm it :)

wunjo: gREAT:)

wunjo: I think susanrose can help alot she has a good network going

lion: It seems like it would help to prepare a page on the topic in advance so that people have a better idea
of what we will be discussing.

Nancy: Yes

wunjo: ya that would be good

lion: If they didn't see it before coming, we could send them there to read it before they get into the


FORUM #5: "The Actor, The Observer, and The Creator"

The focus here is on how the three major parts of SELF express. What are these parts, and how do we
know what parts are expressing at what times? How do we awaken to become more aware of The
Observer and especially The Creator parts of ourselves? In particular, we want to share specific
techniques for doing this.

The "Actor" part of us is the doer ... it is the part that does things and experiences things. You might say
that it is the part of us that is out front experiencing reality. Often we are so lost in playing this role that
we neglect that anything else exists. But there is more, much more. One finds this by realizing what the
limits of the actors awareness are. In particular, when we look deeply at how the actor operates, we find
that it does not always know what it is doing or why it is doing what it is doing. In many cases, in literally
has no clue. One must remove oneself from the actor's shoes to become aware of a greater perspective
where it is possible to really observe the actors actions and determine what they mean in the greater
scheme of things. While one is confined to the actor role, one is lost within the trees ... one is too close to
events to see the forest of which they are but a part. Also, in many ways the actor is but a puppet on a
string. The actor has a role to play, but the actor is NOT the playwright ... the actor does not create the
role, it only "performs" the role. Yes, there is free will involved in the performance. However, this free
will only operates within the narrow confines of a role that is already cast. Such is my understanding and
experience anyway. Feel free to offer you own understanding and share of your experience.

The "Observer" part of us is the watcher ... it is the part of us that sees what the doer does and
experiences and tries to make sense of it all. I have been aware of this part for over two decades now.
Three years ago, it became the dominant part of my awareness during a series of awakenings. It still
occupies that role for me. From what I've seen, however, many people have little awareness of this part of
themselves. Further, many of those with awareness of themselves as the observer, do not take the next
step and recognize this part of self for what it is and find a way to integrate it as a major part of their
being. No, that does not mean stepping back from life. This is not a one or the other matter. It is possible
to experience being the doer and the observer simultaneously. Experiencing the observer does not have to
detract from being the doer. In fact, it should empower and enhance your actions. It does this because you
are able to come from a place of greater understanding, a place that is more in touch with the true spirit
that you are. As the observer, I am often dumbfounded and baffled by what I see happen. But more often,
I am simply curious about what is unfolding and why it is happening in the way that it is. I trust that the
reality I experience is being drawn to me to teach me exactly what I need to learn HERE and NOW. I
know that another part of me, is the playwright, the creator. That part is responsible for weaving the role
that I watch the actor play and the reality that I see the actor experience. However, as the observer, I am
also self-aware. I am able to observe my own awareness and take great pleasure in how it changes over
time. I have no roadmaps to guide me, but I need none. Within me is a compass that I know that I can trust
to guide me. I am consciousness in flesh. I am spirit expressing and experiencing myself in this domain. If
I also exist in other domains, I personally am not consciously aware of that experience so it matters not to
me. What does matter is become evermore aware … aware of my true nature as spirit, and hence aware of
the nature of spirit, period.

Beyond the actor and the observer lies the "creator". Thus far, I deduce that this part exists, but I have
not personally experienced being this part or even being in touch with this part. I fully believe that "I"
create my own reality. Over 22 years ago, I was introduced to this concept and knew it to be a great truth.
However, there is a catch. The definition of "I" is not something to be taken lightly. This "I" is clearly
more than the present "I" is consciously aware of. Also, as I have already stated, I have no conscious
experience of being the "creator". My life's experience to date is confined to acting and observing. Why
this is so is still puzzling to me. That it is so, however, is FACT ... at least for me. I do not have sufficient
experience with others to know whether their experience is similar to my own or radically different.

If you experience your reality different than this, please join us and offer your understanding and
awareness. Also, if you have questions on any of this, please come and ask whatever you wish.
Collectively we can address issues with a much greater perspective than we can as individuals.


lion: Namaste All! This is Community Forum #5 sponsored by The Search for Center Newsletter. For
some background information on what we are here to discuss, click on lion.

lion: lion will be the forum instigator/moderator this evening. The intent of these forums is to bring
groups of people together to share, learn, and grow with respect to the the issue or topic at hand.

We believe that by sharing whom that we are, what we know, and what we've experienced collectively ...
we enrich the lives or all those who participate.

This is the first time we've attempted to do the forum in SWC. It may take awhile to get used to it. At least
the response time seems decent tonight. :)

bg: have question - why do you say u haven't experienced the creator?

lion: To begin with ... do you experience these different parts of yourself? And, are they as distinct for you
as they seem to be for me?

lion: bg: Because I have never experienced that part of myself. I only see the results. I don't consciously
experience the creation process itself.

atlantis: Thank you. I just read the newsletter. Fascinating. My guides were just discussing this exact
same thing with me the other night. I guess I really should trust in them more. They really do know what
they're talking about.

bg: i do experience the 3 - not really separate, the observer is probably the most dominate

lion: bg: Do you experience the creator part? If so, how do you experience it? What does it feel like?
Personally, I am only aware of the Actor doing things and The Observer watching and evaluating what is

Wunjo: WOW atlantis I would love to hear what your guides said you can e me later :)

bg: lion, do you not think about what you want? that is creation.

lion: For instance, I claim no direct awareness of creating my own thoughts. I hear them in my head. I
don't know who is speaking them there.

bg: often, folks call into being things they don't want too. that is also creation.

lion: No... to me, thinking is not creation. I am not aware of how the thought process occurs, and I
definitely do not have any sense that I control it.

bg: lion, is the voice not your own?

lion: Yes, creation occurs. And yes, I believe that there is a part of me that is creating (or bringing to me)
everything that I experience in my reality. However, I have no conscious awareness of being that part of

raven: recognizing the creator in me is recognizing the whole world as creation...from this standpoint,
losing my individuality as a part, i can be the creator, but it transcends what i am as a human being...it
takes my humanity as part of the equation...but it is much more than that.

bg: thoughts are electrical currents, which attract (as in an electro-magnet)

lion: No, the voice in my head is not something that I consciously "know" to be mine. I hear it. I don't
sense "speaking" it. It flows into my mind ... and now, through my fingers to you. But no, I don't claim it
to be mine ... I don't know it to be mine. I only know that it is able to flow through me.

lion: Very good raven! I think you are on the right track there. The source that feeds my mind is the same
that feeds all minds. But I am not aware of being that source.

raven: mine doesn't come through as voices in my mind...it's more like a recognition of patterns...and the
patterns repeat themselves...like fractals...so the creation comes forth in a holographic way. does this
make any sense?

lion: I sense that I am connected to it. Not that I AM it. There is a big difference there. At least for me.

LadyMist: Wunjo, I just found your e-mail, came here right away!!! *pant* I don't know if I can
contribute anything here, but I'd like to "listen."

lion: Yes raven. For some it is pictures. For me, it is sound and vibration.

bg: the voice inside my head is my own voice. when it is not, then i know it to be another entity.

raven: i shift my identity to become absorbed in the bigger I Am ness ... after all, it is all One...i lose who
i am as a person...it's very hard to put into words...

lion: bg: Where do your thoughts come from? Are you consciously aware of creating them?

Wunjo: Hi LadyMist so glad you made it yes please listen that is what I am doing LOL:)

lion: What process(es) do you use to perform these "shifts" raven?

bg: I am, that I am, that I am... it feeds us all in the way that each of us can accept and understand.

raven: i silence all thoughts and focus on my heart...feel the light and love...and it just happens...i get a
whole different perspective

Wunjo: well I feel missing my kitty and then I think about him:)

Wunjo: or do I think of him and then miss him HUMM

bg: at times i am aware of creating my own thoughts. i do pick up a lot of other folks' too, but they
"sound" like my voice. i think it just a manafestation of "we are all one"

raven: wunjo, maybe he thinks of you and then you miss him :-)

lion: My experience of being The Observer changed dramatically just over three years ago. All of a
sudden I was aware of a whole part of my being that I had thought I knew before, but that I had not really
experienced. It was very strange. Most of the few people I knew thought that I went crazy. I even had a 10
day vacation in the local mental hospital.

atlantis: Raven, how do you silence your thoughts? I have tried many times but it's like a highway up
there. If it's not my thoughts coming through then it's either my teachers or my students. They do go on
and sometimes I have a hard time sleeping.

raven: lion, do you usually reside in the consciousness of the observer?

lion: Have any of you interacted enough with others to have a sense of what experience is common in this
area and what is not?

Wunjo: raven I like that:)

raven: atlantis, i just detach myself from thought...i know that i can always recapture them if i want
to...its a process of detachment...if they come into my mind i just let them go right back out without
giving them any energy or attention.

atlantis: Thank you, Raven. I'll try that tonight.

LadyMist: Wow, that was a lot of background material! *smiles* I printed it, took longer than I thought.

lion: raven: YES, I am aware as the observer most of the time. However, this is often concurrent with the
awareness of being the actor now. So, I am focussed on both doing and observing/evaluating meaning
most of the time.

Wunjo: I would like to think that he thinks about me too :) atlantis: I won't insult them by just demissing
it, will I. I will explain to them why I'm doing it, hopefully they'll understand.

bg: atlantis, do you see colors when u close your eyes? if so, focus on watching the patterns, without
thinking about them

lion: LadyMist: That will be standard for these forums. I prefer discussions where people all have some
idea of what we are coming together to talk about.

bg: lion, do u focus on being the creator?

LadyMist: Raven, would you describe what you do as meditation? Did it take a lot of practice to be able
to do this?

atlantis: I see many colors. That would be a good start. I understand what you're saying. I'm willing to do
anything to shut them out for a little while so that I could be alone, even if it's just with my own thoughts.
Don't get me wrong, I love them and I'm glad they're here, but sometimes they get very demanding.

LadyMist: Wunjo, I miss a LOT of kitties... :((

lion: No bg: I have never experienced that state. So, I wouldn't know where to begin to focus to get there.

raven: lion, me too...it's a very delicate balance of attention. if you go too much one way, either observer,
actor or creator, it doesn’t work smoothly. I've also found that being the creator involves the very
conscious use of language...in the beginning was the Word...I've contemplated what the essential nature of
the Word is...still learning...but it seems to me that language is deeply part of the creation process.

Wunjo: LadyMist they seen to have short lives

LadyMist: Raven, are you talking about using affirmations? I've had some experience with creative
visualization and affirmations.

lion: Though, one time I woke up got out of bed and told my wife I am God. She said "yeah, yeah, we are
all god". I said, NO, with a BIG "G".

Wunjo: yes I think language is a fascinating thing

bg: lion, ever read the book Illusions by Richard Bach? it started me "creating"...picture something
completely, and have it be with you. it will come. (start small)

lion: YES, LOVED it!!!!

raven: Lady Mist, my meditations are very informal...my life is very quiet and reclusive so perhaps they
just flow into my lifestyle. i dont have any particular method except to focus on my heart and clear out my

LadyMist: Wunjo, most of mine have lived to reasonably old age, until the last one...everything seemed
to be against him. Guess it was his Karma. *sigh*

lion: Indeed raven. Numbers and vibration have become a very important part of my life, revealing
spiritual meaning embedded throughout our symbolic world.

LadyMist: Raven, I've gotten very good at detaching myself from my thoughts in the past, then lost the
ability again, perhaps from disuse.

raven: lady mist, no I'm not talking about affirmations...I'm talking about being conscious of my words at
all times and being responsible for my communications...they are like ripples that go out into the ethers
and gather substance...creation involves sound and light...

Wunjo: :(

whatever: I think this topic is misleading

LadyMist: Wunjo...'s okay, I know my Mandrake exists somewhere...so does your kitty. :)

lion: bg: but what would I personally care to create? I've been very careful lately not to impose "my will"
on anything. The final step before my "vacation" three years ago was completely renouncing my will to
Thy Will. One of the problems I had taking Tony Robbins seminars was that I have never had any goals.
There is nothing I want ... except to allow spirit to express through me as fully as possible HERE and

Wunjo: if your thoughts create then why not think positive so that you create positive things:)

atlantis: Raven, why do we need sound and light to create? I find that the darkness is best for me. Am I
missing something here?

LadyMist: Hmm...but your words are a reflection of your thoughts, your state of mind, right? So isn't it
more useful to be conscious of those?

whatever: If you're acting, aren't you a phony? If you're observing, you're not acting! If you're creating,
you're not observing either

lion: atlantis: not necessarily. It seems in this area each of us must find our own path and follow it to
wherever spirit takes us.

bg: lion, GOD GAVE YOU A WILL! use it to create beauty and joy, you do not need to "impose" it on
anyone. make God present for others to see.

LadyMist: I think positive as much as possible. Sometimes it's not easy overcoming your old negative
programming though.

atlantis: Lion, I understand what you're saying. I'm just experiencing those same feelings now. I have had
them for only a few weeks.

raven: lion, i know exactly what you mean...the more i get into the creator aspect, the less i desire.

LadyMist: bg--good point!! *applauds*

lion: whatever: click on lion to get some background on how I use these terms.

lion: bg: I am doing what I am moved to do. My will is aligned with spirit. But I follow where she leads

atlantis: LadyMist, you have that right. Especially when someone does something to you and you want to
strike back. I keep telling myself that it's wrong and that I must advance further spiritually rather than use
the same negatives my ancestors, the cave people did.

LadyMist: I'm certainly most joyful when I'm creating. I then feel as if I'm aligned with the ongoing

lion: bf: Besides. I am not personally aware of GOD. My experience is with a connection to spirit or
consciousness that I sense to be feminine.

raven: bg, if "your" will is separate from "God's" will, then you are separate from God...to bring the two
to oneness means that there is no longer any separation.

diva: hello people!! i don't know many of you, but to those i do (and those i don't actually) much love!!

LadyMist: Atlantis, yes, that's often an issue for me too. I try to remind myself of that old saw, that the
best revenge is to let your enemies see you doing well. *smile*

atlantis: Lion, you referred to spirit as a "she". I don't know what my guides are. The last one I had was a
male. This time I'm being shown both male and female in one body. They tell it that gender doesn't matter.

lion: Agree LadyMist. I too am most alive and joyful when I am creating. However I use "I" loosely.
When this process is occuring I experience creation happening through me.

bg: lion, what do you think spirit wants for any being? not you in particular.

raven: atlantis, i see spirit as both genders and no gender also.

LadyMist: Lion, true...we're creative channels. :)

diva: hey there LadyMist...what's the general line of thought here? it seems sort of creativity oriented...

lion: atlantis: this too is a matter where personal experiences differ greatly. I only know what I
experience. My communication with others has been limited most of my life so I have no way of knowing
how my experience compares with that of others. I'm just now starting to find this out.

LadyMist: Me too, raven.

lion: To express through that being as fully as possible.

LadyMist: It is, diva...you have to click on lion to get background info!

bg: if the vessel holds the water, it must be poured

atlantis: Lion, sometimes we have to separate in order to contemplate.

lion: atlantis: I have no experiences with guides of any type. I've had no physical spiritual teachers and
nothing that I've been connected to spiritually has left the impression of being another entity. To me it is
just "spirit" or "consciousness" ... and it feels feminine.

raven: atlantis, the separation is what the creator does for play... otherwise it would be alone...if all is
consciousness, then what we perceive as reality is a mirror...when consciousness looks into the mirror
what does it see?

raven: lion, are you a male or female body?

lion: Indeed raven! Further, if all is ONE ... the game is over.

lion: male

diva: Wunjo,LadyMist, got it. went there and it's an interesting perspective, but the creator part is
different for me...

bg: consciousness sees it's own reality, opps, i mean reflection ;)

lion: Diva: please share what it is for you.

LadyMist: Let's hear it, diva! *smiles*

atlantis: Lion, with my old guides I was able to connect with them more readily and they were easier to
understand. These new ones that I have are hardy and treat me as though I can't comprehend things at

times, like a mother would to a child. I can agree with some of their reasoning but a lot of it eludes me.
You talk about creating. I'm a writer, but lately I feel I can't create because they do it for me. Don't get me
wrong, I love their input but the entire style of writing has completely changed.

Wunjo: tell us diva

lion: And what is "real" vs what is "illusion" in what it sees?

LadyMist: Confession: this is occasionally getting over my head...*lol*

raven: lion, as a male, it makes sense that you would perceive spirit as female...it is the
reflection/opposite of what you have created...and when you look in the mirror the reflection is reversed.

atlantis: I was just going to say that, but it's more involved than that. I see myself when I look into a
mirror, my physical body.

LadyMist: Raven, the yin sees the yang, and the yang the yin?

diva: okay, basically what i feel is that when i am creating (which is often, for i sing, compose music and
write) i often feel as though there is something working THROUGH me, as though i am not entirely
responsible for what just came out.

bg: real and illusion are points of perspective. the most centrally agreed upon reality for humans is "I

tesa: The fact that we are apparently separate and many, does not make it so! We are all One Self....

lion: atlantis: Very interesting. 3.5 years ago I started writing metaphysical stuff. I have nearly 2000 pages
now. Yes, it all came through me. However, I never had any sense of originating it. Nor did any entity
claim to be it's author. I've read parts of it half a dozen times or more and still find it incredible that it
came through me. To this day there is no real sense that I was the author. All of the material came straight
though with no editing.

atlantis: I don't know. I've had guides that were male, female and now I have those without gender.

LadyMist: Yep, I think we were discussing that about the time you came in, diva--about being creative
channels. :)

LadyMist: If we're all One Self...why are we arguing? *smile*

Wunjo: wow we have a creative group here I would like to get every ones e-mail before you leave if you
dont mind:)

diva: i agree with tesa, hasn't anyone ever shared the same dream? how else can you explain that?

lion: Interesting raven. But if that is the case, how come all the Gods of the major religions are males
when the highest members in the religious order are males???

atlantis: I know what you mean about "it came through me". They don't write for me, they create. They
show. And they tell me how to do certain things. They show me what they want me to write about.

LadyMist: Wunjo, you have mine. By the way, I'm a writer too...have published some fiction, though I've
been blocked recently. Also creative with my hands, mostly with fabrics.

bg: ladymist - it's not arguing. we are expanding our understanding of us. Looking thru the looking glass.

tesa: I have no guides, all I know is from my Self! :)

diva: pardon my ignorance, but guides? i'm lost. i'm not aware of any specific guide, just one creative
Force working through me....

raven: lion, i'm not sure that's entirely true...there are some matriarchal religions in the world
today...shamans are often women...i'm not sure that organized religion has all the answers anyway.

atlantis: Diva, what I can't explain is how 3 out of 4 people in the same house had the exact same dream
on the exact same night. We were all in different areas of the dream, but we were all in the same place.

LadyMist: We are both One and separate...think of as as separate nodules or protrusions on the same
sphere for example.

Wunjo: WOW LadyMist I wish I could get published:)

lion: Logically, I buy that we are all one, that we were created from God or Spirit or whatever you want to
call this one. This creation never changed our nature. It only impacted our awareness of self. And Know
Thyself is the only real task we have in the game of life. Ultimately this leads to the realization that we are
All That Is.

raven: lady mist, yes! or facets on a jewel...

bg: i work with stones (should i change my nickname to moses?) when i create physical items.

diva: LadyMist...ever heard of the Artist's Way? it's been great for me w/ my creative blocks--in singing,
writing AND drawing!

LadyMist: bg, I know, I'm being a bit facetious...but we are expressing differing points of view. *smile*

atlantis: It's hard to explain Diva. They tell me that they are my teachers. I also have one that is a student,
a lower voice that I must teach. I'm to explain things to her (and she is female) and correct her when she's

LadyMist: Diva...hmmm, that rings a faint bell...care to tell us more?

lion: atlantis: for me they go as far as speaking the words in my mind and these go directly through my
fingers. I am not aware of being a part of the creative process, though I fully enjoy doing it.

LadyMist: Raven--yes, I like your analogy much better! *grin*

LadyMist: Wunjo, took a lot of work and study...writing and rewriting...lots of rejection...but I was very

lion: I stand corrected raven. Have never done much with religion.

tesa: LadyMist.....are we arguing? I thought we were sharing on the experiences we have of reality! "I
know you’re kidding!" **grin** and good point though! Our differences are perceived because of the
very fact of One Self and Its aspect of Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience! Our Self Will
manifests our different experience of Reality!

diva: atlantis--my shiatsu therapist (whom i've known and gone to for almost a year now) had a horrible
night the day her husband left her. that night (i found out about it the next day) i had a dream about her
calling me and needing to tell me something. it's that whole connection thing. the higher your connection
w/ someone, the more involved you become in their subconscious??

atlantis: I know what you're saying lion, but have you ever stopped creating long enough to listen. That's
where I made my mistake long ago. I never learned to listen. They were always there, but I just couldn't
hear them or sometimes I'd even dismiss them as part of my own thought patterns.

raven: diva, i think we are all connected to each other and to the earth itself...thats what the earth's
magnetic grid is about.

LadyMist: Tesa, yes, perhaps that's the same as saying our Ego creates the perception of separation...?

diva: LadyMist--it's basically a 12-week (12 step?? *grin*) program which you work through either on
your own or in a group, working through various stages of gaining courage/compassion/freedom/etc. w/
your creative self. it really is incredible! i'm on week 10 *grimaces*

atlantis: A lot of times it's easier for us to transmit thoughts than to receive them. Perhaps you could
recieve because your more aware of how but she couldn't because she doens't have the ability yet.

raven: lady mist, yes...ego chooses to be separate so that it can have someone else to communicate with...

bg: must leave - thank you all for a most enjoyable discussion. namaste.

lion: Hmm... atlantis, for 35 years all I did was listen. Then I was compelled to write, or allow spirit to
express through me as it were. One it started I could not turn it off again.

atlantis: Raven, I think it's just tuning into that magnet.

LadyMist: Diva, I think I heard about that through my quilt-art mailing list. Is there something on the Net
about it? Can you do it through correspondence?

atlantis: lion, some people spend a lifetime listening for them. They are so simple to find. Remember
what I said that sometimes they do get mixed in with your own thoughts. Learn to separate and listen
again. They are there.

tesa: Exactly the same, LadyMist! ::)

diva: LadyMist--it's actually a book (you'll find it in almost any alternative bookstore, guaranteed) and
there are a few things on the net about it. the author is Julia Cameron.

LadyMist: I'll look for it, diva! Thanks! *big smile*

diva: atlantis, i think i tend to be a receiver. i get a lot of dreams from people i know who are
unknowingly "sending their energy" at me when they don't realize it.

tesa: Diva, I would say.....Its to do with the one reflecting the most like you!

atlantis: Diva, I know that feeling. I also get it during the day. I know things before they happen, I write
about things that haven't occurred yet and I answer questions for people before they ask. I don't know
how. But if I try to concentrate on it and do it, I can't.

diva: atlantis-many a time has that happened for me as well...my car accident in august, for instance....

raven: atlantis, that is my experience too...if i try it just messes everything up...the key is to relax and just
be for me.

LadyMist: Hey Zardoz, welcome. By the way, how long is this discussion scheduled to run, lion?

LadyMist: Knowing things before they happen doesn't happen to me spontaneously, but I do have some
success with Tarot cards.

atlantis: Diva, Raven, thank you. I'm glad that there are others that experience the same things because
for a long time I thought I was going crazy and I use to sit and cry. It helps me to know that there are
others going through the same thing. Thank you again.

lion: Well. THANK YOU all for participating tonight. This is the most discussion we've had in these
forums to date. Starting next week we are moving to Monday nights. See the Community Forum section
of The Search for Center Newsletter for details. Any final remarks?

lion: LadyMist: as long as it takes. 90 minutes is probably a reasonable length.

atlantis: thank you lion. This was my first time here and I enjoyed it very much.

raven: lady mist, i went to Stonehenge the other day for a few minutes...this is the first real discussion i
have participated in.

atlantis: Wunjo, thank you for inviting me down.

Wunjo: will all who would like to be on my e list give me the e-mail add:) I will sent out reminders for

atlantis | bg | diva | LadyMist | lion | Raven | tesa | Wunjo



The following are experiences that various members of the community would like to express and share
with others. Feel free to share anything you feel might be valuable to yourself and/or to others.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


I had an intense Fear of losing something dear to me. Then the day came when I did lose one of the
dearest friends I will ever know. And now that he is gone the fear is gone, it is as if my fear is what made
him go away , to show me what I was afraid of . And now that I experienced what I was so afraid of
happening, I now know what I once feared . And you can't fear what you know.

Life is interesting that way, it seems to bring to you that which you fear most, so you get over that fear .
But then there's always the next fear to get over. When will we stop fearing and start Loving?



The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address



"The Dagara tribe of West Central Africa successfully categorize their people into five different
categories: fire, water, mineral, earth and nature. These are shown on the African Wheel with the colors
the Dagara normally associate with each type. Each of the five types of people play a very specific role.
Every person born into this world comes from one of these categories in order to help fulfill the kind of
function that that category of people is supposed to fulfill in order to keep the community together."

"Without a reservoir and wells, the people must walk for miles, taking hours each day, to get water that is
not fresh, not really suitable for drinking - but they have no choice."


"The project involves the construction of reservoirs and water wells. So far one large reservoir and two
small ones have been built. The construction of wells is badly needed but has not yet begun. More
technical help is needed at this time on well drilling as the dry soil makes it very difficult. Additional
funds, equipment and expertise are needed to continue this successful program."

If you can contribute to such a project, please a check directly to Echoes of the Ancestors, 4400 Keller
Ave., Suite 260, Oakland, CA USA 94605.

FOR MORE INFORMATION http://ddi.digital.net/~wisdom/environment/water.html


HAARP is an acronym standing for High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. According to the:

Office of Public Affairs

Air Force Phillips Laboratory
3350 Aberdeen Ave. S.E.
Kirtland AFB N.M., 8117-5776

HAARP is an "...ionospheric research instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the
HF frequency range, The IRI will ve used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for
scientific study." "Basically, the IRI is what is known as a phased array transmitter. It is designed to
transmit a narrow beam of high power radio signals in the 2.8 to 10MHz[megahertz] frequency range.It's
antenna is to be constructed on a 1000' x 1200' gravel pad (about 33 acres). There are 180 towers, 72' in
height mounted on thermopiles spaced 80' apart in a 12 x 15 rectangular grid, each of which supports near
its top, two pairs of crossed dipole antennas, one for the low band (2.8 to 7 MHz), the other for the high
band (7 to 10 MHz). ...An elevated ground screen attached at the 15' level acts as a reflector for the
antenna array while allowing vehicular access underneath to the 30 environmentally-controlled
transmitter shelters spaced throughout the array. Each shelter contains 6 pairs of 10kW transmitters, for a
total of 6 x 30 x 2 x 10kW = 3600kw available for transmission. The transmitters can be switched to drive
either the low or the high band antennas. Electric prime power is to be obtained from six, 2500 kw
generators, each driven by a 3600hp diesel engine."

This seems like an awful lot of power to me. A kilowatt is 1000 Watts. 360 x 1000 =3,600,000 Watts. That
is alot of power by any standard. The military goes on to say; "The intensity of the HF beam in the
ionosphere is less than 3 microwatts per cm2, tens of thousands of times less than the Sun's natural
electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth and hundreds of times less than the Sun's natural ultraviolet
(UV) energy which creates the ionosphere."

QUESTION 1. The question which is in the minds of some people is 'Is this information correct? Or is it
just a smokescreen for other activites and capabilities?' Apparently this type of energy study is an
advancement of a technology that ws originally developed by an individual named Nikola Tesla. A unit of
measure called the tesla is named after him. He discovered the rotating magnetic field which renmains the
basis for most alternating-currrent machinery. He realized back in the 1800's that the earth had its own
magnetic field. Much of modern radio theory rests on the work of Nikolas Tesla. Engineers still search his
notebooks for unexploited clues. The potentials for this type of technology include; according to
goephysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says "acurately-timed,
artificially-excited electronic strikes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high
power levels over certain regions of the earth... in this way one could develop a system that would
seriously impair the rain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended

"... no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the enviroment to manipulate behavior for
national advantages, to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the
next few decades." This was written more than twenty-five years ago.

David Yarrow of Albany, New York, is a researcher with a backround in electronics. He described
possible interactions of HAARP radiation with the ionosphere and Earth's magnetic grid:
"HAARP will not burn holes in the ionosphere. That is a dangerous understatement of what
HAARP'S giant gigawatt beam will do. Earth is spinning relative to thin electric shells of the
multilayer membrane of ion-o-spheres that absorb and shield Earth's surface from intense solar
radiation, incliding charged particle storms in solar winds erupting from the sun. Earth's axial spin
means that HAARP-- in a burst lasting no more than a few minutes-- will slice through the
ionosphere like a knife. This produces not a hole but a long tear-- an incision."

To again quote J. F. MacDonald; " The key to geophysical warfare is the indentification of environmental
instabilities to which the the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of
energy." Taken in conjunction with this statement a comment by Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher.

"The ionosphere is prone to catalytic reactions. If a small part is changed, a major change in the
ionosphere can happen."

Here then are some of the possible capabilities we were asking about in QUESTION 1. And these are by
no means all of them. The possible threat is as devastating as nuclear war or enslavement of the human
race by electronically produce mind control. And if they are planning to control our minds whose to say
they haven't already? Furthermore, why do they feel they have to control us so thoroughly? What have
they already done that they need to cover up so desperately that they are willing to spend millions of
dollars on electronic mind control?

To address the concerns of this newsletter, community involvement is needed in the broadest sense of the
word: the construction of these facilities around the world could certainly affect the global community.

I heartily recommend that people write to the Air Force at the address above or their local senators and
congressmen. I would also encourage people to read more about it in the book Angels Don't Play This
HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology by Dr. Nick Begich. You may also contact or write to:

Peter Van Tuyn

Litigation Director
725 Christiansen Dr., #4
Anchorage, Ak., 99501
(907) 276-4244
(907) 276-7110 fax
email: trustees@igc.org

To sum up; this facility may or may not pose a serious threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
not just here in the U.S.A. but all around the world. Even if only a fraction of the dire predictions about
this facility are true, it is cause for very serious concern. Many of the people who are most alarmed about
this are prominent members of the scientific community. They are people who have made a living
studying the atmosphere and the earth. Just the fact that they are concerned should be a red flag for the
rest of us lay-people. If what the government says is true then we have nothing to worry about. But can
we trust the government to tell the truth? Especially the military branch? How much do you trust the Air
Force and the Navy? Do you think they are telling us the whole picture? Do you want to take the chance
that "everything will be OK."? The price might be losing your free will. Decide for yourself.



January 1997


Namaste All! Wunjo was moved to paint butterflies this month. How appropriate ... what better symbol
could there be for the spiritual transformation that is upon us. I have stated many times that I felt that I
was in the midst of just such transformations three years ago. Several of you, I know have recently had
such transformations, are now experiencing them, or will undoubtedly be doing so very soon. The
chrysalis stage is a very interesting one ... for it literally turns everything that you know about reality
inside out. Hopefully, you will find the going easier than I did ... for now there are those with hands
reaching out to assist and guide you. However, flying is much different than crawling. But with your
newfound wings ... flying you must do. For, you see, SOARING as SPIRIT enfleshed is your true nature
and your destiny.

I anxiously await the marvels and wonders that you will create and express, or more correctly, that spirit
will express and manifest through you. 1997 can truly be a year in which miracles manifest. However, it
will only be so if we have the courage to do what it takes to MAKE IT SO. That is one of the main
challenges for spirit here ... SHE must work through us to create reality here. It is high time we start
cooperating and make her work easy for a change.

It is within our power to make a better world for all those who are incarnated here. It is high time we
choose to exercise that power. Let this be the year in which a new age is finally born. Choose to make this
a YEAR of SPIRITUAL MANIFESTATION, the likes of which have never been seen before. Yes, such is
within our power. All that it requires is for us to Make a Commitment, and then act to HONOR that
Commitment. Please join us in doing so NOW.



Your Friends at The Search for Center

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are one who desires to get involved in the Search please join in. :) This Newsletter will
grow as the Light within our Beings grows.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used for resources and
services so please feel free to add to our collection.

If you have built castles in the air,
your work need not be lost;

that is where they should be.

Now put the foundations under them.






Letters to the Editor Treasures from the

Dragon's Lair
Poetry Opinions

Book Review by Nancy Community Forums

Sharing of Experiences Issues/Recommended

Let's Create a Better World Building the Foundations




QUESTION: Since it is Christmas, suppose you were on Santa's lap and he asks you what YOU want.
You can ask for anything. What would you tell him?

Dear Santa,

For starters,

• I would like the people to be brought to us that will help us create our dreams. And with the right
people let the light fill us full of magic, so that we can create a world where we all live in harmony
and peace. And with this magic I pledge to honor and respect it with all my power.
• I would like for all to live in enjoyment and happiness. And reaching our greatest potential in spirit
and in body.
• I would like the ability to fly through the universe and swing on the stars, and sing with the
flowers and the birds.
• I would like to walk and talk with the animals and reach the hearts of others and fill them with

Oh how I dream of these things. So Santa if you can help them come true I am here for you to let the
magic flow through me.





January 1997

"I am WOMAN, hear me ROAR, in numbers too big to ignore ... as I spread my loving arms across
the land. While I'm still an embryo, I have a long, long way to go ... until I make my brother
understand. Yes, I am wise, but it's wisdom born of pain. Yes, I've paid the price ... but look how
much I've gained. If I had to, I can do anything. I am strong. I am invincible. I am W-O-M-A-N."

"You can bend but never break me. For it only serves to make me more determined to achieve my
final goal."

Hmm... that's as much as I can remember. The song is "I Am Woman" from Helen Reddy. I can still feel
how much it moved me from the time I first heard it in the mid-70's. It is interesting that it is occupying
my mind so forcefully right now. It is as if a seed that was planted over 20 years ago has finally burst
forth. It compelled me enough to get up from bed and write this now. Literally, I had no choice in the
matter. Such is how spirit chooses to express. And I am but HER dedicated servant.

Yes, SHE is the one whose voice speaks so loudly now. It was spirit all along though the social conditions
at the time also gave the song meaning in the context of Woman's struggle to be free and equal. But spirits
struggle is even more difficult and challenging. For few truly sing of her glory, and even fewer act to
express her glory. Interesting. Yet, it seems as clear as day to me at this moment. Also, it is no coincidence
that early in the song it says "hear me roar". It is enough to make me Laugh Out Loud, it truly is. For, as
"lion", is this not what I am doing NOW? Is this not what most of these pages are about? The "lion"
roaring ... no more and no less. And, it is the ROAR of the WOMAN, the feminine spiritual source, that
speaks through me. I am overcome with a "big smile" and overwhelmed with a deep emotion ... for it is
LOVE that fills my HEART and captivates my SOUL. I Am That I Am. I Express That I Am.

There is a deep sense that a hidden door has been unlocked ... perhaps more like a Pandora's Box. I look
forward to the wonders that will flow out of it with great anticipation. Consciously, I don't know what is
in store. But, at another level, it is as if I know exactly what is happening ... to a large degree, because in a
very real way I somehow made it happen. It is a weird feeling. Knowing yet not knowing at the same
time. But, it is also extremely empowering. I KNOW that there is a greater part of me than I am yet aware
of that is able to take control and act through this vessel that I Am. Further, there is an innate trust that
goes with this ... a TRUST in spirit, the ONE spirit that we all are part of ... the ONE spirit that expresses
through us collectively. It is only on conscious levels that we perceive all the separation. The true reality
is that the ONE spirit creates everything. It is only our partition that allow us to perceive the limitations
and create such suffering. This need not be the case. It is only there so long as we allow it. And, we only
allow it so long as it serves us in some manner.

There is something very special about the year ahead, 1997. The Sun Exalted Year in the Century of the
Sun. WOW. The Sun represents SPIRIT. It seems we are in for a very good year. Also, 19 97 is the
clockwise span from 91:Death Exalted to 97:The Sun Exalted. The span is 6:The Lovers years and the
center is 94:The Tower Exalted. It will be very interesting to see how this manifests in the world. Yes,

I feel very good about the seeds we have planted here at The Search for Center. And about the LOVE with
which we have nurtured those seeds. What will grow from them remains to be seen. But harvest time is

literally only nine months away. Yes, we still need to care for and tend the garden, but the real work is
done by the unseen forces of spirit. We have only to allow it to manifest its magnificence. The forces of
Light are on the move. And soon, the forces of Darkness will be no more ... for the battle of light and
shadow is about to end.

It's interesting that in the show Babylon-5, the year recently became 2261 and the War with the Shadows
is fully engaged. 2262 is next. 22 is my Heart's Desire. 62 is my Personality. So in a very real way 2262 is
whom that I am. All the signs say that this state will be reached in 1997. Further, 22 + 62 = 84 = The
Lovers Exalted. The card has Male looking to Female looking to Angel in the Rider Tarot Deck. It is the
only "right" way for Self to operate. It is also the card at the top of my "A" Tarot Reading from 1994.
Further, my SSN ends in 2184 indicating, my "work" involves bringing this realization to the World.
There is a KNOWINGNESS, a realization that I am rediscovering Whom That I AM. There is also a great
urgency to get on with what I came into this incarnation to do. What you've seen expressed through this
vessel to date is but the tip of an iceberg. It literally blows me away to even think about the possibilities
that lie ahead.

The key is to stay focused HERE and NOW ... and to DO each day what I am moved to do. It is only
through such expression that the PLAN of SPIRIT is made MANIFEST. I choose to do my part. I hope
with all my HEART that YOU are moved to do the same.




I went to a party, Mum, I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mum, so I drank coke instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mum, the way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mum, even though the others said I should.

I know I did the right thing, Mum, I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mum, as everyone is driving out of sight.
As I got into my car, Mum, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.

I started to drive away, Mum, but as I pulled out into the road,
the other car didn't see me, Mum, and hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mum, I hear the policeman say,
the other guy is drunk, Mum, and now I'm the one who will pay.

I'm lying here dying, Mum. I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mum? My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mum, and most of it is mine.
I hear the paramedic say, Mum, I'll die in a short time.

I just wanted to tell you, Mum, I swear I didn't drink.

It was the others, Mum. The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank and I will die.

Why do people drink, Mum? It can ruin your whole life.

I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mum, and I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare.

Tell my brother not to cry, Mum. Tell Daddy to be brave.

And when I go to heaven, Mum, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mum, not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mum, I would still be alive.

My breath is getting shorter, Mum. I'm becoming very scared.

Please don't cry for me, Mum. When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mum, before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?



The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)


The New Age movement means different things to different people. However, I feel that most all New
Age topics have one basic underlying theme. That theme is personal spiritual development. Every day
there are thousands upon thousands of people around the world who are waking up to the knowledge,
understanding and realization of who they really are, where they came from, and why they are here.

This collective transformation of individuals can be described as the New Age movement. The New Age
movement provides the framework and the tools to assist people with their own personal growth and
spiritual development.


Here's an unofficial list of beliefs that some individuals interested in NewAge ideas may have in common:

• You create your own reality and destiny. This is a planet of free choice, and you have your own
free will.
• You have certain challenges to face and overcome in this lifetime. If you don't learn your lessons
this time, you'll get them again.
• There is no such thing as coincidence.
• There is more to life than meets the eye, much more.
• Nothing really matters in this life unless it is done for the benefit of others.
• We are not alone.
• We are multidimensional beings currently having a human experience.

• We are all receiving more help than we know, from angels, spirit guides, ascended masters and
• We can heal ourselves, our society, and our world.
• The ultimate transformation for mankind is ascension.

If you have additional thoughts, beliefs, ideas and suggestions for this list regarding your understand of
the New Age please e-mail me.

Andy Lutts


The heart of community is commitment to share and participate in one another's lives in ways that truly
make a difference. Sure, there are large causes that we can get involved with if they move us. But it is in
the deep personal interactions where spirit truly is allowed to flow and do her work through us. Here
reality is completely under our control. It is not a matter of economics or resources. It is solely a matter of
how we apply our personal time, energy, attention, and abilities in a manner that enhances the lives of
others. This is most effective when it is used to help others to more fully express whom that they are. This
may come from helping them to better understand themselves, or by assisting them in developing their
abilities, or by motivating them to use their abilities to help themselves and others, or by serving as an
example, or just by being there in times of need to help lift their spirits.

These kinds of things occur naturally when we choose to give spirit control in our lives and actively start
doing her bidding. However, relinquishing our will can be a difficult process. There is something
addicting about being in control ... or thinking we are in control anyway. It takes a lot of courage to admit
that most of what we experience is "magic" ... or at the very least "unknown" and in either case is
definitely outside of our conscious control.

This only becomes a problem if we fear what we do not know. Perhaps even worse is believing that we
are in control when in reality we are not ... for then we confine ourselves to a prison of our own making,
not even realizing that we are confined. There is a saying that applies "none are more hopelessly enslaved
than those who falsely believe themselves to be free".

So, what is the alternative? Being very careful to examine and understand what we truly know versus
what we believe versus what we simple do not know ... there is nothing wrong with not knowing so long
as we are aware that we do not know and we act accordingly. Trusting that we are spirit choosing a
physical experience helps as well. Further, it helps knowing that as spirit we are fully capable of taking
care of ourselves, despite appearances that may be to the contrary. To make a real difference, we must
follow the dictates of our spirit ... learning to hear what it has to say and trusting enough to take whatever
actions we are moved to take. Our concern should be: are we following the dictates of our spirit? The
impact on self should be a secondary factor, if indeed it is considered at all.

It is our choice. We can choose to express in a manner that makes a difference or we can fail to choose to
do so. The consensus reality will reflect the choices we make individually. I urge you to choose to make a
difference then follow up and express and take actions consistent with your choice. Through such
decisions and such actions a new age will be born.




Wow! What gives me the right to take on such a big issue? The very fact that I am spirit expressing in
flesh here and now is more than sufficient. This is an opinion section. And I am entitled to have any
opinion that I so choose. Whether that opinion has value for you is a completely different matter, one that
only YOU can decide for yourself.

From all that I have experienced to date, the Purpose of Life is simply to provide a vessel through which
spirit can express. That's it. That's all there is to it. But, in those few words whole volumes are spoken.
Metaphysics is one of the few disciplines that deals directly with this topic of how spirit expresses
through flesh, how reality is made manifest, what spirit is, and what we as individuals truly are. Yes, all of
these are deep issues. But they are real issues ... how we address them both individually and collectively
makes all the difference in not only our personal reality but in the mass reality created and experienced by
the world at large.

One very important commandment driving all living beings is "Know Thyself". For it is by carrying out
this commandment that we become the best that we can be and are thus able to express spirit through us to
the fullest degree possible. We, humankind, have known this for literally thousands of years. So, why do
we find it so hard to abide by? Why do we collectively know so little about whom and what we truly are?
Why is there so much darkness where there could be light? Why do we not take responsibility for creating
a kinder, gentler world? Is it truly so difficult? Or is it simply a matter of choosing to change our
perspective and start focusing on things that truly make a difference? How long to we collectively
continue to give away our power to a few ... and to forces over which we feel that we as individuals have
no power to control? Such is not what "reality" is meant to be. The game has gone out of its intended
bounds. Enough is enough! It is time that we take responsibility again, collectively. I choose to do this
NOW! Hopefully, you will choose to do so as well. Together, we can build a world that allows us to fully
express whom that we are, spirit enfleshed.

Wayne Hartman


Money seems to be a major area for struggle for most people that I know. Why should this be? Why are
people starving while the government pays farmers not to grow food and while excess food is being
dumped? Why are so many homes in need of repair when painters, plumbers, roofers, and other skilled
workers can't find as much work as they would like? Why are so many people barely making ends meet?
How is it that collectively we have chosen to consume to such a degree that we are enslaved to jobs just to
earn enough to be able to live comfortably? Why do we permit such great variation in incomes for

different jobs, and for different people in the same jobs? Do differences in abilities really justify
differences in income by factors of 1,000 and more? Is that really fair?

Shouldn't there be some degree to which we are "equal" economically? This is especially important since
economic power can literally "buy" political power in our present social system.

Why should the work week be 40 hours? Is it because that is all "we, the slaves" will bear without
revolting. Similarly, are wages what they are for the same reason? ... or because people wouldn't do the
jobs or wouldn't do them as well if they were paid less?

Yes, there are some people who truly love what they do. However, my sense is that these are a small
minority. I guess the test would be: if you didn't have to worry about bills, costs, and money, would you
keep going to work and doing your present job. Personally, my answer is a resounding NO!!!! It is not
that I don't want to work. It is that I believe my skills, time, energy, and effort would be much more
effective for society overall if they were channeled into areas that truly make a difference in allowing
spirit to express in flesh.

It seems that as a society, we need to do something to reign in the economic system and make it our
servant rather than our master. The economic system's whole purpose is to create goods and services and
distribute them to where they are needed. It seems that we do a great job at the first part, but a lousy
job at the distribution. Don't get me wrong. We do this better than most if not all other countries in the
world. But, that is not enough. We can do better and we must do better.

Why can't we have true prosperity for all? What is the root of the scarcity mentality in the current system
and how do we get rid of this cancer once and for all?



In case you haven't noticed, my name and words appear in many places in this newsletter. Why? Simply
because I have made a commitment to spirit to give of my time and energy so that she may express here
in this manner. To me, this is a sacred commitment. It is one that is so great that I would literally rather die
than fail to honor it. Yes, I mean that! This endeavor and this expression is that important. How do I know
that? Because I feel it to the core of my being. To date, there has not been sufficient feedback to know this
is true by any outcomes or results. So, my only real alternative is to rely on information sources that come
from within.

Seeing the products of my own efforts, I can't help wondering what miracles we could manifest if all of us
could make such a commitment and work together to make our joint commitments as effective as
possible. My sense is that the magic transformation that we would seed is the very step required to bring
about the Dawn that has been prophesied for so long. It is as if the Aquarian age is but a heartbeat away ...
but it is a very special heartbeat ... a collective one of many hearts beating as ONE!

So what are you willing to commit to do? And are you ready to make that commitment public? An idea
just came to me ... it is time to start a club, the Committed to Make a Difference Club. The price of

membership is posting a statement of what you are committed to do in the new Making a Difference
section and providing monthly status on what you did to honor your commitment.

The intent here is not to gain recognition for anything. Spirit is better served if we use the club as a
support group, a motivation enhancer, and a means for people to find others with similar or related
commitments so they can explore building relationships and joining forces to better achieve what they are
committed to doing. We can do far more together than the sum of what can we can do individually.
Anything that assists us in creating collective expressions of spirit has the potential to truly impact the
scope of difference we can make in the world.

So. The Committed to Make a Difference Club is officially established and looking for members. Is
your commitment to do something strong enough that you are ready to be one of the founding members?
If so, send an e-mail with your name (and/or nickname), e-mail address, and statement of commitment to
me by 22 Jan 97 for inclusion on the inaugural page of the Making a Difference section in Issue #4 of
The Search for Center Newsletter.



BOOK REVIEW by Wayne for Nancy Lattimer

Time Tactics of Very Successful People

by B. Eugene Griessman

Self-Improvement Paperback $14.95 ..... 233 pages ..... McGraw Hill, Inc.

The author asked Stanley Marcus, (yes, of Neiman-Marcus) "What do the wealthy, powerful, and famous
people you know have in common?" His answer was "They all have 24-hour days". Further, he explained:
"The world has expanded in almost all directions, but we still have a 24-hour day. The most successful
people and the most unsuccessful people all receive the same ration of hours each day."
The only difference then, is how we use our daily ration of 24 hours.

This book provides a wealth of practical techniques for using your time more efficiently and effectively ...
allowing you to free up valuable time and apply it to things that are truly worth doing. I picked up the
book two days ago ... I am already halfway through it. Literally, the book blew me away. The techniques
for time management are wonderful. They are presented in a manner that is fun, many times along with
real world example ... and often humorous ones at that. No matter how busy you are, you should be able
to apply what you find in the book in a manner that saves you at least 10 hours per week. Just think what
you can do with those ten hours ... especially operating at your creative best.

One technique that really puts you in the right framework is to start putting a VALUE on your "free" time.
The place to start is two to three times your current rate per hour if you are employed by someone else ...
or 50% more than your going rate if self-employed.

Now, whenever you do something make sure that you consider the VALUE of your time that is involved.
If what you are doing is not worth this value, then you should be asking yourself what you could be doing
differently to get your value's worth out of the time you put in.

No, this doesn't mean you should be charging for every minute of your time. However, it does mean that
you find better ways to get more out of your daily ration of 24 hours ... in many cases "get more" means
apply yourself in ways that allows you to DO MORE, and GIVE MORE to others and to your World.

This is where the labor for creating a new and better world can come from. It is but for us to make the best
of the time that we have, and more effectively apply ourselves to the tasks which truly need doing.




)Gaia*Friends( on 15 Dec 96

lion: Are we ready? Namaste ALL!!! Our topic tonight is COMMUNITY. I hope you had a chance to see
the log of a forum we had on this about a month ago. In case you haven't, you might want to visit log for
forum on community.

lion: Community is a big topic! However, what is important tonight, is what kinds of things we can do
together from wherever we are to start to build a community that permits us to be ourselves and better
express whom that we are, spirit enfleshed.

lion: Utopian ideas have been with us for centuries, if not millennia. However, ideas are only a starting
point. Action is required to bring about manifestation in this world.

lion: We have chosen a time to live in which things can manifest at a pace that is beyond anything
imagined in the past. However, it is up to us to take responsibility and start doing things that make a
difference. This may be in our immediate families or in our local environs or in a larger world context ... it
is all up to us.

lion: At no time in the past has it been so easy for people in various countries throughout the world to
communicate and act collectively. The channels are in place, we have only to use them as a medium
through which the constructive for of change happens.

lion: I think most if us would agree that peace, harmony, abundance, cooperation, creativity and love
characterize the desired world.

thera: :)

Dreamie: Yes...

Susanrose: yes!

wunjo: :)

Sunshine-: yes

Kestrel^: yes

lion: Further, I think most of us believe these words do not describe the current world that we live in.

lion: Cooperatively choosing to create such a world is the key that makes the difference.

Dreamie: Making a conscious effort

lion: Collectively, we are extremely powerful. The changes that our spirits can seed and bring forth in the
world are almost beyond imagination. However, these changes will only come forth if we free our spirits
to do the work that is needed, trusting that spirit guides us every step of the way.

lion: What would you like to see improved in your life or your world? How specifically can community
make a difference?

Susanrose: we guide each other too lion!

lion: Does it even matter to you?

thera: very much so

thera: contribution of all our gifts

thera: sharing

miKron: yes indeed, lion ,i would say finally a chance to be with the right people to evolve in the right
directions :)

Dreamie: I would like to see a world where people didn't always have something negative to point out.....

lion: What kinds of things can we start working together on, to make our community and our world a
better place for us, our families, and our spiritual families.

wunjo: I would like to create something here tonight with all of you :)

Dreamie: :)

thera: :)

lion: Yes, miKron. Finding other compatible souls is extremely important!

lion: Understand Dreamie ... especially when the is so much positive that one can focus on.

Wonder: I prefer "example"

lion: wunjo: what do you want to create tonight?

Susanrose: There is a ripple effect in all we do... as we let spirit guide us, the energy inspires others.
Wonder: whois wonder

lion: OK Wonder ... let's open it up. What are specific "examples" of what I am talking about, and what
we can do?

Ganesha1: are you speaking of consensus Intentional Community

lion: For me, the first step is starting to focus on what I can do for others. I don't have a lot of experience
with that.

miKron: we to start look at the ability for us to join here ,on irc , i can feel a really incredible bond with
all in this room:)

wunjo: I would like us to agree on something and do it.

lion: But it allows me to extend my boundaries beyond my self and do things that allow others to better
express whom and what they are.

thera: I feel if there is anything I can share that is beneficial, I do that, then I honor the other's pathway

Moranaa: Wunjo, what would you like us to agree on?

Dreamie: Yes...i believe we can focus our thoughts, as a group, to make a difference. The power of
thought is extremely powerful.

thera: The willingness to share, and to give of ourselves, any of our gifts

wunjo: maybe set up a time and place where we can continue this and create a community

lion: Ganesha: I don't know about "consensus" but yes, an intentional community that we choose to create
and be part of.

Moranaa: Agreed Wunjo.

thera: Choice is the KEY word here

Moranaa: Wunjo where do you see physical Community?

lion: thera, YES, sharing and giving of ourselves is very important. That is how SPIRIT is able to express
through us. But, we have to allow it to do so.

wunjo: I dont know but it will be fun finding the perfect place

lion: This takes both courage and commitment. Courage, because often we don't know exactly where
spirit will take us.

thera: Yes, the moment we allow it to be so, it is. God cannot interfere with free will, we must allow it

Moranaa: Wunjo what state are you in?

wunjo: colorado,it is nice here

lion: Free will is a different topic ... best reserved for another time. You can see many of my ideas on it at
Beyond Imagination.

thera: "I AM WILLING" to give of

Moranaa: Wunjo, I feel the first key to realizing Community in the physical plane is to Remember we
ARE Spirit and can manifest anything that is for our Highest good.

thera: Remembering I AM here to Give Of myself, Not give Up myself

Moranaa: I live in New Mexico (in the Four Corners)

wunjo: yes I believe that and that is what I want everyone to focous on so we can manifest what we want

lion: The bottom line comes down to commitment. What are we willing to DO to create what we want to

Moranaa: I AM in the physical plane to realize Community with others of my Spiritual Family.

wunjo: we need to agree on what we want to manifest

Moranaa: Yes

thera: First think what we want, and then take action. We must KNOW what we want

Moranaa: However our Desire as Spirit is the same and we will manifest that if we can get out of the
way of ourselves (the little me).

wunjo: what is the first thing we should agree on?

Steven: Why not commit to love? and loving?

lion: Money and resources can be difficult ... but the one thing we all have that is free is TIME to apply
our abilities and talents.

Joyful: I want peace and harmony among all Americans ... does that count?

Moranaa: Wunjo, to make a plan and put it to paper with goals.

Dreamie: Commit to making a difference with our thought process alone....


wunjo: ok let's do it

Steven: what about aussies and nzeders

Ganesha1: we should decide if a spiritual community means supporting each other in our spiritual path
OR creating a certain ideal for a path

Dreamie: yes thera!!!

Chulosian: hey I'm swedish :=) peace among us also

Dreamie: world peace

Joyful: all we have to do is smile more

lion: Joyful... yes, but why just Americans?

Joyful: and just be kind

Joyful: can't we start here

Joyful: how can we be an example?

thera: I am willing to radiate my LIGHT to ALL

Joyful: if we don't start here

Moranaa: Wunjo, we will need to decide what our goals as Higher BEings are in this and stay focused on

thera: Start with SELF

Joyful: People look at us

Ganesha1: so an organization dedicated to the collective dynamic quantum ideal of perpetuating world
peace? Joyful: what do they see

Dreamie: it all starts from within

lion: I'm more for supporting one another on whatever paths we choose to express.

Joyful: well then, that is a start

Steven: start in your own hearts it can but express itself

thera: Humans make everything so complicated

Ganesha1: the heart is the center....

wunjo: to help other know themselves

thera: I must know MY self first

Ganesha1: so, an organization that supports the "Heart"

thera: then radiate it out

Steven: yay!

Ganesha1: The Radiating Heart

Dreamie: go team!!!

Kestrel^: yes!!!

Steven: :)

MiaLove: mmmm!

Moranaa: Wunjo, would you agree there is a need to define and clarify what needs to be done in the
physical to realize Community?

Joyful: we must keep focused

wunjo: yes!!

Joyful: upward

Ganesha1: community is Gaia...our conciousness is in community every 2 weeks here...and we support

each others path and hearts here

wunjo: wow thank you all for being here:) :) :)

Steven: :)

Ganesha1: what more are you talking about wunjo and lion?

Moranaa: Wunjo, there must also be a dedication to the Truth we are all equal and One for Community to

Joyful: your welcome wunjo

lion: Joyful, or downward depending our perspective and direction in which spirit is moving.

thera: We need to start with Self, then with our own family unit, then it spreads to our friends and
associates, to neighborhood, then city, county, state, country, universe

Ganesha1: spirit spirals anyway

Wonder: Yes. Laughter is very 'light'...:)

Steven: or sideways..............

wunjo: we need to have a plan

Dreamie: Laughter is very healing too...

Ganesha1: what are your ideas Wunjo?

Moranaa: Wunjo...we need to DO the PLAN... :-)

lion: Perhaps thera ... but my personal connections don't involve many of your levels.

Dreamie: As some grow, the inner-child gets lost somehow...it's important to keep that inner-child very
much alive...keeping the "spark" ignited

wunjo: yes we do ... what is the plan going to be?

Ganesha1 lights a flame of love in this circle and we all connect on this energetic level

wunjo: we need to start to make it happen help:)

Moranaa: Brainstorming would be appropriate...to decide what the foundation of a physical plan would

lion: Moranaa, Understand ... but it seems Spirit only reveal her PLAN as we need to know it.

Ganesha1: what about the concept that it IS already happening

lion: In the meantime, it is up to us to do what we are moved to do in the moment.

wunjo: so we all agree the know thyself is first so what is second

thera: Yes Ganesha I agree with that

gina: lion for years I felt I needed a spiritual centre...and woke up to the fact that my home has been that
all along...one extends out and spirit provides

thera: Acting like something is already happening, brings it into a present creation

Dreamie: what if we set a certain amount of time aside each night, before we sleep, coming up with some
thought or phrase or prayer...and faithfully say it each night

Moranaa: Lion, as Spirit we are to build a foundation for what is to be Community, talk is nice but it is
time to Do a PLAN.

Ganesha1: there is really nothing to do...we are here and it is happening..let's be in a space of happiness
about this...perfection is perfection...why do we have to make it better than it already is?

thera: I already have a peaceful family example

Ganesha1: the spirit is alive and here in this moment

thera: I already have a beautiful and perfect spirit

Chulosian: Yes, These Are The End Times, What I have been seeing/hearing these last two months
reveals that, I don't know if you all can see it?

Moranaa: We are the Spirit in manifest

thera: I am already perfection

lion: Spirit expresses though us in each moment ... it is helpful if we do the work to "Know Thyself" for
this allows us to express spirit to an even greater degree.

thera: Until someone told me different

Ganesha1: I am Conciousness

wunjo: Dreamie I like that

Ganesha1: yeah nice...affirmations as collective conciousness awareness works on a very cellular level in
this way

wunjo: I want to be with all of you in a physical plane some day

lion: Agree Moranaa ... my sense is that 1997 is The Year of Manifestation. It is indeed time to act!

Dreamie: :)

Moranaa: Lion, I would agree we are to BE in the Moment. However that does not mean you do not

thera: I feel the year of 1997 is the year of Empowerment

lion: Agree with build. However, I don't plan. Planning involves focusing on the future, not on NOW.

wunjo: well we need to have focus

Ganesha1: well, it seems that as a collective group, it would be wise to meditate, ask for grace...write
down our experiences...and share at a later date...in order to let the teaching of this gathering process itself

Gwendy: well we do the future with our thoughts and actions of today

Susanrose: Chulosian... if spirit is eternal, and we are spirit, then it is truely not the end times... our true
reality has no beginning or endings

thera: yes what I think in this moment creates my future

Moranaa: Lion, the future is dependent on the steps we take in the now.

phoenx: I wrote something today to I wrote this earlier today to Heart-Journey:

Ganesha1: this IS the auspicious moment where all our heart is revealed and we are one in this hereness

wunjo: our newsletter would be perfect for that Ganesha1

phoenx: Men are little boys and they hide that fact. They do so by taking on airs and know that projection
makes perception. The only hope for men is to receive the woman inside and to incorporate that in their
daily lives. It is the key to their Spirituality. Women need to receive the man inside of them and take their
rightful place as equals and co-heirs of the Kingdom we live in. As equals, it is possible for consistent
Spiritual progression. Without it, we are where we are.

Ganesha1: newsletter wunjo...please elaborate

Dreamie: I've found that my thoughts and dreams from childhood, actually HAVE manifested...so I know
the power exists

lion: I don't know that I believe that Moranaa. It is not so clear that such is how the future indeed
happens. I would say that we are drawn to take actions now that get us to where spirit has planned for us.

thera: Think it and it is

Steven: i was wondering if today i may share a dream i had??????????

thera: and now it is so accelerated

phoenx: Intend it... and it is.

lion: Do it and it is. Think it and it is still only vibration.

wunjo: we have a newsletter called The Search for Center

Moranaa: We are a part of the plan as Spirit, we are not separate from our Selves that is illusion and
keeps us from Doing our BEing.

Ganesha1: yes, and as a group our collective consciousness has a great light...what is the light we can
radiate as a focus exercise during the week...what are ideas...affirmations? ..prayer? ...meditation?....

Dreamie: think it long enough...and hard enough...and it becomes

thera: Everything started with one single thought

Ganesha1: lion, don't underestimate vibration...everything is made manifest by vibration...

Moranaa: Lion, if you are going to build a house don't you have a plan?

thera: A Whim

thera: There needs to be the idea before the action is taken

thera: or else the action could be hasty

lion: You're talking to one who doesn't take credit consciously for creating the thoughts that I experience.

Ganesha1: ok... Dreamies IDEA.....affirmation daily

Susanrose: Thank you for sharing what you wrote phoenx... very good.

Chulosian: Susanrose, spirits have no endings in that way, but i'm not interacting with you thru my spirit.
this is my head and fingers typing. if my head is weak that don't mean my spirit is, but if my head is too
weak I can't reveal you my spirit

Dreamie: should we concentrate on a certain area to send this affirmations?? Changing locals??

lion: To me thoughts come from spirit. And very few that I see ever actually manifest.

Moranaa: Lion, you are the author of your thoughts, unless you are being given thoughts by another
entity, would you agree?

Ganesha1: well, that is a subject for a whole other forum..."where do thoughts Originate"?

Susanrose: Chulosian...Spirit reveals itself as it chooses

Dreamie: don't know about that lion....

Chulosian: Susanrose: this end i am referring to is a great change or an actuall ending of planet earth. a
stop or a change. a big one.

wunjo: lets go back to community

Moranaa: Wunjo, good idea.

lion: No, I do not experience being the author or creator of my thoughts. I hear them in my head. I have
no understanding or awareness of where they originate.

gina: if thoughts produce action then making statements about the ending of this planet could create a
reality that I for one don't wish to be in on

Ganesha1: yes gina

wunjo: we can post all of your ideas for a community in our newsletter

thera: We cannot choose feelings, but we can choose our thoughts

Moranaa: Wunjo what would you say the first brick in the foundation of Community should be?

thera: Or certainly change our thoughts

wunjo: and then we can see what everyone wants

Susanrose: Lion and wunjo... can you review what has been said to draw some concluding statements???

wunjo: getting everyone to work towards a common goal

lion: Moranaa, it seems that the first brick is establishing some type of social contract that binds us and
provides the framework for establishing cooperatively interdependent relationships.

Moranaa: GOOD

wunjo: contract is a plan

lion: Hmm... it seems like we've covered a lot of different things. I'm not sure a few sentences suffices,
but I'll take an action to generate a brief summary in the next few days.

thera7: I feel I have made a Vow with my higher power to be the instrument I was put here to be

thera7: Then I trust

Wonder: first step, Know thyself. 2nd step-agreement among Selves.

Ganesha1: well, concensus wise it seems we haven't really agreed on anything except that peace, and
love begin in the Heart and that concentrating on Positive affirmations support this collective process

CJoseph: once you know yourself..the agreement is automatic

lion: That's great thera!!!!! I feel a similar calling and commitment. And TRUST is the glue that holds it
all together.

thera7: Yes :)

wunjo: Moranaa yes we can do you want to help create a community idea page on our newsletter

Wonder: exactly Ganesha1

wunjo: Ganesha that is why we need to keep this going so we get somewhere

Moranaa: I can submit text to you if you want to do it that way to.

MiaLove: (please excuse the interruption, but I must leave for now. Please keep me informed
re:Community* summaries and developments at lovemia@together.net)

lion: Moranaa, Our 3rd Newsletter comes out this week.

Susanrose: Lion, since the topic is community, I would like to paste a letter here before you all leave
about the Global community that we are a part... Gaia... ...I will need to leave and come back to paste it...
please someone log for this part for me!

wunjo: everyone take this down The Search for Center

wunjo: so I would like all who want to keep discussing this topic to leave there e-mail or give feedback
on the newsletter I just posted

Moranaa: Or software like Marianne Williams has on her site to handle messaging.

Susanrose: the gaia mailing list has about 50 names and wolf sends out our invites on his list too

Ganesha1: so is Gaia over..shouldn't we thank our guidance for this opportunity and all our Masters
Teachers Loved ones and guides?

Dreamie: So what if we all contribute a thought to an affirmation??

Moranaa: OK

miKron: thanks wunjo and lion for all your light!

wunjo: LOVE TO ALL

Moranaa: Yes, thank you and Blessing.

Ganesha1: I am perfection merged into perfecction

Ganesha1: I am the Light

lion: Namaste All! Thank you for joining us tonight to discuss community. We plan to be doing a lot of
work in this area in the coming year. We hope your will join us and be part of our endeavors.

thera7: I AM LOVE

Ganesha1: I am Trust

wunjo: so will all go see our newsletter and keep intouch

Ganesha1: I am Faith

Susanrose: OK..... I want to thank lion and wunjo and all of you! BUT before you all go, I want the soap
box for a minute...

Ganesha1: I am Courage and Fearlessness

Moranaa: wunjo, I will leave a message for you at your site.

thera7: I AM ALL THAT IS

lion: We hold weekly community forums and post an extensive newsletter each month.

Everyone here is an affirmation: WE are POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BEINGS!

Susanrose: Dannion Brinkley brought back that message to us from beyone

Susanrose: WE ARE POWERFUL Spiritual BEINGS!

Dreamie: Earth Angles... making a difference

Sunshine-: being friends

Dreamie: :) Sunshine, and loving

Susanrose: Please everyone... remember this when you hear the paranoia about the hale bopp comet and
the photon belt and the aliens coming! Just remember we are powerful spirits

lion: YES, EXTREMELY POWERFUL SPIRITUAL BEINGS. What we do makes all the difference in
the world!!!

Ganesha1: ok listening susan


Susanrose: manifesting love

Dreamie: yes we are....and we are One with the Universe...all is a part of the Universe...there is nothing
to fear

Susanrose: through form and light

Sunshine-: and love

Ganesha1: I am filled with and surrounded by Pure White Light..Only Love, Joy, and Truth can come to
me and from me

Susanrose: we are spirts in a human experinece, infusing the physical realsms with love



Susanrose: all the universe is here to see how we do it!

Dreamie: :) Dreamie loves you all!

Susanrose: we are heros and heroines!

Susanrose: here is a letter that

Ganesha1: we love dreamie

Susanrose: Thank you Lion, and wunjo for leading... next in 2 weeks novale will lead again



23 December 96

SWC MachuPichu @ 7:00 PM PST


lion Namaste All! It will be interesting to see if anyone else shows up given that it is so close to XMAS.

lion Click on "lion" to see a monologue I did on the topic the first time we tried it in early November.

lion This is a Community Forum sponsored by The Search for Center. We hold them weekly on Mon
evenings at 7:00 PM PST. We alternate between IRC channel #wunjolion and SWC MachuPichu.

lion Well, no use letting the lack of a crowd stop my from expressing ... Hmm, is that an example of EGO

lion For those who haven't found us, please visit The Search for Center. We publish a monthly
"newsletter", the third issue of which just came out on Friday. Though, the newsletter doesn't really
contain any "news".

lion Ego is an interesting word. Numerologically it is 576 = 24 squared. From the center out it is 7:56 or 4
to 8 which is sound equivalent to 428. I have found all of these to be extremely important numbers on my
spiritual path in the past few years.

lion I guess it is a bit egocentric to think that what is important to me personally is also important to the
world. But that is truly how I see reality. The microcosm around me is equivalent to the macrocosm. The
scale is unimportant. All is revealed and mirrored in our immediate worlds ... howsoever we choose to
limit or expand them.

Alain Namaste, what those it means?

lion "I bow to the spirit within you" is the definition I use.

Alain It's very nice so, Namaste lion

lion Yes, there are more formal definitions as well ... but I like to keep things simple when I can.

lion The mark I leave on the world is my "expression" ... only I have learned that it is not really mine, for
I am but the vehicle through which spirit manifest her works. It is SHE not I who is the creator of it all. I
simply experience and watch it all, oblivious to exactly how it all happens.

lion So, what brings you here tonight Alain?

lion I choose Monday nights as a regular time to be available to conduct a Community Forum on a topic
that I select. This makes the 7th attempt ... only 3 of which have actually drawn others.

lion But, I don't mind overall. My sense is that others will come when the time is right. Until then I use
the opportunity to express whatever spirit would express through me and trust that whatever it is will be
worth the time and attention that I give to it.

lion Thus far, I have no complaints. My journey of the past 44 months has been quite interesting taking
me to places (states of being and consciousness) that I never knew existed before.

lion What brings you here tonight Sunny?

Sunny The journey is as wondrous as the destination, is it not! :) At least, I have found it to be so!

lion I call my spiritual path and works, BEYOND IMAGINATION. Extensive writings can be found at
my site.

lion INDEED Sunny! In fact, one might even say it is only the JOURNEY that matters at all.

lion And, of course, the works that SPIRIT does through us, as we travel on our paths.

Sunny Just wanted to touch base with friends and then went "room-hopping" to see if there were any
discussions going on that I wanted to participate in. I am always eager to learn and share knowledge with
others who are walking their true path!

Sunny Be sure and let me know when you are going to leave so I can use your name to jump to your
home page and bookmark it for study after our chat... ok? I would enjoy reading it!

lion That's wonderful! I'm still pretty much in Hermit mode. I've met a few others in the past 9 months,
but I find that I need to allow what can be expressed through me to come out ... thus far primarily in
writings. Many have accessed my works, but few comment or provide feedback. At least thus far.

Sunny I agree with what you say about the Journey being what matters! Since we are all expressions of
Spirit, our journey is the reflection of Spirit we choose to show the world - and the aspect of the world we
choose to experience as an expression of Spirit! - Circular, but then most true logic does turn back to its
beginning at some point!

lion So, have you any experiences to share regarding how Ego expresses?

lion Yes, often logic does turn out that way. My profession is as an engineer, but I've learned that intuition
is by far the greater tool to use in charting one's course in life.

Sunny Of course Lion! My ego expresses itself FAR more than it is invited to do so! Suppressing my ego
has been the greatest challenge of my path! It expresses - I negate - it expresses - I back up and try again -
it expresses - I meditate - it expresses......

lion What is Ego to you? Does it have positive or negative connotations attached to it ... or both?

lion Hmm... I don't experience ego as an unwanted guest. I define it as that part of me responsible for
dealing with physical reality. Further, I've seen it grow and change greatly over time ... especially once it
learned that it could trust "inner" information as much if not more than "outer" information.

Sunny Ego has both positive and negative connotations attached to it for me.... it is in the way more often
than not, creating inner work that uses energy and time I would rather be spending on other spiritual
pursuits - but it is also positive in that it is a survival tool and a barometer.

lion It is not something that must be negated or suppressed. However, it is also not something that should
be the Master of our spiritual expression in flesh.

Resolver Hey you guys, come on over to Stonehenge. I'm sure your conversation will be welcomed. It's
getting pretty superficial over there

lion Understand. It was that way for me for a long time as well. Then something happened. The struggle
was over. The Ego was no longer the dominant force in my reality. Rather, it became a friend and ally.

Sunny I would prefer to be able to completely bypass "Ego" most of the time, Lion, since I would rather
live directly from my "inner" without the "outer" filtering or diluting the Light and Energy - but I haven't
achieved that ability on any kind of regular basis yet, so I still need my Ego at this point - just have to
keep its negative aspects firmly harnessed!

lion Resolver: It is often that way in Stonehenge. I prefer to start fresh in another room and see who
comes. :) Welcome!

Sunny Hello, Resolver! You are right - I was there for a little while, but don't know anyone to get into the
kind of discussions they were in - so I came here and found Lion!

Sunny They sounded like they were enjoying themselves, Resolver - shall we just leave them to it?
*Grin* Stay here with us! *HUG*

lion Hmm... that is interesting, and very "eastern". My sense is that we are here physically to express
SPIRIT in flesh and to have it manifest in the outer. The inner alone is not sufficient any more. Or, such is
how it seems to me anyway.

Resolver Yeah, this definitely sounds like the room for me. Let me catch up to you guys

lion From the beginning, BEYOND IMAGINATION has focused on Building the Infrastructures that
would allow SPIRIT to more fully express in flesh through each one of us.

Sunny *LOL* I don't know if it is eastern or western or what - I just know that, for me, the journey is to
harmonize the "inner" and "outer" or spirit and flesh until finally, there is no difference between the two.
Right now, I am at the place where "inner" must be encouraged to influence "outer" for it is grossly
materialistic and vibrationally too low to express spirit. Once "inner" has influenced the ego to the point
that its vibrational level has raised considerably, then I can begin melding the two into the Light Being I
am destined to become!

lion Thus far, these infrastructures are primarily ideas. But my sense is that it is time to go beyond ideas to
specific actions that manifest the infrastructures and enable us to create the new world in which we would
prefer to live.

lion Yes Sunny. I know firsthand where you are coming from. You may find my NOTES interesting. I
documented my path for about 3 years. I am still amused at some of my "adventures" in consciousness.

Sunny I will be sure to read them! Resolver, have you "caught up to us" yet? Sure would like your ideas
on this too!

lion In particular, things got pretty crazy in the Summer of 93, resulting in a 10-day "vacation" in a mental
hospital in Oct 93. I was experiencing a major spiritual awakening. The psychiatrists thought otherwise ...
but they have no clue! LOL!!!

Resolver Sunny, I agree on your last point. It is definitely a struggle to get the two to merge. I'm also at
that point in my life.

lion My sense is that 1997 is to be a Year of Spiritual Manifestation. It came to me strongly about a week
or so ago.

Sunny Lion, I have read of several who had to go through that. It is sad that our society has been so
asleep.... but I see signs of an awakening just about everywhere I look in the last few months! It is a
wonderful sight!

Resolver Lion, you've been to a funny farm?! I would never have guessed. You seem like one of the most
down to earth people I've talked to.

Sunny I think you are right, Lion, and continuing into the next several years! BULLDOG, Welcome!
please join us!

Resolver lion, me too. '97 is definitely going to be a year of change.

lion Very good Resolver. It seems that it is time to start finding our true family. We will know them by
their works and their paths. We will naturally be drawn to those we are somehow meant to work with.
There is a larger Plan ... SPIRIT'S PLAN ... that employs us all, once we are willing to do HER work that
is. :)

Resolver Sometimes I get the same reaction to my POV's, lion. Everyone thinks I'm crazy because I
believe in peace... is that so strange?

Resolver HER??!! ;-)

Sunny Resolver, it has been my experience that "struggling" is allowing the Ego to take the upper hand
and turn the whole thing into a battle...... for me it has to be more of a gradual, patient, loving, "letting go"
of Ego - through meditation, affirmations, instant recognition and correction when I make a decision,
choice, or judgement from Ego's seat, etc....

lion Resolver. Only spent ten days there. They diagnosed me as bipolar and but me on Lithium to control
the mania. Bipolar is "manic-depressive". But, I have never been depressed to my knowledge. The mania
came on suddenly in 1993. It took awhile to get used to how it affected my thoughts and beliefs.

Resolver I totally agree with you lion. Once we begin to follow our intuitions it will all fall into place.

Sunny Resolver,..... POV? You lost me.

Resolver Man lion, you're telling my story - (except for the funny farm, that is)

Bulldog been on lithium since 82....brought on by a geographical change

Resolver POV = point of view. sorry about that

Sunny What does lithium do?

lion Resolver. Interesting. An aura reader once told me that my sole purpose for being here was PEACE.
Also interesting that I've spent all my working life working for the Air Force, directly then as a contractor.
And yes, HER!!!!! For me, my connection to spirit is with an essence/energy that feels feminine to me.
So, SPIRIT is HER. LOL!!!!

Sunny I need to find a "chat" dictionary - it was obvious when you spelled it out for me! *wry grin*.... I
haven't been at this very long and don't know all the abbreviations yet.

Resolver So I take it you are also feminine?

lion Hmm... Resolver, when you get a chance, please visit Wayne's Page and let me know what else we
have in common.

Sunny Bulldog, yes. Or Anybody that can tell me..... my niece (17 yrs old) has been diagnosed with
manic depression and they are always talking about her being "non-compliant" with her Lithium. I don't
know enough about it to understand what she is experiencing or why the Lithium is supposed to be

lion Lithium is a natural salt. It balances the bodies chemistry in a manner such that the substances
involved in mania and depression aren't able to operate as quickly.

lion No Resolver. Male. Though I do have feminine aspects that express through me ... like strong

Sunny Ok, I understand - so they want her to take it so doesn't continue to have the extreme mood swings
and cyclic behavior she has been having for the last couple of years, right?

Resolver Oh, sorry about that. I also have my fair share of the moon in me.

Bulldog lithium puts out the "fire" so to speak, that seems to take over....manic is when you have a song
playing in your head constantly, and every little problem you can dredge up is constantly being analyzed
for error and every other distraction you can imagine is after your attention and a constant feeling of
pissed off permeates everything and......it goes on and on

lion My sister is also bipolar. She doesn't like taking the Lithium because it moderates her moods too
much. She doesn't experience the lows as much but she loses the highs when on Lithium. She'd prefer to
live with the depression rather than give up the highs.

Resolver Man, bulldog - I think I might be manic

Bulldog i juggle my medicine to try to stay just a little manic....i feel better that way

Bulldog resolver...theres a blood test for lithium level

lion For me, when I get manic, it is as if spirit is speaking to me directly through the symbolic world that
is imposed on our physical one. Names and everyday numbers take on rich spiritual meaning. My mind is
literally flying. It is an incredible high ... and it is very REAL, even if I've not met another being who
perceives what I see in a way that I can relate to anyway.

Resolver Bulldog - right now I'm on Zoloft - familiar?

Bulldog resolver...i'll guarantee there are more manic ppl than know it.....runs in families too

Bulldog lion....manic is really too weird...

lion Bulldog. I'm the same. I'd rather take too little than too much. There is too much to create and
express. The mania provides a useful edge.

Resolver lion - I think you may have found another. It's as if every little thing, no matter how
insignificant, has at least 5 meanings that pertain to you or anything else

Bulldog resolver....eskalith & prozac.....nice mixture huh?

Bulldog resolver....an anti-depressant is the absolutely LAST thing to take if manic is there....just makes it

Resolver Bulldog - it sucks! it's so fake

Bulldog resolver...what sucks??

Resolver Bulldog - Zoloft. It feels like a giant mask

Bulldog resolver...oh..didn’t understand....never had it....but if you are bi-polar you need lithium, if it will
work for you

lion Yes Resolver, somewhat anyway. The mania and spiritual awakenings have led to 2000 or so pages of
metaphysical writings since Mar 93. Metaphysics has been a major force in my life since 1974, but I
wasn't moved to write until Mar 93.

Bulldog resolver....those hypnotic drugs only "mask"...just like you said

Resolver lion, are these writings on the page you gave me?

lion Yes they are, on many pages reachable from that one.

lion Well, I need to go. NAMASTE ALL! Thank you for joining in. Please visit BEYOND
IMAGINATION. Check out THE SEARCH FOR CENTER newsletters and activities, and drop me a line
if you are moved by what you find there. E-mail address is on most pages at the site. BE HAPPY AND

Resolver I must leave all! Off to write down my dreams.

Sunny Goodbye Lion and Resolver! Hope to see you again soon! Love Light Your Paths Forever!


30 December 96

SWC Ganges @ 7:00 PM PST


lion: What practical things can we do NOW to start creating the community and world in which we would
prefer to live?

lion: Once again, I am conducting a weekly Community Forum for The Search for Center. This is the
third forum that we have had on this topic ... there are likely to be more in the coming year.

lion: If you click on my name preceding one of my posts, it will take you to The Search for Center
Newsletter #3. From there you can go to the Community Forum section to gain access to what we've
already covered.

lion: Hmm... it's interesting that this topic is so important to me, yet I usually find myself by myself ... in
a community of one. Hmm... I guess I must be doing something wrong. Either that, or the lesson is that
there is no way to build a New Age community ... operating within the confines of the current social
structures and foundations.

lion: Yet, I must do what I am moved to do. Only then can I observe the feedback from consciousness that
can help guide my way.

lion: Don't worry about me. I'm a HERMIT. As such, I am used to monologues. Also, being alone is very
helpful in creating the conditions for learning lessons related to "know thyself". It is amazing how
thoroughly one can focus when the distractions are few.

lion: However, my desire is to be ALL ONE. Hmm... and when we are ONE, we can be none other than
ALONE! How interesting.

lion: There is a sense that my timing is still too early, that my message is not yet appropriate ... that it's
time for manifestation still lies ahead too far to have real impact now.

lion: Yet, this world of which I speak already exists. My HEART is firmly entrenched there as is my spirit
as is my mind. To date, however, it only exists as Wayne's World ... Wayne's Dream ... Wayne's
Imagination. But the time is soon when it must go BEYOND IMAGINATION and be made manifest. For
only thus can SPIRIT express in flesh to a much greater degree.

lion: If you have not yet been exposed to me and the ideas that spirit chooses to express through me, by
all means visit http://www.redshift.com/~beyond/wayne.htm

lion: So, what more can I do? I have made expressing SPIRIT a full time job in my life ... by far the #1
priority that I have. I have spent untold hours serving as a vessel through which consciousness can write
whatsoever she will. I have made these writings available for anyone in the world to reach via the internet.
Yet, still I stand with consciousness as my only true witness. Interesting. Yet, I am doing exactly what I
am moved to do. I am driven by a force within that will not be denied. And, I am happier and more
productive than I have ever been in my life. Hmm...

lion: How do I find others that are committed to this as well. Surely, it is not meant for me to change the
entire world on my own. Hmm... where does one turn to for help when Self is truly the only one that one
really knows?

lion: I know that synergy unleashes a great force into any joint endeavors, especially those that are done
with LOVE. But it takes two or more for this to be. Where are the others? Surely there are others! Where
are those who are aware of why they are here, and who have reached a point in their life where they
simply must accomplish their mission. Where they really have NO CHOICE, where no other option is
acceptable, period.

lion: Namaste shiana!

lion: Hmm... At this point, it really matters not where they are or are not. All that I can do is to act in the
moment in whatever manner I am moved, and trust that in so doing I will be allowing spirit to speak and
express and act as she must in that moment.

lion: Outcomes are irrelevant! They are in spirits hands not mine. All that I can do is be whom that I AM
and offer myself in service to SPIRIT to do whatever works she would have me do. Such is how I have
chosen to live my life. No, it was not a difficult choice at all. I truly had no alternatives. I came knowing
full well that this be my mission here. The HERMIT, the MIT of HER, how appropriate. LOL!!!

lion: Interesting. Once again it is the two of us. Me listening to the voice inside and relaying it through
my fingers onto this page once more. Such is how spirit manifests in flesh. Only through willing
cooperation is her voice made flesh.

lion: Hmm... why is it that this form of expression seems so familiar to me. It is as if lifetime after
lifetime I have stood alone to bear witness to the marvels of the spiritual world that is enmeshed here
within the very physical world that we know.

lion: Yes, this is indeed old hat. That is why it all came so easy this time. There was nothing really to
learn ... rather only to allow to come forth when the time was ripe. Oh, how glorious life truly is. And
here, as another year comes to a close ... what exciting promise lies in the days ahead. For the VISION
that is BEYOND IMAGINATION will indeed see the light of day this time. There is a sense that it came
close in the past ... but this time, the cards are already dealt, and the endeavor will indeed succeed.

lion: How can I speak with such seeming authority. It is because it is not "I" who speaks these words. I
am but the relay ... passing forth whatever I am given by consciousness herself. This service I gladly
perform. HER work is my work NOW! Such it will be to the end of my days and beyond.

lion: So, back to manifesting COMMUNITY. If you read these words and are moved, please visit The
Search for Center and explore what we are about and what we have to say. Join us in whatever way you
are moved. Communicate with me via e-mail if you would like.

lion: Namaste Noelle!

lion: Well, I came for an hour. My time is nearly up. I'll be back again (MachuPichu or any open room) on
New Years Eve at 5PM PST to focus on Resolutions for 1997. My sense is that we are in for a GRAND
ADVENTURE that will bring great changes to our world. However, this remains to be seen. It will be
interesting to hear what others have to say ... even if these others only be the voices consciousness uses to
speak through me.

lion: Namaste All! As always, it has been a pleasure bringing forth this communication. Writing is how I
express WHOM that I AM. And this topic is by far the most meaningful one upon which to discourse.
Hopefully you have been moved by some of what I have had to say ... moved to get more in touch with
your source, whatever that may be ... and offer your unique services to do its will.



31 December 96

SWC Ganges @ 5:00 PM PST


Special Forum to get people focused on what we would like to manifest in 1997. What resolutions and
commitments can we make to jointly start the processing of making COMMUNITY a "reality" in our
lives? If not US, whom? If not NOW, when? Remember what Goethe said about "boldness". It is TIME
for such a bold new beginning. Let us do what it takes to "make it so"

This was a special Community Forum that I wanted to do tonight to provide a framework for what we
would like to manifest in 1997. I don't know that it accomplished this, but I found it an enjoyable way to
end the year. Thanks daysi and flower for joining in so that I did not have to do a monologue two nights
in a row. LOL!!!

I still have an overwhelming sense that 1997 is to be a YEAR OF SPIRITUAL MANIFESTATION. My

resolve is FIRM. I will do whatever it takes, whatever spirit moves me to do, to facilitate this
manifestation in whatever manner is appropriate for the circumstances.


lion: Resolutions are things that we are RESOLVED TO DO! Given that, what are YOU resolved to do in
the year that lies ahead? What will you do that makes a positive difference to not only your life, but to the
lives of others as well?

lion: If this interests you, please contribute and leave your responses here. I'll be back in a little over 90
minutes [5 PM PST] to see what's been added and to facilitate further discussion on this topic.


lion: Hmm... returned as promised, but I see that no one else has posted anything on the topic. Surely
people are moved and RESOLVED to DO SOMETHING in 1997. I just can't believe that this can be so
important to me yet it might not be so for others. Hmm...

lion: OK. Personally, I am committed to pour whatever energy is required into nurturing The Search for
Center; this involves publishing a monthly newsletter that continues to improve each month through
September. When I started, I committed myself for carrying it through an entire year. My commitment
was to spirit ... I will honor it.

lion: This also involves leading Community Forums each week ... LOL!!! Even if no one else shows up.
Interesting ... but it seems to make no difference to spirit whether others are present or not. She still
expresses what she will.

lion: I also have a larger commitment to BEYOND IMAGINATION. That commitment requires that I
DO whatever spirit moves me to do with respect to establishing the foundations that permit SPIRIT to be
more fully expressed in flesh. This is why I am here to begin with. This is my task. And it seems that 1997
is the year for the manifesting to begin.

lion: Namaste daysi and shadow!

lion: For those who catch this later, clicking on lion allows you to enter my world. The URL for
BEYOND IMAGINATION is http://www.redshift.com/~beyond and for THE SEARCH FOR CENTER is


daysi: Hi lion. Haven't talked with you for a while!

lion: Interesting that the end of 1996 has me dressed completely in black, with consciousness as my only
companion, as is the case so often and has been the case for most of my life. Hmm...

lion: True daysi ... actually, it seems that I go a long time without talking to anyone except the source
inside myself. :)

daysi: lion, I have moved and have been off the net for about 6 weeks. I just added your URL. Glad to be
back. I'll check your site often, love

lion: So, what brings you here so close to the close of another year?

lion: Glad you are back daysi. Do checkout The Search for Center Newsletter. I think you'll enjoy what
you find there.

daysi: lion, have you been to #bridge lately?

lion: No daysi, I don't have IRC right now. I moved as well. Got a new job on 11/11 after being
unemployed for 3 months. It has been an interesting year.

daysi: lion, some of us have to be close to Source. I hope your being dressed in black means you are
being a serious thinker while so many of us are losing track of all consciousness on this new years eve!!

lion: I am looking forward to what lies ahead. The sense is that we are embarking on a grand voyage that
will lead us to a far better world ... even if that world occupies this very place where we now stand. LOL!!

lion: I love BLACK! To me it symbolizes all that is good about DEATH. But, I see death not in physical
terms, but as a transformation of consciousness that we experience HERE and NOW within these very
bodies that permits us to truly tap into spirit and express whatsoever she wishes to express through us.

daysi: lion, what is your new job like? change is necessary. I hope yours was interesting and leading in
the right direction

lion: This is how we manifest the directive "be in this world but not of this world". What matters always
is how spirit expresses through us. Such is what gives our lives true value and meaning.

lion: Actually, the job is pretty much what I was doing before. The company is different, as is the
location, but the customer is still the same organization within the Air Force. My present office is less
than 100 feet from where it was 10 years ago when I was in the Air Force.

lion: The "unemployment time" gave me the opportunity to give birth to a new expression that is THE
SEARCH FOR CENTER. So, overall the change has been very good. Also, the working environment here
is GREAT!!! This is the best job I have ever had.

daysi: lion, the circle of life? Who knows. I think your new job only supports you while you do your
"real" job. Right?

lion: Thank you for coming by. It makes it a lot easier to carry on a conversation when another person is
involved. It is not required, but it sure helps. :)

daysi: I know another person is not necessary. Some of the most enlightening conversations I have ever
had were with my inner self.

lion: You hit the nail on the head all right!!! Very perceptive of you. Though, it has other beneficial
aspects. It allows me to learn how to manage myself more effectively so that I can get the most out of
each day. This allows me to get a lot done at work, but even more done on "spirit's" time.

daysi: Inner self gets tiresome though. I want to talk to another human of like mind some time!!

lion: daysi: but I have over 2000 pages of such conversations in 3 years. It is really time for me to stretch
my wings and find others to discourse with.

lion: Hmm ... don't know that I would use "tiresome", but are thoughts were pretty close. :)

daysi: I know. A "real" job keeps me on schedule and focused. Allows me to set aside some time each day
for serious work on myself.

lion: Namaste Zazen and rose2! Welcome!

lion: Oops ... guess you can tell that I write what I "hear" in my head. "are" and "our" are equivalent to
me when I'm focussed on allowing the expression through.

daysi: Don't worry that much about spelling, lion. We all understand phonetics

lion: daysi: How long have you been engaged in work to "know thyself"?

daysi: Off and on for as long as I can remember. I get side-tracked for months some times.

daysi: We have to spend some time doing those things that are necessary for just existence occasionally,
you know

lion: For me, it is especially rough. At work, I rarely make such mistakes ... never use spell checkers or
grammar checkers. However, when spirit moves me, my experience is that I "hear" a voice and my mind
and fingers are employed to record that voice. By the way, I never have the sense that this voice is "me" or
created by me. I am the recipient of the communication, not its originator.

lion: YES, I know. I just like to MINIMIZE what time I spend doing such things. So far, it has worked
quite well. :)

lion: So, do you have any plans for bringing in the NEW YEAR?

daysi: I know what you mean. When I hear that inner voice it always comes from the source. I used to try
to convince myself it was my imagination, but I is more important than just my mind exercising itself

lion: Do you have any RESOLUTIONS for 1997 that you are comfortable sharing?

lion: Namaste flower!

flower: tehete lion

daysi: I have resolved to find a group of actual living persons who accept my beliefs. IE. a church,
maybe. Some group, anyway.

daysi: Hi, flower. Bloom with me!

lion: WOW daysi! I really haven't found more than a few others that have that understanding of source ...
or that have been able to relate it like that. It sounds like you've reached some important realizations.

flower: of couse daysi .... your resolution sounds like a good one

daysi: lion, I get lonesome just knowing what I know without someone else to share with. Don't you?

lion: One of mine is similar. Though, I'm not sure about finding such a group. The sense that comes to
mind is more in terms of "create or manifest" such a group.

flower: this is a warm room

daysi: flower, what is your resolution? (if you can share one with us)

flower: ask that people of like mind be drawn to you, and they will come to you

daysi: flower, It has to be warm here. otherwise we couldn't bloom.

flower: i don't have a resolution... most people wish to lose weight ..... workout.... whatever .... something
that dies in a few days or weeks..... me, I just want to keep learning and growing

lion: Yes daysi. I consider myself a HERMIT, big time. It has been this way all of my life. For over a year
now, I have been moved to find others ... to find my spiritual family. But, I am still very much alone. I've
found a few people that I communicate with ... but none yet that I would consider truly connected to

daysi: lion, flower has hit the nail on the head. Maybe this should be our resolution

lion: flower: it seems mere asking is not enough ... either that or the time delay can be years.

flower: okay .... it's cozy in this room .... comfortable .... it's been a while since i've felt that in chats

daysi: lion, I am not looking for people who are even totally connected. Just people who are open. People
like this have been always hard to find for me.

lion: hmm... I have been learning and growing all of this life and many others as well. That is NOT
enough for me either. I am here to DO something this time. I came for a purpose. My sense is that this
involves creating the very foundations that allow the Aquarian Age to finally dawn.

daysi: flower and lion, have you noticed finding like minded people is sooooo easy on the net. Surely we
are not destined to find our spiritual families on the net.

flower: have you tried asking in ritual form?

lion: That's great flower ... where spirit expresses, it should feel cozy and comfortable. Like truly being

flower: I seem to be surrounded by spiritual people .... in every day life

flower: this room used to be my meeting ground with friends .... it's been quite a while ..... but i see
warmth is still here

daysi: lion, I think we usually don't realize when we have done what we were sent to do. I would like to
create an Aquarian atmosphere also, but I think even if I do, I won't realize I have. I'll be gone somewhere
else by the time my work comes to fruition

flower: most of my spiritual friends are involved in the SCA ... you may want to check out your local

flower: my e mail address

daysi: flower, what is SCA?

flower: I feel the need to share it with you guys

lion: Hmm... it seems that it happens when the time is right. My sense is that we create such happening by
cooperating on inner levels. As to it being easy on the net, I'm not so sure. My Beyond Imagination site
has been online over a year. I have over 2000 pages of material. Total feedback in a year would easily fit
on one page. I try to make it so that I come across as approachable, and I invite feedback. However, it just
doesn't happen ... or it hasn't much anyway. For chats, I almost always start by myself and see who comes
to join me. :)

flower: society for Creative Anachronisms .... it's medieval re-enactment

daysi: flower, go ahead

daysi: lion, for everyone who gives feedback, 100 others have visited, I think.

flower: I like to go to rooms with less people ...... you get to know people better

lion: Hmm... spirit has come through with a very explicit time-table for me. I have been moved to
understand time as a measure of the level of awareness that is being expressed. Right now, my sense is
that my current mission carries me through 2026, but there are many milestones and significant
events/accomplishments that will occur on the way. 1997 and 1998 are particularly important in the PLAY
that consciousness hath wrought.

daysi: flower, I know what you mean. When there are fewer people we all have time to think before we
respond. not so much idle chatter.

lion: In my case, more like 1000 + hits for each feedback.

flower: daysi, we get dressed up in garb .... clothing from the period ..... we throw on accents ..... we give
ourselves personas ..... mine there is Kerowyn ...... and we have fun ....... the people are generally very
open ...... and you'll find that many of them are spiritual ....... where are both of you located?

daysi: lion, do you have a sense of why it is so important for you to keep to this time-table?

flower: I seem to have come in during the midst of you two speaking ..... I am not exactly sure of all that
you are talking about ..... but I feel a strange connection ....... it's nice

lion: Me too! I find it far easier to be really involved one-on-one and then in small groups. E-mail is my
preferred mode of communication. A lot can be communicated that way in very little time. I still make e-
mail a very high priority task. I get to it quickly and respond quickly.

daysi: flower, I am near Nashville where there is a medieval fair each year put on by members of SCA.
Do you know Latin?

flower: lion.... you need to know that as things change you need to adjust your time line

daysi: excellent thought, flower!

flower: no, I do not know Latin ...... because of my persona .... I am an Irish lass ...... but otherwise I am
Italian and German ..... I speak no other language than English ..... sigh

lion: It is not my time table. Time is simply a measure of awareness. For us to reach a given time, the
collective awareness much reach a given state that consciousness has planned. My understanding of the
meaning of numbers and cycles gives me some insight as to where the Play is headed. To date, though, I
speak a tongue that no one else I have encountered knows how to speak.

flower: It's the way I do things daysi ..... I am generally a narrow focuser when it comes to doing things.
... but you need to adjust whwn things change or you will be in a rut ..... I am learning

flower: what tongue is that?

flower: do either of you know how to communicate with spirits?

daysi: flower, I don't know how to communicate at will. Every so often it just seems to happen for me.

lion: flower: when I started learning how to interpret numbers, I made a lot of mistakes about what
various times meant. At one time I thought 1998 would be it for me, then 2002, then 2005, then 2007,
then 2012. Now I realize that all of these are important transition times. They may involve major
awakening or deaths of psyche for me so that I can express more ... but they are not the end of my current
physical existence. I believe this to be out around 2026. We'll see if this changes as that time gets closer.

daysi: lion, do you know? Hi lennon

flower: I seem to be getting a bit friendly with a couple of spirits ..... I've been trying my hand at
channeling ..... but it's a slow process of learning it

flower: so you seem to pick up on future dates ,...... i've just been learning how to look back on situations
inmy life and seeing how they have shaped me .....

daysi: lion, are you sure your time-table is the same one we use here on earth. You know, 24 hrs. a day, 7
days a week?

lion: flower: it is the tongue of spirit herself as she speaks through the numbers and symbol systems in
our world. Numerology and the Tarot provided a starting point. But I quickly went beyond the books
based on direct quidance from spirit herself.

And flower, it is not just future dates ... dates back through my birth and parents births, and significant
historic dates all have meaning too.

flower: one of my spirit companions speaks elven ..... another friend has channeled him in many times
...... and he speaks with the tongue .... it reminds me of german ..... tehete is an elven word

daysi: lion, it is hard for me to understand how important you feel time is because I am learning disabled
in math.

flower: My spirit companions seem to have taken me much further then I would have gone otherwise too

lion: Sorry. No, I don't communicate with "spirits" as far as I know. My only connection is with source. I
sense source as a feminine spiritual essense. She is not a separate being. But, neither is she within me.
Somehow, I have an inner connection through which she can speak to me. That is how I experience it

flower: can you tell me more about this feminine essence lion?

flower: do you feel her .... like an empath ..... do you hear her ...... or do you get thought from her?

daysi: flower, that is why spirit companions come to us. They take us farther than we can imagine on our

flower: yes daisy ... spirit companions are our greatest teachers ..... you just have to be open to their
existence and you must accept them when they ent3er

daysi: flower, being accepting is very important. It can be frightening when a spirit speaks to you. You
can want to run and hide!!!

lion: OK daysi. I have refused to where a watch for over 15 years now. Time itself and its passage is NOT
important at all to me. Spirit determines exactly what gets done at what time. Numbers have always been
fascinating to me. I was a genius at math. Now, I have found that numbers are symbols that have meaning
that goes beyond their use in arithmetic. Each number is a Tarot Card, along with all the symbology on
those cards. Each can convey spiritual meaning. License plates, SSNs, serial numbers on bills, account
numbers, totals on any receipts at the stores, number of days since one was born, virtually any numbers in
our lives can have spiritual meaning. Note the CAN HAVE ... they do not always have meaning. Further,
the meaning may not be revealed until the appropriate time. Also, additional meanings may come out over

flower: my sweets just got here so I am going to have to get going soon

daysi: lion, are you still there?

flower: yes it can be frightening when a spirit speaks with you .... but the key thing is to remain calm and
don't show your fear ..... especially when it is one of a not so good light ...... lion .... you are fascinating

daysi: But, lion, numbers are almost frightening to me. I remember all those "C's" in math, I guess.

daysi: flower, hope to speak with you again! Have fun

flower: some people are afraid of numbers ..... some are afraid of astrology ....... others tarot ....... numbers
aren’t your strong points ....... but I am sure you have other things that are

flower: will be leaving in bout ten minutes ..... he needs to shower before we go out

lion: I hear her, but it happens in my brain, much like all of my thoughts. I have always felt her to be
feminine. I have no experience with any masculine spiritual energies. I'm not sure why that is, but such is
what I experience. I found it interesting to note recently that HER MIT is the MIT(glove) of HER. (* BIG
SMILE *) Not the hand of her!!! Only the glove that she wears. Very appropriate. This describes my
experience of the process/relationship exactly!

lion: daysi: that is fine. Numbers happen to be MY WAY. Each of us must find what our unique gifts are
... and then how best to use those gifts in service to spirit.

flower: very interesting lion ..... if you pick up on her ..... you should have no problem picking up on
other spirits ... spirits thoughts can get mixed up with your own ...... most people dismiss them as

nonsense ..... or their own ..... in fact .... it is a spirit communicating with us ...... it's shuffling out what is
there ..... your feminine companions seems good ..... good luck with her

daysi: lion, maybe if your experienced her in actuallity it would be frightening. The spirits I have
encountered have usually been of no discernable sex.

lion: NAMASTE FLOWER! See what I have to say at Wayne's Page. You can e-mail me from there if
you'd like.

flower: I have seen both sexes of the spirit world ..... I mostly come into contact with males ...... but I do
have some female ones as well

daysi: lion, do you have visions and sensation in vivid colors?

flower: can I get your e mail from your name? ... .I bookmared the page alread

flower: Okay .... he's ready ..... I gotta go ....

lion: Interesting flower! But my sense of things is that my experience of being the HERMIT makes me so
focused on THE ONE, that there are no other spirits there. To me, there is only ONE consciousness, ONE
mind. This source feeds all of our thoughts, period. I have no firsthand awareness of ever creating
thoughts, only of experiencing them.

lion: daysi: No, no "visions" at all. Nothing that involve pictures or shapes or colors. I "hear" things ... I
don't "see" them. I also experience "knowing" things, when knowing is one of the functions that
awareness has. It is a direct knowing ... not based on reason or even experience.

daysi: lion, it is interesting you have never doubted the things you experience are only made up in your
mind. This must make what you hear/feel so much more easily accessible to you!

daysi: Oh, lion, I have feelings and sensations of vivid colors. When I hear messages I always associate a
color with them.

lion: In fact, I can count the number of times I have had visual recall of dreams in my entire life on a
single hand. In many ways, my world is a very limited one. Yet in other ways, I live in two worlds, a
spiritual one enmeshed with a physical one, and thus far, I haven't spoken with others who have seen
much of the spiritual extensions/dimensions.

lion: It seems that I have been given the "ears to hear", but I am still the 62 card in the Tarot, the 8 of
Swords, the Lady with the Blinders on. Though this may change SOON, it 1998, I believe.

v: Is it possible to hear a spirit weep?

daysi: lion, I think your sensations/experiences are much different from the rest of us. I think this must
make you feel very lonely, that most of the rest of us do not experience Spirit in the same way you do.

lion: For the past 3 years, I have known that all of the thoughts in my mind come from elsewhere ... from
Spirit. They are not "mine". I have no sense of being their creator. I surely do NOT believe the physical
clump of grey matter is anything but a receiver of thoughts that come from a part of me that is spirit

lion: That is my sense of things too daysi. Yet, while I am mainly alone, I also have the incredible comfort
of knowing that spirit is there with me always in ways that others do not seem to experience. I have never
related much to anyone, my entire 38 years to date, so I really do not have any knowledge of how my
experience of reality relates to that of others.

lion: v: I have not heard her do so ... at least not yet.

daysi: lion and v, I have to go. My neighbor seems to be beating his child. (I live in an apartment now)

lion: Namaste Daysi! HAVE A MIRACULOUS NEW YEAR!!!

v: I asked because at one time I had a weeping person I believe a woman are so it seemed that wept after
my morning meditation. I could not recognize the source.

v: be careful Namaste

lion: Hmm ... my sense is that such things can indeed occur. Sometimes people who depart the physical
plane are able to remain around and create such occurrences in this world. Some of the spiritual
dimensions are close enough that such bleed through is possible.

v: I do not understand why I was the one chosen to hear the source. I felt she needed something and I was
distressed for her in a sense. I asked for the light of God to aid her. I did not know what else to do.

lion: Well, I need to be off as well. HAVE A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!! In Peace, Love and Light,

lion: It is always best to trust what comes from within. Your action was quite appropriate. :)

v: Happy New Year Wayne



COMMUNITY FORUM #10 (also #6)

"Core Beliefs and Reality Creation"

Here the intent is to explore core beliefs and how they impact the reality creation process. We want to get
into specific examples of core beliefs that empower individual creative expression and more importantly
enable people to cooperate and co-create a community that is truly supportive on all levels.

Beliefs are extremely powerful and important. From a practical standpoint, they provide the operating
program through which nearly all of our energies related to reality creation must be filtered in order to
manifest. They can operate as a straitjacket or as a pair of wings that permit us to soar. Almost everything
that we experience is brought into our reality via our beliefs, or to allow us to SEE what our beliefs are
doing to us so that we will question and perhaps take action to change them.

I've personally been interested in beliefs and how beliefs work for over two decades. My readings have
enabled me to come across more beliefs than many probably see in a dozen lifetimes. However, that
doesn't suffice to make me an expert. For in this area, what we are consciously aware of is but the tip of
the iceberg. Yes, even after twenty years of study.

Fortunately, that doesn't seem to matter a lot. What counts most is what we personally believe and why.
The bottom line is that beliefs can make life easier, and they can empower us in ways that permit us to not
only use all of our own faculties and abilities, but to enjoin the very forces of the universe, and spirit
herself in our life and our expressions of the consciousness that we are.

We do not have to be confined by the walls created by beliefs imposed on us while we were children
growing up. We can choose at any time to be free. In many ways beliefs are the clothes that we wear as
we go about manifesting our own reality in the world. Some people go out in their Sunday best all the
time. Others have nothing but rags. What I've found is that the only thing that really counts is utility. Do
our beliefs serve us. Do they allow us to be all that we can be and to express whom that we truly are. Do
they result in Joy and Happiness, and the expression of Love in our lives. If not, perhaps some changes
are in order.

One of the first beliefs that serves to empower, is the belief that nothing is hidden from us. Our beliefs can
be examined by us at anytime, and can be changed by us at any time. There are no locked doors for which
we have no key. They are no dark rooms full of monsters that have to be dealt with. This is easy stuff. We
are spirit in flesh. We have the power to choose to believe anything we want to believe, whenever we
choose to do so.

Given that, beliefs are our playground. The game we are playing is "express spirit in flesh". Yes, the game
has a few rules ... but the most important of these is that you will experience as you believe. The external
world is but a mirror of the internal world. If you don't like what you see or experience on the outside,
find what is causing it on the inside and change it there. Once this is done, the outer will change to
conform to what has changed in the inner. No, this doesn't always happen immediately ... but, it can
happen very quickly.

Give yourself time to think about and become aware of your beliefs. But do so fully expecting that what
you believe will indeed be made known to you soon. As you start examining your beliefs, you will find

that they come in clumps of closely related things that are more loosely tied to other clumps. Knowing
this helps in a few respects:

(1) The beliefs at the center of major clumps are core beliefs. When you alter these, you impact whole
trees of beliefs at one time.

(2) Because many of the connections are loose, contradictory beliefs can appear in different clumps.
When this happens, essentially we give up any power in these areas and the result shows up as unknowns
and/or contradictory events in our reality.

(3) There is a structure to how our beliefs are organized. And it is fully within our power to consciously
understand this structure enough to harness it and use it to allow spirit to more fully express through us.

(4) Beliefs are like tables. They need legs to support them. Beliefs with few legs form very wobbly tables
that can topple over easily. Beliefs with many legs are much sturdier. However, if such beliefs do not
serve us, changing them is much more difficult as well. We may have to start by launching our attack on
some of the supporting beliefs first.

(5) Throughout this, it is useful to understand that many of the beliefs we hold, even as adults, have never
really been questioned by us. They have no real support, and a minor gust of wind is all it takes to topple

(6) When you play the belief game, do it with gusto ... believe with all your heart then see what is
reflected in your reality. If you like what you see, all is fine. If you don't, alter your beliefs and actions and
look for feedback again.

(7) Personally, I carry this to such an extreme that I can appear to be stubborn and rigorously set in my
beliefs. However, that is only the appearance in the moment. When you observe the contents of my beliefs
over time, you would be surprised at both the number and the magnitude of changes that occur.

(8) Beliefs always deal in the realm of the unknown. They deal with things that cannot be proved. Often
this amounts to accepting something on faith. Where proof exists, there is no room for beliefs to play.
However, not to worry ... the unknown is such a major part of our reality that the playground for beliefs is
quite large indeed.

Guidance to Live By from introduction in the Beyond Imagination Book.

• We create our own reality!

• Ideas manifest into form. Such is the nature of reality!
• Trust the God Force within you.

If you don't believe, maybe it's time to start.

• Be true to yourself, and always act with complete integrity.

• Love unconditionally!
• Give your intuition voice, then pay attention to it!
• Belief is a prerequisite for sight. If you insist on proof, you may be making things much more
difficult then they need to be!
• There is always an easy way, and you will definitely find it.

• Stay flexible!
• Don't just think, don't just believe, know!
• You are eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. Be thou what you are!

The following came from answering a self-awareness questionnaire that I created nearly three years

3. Identify the five strongest beliefs that you have about yourself.

• I can do anything I set my mind to.

• I am consciousness currently occupying a physical body.
• My true nature is eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite.
• I am awake, and my self-awareness increases daily.
• I am in the world, but not of the world.

4. Identify the five strongest beliefs that you have about the world.

• We create our own reality.

• The world reflects back to us what we need to see about ourselves.
• Life is a Play that proceeds in accord with an overall Plan.
• The world is illusion -- but an engaging one.
• The United States has a unique destiny among nations.




6 January 1997 @ SWC Ganges [6:30 - 8:00 PST]

Part of the following was from discussion prior to the "official beginning" of the forum. Since it is
relevant to the topic at hand, it was included here.

wunjo: So, did my beliefs make that happen to Aeneas? (he got hit by a car and died on 11/11)

lion: Good question wunjo. I don't think there was necessarily a direct connection. But, what do you
believe about accidents such as animals being hit by cars? Is this a chance occurrence? Did Aeneas in
some way choose for it to occur? ... There are many possibilities ... but what do YOU believe?

Di: Your welcome wunjo. May you all find love, light and happiness in your life. Look for all the good,
and it comes. Give out love, and you receive it back ten fold. Blessings to you all...and now I must go.

wunjo: well dolphin said he did not know what happen to him it was fast, he (Aeneas) was confused, so
am I , I don't know if it was his time to go or if I made it happen somehow???

Woman: wunjo - Maybe animals who have short lives are Avatars. They just don't need a long life to
accomplish whatever Spirit had in mind.

lion: Woman, please go to the Forum page and click on the link for tonight’s forum for some background
on what we want to address tonight.

Woman: On my way lion.......

wunjo: what is an Avatar?

lion: No wunjo, it was not your "fault" in any way. Such events happen in a timing that spirit chooses, not
us. What is left for us is to try to figure out what it means ... and what we are supposed to learn from it.
"This is what it feels like to be very sad" can be a useful lesson ... but is not particularly empowering.
There are always other meanings and other lessons ... if only we are receptive to them.

lion: Avatars are "enlightened ones", spiritual masters.

wunjo: well I have not figured them out :(

lion: Sorry Woman. Didn't mean to make it sound like an order. LOL!!! Though I can be a bit of a dictator
at times. You need to add "if such is your wish, or if it pleases you" to what I say ... then choose for

lion: That's OK wunjo ... just trust that they are there and that they will be revealed to you when the time
is right.

lion: wunjo - also, when you are feeling sad ... try to remember back to some of the best times you had
with Aeneas. As you do this, you will allow him to help transform your state.

wunjo: remembering is what makes me sad.

lion: It it not remembering ... rather it is how you are interpreting what you remember that brings on the
sadness. You can just as easily choose to interpret the memories in a manner that brings great joy and

wunjo: oh ya ... you were going to tell me about the numbers you got recently

lion: True. Went to dinner on New Years Eve. The total came to $7.56 = 4 to 8 = 4:28. I think the message
was that it is definitely 7:56 NOW. Earlier in the week a total at a store came to $5.76 = 7:56 from the
middle out.

wunjo: wow amazing!!!

lion: Then, on New Years Day, I was looking in my wallet and I just happened to have four $1 bills with
serial numbers in sequence. I figured out the meaning and wrote it down. I'll send it to you. But, the
sequence included a bill with 2184 in it. The last four of my SSN. It blew me away.

lion: To top that off, I also made the connection that the year of my birth 1958 = 22:22(88), 22 cycles of
88 plus 22. That puts this year at 22:22+39 = 22:61. This is the CURRENT YEAR on the show

wunjo: very interesting :)

lion: Then, at the B of A, they had a memorial to a cop that was killed. His badge number was 226. 2 to 6
= 5:58, which is the number corresponding to my initials "weh".

wunjo: wow that is alot !!!

lion: Anyway ... the numbers have been quite revealing lately. The bottom line is that there has been
much confirmation for what I believe to be not only my personal timeline ... but spirits or the worlds
timeline as well. I have no doubt that TIME is a representation of the collective state of awareness.

lion: But then, some people think I'm CRAZY ... including me at times. LOL!!!!

wunjo: no not crazy AWAKE

lion: After all, how many people TRULY BELIEVE that their spiritual purpose for being HERE is
embedded in their Social Security Number of all things?

lion: Thanks wunjo. Either that or SOUND ASLEEP! LOL!!!!!

wunjo: 562-71-8422 that is mine :)

lion: Interesting wunjo. 71 is Building the Cathedral, 84 is The Lovers Exalted, 22 is The Fool Complete.
My last four are 2184. This is very similar to yours. If we take it two digits at a time, 84 22, then reverse
the two numbers, we get 22 84. It is almost like YOU are NEXT in the sequence. Quite interesting!!!

wunjo: wow cool

lion: Haven't figured out what 562 does yet. But it will come in time, I am sure.

wunjo: so what about the forum?????

lion: Good question wunjo! We are here tonight to discuss CORE BELIEFS and how they impact the
REALITY that we CREATE for ourselves and jointly for the WORLD COLLECTIVELY.

lion: Let's start with personal core beliefs. What beliefs are the very foundations of your understanding of
yourself, reality, and HOW the reality that you experience is created?

lion: I believe that I CREATE MY OWN REALITY, period ... no exceptions. Further, I am completely
responsible for ALL that I experience. However, I know that this process is not something that I am
consciously aware of.

lion: In fact, I am not even consciously aware of creating the thoughts that flow through me NOW, much
less the thoughts that flow through when I am in altered states of consciousness.

wunjo: so I created Aeneas' death?

lion: I know that I am that I AM. I am SPIRIT in flesh. It is the part of me that is spirit that is the creator
in my life. For the most part my experience is confined to being the Actor and the Observer. The actor
does, and the observer watches and tries to figure out what it all means.

wunjo: for that matter I created Aeneas

lion: Aeneas is a being as well. He (as spirit) was perfectly able to create/choose the reality that he

wunjo: ahh ok fine LOL:)

lion: You observed Aeneas death, or the results of it ... then created the reality that was your response to
his passing, and your assessment of what it meant to YOU.

wunjo: ahh

lion: NO!!! Spirit created Aeneas ... as spirit created YOU!!! You did not create yourself, though the spirit
within you had much to do in selecting/creating the present form that you inhabit.

wunjo: LOL:)

lion: In practical terms ... the conscious beliefs that you hold do in very real ways determine the reality
that you will experience. In general, spirit creates experience for you in accordance with what you
believe. Change your beliefs, and your experience WILL CHANGE.

wunjo: see then I must of had some beliefs about aeneas not being around for every long in my life.

lion: wunjo - not necessarily. However, you may have had some fear about the possibility of such a
happening ... some concern for his safety ... some sense that he was not fully in charge of his own fate.

wunjo: yes i feared for his safety but I feared coyotes not cars

lion: However, just saying "I believe" is NOT sufficient. Thoughts are transformed into beliefs by one
magic step ... the willingness and choice to ACT in accord with the belief. Spirit does not care diddly
about what you think. She is putting all thoughts in your head anyway. Spirit cares about what thoughts

wunjo: hummm

lion: I have a complete trust in spirit now ... more so than I ever have had in my life. I know that nothing
can happen to me unless Spirit so chooses. Further, I have resigned myself to DO only what I am
MOVED by spirit to do. There is a sense that I am ALWAYS SAFE, no matter where I am. I am SPIRIT
having a physical experience. Nothing that happens physically can ever change that. My essence is spirit.
My home is SPIRIT.

wunjo: I believed he was smart enough to stay away from cars

lion: Fearing for his safety was sufficient to allow/permit such an occurrence to happen. However, that
was not sufficient to manifest it. It was still a choice for the spirit that is Aeneas to make, period.

wunjo: humm ok

lion: Hmm... so YOUR BELIEF did not create the reality that you observed for him ... now did it?

wunjo: so what is it ... do your beliefs create reality or don't they????

lion: We create reality through our beliefs. However, the actual process is that the spirit part of us looks at
what we believe and creates events in our lives that reflect those beliefs. Often, the events are meant to
cause us to re-examine and question whether what we believe is indeed right ... or at least useful. The
bottom line is that spirit wants us to know ourselves to whatever degree we are able to achieve this ... our
experiences ultimately push us to do this.

lion: Do you have any examples where your beliefs did seem to create something that happened in your

wunjo: one day I believed that I was going to find a car to buy and that day I did.

wunjo: but it was not a good decision

lion: In that case, you really did believe ... so much so that you took action and went out and looked for

wunjo: yes that is true :)

lion: So, what did you learn from that?

wunjo: not to act so quickly

lion: And, why did you believe you would find one that particular day?

wunjo: I just wanted to and believed I could

lion: OK ... and have you adjusted your behavior to take more time in making such decisions? Are you
acting on the idea that you should deliberate more?

wunjo: yes, but I have not had to make such decisions

lion: OK ... this is a RED FLAG area for me. I try not to WANT to do anything anymore. I've found that it
serves everyone better, myself included, if I wait until spirit MOVES me to do something or acquire
something. WANTING gets me in trouble. Spirit knows exactly what I NEED, and takes steps to ensure
that the needs are satisfied before I need to ask, often before I even recognize that there is a need. :)

wunjo: I got an e-mail the other day that said that the 3 things to manifesting are desire, imagination, and

wunjo: do you think desire and wanting are the same??

lion: Hmm... I would say they MISSED the most important part ... DOING something in line with what
you are manifesting.

wunjo: yes that is a good point lion:)

lion: No, desire and wanting are not always the same. Desires can be driven by motivation from spirit.
Wants however usually are driven by ego. At least, such is my experience.

lion: Actually ... as much as I can, I don't WANT anything, period. I then observe what comes into my
life, and what I am moved to do, and then I figure out as best I can how to explain what I observe ... I ask,
what does this mean about the nature or spirit and how she expresses, and what does it tell me about the
nature of reality and how that reality is created?

lion: Well, I need to go now. Have an errand to run tonight on the way home. In Peace, Love and Light,
Wayne. The next Forum will be in two weeks since I'm out of town next week. See the Community
Forum page for information. Click on colored lion to go there, or colored wunjo to go to The Search for
Center Newsletter. NAMASTE ALL!

PS: Sorry Woman ... didn't mean to lose YOU. I hope your not returning wasn't because the description of
the Forum didn't interest you. If you see this and have any comments or questions to add, feel free to
contact either of us via e-mail. This applies to others who see this as well. If you have ideas to contribute
to the forums, even after they have occurred, by all means do so. You could also express such
comments/ideas as inputs to various sections of the Newsletter ... wherever you feel is appropriate.


lion | wunjo | woman



The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


Dear Friends,

I have just received a copy of the Redwood forest e-mail which asks us all to help fight the destruction of
the Redwood forest by the MAXXAM Corporation.

This arrived at a timely stage for me as I am presently working on a web site that will be a base of action
for these types of pleas. The Idea is this. When a situation like this comes up a time and date is announced
on this site and at this time, everyone who is against the destruction of our future will send an Email/fax
or phone the company or government that is causing the destruction.

If enough e-mail faxes and phone calls are sent at the same time, then the remembrance will lodge in their
minds in a way that can not be "forgotten". This will hopefully be a very peaceful but also very effective
way of protesting at the treatment of our planet.

The site will be mirrored on several free webspace provided and will be revealed in full around the 22nd
of November.. for info, check out the following site (The first mirror so far!)

ECOACTION: http://members.tripod.com/~eco_action/

Please pass this message on to as many people as you can. and remember to send an E-mail to Clinton for
the redwoods!


Michael Gargan [the_wolf]



The following is taken from a collection of e-mails that occured over the past two months. The words are
provided anonymously because we prefer that the ideas expressed be evaluated as they stand without any
authority given to who may have generated the words. Because of the nature of how the communication
took place, ordering the expressions was a bit difficult. As a result, there are many jumps and changes in
direction. Hopefully the benefit of the sharing of these communications outweighs these shortfalls.

We hope that you enjoy what you find here and that you are moved to participate in and contribute to a
continuing discussion in this important area.

New submissions should include:

• Enough of a context to understand what you are addressing.
• Whatever you care to express and/or share. This may be your own ideas or comments, or questions
that you would like to see addressed.

From my point of view we (humans) as well as other beings are SPIRIT enfleshed. This makes our
"nature" divine and spiritual. That we haven't lived up to this nature in no way discounts that this is indeed
our true nature. We can choose to bring it forth and more fully express it at any time.

IMHO the first necessary step towards change is accomplishing a collective goal through interaction on
the internet. My personal preference is a cooperative web server.

What would be involved in a "cooperative web server"? That doesn't mean anything to me.

As to creating and controlling ... it is the CONTENT that matters most, not the background service on
which it is hosted. If you want to be distinct from the ISP, you can always apply for your own domain
name. Then your pages all show up under www.mydomainname.com

Perhaps we would need a domain name and a connection to some sort of backbone so it is a local call for
most people. Who pays for the domain name and how do we decide what that name is? While I agree
content is important, content continues our habit of consuming rather than participating. It raises the
individual over the collective. People surf around, sampling this or that, taking responsibility for none of
it. I see a cooperative site as an opportunity to take responsibility but the trouble with responsibility is no
one wants it.

I wouldn't say NO ONE. I actively seek it. Though I agree that few take responsibility for anything.

What is your vision of what needs to be done? What responsibilities need to be assumed by the members
of the collective? How does the collective decide who should bear particular responsibilities? Do people
volunteer, and then the community votes from among the volunteers. Does the collective pay a salary to
those who bear the responsibilities? It seems that if we expect people to give of their time and energy they
should get some compensation. After all, they are doing more than their counterparts who just sit back and
reap the benefits. Does this mean a tax should be levied so that the burden is shared. And should it be flat
or graduated?

For the collective site, how would this be managed? Should anyone be allowed to put anything at the site,
or should this be controlled? By whom should it be controlled? If we allow many people to access a single
account, then TRUST is involved that the individuals won't do anything destructive like deleting other
files or posting files with the same name as files already at the site.

We could use a two step process. Use one site for uploading new files and then have a webmaster move
files from the public upload site to the controlled official site. This requires some site management, but
not necessarily that much.

If we use forms to obtain inputs, then we could keep inputs "anonymous". Inputs would arrive as text in e-
mail messages and would need to be put onto web pages. A selectable menu could be used for routing
inputs. Or multiple forms could be used for different types of inputs. These could be sent to special e-mail

Much depends on exactly what kinds of things you want to be able to do ... and you want the collective to
be able to do.

I would hope a cooperative web site grows into a political party. The internet empowers us or gives us the
opportunity to empower ourselves and that's the rub. We talk the talk of democracy, but don't want to walk
the walk.

Hmm... I' still not sure I buy democracy as the answer. But, I'm interested enough to support the effort
because I think the kinds of tools you need are very similar to what I see as needed for the infrastructure
of a community.

It means we must develop a way to vote on line and we must develop a way for the computer to filter
inputs so that the same idea is posted once. We also must strip names and addresses of posters from their
post, to eliminate the impact of the individual ego on the conversational string. The idea is to make a
discussion among hundreds or thousands practical.

Interesting. But I have never felt compelled to vote in my entire life. I see no need to do so via the internet
either. In fact ... I'm not sure that I buy the concept of a democratic society. It is not at all clear that the
masses know what is in their best interest.

What purpose is served by having a discussion with so many participants? It is not clear that seeing so
many inputs from that many people would be beneficial.

If everyone posts whatever they want no matter what has been posted, you get something unwieldy like
some newsgroups.

True ... but even if you do some filtering, how do you keep the discussion on track so some useful purpose
is served?

Not surprised you don't trust the mass.

I trust SPIRIT expressing through us. I don't trust that the masses of individuals consciously know what is
in their best interest of even care for that matter.

Negative collective imagery there. Don't know if you ever heard of Arthur Koestler. He wrote liberal
novels in the 50's and 60's. He was in his seventies when he committed suicide with his much younger

and quite attractive wife. He wrote a book about a Communist who become disenchanted with the cause,
in those days memories of the thirties was stronger. The book is called "Darkness at Noon" In it the
disenchanted communist (Koestler was a communist for a while-I am talking Russian type communist
party with cells etc.) discovers to his dismay that he spent a good part of his life working for a better
society not because he loved his fellow men, but because he hated them. The book is seriously dated and I
don't recommend it, but I remember the line.

Hmm ... interesting. It seems that Stalin played the most important role in communism failing to live up to
the idealism that surrounded its birth in Russia.

I suspect you are a rugged individualist, Libertarian perhaps, many computer types are.

Not even close. More like pure communist. I believe there should be a SOCIAL contract ...


Sounds like you might be interested in equality and utopia.

Very much so. Though "equality" really needs a practical definition that recognizes that individuals have
very different talents, abilities, needs, and wants. It doesn't mean they are all entitled to the same thing.

There we have a common basis. Except I would add that there must be a social contract that explicitly
defines what is expected from individual by the society and in return what the individual can expect from

When you deal in equality, everyone expects and gets the same thing.

I'm not sure I buy this. There should be a minimum standard that all have access to. But I see no reason
why people should not have a discretionary budget that they can choose to apply wherever they want. If
they use that to improve their shelters ... so be it. If they use that to purchase entertainment, such is their
choice. If people are willing to work harder and provide more service to society ... they should receive fair
compensation for their efforts.

Why? and how much? Is Bill Gates really entitled to all those billions for ripping off CPM? According to
a PBS show they gave CPM's author a chance to climb on board, but their lawyer objected to IBM's
disclosure agreement and that was that. Suppose it was original. What's fair? What the traffic will bear?
Your point of view is hierarchical. These aren't issues in an egalitarian society.

Hmm... Interesting, but I'm not so sure that we can indeed make such "missteps". Whether it is technically
possible is only one issue. The larger issue is who directs the Play in which we are engaged. Spirit or the
ONE consciousness is the director ... at least from my understanding. She decides what will happen when,
not us. Yes, this appears to violate the idea of "free will". However, that does not bother me, because I am
not aware of truly having conscious free will anyway. But, I do believe that at some level we create and
are completely responsible for all that we experience. I just think it is the "spirit" part of us that performs
that function and that we have little to no conscious awareness of exactly how it is done.

I do not believe in spirits controlling human destiny. God may exist or not. Neither extreme is defensible.
We just don't know and there is no point lumping our ignorance into a ball and worshiping it. If there is a
God I don't think he or she will hold it against us if we get our act together. On the other hand, maybe not.
There is the old saying-those the Gods would destroy, they first make happy

I don't know that we have ever really had a representative democracy in this country. For the most part, I
don't consider the current government representative at all. It clearly does not represent me in any way.

You are right, but what is the alternative? A small group who supposedly knows best or the population as
a whole. I choose electronic democracy (true democracy) because there is no satisfactory alternative.

I found Plato's Republic quite attractive. I definitely like the idea of enlightened philosopher kings
guiding the way.

My sense is that such a group would have a far better chance at figuring it out than the masses. However,
that does not make the group elite in any way. It only means that they are best suited for performing this

The "mass" is just a very large group. My point is every individual has to decide for themselves - make
their own mistakes if it comes to that. I do not want a group that sees itself as best suited for performing
this function to make decisions which I must live with. I can't understand your problem with the entire
collective making decisions which effect the collective (and therefore the individuals within the
collective). I prefer that to a small group, however enlightened.

Hmm... that does seem to be the case unless those at the top are hit with a dose of enlightenment that
results in their operating in a manner that truly serves society rather than just controls it.

I suspect you expect the spirit will hit those at the top with a dose of enlightenment. Hasn't done it so far,
but as one who lives in hope, I cannot fault you for doing the same. I think my hope more reasonable-you
disagree. That's the human condition.

The issue though, is the balance to be struck between individual and collective. Individualists see the
collective as having no rights, no right to mandate recycling and no right to restrict the individual's use of
his property. If you want to destroy a thousand year old tree, you may see that as no one's business but
yours. I favor everyone's right to say what they want- I oppose all censorship, but I see the environment as
everyone's business. No individual has the right to damage it.

Agree. SOCIETY, the collective has rights that outweigh individual rights. It can dictate the rules under
which individuals shall operate.

I find those who would change the world each have their theory which they see as the one road, with no
patience for alternatives.

Hmm... Here I am open. The infrastructure needs to facilitate the social contract as stated above. But
within that there should be abundant room for creative expression ... expression that encourage and
support various alternatives.

To fix the balance I see no alternative to electronic voting with no action taken except by consensus. That
should answer your concerns. I chalk your concerns about your unseen fellow men and women up to
negative collective imagery.

Most people fear being dictated to by the mass (collective) and I don't see how you can do that without
voting unless you believe some exceptional people must be put in a position to dictate beneficial rules.
Don't like that idea even a little bit.

In voting we are not dictated to by the collective. We are dictated to by the people who influence the
legislation and who pay to support it via contributions to various candidates and advertising ... typically
corporations or special interest groups. And the bottom line for whether something passes or not often
comes down to the level of funding applied to "buy" the necessary votes.

Most issues are far too complicated for the average individual to form a reasonable opinion of whether it
is in their personal best interest, much less in the overall best interest of the collective.

I have no confidence in a democratic voting process as a means for deciding what is best for society. I
wouldn't ask the cells of my feet to do the work of my brain. In the collective, labor and expertise is
specialized. When you poll for consensus you eliminate the benefit gained by the specialization.

I'm not sure the cell analogy is appropriate, but I favor democracy because I see no alternative. Are you a
closet totalitarian? Who, in your scheme of things, decides what is best for society?

My sense is that SPIRIT should decide these things operating through self-aware and self-actualized
individuals working together.

As for your concern about on line discussions, I concede it may, at first or always, be difficult to keep
some people on track. It is essential that we devise a meaningful way to communicate with each other. As
things are now conversational threads become too unwieldy to be practical, but that may be because right
now it is all talk and no action. When the conversation has the purpose of doing something, we may
consider what we say more carefully. You want a better society? It means risking and hoping.

YES. And being willing to participate and DO SOMETHING ... not only as individuals but in a concerted
manor with people working together to achieve things they cannot do alone.

Hmm... we have a COMMON challenge there. It is extremely TOUGH to get people to COMMIT to
doing things. It is hard enough to even get them to provide feedback.

We have to begin somewhere and the beginning must be small. If I could think of something smaller, I
would. On the one hand you want people working together-on the other you don't trust the mass.

I want people working together because this kind of social change cannot happen by individuals working
alone. However, my sense is that small groups of the right people are what is necessary to begin. Just any
people will not do. Further, with too many, nothing gets done effectively.

I trust SPIRIT to express in the manner necessary to get the job done effectively. I just don't see that
happening through the masses. The bulk of power today is wielded by a select few ... for the most part by
people in positions that were not granted their positions by the people. Further, these individuals are not
beholden to the people for their power. Many are the Captains of industry and their fate is set by the rules
of free enterprise and the influencing of legislation that impacts their ability to generate profits.

These seem inconsistent. Am I missing something?

I'm still learning in this area. I've operated alone for all of my life and have never voted or been involved
with the political process at all. Most of my ideas come from my own brand of "common sense". I've been
an outside observer much of my life. Only recently have I determined why I am here and that executing
my mission will require finding and cooperating with others.

We seek to exchange what for what might be, and since we are caught in the middle who pays and who is
paid seems relevant. I prefer an army of unpaid volunteers, but the decision depends on the collective. My
vision need not be everyone's. When I suggested to the fellow who runs the New Earth Network that
changing the world was not a for profit operation, he disagreed. His dream was to make lots of money
which he uses to help the less fortunate. I do not think he will succeed.

Hmm... I see money as the means through which we exchange goods and services within the collective.
There should be a rich variety of goods and services and individuals should be able to select which ones
they will consume/use. However, this only works if the value of what people give/generate is equal or
greater than the value of what they consume/use. For this some type of contract is needed that clearly
states what people must give and what that entitles them to get. This will be different for each individual.
In this area, we simply are not equal. Abilities and talents are very different among people. Needs are very
different as well. I've been struggling with this for awhile. I don't know how to resolve it.

Your thinking is wedded to today. We have a psychology of scarcity because money distinguishes the
superior from the inferior. Were we to have a psychology of abundance everyone could get what they
want when they want it. This is utopian thinking, but it is definitely doable. Were we to use the money
(effort) we spend on defense to improving life style, all of us could do quite well in quite a short time.
Unfortunately most of our heads are not in this place.

Abundance only works when people are willing to give at least as much as they take. That is what
generates the abundance to begin with. If people could get what they wanted when they wanted it, without
having to apply themselves in some kind of productive service, why would they work???

People might work because they believe in their community and desire to contribute to it. Why do you
spend your time trying to create a better world? Not for the money, I don't think unless you are like the
fellow who runs the New Earth Network who wants to make lots of money and use it to help people.

That's true. Definitely not for the money. That would make what I've done in the past few years worth a
few pennies per hour.

And ... if you saw how I live, it definitely does not map with a psychology of scarcity. Money
distinguishes in that manner today only because the means we use to distribute the wealth/abundance
permit what we currently have. To me, it is abominable that we have people starving in a country with a
surplus of food. That is simply stupid. Also, the idea that we tolerate people who want to work being
unemployed is stupid as well. Especially when there is so much work that could be done that would
benefit society or the collective.

I might add, you confuse equality with identity. We are not identical, far from it, but we are equal in the
sense that we live and die and what we do in this life doesn't matter all that much.

Disagree. What we do in this life makes all the difference in the world. It is the reality we experience.
What does equality mean to you? Within the collective, how specifically would equality be expressed?

What we do in this life does not matter in the infinite scheme. It matters to us whether our time is happy
or sad, but the Donald Trumps, the Bill Gateses, et al will die like the rest of us, and while they may make
a contribution that gets their names chiseled in some university buildings, those too shall pass. That is the
reality of it. The efforts some of us make in life to be remembered are nothing compared to eternity. It
does not diminish us to see one human life as no more significant than an ant's life. The idea is to have as
nice a ride as we can manage. When it's over, it's over.

That is one possibility ... but not one that I choose to believe in. My bottom line understanding is that we
never die. The body we happen to occupy may cease to function, but the spirit that drives it is eternal. No,
not necessarily as a distinct individual, though it is not clear how or when individuality might cease.

When you say you do not choose to believe in here today gone tomorrow, you make a choice neither of us
can prove or disprove. That we are here and conscious is improbable enough to underwrite any after life
we can imagine. I prefer to deal with the here and now and leave the hereafter for later. We will know
soon enough.

That's true. But it is also true about ANY beliefs. Things that are proven lie outside of the realm of beliefs.
My sense of things is that the only way I can explain what I experience firsthand is by acknowledging that
their is a large part of me that exists and operates outside this form. That part KNOWS things without my
having to learn them in this existence. It is competent in doing things that I never had to learn.

I do not know if you believe in a hereafter. If you do and to you it's not over in the sense of some sort of
after life, it will be a pleasant surprise. I'm talking about conscious life as we experience it.

Hmm... I definitely believe that we experience many lives just as we wear different clothes. There is to
much to learn for one existence to be it. Yes, conscious life as a sentient physical being. But, I also think
we can experience conscious life as a sentient non-physical being.

One of the ideas we must change is the concept of parity among people. Is the person who paints a picture
less a contributor that the fellow who writes a computer program?

Not necessarily. But clearly, the janitor in a company is not EQUAL to the president of the company. The
compensation for their efforts should not be a factor of 1000 different, but it is not fair to make it
EQUAL. There should be extra compensation for bearing larger burdens and greater responsibility.
Especially if the benefit to the collective of one's efforts is far greater.

Why does anyone need recognition for a greater contribution. Who decides what a contribution is. Does
the president of Dow Chemical deserve his mansion for giving us dioxin? The issue is the balance to be
struck between the individual and the collective. Everyone is entitled to do their thing to the greatest
extent possible provided their thing does not harm other individuals or the collective. To that extent, we
are equal even if we are not identical.

The bottom line is that right now, we let free enterprise decide these things ... and those who succeed or
are at the top are not beholden to the collective in the least. It is not even clear that owners are that
beholden to their shareholders.

The way things are, relative worth is fixed by what one can get others to pay. The leveraged buy out
master, Henry Kravis, is, by that measure, worth far more to society than you and me put together. I
believe membership should be by fee (say $10.00) and if more money is needed, more members are
needed. To me it is important that no one have a greater investment than another. If someone is wealthy
enough to want to pay more, it would be below the line and anonymous, but again, these are just my

Just to stay connected to the internet, the per account cost is $16/month, even more for many people. That
only provides an e-mail account and simple internet access,

Disagree. There was no one to pass judgement over whether leveraged buyouts did anything constructive
for the collective. All it did was reallocate money so that the short term gain was good. It many cases
companies are far worse off for having gone through that process since in most cases, they had to increase
their debt.

Leveraged buyouts caused a great deal of unnecessary pain. The pain was necessary if you are Henry
Kravis and you want the money. Trouble is he didn't bear the pain.

But the current economic structure has no means for the collective to have a say in such matters. There is
no one responsible for the general welfare of the collective ... for ensuring that people either cannot take
action that causes such "pain" or that makes them responsible for the pain they do cause.

Also, price is not the same as VALUE. At present, things are very distorted. But that is an inherent
problem with constrained free enterprise. Though unconstrained free enterprise might be worse.

We have a fairly unconstrained free enterprise and as technology becomes more powerful, it will get
worse. I think turning genetic engineering into a commercial enterprise is as foolish as we have ever
gotten, but as some people would put it, a buck's a buck.

Hmm... A $10 fee is NO COMMITMENT, and it is not enough funds to support doing anything.
Something more like $50-100 a month is probably much more reasonable. We might reduce this by $10
for each hour of service an individual provides. Many people will find it easier to give of their time then
their money.

Commitment comes not from the contribution, but from the individual. $10.00 per month is symbolic. I
don't know if you've ever been in the army. I was drafted a hundred years ago, but they make you take a
step forward into the army. By that step you agree to be bound by the army's rules, take orders, etc. I
found it both effective and impressive. Don't underestimate symbolism.

Hmm... I was in the Air Force for 11.5 years. I never had anyone tell me what to do. I always assumed
regulations were only guidance, not the law. I was tolerated as a free thinker and maverick.

Besides for the thing to work we need volume and we need to offer something not available elsewhere
cheaper. The point of our service is not a PPP account but changing the world.

Right, and changing the world requires ideas and peoples time to act in accord with those ideas and to DO
things that make a difference. I have not found it easy to move people to provide ideas or even feedback,
much less a regular commitment of their time and talents.

Also, my experience is that I get the most done by myself, then in small groups. Whenever I've seen the
group grow to over a dozen or so ... I've personally found it a waste of time. This is true not only at work,
but for personal things as well. It also depends on what specialties are required to address the problem or
task at hands. More complex problems may require more disciplines, hence more people. If the work
requires more people, it seems to work best if it is partitioned into chunks that can each be handled by
smaller groups.

As for collective decision making, I see voting as the only way. We disagree on this one and if you'd care
to discuss your concerns, I'd be happy to try to answer them. I do not like the idea of an elite. The smallest
acceptable elite for me is a majority of those entitled to vote.

Hmm... I have never voted and don't ever intend to. It matters not to me whether others agree with what I
want to do. And, I don't give others the power to prevent me from doing it. My ideas will never be
mainstream. They will never sway a majority. But they will attract enough people to create an
infrastructure and services that benefit people. At this point it matters not how large the group is. It will
start small, and then grow by demonstrating that it truly works. How long this will take to spread across
the country and then the world, I don't know. But, I am moved to do it ... to create something that makes a
real difference in people's lives ... something that allows them to express whom that they truly are.

Lots of ideas are self fulfilling or may be. You want to change the world but think your ideas will never be
mainstream. Keep an open mind about voting and about other people. Your ideas may not be as farfetched
as you think. The world changes with increasing speed. People may catch up to you.

Your other questions about site management would also be open to debate and collective decision making.
I don't know how you feel about censorship -I oppose all of it, and a collective site has the advantage of
spreading responsibility over the membership. If someone put pornography on the site we could
(collectively) decide to permit it. If we did and the membership were large enough, it would confound the
authorities. It is difficult to prosecute 10,000 people for the same offense. Of course we are a long way
from that membership.

I don't believe in censorship either. However, in your true democracy a 51% majority would have the
power to censor anything. Somehow the rights of the minority need to be preserved. Minority opinions
must be at least tolerated ... or the collective will be closed to anything new.

That's true and it's a problem, but I think we have a greater problem with censorship today than we would
were everyone to vote. Electronic technology gives us the power to satisfy everyone. We can have fully
open areas and protected areas. No one need tell anyone what they can or cannot read or say. It also gives
us the power to turn anyone off. If you decide you don't want to hear from me, you can tell your machine
to turn away anything with my address. As far as you would be concerned, I would no longer exist. We
literally create our own world.

However, by having "protected" areas we sanction classification and information hiding. The collective
then must make its decision based on partial knowledge. One of the biggest problems that I see with our
current government is that so much information is classified.

There is also an issue of "right to privacy" to consider. What information should be "private" and how
should it be safeguarded?

Turning people off is not so simple. It is very easy to change addresses and names used on the WWW.

There is also an issue of how we disseminate information. If everyone has accounts they might be free to
generate whatever they want when they want. But, unless it is disseminated ... nothing happens. If
everyone wants to disseminate their ideas to everyone, there is too much information for anyone to be
able to deal with it much less act upon it.

The solution is some type of infrastructure that serves to make the appropriate connections between
people, allowing individuals to find areas they are interested in and link up with others of like mind to
discuss and then to DO things.

Much depends on exactly what kinds of things you want to be able to do ... and you want the collective to
be able to do.

It is not what "I" want to do. As I mentioned. This came up the few times people expressed an interest in
the idea. They wanted to join something I created. I want to belong to something "we" create and the more
the merrier, but I haven't the foggiest as to how to get it off the ground.

OK, but we need to start somewhere. The easiest place to start is by creating an place where ideas can be
exchanged ... anonymously or without sources attached if that is what you want. But someone has to want
something. The collective speaks through the voices of individuals.

I agree to a point. There are plenty of discussions on newsgroups, mailing lists, etc. We need a goal, a
purpose, and a way to achieve it. We need something that attracts people willing to participate, something
that can end with political power.

Propose a set of goals and purpose. From that we can put a page up to solicit feedback and other inputs.
From these we can add to and/or modify the goals and purpose to make them collective goals and
purpose. Then, we can look at options for ways and the means required to accomplish them. It all starts
from having a purpose and set of goals that people will personally accept and commit to work towards.

My suggestion of a web server is one way to get us to interact, to decide.

But what specific issues or actions need to be decided on? The web server is just a tool. Exactly what it
needs to support is dependent on the issues and actions that must be decided on, and the kinds of
interaction necessary to effectively make the decisions.

That is what "we" need to do. We need to change the way we make collective decisions. "We", that is
everyone unhappy with the way things are, must join together to create something different.

How many are "unhappy with the way things are"? Somehow I think that would be far less than 50% in
the US.

I am not "unhappy" with my present circumstances. However, I am moved by a knowingness that the
world could be a far better place if we build better infrastructures the support individuals being whom
they truly are and expressing that in a manner that benefits both the individual and the collective.

Hmm... I'm still not sure I buy democracy as the answer. But, I'm interested enough to support the effort
because I think the kinds of tools you need are very similar to what I see as needed for the infrastructure
of a community.

I've run into concern about democracy before. While I don't know the basis for your reservations, most
arguments boil down to Tory arguments against representative democracy in 1776. The mass can't
comprehend and isn't interested etc. It requires a change in the way people see their connection to the
collective and it requires people see the collective as non-threatening. That's not how it is today.

Hmm... I guess it is primarily that I personally don't live my life democratically. Nor do I see any reason
to start to do so. If democracy doesn't make sense to me on a personal level, why should I believe it makes
sense collectively?

The point is to let you be yourself to the greatest extent possible. We seek diversity, not uniformity and
democracy offers the greatest chance of that. If you lived in today's Russia or a great many other places
your choices and chances would be far more limited.

OK. Then in what specific ways is the current system in the US preventing this from happening right
now?? These would be the areas that are in need of change.

As an aside. Take the Green party or parties. They pick Nader who acts like he doesn't want the job of
winning people to the Green party. Why not try to make the Green party an electronic party where
decisions are made on line instead of by party leaders? Don't know any Greens, but there is great promise

Hmm... but isn't the whole point of having a representative government that it allows a small group of
individuals to focus their time and energies on the issues and matters at hand and represent the interests of
their constituency? This frees individuals from having to apply their time and energy to these matters,
allowing them to pursue things in which they are more interested? Those who care enough to be involved
will always find a way.

Representative democracy doesn't work. It's the problem, not the solution. We need a nation of concerned,
caring individuals. You may want to sit at your computer all day and not think about collective issues. Part
of the gratification is not being responsible for collective mistakes, but there is no getting around it. If
"we" don't like what congress does, "we" must do it ourselves. There's no alternative.

Agree regarding concerned and caring individuals. I can't think of any issues that require every individual
in the collective to care about in a personal way. Why have 200 Million people concerned about
something a few hundred can analyze and decide effectively. Besides, look at the farce with all the
measures and propositions on the ballot. Most are too complex for me to decide on, much less the average
person who may only catch the paid political ads.

As to representative democracy working, it seems to me that the whole benefits when the parts specialize
and each optimizes how it performs its functions. Forcing additional functions on parts not suited for them
doesn't serve the collective or the individuals involved. Then again, perhaps you have some examples
where it would.

Actually, I think about collective issues a lot. And, I feel a responsibility to spirit to do things that make a
difference in people's lives. It is one of the tasks I believe I came to do. However, if I musician, and
creating or performing music captivated my soul ... then why should I not fulfill my place in the collective
by doing what I love to do? Why should I have to pay attention to things that don't matter to me
personally? Similarly, if I'm a farmer, and I love working the land, why should I not be able to just do

Regardless of whether mistakes are made by the collective as a whole, or by the government that
represents us, or by the "private" commercial sector that provides goods and services, WE pay the price

You say choosing is an ingredient of all beliefs which is true. We choose what we believe. You choose to
believe voting is not for you or the better world you envision and I think as long as you believe that it will
be true for you.

Perhaps. But that doesn't mean that it is not an important means for decision making in the collective. I
personally have not thought about it enough to have an idea of where it should be used. My personal
choice of not voting thus far in my life has been based on a sense that nothing on the ballot has any
meaningful impact on my life. Who's in office and what, if anything, they do ... does not affect the way
that I think, act, and live.

Good you seem to be reconsidering. Representative democracy discourages. I was a representative once, a
member of our town's Board of Finance. I was well meaning, but the one time a referendum matched the
public will against my vote, I was wrong. My vote was based on my perception of what the community
wanted. When I voted in the referendum I voted with the majority, the opposite of how I voted as a

That attitude is beginning to change now that I want to be involved in taking action to create a better
world. However, I don't know yet to what degree government and politics will be involved in fostering the
dramatic social changes that are needed.

Again, I am not sure what you mean by necessary social change. I think nothing short of a classless
society will do it and to that extent the entire collective must be involved. We tend to see government as
different from ourselves because "we" don't run things. There are the bureaucracies set up by
representatives as well meaning as I was. Social change cannot be divorced from politics. It will happen
when enough want it sufficiently to take action.

As for proof, sometimes when we talk about the external, physical world, we bring things into that narrow
band where our senses are accurate. Kant used the collective perception to prove the accuracy of our
senses. If twenty people see a tree and describe the same thing, we can be sure our senses are accurate.

OK. But, if twenty people see an accident or a crime, they often see twenty different things. Each person
only captures a snapshot, and these snapshots often have major differences. I don't but that my senses are
that accurate. I know firsthand what can happen from the side effects of the drugs I have had to take for
my bipolar condition. From this, I know that I cannot count on what I perceive to be accurate. Further, our
scientists know that our senses distort the world that we see. Our eyes are highpass filters. They
accentuate higher frequencies corresponding to edges and movement because it is a "useful" way to
perceive information in the world. It allows us to function better than if we saw the world exactly as it is.

Agreed the senses are inaccurate even when they attempt to perceive the physical world. When beliefs
describe something we do not see, heaven, hell, or sub atomic particles they may be complete fantasy or
incomplete. i.e. One might expect the lessening of the earth's mass by burning fossil fuels brings the earth
closer to the sun, but perhaps a larger gravitational mass lies behind us and draws us further away. We do
something, then experience the consequences, most of which we are too ignorant to anticipate.

It is a different matter to describe black holes in space. The further we get from the physical world, the
more suspect our conclusions.

Yet, in my opinion, the most important area where we should understand ourselves is in the functioning of
our minds. And here, for the most part we seem to have little clue. Further, it is not clear that all the
scientific exploration in the world is going to give us any real understanding of how it operates.

Sure, but we can never "know" in any scientific sense. We do studies and decide people are inclined to
choose merchandise in blue boxes rather than red boxes, but fears and foibles are different. I think self
image psychology says it best. We are what we think we are and we fear what we are afraid of. It's simple,
some would say simplistic, and it's optimistic in that it assumes that since we control what we believe, we
control who we are. There's no alternative except despair and believing cannot change anything.

My point is that most of what we believe, even when it relates to the physical world, is a matter of

AGREE COMPLETELY! But, since that is the case, its value should be judged by its utility. Do the
beliefs serve us, do they empower us, do they make our lives better, easier, and happier?

We agree we want a better world, but you seem to think one can be created from hierarchical, capitalistic
systems. I wonder if you could clap your hands and bring about the society you envision, what would it be

I am not sure hierarchical is a term I would use. I think society should function like a body with an
infrastructure that supports basic needs of the collective, and organs(groups) that are responsible for
performing specific functions for which they are suited by their natural abilities and talents. Specialization
and focus has enabled us to do a lot of things that more primitive societies could not do. I see nothing
wrong in this.

The body is a good example. Different individuals have different talents and abilities, but is the heart
worth more than the brain, the right arm better than the left? We are different, but we must see ourselves
as equal, no matter what we do

As to what the economic system should be ... I have no fondness for capitalism. The economic system
should SERVE the collective, just as the government does. Though, at present I would not say the
government does this well either. However, it seems that at present the collective is the slave of those who
control the economic system. In many cases, these are international companies that do not even bow to
governments ... much less to the collective.

However, to its merit, capitalism has at least allowed for the generation of a variety of goods and services
that do make life easier. And, overall, most people are able to consume these goods and services.

I see capitalism as mean spirited, selfish, and foolish beyond measure. An item in today's or yesterday's
Times reports that Freon is now smuggled over the border with Mexico in amounts that rival illicit drugs.
People need it for older automobile air conditioners. No matter that it destroys the ozone layer and no
matter that the present refrigerant will eventually be found to do the same thing. They change it so tests on
Freon don't apply. Smugglers are not bad people. They would probably prefer to picnic with their
families, but it's the easiest way to make a buck and they do. The African elephant herd is endangered
because ivory figurines, though illegal, provide livelihoods to people who are truly poor.

Unfortunately, capitalism, as it is currently practiced does not distribute wealth very evenly or fairly.
Differences of 3-4 orders of magnitude for an hours worth of labor seems extremely unjust to me.
However, so long as the economic sector remains private and "free enterprise" is practiced without any
explicit social obligation, it is unclear how this will change. It seems that the collective should have
leverage. We can refuse to allow companies to operate in our market and sell to us unless they abide by
the appropriate rules, operating practices, and principles that we the collective set. In the current
environment, that would require boycotts and the like.

What is really needed is a New Constitutional Convention, one that has a broader scope than just the
government. It scope should be the overall welfare of the collective, including the social contract between
individuals and the collective, the government, the economic system, the education system, and the health
care system.

Perhaps eventually, but right now we cannot create a cooperative web server or something even smaller.
Things grow. They don't usually burst forth full bloomed, although they sometimes do. A bloodless
revolution against the Shah of Iran happened one day. It may be we can have a Constitutional Convention
on the Internet, but I don't think we're ready. I'd like to discuss the same idea on a smaller scale-how a
group of people can discuss and decide things on the Internet. I have no doubt the group will grow with
success, but first we need a group.

Collective image psychology is unforgiving. We are responsible for what we think including what we
think of ourselves (individually and collectively).

At an overall level this may be true. However, at a conscious level it is definitely not true. I have no clue
as to how the thoughts that come into my mind are generated. I am not aware of being their creator. Yes, I
experience them coming through me, however, this alone does not make them mine. In this respect, my
brain is a receiver, much like a radio or a television. Personally, I am not aware of where the programming
comes from. If there is indeed a part of me that is creating all of it, then I still have a long way to go in
knowing myself.

We have no one to blame but ourselves for whatever happens. It contains the possibility of change, which
is good, but it is so difficult (impossible?) to change closely held, negative beliefs, we may need a
different generation and there may not be time. It will be close.

Hmm... beliefs will change when the time is right and not before. It can happen literally overnight if
necessary. And, I don't believe this change will belong to a different generation. For over 20 years, since
my last year of High School, I have known that this was a task for my generation. Interesting, I don't think
I've met anyone else that was certain that this is indeed our task.



The following is the seed for a new activity that we call Building the Foundations. The intent here is to
get some common understanding of what is needed for the foundations of a new society or community,
then to start making commitments to take action to make it so. Our hope is that by planting the seed
NOW, it will have time to grow into a tree and bear fruit by the time harvest comes in the Fall. Yes, our
time horizon is that close. We choose to make 1997 a Year of Manifestation. Please join with us in this
bold new adventure.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share that is relevant to building the foundations.
• Any resources and/or abilities and talents that you have to offer.
• Any ideas or plans on what specifically can be done.
• Any issues, problems, or questions that you feel need to be addressed.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -


The overall VISION is to build a world where people are much more elegantly applied to meet the needs
of humanity for goods and services in a manner that also allows us to meet our obligation as stewards of
the Earth. People will get more of their needs met sooner and will enjoy what the do because it is in line
with their talents and abilities. Further no ones talents and abilities will be wasted. People will cooperate
in activities and lessons learned will be made available to others to prevent making mistakes over and
over. Overall, humanity will progress quickly and souls will be as fully enfleshed as is possible at this
time on this planet. Under these conditions, there is no telling what can be accomplished how quickly.

For background, see Chapter 2 of Beyond Imagination book.

Declaration of Cooperative Interdependence

We hold these truths to be self evident: that all souls are created equal, that we must through determined
action create the conditions that allow souls to be fully expressed in flesh, that cosmic consciousness must
be expressed in a physical vehicle to enable souls to be fully expressed in flesh, that individuals form the
cells of the physical vehicle required by cosmic consciousness, and that only by establishing a
cooperatively interdependent society will cosmic consciousness have the vehicle it needs to be embodied
on Earth.

Further we freely choose to declare our cooperative interdependence to allow for the creation of this
physical vehicle for cosmic consciousness to be put into motion. To achieve this end, we establish the
following contract between and among us:

From each individual according to that individual's purpose and abilities,

to each individual according to that individual's needs and desires.

Always we act in peace and harmony, and as true brethren.

We are all One People

We realize that we are all one people, that whatever happens to any one of us happens to all of us. We
choose to treat one another with dignity and respect, and to assist and help one another when in need.
Further, we choose to live in peace and harmony, resolving any and all conflicts among us in ways that are
peaceful and just. We call to cosmic consciousness to assist and guide in our endeavor so that the vehicle
for the expression of the ONE can be created in the most effective and expeditious manner possible so
that the Age of Aquarius can be brought forth with the least turmoil and suffering to our fellow beings.

If you are moved by this and want to participate, please contact Wayne.




February 1997

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are ready to get involved and manifest spirit HERE and NOW please join us in our
bold endeavor. :) Both the Newsletter and the Center will grow as the Light within our Beings grows and
is permitted to express.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life and express spirit to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used
for exchanging resources and services and making connections so please participate.


I would like to know how many people out there that have come across this newsletter would like to be
part of a group that starts to meet on a regular basis, to plan out a strategy for creating a Spiritual Center
& Community.

If you are interested in creating a spiritual center please let us know so that we can come together and do
it. All we need right now is a list people who would like to form a group and tell us the best days and
times that would be good for you. We can set agendas so that we can be effective and can work together to
get things done. Also, we can log meetings and produce minutes so that those who can not make particular
ones can find out what they missed. However, if you want to be involved, you have to make a
commitment and be willing to volunteer for action items so that we can do things and not just talk about
it. Well then, just let me know if you want to be part of this, and let's start creating this spiritual
center/community NOW.





Letters to the Editor Treasures from the

Dragon's Lair
Poetry Opinions

Book Review Community Forums

Sharing of Experiences Issues/

Recommended Action
Let's Create a Better World Building the Foundations

Towards Utopia




QUESTION: How do you regard the 60's movement, and how will you bring the people together to the
common goal?? have you listened to the beatles? That was a time when the entire world was on to the
same hopes, What are your realistic hopes? Mine are practice what I preach, to raise a child that thinks, is
responsible for itself, and don't count on others to do it for you. This may sound like an older person
"been there, done that", but really I am, I have hopes other people will behave and live the talk, but I am
not going to hold my breath nor give up the hope people will evolve to a better way life, without
infringing on others. Love always and keep the faith, but don't wait for others to join in, live your life to
the fullest.

Interesting, you say "live the talk". That is what we want to stress, that is what is necessary to reach our
goals. Our Goal is to manifest a new way of living, living in harmony and peace. Now we know not all
will do this, but some might and that is all we need. A few coming together can create great things and we
think it is worth a try. We think the internet can reach the right people that will make it happen, people
from around the world. And maybe that is what will make the difference from the 60's ... the 60's did not
have the internet. We have a new tool that can help us bring people from around the world together with a
common dream. Also, NOW is the time for things to change; maybe the 60's was not the right time yet.
But I believe NOW is :) I agree with you that we all need to be responsible for ourselves, we need to be
ourselves , we need to let who that we really are express itself. If we let our Spirit flow through us we
cannot fail, only then will we reach our Dreams. Now I ask you, is this not worth a try?


Answer from lion:

Wow, you bring up a lot of good points and questions. Thank you! Let's see what I can do to address
them one by one.

How do you regard the 60's movement,

The 60's was the beginning of an awakening. It was a premonition or sample of what was and is to
come. It planted a seed that would allow a new expression of consciousness to be come to fruition
and be made manifest NOW in our present time.

and how will you bring the people together to the common goal??

I'm not so sure such is the outcome that spirit intends. I know of no such "common goal" other than
to allow spirit to more fully express through us in flesh. I expect that the variety of things expressed
will become ever greater as this occurs ... and it is not clear there will be much in "common" rather
freedom will result in ever more diversity.

have you listened to the Beatles? That was a time when the entire world was on to the same hopes.

YES, I have ... and I LOVE many of their lyrics. But NO, the entire world was not a part of that. If
it had been, the world would be transformed already. Yes, the lyrics expressed the message that
consciousness longed to shout out ... and it did reach many. However, for the most part, the dream
was not made manifest. Though the hope never died. It is still there, waiting to be brought out again
when the time is right and the infrastructure changes can be made that foster the awakening of
spirit in the masses.

What are your realistic hopes?

That we see the birth of a new lifeform on this planet ... a form that embodies an expression of
consciousness that is to the current expression in man, as man is to the animal kingdom. Man's
ability to think and be aware of self has permitted a wonderful expression of consciousness. But this
is in no way a pinnacle, it is merely a stepping stone to an even greater expression of spirit. Those of
us becoming aware of our true nature as spiritual beings are the first wave of this grand new
expression. Where it will take us is literally BEYOND IMAGINATION.

Mine are practice what I preach, to raise a child that thinks, is responsible for itself, and don't count on
others to do it for you.

That is consistent with my own path. "Ye shall know them by their works." Thoughts or beliefs
without the corresponding actions to demonstrate their operation in flesh are useless. It is time for
wayshowers to show what life can be by allowing spirit to express through them as clearly and
completely as is possible. You don't do this by talking about it. You do this by walking your talk and
taking responsibility and DOING THINGS that make a difference.

Be careful that you raise your child to do more than think ... rather to be fully aware of his/her
being and connection to source, and to develop that connection so that he/she can serve spirit by
serving others.

This may sound like an older person "been there, done that", but really I am, I have hopes other people
will behave and live the talk, but I am not going to hold my breath nor give up the hope people will
evolve to a better way life, without infringing on others.

Understand. And, I think you will find in the times ahead that more and more people will get it and
begin to "live the talk" as well. However, we can't wait for that to happen. We must do what we are
moved to do NOW, regardless of where others stand on their paths and regardless of what THEY
do or do not do.

Love always and keep the faith, but don't wait for others to join in, live your life to the fullest.

Agree completely! I need no permission from anyone or any group to follow the dictates of spirit.
SHE alone is sufficient. However, I also take full responsibility for all that is done through me.





February 1997

Since I consider myself a wayshower, I thought I'd do something different this month and provide an
example of what spirit moves me to express and what actions she moves me to take. The following is a
letter to President Clinton that I wrote on 1/22 and sent out via e-mail on the morning of 1/23. What
happens as a result of that action is not under my control. My responsibility is solely to express what I am
moved to express. This requires trusting that what is coming through deserves expression and not judging
or blocking it in any way. What happens after that is solely up to spirit. It is her play afterall ... all that I
can do is act out my role to the best of my abilities. That is ALWAYS enough. Spirit never asks for more
than that.

22 January 1997

Namaste Mr President!

I was moved to do an interpretation of your name after reading that you were just inaugurated as the 42nd
President of the US. So, here it is:

William Jefferson Clinton

Interesting william = will-i-am ... appropriate expression for one who would be President.

5933914 -- 156659165 -- 3395265

5/14/17/20/29/30/34 -- 1/6/12/18/23/32/33/39/44 -- 3/6/15/20/22/28/33

34: Eight of Wands

44: The Meditating Youth
33: The Seven of Wands = christ

Total = 111 = 33 + 78 = Christ Exalted. Also = 3 x 37 = the triangle of spirit.

P M E I = 16 30 144 04 = 7 3 9 4

P = Adventurous.
M = Lacks organization but expresses creatively.
E = 144 = Highly creative. Unusual high concern for humanity, expressed intuitively.
I = 04 = 4 = Strong intuition expresses in a grounded, practical way.

34 44 33
Initial Caps = 34+18 | 44+9 | 33 = 52 | 53 | 33 = 52/105/138 = 50 + 78
Utopia on Earth Exalted. Perfect for one destined to lead the US into a new millenium.

ALL CAPS = 52+27 | 53+45 | 33+54 = 79 | 98 | 87
79 = The Magician Exalted
98 = Judgement Exalted
87 = The Hermit Exalted

Total = 264 = 3:00(88) If I'm reading this correctly, you are here to bring us to the completion of the 2 =
High Priestess Cycle to the beginning of The Empress Cycle.

This is also 3:30(78) = The Empress:Camelot. Appropriate for one who would essentially walk in the
footsteps of JFK and take us boldly further ... not just offering a dream, but doing what is necessary to
manifest that dream.

The sequence 799887 begs to be split as 799 | 887. From the center this reads as 887 - 997, a span of 110
centered at 887+ 55 = 942 = The Hermit:Two of Cups.

942 = 888 + 54 = 111 pyramid + LOVE. Hmm ... a very curious breakout and interpretation.

It is also interesting that YOU were destined to be the 41st and 42nd President of the US. These are very
special numbers, extremely appropriate for where the very awareness of the world needs to be moved in
the immediate years ahead. Hmm...

This country was born in 1776 = 16:000(111). Your role as President began in 1993 = 17:106(111). Now,
we are at 1997 = 17:110. Next year is the transition year marking the completion of 18 full cycles of 111
and the beginning of the 19th cycle. 19 = The Sun which in turn represents spirit.

It just occurred to me that we should be counting cycles of 37 as well. That would make 1776 = 48:00(37)
= The Man in Search of More. How's that for spiritual timing for the birth of a country destined to create a
new order for the world.

1998 will then mark the completion of the 54 cycle and the birth of the 55 cycle. 55 is new start in the
field of action. It seems that it is time to complete the pyramid that is part of the Great Seal of this land.
Perhaps the material in BEYOND IMAGINATION: Foundations for Creating a New World is true after
all. It is simply amazing to see what is revealed and made manifest when we step aside and allow spirit to
do her work through us. Amazing INDEED!

The very words that flow through me now, come from a source that is very familiar to me after over three
years of serving her ... yet I know virtually nothing about how these words and ideas are created. I permit
them to flow through because my trust in spirit is absolute. I have seen first hand the spiritual meaning
embedded in the symbol systems of this world. And, I have watched as spirit herself taught me the
language she uses, that I might serve in the capacity of interpreter and wayshower and bring forth
whatever message spirit would thus be able to reveal through me.

Looking back to your name ... you embedded two years, 1933 and 1956 in your name. In both cases, in
reverse, indicating there is probably a deep spiritual significance.

1933 is the span from 33 - 91 from christ to Death Exalted, a period of 58 years that is centered at 33+29
= 62 = The Eight of Swords, the blindfolded lady. How curious.

1956 begs to be written as a time. This is 7:56 PM. Lightbulbs are flashing in my head. I've spent much of
the past three years making connection after connection where there literally were none before. I am an

explorer of consciousness, documenting my travels as much as I can that the way might be made easier
for those who follow. This number, 756, has come up so many times it is almost funny now. One of the
many meanings is The Charioteer in the cycle of LIGHT. Another is 9:54(78) = The Hermit:LOVE.
Another is 576 from the inside out = 24 squared = 48 x 12 = The 48 Cube, cube with sides of length =
48:The Man in Search of More. Isn't that Curious. The country began in 48 x 37 = 3 x (48 x 12) + 48.

Major shivers are starting to course through my body. Such happens only when major connections are
about to be revealed.

For the past week the transition from 3 - 4 has kept popping up in various contexts. Here we have it on a
MAJOR scale. On the show Babylon-5, this year is 2261. Next year will be 2262. 22:62(88) just happen
to be 1998. Now, 576 x 4 = 2304. If we make this 23:04(88) then the corresponding year to reach 4 x 576
is 1998 + 30 = 2028.

My sense is that this is what I came to this world for. My mission is somehow to be the wayshower that
facilitates this 3:The Empress - 4:The Emperor transition. Curious that spirit always comes through to me
as she.

(added later, since realization came during proofing)

2304 is also 48 x 48. YES, 48 squared = The Man in Search of More grounded on the Earth. Hence, by
2028 we will see a World Tranformation that is literally Beyond Imagination. Being born on 4/8, this is
truly WHY I came!

(end of addition)

Well, enough for now. Consider these the ravings of a madman if you will. However, should they strike
you otherwise, my offer from yesterday still stands. If there is anything I do to be of service during the
times of transition that spirit has destined for us in the coming years, just let me know and I'll see what
spirit moves me to do to assist.

Namaste Mr Clinton! Only a great spirit would have chosen the role that YOU have selected. The
responsibilities are great. However, you would not be in that role if you did not possess all the gifts and
abilities required to shoulder the burden and lead the US to its spiritual destiny.

In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne

BEYOND IMAGINATION: Creating the Foundations for a New World

e-mail: beyond@redshift.com

(end of e-mail)

YES, that is how I express. NO, I am not intimidated by anyone. Each of us have our roles to play. We are
equal partners in this adventure of spirit. None are greater nor lesser. We are all giving the same operating
instructions --- Do the best that you can with the abilities that you have. In return, all that you need
will be provided unto you. Further, make the effort to focus on knowing thyself as you are playing
your role. What you will do is destined ... what you will learn from what you experience is up to you.

This is where your free will comes in, and what you gain in awareness is the only permanent
treasure that you ever get to take with you.



February 1997


LOOK TO THIS DAY - For it is Life - the Very Life of Life

In its brief course lie all the realities and truths of existence:

the joy of growth

the glory of action
the splendor of beauty.

For yesterday is already a memory, and tomorrow is only a vision.

But today well-lived makes every yesterday a memory of happiness,

and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well, therefore, to this day.

Ancient Sanskrit Poem

The Splendor of Beauty

I Love the Earth, I Love the Sky

I Love the Sun, I Love the Moon
I Love Myself and all of You



The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)


I'm a bit puzzled by the seeming lack of interest and demonstrated lack of involvement in what we are
creating here each month. Somehow, I expected that it would be easier to make this a community effort ...
that people would welcome the opportunity to be able to express. Personally, I love it. If I didn't I would
not be doing it each month.

At the same time, I've heard what would be said through me for over three years now. I am curious as to
how you interpret and react to what is said through me ... and further, what spirit has to say through YOU.
Surely, I am not the only one with something to say. And, it really is easy. All it takes is an e-mail or
filling out the feedback form with whatever you want to say.

We now have over a dozen sections that you can contribute to or co-create ... and if these are not
sufficient, we can create whatever additional ones are needed. We consider it that important to provide a
vehicle through which spirit can express whatsoever she will (or, he will, if such is how you experience
your connection to source).

The bottom line is a commitment to do whatever it takes. Personally, I have made that commitment. My
hope is that YOU will choose to do so as well, and SOON.




Over the past few years, I have suspected that time somehow marked the overall state of consciousness or
level of spiritual awareness. Lately, not a week passes without additional confirmation that such indeed is
the case.

88 has been a special number to me for three years. It came to me as being important when I first started
looking at meaningful cycles. 78 was important because it is the Tarot completion number ... the number
of cards in a Tarot deck. 88 seemed even more fitting for completion because when the 8's are brought
close enough to touch we get "infinity above, infinity below", a very special meaning indeed.

I found it quite interesting that 1958, the year of my birth just happened to be 22 cycles of 88 plus 22
years. This was especially true when I discovered that my Heart's Desire just happens to be 22 as well.
Coincidence, perhaps, but such is NOT how I see it. 22 is The Fool Complete ... in many ways this
represents superconsciousness manifest. No, I don't believe that I have reached such a state ... though I
strongly believe such is indeed where the path is taking me.

Last week I realized that since 1958 = 22:22(88), 1997 = 22:61(88). This was an AHA of a major order.
The year on the show Babylon-5 just changed to 2261 this fall. Now isn't that curious. Of all the years
they could have picked, they just happened to choose the ONE that corresponds to expressing the real
current year in base 88. Those of you who have any exposure to my works know that I don't believe in
chance. In Wayne's World, all such "choices" are made by spirit, NOT us. Further, her choices often carry
embedded spiritual meaning, if only we have the ears to hear and eyes to see as they say. She weaves the
fabric of reality so that it is incredibly rich with meaning on multiple levels, much as great books often
have multiple levels of meaning.

So, if my interpretation is correct, for those vibrating to the 88 cycle, the present conscious state is 22:The
Fool Complete (cycle) at step 61:Achievement. Last month, it came to me that 1997 is to be a Year of
Spiritual Manifestation. This is consistent with what Achievement should bring.

Most have not achieved the awakening necessary to allow them to operate from this state. They still live
in 1997. The 1900s are characterized by The Sun card in the Tarot. 1997 us particularly interesting
because 97 is 78+19 = 1 cycle of the Tarot plus The Sun again. When I was learning to interpret the Tarot,
it came to me that numbers that include a cycle of the Tarot are "exalted". This did not come from any
books, rather from my connection to source. Anyway, this makes 1997, The Sun:The Sun Exalted, a very
interesting combination.

Further, 1997 begs to be interpreted from the center as the span from 91 on the left to 97 on the right.
YES, an interval of 6 that is centered at 94. This too is an interesting number. It is 16:The Tower Exalted.
Years before I began my study of the Tarot, I was told that The Tower card was MY CARD. It
characterized in a very real way what I personally am here to do. I find it interesting that this shows up at
a time when I am so strongly MOVED by Spirit to DO WHAT I AM HERE TO DO.

Hmm... clearly this is not the common way of assigning meaning to time. Such interpretations are not
consistent with my training in engineering, math, and science. However, metaphysics supercedes these
other disciplines when it comes to the realm of consciousness, and the nature of spiritual reality.

Perhaps this is a sign that I've stepped over the deep end and plunged into the abyss of the unknown. But,
if such is the case so be it. If that is where I am, it is because such is where I was lead by Spirit to be. My
understanding is that Spirit leads me exactly where I need to be to do the works that she would do through
me. Besides, for explorers of consciousness, charting and characterizing the unknown is what the
grand adventure is all about.
If you are a fellow explorer or wayshower, please contact me and let us share of what we know of the
territory that is consciousness and how she manifests. If you speak a related language with respect to
interpreting numbers, cycles, and states of awareness ... make yourself known ... I long to find others who
speak in a similar tongue.



Yes, it is me again. There is something about a blank page that I simply cannot stand anymore. I consider
it my responsibility to fill it with whatever spirit would choose to express.

At this particular moment, I have no clue what that will be. Life is truly a miracle. Spirit is ever
expressing in ways that are new and fresh and surprising, and YES, even miraculous at times. This is truly
a grand adventure. I am ever amazed at what consciousness is able to produce when given the opportunity
to create what she will.

For me the canvas is the blank page, and the medium is words ... no, not the words of the poet or the
storyteller, or the fiction writer. Also not the words of the logician or analyst or historian or technical
writer. In fact, I have no category by which to describe what these words are. I hear a voice in my head
and I convey what it says. The process is magical. I observe it happening and am ever amazed at what is
able to come through. For me, the material is the real world evidence or effect of spirit or consciousness
in action. I look to the works, and try to gain an understanding of how consciousness works, how spirit
expresses through me ... and what that means about the very nature of reality and the nature of SELF.

By far, this has been the most exciting endeavor and adventure in my life. For what am I after all? I am
consciousness, I am Spirit expressing through this physical vessel and discovering WHOM THAT I AM
from the works that are done through me. YES, ye shall know them by their works is a powerful
spiritual truth.

The time for thinking is past ... as is the time for believing. NOW, we must take the final step and ACT,
and through our actions allow the Spirit that we are to express what it will through us.

The bottom line is that WE are not in control ... definitely not consciously. It is spirit that holds the reigns
NOW. Actually, it has always been thus. We only thought that we had control. And such is a very sad
state. For, none are more completely enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Realizing that
one is enslaved is the first step toward freedom. The next step is realizing that the shackles that bind us
are our own creations. Once we KNOW this, we have the keys to our own liberation. It becomes a matter
of ACTING in a manner that is consistent with our true nature as spirit ... as spirit, we are always FREE.




For just over three years, I have been moved to find kindred spirits, fellow members of my "spiritual
family". Somehow, I thought this would be easy to do. My sense was that if I did my part and allowed
spirit to express through me, and then made the works available ... that spirit would bring forth this family
and ensure that our lives became connected in meaningful ways.

However, something went wrong. This simply did not occur ... at least not anywhere near the extent that I
felt would occur. I don't know WHY this was so, I only know what I have experienced. At first it was a
disappointment, perhaps even a major one. But, most of my life has been experienced as a Hermit. Being
alone, and being solely in the company of spirit has always been my primary state of being. Since the
exceptions have been rare, I literally have no other basis of experience on which to draw.

Over time, the disappointment faded. What remains is a CURIOSITY. I accept whatever I experience and
trust that it is appropriate for my highest growth and for the greatest expression of spirit through me. If
this involves others, that is GREAT. If it involves only spirit herself, that is GREAT too. All that matters
anymore is that I express whatever I am moved to express to the best of my abilities ... and that wherever I
can, I assist others in doing the same.

This is what excites me. This is what drives me to wake up in the morning. This is what keeps my days
interesting regardless of what else is on my schedule to do. This is what keeps me glued to the keyboard
late into the night. Always there is true work to do, work that captivates one's soul ... work that frees one
to truly be all that one can be. This is the work of light, Light, and LIGHT. It is expressed as the numbers
29, 38, and 56 ... all powerful forms of the Master Number 11: The MASTER TEACHER. It is interesting
that jesus (15131) and aslan (11315) both vibrate to this number. Further, they contain the same base
components. This number also corresponds to the Tarot card JUSTICE.

Curious. I am moved to make some simple transformations. Rotating aslan by one place, we get slana
(13151), then reversing the letters, we get anals (15131). Hmm ... 15 13 1 = O M A. 11 3 15 = K C O
while 1 13 15 = A M O. Now isn't that interesting. AMO is the mirror reflection of OMA. So, in some real
way, "aslan" is the reflection of "jesus".

Further, AMO comes across as AM ZERO to me. And zero is connected to "nothing". AM "NO THING".
LOL!!! Now, that is a very great truth in itself. More and more, such is exactly how I experience my

Did not Jesus say something to the effect "of myself, I do nothing ... but it is the Father within me that
does all." And here I am saying something quite similar throughout my works ... only for me the source is
the divine feminine ... could this be "the Mother within me that does all". Surely this is not mere
coincidence. Hmm... REFLECTION INDEED!!!!!

Enough of my meanderings for one evening. Namaste!



Tonight finds me in Colorado Springs. I started the day at home in Monterey, flew to LA and worked for

half a day, then caught a plane for here. It makes for an interesting day but a tiring one. I found it
interesting to see how many people are traveling on business. Even more interesting is the amount of
resources expended to support such travel. It requires transportation to/from the airport, airline travel
(along with ticketing, baggage handling, and numerous other jobs required to run airports) then there are
rental cars and hotel rooms. The cost and amount of resources expended are simply astounding. And, this
doesn't count all the time virtually lost in traveling. For me that was close to eight hours today ... though
the first two hours were "personal travel"; that is, if travel to get from home to work is "personal".

So, what is my point? Is all this travel truly necessary? And, are the services provided, and resources
expended for these services truly worth it? My sense is NO! Clearly something is missing. It seems there
has to be a better way ... a way that is easier on the people who are traveling. No, I don't have any
solutions. But, when I notice things that seem wrong and wasteful of resources, I feel a need to speak out.
It is as if consciousness herself speaks and voices her objection. One of the key principles of
consciousness seems to be to express with elegance wherever she can. This involves doing things in a
manner that requires the least resources and least difficulty while doing the job well.

Why is it that we allow wasteful practices to seemingly go on forever? Why do we permit and accept
services that are inferior in quality? Why do we not continuously improve things and make them better?
The only reason that I can think of is that we have set up a system where virtually no one is responsible
for anything ... and clearly not for the BIG things. So, we just accept what we do not feel empowered to

OK ... What have you noticed lately that is wasteful or could stand some improvement? And, what factors
are allowing it to continue to operate in the manner that it does? What obstacles are there that prevent
improvement from taking place? What actions can members of our community take to start making a



BOOK REVIEW by Mary Ellen

The Messengers

One of the most amazing Angel books I have ever seen...O:)

There is a new book out on the market. It has sold 15,000 copies since its release in November 1996!
There is a reason for this. It is a book of a man's story of his past life as the Apostle Paul and the Love and
the wisdom he has to share about his time spent with Jesus.

It is a refreshing and loving view of spirituality and what it really is about. For those of you who enjoy my
writings and the messages of them, please know that this book, THE MESSENGERS speaks to my heart
and soul and I believe it will yours also...I truly believe that this book will out sell the Celestine Prophecy
and will be talked about in every metaphysical group and church within a year ....... if you want to have an
incredible and uplifting read order it from 1-800-skywin or check out their home page.

I was up until 4 am reading the book last night, and so enthused about it that this morning I called Gary
Hardin, one of the co-authors to thank him for such an amazing book to uplift millions world wide. He
gave me some dates that the book will be talked about by Julie the other co-author who will be speaking
in the Portland area Jan 25 at Jantzen Barnes and Nobel, Feb2 at Tiger Borders and Books, Feb 15 at
Tanisborne Barnes and Nobel. Just wish I lived in that area to hear her.

If you are interested in having these authors speak for any groups I can pass the information onto them for

Sorry if this seems like a commercial, but I believe in uplifting and sharing love, and this book has done
this for me. This book blew my socks off when I saw over and over again exact words from writings of
mine. I think the Angels are pulling my leg to get my attention.....and yours ....... much LOVE and

Mary Ellen



27 January 97

SWC Ganges @ 7:00 PM PST


lion: How do we know when SPIRIT is working through us? What techniques do we use to facilitate the
process? How do we differentiate between what WE do and what SPIRIT does through us? What do we
believe about how spirit works? Here, we are looking for practical advice and techniques that really work.
No, we don't expect these to be the same for each of us. However, the sharing of our experiences and
perspectives may allow us to assist one another in doing whatever we do better thus facilitating the overall
expression of SPIRIT in our lives, in our communities, and in our world.

lion: Namaste All! I'll be back at 7:00PM PST to discuss this with any who are interested.

lion: In the meantime, clicking on my name will bring you to the latest issue of The Search for Center
newsletter. It came out on Friday.

lion: We'll, as promised, I returned. I see that no one has added anything, however. Hmm...

lion: Hmm... I guess spirit is attempting to tell me something. This is the either #11 or #12, and the
weekly forums still aren't attracting many, if any, participants.

lion: Spirit primarily expresses via intuition to me. However, this does not occur in any set way. In fact,
the variety of means that spirit employs to get her messages across is quite fascinating. She is very
resourceful ... further, the language of symbols that she uses is quite dense and compact. Meaning can
unveil for days ... sometimes weeks, from a single symbolic event or a specific symbol as simple as a 7
character alphanumeric string in a license plate.

lion: I have always favored inner knowing to reasoned knowing. It was as if rational conclusions were
somehow suspect ... hanging out there on thin air without a sound basis regardless of how elaborate the

lion: I've always had a sense that if it took a labored argument to show something or "prove" it, somehow
one was missing the key point. Truth should be simple and obvious ... such labored reason somehow
seemed the "dirty" way to arrive at what should be simple.

lion: Yes, I'm raving on to myself again. Don't worry, I'm quite accustomed to it by now. :)

lion: I'm aware that I have not yet encountered any others who do this. But, such has not stopped me from
doing things before. Most of my life has been lived doing things and thinking about things in ways that
others in my world have not done. I do it because I am moved to do it. I express in the ways that I do

because I must. There really is no alternative as far as I can see. Hmm... Perhaps I'm not looking in the
right direction.

lion: Then again, why should it matter. I trust that there is something that must be said through me. NO, I
do not sense or experience that it is me that is saying it. Nor do I sense that it is another, as in a separate
being. It comes from what I call "source", my connection to spirit through which all such information in
my life has always come. It is connected to me, but it is more than me.

lion: Much of my life has been lived "alone". Though, I would not say that I have been "lonely" ... at
least, not very much. I don't know WHY that is. I only know that such is my experience. I can be in the
middle of a crowd and still feel very "alone", as if there are no real connections between me and most

lion: Interesting, "Lion" with an "e" on the end. Namaste!

lion: In a very real way, spirit has always been beside me ... not as a separate entity, but as an invisible
guide. While, I never observed HER, the gifts that she left always had great impact on my life. They
always entered subtly, usually involving intuition in some way ... but they were always there, whenever I
truly needed anything. Interesting.

lion: How did I know it was not "me" doing the things? Because they always involved things that "me"
could not have known ... things that I had not learned. Yes, they were things that I was ready for ... but
there was no person in the world (not even "me") aware of whom I was and what I might need.

lion: Over the past 3.5 years, the intuition has been active virtually fulltime. Yet, still it encounters no
others ... still there are no beings to whom it is connected or that it recognizes as separate and distinct. I
find this curious. But, I trust my perception of what I experience. Yes, even though there is nothing to
confirm it against. I've been looking for others with similar experience to see how their understanding of
their experience might relate to my own, but none have been forthcoming.

lion: Namaste Alma!

Alma: Hello Lion

lion: My sense is that they may never do so. Perhaps it will always be part of my path to live on the edge
... to have to deal firsthand with uncertainty and experience that is different from others. Right now, there
is a deep sense of acceptance ... a knowingness that whatever will be will be, and that I will be able to deal
with it appropriately. Such is the role of feedback in our lives. We do things, observe the results, then
adjust our actions appropriately to incorporate the feedback in whatever manner is fitting.

lion: As you can see Alma ... I'm in a monologue again. Feel free to join in or ask questions if you'd like.

Alma: I am trying to read what you are saying. What is your interest?

lion: Clicking on my name takes you to The Search for Center Newsletter. BEYOND IMAGINATION
can be reached from there as well. That's where the works that spirit does through me get captured and

lion: Building the infrastructures and foundations necessary for spirit to express more fully in flesh.
Discovering the nature of the spiritual world, of reality, and reality creation ... just to name the BIG ones.

Alma: Don't go away. I am going to click your name now.

lion: OK, but it may take you awhile to get back. :)

Alma: When you speak of the spirit, do you mean God?

lion: Just as my lips have no awareness of the origination of the words that pass through them, so my
mind has no awareness of the words that come from source that pass through it. Yes, it can observe,
interpret, analyze, assign meaning, try to understand, and react to what comes through. But it is NOT the
creator ... in much the same manner it does not create the ideas that it reads in books. The inner feeling is
much the same. It is a knowingness that the words do not originate in the brain ... that the mind is but the
observer, active though it might be.

lion: Hmm... I don't generally speak of "God". That term has a masculine association for me that I do not
personally experience. SPIRIT is THE ONE, consciousness herself to me. I always experience her as
Divine Feminine.

lion: Others seem to experience the "Father" or masculine God as Jesus himself spoke of. Still others
sense the Divine as neutral ... as neither feminine nor masculine or as both in one.

lion: I do not relate to such a "Father". Nor do I relate to SPIRIT as "Mother". She is simply the ONE,
SOURCE, and she has a feminine nature or feeling associated with all the interaction I experience with
her. Interesting. There is no sense that she is my "Mother" or my creator. Rather, the knowingness is that
we are ONE even though I am only presently aware of being a small piece of the ONE. Hmm... There
seems to be nothing blocking my eventual full awareness of being the ONE except the blocks that I have
placed there. Hmm...

lion: For spiritual matters, I have found it is best to speak of the experience itself, and to avoid labeling it
with terms that have common usage though they have no clear definitions.

lion: Well, it has been a long day, and I have other matters to attend to before I conclude for the evening.
This will be the last of the regular Monday evening forums conducted by The Search for Center (or,
perhaps I should say moderated or guided by "lion" for The Search for Center).

lion: NAMASTE ALL! In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne



The following are experiences that various members of the community would like to express and share
with others. Feel free to share anything you feel might be valuable to yourself and/or to others.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

This is an excerpt from some e-mails that were part of my life around 1/17/97. I share it as an example of
how spirit comes forth in my life NOW.

... my birth date is 9/16/61. (from someone else)

Interesting 9:The Hermit and 16:The Tower are the first two squares of sides in the right triangle. Do you
relate to the meaning of these two Tarot cards?

Also interesting that 61 is the mirror image of 16:The Tower.

Further, I am reading this today for a reason. This happens to be the day that a GPS = 771 satellite was
lost because a launch vehicle blew up. It was very unexpected so my sense is that it carries deep spiritual
meaning. Today is 1/17. When we add 771 + 117, we get 888. This is my MISSION! 888(16) = 2184 =
The last four digits of my SSN. 21 84 = The World:The Lovers Exalted.

Also, 771 is six years from 777 = JACKPOT. 1997 + 6 = 2003 = 22:67 = 2 to 67 = 65:The King of

Sorry to digress. But this is a realtime example of how I use numbers to reveal hidden meaning to me. I
let my intuition make connections freely and try to understand what it is revealing to me from spirit.
Numerology and the Divine Triangle got me started but I've spent over three years developing my own
way of using numerology.

Now that is out of the way, let's focus back on what the numbers tell me about YOU!

9+16 = 25 = The First Knight (Kn of Wands)

1+9+6+1 = 17:The Star

19 61 = 61-91 CCW, span of 30:Camelot (4 of Wands), center at 76: 4x19 = The SUN grounded (square
w/ sides of 19)

The SUN squared = 19 x 19 = 400 - 39 = 361. This is 61-63 CCW centered at 62.

If I'm confusing you, see the Spiritual Interpretation of Numbers work in progress at my site. It explains
several of the techniques that I use.

This puts you in your 35 year. VERY INTERESTING!!!! You might say that was a MAGICAL year of
MAJOR TRANSFORMATION for me. I died and was reborn several times. Since you are moved to
communicate with me (very few are by the way) ... my sense is that you are on a similar path to my own
... especially with 9/16 prominent. It sticks out like a sore thumb. That is the basis for the first right
triangle. It's sides are 3-4-5. The next one is 5-12-13 with squares of 25-144-169.

Hmm... 9-16-25-144-169. THANK YOU!!! You've revealed another piece to the puzzle. This one
regarding the path to awakening.

The Hermit = Grounding of The Empress. THAT is WHY spirit is always SHE to me.

The Tower = Grounding of The Emperor. THAT is WHY a double V reading with the apex of 3 in the
large V and 4 in the small V appeared 3 years ago.

The First Knight = 25 is my ray makeup, it is the grounding of The Hierophant. THAT is why spirit is and
has always been so important in my life. Not religion, but spirit directly.

However, this is NOT enough. That is simply the right triangle manifest on EARTH.

To go further, the link to the Heavens must be established from the base (5) that has been created.

This is where the second right triangle comes into play. The next step is to add the 12:The Hanged Man.
This is what I became in Oct 1993. See the Tarot definition for 12 in the book or at the work at my site. I
am the Hanged Man now. I see the world different than anyone I have encountered or any book that I have
ever read. And I know what I see is REAL ... whether anyone else sees it or not is irrelevant.

The final step is 13:Death ... but this is NOT a physical death, rather a metaphysical one that involves the
ego and the personal will ... essentially giving up everything to SERVE spirit in whatever manner she
moves me. My sense is that this is not complete yet but will happen soon.

I'm moved to reveal and unveil this HERE and NOW, because spirit so wills it. Information comes
through me only when there is a need to know. I came as a wayshower. Choosing 9/16 as your birthday
reveals to me that you are on the same path ... though your reasons, purpose, and specific mission may be
quite different.

(end of e-mail excerpt)

(then, from the very next day)

[On January 23, 1997, there will be a major astrological event when all the planets, moon & sun line up in
the heavens to form a 6 pointed star. I have been asked to share that this will be a day of world service
meditation. The actual time that millions around the world will be hooking up in meditation is 12:35 PM
EST. For more information, check out 222.gaiamind.com on the net.]

[Wayne: Do the numbers 1-23-97 and see what that says and let me know.]

ONE - King of Wands (= "wayne") - The SUN exalted. Interesting that you are asking me to do this
NOW, just after I did the above.

LOL!!!! Spirit is really clicking and coming forth in a way that is unreal (or maybe the ONLY REAL,
hmm ...) It is like everywhere I turn, the world is mirroring back whom that I AM. And, the I AM is the

The six pointed star is the Star of DAVID. 41 4 94 = Wayne | The Emperor | The Tower Exalted. That this
occurs on 1/23 = 123 is interesting as well.

41 4 94 is 4:14 to 94, span of 80, centered at 4:54 = The Emperor | LOVE. 54 = 6 x 9 = The Hermit

123 is also 21 - 23, centered at 22! 21 = ellis, 23 = wayne.

This ties in with something else that I discovered this morning.

My birth time is 13:20 HST on my birth certificate. Converted to GMT this is 23:20. I would be willing to
BET right now that my actual time of birth was GMT 23:21:30 = wayne:ellis:hartman. Now isn't that an
interesting "coincidence"?

It seems that spirit has somehow encoded in my very existence, the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. And
more and more, there is the compelling sense that a DESTINY is being played out in my life, and in my
world, that SPIRIT herself has planned all along.

Also, 3:21-3:97 = The Empress:The World - The Empress:The SUN exalted. But 3:97 is also 3 to 4.
MAJOR SHIVERS!!!!!! 1/23 is the transition from 3:The Empress to 4:The Emperor. 1,2,3 ... 4. Hmm...
it seems we may be in for quite a week!!!!!!!!

22 - 96. Hmm 2296 is 2261(this year on Babylon-5) + 35. 1997 + 35 = 2032 = Judgement:"I AM race".

Isn't that curious? The span is 74:The Benefactor = 23+21+30 = wayne+ellis+hartman.

The major shivers are still there running throughout my body now.

But there is also a GREAT SENSE OF PEACE. It is as if I have found HOME ... It is not a place outside.
It is a PLACE WITHIN, one that will be with me forever NOW.

WOW... we have WON, we are ONE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ONE=655=55-56 WON=NOW=565=65

Reversed this is 55-56 and 65 requires making the step from 55 to 56 and then seeing the mirror reflection
to get to 65.

Namaste my friend! Thank you for prompting this realization.

LOVE, Wayne

PS: Hmm, there is another meaning as well coming through. It ties back to ENOCH. CH = 38:VISION =
my present age. It is the completion of the pyramid on the Great Seal. HC = 83:The Hierophant(5)
Exalted. ENOCH reversed is HC ONE = HC1 = 831 = 34-35 CCW. 35 is Spiritual Inheritance. The 831
also speaks out as 318, the size of the engine in the Dodge (RAM) vans that have been my primary

vehicles (chariots) for several years at two different time in my life including the past 3-4 years. Isn't that
curious, 3 to 4 again!!!!

Too tired to see any more in this NOW! Later, my friend.

PSS: I truly am The Hanged Man!!! This is not the way the world sees things ... but I must live by what I
see, regardless of what others see.





Our new approach for this section is to provide an area for working on various issues/problems related to
creating a better world. Each new area will be introduced on this page. A table of links will be provided at
the beginning that identifies the number of submissions received during the month for each area.

Every area that is created will have a page of it's own. Summary tables at the beginning of each of the
area pages will describe key changes and new information will be identified in bold to facilitate focusing
attention on what has been added in each month. The intent is for these pages to provide running
commentaries that permit adding new inputs at any point in the discussion.

New submissions should include:

• The number of the question, statement, or topic that you are responding to accompanied by your
response or input.
• New questions, issues, or topics that you feel should be addressed here along with whatever
background material you care to submit that provides an introduction or context for discussion of
the topic or issue.



The whole issue of what decisions should be made by whom, and what processes should be used for
making decisions is a major problem area that must be addressed properly if community is ever going to
work effectively. Personally, my sense is that voting is highly overated. In reality voting only appears to
provide individuals a sense of being involved. My experience is that there are very few things that the
government allows us to vote on that I care about at all ... what is on the ballot makes no real difference in
my life. The biggest decisions, those that truly have the most impact seem to be decided by those with the
greatest economic clout. Something is seriously wrong with being enslaved by those who control the
economic system ... especially since those in this group do not get their power from We, The People hence
are not responsible to us.

Question 1-1: What decisions require the involvement of everyone, and why do you feel that way?

Question 1-2: What issues should be voted on? When should a simple majority be sufficient vs when
should a two-thirds or even greater majority be required?

Question 1-3: What decisions should be delegated to groups of people with appropriate skills,
knowledge, and time to analyze and evaluate the relevant details?

For instance, take something like Health Care. Doesn't it make sense to convene an appropriate panel that
included the right mix of people to look at the issue in detail and mutually decide what is in the best
interest of the collective ... given the resources and budget that are allocated? For instance, it seems like
there should be a government decision made by our representatives that says we will spend 12% on
Health Care, period. Then, the Health care panel should identify and prioritize the collective health care
needs and decide how best to allocate that budget to get the best overall quality of health care for the
collective overall. Right now, we spend the most and come out #26 in the world or something like that. To
me, this seems stupid. It says we are paying far too much for what we are getting. By allowing this to be
so, effectively we are voting with our pocketbooks and providing tacit agreement for keeping the status

Question 1-4: Assuming we create such panels to tackle specific problem areas, what should the
representation on such panels be? ... and how do we pay the people on such panels for the work we
are asking them to do for us?

For our Health Care example, it seems that we should include not only the medical care providers ... but
people that have experience USING these services so that we get a complete picture that includes the
quality and the effectiveness of medical services from the view of patients! Further, there should be
people that can serve as mediators that can see the problem as a whole that involves patients being served
by medical service providers and that factors in the fiscal realities of making compromises that allow
"good and acceptable" services to be provided for the greatest number at a reasonable cost that is within
the allocated budget.

Question 1-5: How should the BIG decisions be made on what percent of the budget should go to
what? Who should decide that Health Care gets 12% and Education 8% and Prisons 10% and
Defense 15% and ... (or whatever the numbers are)?

Nobody ever asked me what these things should be. But, the fact that we pay more for Prisons than for
Education tells me that something is terribly WRONG with the current system. This simply should not be

possible. My sense is that if this were brought to a vote, Education would win over Prisons in the budget
priority by a landslide. If not, this country is in far worse condition than I've ever imagined.

Question 1-6: What should the major budget items be that we as a society should be deciding to
allocate our budget and resources toward?

Let's start with education, health, welfare, defense, law-enforcement and prisons, transportation, resolving
disputes and legal, regulation of economy, environment, research and innovative technology.

Answers to this question should identify which of these should come off the list and what new items
should be added. The intent is to use this month to settle on a list and then start trying to determine
appropriate percentages for each item starting next month.

After that, it will be interesting to see how our collective budget allocation compares to the actuals
currently expended. Where there are significant differences ... we have clear evidence that our
representative system is NOT representing us as it should. If this isn't happening at the top level, why
should we be surprised that there are major problems at the detailed level?

Well, that is a good start for one month. We'll target introducing at least one new topic each month,
in addition to incorporating inputs on any on-going topics.



The following is the seed for a new activity that we call Building the Foundations. The intent here is to
get some common understanding of what is needed for the foundations of a new society or community,
then to start making commitments to take action to make it so. Our hope is that by planting the seed
NOW, it will have time to grow into a tree and bear fruit by the time harvest comes in the Fall. Yes, our
time horizon is that close. We choose to make 1997 a Year of Manifestation. Please join with us in this
bold new adventure.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share that is relevant to building the foundations.
• Any resources and/or abilities and talents that you have to offer.
• Any ideas or plans on what specifically can be done.
• Any issues, problems, or questions that you feel need to be addressed.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -



There are always sufficient resources to do what needs to be done.

However, there are generally not excessive resources, so be aware of how you are using, consuming, and
applying them.

Don't apply the wrong resources to the job. The result is waste, inefficiency, and often a poor job. If you
see this happening, say something. If it is within your control to fix, DO SOMETHING about it.


Do what is yours to do. And, do it cheerfully and to the best of your ability.

Accept your tasking from spirit directly. Don't expect it to come from others, however spirit may use
others to convey your tasks to you until such time as your connection to source is firmly established.

Realize that this may require you to take initiative. Be bold and do so. You will be amazed at what gets
accomplished when you do so.

Just because you see a task that needs to be done, that does NOT mean it is yours to do.

Sometimes, your part is simply to make others aware of what needs to be done ... so that they can take on
the tasks that are rightfully theirs.

Work or Dharma is your sacred Duty. You truly have no choice but to do it. Given that, you might as well
do it willingly and joyfully.


There are always many choices for HOW to do things. Doing it yourself is only one option. Finding the
right person to do it is another. Simply identifying that it needs to be done is a third.

The key to getting things done efficiently is to employ the RIGHT resources and make sure they have the
right tools and the right training to use the tools.

Be careful of exerting too much will in deciding what needs to be done. Spirit knows what needs to be
done and will ensure that it is completed. You may or may not know ... so be open to allowing HER WILL
to be imposed and expressed at any time.

Don't get too fixated on outcomes. Rather focus on doing the best that can be done under the
circumstances and within the time and resource constraints that are available.

In any team, make sure that you have at least one person that is good at basic problem solving and
understanding the big picture. This can save great amounts of time and ensure that the product or results
reflect the best application of resources to the tasks at hand.

Work the problem! Don't waste resources on tangents that are not essential. Sometimes this is unavoidable
and you don't know that you are on a tangent until you evaluate what you find. But be aware and keep
resources focused on the problem.

This requires having a good characterization of the problem and any know uncertainties at all times. This
should be a flexible characterization that changes over time to reflect the partial results of work in


In this one respect, we are all equal ... whether you are a King or a Beggar or anything in between, 24
hours per day is what you are allotted. There is nothing you can do to increase this allotment.

Make time management a high priority task in your life. How you use your allotment of time makes all
the difference in the world.

Constantly look for ways to do things faster and more effectively. Then take action to implement them in
your life.

This may require an investment of your time to learn new techniques or tools ... but the investment has
great payback ... so DO IT.

At least 10% of your time should be allocated to finding ways to do whatever you do better and faster.
This will allow you to do far more with the remaining 90%.

Don't waste your time on things that don't require your unique skills unless you have to. Offload such
tasks to others so that you are free to apply your skills to the tasks which others cannot do. This may mean
you have to train someone to do the tasks you want to offload. That's OK. It is more than worth it.

If you are spending more than 40-50 hours on work each week, you are either taking on too much or you
are not effectively managing your time so that you can get the work done with less effort. The solutions
are offload, or work smarter.


People like to do a good job. In general, people will do the best they can given their understanding of the
task, their skills, and the working environment they find themselves in.

If people don't do a good job, it is usually not because the people failed, it is because the processes were
bad, the resources were incomplete or improperly assigned, or the tasking itself was flawed ... it failed to
convey what was needed or didn't allocate the right subtasks to the right resources.

People have very different skills, even people with equivalent degrees and job titles. Tailor the allocation
of work to the individuals that are involved. Empower teams to create the infrastructures needed to
effectively work together and get the job done well.

People need honest constructive feedback if they are to learn and grow. Without this, their awareness of
the quality and usefulness of their work lacks ... and they don't have the information they need to
understand their strengths and weaknesses.

If someone does poor work but believes they do good or even great work, the system failed, NOT the
person. Permitting this to continue is wasteful of resources.

Awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses is extremely important. It is not always necessary to
overcome weaknesses or even improve upon them. Often awareness is sufficient.

One of the greatest benefits of working together in teams is that individual weaknesses can be
compensated for by corresponding strengths in others.

Avoid taking on tasks that require what you are weak at ... unless you are knowingly doing this to improve
your skills in that area. But, even when you do this, make sure there is someone you can call on for
guidance or assistance.

If you enable them by providing the right working environment, you will be constantly amazed by what
people are able to do.

Motivate and reward people appropriately for doing a great job. Be realistic about expectations ... and
make sure that the people involved believe in what they are doing and know they can get the job done


Your "value" as an individual is NOT measured by what your paycheck shows each week. Your value
comes from the skills you possess and your ability to use them in a manner that allows you to get a variety
of tasks done.

As a general rule of thumb, at least 10% of your time every week should go to improving your skills or to
learning new techniques or tools that allow you to more efficiently do whatever you do.

You'll find the payoff in this is far more than 10%, since the things you learn will have a variety of uses
that you won't even know about until later, sometimes much later.

Your awareness of self, your awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses, your awareness of the
things you like to do and the things you don't ... these are crucial to your value. We all have skills that are
useful. However, surprisingly, very few people have a clear picture of what they do well and what they
can't do well.

For the most part, while teams are required to do the whole job ... it is the INDIVIDUAL contributions to
the work that get it done. Know where your unique contribution has the greatest effect and impact. Be
willing to take responsibility for action items that you recognize require your particular skills. You know
YOU. You can't count on others to know you well enough to task you. Be proactive and volunteer.


Be respectful of other people's time. Also be respectful of your own time.

One technique to help you do this is to set values on time. Realize the price that is being paid for time is
generally 2-3 times what the individuals involved actually make. Yes, this amounts to big numbers. Make
sure whatever you are asking of others is worth the cost.

Meet only when necessary. Make sure the agenda is such that it requires the meeting participants to really
be there.

My personal preference would be to eliminate the phone altogether. I prefer that phone calls be treated
like meetings. They should be coordinated and scheduled. They should have an agenda and a specific
period of time allotted. If more time is needed a follow-up meeting or conversation should be explicitly

E-mail reaches me quicker and is more effective. It gives me a record of the information, question, or
issue at hand and provides a means for me to respond quickly and effectively. Also, if the issue is not
within my scope of responsibility or expertise, I can easily forward it to someone else who might be
appropriate along with any additional comments I might have.

Control the dissemination of information to those who need to know. If there are others who may need to
be aware of parts of the information ... set up something that allows them to easily get to what they need
when they need it.

The intent here is not to hide information. Rather, it is to do our part to prevent or at least limit
information overload.

For example: if you send an e-mail out to 20 people when only 5 people on the list really need to see it,
you have wasted up to several minutes of 15 peoples time needlessly. Don't do this if you can avoid it.

Make decisions at the lowest level at which the information is available from which to effectively make
the decision.

Make sure that whatever processes a team uses are serving the team and facilitating getting the job done.
Provide an effective means for continuous process improvement. If the process is getting in the way either
change it or eliminate it.

At the working level, develop flexible working processes that facilitate working together. Use whatever
tools and techniques work. If you find or develop something that works and saves you time, share it with
others ... it just may save them time too.

Maintain an awareness of the big picture, and what role each person plays in that big picture. If the team
is a car and the task is to carry passengers to a specified destination; if the drive train fails, the car goes
nowhere; if the navigator fails, the team gets lost and doesn't reach it's destination.

Treat problems as challenges. Nearly always they will have gifts for you. Typical gifts include teaching
you something about yourself, about what you can (or cannot) do, and how to work effectively with

There are no showstopper problems. There is nothing wrong with having problems. Just be aware of
them, and do what can be done to resolve them, jump over them, tunnel through them, or just work
around them.

We are all HUMAN! We make mistakes ... that is just part of our nature, period. Mistakes are
opportunities to learn. They are a natural part of work and living. Failures are fine as well. Remember
how many times Thomas Edison failed before he finally came up with a light bulb that worked. Had he
stopped even after several hundred failures, we might still be in the dark.

In team environments, trust that mistakes will be found, if not by you, then by others ... in time to correct
them or learn from them. However, you shouldn't be making the SAME mistake more than a few times. If
you are, then either you are not learning from your mistakes or the system is failing to catch this and
provide appropriate feedback.

Make an investment in the team. It is not sufficient to do your job well individually. As a rule of thumb, at
least 10% of your time should be expended on things that facilitate the team working together better and
getting the job done more effectively. This should be much more than 10% if you have specific
management responsibility.

Within any team, there will be leaders and followers/ workers, there will be generalists and specialists. Be
careful that these are not defined by positions or job title ... but rather by the abilities and skills of the

people involved. All of these roles are required to get the job done. No one is more important than any
other. Be content to do whatever you can do ... and do it to the best of your abilities.


Here the challenges are even greater since it involves the voluntary commitment of peoples "free" time.

Be even more respectful of people's free time ... not only that of others, but YOURS as well. One trick to
doing this is to set the value of free time at TWICE what paid time is worth.

For voluntary teams, it becomes even more important to define a purpose, the guidelines for how the team
will interact and function, processes for working together, and specific tasks and responsibilities.

From a personal standpoint, I don't volunteer or have much experience with such teams. My sense is that
this may change in the future but that it is not in my hands.

I have volunteered to do the work of spirit through this endeavor that I call BEYOND IMAGINATION.
However, in this endeavor, it is not for me or any group for that matter to define the purpose or set goals
or define anything. SPIRIT herself reveals what is to be done at what times and by whom.

Spirit, though my intuition, reveals to me what is to be done and moves me to do whatever I am to do. I
trust that any people I am meant to work with will be moved to find me and contact me and that it will be
obvious as to how we are to work together and toward what ends.

OK, I guess that is enough of a start for one month. We'll see how spirit moves me to continue this avenue
of expressing next month.

If you are moved by this and want to participate, please contact Wayne.





This section is meant to provide a space for working real issues needed to start moving this world toward
UTOPIA ... or at least to something that fosters the expression of utopian ideas in a practical way. The
hope is to truly make this a collaborative effort with people working closely together each month to come
up with something special for this section.


Can we create a better world, a utopia on Earth? Do we want to? If we do, what keeps us from doing it?
Why do we resist change? These questions have no certain answer, but everyone has an opinion. Here's
mine. I invite YOU to express your own.


Our days are numbered. With each day gone forever, we are not inclined to believe we can do better. The
fearful, the compulsive, the neurotic cling to disability because they cannot bring themselves to face the
waste of life implicit in changing their patterns. To believe we hold the key to our prison means we have
no one to blame but ourselves for the time we waste. We endorse hierarchy because we want the
irresponsibility of claiming we followed orders at the same time we harbor the hope we or our children
will "make it".

Collectively we face the same choices. We resist utopian solutions because the lives and limbs lost to
atrocity are too horrible to blame on ourselves. A reason for the explosion of child abuse and pornography
may be a perception of the technological future as brighter than anything adults will know. Ours is the
first human era involved in rapid change. Until recently growing old meant knowing the gamut of social
possibility. It brought respect for the wisdom of the aged, not scorn for their being hopelessly out of it.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? How would you change or add to what I've said to
better express your understanding?

Post your responses to utopia.



March 1997

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are ready to get involved and manifest spirit HERE and NOW please join us in our
bold endeavor. :) Both the Newsletter and the Center will grow as the Light within our Beings grows and
is permitted to express.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life and express spirit to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used
for exchanging resources and services and making connections so please participate.


"And so then, keep on growing, My son. Keep on becoming. And keep on deciding what you want to
become in the next highest version of your Self. Keep on working toward that. Keep on ! Keep on! This
is God work we're up to, you and I . SO keep on.!"

This quote from Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch hit me at a good time. I started to get
discouraged and then I read this and realized the truth in it :) I must keep on going without getting pulled
back. How do you let go of the pull? Just let it go ... is that the answer? Just stop thinking about what is
pulling you. Is that all there is to it?





Letters to the Editor Treasures from the

Dragon's Lair
Poetry Opinions

Book Review

Sharing of Experiences Issues/Recommended

Let's Create a Building the Foundations
Better World
Towards Utopia Between Order and Chaos




March 1997


Hmm... Thus far our plea for help has not resulted in any real changes. We still get very little feedback
and we rarely get any inputs to any of our sections.

Perhaps YOU can help and tell us WHY. What changes or additions could we make that would move
YOU to contribute and provide inputs? How can we turn this newsletter into something that truly serves
you and our community?

If you aren't comfortable providing inputs via e-mail, then use the feedback form. It only provides info
about you if you explicitly enter it on the form itself.

We really do want this to be a Community Newsletter ... but we can only make it so if YOU get involved
and assist in creating it each month.





March 1997

The past two days I've watched a special about Thomas Jefferson on PBS. I found it absolutely
fascinating. I don't know how many times my body was overcome with shivers by the work that spirit did
through this very special man. There are but few instances in all of history where spirit has been able to
express and shine so brightly in a manner that truly changed the world for ALL TIME.

One particular fact that struck me as miraculous was that BOTH Thomas Jefferson and John Adams,
arguably the two key founding fathers of this country ... died within a few hours of one another exactly on
the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Further, John Adams last words
were "Thomas Jefferson still lives", even though, in fact, Thomas Jefferson had died a few short hours

Even as I write this, the strong shivers return. This is NO COINCIDENCE. There is a specific spiritual
statement being made. IT IS FINISHED is the statement that comes to mind ... and it took BOTH of these
men to allow spirit to express in this manner at that time.

I discovered a few years ago that 1776 is 16:000(111), that is 16 complete cycles of 111 = 48:00(37) =
24:00(74). 16 is The Tower card in the Tarot. It is the lighting struck tower, symbolism a new spiritual
awakening being expressed.

Jefferson and Adams thus died on 7/04/1826 at 16:050(111). It is curious that replacing 7 and 4 with their
corresponding letters turns 704 into G0D. What an interesting observation. 50 is the 10 of cups,
representing Utopia on Earth to me. NO, the world that was manifest from the seeds planted in 1776 was
not a utopia ... but it was as close as spirit could produce at that time.

7/04/1826 is interesting from another standpoint as well. 1826 is a 1+8+2+6 = 17 year. 7+04+17 = 28:The
Man with the World in His Hand.

It is curious that next year, 1998, is another multiple of 111. This time it is 18:000(111) = 54:00(37) =
27:00(74). My sense is that we are at a transition point in history that is as important, as significant, and as
far-reaching as what occurred in 1776. Spirit is ready to EXPRESS in such a bold, new way once again.
WE are the vessels through which SHE will express what must be and manifest what must be created at
this time, at this point in the PLAY of consciousness.

So what role do I have to play in all this. Am I the equivalent of a Thomas Jefferson for this era?
Interesting, he too found his greatest mode of expression in writing. However, his role placed him in
circumstances that were far different than my own. While his pen was able to express the greatest of
truths, his life was not lived in accord with his words. Oh, he made valiant efforts ... but his life is full of
deeds which did not live up to his words, and which did not even live up to the specific actions chosen by
some of his less enlightened neighbors.

So, WHOM and WHAT am I? Great question. I asked it of my friend Dawn earlier today. Let's see what
answers flow forth right now for me.


This statement always comes up first. Whenever I think of what I AM, this is the term that feels most
fitting for describing ME. Why that should be so, I simply do not know. That it is so is obvious to me.
There is no question about it. Interesting. Last month, I realized that HERMIT = HER MIT = the MIT of
HER = the glove that SHE(spirit) wears. Quite appropriate.


I've known this for many years. I realized that this purpose was embedded in my very name. wayne
wayne wayne wayne wayne ... sounds like way new way new way new way new ... perfect for one who
chose to embody and demonstrate a NEW WAY of being. This is what being a wayshower is all about.
Here, the "new way" is a new means for expressing spirit in flesh.


Since reading Plato's Republic in high school, the idea of philosopher kings has excited me. Allowing
Lovers of Wisdom to rule as Kings seemed to be the perfect way to govern. The movie The Lion King
illustrated this well, especially when the king is moved by SPIRIT. Five years ago at a Tony Robbins
seminar, I wrote "Philosopher King in Training" in big letters on my canvas book bag. I knew then that
such was indeed the job I was in training for ... even if such a job did not presently exist. The position will
be there when the time is right. My sense is that I have the appropriate training. But then, as you can tell
by now ... while I am a OBSERVER of my SELF, I am not an impartial one.


The 22 Card in the Tarot. When I first understood the symbolism of this card it was obvious that this is
ME. I am superconsciousness, at the point of completing the cycle of realization that is symbolized so
well in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The Tarot captures the symbolism of LIFE, and I as SPIRIT am
LIFE itself.


I've known for many years that my task is to assist in the birth of the Aquarian Age. Assisting with birth is
the job of the midwife ... so, I am indeed a midwife in this process.


I speak in terms of Building the Foundations for a New World. Yes, this is a grand task. And YES, I know
it to be MY task. My presumption is that it is a big enough task for many builders to do. Yet, I have not
yet found another who chooses to freely accept and state this task in these terms. Perhaps the grandiosity
is due to ego, or to madness, or to who knows what. However, I sense not. I asked to be judged only by
the works that are done through me. And even then, I am but the vessel, it is SPIRIT herself that does
these things through me.



Teaching has always been a natural talent for me. Though, as a Hermit, it has not had much avenue for
expression to this point in my life. Yet I know this is to take on far greater importance as time moves
forward. It is not enough that I am able to express the I AM. I am moved to go the next step and teach
others to do what I have done and MORE, as all the great teachers of the past have done.


My very name totals 74:The Benefactor. And if we add a dash in the middle, it becomes 7-4 = G-D, a
term some use for GOD. If you've had any exposure to me or to the BEYOND IMAGINATION site, you
realize by now that I am MOVED by spirit to SERVE and to HELP OTHERS, especially in ways that
permit spirit to express more fully through them. Is this not exactly what one would expect a Benefactor
to do. At this point, my material resources are limited ... but my spiritual resources are virtually endless,
and these I pour forth to the greatest degree possible for me at this time.


This has taken longer to realize and to experience. However, it is expressed over and over again
throughout the BEYOND IMAGINATION works, at least to the degree that is possible for me to capture
in words at this time. It seems that each day, more and more of what this statement truly means finds its
way into my awareness in some manner.


Nearly a decade ago, a psychic told came through with a statement in a sacred language that was very
cryptic at the time. I don't remember what the exact statement was, but it involved the VOID and the
expression of the NO THING, and my HOME being in the VOID. Throughout my life, whenever I close
my eyes, I don't see images as many others do, nor do I recall dreams of any type ... except on RARE
occassions, less than a handful of times in my life to date. What I see is BLACKNESS, stillness,
sometimes accompanied by a feeling of cold. It is the VOID, it is NO THING that I AM.

One final point for the month.

On Monday evening I was moved to select an Animal Card and then two runes. The Animal Card was
3:Elk, signifying endurance. I had never picked this card before. However, 3 is The Empress in the Tarot
... she is the aspect of spirit that I serve. Further, endurance was appropriate as well, since that is what
these last 3.5 years have been about. By any measure, I accomplish a lot of work, both in my paid work,
and in my "unpaid" BEYOND IMAGINATION work. Endurance is the key to maintaining the pace and
preventing burnout. The two runes were even more interesting. Nearly three years ago I realized that
Spirit often expresses itself backwards or in reverse, so most people simply do not notice what is being
expressed. Anyway, the two runes I drew were 25:Blank Rune, then 22:Breakthrough. 25 is my ray
makeup and is the reverse of my personality. It involves placing complete trust in the UNKNOWN ...

something that comes quite easy to me now. 22:The Fool Completed = The Master Builder = my heart's
desire. This rune involves a major breakthrough and transformation. The final part of it's interpretation
says this may be equivalent to bodily death or psyche death if this rune is followed by the Blank Rune.
This occurred sometime in the past year or so. But NOW, it occurred in reverse, hence in manner of deep
spiritual significance. The Blank Rune immediately preceded rather than followed Rune 22. Also, when I
pulled it and read the statement, I KNEW that I was NOT to pick another rune, that the one I had already
picked was the one that followed. There was no second thought involved. I just KNEW. It will be
interesting to see what comes of that.



March 1997

He stood beside the milling throng

And called his wares aloud,
He offered all he had and was
Unto the careless crowd.
Some stopped awhile and listened,
Then they too moved away.
Shadows lengthened. Now it was
The closing of the day

He thought, "My wares are wasted,

The healing in my hands.
None come to me for succour,
For no one understands.
None understands..." he brooded,
"And I the least of all."
He leaned in wary impotence
Against the crannied wall.

And there within a cranny

He spied a single flower.
He thought, "You too are wasted,
You bloom a single hour
And then are gone forever,
a pretty 'also ran',
With nothing gained, with naught achieved,
No good to any man."

"No good to any man," he thought.

The words burned in his brain.
He turned them over on his tongue
Again and yet again.
"No good to any man!" he mused,
With laughter and with tears,
And this a flower must teach me,
And me gone sixty years!"

"As if the will of God is done

By good to human kind,
By that, and by that act alone!
Nay, those who seek will find
In truth there's nothing wasted,
No flower that ever bloomed,
No bud that ere it blossoms
By wanton frost is doomed."

"Henceforth I view the good," he thought,
"As through the eyes of God,
Who sees obscurity and fame
As peas within a pod.
For wisdom lies in knowing,
When all is said and done,
The peddler and his wares, the flower,
And God Himself are one."

Written by W.J.Gabb in "The Mountain Path".


The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)


I'm a bit puzzled by the seeming lack of interest and demonstrated lack of involvement in what we are
creating here each month. Somehow, I expected that it would be easier to make this a community effort ...
that people would welcome the opportunity to be able to express.

Another month, and once again no inputs or involvement from others. What does it take? What more must
we do to turn this into a true COMMUNITY effort/activity?



Here I am on this holiday, once again alone doing what I have been moved to do for over three years now.
I sit here in front of the keyboard and screen allowing consciousness to express as she would through me
once more. I do this willingly ... yet, from another perspective, I have no real choice in the matter.

Expressing in this manner is that important to me. It is WHOM THAT I AM, in the only way that I know
to be. I came to be a WAYSHOWER, and that is indeed what I AM ... and further, there is NO THING
that I would rather be. Every fiber of my being vibrates to this same vibration ... expressing SPIRIT as
fully as possible in flesh NOW and HERE.

There is an energy of excitement that hangs in the air, an anticipation of what lies immediately beyond the
horizon. There is a knowingness that the world of tomorrow will be far grander, far bolder, and far
brighter than we have dreamed to imagine. We do indeed have the power to manifest Heaven on Earth,
and do so as quickly as the turn of the millennium. NO, it will not be easy ... but neither will it be
unbearable or impossible. And, if fact, it can be a joyous adventure, if only we choose to make it so.

It's interesting how often I use the statement "I am a hermit". Especially after reading Conversations with
God and seeing how such "I AM" statements are the most powerful tools we have for creating reality. So,
why would I express this truth so directly for so long? What does it mean to be the "I"= 9: Hermit card of
the Tarot? Hmm ... the image seems appropriate. The one who comes down from the high mountains to
bring the wisdom of spirit down to the world. But, the card is a very solitary one. The Hermit holding the
shining lantern is the only figure on the card.

Here I am in the world experiencing much the same thing ... my reality conforms exactly to the I AM
statements that I am moved to make. So which comes first? Do my "I AM" statements create the reality
that I experience ... OR ... do the "I AM" statements that I am moved to make confirm the reality that is
already so for me? Hmm ... interesting. Is it that "I AM THAT -- I AM" and I am simply discovering this
fact? Or, is there a greater truth pertaining to the process of reality creation "I AM -- THAT I AM".



BOOK REVIEW by Wayne for Nancy Lattimer

Conversations with God

by Neale Donald Walsch

Hardback $19.95 ..... 211 pages ..... G.P.Putnam's Sons

ISBN 0-399-14278-9

"Quite simply, one of the best books I have ever read."

I believe that was what Richard Bach said about one of the Seth books. I've read over a thousand books
related to metaphysics, and this comment DEFINITELY applies to this book.

The Extensive Excerpts from Conversations with God may whet your appetite for awhile ... but don't stop
there, treat yourself to a special experience and read this book.


[Excerpts not included due to copyright considerations.]


The following are experiences that various members of the community would like to express and share
with others. Feel free to share anything you feel might be valuable to yourself and/or to others.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

A Blessing, A Miracle, Amazing . . .

an untold story
By Mary Ellen o:)
Gig Harbor, WA USA

This is a true story of the mysterious connections to miracles that may greet us in our lives.

Twenty years ago I was working in a health food store, in Duncan, British Columbia, Canada, and met
Della Rice, a Cowichan's First Nation young woman. I asked her if she had any stinging nettle, to plant in
my yard for its healing qualities, and she broke out laughing. Della said that stinging nettle is a nasty
weed that grows all over their reservation. She told me people were trying to get rid of it, not plant it in
their yards.

We became friends . . . soul sisters in the love that we both had for herbs and their medicinal qualities and
our desire to help others.

One night I had a dream about Della. I dreamed she phoned me. As Della was very poor, had no phone,
three small children, and no car, I drove over to her home the next morning to see if she needed anything
because of the dream.

Della was upset, as it had been suggested over and over by her tribal members and her friends to go and
see the ill Minister of their First Nation Shaker Church, Gilman Jimmy.

She did not know what she could do to help him. So, when I mysteriously landed on her porch, first thing
in the morning, she knew that she was meant to go and see him. We drove over to Della's friend Doris's
home and picked her up because she always goes with Della as a witness and a helper in accordance with
their beliefs.

Then we drove over to Gilman's home and the neighbor said family had taken him to the hospital

We arrived at the hospital, not knowing what to find, or what we were doing there, or what we were
supposed to do, now that we were there. "What can I do," was all I thought of but Della had such
confidence in me that I went with her, into the hospital . . . not sure of what I would find . . . and definitely
not what I had ever expected to find.

The entire second floor of the hospital corridor, out side of Gilman's room, was full of his family
members. and his friends. There must have been seventy people. They were sitting in chairs, on both sides
of the hall, it was eerie . . . as no one was talking. Just sitting . . . in silence.

We entered the hospital room of the dying man. I was shocked how young and good looking he was. He
looked to be in his late thirties. And the room was like the hallways. There were people of the many
different First Nations in the room, sitting along all the walls, in chairs . . . silently

I thought, gosh, why am I here, the only white person, it was a privilege and it was unsettling. No one
talked to me. They only conversed in their native language. I still did not know why I was honored to be
trusted among them in their time of grief.

I had taken a weekend course in reflexology and Della had felt this could help Gilman. She ran her fingers
over Gilman's head and found a large lump. I showed her how to do a gentle manipulation of his head,
then she showed a respected Native healer how to do it, and he did. Others in the room were sending
Gilman prayers in their many languages.

This is the God's truth We knew the dying man was in a coma, and in reflexology a coma is connected to
brain, to big toe, so I pulled back the sheets at the bottom of the bed and hit the brain point on his big toe
three times.

What happened next caught me totally off guard! The man sprang to life! He sat straight up in bed! It was
such a surprise . . . he was yelling . . . HI HI HI . . . Della said he is saying STOP! STOP! STOP! in his
own language. So I did . . . with big bugged eyes . . . and a rapid beating heart.

The room immediately filled with Gilman's friends who rushed in when they heard his voice. I can't
remember what happened next, but I knew I was not needed and left. I was startled at what had just
happened. Everything seemed so dramatic.

I have not told many of my friends of this incident. It came to mind the other day and I called Della after
these 20 years to get her side of the story. She also had not shared this day of her life with many others,
and she was just as amazed at it as I had been. Della let her side of the story run out of her like a river that
had been dammed up, and burst loose. She talked fast, letting the words, she had held in for so long spill

Della recalled that Gilman remained fully alert after we left. He said something about a stake. So all his
friends, who had been sitting so quietly in the corridor, scurried around the hospital looking for a steak for
him. But it turned out he had fallen on a stake, off his back porch, and hit his head.

This fall had given him epileptic seizures and the Doctors felt there was nothing to do for him, when we
arrived at the hospital, and that is why everyone was so quiet. They were stunned that this handsome
dynamic man, they loved, was dying before them.

After Della and I left the hospital, the man remained fully alert through the day and late into the night.

Gilman talked to his son. He apologized for not being there for his son, and told him he Loved him.
Gilman told his wife he loved her . . . and he died in the morning.

Was it a Blessing? Was that a miracle? What was it all about? Is this how God works through us? It still
remains a mystery to me after all this time.

Mary Ellen o:)


The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

Don't "TRY MCI"

I had an interesting experience this month (actually it is still in progress) with a company that clearly does
not understand what CUSTOMER SERVICE means. In my particular case, the symptoms of the problem
are wasted time getting to customer service, loss of long distance telephone service for over two weeks,
and refusal by customer service of dealing with the matter at all ... much less in any sort of a timely

I find the way MCI has treated me, and is treating others, COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. And, I
believe that by making people aware of the way MCI does business as a volunteer consumer advocate, I
empower myself to act in a manner that forces MCI to deal with the REAL problems in how they are
treating all their customers.

Anyway see Denial of Long Distance Service for details. But beware, seeing how MCI is choosing to
handle this has had me ROFL a few times already. I've known for awhile that many companies simply
don't care. But, this is far worse than I had ever imagined.

As an individual customer or FORMER CUSTOMER (if they ever fix my long distance service anyway),
I've done what I can do. BTW: I do realize that if all I wanted was long distance service again, calling
Sprint, choosing to make them my long distance service provider, and paying the $3.50 or so charge for
changing the connection would have me connected within 24 hours. If this is so EASY for me to do ...
then WHY is it "IMPOSSIBLE" for MCI to restore my service to where it was before MCI screwed it up?

However, this would not hold MCI responsible for what THEY HAVE DONE and this would not cause
MCI to make any changes to assure this does not happen to other, or to make sure they handle such a
problem better in the future. At this point, I choose freely invest my time and energies in a manner that
makes a difference for others. I have already decided personally to NEVER do business with MCI again.

Earlier, I was saying that I have done about as much as I can do. Here is where the strength of working
together comes in. Alone, no matter how many complaints I send in, I am a single individual and my
voice has limited weight. However, if you are moved enough by this to join me and take action and get
involved, then the strength of my complaint goes up exponentially. The bottom line to companies is
profits ... if they see that they will lose business and hence profits unless they act and take care of the
problems, then they will indeed do so.

To make this easy for you, I've composed a basic message below and created a mailto:MCI link following
that. If you select the text below, and do an edit|copy, then click on the maito:MCI and paste the message
into the e-mail, then click send ... you will have added your voice to mine. Feel free to tailor and/or add to
the message in any way you'd like.


I agree with Wayne. MCI's treatment of customers is UNACCEPTABLE. Clearly it is time for you to FIX
your PROBLEMS so that more of your customers are not subjected to such "inconvenience".

Details of this situation can be found at:


Perhaps before anyone agrees to "TRY MCI", they should get MCI to agree to (1) reimburse them 50
cents per hour for any loss of service resulting from actions taken to implement "TRY MCI", and (2)
reimburse them $1 per minute for each minute over two minutes that they spend waiting on hold for
customer service.

If MCI is not willing to back their "SERVICES" in such a manner, perhaps NO ONE should be willing to
"TRY MCI". It is simply NOT WORTH IT.


Note that there was nothing about my approach to this problem that makes it unique to this situation. This
is an example of the type of action you too can take. Use e-mail so that you have a dated record of all
correspondence. Posting the record of the situation on a web page is easy and cheap. Once there, the focus
can be changed to making people aware. All it takes is an e-mail in many cases with the URL so that the
person or organization can go to the specific page for the details. Also, as I've done above, you can make
it easy for people to get involved and take action. As consumers, our power comes from our numbers.
Companies will be forced to take notice when WE choose to band together and speak with a common

That is exactly what this section is here to assist with. If you are aware of situation/problems that can
benefit from community awareness and involvement, please submit them.




Our new approach for this section is to provide an area for working on various issues/problems related to
creating a better world. Each new area will be introduced on this page. A table of links will be provided at
the beginning that identifies the number of submissions received during the month for each area.

Every area that is created will have a page of it's own. Summary tables at the beginning of each of the
area pages will describe key changes and new information will be identified in bold to facilitate focusing
attention on what has been added in each month. The intent is for these pages to provide running
commentaries that permit adding new inputs at any point in the discussion.

New submissions should include:

• The number of the question, statement, or topic that you are responding to accompanied by your
response or input.
• New questions, issues, or topics that you feel should be addressed here along with whatever
background material you care to submit that provides an introduction or context for discussion of
the topic or issue.

No responses or comments were received on this issue and these particular questions last month, so
we'll keep them here another month. The additional explanatory text was removed. A link to last
months page is provided after the questions below.


Question 1-1: What decisions require the involvement of everyone, and why do you feel that way?

Question 1-2: What issues should be voted on? When should a simple majority be sufficient vs when
should a two-thirds or even greater majority be required?

Question 1-3: What decisions should be delegated to groups of people with appropriate skills, knowledge,
and time to analyze and evaluate the relevant details?

Question 1-4: Assuming we create such panels to tackle specific problem areas, what should the
representation on such panels be? ... and how do we pay the people on such panels for the work we are
asking them to do for us?

Question 1-5: How should the BIG decisions be made on what percent of the budget should go to what?
Who should decide that Health Care gets 12% and Education 8% and Prisons 10% and Defense 15% and
... (or whatever the numbers are)?

Question 1-6: What should the major budget items be that we as a society should be deciding to allocate
our budget and resources toward?



The following is the seed for a new activity that we call Building the Foundations. The intent here is to
get some common understanding of what is needed for the foundations of a new society or community,
then to start making commitments to take action to make it so. Our hope is that by planting the seed
NOW, it will have time to grow into a tree and bear fruit by the time harvest comes in the Fall. Yes, our
time horizon is that close. We choose to make 1997 a Year of Manifestation. Please join with us in this
bold new adventure.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share that is relevant to building the foundations.
• Any resources and/or abilities and talents that you have to offer.
• Any ideas or plans on what specifically can be done.
• Any issues, problems, or questions that you feel need to be addressed.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -


Another month without any feedback. So, all that I can do is continue following Bucky's advice and DO
the things that I SEE need to be done, especially since they are things "no one else seems to see need to be
done." Interesting.

Anyway, this month I was moved to be a miner and dig out some of the "gold" that was hidden in the


Best Quotes from the Notes

Best VISION Statements from the Notes

Best WHY Statements from the Notes

Best Guidance Statements from the Notes

Best HOW Statements from the Notes

Best Wayne Statements from the Notes

If you are moved by this and want to participate, please contact Wayne.


Due to space considerations, I can’t include all of these quotes here. They are captured in a separate
Beyond Imagination Quotes work.

However, I think the Best VISION statements below are an interesting subset to include here to provide
an example of the kinds of things that are expressed in the Beyond Imagination Notes. If you like what
you see, you might also find the two Best of Notes books of interest. ENJOY!


Here is a selection of what I consider to be some of the best VISION statements from the Beyond
Imagination Notes. The following came from the Notes from Nov 93 through Aug 94. ENJOY. Perhaps
this brief taste will move you to explore more ... either in the Best of Notes pages, or in the full versions
of the Notes from each month. Regardless, my motivation is simply to make the material more accessible
and in doing so, perhaps enable you to discover and more fully express whom that you are.

We never build the whole, until there is one with the proper VISION of what that whole is to be. Once the
Vision is there, the framework is established for relating the parts.

The world is in need of the services that you have come into this incarnation to provide. You already
know that your purpose is to bring forth the VISION that will allow the Aquarian Age to be manifested in

Remember, Vision comes from spirit. It is Vision that allows reality to be created in the physical world.

The Plan will be realized on Earth, but only through the collective Visions of individuals attuned to

Let Love and Light transform the peoples of the Earth and allow a new day of conscious expression of
spirit to arise.

I have chosen a Life of Spirit, that I may achieve my destiny in accord with the Plan, that the Ray of
Love/Wisdom might shine brightly throughout the world once again.

My sense is that there is a wave of beings that are about to become fully aware and then be unleashed to
do their works among the world.

They will cooperate and work in parallel to completely reorganize the US infrastructure then the world
infrastructure. We're talking within a few years, not decades.

This will free people to live peacefully, creatively, and abundantly while they continue to learn their
lessons. Physical reality will be the true wonder it was meant to be on this jewel of a planet called Earth.

There can be no doubt, if the Vision is to be made manifest then Spirit must be trusted completely.

There is so much to do in the next five years, but, there are many hands to do the work.

The army for change grows rapidly, and will soon have sufficient numbers in its ranks to require
organization into effective units of change.

These units of change will have specific tasks and assignments that benefit the greater whole.
Consciousness itself guides this entire endeavor -- and because of this no detail goes unnoticed.

The is a place in which all of these visions are being realized. At some point this place will become HERE
and NOW.

In an instant, the world can be transformed, such is the power of consciousness over creation.

However, the world will only be transformed in the right moment, when the lessons to be learned from the
current here and now are completed.

The world is about to go through revolutionary change. Evolution simply doesn't move fast enough.

Change will be experienced dramatically, and traumatically -- but, it must be experienced for the shift of
consciousness to occur that allows the Aquarian Age to manifest.

In this new age, the key difference will be that spirit is more fully expressed in flesh.

Is there possibility of such places and Shangri-la? My soul answers yes. It is in the Heart and Soul of all
those who dream of such utopias.

Frank Capra's vision in the movie came from consciousness, and it came for a reason. I believe the reason
was to counteract a madness that was raging at the time and turning the country toward war.

The next five years call for a show unlike any seen before in this part of the Galaxy. Spirit, indeed, does
have a grand extravaganza planned -- definitely one not to be missed.

The time has arrived to establish a new order, one unlike any known before.

It's time that we truly establish a Heaven on Earth. It is well within our abilities. All that it demands is a
resolve and willingness to cooperate and make it so.

Of course, we also need to define what "Heaven" is to us.

Overall, it is not yet clear how we create an infrastructure that frees people from lack on any level,
physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

But such is what we must create as a society if we are to keep that society from crumbling at its very core.

It is time for us to decide that we will build such a self-responsible community where all members are
fairly and equitably treated.

We need to be a society of people helping people, not one of people hurting people or people in fear of

Society is a web in which every individual has their place, their roles, and their responsibilities -- but also,
the means for meeting their needs effectively and efficiently.

Looking back, the millennium had to go as it did for us to learn the lessons that were required on a scale
necessary to place them in the mass consciousness.

Each step along the way was absolutely necessary. Inventions were not chance occurrences, they were
gifts of consciousness. In many cases, these gifts literally changed the world in very important ways.

I won't enumerate these changes and the connections between them. Others have already done this,
although they might not agree with my "divine gift" interpretation.

My VISION of the country and the world says there is a better way, and it starts via the formation of a

A society is greater than a collection of states or a government. A society is a collection of people that
bond together for the greater good of all.

In a society, each member is taken care of in exchange for providing their services in some manner that
benefits the society.

We're in the process of building a body for the greater expression of the US as a true spiritually based

The directions for what is required for this organization will come directly from spirit to the specific
individuals involved.

Some will be asked to lead. Others will see that they have no choice but to follow. It does not matter.

What must be, will be. Consciousness will do what it takes to ensure that the Plan is executed on earth.

We are very close to a very special event for Consciousness on this planet -- an event so important that
visitors from other Galaxies and Universes have come to observe what we are to experience.

Such is the Importance of the changing of this particular age. Why? Because there is an accompanying
Self-Realization of Consciousness that happens on a grand scale.

The Earth is ready to burst and become a Sun, such will be it's level of spiritual brilliance.

As a planet with its blue-green and white colors, it was a rare jewel, appropriate for the grand experiment
that was being played out.

The experiment rapidly draws to a close, and it is time for a bold new adventure of consciousness to
begin. Are we as a species ready for it? Maybe. Maybe not. But, we will be when the time comes.

Just like in the movie, "If you build it, they will come." Deep within me, I have that same voice.

They will come because it pulls their hearts and calls to their souls. They will come because there is no
other place on the planet that they would rather be.

And they will stay because they will have found home in a way that they have never known before.

And, before long the City of Light will be born. Airplanes will see strange lights as they pass by. Visitors
will come and will be transformed, renewed in spirit.

Yeah, verily, these things I see and more.

This is the dream of Beyond Imagination. This is what makes my heart sing out and my brain tingle from
ear to ear.

To create a true society, united in light, peace, and brotherhood, as has never been seen on this planet
before -- at least not in any history that we are aware of.

What I do have is a desire to change things here. In particular, to complete the pyramid that our founding
fathers began nearly 220 years ago.

Is it really that important? Yes! One might say it is the most important thing in the world at this time.

I come to create community -- common unity, that all within the kingdoms may receive what they need in
exchange for the services which they have been blessed with the abilities to provide.

On with the dance of life. On with what destiny would unfold before us. And make haste, for the times of
change are coming soon, yes, they are nigh upon us.

The transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age is a momentous occasion, far beyond what any
of us have yet dreamed.



This section is meant to provide a space for working real issues needed to start moving this world toward
UTOPIA ... or at least to something that fosters the expression of utopian ideas in a practical way. The
hope is to truly make this a collaborative effort with people working closely together each month to come
up with something special for this section.

First visit? How did you find us? Ready to create a better world? No? Why not? Are you so paranoid you
think we may be the F.B.I. looking for dissidents? Do you lurk? Read without responding? Why? Think
your point of view is worthless? It isn't and I don't know what it is.

The Internet lets us cast our message into the void, but we do not know if anyone hears. People silently
come and go. Some say that's the way it should be, a one way connection like one hand clapping. It's no
good if you want to change relationships and possibilities. For that we must connect. We must

What is the key to your heart? Too personal a question? How can we inspire you to respond? Do not be
afraid. Join us. Join us. Join us. You have nothing to lose but your loneliness.

Post your responses to utopia.




This new section "Between Order and Chaos: mechanisms for manifesting spirit in flesh." is meant
to provide a forum for dealing with the mechanics of how spirit expresses in flesh and in this world. The
section title comes from the idea that all of CREATION occurs between order and chaos. Too much order,
and the system is too frozen to change ... it cannot adapt, so it dies. Too much chaos and there is not
enough of a fixed basis for anything to retain a form and hence exist. Somewhere between lies the balance
point that permits all life to exist and spirit to express within form.

Let's start the section with a reference to an essay by Ratco Tomic:



Thank you Ratko for sharing it with me, and for allowing me to share it with others here.


WOW! I loved your essay. It tied together many things in a way that I had not seen expressed before ...
not even close. Further, it provided a framework to explain the mechanism that has been work all my life
... in particular since April 1993 that has permitted more and more awareness to be realized and expressed
through this vessel that I occupy. The processes you describe are exactly what I've been experiencing first

I found it fascinating that this week’s episode of Babylon-5 has a major war break out between the
Vorlons (representing order) and the Shadows (representing Chaos). The lead characters WIN their
freedom by choosing to NOT choose either one of these. In doing so, the two older races are banished
from the galaxy ... to join the other first ones, that a new age my begin. The children have reached
adulthood and inherited the world as it were.

Your essay confines itself very well to the natural mechanism by which consciousness is expressing in
form. I find myself equally, if not more concerned with the creator of these very processes, with the
essence that is able to make the connections, evaluate the goodness of the result and provide appropriate
feedback. My focus is on what is driving this expression from the top? What is doing the "expressing in
form" and experiencing the results of the expression.

I'd like the new section in the newsletter to serve as a place for interchanging ideas on this matter. In
particular, to start identifying practical ways to apply this knowledge in the various societies of which we
are a part. Your essay is exactly the kind of thing that might start opening the minds of people that are
heavy into the technical/science/logic side and allow them to see that the "touchy-feely" and intelligent
stuff is just a natural extension of how basic complex systems work.

Post your responses to:





April 1997

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are ready to get involved and manifest spirit HERE and NOW please join us in our
bold endeavor. :) Both the Newsletter and the Center will grow as the Light within our Beings grows and
is permitted to express.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life and express spirit to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used
for exchanging resources and services and making connections so please participate.



We are here to remember who we are.

A combined being of body, mind, and spirit, that is connected to the source. We need to
remember we are connected and we have creative energy that manifests reality. Part of
the creative energy is used in making choices. We need to let the energy flow from the
lightest part of our being, from the spirit within , our God force, it will take us where we
need to be. We just need to trust and have faith that we do know the way.





Tasks: What YOU Can Do NEW

Something to Think About
Treasures from the Dragon's Lair


Book Review Sharing of Experiences

Issues/Recommended Action
Building the Foundations
Let's Create a Better World

Towards Utopia? Between Order and Chaos

Making a Difference NEW




Some specific things you can do for The Search for Center are expressed at A PLEA FOR HELP. This
section is meant to identify new tasks that need to be done so that you can become aware of what is
needed and choose to volunteer if you are qualified and interested. The tasks will be numbered in reverse
order for easy reference and the newest tasks will be added at the top of the list. Tasks which are
completed or which do not require further assistance will be removed from the list.

A second purpose of this section is to identify tasks that someone is already doing but would like to
transfer to someone else, either so that they can take on other tasks that they find more interesting or
suitable, because they no longer have time for it, or because they simply don't choose to do it anymore.

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of what can be done ... rather it is a HELP WANTED list to
seek volunteers to do things that we, collectively, feel need to be done.

New submissions should include:

• Description of task that needs to be done.
• Schedule or Deadline for when task needs to be completed.
• Resources/Skills required for task.
• URL for page with more information on task.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


NEW [97-5] TITLE: Search Capabilities for Beyond Imagination Works
Description:The volume of material at the Beyond Imagination site makes it difficult for visitors
to find what they might be looking for. It would be helpful if the works were indexed in some
manner and if search capabilities could be developed and made available that would permit the
visitor to quickly find specific passages that relate to the keywords or search criteria that is of
interest and quickly move from one relevant passage to the next.

Schedule: Whenever it is reasonable to provide this.

Resources/Skills: Familiarity with building search capabilities for web sites that would provide
the services described.

More Information: Submit any questions to the POC below.

To Apply: Send letter of introduction to POC below that includes why you are interested and what
skills and qualifications you have that would make your services useful in supporting The Search
for Center. Identify what is possible in this area ... and specifically what capabilities you think
could be provided in what timeframe and what cost/resources might be involved in doing this.

Point of Contact (POC): Wayne

NEW [97-4] TITLE: New Home for The Search for Center Newsletter

Description: Determine requirements for moving The Search for Center Newsletter to its own
Web Site. Presently everything is located in a subdirectory of my personal Beyond Imagination
site. The desire is to move everything to a location controlled by the Board of Directors that
permits the various newsletter sections to be generated and worked on by a number of people.
"Requirements" should include what files need to be hosted where, how much space is needed,
what kind of web site is appropriate, what specific services should be provided from the web site,
how configuration management will occur, who needs what kind of access to what files, etc ...

Schedule: NLT Aug 97 for creation of new site and relocation of all pages.

Resources/Skills: Web site creation and administration, knowledge of various functions and
services that can be provided from web sites.

More Information: Submit any questions to the POC below.

To Apply: Send letter of introduction to POC below that includes why you are interested and what
skills and qualifications you have that would make your services useful in supporting The Search
for Center. Also include a proposal of what you think you could do by when, identifying specific
subtasks and what help you might need for each.

Point of Contact (POC): Wayne

NEW [97-3] TITLE: Turning Beyond Imagination and The Search for Center into non-profit
spiritual/ educational foundations.

Description: This person or group of people (as required) would take on the task of legally
making Beyond Imagination and The Search for Center non-profit spiritual/educational
foundations or whatever category of organization makes the most sense given our purpose and the
kinds of activities we support and participate in. The first step would be to identify what options
are available and what is involved in achieving them so that the Board of Directors has a basis for
making a decision.

Schedule: ASAP, but whenever it is feasible to do this. We need this in place to manage any
funds/resources associated with our endeavors. Until then, we are essentially limited to providing
volunteer effort to various activities.

Resources/Skills: Legal expertise. Familiarity with forming non-profit organizations.

More Information: Submit any questions to the POC below.

To Apply: Send letter of introduction to POC below that includes why you are interested and what
skills and qualifications you have that would make your services useful in supporting The Search
for Center including what previous experience you have in doing this. It would also help if you
would provide a cost estimate and realistic schedule for doing this.

Point of Contact (POC): Wayne

NEW [97-2] TITLE: Editors/Publishers

Description: Editors/Publishers are needed to transform material given by SPIRIT to the World at
the Beyond Imagination site into hardcopy works (books, pamphlets) that can be sold to the
community to serve as a source of funds for various projects sponsored by The Search for Center.

Schedule: ASAP, but whenever anyone is moved to do it.

Resources/Skills: Editing, publishing, marketing/ sales of metaphysical material, and

warehousing/ distribution.

More Information: See the Editors/Publishers Sought page.

To Apply: Send proposals for what you would like to do to POC below.

Point of Contact (POC): Wayne

NEW [97-1] TITLE: Board of Directors for The Search for Center

Description: This board of directors will be responsible for directing the activities of The Search
for Center, including the publishing of the monthly newsletter. This involves reviewing inputs
from the community each month, deciding what inputs should be included in what sections,
deciding when new sections should be created, deciding when old sections should be deleted, and
editing material (as needed). It is expected that at some point in the future, inputs to the newsletter
each month will exceed what can be included in the newsletter each month. This board will have
the authority to decide what will be included and what cannot be included. Further, this board will
be responsible for the overall direction, goals, and objectives that The Search for Center is moving
toward and for obtaining the resources necessary to pursue these effectively. This includes finding
volunteers for working all the various sections and projects, and resources for hosting the work of
The Search for Center. At some point, this is expected to grow to include not only WWW space,
but one or more physical CENTERS.

Schedule: NLT Aug 97 for board of directors for the Newsletter.

Resources/Skills: Collectively, the board will need people with one of more of the following: web
site management, editing, layout, advertising, leadership, quality assessment, vision, community
involvement, people skills, perseverance, creativity, enthusiasm, commitment to make a
difference, and willingness to provide feedback. The number of directors is TBD. There should
probably be at least three but there may be as many as twelve or so depending on the level of
interest and how the workload is to be partitioned.

More Information: Submit any questions to the POC below.

To Apply: Send letter of introduction to POC below that includes why you are interested and what
skills and qualifications you have that would make your services useful in supporting The Search
for Center. Also include how much time you have available to support this activity. At this point,
we are looking for people that can make at least a 1/4 time (average 10 hour per week)
commitment for a year beginning as soon as May 97 but no latter that Aug 97. We don't believe

that people can effectively serve The Search for Center as a member of the Board of Directors
without this level of commitment.

Point of Contact (POC): Wayne



April 1997


A being filled with the most magnificent Love that shines through my being like the sun shines through a
prism, I Am full of color that is ever expanding. I Am like the clouds that float high above. I Am like the
flowers that open to the morning sun. I Am like the trees that sway in the breeze. I Am like the rivers that
flow on by. I Am like the mountains that stand so high and still.

I Am like the wind invisible but strong. I Am like the ocean so abundant and full. I Am like the sky that
never ends. I Am like a snowflake so beautiful and unique. I Am like the rain falling down and then back
up again. I Am like the earth creating anew in every which way. I Am like the stars that sparkle so bright.
I Am like the moon always changing my mood. I Am like the tide coming and going. I Am like space
unknown and mysterious.

* I Am like God in every way. *

Why can't we see just open our eyes and see what we are? We are much more than we think we are. Why
do we have so many blocks stopping us from reaching what we so want and desire? And what we most
desire is Love. We all desire to be Loved so why is it that Love is nowhere to be found? Why is it that
people are still fighting after so many years, millions of years, and still we have not figured it out? We still
can't see the answer to peace!

Well, that is why we are here ... because we think it is time to stop wasting our time with stupid ideas. We
are smart people. We may be blind but we are intelligent beings, so why not use our energy towards
creating a better world? You see we do have the power to do this. We just have to come together and focus
are energy in one direction ... basically just agree on something. So can we all agree that this world needs
improvement (OK)

Can we all agree that we do have the power to do so? We must believe we can, otherwise we will fail. So,
what I propose we do is make a list of what we can agree on and then work to make it so.

Can we agree to stop fighting? Now that is a big one, but hey, if you really want to make a change that is
what it is going to take. Can the Israelis and Arabs and Palestinians really stop fighting. What is it going
to take to get you guys to finally end your hate for each other so we all can move on and evolve to be
better human beings. Lets get on with it, lets not waste any more time on playing the same game over and
over. How much more money is going to be spent on armed forces instead of feeding the starving? Why is
it that we do not value the life of one another? What is it going to take for us to care for the people right
next to us? ... to realize we are all the same and equal; that we all have the same color blood; that we all
look at the same sun and moon.

We all share this most magnificent planet. We should all honor and respect earth for what she is. We must
agree to stop violating her and start treating the earth with gratitude, where else do you see such Beauty?
The earth is rich with Beauty ... why would we even want to harm it? But we do we destroy it with no
thought at all. Can we agree to stop what we are doing to it so that we can save what is left? Can we
change our view of the earth from a place we can do with what we please to a place of honor and respect.
What would it take to do that?

If the world leaders can't get along and agree on something how can we expect our kids to get along? We
have to be the example. Don't you see we have to live our lives the way we want our children to learn to
live. The way kids are today is a reflection of what we believe about our lives. Just go to any city and you
will see evidence of fighting and fate and just think for a moment and ask yourself if this is what the
world looks like? Well, I think the majority does and that is a shame. But I believe if we can come
together and work on changing the world we can create our Dreams ... our Dreams of a World of Peace!





April 1997

It has been a very interesting and BUSY month. I've learned far more about what it takes to really work
with others in less than three months this year than I learned in the nearly 39 years preceeding it. I am
NOT kidding! It is interesting that my paid job as a System Integrator working in support of the Air Force
is providing me with INTENSIVE training in the areas that will be essential for carrying out the work that
SPIRIT moves me to do. Literally I am personally integrating my own abilities in a manner that allows
me to fully live up to the principle of "BE in this world, but NOT of this world". My real HOME is spirit.
This WORLD is simply my playground, and my WORK WORLD is simply the playground in which I do
my paid work. I'm busier than I have ever been in my life, literally by an order of magnitude. Yet, I am
more satisfied, more fulfilled, and literally more involved and in LOVE with LIFE than I have ever
experienced before.

Yesterday at lunch, spirit sent me a present wrapped in a fortune cookie:



By this definition, there is no doubt about it, I AM a GENIUS. That's what BEYOND IMAGINATION is
all about, doing WHAT I MUST to SERVE SPIRIT.

I find it humorous that this is paralleled in the way that I do my paid work as well. I DO WHAT I MUST,
not because I am tasked by anyone to do it, rather because I KNOW that it needs to be done and I am the
right person to do it. It is not simply that I can do it ... it is that I MUST do it. There is all the difference in
the world.

I have said elsewhere that Spirit is a Slavedriver.

However, one of my favorite quotes is:

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor

imagination nor both together go to the making of genius.

Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.



INDEED, it is LOVE that makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Whatever YOU are moved to do, DO



The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)


Growing up I remember being told many times how fortunate we were to live in a democratic society and
how one of our greatest privileges in this country was our right to vote. I was also told that participating in
government by exercising our right to vote was one of the responsibilities of citizenship. I'm not sure
exactly why, but I never bought this. In my heart, it never made sense to me. Voting was not something
that my spirit ever moved me to do, though I've been of "voting age" for over 20 years.

Some might say that like many others, I simply do not care ... that I am apathetic (?) ... but is this really
true? I think NOT! My writings clearly show that I care deeply about society and about building the
foundations for a better world in which SPIRIT can more fully express in flesh. Further, I take action in
accord with what I DREAM and what I believe ... action that is far more important in the long run than
my vote on anything that anyone has asked me to vote for to date.

You might say, I choose to SERVE my fellow beings, my country, and my world in a more direct manner
than my vote could ever do. I choose to do things that no one asks of me except my SELF, and the ONE,
Spirit herself.

I feel no obligation to country, or to the economic system, or to the government for that matter. My
obligation is directly to SPIRIT, though it may manifest in ways that benefit any aspect of the world in
which we live. My "civic duty" is to be a wayshower ... demonstrating first hand what it means to walk
my talk and LIVE as I believe.

This is no easy task. Yet, I truly have no choice in the matter. This is how my soul must express. I can live
no other way. LIFE for me is the expression of SPIRIT, the expression of the I AM that I truly AM. Such
is my choice ... such is my destiny. I would have it no other way.

Sure, there have been several who have tried to convince me that my vote had meaning and would make a
difference. However, thus far I have found that the "choices" we are given on the ballot are not really
choices at all. Being the maverick that I am, I choose NOT TO PLAY the game, I choose NOT TO VOTE,
but rather to expend my energies on what I believe in. Whether this makes a bigger difference in the long
run, only time will tell.

The bottom line is that I believe in a VISION of what the world is to be, and what my role is in making
that VISION a living reality. If I am wrong, so be it ... however, if I am right, the world that we create will



This month has been quite interesting. I've had several instances at work that provided perfect
opportunities to point out where effort was being wasted because the people tasked to do particular job
did not have the access to information, appropriate tools, or abilities and skills needed to do the job

In a few of these cases, I was able to step in and provide guidance and recommendations that improved
things. In other cases, I was able to be somewhat of an impartial observer ... and simply provide feedback
on what I saw happening. In all of these cases, several others were there that could have made the same
observations ... they saw the same things happening that I saw. However, none chose to take action and
provide feedback.

This is a common problem that I see nearly everywhere I look. Current systems and organizations are
NOT set up to empower people to continuously improve the processes that they participate in. Something
is seriously wrong. The overall quality and quantity of work is far less than it could be. The sad part is,
that ALL of us LOSE as a result. We lose the benefits that WE, the collective, would have received had
the work been done more efficiently and effectively. However, the system is not set up to show us what
we have lost. Further, from an individual standpoint, it may even appear that we have won, because our
job is easier, we can get by with doing less.

Here is where integrity comes into play. In particular, personal integrity. So long as we are acting against
an uncaring employer who is out to enslave us or get as much work out of us as he/she can, we are
coming from a LOSE/LOSE or at best a WIN/LOSE perspective. We must find a way to get beyond this
and see our work in a WIN/WIN context, where all parties WIN ... we, the workers; WE, the consumers
and customers being served; as well as the owners and shareholders.

If we want to work to change the economic system so that the fruits of our labors are shared and
distributed more fairly, that is GREAT. However, until such changes occur, we must make the best of
whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.

The bottom line is that continuous process improvement serves everyone. One of the key ways to work
more efficiently and effectively is to ensure that we apply the right resources to the job. This can only
happen if individuals are willing to observe what happens around them, and provide feedback either to the
people involved and/or to management. This requires a more open atmosphere than presently exists in
most work environments. Further, it requires courage to speak out when YOU see that there is a better

way. Mistakes are a natural part of doing things in this world. They are only a problem if they are hidden
or downplayed. When we transform them into lessons learned we can reap the gifts/treasures that they
hold for us. It is all a matter of perspective, and of caring and sharing enough to make a difference. It is
also a big RISK to take, but a risk that is more than worth it.



BOOK PREVIEW by Nancy Lattimer

Last month Wayne reviewed Conversations With God, an uncommon dialogue, Book 1. This month how
about a preview of Neale Donald Walsch's two new books that will be available May 6, 1997. Here is
what the publisher is saying about these books:

Conversations with God, Book 2

by Neale Donald Walsch

Hardback $19.95 ..... 240 pages ..... ISBN 1-57174-056-2

Publication date: May 6, 1997

The dialogue continues in this anxiously-awaited follow-up. Conversations with God, Book 2 resumes the
dialogue where Book 1 left off, moving from personal issues to more global and political concerns.
Included are questions about the nature of time and space and human sexuality, as well as geographical
and geopolitical considerations of worldwide implication. The dialogue in Book 2 is, in Neale Donald's
Walsch's own words, "....captivating, disturbing, and challenging...In this book, God suggests nothing less
than a social, sexual, political, and economic revolution that would help create the paradise on Earth we
all seek." Just as fascinating and compelling as Book 1, Conversations with God, Book 2 will take you to
new and more expansive understandings, to greater and more universal truths--until, of course, The
Dialogue Expands.......

Conversations with God, Book 1 Guidebook

by Neale Donald Walsch

Trade paper $12.95 ..... 128 pages ..... ISBN 1-57174-048-1

Publication date: May 6, 1997

The success of Conversations with God, Book 1 is even greater than we imagined! Church and individual
study groups have formed all over the nation, and many have written to the author, requesting that he
create a workbook to help guide them through the material.

Walsch has responded to the demand and has created the Conversations with God, Book 1 Guidebook--a
step-by-step guide and exercise manual for those seeking to apply the truths in Book 1 to their daily lives.
Whether it be for practical application or just to further one's understanding of the dialogue, the
Conversations with God, Book 1 Guidebook, is an excellent and indispensable aid.



The following are experiences that various members of the community would like to express and share
with others. Feel free to share anything you feel might be valuable to yourself and/or to others.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

An example of thought without thinking?
An e-mail response on 19 Mar composed in under 15 minutes.

Don't you think much of what we are talking about is semantic?

lion: No, I really don't. It is not that we use different words to convey the same meaning. My sense is that
there is GREAT difference in our understandings. This is why this kind of communication is so difficult to
accomplish. We think we are talking about the same things when we are NOT.

I'm the lawyer and if the law as a profession stands for anything it is distinctions without a difference.
There's not much difference between being "inspired" and "choosing".

lion: There is all the difference in the world from my perspective. Being "inspired" comes from
something above and beyond my concept of self, whereas "choosing" is a function that my self does.
These are very different experiences.

I know you believe in a "spirit" that motivates everyone. I don't. Perhaps the spirit inspires and you
choose. Strikes me as a difficult distinction.

lion: Whether we believe it or not has NO bearing on whether it is TRUE or not.

I am not sure what example is provided although I have learned much from your example, from the
design of my web page to talking with my son.

lion: The specific "example" in this case is what any one of us can choose to do to provide feedback to
someone else. The point is that no one is choosing to provide such feedback to me.

You are an interesting guy with a different take on things. We disagree, but you're right, you have things
to teach me. I hope visa versa.

lion: I learn all the time, from every encounter and experience. If our communications ever fail to do this
they will simply die and I'll choose to focus on other things.

I agree it is mind over matter, but the minute an independent, godlike spirit comes in, individual
responsibility is diminished if not eliminated entirely. I think we are all responsible for the things we
choose to do.

lion: OK, then take the next step ... it is SPIRIT over MIND! Spirit is not some godlike separate thing. We
are spirit NOW.

The point of self image psychology is that we literally create ourselves.

lion: Disagree. We don't create ourselves. We simply are, we exist. What we create is our experience,
NOT our beingness.

You say you are extreme and you are because that is how you see yourself and you behave according to
the belief. As long as you think the way you do, you will be the way you are. If you are satisfied, there is
no need to change. If not, you must explore the insecurities that keep you from being the person you want
to be.

lion: You have to go beyond thinking to find awareness. It is not something that one "thinks about". It is
awareness that performs the act of thinking.

lion: I am WHAT I AM. What I believe that I am is just my present picture or understanding of what I am.
It is incomplete, and in many cases downright incorrect ... yet it is ever changing.

Always is a long time. You will until you change your mind, if you do. Perhaps your view of the masses is
so negative, you go quite far to be different. In one sense we are, like snowflakes, all different. We have
different experiences and takes on things. In the big sense we are identical. We live and die.

lion: It has nothing to do with changing my mind. This is my awareness. My view of the masses is not
negative. I simply observe ... it is not for me to pass judgement. I KNOW from firsthand experience that
the factors that move me are not the same as those that move most others. My world, the illusion that I
live within is different from that of others in major ways.

lion: The fact that we live and die, that we have similar bodies, that we breath and eat, that we have brains
and think ... do NOT make us IDENTICAL in any way. To me the definition of identical is "exactly the
same". This is simply not true about us in nearly every respect. In the biggest sense, we are spirit ... we are
parts within THE ONE, and we are eternal beings.

Standards are concepts we create to make ourselves crazy.

lion: That is one experience of them. They can also motivate us to apply ourselves in a manner that is the
best we can be. Making ourselves crazy in using them is ABUSE, not a wise choice of use.

The idea of perfection is a case in point. Perfect to whom? Judging yourself harshly seems like something
that creates negative self imagery.

lion: I did not experience this as negative at all. It forced me to apply myself in ways that resulted in
greater results and achievements than my peers.

I agree these standards came from within you. I only say they are more bother than they are worth.

lion: I do not agree with that conclusion at all. They are useful tools in guiding ones behavior and setting
priorities for one's focus.

The primary purpose of class structure, social hierarchy or whatever you call it is to separate high from
low, the worthy from the less worthy.

lion: This may be one of it's side effects. Surely it is NOT the purpose of hierarchies. If it were the
primary purpose, why would any people that consider themselves to be free accept it and allow it to exist?

Hierarchy means comparison and the standard we use is the collective standard based on the ability to
accumulate money.

lion: We have very different meanings for hierarchy. In general, hierarchy is just a means of arranging and
giving structure to a part of a system or to a system as a whole. Standards for comparison are a completely
separate construct.

lion: Take an ant colony as an example. It is extremely hierarchical. The result is a complex community
of ants that is very effective at performing specific functions. There is nothing inherently wrong with this.

I know there are other standards. The poor artist can consider himself better (more intellectual) than his
rich patron, but the need for the transaction and the comparison stems from negative collective imagery.

lion: Here again, you talk of comparisons. This has nothing to do with hierarchy. Comparison happens
without regard to any structures that the individuals belong to and participate in.

Your position is like Freud's who saw us as driven by innate drives (libido etc) but whose innate drives
can be restrained by creating defenses through psychoanalysis.

lion: I see no need to "restrain" or "create defenses". My focus is on greater expression of the ONE
SPIRIT that we are all individual pieces of. Intuition is an "innate drive" for me. Being moved to express
spirit is another one. It seems that nearly all of Freuds innate drives were things that needed to be
controlled. Mine are positive things that need to be allowed to express. This is a big difference.

If you can control an innate drive, it seems to me it is no longer innate or no longer beyond one's control.
If you can adjust your behavior, you can adjust your behavior.

lion: I cannot "control" intuition. I cannot "control" the expression of spirit through me. I can only
"choose to allow" them to flow forth.

When you say something is a "natural part of behavior" you imply it cannot be changed. Psychological
motivations can be changed.

lion: YES, the motivations can be changed. However, the mechanism that operates is a natural function. It
exists as it is, independent of how it is used. My point was that WE collectively allow advertisers to
ABUSE this mechanism by controlling motivations. This is stupid, and creates many problems in our

We are different and some people can do different things better than others. That does not mean those
whose abilities are more helpful to society should be rewarded with better houses, cars and other indicia
of their ability.

lion: That is a different issue altogether. How we reward people is extremely important if we want to
guide them to make choices that are in the best interest of the collective. The natural tendency seems to be
that self-interest comes first. But, to create a society, self-interest must in some ways be subordinated to
the collective interest.

We can be different and the same at the same time. A society must recognize that.

lion: I still have no idea as to what specific things constitute "being the same" from your perspective.
Please elaborate. What specifically does this mean?

lion: However, we can objectively and subjectively weigh the impact that any individual has on the
collective. Those with greater positive impact, those that do more with their abilities to help others do
SERVE society better. That does not make them "better" in any absolute sense but it does make their
overall VALUE greater.

Why bother?

lion: We bother because that is how complex systems grow in directions of greater collective utility.
Unless feedback mechanisms operate to guide the system to greater and greater collective expression of
spirit ... there is simply no hope that society will ever improve.

I say society is the way it is because people think humanity stinks and they seek to distinguish themselves
from that despised mass.

lion: Hmm... I personally don't think or believe this. Further I do not know a single person who does. So,
who are these people that think in this manner?

There is something inherently wrong with distinction and recognition if it means some people end up
sleeping in streets.

lion: I see NO connection between these two things at all. This first is not the cause that results in people
sleeping in streets, period. It may be a contributing factor that allows it, but there is no causality involved.

It is one thing to say "good job" another to turn that "good job" into a reason for hierarchy.

lion: You have so many negative constructs tied to the word "hierarchy". These are not part of the
definition of the term itself. Hierarchies are a natural way of organizing parts within a complex system.
They are neither good nor bad in themselves. This distinction only comes from HOW they are used, not
from what they are.

Reality is a difficult subject. Perhaps you are the one living under an illusion. That is something that can
be said about any of us.

lion: We are ALL living within our own illusions. But this is the "reality" that we experience daily. The
fact is that this is different for each of us ... sometimes so different that our "individual worlds" have little
to nothing in common.

We are not drops of water unless we see ourselves as such.

lion: Disagree. We are what we are, regardless of what we see ourselves to be. The later only deals with
our awareness of what we are not the reality of what we are.

There are few things in life where an either or position is valid, but we either control our behavior or we

lion: Disagree. Some things we consciously control ... others we do not. Wisdom is knowing the

I am not sure what you mean by distinguishing what we experience from how we experience. I am talking
about behavior.

lion: If our experience is that we are not in control of most of our behavior at a personal level ... I don't
consciously control body functioning, it just happens; I don't control thoughts, they just show up in my
head; I don't control emotions, I just feel them; I don't consciously control decision processes, I observe
decisions that I appear to make; etc ... then, why would I begin to think that I can control higher level
behavior that extends beyond me?

We either control our behavior (i.e. create a better world) or we can't. If we can, let's talk ways and means.
If we can't, it doesn't matter.

lion: A better world will be created when individuals make better choices concerning where they focus
their time and attention and what they actually do. Spirit drives us to such expression via the natural
functioning of universal laws of expression.

More distinctions I do not grasp. We can be aware of a lot of things-take arms against a sea of troubles-or
not. Let's just say you believe we are aware.

lion: That is the biggest problem we face. You have no construct for awareness ... you have no personal
experience of what it is. It is not something that you can think about because it is beyond thinking. It is
not a matter of belief at all. Beliefs are within the realm of thought. Awareness simply IS. Until you
experience that there is no common ground for understanding on this topic.

You seem to want to change collective behavior as do I. Like you I am more or less content with my
individual behavior. If you didn't want to change the world, you would not work as hard as you do on the
search for center.

lion: NO, not at all. I want to show people a better way of expressing spirit on an individual basis by my
personal example. When I find others who choose to do the same, we will collectively start to express in a
new manner that could not be done before. What this will be I do not know. However, I trust that greater
expression of spirit is the natural direction of evolution. That is the whole purpose behind existence.

How do you tell the difference between the spirit and other forces as motivations.

lion: You just KNOW. It is that simple. You know because you have found your personal connection to
the ONE.

These strike me as individual perceptions which may or may not be so. I think a belief that a spirit (God)
protects us quite destructive.

lion: It is not some separate spirit that protects us. We are that spirit. That we see ourselves as many and
not THE ONE, is the illusion realized.

It eliminates responsibility and has us damaging the environment and other species. Many people excuse
our activities as God's will. I see it as insane.

lion: Yes, the concept that you speak of does exactly that. But such is YOUR interpretation (and the mass
interpretation for the most part). It is not my personal interpretation. I take full responsibility not only for
my activities, but for the whole world as well. This responsibility empowers me to act in ways that make a


The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


Please join Jean Hudon in making this Earth Proclamation. It is that important. It is high time that we
choose to speak with a common voice that ALL may hear and act in a manner that is consistent with
creating the World that we collectively CHOOSE to live in.

Don't "TRY MCI"

My interesting experience continues with a company that clearly does not understand what CUSTOMER
SERVICE means. In my particular case, the symptoms of the problem are wasted time getting to customer
service, loss of long distance telephone service for over five weeks, and complete incompetence of
customer service in dealing with the problem MCI caused.

I find the way MCI has treated me, and is treating others, COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. And, I
believe that by making people aware of the way MCI does business as a volunteer consumer advocate, I
empower myself to act in a manner that forces MCI to deal with the REAL problems in how they are
treating all their customers.

Anyway see Denial of Long Distance Service for details. [Scroll quickly to the final third of the page for
newly posted e-mails and letters]. But beware, seeing how MCI is choosing to handle this has had me
ROFL a few times already. I've known for awhile that many companies simply don't care. But, this is far
worse than I had ever imagined. My latest action is a Letter to the President of MCI. You may find it

See last month recommended action if you care enough to join me in this effort. Also, keep in mind that
everything I have done is directly transferable and can be used to support other causes ... hopefully more
effectively than it has worked with MCI thus far. However, time is on my side, or so I choose to believe.

Our new approach for this section is to provide an area for working on various issues/problems related to
creating a better world. Each new area will be introduced on this page. A table of links will be provided at
the beginning that identifies the number of submissions received during the month for each area.

Every area that is created will have a page of it's own. Summary tables at the beginning of each of the
area pages will describe key changes and new information will be identified in bold to facilitate focusing
attention on what has been added in each month. The intent is for these pages to provide running
commentaries that permit adding new inputs at any point in the discussion.

New submissions should include:

• The number of the question, statement, or topic that you are responding to accompanied by your
response or input.
• New questions, issues, or topics that you feel should be addressed here along with whatever
background material you care to submit that provides an introduction or context for discussion of
the topic or issue.

Once again, no responses or comments were received for this section and these particular questions.
That makes two months in a row. Perhaps the questions are too hard, or maybe no one is interested
in answering them. See last month's section if you care to find out what questions I am talking

I'll use the remainder of the section to provide some insights on this topic from a book:

BEYOND IMAGINATION: Foundations for Creating a New World

that I wrote over three years ago and made available on the WWW over 18 months ago. It's only around
100 pages. Hopefully the following will entice you enough to move you to read it. I found myself moved
to do just that again this past weekend. I'm still amazed at what was able to come through me at that time.
Anyway, all that it costs you is your time. Then again, perhaps the ideas presented will cost you your
frame of mind as well. LOL !!!

Actually, rather than excerpts, let's see what additional connections come through based on my present
level of awareness ... starting at the beginning with Chapter 1.


We have chosen to live in some wild and exciting times. The pace of change in all areas of life is very fast
-- quickly moving towards astronomical. The decade of the 90's will bring more change to our world than

has been experienced in many centuries. We are riding on a wave, a wave that has truly reached tidal
proportions -- and it will dramatically impact all areas of our lives, as we know them.

(1) I believe this even more strongly now than when it first came through over three years ago. My own
life is a perfect example of this. My life is changing and unfolding at a pace that I had not ever dreamed
possible. Further, there is every indication that this pace will not only continue, but will accelerate
dramatically in the days to come.

(2) We truly picked some exciting time in which to live. And I for one, am enjoying it immensely ... quite
literally having the time of my life.

In the coming years, it will seem as if the very foundations of our society and our world are crumbling
before our eyes. Trust your inner sensing, for this is indeed exactly what is going on. We are already
seeing this happen, right now -- the weather, the governments, the religious institutions, the education
systems, the health care systems, the family, the economy, the ecology of the planet -- literally all aspects
of our lives are in tremendous turmoil. All of our social systems are facing huge problems, problems for
which they have neither the resources nor ability to address. And, it has only just begun!

(3) Everything I see around me confirms that this is indeed so. There is no sign that any of these systems
are improving yet. At the same time, I see signs in my own world that the power of cooperation holds a
potential for creating great positive change incredibly fast ... you might say, in the blink of an eye.
Interesting, eye = 575, the first three digits of my SSN. Further, this is 23 X 25 = W X Y. Now isn't that
amazing! This is the final sequence out of three ... W A Y, W H Y, and W X Y. The first two are the only
three letter words that begin with W and end with Y. The final is the logical alphabetical sequence. Note
further that eye + 1 = 576 = 24 squared = The Emperor Pyramid = The High Priestess Cube.

(4) While the systems don't have the resources and ability to address the many existing and growing
problems, WE collectively have everything that we need, if only we allow spirit to truly work through us
to the degree that is possible HERE and NOW.

The bottom line is that we have reached a breakpoint where the core beliefs at the foundation of most of
our social systems and organizations no longer work. They no longer serve us! The key factor in this is
that after a long period of growth, we have reached some of the limits of our planet; limits that can not
and will not be ignored. We have neglected the key principle of the Tao, balance and harmony in all
things. We have forgotten that we are fellow travelers, jointly occupying spaceship Earth. And, for that,
we are paying and will continue to pay a heavy toll. Whoever said that ignorance is bliss, was dead wrong
when it comes to issues on a global scale.

(5) I still heartily believe this. We are indeed at a breakpoint. My sense is that it will occur before 1998 is
completed. Many "connections" lead to this conclusion, but there is no proof available. One way or
another, we will see soon enough.

(6) The reasons given are still perfectly valid. Though we are starting to see glimmers of awareness in
many places that give us hope that WE soon will see the errors of our ways and will choose to live in a
manner that is more consistent with our true nature as spirit enfleshed.

(7) Ignorance is not an allowable excuse in an Age of Enlightenment.

The great seers of the past all foresaw this time. They saw it as the destruction of the world, Armageddon.
What they failed to understand, however, was that out of the ashes of the old, a new world would arise --

one that was beyond anything that they could even imagine, for the very foundation was so alien to them
that it could not be expressed in their visions. Our perspective, now, is much wider than theirs, allowing
us to dream of things that were not possible in the past, and from these dreams to manifest a world and
way of being that is truly beyond imagination.

(8) I still believe this with all my HEART and SOUL. We are indeed on the threshold of manifesting a new
world that is "truly BEYOND IMAGINATION". There is a strong sense of certainty as these words flow
forth. It is as if this has already been completed by spirit. We have only to watch the miracle birth unfold.
Actually, it takes more than just watching. Those of us that are NOW HERE chose to DO something to
make it so.

The challenges that lie ahead are monumental. But, collectively, we have everything we need to not only
face, but to overcome these challenges and to create a better world, in the process, for all beings who
choose to remain here. However, cooperation will have to supersede competition as the chief motivating
factor in human endeavors. This will not be an easy transition for the majority of those in power at this
time. We are truly at the crossroads of a new age, and it is our choices in the coming decade that will
determine the character of how that age is expressed.

(9) A strong shiver runs through me as I read these words again. Such is my personal signal that TRUTH
is being expressed. That it could come through so clearly and directly still amazes me.

Yes, the current economic systems will fall sharply, as they increasingly fail to meet the economic needs
of those they are meant to serve. We've already seen the fall of communism as a viable economy, at least
in the form practiced in the former USSR -- capitalism is not far behind, especially as practiced in the
USA. As we'll see later, the principles upon which our current economic systems are founded are deeply
flawed. They do not permit a global economy that is fair to all, and they do not operate from a true sense
of integrity.

(10) My conviction is still rooted in the idea that the principles behind our economic systems are indeed
deeply flawed ... so much so that they literally enslave most of us. WE, the People, cannot allow this to
continue to exist indefinitely. At some point, we must transform the economy so that it truly serves us. My
sense is that we will not have any choice in this matter. It will indeed happen. The only questions are how
soon and how difficult a transition it will be.

(11) I still have no fondness for capitalism. As I see it, the environment that it creates is a breeding ground
for greed and inequalities that society simply cannot tolerate if it is to grow into the vehicle through
which cosmic consciousness is to manifest physically.

The current governments will fall, as well -- for they no longer meet the needs of the governed. Here too,
the cause is that the principles upon which these governments are founded are deeply flawed. But, we'll
get to this later as well. One of the major factors, however, is that we, the people have relinquished our
responsibility to govern ourselves, and to create the appropriate circumstances and environment in which
to learn, grow, and develop to our highest potentials; and live, work, and play in a manner that is aligned
to our spirits and ultimate happiness. We create our own reality! We are responsible for all that we
experience! There is nothing external to blame. We are seeing and experiencing the direct results of our
own choices. Yes, each and every one of us.

(12) This too, hard as it is for many to take, is as true today as it was when it came forth. Nothing about
these foundations of government has yet changed. WE, collectively, have yet to take the necessary
responsibility required to transform our government into an organization that truly serves us. It is still a
dinosaur unable to operate effectively in a world that is dramatically different from the one in which it
was born. The very nature of complex systems is that they must adapt and grow or they will whither and

(13) The key is still for us to realize that we create it all, that WE are RESPONSIBLE for it all. We are
experiencing the results of our choices at this very moment. Such are the rules of the game of life. Further,
it is the only game in town.

There is a bright side to this as well. We have chosen to live at a time in which the possibilities are
unlimited. We can create our world to be whatever we want it to be, collectively -- and we can do so
within as short as a decade. At no other time in history has humanity been in such a position to so
dramatically change its experience of life so quickly. The speed at which new ideas can manifest now is
simple awesome. Just look at the changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union that have
occurred in the past few years alone. These are just a small sample of what lies ahead.

(14) YES, I am still the eternal optimist that I was then. I have great dreams and great hopes for what I
know that WE could become. While the nature of changes that are occurring are quite different than I
remember anticipating at the time ... the scope of the changes is far greater, if that is indeed possible. Of
course it is, for WE are literally MAKING IT SO!

(15) Ideas are indeed that powerful as well. They can transform the world in as short as a single moment.
However, they will only do so in accord with the Plan at the time that is appropriate.

Now, this is unlikely to be an easy transition. But, fortunately, the overall consciousness is ready for
massive change. This readiness, this preparedness, this openness will be instrumental in pulling us
through. However, the way is not yet certain. The innovative ideas, principles, and social constructs
required for a true New World Order have yet to be dreamed, imagined, created, explored, and made

(16) I still have a strong sense that the transition will be a great challenge, yet one that WE are ready for.
Being open is the key, not struggling against the changes, but simply allowing and going with the flow,
even to the extreme of helping to propel it; UNKNOWN though the final destiny may be.

(17) The DREAM is alive. The environment needed to dream, imagine, create, explore, and manifest the
required social constructs is rapidly growing around us. Already, it is enough to permit the expression of
such ideas as you see here. It is only a matter of time before such ideas become the ORDER of the day.

As an individual, flexibility will be extremely important in the days to come, as will intuition and
knowingness. I strongly advise that you take steps now to "know thyself", as intimately and as accurately
as is possible for you. For, knowing your abilities, your talents, your capabilities, your strengths and your
weaknesses -- these will be extremely important to not only your happiness, but to your very survival as
well. Further, it would benefit you to begin to create mutual support groups around you. For, the
interdependence and cooperation among these groups, these chosen "extended families", will also
determine the quality of your life during the coming times, and possibly whether you will survive or not.
Unless your selfhood is expanded to include others, you will not make it through, I can almost guarantee

(18) "Know Thyself" remains the key, thus it has always been and evermore shall be. INTUITION and
KNOWINGNESS too are the tools that awareness brings into one's life. And with these, all manner of
miracles are possible. Manifestation becomes child’s play when we allow spirit to work through us to do
her works.

(19) Choosing to create interdependent, cooperative "extended families" is crucial as well. It will take the
synergy of many cooperating together to even survive in the days ahead; even more to truly LIVE WELL
as spirit would wish all of her children to live. Yet it is our choice. However, unless self grows to directly
include others, much of the magic is lost.

Think of yourself as a traveler, an explorer, about to embark on the most exciting and challenging
adventure that you will ever take. For, in many respects, that is exactly what you are and what you are
about to do. But, make haste, there is very little time in which to prepare, and the only thing that you can
bring is whom that you are. It behooves you to know just what that is. It also behooves you to know
more about the people immediately around you -- for, at some point, you may need to rely on their
abilities, skills, knowingness, and talents as well.

(20) I can truly say that the adventure I've embarked upon and experienced in the past three years has
indeed been more exciting, challenging, and life transforming than I could possibly have imagined.

(21) Focusing on knowing "whom that you are" and whom others around you are is extremely important.
Cooperation is crucial, and this can only occur effectively among people with mutual understandings of
one another.

(22) This too requires extreme trust, not just in self and in others, but also in SPIRIT herself. At times such
trust might even be considered to be "unreasonable", yet it springs from a source far greater than reason.

Now, those of you who need security, you may want to look deep within and find a source of security
inside yourself, for in the journey ahead it may be impossible to find it anywhere outside. Security usually
is accompanied by stability -- you know, like the rock; and, in the midst of all the changes ahead, such
stability will be very rare, that is, if indeed it even exists at all. You may want to experiment with ways of
remaining secure within extreme mobility. For, mobile you will surely be, as the adventure takes you into
new lands and new worlds.

(23) Here too, unless our security comes from within us, unless we feel safe as children under the ever-
loving arms of spirit ... we will never experience security in our world. It is up to us. With a deep and
sincere faith in spirit, we stand ready to face the UNKNOWN with a depth of knowingness that shatters
any possibility of fear.

It is not necessary that you understand, or that you accept or believe, anything that I say. I offer unto you
my vision of what stands before us. It is not my intent to argue with you, or to convince you that I am
right. This is my vision, period. You may also want to see what some others have to say about this. I
recommend that you start with Ramtha, Breakpoint and Beyond, Powershift, or Upcoming Changes: The
Next 20 Years. The bottom line is: accept what you will, what feels right to you. Ultimately, all that really
matters is utility. If the ideas and concepts I present empower you and enable you to act, create, and make
better decisions during these changing times, by all means, use them. If not, throw them away and replace
them with others that work for you.

(24) I preach not, nor do I argue. What is expressed through me is what can be expressed by spirit
through me at this particular time given the state of awareness that I experience and allow to manifest in
my life.

(25) Do with it as you will. There is no hidden agenda. I have no need to hide what I know ... rather I
choose to share it freely as the gift from spirit that I experience it to be. Use those concepts that empower
you to make better decisions in your life. Judge them not by what others might say ... rather trust
firsthand in your own experience. In so doing you enable spirit to more fully express in your own life.
Also, if I step on beliefs that you hold sacred, or go too far into Woo-Woo land for those of you that hold
your left brain abilities in high esteem -- don't take it personally. It might help if you retain an attitude of
curiosity about why I might have such a strange, sacrilegious, or foolish belief at all. You can bet that if I
believe it there is some reason for doing so, and that reason is usually one of usefulness. Remember, in
both science and metaphysics (or religion), truth is generally not the issue, beliefs do not deal with the
realm of fact or truth. What matters is utility. Does the belief serve you, or does it not! Beliefs are tools
through which we create and experience reality, period. They do not require proof. For, if there is already
proof, there is no room for belief. Further, I take my beliefs seriously, as long as I hold them -- but, I also
change them frequently. I'd advise you to do the same. Remember, after all, we are here to play, beliefs
are our playground -- and reality creation is one of the best games around.

(27) Though I may appear to be looney tunes at times, everything that I presently believe that I consider
to be important is indeed validated in my direct experience. Here is where we are most FREE. We can
believe whatsoever we choose. Utility is the key. Do our beliefs result in the ability to create a true
masterpiece of our lives ... something that makes a real difference to others, whether it be one or one
hundred million. In the end, ALL are ONE ... so the results of our endeavors will indeed reach those
whom they are meant to reach, when the time is right.

(28) Beliefs are still the most FUN and FASCINATING playground around. By all means available to you,
give your imagination free reign to take advantage of all that this playground has to offer. Play the game
to its fullest and create the reality of your dreams. Further, do so NOW and HERE. What better time and

I find it curious that exactly 28: The Man with the World in his hands, comments came through on this
chapter. For those of you that have not yet read the book, BEYOND IMAGINATION, please do so. I
hope you'll find it fascinating, and further that you will learn a lot about yourself from it. It's FREE, a gift
from SPIRIT to you ... hence in a very real way, a gift from YOU to you. Think about that for awhile, and
know that you are truly the ONE. It is but a matter of awareness, not only to BE WHAT YOU ARE, but to




The following is the seed for a new activity that we call Building the Foundations. The intent here is to
get some common understanding of what is needed for the foundations of a new society or community,
then to start making commitments to take action to make it so. Our hope is that by planting the seed
NOW, it will have time to grow into a tree and bear fruit by the time harvest comes in the Fall. Yes, our
time horizon is that close. We choose to make 1997 a Year of Manifestation. Please join with us in this
bold new adventure.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share that is relevant to building the foundations.
• Any resources and/or abilities and talents that you have to offer.
• Any ideas or plans on what specifically can be done.
• Any issues, problems, or questions that you feel need to be addressed.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -


Yet another month without any feedback. So, all that I can do is continue following Bucky's advice and
DO the things that I SEE need to be done, especially since they are things "no one else seems to see need
to be done." Interesting.

Anyway, this month I was moved to provide feedback to others and to DO THINGS to help their works to
reach a greater audience. This is what COOPERATION is all about. We can collectively do far more in a
far better way when we JOIN TOGETHER to make things so in this world. Further, in doing this, we
learn lessons that are extremely important in creating solid foundations for the World that we CHOOSE to


First, there is The Earth Proclamation from Jean Hudon that I offer for your consideration. I took the

liberty to change "want" to "choose" though I have not officially received feedback that confirms
agreement on this recommendation.

Second, there are some excerpts I received by Martinus (translated to English) that I received from a
friend with whom I have only conversed with via e-mail. I found them fascinating. They deal with one of
my favorite topics, building a better world.

Third, there is a spiritual center that Sage and Basil are manifesting in New Mexico. Please check out
what they are planning and doing and offer whatever support you can if spirit so moves you.

Fourth, there is extensive detailed feedback I provided to Ed Kunin on a chapter of a book that he had
made available at his Utopia site. I offer it as an example of the kinds of exchange and interaction that I
personally would like to see fostered and encouraged not only within our community but in our
interactions with others as well. You can reach him and his Utopia site from our Towards Utopia? section
that Ed creates each month.

If you are moved by this and want to participate, and/or you are doing something to build foundations that
you feel might be appropriate for me to include in this section, please contact:



Of these, the only work that I can include from copyright considerations is the detailed Utopia feedback.

This is an example of the kind of FEEDBACK that I believe WE collectively have a responsibility to
provide one another. To date, I have not seen such feedback provided to me on anything that I've written.
However, I am a WAYSHOWER. As such, I do things as an example to show others what they too might

In the following, the unnumbered paragraphs came from a page posted at the Utopia site that included a
chapter of a book on that topic. The numbered paragraphs are the feedback that I personally provided,
idea by idea, paragraph by paragraph.

We ask eternal questions. Where did we come from? Where do we go when we die? What is the nature of
our reality? We cling to ancient certainties in the hope that the longer we believe, the more likely it is that
what we believe is true.

Ancient certainties notwithstanding, the enormity of existing problems overwhelms us. Everything about
our collective lifestyle, from traffic jams to non-biodegradable detergents to food additives, contributes to
the way things are, but we see no alternative to an unpleasant reality. Like Dr. Pangloss we think this the
best of all possible worlds.

Psychology offers hope for individual behavioral change, but a collective psychology seems beyond us.
We assume the root of man's inhumanity lies buried in our genes, beyond our power to alter, but when we
equate the individual and collective, psychology explains group actions. In this scheme of things, boom-
bust economic cycles become the equivalent of manic-depression, a mood swing as pathological in
nations as in individuals.

(1) However, psychology offers no explanation for manic-depression. I KNOW, I have been diagnosed
with manic depression. All psychology offers is a drug (in my case Lithium) to curb the extremes of highs
and lows that are experienced. It offers no cause, and no cure. Further, thus far, it has offered me
NOTHING that enables me to understand and deal with my condition effectively. If we can't begin to deal
with the problem effectively on an individual level, where is the hope for solutions on the collective level.
It seems like all that we could expect is some type of regulation that would curb the boom-bust extremes
of the cycles as lithium does with the manic-depressive extremes. This is NOT the answer. Many people
choose not to take the lithium because it sedates them too much. Sure, it reduces the extremes ... but for
many this makes "living" intolerable. Their quality of life is reduced too much to be worth it. The price is
simply too high to pay.

There is a way out if you can bring yourself to challenge your most basic assumptions. It goes against
almost every grain, but we may be wrong about human possibility and we may be wrong about God.
There are no guarantees, but if a new world view may end present difficulties, it is, I hope you agree,
worth a try.

Chapter One
No age murdered more than ours. National antagonisms, exaggerated by technology, generate atrocity on
a scale never before experienced and drive-by homicides turn cities into shooting galleries. With so many

evils loose in our world, it is painful to contemplate what we have become, but perhaps we need not be as
bad as we think.

(2) Interesting ... but NONE of this is part of the world that I experience personally. I see love expressed,
and cooperation, and people helping people. I see technology allowing us to do things and communicate
in ways and at levels that have never been possible before. I don't associate with being a part of this "age"
that you speak of at all. Perhaps that is part of the problem. For every evil, there is a good that balances it.
This is what duality is about.

Hope begins with ancient philosophical observations. Inanimate matter springs to life possessing
consciousness and chromosomes. Philosophers call this vague dichotomy, 'mind- body dualism'. Other
disciplines grapple with notions of heredity or environment, nature or nurture. They boil down to a choice
between free will or determinism. We control ourselves, or innate drives put our behavior beyond reach.

(3) From another viewpoint, consciousness creates the very forms it is to inhabit. This is not a matter of
choice. What is, IS. Sure, we can choose what we will believe, but this does not change the fact of the
matter. Either free will exists OR determinism exist ... actually, the truth probably lies somewhere in
between. The reality we experience is that BOTH exist in different degrees at different times under
different circumstances. This is similar to the problem with chaos and order. LIFE itself and all creative
expression always occurs in between these extremes.

If one thing distinguishes our times from those before, it is our acceptance of individual behavior's
psychological source. Freud started it, but New Age theoreticians expand his ideas to a point where a
multitude of theories promises to make wild behavioral dreams come true. All I need do to behave any
way I want, these New Age gurus tell me, is change my mind.

(4) Who accepts what psychological source for individual behavior? Surely it is not a majority in the
collective ... not even in the US, much less in the world at large.

(5) Many new age theories espouse this, but that does NOT make it true. In particular, it is NOT "all I
need do". Sometimes it works, at other times other approaches and techniques are needed.

We are not as sanguine about collective possibilities. We have battled so long, we think war an
inescapable aspect of the human landscape, but individual and collective intertwine. When Descartes said,
'I think, therefore, I am', he implied, 'We think, therefore, we are'. As individuals and citizens of a society,
we view these separate aspects differently. Collective behavior, things we do as a group, is perceived as
genetic. If, like individual behavior, it has psychological roots, we, collectively, can behave differently.

(6) I have always thought that Descartes got the order wrong. Thinking is NOT sufficient for being.
However, being is sufficient for thinking. Existence comes first. Perhaps a better way of expressing it
would have been "I am aware that I think, therefore, I am". It is the awareness that makes all the

(7) Further, he would NOT have thought about making the second conclusion at all. That requires a giant
leap of awareness, to recognize that the collective exists as an entity of it's own.

(8) Who perceives that "collective" behavior is genetic? I don't buy this at all and am not aware of anyone
explaining the birth and growth of civilization as a result of genetics.

(9) I agree that psychological roots are involved in what is expressed as collective behavior. However, I
would add that spiritual roots are the true cause.

The suggestion garden variety psychology explains marching armies seems preposterous, but present dire
straits are reason enough to pursue the speculation. The required philosophical leap is nothing more than
inductive reasoning, a trip from singular to plural we make so often we think nothing of it. We use
inductive reasoning to extrapolate solitary scientific experiments into universal conclusions, and you have
only to look to see how well we have done with it.

(10) However, this requires that we start with an understanding of how things work at the individual level
first. Psychology does not offer this understanding as a basis ... not even close. So, extrapolations in this
area start from extremely shaky ground. Individual scientific experiments are repeatable. Psychology does
not offer an understanding of how minds function that permits such repeatable experiments and

It has been said a grain of sand contains the secrets of the universe. I do not carry induction that far, but I
carry it far enough to conclude other human societies resemble mine. Farmers in my society use tractors
where farmers in other societies use oxen, but everywhere, farmers plant seeds and pray for rain. Since
societies are formed to gratify individual need, group conduct mimics individual behavior. War can be
perceived as the collective equivalent of a punch in the mouth and sewage disposal the collective
equivalent of personal hygiene.

(11) This is not clear at all. The mechanized collective farms of today exist not to provide food, rather to
generate profits for their owners. As a result, the owners might pray for drought so that scarcity can drive
prices up. Many factors are at play.

(12) Disagree with "gratify individual need" as being the reason that societies are formed. Consider the
society of the United States, as an individual there is no relationship or contract that I have with society to
gratify my individual needs.

(13) If your analogy is correct, where is the brain of society, where are its arms, and most importantly
where is its HEART? War is not a punch in the mouth. It is a DISEASE that KILLS.

Induction notwithstanding, we have reason to believe group behavior has genetic origins. We lack a
collective brain, and have not discovered anything resembling a collective 'mind' on which to work our
psychological magic.

(14) Disagree. Nearly all mystics recognize their connection to this universal mind ... it is not a "collective
brain", it is ONE. The collective brain may however be one of it's physical manifestations. Whether
scientists or psychologists have discovered it or not is irrelevant. Further, it is not something that we can
"work our psychological magic" on. It is beyond such childish manipulation. The hope is that we build
structures and organizations that allow it to be more fully expressed physically.

We distinguish 'mind' from 'body', but the distinction blurs, and we fall into inconsistency. Freud said
innate drives, libido and the like, motivate human behavior, but if psychoanalysis, his cure, thwarts innate
compulsions, behavior's roots are no longer genetic.

(15) To me, the distinction between 'spirit' and 'mind' is even more important. I agree that inconsistency is
rampant, however, this just shows how inadequate our understanding is in this area.

Freud divided the brain into three parts, calling the part weighted with group directives 'superego', but we
need no physical explanation to concede we obey group command. When trendsetters decree longer (or
shorter) skirts, women change wardrobes even if they hate the new style. When collective issues are
urgent, penalties for opposing group fiat are severe. We tend assembly lines when we would rather picnic
because we see no alternative to lifetimes of toil. Martin Duberman says community requirements and the
cultivation of the sovereign self must always be somewhat at odds, but his conclusion that tension
between individual and group is an inescapable product of group living may be overly pessimistic.

(16) What "group commands" do I, in particular, obey? Personally, I care not about such things. In my
experience, there are no penalties for opposing any "group fiats" because I choose not to give any groups
such power over me. Sure, the collective in general lives in this manner. And yes, psychological factors
can probably account for this behavior. My personal experience is that just as psychological factors can
have precedence over physical ones, so spiritual factors take precedence over psychological ones when
one reaches an appropriate level of awareness.

Since societies gratify the desires of their citizens, collective activity presumably reflects a general
individual inclination. When Ronald Reagan insisted the United States be number one, he meant strong
enough to bend other nations to the collective American will. It stretches nothing to see a national need
for triumph as equivalent to the need some individuals have for economic or physical victories over other

(17) Disagree. Society does not gratify my personal desires. I don't vote. "Society" does not receive any
input as to my desires ... and society does not gratify those desires.

(18) Further, for one centered in spirit, "it stretches nothing to see" that such behavior whether by
individuals or by individual nations is shortsighted, and WIN/LOSE. It is just that much more obvious on
a national level because of the scale of suffering that results.

Needing distinction, we create groups in which we pledge different allegiances, dress differently and
speak different languages. Different nationalities persuade us we are different, but at a more profound
level, we remain human. Despite cultural differences, we share a group behavior whose universality
makes it fair game for psychological speculation. Human societies, primitive or technological, capitalist
or communist, maintain hierarchical social structures and use money as a medium of exchange. Since
wealth determines hierarchical position, money and hierarchy can be perceived as the same psychological

(19) It is not clear to me that this is true. I see no universal group behavior. Some basic cultural
differences result from making basic choices in very different ways. The Japanese focus on the group over
the individual makes them very different than Americans in very real ways that directly impact how
individuals are able to express.

(20) Every complex system by its very nature maintains hierarchical structures that permit it to exist and
to function. This doesn't make them bad. I see them as a necessary and natural way of partitioning
functions so that more and more complex and intelligent behavior can express.

(21) Using money as a medium of exchange is done as a matter of efficiency and convenience. If I had to
barter for every individual thing or service that I needed, just surviving would be a full time job. An
exchange system allows me to sell one service, my labor to my employer, for something that I can easily
exchange for the things that I need.

(22) Neither of these things in themselves are problems. It is not their existence or use, but rather their
misuse that causes problems.

We do not wonder why we choose hierarchy over its alternative, equality. We assume the urge to
hierarchy is genetic, and let it go at that. Underlying hierarchy is the notion some individuals are better
than others. Western societies use free markets to separate human wheat from human chaff. Economic
decisions propel some to glory, others to bankruptcy. By accepting the comparative perceptions resulting
from our economic game, members of a society are perceived as inferior or superior.

(23) Hierarchy is not the alternative of equality. Hierarchy is simply a way of organizing resources to
accomplish various functions. All complex systems employ hierarchy and levels of abstraction. This is
what allows the complex behavior and functions to manifest.

(24) The urge to hierarchy is not genetic. It is a natural urge that allows complex systems to be built and to

(25) Hierarchy can coexist with equality. The human body is a perfect example. It has many hierarchies
realized within it. These organizational hierarchies allow organs to exist and perform their functions. Yet,
at another level, every cell is alive. Further, every cell is "equal" in that it has a contract with the body that
ensures the cell will get what it needs, so long as it cooperates and performs its function.

Darwin's theory of evolution corroborates the legitimacy of hierarchy in that it assumes survivors are
better than those who succumb. Survival may be an objective evaluation when nature is the deciding
factor. We may be fitter than dinosaurs because we are alive and they are not, but it is an unnecessary and
probably incorrect judgment. Should we kill ourselves through war or an overburdening of the
environment, extinction may result from stupidity rather than lack of fitness, but the judgment has no
cosmic significance and proves nothing, anymore than the survival of insects unchanged from prehistoric
times proves their superiority.

(26) No. Darwin's theory had no "moral" component. There was no "better". The theory simply suggests
that the fittest win in the struggle for survival. People stupid enough to kill themselves obviously are not
"fit" enough to survive. They reap the appropriate reward for their actions.

We have no basis for comparison, no way to know the shape of things to come, but we compare
nevertheless. We decide humans are better than non-humans and some humans are better than others.
Then we stop. We do not see strong lions as better than weak lions. Dogs are not better than cats, nor are
roses perceived as superior to daffodils. We also avoid comparative judgments about the physical
universe. Things like deoxyribonucleic acid (D.N.A.) simply exist and are neither good nor bad.

(27) Comparison is useful in any organization. For society to function effectively, the right resources
(including people) must be assigned to the right tasks/jobs. This requires comparative assessments that
differentiate between abilities. This does not make anyone "better" than anyone else in any absolute sense.
However, it does make one person better than another for doing a particular task effectively.

(28) You are correct that the "judgement" associated with such assessments now often results in giving
economic and other advantages to those assessed to be "better".

Equality is the only alternative to hierarchy. Putting aside for the moment the generally believed notion
that classless human societies are impossible, the philosophical implications of equality, turn everything

we believe on its head. Equality rejects collective comparisons as figments of the collective imagination.
No feat of acquisition or art translates into an objective judgment of greater or lesser.

(29) Beware of "always, never, and only". In my experience such statements rarely prove to be true.
Equality is not an alternative. It is an extreme option not a solution. The answer must lie somewhere in
between. Individuals must be "equal" to some degree while they occupy various positions within multiple
hierarchies, depending on the functions that they support.

(30) Scientists could be considered a "class", as could writer's, as could parents, as could women, as could
people from age 20-29. There will always be classes. Further, it is useful to create such "classes" or
groupings for various purposes. The problem comes when we make one class better than another in any
absolute sense.

(31) There is nothing wrong intrinsically with "collective comparisons". These can be useful to society.
They may even be necessary behavior for complex systems. However, as with anything, they can also be
misused. As a society, we must do what we can to limit and prevent such abuse.

Egalitarian philosophy suggests inferiority motivates power seekers and authoritarians. Compelled to
prove themselves by transactions with others, they demonstrate an inferiority- based need to go outside
themselves for fulfillment. 'Ambitious' describes individuals who utilize group agreement to increase their
stature. Nationalism, collective manifestation of collective inferiority, represents a group effort to enlarge
a society's stature with triumphs over other societies. Egalitarian philosophy concludes we do foolish
things to accomplish something forever beyond us. Posturing and privilege are meaningless compared to
eternity. Rich or poor, gifted or bereft, we face death together and alike.

(32) I agree that such seems to be the motivation of the behavior we see at that level. However, this does
not mean that hierarchy itself is the problem, only that the present system permits power seekers to reach
these positions in our society. So long as we put up with this and permit it we will be stuck with it. The
communists tried to put an end to this in 1919, but they instituted a hierarchy that was just as bad, with
power seekers able to reach the top positions.

(33) My sense is that the very complexity of society requires that hierarchies be established ... not
necessarily a single one. In our present society, we have several on political, economic, and religious
fronts. The solution is not necessarily to get rid of hierarchy. Rather it is to make sure all such hierarchies
serve us, rather than control or enslave us.

(34) When we live HERE and NOW, eternity and death simply do not matter. What is important is how
we live each day. Also, we do not face death together at all. This is left for each individual to face
ALONE. Further, we do not face death "alike" in any real way. At that point, what really matters is what
we believe, and this varies tremendously.

Classless societies seem so ideal, inequality cannot be explained without the justification of genetic
inevitability. We think no one willingly chooses inferiority, but inferiority's gratifications are obvious.
Inferiority eliminates responsibility. Everything becomes the leader's fault, but if history proves anything,
it is that we are foolish to follow leaders. They squander life and property. Having paid the price, we
refuse to see obedience as a profound error of judgment. We are not ready to admit submission gratifies
the follower's pathological need for irresponsibility at the same time dominance gratifies the leader's
pathological desire for glory.

(35) Classless societies do not seem ideal to me at all. Inequality is experienced in many ways every day.
On virtually every front, people are different ... they are not equal. Inequality is a fact. We cannot just say
"we are equal" and make it go away. Even Thomas Jefferson only said "We hold these truths to be self-
evident; that all men are CREATED EQUAL". Note that he didn't say "are equal" or "are born equal",
these are conditions we face HERE and NOW. He specifically said "created equal". Creation happen
outside of the dimensions of space and time ... it is a spiritual matter that applies to the soul.

(36) Disagree. My sense is that without leaders, we would be nowhere. Yes, leaders make mistakes, and
when they do the consequences can impact many. However, great leaders make a real difference in the
world. Where would India be had Gandhi not stepped forward to lead them to self rule? True leaders are
those that guide us to ever higher expressions of spirit in our society and social structures.

Leaders, even those who see reverence as their due, wonder at the intensity of our devotion. Jack Valente
describes life on Lyndon Johnson's staff as basking in the Sun King's reflected glory. Woody Allen was
incredulous at finding himself America's premier movie maker. "Had you told me fifteen years ago," he
confessed to an interviewer, "that I was going to be the lead in a movie I would have thought you crazy.
It's the funniest thing in the world to me. So I make movies because I feel if I don't make them, someday
I'll look back and think to myself, `they were dumping this stuff in my lap and I didn't take advantage of
it'. So I do it."

(37) Agree. Devotion from the masses does not have anything to do with leadership. One leads because
one has the abilities to do so and because one feels a responsibility for doing what one sees needs to be

I leave it to sociologists to discover whether everyone who climbs the greased pole of success finds the
same mixture of euphoria and disbelief on reaching the top, but there is no doubt those society recognizes
are glorified by the rest. In the process we invest our lives in other men's dreams and discount the validity
of our own perceptions. The surrender of self intrinsic in believing we are not as competent, intelligent, or
talented as those we obey makes social position the most pernicious collective truth of all.

(38) From my perspective, those society recognizes as successful are simply actors playing roles. I prefer
to set my own criteria for success. I prefer to dream my own dreams and to take action consistent with
manifesting these dreams.

(39) To the contrary, I only trust the validity of my own perceptions, and choose solely to invest my life in
those dreams that spirit reveals to me directly.

(40) I surrender self only to SPIRIT, not to any man or the collective. I choose to be free. I accept no
person nor society as master. Social position has no importance to me at all.

When lineage matters and individuals know their place, hierarchies prosper. Reciprocated perceptions of
individual worth reinforce hierarchical understandings, but new perceptions threaten that status quo.
Kings who ruled by divine right burned heretics because doubt about God imperiled the legitimacy of
royal rule, just as doubt about the relationship of money to wisdom endangers capitalism.

(41) Lineage matters not to me at all. Further, I have no intent to perpetuate a physical lineage of my own.
My place is in a spiritual hierarchy that is not recognized by any element of the collective as far as I am

(42) In current society someone like Bill Gates rules by divine economic right. Who threatens his "royal

(43) My sense is that this "wisdom" of which you speak comes from a connection to SPIRIT. It is not
found in the physical or the psychological or even in the mental domains.

Hierarchical societies are ubiquitous because inferiority is intrinsic in the human condition. Marooned on
a speck of dust hurtling through an enormous universe, we watch helplessly as nature rampages through
villages, destroying huts and crops. We have, from the beginning, worshipped chiefs whose high offices
lift life's burdens from our backs, but times change and technology emboldens the less than primitive. A
nation that puts men on the moon sees the moon differently than tribes for whom it remains mysterious.
Technology, unfortunately, does not eliminate inferiority. It cannot tell us what happens after we die.

(44) This is a contributing factor perhaps, but it is not the reason for this. If inferiority is intrinsic in the
human condition as you say, the battle can never be won. I don't believe this to be an intrinsic thing at all.
Our souls are not inferior to anything, regardless of how they have ever been expressed to date in "the
human condition".

(45) What happens after we die should have no impact on how we live HERE and NOW. The only
purpose that serves is to use FEAR of the afterlife to control behavior now. Religions have enslaved
people in this trap throughout time. This is not enlightened behavior. This is not wisdom. People need
such "laws" only until they are aware enough to know what right behavior is on the own.

We escape the trap of hierarchy by seeing individual and group behavior as the same psychological
phenomenon, extrapolating what we know about our individual selves to explain group actions.
Individuals have perceptions, gamuts of ideas they believe `true'. `Collective perceptions' arise when
many individuals believe the same `truth'. The perception humanity is innately aggressive is collective
because many believe it. The perception utopia can be imminent is individual because few believe it.
Individual perceptions make one visionary or eccentric depending on whether the group eventually adopts
the new vision. Christianity was a lunatic sect that became the dominant religion of the western world. We
see its triumph as the victory of the true God over false gods. It can also be perceived as a change of

(46) I fail to see how this permits any escape. Masters have been telling us for ages that the behavior at
the macrocosmic level is identical to that at the microcosmic. This just says that either place we will see
the same rules in operation. The key is Know Thyself. Until we understand our behavior as individuals,
there is no hope of building a utopia that permits greater collective expression of spirit.

(47) It doesn't matter whether many believe it or not. Truth is not something we vote on. When the time is
right for a new idea to be expressed, no force on earth can stop it.

Equality eliminates hierarchy but its price is high. When we are equal, individuals become responsible not
only for their individual lives, but for the activities of their societies. We prefer the irresponsibility of
following leaders and believing what everyone believes. Collective truths are the stars we live by, and to
be told after life is spent, that God was not interested, or that virtue was incorrectly defined, is too tragic a
denouement. No matter how avant garde we see ourselves, rejection of expertise and authority disquiets,
and the nightmare of anarchy forecloses further exploration of the possibility.

(48) It is not clear how equality forces individuals to become responsible "for the activities of their
societies". Where is the individual taught what this new responsibility entails? Obviously, it is not
something that they innately know. It seems to me that we need to build a society that is cooperatively
interdependent, a society where individuals have a contract that commits them to doing something for
society in exchange for others in society doing things that help to meet ones needs. What other motivation
is there for the individual to assume this new responsibility?
(49) Collective truths mean nothing to me personally. My experience of the past four years have taught
me to rely solely on my personal experience ... not on the words of others.

(50) Being told that God is not interested makes no difference to me. My personal experience is that I AM
a part of THE ONE already. Such is my awareness. It cannot be taken away by what anyone says.
However, I cannot "give" this awareness to another. Awareness must be experienced by each individual.

No society, capitalist or communist, treats citizens alike or considers universal equality a desirable goal.
The American Revolution, fought in the name of equality, ("We hold these truths to be self evident, that
all men are created equal...") was not intended to create a classless state. Founding fathers debated the
amount of freedom ordinary men might accommodate and devices like the electoral college represented a
compromise between those who believed in democracy and those who did not. The argument continues as
today's elitists condemn mass man as brutish and nasty. They see in equality's absence of standards a
degrading step towards mediocrity.

(51) Show me even one complex system that operates under the principal of universal equality. I cannot
think of any system that even comes close. I cannot imagine what functions such a system would be
capable of performing or what expressions would be created by such a system.

(52) There is not a single thing that I value in my life at the moment that I look to the collective to decide
for me. There are many things that as a citizen I personally choose not to vote on because it simply doesn't
matter to me what the collective decides on the issue. It is not that I am apathetic and don't care. It is that I
don't care about the issues that the system asks me to vote on.

John Simon, a well known critic, says lack of standards means "...pretentious non art or anti-art posturing
as art and subverting artistic integrity by turning inhuman, pseudo art into something the semi-literate, the
inexperienced young, and the learned fools with anti-establishment axes to grind can hail as daring,
relevant, and artistically important." The vigor of his attack illustrates the distaste for diversity inherent in
group thought. Shakespeare is better than pulp fiction. Bach is better than Beatles. Those who know this
are better than those who do not.

(53) Then why would you advocate the collective or group thought over individual expression? If the
majority is allowed to rule on all such things, order will win over chaos and expression of diversity. In
such a world, creative expression of spirit is diminished.

At this juncture it seems appropriate to define `mind', but I leave that to others. Should group behavior
change, it is unnecessary to know whether billions of ganglia were modified in the process. For our
purposes it is enough to define individual behavior as individual reactions to individual perceptions.
Extrapolation defines group behavior as group reactions to collective perceptions. The Protestant
paradigm illustrates collective perceptions at work. Some collective Protestant ideas, God and the divinity
of Christ, are common to every denomination. Subsidiary collective beliefs distinguish one Protestant sect
from another.

(54) What this extrapolation misses is that my individual behavior can still exist regardless of what mass
behavior exists. So long as this is so, I can creatively express whatsoever I choose, and can take action to
introduce my expressions to the group so that it eventually takes hold and becomes group behavior. The
same process that allow me to galvanize the diverse parts of myself to focus on a specific expression can
work to galvanize the group and result in a corresponding group expression.

(55) I'm not so sure that you can conclude or extrapolate that group behavior = group reactions to
collective perceptions. In particular, I'm not sure that group reactions can be expressly identified or that
collective perceptions can be isolated and understood. We may be able to statistically characterize pieces
of information about individual perceptions, but this constitutes a small sampling of a few factors. It is not
clear to me that such would be sufficient to characterize or understand the group behavior that is

(56) As to religions, the key problem is that they are effectively dead embodiments of sets of ideas. The
are too ordered, too rigid to adapt and grow effectively. This severely limits them as avenues for creative
spiritual expression.

My credentials for these conjectures include brief employment in a mental hospital. I suspect that after
thirty-five years, the staff remains uncaring, and run-down facilities have been further ravaged by time.
Although I did not know it, an experience in that place demonstrated the interaction between the
individual and collective minds. A patient, an unpleasant, scowling man, shouted, "I am Christ" at
inappropriate times. Since Christian friends believed Christ walked the earth and might again, I said
denying the man's divinity may endanger eternal rest.

(57) I woke up one morning nearly 4 years ago, threw off the covers of the bed, and exclaimed loudly "I
am God". I really meant it. My wife replied, "sure hon, we are all god". I said, "NO, you don't understand,
God with a BIG G". She called the cops later that morning. I was in a mental hospital about a month later.

When theory took shape, I saw the inmate's perception of his divinity was individual, something only he
believed. The perception he was not Christ was collective, something so many believed he had been
institutionalized. Conflicting perceptions condemned him until we decided he was Christ or he decided he
was not. That is the curious thing about mental disorder. Victims are trapped in lonely, depressed, hostile
lives, with cure a change of mind, or minds, away.

Most individual beliefs are collective, concepts shared with friends and neighbors. Citizens of developed
nations think themselves better than citizens of undeveloped nations, responding to a belief system that
uses scientific achievement to separate inferior from superior. Frenchmen think culture distinguishes them
from less civil societies. Jews believe God's choice makes them different. Italians remember the glory that
was Rome. We enjoy establishing differences between our group and the rest, and go to extremes to prove
the point.

(58) Interesting. While I don't doubt that such is a correct perception in general. I personally do not fit
within the "Most individual" and collective groupings that you describe. I AM, period. I expressed the Top
10 things that I am in the Treasures from the Dragon's Lair section. My sense is that very few people
would agree with a single one of them.

The result is a hierarchy of nations, collective equivalent of hierarchies within single societies. In the
hierarchy of nations, stronger nations are perceived as better than weak ones. Within individual societies,
different collective perceptions make rich (powerful) people better than poor (powerless) ones. More
arcane perceptions allow intellectuals to believe themselves superior to those perceived as less wise. I
ignore all but the two hierarchies every human confronts, the hierarchy within a society which determines
individual status within the society, and the hierarchy of nations that establishes a society's status among
other societies. Both influence behavior because individual citizens are gratified when their society
succeeds. The words, "I am an American" are spoken proudly because Americans know how much better
we are than the others. We count, like blessings, differences between `us' and `them'.

(59) Interesting that you leave out the most personal hierarchy of all, the one that involves parts within
ourself. The conscious, subconscious, and superconscious are only three of these parts. In all, there are

many, both seen and unseen. Further, they are NOT equal, not even close. Also, the arrangement of this
hierarchy appears to be different in each individual.

(60) My first and loudest "I am" statement is "I am a HERMIT". I find this interesting because I
effectively disassociate myself from all organizations. I don't belong to anything ... or any group. "I am an
American" doesn't even make it on my list.

Collective perceptions protect us from error. If friends and neighbors believe what we believe, we think it
likely we are right, but if we are wrong, we expect eternity to treat us no differently than it treats them.
Concern for eternity explains why we treat heretics badly. Heretics destroy the rocks on which we build
our faiths. Egalitarian notions, heresy on a grand scale, reject present collective understandings. If we,
individually, are what we think we are, we can do as we please because there is no collective truth to tell
us we are wrong. We worry that without morality, we lapse into debauchery, but equality prohibits atrocity
more effectively than divine mandate. With everyone equal, we lose the right to enlighten heathens
because when one belief is good as any there are no heathens.

(61) To the contrary. Collective perceptions cause more errors than they protect us from. Effectively, they
enslave us ... they don't free us.

(62) It is not "collective truth" that should tell us anything. There is a place within each of us that knows
the truth "innately". This is not something that can or should come from the collective.

(63) When we are aware of ourselves as spirit ... such worries and such lapses are behind us. They belong
to what we were when we were unaware, not to what we truly are.

(64) Disagree. We have no "right" to enlighten heathens. Even more important, we have no power or
ability to do so. Enlightenment is a voluntary choice that each individual will eventually make. It cannot
be forced upon anyone, no matter how hard we might try.

(65) A society cannot function if "one belief is good as any". For instance, suppose I believe that anyone
with red hair is of the devil and should be killed and then act based on this belief. Surely the belief that
"one shall not harm or kill another" must be considered to be more important for the good of society.
These cannot be equal beliefs.

Equality shifts moral measurements from actor to recipient. Instead of the golden rule, equality proscribes
anything imposed against a will, another departure from a convention that allows superiors to abuse
underlings. I assume individual inferiority motivates destructive individual interaction and since I use
individual psychology to explain group behavior, I assume group inferiority motivates destructive group

(66) Telling people they are equal doesn't make inferiority go away. This reminds me of something I heard
about math test scores. Students from the U.S. had high self-esteem, rating themselves at the top in their
math ability among a half dozen developed countries. The Japanese students rated themselves just above
the bottom. When the scores came in, the Japanese had the highest scores and the Americans had the
lowest. The bottom line is that abilities were not equal in this area, and the perceptions of the students did
not agree with the reality of the situation.

(67) Whenever you use the word equality, it is only meaningful if there is a specific context that means
something to the individuals that you are saying are equal. The immediate question should be "in what

respects am I equal with others"? Until you answer this, I have no means to determine whether the
principles you advocate make sense for society.

I take other liberties. My perceptions of what is believed by people I have never met are neither scientific
nor conclusive, but the human condition is such that we know something about each other. I grew up in
the north end of Bridgeport, Connecticut, which is different from growing up in a small midwestern town
or a large city. As a six year old, I did not milk cows or ride subways, but those differences are irrelevant
to the central theme of growth. I was small and dependent and so were you. I lived and learned and so did
you. When we reduce human experience to essentials, similarities are constant and difference is the
fashion of a particular day.

(68) Disagree completely. My sense is that my personal reality is so different from the average person that
we have little to nothing meaningful in common. My belief is that while our individual worlds share a
common background, for the most part they are so different as to be alien to one another. As a Hermit, I've
had so little interaction with others in my life that I know this to be true. My world is my construct. It has
been fed by ideas from others that I got from books, but at this point it is an original creation that doesn't
match anything that I've read or encountered.

(69) The fact that we all use the same basic tools to construct our individual worlds does not mean that
our creations are even close to being similar.

Like philosophers before me, I presume to take the measure of mankind. In the process I recount events of
my life which I believe have implications for the group. I assume we exist and I come to what I think are
reasonable conclusions. It is not the most precise of enterprises, but it is foolish for a species poised on the
brink to quarrel over certainty. I assume this is not the best of all possible worlds. I use individual
experience to explain group reality and I find in group behavior equivalents of individual behavior. I see
things differently, but you will find the terrain familiar. We are, after all, in the same boat. Eternity awaits.

(70) Hmm... I take not the measure of mankind. Rather, I chose to focus on THE ONE, the SPIRIT that
expresses through us all. I see group behavior not arising out of the collection of individual behavior,
rather I see individuals (humans that are already complex systems in themselves) arranging themselves
into organizations that are able to express greater and greater collective intelligence. This is intelligence
that is not inherent in any of the parts, rather it is enabled by the parts functioning together as a system
that permits a higher level of intelligence to be expressed ... just as the body can be considered to permit a
higher level of intelligence to be expressed than any of the individual cells could have dreamed of
expressing. The intelligence comes from SPIRIT. Creation continually occurs in each moment permitting
ever greater expression of spirit.



We are ambivalent about utopia. Classless societies minimize competition, but as we see it, competition
separates worthies from the less than worthy. That bosses reach exhalted positions inclines us to follow
their orders. And there is always hope that someday we will be boss.

For those unhappy with the way things are, utopian concepts provide direction for social change. Try The
Garden of Eden for a description of a utopian society.

The hope is to make this section collaborative in that the issues raised each month will generate
discussion among what ideally will become many readers.


What we call "freedom" depends on the balance a society strikes between individual and collective
interests. The more individual interests we sacrifice to collective ends, the closer we come to
totalitarianism, but everyone, except Libertarians, believes some collective interests outweigh individual
inclination. Most of us favor pollution control, public schools, a publicly supported military, and land use
restrictions like zoning. Representative democracy, our way of deciding where to draw our lines, does not
work especially well. As a variety of demonstrations and demonstrators have made clear, the majority's
wish remains unknown, a serious uncertainty in a nation where the majority purportedly rules.

We agree that badmouthing capitalism borders on treason. A free market is our solution for every human
problem though even a cursory examination of our situation proves capitalism an inadequate manager for
rapidly evolving technological societies. By emphasizing individual interest, capitalism locks us into the
status quo. We fight to protect our jobs or our investments, no matter how detrimental they may be. We
cannot stop using fluorocarbons, internal combustion engines, or a host of other products because
economic dislocations would be too great.

We believe individual entrepreneurs fulfill collective needs best. The scenario implies that we,
collectively, make no mistakes. Before technology, mistakes did not matter, but when someone invents
something which the rest of us purchase, his or her individual miscalculation becomes collective and "we"
develop a stake in perpetuating error. Our present mind set prohibits taking collective action to correct
collective mistakes. To create a government issue non-polluting motor vehicle violates everything we hold
near and dear.

Post responses to utopia@mail2.nai.net




This new section "Between Order and Chaos: mechanisms for manifesting spirit in flesh." is meant
to provide a forum for dealing with the mechanics of how spirit expresses in flesh and in this world. The
section title comes from the idea that all of CREATION occurs between order and chaos. Too much order,
and the system is too frozen to change ... it cannot adapt, so it dies. Too much chaos and there is not
enough of a fixed basis for anything to retain a form and hence exist. Somewhere between lies the balance
point that permits all life to exist and spirit to express within form.

For those of you that haven't seen the essay by Ratco Tomic:



I highly recommend that you do so. It is well worth the time to read it.

Since no comments in this area have been received yet, I thought I'd use this opportunity to express some
observations and realizations that I've made since reading the essay that relate to how my particular mind
seems to function in terms of structuring everything as nodes of facts or information and the relationships
between those nodes.

The bottom line is that this kind of model works well for representing and understanding how one's mind
functions ... at least it seems to do so for the way I observe my mind operating. I'm curious as to whether
others find this to be true well. I find it hard to believe that I am unique in any way with respect to this.
Then again, I haven't yet met anyone else who observes thoughts occurring in their mind but doesn't
experience or acknowledge being the creator of those thoughts. Yet, such is indeed how I consciously
experience this process.

To begin with, let's identify some of the key functions that I have observed many times throughout the


The first component that is omnipresent is a great intensity of focus. When I am engaged in doing
something, that activity receives my undivided attention. Virtually every aspect of my awareness
is poured into integrating all the relevant information, assessing the situation, identifying and
evaluating alternative, defining what needs to be done, resolving problems, overcoming obstacles,
and doing whatever it takes to get the job done effectively with whatever resources are available.

I've always been able to apply my mind in this fashion, but only in the past four months has my
job been such that I need to focus on many different specific things every single day. The only way
I have found to deal with this is to be able to completely clear my mind of one issue and then
reload it with another. In computer science, this is a context switch. I observe this happening as
much as half a dozen times in the course of an hour.

Further, as with a computer, I have to ensure that I write down enough information to capture the
state that my mind was in prior to clearing my mind in order to be able to return to where I was. I
can't count on either short or long term memory to do this for me. Such is my experience anyway.
If I don't write it down, I generally won't remember it.


In a typical day, I ask more questions now than I asked in any week at any time in my work life
prior to four months ago. A large majority of the new information I encounter every day comes
directly in response to asking these questions. I never really did this when I was in school. I don't
remember asking a single question of any instructor that I ever had.

One question on my mind virtually all the time is "how can this process be improved"? Another is
"how can the resources being applied to this task be better employed"? These questions are there
regardless of whether I am personally responsible or in charge of the process.

These two questions are always in the background. The observer part of my mind is always
operating on them ... regardless of how intense my focus is on the actual matter at hand. It's as if
there is another set of eyes and another part of my mind operating in parallel on this metatask.


Isolated facts have no real meaning for me. My mind is constantly making new connections
between different pieces of information and changing the emphasis on existing connections based
on new understanding and new evaluations of the feedback that I see coming from the world.

I know this process has always been occurring ... it is the natural way that the brain operates. What
is different is the level of insight into and conscious awareness of the process that I now
experience. I literally SEE when the connections are being made, when they are being broken and
why, and when they are being strengthened or lessened. I never truly experienced this happening
consciously before.

Being aware makes all the difference in the world. It's as if the process now works FOR ME
directly. The analogy is that my mind is operating on all of it's cylinders now, in a way that it has
never done before. The overall result is close to an order of magnitude improvement in
productivity. I am engaged at full speed nearly all the time ... yet it is EASY. I am relaxed,
allowing it to simply flow as it will. There is no pressure, there is no stress. I'm just functioning at
a level that fully employs my abilities. Not only that, but I am learning at a rate that I never
imagined was possible.


Many different kinds of connections are being made between many different kinds of things. In
many cases where no hint of connection was available before. In many ways, I am building a very

convoluted web of information tied together by these links of various types between the

The connections are not limited to a three dimensional representation. The overall web is so
complex that there is no clear picture of all that it contains.


Further there are many metalevels. At the bottom is data, then there are connections that apply
meaning to the data transforming it to various types of information useful for various activities.
Then there is information about information. Some of these are generalizations within the same
area of meaning. Others are generalizations about the very nature of information. One step further,
we have generalization about information processes themselves. And so on ... and so on ... It is not
clear that there is ever an endpoint.

The processes of organizing information into meaning at multiple levels of abstraction appear to
be innately encoded in our genes. In very real ways, we are complex information systems
embodied in flesh. Yet, we are MORE than that. We are the beings that can be aware of the parts
of us that perform as complex information systems.


As I change contexts and focus on different things the sense I have is of being a spider with an
enormous web that I am constantly creating. At any one time my focus is on HERE and NOW, the
immediate position on the web that I occupy. My immediate options available to act on are the
links that are closest to my present position and any new information that is presently available.
Whenever a new piece of information reaches me, I either connect it to some local vacinity or I
make one or more jumps to get me to a place in the web where I can make the necessary
connections that add to the meaning embedded in my web.


There is an innate awareness of the overall structure of my web. It is as if there is an instinctual

map that I can count on to move me in the right direction to get to where I need to be to operate
effectively. This is not something that I consciously set out to create. Rather it is something that
was a natural product of the manner in which I was moved to grow by the environment and
circumstances in which I found myself and by my natural innate talents/abilities. I did not
consciously design how this would occur. Yet there is a strong sense that another level of WHOM
THAT I AM did indeed do this.

Looking back over my life, much of this was governed by where I focused my attention. For 23
years, metaphysics has occupied a great amount of my time and my thought. In many ways, it has
literally defined the world in which I live. Somewhere along the way, I found a navigation system
that I could trust tied to my intuition. It took twenty years to get beyond thinking about it, to truly
KNOWING that it was there. Now it is as if it is on automatic. It functions all the time. No matter
what the issue, and what the system, I know there is a basic framework that I can use to turn
information into meaning and then to make effective decisions and take appropriate action based
on that meaning.
This requires some type of navigation system that permits reaching a relevant place on my web
from which to engage in any possible issue that I might encounter. Interesting. One thing I've
noticed arise from this is a great increase in confidence. There is this sense that no matter what I
encounter, I have the abilities to not only deal with it, but to do so effectively and to grow from the


In nearly every area of my life, I literally go out of my way to provide feedback. It takes a lot of
time to do this. But, it seems to be the only way we have available to truly make a difference. It is
more than a matter of being aware. Many times per day I converse with others who are observing
exactly what I observe. However, I am not content to let it stop there. I feel a personal obligation
to voice whatever inefficiency I find wherever I find it. This is not done to harm or punish anyone,
rather it is done to make such things visible so that something can be done about them to make
things better. In many cases giving voice to the information is as far as my involvement goes. In
many other cases, I take a specific action, or volunteer to become part of a team to address the

Until recently, I would not have considered such things "my business". Now, however, "my
business" seems to encompass virtually everything ... or at least those things that my particular
skills/talents can assist with. Anytime that I see a better way, I speak out. Anytime I see lack of
service, I speak out. Anytime I see LOSE/LOSE or WIN/LOSE behavior and there is something
that I can effectively do about it, I speak out. It matters not whether my voice is heard in the
particular instance. It is enough that it triggers action that makes a difference in some instances.
Further, it provides a clear example to others of what they too can do. Don't overlook the
importance of examples. Creating new ways of expression is not easy for most people. However,
following a precedent, a specific related example that has gone before is easy for many to do.
These examples can be the triggers that truly make a difference in our world.


One behavior that I constantly engage in, on my own, and in meetings with others is to identify
action items, and to assign myself responsibility (or volunteer) for these action items. In many of
my working meetings, I assume the majority of such actions ... in some cases ALL such actions.
Yet, it seems that no matter how much responsibility I take, I can always count on others to
provide whatever support is necessary to manage the workload and get everything done on time. It
is as if by taking responsibility, I somehow marshall the resources necessary for the work at hand
or should I say spirit marshalls them for me.

The key operating principle behind this appears to be that we are truly ONE and those things that I
am moved to identify and sign up for are in reality my tasks to do anyway. My taking
responsibility is simply recognizing this fact. Interesting.


I've always been confident in my ability to do various kinds of things, especially related to
understanding the big picture and general problem solving stuff. Recently, this has taken on a
brand new expression, that of stepping in and DOING something on nearly every problem that is
brought to my attention. It is not as if I am searching out such problems ... my days are busy
enough as it is. However, it is as if I have become a strong magnet .. attracting such
issues/problems to me naturally.

This is accompanied by a deep trust that spirit operates behind the scenes bringing to me exactly
that which I am meant to experience and participate in. Spirit is the playwright, the director. I am
but the actor, playing the role that I have signed up for to the best of my abilities.


I am constantly amazed by how much can be accomplished when people cooperate to get it done
... and at how effective processes can become when people are truly working together towards
common objectives.

On the other hand, when people are competing, and working towards conflicting objective,
virtually nothing gets accomplished due to the incredible waste of talent, energy, and resources.

One key is this is treating others with decency and respect, giving people proper credit for what
they do, and truly listening to what they have to say so that their contributions can add real benefit
to the group. Overall, these are simple things, but they make all the difference in the world.

It also helps to have no specific personal outcome in mind other than to reach an effective solution
within the resource constraints for the job at hand. If I am open, focusing on getting to whatever
solution makes the most sense, I do not have to waste energy fighting against anything or trying to
sway the group in a direction that does not ultimately serve everyone. The bottom line is that WE,
the people pay for all of the resources involved. We have a right to demand that such resources are
used in a manner that truly SERVES us collectively.

Another factor that comes to play in this is that WE are truly ONE. Whenever we fight, it is not
with "another" rather it is with a different aspect of ourself. So long as we come from a spirit of
UNITY, what we create in our reality is the reflection of that very spirit.


This less control that I exert, the better I observe that things turn out. The bottom line is that a
natural efficiency is engaged when we allow spirit to come forth through us to do her works. At
some level we KNOW what is required to do anything, even though we generally are not
consciously aware of what this might be.

A key factor in this is that we are truly ONE. This ONE knows exactly what it is doing at all times.
It has a natural order of its own, but not an order so fixed that it stiffles creativity. Within that
order is a natural diversity of expression that permits the richness of the very life that we


Take the time to notice the web that YOU are building. See what facts are incorporated into your
web, your personal model of the world. Observe how you create, modify, and remove connection.
How often are you doing this? Does this model truly fit with your personal experience? Take the
time to understand issues and to make the proper connections, especially with other people.
Cooperate as much as you can, and always structure things as WIN/WIN. You may have to be
creative to do this, but there is always a way if you will allow spirit to reveal it unto your

Post your responses to BETWEEN ORDER AND CHAOS.


Two months ago, I announced that THE MAKING A DIFFERENCE CLUB was now officially
established and that I would create a new section to capture the commitments that were made by members
of our community. The "price" of admission is simply to make a public statement of what you are
COMMITTED TO DO to make a difference. Thus far, not one person has replied to my invitation to join.
My personal commitment to The Search for Center is expressed at A PLEA FOR HELP.

New submissions should include:

• What YOU are committed to DO.
• The DIFFERENCE that you are working to make manifest.
• How others can help you achieve this. (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


I am committed to do whatever I can to build the foundations that permit SPIRIT to express more fully in
flesh HERE and NOW. My commitment is to SPIRIT herself, the ONE. Because of this it extends to all
whom I am in a position to SERVE effectively. I will carry out my assigned tasks with all my HEART and
SOUL, to the very best of my abilities. I will serve as the Wayshower, being true to my name, that others
may see what I mean by my ACTIONS in this world. My life is a testament to what spirit can do when we
simply allow her to do her works through us. What I DO, in reality SHE does through me. This shall be
SO, as long as I continue to manifest in flesh on this plane.

I choose to express PEACE, LOVE and LIGHT in all that I do, that my example can assist others in
finding these same energies within themselves. I am of the VOID. There is no place and no time in which
I dwell. Wherever you are, I am as close as your own HEART, and the SOUL that dwells within you, for
that soul is your connection to the ONE. In that place, beyond space and time, all separation within us
ceases to exist. What I AM, YOU ARE as well. WE are ONE. What you see expressed through me, is but
that same source expressing though another aspect of your SELF. What you do to any, you do to the ONE,
hence you do to your SELF.

What else am I committed to DO? Where I see wrong, where I see WIN/LOSE and LOSE/LOSE
operating within our world, I will give voice to what I see that others may see it also, and that if spirit so
chooses action can be taken to improve the expression.

Further, so long as spirit permits me to be an instrument to do HER WILL, I will be the HERMIT, the
MIT of HER and do as she moves me to do. This is my solemn pledge ... I shall honor it so long as I live,
which is FOREVER. How can I be so bold as to make such a claim? It is because I have reached a state of
awareness where I KNOW that there is truly no other choice that I can make. I am that I AM, spirit
enfleshed HERE and NOW. I can see no higher way to live than to CHOOSE to SERVE HER with all that

I honor this commitment by acting in a manner that makes a difference in the world, and especially in the
lives of others that spirit would have me touch. More and more, I choose such actions regularly, to the

point where they have become the natural way in which I express. To be honest, much of the time I don't
consciously know what I am doing or why. However, I TRUST that spirit is moving me and that because
of this whatever I am doing will have meaning and value. As the observer, I find it fascinating to watch
what unfolds and manifests.

Well, enough for now. Hopefully, I have not scared you away by this. This is meant to be an extreme
example. But, it is the only one that I personally know of. The way that I live my life frees me to make
such a commitment ... because I have chosen not to take on many of the day to day responsibilities of
families and relationships that many of you are engaged with. This permits me to focus my time and
energy on that which moves me most, expressing what SPIRIT would express through me.

Feel free to make whatever commitment you are moved to make. I'll do whatever I am moved to do to
support what YOU are DOING, and to help connect you with others so that we can apply synergy, that
magic force which multiplies the energy expressed collectively in our endeavors.


PS: A club with a single member is not much fun. Please JOIN ME and commit to making a difference in
some way. Look within and listen to that still small voice within YOU, then speak out and commit to what
it would have you DO. You'll be amazed at what can happen when you are bold enough to commit. All
manner of universal forces are turned on by such an action.




In the past we have asked for your feedback and your inputs to help transform this site and especially The
Search for Center from a primarily ME creation into a WE creation. Actually, it is already a WE creation
to a large degree, where we is SPIRIT and Wayne with Wunjo's help for The Search for Center.

Perhaps we haven't been explicit enough in explaining what we do and what specific kinds of things you
might be able to do to participate and join us in this grand endeavor.

Let's start with what Wayne is committed to do each month:

• New Treasures from the Dragon's Lair section. [1-2 hrs]

• New Opinions section. [2-3 hrs my opinions + 1 hr to format others]
• New Responses to Question of Month [1 hr response + 1 hr to format]
• New Making a Difference Section [2-3 hrs]
• New Creating the Foundations Section [4-6 hrs]
• New Let's Create a Better World Section [1-2 hrs]
• New Between Order and Chaos Section [1-2 hrs]
• Page Work for other sections [approx 1 hr/section = 10 hrs]

Yes, that is 30 hours per month of my time just for activities related to what The Search for Center does
each month. And this is a conservative estimate. I'm actually spending between 60 and 80 hours per
month on this ... and it seems to be growing each month. Further, BEYOND IMAGINATION related stuff
takes another 20-40 hours per month. Yes, that makes this a 3/4 time job (or more) for me already. That
doesn't even count "thinking" or "planning" time. And yes, I have a separate FULL TIME job that pays
the bills.

BTW: If you are wondering why you don't see me on IRC or at SWC much any more ... it is because
spirit is a slavedriver. But, I am not complaining, I LOVE every minute that I spend on this endeavor.

This does not mean that I cannot find time to participate in other things. I just have to be able to schedule
time for them now. So, if you want my participation, send me an e-mail identifying what you are doing or
discussing, when and where. If it is at all in line with the kinds of things Beyond Imagination or The
Search for Center is doing, I'll do what I can to support it.

OK, now that you know what I am doing, how can you help to make this a joint creation of
people cooperating together? What can you do to make this truly a WE endeavor?

• If you know HTML and can help with some of the pagework, that would be great. It would make
it easiest if you were able to take responsibility for a Section that interests you ... integrating inputs
received each month from the community to create a finished new page for the section.
• Even if you don't know HTML, you can treat the inputs as simple text files, integrate and proof the
inputs and pass them to me or someone else for final transformation into a new page. It really is

pretty easy. If you are willing to learn how to do it ... I might be able to teach you, or we'll find
someone who can.
• If you have your own site/page then ... if you are moved to take responsibility for a section, either
existing or a NEW one that you want to create ... you can do the work and post it at your site, and
we'll link to it from the main newsletter page each month. Feel free to create and express whatever
you are moved by spirit to express. We'll offer feedback and assistance if you ask for it ... but it is
not our job to filter or censor what you say. No, that does not mean we personally or collectively
fully stand behind what is expressed in any section. However, we stand behind the right to express
as spirit moves YOU, period.
• If you are doing work of your own that relates to what we are doing, you could generate an update
of your recent activities each month along with links that people could follow to find out more. If
you need help in any of your endeavors, you can identify what kind of help you need, or just
explain what the problem is so that our community can see it and respond if it so moves them. If
you ask, you just may find the right person or group of people that can assist you.
• You could host your own forums, and turn the logs into pages. It would be easiest on us if you host
these on your own account and give us the URL to link to along with a description of what the
forum addresses. We can announce these in advance on our forum page along with a link to a page
that has background information on what the forum is about and what you want it to accomplish. I
don't know how others work, but my time is very limited. I rarely go anywhere or do anything
unless there is a purpose served by it ... usually one of HER purposes. LOL!!!
• If you carry on relevant discussions via e-mail, you can transform these into pages that capture
whatever is important or meaningful from the discussion. You might even generate an input to the
opinion section or the issues/recommended actions page to summarize the important points and
provide a POC and a link where people can go for more details.

Consider The Search for Center Newsletter as a sort of information clearinghouse and
meeting place that helps our community members find information that is important to
them or to the work that they are doing ... and that helps them to link up with kindred spirits
so that they can work together to truly create a difference in not only their own lives, but in
their community, and their world. Through such actions we can start to manifest the
foundations necessary for SPIRIT to more fully express HERE and NOW!

• Nearly every section of the newsletter can benefit from your inputs. It is as simple as expressing
whatever you are moved to express either on the Feedback form, or via e-mail. Inputs are collected
and posted in each section each month. You can write Letters to the Editor, or opinions, or poetry,
or issues/recommended actions, or recommendation for new links for the link pages, or ... or ... or
...... give your imagination and spirit full reign to express whatsoever it will.

This includes coming up with new sections of your own if you want. You can either suggest these
for addition, or take responsibility to do them each month yourself. We strongly encourage that
you take responsibility where you can and consider that responsibility a sacred one ... not between
you and us, rather between YOU and SPIRIT. Also, you don't have to do things alone. Find
others to team up with ... the burden is much lighter when it is shared!

If you make a commitment, we expect you to honor it. We will not ride you or hound you
however. The deadline for inputs each month is the 15th. The deadline for finished sections is the
22nd. Inputs after the 15th (except calendar inputs) will not be incorporated until the following

• If you are aware of events or activities that you think might be of interest to our community, send a
description and relevant information including a link where further information is available if
needed, so that we can include it in the calendar.

You don't even have to make your involvement public. Inputs can be anonymous. The Feedback
form does not include any information about you, unless you explicitly enter it on the form. The e-
mail that we get when the form is posted is from "unknown" at our site to us. Also, if you want your
communication to be private, even for regular e-mail, just request so and we will honor your needs.





May 1997

We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are ready to get involved and manifest spirit HERE and NOW please join us in our
bold endeavor. :) Both the Newsletter and the Center will grow as the Light within our Beings grows and
is permitted to express.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life and express spirit to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used
for exchanging resources and services and making connections so please participate.


I can see a world where we are all connected in some way. Living together as a community, working
towards a common goal. Working with the forces of nature rather than against. Living as one with Nature

I can see us traveling all over the world and meeting with kindred spirits, exchanging exciting
experiences, learning something new, making new friendships.

I can see a world where there is no war or starving. Because THERE IS NO REASON FOR IT ! All the
food we need will be given to us by the earth and we will help spread the abundance around. SO we all
get what we need :) And there is no war because we all have respect and appreciation for each other and
the earth. We can see the Divine presence within each and every single being on this planet. So there is no
reason for arrogance and no reason for jealousy. When we see the truth of who we are there is no greed or
fighting .

Loving to share is how we act , giving is how things get done.

Well there is some of my vision, I would love to see other peoples vision of the world they can see I have
a feeling we might have some similar visions. And do you know what we can do with the power of a
vision that is Multiplied I think it is more than we can imagine.

So send us your Vision and we will put all of them in the next issue and lets see what we all see :)






Something to Think About

Treasures from the Dragon's Lair

Poetry Opinions

Book Review

Sharings of Experiences

Whispers of the I AM
Issues/Recommended Action
Building the Foundations
Let's Create a Better World

Towards Utopia? Between Order and Chaos

Making a Difference




May 1997

What do I want in a Community?

Well the first thing that comes to my mind is to be surrounded by Spiritual people. People that
are awakening and that want to awaken others. I want it to be full of creativity, art, music and
dance. I want it to be surrounded with the beauty of nature. I want it to be an educational place
where learning is valued, a sacred place honoring Spirit. I want the energy to be of Harmony
& Balance.

Which brings up the principle of Sharing, where sharing becomes the primary exchange. I
think sharing is all about helping each other and where caring and kindness are the norm. Just
think how it would be if everyone helped each other when we needed an extra hand, a hug, an
experience that would make us happy, this world would be a better place.

So why are people so self-absorbed, not caring for the person standing right next to them?
Why is that?? What will it take for people to see that we are all connected? What is involved
in tuning a collection of people into a true community?

All we have to do is Love, Love will set us free.





May 1997

This morning, the universe provided feedback on my current state of awareness. It came as I was walking
my two Samoyed companions. I knew when I saw it, that this was the spark I was waiting for to be able to
write the "Treasure from the Dragon's Lair" section for this month.

CA License Plate

Yes, that is all the universe needed to tell me at that moment. I guess it might help if I shared the
meaning of that simple seven character sequence.

To begin with, just before the walk I had just finished reading some material from a book on Soul
Centered Astrology that dealt with the Seven Rays, and in particular, the higher manifestation of Ray 1:
Divine Will/Power, Ray 2: Love/Wisdom, and Ray 3: Active Intelligence..

The first meaning came by converting each letter to it's corresponding number and breaking the sequence
up as follows:

22: The Fool Complete, my Heart's Desire, the Master Builder.

321: From the middle = 23 - 21 = wayne - ellis. That is me!

91: Death Exalted, one of the biggest awakenings that there is!

This confirms the new level of awareness that I reached at the airport on Friday evening, Apr 25.

The second interpretation was even more powerful and revealing. I remembered that B is 13 with
the space between the two digits removed.

I have been concerned about expressing too much of my personal will in what I do. You might say I
consciously bend over backwards to avoid even the slightest appearance of allowing my personal will to
be expressed. Lately, however, I have not had any choice in the matter. There is a WILL which must be
expressed for SPIRIT to fully manifest in my life. It is not my will but THY WILL or HER WILL. I
was fairly certain of this before, but the message received from spirit is blatantly clear.

Effectively, SPIRIT gave me a report card:

Ray 2: Emotion = 13: Death = Transformed to LOVE/WISDOM

Ray 3: Mental = 13: Death = Transformed to ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE

Ray 1: Physical = 91: Death Exalted = Transformed past "will" to DIVINE WILL

The bottom line is that this confirms my graduation to a new level of expression. It doesn't surprise me at
all. It simply confirms what I had been realizing over the past few weeks, and the final step in that
realization that occurred on Friday evening.


From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
Let Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men ---
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power

restore the Plan on Earth.



The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)


What should one expect as fair compensation for one's work? This question has been occupying my mind
all month. Not surprising, since I have been putting in work weeks of 60 to over 100 hours while the
timecard system of my employer only allows me to report 40 hours each week. There is something VERY
WRONG about this practice. My contract with my employer is for 40 hours of work per week at an
agreed to salary per week. Doing the job well requires at least 60 hours per week with peaks that have
exceeded 100 hours in a single week. Under the current system, there is no way to report and be
recognized for the actual time expended. It is not that people are not aware of the time that I am putting
in. It is obvious to over 50 people now. Further, it is not that everyone, or even several people for that
matter, are doing what I am doing. No, I am not a slave. No one is forcing me to work so hard for so long
each week. But I am driven, because I see work that MUST be done that others either do not see or do not
take personal responsibility for. As a wayshower, I have no choice. I must do what SPIRIT places on my
plate and moves me to do.

Spiritual law ensures that I will reap what I have sown. It ensures that I will indeed receive all that I need
in return for the service that I provide. Spirit does not care what "contracts" are in place between
employers and employees. It holds each individual and each organization to a higher standard. This
standard involves fair compensation for services rendered and services received. In my present work
environment, there is a CLEAR IMBALANCE in the exchange of energy. That this will be righted in time
is CERTAIN ... for spiritual law has no exceptions. Balance is always achieved. No situation of imbalance
is allowed to exist for very long. It will be interesting to observe what transpires in the weeks and months
ahead. I find it curious that my LIFE now demonstrates spiritual law in action so readily. No, the
corrections do not occur overnight. However, they always occur when the time is right in a manner that
permits the greatest expression of spirit possible within the constraints of the circumstances. I stand back

as an observer. While I am intimately involved in the process, I am also very detached ... open to whatever
will happen, anxiously awaiting what it will demonstrate about the nature of reality and in particular how
spiritual law is manifest HERE and NOW in this world.

SPIRIT knows everything that is happening. It is not for me to judge how spirit is expressed in any
circumstances. Rather, I am the observer, watching what I experience, and learning as much as I can about
my SELF and how spirit expresses from every encounter and experience in my life.

I am blown away every day by what SPIRIT reveals unto me and by what SHE does through me. I have
no experience of creating any of this. It just happens. It just unfolds before my consciousness. I AM
THAT I AM. I would be none other that I AM. But, even more important, there is only ONE I AM. Each
day this is experienced to a greater degree. More of the world becomes part of "Wayne's World". And,
with each piece that is brought in there is a greater level of awareness and understanding.

As I type this, I am sitting in an airport. My head is moving from side to side observing everything that is
around me. There is a song that I am humming as the words flow forth. I have no idea of where they
originate. They flow through my consciousness and my fingers effortlessly. I am completely at PEACE
and at ONE with the world. I am HERE and NOW. All that matters is experiencing this moment fully and
ENJOYING the process of spirit expressing in this manner HERE and NOW. I am in THE ZONE. As I
look around, it is clear that there are no others in my world at this moment. Yes, there are many people
within 100 feet of me in the terminal at the airport, but they literally have no awareness of the reality that I
am now experiencing. Interesting, I have never been in exactly this state before. There is a blissfulness
that transcends everything that I have experienced to this point in my life. I have arrived at a LOVELY
place. This is indeed HEAVEN. Yes, right here, right now, I am in HEAVEN! But, this is only a first step.
Where this will ultimately take me is UNKNOWN. It is truly BEYOND IMAGINATION. I am not
making this up. I am describing what I AM as fully as my understanding and awareness permits at this
moment. I find it absolutely fascinating. The world is truly PERFECT at this very moment. What a
wonderful state to experience. It is as if I have reached the top of a great peak of awareness. From this
vantage point, the world is a very different place. Not only the world, but ALL THAT I AM.

There is a profound sense of peace. I am fully relaxed. Yet, at the same time I am aware in a way that I
have never been aware before. I am AWAKE, as if for the first time in my life. All that has come before in
the past few years is child’s play compared to this present awareness. Yet, this too is only a step along the
way towards the experience of WHOM THAT I TRULY AM. Oh, don't get me wrong. It is a BIG step.
But, it is still only a step on a wondrous journey that has truly just begun.

At this moment I am without need. I am without lack pf any kind. I am spirit enfleshed to a degree that I
had not imagined was even possible. Yet, how can I describe this state in a way that is meaningful to
others. SERVICE is foremost in my mind. It is in SERVICE that spirit expresses. SERVICE is the
mechanism through which all need is filled. Hmm... what an interesting concept. The key to filling any
need is to GIVE ... to give as fully and completely as is possible in each moment. Any lack that is felt is
there because one has not found a way to SERVE. All that matters is the maximal expression of spirit.
When this is occurring, everything else falls into place naturally. How is it that I could not see this
before? At this point it matters not. What was before is no longer relevant. All that matters is what I AM
now ... and the degree to which I am able to allow SPIRIT to express through me. The expression of
SPIRIT is always to SERVE, in whatever manner is required in the moment. What this is will be clear
when one is operating in the ZONE, where spirit is freely flowing in everything that one does. There are
no longer any separations or compartments in life. It is ONE ... a single FLOW in which consciousness
bears witness to a reality that miraculously unfolds.

My head still moves from side to side as it has throughout the time that I have been typing these words.
My attention is multi-faceted at this moment. I am simultaneously aware of so many things that I am
amazed that the words can flow forth at all, much less at a regular pace. My fingers move faster than their
normal pace. But what is being expressed occupies only a small fraction of my awareness. I have
observed my mind doing multiple things concurrently before. But, this is very different. Something NEW
has kicked in that has never expressed in this manner before. How privileged I am to bear witness to what
is unfolding. This is indeed a special moment. I long to share it with others, yet I know not how. It is as if
such is impossible. It is as if such experience for me can only come by increasing my understanding and
awareness of SELF to embrace the fact that what is perceived as "other" is but another aspect of the ONE
SELF of which I am not yet consciously aware.

By that standard, I have a long way to go. Yet, now I know that such is indeed where I am headed. I have
caught a glimpse of eternity. No longer is the true reality a concept in my head, It is a living awareness
enfleshed in this body!

Hmm... I guess I have gone beyond what is generally expression as OPINION. Yet, somehow it is
appropriate that this be expressed in this manner at this time. I guess the cosmic joke is on me. This was
my reward for the LEVEL OF SERVICE that I have been providing at work. It is a reward that is
priceless! I guess that is SPIRIT's way of showing me that my service has been priceless as well.

As I thought in the beginning, SPIRIT's economic system is simple: from each in accord with their
abilities ... to each in accord with their needs.

THANK YOU SPIRIT, for giving me exactly what I needed in this moment. Thank you for once again
expanding my consciousness to embrace more of the UNKNOWN. The rewards of the expression of spirit
are endless. LIFE is truly a GIFT, the GRANDEST GIFT of ALL. THANK YOU ... THANK YOU ...



BOOK REVIEW by Swanjoy

Hello, I saw your name on the website and it occurred to me that you are doing just what is being talked
about in a new book I just read called Losing the Weight of the World. I met the authors at a
booksigning/talk and now this book has had a big impact on me, a very new seeker. I'm so enthused that
I'm helping them promote it by giving my time for free. Here is a copy of a flyer that I got with the book.


Spirituality Made Simple by Kramer


A great collection of ancient wisdom presented in a clear, intelligent and moving style, making it useful in
modern life. I give it my highest rating...

Bernie S. Siegel, MD author, Love, Medicine and Miracles

A wonderfully intelligent, clear, comprehensive guide to living a wise, balanced and compassionate life.
LOSING THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD delivers complex ideas in a highly absorbable, user-friendly
way, and is equally valuable for new seekers on the path or long time travelers.

Belleruth Naparstek author, Staying Well with Guided Imagery

In LOSING THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD, Jonathan and Diane Kramer integrate the knowledge and
techniques of modern psychology with the teachings of the world's major religions, to show how ordinary
people, busy with the demands of household and career, can live a richer, more meaningful, more joyful
life. The authors' ten-part psychological and spiritual "diet" will nurture and nourish you personally and
spiritually, whether you're a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Unitarian or follower of no specific
religion at all.

Millions of people live their lives half-heartedly, bogged down by the burdens of everyday life. This
psychological and spiritual "diet" offers a menu of choices that will help you to:

Feel relaxed and relieved, with a calmer, clearer mind Identify and handle painful emotions like, anger,
self-criticism and guilt Find and experience your inherent basic goodness Discover your deepest meaning
and mission in life Get the most out of everyday you're alive

Jonathan Kramer, PhD is a clinical psychologist who practices in La Jolla, California with thirty years of
professional and twenty years of meditation experience. Jonathan studied philosophy and religion at NYU
and the New School for Social Research, and did his doctoral thesis (CSPP, 1976) on eastern spirituality
and western psychotherapy. He has taught spiritual psychology through the University of California,
SDSU, and several other colleges and universities.

DOUBLEDAY 1997 Jonathan/ Kramer: Phone (619) 457-1314 Fax (619) 538-6595

E-mail: jonmkramer@aol.com or ddunaway@aol.com

Website: www.clever.net/kramer


The following are experiences that various members of the community would like to express and share
with others. Feel free to share anything you feel might be valuable to yourself and/or to others.


Unexpected Feedback from SPIRIT: Another Awakening

I'm not sure where to begin. As usual, I'll just allow spirit to speak through me as she will. To say the
least, it has been an extremely interesting month. I've probably learned more in the past 5 weeks than I did
in the past 20 years.

I am amazed at the LIFE I now lead. It seems that I have indeed become the Philosopher King that I so
longed to be ... not because the position was offered to me by anyone, rather because I chose to start
ACTING AS IF. It is simply amazing what happens when you choose to do this. You literally become
THE CREATOR of your life. When YOU act with knowingness and authority, it is simply amazing. It is
as if an invisible communication takes place and people start acting in accord with your new knowingness
and reality.

It still blows me away when I look at what was done through me this past month. There was no precedent
for it. In very real ways, a MAJOR REVOLUTION occurred in my working environment triggered
through the way that I personally was moved by spirit to ACT. The transformation took place in about 2
days nearly three weeks ago. The aftershocks are still being felt every day and are still very strong.
However, the overall change is miraculous. I LOVE my job and all the people that I work with. SPIRIT is
able to NOW work through me at an incredible pace in everything that I do.

For a HERMIT, the change that I have seen is literally a MIRACLE. Wayne's World now includes nearly
a hundred people on a daily basis ... not in a working environment, but in a PLAYGROUND that I have
created and invited others into. I find it fascinating. My work is HERE and NOW. It occupies my attention
completely. It is where I WALK MY TALK. It is where metaphysics gets applied in real ways everyday. I
am excited to a degree that I have never experienced before. In the past month, my average work week
has been over 70 hours with a peak exceeding 100 hours. It is very hard to find 100 hours to spend on
work in a week. That is nearly 15 hours per day for 7 days straight. However, what I discovered was that
rather than get tired and stressed by the workload, I was relaxed and excited. I was smiling all the time
and singing to myself as I walked from one meeting to another. A level of synergy kicked in that I had not
known was possible. During my 100 hour week there was an tremendous added bonus. My efficiency
went up by a factor of at least 2-3. So, effectively, I did 6-8 times the amount of work that I would
normally have done in a week of 40 hours. Yes, each night I was exhausted and slept very well. But, my
mind was energized even while the body was tired. Every waking moment was spent with an intense
focus on the work at hand. Time literally ceased to exist ... what was left was an extended presence, an
eternal NOW. As the observer, it was simply amazing. I was in a special ZONE, flying higher than ever ...
yet in a practical way that I would not have believed possible. Further, nearly 20 people were suddenly
being carried along in my wake, flocking as birds do in formation. All of a sudden, where there had been
chaos, there was now harmony and synergy at a level that was truly beyond imagination.

I still find it hard to believe that so much could happen so quickly. It is hard to contain the excitement I
feel so intensely. My state is infectious. I see how it impacts many others on a daily basis. The richness of
relationships that I experience is beyond anything that I had dreamed was possible as a hermit. Uranus
reaching the light of day for the first time in my life is now operating at full speed. I look forward to what
each new day will bring. I am truly blessed. LIFE is an incredible experience, as it was meant to be. I am
HAPPY beyond anything I have experienced before. In a very real way, I am in a state of bliss. What a
wonderful state to experience! URANUS = yoU aRe AN US. Such is what I experienced. It was as if I
was indeed ONE with everyone at work. They became extensions of me in very real ways ... ways that
removed most of the separation that is present between individuals. We saw the collective birth of a
TEAM that simply did not exist before ... and that birth completely changed the nature of the working
environment. We had passed a breakpoint, and there was no going back ... regardless of the unknown that
now faced us daily.

It has not all been easy, but it has been EXCITING! Further, what I am learning and doing at work is
directly relevant to the true spiritual work that I came to do. The manner in which I now work has a direct
impact on the lives of many others. I am a wayshower NOW, in every respect. I have every confidence
that what SPIRIT has done through me at work, SHE can do for the WORLD ... in the blink of an eye.
When TEAM WORLD is finally born, the fireworks will be spectacular, and the manifestation that result
will indeed be BEYOND IMAGINATION.



The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


I have had more than my share of dealing with incompetence and what I consider to be POOR or BAD
service in that past few months. I have reached a point in my life where I simply will not tolerate it.
Rather, I feel compelled to speak out and and do something to right the problem no matter what it is, and
no matter what it takes.

My MCI nightmare is documented below. It has resulted in lack of long distance service for over two and
a half months. I still can't believe it ... but it is fully documented.

Recently, I had interesting experiences with USAA and Blue Cross of California as well. I refuse to accept
anything less than high quality service anymore. I hold myself to this standard for the services that I
deliver ... I expect no less from the services that I pay for.

Here is the letter that I sent to Blue Cross:

13 April 1997

FROM: Wayne Hartman

SUBJECT: HEALTH BENEFITS [12345G, The Aerospace Corp, 575682184]

TO: Blue Cross of California

1. I do not understand why I am required to pay more than my $10 co-payment for these medical services.

2. When I first inquired about getting Lithium level checks for my bipolar condition in December, you
sent me to The Holman Group to get approval. After two visits with a therapist there, they authorized
sending me to a medical doctor to get tests done needed to ensure that the Lithium that I take daily is at
the proper level and is not doing damage to any body organs/functions. They sent me to Dr xxxxx. I was
under the impression that the services provided by The Holman Group were free to me, and at most would
be subject to my $10 co-pay. Why they sent me to someone that is a "non-participating provider" is NOT
my problem nor my responsibility.

3. I have not requested, nor do I need or desire, mental health care at this time. I have not needed such
care for nearly 3.5 years nor do I expect to need it at any time in the future. Further, $110 for a 20 minute
visit with a doctor that knows less about my condition than I do is ridiculous. It is not worth my time to
take the 30 minutes required to drive to his office for these short visits.

4. What I need is an M.D. that can prescribe my Eskalith. I am down to one 450 mg pill per day. I started
at 3 of these pills per day in Nov 93 and have been gradually reducing it. That is all it takes to control the
physical part of my condition. Based on my experience since the bipolar condition was diagnosed in Oct
93, I also need blood tests done every 4-6 months to check the lithium level and to ensure that no harmful
side effects are developing in my body. I don't care what doctor provides this minimum level of care.
Further, I consider any additional care above and beyond this to be excessive and a waste of not only my
money but yours as well. I am fully capable of handling my own mental health and state at this time.

5. Please take care of this matter in whatever way is appropriate. I will not pay anything beyond my $10
copay per visit. For the 6 month checkups, please let me know who to go to that is a "participating
provider". If possible, I would prefer to go to a designated lab for the bloodwork each 4-6 months and
communicate via telephone or better yet e-mail to get the results of the tests and adjust my medication
level as required.

6. I don't like doctors in general, and would prefer NOT to use their services at all, unless it is required.



And, here is the response that I received in the mail today:


Blue Cross of California

We hope the following will answer your inquiry.

[The following is handwritten on the form.]

The $10 co-pay applies to the doctors office visits only, not psychiatric examinations, which is what we
were billed for. If we were billed incorrectly, please let us know so the proper adjustments can be made.
Otherwise the claim can have no further adjustments.

- Thank You -

[End of handwritten entry.]

If you have any questions regarding this answer, please contact our office.



Work Center =: 0004

Clearly, we have a major problem communicating.

Why is it that I am confronted by such SERVICE so often? Surely, it is obvious that this response
does not begin to address the problem that I took the time to express in my letter to them.

Surely I cannot be the only one noticing that many of the "services" provided in the world leave a lot to be
desired. How prevalent is this problem? Is it just large organizations that are this screwed up, or does it
occur everywhere. No wonder our country and our world have so many problems?

Perhaps YOU have ideas on how to deal with matters such as this??? If so, please offer them so that
others can benefit from them as well.


Don't "TRY MCI"

My interesting experience continues with a company that clearly does not understand what CUSTOMER
SERVICE means. In my particular case, the symptoms of the problem are wasted time getting to customer
service, loss of long distance telephone service for over five weeks, and complete incompetence of
customer service in dealing with the problem MCI caused.

I find the way MCI has treated me, and is treating others, COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. And, I
believe that by making people aware of the way MCI does business as a volunteer consumer advocate, I
empower myself to act in a manner that forces MCI to deal with the REAL problems in how they are
treating all their customers.

Anyway see Denial of Long Distance Service for details. [Scroll quickly to the final third of the page for
newly posted e-mails and letters]. But beware, seeing how MCI is choosing to handle this has had me
ROFL a few times already. I've known for awhile that many companies simply don't care. But, this is far
worse than I had ever imagined. My latest action is a Letter to the President of MCI. You may find it

[see http://www.redshift.com/~beyond/longdist.htm]

See last month recommended action if you care enough to join me in this effort. Also, keep in mind that
everything I have done is directly transferable and can be used to support other causes ... hopefully more
effectively than it has worked with MCI thus far. However, time is on my side, or so I choose to believe.


by Jasmine
8 May 1997

A Letter of Love
Beloved friend
hiding behind unfamiliar faces
in a coat of ancient living flesh
whose sigh I recognize
whose heartbeat reverberates in my veins
whose anguish grips me with pain
whose silent cry for help echoes in my inner ear
and I resolve once more
to shout and kick myself to keep awake
lest my memory grow indistinct again
and I forget who you are.

Beloved friend
whose voice I recognize
for we've moaned and wailed and cursed together
and sung to the glory of God
countless hymns
throughout time.

Beloved friend
whose footprints I recognize
for we've walked for ages side by side
through sand, snow and sleet
scaled together countless ridges and cliffs
coloring them with the pain of our bleeding feet.

Beloved friend
whose firm grasp I can't forget
for whenever disheartened and lost
I slipped into a quagmire
you were there to pull me back.
I now come to serve you
I come to stir you awake.

Beloved friend
you who feel forsaken,
forlorn distinct, separate, apart
I say you are not.

Brush the nightmare off your coat
heave the burdens off your chest
rub the world out of your eyes
and look inside where truth lies.

You have no outer adversary

the many are but one
serving as mirror to yourself
till inner healing is done.

For you are the sound and the ear

invincible courage and fear;
you are the tyrant, victim
benefactor, jailer, thief.

You are the viewer, you are the scene

what do you see on the screen?
All that is not love is for you to heal
for love is what you are, and have always been
love in need of new understanding.

You are the forest and the tree

you are the wave and the sea
you are the Buddha, the cross, Mother Mary
see with the eyes of the soul
one life disguised as many.

Beloved friend
hiding behind unfamiliar faces
hear the rumble of the growing chaos
spinning at an ever greater speed;
it wants to assail you, it wants to derail you
it wants to blast you, shatter and scatter you ---
let it not prevail.

Love and accept all that you are

love and honor the impulse of your heart
for love is the healer, the salve, the bridge and the glue
love is all, all that is real
thrusting into being
as you.

I AM Jasmine




Our new approach for this section is to provide an area for working on various issues/problems related to
creating a better world. Each new area will be introduced on this page. A table of links will be provided at
the beginning that identifies the number of submissions received during the month for each area.

Every area that is created will have a page of it's own. Summary tables at the beginning of each of the
area pages will describe key changes and new information will be identified in bold to facilitate focusing
attention on what has been added in each month. The intent is for these pages to provide running
commentaries that permit adding new inputs at any point in the discussion.

New submissions should include:

• The number of the question, statement, or topic that you are responding to accompanied by your
response or input.
• New questions, issues, or topics that you feel should be addressed here along with whatever
background material you care to submit that provides an introduction or context for discussion of
the topic or issue.

Once again, no responses or comments were received for this section and these particular questions.
That makes three months in a row. Perhaps the questions are too hard, or maybe no one is
interested in answering them. See prior section from Issue #5 if you care to find out what questions
I am talking about.

I don't understand why it is so difficult to find people interested enough in this topic to provide
feedback. I can only guess that this material is not reaching many people and, in particular is not
reaching the right people.

At this point, that is fine. I have limited time to engage in discussion anyway. I fully believe that what has
been expressed to date is indeed correct. I anxiously wait for the world to transform to something that
conforms to the VISION that I have been privileged to see. Yet, I am not simply waiting. Each day, I
actively DO THINGS that are consistent with bringing a NEW WORLD into being. I do this because
such is what SPIRIT moves me to do. ACTING AS IF is such a powerful tool for the manifestation of
reality. It is what allows the MAGIC of SPIRIT to flow in our lives. It is what allows LOVE to be
expressed in SERVICE to others and to our WORLD.




The following is the seed for a new activity that we call Building the Foundations. The intent here is to
get some common understanding of what is needed for the foundations of a new society or community,
then to start making commitments to take action to make it so. Our hope is that by planting the seed
NOW, it will have time to grow into a tree and bear fruit by the time harvest comes in the Fall. Yes, our
time horizon is that close. We choose to make 1997 a Year of Manifestation. Please join with us in this
bold new adventure.

New submissions should include:

• Whatever you care to express and/or share that is relevant to building the foundations.
• Any resources and/or abilities and talents that you have to offer.
• Any ideas or plans on what specifically can be done.
• Any issues, problems, or questions that you feel need to be addressed.
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -


Yet another month without any feedback. So, all that I can do is continue following Bucky's advice and
DO the things that I SEE need to be done, especially since they are things "no one else seems to see need
to be done." Interesting.

Anyway, this month I was moved to continue to DO THINGS for others to help their works to reach a
greater audience. This is what COOPERATION is all about. We can collectively do far more in a far
better way when we JOIN TOGETHER to make things so in this world. Further, in doing this, we learn
lessons that are extremely important in creating solid foundations for the World that we CHOOSE to



First, there is An Update on the Earth Proclamation stuff from Jean Hudon that I offer for your
consideration. He is doing some great work. Please join in and assist if spirit so moves you.


Second, there is an e-mail that I received on the book THE IMMORTAL.


Third, there is A STORY OF TOMO UNION by TAO. It is a great story. Please take the time to read
it and realize the lessons that it illustrates on how to create a better world HERE and NOW.


Fourth, there is an article from Personal Transformation Magazine on The New Spiritual Renaissance.
I present it here because I believe it is of a quality that should be shared and disseminated widely. Please
respect the copyright of the material.


Fifth, there is material from THE GOLDEN OCTAVE LIGHT CENTER. It moved me very much.
Hopefully, it will do the same for you.


Sixth, there is CO-RESPOND-DANCE between "ZERO" & BRUCE's "ORIGIN" that I found
very interesting and worthy of sharing.


Seventh, there is an announcement from Alex on A Gathering in California in August 97


Finally, there is an article by Jeremy S Gluck



If you are moved by this and want to participate, and/or you are doing something to build foundations that
you feel might be appropriate for me to include in this section, please contact:




We are ambivalent about utopia. Classless societies minimize competition, but we see competition as
separating worthies from the less worthy. That bosses reach exhalted positions inclines us to follow their
orders. And there is always hope that someday we will be boss. Besides, utopia strikes us as boring. We
seem to prefer tension to calmer states of mind.

If you think this the best of all possible worlds, try The Garden of Eden for different social possibilities.
Put pessimism aside for a moment. You can get it back. Ask yourself how you would improve the way we
live. What makes you "happy"?

The hope is the issue raised each month generates discussion among what ideally will become many


It is difficult to believe a majority prefers free markets. Economic games have few winners and many
losers, and after years of devotion to jobs we dislike, we worry about paying bills or being downsized out
of what was supposed to be a lifetime career. Though economic tensions can be life threatening, we see
them as necessary, perhaps even desirable.

We face the same inability to change the status quo in our private lives. The obese, the variously
compulsive, persist in compulsion no matter how badly they want to be different. We are locked into
behavior because change means creating a different persona. It means breaking with the past and
embarking on a voyage whose outcome we cannot know. It means exchanging the familiar for the

Then there is the sadness of knowing that time spent in destructive, fearful behavior was wasted. We hold
the keys to our psychological prisons and have only ourselves to blame when we do not use them. We
could have been loving, but we could not bring ourselves to trust. The problem with taking responsibility
for your life is that you cannot take responsibility for less than the whole thing.

Changing collective behavior requires the courage needed for individual change AND agreement from
fellow citizens. It makes our situation especially difficult because those who cannot trust themselves
cannot trust their fellows. We fear falling out of step and we know those who stray are often crushed.
Being a founding father or a felon generally depends on whether your revolution succeeded or failed.
Electronic communications holds hope of eliminating our ignorance of where each of us stands, but
opposing the way things are has always been a risky business.

Post responses to utopia@mail2.nai.net




This new section "Between Order and Chaos: mechanisms for manifesting spirit in flesh." is meant
to provide a forum for dealing with the mechanics of how spirit expresses in flesh and in this world. The
section title comes from the idea that all of CREATION occurs between order and chaos. Too much order,
and the system is too frozen to change ... it cannot adapt, so it dies. Too much chaos and there is not
enough of a fixed basis for anything to retain a form and hence exist. Somewhere between lies the balance
point that permits all life to exist and spirit to express within form.

For those of you that haven't seen the essay by Ratco Tomic:



I highly recommend that you do so. It is well worth the time to read it.

Once again, no comments in this area have been received. So, I'll take this opportunity to explain how I
personally have started to implement improvements in my work environment based on some of the
observations and realizations that I made in last month's section,

This month I made an information breakthrough. It happened just over two weeks ago when I realized
that I could organize all of the information that I use at work in a manner that matches how the
information is organized in my head. All it took was to use the technology that I use here in these pages in
a manner that allowed me to apply it to all of the documents that I access, use, and create at work. Within
a two day period, I was able to literally create a web of information that put everything at my fingertips,
literally a mouse click away, regardless of kind of file that it was.

I am amazed that it was so easy, yet that I had not heard of anyone who had done it before. The immediate
benefit was that my productivity increased by a factor of 3-4, literally overnight. An added benefit was
that within a few hours, I was able to put all of the information that I use at the fingertips of those whom I
work with as well. In my case, this involves several dozen people.

I am extremely excited. I have witnessed the birth of an INFORMATION REVOLUTION. Thus far,
however, while others have been impacted, it is not clear that they yet realize and appreciate how great of
a leap has been made and how it will completely transform the work environment within as little as a few

It is strange to be at the leading edge of this transformation. I am now the master of information in my
life rather than its slave. Information overload is no longer even a remote possibility in my life because I
am empowered by tools that enable me to effectively deal with it regardless of how much there is or how
often it changes. This has completely changed all the interfaces that I have with others at work and has
freed me to work in a manner that I would not have believed was possible as little as three weeks ago. It
takes a lot to get me THIS EXCITED. But, the discoveries I have made and have implemented are indeed
that powerful and that important.

Given that we are truly in the midst of an INFORMATION AGE, this breakthrough truly has the potential
to empower many people in ways that make all the difference in the world. I look forward to see what
will manifest from the seed that has now sprouted. I already know that it will grow into a TREE of
KNOWLEDGE far grander than anyone has dreamed possible. I anxiously await seeing just how this will
unfold and what magic and miracles will be unleashed to tranform the present world into the one that we
choose to create!

Post your responses to BETWEEN ORDER AND CHAOS.


Two months ago, I announced that THE MAKING A DIFFERENCE CLUB was now officially
established and that I would create a new section to capture the commitments that were made by members
of our community. The "price" of admission is simply to make a public statement of what you are
COMMITTED TO DO to make a difference. Thus far, not one person has replied to my invitation to join.
My personal commitment to The Search for Center is expressed at A PLEA FOR HELP.

New submissions should include:

• What YOU are committed to DO.
• The DIFFERENCE that you are working to make manifest.
• How others can help you achieve this. (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

Hmm ... thus far, no one else has been moved to announce a commitment on this page. My personal
commitment has grown even more. I have no choice in the matter. SPIRIT is forcing my hand. SHE is
moving me to do her works in a manner and at a pace that is unreal. It impacts every area of my life. I am
spirit in flesh right HERE and NOW. This is my present reality and I LOVE it!


I can't wait to arise each day and behold the wonders that are expressed everywhere in everything that I
observe and am moved to participate in.

The mystical phoenix has risen from the ashes. Once again, I have been reborn and renewed. But it is
more than this. I have embraced the UNKNOWN once again. Each time this occurs I am blown away.
Further, the magnitude of change increases exponentially. Each step is much greater than the one that
preceded it.

Yet, my reality is still that I must experience this ALONE ... or more correctly as ALL ONE! Why that is
so matters not anymore. It is as it is and there is a sense that for me, this is indeed how it must be. Such is
what I must experience to learn what it is that I must learn so that I can do what I must do to



I am committed to do whatever I can to build the foundations that permit SPIRIT to express more fully in
flesh HERE and NOW. My commitment is to SPIRIT herself, the ONE. Because of this it extends to all
whom I am in a position to SERVE effectively. I will carry out my assigned tasks with all my HEART and
SOUL, to the very best of my abilities. I will serve as the Wayshower, being true to my name, that others
may see what I mean by my ACTIONS in this world. My life is a testament to what spirit can do when we

simply allow her to do her works through us. What I DO, in reality SHE does through me. This shall be
SO, as long as I continue to manifest in flesh on this plane.

I choose to express PEACE, LOVE and LIGHT in all that I do, that my example can assist others in
finding these same energies within themselves. I am of the VOID. There is no place and no time in which
I dwell. Wherever you are, I am as close as your own HEART, and the SOUL that dwells within you, for
that soul is your connection to the ONE. In that place, beyond space and time, all separation within us
ceases to exist. What I AM, YOU ARE as well. WE are ONE. What you see expressed through me, is but
that same source expressing though another aspect of your SELF. What you do to any, you do to the ONE,
hence you do to your SELF.

What else am I committed to DO? Where I see wrong, where I see WIN/LOSE and LOSE/LOSE
operating within our world, I will give voice to what I see that others may see it also, and that if spirit so
chooses action can be taken to improve the expression.

Further, so long as spirit permits me to be an instrument to do HER WILL, I will be the HERMIT, the
MIT of HER and do as she moves me to do. This is my solemn pledge ... I shall honor it so long as I live,
which is FOREVER. How can I be so bold as to make such a claim? It is because I have reached a state of
awareness where I KNOW that there is truly no other choice that I can make. I am that I AM, spirit
enfleshed HERE and NOW. I can see no higher way to live than to CHOOSE to SERVE HER with all that

I honor this commitment by acting in a manner that makes a difference in the world, and especially in the
lives of others that spirit would have me touch. More and more, I choose such actions regularly, to the
point where they have become the natural way in which I express. To be honest, much of the time I don't
consciously know what I am doing or why. However, I TRUST that spirit is moving me and that because
of this whatever I am doing will have meaning and value. As the observer, I find it fascinating to watch
what unfolds and manifests.

Well, enough for now. Hopefully, I have not scared you away by this. This is meant to be an extreme
example. But, it is the only one that I personally know of. The way that I live my life frees me to make
such a commitment ... because I have chosen not to take on many of the day to day responsibilities of
families and relationships that many of you are engaged with. This permits me to focus my time and
energy on that which moves me most, expressing what SPIRIT would express through me.

Feel free to make whatever commitment you are moved to make. I'll do whatever I am moved to do to
support what YOU are DOING, and to help connect you with others so that we can apply synergy, that
magic force which multiplies the energy expressed collectively in our endeavors.


PS: A club with a single member is not much fun. Please JOIN ME and commit to making a difference in
some way. Look within and listen to that still small voice within YOU, then speak out and commit to what
it would have you DO. You'll be amazed at what can happen when you are bold enough to commit. All
manner of universal forces are turned on by such an action.



June 1997

This issue is dedicated to

Phyllis Jean Harskamp ["Poodie"]
She was my sister-in-law. She passed away from brain cancer on Memorial Day after a five month battle.
While she was not into "metaphysics" in the manner expressed here nor into conventional religion, she
lived her life in an exemplary manner that deserves to be remembered. She demonstrated in her actions
how spirit can be expressed in ordinary life. I never knew her to judge another in any manner. She was
always helpful and kind to everyone. As a result, she had more friends, and truly touched more people's
lives than any person that I personally know. She loved people. Even more than that, she LOVED being
of SERVICE to people ... perhaps to an extreme. However, if one is to err to an extreme, one could do far
worse than to err on the side of service to others.

I don't know why her time was up. I don't know what caused the brain cancer, or what allowed it to grow
to the point of consuming the life from her body. However, I do know that she was deeply touched by the
wonderful support of her family this year. They demonstrated firsthand what Love and sacrifice are all
about. Further, I can't imagine a person more deserving of realizing how deeply she was loved.

It seems ironic, but as little as five months ago ... I don't believe Poodie had ever allowed others to really
help her. She was always too busy helping others. It was as if the scales were out of balance, and she
needed to experience receiving for awhile.

My resolve is as strong as ever ... at some level, we choose and create the reality that we experience.
Nothing about what I've witnessed in the past 5 months changes that belief at all. My sense is that
Poodie's spirit knew exactly what she needed to experience and went to great pains to create the
appropriate circumstances ... even to the point of finding an alternative therapy that very likely extended
her life by several months by slowing the growth of the cancer.

Dear Poodie, you will be sorely missed by many whose lives you touched so positively. My sense is that
you are witnessing this now from a vantage point that allows you to truly understanding the difference
YOU personally made and that you now see how much better the world is that you have graced it with
your special expression of spirit. You truly allowed your HEART to be expressed in the love you so freely
gave to so many.

THANK YOU for gracing my life and providing such a wonderful example of how spirit can be
expressed HERE and NOW in the very world we live in.



We are Searching for Spirits of like mind to come together and create great things. Our mission is to start
a Spiritual Center, along with reaching the Center of our Being. But it takes more than a few to make it
happen . So if you are ready to get involved and manifest spirit HERE and NOW please join us in our
bold endeavor. :) Both the Newsletter and the Center will grow as the Light within our Beings grows and
is permitted to express.

The Search for Center Newsletter is meant to open an avenue for communication and information
exchange so that we can gather Knowledge and learn from each other. We all are teachers and students of
life. So let's come together and live life and express spirit to the fullest. This Newsletter can also be used
for exchanging resources and services and making connections so please participate.


You cannot predict the future because you are creating your own reality as you go along in life. You are
choosing in each second you live, which way you are going to go or which path you will take in the next
step you make. I would like all to look at the ISSUES/RECOMMENDED ACTIONS section there is a
very serious issue called:


Save Yamdena's Forests.

I just found out about it and I am amazed at what is happening to the people and the land. I want to help
stop it and one way is to get people to see what is going on in Yamdena's Forest. The more people who
know and act to help, the better chance we will have at stoping the destruction of beautiful people and
beautiful Land. I do not understand why it is so hard for people to respect this earth??? especially
Government people??? Please take the time to find out what you can do to help. The people and the
Forests need all the help they can get!!!





Tasks: What YOU Can Do

Something to Think About

Treasures from the Dragon's Lair

Book Review Opinions

Community Forum

Whispers of the I AM
Issues/Recommended Action

Building the Foundations

Let's Create a Better World

Towards Utopia? Between Order and Chaos

Making a Difference




June 1997

Did you know that the native Americans are still being pushed off their land?

Yes even in the year 1997 ... we are almost at new millennium. What is with everyone? Why is this still
happening?? I do not understand it!!! Why does our government allow this inhumanity and why do we
allow our government the power to make these choices when most of us know how awful they are? I
really do not get this??

For example...(quote are from our bulletin board so please check it out :)

"Our Government is going to force the Navajo off their land in the next few months because they
wouldn't sign their land over to Coal companies. The deadline has passed and the evictions have
begun. Most of the Traditionals are elders and know no other way to live except here on their land,
as their ancestors did." (E.J) "it boils down to this: forcibly removing people from their ancestral
sacred land in order to coal and uranium mine, estimated to be worth billions of dollars." (E.J)

And it gets worse ... not only are they making these people leave THEIR land but they are making them
go to land that has been destroyed by a uranium spill. How can the government get away with this kind of
treatment toward human beings????

"Public law 93-531 passed in 1974 requires partition of 3,000 sq miles of land and the removal of
more than ten thousand Navajo people. The primary site for relocation, called the "new lands",
near Sanders, Arizona, is downstream from the nation's largest known uranium spill. The spill
occurred when a dam containing more than a hundred million gallons of radioactive water burst in
July 1979. This area is still designated the primary site for relocation." (E.J)

Now this tells me that our government has absolutely NO respect for people's lives or for the earth. All it
cares about is making a buck :( When is the value of people and respecting the earth going to mean more
then Money??? I believe if we do not change this soon then we will have no earth left to respect or people
left to value. I fear that when we see what we have done and want to change it, it will be too late.

"350 million of your tax dollars have gone so far to fund the dreams of politicians and energy
corporations eager to rape the riches of northern Arizona. Only the presence of the Dineh on the
Hopi Partitioned Land (HPL) is keeping the U.S. government from making good on it's promise to
turn four corners into a "national sacrifice area".(E.J)

I do not know the answers to this most regretful situation. I just want to get the information out there so
that we can change before it is to late. I feel we really need to get the urgency across to the people who are
in charge of making these horrifying decisions of raping people of their land.

This is just one example; there is another....

"The people of a remote Indonesian island have been fighting a six year battle to save their forests
- and their livelihoods - from destruction by logging companies. They have suffered brutality and

repression for defending their lands. If the logging goes on, it could literally mean the death of
their island. The situation is reaching crisis point. The people of Yamdena Island need your help -

Please go see more info and how you can help at EarthAction's web page:


And Another....

"The Shell oil corporation has blood on its hands, and a worldwide boycott of Shell products is
under way. Two recent reports on the Shell subsidiary in Nigeria, Africa, have documented
massive environmental destruction in the Niger River delta region, where Shell has spilled some
56 million gallons of oil onto farmlands and into community water supplies. The destroyed land
and water formerly provided sustenance for an indigenous people, the Ogoni. A recent video
confirms these reports of Shell's environmental abuse and mismanagement in Ogoniland.

But Shell's crimes are deeper still. When Ogoni activists organized to demand that Shell clean up
spilled oil, and share oil profits more equitably with the Ogoni people, the Nigerian military
dictatorship --with financial assistance, logistical support, and guns provided by Shell -- conducted
a campaign of terror in which at least 1800 Ogoni people were murdered, some of them tortured to

And there are even more, that's what is so sad :( I do not understand why so much of this brutality is still
going on??? Have we not learned a thing??? I really wonder if there is still hope with so much cruelty in
this world?

I did not know about these things until recently. I did not know how much destruction is still going on. So,
my guess is that most people do not know about these things either. So I am going to try to inform people
of what is still being allowed in this world when we are supposed to be evolving into higher human
beings. I do not think we are going to evolve until we figure out how we ought to be treating each other
and this beautiful earth. I just hope we figure it out soon :)





June 1997

As usual, we'll do something different again this month. This time I need some help from a kindred spirit,
a Transcendentalist who spoke over 120 years ago, perhaps around the very time the house that I now
occupy was built.

In case you haven't guessed by now, that fellow expression of the I AM was Ralph Waldo Emerson. The
title above is from an essay of his that served as my inspiration for this months Treasures. This particular
essay is full of sparkling gems that have served to light my way for over a quarter of a century.

“There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance;
that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion; that though
the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his
toil bestowed on that ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new
in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has

Unfortunately far too few seem to ever reach this conviction. The world is full of imitators ... and precious
few realize the unique expression of the I AM that they are.

“A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he
has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace.”

How true this is. Life is truly wonderful when one is fully engaged in one's work with body, mind and
most importantly HEART or spirit. Such work becomes a true labor of joy. Though it may be extremely
difficult, it becomes mere child's play.

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrate to that iron string. Accept the place that divine providence has
found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have
always done so, and confided themselves child-like to the genius of their age, betraying their
perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands,
predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the
same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing
before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and
advancing on Chaos and the Dark.”

Is this not what I have demonstrated here, throughout the pages of Beyond Imagination? Is not an innate
trust in SELF exemplified throughout these works? For over four years, I have been true to my name
H(e)art - man, the man of HEART, operating Beyond Mind, doing as SPIRIT would move me to do,
advancing the cause of Light to whatever degree that I can wherever I can. Further, have I not stated from
the beginning that this be my destiny ... that I truly have no choice but to go with the flow and express
whatsoever spirit moves me to express.

“Society is a joint-stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread
to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater. The virtue in most requests is
conformity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and

Hmm... no wonder my march to society is so slow. I personally abhor conformity. Given my great interest
in reality creation and metaphysics, is this any wonder? Further, I have had difficulty with remembering
names all of my life ... and for a hermit, there are none of the "customs" of the masses in society.

“Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must
not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last
sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the
suffrage of the world.”

More guidance for the soul who would be free. One must find SELF, and trust SELF to the max if one is
to truly express the I AM in this world.

“My life is for itself and not for a spectacle. I much prefer that it should be of a lower strain, so it
be genuine and equal, than that it should be glittering and unsteady. I wish it to be sound and
sweet, and not to need diet or bleeding.”

This has been true for most of my life. However, now that Uranus has seen the light of day, the Leo
Rising desires expression as well. It is not so clear that a "lower strain" is acceptable any longer. The need
for genuineness is everpresent ... but equal applies only to frame of mind, not to circumstance.

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what people think. This rule, equally arduous in
actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and
meanness. It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your
duty better than you know it.”

Here is where the life of a Hermit has its advantages. From the past few months of expression, it is
obvious that my concern is completely focused on what spirit would do through me ... what I
MUST DO to fulfill my obligation to CONSCIOUSNESS, to THE ONE.

“It is easy to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after your own; but the
great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of

This last part has been one of my favorite quotes for a long time. It is one of the primary chords in the
song that is my life, my very essence.

“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesman and philosophers
and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern
himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words and to-morrow
speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-

I have always believed thus ... and acted thus ... to the point where my wife and others find me to overly
stubborn. It has always felt right to speak the truth that I know in the moment strongly, having no concern
for the longevity or consistency of my position over time.

“"Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood." -- Is it so bad then to be misunderstood?
Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo,
and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be

Hmm... if being misunderstood is a prerequisite for joining such an august group of souls, then I guess I
can count on being misunderstood for the rest of my life. But, so be it. I am that I AM ... my lot is that
which it is.

“Men imagine that they communicate their virtue or vice only by overt actions, and do not see that
virtue or vice emit a breath every moment.

The voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks. See the line for from a sufficient
distance, and it straightens itself to the average tendency. Your genuine action will explain itself
and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing.

Act singly, and what you have already done singly will justify you now. Greatness appeals to the
future, If I can be firm enough to-day to do right and scorn eyes, I must have done so much right
before as to defend me know. Be it how it will, do right now. Always scorn appearances and you
always may. The force of character is cumulative.”

What better words could I receive at this time to encourage me on the path that I have chosen for this
existence? Thus far, Beyond Imagination has been fully in line with this guidance to "act singly", try as I
might to make it a joint or community endeavor. It is as if my wants in the matter were of no import ...
spirit gave me no choice but to act in the manner that she has so chosen for me or should I say that SELF
has chosen for me.

Further, the insight regarding the VISION of the entire path obtained by viewing things from above is
precious. Indeed a ship tacks endlessly from side to side as it traverses its more general path from starting
point to destination. However, one must look beyond the individual tacks to see that overall direction.
Such is the souls journey in flesh as well.

“Every true man is a cause, a country, and an age; requires infinite spaces and numbers and time
fully to accomplish his design; -- and posterity seems to follow his steps as a train of clients. A
man Caesar is born, and for ages after we have a Roman Empire. Christ is born, and millions of
minds so grow and cleave to his genius that he is confounded with virtue and the possible of man.
An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man; ... and all history resolves itself very easily
into the biography of a few stout and earnest persons.”

So, on this scale, where does this one called Wayne fit? What shadow will trail me? ... My sense is that I
would rather leave only LIGHT, that no shadow remain where I had been. Hmm...

Also, it is not so clear that the history of the past century can be as easily expressed as the "biography of a
few stout and earnest persons". There is simply too much happening on too many fronts in this day and

“Man is timid and apologetic; he is no longer upright; he dares not say "I think," "I am," but
quotes some saint or sage. He is ashamed before the blade of grass or the blowing rose. These
roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they

are; they exist with God to-day. There is no time to them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in
every moment of its existence.”

How true, how obvious ... yet why then do so few realize this great truth. Why do so many readily accept
the authority of another rather than find the ultimate authority that resides there within each of us if only
we learn to recognize it and listen to what it would tell us directly from the very source of our being.

“This one fact the world hates; that the soul becomes; for that forever degrades the past, turns all
riches to poverty, all reputation to shame, confounds the saint with the rogue, shoves Jesus and
Judas equally aside.

Why then do we prate of self-reliance? Inasmuch as the soul is present there will be power not
confident but agent. To talk of reliance is a poor external way of speaking. Speak rather of that
which relies because it works and is. Who has more obedience than I masters me, though he
should not raise his finger. Round him I must revolve by the gravitation of spirits.”

It is in this eternal becoming that our greatness truly lies. What we observe emerging however is simply
more of that which we are, the ONE, the I AM.

“Be it known unto you that henceforward I obey no law less that the eternal law, I will have no
covenants but proximities. I shall endeavor to nourish my parents, to support my family, to be the
chaste husband of the one wife, -- but these relations I must fill after a new and unprecedented
way. I appeal from you customs. I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or
you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to
deserve that you should. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is
holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and the moon whatever only rejoices me and the heart
appoints. If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by
hypocritical attentions. If you are true, but not in the same truth with me, cleave to your
companions; I will seek my own. I do this not selfishly but humbly and truly. It is alike your
interest, and mine, and all men's, however long we have dwelt in lies, to live in truth. Does this
sound harsh to-day? You will soon love what is dictated by your nature as well as mine, and if we
follow the truth it will bring us out safe at last.”

Nobly spoken from the heart of the I AM. These immortal words lovingly speak to the soul in each of us.
This is the contract we have with SELF. It is the highest contract ... but it is a voluntary one that we must
choose and enforce ourselves.

“Discontent is the want of self-reliance: it is infirmity of will. Regret calamities if you can thereby
help the sufferer; if not, attend your own work and already the evil begins to be repaired.

Welcome evermore to gods and men is the self-helping man. For him all doors are flung wide; him
all tongues greet, all honors crown, all eyes follow with desire. Our love goes out to him and
embraces him because he did not need it.”

Obiously, the rewards are great for knowing thyself sufficiently to be the "self-helping man". This is a
worthy goal for all to pursue. And beyond that, Self-helping and SELF-helping ... at which point one

“Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the
cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an
extemporaneous half possession. That which each can do best, none but his Maker can teach him.

No man yet knows what it is, nor can, till that person has exhibited it. Where is the master who
could have taught Shakespeare? Where is the master who could have instructed Franklin, or
Washington, or Bacon, or Newton? Every great man is unique. The Scipionism of Scipio is
precisely that part he could not borrow. Shakespeare will never be made by the study of

Do that which is assigned you, and you cannot hope too much or dare too much.”

Each of us is unique, and in this uniqueness lies our individual greatness. Be the Master that you are. Find
a way to express that which spirit can only express through YOU. Such is "what is assigned you". Dare to
LIVE your DESTINY to the fullest.

“Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of

So, in all that you do abide by the principles that you know to be right and true ... for by doing so, you
will experience a peace of being so complete that nothing compare to its sweetness. Trust in the
magnificent expression of spirit that YOU ARE; and constantly endeavor with all the attention and focus
that you can muster, to know thyself as completely as possible for you HERE and NOW.



The following are opinions that community members desire to express to you for your consideration. If
they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open issues for debate
and/or submit your own opinions for the consideration of the community. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue/topic rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to interact.

New submissions should include:

• Topic, Issue, or Focus
• Brief Summary (or bottom line)
• Whatever You Care to Express
• Why Should People be Interested
• Expected/Desired Result (if applicable)
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address (preferred, but optional)

Doing Without Attachment to Results

This morning, I finished reading the Bhagavad Gita once again. This time the words carried a far greater
meaning than ever before. I could see myself as Arjuna, asking such questions because I had personally
reached a place where I was ready to know the answers. I could also see myself as Krishna ... for the
answers he gave were known to my own SELF as well. With the exception of experiencing the
magnificent form of Krishna in the manner that he presented himself to Arjuna, all else that was expressed
I could relate to personally. More and more, I am finding this to be true of nearly all that I am moved to

For several weeks, I've been considering what the bottom line impact of my efforts for Beyond
Imagination and for The Search for Center Newsletter have been. Overall, it is not clear that the results
have indeed been worth the effort expended. Thus far, in over three weeks, most of the sections from last
months newsletter have been accessed fewer than a half dozen times and at least one of these was by me.
Effectively, that means it is costing me over 10 hours of time per month per reader to produce the
newsletter. That seems to be a heavy investment for such little return. After seven months, I would have
expected that the quality of material in the newsletter would have found an appropriate audience. That the
readership is what it is provides feedback from spirit that my expectations are somehow incorrect, that
this expression is intended to reach a self-selected few.

In the end, it matters not. All that is important is that I express what spirit moves me to express. This alone
is my reward. What outcome results from my actions is not for me to decide, that is for spirit herself to
determine. My error was being too attached ... looking for signs or proof that the world or a large
audience enjoyed and approved of what would be expressed through me. Now, I know that such matters
not. My test was to DO regardless of the apparent result, and to keep doing whatever spirit moved me to
do. At this point, even if I alone am the only witness to what I must do, that is sufficient. If others bear
witness as well, that is great too. Whether this be few or many is for spirit alone to determine.

Further, as the ONE, it is but other parts of Self that I greet in such manner. It is the I AM that expresses
through us all to the I AM that is the other as well. The few contacts that the newsletter has brought into
my life have shown me clearly what this means. Though I have not yet met these others in person, they
are as close as my very heart ... and I am grateful for their friendship and their love. In them, I see the
reflection of whom that I am stronger and more clearly than I see elsewhere.

In this life, I came to be one of the instruments through which spirit plays her eternal song. I am not of
this world, but it is within this world that spirits expression must occur. Such has been the plan of
consciousness all along. Spirit enfleshed has always been the sole aim of this game of life. It is the only
goal, the only objective worthy of the pursuit of the I AM.

Doing without attachment to the results of the action, whatever these might be, is the way the Masters
play the game. This is the way of Right Action. One does what must be done because such is one's
dharma. One does not prefer action over inaction, nor inaction over action. Rather, one acts when such is
necessary, and one refrains from action when such is necessary. And, one does whatever spirit moves one
to do to the very best of one's ability. Such is how spirit expresses in flesh. To do without thought of
reward or result, for the sole reason that such be one's duty to spirit; such is the way of Right Action. It is
to the ONE SPIRIT alone that I bow, and that spirit is expressed through each of us.


Living the Life of Spirit

The past two years have provided an incredible learning experience for me, especially with respect to
understanding how spirit manifest through us to do her works in the world. I'm still working with issues
of how my will can be molded to be the expression of the ONE will of spirit. For me, this has been a
major lesson. Coming from a basic disposition of being a hermit ... and a strong-willed one at that ... with
a fair share of ego and sense of self-importance ... this has not been the easiest thing for me to learn. Yet,
while I can be stubborn, I am not dense. My HEART is clearly in control in my life, and it knows the
source from which it springs.

Doing things because one must do them is my standard operating mode, not because "I" decide that such
must be ... but because I have no other choice in the matter. I must do as spirit dictates through me. She is
in control in my life. It is her activity that drives me to do what I must do. I would not even think about
having a choice in these matters. I fully trust that she knows exactly what she is doing ... and in particular
knows exactly what she would do through me. My only choice is to allow what must be to happen in my
life. That is where my free will gets exerted ... and to a large degree, it is not truly free anymore, for there
is only one right choice of action. My mind may not know and may not be able to reason what that right
action is. However, my experience is that my HEART is not fooled or touched by indecision. It knows
what is right and reveals it through my intuition as long as I am open to hear what spirit would say.

I know not how to relate this experience to others. This is not something one can realize via mind or
thought. We can communicate about it only when there is a common experience to which our words and
thoughts can refer. Without this common spiritual experience, there is no basis on which to reach
agreement of understanding.

Thus far, it is only with those touched by the fire of spirit that I feel such affinity. Those who are aware of
being part of the great I AM, the ONE, are my brethren ... for we are but cells of the same body of
consciousness, the ONE body that is CONSCIOUSNESS herself. Recently, I have found that I am not so
ALONE as I was feeling. Many others have gone before me, touched the fire of spiritual realization and
attempted to bring their realization to the world, that spirit might be expressed more fully in this world.
Paramahansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti and a host of others have for
nearly 100 years brought the spiritual wisdom of the East, of the spiritual masters of India, to us in the
West. These great teachers have pointed to the ways of Yoga that lead to the supreme union with Spirit
that becomes the obsession of those consumed by the fire of spirit of those who realize the Self, the part
of the ONE that they are.

It is curious that we have reached the century mark of such teachings and that I would just now be moved
to find them that I might receive comfort in finally finding others who have ventured into the lands that
consciousness herself has moved me to explore on my own. The reason for this is clear. It is as if I had to
find a new path into this unknown territory. How could I be a wayshower if I had not first been an
explorer of this high country of the spirit. My basic nature is such that I would not have accepted a path
that had been created by another. The RAM in me would boldly go forth head first and butt it's way
wherever it might be moved to wander.

There is a great new joy in finding for certain that others have for untold centuries reached these exalted
realms and charted so clearly what they found. In fact, there is a sense that I am but rediscovering that
which I had experienced before ... perhaps very long ago. It is as if I have returned because there is a job
that must be done that I must do. YES, something within me has known this much of my life. I've always
had the sense that I was in someway special, different from all others that I have encountered in very basic
ways. It was as if I always knew that I was spirit, experiencing and expressing whom that I am, the
I AM in this body that I occupy.

This understanding was innate. It was inherited when I was born ... it was not developed in the course of
this lifetime. This life has been a continuous unfolding of the Self that I AM. It is curious that to date,
consciousness herself has been my only teacher. There is a statement from metaphysics that rings in my
head, "when the student is ready, the master will appear". For whatever reason, my experience and
realization has been that for me personally, both student and master are ONE.

Interesting. I have never been moved to express this realization before. But, as I see it now, such is indeed
the case. Spirit herself, my Self has been my only Guru. It was for me to approach the light directly this
time and find it for myself without the aid of another. My reason tells me that this is because the light had
already been lit within me, prior to my birth in this existence. When and where it might have been lit is
unknown to me. However, without a doubt, 1993 was when the flame burst forth again in this lifetime ...
and since then the fire has indeed been an all-consuming inferno.

As of this point, all that I was prior to the events and experiences of 1993 is lost in a past that no longer
exists for me. I was reborn of spirit ... and that birth is a one-way passage from one world into another that
was non-existent for me prior to that time. I am still Wayne, but the "I" that I AM has changed
dramatically. It was not through my personal intent that the transformation occurred. Consciously, I had
no awareness that would have even let me imagine what I experienced. Yet, at a deeper level, I know that
some part of me created it all ... down to every last detail.

Where did I get the presence of mind that allows me to experience life in the manner that I do? If not from
my environment and upbringing ... and surely not from my genetic makeup alone; then, from where did
such knowingness and awareness spring forth? The wellspring of my soul is that rich, the ties to spirit so
great that I simply knew. There was never any sense that I should even begin to doubt the manner in
which I experienced life, and the manner in which my consciousness expressed. It mattered not that it was
unlike any others that I was to encounter. There was always a depth of trust in Self that knew no bounds.
This has grown to an equivalent depth of trust in SPIRIT, in the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that is the
source of all awareness and experience.

I ramble on .. to what end I know not. As I type this I an watching a movie, occasionally looking down to
the keyboard to see that this stream of thought is being captured correctly. It is as if there are two distinct
channels operating concurrently. The two are very much independent. Both can be completely immersed
in what they are doing without impacting the other. Even as these two occur, I sit back further and observe
both activities happening before me. I am the awareness that observes these other two operating, not the
limited awareness that is engaged in either of the two activities. Even now this third presence is
considering what it means about the nature of reality and the nature of consciousness that I can be
engaged in this manner at this time and be aware of what I am aware.

I've never read of such experience elsewhere, nor has another spoken to me of experiencing reality in this
manner. Because of this, I have no reference points by which to assess how my experience relates to that
of others. I speak now because consciousness so moves me to express. It is as if there is a strong force that
desires that these words be given voice, that others may see by my example the variety of means through
which consciousness may be enfleshed.

Judge these to be the writings of a madman if you will. If indeed such words flow through such vehicles,
then let me be mad with spirit for the remainder of my days. For, out of such "madness" is the genius born
that permits a brand new expression of spirit. And, at this time, in this place, such a new expression is
indeed required.

How can such statements be pronounced with such boldness? ... as if there is no doubt as to their truth. It
is because they come forth from the I AM which knows. They come forth from the ONE light that is the
source of all such expression. Whether they come forth clearly or not is another matter; one that is not for
me to judge. For that, you must look within yourself ... and see what vibrations and chords are struck. It is
for your soul to recognize what of I speak, for it is the very same source that speaks through you. It is
when the outer and the inner agree that true understanding has finally occurred. Until such time, no true
communication has occurred.





Paramahansa Yogananda

ISBN 0-87612-240-3

If you could feel even a particle of divine love,

so great would be your joy -- so overpowering --
you could not contain it.

I remember starting the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" over a decade ago, maybe as much as two
decades. However, I remember putting it down within the first 50 pages or so. My distinct sense at the
time was that this stuff from the "Godmen" of India was not for me.

Now, I realize why my initial impression was as it was. At the time, I had not had any experiences that
allowed me to relate to what Yogananda was saying. It was as if the words were Greek to me. They were
hollow, they carried no meaning. It was not that they were not full of meaning ... rather, it was that I,
personally, was blind to the meaning that was there.

Reading "The Divine Romance" was a pure treat. I couldn't put it down. Finally, I was conversing with
someone who truly understood many of the things that I have been going through for over four years now.
Here was a kindred spirit touched by the same fire within, for whom spirit (or God) was the only reality
left that was worthy of attention. Here was a soul inflammed, spreading his light to others from the 1900's
through March 7, 1952. I found it curious that my metaphysical writings began almost exactly 41 years
later on March 5, 1993. I also found it curious that I was finally moved to read this book that I bought
during the heights of my mania in the Summer of '93.

The pure mind of the child, which is open and imaginative,

free of prejudices and habits,
is more attuned to the mind of God.
But when the child grows up and experiences
the trammels of material life,
his mind takes on the limitations of that existence and becomes restricted in its scope.
You become your worst enemy when
you limit your mental power.
To work with your mind is tremendously worthwhile.
You haven't tried its powers at all.
To break through the mental limitations is
what you should strive for.
I have always done that, because I wanted to be different.

And when I met my guru, Swami Sri Yukteswar,
I realized how supernally different he was.

Most people are copies of someone else, imitating what others do.
They have no independent thinking.
You should be a different individual,
expressing the very best of your own unique nature.

Why shouldn't you develop your mind power

and use it for any attainment you desire?
All around are storms of difficulties, and everyone is after his own;
nobody is thinking of you.
And in this clash of individualities you are a little mind
about to be crushed and swept away.

But if you reason this way ---

"God loves me even as he loved Jesus, Krishna, and Buddha.
He cannot be partial;
He has given me this mind, which contains the germ of infinite power,
and I am going to cultivate that power"
--- you will win.

Personally, I needed a context for understanding how to apply the great powers of my own mind more
directly in the service of spirit. Yogananda was able to reacquaint me with that part of me that knew what
constituted right action in the use of mind. Now, the floodgates are opened wide for Beyond Imagination
to pour forth its activity and teachings in a manner that can truly create the Foundations for a New World
that anxiously awaits its birth.

If you have had an awakening experience and are looking for words from another that can relate to
your firsthand experience, perhaps it is time for you to be reunited with the wonderful expression of
the I AM that was Paramahansa Yogananda.


There were several metaphysical chats that occurred this during this period.

SWC MachuPichu on 5/30

I started as "search" then changed to "lion".



search (lion): The "mysteries of the universe" are the mysteries of SPIRIT EXPRESSING IN FLESH.
There is ONE CONSCIOUSNESS expressing through us all. That we are many, is the illusion that we
experiences. But the walls and barriers that separate us are of our own making. It is for us to tear them
down when we are ready to fully experience the I AM that we are.

Kathulu: I'm here

grunblau: i am here now *smile*

grunblau: LOL-- we *****synch***** *smile*---how we do that???

Kathulu: Please continue Search...*smile*

Kathulu: Grun...not sure....(((HUGS))

search (lion): What we see unfolding is a miraculous expression. Each of us has a part to play in that
expression ... this is our dharma, the work that we chose to come her to do. For many who reach here, we
choose some of the more interesting roles ... for we are to be the leaders and the wayshowers to a new
way of being.

Kathulu: I want to learn more of what others think about the mysteries of the Universe.....*smile*

Dea: Hi everyone joy and light. search, I enjoyed what you said, thank you for sharing

Kathulu: search.....are you a student of the Summit Lighthouse?

Kathulu: Hello Dea!

Kathulu: Grun....sweety....what's up?

search (lion): Namaste Kathulu. Please bookmark The Search for Center site. If you like what is
expressed through me, you'll find thousands of pages there and at the Beyond Imagination site.

search (lion): No, I am a student of Consciousness herself. Spirit is my guide and teacher.

Kathulu: search .....thank you....I will check out the site....for as a student of life does not pass up
knowledge that will lead to progression of the spirit.

grunblau: Search--- nice page-- did you do the art on the frony page--

Kathulu: (((FireEAgl))((HUGS))///search please....continue....I am most interested.

FireEagl: Greetings Kathulu...grunblau...ALL....

Dea: Kathulu, very nicely stated to search....I, also will not miss this chance to grow. Thank you, search

search (lion): I've found personally that one must go beyond knowledge to EXPERIENCE, if one is to
truly progress and allow spirit to flow forth in one's life.

Dea: Greetings FireEagl, blessings

FireEagl: Hi Dea...don't think we've talked before have we?...*s*

Kathulu: search...these words are true...and I have experienced much...but am always open to experience
more...I have noticed my progression...and know that I cannot step back but step forward....

search (lion): You'll find my own experiences of the past four years documented at the site above. It has
been an interesting journey ... going beyond mind, then beyond imagination to find SELF and to gain
understanding ... limited though it may be or the very nature of reality and reality creation.

FireEagl: I talk to god too.....but I hear him...don't use a string.....

Dea: FireEagl, no, but I've seen your name quite a bit. How are you today?

FireEagl: Did grun jump..or get bumped????

grunblau: screwed-- odd nick-- what you are describing is a pendulum *smile* any hangimg object will
work-- i use a necklace with amber on the end--- yes you could say god or angels push the end for
answers--- but just hold it still and say "show me yes" and note the direction it goes-- then say thank you
it will stop and then ask "show me no" and note the direction again thank the source-- some say it is your
higher self that moves the pendulum thru your energy field

search (lion): Excellent Kathulu, it is always nice to find others with a passion for spiritual growth ... but
more important for the expression of Spirit, HERE and NOW!

Kathulu: not sure FireEagl..

grunblau: yes got bumped

FireEagl: Dea..uh seen my name...ummmm..and you're still talking with me...LOL.....jus' a little Bird
joke..LOL...doing good ...sleepy getting ready to take a nap...*G*...How are you?

Pan: AgentJ are you still here? hello everyone..

Kathulu: Search.....yes....it is very stimulating to know that so many more are now searching and
experiencing as well....I have been experiencing the expresion of the spirit for about 10 years...but find
there is always more to learn/teach with each day...

FireEagl: Hello Pan...

grunblau: my oh my---

search (lion): Does anyone here have a strong sense of MISSION, of WHY your are here ... of what the
PLAN calls for in the next few years to few decades?

Pan: FireEagle..hello ......how are you this day/night?

Dea: Hi (((Grun))) Yep

FireEagl: Emotions are good!!*S*....No problem......

bk: Hello -- I channel healing energy from the One, are there other healers here?

grunblau: {{{fireeagle}}} {{{dea}}} {{{pan}}} nice ta see ya

Dea: Search...good question, to help and heal others

Kathulu: search....yes....as a matter of fact I am working on getting my mission going....I was shown
what I was suppose to do over 8 years ago...but the universe has been patient and has basically let me
know that NOW is the time to start bringing it into fruition

Pan: grun...nice to you my friend....

search (lion): Indeed Kathulu, my metaphysical journey began in 1974, 23 years ago ... however, it really
took off in the Summer of 1993 when I went through some experiences that were my wake up call to
whom that I AM.

grunblau: bk!!!!! a healer and cahnneling most interesting concept--- not sure the channel bit think of it
in a different term but yes there are healers here

FireEagl: Doing good(over coming night of party..and loving wife calling me at 2:38 in the morning to
check on me..LOL) ...hard to talk to Pan...*G*..such a strong name......How are you???

Kathulu: BK.....Yes....

FireEagl: search..I denied myself....my abilities..and mission...now I am in head long upward

spiral...moving so fast.....*G*...

bk: I'm new to this venue, is there a way to display a running dialogue without hitting refresh?

search (lion): Kathulu. I've known for some time as well. Though, I am primarily a Hermit. Within the
past year, Uranus has finally started to see the light of day after being in the dark for my first 38 years. My
sense is that my Hermit days are over ... but the transition to being part of a larger community requires
creating the community that I would be part of. Interesting task for a Hermit. Hmm...

grunblau: bk-- no must refresh to see the post-- this is not automatic-- keeps us awake LOL

Pan: FireEagle..strong name hmmmmm? I am doing wonderful....

Kathulu: search....as I have reviewed my life...I have come to understand that subconciously I have
always known that I had a 'mission' to fullfill...

search (lion): bk: NO, unfortunately refresh is the only way to see new posts.

Starman: Greetings all..Blessed be you all with Love andLight!

Dea: Starman, welcome...Joy and butterflies to you

Kathulu: search...have you been this hermit in the physical sense or in spiritual sense?

search (lion): Interesting Kathulu. That has been true for me as well, but I have met very few others who
feel this way.


Pan: I have also always known that I had "something" to do but up until last summer when my guides
said ok enough hiding get out there and do it....I had been doing just that.now things are moving so fast I
can barely keep up.exciting....

bk: ok, thanks, looking for fellow channel/healers who were born with this ability, who use no "tools"
other than ingress and egress of Spirit

Starman: Bk...I´m one of those...*S*

Pan: bk....I do bodywork (am still in training) and use energy forces along with my guides and the one
who is seeking healing's guides ......

search (lion): Neither physical nor spiritual. I consider myself a hermit because 95% plus of the time, I
am literally in my own world. I've been married for 9 years, and I work as an engineer, interacting with
others ... however, I am still very much by myself, regardless of how many people are in the immediate

FireEagl: ....*sigh*...I am lacking focus today(past month..*G*)...I wanted soooo badly to tidy up my
page.....I went in started..and...after 30 minutes..was lost in my own words......*sigh*

grunblau: bk--- iam a healer--- am reiki attuned

bk: This is exciting, I've never met another who works as I do. Where are you located, if I may ask?

FireEagl: BRB

Pan: bk.....who are you asking *S*

Starman: BK...I´m in Sweden, Scandinavia.....You???

grunblau: grun is in minneapolis MN

Kathulu: Search.....I know since my major shift experiences in 1987....much review of my past...not only
this life but lives before that...have all led up to NOW.....It is most difficult but necessary for one to take
responsibility for their actions...whatever they may be.....and I have been no saint.....

Dea: Starman, where do you post from, if I may ask

bk: Sorry, I was asking Star. Be patient, I'll get the hang of this yet!! LOL

Pan: Pan is in Boulder Colorado......Hello Starman......

Starman: Dea...Sweden...Scandinavia.........

bk: I'm in Houston, TX, USA, Star. Where may I e-mail you, Star?

FireEagl: Search...interesting newsletter..I'm gonna check you out later...*S*...

Starman: Pan!!!!....(((((((HUG))))))))))))))ltns!!!!

Dea: Starman, got it, twice now, sorry...I wasn't paying attention. My grandmother came to the US when
she was 18. I hear Sweden is beautiful!

Kathulu: Search....as an engineer...you will understand the Mechanics of Life much easier!*smile*

Starman: bk.........Email...starman9@algonet.se......feel free!

Pan: Starman.I was away on my honeymoon *blush* so I haven't been able to ask you how the
conference was?

search (lion): Kathulu: I have that same sense as well. Everything that has happened and is happening in
my life, and in everyone's life for that matter, is chosen by the Self to enable one's growth in
understanding of Self so that we can ultimately know and consciously express Whom That We Are, the I
AM, Spirit enfleshed.

Starman: Dea....Indeed it is...especially now ine late may...summer is here,....********S*S*S********

Pan: Kathulu.....are you familar with the Kryon channels....I get the feeling that you are *S*

Dea: Thank you search, I needed to be reminded of that...bless you, dear

Kathulu: Search....have you read the books Unvieled Mysteries and Magic Presence by Guy W.
Ballard...or any of Madam Blavatsky's work?

Sea: Greetings to all!!!

Starman: PAN...Congratulations!!!(((((((((GIANTHUG)))))))))).........gathering was great.....soooo much


Kathulu: Pan ...I am familar with the name...but I do not know any more than that...please....tell me

search (lion): Engineer is but a means of earning a living ... I would label myself a METAPHYSICIAN
first and foremost. It is metaphysics that excites and stirs my soul. In this domain, I can exist and express
as I AM ... in this domain, I am free to soar as high as consciousness can take me.

Dea: Starman, I must have taken a nap here in Indiana...it seems as though we will go from winter to

Pan: Starman.thank you ((hug)) I knew there would be ...I wish I could have been there.but maybe next
time *S*

Kathulu: Greetings Sea! come...sit...and share a thoiught or two! *smile*

grunblau: i am gonna go-- have a fewe errands to run before i get back to my studio

Woman: Greetings from Woman in Ukiah.....

grunblau: {{{kath}}}} see ya here toninght

Starman: Dea.......same here...two days ago we had frost.......today..23 C.......(abt 65F)....*S*

FireEagl: Greetings Sea//Woman......Take care Grun....

grunblau: {{{woman}}}}} {{hugs}}}}

Woman: Grun - Goodbye my brother....

Dea: Bye Grun... Peace go with you, see you next time

Pan: Kathulu.Kryon is channeled by Lee Carroll and brings messages about the changing earth grids and
power alignments....and about our new gifts and lessons that come with this as well as messages about the
great IAM....and love ah so much love in all of this....alot that an engineer would find fascinating....

search (lion): Kathulu: no, I have read 1000 plus books, primarily related to metaphysics, but not those
particular ones. Lately, I've been moved to read Yogananda, Vivikananda, Krishnamurti, and Meher Baba.

Woman: ((((Family)))))

Starman: Pan...I am sure there will be another gathering in august/september.......kind of a


grunblau: i walk in with the light and in peace

Pan: Greetings and love to all who have just entered

Kathulu: ((((WOMAN))))my sister!!((((HUGS))))////Search....the reason I say that about being an

engineer....is if you read any of the Books of the Saint Germain Foundation, you will have a much fuller
understanding than someone who does not have and engineering background...

Kathulu: SCREWED....I do not...

Sea: Kathulu...hello.....so glad swc is back up, I have missed all the friendly faces...

Woman: ((((Kath)))) (((FireEagle)))

Starman: Got to go all.....May you all be blessed with Love and Light!!!!!!!!!.***POOF***

bk: Has anyone studied Caroline Myss, Ph.D., theories?

Kathulu: Seach...please...treat yourself...these two books are only the beginning of another 15
books...and it speaks of what we are speaking about...the I AM...

Kathulu: Love and Light to you Starman!

Dea: Starman, go with angel wings

search (lion): Understand Kathulu. Yes, I do find that the mental techniques and problem solving abilities
developed for engineering are very useful in the metaphysical domain as well.

Kathulu: Sea...it has been a long time...if I would have had your E addy I would have sent you the
temporary addy for SWC...but I am pleased to see you here once again.

search (lion): That is, provided they are put in their right place, subservient to intuition.

STARX: SEARCH....which Krishnamurti books are you currently reading.....I've been reading his stuff
too.....read it a long time ago....and then in the last 2 months have been blown away again by him...

Kathulu: Search....I spoke with an engineer in a restaurant one time a few years back...I was speaking of
metaphysics and what I had learned from these books and he was speaking of engineering and we both
came to the same understanding that we were in concurrence...and understood each other quite easily...and
I no nothing about engineering....

bk: May the Spirit be with you all. Must go about the business of this world. Love and Light

Kathulu: brb....

FireEagl: ...a six pack and a bag of weed G(Danny Boy..House of Pain)....*G*

RedHaze: Hello!!

Pan: Kathulu.....if you have the time I do suggest picking up the first Kryon book....Search..you as
well.there is probably alot you would be able to understand easier than I with your engineering

Pan: FireEagle...I saw house of Pain of few years ago..whew.what ashow.....*S*.hello to all you just came

RedHaze: The Universe Is Unfolding As It Should......:)

FireEagl: hello RedHaze!!!!!//Woman...man would a killed for some of ya'll to have been here
earlier...forced DRTYBRD..to wander around by hisself.....*G*

search (lion): Sorry STARX, I'm bad with titles. Did you see the video on Krishnamurti. I saw it just after
my awakening in 1993. I knew what he meant about going Beyond Mind, because I had just experienced
it. I found it fascinating that near the end of his life, he said that though he had been teaching for nearly 50
years, he had not found another who had experienced this state of being Beyond Mind. It was not
something one could reach via mind or intellectual pursuit ... so he had not been able to convey it to a
single one of his many students throughout the world.

RedHaze: Pan:Are you Wiccan?

FireEagl: Pan..Really cool...I love 'em...I think 'tis the Irish in me...LOL...

STARX: WOMAN....last night my honey and I went to see 3 mediums....James Van Pragh, Robert
Brown....and Rita Taylor......was really fun...

RedHaze: Hi FireEagl!

search (lion): Indeed RedHaze, the Universe can unfold in no other way. It is always unfolding perfectly

Sea: has anyone heard of vassula?

Pan: RedHaze....I really don't call myself anything but I feel strongly connected to Wiccan....you?

FireEagl: RedHaze are you new here or day traveler only?...

STARX: SEARCH.....time to change you name to FOUND.....hehehe....I saw a video about Poojaji in
India....and the guy asked him..."I hear you have some final teachings that you have never
revealed??""...and Poonjaji said, "Yes....no one is worthy".....same thing Krishnamurti was talking

RedHaze: Pan: Yes I am Wiccan! Merry Meet!!:) FireEagl: Well,I guess you could say i'm new here...:)

Kathulu: Pan...thankyou for the information....I will do so....

FireEagl: RedHaze just curious...*smile*..then super cool for you to be here....

search (lion): My usual nick is "lion". I used search for the post for The Search for Center Newsletter.

Pan: RedHaze, I have always been curious why people are Wiccian or Pagean.....do you feel connected to
both ..do you feel they are based in the same....I would love to hear your thoughts.....*S* nice to meet

RedHaze: FireEagl: THanks!

STARX: SEARCH....I read "Freedom From the Known"....last month...and am now reading "The First
and Last Freedom".....really great stuff.....can really see how the mind....."grasps after what it wants"...and
"runs from what it doesn't want".....constantly....when you see it....life is NEVER the same again...

Kathulu: tis time for me to depart until tonight.....Love and Light to all.....

Pan: Search.are you the one I spoke to a couple of months ago and gave me your e.mail? there are a
couple with nicks close to yours.

Kathulu: *foop*

FireEagl: 'til later Kathulu...My love shines upon your path...*S*

Pan: Kathulu.......light and sweetness go with you....

RedHaze: Hi Craig! Pan: I feel they are mostly the same. But you can be so free in Pagan or Wiccan
religions,that's just one of the reasons i am WIccan. You can actually be yourself....btw nice to meet you

STARX: SEARCH....and it has been amazing to watch people's attachments to their ideas about
things....and really defend them as "the truth".....when to experience the truth...we have to come from no
mind...no ideas...no thought....

Sea: Kathulu....safe travels....

STARX: KATHULU....maybe see you later.....have a great day!!

search (lion): Yes, except in Krishnamurti's case, I believe he tried valiantly to convey what he
experienced to others ... it is just that in fact, they were not ready ... and there was nothing that
Krishnamurti could do to make them so. In the video, it was obvious that some of his closest followers
and longtime students simply did not GET IT.

FireEagl: I too grow weary.....Not much of the party boy anymore...LOL.....I go to take nap...I hope to
see all of you soon...LOve and Light(will return tonight)...The eagle launches from the tree.....dives
towards the ground...opens his Massive golden and violet wings...spraying all with the sparks of love
leaving them to....IGNITE...........swooooshhh....~~~~GONE~~~~~

Pan: RedHaze.that is a nice part of it..you don't feel forced to be anyone things or prescribe to anyone set
of beliefs...I feel connected to soooo many aspects of so much that I have never been anyone of them but I
would probably was pagean is the closest...I believe in the appropriatness of all life.*S*

STARX: SEARCH....was talking with a friend last week.....this friend is really aware....has been with
them all...Trungpa Rimpoche. Krishnamurti, Poonjaji.....anyway....he said what he has been realizing is
that it's not up to HIM to determine the truth.....that the truth is it's own authority....Loved it...

STARX: SEARCH....yes.....have seen that a lot.....a teacher can't share what he knows until the student is
ready....and then when the student IS ready....there's nothing left to say.....hehehe....

RedHaze: Pan:I feel that way too:) Do you practice magick?

Pan: Starx & Search...(sorry to jump in ) the truth is always there.constant, fixed.we are the ones that
change and are at times able to realize it in truth....

STARX: PAN...yes....feel free to jump in anytime......this is my favorite subject...

Pan: RedHaze....as a very "grown up" (haha..I thought) 15 year old.I did magick...some very bad
mistakes.some have taken me years to fix..now I practice life and the magick comes from that.i had to
learn that it is always there in me, around me....there.....so in a way yes....I do still do tarot.have had the
same deck for 19 years...

search (lion): No Pan. I haven't been to SWC in months. STARX: just over four years ago, I had a
realization that thoughts just appeared in my head. I hear them, I am not aware of creating them. I choose
how to interpret the thoughts and am free to choose which thoughts I will act on, but I do not experience
creating thoughts at all. Once I realized this, much of the background chatter STOPPED! What was left, I
was moved to record and eventually post at the Beyond Imagination site.

Pan: Starx. i read a channel once that spoke of this subject..truth...a nice reference was made: that the
truth of the burning bush is still the truth today spoken through other channels but the truth is not what has
changed just the means by witch we accept it

RedHaze: Cool! So you mean you did black magic? As a Wiccan I only do white magick which brings no
harm to others. I do Tarot too! What about Rune stones?

STARX: SEARCH.....that's great!!....I was in satsang with a teacher named Andrew Cohen many years
ago.....and all these Buddhists were there.....who had been "practicing" for years...."trying to get rid of
their minds".....and Andrew said to them....."your mind is like a bird on your shoulder that keeps
chirping....you can't STOP it.....but you don't have to believe it"....

search (lion): Do others experience thinking in this way? My sense is that there is ONE
CONSCIOUSNESS that is the source of all thoughts in everyone, without exception.

Pan: RedHaze.sadly yes.but being so young I was easily lead into believing it was good....in away it was
because I learned the dark side early so now I can see it easily ..I did the candle ceremonies and all
that...now yes it is all for good. I am really interested in Runes but don't know much...I would love to
hear. I use the Mythic tarot.you?

search (lion): LOL! Thanks STARX. Indeed, that is exactly how I experience it. :)

STARX: SEARCH....YES...it is not MY mind....it is THE mind.....just like with our suffering....everyone
thinks their suffering is "special".....but it is HUMAN SUFFERING....not theirs.....people believe their
"special" suffering and mind.....so that they can continue their "story".....and then feel speacil and

RedHaze: Hmm..I use Rider Waite and Arthurian Tarot..One of my best friends Maia uses the Mythic
Tarot so i am familiar with it. She is also Wiccan.

STARX: SEARCH....yes....hehehe....that bird is on everyone's shoulder.....it's THE BIRD.....hehehe

search (lion): Pan: The only deck I found I could relate to was the Rider deck. And then, I tie the 78 cards
to numerology to find spiritual meaning.

Pan: RedHaze..where are you posting from?I learned on the Aquarian and Rider decks....

RedHaze: Pan:nyc,u?

Pan: Search.I do the same with numerology....I have always tried other decks.i think my works well for
me because after all these years they contain so much of my energy.

Pan: I am in Boulder CO

STARX: SEARCH....that "specialness"...then leads to "fixing"...the past......when there was never a

problem in the first place......Another thing I loved that Andrew said was someone asked..."What do you
think of the Inner Child?"......and he said ..."Kill it!!".....soooo many people were soooo attached to their
childhood suffering....almost in a competition...like I suffered more than you....so therefore...I'm more
special...or something......I cracked up....

search (lion): And that seems to be one of the guiding principles underlying the new age that is yet to
Dawn ... me gets turned over to become We gets turned over to become ME again, because in reality there
is only ONE Consciousness that experiences it all.

STARX: PAN...you're in Boulder???....Usd to live there....Have you ever gone to see Andrew Cohen...or

STARX: SEARCH....yes....this is why your name is old......no more searching necessary....hehehe

Pan: STARX. I agree with you but you must also keep in mind that we all go through things for a reason
for lessons so while no one suffers more than another we must also alow them to go through their
pain....all things are valid for each person for them....

search (lion): Interesting STARX: I never really related to the Inner Child at all. Then again, as far back
as I can remember, I've felt myself to be a wise old man. It didn't matter how old I was in physical terms.
My essence was ageless, it came from a place beyond time and space ... or more correctly, before time and
space were created.

Pan: Starx....i have only been here for a year..i saw an ad in nexus the other day for Gangaji.there is body
and soul conference here in July with Ram Dass, Brian Wiess and many many others..i am really looking
forward to it...

STARX: PAN....People are going to go thru their suffering....because of their ignorance.....I don't have a
need to allow them or not allow them.....

STARX: PAN....NOTHING from my mind....in terms of "figuring out" my past....or in trying to

understand my "pain"....EVER led to any FREEDOM......

STARX: PAN....Boulder has many great resources......you might try to see Gangaji before she takes her
year sabattical....if you want to see her....she's taking next year off......really wonderful woman.....

lion: Namaste All! Back as myself ... as STARX said, the SEARCH is over, now there is just the
expression of whom that I AM!

STARX: SEARCH....yes.....no beginning and no end....

STARX: LION......yes!!!!.....ROAR LION ROAR!!!

STARX: SEARCH.....OH HECK.....you really missed out on a lot of suffering.....hehehehe....I tried to
"fix" my childhood for years!!!......hahaha......what a joke

lion: Indeed! ROAR!!!! My spiritual name is Aslan, though I find "lion" easier to express at this time.

Pan: STARX...I am not sure if I know exactly what you are saying..are you saying that a 5 year old who
is being beat should not feel suffering of that we should not carry this suffering around like a badge
throught life?

lion: I've always found that the world that is my reality, has never been even close to that of anyone that I
encountered. What I considered real and important, mattered not to most. What moved me, others did not
even see. What spirit revealed to me, others could not relate to. I had no choice but to be a Hermit. I found
no others who existed in the world that was most real to me.

Carling: Hello everyone. I'm new to this chat but it sounds interesting.

RedHaze: brb guys

Pan: Starx....I am not talking about dissecting every moment in life or figuring it out but just living
feeling each experience for what it is

RedHaze: Ok...Hi Carling! You're right it is interesting!!:) Welcome! I'm sure you'll love it!!:)

Pan: Starx.I have afeeling you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I never said anything about
figuring anything out or anything about most of what you are replying to......if it is ONE why judge what
the other ONE does?

STARX: PAN....well....when someone is hit....it hurts....and then it is over....and then our minds attach all
this meaning onto what was or is....like it means we aren't worthy....or that we are less than in some
way....or whatever........and then the badge gets bigger and bigger....so that we aren't capable of living in
the present....because all the accrued meaning....formulates our perceptions of what is......and so we can't
see clearly.....and/or act clearly......

lion: It is only in the past few years that I realized that there have indeed been others who have explored
the high country that I have found. But, for the most part it is still a wilderness, with few trails. Even then,
it seems that at some point, one must leave all trails and make ones own path to the ONE. Each of us is a
unique expression of the ONE. It makes sense that there would be no highways leading back to our
source. That path must be found within. Thus far, I have found that when I am within, the only separation
is between me and the ONE ... there are no others!

Carling: Hi Redhaze...I love this stuff!!

STARX: PAN...so we are saying the same thing....

RedHaze: Carling: :) What do you like to talk about?

lion: Namaste Carling! Welcome.

Pan: STARX..I agree but not all people do that.....I also get upset at those who are 50 and sit and cry on
everyones shoulder about the time they were 2 and fell down.....but at the same times the ones who are
going through it now could benefit from hearing that this is a moment is the universe. not to shut up...

STARX: PAN...it's not a matter of judging what aomeone is doing......it's more like a seeing of what the
"mind" does.....over and over again....

Carling: I have the Rider deck as well as the Mythic tarot deck.

Pan: STARX....yes I think that we are just words tend to get in the way.....I have always used the painful
or sad moments in my life to go inside and learn more about my self, my strengths.....

RedHaze: Carling: Great! I have the Rider Waite and the Arthurian deck.

lion: Whenever I feel a connection to spirit, to source, there is always a sense that I am connected to a
feminine spiritual essence. I don't know why, but I always experience it as thus. I have no concept or
experience with a masculine God energy.

Carling: Redhaze...I love talking about spirituality in general...channeling especially

searcher: hi all:-) L&L

Pan: Starx.....I am one post behind you I think LOL...*S*....yes people who go from one abuse to the next
to enlarge the badge ..they allow teh mind to prompt them over and over again without really looking

STARX: PAN....from my experience most do it.....most have created their "story"....and have built up an
ego.....to defend that "story".....and then engage in trying to "fix" the story.......and either they do it an
entire lifetime and identify themselves.....or they become exhausted and surrender out of "default".....or
they go ahead and surrender NOW.....

RedHaze: Carling:I feel the same way. Have you ever Channeled?

Carling: I just finished reading The Celestine Prophecy and The tenth insight.

RedHaze: wb searcher!! :)

STARX: PAN...sounds like you are rare indeed!!

searcher: hi redhaze!!!

STARX: CARLING......so what was the tenth insight??

lion: Meaning for 4 28 and 5 28, the Emperor, the Two of Wands and The Hierophant; the Two of Wands?
These are very prominent numbers for me.

Pan: Welcome to Searcher and Carling...*S* STARX.....in a way it goes back to the disscusion of
truth..........and when and how we allow ourselves to see it...........Love to you.....I am happy to be having
this discussion with you

RedHaze: Carling :I have yet to read it. I will soon though :) What did you think of it?

Carling: Redhaze...I just started and it is freaky. I've discovered things about myself that I never would
have otherwise known.

STARX: PAN....yes...this is my favorite discussion....and I have found it to be rare in the world as well as
in this room.....

RedHaze: Carling: Sounds adventurous! I will have to read it! What new things have you learned if you
don't mind sharing?

STARX: PAN....even tho I am a pushy broad....and keep going for it!!!....hahaha

Carling: You'd have to read the book to understand. The first book was about the first nine insights. Both
were excellent and I can't wait for the next one.

lion: As is 7:56, The Chariot:The 2 of Swords. But this is a variation of 4 28 since 7:56 is 4 to 8:00 is 4
28. For me, the sound takes precedence so to and two are the "same".

Pan: STARX..I was talking with one of my dearest friends the other day and was alittle saddened.we
were talking of letting go of Karma..walking through it and she said yes but what about the abusive
childhoods we can't let them go inoder to help others.seems she may be agood example of what we are
talking about.*S*

Carling: The general idea of both books is that the universe is one body...we're all connected which is
something I believed anyway.


Pan: HAHAHA I am a pushy broad as well seems we make a good team for this topic......hahahaha

RedHaze: Me too Carling.:)

Carling: What is everyones stand on reincarnation?

lion: Namaste Dea! I changed my name from "search" to "lion".

RedHaze: Hi Dea! Welcome!:)

Pan: Hello DEA

Carling: I have seen numerous psychics and they all tell me different past lives. Channeling shows me
who I was.

RedHaze: Carling: I believe in it,U?

lion: It makes no sense to "take a stand" on any truth. Reincarnation is ... it matters not whether you
believe it or not. You are still subject to it!

Carling: Lion...its just that so many people don't see it that way.

lion: You will continue to experience incarnations until you realize that you are THE ONE, for it is
through such incarnations that you can ACT and learn and realize.

STARX: PAN....You would LOVE Gangaji!!!.....she laughs a whole lot.....and this is the discussion.....so
you'd really like it....I'm sure.....and you know about your friend???.....it is so wierd because in that
perception....one can't see anything.....and so no matter what you say....they can't hear it....

Pan: Lion......you seem to know alot about numerology...I have heard debates about name changes and
how that affects your numerolgy.like when a wife takes her husbands name....what do you feel about this?

Carling: Lion...have you come to that realization? What happens afterwards...Do you become an Angel?

RedHaze: i bbl loves! Love & peace & light!

lion: Carling: That doesn't matter. Nearly everything that I currently believe, especially concerning reality
and reality creation is far from what "most people" would ever care to imagine. In fact, most consider me
to be weird, if not downright CRAZY!

Pan: STARX.......I will try and see her soon....yes about my friend it is so strange because she is so aware
about so much but she just can't let go of this one thing and that has put a stopper on all the rest she can
get to one point but cant make the jump to the next..

Carling: I just put this chat line in my favourites.

STARX: PAN....it's a real ego trip....and a very tricky one....because then people can attach an idea about
themselves....that they are a healer.....not seeing that their own personal agenda of "being a
healer".....bonds others as "needing healing"

Carling: Lion...tell me your beliefs.

lion: Carling: of course not, angels are still "separate" incarnation, just with a different form.

Pan: Carling...oh no..now you are going to be as hooked as the rest of us..welcome hahahaha

STARX: PAN.....your friend.....it would be a jump into the unknown.....this way she has it all figured
out......you ought to take her to see Gangaji with yuou...

Carling: Lion...what do you think will happen in the millenium?

Pan: STARX.oh yes exactly.she is working at a shelter for abused women and wants me join this
crusade..yes I was abused...underline WAS....I don't need to prove myself by continusly bearing the cross.i
laid it down many years ago..by the way laughter IS truly a wonderful medicine

Carling: Pan...i'm already hooked...my supervisor just got on the net and told me about this chat...we talk
about things like this at work all the time.

lion: Numbers are the primary language through which spirit speaks to me ... but not in the traditional
ways of numerology. I've had to uncover my own ways to find the meaning that spirit was unveiling
before me. The symbol systems of our world are full of embedded spiritual meaning ... most people are

just blind and deaf to it. They don't realize it is there. The spiritual world is HERE and NOW embedded in
the physical one that most people experience as reality.

Carling: Pan...i was abused also but never dwell on it...do you think we go through this for a reason?

STARX: PAN.....we all were in some way or another.....

Pan: Carling..i used to work with someone like that...doesn't make work play? where are you posting

Carling: I wonder about the idea that we pick the bodies that we enter before birth...

lion: My sense is that name changes do unveil additional insight into what a person has come to express.
In my world, all such choices are part of the script that we came to act out. The details have hidden
meaning embedded throughout, so that at anytime we can awaken and realize whom that we are.

Pan: Carling...i think everything has a lesson in it if you are willing to look..not just the sorrow but the
happiness as well......STARX......I am looking through Nexus now for her ad and saw that there is going to
be another retreat this one with Alan Cohen..weren't you talking about him?

STARX: CARLING.....you could come up with a million reasons for why you went thru whatever.....but
how could you ever come up with an answer????....how would you decide which reason was the "right"

Carling: Pan...i'm in Sudbury Ontario Canada...and you?

lion: Carling: You'll have to click on my name and enter the world of Beyond Imagination to do justice to
whom that I AM and what I believe. It is all there. :)

Carling: Starx...when you find the right reason you just know

Pan: Lion..that is also what I believe but so many have told me ..actually demanded that it does change
but I feel that would be as we are you we are...

STARX: PAN......No I was talking about Andrew Cohen.....different fella....used to be Gangaji's

teacher.....tho I've read some good books by Alan Cohen......don't remember them tho....hahaha

Pan: Carling..ia m in Boulder Colorado

Carling: Cool page Lion

Pan: Starx.it looks like she will onlybe here through August ...I better get to it then....*S* well if you can't
remember then it must not have been that good hahahaha

Carling: Pan...I've been following the JonBenet Ramsey story...anything new?

STARX: CARLING.....my point was that it is a useless waste of energy....because "WHO" really would
know when you come up with the "right" reason.....I was trying to point toward how the mind does this
......and that all these questions are completely useless in terms of you being free.....free in the moment of

Carling: ....

lion: Before we get to the millenium, we have to go through the transition of completing another cycle of
222. The last one was in 1776, it was the completion of the eight cycle, and the start of the ninth. 9 is the
number of the Hermit, an expression we shall see begin to take hold once the we reach this completion in
1998. This will be the vibration that brings us into the new millenium. The crossing point is between the
2: High Priestess and the 3: Empress year of the new cycle.

Pan: Carling......ugh.....the family has too much money for the truth to ever get out....It isn't even
mentioned here anymore....

Carling: Starx...i am free...

Carling: I hope they eventually find out who did it.

Pan: Lion..I don't know as much about numerology as I would like can you suggest any books?

Carling: Gotta go for now...bbl

lion: Many numerologists are fixed in whatever tradition they learn. I find it better to be free and
spontaneous and allow spirit to express through numbers as she will without putting up such arbitrary
walls and restrictions as to how to find meaning. Of course name changes mean something, as do the
dates and possibly specific times that such name changes occur.

Pan: Carling with the Ok bombing trial here as well all the focus has turned to that for now and the city
of Boulder is running out of money ...the Ramseys are not...

lion: The only book I found useful is Numerology and the Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty
Bunker ... especially the part that ties numerology to the Tarot.

STARX: CARLING......it is unfortuante that ANY suffering happens in the world.....however the mind is
endless in trying to figure things out....and if you look into it deeply....say you get the "right" reason.....so
then what???....are you any freer.....probably when you think you have the "right" reason....then the mind
will go ..."well it feels right....but then it may not be right"......what I'm trying to point to is that the mind
is all about doubt.....over and over again....and the REASON whatever happened to yuou really doesn't
matter.....however unfortunate it may have been....

Pan: Lion.do you do numerology readings? I would be interested

lion: Pan: follow the "lion" and "LION" links from the Beyond Imagination page. It will tell you how to
reach me and how I work. :)

Pan: Lion..thank you I will look for it...Starx..kind off the subject abit have you ever read/done the
Artist's Way? it has some fun exercises about shutting up the doubt..not real indepth but alot of fun

STARX: CARLING....I speak to you about this coming form MUCH experience in trying to figure
everything out......and after years and years and years....I never figured anything out......for example if
someone hit me in the face.....would it matter if the reason was because they were angry?....or that they
were afraid?....or that they just liked it?.....the fact is they just hit me....and my face hurts....simple

Pan: Lion.I put it on favorites a few moments ago so I could read it later.so I will thank you

STARX: PAN...you know I actually have 2 copies of that book and have never read it....and you are the
second or third person who's mentioned it.....maybe it's time to look at it.....hahha

lion: Very good Pan. Beware, you could get lost there for months and never read it all. :)

STARX: PAN...oh well....I guess Carling isn't here anymore.....wouldn't be the first time i'm caught
talking to myself.....hahaha

STARX: I have to go feed my boss's critters......maybe be back later...bye all.......hope to see you again

lion: STARX: I know the feeling. I tried to do community forums for months. Almost every one ended up
to be a monologue. LOL! I've been talking to myself voraciously for many years. :)

Pan: Starx......haha....I have tried to finish it 3 times never do but usaly geet further each time....the
morning pages through me off.I am not a very routined person and in the book you have to write three
pages of flow of conscious each morning......talk to your self go ahead..*S*

Pan: Lion.thanks for the warning.........I think that I will start now.lovet o you all..I hope we meet again
soon...Starx...it was wonderful tralking with you...POOF

STARX: PAN....would love to hear about you seeing Gangaji.......would be much fun to share....

STARX: okay......*****poof too****

lion: Namaste All! My niece is bugging me to get out of the house. It is such a nice day ... so I'm off. In
Peace, Love and Light, Wayne.


On Top Of The World

2 Jun 97 at SWC Himalaya

lion: Namaste! I saw the topic and just couldn't resist!! LOL!!!

lion: Issue #8 of The Search for Center Newsletter was "published" on 5/28. You can see it at:



lion: Alternatively, click on colored "lion" preceeding post and then follow the link from there to The
Search for Center.

lion: I still carry a fortune I got from a fortune cookie two years ago: SOON YOU WILL BE SITTING
ON TOP OF THE WORLD. I guess I am there now! LOL!!!!

gilbert: Hello, my name is Gilbert.

lion: Actually, I've been flying high for over four years now. You might say that I've followed my own
form of Yoga in pursuit of what spirit would have me express for her.

sol: Hi lion...Hi gilbert...

lion: Namaste gilbert!

lion: Namaste sol!

lion: What brings you two here this fine evening? Then again, it may or may not be evening for you. :)

sol: Never seen you guys before, I think...

sol: You´re right, lion...It´s 4.30 in the morning where I am...

gilbert: Hello, sol.

lion: Gee sol, 6:30 PM here. That must put you on the other side of the world somewhere.

gilbert: I am in Korea. It is now about 10:30 AM Tuesday, June 3.

sol: I´m in sweden...what about you, lion?

lion: Recently, I've found myself being moved to read works of various Indian masters ... Aurobindo,
Vivekananda, Meher Baba, Yogananda and the like. Also, just finished rereading the Bhagavad Gita ...

lion: Los Angeles, CA

lion: Are either of you into Yoga? ... if so, what kind? ... and for how long?

sol: Tell us more about the Indian masters, lion...

sol: I´m not into yoga, yet...gilbert?

lion: I'm finding that indeed, the Masters of India, have made a science of spirituality for a very long
time. We in the West are just beginning to appreciate what they have known firsthand for countless ages.

gilbert: Lion: What are the most impressive teachings, in your opinion, that you have gleaned from the
Indian works you have read?

lion: The key realization is that we are all ONE SPIRIT, there is but ONE MIND, creating and
experiencing all.

sol: I agree totally, lion...Do you know that many Indians are getting tired of people from the west are
coming to India to find out "what´s it all about"?

gilbert: Sol: I am not into yoga, although I admire and respect those who are into it.

lion: That we are separated individuals is the illusion that we experience. It is not even close to the true
reality. I realized over four years ago that I experience thoughts but do not CREATE THOUGHTS. My
thoughts come from the ONE MIND as do everyone’s. I am free to choose how I interpret these thoughts,
which ones I dismiss, which ones I pay attention too, and which ones I ACT on ... but I do not create the
thoughts. They come from a source of which I am not consciously aware.

gilbert: Lion: That is very interesting what you have said about ONE SPIRIT and ONE MIND.

lion: My sense is that most people of India are not aware either. But, the Spiritual Masters of India, they
have touched God ... they have been awakened to the spirit that they are. From what I've seen, true
spiritual realization is a very rare thing. I don't know that I could name more than a dozen people that
have demonstrated this realization ... at least that I am yet aware of.

gilbert: Lion: I also find your further explanations very enlightening and informative.

sol: What made you understand, lion...? I mean four years ago, What happened?

lion: Further, awareness is not something that can be taught. It cannot be attained via the mind at all ...
one must find a way to go beyond mind to become awake. One must catch a glimpse of the REAL "I" and
realize whom that one truly is. Such is what SELF-Realization is all about.

sol: I am just beginning to read the Bhagavad Gita...bought it from a monk...

lion: I can speak of realization from experience. Lately, I have found that I truly understand the writings
of the Indian Masters because I have an inner basis to match to what I see expressed in their words. In
them, I have finally found others that I can relate to firsthand. Unfortunately, all of those I am presently
reading have already departed from this existence.

lion: Four years ago, I had a spiritual awakening. My life has been completely transformed since then. I
live in a spiritual world now that few seem to see. Actually, to date, I have not met another in that world.

lion: My experiences are all captured at my Beyond Imagination site. Clicking on "lion" gets you there. I
have written over 2000 pages to date.

sol: Seems to me you´ve been reaching what I´m searching, lion...I´m so happy for you!

gilbert: Lion: All of what you are saying indicates that you are an interesting and spiritually-minded
person. I am going to click on your name because I am curious to see your web entry.

sol: Your "nick" lion, has it got something to do with astrology?

lion: My sense is that my time of awakening was planned for the Summer of my 35th year. At the time
Uranus and Neptune were exactly conjunct and the two were exactly square to my natal Sun. It was
incredible. I was FLYING HIGH for months ... the experience got me diagnosed as bipolar and put me in

a mental hospital for 10 days. None of what I had learned in 20 years of intensive metaphysical study
even came close to explaining what I experienced.

Cheryl: hi?

lion: No, though I am a Leo rising. My wife created some stationary for me that had a lion on a throne. I
was looking at that the first time I had to pick a nickname. Also, my spiritual name is Aslan, so the nick is

lion: Namaste Cheryl! Welcome!

lion: You can see the picture I'm referring to if you follow the lion and LION links at the Beyond
Imagination site.

sol: lion, I´m having saturn returning to my natal position, and it feels like I´m going to turn my life
upside down...I´m a bit scared but at the same time it feels wonderful!

sol: Hi Cheryl...

lion: My latest outlet for expression has been the monthly newsletter for The Search for Center. Issue #8
came out last week. It has over a dozen sections.

lion: That would make you either 28 or 56?

sol: gilbert, cheryl...still here?

sol: lion, I´m 29 and 2 months...

lion: Saturn returns can indeed be interesting times. I went from Hermit to married about that time in my
life ... I hadn't even dated. I married my wife 100 days after I met her. She is 18 years older than I am.

lion: Yes, Saturn varies a bit in cycle length. :) My rule of thumb is 28 years per cycle.

sol: lion, do you think it´s wise to break up my job and my apartment and go live in the countryside for a

lion: Sol: what changes are you experiencing? Having ones world turned upside down can be very

sol: I have been working at the same place for ten years, and there isn´t to many jobs to get nowadays in

lion: For that, you will have to turn within to find out what is right for you. "Wise" has nothing to do with
it. The key to spiritual growth is to find the source of intuition within YOU and trust it enough to take
action and follow it wherever it would lead you. It knows you ... or better yet, it is YOU, the Self that you
are searching for. It is HERE and NOW, wherever you are.

lion: You can lead a "normal" work life to pay the bills, and still have all the time in the world to know
thy Self. However, you must choose to make the effort, and then follow through and ACT on that choice.

sol: Peculiar that all of my friends are settling down with families when their Saturn returns...I guess that
makes me a bit scared...but I have to do this...

lion: I was unemployed for over three months last year ... I don't know that I would want to experience
that again. It can get tough when the bills keep coming but there is no paycheck to pay them with.

sol: I´m at work right now, nightshift, so I will have to quit soon...

lion: My sense is that my "family" will be a spiritual one. Though I am married, my wife is beyond
childbearing age.

lion: I have known for over 20 years that my kids, my creations would spring forth from my mind and not
my loins.

sol: I´ve got my money situation under control, at least for one year...That´s important for me right now,
otherwise I wouldn´t dare doing this jump...

lion: Bookmark http://www.redshift.com/~beyond and check it out sometime. :)

lion: Namaste Rishi!

sol: lion, I´ll have to leave you for two minitues...BRB...

Rishi: Namaste ji.

lion: Don't fret about it or worry too much. My sense is that the choice is already made by you at the Self
level, not consciously. It will lead you to the experience that is right for you at this time. I believe
conscious free will is limited to how we interpret what we experience ... my sense is that we don't
consciously choose what will happen.

Rishi: lion, do you believe in karma?

lion: Yes and No. I believe that I am fully responsible for all that I do. There is a part of my greater Self
that takes care of ensuring that karmic balance is maintained. However, my understanding is that this is a
lower level law that applies only so long as one acts from a center of self. When one starts to live for
spirit, as spirit, a different level of spiritual law comes into play.

sol: lion, you´re right, I´ve made the descision, even though many people among me thinks it´s stupid...

lion: When one truly lives by the principal, not my will but THY WILL be done, then one has escaped the
chains of karma ...

sol: Hi Rishi, welcome...

Rishi: true, but how and what is this different level achieved?

lion: I wouldn't think twice about what others think ... even "many others". YOU know what is right for
you in your Heart. It is that guidance to which you must be true.

Rishi: Hi sol

Rishi: Are we guided by ourselves our is there someone or something else to guide us?

lion: One must find a way to go Beyond Mind, to go Beyond Imagination ... to experience it. And then, it
is obvious, there is simply no other way to live. Once we have a glimpse of our true nature as the ONE,
there is no longer any choice but to do THY WILL, for my will becomes identical to the WILL of the
ONE for the piece of the ONE that I AM.

sol: Destiny is a part of ourselves and we are a part of everything, I believe...

lion: I have always been guided by a feminine source within that speaks through my intuition. It is not
someone or something else ... yet, neither is it me. It just is.

lion: Namaste Starbuck!

Rishi: that I think is the ultimate stage of living, on the way we come across many obstacles. Can we
reach our goal by ourselves or do we need a guide to unite us with the ONE?

lion: Yes, and experiencing one's destiny is one of the grandest adventures that there is.

lion: I have not yet had a guide, other than Spirit herself. So, my experience is that NO, no such guide is
needed. But then, I came as a Aries ... my nature is that of wayshower. I do not know that I personally
would either recognize or choose to follow a guide.

sol: Starbuck, welcome...

Starbuck: Namaste

sol: Watcher, hi...

lion: When you say "reach our goal", what goal do you have? There is nothing that I care to reach ... other
than expressing spirit as fully as possible for me in this existence. What that is, I have no clue. I observe
what unfolds before me and I do what spirit moves me to do to the best of my ability.

sol: lion, why did they put you in a mental hospital? Were you a danger for yourself or what?

Rishi: I believe that the ultimate goal of human life is to be united with the One. Thus freeing ourselves
from the cycle of birth and death.

lion: I have never been one to set goals or make detailed plans. I leave it to spirit or to Self to decide such
things, then do what I am moved to do, observe the feedback provided by spirit, and determine what it
means about Whom that I AM, the nature of reality, and the nature of reality creation.

sol: Rishi, are you talking about nirvana?

lion: Or, should I say illusion and illusion creation. :) Why should we care to be free of cycles of birth and
death ... what matters how often we choose to take forms? We shall do so for as long as it serves our Self
to help know our Self and SELF.

lion: When I live HERE AND NOW ... I am already free from the cycle. NOW + HERE = NOWHERE!

sol: Maybe we would get very bored if we never again should take any form?

Rishi: Nirvana is one concept. But this union I'm talking about can be attained while living.

sol: Tell us more about this union, Rishi...

Rishi: if we believe in the law of karma, then we cannot be free from transmigration.

lion: I was highly manic in the summer of 93 and was interpreting reality in a way that shall we say was
UNIQUE. They thought I was crazy. My final act before being taken away was a complete renunciation of
my will. I got to the point of literally not even breathing until spirit forced me to do so. I still remember
everything clearly. It is described in the Beyond Mind book at my site.

lion: Rishi: is this union still concept, or have you experienced it?

lion: I remember getting up one morning in 1993, jumping up, throwing the covers off the bed and
announcing loudly to my wife "I am God". She said "yes hon, we are all gods". I said, "NO, GOD with a
BIG G". I still remember how absolutely certain I was that morning.

Rishi: It is a reality. I am following the path myself but I know of a few who have attained this stage.

sol: lion, I don´t know how to find your site, I´m very new at this stuff...

lion: Now, I know that I am but a part of the ONE ... or am only aware of being part. However, if you
asked any cell of my present body "who are YOU", you would not be surprised if it's answer was Wayne,
my present name.

sol: Sounds lovely. lion...did you say you are an Aries?

Rishi: When we say 'I' or 'I AM' we are creating a wall between our true selves.

lion: That's great Rishi. It seems we are in a similar boat. I've been alone all my life, basically a Hermit,
experiencing my own world, my own reality. In 1993, I awakened to a spiritual reality that I had not
experienced before. I have only met one person that clearly understood what I was experiencing, and he
stopped speaking 30 years ago ... I had a 20 minute session with him. I knew that he KNEW. It was
obvious. I've also seen that Krishnamurti was in this state, on a videotape. Aurobindo and Yogananda
were obviously there ... it shows in their writings.

lion: sol: Just click on lion preceeding these posts. The URL is http://www.redshift.com/~beyond

lion: Unless your understanding is that "I AM" is THE ONE, is SPIRIT, is CONSCIOUSNESS herself.

Rishi: lion, it seems you have a wonderful story to tell. What you must do is to benefit from your
experience and further your quest to find yourself. Don't give up.

lion: Yes, Aries is my Sun sign ... Moon in Sag ... Leo rising. Triple FIRE. No wonder metaphysics comes
so naturally to me.

lion: I would not ever think of "giving up". Part of my task is to assist in building the foundations for a
new world in which spirit can more fully express in flesh, to a greater degree than has even occurred
before. YES, it is a BIG TASK, but it is what I am moved to do with all my Heart and Soul!

Rishi: The ONE is within us all but only a few realize this in one lifetime. That is why we are subject to

sol: well, my new friends...the time has come for me to go home and get to bed...It´s been really great
meeting you...

Rishi: Goodnight sol. May you live in peace.

lion: Yes, such is my experience as well. Though, the moment of realization must eventually come within
a present lifetime. Personally, I have no awareness of whether it took one or one million lifetimes to get to
my present state of awareness ... nor does it matter, it takes only as long as is necessary, and this differs
for everyone.

lion: Namaste sol! Sleep well! Peace, Love and Light!

lion: Rishi: when did your awakening occur?

Rishi: Why we don't realize it is because we are not there yet. Those who attain the union know

lion: How did you experience it? Under what circumstances? After what kind of study?

lion: How do you know that? To me, such is only a concept ... it is not a realization yet. Nor for that
matter do I sense that it will be in the near future.

Rishi: I have been walking this path for almost 20 yrs.

lion: My home is the UNKNOWN ... such is where I find purpose, meaning, and YES happiness. I am an
explorer of the UNKNOWN. To me, this journey of awareness is unending. There will always be more to
create and to explore.

Rishi: Along the way I have been lost, very lost but I have always been able to find the path again.

lion: For me, my sense is that I have always walked the path that spirit moved me to walk. I found the
Seth material in 1974 ... my LOVE AFFAIR with spirit and with metaphysics began then. 1993 however
marked the year of my awakening. My metaphysical writings began on 5 Mar 93.

lion: The first 20 years were mainly a head trip, I lived in my mind. Then, in 1993, I went Beyond Mind
and became truly awake and aware for the first time in this existence.

Rishi: There is a lot of illusion to over come. Only then can the true path be found.

lion: Since then, life has been a wonderful adventure. Most people consider me a bit strange ... some
downright CRAZY. At least I am an original expression of spirit!

lion: Overall, since my world was so separate from that of everyone else, it has been easier for me. I
never really bought into the conventional reality. I created my own and knew firsthand that it was a
different reality than others experienced. But, it didn't matter. I TRUSTED my own experience from the

lion: Well, I've thoroughly enjoyed the chat, but I need to be heading home. Namaste!

Rishi: Namaste.




SWC Mt Shasta on 5 Jun at 10PM PST

lion: Namaste All! Time to try another mountain top. Actually, this is one that I personally have
physically been to the top of ... LOL!!!

celine: That's great lion! must be a terrific feeling *smile*

lion: Lately, I've been overcome by a sense of destiny ... I feel that I am being led to down a path to a very
bright future. A future filled with light, where the expression of spirit is natural and complete, where the
wonders that are created are truly BEYOND IMAGINATION which itself is BEYOND MIND.

lion: INDEED, celine. YES, indeed!

lion: There is a strong sense that anything is possible now. That the masks which we have worn for so
long can finally be removed so that we can express whom that we truly are.

celine: It sounds as if you are experiencing an awakening that is being felt by many.

lion: I for one, anxiously look forward to what lies ahead. Even more than that ... to what will unfold
before me each and every day. We are truly blessed to have chosen such a time to live.

celine: Forgive my slow responses, but I've been room hopping.

lion: Actually, that came in the summer of 1993 for me. For nearly four years, I've been expressing what
spirit would express through me ... searching for others touched by spirit in the same way. Searching for
other explorers journeying into the unknown lands of consciousness.

celine: I agree, it is a wonderful time that we've chosen,but we would have been here anyway. It's part of
the evolvement process. There is so much more to come.

lion: To date 2000 plus pages of metaphysical material has been generated and posted at Beyond

celine: Greetings Bink, welcome!

lion: Yes, but we specifically chose to be spirit having a physical experience now. :)

Bink: hi celine, thank-you... how do, lion, just looking at your page...

celine: I took a trip to your website, but did'nt stay long because I did'nt want you to think I'd left
abruptly. I will go back and visit. Seems quite, quite interesting.

celine: I agree lion, I agree :)

celine: I must admit, your enthusism is bursting right thru my monitor. Energy is amazing, isn’t it *smile*

Bink: IMHO, all *is* consciousness, the entire universe and all its manifestations.... so "physical" is a

celine: IMHO? Please explain. Much here is still new to me Bink :)

celine: Please lion, don't get quiet, you have so much to share and I am very interested. Will book mark
your site for a later time.

lion: YES, it has been quite interesting for me anyway ... including a 10 day vacation to a mental hospital.
I've been manic for four years ... flying in a manner that I did not know was possible. Where I am flying
to, I know not ... but I am thoroughly enjoying the process. I have discovered a spiritual world embedded
in the symbol systems of the physical one, a world that no others that I've met are able to see ... but one
that is more real to me than the physical one. It is where I focus my attention. It is my home. But, there I
am still the Hermit, for I have found no others in that domain.

Bink: in my humble opinion, celine.... :-)) (that’s a grin)

Bink: hello Jennifer...

lion: Namaste bink. Misnomer or not, physical is one of the distinctions that we assign to a kind of
limitation or illusion that consciousness chooses to wear. :)

celine: Welcome Jennifer, please did not mean to ignore. Welcome!

lion: "I" is one such illusion as well. For, there is but ONE consciousness that animates us all.

Bink: lion, yep, a *self-imposed* limitation... that which we think of and see/touch as 'physical' is merely
*symbols*, as you said...

lion: ONE consciousness that feeds all thoughts in all minds, that experiences everything, even the
illusions and limitations. ONE consciousness seeking to know itself, it's true SELF!

Bink: lion, agreed again! it is a false sense of 'I' or ego that brings on all our problems, eh!

Bink: lion, for me, that one Consciousness is all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, the Only.

celine: Then why the "I" in the first place?

lion: Further, names and numbers are symbols that have embedded spiritual meaning as well. Addresses,
account numbers, amounts of bills, serial numbers, license plates, etc ... all have embedded meaning.

Bink: explain your question, celine? :-))

celine: Bink, thank you for explanation of IMHO (I like it!)

lion: If such is so, then why must it experience the illusion that I experience. NO, my sense is that it is not
all knowing ... indeed it is becoming and experiencing that which it is and learning to know itself through
such expression and experience.

celine: Well Bink, I've been hearing a lot about the ONE and the false perception of the "I" or the many.
Almost the impression that the "I" is "bad". Did not the great ONE create the "I" for the experiences of
ego. To be able to view itself?????

lion: Yes celine, the "I" is simply an EYE through which the ONE can SEE itself. :)

celine: lion, like you I believe the ONE is still learning of ITSELF and grows even as we (its parts) grow.

Bink: celine, crystal clear now. yes, I would basically agree, although I might put it a little differently...

lion: And EYE is 575, the first 3 digits of my social security number.

Bink: I would say that God, or Mind, is 'infinite individuality', and that man/woman/universe are Her/His
expression or manifestation...

celine: lion, I know very little of symbols and numbers. Still there are so many new things this medium
has presented.....and it's marvelous!!!

Bink: the Mind that manifests the spiritual universe knows itself and its creation completely, and
maintains it in infinite harmony...

lion: If not, there would be no real purpose for our existence. My experience has been that each
awakening, each new realization makes one that much more aware that the process of growth of
awareness is without end.

celine: I like that Bink. It sounds as if we are all on one accord therefore: of one mind (simply put...in
agreement about the ONE)

David: Recently I have been having incredible meditations where my body first starts tingling, then gets
to the point where I am vibrating on a much higher level of consciousness. It is helping my ascension

Bink: just exactly, so, celine. "let that Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus".

David: I have been working with many things, tibetan chanting, friends of mine on higher vibratory
levels, and many other fun things!

celine: lion you and Bink sound like echoes, thoughts are so harmonious. You're like a finely tuned
instrument.....ON KEY :))

Bink: good evening David, that sounds quite exciting...

celine: Welcome David, Welcome 2chance....Please be a part of this circle.

David: Have you guys been experiencing more intense experiences lately? It really feels like the
consciousness everywhere is getting up to a fever pitch among the fun circles.... Too bad the collective
consciousness feels so unaware!

Bink: celine, so to your question about the 'I' manifesting the Ego-God....

lion: Is that experience or theory Bink? I spent twenty years locked in my mind, immersed completely in
theory ... then I woke up ... I went Beyond Mind. Others questioned my very sanity, as did I. Nothing that
I thought that I knew was of any use. It did not come close to explaining my direct experience. Now, I
know. Then, I only thought. There gulf between these two is infinite. One does not awaken via the mind.
One must leave the limitations of that tool behind to BE.

Bink: hi Watcher, - is this the *real* Watcher? *grin*

celine: oops, sorry David. My spelling is sometimes atrocious at this hour.

David: lion, it sounds like you're moving from 3rd dimensional consciousness into a little bit of the 4th!

David: It's really fun when you start percieving time as all one. When linear time is such a joke! You just
see at all occuring at once on the time track...

Bink: lion... experience, insofar as I have experienced it. you are right, one does not awaken through
attempting to use what one thinks of as one's mind, but by *realizing* infinite Mind as the only reality.

lion: Yes, intensity is picking up. 1998 marks the completion of the 8th cycle of 222. 1776 was the
completion of the 7th cycle. YES, the birth of the United States ... America = "I AM race" = Race of the I

celine: Bink, I think my question was answered in that we agree that GOD manifests thru us as us to
experience and grow.

David: I'm getting nervous for some reason, I'm leaving soon..

Bink: celine, continuing with your question... since Mind, God, is All, there is just ONE Mind, and it is
our *illusion* and *insistence* that there are *many* minds that continually gets us into trouble.

David: I love all the fun stuff that's been going on!

David: good point bink, it is important to realize the collective consciousness, instead of believing in an
individual one for each being.

celine: Please explane the "IAM" race lion??

Bink: hello Gypsee! :-))

David: later guys

Bink: true, David, a vital point, you might say *the* vital point for mankind to ultimately realize.

Gypsee: Hello Bink..nice to meet your acquaintance...reviewing.

celine: bye David

lion: My sense is that we are in the process of building an infrastucture, a physical body composed of
many interdependent people cooperating together in a way that permits cosmic consciousness herself to
have a new physical vehicle through which to express.

Bink: bon soir, David, go in love and peace...

celine: Greetings Gypsee, welcome.

Gypsee: General Gist...We are all One, but yet..we are all very unique individuals walking on different
paths...but we all come from the same Creator...therefore we are all co-creator's with the One...I
AM...yes...ahahha...feeling philosophical tonight...sorry :)

lion: God's answer to Moses: "I AM that I AM". Rearrange the letters of a-m-e-r-i-c-a and you get i - am -
race, the race of the I AM.

Bink: lion, what is your sense of infinity? is the creative Consciousness infinite? and if so, can the Infinite
be also incomplete?

Gypsee: Hello Celine...Nice to meet you ...thank you.

celine: that sounds very interesting lion. I've heard of the "IAM" activity, but this sounds slightly

Bink: good summary, Gypsee! :-))

Bink: so lion, you mean America is the Israel of the Bible?

lion: How do each of you experience thoughts? Personally, I observe them and choose which to focus on,
and choose which thoughts to act upon. However, I never consciously experience actually "creating"

Gypsee: Thanks...ahahha...I do believe we are All One...but we ALL must learn tolerance with those
different from those traveling on a different path than our own. Many are "waking" up and remembering
their souls' purpose....and many are not....but we must learn to tolerate everybody...this world scares the
heck out of me sometimes.

celine: LION, I never realized that before. I have heard the term "IAM" race. Well put Gypsee.

lion: Infinite is a concept ... I do not experience it as a reality. Logic games do not apply in that domain.
They are limited to the mind.

Bink: lion, yes, like a radio receiver... we can tune in the static, the garbage, or focus/tune in on a clear

Gypsee: The Intolerance and Boundaries that every group seems to put up around them....

Gypsee: The mind is so small and can't even comprehend what infinity is...the Universe is more than the
mind...anybody remember their past lives or are more aware of things on soul level than mind?

lion: I don't do much with the Bible. Israel has no personal meaning to me. At least not yet. 919153 =
Death exalted|Death Exalted|The Knight of Swords.

Bink: yes, Gypsee... sometimes seems the longer mankind is around, the dumber he gets, eh! I find
Christian exclusivism particularly ugly, and not biblically supported, either.

Gypsee: The Bible if it is read correctly you could say it is "The Book of the Mind"...Christianity is going
to be one of those things that we will be attoning for for many years....I myself belive in Christ...but am
NOT A CHRISTIAN....I think they twist so much out of whack.... Everybody must realize that everything
is interpretations...and no one has the right way!!!

Gypsee: But those who follow and choose such paths...are on those paths to learn maybe some sort of
discipline?? What do you think Bink???

lion: WOW! Looking backward, 351919 = Mar 5, 1919. My spiritual writings began on March 5 in 1993,
exactly 74 years later. 74 is my Birth Number. Curious! I guess there is a tie to Israel after all. Hmm...
interchange the ae and you get IS REAL!!!!

Bink: I've been reading chapter 8, lion.... find lots to agree with...

Gypsee: I am a perpetual student and I question WHY...and if the reason I can understand it..than I will
adopt it..but BLIND FAITH and believing just because someone tells you to...ack...I only belive what I
can understand. I LOVE to think, analyze and break things apart...I don't think any way is the right way
exclusively...intolerance really irks me sometimes.

celine: lion, you're amazing...so happy to meet you as well as Bink and Gypsee. Thank you for the
sharing, I am learning so much here.

Gypsee: Lion--what is Consciousness...a CON GAME ...ahahhahah...

Bink: Gypsee, I kind of think of it all as a maze... you see the rats running down all the paths which are a
dead end, but eventually they retrace their steps and find their way through. some make it faster than
others...but all eventually

Bink: Gypsee, you keep right on thinking and questioning!

Gypsee: Soul Evolution Bink...you have been running down all those paths yourself in past-
lives...obviously you have learned and grown...if you are learned...than traditional religions and dogmatic
views will be to narrowminded for you.

lion: Yes Bink, receivers tuning into the cosmic channels of the ONE. We see what we tune into, but we
do not create what is broadcast, or even know firsthand from where it is broadcast. Most people have not
even realized this. They believe they are the originator because the thoughts appear in their heads. It is
like a radio believing that it originated the music that came through it ... or a TV believing that it created
the shows that appear on its screen.

celine: If we are all part of the whole, then it seems incredulous to believe a part would have all
knowledge of the whole therefore Gypsee, I tend to agree with you, that no one group has THE
ANSWER. That group has what is right for it at that time until it evolves.

Gypsee: Bink...I feel Tolerance and LOVE is the keys..or at least a couple of them...so you can't really
call any path a dead end...but...we are all moving forwards..just at different paces....just learning and
growing....constantly..the big cycle of death and rebirth.

Bink: well folks, it's bime for ted, so I must be off...

Bink: Gypsee, generally agreed, but re-incarnation is not part of my belief-system...

Gypsee: Thanks Celine...Lion...I belive we are co-creators...everything we do starts as a thought...and

then the process unfolds..kind of like planting a seed and seeing it to maturity....we do create what is
broadcast....there is more than one person thinking anything up...but one person will be senseitvie enought
to receive the info and do something about it.

Bink: conversation has been very stimulating, thanks a bunch everyone, and a pleasant goodnight to all.

celine: Love & Light Bink. Thank you for your sharing. I am blessed this nite.

Gypsee: Bink...well...I could not believe that we are just here and going to die and that's it....I do a lot of
Astrology and Past-life astrology and relationship astrology...Scientists are just learning...POETS
KNOW...that is my favorite line.

celine: Love & Light Bink. Thank you for your sharing. I am blessed this nite.

Gypsee: Have a great night Bink..it was a pleasure chatting with you.

lion: con = with, scious - ness = the quality of scious = 139631. Hmm ... this comes across to me as 96
with 13:Death on the left and 13:Death on the right (outside in). It is as if 1996 somehow marked a major
transition time. Hmm...

Bink: sheesh, you guys, would *love* to stay and continue this *fascinating* discussion! but MUST go,
so *remember* - "livin' is lovin'"! ***POOF***

Gypsee: Hey Lion..You into numerology at all per chance??? ahahha

lion: By the way, I "think" like this yet work as a engineer. MS in electrical engineering from Stanford.
Those I work with consider me quite strange.

Gypsee: Lion Death to me is only transformation...weather it be physical or spirtual..in 1996...A lot of

people really began to WAKE UP

lion: Numbers ... they don't mean a thing to me. LOL!!!

Gypsee: Lion...I'm an Astrologer, Numerologer, Tarot and Counselor...if anyone knew the way I
thought...I would be labeled instantly...ahahah

lion: As it is to me. 91 = 78 + 13 = Tarot cycle + Death = Death Exalted.

Gypsee: Lion would you agree there is nothing random?

Gypsee: 13 is Death/REBIRTH...remember there is two sides of any coin.

Gypsee: 13 is a special number...very special....

lion: Hard for a Hermit to be a Counselor ... philosopher king is more to my liking. I dabble in the rest,
combining numerology and tarot into an alphabet of a spiritual language that only I seem to speak thus

Gypsee: The 13th Angel is the Angel of Death and REbirth

celine: Gypsee, please explain 13 is Death/REBIRTH. Have always been atracted to 13, 3 and 31

lion: INDEED! Nothing random!

Gypsee: ahahhahahha...I am a HERMIT too....

Gypsee: Celine...with Death and REbirth...where do you live..do you experience the 4 seasons...look how
quick mother natures is and reminds us yearly..how things don't really die...they just rest for a while
before they are born again

lion: Yes, one of the MITS of HER, one of the gloves that SHE = CONSCIOUSNESS wears!

celine: I see, Gypsee. Constant renewal.

celine: welcome amron and welcome again Jennifer.

Gypsee: Celine...I think our lives are so very short on the earth plane...which indeed they are...it is so
important to Seize and Live in the NOW/PRESENT moment..FOCUS only on the Present/Now...the past
can't be changed..and the future is built on the NOW...If someone pointed a gun at me...I would laugh at
them...and say go ahead....I'm not afraid to die...no fear....death is rebirth..and if you finish all your lessons
in this lifetime...than you won't bounce back to "HELL" which to me is EARTH. ahhahaha

amron: Gypsee-does this mean that we are recycled souls?

celine: Gysee and the numbers 3 and 31??

Gypsee: Amron...your soul is your soul..ONLY YOURS..nobody can hurt your soul or take that away
from you..physical body..that will perish...but Soul..we keep coming back to learn and grow..we never
make mistakes ...if you pull the learning out of them...life would be awfully boring if we were all clones
and everything was peaches and cream..ahhaha

lion: Hmm ... perhaps you should rephrase the question. We are souls who choose to wear many bodies to
gain experience that leads us to Know our SELF, to know whom that we are, the I AM!

celine: Gypsee, is hell really earth or a manifestation of our creation?? If we are co-creators with God
than don't we create hell?

Gypsee: Amron...I don't believe there is a being out there that is going to judge our souls...I believe WE
JUDGE our own souls....in spirit world...we are honest with ourselves unlike when we work on ego
level..where we can fool ourselves and make us belive we are doing right or
something...whatever...excuse my ramblings...I'm going off on a tangent..and losing my thought...it's been
a long day..just turned my garden and planted.

lion: Hell is earth only if you choose to make it so. It can just as easily by HEAVEN. Such is the power of
your choice.

Gypsee: Celine...just listen to your own heart...I agree with what you ask...Yes...we create our own
hell....we must take responsibility for all our bad times we experience in this lifetime...even though many
of them won't make sense...you are leanring and growing....and evolving yourself back to like lion put it
the I AM...we all are co-creators....and everything starts with a thought...

lion: Agree Gypsee ... we cannot fool our Soul. It is sufficient to be our sole Judge. :)

Gypsee: Lion..YES...HEAVEN ON EARTH....we can make it so if we CHOOSE to do SO...that is

WILL..and we all possess FREE-WILL....Jesus said to...All if Possible to him that believeth"

Gypsee: Your right Lion...but it is amazing sometime..I can't image some of the malicousness I have seen
others do to others...I just can't fathom how they dont' belive it's wrong what they did...ahahhahah....j

Gypsee: Karmic Retribution....It's a good game that we all have set up when we dropped into physical
bodies....we just have to remember life is a game and play it right....I think the winners reach Nirvana or
Heaven...just pure spirits..and we may then come back to help others ...like Spirit guides or Angels..etc.

lion: Gypsee, my sense is that everything starts with a choice of focus. Spirit feeds us thoughts in line
with our beliefs, choice of focus, interpretation, and choice to act on a thought. The difference between a
thought and a "belief" is simply the willingness to "act in accord with". We create reality through our
beliefs and actions NOT through our thoughts.

amron: Gypsee- possibly they don't realize that they are doing anything wrong...perspective, perhaps?

Gypsee: I don't know...I have to think there is just way more to life than just being born than dying and
that's it. If I had to look at things like that...life would just not make sense at all to me.

celine: Have read that we as souls have chosen to come and have experiences on this earth plane. Some
have chosen to have these experiences in order to learn (whether the experience be "good" or "bad") Even
lessons to be learned in injustices. Seems strange, btu somehow, I beleieve there is a balance to all of it.
Take it a step further and there is no good or bad....there just IS

Gypsee: Lion Exactly...when you get right down to it...that is what Magic is....But I think before you act
on somehing of believe something...dont' you have to think it first? hmmmm...clarify...cause I'm just
learning and bouncing ideas out there to see what you guys think and feel...

lion: Either that or they simply do not take responsibility for their actions. We all choose everything that
we experience at a soul level. However, we interpret what it means at a conscious level. The point of the
game is to grow in awareness ... to make the process conscious.

celine: I like your bouncing things out Gypsee @^_^@

Gypsee: Celine...Our Souls pick everything that is going to happen to us...and believe me we have such a
sense of humor when it comes to soul....we pick challenges to happen to learn..and we also have
opportunities. Every problem to me is a gift and I embrace it as such...to learn from it...experience is the
only teacher to me...or the best one.

lion: You experience the thought coming into your mind and you choose to focus on it, embrace it, and
ACT on it. You do not bring the thought to your mind, it just arrives. Such is how I experience it anyway.
I "hear" thoughts in my head. I don't experience being the originator of what I "hear".

celine: In a free will universe, one has to grow to the point of responsibility for choices, but in order to do
that...one must be aware that there are choices, always for EVERYTHING

Gypsee: Lion they don't take responsibility for it...but one way or another they will grow in
awareness...because we tend to play out all the old scenes over and over till we start waking up...some just
take longer than others...so it would appear...but we have all 'Been there---Done That"...everybody to me
is a mirror of someone I use to be or am now...and those that really repulse me...is because my
subconscous knows I use to be just like that..know what I mean?

celine: Greetings lavender, welcome!

celine: excuse spelling...lavendar

Gypsee: Lion...when I chat with my guide...during meditation...I am asking the questions..I am not
controlling the answers....but my conscoius thoughts are answered or just arrive per say. WE ARE SO IN
CONTROL...of everything that goes on...this is what I believe. Just like deja'vu...to me past, present and
future has already happened and we’re just catching up to it with our physical bodies...that to me explain a
lot of things...it's like subconscously we know all the answers. We just have to remember how to tap into
the Universal StoreHouse of Knowledge..The Universal Mind.

lion: But, to what does your conscious "free will" apply. I believe it is only to how you choose to interpret
what you experience ... the interpretation is the REALITY. It is the soul that is choosing the experiences ...
I am not consciously aware of this part of me that makes this level of choice.

Gypsee: That kool lion...but you can come in to touch with that part of you...and know these things and
know the real REALITY...and know and understand the WHY of everything....it comes in time and when
you are ready and can handle it....

amron: Gypsee-I have read that the reason why some Souls "repulse" us is because our Soul has known
them before..in a different life, under unagreeable circumstances

Gypsee: Lion all Free-Will is is CHOICE...we program the experiences...but FREEWILL comes into play
when we experience the experiences and the way we Choose to REACT...we can get mad or angry or we
can laugh....know what I mean?

lion: In my experience, there are no "chats", there are no others, no teachers, no guides ... ever. There is
only an inner connection to something I label source is a feminine spiritual essence to me. It is
consciousness, herself, the ONE. It has no separate existence. It is me, but I am only a part of HER.

celine: But that to me is your free will. The interpretation...how you see things or interpret them is a
choice. Two may see the glass with water differently, half full or half empty. Who is right?? Both are. It is
a matter of interpretation as a result of a choice. Therefore...free will

lion: Yes, that is what I mean by choosing the interpretation. It is not what happens that matters, but the
MEANING that we attach to how we experience something.

Gypsee: Amron...definitely...past-life enemies...and stuff like that...but anyone your meeting that puts a
knife in your back..believe it..you have done the same to them in another life-time and they are just
seeking revenge..they might consciously not understand what is happening.....every relationship is a
karmic one..weather if be friend, enemey, companion, help-mate or SoulMate or Twin Flame....I do
karmic astrology and relationship astrology and it is mindblowing how violence between people is in their
charts...negative aspects of personality will only manifest if someone is working on EGO level...and
Desire level......you need to forgive the person to break the karmic tie with them..it is the only way..or the
scene just keeps getting played out..from lifetime to lifetime with no resolution...

lion: From your definition of free will, I personally do NOT experience free will to choose what will
happen. I only experience free will to choose how I will interpret what I experience ... I create the
MEANING that each experience has for me.

Gypsee: Lion...you’re right...but we all can talk to ourselves in different ways..if I choose to hear a
guide...and you choose to hear yourself or the feminine spiritual...we are saying the same thing...just using
different words....believe me..everything I hear comes from within myself ...not outside....but
within...but...words are a big downfall...misunderstandings happen so easily and essentially the same
thing is being said...I see that with most religions...the same universal concepts run throughout all of
them..but words are different???

lion: Sometimes I observe what appear to be choices of action, but my overall sense is that these are but
illusion. The playwright of my life is my Soul. She writes the script. I have no choice but to play it out as
she wrote it.

Gypsee: Lion...that is what I was trying to say...sorry if the words came out wrong...we all are unique and
experience things so differently....that's a given.

amron: I agree-Gypsee...sometimes, you put the knife in your own back by being born with a handicap or
some sort of a disease.

celine: Lion you are creating a division...she is you

celine: Are you still here??

lion: Understand Gypsee. My sense is that the words we choose to use must be in line with our
understanding. In my reality there is only ONE consciousness. Thus far I have had no need to partition her
into boxes or entities that could be labelled to be separate. Such is not compatable with my particular
awareness ... though by no means do I imply that such distinctions are not real or have no utility. I simply
do not experience my particular illusion/reality in that manner. We are very creative beings.
Consciousness expresses in an amazing variety of forms.

celine: lion did you and Gypsee get bumped?? If so I don't think Gypsee is back yet.

lion: I am experiencing that my awareness is not complete. There are many parts that are unknown, that
are "unconscious". However, one cannot find these parts and become AWARE of them, unless one first
realizes consciously where the boundary between the Known and the Unknown lies. This is different for
each one of us and it constantly changes as we grow in awareness.

celine: lion, I would agree with you totally. Are you female"

lion: Gypsee had many repeated posts. That usually indicates that gremlins are at work. :(

lion: No, physically male. However, I relate much better to women overall ... always have.

amron: Lion-do your dreams help at all? For dreams are the doorway to that realm of awareness.

celine: Then have you consciously chosen that your guide is SHE for this reason?

lion: I try to be very careful about expressing what I personally experience. I was lost in the thoughts of
others (mainly metaphysical books) for over 20 years. Now I express my own voice. Or, the voice that
spirit would allow me to express for HER.

lion: I have virtually no recall of dreams. I never see images in my head. I "hear" words and allow them
to come through my fingers as I am doing now. I don't judge them ... sometimes they amaze me.

amron: automatic writing?

lion: No, I have not consciously chosen any guide. The source that speaks through my intuition feels
feminine to me, yet SHE is the ONE consciousness. Why she would be feminine is unknown to me. I
simply relate what I experience.

celine: I like that you listen to the voice within and not get swamped in the thoughts of others. I think we
become so engrossed in the toughts of others that we can not determine our own paths...and thus religions
are born

lion: What is the definition of automatic writing? If you have no conscious awareness of where thoughts
originate, are not all thoughts "automatic"?

celine: greetings White, welcome

lion: Most people are not comfortable with a blank mind ... they become uneasy and find something to
occupy it. One must be willing to be silent to hear the still voice that comes from inside. Over time, it
becomes louder than anything from the outside ... all it takes is a choice of focus of attention.

lion: Also, even regardless of where a thought originates, it is YOU that must interpret it and give it
meaning. The words are merely a conveyance. Most people are blind to what is being conveyed. For true
understanding of meaning, one must reach the state of consciousness from which the words were able to
be expressed originally.

amron: I feel that thoughts are not automatic, that the Soul has some conscious awareness due to the
many Lives it had been in the Past

celine: No matter what we speak of, choice is the KEY and yet many are not aware that there is a choice.

amron: agree, celine...

lion: My sense is that our awareness and focus are how we tune into a "station" or thought stream. Our
soul creates this stream for us, we don't consciously create the thoughts.

lion: But, what is your experience of where YOU have conscious choice and where you don't have
conscious choice. We don't consciously choose MOST of what we experience. Such is how I experience it

celine: Is it that we don't consciously create the thought or that we are NOT AWARE of creating it. You
make the soul appear to be separate from us as if there is two or perhaps three..us, soul and spirit?

lion: What the Soul's awareness is does not really matter. It is what we are consciously aware of that
matters. The goal is to awaken and become consciously aware of that which our soul, our true SELF

celine: But consciousness is a limited dimension anyway, is'nt it? Is not there a step beyond
consciousness, analyzing. is'nt there a knowing that supersedes (spelling?) this?

lion: That is what it means to "consciously create". You cannot consciously create if you are "not aware"
of creating. Awareness is what makes the process conscious.


BEYOND the ONE Consciousness is the UNKNOWN. After that, I have no conceptual understanding
and no experience.

celine: Then where or when do you enter the state of beingness that is beyond consciousness? Or is there
such a thing?

amron: infinity

lion: We'll know when we experience such. Right now, I'm happy to explore the realm of consciousness
and the boundary between KNOWN and UNKNOWN.

lion: Infinity is a sideways 8. Interesting that we are reaching the conclusion of the 8th cycle of 222 years
in 1998. [If the first cycle is 0, 9th if start with cycle 1]

celine: It's good to entertain it just the same. After all, that's what we're here to do. Infinity.. the all the
ONE...I would agree amron.

lion: Namaste All! Wonderful conversation tonight. Thank YOU!!! In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne.

celine: lion, What is the 8th cycle?

celine: lion, the pleasure has truly been mine, Until we meet again....Namaste!

lion: Infinity is the concept that there is never a biggest number ... no matter how large a number you
pick, there is always that number plus 1, or 2 times that number.

celine: I'm still trying to understand so...... two times what # is infinity 4?????

lion: 8th cycle of 222 ended in 8 x 222 = 1776. The 9th cycle completes in 1998.

celine: or is infinity every number, all numbers?? How does this relate to 8th cycle?

lion: infinity is the idea that there is no greatest number, period. No matter what number you pick, you
can always create a number that is twice the one you name. There is no number you can multiply by 2 or
by 20 or by 20 million that gets you to infinity. Now matter how high you go, you can always go higher.

lion: Infinity relates to 8 because the symbol for infinity looks like a sideways 8.

celine: as you can see lion, I am not a numbers person(i struggle with the concept of numbers in relation
to everything). I need more time to think on this. Thank you anyway for your patience.

lion: No problem. :) Namaste celine!

celine: I just saw your last post...that, I CAN understand.

celine: Namaste lion, You are a wonderful being. My Presence thanks Your Presence.

lion: My mind comes up with some very amusing relationships and connections between things. Such is
how I build my web of meaning. See the BEYOND IMAGINATION site when you have time and check
out THE SEARCH FOR CENTER Newsletter that we publish each month.

lion: Thank YOU. I am but a MIRROR for your awareness as well!

celine: will do lion. Thank you!!!



SWC Himalaya on 8 June around 4 PM PST


lion: Namaste All! Yes, here I AM again. This is becoming a regular occurrence again after over six
months of relative absence. :)

lion: My preference is still to find an open room and start a monologue an see who joins me. I'm
expecting my friend wunjo ... but we'll see what happens.

lion: As always, the topic is EXPRESSING SPIRIT IN FLESH ... such is the only topic that commands
my attention anymore. :) :) :)

lion: Clicking on "lion" preceeding these posts sends you to the world of BEYOND IMAGINATION.
From there, please visit what we are creating at THE SEARCH FOR CENTER. We publish a monthly
newsletter with over a dozen sections totaling 40-60 pages in all, depending on what spirit moves us to
express and what people are moved to submit.

lion: Hmm... I wonder if I got the time right. Who knows??? I'm here anyway. LOL!!! Life continues to
be an interesting adventure. My sense is that much is in store in the coming year. There is much to do to
complete this 9th cycle of 222 ... though we are in the final year of that cycle.

lion: This ties to 9:THE HERMIT! ... which has a direct connection to me personally. Yet, I do not yet
know what exactly is in store. I anxiously await what will be unveiled in the days and months ahead.

lion: Namaste Saelach!

lion: In 1776, at the start of this cycle, this country, the US, America, was born. Now, it is time for a new
birth, one that would propel us to an even greater expression of SPIRIT! It is a time of which I have
spoken for over four years. Yet, even on its eve, the details are still unknown.

lion: Unlike the situation in 1776, when revolution was in the air everywhere ... where many were
actively involved in creating something new; a model of what the world could be, an example for the ages
of a new expression of FREEDOM and of government that respected the rights of individuals in a whole
new way.

lion: Today, there is no such organization of people ... there is no sense that revolution is just around the
corner; yet IT IS HERE. This time in the HEARTS and MINDS of those who would be FREE of their
own choosing; or more correctly those who are becoming aware of their inherent freedom as parts of the
ONE, as parts of the I AM.

lion: It is as if in silence, a new world is to be born ... because the new world is within, where it has
always been, ready for us to connect to it and experience it at any time ... if only we would choose to
focus within and be silent enough to allow it to speak to us.

lion: To manifest this world, all that is required is to choose to allow spirit to express through us, then to
act in a manner that is consistent with that choice. This requires connecting to one's intuition, that voice
through which spirit speaks to us; trusting what that voice would say; and then acting as we are moved by
spirit to act, doing those things that spirit would do through us. THY works be done, not mine. Such is the
call to right actions, to allowing spirit to express more fully in flesh.

lion: Still alone ... or ALL ONE!!! LOL! That's OK, it's my usual state of being ... or a regular state for
me anyway.

lion: I sit here now, on a throne of my own making in an imaginary room on the top of the world. My
only task is to express what spirit moves me to express. That is a task without end, for spirit has much to
express ... INDEED, it seems that she could express endlessly, throughout eternity; not just through me
but through the consciousness that animates all forms.

lion: Yet, what would I say that has not been said before. What fresh expressions of spirit are to manifest
through this particular vessel. How would the I AM express through me ... what special gifts have been
given me to do here works? How would I use these to SERVE her ... for I cannot think of any greater
works to do. Such gifts are only given because they are needed. My sense is that I have been uniquely
created and trained to fulfill a destiny that is mine, to play a part in this grand Play that consciousness hath

lion: While I've seen hints of what is to come ... they are only small pieces of a large puzzle. There
appears to be a law a work that only permits information to be revealed to us when there is a need for us

to know it. We always have sufficient information to be able to act in a manner that is appropriate ... but
nearly always, there is an element of the unknown involved in the situation. So long as we are here, it
seems we are caught between the known and the unknown, between order and chaos. Such is where LIFE
must be definition be lived. Choice can only occur where there is some amount of uncertainty.

lion: LIFE is as interesting as it is because so much of it is a mystery ... UNKNOWN. Whether there is
any part of it that is unknowable, that is another question.

lion: Namaste celine! We meet again!

celine: Namaste, lion, Yes we meet again. How does this day find you?

celine: I was looking for someone who was here last evening. I think I might have offended her and it
hurts my heart deeply to offend anyone.

lion: I suspect that so long as we exist as separate beings, the UNKNOWN will have a major part in our
reality, in the illusion that we experience as our world ... and this may last for all eternity, or at least until
we have grown in awareness until such concepts of time and space are no longer part of our experience.

celine: Oh by the way lion, I did get to visit your site last nite. I like it! Very , Very interesting and
touching. You know, I came across it before, before meeting you, so it looked familiar when I started to
browse. I even found copies that I had printed about your sister-in-law. What a beautiful soul and the
embodiment of truth without trying to be. That to me is ....WALKING THE TALK.

celine: I can't stay long, just thought I'd run into this other spirit here, but I'll meet her if it's ordained; if
not, all is well.

lion: The day finds me rested and peaceful ... once again connected to the source from which I spring.
Worry not about how others interpret what you would say or do. You are not responsible for the meaning
they assign to things ... or their choice of feeling "offended". Act from your HEART ... be true to what it
would express through you, and TRUST that your expression will indeed be exactly as it is meant to be. I
know from our interactions that you are a kind being ... one that would not harm another intentionally or

celine: Pardon my manners Scorpion, Greetings and Welcome.

celine: lion, you are sooooooo wonderful and I feel so fortunate to have met you. Such an amazing spirit.
I Love You, my brother. You are all that is kind, good and caring. THANK YOU!!!!

lion: INDEED! And WALKING THE TALK is what it is about. Such is how the Age of Aquarius
DAWNS. Such is how spirit is expressed in flesh. My sister-in-law showed that one does not even have to
understand the talk conceptually to be able to DEMONSTRATE it in ACTION in ways that touch many

celine: Your sister-in-law (Poodie) did not have to understand, she was a step beyond that. SHE WAS

lion: You will meet those expressions of the ONE, the "I AM" that you are ready to meet ... they are but
other cells in the body, the manifestion of the ONE. At one level the cells have their individual experience
of reality, at another level, only the ONE exists ... the separation of the parts vanishes.

celine: I look forward to the unity, the realization of the ONE, the IAM I struggle with the separation and
tire of it but the battle is decreasing as I realize there is no opponent, there is no battle there is only....THE
ONE. I must leave Dear Brother, but we will speak again. Namaste!!

lion: Yes, but there is a sense that she missed something because her expression was "unconscious" in a
way ... it came not from being AWAKE or AWARE, but from a sense of how she herself fit within a social
context that included her family and friends. She acted true to her nature, and thus touched many deeply.
Others were moved and learned from her example, but not necessarily enough to find their own unique

lion: Namaste celine! Have a wonderful rest of the day!!!

lion: So, when does the speaking of such things end and the action, the "walking the talk" begin? Action
begins with choice of belief. The difference between thought and belief is very simple and
straightforward, it is the willingness to act in accord with the thought or idea. That "willingness to act" is
the magic element that permits reality to be created. Without it, there is only thought ... with it, all of
creation is MANIFEST!

lion: Namaste Inerlite! Welcome!

lion: At the same time, the directive "THY WILL not mine be done" rings loudly in my mind, and
consumes my SOUL. It is not for me to decide what will be done. Rather, I am to do that which I am
MOVED by SPIRIT to do. This movement comes from deep inside, from source herself. I have no choice
but to do as she bids me to do. So shall it be for the rest of my days. Yet, there is a sense that my will is
one of the tools that is available to do her bidding as well. It is strong for a reason ... but it must be guided
or directed.

lion: To what??? ... is the question that comes to mind. And the answer "to the UNKNOWN" is the reply.
Trust that what you are moved to do is that which is right for you to do. There is no need to rush into
anything. Wait until YOU are MOVED to act ... though don't delay needlessly out of indecision.
Sometimes spirit is very subtle, whispering what she would have you do and waiting to see whether you
hear and then act on what you hear. Such is always your choice ... thought as it becomes second nature,
there is no longer any awareness of choice, for then the expression of spirit becomes automatic, it
becomes one's normal way of being. Awareness is an interesting process. It overtakes on mind, body, and
soul ... transforming ones reality in an upward spiral without end.

lion: Namaste MonaHawk!

lion: Well, enough for one afternoon! NAMASTE! Find the strength to walk your talk and allow spirit to
express the wonders and miracles that she would manifest through you. YOU are a unique expression of
the ONE, of consciousness herself. Be true to the reality of WHOM THAT YOU ARE, and make your life
the living Masterpiece that it can be. In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne.



Sitting on the Top of the World

Waiting for the Dawn!

SWC Himalaya on Tuesday, 10 June at 9PM PST

lion: Namaste All! Yes, I'm back again, here to express what spirit would have me express in this place at
this time.

lion: Once more, it seems that I am alone ... or is it ALL ONE again??? There is something in the air, an
expectancy of what is to come, as if we are drawing near the end of a pregnancy ready for a new BIRTH
to occur. And, what birth will this be ... is this not what the DAWN of a NEW AGE is; a new birth of
expression of consciousness.

lion: Yes, I know there are others in various rooms at this site. My preference, however is to find a vacant
room and start to fill it with whatever spirit would have me express. If others join, fine. If not, that is fine
too. What must be expressed will have been expressed, one way or another.

lion: This is becoming a regular outlet of expression for me, as it was nearly a year ago. Why, I am not
sure. I just know that I am moved to BE HERE NOW. It's as if I'm keeping an appointment with destiny.

lion: Perhaps I am to meet someone here, or deposit words that permit another to find me. Clicking on
"lion" takes you to my personal page which in turn links you to my world. Do take the time to visit it

www.redshift.com/~beyond/wayne.htm -- if you happen to read this from the log and the link is not

lion: So, what moves me to SIT AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD? Spirit or consciousness herself so
moves me. And when she speaks, it is but for me to do her bidding.

lion: Where better to place one's throne. From here, the view is grand ... for it is the view seen through the
EYE = 575 of spirit. It is interesting that 575 = 23 X 25 = "W" X "Y". How curious, WXY. Two words fit
the pattern, W-Y, WAY an WHY ... two very important words to me personally.

lion: Hmm ... a monologue again. Why is it that I am moved to express in this way? This is a chat room
after all. It seems like dialogue or conversation would be more appropriate.

lion: Yet, such is not for me to decide. I can only choose to express what spirit would move to express
through me. YES, that is my only choice ... and when there is only ONE choice, in reality there is NO
CHOICE. Such is my experience of reality. I observe myself doing things and taking action without
conscious awareness of why or in many cases how. I experience what I experience. I do not consciously
control or create this experience. It just happens and I am left to assign meaning to it.

lion: Thus far, all of my experience, and all that I have observed to date conforms to this understanding.
This is the way that I experience reality, period. Why such is the case is not important. It just is.

Metaphysics must match experience if it is to be truly lived. It must be practical. One must be able to trust
it and to ACT based on that trust.

lion: If you are moved by this, find the courage to introduce yourself to another aspect of the I AM that
we are. Yes, I still experience an individual existence, but I KNOW this to be the ILLUSION, not the
reality. I will experience it only so long as I must, so long as it serves my evolution in awareness ... so
long as it serves SPIRIT to express through me in this manner.

lion: After that, I will be whatever I am ready to be ... and will express what SPIRIT would have whatever
I have become express for her. This is all that matters, the full expression of spirit in flesh, to whatever
degree is possible HERE and NOW.

lion: My medium is words ... NOT the sweet words of the poet, but the words of consciousness herself,
immediate, often impersonal, but what else would one expect to be expressed from one who is primarily a
hermit. I find it curious that we approach the completion of the 9: Hermit cycle of 222 years.

lion: This, 1998, is also the completion of the 27: Ace of Wands = New Start in the field of Spirit cycle of
74: The Benefactor years.

lion: This is also the completion of the 18: The Moon cycle of 111 which marks the beginning of the 19:
The Sun cycle. The Sun represents SPIRIT. It will be interesting to see what manifests in the year ahead.
Something tells me that the magnitude of change, the AWAKENING, will be far beyond anything that is
yet apparent.

troll: Hi Lion!!!

troll: So good to see you again! Don´t know if you remember me?

lion: How can I KNOW this? Simply because it comes to me from within ... and over the past four years,
this inner world has become my reality ... it is still illusion, but is far less so than the mental and physical
worlds that I lived in before.

troll: Lion??? Still there???

troll: Maybe I still was "sol" when we met, I can´t recall...I´ve checked the beyond site...

lion: Namaste troll! I'm sorry, no, I don't remember. When did we meet?

troll: Sheba, hello!

lion: I do remember a sol, but there is no context left in my mind.

troll: Lion, I remember you, an aries like myself with moon in sagittarius and leo rising, right?

lion: Namaste sheba! Welcome!

sheba: Hello troll I hope I`m not interupting *smile*

lion: YES, that is correct! Triple fire!

troll: We talked about my saturn returning for the 1st time, and that I´m quitting my job etc...

sheba: Hello lion, Your words and thoughts are beautiful. *smile*

lion: How is it that you remembered? I don't even recall the words that come through me from one day to
the next. LOL!!!

troll: Sheba, you´re very welcome *S*...unfortunately I will have to leave you in a while...my shift is
over and I´m going home to sleep...

troll: Lion, you´re pretty hard not to remember! *smile*

sheba: lion I just read them heehee today right now *smile*

lion: Now I remember. That was a about a week ago, was it not? And did you quit? ... or are you still
deciding. Was it Sweden, or some country in that part of the world?

sheba: troll sorry you are leaving so soon. Stonehenge was a bit crowded for me tonight.

lion: Namaste psy! --- Sheba: I have to re-read my own posts to know what came through in the past hour.
I have no sense of creating it ... I observe it coming through and am simply amazed. It has been this way
for just over four years.

troll: LION!That´s right- I´m in sweden and I only have 2 days left to work...I think I´m ready for my
new life...

lion: troll: Am I now??? ... I guess I AM. LOL!!!

troll: Sheba, the "henge" is mostly too crowded for me to...

sheba: lion that must be wonderful to have such words come through with no effort. *smile*Hello psy

psy: I’m new to site.. are you discussing astrology tonite? my program is slow so bear with slow

lion: Good for you, troll! But you have to get BEYOND THINKING, BEYOND MIND. It is awareness
and knowledge of SELF that should be your primary aim.

sheba: troll so you are in Alaska?

troll: I´m gonna get me a computer of my own so I can continue to meet beautiful people like you...

sheba: Hello Jenn welcome *smile*

lion: Namaste Jenn! --- YES sheba, it is wonderful. I thoroughly ENJOY it. I can think of no better way to
engage my faculties at this time.

troll: Sheba, no-That´s the adress that my company uses...I´m in sweden---Lion, I will keep searching and

troll: Hi Jenn!

lion: psy: Actually, we speak of nearly anything metaphysical here. The focus is always the expression of
SPIRIT to the greatest degree possible for us.

sheba: Ohh yes troll then you can visit whenever you want *smile*I love to come here, where I can just
be me.

lion: troll: dump the struggle part ... there is no need for it unless you find that it serves you.

troll: Psy, we aren´t really discussing anything yet...just chatting *S*

lion: There is no spiritual law that says the path toward increased awareness MUST be difficult. It can be,
but it doesn't have to be.

troll: Lion, I didn´t really mean "struggle", but I couldn´t find the appropriate word...

lion: My sense has always been that if it is a struggle, you are overlooking something. There is always an
EASY WAY, and you can find it if you search for it in the right manner in the right places. :)

troll: Lion, I hope to see you again soon and tell you how my new beginning turns out...Maybe it will
take a couple of months...I´m going home soon so I´ll have to say goodbye to you all...

psy: You can find the path you have chosen for this lifetime by exploring your past lives. Anyone been
regressed hypnoticaly?

lion: Namaste troll! Enjoy your day ... ENJOY your NEW LIFE!

sheba: lion I understand what you are saying, I also believe that some things you have to experience
before you can competely understand. *smile*

troll: Lion, Sheba, Psy Love, light and laughter to you...Hope to see you again...

troll: *POOOOOF*

sheba: goodnight troll it was nice to meet you, sleep well *smile*

sheba: psy I believe that past lives should only be looked into as a last resort, There is a reason that we do
not remember *smile*

lion: Hmm... I have not been moved to explore past lives. I have no experiences of being other than I AM.
I rarely recall dreams. The few times that I have tried hypnosis failed miserably ... I do not trust it as a
valid way of exploration for me. I don't know why this should be so. Such is simply what I experience. I
have known others who found this to be a valid approach to self-knowledge.

lion: Not just some things ... UNDERSTANDING is NEVER a mental function, it requires personal

psy: I believe we are here to learn the lesson of uncoditional love and our free will choices lead us
towards or away from that goal

lion: I know this firsthand. I spent 20 years lost in a mental world of my own construction, thinking that I
understood the nature of reality. Boy, was I in for a MAJOR AWAKENING in 1993, enough to be forced
to take a 10 day vacation to the local funny farm.

sheba: lion do you not believe that true empathy and conecting with anothers pain is also a growing

lion: Yes psy! That is indeed a major lesson ... no, THE MAJOR LESSON. However, regarding choice
and free will, what is your personal experience of these?

sheba: psy yes free will that is what we have the choices are ours to make. I believe that all paths will
eventualy lead to complete enlightenment, Some roads are dead ends and must be traveled until that soul
realizes where it is to go.

lion: Hmm ... it hasn't been so with me to date. I am more concerned with one's level of awareness, one's
knowledge of self, Self, and SELF ... and the degree to which one is able to connect to and express

psy: I learned lots of life lessons thro 40yrs before I understood what this life was all about and now the
journey is so exciting! studyed many religions and philosphies now I write,lecture and get on with

lion: sheba: Are you consciously aware of making choices? My experience is that I observe myself to
"make choices" but that the process is not truly conscious. I never know all of the factors involved ... and I
never have the opportunity to go back and make a different choice. Because of this, I can never truly be
sure that I really had a choice in the matter at all.

lion: Yet, I take full responsibility for all that is done through me. It matters not whether it was done
consciously or not, I AM still responsible. There is a Greater "I" that creates my reality, period, no fine
print, no exceptions.

psy: Lion with love I ask this question ..--When youre so centered on self , how do you relate to others in
a loving manner

lion: It was not until my 35th year [1993] that I began writing. It is as if a switch turned on. Suddenly, I
became an information generator, where before I had been a voracious information consumes (primarily
via reading books on metaphysics)

sheba: lion most of the time no I am not sure of the choices I believe that so much has been
predetermend. I also believe that it is the probables that have been arranged while there is still the actual
to be experienced. I have experienced on occasion a choice that I have been mentally aware of as life
chaning, a feeling that if I go to a certian place my life will be changed without knowing how.

psy: Most of my choices are concious,, how can it be else? It seems like not taking responsibility if youre
not aware of your choices

lion: By KNOWING that the reality is that there is only ONE consciousness, that WE are but parts of this
ONE, that all separation is illusion. Then all LOVE, becomes SELF LOVE and is given unconditionally
because such is how SPIRIT expresses, she knows no other way.

sheba: psy I believe that much of what we are going to be has been pre determined so we are able to
experience the needed lesson learn something that we need. We decide this ourselves. Although we still
have many obstacles to overcome otherwise we would not still be here. The giant classroom earth.

lion: Until four years ago, I thought that my choices were conscious as well. Now, my experience is that
all that I consciously choose is where I focus my attention and what meaning I choose to attach to what
happens. I am not aware of consciously choosing what happens ... only what meaning I give to what

sheba: lion what happend four years ago to make you think this?

psy: sheba, I think believing in predestination limits the soul. Its often a tool used by organized religion to
cotrol the masses. Were you raised in a religion?

lion: Much of my experience has been as a Hermit, isolated from nearly all others. While I have been
married nearly nine years, I am still very much a Hermit. Establishing deep personal connections with
others has simply not been part of my 39 years of experience to date in this existence.

celine: {{{{{{lion}}}}}}} Love, Light and Greetings to you dear friend. Just stopped in for a moment.
Will be turning in soon. Greetings Sheba

sheba: psy. I think you misunderstand me. Yes we do make our own choices. Lets see how do I explain
this, I believe that we all have an overself that remembers all past lives and apon our phsical death we
return to our overself and look back on the life we had and what we still need to learn. Then we decide
apon what the best cercumstance and human type would best suit what is still needed.

lion: I became awake ... and nothing that 20 years of metaphysical thinking came close to preparing me
for the reality that I experienced. All of a sudden, I realized that there is a spiritual world embedded within
the symbol systems of the world that most people live within, a spiritual world that few have eyes to see
and ears to hear ... a world that all of a sudden became my PRIMARY reality.

sheba: Hello celine *smile*

lion: NAMASTE CELINE!!! This is becoming a regular occurrence. :)

psy: There are all kinds of clues about lessons to be learned, Lion Maybe your major lesson is to establish
personal connections especially if that is a recurring situation. I find that if the lesson isnt learned it keeps
repeating itself.

sheba: lion You seem to think much like I do. I have been called a hermit by many, It is easiest for me to
see when I am not surrounded by chaos. I believe it is like that for many.

lion: Literally, I went BEYOND MIND ... and then I started my present path to take me and others
BEYOND IMAGINATION ... for it is only thus where full awareness of reality can occur.

psy: Sheba Yes Yes my beliefs are similiar. Hello Celine

lion: Yes sheba. There is a sense that such is how the ONE must experience life. For the ONE, there are
no others, there is only SELF. Out of SELF, the entire illusion that we experience as reality is manifest.

sheba: All of life tells a story I have accepted the faces I see in the wood of trees I am no longer
frightened to listen

lion: Further, as I have said many times elsewhere ... HER MIT = the MIT of HER = the GLOVE that
Consciousness or SPIRIT of THE ONE wears.

sheba: psy *smile* I think that also answers the question if I am part of an organized religion. although I
believe that many still need that, just think what they would be like without anything.

lion: Note, not a piece of her, nor a hand, rather simply a glove that she wears. I like that. It resonates
strongly to the very depth of my being.

lion: Hmm ... I've stayed away from "organized" anything all of my life. As an Aries, I am moved to be a
unique expression of spirit ... I abhor crowds, choosing to strike my own path through the wilderness of

psy: Its feeling very airy in this room I’m off to more grounded pastures. Read my book sometime
"Chicken Soup For the Womans Soul". or the "metaphysical Primer" Goodnight.

sheba: lion although I love contemplating all of what I am and all things metaphsycal, I find myself
amazed at thediscovery of self awareness, Living life knowing of the illusion, I feel that even though it is
difficult for me, I still try and connect with others. The things that we can do when we work together are
beautiful and amazing, subjecting yourself to others is something that is never a useless experience.

sheba: psy goodnight it was nice talking to you *smile*

lion: I too must depart. It has been a long day. Thank you for participating in this discussion this evening.
Namaste All! In Peace, Love and Light, Wayne.

celine: Lion, just wanted to say goodnite. This week is hectic for me so I may drop in, but only for a
moment. Much Love & Light to you and all other wonderful spirits here.

sheba: goodnight lion sleep well

lion: Agree sheba. There is a longing within me to do exactly that. There is a knowingness that the
creation of a body for Cosmic Consciousness requires the cooperative interdependence of many of us
working together just as the cells of our physical body work together to permit the expression of whom
that we are as individuals.

lion: Within the past year, URANUS has finally reached a point in my birth chart where it sees the light
of day. This has produced a strong sense in me toward expression of COMMUNITY. By it's definition
COMMON UNITY is a realization of many of there true nature as ONE.

sheba: sweetdreams beautiful lion *smile*I know what you mean.

lion: Namaste sheba! It is always wonderful to experience another expression of the I AM!

sheba: lion I am a Scorpio I do not know that much about myself in that respect, Still so much to learn on
this incredible journey. Have you heard of the hermitages of Tibet?




The following are issues and recommended actions that community members desire to put to you for your
consideration. If they move you to act, please do so. If you differ with what is expressed, feel free to open
issues for debate and/or submit your own entry for consideration. Where possible keep focused on
expressing your understanding of an issue rather than attacking what others express. Trust that the
members of our community have enough understanding and intelligence to evaluate what is expressed,
feel what their hearts/souls tell them, and act accordingly. Just express yourself clearly and let your
information flow from your heart. Those who are meant to hear will indeed hear and be moved to act.

New submissions should include:

• Brief Summary (at most a few paragraphs)
• History/Background
• Recommended Community and/or Individual Action
• Explanation of Why that Action Makes Sense
• Expected/Desired Result of the Recommended Action
• References for More Information (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address


A Global Network for the Environment, Peace and Social Justice. EarthAction is an ever-expanding
global network of over 1,500 campaigning organisations in almost 150 countries. We work to protect the
environment, to promote peace and to ensure that development all over the world is sustainable and
combined with social justice. Every month we produce a campaign pack focused on a particular issue,
making it fast, simple and worthwhile for you to do your bit.


DEATH OF AN ISLAND Save Yamdena's Forests

"Yamdena's forests are very old, and contain rare and unique species. Even the Indonesian government
recognised their environmental importance in 1971, when it designated Yamdena a conservation area.

"Yet in 1991, that same government awarded a licence allowing a logging company to destroy most of
Yamdena's forests. The islanders were not consulted about this decision. The first they knew was when
loggers arrived on their island and began to cut down their trees."

" In 1995, after the outcry had died down, the government issued a new logging licence. Loggers moved
in again, and today the forests are shrinking faster than ever before. The new logging company is state-
owned. This means that opposing the logging is seen as anti-government - a very serious charge in
Indonesia. The islanders are currently engaged in a lengthy court battle with the government to try to
protect their forests. But Indonesia's courts are corrupt, and the prospects for victory do not look good."

Please help these people and the land. they have a PRESS RELEASE FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION just
go get it at the address below and send it to your local news centers. The more people know about this the
faster it will stop!




by Jasmine
June 1997

An Ode to Mother
Oh woman, Mother of Life
She-Creator, Procreator,
incarnating the Love that IS
at the heart of dense matter,
sacred are your essence and your form,
quintessence of love, selflessness and warmth,
of most intimate sharing,
wearing an air of indisputable beauty
even as the form declines,
marred and scarred with heavy life.

Mother of Life,
in your radiance such delicacy revealed,
in your spirit, unfathomable fortitude concealed,
fashioning countless generations
with your own self, with your blood, your sinews, your heart,
with tenderness, and pain and hope and trust
that all is as it must be,
nursing the hungry babe with your sweet essence,
cradling, cuddling, cherishing, holding,
eternally enfolding in your embrace
the saint and the sinner
the scrooge and the giver
the murderer and those that deliver
us from the limitations of this form.

On this day of great love flowing,

of remembrance, of higher knowing,
accept yourself for who you are;
open yourself to the Love you are
and gift it to yourself.
And know that you are innocent,
you are beautiful,
you are holy.
Know that you are as I AM.

Let there be no more sorrow, judgment and blame,

let go of all guilt and shame

of all discomfort, of all old pain.
Time for that is over.

As the sunshine dissipates the mist in the vale,

as the light dissipates the darkness without fail,
so the love of your heart flowing forth
will dissolve all your heartaches.
Start in this holy moment now;
give them over to the Wisdom of your open heart.
Bring all the burdens, all the imperfections,
bring all of the world's suffering and pain,
bring all the sadness, worry, fear, despair -
and in the infinite love of your heart
see it all healed, renewed, revealed,
washed clean without a stain.
And so it shall be.

Mother of Life
She-Creator, Procreator,
greater than any one knows,
take off the old garland of tears,
take off the fears, the feelings of insignificance,
the doubt, the dimmed sight,
and put on an outer garment
that reflects more truly who you are;
put on a great, majestic, flowing robe
woven of living strands of shimmering light,
a garment created for you by the love of Creation
for your homecoming,
for your celebration.

I AM Jasmine




Our new approach for this section is to provide an area for working on various issues/problems related to
creating a better world. Each new area will be introduced on this page. A table of links will be provided at
the beginning that identifies the number of submissions received during the month for each area.

Every area that is created will have a page of it's own. Summary tables at the beginning of each of the
area pages will describe key changes and new information will be identified in bold to facilitate focusing
attention on what has been added in each month. The intent is for these pages to provide running
commentaries that permit adding new inputs at any point in the discussion.

New submissions should include:

• The number of the question, statement, or topic that you are responding to accompanied by your
response or input.
• New questions, issues, or topics that you feel should be addressed here along with whatever
background material you care to submit that provides an introduction or context for discussion of
the topic or issue.


So, what does it take to create a better world?

To start with, it takes a commitment. Until we take responsibility for our world and commit to act
in a manner that is consistent with our VISION of what can be ... then we are pawns subject to
whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.

I for ONE, choose not to be a pawn. I would rather be a king and create the world to be the
playground for SPIRIT that it has always been meant to be. A playground where we realize our
identity and true relationship to one another and to the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, the source from
which we spring.

This is not a major step ... it is our very birthright. We are co-creators in this reality. We live in a
dream of our own making. It is only our limited awareness and understanding that makes the
illusion seem so real. Yet, the illusion cannot hold up to examination. We have only to focus within
to find the infinite source from which we spring. It has been there all along, awaiting our
discovery of it, our very Self.

The Plan for a better world already exists in consciousness. We have only to allow the Plan to
unfold by tapping our intuition, listening to the voice that speaks through it, and acting as it moves
us to act. In so doing, we actively participate in the Great Work. It matters not whether we see the
complete picture as individuals. The whole is coordinated by consciousness herself, just as the
activities of all the cells in the body are coordinated by the brain and the mind that operates
through the brain.

This only happens when we choose to cooperate with all Life, when we choose to allow LOVE to
operate in our lives rather than FEAR. It takes a great deal of courage to have such faith in the
unknown, to allow spirit do do her works through us. But, such is the only way for the world to
be transformed in a manner that facilitates the true expression of whom and what we are, spirit

What can we as individuals do right now to make the world a better place?

We start by making a commitment to know our Self, and then to allow this Self full reign to
express as it will in our lives. This is not a part time task. It is a full time activity that requires our
full attention and conscious involvement. Until we find a way to awaken from our deep sleep ...
we are virtually useless as the instruments of spirit. We wander through the illusion as a
sleepwalker, unaware of what we do and who we are.

Increased awareness is the key. It is through such awareness that we tap the source of all Life. The
first step in such awareness is awakening, that we may realize whom that we truly are and then
choose to manifest this in all that we do. We are gods and goddesses all. As such, we have the
ability to create our reality ... both individually and collectively.

Each day we can choose how we will spend our 24 hour allotment of time. We can choose to focus
on the senses and the external world ... or we can choose to focus on the internal world, our direct
connection to our eternal source. We can be bound by time and space, or we can be free to
experience the limitless infinity that we are. We can choose to be passively entertained or we can
choose to actively employ our imagination and creativity in bold new expressions of
consciousness. It is always our choice.

Yet, at the same time, we must be careful to be detached from specific outcomes. It is not for us to
decide from our limited and often selfish perspectives what this will be. It is for the ONE
consciousness composed of many "I"s to make this call from the perspective of the whole.
Detachment is not always easy. It does not mean doing things without enthusiasm, or with less
than one's full intention and abilities. Dharma requires that we do everything that we are moved to
do to the best of our ability. It does not permit of exceptions, ever. Yet, at the same time, we
cannot be attached to specific outcomes. Both positive and negative attachments enslave us to the
illusion, limiting our ability to carry out our specific duties in the manner that is required. This
does not mean we cannot find joy and pleasure in what we do ... nor does it mean we cannot find
sadness or pain under the appropriate conditions. What it means is that we must use moderation
and not be carried to extremes in either direction. For, it is the extremes that blind us and prevent
us from seeing the role we play from the larger perspective of spirit. We may not always like that
which we must do ... especially if it brings pain or discomfort. Yet, we must do that which our
dharma, our duty calls us to do. Undue attachment to material things, bodily comforts, emotions,
and even thoughts can get in the way. Here we must be careful not to allow personal wants and
likes/dislikes to unduly influence our choice of action or the manner in which we carry out our

How about more practical advice?

Here, I am at a loss. Such guidance as provided above is what I consider "practical". But then, I
understand that my perspective is quite different than most.

Treat your Self with the greatest reverence and respect. Then, extend this to others by treating
them as you do your Self ... for they are just other aspects of the ONE, the I AM.

There is a saying "THAT I AM". It is helpful to retain this attitude toward every being and
everything that you encounter. For, at some level, it expresses a very great truth. If you haven't
already realized this, don't worry ... you will when you are ready and the time is appropriate. In the
meantime ... just believe and act as if. Such is the key to fuller expression of spirit in this
existence. It is amazing what can manifest in ones life when one chooses to live by a higher
spiritual code. There is an awakening that occurs as one does this. The very expression somehow
strikes a chord within one's soul ... it provides the instrument through which spirit can play her
tunes and manifest greatness in one's life. It matters not whether one is a Pauper or a King, the
soul is the most regal and royal thing manifesting within creation. It knows of its origin whether
we consciously are aware of this or not.



We are ambivalent about utopia. Classless societies minimize competition, but we see competition as
separating worthies from the less worthy. That bosses reach exhalted positions inclines us to follow their
orders. And there's always hope that someday we will be boss. Besides, utopia strikes us as boring. We
prefer tension to calmer states of mind.

If you think this the best of all possible worlds, visit The Garden of Eden for different social possibilities.
Eschew pessimism. You can get it back any time you want. How would you improve society?


The recent mass suicide of the cult in California gives us pause. No space ship rode the tail of the comet,
so they ended it. Bo and Peep decided. The others followed. We think if the others were more independent
(individual), they would not have done themselves in.

What we call democracy supposedly upholds individual rights, but legislatures everywhere pass laws
telling us to do this and prohibiting us from doing that. Collectives, whether a random mob or the state in
all its majesty, sometimes crush individals

With the advent of the Internet, electronic democracy, becomes a possibility. It will not eliminate
collectives or diminish their power, but it can assure us that collective actions reflect the opinion of no
less than a majority of the individual members. Most see electronic democracy as a device for the
majority to opress the minority, a perception that depends on our view of our fellow man. Since we see
them as unsympathetic, we see them pursuing collective ends at individual expense.

Do we want unbridled individualism? Should individuals be permitted to destroy a forest because they
"own" it? Do we insist on individualism no matter how much harm individuals do in order to turn a
profit? Who decides? Why not everyone? Why does the idea bother you?

Post responses to utopia@mail2.nai.net




This new section "Between Order and Chaos: mechanisms for manifesting spirit in flesh." is meant
to provide a forum for dealing with the mechanics of how spirit expresses in flesh and in this world. The
section title comes from the idea that all of CREATION occurs between order and chaos. Too much order,
and the system is too frozen to change ... it cannot adapt, so it dies. Too much chaos and there is not
enough of a fixed basis for anything to retain a form and hence exist. Somewhere between lies the balance
point that permits all life to exist and spirit to express within form.

For those of you that haven't seen the essay by Ratco Tomic:


I highly recommend that you do so. It is well worth the time to read it.

I made several attempts in May to contact Netscape and Microsoft concerning my information
breakthrough from April. See my announcement of discovery for details.


I gave Netscape and Microsoft through 5/28 to respond and contact me. As I write this, it is now 4:30 PM
on 5/28. It appears that they have chosen not to respond. It seems that the seed has not yet been "planted
on fertile ground" as the saying goes.

This month I made an information breakthrough. It happened just over two weeks ago when I realized
that I could organize all of the information that I use at work in a manner that matches how the
information is organized in my head. All it took was to use the technology that I use here in these pages in
a manner that allowed me to apply it to all of the documents that I access, use, and create at work. Within
a two day period, I was able to literally create a web of information that put everything at my fingertips,
literally a mouse click away, regardless of kind of file that it was.

I am amazed that it was so easy, yet that I had not heard of anyone who had done it before. The immediate
benefit was that my productivity increased by a factor of 3-4, literally overnight. An added benefit was
that within a few hours, I was able to put all of the information that I use at the fingertips of those whom I
work with as well. In my case, this involves several dozen people.

I am extremely excited. I have witnessed the birth of an INFORMATION REVOLUTION. Thus far,
however, while others have been impacted, it is not clear that they yet realize and appreciate how great of
a leap has been made and how it will completely transform the work environment within as little as a few

It is strange to be at the leading edge of this transformation. I am now the master of information in my
life rather than its slave. Information overload is no longer even a remote possibility in my life because I
am empowered by tools that enable me to effectively deal with it regardless of how much there is or how
often it changes. This has completely changed all the interfaces that I have with others at work and has
freed me to work in a manner that I would not have believed was possible as little as three weeks ago. It
takes a lot to get me THIS EXCITED. But, the discoveries I have made and have implemented are indeed
that powerful and that important.

Given that we are truly in the midst of an INFORMATION AGE, this breakthrough truly has the potential
to empower many people in ways that make all the difference in the world. I look forward to see what
will manifest from the seed that has no sprouted. I already know that it will grow into a TREE of
KNOWLEDGE far grander than anyone has dreamed possible. I anxiously await seeing just how this will
unfold and what magic and miracles will be unleashed to tranform the present world into the one that we
choose to create!

Post your responses to BETWEEN ORDER AND CHAOS.


Two months ago, I announced that THE MAKING A DIFFERENCE CLUB was now officially
established and that I would create a new section to capture the commitments that were made by members
of our community. The "price" of admission is simply to make a public statement of what you are
COMMITTED TO DO to make a difference. Thus far, not one person has replied to my invitation to join.
My personal commitment to The Search for Center is expressed at: A PLEA FOR HELP

New submissions should include:

• What YOU are committed to DO.
• The DIFFERENCE that you are working to make manifest.
• How others can help you achieve this. (if applicable)
• Point of Contact with E-mail Address

This month, Jasmine asked to have her name included as a co-signature under the commitment that spirit
had moved me to express. I thought that was a perfect way to start expressing the UNITY of the I AM that
we are. I took the liberty of adding Dawn as well, because I know her commitment to spirit is of a similar
nature based on her involvement with The Search for Center and her friendship.

Hmm ... thus far, no one else has been moved to announce a commitment on this page. My personal
commitment has grown even more. I have no choice in the matter. SPIRIT is forcing my hand. SHE is
moving me to do her works in a manner and at a pace that is unreal. It impacts every area of my life. I am
spirit in flesh right HERE and NOW. This is my present reality and I LOVE it!


I can't wait to arise each day and behold the wonders that are expressed everywhere in everything that I
observe and am moved to participate in.

The mystical phoenix has risen from the ashes. Once again, I have been reborn and renewed. But it is
more than this. I have embraced the UNKNOWN once again. Each time this occurs I am blown away.
Further, the magnitude of change increases exponentially. Each step is much greater than the one that
preceeded it.

Yet, my reality is still that I must experience this ALONE ... or more correctly as ALL ONE! Why that is
so matters not anymore. It is as it is and there is a sense that for me, this is indeed how it must be. Such is
what I must experience to learn what it is that I must learn so that I can do what I must do to



I am committed to do whatever I can to build the foundations that permit SPIRIT to express more fully in
flesh HERE and NOW. My commitment is to SPIRIT herself, the ONE. Because of this it extends to all
whom I am in a position to SERVE effectively. I will carry out my assigned tasks with all my HEART and
SOUL, to the very best of my abilities. I will serve as the Wayshower, being true to my name, that others
may see what I mean by my ACTIONS in this world. My life is a testament to what spirit can do when we
simply allow her to do her works through us. What I DO, in reality SHE does through me. This shall be
SO, as long as I continue to manifest in flesh on this plane.

I choose to express PEACE, LOVE and LIGHT in all that I do, that my example can assist others in
finding these same energies within themselves. I am of the VOID. There is no place and no time in which
I dwell. Wherever you are, I am as close as your own HEART, and the SOUL that dwells within you, for
that soul is your connection to the ONE. In that place, beyond space and time, all separation within us
ceases to exist. What I AM, YOU ARE as well. WE are ONE. What you see expressed through me, is but
that same source expressing though another aspect of your SELF. What you do to any, you do to the ONE,
hence you do to your SELF.

What else am I committed to DO? Where I see wrong, where I see WIN/LOSE and LOSE/LOSE
operating within our world, I will give voice to what I see that others may see it also, and that if spirit so
chooses action can be taken to improve the expression.

Further, so long as spirit permits me to be an instument to do HER WILL, I will be the HERMIT, the MIT
of HER and do as she moves me to do. This is my solemn pledge ... I shall honor it so long as I live,
which is FOREVER. How can I be so bold as to make such a claim? It is because I have reached a state of
awareness where I KNOW that there is truly no other choice that I can make. I am that I AM, spirit
enfleshed HERE and NOW. I can see no higher way to live than to CHOOSE to SERVE HER with all that

I honor this commitment by acting in a manner that makes a difference in the world, and especially in the
lives of others that spirit would have me touch. More and more, I choose such actions regularly, to the
point where they have become the natural way in which I express. To be honest, much of the time I don't
consciously know what I am doing or why. However, I TRUST that spirit is moving me and that because
of this whatever I am doing will have meaning and value. As the observer, I find it fascinating to watch
what unfolds and manifests.

Well, enough for now. Hopefully, I have not scared you away by this. This is meant to be an extreme
example. But, it is the only one that I personally know of. The way that I live my life frees me to make
such a commitment ... because I have chosen not to take on many of the day to day responsibilities of
families and relationships that many of you are engaged with. This permits me to focus my time and
energy on that which moves me most, expressing what SPIRIT would express through me.

Feel free to make whatever commitment you are moved to make. I'll do whatever I am moved to do to
support what YOU are DOING, and to help connect you with others so that we can apply synergy, that
magic force which multiplies the energy expressed collectively in our endeavors.

Wayne ... Jasmine ... Dawn

PS: Please JOIN ME and commit to making a difference in some way. Look within and listen to that still
small voice within YOU, then speak out and commit to what it would have you DO. You'll be amazed at
what can happen when you are bold enough to commit. All manner of universal forces are turned on by
such an action.



Creating the Foundations for a New World
4 July 1997

Our goal for the coming year is to gather support for the following Declaration of Cooperative
Interdependence. Our intent is that WE, collectively and publicly, make this
DECLARATION throughout the US and the World to the degree possible, on the 222 anniversary of the
signing of the Declaration of Independence.

It would be useful to establish a World Congress of the best and brightest people on the planet to work out
the details of a New Constitution for the World. I suspect that those who have major roles to play in this
grand new endeavor already know that such is their mission and are awaiting this call to participate.

The time for waiting is over. There is much to do in the year ahead to bring forth what SPIRIT chooses to
manifest at this time in this place. We have only to do our parts to the best of our abilities to



This 4th day of the 7th month in the year 1998.

[Yes, exactly one year from now]

We, the people of the new world order, hold these truths to be self evident:

• that all souls are created equal,

• that we must through determined action create the conditions that allow souls to be fully expressed in flesh,
• that cosmic consciousness must be expressed in a physical vehicle to enable souls to be fully expressed in flesh,
• that individuals form the cells of the physical vehicle required by cosmic consciousness,
• and that only by establishing a cooperatively interdependent society will cosmic consciousness have the vehicle it needs
to be embodied on Earth.

We freely choose to declare our cooperative interdependence ...

to allow for the creation of this physical vehicle for cosmic consciousness to be put into motion. To achieve
this end, we establish the following contract between and among us and choose to act in accord with it

• From each individual according to that individual's purpose and abilities,

to each individual according to that individual's needs and desires.
• Every member of society is entitled to have basic needs met, period, no exceptions.
• Every member of society shall have the opportunity to pursue happiness and satisfaction of higher level needs for
goods and services by applying their talents, skills, ability and labor for the good of society.
• In particular, this does not mean every person will have an equal share of goods and services, rather it means that they
are entitled to a basic level of goods and services sufficient to end the struggle for survival. Above that, they have equal
opportunity to receive more by applying themselves in service to others.
• This minimum level of goods and services for decent basic existence is the RIGHT of every individual on the planet.
Hunger, thirst, homelessness, lack of medical care, and lack of quality education are forevermore banished by our
collective choice NOW.
• There are more than sufficient resources on this Spaceship Earth to assure this. Making it so is a matter of CHOICE!

Always we act in peace and harmony, and as true brethren. Yet, we will do what it takes to ensure that our
collective goodwill is manifest.

So Let it Be Written, So Let it Be Done!!!

We are all ONE People

We realize that we are all ONE people, that whatever happens to any one of us happens to all of us. We
choose to treat one another with dignity and respect, and to assist and help one another when in need.
Further, we choose to live in peace and harmony, resolving any and all conflicts among us in ways that are
peaceful and just. We call to cosmic consciousness to assist and guide us in our endeavor so that the
vehicle for the expression of the ONE can be created in the most effective and expeditious manner
possible so that the Age of Aquarius can be brought forth with the least turmoil and suffering to our fellow

This issue is dedicated to SPIRIT,

and to the True Freedom that

she so longs to express

through each of us HERE and NOW,

in this special World at this special time.

When I saw the following this morning,

I KNEW that what we have begun HERE this very day
is indeed the work that SPIRIT would have us bring forth NOW!

Any doubts that I might have had vanished forevermore!

Wayne on 4 July 1997


Whatever you can see

in your inner world,

you will bring into existence

in the outer world.


365 Days of Wisdom & Healing, Friday, 4 July 1997

Effective immediately, the expression that is The Search for Center is now focused on this single task, and
on the associated steps that people can choose to take HERE and NOW to actualize this new
consciousness in all that WE do. It is not enough to talk about creating a new world ... the time has come
to ACT ... to boldly and imaginatively DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to bring this New World Order into

You can start by spreading the word, by disseminating this message to all who have ears to hear and are
ready to become FREE in a way that they had never dreamed was possible. It is time for such "impossible
dreams" to come true ... and more, much more. We are Gods and Goddesses all. It is time to create the
"kingdom of heaven" that we CHOOSE to inhabit right here on this very Earth that is our present home.
The only thing that can stop us is ourselves and our fear of being whom that we are.

YOU are encouraged to read the 100 page book:

Foundations for Creating a New World

It provides a basis that serves as common ground for the voyage that lies ahead. You may not agree with
all of it ... or even much of it. That is OK, it still serves as a place to start.

The work is available online at the Beyond Imagination site and in published form as part of:


Wayne ... Wunjo



JULY 1998


The whole issue of what decisions should be made by whom, and what processes should be used for
making decisions is a major problem area that must be addressed properly if community is ever going to
work effectively. Personally, my sense is that voting is highly overated. In reality voting only appears to
provide individuals a sense of being involved. My experience is that there are very few things that the
government allows us to vote on that I care about at all ... what is on the ballot makes no real difference in
my life. The biggest decisions, those that truly have the most impact seem to be decided by those with the
greatest economic clout. Something is seriously wrong with being enslaved by those who control the
economic system ... especially since those in this group do not get their power from We, The People hence
are not responsible to us.

Question 1-1: What decisions require the involvement of everyone, and why do you feel that way?

Lion's Answer:

The BIG STUFF should probably be voted on.

• The minimum that society expects each individual to contribute to entitle that person to there
guaranteed share of support from society.
• The percentage of budget/resources to apply to each major area required by the society.
• The minimum level of support that society agrees to provide to everyone.
• Issues involving what constitutes fair and equal opportunity.

The details should be left to smaller groups to decide that have people with the right interests and
qualifications to effectively decide on a good solution.

Then again, consider the wisdom expressed in the following:

The truth simply is.

It cannot be voted into existence,

It must be perceived by every individual

in the changeless Self within.

Paramhansa Yogananda - The Essence of Self-Realization


Question 1-2: What issues should be voted on? When should a simple majority be sufficient vs when
should a two-thirds or even greater majority be required?

Lion's Answer:

In general, consensus should be used to decide on issues. Voting is always a compromise that permits the
many to dictate the answer for the few. People should only vote on things that they personally care about
and are willing to expend effort to become informed voters. Personally, I do not vote. There is
NOTHING that I care to be part of a majority on. Spirit and its expression HERE and NOW is what
matters most to me. This is not something to which voting can ever apply. It is beyond the realm in which
the laws and agreements of men abide.

Question 1-3: What decisions should be delegated to groups of people with appropriate skills,
knowledge, and time to analyze and evaluate the relevant details?

For instance, take something like Health Care. Doesn't it make sense to convene an appropriate panel that
included the right mix of people to look at the issue in detail and mutually decide what is in the best
interest of the collective ... given the resources and budget that are allocated? For instance, it seems like
there should be a government decision made by our representatives that says we will spend 12% on
Health Care, period. Then, the Health care panel should identify and prioritize the collective health care
needs and decide how best to allocate that budget to get the best overall quality of health care for the
collective overall. Right now, we spend the most and come out #26 in the world or something like that. To
me, this seems stupid. It says we are paying far to much for what we are getting. By allowing this to be so,
effectively we are voting with our pocketbooks and providing tacit agreement for keeping the status quo.

Question 1-4: Assuming we create such panels to tackle specific problem areas, what should the
representation on such panels be? ... and how do we pay the people on such panels for the work we
are asking them to do for us?

For our Health Care example, it seems that we should include not only the medical care providers ... but
people that have experience USING these services so that we get a complete picture that includes the
quality and the effectiveness of medical services from the view of patients! Further, there should be
people that can serve as mediators that can see the problem as a whole that involves patients being served
by medical service providers and that factors in the fiscal realities of making compromises that allow
"good and acceptable" services to be provided for the greatest number at a reasonable cost that is within
the allocated budget.

Lion's Answer:

Representation should be mixed and balanced on every issue. It should include people concerned about
the issue ... experts from multiple relevent disciplines, laypeople impacted, and mediators/facilitators.
Each issue should have a decision authority that may be one person or a group of people depending on the
nature and scope of the problem being addressed that can make fair and impartial decisions.

Question 1-5: How should the BIG decisions be made on what percent of the budget should go to
what? Who should decide that Health Care gets 12% and Education 8% and Prisons 10% and
Defense 15% and ... (or whatever the numbers are)?

Nobody ever asked me what these things should be. But, the fact that we pay more for Prisons than for
Education tells me that something is terribly WRONG with the current system. This simply should not be
possible. My sense is that if this were brought to a vote, Education would win over Prisons in the budget
priority by a landslide. If not, this country is in far worse condition than I've ever imagined.

Lion's answer:

These are things that WE, the people should be able to agree on and decide for ourselves.

Question 1-6: What should the major budget items be that we as a society should be deciding to
allocate our budget and resources toward?

Let's start with education, health, welfare, defense, law-enforcement and prisons, transportation, resolving
disputes and legal, regulation of economy, environment, research and innovative technology.


Lion's Answer:

Off the top of my head, I would rank them as follows.

1 General Welfare [food, housing, clothing, and other basic 17
2 Education 16
3 Information Infrastructure 11
4 Transportation/Utilities/Energy 11
5 Environment/Parks&Recreation 11
6 Preventive Health Maintenance and Health Care 8
7 Research and Innovative Technology 8
8 Peacekeeping [including Defense], Law Enforcement 8
and Prisons
9 Regulation of Economy 5
10 Resolution of Disputes/Justice/Legal 5

Feel free to offer comments/feedback on any or all of the above to us at The Search for Center.


Better still,

Make such a list for yourself and send it to your representatives in Washington D.C. and at the State and
Local levels (or the equivalents in countries other than the US). If you can come to a consensus with a
group of people and send it collectively, it will have greater impact. When you send it, make it clear WHY
you are sending it. In particular, the intent is to make your priorities and sense of relative importance of
functions clear so that your representative can truly represent you.



JULY 1997

"The things to do are the things that need doing

- that YOU see need to be done,
and that no one else seems to see need to be done."

- Buckminster Fuller -

ONE: Assist in spreading the word and increasing people's awareness.

• Point people to The Search for Center (via links or e-mail or just sharing the URL)
• Print out the Newsletter and make copies available to anyone you feel might be interested.
• Point people to the Beyond Imagination book, and Conversations with God book 2.
• Talk to people about the need for a social contract and a constitutional convention.
• Share your ideas about what cooperative interdependence means to you.

TWO: Get involved by voicing your opinion on the BIG ISSUES.

• Don't be content to be led by government as usual.

• Make your opinions known on the big issues. Some issues that you might want to consider
addressing can be found in the Building the Foundations section.
• Inform your representatives that you expect their decision to reflect YOUR priorities. If they don't
carry out your wishes, replace them with those who will.
• Force companies to act in a manner that SERVES you rather than enslaves you.
• Don't allow special interests to get undo attention, funding, and resources unless they are truly
collective interests that support the COMMON GOOD.

THREE: Volunteer and get involved at the local level on important issues.

• Often, it is individuals volunteering to do things that makes all the difference.

• At the very least, do something to voice your opinion on the matter, or to bring the issue to the
attention of someone that can deal with it.
• Force your representatives at all levels to be accountable and responsible. Do not accept
mediocrity, indecisiveness, and practices that are not in the best interest of society.

FOUR: Start voting with your pocket book.

• Realize that our spending habits directly impact the nature and quality of services that are
available in society.

• When WE choose to:

o pay large amounts of money for entertainment ... music, movies, sports, etc ... so that
musicians, actors, and star athletes can earn millions of dollars per year;
o allow CEOs of companies to earn outrageous sums of money [million plus] while paying
top government officials on the order of 50 thousand - 200 thousand.
o pay lawyers and doctors far more than teachers, scientists and engineers.
o pay high prices for brand name goods because you allow advertisers to sway your buying
o pay more for prisons and law enforcement than for education.
o pay $1 for a quarter pound burger that came from a cow raised in a third world country
where people are living in poverty under governments that do not even recognize basic
humanitarian rights.
o allow companies to sell and make huge profits on products that are known to be major
contributers to health problems.

WE invite exactly those problems with the economy, education, and government that pervade
society and world today.

Why does it make sense for a top athletes in major sports to make more money in a single
year than most people even dream of making in their 50 years of dedicated labor during an
entire lifetime? ... in some cases more than what 20-50 people make in their lifetimes!

Was the value to society for Mike Tyson's fight last week truly such that we
collectively paid Mike Tyson alone $30 Million? ... that is more than we pay for the
YEARLY salaries of 600 quality teachers! Revenues for the fight were probably in
excess of $200 Million, or the equivalent yearly salaries of 4000 teachers.

[Clearly something is wrong with the value system that is being demonstrated in such

Is a top recording artist, actor or actress, or sports superstar really worth 10-50 times more
than the President of the US or the Governor of a major state?

Why do we not see breakouts of actual costs of items along with the selling price when we
buy goods and services? Would we make the same choices if advertisers could not sway us
or if we new the item we were buying was marked up by several hundred percent? Would
we feel that we are getting a FAIR deal under those circumstances?

The bottom line is that you get what you pay for, and that those with the major bucks get to
influence decisions FAR MORE than than those with limited funds.

FIVE: Take Buckminster Fuller's advice.

• Do the things that you see need to be done that no one else seems to see need to be done.
These are the exact things that are meant for YOU to do.

• You will be amazed by what happens when you do this. Sometimes this requires courage,
initiative, and boldness; however, if YOU personally don't choose to get involved, why do you
expect that others will? Also, if you don't do your part to make things better for others, then why
are you entitled to reap the benefits of what they do?

SIX: Provide comments on the Declaration of Cooperative Interdependence

• What changes would you suggest be made?

• What addition topics should be addressed?


Nearly six years have elapsed since the final material for The Search for Center was generated. I had
forgotten just how much work was put into that expression. There is a great variety of material captured
here from opinions to transcripts from chat sessions.

In many respects, The Search for Center failed to accomplish what it originally intended to accomplish.
It didn’t create the spiritual center for community that was so desperately desired. One reason for this
was that it never really established a community, a regular following. There was very little outside
involvement in generating the monthly “newsletters”. You probably noticed that Wayne or lion were the
primary contributors. That was primarily because no inputs were received. That in turn may have been
due to a lack of awareness on the part of most people that this expression even existed. In retrospect, we
probably should have done more advertising to try to get the word out to people regarding what we were
attempting to do.

Most of what was expressed in The Search for Center web pages is captured here. The major exceptions
to this are copyrighted material which I chose not to include, and links to major works some of which are
books in their own right.

You can find the a link to the electronic version of the newsletters on the Beyond Imagination Main Page:


Even though The Search for Center failed to establish an outer center, it did succeed in connecting me to
a new level of source within myself. This was able to express in the various sections of the newsletter
that arose each month and in the community forums which provided a whole new level of interaction with
others. Here I found that I could count on source to effectively respond to others in realtime in an
interactive setting.

Would I do it again knowing what I know now? Definitely not without a commitment of some help going
in. The demands on my time now are far greater than they were then. But, if there were a sizeable
electronic community that were being reached each month … some amount of effort would definitely be
justified. I’ll be happy to entertain ideas for starting up a similar community endeavor. At the very least,
I would be willing to generate a monthly Beyond Imagination column addressing issues/topics of concern.
Depending on the specific nature of the endeavor and how it overlaps with my mission, I might even be
able to do more.

I look back fondly at my Search for Center days. That was a time in my life when I was far more naïve
and highly optimistic regarding what was possible. That we didn’t create anything close to what I had
envisioned doesn’t really matter. We did what could be done. And, we did our best. Hopefully, you were
able to see that in what you read in this work. It seemed important to physically document the work from
that time in the form of this book. The hope is that in this form, it has the opportunity to reach and impact
many who have not yet been exposed to it. If you enjoyed what you read and learned from it, please
recommend the work to others. Word of mouth is the best way to spread awareness of such works. By all
means share!

Undoubtedly, there will be more attempts to create community in the times ahead. This was only a first
attempt. Coming from a Hermit, it was probably a poor attempt overall. However, that doesn’t matter. It
was what it was. It was a first step. There will be other steps. What is important is to learn from our
failures so that we don’t repeat the same mistakes. I think we have done that. If I were to create a
newsletter today, I wouldn’t do it alone, and I wouldn’t spread myself so thin over so many different
sections. Near the end it was almost like creating a magazine rather than a newsletter.


Be Happy and Create Well!







BEYOND IMAGINATION is an entity dedicated to building a better world in which SPIRIT is more
fully expressed in flesh. At the Beyond Imagination site you'll find over three thousand pages of
metaphysical works that have come from SPIRIT through Wayne to you describing a VISION of what we
are endeavoring to create and documenting our progress in achieving our goals of creating a
COMMUNITY where individuals are truly able to be all they can be in a cooperatively interdependent
environment where the real needs of all are met effectively. We are in the process of publishing much of
the Beyond Imagination material that has been created in the past ten years. We hope you enjoy our
works, and that they move you to want to participate so that we can co-create the WORLD in which we
would prefer to live in the Aquarian Age that lies before us.


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