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LATERAL DECUBITUS Requested to outline pleural fluid The fluid tend to gravitate towards the dependent portion TUBERCULOSIS

Dissemination of 3 types: o Bronchogenic / Endobronchial: Within the lung o Hematogenous: Milliary TB; Extrapulmonary lesions throughout the body o Lymphangitic: Common in Primary TB; enlarging hilar nodes Upper lobes is the most common site: o Apical and posterior segment o Superior segment of lower lobe Demonstrates cavitation in case of necrosis

Rib fracture - lateral rib - chest PA CHEST BUCKY Ordered in cases of trauma, rib/clavicular fractures, thoracic spine, etc. RIGHT VENTRICLE Anterior chamber of the heart Border forming left and right BARIUM ENEMA To evaluate colonic pathology BARIUM SWALLOW To evaluate esophageal obstruction Colonic pathology - barium enema if barium swallow esophageal obstruction Stones - ct stonogram; KUB IVP Suspicious densities in apex APICAL LORDOTIC Used to assess lung apices IDEAL CHEST FILM 1. Posteroanterior View 2. Tube film distance at least 6 ft 3. Patient in full/ midinspiration th a. 10 posterior rib th b. 6 anterior rib 4. Patient in upright position PLAIN ABDOMINAL SUPINE Air is present in stomach, large intestine CROSS TABLE LATERAL, upright Small bowel ileus o Air fluid levels; step ladder; >3cm Lateral: 5 cc Upright: 175 cc UTZ Cyst = black; posterior enhancement Pancreas is the brightest organ CT SCAN Hypo is black! Hemorrhage is white; Infarct is dark! Subdural hematoma is classically crescent shape Epidural hematoma is convex/lens shape

Sail sign Split Pleura Sign Thumb Sign Westermarks Sign Cannon Ball Lesions Meniscus Sign Deep Sulcus Sign

Shadow of thymus, which is triangular in shape is seen in children Empyema thoracis Epiglotitis Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary Metastasis Pleural Effusion Pneumothorax

Coffee Bean Sign Double Bubble Sign Butterfly/ Bats Sign Popcorn Calcification Bulging Fissure sign

Closed-loop obstruction of small bowel Duodenal atresia; Annular pancreas Pulmonary Edema/Congestion Fibroadenoma Pneumonia

TYPES OF ATELECTASIS 1. Resorption Atelectasis o Occurs when communication between tracheal and alveoli are obstructed o Obstruction may be in the major bronchus or in multiple small bronchi or bronchioles o Ex: Mass obstructing the large airways 2. Passive Atelectasis o Accompanies a space-occupying process o Ex: Pneumothorax; Hydrothorax 3. Compression Atelectasis o Designates a localized form of parenchymal collapse contiguous to a space occupying process o Ex: Pulmonary Mass; Bullae 4. Adhesive Atelectasis o Microatelectasis or non-obstructive o Ex: RDS or Hyaline Membrane Disease 5. Cicatrization Atelectasis o Loss of volume resulting from pulmonary fibrosis o Ex: usually seen in association with healing PTB DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA BOCHDALEK Posterolateral in position Left side Loops of the bowel herniates causing respiratory distress and unilateral hypoplasia of the involved lung Heart displaced to opposite side Lucency communicates with abdomen Scaphoid Abdomen FORMS OF ENERGY CT SCAN MRI NUCLEAR UTZ VENTRICULOSEPTAL DISEASE Most common congenital heart disease Waters view Caldwells view Occipitofrontal view Frontal sinuses Occipitomental view Maxillary sinus Paranasal sinus Townes view

MORGAGNI Right (through the retrosternal morgagnis foramen; Larreys Space) Small and contains omentum

Basal mass shadow usually in the cardiohepatic region

Radiation Hydrogen Gamma waves Sound waves

Mandibular condyle and rami

SMALL BOWEL OBSTRUCTION Small bowel = 3 cm dilated Large bowel = 6 cm dilated Cecum = 9 cm dilated Air fluid levels sig if more than 2.5 MORRISONS POUCH Dependent position in the abdomen in supine BLEB Collection of air <1cm, within the layers of the visceral pleura Usually found in the apical portion Not seen on radiographs Indistinguishable from parasternal emphysema on chest CT BULLOUS EMPHYSEMA Air collection within the lung parenchyma >1 cm diameter Thin wall: <1 mm in thickness Represent focal area of parenchymal destruction usually seen

Can lead to spontaneous pneumothorax

in background of emphysema May contain fibrous strands, residual vessels or alveolar septa May rupture and lead to pneumothorax

Ascites is geound lass appearance mas hazy. Central ang location Pneumoperitoneu Basic Principles of Radiographic Technique:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Penetration Faint visualization of thoracic disc spaces and lung vessels through cardiac shadow Rotation Clavicular heads are centered Inspiration th th Right hemidiaphragm below 10 posterior rib/ 6 anterior rib Motion Sharp cardiac margins and diaphragm

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