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3 Edicin.
2013 Fundacin Cobao, AC
En trmite.
Av. Belisario Domnguez No. 1219
Col. Yalalag, Santa Luca del Camino
CP 71228, Oaxaca, Mxico.
Tel/Fax: (01 951) 513 26 88.
Ilustracin de portada:
Gustave Caillebotte
Alejandra Martnez Guzmn
Azael Rodrguez
Teodoro Eugenio Santibez Gruhl
Benjamn Mndez Martnez
Eric Ricardo Osario Casas
Lourdes Rodrguez Gmez
Diseo y cuidado editorial:
Hayde Ballesteros Snchez
Agradecimientos especiales:
1.1. Rosalinda Cruz Enrquez
PL. 08 Huajuapan de Len
L.A.E.T. Armando Martnez Yescas
PL. 44 San Antonio de la Cal
Yegor Torbin
Licenciado en Lingstica y Ense-
anza de Lenguas y Culturas Ex-

Queda prohibida la reproduccin por
cualquier medio, impreso y/o digital,
parcial o total, de la presente gua, sin
previa autorizacin de la Fundacin
Cobao, AC
Impreso y hecho en Oaxaca, Mx.
Los derechos de autor de todas las mar-
cas, nombres comerciales, marcas re-
gistradas, lagos, imgenes y reproduc-
ciones de obras artsticas que aparecen
en esta Gua Didctica pertenecen a sus
respectivos propietarios.
N. del Ed. Las citas que aparecen en la
presente Gua -transcritas de fuentes
impresas o de pginas digitales-, no
fueron intervenidas ni modificadas, ya
que son textuales.
LA EDUCACIN es un derecho humano y universal; representa la piedra fun-
damental en la construccin del progreso. Es un instrumento invaluable
para erradicar la pobreza y la ignorancia; porque educar significa pro-
gresar y descubrir los aprendizajes aplicables a la realidad cotidiana de
nuestra sociedad.
En este sentido, en el Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca, nos he-
mos preocupado y ocupado en brindar a nuestros estudiantes oportunida-
des de aprendizaje con calidad, independientemente de su condicin eco-
nmica, social o lugar de residencia; por ello es que nos hemos sumado ya
a un proceso de cambio estructural de la educacin media superior que ha
sido posible gracias a la confluencia de tres grupos de actores: autorida-
des educativas, personal docente y estudiantado. El factor de confluencia
ha sido la conciencia compartida de la importancia del estudio en el nivel
medio superior y la urgencia de modernizarlo para ponerlo a la altura de
las exigencias del mundo actual y lograr una educacin pblica de calidad.
Esta Gua Didctica que hoy ponemos en tus manos es prueba de ello;
se ha elaborado bajo la gua de nuestras autoridades educativas y con la
experiencia de nuestro personal docente, quienes tienen como alta prio-
ridad las necesidades de la juventud estudiantil, porque a ustedes nos
debemos y por ustedes nos hemos involucrado en un ciclo continuo de
desarrollo profesional para mejorar la educacin que les brindamos y, de
esta manera, formar una generacin que tenga realmente una educacin
digna que le provea de las herramientas bsicas para poder desempe-
arse en el mundo moderno.
Hoy, en los albores de un siglo que se nos presenta con grandes retos,
pero tambin con grandes oportunidades, es urgente atender la educa-
cin en el nivel medio superior; un reto que en la actualidad es an mayor,
toda vez que es precisamente en el inicio de la segunda dcada del siglo
XXI cuando Mxico cuenta con el nmero ms grande de jvenes en toda
su historia.
Nos congratula recibirte en este ciclo escolar, por ello refrendamos
nuestro compromiso en seguir trabajando por lo que queremos, en lo que
nos corresponde a todos; tenemos la firme conviccin de que para eso es
la vida: construir esperanza, abrir horizontes, tender puentes hacia un
futuro mejor, sembrar alegra y edificar expectativas, invocando nuestras
utopas y trabajando tenazmente por realizarlas hasta el ltimo da de
nuestra vida.
Muchas gracias.
LA PRESENTE gua didctica es un documento que organiza in-
formacin acerca de los contenidos de una asignatura, orien-
ta en relacin a la metodologa establecida y propone un en-
foque del curso; ofrece indicaciones generales y actividades
especficas de apoyo.
Es una propuesta orientada a apoyar al estudiantado en la
adquisicin de sus conocimientos, saberes y competencias
que debe alcanzar durante el proceso de aprendizaje que se
implementar en el aula. Tiene como referencia las unidades
de competencia, as como los indicadores de desempeo de
los saberes requeridos de cada bloque y las diferentes estra-
tegias didcticas para el abordaje de los mismos.
La gua didctica sugiere estrategias de aprendizaje para lo-
grar el desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y
valores en el alumnado. Establece las unidades de compe-
tencia y los atributos especficos de las competencias gen-
ricas por bloque. Presenta las actividades de manera meto-
dolgica y dinmica, partiendo de la apertura, pasando por
el desarrollo y culminando con el cierre de cada uno de los
saberes que integran cada bloque. As tambin, presenta una
seccin de Anexos, la cual incluye ejercicios y actividades
complementarias, mismas que pueden ser utilizadas como
actividades de refuerzo, o bien, como actividades extra clase.
En esta seccin de anexos, se encuentran tambin los crite-
rios de evaluacin, es decir, la manera objetiva de conocer el
nivel de asimilacin y aprendizaje por parte del alumnado,
evaluando los saberes por bloque. Al final del bloque, se in-
cluyen las fuentes de consulta correspondiente a los saberes
estudiados, a manera de referencia y consulta externa.
La base para aplicar una didctica centrada en el aprendizaje
es reflexionar sobre cmo lograr que, paulatinamente, el alum-
nado alcance asimilar la competencia. Esto ser el generador
que propiciar la seleccin de una secuencia lgica, graduada
y motivadora de actividades, en donde el principal actor sean
los propios educandos. Se establece por un lado, la informa-
cin que deber contener cada uno de los componentes y por
el otro, los propsitos y fines para los cuales est estructurado
este instrumento de apoyo para las sesiones de clase.
Para el logro de las finalidades anteriores, uno de los ejes
principales de la Reforma Integral es la definicin de un Mar-
co Curricular Comn que compartirn todas las institucio-
nes de bachillerato, basado en desempeos terminales, con
enfoque educativo basado en el desarrollo de competencias,
flexibilidad y componentes comunes del currculum.
Una competencia es la "capacidad de movilizar recursos cog-
nitivos para hacer frente a un tipo de situaciones", con buen
juicio, a su debido tiempo, para definir y solucionar verdade-
ros problemas.
Anah Mastache
seala que las competencias van ms all
de las habilidades bsicas o del saber hacer, ya que implican
saber actuar y reaccionar; es decir que el estudiantado sepa
saber qu hacer y cundo.
Dentro de las competencias a desarrollar encontramos las
genricas, que son aquellas que se desarrollarn de manera
transversal en todas las asignaturas del mapa curricular y
permiten a estudiantes comprender su mundo e influir en l;
les brindan autonoma en el proceso de aprendizaje y favore-
cen el desarrollo de relaciones armnicas con quienes les ro-
dean. Por otra parte las competencias disciplinares bsicas
refieren los mnimos necesarios de cada campo disciplinar,
para que el alumnado se desarrolle en diferentes contextos y
situaciones a lo largo de la vida. Asimismo, las competencias
disciplinares extendidas implican los niveles de complejidad
deseables para quienes opten por una determinada trayec-
toria acadmica, teniendo as una funcin propedutica pre-
paratoria para estudiantes de la enseanza media superior
orientada hacia su ingreso y permanencia en la educacin
superior. Por ltimo, las competencias profesionales prepa-
ran estudiantes para desempearse en su vida con mayores
posibilidades de xito.
La asignatura de Lengua Adicional al Espaol 111 [INGLS).
pertenece al campo disciplinar de Comunicacin, y tiene el
propsito de desarrollar la Competencia Comunicativa del
estudiante en una segunda Lengua, todo ello a travs del de-
sarrollo de las cuatro habilidades comunicativas: Compren-
sin auditiva y de Lectura; Produccin Oral y Escrita; cuando
se expresa y se comunica de manera eficaz en un segundo
idioma en contextos situacionales de actualidad, a la vez que
puedan valorar prcticas distintas a las suyas en un marco
de interculturalidad. Tambin piensa crtica y reflexivamente,
ya que es capaz de acceder a numerosas fuentes de informa-
cin, lo cual ampla sus horizontes adems de propiciar un
mejor uso de las Tecnologas de Comunicacin e Informacin
Asimismo, se promueve que aprenda de forma autnoma,
cuando bajo la asesora del docente desarrolla estrategias
para aprender de manera auto responsable, las cuales sern
de gran utilidad en su futuro acadmico y laboral; trabaja en
forma colaborativa al entablar dilogos o realizar dramatiza-
ciones y proyectos asumiendo una actitud constructiva, con-
gruente con los aprendizajes y habilidades con los que cuen-
te, enriqueciendo as los distintos grupos de trabajo a los que
The present booklet was made es-
pecially made for students; to facilitate their learning process
through different activities that will make them think, create,
make; but most importantly, learn basic structures for Lear-
ning English as a Second Language.
The present work is also a tool to facilitate Teacher's Perfor-
mance in the Classroom. lt provides teachers with activities,
evaluation sheets, timing, reinforcement and additional ac-
tivities for each block and for each class within the semes-
ter. lt also provides reference books and WebPages to help
students develop their skills and widen their knowledge of
English, becoming competent in a second language: English."
We hope that this project will be useful and sufficient enough
not only for students but also for teachers to reinforce human
values such as; punctuality, respect, tolerance, participation,
team work and creativity, which are important for human de-
velopment. We also to gain feedback for future improvement.
ESTUDIANTE: Las competencias genricas que a continuacin
se mencionan son las que conforman tu perfil de egreso del
bachillerato y que adems articulan y dan identidad a la Edu-
cacin Media Superior de Mxico.
Es importante que tengas conocimiento que las estars
trabajando en cada una de tus asignaturas ya que esto te dar
la capacidad de poder desempearte de manera efectiva en
el mundo y te permitirn continuar aprendiendo de manera
autnoma a lo largo de tu vida.
Competencias genricas.
Se autodetermina y cuida de s
1. Se conoce y valora a s mismo y aborda problemas y retos
teniendo en cuenta los objetivos que persigue.
2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciacin e inter-
pretacin de sus expresiones en distintos gneros.
3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.
Se expresa y comunica
Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en
distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios,
cdigos y herramientas apropiados.
Piensa crtica y reflexivamente
5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a prob-
lemas a partir de mtodos establecidos.
6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de inters y
relevancia general, considerando otros puntos de vista de
manera crtica y reflexiva.
Aprende de forma autnoma
7. Aprende por iniciativa e inters propio a lo largo de la vida.
Trabaja en forma colaborativa
8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos di-
Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad
9. Participa con una conciencia cvica y tica en la vida de su
comunidad, regin, Mxico y el mundo.
Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturali-
dad y la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prcti-
cas sociales.
11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crti-
ca, con acciones responsables.
Localiza las ideas
principales de un texto
oral o escrito.
Describe de manera
oral y escrita causas y
efectos de hechos.
Emplea las
gramaticales del
Primer Condicional y
el Cero Condicional
para intercambiar
informacin sobre
causa y efecto.
Anlisis. Conocimiento:
"IF" Presente-
Comprensin. 1 Primer
"IF" Presente,
Utilizacin. 1 Modales
(may, might]
"IF" Presente,
modales de
Identifica e interpreta la idea general y
posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o
escrito en una lengua extranjera, sobre las
causas y efectos de diversas situaciones.
Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lgico, oral o escrito,
para comparar causas y consecuencias de
situaciones ambientales en los contextos
local, nacional e internacional, as como en
lo que respecta a hechos cotidianos.
Evala un texto mediante la comparacin
de un contenido con el de otros, en funcin
de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.
Emplea estrategias de aprendizaje
autnomo, a travs de las tecnologas
de la informacin y comunicacin para
obtener informacin tanto de las formas
gramaticales como de los usos del Primer
Condicional y del Cero Condicional.
Identifica e interpreta la idea general y
posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o
escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo
a conocimientos previos, elementos no
verbales y contexto.
Utiliza las tecnologas de la informacin
y comunicacin para investigar, resolver
problemas, producir materiales y transmitir
Produce textos con base en el uso
normativo de la lengua, considerando
la intencin, situacin comunicativa, y
elementos formales del lenguaje como
la puntuacin, la ortografa, la sintaxis, la
coherencia y la cohesin.
Grammar point:
Zero conditional, First conditional.
Pains and aches.
Language acquisition targets:
Reading for details skills. Speaking skills (sharing
personal experience about healthy habits].
Which of these things do you do to stay healthy?
What else can you do?
Meci"i"caC'fiec:i<.p ...... .
Add sorne more:

sl'ee.p................................................ Ex.'ercise ......................................... .
''Photografy:photostock ))Photografy:imagerymajestic
))www.freedigitalphotos.net ))www.freedigitalphotos.net

Eat healthy food
Exercise 1
Photographer: photostock
Photographer: imagerymajestic
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Are you doing anything to stay healthy? Do you look like Ad ri-
a na or Rodrigo?
How often do you do these activities?
I ___________ include vegeta bles in my diet.
1 ___________ practice sports like soccer or basketball at my free time
l ____________ eat junk food at school.
! ______________ go the gym in the afternoons.
What do we call these words?
What are they used for?
run in the afternoons
Exer::eise 2
Exeateise a
:,.\ Pair: wor:k:
Exeroise 4
Photographer: imagerymajestic
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Exeneise 5
Photographer:Stuart Miles (izql
Photographer: David Castillo Dominici (derl
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
> 1 always run in the afternoons to stay healthy. How
> Well. 1 never/usually/often/sometimes ....
Hi! In the cafeteria at school there is only junk food and
1 have problems with it. lf 1 eat it 1 feel sick.
We have a test tomorrow andwe are very nervous,
When we have examswe always study hard and almost
never ha ve time to eat well. Thaf s why sorne of us bring
lunch from home.
How is the food in your school 's cafeteria?
Do you like the menu?
Do you bring lunch to school?
Do you have any of these problems right now?
Gael: Hello!
Liz: Hi, Gael. How are you feeling?
Gael: Awful. 1 still have this terrible cold.
Liz: That' s too bad. Are you taking anything for it?
Gael: 1 took sorne pills but they are not working.
' ' 0",4' b :X:
:flftT;;',: ;:,
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b] Stomachache
c] Headache
d] Fever
e] Toothache
f] Cold
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Liz: Hmm. 1 never take that stuff when 1 have a cold; 1 drink hot vi negar with honey. 1 can make you sorne.
Gael: Oh, no thanks! 1 don't feel that bad!
What bothers Gael?
What is he taking to feel better?
What does Liz offer Gael?
Did Gael accept the remedy offered by Liz?
Complete thesntentes.
What do you do when you're sick?
> lf 1 feel sick, 1 go to the doctor.
1 take medicine if 1
lf 1 have a terrible headache, 1
0 Attention
We use it when the RESULT of the CONDITION is always true, like a scien-
tific fact ora general truth.
1.-Have a headache / take
2.-Feel sick / lie down for a
1. ______ _
3.- Have fever / go to the d
4.- Have a toothache / go t
Check the next situations. Ask the questions and an;.
swer them using the Zero conditional.
1.- Have a high fever.
2. -Have a bad cold and have to go to class.
3.-The teacher has a sore throat.
4.-Cough or sneeze at the movies.
A) What do you do if you have a high fever?
B) Well, if 1 have a high fever, 1 usually don't go to school.
Match the beginning of the sentence with its ending,
) lf 1 feel sick,
) 1 take pills
1 lf 1 play soccer.
) 1 don't arrive to school on time.
a) 1 stay in shape.
b) 1 don't go to school.
c) lf 1 go to bed late.
d) lf Ll;\aveaheadache.
lf + subject + verb in present + compleme!J} Subject + W/LL +base form of the verb +
You have to use a comma [,}to sepatqteffi sentence when it starts with IF
You can use this form too, andyoudon't have to use the "comma"
Subject + WILL +base form of the verb +
Note: We use WILL +base form of the verb the possible future result. The important
thing about the First conditional is that there is a realpossibility that the. condition will happen.
il, Read
: Exerc_ise 11
This term applies to social and economical development
which allows society to face present needs with no danger for
future generations' capability to satisfy their own needs.
In the 70's and 80's, natural resources began to diminish for
the sake of "development". Mankind realized that many of
their actions hada great impact on nature. Specialists point-
ed out the evident decrease of biodiversity and made re-
search to explain the vulnerability of nature systems. [Boul-
ln, 2006:20].
The goal of Sustainable development is to encourage indus-
tries and society to work together in order to reduce sorne of
the greatest environmental problems which are:
Global warming in the atmosphere [ALSO KNOWN AS the
Green House Effect] is caused by gas emissions mostly from
industry and agriculture. These gases absorb long wave ra-
diation, reflected on the surface of the Earth. lf gases absorb
the rays from the sun, the temperature of the Earth increases.
Industrial and agricultural waste poured in rivers and seas
cause water and soil pollution. lf soil and water are polluted,
drinking water and food supplies beco me scarce.

The ozone layer in the stratosphere is a protective shell fro
rays of the sun and it is diminishing dueto the interaction
of chemical products containing chlorine and bromine. The
decrease of the ozone layer causes a major penetration of
ultraviolet rays which affects the temperature on the surface
of the Earth. lf the temperature increases, it will cause the
to melt, and other problems related to people's health.
for domestic usage and agricultural expansion
purposes, particularly in the tropics, causes erosion and
field degradafm. lf people do not stop cutting trees,
there will not be enough oxygen for life on the Earth.
Man destroys the natural habitats of wild animals and
plants beca use of demographic expansion, which endan-
gers several species. lf people do not preserve natural
ha bits, many wild species at risk will disappear.
Photographer: Ed Bierman
Source: www. DigaoSPBR
What natural resources do you know?
Is there any problem that is not important? Why?
1. What is the main goal of Sustainable development?
2. When did the natural resources begin to diminish?
3. What is another name for global warming?
4. What causes water and soil pollution?
5. In what layer of the Earth's atmosphere is the ozone
6. From what rays does the ozone layer protect the Earth?
7. What are the reasons for logging?
8. What is the reason for destroying flora and fauna of a
certain area?
Look atthe word.s in bold.Use .a dictionarytofindtheir
definitions and synohyms, if there are any.
In the previous readng find thesentences withthe.first
conditionat and write them in the following chart.
Complete thefollowing sentences according to your own opinion and share ideas with your classmates
1. - lf we don't e are about the water,
2.- lf overpopulation continues,
3.- lf we continue contaminating the plan et,
4.- lf the forests disappear,
5.- lf we do not take care of our environment,
ExerrGise na
flllatell , .
lf we [recycle] more, we
[help] our planet.
lf people
to work, there
car fumes.
[share] their cars to go
not/be] so many
We [save] thousands of trees if
we [not/waste] so much paper.
lf we only
need, we
[use] the water we
[contribute] to our
planet's recovery.
lf the government [punish] those
who pollute the atmosphere, sorne fac-
tories [stop] throwing wastes
into rivers.
Photographer: Idea go [al
Photographer: meepoohfoto[b)
Photographer: digitalart (e)
Photographer: David Castillo Dominici [d)
Photographer: Matt Banks [e)
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
CAN lf we turn off the lights when we go out,
lf we want to save our planet
lf you want a clean city,
MAY lf we don"t save the planet now,
lf you plant a tree now,
lf you want to have green a reas,
Grammar point:
First conditional with modal verbs may, might,
should. Negative and affirmative forms.
Global warming, Climate, Three R"s
Language acquisition targets:
Reading comprehension skills
Photographer: Danilo Rizzuti
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
we CAN save energy
we MUST take action now! Obligation
you mustn"t throw garbage in the Prohibition
future generations MAY have a Probability
shortage of water.
your children MIGHT enjoy it. Possibility
you should take care of trees. Advice
::: " " "' "' ""'-
The Zero Conditional is used to talk about
things which are always true, such as
scientific facts and general truths
A Zero Conditional sentence consists of
two clauses, an "IF" clause lcondition]
anda main clause [result]
The "IF" clause takes the Present Verb
form [condition]
The main clause takes the Present Verb
form [result]
The first conditional is used to talk about
things which are possible in the present orthe
future. Things which may happen
A First Conditional sentence consists of two
clauses, an "IF" clause lcondition] anda main
clause [result]
The "IF" clause takes the Present Verb form
The main clause [result] takes the Future
Verb form. [will]
To make a negative sentence use NOT after the modal verb.
To make a negative sentence in the Simple Present, use aux-
iliary verb 00/DOES + NOT.
lf we DO NOT take care of water today, we MAY NOT have any
drinkable water tomorrow.
1. You [should/ shouldn't] install solar panels if you want to save energy.
2. The air [might not/ might] be cleaner if you don't use tossil fuel,
3. Our electricity bill [might/ might not] be less expensive if we change to energy saving light bu lbs.
4. We [must/ mustn't] cut trees if we want to reduce global warming.
5. You [must/ mustn't] recycle if you love your planet.
6. We [can/ can't] control climate change if we continue using tossil fuels.
7. lf we arrive on time, (we can/can't] get tickets tor everyone.
8. lf ice keeps melting in the polar caps, polar bears [can/can't] lose their home.
9. lf ifs raining hard, you [should/shouldn't] take your umbrella.
1 O. lf you bungee jump, you (must/mustn't] feel excite d.
light forest plastic recycled
out the
Sorne materials can take 700 years to decompose.
to ns
A single of motor ol can contaminate two million gallons of fresh water.
can (noun)
Every sixteen minutes, a the size of New York's Central park is destroyed.
Recycling a glass bottle saves enough energy to a 100 watt light bu lb tor tour hours.
Americans use tour million plastic bottles every hour. Only one bottle out of tour is ____ _
\j '
" " "
,,., :,
""' e&\;;:;;"':"";'. 't, C'." ;: Do you and your family recycle? How?
-"' ;:
1. He find it difficult to wake up if you too many pills to sleep.
a] might, take b] can, buy el could, feel
2. You Look tired. You go to bed.
a] ought b] should el had to
3. We be cutting down trees.
a] shouldn't b] could e] must
4. Kate is lost, she ____ _
a] can't b] may
be in the wrong class.
el may not
5. We all do something to save the earth.
a] could b] can e] must
Photographer: dan
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
f we make significant reductions in global warming pollu-
tion by mid-century, scientists say, that we can avoid sorne of
the most disastrous consequences of global warming, such
as the melting of the Greenland ice sheet and a dramatic rise
in the sea level.
lnvesting in clean energy industries, such as wind and
solar, as well as energy efficiency programs and retooling
manufacturing plants can lead us out of crisis and into a new
clean energy economy.
Cars that drive on electricity, such as plug-in hybrids, dra-
matically cut ol use, reduce global warming pollution and save
money. Less time behind the wheel means less money spent
on gas -- and more time for you. Moreover, studies show that a
neighborhood where people walk more is healthier, safer and
friendlier. And, when people can walk to the store, the office,
or the movie theater instead of driving, we slow down global
warming. Each "smart growth" community reduces global
warming pollution by 20 to 40 percent compared to the norm.
New buildings should meet high new energy-efficiency stan-
dards that maximize energy savings. Existing homes and
commercial spaces can be fitted to save energy by weatheriz-
ing and installing energy efficient heating, cooling and lighting

Photographer: dan [arriba)
Photographer: digitalart [abajo)
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
What is the main idea of the text?
Which ways of reducing global warming does the author describe?
Which paragraph refers to smart transportation?
Find other word to express contamination?
What is wind power?
Scientists say we are no longer able to reduce pollution and global warming.
One of the consequences of global warming is the drop in the sea level.
lnvesting in wind and solar energy can lead humanity out of the energy crisis.
We will slow down global warming if we spend less time in cars.
"Smart growth" communities increase global warming pollution by 20 - 40%.
New energy-efficiency standards for homes and commercial centers minimize energy savings.
1. lf you are not guilty,
2. You must go to school and study
3. You must not eat too many sweets
4. 1 can buy pop-corn
5. lf you want to improve your grades,
6. They might choose a bicycle for the race
7. You should go to the dentist
8. lf you are an honest person,
H. if they don't want to run.
G. if you invite the tickets.
F. if you have a toothache.
E. you shouldn't worry.
D. you must not cheat in exams.
C. if you want to find a good job.
B. if you want to be healthy.
A. you should do your homework.
Example: lf you save money, you can buy a new computer.
Prohibition ----------------------------
Certainty _
tional.swith mbdats. .
lf 1 see a blind old man crossing the street,
lf a person is smoking in a hospital,
lf there is a pond near my house where
mosquitoes can reproduce,
lf 1 know sugary drinks are bad far my health,
lf l leave fire unattended in the forest,
lf 1 throw garbage into the oceans and rivers
@''\ ,;"' ,,/,0.._JjfjfP, if.""i?R'. ""

Photographer: digitalart
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net

1" n
n 8
4\ Bai1mw0nl<
lf we don't start saving water now,
The wild animals on Earth will disappear soon
to decrease Greenhouse gas emissions
continue to expand,
run out of oil within a few years,
Sorne islands and low lying a reas will disappear
lf 1 don't do things differently from now on,
lf 1 wash my dad's car using a pail of water,
lf we take showers for a longer time,
lf 1 want to be a friend of the world,
if we don't preserve their habitats.
1 should avoid actions that can harm the world.
if we want to stop temperature from rising.
if the sea levels rise.
l'll save liters of this essential liquid.
>') ~
our children will face scarcity tomorrow.
"" 0
.0 -)
we will waste amazing amounts of water.
1J t7! (j, :,'.'. fj; 1{; e;;; 0) %'.
l'll regret tomorrow.
-$ 8 ' ~ 0
;) s 'f S .f0 n '"' 8
industry will need other sources of energy.
;,:_,;; 0 0
there will be fewer natural resources such as water and oil.

al lf you find a four-leaf clover,
bl lf you find a horseshoe,
el lf a blaek eat walks in front of you,
di lf someone walks under a ladder,
el lf a knife falls,
f] lf you break a mirror,
1. lf you
a] eat
bl will eat
el eats
di won't eat
greasy food, you will beeome fat.
2. Your sister go to Pars, if she
al has/ will
bl will /has
el doesn, t has/ won 't ha ve
di won't / don't
Grammar point:
Superstitions, revision
Language acquisition targets:
speaking skills [applying grammarl
1 you'll win money.
1 a man will visit you soon.
1 something bad will happen to you.
1 you'll have bad luek for seven years.
] you will be lueky.
] you will have a bad day.
Photographer: Ambro
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Photographer: John Kasawa
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
3. lf he .. --that, he will regret.
al will do
e] be
d] won't do
4. lf l leave now, 1 in Huautla by 8:00 PM.
a] arrive
bl will arrive
e] going to arrive
dl won't arrive
5. You ... - on your test if you don't study.
al don 't do well
bl won't do well
e] no one is correct
d] a and b are correct
6. They won't know the truth if you them.
al don 't tell
b] won 't tell
e) doesn 't tell
d] tell
7. lf 1 bake a cake, eat sorne?
al will you
bl do you
el does you
dl wantyou
8. lf he you, will you answer the phone?
al will call
bl calls
e) won 't call
d] is
9. lf you don't go to the party, 1
b] will be
el are going
dl won't
1 O. lf you get a haircut, you
a] will look
bl look
el looked
d] none of the above is correct
very upset.
much better.

--- -----------
sapads iew!U'if spafqns lOOLPS
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Experts paint a frightening picture of what will happen unless we do something now.
Unless we take serious actions, rainforests will disappear.
1. The verb in the 'unless'-clause is in the
a. simple present b. 'will' -future
2. The verb in the main clause is in the
a. simple present b. 'will' -future
3. The 'unless'-clause
a. comes first b. comes second
c. can come either in the first or in the second position
4. Depending on the clause that comes first, the a. different
punctuation is
b. the same
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
1. We (don't solve] the problems unless we !invest] in new technology.
2. Unless we (stop] using fossil fuels, global warming !continue].
3. lt (be] too late unless governments (act] immediately.
4. Unless scientists (develop] new sources of energy, the problem [not disappearl.
1. lf you mix red and
2. lf cats like you,
3. lf dogs like you, they ____________ _
4. lf you look directly at the sun, you ________ _
6. lf you dont water plants, they _________ _
7. lf fire doesn't have air, it ___________ _
8. lf you eat too much sugar, you _________ _
Photographer: Salvatore Vuono
Photographer: m_bartosch
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~
;e, ""' ; ~ ~
1. lf 1 finish this exercise, ____________ _
2. lf 1 have time tonight, ____________ _
3. lf my family goes on vacation this year, ______ _
4. if 1 get to school late.
5. if 1 eat too much.
6. if don't practice.
7. lf it rains tonight, _____________ _
8. lf 1 don't clean my room, ___________ _
9. if 1 don't get enough sleep.
10. lf 1 have nightmares, ____________ _
Photographer: photostock
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Choose the best answer yol.fr
ideas with thedass. lfthere
provide yourown. '
lf 1 have a crush on someone,
a] 1 won't talk to him/her.
b] 1 will invite him/her to the movies.
el 1 will senda romantic letter.
d] 1 will talk to him/her on the last day of the classes.
lf 1 see a shooting star,
a] 1 will make a wish.
b] 1 will speak to my friend.
c] 1 will get scared.
d] 1 will take a picture.
lf 1 fail an exam,
a] my parents will ground me.
b] 1 will be given another chance.
c] 1 will study harder.
d] 1 will be very upset.
Photographer: njaj
Photographer: Keerati
Photographer: Keerati
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Photographer: Victor Habbick
Photographer: David Castillo Dominici
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Source: www.curso-guia-de-turismo-a-distancia-ead
lf it's sunny tomorrow,
a] 1 won't take an umbrella.
b] 1 cango to the beach with myfriends.
el 1 will take a bottle of water with me.
d] My room will be lit with sunlight.
1 won't be happy,
al if 1 don't watch a soap opera or play computer
b] if 1 don't listent to my favorite music.
el if 1 don't eat sweets or chocolate.
di unless 1 do sorne exercises.
1 will speak english well,
al if 1 go to communicative courses.
bl if 1 meet a lot of foreigners.
el if 1 practice my pronunciation.
d] if my teacher is good.

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Use the Simple Present
Tense appropriately.
Recognize the structure of '
ldentify MODAL VERBS ac-
Write sentences using the
new structures, CONDl-
Use Negative and lnter-
rogative forms in the Con-
Listen and comprehend
specific information re-
garding cause and effect.
M / \ ! X U l : : J Z M O X = A L j J " J , e M / W O J ' l q n + n o ' M M M / ( d n L J
l Z : a 6 e d : l O \ f 8 0 J 1 0 e o f a d n s 1 a n u e w S O l N ' V S S O O
Localiza informacin
especfica en un texto oral
o escrito sobre hbitos y
Comprende las
expresiones de tiempo
pasado en texto orales o
Describe y compara, de
manera oral y escrita,
hbitos y costumbres de
las mujeres, los hombres y
de su comunidad as como
de otras culturas.
Emplea las estructuras
gramaticales del "Used
to" para describir usos y
costumbres en el pasado
de diferentes grupos
Prendas de vestir.
Medios de
Actividades de
Forma verbal
del "Used to" para
describir hbitos
en sus forma
afirmativa y
Uso de las
palabras "how"',
"when" , ''where,
"what'' y "who" para
elaborar preguntas.
Expresiones de
tiempo pasado.
Identifica e interpreta la idea
general y posible desarrollo
de un mensaje oral o escrito
en una lengua extranjera,
recurriendo a sus saberes
previos sobre actividades de
esparcimiento, escolares y
deportivas en pocas pasadas.
Se comunica en una lengua
extranjera mediante un
discurso Lgico, oral o escrito,
para describir, comparar
hbitos y costumbres de la
gente, su comunidad y otras
Emplea estrategias de
aprendizaje autnomo, a
travs de las tecnologas de la
informacin y comunicacin
para obtener informacin tanto
de las formas gramaticales,
as como de Los hbitos y
costumbres de diferentes
grupos sociales.
Mantiene una actitud
respetuosa hacia la
interculturaldad y la diversidad
de creencias, valores, ideas y
prcticas sociales al momento
de comparar los hbitos, usos y
Produce textos con base en
el uso normativo de la lengua,
considerando la intencin,
situacin comunicativa, y
elementos formales del
lenguaje como la puntuacin,
la ortografa, la sintaxis, La
coherencia y la cohesin.
W O J " J > J l l J " M M M
V:@ ""'IS! ;;:; '!."! *""* fl=
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Grammar point:
Review the Simple Present tense
Ways of transportation, school activities,
entertainment, national food
Language acquisition targets:
Reading skills - Skimming
Www.zi m bio.com/Nora+ Tobi n+Volleyball+ Pictures/no-
te s/ 1 /O t her+ B ea eh+ Vol ley ba ll +Pi et u res
L!..J t:F 1!( <="' "":i&;.;""' "'k
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We celebrate the school anniversary with a Calenda.
In July we celebrate the end of the term with an official meeting.
We participate in extracurricular activities like folk-dancing.
Each month we have different assessment tests.
We participate in intercollegiate sport events like volleyball, soccer, basketball.etc.
We take turns participating in different subjects such as English, Mathematics, Chemistry, etc.
Write sorne more activities you usually do at school.

$;!;,Y q
A-What is the activity Rubi usually does?
8-She usually goes to the guitar classes on Fridays.
1.- (Mario and Lucia)
B ~
http://danceadvantage.net/wp- content/uploads/2011/O1 /
3.- (Kenia)
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
2.- (Dana, Erica and Luisa)
A ~
8.,-__ _
A ~ ~
Photographer: graur razvan ionut
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
))Photographer: graur razvan ionut
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net

TI , Exercise 3
Kenia: l like in my free time. How about you?
Dana, Erica and Luisa: Well. We usually in the afternoons
Angel: 1 usually three times a week. Do you like to ride a bike?
Rubi: No, 1 don't. 1 prefer guitar classes.
TI Exercise 4
al. 1 usually go to the mall.
bl. In our free time we volleyball.
el. My brother Biology at UNAM.
d). Peter does to be healthy.
el. l love music, 1 take class.
fl. Mayrin hates crowded places, she prefers to go
g). Leon's girlfriend a horse twice a week.
Photographer: Jim Larso
Source: www.flickr.co
h). Dan na and her friends support the soccer team at school, they are _____ _
il. On weekends we practice to relax.
Now find the words frompreviou$exerds.e.
Complete the chart according to the activities you lave,
like and hate doing.
Have you heard about Martes de Brujas?
n order to recover Oaxaca's traditions, you can appreciate "Martes de Brujas" [T uesday of witch-
esl in Santa Cruz Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca Mexico, a small town near Oaxaca City. According to the
history of this town this tradition has its origins during the colonial time, when Friar Domingo de
Santa Maria promoted the construction of a catholic temple in which the natives helped working
night shifts, while women prepared tamales and brown sugar-loaf maize drink.
The moonrise invites people into a cultural gathering in which the main attractions are the
"witches". These are candles, which their flame are covered with paper eones. when the night
comes, these lamps give a beautiful and singular view, that for centuries have been announcing
the Lents beginning, illuminating the main plaza every Tuesday night. On this special celebration,
the citizens prepare maize drink, tamales and sit under trees to enjoy them with a band playing as
background. During this time the Xoxeos [natives from the townl relive the memories of the deli-
cious tamales made by elder women who inherited their particular seasoning. The tamales come
in different preparation, su ch as: rajas, chepil, dulce, mole, being the specialty of the house 'tamal
of chinchilla'.
ht t p :// oa xa ca-digital. i nfo/t o do-listo-par a -el-festival-de-martes-de-brujas-2013/

: l n C J a E ! . t J t m d l 1 J : J , < : : ; a 1 r n 1 t 1 C : e l ! J M ' l ! A ! l S a J ' B U O ' a s o o y Q .
a w o s . a J e i e 4 M
._. Gomment
Well, 1 get to Oaxaca City by bus;
sometimes my parents visit my
grancfmother once a week and
they use a car.
Erika, Miahuatln, Oax.
Hi! In this moment l'm going to Oax-
aca city because 1 have homework
to do at the central library with my
friends. We'll take a taxi.
Andrs, San Bartola Coyotepec,
Mmm ... l'm meeting my girl-
friend because today is her
birthday; 1 use my motorcycle
to go there.
Antonio, Tlacolula, Oax.
Photographer: Stuart Miles, stockimages, photostock
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Answer these. questions. Share the answers wi\hyour
How do you get to school?
Do you know other means of transportation, which ones?
Which do you prefer? Why?
Look at the pictures. Can you name the transports?
Write their names under the pictures. Use a dictionary.


" " ' "
N O I J . . ' t J . . H O c : I N S ' t H . L H l ' t N O I J . . ' t J . . H O c : I S N ' t 8 1 1 1 8 3 . L ' t M N O l i l l ' t 1 8 0 a S ' t H 1 O N ' t i l
Grammar point:
Simple Past
Vocabulary related to:
Language acquisition targets:
Reading for details
"' !
t'.:"llmtion 1
"' !
al What does this timeline represent?
b] Do you know how your parents u sed to dress when they
were young?
e) What other things of our society do you think have
changed through time?
""'ifi'"" ""' '
....................................................................................................................................... 11 ............... Jj
Photographer:jinterwas, Ouentin_Dayer
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pK-uCvSttk0/TV7SAOOOzhl/ AAAAAAAAAFw/9VhlO EsB834/s 1600/35975589 79 _ 6ebd845b6e _ o.j pg
http ://modelicas.com/wp-content/2011 /09/Esti lo-a%C3%B 1 os-90.jpg
h t t p ://fa sh ion gr a phi e. ca m/w p- e o n ten t/ u p load s/2O13/0 3/f a sh ion g ra phi c _ f-w-2013- nyc _O 5. p n g
TI E*err:eise
dre s
h t
sh rt
soc s
e at
g ov s
be t
sh es
Photographer: zirconicusso, John Kasawa, Worakit Sirijinda,
posterize, luigi diamanti, Suat Eman, Keattikorn.
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Find 1 differences. these
ing, hair style, make-up, customs, etc.) Wi:itethem:if'l
thelinesbelow, use completes sentenc:esand])e.c;re:-
ful withv:erbt:enses:
http:/ /member files. freewebs.com/10/90/ 47199010/photos/Con isbroug h-People/i mg 51 O.jpg
"Photographer: rafaelsoare
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net

al. In 1950 women's freedom started, women were
different from nowadays; they used to wear long
dresses and funny hair styles.
bl. The 60's the period in which the miniskirt first ap-
pea red. Men used to wear colorful shirts and they
used to have long and messy hair. The influence of
sorne musical groups marked this decade.
c]. The 70's had a variety of fashion factors. The main
decoration in clothes and ha ir were flowers, peo-
ple used to be hippies.
di. The 80 's represented the disco fever and the way
people dressed was called "skinny". Men used to
wear narrow pants, often made of leather.
el. Nowadays, we have a mixture of different styles
from the past and sorne new styles that have nev-
er appeared before. "Urban tribes" determine the
way of dressing and the hairstyle.
http :// 4. b p. b lag s pat. ca mi_ P dz 1 U BXp P3s/TM 0-L O k5Vr 1/ AAAAAAAA B-w /O q aj 5-z bOyl/ s 160 O/su san_ 50 2 2-4 7 8x6 00 .j pg
htt://www ..

,-:e+:,"\(; :r(_.;, n ,
1. When 1 was a ehiLd 1 wear boots.
al. used to
b]. am used to
el. use to
2. In 1960's girls Long skirts.
al. used to wearing
b]. used to swearing
el. used to wear
3. lnthe 1990'sgirLs ____ _ miniskirts.
al. use to wear
b]. used to ware
el. used to wear
4. In the 1960's, young men ___ . _________ _
al. used to have Long hair.
b]. have short and red hair.
el. use to drink wine.
Photogfapher: J Fry,
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net

hat was school like in the an-
cient times? In Greece, 2500
years ago, students used to
get up at dawn to go to school. Classes
began very early and ended when it was
already dark. Students didn't rest on
the weekends. They had classes seven
days a week, so they didn't have much
time for anything else. In Athens, only
the sons of rich people went to school,
and they started school around the age
of seven. After they learned to read and
write, they used to study Greek poetry
and historical works. Music was very
important, as well as physical train-
ing. Teachers used to hit students who
didn 't pay attention or were lazy. Girls
stayed at home with their mothers and
learned how to do household chores.
n ancient Rome, ltaly, boys and girls from wealthy families
received a bilingual education. They had to study Greek and
Latin. Students usually had classes outside, if the weather
was very good, or in the teacher's house. Young students sat
on the floor and older students used to sit on benches higher
up. This is how "high school" got its name.
ducation was very important to the ancient Aztecs of
Mexico. Boys and girls used to attend school, but they
were kept separate from each other. They learned Az-
tec history, myths, and rituals, but they had to memorize ev-
erything beca use there weren 't any textbooks. The boys re-
ceived intensive military training, and the girls learned how
to manage the home and the family. There were two kinds of
schools: one for children of nobility and another for children
of ordinary families.
Photographer: vasta
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
Younger students in Rome used to learn Greek and Latin.
In Mexico, the aztecs used to learn family training.
In Greece the classes used to finish late and they were at home.
In the three countries the students used to receive bilingual education.
Time of classes They used to start classes early and finish 1 We go to the school for just six
them when it was dark. hours a day.
Get up
Days a week having
Study Greek poetry
[':: :'' , : ::;:>T'
"'-'"'" Oh'S't-- "' "'"'
Have bilingual edu-
Place of classes
Seats depending on
students' age
Mixed classes
Have text books
Kinds of schools
a u s o o 4 d 1 e 1 6 p a a J f M M M : a : u n o s
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'eaan tasses , , ,
Grammar point:
"Used to" in affirmative, negative and interrogative
"Before and now", happiest memories, inventions.
Language acquisition targets:
Speaking skills - monological speech (project pre-
Ride a bike Paint or draw Swimming Go to the movies Playing a sport
Surf the internet Reading Watch TV Listening to music Dancing
Singing Jogging
<:> ~ t t e n i ~ ~ ~
Photographer:imagerymajestic. Asian Boy, Making art, Salvatore Vuono. ambto, imagerymajestic, photostock. federico stevanin, njaj.
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
TI Exercise 1'Z
lil Read
Photographer: TijsB, quinn.anya, Guillermo Fdez
Source: www.flickr.com
wo hundred years ago, steam trains were slow, and it
used to take many hours to get from one city to another.
Today the high speed train in France (TGV] can travel at
the speed of 300 kilometers an hour. lt takes four and a half
hours to get from Paris, France to Barcelona, Spain.
In the middle ages, people in Europe used to eat with their
hands. So it became good manners to wash one's hands before
a meal. People didn't think it was necessary to wash the rest of
their bodies. They used to put on perfume to cover the bad smell.
Hundreds of years ago in Europe, only rich people hada lot of
different clothes to wear. Workers had one set of clothes for
each season. Buttons were expensive, so people used to sew
their clothes. They didn't change their clothes or take a bath
for months.
Until the 1700s, barbers did more than just cut hair. They
pulled out teeth and performed surgery. People used to think
that all the illnesses carne from a person 's blood. So barbers
used to remove blood from people to get rid of an illness.
Not many years ago, people used to go to the movie theaters
to watch a movie. Today, we can watch movies at home on
cable TV, video or DVD. Until the mid-eighties, people used to
send messages by telegram. Then they started using the fax.
Nowadays, we use cell phones or the Internet.
In the past, teenager's didn 't use to have cars.
A car was a luxury and a grand purchase, only one car per
family. Nowadays, many young people have their own auto-
mobiles. In the United States, many teens get their driving li-
cense when they're sixteen.
"Used to" expresses habits or customs that we did in
the past but we don't do anymore.
In the 60's (sixties}, girls us
(nineties}, girls used to have
1 used to wear uniform in the kin- I didn't use to wear uniform in 1 Did you use to wear uniform in
dergarten. the kindergarten. the kindergarten?

c.;""'.'.'. ...?S:ib!:;,vk(
= . "'' ";"'. .

1. Hundreds of years ago in Europe, [ ] used to send messages by telegram.
only rich people
2. In the Middle Ages, people in Europe
[ ] u sed to think illness carne from a person, s blood.
3. They did not take a bath for month so
[ ] used to eat with their hands.
4. Until 1700's, barbers
[ ] didn't use to have cars.
5. Until 1700's, people
[ ] used to put on perfume to cover bad smell.
6. Until the mid-eighties, people
[ ] used to wear different clothes.
7. In the past, teenagers
( ] used to pull out teeth.

o6e sJeaMaJ e >1!q e P!J ---- no ____ _
.. saneas 41.. l ualS!l -----noA
'*"" - #.

,filli: ;;:;,,,__,Z'iv:;-_
lt used to be the most popular office machi ne.
lt used to have black and red ink.
People used to create documents with it.
They used to be very heavy objects.
lt used to have a magnetic tape.
lt used to be made of plastic and have two holes.
lt was u sed for recording sound and/or videos.
lt used to be popular before CD's and DVD's.
lt used to be bigger than now.
it used to have a film inside.
it used to be very expensive.
Almost all modern cell phones have it
~ Exer:cise 21
&\ Pairwork
Photographer: Ambro
Cecilia: Hello, Mr. Torres! 1 have to do an exercise for my English
class. 1 would like to have an interview with you. Could you please
help me with it?
Mr. Torres: Of course, tell me.
Cecilia: OK. So, what did you use to do when you were younger?
Mr. Torres: Well. .. 1 used to go to the market with my mom. 1 used to
go to the movies with my first girlfriend and 1 also used to go to the
painting class in the culture house.
Cecilia: What did you use to like doing in your free time when you were a
Mr. Torres: 1 used to like playing with wooden toys, on weekends 1
used to like playing soccer and 1 also used to play video games all
- ~
the time.
Cecilia: What music di
Mr. Torres: 1 used to
listen to all kinds of
to? What about now?
he Rolling Stones", but now 1
have in the course
re do you
To connect or contrast two statements:
Present and Past or Past and Present
we use "but'' and puta comma (,) after the first idea.
For example:
I used to listen only to 'The Rolling Stones", but now /listen to ali knds of music.
Matth gnd cotumns.
Many years ago my uncle used to come visit us every
day, but now
l Teenagers used to go dancing to the "disco", but now
l A few years ago we used to listen to music on our
Walkman, but now
In the eighties young people used to sing songs by
"The Beatles", but now
l My grandma used to listen to soap operas on the ra-
dio, but now
!!"'' e 'e c '
al She watches them on TV.
bl Young people sing songs by "Ca-
el They go dancing to the "Antro".
d] He visits us every month.
el We listen to music on MP3 players.
cell phones or computers.
a u s o o y d 1 e 1 ! 6 1 p a a J ) " M M M : a : i J n o s
: i q s a f e w l J a 6 e w ! : J a y d e J 6 o o y d

. 9 S ! 5 J l l 9 X : J
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Loo.k atthe and

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Rosalinda, Martn and Armando/ participate /in the class
"Rosa linda, Martn and Armando used to participate in the class"
Tommy / conduct interviews / at his last job My friends and 1/ play/ in the street
Hector/help / his friend all the time Freddy / read / on the way
Photographer: Ambro, AKARAKINGDOMS, chrisroll
il Read
My happiest memory is of my great
-grandmother. She always used to
keep candies in her pockets.
My sister and brother-in-law used to
live next to us, we used to have pic-
nics in the summer
All my aunts and uncles used to
come over on Sundays for dinner
and there were always about 12 of
us around the gigantic table.
After school 1 used to love playing
basketball with my four friends in my
neighborhood and we always used to
Photographer: Ambro, zole4.
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
- .:;;!-ltt p :// c i ruti ps. files. word pres s. ca m/2011/O2/9 78- ca me r-juntos. j pg
~ Exer:cise ~
1. On vacations my family used to go to _____ _
2. My grandmother used to make for us.
3. 1 used to see my aunts, uncles and cousins ___ _
4. My mom u sed to celebrate every year.
5. 1 used to hate _____ _
Photographer: neonarcade
Source: www.flickr.com
Check the next interview
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Grammar point:
Wh questions with used to.
time changes, fashion.
Language acquisition targets:
speaking skills - monological speech [project pre-
sentationl. group discussion.
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m''ii'L 11.1
What was the game that you used to play at the elementary
First, 1 used to play basketball, then soccer.
Who did you use to play with?
1 used to play with my brother and my neighbors.
When did you use to play it?
1 usually used to play it every afternoon.
Where and why did you use to play that game?
Beca use the park was next to my home, 1 used to get there easily.
Photographer: photostock
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
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Photographer: Ambrol
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
TV program
In pairs, qestionsand crripl<;1 the
withyotlrpartnerrs answer's; . .

Stacy A. HAGEN
Basic English Grammar
Third Edition [with Answer Keyl
Editorial: Pearson Longman
White Plains, NY., 2006
Grammar Forman Functon 1A
Editorial. Me Graw Hill
New York, NY., 2004
Engish I
Bachillerato General
Publicaciones Cultural
Primera Edicin
Mxico, 2004
Explica, de manera oral 1 Utilizacin del
y escrita, las actividades conocimiento
que se llevaron a cabo en
distintos contextos.
Identifica informacin
especfica en un texto, oral
o escrito, sobre actividades
que se realizaron en su
regin, otras partes de su
estado, el pas y el mundo.
Utiliza las estructuras
gramaticales del
pasado simple y pasado
continuo para describir
las actividades que
sucedieron en un momento
referente a
vestuario, comida,
msica, medio
Pasado continuo
para describir
acciones que
estaban en
progreso en
un momento
Pasado simple
para describir
actividades que
interrumpieron una
accin en progreso
en el pasado.
"when" y "while"
para describir
acciones en el
Conectores: first,
then, after, later,
after a while.
Mantiene una actitud
respetuosa hacia la
interculturalidad y la diversidad
de creencias, valores, ideas y
prcticas sociales, al momento
de describir actividades propias
y de otros grupos sociales.
Identifica e interpreta la idea
general y posible desarrollo
de un mensaje oral o escrito
en una lengua extranjera,
recurriendo a sus saberes
Se comunica en una lengua
extranjera mediante un
discurso lgico, oral o escrito,
para describir y comparar
las actividades propias de su
grupo con las de otros grupos
Emplea estrategias de
aprendizaje autnomo, a
travs de las tecnologas de la
informacin y comunicacin
para obtener informacin
utilizando las formas
Produce textos con base en
el uso normativo de la lengua,
considerando la intencin
y situacin comunicativa,
as como los elementos
formales del lenguaje como
la puntuacin, la ortografa,
la sintaxis, la coherencia y la
What do you know about Oaxacan culture?
Can you identify each region from the photo below?
Que lejos estoy del suelo donde he nacido!
inmensa nostalgia invade mi pensamiento;
y al verme tan solo y triste cual hoja al viento,
quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento.
SeMelii ,
,;:'!,,"' """"{if,S:t_?' ,,, sv 3C
Grammar point:
Past Progressive and Simple Past
Celebrations, clothes, food and music.
Oh Tierra del Sol! Suspiro por verte
ahora que lejos yo vivo sin luz, sin amor;
y al verme tan solo y triste cual hoja al viento,
quisiera llorar, quisiera morir de sentimiento.
Jos Lpez Alavez


evin and his wife told me about their last
vacation in Oaxaca City. Theysaid they had
the opportunity to go to the "Guelaguetza
festival". He liked the way of dressing of each
region a lot because the clothes were very
colorful, authentic and beautiful. The women
danced in sandals and high heels, wearing long
and wide skirts, embroidered blouses, "rebo-
zos", braids with colorful ribbons, and the men
were wearing cotton pants and white or colorful
shirts, and sandals like the women. The most
incredible performance was when both men
and women were dancing without shoes while
local people and tourists were taking pictures,
clapping and cheering.
Kevin learned that the "Guelaguetza" was a cel-
ebration in which people from many commu-
nities of the State of Oaxaca carne together to
celebrate the diversity of theirtraditions and cul-
tures, and that the meaning of the "Guelaguet-
za" was "offering" in the Zapatee language.
Kevin also said that the "Guelaguetza" was
called "Lunes del Cerro", which can be trans-
lated as "Mondays on the Hill," and that it is cel-
ebrated in Oaxaca on the last two Mondays of
July, except when one of these days falls on July
18th, the anniversary of Benito Juarez' death. In
this case the celebration of the "Guelaguetza"
takes place on the following two Mondays.
The part of the festival that he enjoyed most was
when performers were throwing to the crowd
fruit, bread, tortillas, chocolate and coffee in
little bags and other things that were products
from the regions they were representing.
1. Kevin visited Oaxaca in July.
2. Groups were wearing traditional clothing and per-
forming folk dances.
3. They weren't throwing products from their regions.
4. "Guelaguetza" means "offering" in English language.
5. All of them were wearing shoes.
Read tn tex.t again, t:irde "t9 i'<
.. i.s In
words? \Nf1cfl. vedJS finiShd adivities aid
which activities in progr:ess?
i\ iie&eisea
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take pictures
With ttie words. in. the box. below. Fol-
.. .
At the party people were dancing.

Check this grammar chart of the rutes of .THE PAST
PROGRESSIVE and read the explanaticm. of th use Of
What do we empflasize in.athof.tlie
1 1
Was0 eating'
She was eating wasn't eating
lt t
Yes, 1 was.
No, 1 wasn't.
You Were we eating?
We were eating weren't eating they
Yes, we were.
No, we weren't
The Past Progressive Tense and The Simple Past Tense
We use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action
started and finished at a specific time in the past. All the at-
tention is not on the progress, but on the fact.
Linda slept in the living room. {The action finished and became a
fact. Progress is not important.J
She washed her car. (The action finished and became a fact.
= The car is clean. Progress is not important.l
We use the Past Progressive (also called Continuous) to talk about
longer actions in progress in the past. This tense is,Jormed
using two components: verb to be (in Simple Past] and the
-ING ending of the verbs. All the attention is not on the fact,
but on the process of doing the action.
What was
he eating'
L she
1 was eating a chocolate cake.
She was eating an ice cream.
Where were they eating?
They were eating at a restau-
Linda was sleeping at 17:00 a.m. yesterday. (She started to sleep
befo re 11 :00 a.m. and she was still sleeping at 11 :00 a.m. and
continued doing it for sorne time. Progress is important.l
She was washing her car (She started to wash her car at
sorne moment in the past and continued doing it. Progress is
Add -ing at the end of most of the verbs
Verbs ending in consonant + -e drop final -e
EXCEPT for verb to be
(but: -ee at the end is not changed)
listen - listening talk - talking
come - coming wri!e-writing
be - ~ i n g
(but: agree - agreeing
see - seeingl
Verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant, double the / Swim-swimming
last consonant sit - sit!ing
begin- beginning
EXCEPT for verbs with -w and -y
-ie at the end of the verbs becomes -y
throw - throwing say- saying
die - dying
lie - lying
progressive form with'-ing ac-
corciingto tne rules.
write: -----
study: --------
a p pea r: -------------------------
col le et: ---------------------
1. with/ you/ who/ having/ coffee/ were?
2. about/ talking/ what/ you/ were?
3. about/ were/ talking/ human/ you/ rights? --------------------------------------------------------
4. she/ was/ China/ doing/ what/ in ?
5. me/ for/ you/ looking/ why/ were ?
#_ "'X "" "'-
&:xelieise 8
Reporter: Excuse me. Can you tell me about Lady Gaga's con-
cert? Did you [see/seeing) it?
Fan: Yes, 1 did. 1 [buy/bought] my ticket 6 months ago. She's
my favorite singer.
Reporter: Did you [had/have) a good place?
Fan: Yes, 1 did. 1 [can/could] see everything very clearly. 1 was
[set/sitting) in the first rowwhen Lady Gaga [come/carne) into
the amazing lighting stage.
Reporter: Did the concert [go/went] quicky?
Fan: Yes, it did. But 1 was [having/had] a great time. She [sing/
sang] for 100, 000 people in the stadium.
Reporter: What were the people [did/doing) while Lady Gaga
was [sing/singing)?
Fan:Theywere [danced/dancingl. [cheering/cheerl. and [sang/
singing) with her.
Reporter: Did you [enjoy/enjoyed) the concert?
Fan:Of course! lt was fantastic! 1 will never forget it.
1 a u s o o 4 d e 1 6 1 p a a J r M M M : a J J n o s
: J a 4 d e J 6 o o 4 d
a w o J o i
e d o i
n a s o i
W ! M S O l
i a 6 o i
P U B l
a A e 4 o i
l l ! W S O l
> n e i o i
a A e a 1 o i
a q O l
a a s o i
l ! l O l
l > f 8 l O l
6 U ! J q O l
S l 3 3 H S
[brought [ left being
getting taking smiled
having , sold com1ng
1 swam 1 coming 1 paying
smiled [ taking
1 ' .
___ L saw having
smiled lying coming
left getting sold
saw found brought
[ being 1 lying coming
[ taking

i getting I coming=wl
1 having sold -1
i --- -
[ smiled ___ J saw 1 talking j
i smiled 1 swam
!talking paying 1 being
1 coming having brought
1 taking
having lying
smiled l left com1ng
j getting [ saw sold
1 smiled
com1ng saw

smiled taking
getting brought 1
pay1ng left
swam being
coming smiled
paying saw
com1ng smiled
left getting
coming saw talking
paying lying found
taking smiled swam
coming left being
swam brought smiled
pay1ng taking found
swam talking having
smiled sold com1ng
saw taking lying
J smiled

taking lying
coming saw sold
talking having getting
left getting coming
saw lying taking
smiled sold found
com1ng being smiled
sold left getting
taking found lying
saw getting pay1ng
brought smiled coming
lying having talking
,,_, -.... """" ?"'"""'"':;
Photographer: digitalart)
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net

............... . ....
Photographer: Ambro
Photographer: dKittikun
So urce: www.freedigitalphotos.net
What do you know about recycling garba ge?
Are you and your family doing something to solve the garbage
Dana: 1 saw you yesterday, but you didn't notice me. You were
in the park. What were you doing there?
Kevin: Oh! Really? 1 was with sorne classmates. We were
working on a recycling project, and our teacher told us to take
into account the three "Rs" to solve the garbage problem. Ev-
ery day we have to collect different kinds of material.
Dana: The Three Rs? What is it about?
Kevin: lt mea ns Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.
Dana: Oh! 1 understand. And what were you collecting yesterday?
Kevin: We were collecting aluminum ca ns, glass, paper, met-
al, and plastic bottles.
Dana: And what are you going to do with this stuff?
Kevin:We're going to sell it to get sorne money for computers
and other things for our school.
Dana: That's great! My family and 1 were working on a com-
posting project last year. We have it in the back yard of our
Kevin: That's a good idea to give a better use to the organic
garbage which is a so lid waste. I 'm going to share it with my
teacher and ...
Answer the questions.
1. What were Da na and Kevin talking about?
2. What do the three R's mean?
3. What were they collecting?
4. What are they going to do with that stuff?
5. What will they do with the money they get?
ldentify sentences in the Past Progressive and in the
Simple Past tense from the conversation and write
them into the chart.
Write the verbs nterin the correc:t form !Past Progressivel
1. Most of the time we [sit] in the park.
2. Yesterday evening my friends !play] monopoly.
3. They !count] __ _ in Math class.
4. Yesterday at six 1 lpreparel dinner.
5. Where lyou/practice soccer] last week?
6. He [repair/not] Bob's bicycle
t was a day he would never forget. Firef ighter Mike Blake _
[workl near the World Trade Center when the first tower
______ kollapsel. He lost conscousness. When
he [wake) up, he [lie) on
the ground, surrounded by dust and smoke. He tred to get up,
but he ______ [can notl. The next thing he knew he __
[bel in an ambulance anda para medie [take)
his pulse. When he [arrive) at the hospital, doctors
and nurses [rush) around, treating the injured. He
__________ (feel) disorientated when a young
nurse [come] up and started to clean his head
wound. Mike remembers that day for many reasons. lt was a
terrible anda wonderful day at the same time. That nurse is
now his wife.
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Exer;eise 15-
Jenifer Lopez
http -//r a nsi la d. files. wo rd p ress. ca m/2O11 /04/j en ni fer-
1. Was Jennifer Lopez wearing a skirt?
2. Was Robert Pattinson wearing a tie?
3. What was Penelope Cruz wearing?
h t t p: //es. g lo be di a. e o m/i m a gen e s/n ot i-
http-// 4. b p. blog spot.com/ _ 53 2j Bu B g QfO/
J H FKyWc/s 1600/Robert_Pattinson .j pg
serelac;0r:ne2:;J5f 1ls1eser:
h t t p-//d i e eq u ed ij o. ca m/w p-co n ten t/
u ploads/2010/12/selena-gomez-y-j us tin-
4. Were Se lena Gomez and Justin Bieber wearing hats? -----------------
5. What were you wearing yesterday afternoon?
6. Who were you talking with to last night? ____________________ _
7. Where were you going this morning?
8. What were you doing last weekend? ______________________ _
Grammar point:
Conjunctions when and while for past actions
Connectors first, then, after, later, after a while.
Natural disasters

re9a . \bot
,$()me ... '., .... ,.... <>
bout 90% of disasters are climate-related. Cyclones in
Brazil in 2004 and Ornan in 2007, and that terrible tsu-
nami in Japan have been of a great intensity never seen
in those regions before.
The massive earthquake in Sichuan, China, and another
earthquake in ltaly have shown both the need fortough building
codes and the importance of enforcing the ca re of our world.
lf we don't want to see our planet disappearing, we all
have to take care of it!!!
Match 1ihe pictfeswif the word thatEorrespnds:'
al tsunami
b] fire
e] earthquake
e] hurricane
We use the past progressive for The students were studying Math at 10:15
an action that was happening at a yesterday morning. [They were study-
particular time in the past and con- ing before 10:15, at 10:15 and continued
tinued. studying for sorne time.!
We use the past progressive for an She was working when Ken called.
action that was happening when While Bob was sleeping last night, the
another action interrupted it. This telephone rang.
action takes the form of the Simple
Past as a finished action.
We use the simple past far an 1 called my mother last Sunday.
action that began and ended at a She arrived at 9:30 yesterday.
particular time in the past. They went to Mexico in June last year.
Simple Past
We use the simple past to show When 1 opened the door, 1 saw my sister.
that one action immediately fol- [First 1 opened the door, then 1 saw my
lowed another action. sister.J
Complete the sentences using Simple Pastor Past Pro-
[gol down the road at 120 kph when the wheel [fall] off.
She nearly _____ _ [have] a heart attack when she ______ [see] the bear.
Aunt Gertrude __________ [get] dressed when she ___________ [feell a sharp pain in her chest.
The race winner _____________ [shake] the bottle of champagne when the (firel.
He _________ [fill out] a questionnaire when the pen ___ _ _ ___ [run out] of ink.
We [watch] TV when the lights [go off].
Kevin [not see] his friend because he ___________________ [face] the other way.
Check the fotlowing information with your Teacher.
While and When with Past Time Clauses
1 was taking an English class when the earthquake started.
While 1 was listening to music, my sister was surfing the Internet
1. The verb in a while clause is always in the Past Progressive tense.
2. A time clause can go at the beginning or at the end ot a sentence. lt it is at the beginning, we use a
comma atter it.
Main Clause Time Clause
His wite tell asleep (Simple Past) while he was driving. (Past Progressive)
They were watching a comedy (Past Progressive] while 1 was doing my homework. (Past Progressive)
Time Clause Main clause
While he was driving, his wite tell asleep.
While 1 was doing my homework, they were watching a comedy.
3. The verb in a when clause is always in the Simple Past tense.
4. A time clause can go at the beginning or at the end ot a sentence. lt it is at the beginning, we use a
comma atter it.
Main Clause Time Clause
Susan was working at the office (Past Progressive] when Tony called. (Simple Past)
Time Clause Main Clause
When Tony called, Jenny was working at the office.
7. A time clause alone is nota complete sentence. We must use it with the main clause to
form a complete sentence.
Complete the sentences with when or while.
he was talking on the phone, 1 was watching TV.
2. He was cancelling his flight ________ _ we called him.
3. 1 was overtaking a truck 1 heard a loud thump.
4. We were watching a movie the screen went black.
- --- -----------------------
5. she was packing the bags, 1 was looking for our passports.
6. We were complaining about the weather _____________ the sun broke through the clouds.
7. Sandra was washing the dishes a plate fell from the shelf.
8. Do not disturb me _ l 'm listening to music!
lnvestigate natural disasters such as tornadoes, hur:..
ricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis that have been
happening during the last years. Bring sorne pictures
about the tapie.
Ask your parents or/and your grandparents if they have
been in one of them.
Ask them what they were doing at the moment it was
happening. Wrte down the information you got.
Brng sorne materals to make a story about the topic.
(Bond paper, scissors, glue, magazines, newspapers,
markers of different colors and tape)
At the end of the Block you will have a project time. Be
Grammar point:
Past Progressive and Simple Past
Stories, Everyday activities.
lt is important to know the order or sequence that
events take place in a story. lt helps you to understand
what you rea d.
Read the text to help you figure out the sequence or the
order of a story. Look for signal words Like "first, next,
Last, before, after and finally".
Susan made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. First, she spread peanut butter on one slice of bread.
Next, she spread jelly on another slice of bread. After spreading the jelly, she put the two slices of bread
together. Finally, she ate it. lt was delciousl
Fnally, she ate t.
After spreadng the jelly, she put the two slices of bread together.
First, she spread peanut butter on one slce of bread.
Photographer: ehoyer
,,source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
; next dia!ogue. .and.
pla<=Ei'- .
MARK: Do you know what happened on Sunday?
DANIA: No, what?
MARK: 1 went downtown to do sorne shopping. 1 went to a res-
taurant for lunch. 1 ate lunch and asked for the check. But 1
found 1 didn't have enough money!
DANIA: How embarrassing! So what did you do?
MARK: Well, 1 called my parents, but they were out. 1 tried my
room mate, but he was out, too.
So 1 phoned my boss at home. He was very nice and brought
me sorne money.
DANIA: That was lucky!
adtfthe connectors where is correct. (First, next, then, after, last,
!nvestigate natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes
and tsunamis that have been happening during the last years. Bring sorne
pictures about the tapie.
Ask your parents or/and your grandparents if they have been in one of them.
Ask them what they were doing at the moment it was happening. Write down
the information you got.
Bring sorne materials to make a story about the tapie. (Bond paper, scissors,
glue, magazines, newspapers, markers of different colors and tape)
At the end of the Block you will have a project time. Be ready!
Now thatyou can place things in sequence, use those sequence words to
make a story about a natural disaster. Organize your presentation far next
dass. Remember to use when and while.
Present your project to the class. Be ready to answer questions and ask
N a m e ~
Date: Group: ___ _ Campus: ____ _
INSTRUCTION: Put the verbs in parentheses in Past Progressive or Simple past to complete the sentences:
Last night, my family and 1 (to be) at home when a tremendous thunderstorm [strike)
_____ in our neighborhood. Then, we (watch) to the TV news while my mother [co
ok) the dinner. The weather forecaster on TV [say) that a new hurricane has
reached the East Coast when a lightning storm [beginl . After a while, the electric power [go out)
and were (sink) into darkness. lt (start) to rain while my brothers and 1 [look
for) sorne matches and candles to light the place up. Thafs when we carne up with the idea of
having a .. pajama party .. in the living room. Later, while my sister [set up) sorne blankets on
the floor and my brother [light) the candles, 1 decided to start sharing sorne scary tales with
my little brothers. 1 enjoyed watching them screaming and trembling with fear. lt was fun for all the family.
Last summer 1 visited my cousins in Los Angeles, California. lt was supposed to be the greatest summer
of my life, but in fact it [be] a disaster. My cousins and 1 [sleep] when my
uncle Tom [wake us up] --------He [tell] _____ us that the fire department [evacuate]
people, since a huge wood fire [start] ----------to spread out in Southern California. We [dress up]
as fastas we could. While we [move] ________ ._to the house of sorne uncle Toms friends, the fire [rea
ch] _____________ the surroundings of the village. While the fire [burn] everything
on its way, many animals like deer, raccoons, bears and birds [try] _o escape, but we knew
that most of them [die] in the runaway. 1 [feel] sorry and sad. The next day 1
[take] ___________ a shower at my new home stay, when 1 [hear] on TV that uncle Tom's
house was completely burned down. 1 [have] ________ to return to Mexico earlier than 1 expected, but
1 [learn] __ ----- something important from that experience: huma ns are responsible for disasters
like this, so the next time you are having a pic-nic in the mountains, don't leave any fire spark out there.
Consequences can be dangerous!
" O : : > I X 2 [ ! 1 l
Solicita e intercambia 1 Utilizacin del
informacin, de forma oral conocimiento.
y escrita, referente a las
tareas del hogar y activida- 1 Comprensin.
des escolares de personas
de su edad. 1 Comprensin.
Realiza solicitudes y da 1 Utilizacin del
1nstrucc1ones en contextos conoc1m1ento.
familiares y distingue
entre el uso del registro
para instruccin firme y el
registro de solicitud amable.
Identifica y comprende
datos especficos en
un texto, oral o escrito,
referente a las tareas del
hogar que los jvenes de su
edad realizan en diferentes
Utiliza los verbos
compuestos y los modales
para hacer solicitudes y dar
Actividades del
)) Verbos
(Phrasal Verbsl.
)) Modales para
hacer solicitudes:
may, can, could.
)) Pronombres
objetivos: me,you,
him, her, it, us,
)) Mantiene una actitud
respetuosa hacia la
interculturalidad y la diversidad
de creencias, valores, ideas y
prcticas sociales, al momento
de describir actividades que
realizan sus compaeros y
compaeras de la escuela.
)) Identifica e interpreta la idea
general y posible desarrollo de
un mensaje oral o escrito en una
lengua extranjera, recurriendo
a sus saberes previos sobre las
tareas domsticas y actividades
escolares de personas de su edad
en diferentes entornos sociales.
)) Se comunica en una lengua
extranjera mediante un
discurso lgico, oral o escrito,
congruente con la situacin
)) Emplea estrategias de
aprendizaje autnomo, a
travs de las tecnologas de la
informacin y comunicacin
para obtener informacin de
las formas gramaticales del
)) Produce textos con base en
el uso normativo de la lengua,
considerando la intencin y
situacin comunicativa, as
como los elementos formales
del lenguaje [puntuacin,
ortografa, sintaxis. coherencia
y cohesin].
: a J J n o s
Grammar point:
Phrasal verbs, Review of parts of speech.
Everyday activities.
Learning strategies:
Reading skills - skimming [identifying the
In this block we are going to use 5 important parts of speech
- the elements that build written and spoken communication.
You will briefly learn about them, and then you will use them
during the whole block.
Words that represent actions or states.
Run, eat, go, understand, write, feel
Words used to name people, places, things, ani-
mals, or abstract ideas.
House, Osvaldo, tree, moon, pencil, love, inflation
Words that take place of nouns serving as a subject
in the sentence.
1, you, he, she, we
Words that substitute nouns serving as the object
of a verb in the sentence.
Me, her, him, us, you
Words that indicate direction, position, possession
or intention.
To, for, back, along, at, of
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oU "!;.- You
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ldentify the different parts of speech you have read about in the chart above.
Cirde using the foltowing colors:
Blue for Verbs.
Yellow for Prepositions.
Red for Subjectl?r-onouns
Green for
Orange for Nouns
Write down the words from above into their appropriate category below

exercise, to be successful,
solve a problem
consume all of something,
out of energy and tired
,at ttie flext imag,e; you will find out what a
is; !n Verbswill be un-
*1i}kbpossife gisco\Zer t?e meaning of
rnstofthernin the context! the,complex ones vvill be
A ti pe of verb that may not have a literal mean-
ing. Phrasal Verbs in English to be ex-
pressions used in informal situations.
refuse or deny
Bring up
raise a convensational
topic, to raise a child
cease to function, sepa-
rate into sections
Turn up
appear unexpectedly,
crease (volume]
Write the words from the image in the right column.
Phrasal Verbs seem to be a difficultthing to lear:n, butwith
the next explanations you will nQtice. that.t is not Most of
them have a simple meaning, as the following .o.nes:
Run away Escape
Hold on Wait
Find out Discover
Get back Retur::n
Look up Search
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en Puno.Je l/lJM
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;s; .. "'

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Photographer: mack2happy
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
1. On Sundays, 1 never rise from my bed until around 11 a.m.
1 get up l
2. Do you have a good relationship with Osvi?
[ get a long with l
3. Don't go, wait forme.
[ hold on ]
4. Come and take me to the school.
( pick me up l
Now read about how Osvi and Marti begn their weeks.
wake up at 7:00 am and turn the alarm off. 1 get out of bed
quckly and go down the stars; My mom yells at me to hur-
.DLJ:!.Q n the shower shower and 1 put on my unform. lf we
run out of milk 1 go to the store to look for a carton. After 1
drnk t !JP..t l lock up the house and go out to school; f t's late 1
run to catch up to the bus. When 1 don't get nto class on time,
the teacher always gves me a tongue lashng. Out of all my
classes, English s my favorte. Mr. Sanchez works out teach-
ng. 1 can't wat for break: t s the tme when 1 go around the
school havng a good tme wth my friends. 1 get oll_1: of school
at 2:00 pm. When 1 get back home 1 fll out the exercises of my
Gua Didctica. At 9:00 pm 1 get ready for the next day, so l'm
ready to start over.
m !JP at 7:00 am and 1 dsconnect the alarm. 1 rse quckly
and descend the stars; 1 take a quick shower and 1 wear
my unform. lf there s no more milk 1 go to the store ~
a carton. After 1 drink t 1 close the house and 9Q to school; f
it's late 1 run to catch the bus. When 1 don't get to the class
on time, the teacher always scolds me. Out of all my classes,
Englsh s my favorite. Mr. Sanchez is a very good teacher. 1
expect the break to start: t s the t me when 1 roam the school
havng a good t me wth my frends. l leave the school at 2:00
pm. When 1 return home 1 complete the exercises of my Gua
Ddactca. At 9:00 pm 1 prepare my stuff for the next day, so
l'm ready to begin a new day.
As you can see, both of them express the same ideas
in different ways. Osvi uses Phrasal Verbs and Marti
regular ones.
Discuss the differences with your teacher and classmates.
Sorne verbs can take various prepositions.
a long
For you to understand better: various prepositions may
totally change the meaning of the same one verb. Join-
ing it, prepositions create new independent and differ-
ent in meaning Phrasal Verbs.
LJ+1M 5uow
J 3/\Q
'' '<<-".'_,,,;:,,'-',, ;
of tnese PnrasalVerbs;
(efl; aelfnrn out. . . .
Forma circle around the teacher.
Teacher will say the verbs aloud; you will have to act the
lf the teacher says, GET AWAY! you have to get away from
Go on until you finish all the verbs.
Photographer: ddpavumba
Source: www.freedigitalphotos.net
'' ' '
$o far, !;>o<goO:d? Do you atready recognize Phrasal
Vetbs and. their usage?
Look for sorne images that ft into the right category
and complete thf cha.rt
A presentation
Whenl'm late
An exam
Biting your nails
My younger brother I sister
An admission form
1 forgotthe book
The airport
Tennis shoes
My boyfriend I girlfriend
.. Phrasal.Yerbs . and
answer frorpthe Ust according.to the.
A day you don't have to wake A place where you
up early: hang out with your friends:
A paper you hand in to the A party that you have to dress
teacher: up far:
A messy area you can clean
A situation when you can
make upa story:
An unknown word that you A vehicle you can
need to look up in the diction- get off:
Something you have been
Footwear you try on:
looking far these days:
1 Somebody you
1 break up with:
An application you
fill out:
Clothing you can pick up at the assignment you bring
dry cleaner's: m to class:
The cityyou
j grewup in:
A teacher you
get along with:
A habit you should
give up:
l A family member
sometimes look after:
yo u
A location where planes take A reason you get back
off: home in the morning:
Do you find tists useful? Why? / Why not? Are you the
kind of person .who rnakes lists? lf so, what kinds of
things do you put on your.lists? Readwhat these five
persons write on their lists.
OS.VI: School assignments and when 1 have to hand them in.
MARTI: Words 1 don't know so 1 can lookthem .!J.Q later.
ELI: Books 1 have borrowed from my friends so that
Lpouldremember tO give
--___,<:,' :,, '>,,'>\'.,:,\ >
ARMI: and the exact time.pe.ople are gongtopickme
YQ ar l'm goingto pkkdhem .!J.Q,
ROSldnteresting lntetnet sites, so that 1 could check them out.
'< :: ':">:' ,J , 'O , : '" '., :< ,,,
;'hetk!he To each of the meanings belowwrite
itsPhr'asal Verbfrom t.he text:
1. return
2. deliver / give to the teacher ............................................................................ .
3. investigate
4. collect / get a person .......................................................................................... .
5. discover the meaning
Look at the Phrasal verbs on the previous page and an-
swer the questions.
1. What is the position of the pronouns (them, me] in the sentence?
2. When you use a noun, does it have to come between the two parts of the verb, or can it also be placed
after the two parts?
Of the following sentences, which are correct? Which
ones are incorrect? Why?
Throw it away. Throw the paper away.
Cross Osvaldo off the lis t. Cross him off.
Pick up Rosalinda. Pickup her.
Unscramble these words to make sentences. When need-
ed, write both variants of placing the pronoun/noun.
1. in/ Hand / your / homework / now
2. up / look / that word / l'm going to
3. up / at six /her/ Pick
Throw away it. Throw away the paper.
Cross off her. Cross off Elizabeth.
Pick Martin up. Pick him up.
1. Don't forget to give back
the book.
2. We're picking up Armando
at the bus station
3. l'm going to drop Volita off
at her house.
4. Why don't you check out
this website?
1. Pick her up at 7.
2. Turn it off.
3. Put it on.
4. Plug them in.
lf they have a meaning puta
Rewritethe sentencesusirig a pronoun to replace. the
nqun i!l . J'.l"l,IY, ch rige the of
sorne words,
Don't forget to give it back
Rewrite these sentences, substifuting the pronouns in
boldwith theappropriate nouns of your choiGe.
F"orm new Phrasal Verbs combining the verbs with
all the prepositions. Look them !!Q in a dictionary and
check if they have a meaning or not.
if they don't, put an
after at away i down 1 for in off on out up
l:.oqk atlhe example:
" "
" "
" " "
" "

ti:le meapif19S verbs you found.
Jorge Luis Borges. Escr-itor universal
Creci en un hogar bilinge, hablando ingls y castellano. El autor sigui aprendiendo nuevos idiomas durante su vida.
h tt p ://oye b o rg es. b lo g sp o t. m x/2011/O6/l os-idioma s-d e-b o rg es. h t m l
http://www.a bcdesevilla. es/M edia/2011 06/13/borges.j pg- -644x400.J PG
Grammar point:
Object pronouns, subject pronouns.
Language Acquisition Targets:
Speaking skills [applying the grammar
Let's remember!
O: What is a pronoun?
O: What are the different types of pronouns?
O: What is an object pronoun?
yo u
he him
she her
it it
we us
yo u yo u
they them
Mark Did His Homework
Laura Loves Julio.
Who does the action? Who receives the action?
Object Pronouns:
[me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them] serve as the object of a verb.
yo u yo u
he him
she her
it it
w yo u
yo u us
they 1 1 them
In English, put them after the verb.
Therefore, if we re place the nouns with pronouns in the previ-
ous sentences:
Subject Pronoun VERB (action) Object Pronoun
HE [Mark] did IT [his homework]
SHE [Laura] Loves HIM [Julio]
Telcher yvill relc:i the l.lQ4c:I, tryJg
the correct.wordtoft in the Jher, ifyou bYeo t.he
con:ettanswer in your grd, m?rk Youwin game
if you get. three iorrn(:t answetsJo .l row. Dfac;ss tfie .
;orrect answer$. with the class.
1st person
1 1
1 1 kicked the ball. 1 me
I John kicked the ball to
2nd person You like to study.
John wants to talk to
yo u you
3rd person [male] He He eats green cheese. him Mary doesn't like him.
3rd person [femalel She She likes ice cream. 1 her 1 John kissed her.
3rd person [non-
lt lt is very bright. 1 it 1 John smashed it.
1st person We
We enjoy going to the I
1 The politician lied to us. . us
2nd person 1 you
I You are the best stu-
yo u 1 wouldn't lie to you.
3rd person 1 they 1 They are not happy. them Mary didn't invite them.
Replace nouns by pronouns and pronouns bynouns
where possible. Rewrite the sentences.
He told you to come tonight.
She asked him for help.
They visited her when they carne to the city.
She bought it at the store.
He picked us up at the airport.
The teacher asked you to finish your homework.
1 invited them to a party.
Circle the correct answer .
. The teacher always gives the students homework.
1 am reading the book to my little sister.
3. The boys are riding their bikes.
4. My father is writing a letter to John.
5. 1 don't know the answer.
6. Sally is going with Anne.
7. Open the window, please.
8. Can you tell the tourists how to get to the airport,
yo u
9. The books are for Peter.
10. Can you help my sister and me, please?
Do you like cats? l love
Dan likes Peter but Vicky hates
Jimmy is bad at Physics. l'm very good at
Mary likes this book very much. Could you give it to ?
Don't ask . 1 don't know.
John! Where are you? 1 can't see
My mum laves my brother and me. She laves
1. We/Us usually see they/them in winter.
2. l/Me write to she/her everyday.
He/Him loves her/she very much but she/her doesn't love he/him.
Please, don't wait for she/her.
Do you like he/him?
FiUirrthe prnouns.
Who's that woman? Why are you looking at
Do you know that man? Yes, 1 work with
Where are the tickets? 1 can't find
We're going out. You can come with
1 can't find my keys. Where are
1 don't like dogs. l'm afraid of
Mary likes music. plays the piano.
l'm talking to you. Please listen to
Where is Ana? 1 want to talk to
: a J J n o s
a q J a 4 5 : J a 4 d e J 6 0 0 4 d
Grammar point:
Modal verbs
Vocabulary for permissions, requests in
formal and informal situations.
Language acquisition targets:
Speaking skills [applying the grammarl.
Take a look at each modal verb introduction.
Hey there! l'm CAN; l'm used for expressing ability and possibility affir-
matively or negatively. l'm easy-going; 1 help you in informal situations to
ask for oermission or make
Hello! How do you do? My name is COULD; use me for asking for per-
mission, making requests, giving suggestions are more polite and some-
times formal. 1 also serve you to indicate future possibility or ability in
present or past events.
Hi, WOULD you like to know what 1 do? lf you want to be polite and sound
well-mannered use me to ask for permission, make requests, arrange-
ments and invitations. 1 also help you to ask about people's desires.
Greetings! With me it is possible for something to happen, but not for
sure. You always use me for asking for permission to do something, like
when you ask your tea e her to let you enter the class:
"MAY 1 come in, please?"
We can't speak Mazateco.
Can 1 turn the TV on?
Can you help me, please?
Could you lend me your dictionary?
Could you repeat it?
We could try to fix the TV ourselves.
1 think we could finish the work today.
She could go with us yesterday.
Would you mind if 1 bring a friend to the party?
Would you pass me the salt please?
1 would like an ice cream.
Would it be good if 1 pick you up at seven?
Would you like to join us to go to the beach?
May 1 come in, please?
You are informal when you talk to your classmates, friends
or your brothers/sisters. In this case you don"t need to use
fancy language or speak with polite structures.
On the contrary, to be formal, you have to use an appropri-
ate way to express yourself. Being polite and well-mannered
is a "must do/be thing when you ask for a piece of advice to
elderly peo ple, ask your teacher for permission or when ask-
ing your boss for a raise.
The use of these modal verbs is according to the context, it
mea ns, you"ll apply them differently, it will depend on who you
are talking to, how, when and where.
*Carry Out means To Practice
Carrying out!*

the peopl, Morethanone) isposs:Hef .
:- ; __'.:,>'-; -"'- -:-,,,- --'- ,,_, -.:. --); !>.-"' >"- ,";--,.'>'/,;', "-<.:.e<,:''"';- , ''." ___>- '
1. brothers and sisters
2. parents
3. close friends
4. teachers
5. strangers
6. store employee
7. older peo ple
8. taxi drivers
9. other relatives
1 O. classmates
Complete the conversations with may 1, could 1, or can l.
More than one answer is possible.
You at the shoe store .
. Salesperson: help you?
Customer: Yes, J'd like to look at those shoes.
You and your friend are asking each other to do something.
You: open the window? lt's hot in here.
Friend: Sure.
Friend: borrow your notes? 1 missed the class.
You: No problem.
A teenager is asking his/her parents for permission.
Teenager: borrow the car tonight?
Dad: What for?
Child: have another cookie?
Mom: Wait until after dinner.
Write questions with may l, could 1, or can l.
1. You want to borrow your brother/sister favorite ten nis shoes. Ask him/her.
2. You want to turn on the TV. Your aunt is in the room reading a book. Ask your aunt.
3. You want to come late to class next week because you have a doctor's appointment. Ask your teacher.
- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - -
4. You're at the school cafeteria and want to order three quesadillas and a champurrado. Give the waiter
your order.
5. You ran out of credit on your cell phone, and you need to call your mom. Ask your best friend to use his.
--"-- ..---------" --- - --------------------- -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - -----
6. You're applying to get a part-time job and you need a reference from one person. Ask your English
------------------------------------------ - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

., .. .. .

Can 1 open the window?
Oh, 1 am sorry but it is too noisy outside and 1 have a headache.
Things to talk about:
1. Having breakfast at the table, ask your brother to:
a. pass the salt to you.

b. get you sorne more ju ice.
2. Ask your teacher to:
a. give you another example.
b. speak slowly.

e.check if your pronunciation is good.
3. Ask your grandmother to:
a. come visit you soon.
b. tell you about when she was young.
4. Ask a stranger on the street to:
a. tell you where the City Hall is.
b. tell you the time.
Write if the modal verb is used correctly (Cl or incor-
rectly (1). Can you explain the mistakes?
. May you help me?
Would you lend me your book?
Can you come over tonight?
Could 1 see the photos?
Would 1 have a glass of water, please?
May 1 turn on the light?
Can 1 ask you a question?
May you finish the report today?
Could you put your clothes away?
Would 1 call you back in a few minutes?

ldentify if the statements and questions refer to ability,
pE;!rmission, request or possibility.
1. Laura can help you. She understands the homework.
2. May 1 borrow your bike?
3. She could speak French when she lived in Pars.
4. Could you repeat the question?
5. Osvi may join us later.
6. Can 1 go with you?
7. They could be stuck in traffic.
8. They can't sing very well.
Use the Phrasal Verbs seen in this block in session 1.
A. Circle the right choice.
1. Could you pick up me/ pick me up at ni ne tomorrow?
2. Would you check up /out this number forme please?
B. Make requests.
1. throw away the empty bottles [informal]
2. plug in the stereo, please [formal, polite]
3. take off your muddy shoes [informal]
OS Jack C. with Jonathan HU
Susan PROCTOR, &
1 English Competencies
O. Progreso Editorial.
resente-simple en-ingles-les-

0 8 0 8 9 . d ' 8
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. .

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