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Biology Essentials- Reproductive Isolation and Speciation Guided Viewing Worksheet

1: What happened with iane odd and the !ruit !lies" #ow did she create reproductive isolation" Diane Dodd took two groups of fruit flies one she fed them just starch the other she fed them just maltose. Even though these two groups were in the same jar they refused to breed so what she created was reproductive isolation which is the first component you need to create brand new species. $: What is the de!inition a species" A group of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. %: What are the two &ain types o! 'arriers in reproductive isolation" The two main types of barriers are geographic (were the population is isolated) and pre (before fertili ation) and post! ygotic barrier (after fertili ation). (: What is gene !low" What is reproductive isolation" "eproductive isolation is the barriers that prevent reproduction this makes one specie not have gene flow. #o genes can$t mi% with another population which leads to species that have the inability to breed. ): What is geographic isolation" *Give an e+a&ple,&s when there is an isolation in the population due to where they e%ist. .: What is allopatric speciation" *give an e+a&ple, 'atric means homeland. Allopatric is when you have two groups that have different lands or they live in different lands. An e%ample is the medal arcs we had them in (orth America) but during the ice age they broke the medal arcs into two populations. /: What is sy&patric speciation" *give an e+a&ple, #ympatric is when they live in the same land. An e%ample includes plants) in plants there can be a mistake in the number of chromosomes that they have so they can$t interbreed anymore. 0: What is peripatric1parapatric speciation" *give an e+a&ple, An e%ample are elephants there are different elephants. 'eripatric*parapatric is when an animal e%plores a different area. 2: What are pre-3ygotic 'arriers" 4a&e the types o! pre-3ygotic 'arriers *e+plain each,*5e&poral6 7echanical6 Behavioral,

A ygo is an egg that$s been fertili ed by a sperm. These + types of isolation are all things that occur before the ygo is formed. 5e&poral- &f you mi% an American todd and a fowlers todd they will interbreed. ,ut they both breed at different time of the year. 7echanical- #pecies of snails that live right ne%t to each other may look the same) but they don$t interbreed because they$re se% parts can$t get togther. Behavioral- -estern medal arc and Eastern .edal arc they were separated during the ice age stage. They don$t interbreed because they attract mates through their songs. The songs have separated though. 18: What are post-3ygotic 'arriers" 4a&e the types o! post-3ygotic 'arriers- give e+a&ples*9ygote 7ortality6 #y'rid Sterility, 'ost! ygotic barriers is after the egg has been fertili ed. 9ygote 7ortality- "eefs sperm is transferred from one coral to another it$ll fertili e the egg make a ygo) but that ygo immediately dies. #y'rid Sterility- /orses and donkeys fertili e the egg and create a brand new offspring that$s called a mule. 11: What is polyploidy" What happens" Where is this co&&on" 'olyploidy is an e%ample of very fast specification where there is a mistake in the chromosome number so we go from a diploid organism to a tretraploid organism. -hat happens is this organism can$t interbreed with the normally diploid organism and so you eventually have brand new species forming. 1$: What is the theory o! :unctuated E;uili'riu&" That speciation occurs not gradually over time) but very 0uickly. #o there is some kind of change in the environment that forces speciation to occur.

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