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Freedom of expression


Dossier: the closure of Ateak Ireki


On November 13, the High Court ordered the closure of Ateak Ireki media, attacking freedom of expression. We believe that there are some questions whose answers you must know:
1. What is Ateak Ireki? 2. What has Ateak Ireki achieved in the past 3 years? 3. Why has the Spanish National Court ordered to close down Ateak Ireki? 4. How are we going to face such an attack to the freedom of speech?

Dossier about the closure of Ateak Ireki


Freedom of expression

What is Ateak Ireki? Ateak Ireki, which literally means Open the Doors, is a Basque media focused on delivering news over the Internet and social networks. It was born in January 2011 after the Spanish National Court closed down the website Apurtu.org. At that time, Navarre journalists issued a declaration supporting Apurtu.org and claimed respect for freedom of speech and information. In addition, these journalists stressed that this type of media must have a place in the current context. That is why Ateak Ireki was created, in order to allow social movements have a say, and as a means of expression for those that are marginalised in the big media.
Protest against education cuts

Strike of May 30, 2013

What has Ateak Ireki achieved in the past 3 years? Ateak Ireki has covered the activities of social, political, and unions movements that support social transformation. We have provided many people with the opportunity to speak up: those protesting over the economic crisis; those that lost their jobs or homes; those that have suffered state violence or police brutality; those hundreds of kilometres away from their homes, and those travelling to visit them. We have also spread demands for popular celebrations and parties; for a state-funded, free, Basque, and universal education. We have actively denounced and reported corruption cases associated to Caja de Ahorros de Navarra and Government of Navarre. We have approached those protesting against the destruction of Mother Nature, and have interviewed activists accused of civil disobedience. We have informed about feminist initiatives, about the right of abortion, or about sexist and homophobe assaults. We have been the loudspeaker for young movements and have informed about internationalist activities and struggles. We have allowed our elders have their say in the ght for decent pensions. We have covered initiatives against racism and for an intercultural society. We have witnessed key events in Navarre in the past few years: the so-called popular walls, the action with the ikurria in the txupinazo, general strikes, student protests, the 15M movement, Bildus legalisation, ETAs announcement of ceasere, releases of Basque political prisoners etc. Ateak Ireki has worked alongside other popular media in the Basque Country, as we believe a combined effort is required to make the world aware of what is going on in this small land. And, this way we have achieved big things.

Initiative for an end of the dispersion of Basque political prisioners

Nafarroa Bizirik (Navarra Alive) mural for recovery of historical memory 1512-2012

Antifascist protest

Popular Wall to avoid arrest of Luis Goi

Freedom of expression


Dossier: the closure of Ateak Ireki

Intervention of the feminist movement

Popular Walls music video

Journalists and dozens of members of different social organizations, unions and politics denounced Ateak Irekis closing and have shown their solidarity with the media

Why has the Spanish National Court ordered to close down Ateak Ireki?

The Spanish National Court, just by a 3-page-long decree in which no specic accusations are made, states that we are part of the movement Herrira and has ordered to shut down Ateak Ireki. Even though the decree is appealable indeed, we are going to appeal we are already suffering its consequences. The majority of telephone companies have blocked access to our website, and have ordered the removal of our Facebook and Twitter proles. In addition, they have ordered that our website and contents be removed forever. We consider this is a serious attack to the freedom of expression and information. And so do a number of journalists, media, social and political movements, and trade unions in the Basque Country and the rest of the world. This has sparked outrage in social media, and we have received many messages of solidarity and protest. But what people are really wondering is what the reason behind this is. And the answer is clear: they want to silence dissenting voices. They do not want the work carried out by social movements to be spread on the web, as they only accept freedom of expression and information when adjusted to their interests. Ateak Ireki is not part of Herrira. Ateak Ireki is a tool for popular movements, as we represent an accessible media for them, always willing to meet their needs and full their requests. That is why Ateak Ireki is so important for people, and that is why it is essential that we maintain our space among Basque media.

Social protest

March for ikurria and democratic rights

Bike march for Basque

1.Anticapitalist protest

Dossier about the closure of Ateak Ireki


Freedom of expression

How are we going to face such an attack to the freedom of speech?

outh movements camping

Ateak Ireki has appealed the decision, although we do not trust Spanish justice, because, in practice, our media has been shut down, as it was previously done with Egin, Egunkaria, Ardi Beltza, Apurtu etc. But, particularly, we are focusing our efforts on organising a wide response against this abuse. For that reason we have developed a manifesto so that people related to the world of media and communication journalists, writers, etc. can adhere and show their support. This is the manifesto: I am in favour of freedom of expression and information and, consequently, I am against closing down Ateak Ireki: (each signer can add appropriate comments as desired).

Act in favor of the rights of Basque political prisoners

This way we want to make sure people from a wide variety of ideologies feel comfortable by showing their support to Ateak Ireki, because the point is not to agree with our editorial line or ideology. Instead, the key issue is to defend that all of us have the right to exist, and that media cannot be closed down as if we were living under a dictatorship. That is why we encourage you to email us your text, photo, or video following the aforementioned structure to ateakirekiaurrera@gmail.com In addition, we have created a Twitter account @AteakAurrera and a blog www.ateakirekiaurrera.wordpress.com, where we will post every support we receive. On the other side, the rest of the people can show your support in different ways: 1. We are organising a meeting next Saturday November 11th at 7:00pm at City Hall Square in Iruea 2. You can give your opinion, either personal or on behalf of your organisation, by showing your support next Saturday or by writing an opinion article in a newspaper 3. You can collaborate by spreading this dossier 4. You can download the poster and put them in the streets of your neighbourhood or town

Retirees and pensioners protest against cuts

Police intervention in the strike of September 29, 2012

Many thanks for your support!

Protest against cuts in public services

This attack to the freedom of speech and information must not go unpunished, and all together we must take action and ensure popular movements nd their say on the web. Mila esker guztiei!

Initiative for the right to abortion

Freedom of expression


Dossier: the closure of Ateak Ireki

Newspaper library
Diario de Noticias: La Audiencia Nacional decreta el cierre de la pgina web Ateak Ireki http://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/2013/11/14/politica/navarra/la-audiencia-nacional-decreta-el-cierre-de-la-pagina-web-39ateak-ireki39 La AN decreta el cierre de la web y los perles de Twitter y Facebook de Ateak ireki http://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/2013/11/13/politica/la-an-decreta-el-cierre-de-laweb-y-los-perles-de-twitter-y-facebook-de-ateak-ireki Ateak Ireki rechaza el cierre de su pgina web, que calica de ataque a la libertad de expresin e informacin http://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/2013/11/13/politica/ateak-ireki-rechaza-el-cierrede-su-pagina-web-que-calica-de-ataque-a-la-libertad-de-expresion-e-informacion Ateak Ireki busca apoyos contra la decisin de la AN de cerrar su web por pertenecer a Herrira http://www.noticiasdenavarra.com/2013/11/15/politica/navarra/ateak-ireki-analiza-sirecurrir-el-auto-de-cierre-de-su-web-y-convoca-una-concentracion-en-pamplona-contra-ladecision Naiz.info La Audiencia Nacional espaola decreta el cierre de Ateak Ireki http://www.naiz.info/eu/actualidad/noticia/20131113/la-audiencia-nacional-espanoladecreta-el-cierre-de-ateak-ireki Sortu, EA y Aralar rechazan el cierre de Ateak Ireki http://www.naiz.info/eu/actualidad/noticia/20131113/sortu-ea-y-aralar-rechazan-elcierre-de-ateak-ireki Ateak Irekiren itxiera salatu du eragile ugarik, eta erantzuteko konpromisoa agertu http://www.naiz.info/eu/actualidad/noticia/20131115/eragile-ezberdinekin-itxierarenerantzunaz-mintzatuko-da-ateak-ireki Ateak Ireki: ventana abierta de una sociedad convulsa y combativa http://www.naiz.info/eu/actualidad/noticia/20131113/ateak-ireki-ventana-abierta-deuna-sociedad-navarra-convulsa-y-combativa Info7 irratia Ateak Ireki, hamaika borroken ahotsa http://www.info7.com/2013/11/14/ateak-ireki-hamaika-borroken-ahotsa/ Pitu [Ateak Ireki]: Antes quemaban libros y ahora cierran pginas web http://www.info7.com/2013/11/14/pitu-ateak-ireki/ Ateak Ireki isteko aginduari buruzko saio berezia http://www.info7.com/2013/11/13/ateak-ireki-isteko-aginduari-buruzko-saio-berezia/

Dossier about the closure of Ateak Ireki


Freedom of expression

Berria Ateak Ireki ixteko agindu du Auzitegi Nazionalak, Herrira-rekin lotu ondoren http://paperekoa.berria.info/harian/2013-11-14/007/001/_Ateak_Ireki_itxita.htm Ateak Ireki-ren itxiera salatzeko, azaroaren 23an Iruean biltzera deitu dute http://www.berria.info/albisteak/85817/ateak_ireki_ren_itxiera_salatzeko_azaroaren_23an_iruean_biltzera_deitu_dute.htm Ateak Ireki-ko kideek beste proiektu bat abiaraziko dute http://www.berria.info/albisteak/85776/ateak_ireki_ko_kideek_beste_proiektu_bat_ abiaraziko_dute.htm Ateak itxi http://paperekoa.berria.info/iritzia/2013-11-14/005/002/ateak_itxi.htm Komunikazio proiektu berri bat abian jarri asmo dute Ateak Ireki-ko arduradunek http://paperekoa.berria.info/harian/2013-11-16/012/002/_Ateak_ireki_-ren_alde.htm Baliabideak jarri beharko dira herri mugimendua sarean entzunarazteko http://paperekoa.berria.info/harian/2013-11-15/008/002/_Ateak_Ireki_herri_mugimenduaren_bozgorailua_izan_da_.htm Kaos en la Red Es inadmisible que con un auto de 3 pginas la AN pueda cerrar un medio http://www.kaosenlared.net/component/k2/item/73854-es-inadmisible-que-con-unauto-de-3-p%C3%A1ginas-la-an-pueda-cerrar-un-medio.html Argia http://www.argia.com/ateak-ireki EITB Ateak ireki webgunea ixtea agindu du Auzitegi Nazionalak http://www.eitb.com/eu/albisteak/politika/osoa/1747992/ateakirekicom-itxiera--webguneak-eta-prolak-ixtea-agindu-du-ank/ ANren aurrean erabat babes gabe dagoela salatu du Ateak Irekik http://www.eitb.com/eu/albisteak/politika/osoa/1753310/ateak-ireki--anren-babesgabe-dagoela-salatu-dute/ La Audiencia Nacional ordena el cierre de la web Ateak Ireki http://www.eitb.com/es/noticias/politica/detalle/1747824/cierre-ateakirekicom-herrira--la-an-ordena-cerrar-webs-perles/ El diario Vasco Ateak Ireki denuncia su posible clausura judicial http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20131114/politica/ateak-ireki-denuncia-posible20131114.html Extremadura Progresista El Estado Espaol y la censura en Internet http://www.extremaduraprogresista.com/libre/40-libre-opinion/17961-el-estado-espanol-y-la-censura-en-internet

Freedom of expression


Dossier: the closure of Ateak Ireki

Rebelin La Audiencia Nacional ordena el cierre de un peridico digital vasco http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=176860 La Marea La Audiencia Nacional ordena el cierre de un peridico digital vasco http://www.lamarea.com/2013/11/13/la-audiencia-nacional-ordena-el-cierre-de-un-periodico-digital-vasco/ Diario.es Ateak Ireki analiza si recurrir el auto de cierre de su web y convoca una concentracin en Pamplona contra la decisin http://www.eldiario.es/politica/Ateak-Ireki-recurrir-concentracion-Pamplona_0_ 197030458.html Diagonal La Audiencia Nacional ordena el cierre de la web Ateak Ireki https://www.diagonalperiodico.net/libertades/20721-la-audiencia-nacional-ordena-cierre-ateak-ireki.html Xorroxin Irratia http://www.xorroxinirratia.info/mp3/ateak%20ereki%2011.mp3 Euskalerria Irratia Miguel Angel Llamas (Ateak Ireki): Webgune bat ixten badigute, beste bat zabalduko dugu http://euskaler-cp71.wordpresstemporal.com/?p=1116844 Eguzki Irratia http://www.eguzki.net/2013/11/14/pasealeku-del-jueves-14-11-2013/ Ttanttakun Irratia http://ttanttakun.com/2013/11/taosa-3-5-ateakireki-com Videos

Inadmisible que con 3 pginas la AN pueda cerrar un medio de comunicacin http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=cLT6iwrIEiw

Eskerrik asko zuen elkartasunagatik!! http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5XeKBmGMgjs

Por qu han ordenado el cierre de Ateak Ireki? http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=kc6f4kMDcJ0

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