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✍From the Word

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To all Pastors, Bible Teachers, Ministers of the Word and Church



All Scripture is given by inspiration of the Almighty,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of the Almighty may be perfect,
thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 KJV adjusted)

According to this verse, ALL Scripture is profitable not only for doctrine -
Scriptural teaching regarding a certain subject - but also for correction.
Correction, not only in the sense of correcting us if we do wrong, but
also to correct wrong doctrine. If we find scripturally that we have held
onto wrong doctrines, (doctrines of demons) then Scripture will also
correct us regarding error. When we are corrected by Scripture with
regard to doctrines held in error, then our responsibility is to embrace
the correct doctrine and reject the wrong doctrine. If we allow the Spirit
through the Scriptures to correct us, then Scripture - with regard to that
doctrine - has been profitable for correction.

What would you do, if one day as you were studying the Word, you
came across or received a revelation of a doctrine which had been
completely neglected throughout your experience as a student of
Scripture. A doctrine, which had been briefly touched upon as of interest

value only, and then had literally been relegated not only to the back
seat, but also to the forgotten archives of Christendom.

When you noticed it the first time, it was no big deal. But somehow the
Spirit would not allow you to just push it aside as of little importance.
You start delving more deeply into this doctrine, and as you do, it begins
to dawn on you (under the guidance of the Spirit) that this isnʼt just a
minor and inconsequential teaching. It begins to take on such deep
significance that you become really afraid and try to do everything you
can to lay it aside.

Afraid, because you begin to realize that this revelation is the essence
of Truth. The more you study it, the clearer you see that this is THE
foundational doctrine of the Word of the Almighty. You discover that this
is the doctrine upon which all of Scripture hinges. With shock you
realize that this revelation is the Central Theme of Scripture. If that is in
fact the case, then you know that this doctrine cannot be treated in the
same way that Christendom has treated other Scriptural doctrines, with
great respect and nominal faith, but not really having much sway in the
Christianʼs day to day walk with the Creator. If this doctrine is true, then
it will affect literally every aspect of your life. Slowly understanding
dawns. This is BIG! So big that you donʼt want anything to do with it
because knowledge carries with it responsibility. A responsibility to
share and teach what the Spirit was revealing to you.

Whenever and wherever you open the Word, this doctrine shines forth.
How is it that youʼve never seen it before? How is it that great men of
the Almighty through the centuries have not seen it? Virtually every
page is saturated with it. You try to ignore this new - or maybe it would
be more accurate to say: renewed - doctrine. But it refuses to ignore
you, or rather, it refuses to let you ignore it. It is more than just a
doctrine, it is a living thing. It has a life of its own and will not let you go!
You are constantly aware of this Living Revelation. Every waking
moment it fills your mind. Your spirit is slowly becoming saturated with
the glorious truth of it. Every verse in Scripture seems to be related to it
in some way. You cannot get away from it. It is TRUTH!

This sounds like a good theme for a novel based on Scripture, doesnʼt
it? But you know that its not just a theme youʼve imagined, it is the
Truth. This doctrine which the Spirit has been revealing to you is true.
And because it is the Truth, you have no option but to share it. The
problem is, this truth is extremely controversial. Why? If it is Scriptural,
and if it is there for all to see if only they would look at it with an open
heart and mind, why should it be so controversial?

This simple answer is that another doctrine, which is not the truth, was
sown centuries ago by the enemy for the specific purpose of destroying
the true doctrine. This other doctrine has been presumptively accepted
by the Church, and has become precious to all Christians. This doctrine
which has been accepted as absolute truth, is in actual fact a very
clever counterfeit. It was the enemyʼs most masterful stroke at the very
heart of fundamental Christianity.

Your dilemma? How to expose as absolute deception the poisonous

doctrine which has become so precious to Christians, and introduce the
true doctrine which, because of neglect and having been replaced, has
become unnatural. Because of this the true doctrine appears to be a lie
and Christians perceive it to be deception.

I started off this article with the question: What would you do? Now I
want to repeat it seriously. What would you do, my pastor friend, if
you found yourself in this situation? How does one introduce the
truth to oneʼs congregation? I am posing these questions to you
because this, which I have described to you, is my dilemma. I am not
just writing about an interesting theory here. I really find myself in this
predicament. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me what I believe to be
the central theme of Scripture. Now I am asking myself the question:
What must I do with this revelation?

There would be no problem if it were just a vague teaching which could

be interpreted in different ways. But thatʼs not the case here. This is a
KEY doctrine of Scripture - the acceptance of which unlocks other
important doctrines. It is essential to the fundamental faith of Scripture.
It cannot just be set aside. It is a confrontational doctrine which will

demand a decision from every believer. It is a doctrine lying on the
same level as every personʼs personal faith in the Saviour Himself.

What I mean by this is that just as every individual person at some

stage of his life will be confronted and will then have to choose as to
whether or not he believes the claims the Son of the Almighty made for
Himself, including that He died for the individual, so also, sooner or later
in his Christian walk, he will have to choose whether or not he believes
this essential doctrine which the Spirit is in the process of restoring all
over the world in these last days. If he believes it, then he will also have
no choice but to walk in it for the simple reason that it is the truth.

John the beloved apostle said:

I was glad when I heard that your children were walking in the truth.
(3 John 1:2)

The dilemma is that when a person starts to walk in the truth of that
revelation, persecution becomes the order of the day. The sad thing is
that this persecution originates from within the Church. It comes from
those brothers and sisters who have not accepted the revelation.

The first thing that I did was to tentatively share it with a few Christian
friends. Most of these friends became very excited, but waited to see
what their pastorʼs attitude would be to this teaching. Then I shared it
with my own pastor and with one or two other leaders of the assembly I
was attending. None of them accepted it. Certainly they agreed that the
teaching was true and was soundly based on Scripture. But they
absolutely refused to walk in this revelation because it would mean a
180° turnabout in what they had always believed and taught. It would of
necessity mean that they would have to reject the false doctrine on
which their whole Christian life had been based upon up to that time.

I was warned that I would be taken from leadership if I continued to

share this revelation. When I received this rebuff, my immediate
reaction was to leave this doctrine alone. It was the Lordʼs responsibility
anyway, not mine, I thought. This was also more or less the advice I
received from the leadership: If this is from God, He will reveal it to the

Church as a whole. At the moment it is only your revelation. That is
what I was told, and I accepted it, even though it was with some

At the time it never occurred to me that the Almighty was starting to

reveal it to different individuals in the Church throughout the world. In
our own fellowship, three of us quite independently of each other
received this revelation at the same time. I was one of those individuals.
I did not choose to be. In fact, If I was given any choice in the matter I
would have said to the Lord: “Father, I am content in my relationship
with You. Take this revelation to the Billy Grahams and Kenneth
Copelands of Christendom. They will be listened to. But not me, please
Lord. My own insignificant little fellowship will not even listen to me”.

As I was planning to set aside this revelation as best I could and go on

with my traditional Christian walk, three things happened which
changed my mind and made me realize that the Almighty did not give
me this revelation for my own sake. It was for His great Nameʼs sake. I
had the responsibility toward Him to teach what I had learned to the
Church. What they did with it had nothing to do with me.

The first thing that happened was that I received a very clear vision
about this revelation. This vision is shared in a subsequent article in this
series. Secondly, a dear sister in Messiah, who had wholeheartedly
accepted the revelation, and was walking in it, in spite of the
persecution she was undergoing in her own congregation, had a dream
about me which confirmed the vision I had had. The extraordinary thing
was that I had not even shared the vision with her.

Thirdly, I had shared the revelation with a pastor friend. He had

immediately accepted it but said that he would only use it in his
personal devotions, but would never teach it to his congregation, as it
would cause too much confusion. A week later he came back to me and
said that he had made a deeper study of the subject and was amazed
that the Bible was so full of it. This pastor was convicted by the Spirit
and he subsequently introduced it to his congregation. The result was
that that assembly received it because their pastor had received it, and

they are now walking in that revelation and are being blessed because
of it.

For these reasons I cannot keep to myself what the Spirit has been
teaching me. I must share it regardless of the consequences. This
booklet is the result of what I have learned to date with regard to this
doctrine. I believe that what I have written so far barely scratches the
surface. However, I present it to you, dear reader, with the prayer that
the Almighty would open your eyes and show you wondrous things out
of His living Word. (Psalm 119:18)

Are you curious as to what this doctrine is that I have been talking
about? I have purposely not mentioned it, because you would most
probably have said: “Oh that”, and then stopped reading, because you
are under the impression that you are holding on to the true doctrine.

The chances are that the doctrine you have always believed is the
counterfeit one, which Christianity has always presumed to be true.
With the knowledge of that possibility, and Iʼm sure youʼll agree that the
possibility exists, I would beg of you to give this teaching a fair hearing.
Ask the Spirit to lead you as you read this series of articles. After all, He
was sent to guide you into all truth. (John 16:13) He will do it.

© 2009 Johann Daniel Möller e-mail: moller.johanndaniel@gmail.com

Telephone: +27 33 345 9508 Cell phone: +27 84 039 6213

Speaking the truth in love

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