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Marian Goddard

Copyright 2013 by Marian Goddard

All rights reserved
Book One
Book Two
Book Three

And in the shi!ting o! the winds and in the "lo#ds that are pressed into servi"e betwi$t
heaven and earth% are signs !or people who "an #nderstand&'

)ebr#ary 12
*n the +ear o! O#r ,ord 13-3
T#bingen% Ger.any

T/0 BO+ 12,,03 the ro#gh blanket aro#nd his bony sho#lders and drea.ed o! hot
so#p% "on4#ring #p t#rnips and onions and "abbage% hot and peppery% his .o#th watering
in anti"ipation& /e'd already eaten the hard "heese and the two apples the driver had
given hi. yesterday and his sto.a"h a"hed with e.ptiness&
/is "heeks b#rned and his thin% !ine boned hands tre.bled !ro. the i"y dra#ght that
had settled on hi. like a grave shro#d% b#t the horses galloped on% 4olting and bo#n"ing
the wagon along the .#ddy% r#tted tra"ks&
They were not on the .ain roads& /e knew be"a#se he'd been sitting with his !a"e
pressed to the "ra"k in the wood and they'd passed no one all the days they had been
travelling& And now% as evening "ast its sole.n wintry pall like a dark shadow over the
sky% he "o#ld see no tallow5light in windows6 s.ell no hearth5!ires b#rning&
/e needed to .ake water b#t the howling o! the wolves stopped hi. "alling !or
relie!& /e "o#ld hear the. now% so.eti.es !ar o!!% so.eti.es "lose as i! they were
!ollowing& *n his !ive year old i.agination% he saw their slinking grey shadows% s.elled
their blood soaked !#r& /e p#t his hands over his eyes and then .oved the. to his ears to
stop the eerie% "#rdling so#nds&
The driver had spoken not a word sin"e giving hi. the "heese and apples and a
swallow o! bitter wine !ro. his own skin&
*t see.ed to hi. an age ago that the old .an with the long s"rawny beard and watery
eyes had li!ted hi. into the !o#l5s.elling wagon and to#sled his hair& 7)ear thee not% lad&
The .onks will take ye&8 Then he'd pointed a stern !inger at the darkly "loaked driver as
he handed over the bag o! "oins% both .en's voi"es rising in anger as they bargained !or
his !are&
/e'd s9#ashed hi.sel! into the "orner% ret"hing !ro. the stink o! rotted .eat that had
soaked into the wood all aro#nd hi.& /is !ather had not been like these two ro#gh .en&
/is !ather had been big and strong :and tender with his words&
/e re.e.bered "#rling #p in !ront o! their s.all hearth and tre.bling with
anti"ipation as !ather sp#n hi. wondro#s tales6 o! drinking tea with an e.peror atop a
painted war elephant% or riding "a.els in Arabia% a land with no water or trees& /e'd
never seen a "a.el or an elephant% "o#ldn't i.agine a land with no trees% b#t !ather had
.ade hi. la#gh at the idea o! beasts with h#.ps and giant ears and long noses% had kept
hi. war. with tales o! !araway pla"es% where the s#n b#rned the gro#nd to sand% and yo#
"o#ld only travel at night by the light o! the stars&
/e "o#ld hear the horses braying as their ears pri"ked and their nostrils "a#ght at the
s"ent o! danger& /e #nderstood their terror& /e knew what !ear was&
;hen he'd !o#nd a .agni!i"ent wonder o! nat#re and been too restless and e$"ited
to sleep% his grand.other "o#ld always !righten hi. into obedien"e with her legends o!
the nightbeasts : Abo#t how a wol!5bit"h wo#ld wat"h the ho#se and i! a "hild was
being disobedient or had !ailed to kneel be!ore bed to pray% she wo#ld steal in thro#gh an
open window or #nlo"ked "ellar and drag the .is"reant away into the night% to !eed her
own h#ngry in!ants&
Grand.a.a didn't like hi. !inding wonders o! nat#re& *t #pset her day% she said&
,ittle boys sho#ld learn their .anners and their d#ties and not "on"ern the.selves with
!ilthy ver.in and even !ilthier peasants& B#t he'd lie awake in his s.all bed by the
!ireside and try to re.e.ber the !eel o! the velvety green "aterpillar he'd !o#nd in his
shoe that .orning% it's tiny bla"k eyes shining like 4ewels% or the village "hildren sti"k
thin and starveling% their #pt#rned !a"es gri.ed with dirt% #naware o! their .atted hair
and bare !lattened !eet&
/ow he wo#ld have loved to play with those "hildren% listen to their strange
thi"kened voi"es% 4oin in their ga.es& They'd stared at hi. open .o#thed as i! he were a
bea#ti!#l bird es"aped !ro. its "age or a painted p#ppet at the .arket !air&
/e heard hi.sel! "rying !or his .other% b#t his sobs were lost in the rattling o!
harness and the beating o! hooves&
/eaven was a long way !ro. Ger.any6 his !ather had told hi. gravely when he'd
asked when she was "o.ing ho.e& *t .ight take a whole li!eti.e be!ore he saw her
A tear slid down the boy's "heek& /is .other was a distant heavenly presen"e% like
the bea#ti!#l angel stat#es he'd seen in "hapel% b#t he "o#ld still !eel !ather's ro#gh
whiskers on his !a"e% still s.ell his war. !ather s.ell&
/e wiped the tear and the .e.ory away with a shaking hand& /e was so "old and
h#ngry and his need so #rgent that he !o#nd his voi"e at last% thin and reedy over the rattle
and b#.p o! the wagon 7 <ir% please: stop=:* have to .ake water:8
A s#dden l#r"h threw hi. ba"k against the hard ben"h and the silen"e o! the "ra"king
whip told hi. his plea had been heard& 7<h#t it whelp=:<h#t yer trap or *'ll leave yer to
the dogs= ;e'll be there soon eno#gh and there'll be plenty o! oles to piss in:and hot
willin' "o"ks to keep yer war.&8 The driver's g#tt#ral la#gh e"hoed thro#gh the trees%
leaving hi. "ringing in !right&
/e didn't want a new ho.e& /e wanted his ho.e& /e wanted to be ba"k in his own
ho.e to eat hot so#p and "#rl #p like a baby in his !ather's strong% war. ar.s&
Tears began to "o#rse earnestly down his so!t "heeks now& /e didn't try to wipe the.
There was no5one in the whole world to see the.&
/e'd slept restlessly% h#nger pangs twisting his insides and t#rning !it!#l drea.s into
snat"hes o! night.are6 wol! "#bs' t#.bling and growling% !#r so!t and war.% their p#ppy
s.ell 4oyo#s in his nostrils% oversi?e paws batting play!#lly% #ntil their tiny sharp teeth
began to gnaw at his !lesh& Then the howling wolves .erged with Gran.a.a's
ad.onitions and he t#rned into .eat !or another's "hildren&
A watery light seeped in thro#gh the basketweave over his head% "asting gloo.y
shadows in the s.all spa"e& /e !elt "hilled and sore !ro. the 4o#rney and his head was
h#rting% b#t he realised then there was no rattling and b#.ping% no lightning "ra"k o! a
whip to .ake hi. 4#.p&
/e pressed his !a"e to the split in the ti.ber b#t "o#ldn't see the driver% "o#ldn't hear
the whinny o! the horses& /e p#shed away the threadbare blanket "overing his sho#lders
and "li.bed down on to the !ro?en gro#nd& /is !eet were bare and i"y pain "rept #p his
legs% .aking his knees kno"k together&
The !irst thing he saw was an abbey loo.ing #p o#t o! the .ist& /e knew it was an
abbey6 his !ather had on"e taken hi. to wat"h a pageant o#tside the walls o! a pla"e 4#st
like this% as a spe"ial +#letide treat&
/e'd sat on a high wooden ben"h eating hot roasted "hestn#ts% wrapped in a
sheepswool to keep o#t the "old& And then the play started and baby @es#s lay in his straw
in the .anger% with the wise .en in their 4ewelled robes nearby% and !ather la#ghing
when he'd begged to take his lovely blanket to give to the /oly Child% be"a#se the snow
had started to !all and he was all #n"overed&
/e "o#ld hear gentle voi"es singing% separate and yet blending together% a so!t
"o.!orting song& *t was what the .onks did to "all to God% !ather said& /e hoped that i!
the .onks were s#""ess!#l then God wo#ld see hi. too and give hi. so.ething to eat&
<#ddenly the driver's whip "ra"ked so "lose to his !a"e that he !elt it sli"e into his
"heek& 7Get ba"k whelp= *'ve to be paid a!ore * give yo# #p=8 /is eyes glinted& 73id yer
think the pittan"e * was paid was eno#ghA *! the abbot won't pay .ore% * know who
will:!er a pretty little boy like yo#&8 The harsh throaty la#gh t#rned into hawking and he
spat a gob o! greenish phleg. on the gro#nd in !ront o! the boy& 7Get yo# in=8 /e t#rned
on his short legs and str#ggled ba"k in% b#n"hing #p the blanket to press to his "heek&
And as the war. piddle soaked thro#gh his bree"hes and onto the hard wooden seat%
sha.e welled #p inside hi. like the tears standing in his pale bl#e eyes&
/e heard a .an "alling o#t and then two% a gr#!! voi"e lowered in servility%
wheedling and sn#!!ling and another's% deep and !#ll o! a#thority& /e peered again
thro#gh the "ra"ks& The driver% horsewhip "oiled in his gnarled hands% head bent in
de!eren"e% stood in !ront o! a tall .an dressed in a grey% .any pat"hed .onks habit&

73riven' all thro#gh the night * ave !ather& And the night be!ore& 2sed every bit o
.e strength to bring the littl'#n sa!ely& 1oor little .ite% only a babby& And .e with .e
own tots at o.e to !eed and ti.es is hard&8
/e "o#ldn't see the .onks !a"e as he stood ere"t and "al.% listening to the driver's
whining voi"e% b#t he heard the sharpness in his tone as he pointed an a""#sing !inger&
73o yo# think * have no eyesA * saw yo# whip the boy& And yo# have been paid
already6 else yo# wo#ld not have .ade this 4o#rney& Be gone with yo#% yo# !o#l "reat#re
or * will whip yo# .ysel!=8
The driver straightened #p and !li"ked the whip% lank grey hair !alling a"ross his
po"ked !a"e% lip "#rled into an #gly sneer& 7Bo .oney:no goods "hange hands& *'ve
a'bin two days on the road gettin' here& 1ay .e or *'ll be tekkin the "argo elsewhere&8
The .onk .oved "loser and stood towering over the driver% and his voi"e rang o#t
like a Matins bell% low and "lear in the !rosted .orning air& 7/ave yo# no sha.eA8
The .an hawked again and spat on his sandalled !eet& 7<ha.eA 3on't think * don't
know what goes on behind the. walls and yo# so high and .ightyA ;ant hi. !or
yersel! A ;ell pay: or the load'l be goin' ba"k with .e&:and *'ll get a good pri"e !er a
little .orsel like hi.&8
The .onk let o#t a "ry o! rage% sei?ed the horsewhip !ro. his hand and lashed o#t in
!#ry& The barbs "a#ght the .an below the "hin% opening the !lesh and "a#sing a sheet o!
blood to "o#rse down his ne"k and onto his dirty grey 4erkin& /e howled in pain and
reeled away&
The boy wat"hed as the .onk t#rned slowly toward hi.% still holding the handle o!
the whip% the lashes trailing li.ply on the gro#nd&
/is par"hed lips "ra"ked into a s.ile% the !irst !or .any .onths& This .an re.inded
hi. o! his !ather& The strong% deep voi"e% the s#re!ooted way he walked and the strength
in a body that "o#ld not be hidden behind a tattered robe& And white% even teeth% s.iling
o#t o! a s#n b#rned !a"e&
0verything abo#t hi. see.ed big& /e "o#ld see large% !lat !eet en"ased in ro#gh hide
sandals% a thi"k ne"k and startlingly !air hair ringed aro#nd a !reshly shaven tons#re& And
so.ething abo#t his .other too% an #nearthly gra"e he was too yo#ng to arti"#late& /e
"o#ld hear the driver "#rsing% b#t the so#nd was .#!!led and a long way o!!&
;iping the snot !ro. his nose and the tears !ro. his swollen eyes with the edge o!
the dirty blanket% he "l#t"hed his s.all leather sat"hel and waited&
There were no wolves here&
1a#l Andre de' ,ang#e !elt a s#rge o! .orti!i"ation at what he'd done to the wagon
driver& The o#trage he !elt at the vi"io#s words b#rned like a brand in his g#ts% b#t his
9#i"k and #nr#ly rea"tion had been #n!orgivable and against the r#les o! this Order& /e
"o#ld still !eel the hot blood o! anger "o#rsing thro#gh his veins6 still !eel the sweat
standing on a head he prided on keeping "ool&
/e had be"o.e #n#sed to s#"h violen"e% being "loistered these .any years% b#t he
had been no stranger to it on"e& /e "losed his eyes and asked !orgiveness !or his a"tions&
)or the sin o! pride he wo#ld answer to the Al.ighty& The abbot's anger he wo#ld deal
with later&
The .orning was "old and the gro#nd "risp with i"e as he'd "rossed the path to the
herbari#. and that's when he'd seen the driver strike o#t with his whip at a ragged
b#ndle& *t was only as he .oved "loser to the weather5beaten wagon that he saw it was a
"hild& /e tho#ght perhaps it was the .an's own and walked over to reb#ke hi. !or his
br#tality% #ntil he'd t#rned to hi. a pair o! "lo#dy% slitted eyes% the al.ost bla"k p#pils
staring .alevolently o#t o! lids "r#sted with sores% and said he'd been told the abbot
wo#ld pay hi. well to deliver the boy% as his !a.ily was o! the nobility&
*t was then that he'd seen two tear !illed bl#e eyes peeping thro#gh a gap in the
/e walked slowly toward the ba"k o! the "art .aking an e!!ort to s.ile& /e p#lled
aside the hide "overing and there% swathed in !ilthy rags and tre.bling in the !rosty air%
was a s.all% e$9#isitely bea#ti!#l boy&
A that"h o! badly "#t blonde hair% loose !itting ragged "lothes and s.all shoeless !eet
bl#e with "old did not go with the well5!or.ed !a"e% the intelligen"e evident in the so!t
bl#e eyes and the .annerly bearing& This was not a "ringing peasant "hild&
/e held o#t his hand and the boy rea"hed to to#"h his% the skin "la..y% the tiny
!ingernails edged with gri.e& A spot o! !la.ing red stood o#t on ea"h "heek% !everishness
evident as Andre held his s.all hand% s.iling en"o#rage.ent&
The whip had been "r#el& A gash ran !ro. the top o! his "heek to the botto. o! his
"hin% blood oo?ing slowly !ro. the wo#nd& B#t it wo#ld .end& *! .ias.as and !etid air
didn't penetrate the wo#nd&
Andre sh#ddered to think what else had !elt the bite o! that pitiless lash& The horses
stood beaten and "owed% their sweat "overed hides a .esh o! s"ars% so.e weeping with
p#s% eyes d#ll% breathing hard and shivering with "old& /e knew diseased ani.als like he
knew diseased people& /e'd spent .any years .inistering to the si"k& These horses had
been ridden al.ost to their death&
/e shook his head in disbelie!& ;hat wo#ld possess a .an to treat inno"ent "reat#res
soA /e looked aro#nd the di. interior& There see.ed to be no !ood or water set !or the
"hild% no war.th !or the i"y winter& +et the .an said he'd driven two days and nights
witho#t stopping !or rest&
Bot thinking to look !or telltale swellings or dis"olo#red !lesh% he gathered the s.all
b#ndle in his ar.s and "arried hi. !ro. the wagon& /e .o#nted the steps to the
in!ir.ary% wrapping the boy as best his "o#ld against the .orning "hill and nodded to
Gaspard% the apothe"ary% as their eyes .et with the #nderstanding o! long !riendship&
7Get so.ething war. brother% this "hild is near !ro?en to death&8
/e h#rried away to the kit"hen !or broth as Andre laid the boy on the nearest pallet
and "overed hi. with a "oarse woven blanket&
/e looked down into the little !a"e and the bright eyes regarded hi. steadily& 7;hat
is yo#r na.e% "hildA8 The reedy% lisping voi"e was #nwavering% the answer swi!tly given%
even as his lids !l#ttered "losed with e$ha#stion&
7Christian sir% .y !ather "alled .e Christian&8
The .onk la#ghed& 7;ell% .any o! #s are Christian% yo#ng !ellow& 3id yo#r !ather
not give yo# another also% like C#pert% or /er.ann% or Man!redA8
7<ir% .y !ather gave .e that na.e be"a#se he said * was a magnificent wonder of
nature, @#st like O#r ,ord&8 And as sleep overtook the "hild he said% so 9#ietly that he
had to bend "lose to hear 7And !ather said * was to "o.e here: and take #p the light&8
Andre's breath "a#ght in his throat and his heart began to po#nd& These last years%
alone in his "ell in the darkness% his drea.s: a s.all boy% his bright eyes bla?ing%
"arrying a bea#ti!#l% golden tor"h too heavy !or his !rail ar.s% b#t str#ggling to hold it
alo!t& Calling !or help&
Calling to hi.&
7)or 4#st a little while8 he begs& 72ntil * "an "arry it alone&8
Andre #nwrapped the !ilthy peasant rags and saw a battered sat"hel held tightly
against the bony "hest& /e pried it !ro. the thin ar.s& The boy whi.pered b#t his eyes
re.ained "losed% his s.all .o#th twit"hing& /e laid the bag aside !or now and gently
wiped his !a"e with a .#slin "loth% paying "are!#l attention to the wo#nd on his "heek&
Then he "alled to Berthilda% the washwo.an and be"koned her to the "hild's bed&
7Mistress% "o#ld yo# look to the boy !or a little whileA This poor wai! s#rely needs
the "are o! a good wo.an&8 <he leant over the s.all !ig#re in the bed and !elt the !everish
brow with her 9#i"k bony !ingers& Andre "o#ld see pain in the deep lines o! her !a"e% the
droop o! her sho#lders& /e'd known her be!ore grie! t#rned her skin grey and took the
strength !ro. her li.bs& /er last son had been lost to the po$ at the last 9#arter .oon and
sin"e then she'd ha#nted the halls like a wraith% weeping and sighing& <even "hildren
borne and all gone% her h#sband too&
7Ah% the poor little .ite% tis s#rely a loving .other's ar.s he needs& /as the "hild
no !a.ilyA8 The .onks kept her there o#t o! Christian "harity& ;o.en s#"h as she were
"o..on eno#gh in the towns% s"#ttling like rats in the dark alleys% dying o! want and
"old& The plag#e had le!t a swathe o! destr#"tion behind it as it "rawled a"ross the land%
and with their .en!olk dead and tithes and ta$es a terrible b#rden% none "o#ld spare !ood
!or a #seless .o#th&
7* know not& B#t * know that with God's will and yo#r tender "are he .ight live to be
a h#ndred&8
<he "h#"kled and showed a wide% toothless grin& 7God's willA /ah= The Al.ighty is
too b#sy reaping so#ls in these terrible ti.es&8 <he bl#shed at the blasphe.y& 7Mayhap
/e won't have the ti.e to worry abo#t this little '#nA Mayhap hot broth and a war.
blanket will have to do&8 <he "rooned a low t#ne as she bent to e$a.ine the boy%
wrinkling her nose and "l#"king in disg#st at his thin ar.s and dirty% spindly legs&

<he br#shed her hand a"ross the seeping wo#nd& 72gh% it's as i! the "hild has slept in
a .idden and lived on air& /e's a whisker away !ro. starvation% poor thing& ;hy% he "an't
be .ore than !o#r or !ive o! these dark winters past& And what has happened to hi. to get
s#"h a h#rt as thisA8 Berthilda's tears threatened to over!low onto her s#nken "heeks b#t
she wiped the. away with the ba"k o! her hand and p#lled the blanket #p to the boy's
"hin& /er eyes .et his% and Andre saw !or a .o.ent the pra"ti"ality o! .otherhood
behind the sadness&
/e wat"hed !ondly as her slight% bent !ig#re a.bled o!! to !et"h war. water and
"loths and s.iled% his white teeth !lashing& 73on't s"r#b hi. too hard Berthilda&8
A thin .orning light was beginning to seep thro#gh the "ase.ent window% "asting a
!eeble gli..er on to the s.all work table& /e sat 9#ietly% t#rning the bag over and over
in his big hands% s.elling the ani.al s.ell still lingering in the worn leather&
<trong stit"hing held its sea.s !ir.ly and bold% tooled patterns "overed the !lap and
sides% re.inding hi. o! the .os9#es he'd seen in <pain or Moro""o% their wall
de"orations interwoven to !or. elaborate designs& The rest o! the bag was plain& *t looked
to Andre to be very old% the s#r!a"e "overed in light and dark pat"hes% !laking in so.e
parts% s.ooth in others&
/e ga?ed absently at the ro#gh s#r!a"e6 the shi!ting light "asting ha?y .oving
shadows% re.inis"ent o! so.ething he'd seen in the s"riptori#.% a .ap ins"ribed on
yellowed par"h.ent& And as his i.agination a""epted the "o.parison% it be"a.e
so.ething .ore& <hapes were !or.ing on the worn leather& /e "o#ld .ake o#t "o#ntries%
the borders sharply delineated on the dark hide% see grey bl#e e$panses o! o"eans and
peaks dirt brown and threading thro#gh the land like a ne"kla"e o! arrow heads&
/is eyes narrowed in "on"entration& /e'd o!ten .#sed on the wooden globe in the
library% "arved by a .onk o! beloved .e.ory who'd never been as !ar as the village
s9#are b#t this% this was di!!erent& *t was a living thing& /e "o#ld see the long ar. o! the
Mediterranean6 see Tripoli nestled at its edges and @er#sale. shining like a sy.bol o! all
their hopes in the "entre&
/e knew these lands% had !o#ght in the deserts and de!ended the pilgri.s& The noise
and b#stle o! the .onastery !aded as he re.e.bered the "ri.son "opper s.ell o! blood%
!eeling its war. rep#lsive spray on his !a"e% !eeling the tightness o! battle !ear in his
/ow "o#ld this beA /e did not believe in bewit"h.ent and .agi"% however .#"h his
Order wanted it to be so& *t was 4#st a worn travelling bag and the light was playing
tri"ks& /e opened the sat"hel and laid o#t the "ontents% a bla"k velvet po#"h as travel
stained as the bag and a par"el wrapped in !aded green silk% its weight heavy in his hand&
Andre had e$pe"ted to !ind the things o! a s.all boy's "hildhood% pretty stones or
inse"ts% a slingshot or a pre"io#s kni!e& These were not the treas#res o! yo#th& /e !elt the
stirrings o! the hair at the nape o! his ne"k as he glan"ed over at the sleeping !or. in the
bed% b#ndled in blankets6 his bandaged !a"e s"r#bbed pink&
;hat .anner o! "hild is thisA
/e took #p the po#"h and tipped it onto the table& *t was not "heery "linking "oins
that !ell o#t% b#t a 4ewelled "ross% intri"ately worked in gold and set with a wine red r#by&
This last lay in the "entre o! an open% .any petalled rose& /e i.agined it was so.ething a
wealthy h#sband wo#ld give to a beloved wi!e% or doting !ather to a spoilt da#ghter& *t
was a bea#ti!#l thing% b#t not so.ething o! parti"#lar interest& /e repla"ed the "ross in
the po#"h and took #p the par"el&
Already% he'd ded#"ed that the "hild had not been born to poverty% "on"#rring with
his own 4#dge.ent on .eeting hi.% despite his o#tward appearan"e and the s"anty
in!or.ation provided by the wagon driver% i! it was to be believed& *! the silk wrapped
par"el was to be a book% this wo#ld add to his "on"l#sion& Books were not available to the
.a4ority o! the people& /e started by e$a.ining the wrappings&
The thin transl#"ent .aterial was pale greenish and very old% e.broidered dragons
"hasing their tails% !inely stit"hed in gold thread& *n .any pla"es it was only this that kept
the !abri" together& The "olo#r re.inded Andre o! a .eadow pond in spring% shot thro#gh
with s#nlight&
;ho obtains ri"hes s#"h as these in the heart o! a downtrodden Ger.anyA
/e #n!olded the !ragile "overing with the "are o! a do"tor e$a.ining a wo#nd& As it
!ell away in his hands% he "o#ld see .ore leather% d#ll brown and "ra"ked with age%
yellowed leaves and a sti!!ened spine& /e opened it gingerly& *t s.elled o! the wrappings
o! .#..ies% the .#sty sweetness o! to.bs&
/e'd never lost his reveren"e !or books& As a soldier he'd "arried a s.all "opy o! the
C#baiyat and g#arded it with his li!e thro#gh all the hardships o! his !ighting years%
keeping it "lose to his "hest even in battle& *t was hidden #nder the ro#gh boards in his
The others wo#ld not #nderstand the bea#ty o! the 1ersian astrono.er's words& To
the. all were evil <ara"ens% to be beaten down and ho#nded o#t o! the /oly ,and& /e
knew di!!erently& /is years in 1alestine had bro#ght hi. into "onta"t with .any learned
.en% espe"ially o! physi" and astrono.y and .athe.ati"s& /e wondered i! his brothers
realised 4#st how .#"h o! his own "o#ntry.an's knowledge had been bro#ght to the ;est
!ro. the 0ast with the .er"hants and the soldier .onks s#"h as he&
The yellowed vell#. pages were not st#"k together as he had e$pe"ted% b#t
separated easily% the binding loosening in pla"es as i! it had been "onstantly opened and
read& There was no ill#.ination% no ins"ription6 ea"h page was !illed with "losely set
n#.bers and letters% the ink !aded with age% or strange painted pi"t#res o! !lowers and
"avorting .aidens& ;hat !ew words Andre "o#ld .ake o#t were in ,atin or Greek%
.aking no sense to hi.& /e t#rned it sideways% #pside down% tried reading !ro. le!t to
right% ba"k to !ront& *t was as i! the whole book was written in "ode& /e gave #p& The
abbot wo#ld perhaps #nderstand better& /e was a .an o! s"holarship&
And then a !olded par"h.ent !ell !ro. between the pages&
/e pi"ked it #p and t#rned it over& A red seal stood o#t brightly on the d#n "olo#red
page% a triangle with a loop on one side& *n the "entre o! this triangle sat the sa.e "ross
and rose as the 4ewel in the po#"h&
There was writing on the !ront6 the hand deter.ined% the lettering s"rawled and
!l#ent& For the Abbot
/e s.iled& <o.eone had known that the "hild wo#ld be bro#ght to a .onastery&
In the year of Our Lord
e!o"ed Abbot,
I entrust unto you, the care of my on!y son #hristian$ y the time this !etter obtains
to your notice, I, his father, sha!! be nought but ashes$ %is is the fami!y &erme!shausen
and our home is near %esse, on the border$ ut this ha"en has !ong been c!osed to us and
we ha"e been hounded !i'e dogs from our own !ands$ For this reason, I regret, I cannot
offer (ayment for his 'ee($ %is !ineage is nob!e but one that has been tainted by
accusations of heresy$ And the (ower of %o!y )other #hurch is such that those ho!ding
doctrines other than hers cannot sur"i"e$ %e is *uic' of mind and gent!e of character,
e"en the anima!s 'now his heart$ +et he has s(irit and wi!fu!ness, traits which I ha"e
encouraged, for his tria!s wi!! be many and his !ife beset by sorrow$ )ay he be instructed
in medicine, for this is where the !ight of reason wi!! burn most bright!y and of a!! the
arts, one that is most in need of faith$ As was foreto!d by the astro!ogers on the day of his
nati"ity, this is where his ca!!ing !ies$ ,hi!e yet in his growing years, he wi!! wish further
instruction from those who (ossess greater !earning$ I beg you- do not hinder this
endea"our$ .he wor!d has much to offer him$ )y heart c!ea"es in two to thin' I wi!! not
see him grow to be a man$ I ta'e comfort in 'nowing that he wi!! be safe among those
who understand$ /ray forgi"e the indu!gence of a !o"ing father but he is (rone to night
terrors$ It has been so since his mother was consigned to the f!ames$ 0ow there are no
more hiding (!aces so I ma'e my stand and commend my 1ou! to &od$ I go to be with my
e!o"ed in (aradise and !ea"e to you, in humb!e gratitude, a shining !ight in this
unfathomab!e dar'ness$
In the eterna! ho(e of /eace /rofound,
Otto "on &erme!shausen$

Andre% trans!i$ed% held the letter #n!olded in his hand&
The dateD O"tober& They were now deep in a )ebr#ary winter& /ow has the poor "hild
lived these last .onthsA /e !elt his heart "onstri"ting in pity&
The abbot stood% his stat#re rigid% his steady grey eyes regarding the yo#nger .onk's
bl#e with interest& /is voi"e was deep and h#sky% belying the sparseness o! his tall !ra.e&
7<o% Brother% what think yo# o! thisA8
/e held the abbot's ga?e& 7* know not )ather& There are .any things in this letter * do
not #nderstand% b#t it see.s to .e that the "hild has been sent here !or a reason&8
The Cister"ian Order was held in renown !or the devo#tness o! their brethren and the
stri"tness o! their C#le b#t a r#.o#r re.ained that its libraries and s"riptori#.s
"on"ealed the works o! .any held to be hereti"s& *t was also r#.o#red that in ti.es past
these tea"hings were disse.inated a.ongst those o! the Order willing to hear the.& /e
s#ddenly be"a.e pale& ;ere the letter and the boy a tri"k% planted by the "h#r"h to root
o#t heresiesA A Tro4an horse o! !aithA
The abbot s.iled% showing a .issing tooth that in no way detra"ted !ro. the a#stere
dignity o! his bearing& *t was a kind s.ile% one that gave "o.!ort to those in travail& /e
was beloved and tr#sted by brothers and towns!olk alike% a rarity a.ong the noble heads
o! .onasteries&
Andre looked down at the .an's broad !eet% en"ased in the sa.e ro#gh shod sandals
as his own& Bot !or hi. were so!t .eats and !eather beds&
B#t he had one l#$#ry&
The roo. was lined% !ro. the high do.ed "eiling to the worn wooden boards with
st#rdy shelves !illed with books% spilling on to the !loor% piled #p beside his battered
table% resting pre"ario#sly on the only other "hair in the roo.& 7<it down Andre% it's ti.e
we talked&8
;hen the abbot bent to take the books !ro. the "hair he .oved 9#i"kly to help& Bo5
one knew how old he was% altho#gh his !ra.e was st#rdy and straight% the eyes "lear% the
years showed in the wrinkled skin aro#nd the. and the swollen kn#"kles o! his hands& /e
seated hi.sel! behind his desk and !olded his hands% while Andre p#lled the hard wooden
"hair "loser&
8The boy is wellA
Andre lowered his head& The tr#th was that he'd been si"k with worry !or the boy
sin"e the #n.istakable signs o! in!e"tion had beg#n to show the.selves& /is !ever had
worsened thro#gh the night& A pi"t#re !or.ed in his .ind o! the "owered horses% their
hides "riss5"rossed with lashes&
7* !ear !or the "hild% )ather& The lash was !o#led with ani.al .atter and swelling has
beg#n in the wo#nd& * have applied po#lti"es and the apothe"ary has sent "oriander !or
the heat% b#t he is already weakened by privation and the ne$t !ew days will be very
The abbot's e$pression was #nreadable as he pla"ed his pal.s together&8 Then we
will ask O#r ,ord to pla"e /is .ighty hand #pon hi.& The world is sore in need o! light
in these tro#bled ti.es& And what o! that whi"h was !o#nd in the yo#ng .an's
possessionA8 The sat"hel lay inno"ently on the desk& Bo .ap% no .oving pi"t#res on its
worn s#r!a"e& The book lay divested o! its threadbare silk wrapping% the 4ewelled "ross
#pon its po#"h&
Andre's !a.ily had pri?ed honesty above all else% even when it "a.e at a "ost% like
the ti.e his !ather "on!essed to killing a doe on "rown land to !eed a !a.ily evi"ted !or
not paying their tithe& /e'd been handed over to the g#ards and branded in the village
s9#are& /e was !ort#nate& 3eath was the #s#al p#nish.ent !or s#"h a "ri.e&
The towns!olk pelted hi. with rotten !ood !or sport% even tho#gh they knew hi. to
be a good and genero#s .an& The ten year old Andre had h#ng his head in sha.e to see
hi. so degraded% b#t two days in the sto"ks and the livid .ark o! a !elon seared into his
"heek had not di..ed the de!iant glint in his !ather's eye% nor sla"kened the pro#d 4aw&
/e #nderstood now& Bo pri"e was too high to pay !or the tr#th& 7* "on!ess )ather% *
!o#nd the bag to have so.e:strange !as"ination !or .e&8
The abbot s.iled 7And * also& *! * look at it long eno#gh% it be"o.es a .oving
pi"t#re book and try as * .ight% the .eaning es"apes .e& *t re.inds .e o! a ti.e in .y
yo#th when the .agi" o! the 0ast held great attra"tion% b#t the reality was !illed with
so.ething .#"h darker&
And what .e.ories did the in!ernal re"epta"le hold !or yo#A8
/e !elt his sto.a"h settle in relie!& 7A .ap )ather: and .y 4o#rney to the /oly
,and& A ti.e stained with regret&8
7+es& And it's so o!ten that when we allow o#r .ind to e.pty it's the bad .e.ories
that !ill it !irst&8
The yo#nger .onk nodded in assent and the abbot% his white robe hanging in !olds
on his thin !ra.e% settled hi.sel! .ore "o.!ortably in the "hair& 7B#t we are .en o!
reason% as well as .en o! God& *t is 4#st an old travelling bag& And what o! the other
Andre !ingered the "ross on the desk& 7A pio#s wo.an's tri!leA8
The abbot see.ed !#ll o! enig.ati" s.iles& 7Bo% it has .eaning& * have seen one
be!ore on .y travels&8 /e br#shed his gnarled !inger over the !inely worked rose&
8<o.e say it sy.bolises the s#!!ering o! the so#l #pon the "ross o! li!e& <o.e say it
is the devi"e o! a hidden so"iety o! adepts&8 The grey eyes regarded hi. steadily 7And
so.e say it is so.ething other than Christian&8
Andre paled% .ysterio#s letters% bewit"hed bags and pagan sy.bols& /eresy& The
very word was terri!ying& To be asso"iated with heresy was to be in peril o! everlasting
tor.ent& /e'd o!!ered #p his li!e to God in blood soaked deserts and plag#e in!ested
hovels& ,ike all soldier .onks% he "herished and n#rt#red his so#l&
The abbot la#ghed& 7* see this dist#rbs yo#&8 /e waved his hand airily at the rows o!
books& 7;hat think yo# these vol#.es "ontainA Think yo# that it is all 4#rispr#den"e and
theologi"al "hatteringA8
/e !olded his hands on"e again& 7My son% * have wat"hed yo# these last nine years&
;ho here wo#ld tend to the si"k at the e$pense o! his own health& ;ho here wo#ld
disobey the C#le to de!end a "hildA And who wo#ld dare to hide the words o! a <ara"en
poet #nder his !loorboards to read by night in the darkness o! his "ellA8 Andre !lin"hed
b#t the kind !a"e re.ained passive&
7+o# learned .#"h in the /oly ,and% did yo# notA ;ar!are: yes% b#t yo#r pen"hant
!or .edi"ine !or instan"e% yo#r love o! words !ro. the heartA 3id yo# not sense a
knowledge .ore pro!o#nd than o#r ownA 3id yo# not !eel that so.eti.es it was ho.eA8
All these things and .ore had Andre dis"overed% and !elt& And as the #nearthly
.elodies o! the evening plain "hant !lowed so!tly thro#gh the open door% the abbot s.iled
73o not be asha.ed o! what the God o! yo#r heart tells yo#% .y son& As even the Co.an
legions knew when they gave #p their lives on a battle!ield !ar !ro. ho.e: 0very soil is
a brave .an's "o#ntry& Oh% * know the .ention o! these things is tinged with danger& The
very walls here have ears& B#t * speak the tr#th&
One day all .en will be able to stand #pright to "ry their heart!elt belie!s to the
world and not be branded hereti" and "onde.ned to b#rn% even i! they are at odds with
/oly Mother Ch#r"h&8 Andre wat"hed as the old hands !lew abo#t in ill#stration o! his
words% the glea. o! hope in the "al. eyes&
The abbot sighed 7;hat lives in a .an's heart is his own&8 /e po#red a glass o! wine
!ro. a plain stone pit"her and handed it to Andre 7And what o! the bookA8
7* know not )ather& * "annot #nderstand it at all& *t's very old b#t in no lang#age that
* have seen& A !ew words o! Greek yes% several o! the lang#age o! the "h#r"h b#t the rest
is a .ystery to .e&8
The abbot took #p the book 7And to .e& B#t * believe that it .ay be a "o.pendi#.
o! knowledge% one written in the se"ret lang#age o! the al"he.ists&8 Again Andre !elt the
blood drain !ro. his !a"e% b#t the abbot didn't see. to noti"e& 7As yo# know% in o#r ti.e
.#"h knowledge is hidden in sy.bols : to prote"t those who .ay be a""#sed o! heresy&
This book .ay be no di!!erent&8 /e opened the book to a yellowed page& Bea#ti!#lly
wro#ght lettering s#rro#nded strange drawings o! naked wo.en sitting in ponds or
entwined in the roots o! trees& Another page was !illed with !inely drawn ill#strations o!
#n!a.iliar plants and another% bi?arre "onstellations and stellar .aps% detailed and
#nknown& *t gave Andre a sinking !eeling in the pit o! his sto.a"h& ,ike the boy's sat"hel%
it had an other5 worldliness that !elt o!! kilter& ,ike a !lat note played on a bea#ti!#l harp&
The abbot s#ddenly stood and walked to the shelves !#rthest !ro. the door& /e
rea"hed to take down a !aded red book6 its binding "ra"ked with age& /is !a"e was serio#s
now 7My #n"le took .e to @er#sale. in .y !o#rteenth year% the year .y .other and
!ather died o! the plag#e& /e tho#ght * sho#ld know the world !or what it was&
;e travelled with pilgri.s hoping to wash their g#ilt "lean at the /oly <ep#l"hre b#t
the deserts were in!ested with robbers then% so si$ Te.plar knights es"orted #s .#"h o!
the way and those aloo!% .artial knights inspired s#"h awe and dread in .e% * !awned on
the. as only a yo#th in the !irst !l#sh o! .anhood "o#ld& My waking nights were !illed
with drea.s o! heroi" battles and .ighty warhorses&8 /e s.iled 7The tr#th is they s.elt
like pigs& Their long beards were .atted and their t#ni"s !ilthy with blood and sweat&8
Andre grinned in ret#rn& /e re.e.bered the sten"h o! a h#ndred #nwashed knights&
The horses s.elt liked roses in "o.parison&
7They looked at .e as i! * was a rodent to be stepped on% b#t one% a tall .an with
kind eyes and a "lean .antle% took pity on .e and sat with .e at .eals and shared his
!ood& * re.e.ber his s.ile and the way he r#bbed his horse's .#??le as i! it were his
!riend% as well as his battle steed& And one night as we sat together wat"hing the stars% he
gave .e this book& Then he knelt to pray as the C#le di"tated&
* have never !orgotten the sight o! that battle weary soldier6 !a"e shining% head bent
h#.bly in prayer&
The ne$t .orning% we were atta"ked& ;e "owered% terri!ied% as the horde overtook
the stragglers and swar.ed #pon the.% slashing with their "#rved blades& Old .en%
wo.en and "hildren% it .ade no di!!eren"e& Those o! #s that were le!t h#ddled in a "ir"le%
the Te.plars !a"ing o#tward on their big horses% deter.ined to prote"t #s& * hid in the
ba"k o! .y #n"le's wagon% tre.bling% all .y drea.s o! valo#r gone& Bot one o! #s had
seen a battle& All we "o#ld do was pray& My !riend the knight "alled to .e% and .ade .e
#nderstand that * .#st hold on to this book% whatever sho#ld be!all& Then he bid .e
goodbye with a sal#te and 4oined the others&
* have seen soldiers in battle b#t never like those !ew knights& They !o#ght like the
angels o! light gave the. wings& * re.e.ber their battle "ry and the way their swords
h#..ed as they sw#ng the. thro#gh the dry desert air% like so.e kind o! horrible .#si"&
They stayed% their ba"ks to #s% slashing and thr#sting% "overed in blood% "rying o#t to God
to help the. in their holy .ission& B#t it was i.possible& )ro. .y hiding pla"e% * saw
the. worn down and p#lled !ro. their horses by the .ob and .y !riend "#t to pie"es on
the sand&
They !o#nd .e in the wagon petri!ied with !right% holding this book as i! it "o#ld
prote"t .e !ro. their knives&8 /e held the s.all book reverently in his hand% the serene
e$pression #nwavering& 7They tethered .e to the wagon and !or"ed .e to walk on
thro#gh the desert& They killed all the rest% .y #n"le too& B#t they had seen the book *
held and the eagle sigils o! the Caliphate engraved on the "over&
They let .e go when they rea"hed the "ity gates&8 /e looked at Andre keenly% the
steady eyes seeing .ore than he .ight have wished& /e held o#t the book and Andre took
it gently !ro. the old .an's hands& 7Take it now .y son6 keep it sa!e with the other% !or it
is still #nwel"o.e in this pla"e& ,ook #pon it when yo# have need% !or it is !#ll o!
knowledge s#"h as we in o#r "alling% do not as yet possess& Think #pon the things * have
said% !or i! the boy lives% you are to be the one who sets hi. #pon the path o! ,ight&8
Andre ga?ed at the abbot in wonder& /ow did he know what he had hidden #nder the
boards to read in the darkA
/ow did he know what he had hidden in his heartA
/e looked down at the s.all vol#.e and opened it to the !irst% "r#.bling page% at
words written in !aded inkD
Ala5al5din ab# Al5/assan Ali ibn Abi5/a?. al5(arshi al53i.ash9i *bn al5 Ba!is
2#ommentary on the Anatomy of #anon of A"icenna3
/e t#rned to another page and readD
74the b!ood from the right chamber of the heart must arri"e at the !eft chamber but
there is no direct (athway between them$ .he thic' se(tum of the heart is not (erforated
and does not ha"e in"isib!e (ores4
Andre re.e.bered the pri?ed "opy o! Galen in the library and its treatise on the
2!ood, reaching the right side of the heart, oo5es through in"isib!e (ores in the
cardiac se(tum, thereby reaches the !eft side43
Many ti.es d#ring his travels in the 0ast he'd heard the na.e *bn <ina spoken o!
with awe: the great and learned physi"ian% Avi"enna& /e'd seen eno#gh torn hearts on
the battle!ield and in the "r#de !ield hospitals to know the tr#th o! the words in the old
book& /e lowered his head and the abbot raised his hand in blessing&
7*n Bo.ine 1atris% et )ilii% et <pirit#s <an"ti&8
/e le!t hi. standing% hands !olded serenely as i! in prayer% the enig.ati" s.ile still
gra"ing the gentle !eat#res& 7Go .y son% and look to the boy& /ave !aith in O#r ,ord's
wisdo. and yo#r own&8
Andre hid the book in his robe and h#rried to the in!ir.ary& The "hild's battle was
yet to be !o#ght&
Christian slept !or three days% tossing and "rying o#t in the s.all bed% sobbing !or his
!ather and .other% his !ever rising and !alling inter.ittently like the tides&
One .o.ent Andre% seeing the beads o! sweat on his #pper lip% believed that the
!ever had broken and the worst was over6 the ne$t% heat rose like a !#rna"e and threatened
to overwhel. the !ragile body% e$ha#stion evident in the !la""id li.bs and grey pallor& /e
re.ained by the "hild% holding "ool "loths to his b#rning "heeks% spooning tiny .o#th!#ls
o! broth between his par"hed lips&
The brothers prayed& They knew nothing o! the boy's strange arrival b#t they saw in
Andre's obvio#s "on"ern and the abbot's daily visits that here was a "hild o! so.e
Berthilda hovered over the. both% !et"hing "loths and bringing Andre !ood and
watered wine& Celieved o! his other d#ties% he'd le!t the boy only to observe the C#le& /e
prayed then% i.ploring on bended knee to the Al.ighty to intervene 4#st this on"e and let
the boy live% hearing his whispered words&8 * a. here to take #p the light&8
And he knew% as s#rely as he knew the s#n wo#ld rise in all its glory in the .orning
that this was where his !#t#re lay& /e was thirty one years old and had travelled over hal!
the world% b#t now he knew that it was not in the /oly ,and sla#ghtering <ara"ens% or
a.ong the horrors o! the plag#e that his .ission was to be !#l!illed& *t was here with this
s.all boy% !ighting his own battle with the ,ord !or his !rail earthly !or.% that he wo#ld
!ind salvation and in that salvation% pea"e&
Christian str#ggled to open his eyes& /is ar.s and legs !elt n#.b& /e "o#ld hear a
tinkling .#si"al so#nd% distant and "o.!orting& /e tho#ght o! his .other when she "a.e
to kiss hi. goodnight% singing to hi. in her high lilting voi"e& 1erhaps it was .other
"o.e to take hi. to heavenA /e strained his ears to listen !or her so!t voi"e% the swish o!
her skirts against the bed% !eel the war.th o! her hand on his !a"e& These were the things
he re.e.bered% be!ore she was gone so s#ddenly !ro. his li!e&
B#t the .e.ory o! his !ather was still strong& /e "o#ld hear his deep voi"e and
throaty la#gh% re.e.ber how he s.elled% dark .#sky and "lean& Bot like the peasants
who tended the gardens and s.elled like the pigs he'd seen going to .arket in open
ri"kety "rates&
/e re.e.bered the ga.es they played on "old winter evenings and !ather's gentle
voi"e telling hi. that it was i.portant to live his li!e well% so .other wo#ld be pro#d
when she "a.e to take hi. to heaven&
/e wo#ld "o.e to his bed a!ter s#pper and talk to hi. o! the day& ;hat had he
learnedA /ad he said his prayersA /ad he !o#nd any magnificent wonders of nature6 And
Christian wo#ld tell hi. o! the big hairy% "reeping spiders down by the well% their webs
str#ng bravely between the trees% and a!ter the wo.en wo#ld br#sh the. away "l#"king%
their .o#ths t#rned down in disg#st% the spiders wo#ld start all over again% spinning and
weaving intri"ate patterns o! sparkling gossa.er threads&
)ather told hi. that it was a good lesson in li!e% to keep spinning yo#r web no .atter
how .any ti.es it was kno"ked down& To try harder to .ake it .ore bea#ti!#l than the
last so that one day people wo#ld see it !or what it was% a magnificent wonder of nature$
Then one "old% wet day% when the last o! the tinder had been #sed to light a sp#ttering
!ire and they'd h#ddled as "lose as was sa!e to the !eeble !la.e% his !ather was taken to
heaven too&
The bea#ti!#l angel voi"es were !ading now b#t he "o#ld still hear !ather% strong and
insistent& 7Bot yet% .y boy% not yet& Be brave and live well:and we will be waiting !or
yo# in heaven&8
/e "o#ld not go with his .other& /e had done nothing to .ake her pro#d& /e .#st
stay& /e str#ggled #pward thro#gh a grey !og and opened his eyes&
/e was in a long roo.% with .any beds& <o.e had people in the.6 others were
e.pty and neatly .ade& <#nlight shone weakly thro#gh the glass windows% .aking dark
shadows dan"e along the wooden roo! bea.s% and as he t#rned his head% he saw the .an
who had taken hi. !ro. the "art seated beside hi.% his eyes "losed% his !air hair shining
ro#nd hi. like a halo&
B#t the only thing he wanted in all this pain!#l world was the strong ar.s o! his
/e !elt the war. tears that had been sitting in his eyes slide down onto his "heeks&
*n the year o! o#r ,ord 13E3

7Christian% "o.e down !ro. there= The ,ord will not give yo# wings to !ly i! yo#
!all% yo# !oolish boy=8 /e'd "li.bed on to the parapet and was sitting like a roosting hen
on a nest&
Berthilda stret"hed o#t her ar.s as i! to "at"h hi. i! he lost his !ooting% an$iety "lear
in her wrinkled !a"e% and #sing the age old threat o! .others everywhere 7Co.e down or
there will be no s#pper !or yo# tonight=8
A distant boyish voi"e "alled ba"k 7/ave no !ear !or .e Mistress Berta& * a. waiting
!or the stor.&8
<he "alled #p thro#gh "#pped hands 7;hat stor.A There is not even a "lo#d in the
And the !araway voi"e piped ba"k 7Brother Alberto said there will be a stor.% that
the end o! the world will start with a stor. o! lo"#sts and they will eat all the !ood and
leave #s to starve& * a. waiting !or the. to "o.e&8
<he noti"ed Brother Andre standing beside her% "on"ern showing e9#ally in both
their !a"es% b#t his voi"e "al. where hers was shrill& 7* think he .eans swar. Mistress% a
swar. o! lo"#sts&8
Berthilda "l#"ked& 7The things they p#t into that boy's head% it beggars belie!& The
end o! the world indeed= 3on't those s"ribblers know that the end o! the world has "o.e
alreadyA Mayhap their bellies are too !#ll and their brains too s.all to see abo#t the.&
Get down !ro. there yo#ng .an% or the abbot will hear o! this=8
Andre s.iled& Christian ha#nted the s"riptori#.% wat"hing the brothers trans"ribing%
and !ollowed hi. aro#nd the in!ir.ary asking inter.inable 9#estions& /e pestered
Gaspard in his workshop and !idgeted in the "hapel% b#t it was in )ather Abbot's book
lined st#dy that he !o#nd his .ost 4oy& /e'd seen it when he was yo#ng% his eyes bright
with wonder as he tra"ed the anato.i" drawing o! a .o#se !o#nd in an old book% the
living ani.al in the pal. o! his hand and the abbot s.iling% pointing to the s.all body
parts with the tip o! a rhe#.ati" !inger6 7"erte7, iugu!um, "entricu!us$
And he saw it now at his lessons% in his look o! tri#.ph as he laborio#sly translated a
passage !ro. the Greek to the ,atin and read it o#t lo#d% his breaking voi"e st#.bling
"l#.sily over the words&
The "ooks saved s.all titbits !or hi. and wat"hed in 4oy as he relished every
.o#th!#l& The pigs vied !or his attention when his "hores took hi. to the piggery& The
horses "alled to hi. in the !ields& /e was !i!teen years old and loved by all who knew
hi.& *! so.eti.es Andre saw a sadness in hi.% espe"ially at prayer% when he never !ailed
to o!!er #p his hopes o! seeing his .other and !ather in heaven% he .ade no .ention o! it&
The boy had seen .#"h death in his ten years at the abbeyD a litter o! pigs born in
winter and !ro?en in the night% a tangle o! abandoned kittens% no .other's .ilk to !eed
the.% dying one by one in his hands and then as he grew older% those in the in!ir.ary
e$piring o! disease and hopelessness& /e was well a"9#ainted with the vagaries o! nat#re&
,i!e was hard and Christian knew it .ore than .ost&
Andre had not spoken o! his !a.ily's !ate% b#t he knew that soon the ti.e wo#ld
"o.e !or hi. to be told& /e was already long past the age o! "hildhood and a noble.an's
birth de.anded a debt o! responsibility& /ad his .other and !ather not in"#rred the wrath
o! the "h#r"h and paid with their lives% even at hal! the age he was now% Christian wo#ld
be a lord in his own right and r#ling his own lands and ser!s&
Andre knew he had kept hi. sheltered !or too long&
B#t the na.e Ger.elsha#sen wo#ld be !orever tainted with the "#rse o! heresy and
anony.ity had been the only thing keeping hi. sa!e&
Christian s"ra.bled down !ro. the high battle.ent% #sing his !ingers and toes to
grip the "r#.bling stonework% eli"iting a gasp o! !ear !ro. Berthilda and a stab o! pain in
Andre's "hest& /e .oved to sit in the shade o! the gnarled ash that the .onks had planted
when the .onastery was b#ilt and waited& There was so.ething he wanted to give the
/e sat 9#ietly% wat"hing the dapple and play o! the leaves in the gently swaying tree%
the r#.ble o! the wagons "arting wine to the "ellars% the "all o! the plo#gh.en in the
!ields% the "lattering o! pots in the kit"hens& The b#sy% workaday voi"es o! the people he
This was the "losest thing to ho.e he'd known !or a long ti.e& /e was !ort#nate to
have been a""epted here& The brothers were tolerant and o! a stable disposition& /is tasks
were not onero#s and the !ood plenti!#l& ;hy then had the #rge to leave these pea"e!#l
s#rro#ndings be"o.e so strongA
Bowhere now in his drea.s and .editations "o#ld he see his !#t#re welded to
Christian's& 1erhaps all the boy had really needed !ro. hi. was the "han"e to grow #p in
/e looked #p !ro. his .#sings& The lad stood be!ore hi.% tall !or his age% li.bs long
and slender like a newly born !oal6 blond hair standing o#t at all angles% blown adri!t by
the wind& *t was i.possible to be angry with hi.& /e had won all hearts at the .onastery%
Andre's .ost o! all& /e was a gi!t !ro. God&
Christian !lopped down on the grass at his !eet and looked #p into his s.iling !a"e&
Andre took two apples !ro. his po"ket and gave one to the boy&
7*'. sorry to have !rightened Mistress Berta: b#t Brother Alberto in the
s"riptori#. told .e the lo"#sts wo#ld "o.e and * had to see !or .ysel!&8
/e ga?ed at the earnest yo#ng !a"e 7+es Christian% yo# .#st always see !or yo#rsel!&
/ave * not always told yo# that yo# .#st not a""ept anything #ntil yo# are s#re o! it in
yo#r heartA And what did yo# learn !ro. yo#r per"h in the skyA8
Christian wrapped his thin ar.s aro#nd hi.sel!& 7*t's very "old #p there& And the
wind al.ost blew .e o!! the ledge&8 A !rown o! worry "rossed Andre's !a"e& 7And there
is bird d#ng on the stonework% .any di!!erent "olo#rs& The robin's is watery and tastes o!
apples !ro. the or"hard6 the raven's dark like pit"h and tastes o! berries&
The .onk tried not to la#gh o#t lo#d% Christian's e$pression always one o! serio#s
tho#ght& *t s#rprised hi. not a bit that he wo#ld taste the bird droppings to analyse the
"ontents& 7And what o! the "o.ing stor.A8
Christian looked tho#ght!#l8 The sky is "lear% * "an hear the bell ringing in the "hapel
in the town% people working and singing:8
7And the lo"#stsA8
7* "an see no sign& 1erhaps Brother Alberto .ade an error in his "al"#lationsA8
Andre nodded 7Are yo# glad that the lo"#sts didn't "o.eA8
Christian's !a"e brightened as he bit into the apple with his strong white teeth& 7+es&
Mistress Berta is .aking .e d#.plings !or s#pper& They are .y !avo#rite and Brother
Alberto has told .e that !ood "annot be hidden !ro. God's lo"#sts&8
Andre .ade a .ental note to speak to the others abo#t !rightening the lad with tales
o! end o! days& *t had be"o.e the all too !a.iliar la.ent o! .any o! the brethren in these
dark ti.es& 7And the end o! the worldA8
7Brother A.es and Brother 1eter say there is too .#"h wi"kedness in the world !or
the world to bear% that God shall give #p and start anew% like a!ter the !lood&8
/e deter.ined not to le"t#re the boy% b#t !elt that here was too p#re a spirit to be
da.ped down by doo.sday !ables& 7;e are .en o! reason% are we notA8 the boy nodded&
7;hat think yo# that wi"kedness isA8
The boy looked tho#ght!#l 7,ike when the boys in the town steal the loaves !ro. the
baker and r#n o!!A8
Andre s.iled 7And what i! those boys had no one to look to the.% no5one to give
the. !oodA ;o#ld yo# not steal bread to liveA8 /e saw so.ething !li"ker a"ross the
yo#ng !a"e% so.ething !#ll o! sorrow& /e laid his hand gently on the boy's sho#lder% to
en"o#rage hi.&
7Brother% * .#st "on!ess that * too have stolen !ood&8 /e lowered his head in sha.e&
7* re.e.ber a long ti.e ago% be!ore * "a.e here% being "old and very h#ngry& * hid
behind a wagon load o! t#rnips and took two to eat&8 /e looked #p thro#gh thi"k pale
Andre !elt a stab o! pity% re.e.bering a !rail "hild in tattered rags& 7+o# have
"o..itted no sin& The ,ord so.eti.es assists #s to stay alive% so we "an do /is work&
The t#rnips in the wagon% the baker's loaves:"o#ld they not be a gi!t !ro. GodA8
Christian's !a"e lightened& 73o yo# think so Brother AndreA8
7*ndeed * do& * re.e.ber as a "hild stealing grapes !ro. a !ar.er's vineyard& * was
s#re * was going to starve to death i! * didn't& My !ather beat .e !or the the!t a!ter *'d
spent the whole day on the latrine& .hat was the gi!t !ro. God% a pain!#l lesson in
gl#ttony&8 /e s.iled at the re.e.bran"e&
7*s it wi"kedness when the towns!olk throw ro"ks and spit at the @ews in the
.arketpla"eA8 asked Christian&
7Bot all the towns!olk treat the. so& 3o yo# think that the ,ord wo#ld end the world
be"a#se o! a !ew bad people when all the others keep /is wordA8
The boy looked tho#ght!#l 7* have read the book in the abbot's library abo#t how the
knights !o#ght in the /oly ,and% and their "o..ander ordered the. to kill everyone%
Christian and Moha..edans together% be"a#se they "o#ld not tell the. apart&8
Andre !elt another stab o! pain in his "hest% b#t this ti.e he re"ognised it as the bitter
lan"e o! g#ilt and not the twinging soreness o! an old battle wo#nd& /e had seen and been
a party to% .#"h wi"kedness and here he was instr#"ting a yo#ng boy on the nat#re o! sin&
/e !elt asha.ed&
7;e are getting .#"h too serio#s on s#"h a bea#ti!#l day% .y !riend& +o#r
observations on the ra.parts have re.inded .e that there is a gi!t * wanted to give yo#&8
Christian's !a"e broke open in a s.ile& 7B#t only i! yo# pro.ise not to "li.b #p there
again& At least #ntil we .ake yo# a st#rdy ladder and sa!er plat!or.&8 /e 4#.ped to his
!eet in e$"ite.ent and !ollowed Andre into the s"riptori#.&
Bo5one had ever given hi. a gi!t&
Christian t#rned the strange brass dis" over in his ni.ble !ingers& 7;hat is it Brother
AndreA8 /e was trying hard to "on"eal his disappoint.ent& /e tho#ght the gi!t wo#ld be
a kni!e or slingshot& All the boys in the town had slingshots& /e'd heard the. yelling and
"heering ea"h other as they pra"ti"ed at targets in the !ields% !linging s.all stones with
!atal a""#ra"y&
7*t is an astrolabe% Christian& A very old one&8 /e la#ghed& The boy "o#ld not hide
his tho#ghts6 they were always plain to see on his open !a"e& 7* see yo# are not b#bbling
over with e$"ite.ent at .y gi!t&8
Christian bl#shed& 7Bo sire& * know it is o! great val#e& *t is !inely .ade and very
bea#ti!#l& B#t * a. not worthy o! s#"h a gi!t&8
Andre had presented it to hi. with .#"h "ere.ony& Bineteen years ago he'd bro#ght
it with hi. to the abbey% wrapped "are!#lly in a la.bskin% with other ghosts o! his past&
The abbot% re.inding hi. o! his vows o! poverty% lo"ked the. in a "hest in his
apart.ents% with the pro.ise that i! he sho#ld ever !eel the need to ret#rn to his Order%
they wo#ld be his on"e .ore& 7;hy are yo# not worthyA 3id yo# not .ake a weaving
loo. !or Mistress BerthildaA 3oes not the abbot instr#"t yo# in Ara.ai" so yo# "an read
the words o! O#r ,ord in /is own tong#eA8
The boy looked do#bt!#l 7+es% b#t * "annot #nderstand the #se o! this instr#.ent&
;hat is an astrolabeA8
Andre seated hi.sel! on one o! the wooden ben"hes and gest#red to Christian to
"o.e "loser& /e pla"ed the astrolabe reverently on the table in !ront o! hi.& 7The Arabs
say that with this% they "an "all down the heavens&8 /e laid the devi"e% the si?e o! a s.all
serving plate% in the pal. o! his hand& 7<ee here a dis" within a dis" that is t#rned by the
handA8 /e .oved the inner wheel aro#nd& On its s#r!a"e were i.printed n#.bers and
!ine lines and as it was t#rned% deli"ately engraved sy.bols on its s#r!a"e "hanged
position to align with others&
7*t was an invention by the Greeks be!ore the birth o! o#r ,ord% b#t it was in Arabia
that it was bro#ght to per!e"tion&8 /e handed it to Christian who looked at it in
p#??le.ent& 7*t .eas#res the distan"e between the hori?on and the s#n% or the .oon or
the stars in the sky& The sages o! the 0ast #se it to "al"#late the ti.e o! day and the
seasons% and the phases o! the .oon !or planting& And they #se it to !ind the (#ibla:the
dire"tion they are to pray& ;ith this yo# "an !ind yo#r way% a"ross land% a"ross deserts
and% i! yo# are blessed with "al. seas% the .ighty o"eans the.selves&
Christian's eyes widened% his interest tr#ly evident now& 73o yo# know how it
7+es& And * will tea"h yo# how to #se it&8 Andre's s.ile !aded% it was ti.e to tell the
boy o! the de"ision he had .ade&
7Be!ore * go&8
)or a .o.ent Christian did not rea"t% his ga?e "on"entrated on the #n!a.iliar
.e"hanis. in his hands% b#t Andre's eyes never le!t his earnest !a"e and he wat"hed as
tears began to !or. in the boy's bright eyes& /e wished there had been another way& B#t
there% it was done& Andre !elt a s#rge o! relie!& At last he had told Christian o! his leaving%
a task he had been avoiding these long .onths&
/e sat 9#ietly% knowing the boy deserved an e$planation% !or.#lating in his .ind the
words he wo#ld #se to tell a "hild there really is wi"kedness in the world and he had
played his part in it&
That there was always a re"koning and his was d#e&
Christian willed hi.sel! not to "ry& /e was al.ost a .an now& /e did not know
e$a"tly when his natal day was% b#t he knew that he had been at the abbey !or ten years&
The .onks had told hi. he was abo#t !ive when he'd arrived .ysterio#sly on their
doorstep& That .ade hi. .ore than old eno#gh to work !or his living and old eno#gh to
go to war&
;eeping was #nbe"o.ing in a yo#ng .an s#"h as he% b#t Andre had been like a
!ather to hi.% so tears "rept into his eyes anyway% e$posing his heart& /e !o#nd it di!!i"#lt
to .ake the words& 7+o# are going awayA8
Andre nodded& 7+es% Christian& @er#sale. has been .#"h in .y .ind&8
7B#t yo# will ret#rnA8
Andre looked at the boy and shook his head& 7Bo .y son% * a. not "o.ing ba"k&8
Christian lowered his head to hide his tears and s#ddenly there "a.e a .e.ory% one
so strong he staggered% "l#t"hing at the table edge to keep !ro. !alling: /is !ather%
dragged thro#gh the door o! their s.all h#t% a "ity g#ard at ea"h elbow% sho#ting& 7* will
go% * will go= B#t leave the boy& /e is not .y "hild& 3o yo# not see he is a peasantA /e
!et"hes !irewood and works in the !ields&8 )ather looking at hi.% his gentle eyes boring
into his own% !illed with terror% not !or hi.sel!% b#t !or Christian&
7Go ba"k to yo#r !a.ily% boy= There is no .ore !ood !or yo# here=8 /e'd wat"hed
his !ather's bent ba"k as he was shoved thro#gh the door% the g#ards not "aring !or the
whi.pering boy h#ddled by the sp#ttering hearth& A s.all "hild was worth not a !arthing
in a ti.e when <atan slithered a.ong the people% !illing the. with heresies% "ra..ing
the Ch#r"h's "o!!ers with gold&
/e did not know how long he'd travelled% his bare !eet bleeding and raw% hiding in
the hedges on the side o! the road% eating the wind!all apples #nder the trees and eggs
!ro. the nests&
/e'd .ade his way to the ne$t town% to !ather's old servant 1ierre% who wo#ld not
take hi. in% !or !ear o! being a""#sed o! harbo#ring a hereti"& Christian handed hi. the
last o! his !ather's "oins and begged help to get to Bebenha#sen% as he'd been instr#"ted&
And then alone in a hide tanner's "art% galloping thro#gh the night% the "ra"king o!
whips and howling o! wolves% "old% h#ngry and a!raid&
The pain he was !eeling now was the pain he !elt all those years ago% seeing his
!ather dragged away% lost !orever& /e loved Andre like a !ather was loved and it was
happening all over again&
/e !l#ng the astrolabe into Andre's lap and ran o#t o! the door% blinded by his tears&
/e ran on% not thinking where he was going% not "aring& The .onks "alled a!ter hi.
good h#.o#redly as he r#shed a"ross the 9#adrangle% #naware o! his pain&
Then he stopped% panting% at the .onastery gate and looked ba"k at the ar"hed
doorway o! the s"riptori#.& Andre was standing on the steps% his hands hidden in the
!olds o! his habit% his .o#th t#rned down in sorrow&
Christian knew that Andre loved hi.& Their long years together had !orged a bond
between the. and in the distan"e between the. now% Christian "o#ld see pain in the
.onks bl#e eyes&
/e walked along the path toward the town% seeing no5one% his heart a"hing& /e
looked ba"k to the loo.ing walls o! the .onastery% at the pla"e where he had been
re"eived with love and kindness% !ro. Andre .ost o! all&
And there "a.e to hi. an #nderstanding% one that in his drea.ing nights and
tho#ght!#l days% he too had .ade a de"ision&
/e walked slowly ba"k to the s"riptori#. thinking% not as a "hild .ight think% o!
abandon.ent and loss% b#t as a .an .ight think% o! things needing to be done and only
the short years o! a .an's e$isten"e to do the.&
*t took a long ti.e !or Christian to tell Andre o! his plan to leave&
They worked together in the in!ir.ary% Christian's skill apparent even in his tender
/e'd been helping treat the !estering wo#nd o! a yo#ng .ason's prenti"e who'd
"a#ght his leg on a r#sted iron spike and been too !rightened to stop work to tend to it% his
.aster being known !or harshness& The boy had the "are o! his widowed .other and lived
in !ear o! the. both starving&
/e was seated on a stool by the open door o! the in!ir.ary% the reek o! the in!la.ed
leg too overpowering to allow hi. a bed in the hall& Christian tried to "o.!ort hi.%
.aking light o! the in4#ry as .en do% even in e7tremis& /e pointed to a pretty girl passing
by and both boys giggled and sni"kered as she raised her ar.s to li!t a heavy basket o!
linen and the o#tline o! her s.all breasts showed thro#gh the thin !abri" o! her s.o"k&
<he'd tossed her head at the.% an older and world5weary wo.an o! !i!teen disdain!#l o!
the attention o! boys her own age&
*t was a short5lived diversion !or the !everish lad% as Andre began% in the light o! a
sp#ttering "andle% to "lean o#t the p#s and dirt !ro. the deep wo#nd% then when the
agonising treat.ent be"a.e too .#"h% Christian "leaned the wo#nd as Andre #sed his
strength to hold the boy still&
;hen it was done% Gaspard .ade a po#lti"e o! "o.!rey root to aid the healing% i! the
boy stayed alive long eno#gh to heal& Christian knew that even a s.all wo#nd "o#ld be
!atal in this #n"lean pla"e& Most were ignorant o! the need !or "leanliness% or the dangers
o! s#perstitio#s re.edies& A week ago% the boy's .other had prayed to <aint 2rs#la and
her ten tho#sand virgin .artyrs !or aid and then bo#nd it with nettle leaves% only serving
to drive the in!e"tion in !#rther&
A!ter the boy had !allen into a !it!#l sleep% they sat on the steps o#tside the in!ir.ary%
wat"hing the stars shooting a"ross the s#..er night sky% the s.all !ire!lies o! light
blinking o#t as they ar"ed gra"e!#lly thro#gh the heavens&
Andre took the astrolabe !ro. the !olds o! his t#ni" and handed it to Christian& /e
was readying hi.sel! at last to begin his 4o#rney to the /oly ,and&
Christian noti"ed the lines et"hed deeply in the s#n5browned !a"e% the on"e thi"k hair
thinning aro#nd the neat tons#re& /e was a strong .an still% b#t the years were showing
and the boy "o#ld see so.ething else in the kind and open !a"e:longing&
Andre s.iled6 he was always s.iling 7+es ChristianA8
7May * "o.e with yo# to @er#sale.A8
/e was so s#rprised he "o#ld !ind no answer& All the ob4e"tions o! a "on"erned !ather
!lashed thro#gh his .indD The privations o! the 4o#rney% the solitary desert nights% danger&
A!ter his own !ather died% Andre's inheritan"e had gone to the Order% in a""ordan"e with
his oath& /e was a penniless .onk& *t wo#ld be a hard 4o#rney&
And then there was the risk o! entangling an inno"ent in his own g#ilt&
7;hy wo#ld yo# travel to s#"h a pla"eA 3id yo# not tell .e that yo# wish to heal the
si"kA ;hat better pla"e than here% where all aro#nd "o.e !or s#""o#rA8
Christian nodded sole.nly 7*t is tr#e Brother% * "on!ess .y so#l takes wing when
another's s#!!ering is eased% s#"h as that !ellow in there&8 /e pointed toward the door% to
the now snoring .ason's boy& 7+o# have ta#ght .e so .#"h and * a. grate!#l beyond
any words * "an say& B#t there is .ore * need to learn&8
;hile treating the si"k in the in!ir.ary% with Christian by his side% Andre had always
talked o! the di!!eren"e between skills learned on the battle!ield% s#"h as his% and healing
learned in the great s"hools o! .edi"ine& /e nodded% b#t his tho#ghts were !ar away% with
the .ysterio#s sat"hel and the strange ite.s they "ontained& /e re.e.bered the
desperate letter written in a doo.ed .an's hand :'* beg yo#6 do not hinder hi. in
This ti.e Christian "o#ld not read Andre's e$pression% b#t he tr#sted this .an .ore
than any other& /e tho#ght o! his "lear and persistent drea.s and the work he was
destined to do be!ore he "o#ld be with his .other and !ather again& 7* have read that those
in the 0ast possess greater knowledge than we% in the art o! .edi"ine and the s"ien"es%
that they "an "on4#re with n#.bers and :8 /e li!ted the astrolabe and sighted it at the
night sky 7:.eas#re the heavens&8
/e hoped that Andre wo#ld believe that he too .#st be on his way&
7Brother Andre i! * take 4o#rney with yo# to the 0ast% * .ight !ind those that will
help .e dis"over this knowledge&8 There was pleading in the boy's eyes:and
Andre% still s.iling% asked gently 7/ave yo# spoken to the abbotA8 /e #nderstood
the longing !or knowledge he had !ostered in the boy and #nderstood also that the ti.e
had "o.e& /e p#t his hand gently on Christian's sho#lder& 7* was .#"h yo#r age when *
le!t .y ho.e and !a.ily& ;e lived in a s.all village and * wanted to see the o"ean&8 /e
didn't want to tell hi. that at !i!teen his drea.s had been o! battle glory and sla#ghter in
the /oly ,and% low aspirations indeed in "o.parison to these lo!ty ideals o! healing&
7My .other was sorely disappointed in .e& <he tho#ght * wo#ld stay and tend to .y
!ather's trade&8 /e !elt a leap in his heart as he tho#ght ba"k to that day% his .other
standing on the path% weeping as he rode away% enlisted as a page in the Order o! <t @ohn&
/e didn't know it then% b#t an in!ant lay rotten in her wo.b and she wo#ld be dead
be!ore +#letide&
/e shook away the .e.ory and bro#ght his attention ba"k to the boy& 7O#r beloved
abbot is very old now and his health is poor& ;hat will yo# do i! he re!#ses to allow yo#r
*t was Christian's t#rn to s.ile now& 7)ather Abbot has told .e .#"h abo#t the sages
o! the 0ast& /e says that they will wel"o.e one s#"h as *% as long as * a. h#.ble and o! a
willing .ind&8 /e p#lled a s.all vol#.e !ro. a po#"h at his waist& 7/e gave .e a book&
/e said it was given to hi. as a gi!t by a Te.plar knight who !o#ght to prote"t hi. !ro.
robbers in the /oly land&8
/e handed the book to Andre& 7/e said that the book saved his li!e:that it was
respe"ted by all who looked #pon it&8
This ti.e Andre la#ghed o#t lo#d% the abbot's wisdo. apparent in dealing with hot
headed yo#ng .en& 7Tell .e% did he tell yo# to keep it "lose% that its !a"e was #nwel"o.e
Christian nodded: 7/ow did yo# knowA8
7* was on"e given s#"h a book% b#t * was very .#"h older than yo# and not so wise&
/e opened the s.all vol#.e 7.he #onduct of a /hysician8 by *sha9 Bin Ali Cahawi&
7O#r beloved abbot see.s to have a veritable ab#ndan"e o! hidden works o! knowledge
given to hi. by brave knights& *t is a wonder that he was able to "arry the. all a"ross the
)or the !irst ti.e do#bt "rept into Christian's voi"e& 7* have .any ti.es talked o! .y
desire to travel to the 0ast to learn !ro. the wise .en there and )ather Abbot always
see.ed very happy with the idea:b#t:8 Andre wat"hed the boy's eyes as he talked% 7*t
see.s to .e that so.eti.es his tho#ghts are in another ti.e and pla"e now and when *
a. with hi. he doesn't see .e at all& * !ear that he has !orgotten o#r dis"#ssions&8
*t had indeed been noti"ed that the abbot was be"o.ing !orget!#l and vag#e in his
dealings with the brothers& /is gentleness re.ained% b#t there was an absent 9#ality to his
words& Andre agreed 7/e has been preo""#pied o! late& /e is o! a very great age *
believe& And the apothe"ary visits hi. o!ten& *n !a"t * have not seen hi. !or so.e ti.e&
/e begs b#rdenso.e d#ties and "on!ines hi.sel! in his roo.s& * !ear that he will not want
yo# to go !ro. hi.&
* see a light still% in his window& <hall we go together and beg his leaveA8
Christian's s.ile lit #p the night5ti.e sky&
7Bo% no% .y son& * have need o! yo#&8 The abbot's hands tre.bled as he waved the.
be!ore his s#ppli"ants& 7+o# are the only thing that keeps this "r#.bling bag o! bones on
this earth&8 /is voi"e took on a plaintive% whining tone 7;ho will read to .e in the
eveningsA ;ho will bring .e treats !ro. the kit"hensA8
Andre !elt saddened at the sight o! this on"e pro#d .an% de"lining into the "hildhood
o! old age& <#rely this was not what the s"ript#res .eant when it was written that we
.#st be"o.e as "hildren to enter the kingdo. o! heavenA
The old .an !olded his ar.s a"ross his "hest in st#bbornness& 7Bo& +o# will not go
lad& +o#r d#ties lie here&8
Christian looked "rest!allen altho#gh a glint o! de!ian"e re.ained in his eyes&
7)ather Abbot% "o#ld yo# not let .e goA ;e talked o! it last night a!ter Co.pline& 3o yo#
not re.e.ber sireA8
The abbot began to wave his ar.s abo#t again& 7Bo% .y boy% * do not=8 /e sta.ped
his !oot in pet#lan"e 71ray bring .e so.ething ni"e !ro. the "ookho#se and let's have
no .ore talk o! yo# leaving&8
The boy bowed his head in obedien"e& 7+es% )ather& *:* think Brother ;ilhel. has
.ade so.e honey bread !or to.orrow& * will !et"h yo# so.e steeped in .ilk&8 /e ran
past hi. with his head still down to hide the sheen o! tears on his "heeks&
Andre had been standing 9#ietly% wat"hing& /e looked intently at the old .an%
noti"ing the bl#eness o! his lips% the yellow par"h.ent skin% the ga#nt !ra.e& /e broke
the bitter silen"e at last& 7*t is very hard )ather% to take leave o! so.eone yo# love& *s it
The abbot pl#"ked absently at i.aginary pie"es o! lint on his habit% .eti"#lo#sly
rolling and pin"hing away the invisible !l#!! with knotted% bony !ingers&
Andre had seen this .otion be!ore% when the apothe"ary pres"ribed syr#p o! poppy
and the patient had need to rely on it& The swellings and nod#les on his !ingers bespoke
o! pain b#t perhaps there was so.ething .ore& /e asked gently 7+o# are #nwell%
/e sighed% and shi!ted in his "hair& The "lo#ded !il. o! age lay in the rhe#.y eyes
now& 7+es% .y son& Gaspard tells .e it is rotting o! the liver and * will be dead be!ore the
a#t#.n leaves t#rn&8 /e giggled "hildishly& 7* spoke in tr#th when * told yo#ng Christian
that it was only he who bo#nd .y so#l to this world&8
/e let his head !all into his hands 7Co#ld he not re.ain !or 4#st a little longerA Can
he not wait #ntil * a. deadA8
Andre took a deep breath 7;e .#st be gone& The winter will soon be #pon #s and
the boy !eels the p#ll o! his "alling& ;ho are we% )ather% to sti!le another's drea.sA8
The abbot sighed and in that piti!#l e$halation% Andre heard all the disill#sion.ent o!
a long li!e& 7Ah= The others think * a. in .y dotage% that * don't know a t#rnip !ro. a
"abbage any.ore% b#t it is a r#se Brother& * !eign .adness to "over the tr#e reason !or .y
in!ir.ity&8 /e s"rat"hed absently at the !laking skin o! his hands 7*t is no rare thing !or an
abbey to be r#led by a .indless dolt:8 and here he s.iled% showing .ore .issing teeth
and swollen% dis"olo#red g#.s& 7B#t the loss o! .y physi"al presen"e will be a blow
indeed& There is none here who "o#ld take .y pla"e&8 /e looked sternly at Andre 7And
you will be o""#pied ass#aging thy g#ilt in the /oly ,and&8 On"e again he was str#"k by
the abbot's per"eption&
7* have written in #rgen"y to /is /oliness !or a repla"e.ent&8 /e pointed toward a
s.all vial on the table& 7The eli$ir keeps the de.on at bay% .ost o! the ti.e6 * .erely
need to keep drawing breath #ntil the other arrives& The boy is .y only 4oy&8
Andre let "o.passion so!ten his words& 7+o# .#st let hi. go% )ather& *t is ti.e&8
/e .oved "loser and p#t his strong hand on the old .an's thin sho#lder& 7* have
"o.e !or the boy's possessions&8
The abbot nodded slowly and t#rned to the wooden "hest behind hi. and in one
swi!t .ove.ent that belied his age% he li!ted the lid and bro#ght !orth a glea.ing sword%
its blade l#.ino#s in the !li"kering "andlelight& /is eyes glittered as they bored into
Andre's 7And have yo# "o.e !or yo#r possessions alsoA8 /e held the weapon per!e"tly
balan"ed in his bony hand% every e.otion playing #pon his !eat#res& Andre "o#ld see that
he was en4oying the al.ost eroti" !eel o! the power !orged into the steel blade& /e
i.agined he "o#ld hear it h#..ing in the silen"e& 7*s it not !itting that yo# sho#ld die by
yo#r own swordA8
Andre's ga?e .oved to the 9#illion% to the intri"ate s"roll work inlaid with lapis
la?#li taken !ro. the deserts o! A!ghanistan% then down the long wide blade% the best
Toledo steel% te.pered with a virgin's water&
Gaspard had been very pro#d o! that sword&
/is eyes rested on the !#ller% the blood g#tter r#nning along its length% in his
i.agination stained a darker "olo#r to the #nspoiled rest& /e knew the reason !or that
groove in the blade& *t was said that it lightened the weight witho#t taking the strength%
b#t all soldiers know it is !or swi!t re.oval& 0ven the ar.ies o! anti9#ity hollowed their
weapons !or speed at the kill&
/e re.e.bered that s#"king !eel as the blade "a.e !ree% then swinging it high and
pl#nging it again% blood l#st !iring his strength% wat"hing dispassionately as his vi"ti.'s
s#rprised eyes rolled ba"k into eternity& A !eeling arose in his breast o! !inding a lost
!riend and longing to e.bra"e it& *t had saved his li!e "o#ntless ti.es& /e owed it now&
The abbot pointed the sword toward hi. and he !elt the tingle in his throat where the
blade .ight enter& The old .an sneered& 7*t is yo# who is en"o#raging the boy% yo# who
has p#t these ideas into his head&8
/e .oved "loser to Andre% who stood in .#te silen"e% his heart !illing with an
overwhel.ing sense o! sha.e and sadness& /e !elt no !ear&
And the old .an wat"hed as he sank to his knees% bowed his head in s#b.ission and
began to pray& /e prayed !or sins% heavy in his heart% !or the abbot's distress and .ost o!
all !or Christian% that he .ight have the strength to "arry his tor"h onward% to his destiny&
/e began to !eel that death now% or later% wo#ld not really .atter& That he sho#ld die
by Gaspard's !ine sword wo#ld be an hono#r in its way& Their !riendship had s#rvived
these .any years& They had taken oath to prote"t ea"h other and their !ellow knights&
They'd !o#ght together and prayed together&
/e heard a "rash !ro. the doorway b#t did not stir& /is heart was at pea"e& /e
wel"o.ed oblivion&
Then Christian's voi"e rang o#t% "lear and !ir.& 7Bo )ather:3o not:* beg yo#:8
then silen"e:and the so#nd o! weeping&
/e opened his eyes and looked #p& The abbot was standing% the sword li.p in his
hand% head bent and shaking !ro. side to side% tears "o#rsing down into his gri??led
beard% spittle !lying !ro. his .o#th&8 Oh% )orgive .e:)orgive .e: Oh ,ord:;hat
have * doneA8
/is strength !ailed hi. then and Andre sprang #p and "a#ght hi. as he !ell& /e li!ted
hi. gently and "arried hi. to his bed in the "orner o! the roo.& /e was no weight at all&
3isease had taken his body !ro. hi. already& 3eath was 4#st a separation o! his so#l&
Christian pi"ked #p the heavy sword and laid it on the desk& *t held no !as"ination !or
hi.& *t was 4#st another .eans to har. another% !olly and arrogan"e in the h#.an beast& *t
was no threat now& /e h#rried to help the abbot% who lay "#rled on his straw pallet%
sobbing into his hands& /e looked at Christian with s#"h sorrow and re.orse that the boy
!elt his heart breaking& /e loved this .an also&
7)orgive .e% .y son& * a. a !ool& * deserve to reside with the devil !or what * have
Christian shook his head and "lasped the shaking hands& 7Bo )ather& +o# are ill& And
* "an see that yo# are end#ring .#"h pain&8 /e looked aro#nd !or Andre and saw hi.
preparing a dra#ght !ro. the abbot's vial% .i$ing it with a little wine to so!ten the bitter
taste& /e bro#ght it to hi.% s.iling and held his head gently while he sipped& 0ven
swallowing had be"o.e pain!#l&
Andre !elt a !eeble heart beating in the s#nken "hest and sensed that perhaps% with
this !inal a"t o! desperation% the old .an's strength was spent& *t took only a little while
!or the !#rrowed brow to s.ooth% the ang#ish to ease&
They sat by his bed% "o.!orting hi. by their presen"e&
/e whispered and Christian bent "lose to hear& 7Take what is yo#rs .y son:with
.y blessing& * have been well hono#red by yo#r "o.pany& 8 And be!ore he dri!ted into
grate!#l sleep he raised his !ingers in the !a.iliar attit#de 7*n Bo.ine 1atris% et )ilii% et
<pirit#s <an"ti&8
/e patted the yo#ng hand and s.iled& 7And now:go:and show the light o! Tr#th
to the world&8
The abbot did not rise !ro. his bed again& /e died a !ew days later% in the early ho#rs
o! the .orning% be!ore the bell str#"k Matins% and Christian wept bitterly !or his loss&
Their 4o#rney began be!ore the !irst snows !ell&
0veryone asse.bled in the re!e"tory to break their !ast and they ate in good nat#red
h#.o#r% with .#"h ba"k slapping and de"larations o! !riendship&
2ntil the new abbot arrived% the brothers de"ided that the #s#al do#r readings !ro.
the s"ript#re were to be set aside% the abbot's death and their !riends' depart#re leaving
the abbey #nder a heavy pall o! sorrow& 1sal.s were s#ng instead% 4oyo#sly "elebrating a
li!e well lived and yo#th!#l "o#rage& *t was a sadness to see the. go% b#t they were pro#d
o! the s.all "hild grown to .anhood #nder their wing& And now the .orning air h#ng
heavy with the ho.ely s.ell o! wood5s.oke and the "o.!ortable aro.a o! si??ling
Berthilda sh#!!led aro#nd% wringing her hands in grie!% !#ssing over Christian's "lean
and pat"hed 4erkin and st#rdy woollen trews& /e had never been .eant !or the "loister
and his attire showed his stat#s as a poor "o.panion to a .endi"ant .onk&
Andre "arried a 4#te bag with his spare habit% books and .edi"al instr#.ents and
Christian% the astrolabe in his old leather sat"hel and a "oarse he.pen bag with a bat"h o!
Mistress Berta's honey d#.plings !olded in a pie"e o! .#slin "loth&
The books and "r#"i!i$ he le!t in the "are o! Gaspard% who lo"ked the. in a bo$ in
his workshop&
0a"h "arried other pre"io#s ite.s& Gaspard's bea#ti!#l sword lay sheathed in the
"hest in the Abbot's e.pty roo.% b#t Andre had taken the short !al"hion he'd bro#ght to
the .onastery all those years ago& *t lay% strapped to his hip% invisible #nder the !olds o!
his "opio#s habit& /e tho#ght it .ight !et"h a !ew pennies i! the need arose&
And also i! the need arose% he wo#ld #se it in de!en"e o! the boy who was willing to
risk everything in the p#rs#it o! knowledge&
Christian !o#nd another po#"h in the sat"hel& *t "ontained three gold sovereigns and a
short letter !ro. the Abbot&
)or Christian%
;ords "annot e$press the 4oy yo# have given .e& +o#r 4o#rney by ship will re9#ire
pay.ent& These .ay s#!!i"e #ntil yo# rea"h yo#r destination& Carry yo#r tor"h high% .y
son and i! God wills it% yo# will prevail&

Brother Alberto gave Christian writing 9#ills and ink and a thin b#ndle o! s"raped
vell#.% a pre"io#s gi!t indeed&
Gaspard gave hi. a s.all "hest "ontaining tin"t#res and re.edies and n#dging and
winking in ribald h#.o#r% gave instr#"tions on the .aking o! love philtres !or bea#ti!#l
.aidens& Then he "lasped Andre ro#ghly to his barrel shaped "hest& There were no words&
They said goodbye with the inti.a"y o! brothers% in the sign lang#age o! soldiers& Their
eyes !illed with tears at their parting% the !irst sin"e they'd 4oined the Order together as
boys& /e #nderstood why Andre had need to .ake this perilo#s 4o#rney& /e was there
when the "hildren were .#rdered&
Christian wrapped his ar.s aro#nd Berthilda and kissed her withered "heek& /er
tears wet his !a"e and he br#shed the. away 9#i"kly& /e was abo#t a .an's b#siness
They set o!! a.id .#"h "heering and waving and as the .onastery walls !aded !ro.
view and the thi"k !orest "ast deep shadows be!ore the.% both !ell silent% lost in their own
Their 4o#rney wo#ld span .ore than two tho#sand .iles% so.e o! it by sea .ost o! it
on !oot% over .o#ntains% thro#gh swa.ps and rivers% a"ross deserts& They wo#ld travel to
Bavaria% thro#gh the Brenner 1ass and on to Feni"e% then take ship to Crete% to Cypr#s
and then on to @er#sale.% a 4o#rney at !irst !ra#ght with the nat#ral dangers o! bitter "old%
wolves and alpine passes% later by lonely deserts and .ara#ding bands& This was not the
#s#al ro#te taken by pilgri.s% b#t one that a!!orded the. so.e !reedo. o! travel and
solit#de% a l#$#ry a!ter these .any years o! .onasti" li!e&
They wo#ld h#nt or work !or !ood6 they wo#ld take nothing that was not !reely
given& They wo#ld heal the si"k and that% gratis&
On this they had both de"ided and both agreed&
Their ro#te now wo#ld take the. thro#gh the Bla"k )orest and over the )eldberg
Mo#ntain% a "rossing that Andre had .ade be!ore% dragging behind hi. the dark gho#lish
spe"tre o! his re.orse&
They walked on thro#gh the short ho#rs o! daylight% stopping little to rest& Then as
the thin s#nlight !aded and the night began to wrap its "old ar.s abo#t the.% they knelt in
prayer together and asked o! the ,ord% /is blessing&
Andre adhered to the tenets o! the (#ran Allah loves those who p#ri!y
the.selves:' a""epted witho#t 9#estion by .any o! the Gnights o! the /ospital& This
/oly Book was not !orbidden the. in the 0ast% as it was in their own lands& *t had been
"ons#lted by the learned physi"ians and the @ews% along with the Torah and the Christian
Testa.ents in their bid to !ind the best .ethods o! healing& They'd !o#nd wisdo. in the.
/e washed hi.sel! in the strea. that !lowed sl#ggishly past% rinsing his .o#th and
nose% washing his hands #p to his elbows% his !a"e and !eet& The brothers had la#ghed at
!irst and regarded hi. with s#spi"ion !or his heathen ways% b#t he was "ertain this rit#al
had prote"ted hi. !ro. the terrible .aladies raging all aro#nd the.& And in this he had
instr#"ted Christian% believing that !ilth was the "a#se o! .#"h disease&
They rested that !irst night in a hay5lo!t on the edge o! the !orest and s#pped on
s#..er apples and honey d#.plings& The .oon was al.ost in its !#llness and it lit the
lo!t with a "o.!orting glow that so.ehow .at"hed their tho#ghts& Christian "o#ld not
sleep and Andre stayed awake% listening to the boy's e$"ited "hatter&
Andre wat"hed hi. now as he took his !athers letter !ro. the battered sat"hel& /e'd
not spoken o! it sin"e they'd retrieved it !ro. the abbot's "hest% b#t he knew that the boy
had read it .any ti.es& Christian looked #p and sighed& 7* wish .y !ather had been a
Andre agreed& 7+es% perhaps yo# wo#ld still have yo#r !ather i! he had not been a
.an o! s#"h "o#rage% yo#r .other too& <he .#st have been a wo.an o! rare !ortit#de&8
/e had deter.ined #pon leaving the !lapping ears and wagging tong#es o! the abbey to
speak only the tr#th& ;hat Christian learned now wo#ld shape the .an he wo#ld be"o.e
and tales and !antasies wo#ld only .#ddy the "lear waters o! reason& 7* !eel that
intoleran"e .ay be the greatest o! all evils% and o#r Mother the Ch#r"h is g#ilty o! .#"h
intoleran"e& To treat o#r !ellow .en so is an abo.ination% whatever the s"ript#res say&
The tr#th is that she is like a bea#ti!#l and ha#ghty wo.an& *t is power that she
"raves&The !aith o! yo#r .other and !ather .#st have drawn .any to its !old& <o it was a
threat to the do.inating power o! the Ch#r"h& That is why yo#r !a.ily were a""#sed as
hereti"s and "onde.ned&8
Andre was thank!#l that Christian had never seen the horror o! a b#rning&
/e'd witnessed an e$e"#tion in 1aler.o as a yo#ng knight% one whi"h their virt#o#s
.a4esties% the king and 9#een o! <pain had gra"ed with their presen"e& They'd sat% stony
!a"ed% as the .ight and .er"y o! /oly Mother Ch#r"h was displayed in all its glory&
/e'd never !orgotten the gr#eso.e spe"ta"le o! that day& *t see.ed that the whole
"ity had t#rned o#t in its !inery% !ood vendors% wine .er"hants and reli" sellers 4ostling
ea"h other !or b#siness a.ong the noisy throngs% 4ongle#rs and a"robats vying !or
Then a great roar !ro. the "rowd as the hereti"s were dragged o#t in "hains% two
wo.en% two .en:: @ews% bla"k with br#ises% shaved and starved to skeletons% wearing
the sanbenito and "orosa% the painted t#ni" and "oni"al hat o! a relapsed hereti"&
Andre p#shed the .e.ory o! their terrible deaths away and saw instead% their
overwhel.ing "o#rage& /e re.e.bered their lips .oving in prayer be!ore the !la.es
t#rned their !a"es into a ri"t#s o! agony& And he re"alled the priests standing arrogantly
be!ore the s"rea.ing wo.en% holding alo!t the banners o! Christ% wat"hing as the tar
soaked sa"k"loth b#rned away to reveal their heaving breasts&
/e !elt that this horror .#st have grati!ied so.e #rge in these see.ingly pio#s .en%
relishing as they did s#"h terrible s#!!ering& /e wondered now% "oarsely% i! .any o! the.
hid swollen pi??les #nder their !ine gar.ents in their l#st !or the pain o! their vi"ti.s&
Bile rose in his throat at the tho#ght&
*t was a horri!ying end !or .any good people and Andre prayed that one day% the
abbot's drea. o! brotherhood and toleran"e wo#ld e.erge !ro. the pro!o#nd darkness in
whi"h they lived&
/e looked at Christian's yo#ng !a"e shining in the .oonlight& 1erhaps this inno"ent
boy wo#ld a"9#ire the wisdo. o! the sages to whi"h he yearned and inherit the "o#rage
o! his !orebears% to right the wrongs o! this #n4#st world&
Christian nodded& 7* do not re.e.ber .y .other at all now&8 Andre was lost in his
own .#sings and had !orgotten hi.& 7Altho#gh so.eti.es * i.agine * "an s.ell her in
the !lowers that grow by the water.ill% or in the sweet bread that Brother ;ilhel. .akes
on <at#rdays& 3o yo# think that * .ight see her again Brother AndreA8
Andre !o#ght to keep the "at"h !ro. his throat& 7+o# will s#rely see her again% .y
son% yo#r !ather too& B#t yo# have .any years to live and .#"h work to do be!ore God
"alls yo# ho.e&8 /e yawned and p#lled his hood over his eyes& 7Bow sleep& ;ho knows
what perils await #s on the .orrow&8
As i! in response% he !elt the weight o! his !al"hion% heavy on his leg&
Andre rose be!ore dawn to pray&
/e sat 9#ietly% en4oying the "hill .orning air bra"ing against his skin% the so!t
babbling o! the water on the ro"ks% the ass#ran"e o! a new day& The .orning "a.e
9#i"kly% bringing with it an #nwilling s#n and !ine% .isty rain&
B#t there was a stillness that he "o#ld not re"on"ile with the "o.!orting nat#re
so#nds aro#nd hi.& /e was still thinking on this when Christian bo#nded #p% !#ll o!
e$"ite.ent and eager to be on his way&
/e pointed to a ro#gh hewn "ottage !#rther along the path% hal! hidden by .arsh
reeds at the !orests edge& They'd seen no5one the day be!ore and it see.ed i.polite not to
thank the reaper !or the "o.!ortable bed& B#t as they neared the s.all dwelling% he began
to !eel a !a.iliar wariness& /e'd long been a""#sto.ed to relying on his instin"ts and
they told hi. now to take heed& /e rea"hed o#t !or Christian and p#lled hi. "lose& 7,ook
there% Christian& ;hat do yo# seeA8
/e stopped and peered intently& 7Bothing Brother% no5one is stirring% nothing looks
Andre pointed to a "orner o! the ho#se 7The s#n has been alo!t !or so.e ti.e% yet
no5one is abo#t& Over there is a basket o! wild!lowers and a pat"h o! tansy part weeded&
<ho#ld there not be s.oke !ro. the "hi.ney% dogs barking% a wo.an !et"hing waterA8
Christian noted a long s"ythe leaning against the wall% its "#rved blade glinting in the
early light% an a$e lodged in a post% wood sta"ked neatly beside& A !ew pl#.p "hi"kens
pe"ked !or inse"ts in the verdant grass% a rooster "rowed on the "ottage roo!&
The reaper wo#ld not have le!t these pre"io#s tools #nattended& Bot in these days o!
hardship and wandering strangers&
71erhaps there is si"kness in the ho#seA8 Andre nodded6 it was what he'd been
thinking hi.sel!& The goodwi!e wo#ld not have let s#"h !ine "hi"kens wander abroad or
let her !a.ily's hearth go "old& The pathway beside the ho#se was well trodden% and
disease liked to travel also& The Bla"k 3eath had le!t its evil !ootprint a"ross the whole o!
Christendo. and beyond& That this !a.ily had been taken #nawares was not beyond the
bo#nds o! possibility&
Andre had been in plag#e ho#ses be!ore% had been st#nned by the swi!t passage !ro.
vag#e !eelings o! weariness and !ever% to agonising death&
/e tried to think o! the words that wo#ld prepare the boy !or what they .ight !ind&
This was not the in!ir.ary% with its "lean beds and linen bandages6 this was the reality o!
his "alling& 7Christian% God does not give #s the power to "#re all ills% b#t we .#st never
"ross a threshold #nless we "an do so.e good&8
As they approa"hed they noted the thin wattle door a4ar% a sweet% si"kly sten"h they
were both !a.iliar with and the b#??ing o! !lies& There was no .istaking now what had
be!allen the o""#pants o! this ho#se&
Andre entered% Christian a!ter% his yo#ng eyes already ad4#sting to the di. interior&
/e looked to the "orner o! the s.all roo. and saw two little girls laying entwined in
ea"h others ar.s% their "oarse bedding bla"k with !lies& *t see.ed as i! they were
pea"e!#lly sleeping b#t the indi"ation o! disease was apparent in their blot"hed and
darkened skin% death in the stillness o! their repose&
A wo.an lay nearby "overed with a pie"e o! sa"k"loth stained with blood% her eyes
"lo#dy and staring% !lies "rawling b#sily over her bloated !a"e% into her nostrils and open
Andre' spoke !irst& 7* !ear they have been with the ,ord !or so.e ti.e&8 /e bowed
his head in silent prayer !or the. all&
Christian looked aro#nd the .iserable roo.% at the privation evident in the ro#gh
!#rnishings and sparse "o.!orts& A s.all "ooking pot lay tilted on the "old hearth% the
re.ains o! a potage !il.ed over with green s"#. and "rawling .aggots& B#t the "hildren
were war.ly "overed% their !a"es "lean% their !la$en hair "o.bed and dressed with s.all
white .eadow !lowers& Two straw poppets lay beside their #pt#rned !a"es&
/is heart l#r"hed !or the grie! their .other .#st have !elt as she !o#ght this blind%
raging .onster !or the lives o! her "hildren : and lost& /e wondered i! she wel"o.ed the
!irst tell tale signs o! the disease in her own body% to be with her da#ghters in paradise
and leave to the rest% this hellish e$isten"e& And then this heartrending s"ene be"a.e
.ore heartrending still&
/e p#lled the "overing !ro. the .other% seeing a .isshapen b#lge and there in her
ar.s% an in!ant lay dead% still s#"kled at his .other's teat% his s.all !ist "len"hed at her
withered breast&
/e bent to to#"h the li!eless body% !eeling the "hild's skin wa$y and "ool% hoping
against hope so.e shred o! e$isten"e re.ained& /e "o#ld not stop the tears and let the.
!all% #nasha.ed& Then he looked #p and saw so.ething else in the darkness o! the roo!
bea.s& A .an hanging% dirty bare !eet pointed downwards% ne"k at an i.possible angle%
his !a"e shadowed in gloo.&
/e ba"ked away in horror& This was an #npardonable sin in the eyes o! the ,ord& The
abbot had told hi. so& The taking o! ones own li!e% whi"h belongs to God% wo#ld pro.ise
an eternity in hell&
Andre stood "al.ly% s#rveying the dread!#l s"ene% holding his plain "r#"i!i$ loosely
in his hand& /is .o#th .oving silently in the telling o! the beads% his !a"e showed only
sadness and pity& /e looked at Christian with that sa.e pity now& 7*! the only good we
"an do here is lay the. to rest% then that is o#r d#ty& ,ook abo#t yo# !or so.ething with
whi"h to dig&8
7B#t% b#t the ::8 /e "o#ld not say it and only pointed& Andre looked #p toward
the hanged .an& 7+es% * know .y son& This wret"h .#st have been insane with grie! to
do s#"h a thing& ,et #s hope that the ,ord will !orgive hi. his h#.anity&8
They b#ried the. in the so!t .eadow beside their lowly ho.e% side by side% the
"hildren with their poppets% the baby between his .other and !ather& Andre !elt it wo#ld
have been better to b#rn the "ottage with the !a.ily inside6 to prevent the spread o! the
disease% b#t it wo#ld have le!t the. witho#t hope when the last tr#.pets so#nd and all
are res#rre"ted in the light o! the ,ord% !or in Corinthians he knew% was written% The
tr#.pet shall so#nd% and the dead shall be raised in"orr#ptible% and we shall be "hanged&'
/e began his prayer !or their so#ls as Christian stood nearby% lost in tho#ght& Bot o!
this #n!ort#nate !a.ily% taken !ro. the world in s#"h ang#ish% b#t o! the .an beside hi.%
gently intoning Grant the. eternal rest% Oh ,ord and .ay everlasting light shine #pon
the.:' /e'd re.oved his habit to "arry the. to their grave% in a pra"ti"al gest#re to
"leanliness% and then bathed in the strea. be!ore speaking the words !or the b#rying o!
the dead&
*t was the !irst ti.e Christian had seen hi. #ndressed% and his disinterest t#rned to
"#riosity as Andre t#rned !ro. hi. to wash& /is broad ba"k was a vivid .esh o! old
s"ars% so.e !ine% like hair% others deep and p#"kered& /e'd never spoken o! his li!e be!ore
"o.ing to the abbey% e$"epting "hildhood tales that Christian re"ognised as lessons& /e
wondered what "o#ld have happened to leave s#"h terrible wo#nds&
And !or the !irst ti.e wondered why Andre had e$"hanged a "o.!ortable li!e at the
abbey !or a perilo#s 4o#rney to the /oly ,and&
*t was late when they .ade their way into the !orest% neither !eeling the need to talk%
the sadness o! the day drawing their tho#ghts inward&
Andre noti"ed Christian's so.bre .ood and as the a!ternoon t#rned !ro. a dis.al
setting o! the s#n to pea"e!#l night he looked !or a pla"e a.id the trees to rest&
They lit a s.all !ire and ate the last o! their d#.plings in silen"e% the pro.ise o!
winter "ra"kling in the air& /e hoped they "o#ld .ake their way thro#gh the .o#ntains
be!ore the passes be"a.e i.penetrable with snow& /e "o#ld see the. above the tops o!
the trees% sheer and white in the gloa.ing&
The boy sat h#ddled in his "loak% all e$"ite.ent dissipated by the dread!#l toil o! the
.orning& Andre rose and "a.e to sit beside hi.& 7+o# have had .#"h to think on this
day% Christian& Bot all .en "o#ld have kept a "ool head& Many wo#ld have taken !light in
the !a"e o! s#"h horror&8
Christian st#died Andre's "al. !a"e% as i! .eas#ring and weighing his own reply and
the response to it& 7There was no sign o! disease in the in!ant% Brother& And rigor had only
4#st beg#n in the li.bs&8
/e nodded !or Christian to go on% #nderstanding now the reason !or his 9#ietness&
7+es% the poor "hild likely did not have the strength to "ry o#t&8
7;hy did the ,ord not spare hi. s#"h s#!!eringA ;hy% when help was so "loseA8
Andre s.iled sadly& /ow .any ti.es had he asked hi.sel! the sa.e 9#estionA /ow
.any bla.eless "hildren had he seen lying dead% their bloodied "orpses piled #p like
!irewood% all !or the "ri.e o! being born into a nation at war% or a !aith at odds with
another's& Both Christian and <ara"en alike had been g#ilty o! "ri.es against the
inno"ent& 7* know not% .y boy& *t's not given #s to 9#estion% altho#gh * believe there is a
ti.e in all .en's lives when we do& /e .ade #s in /is i.age a!ter all% and gave #s
intelligen"e to think&
To see s#"h a thing is the st#!! o! night.ares% b#t a ne"essary night.are% one that
instr#"ts& /ow "an yo# !eel "o.passion i! yo# have not known grie!A /ow "an yo# know
bea#ty i! yo# have seen no #gliness to "o.pare it withA8 And as Andre looked into bl#e
eyes !#ll o! inno"en"e% he de"ided on"e again% that only the tr#th will s#!!i"e& 7This is the
world the ,ord has "hosen !or yo# Christian& *t has always been !illed with sorrow&
B#t every day we "an learn and be"o.e wise&
/ave yo# !orgotten that there is .#"h in o#r world that is splendid alsoA 3o yo# not
re"all yo#r .agni!i"ent wonders o! nat#reA * re"all very well the spiders yo# ho#sed on
the in!ir.ary shelves& Mistress Berthilda nearly died o! apople$y when she took down
so.e linen to air in the s#n and a whole nest o! spiders s"#ttled o#t&8
They both la#ghed so!tly% Christian re.e.bering now the pale% silky "o"oons he'd
hidden behind the sheets% pro.ising their dead .other% tra.pled #nder!oot in the "hapel%
to keep the. sa!e till they hat"hed&
7+o# will see .any .agni!i"ent wonders on o#r 4o#rney Christian& /ave * not told
yo# o! the dervishes o! Constantinople% who swirl ro#nd and ro#nd in their skirts till they
pl#nge into e"stasy and see visions o! GodA Or the tigers that the !ine ladies o! Baghdad
lead abo#t in 4ewelled "ollars like ta.e dogs% or the wonder!#l stone pyra.ids o! 0gypt
and the sphin$ that g#ards the.A 7
Christian r#bbed his eyes with the "oarse wool o! his sleeve and listened as Andre
wove a bright tapestry o! hope in the a#t#.n night&
7Or the s"or"hing desert o! Arabia% nothing b#t sky and sand !or a h#ndred .iles
then% 4#st as yo# think yo# will die !or the want o! a drink and yo#r eyes are so "r#sted
with !lies yo# are nearly blind% an oasis% shaded by swaying pal.s% with deep wells !illed
with i"y water and dates as so!t and 4#i"y as pl#.s&8
Christian "losed his eyes and began to dri!t into sleep 7My !ather told .e abo#t
ani.als with h#.ps on their ba"ks and how they "arried hi. a"ross the desert to sa!ety&8
7+es Christian% a "a.el& +o# will "ertainly see .any "a.els6 the Arabs "all the. the
ships o! the desert& ,et #s rest now and leave to the past this day o! sorrow& ,ook% the
"lo#ds have "leared away and the stars are shining& ;e are tr#ly blessed% !or to.orrow
the road .ay end and we will have need o! yo#r !ine astrolabe to !ind o#r way&8
/e looked toward Christian% who had indeed gone to sleep% and s.iled&
The !orest tee.ed with li!e6 "ri"kets "hirr#ping% robins singing sweet songs% rabbits
bo#nding thro#gh the #ndergrowth& And with s#rprising reg#larity they en"o#ntered
people going abo#t their b#siness% gathering kindling !or their !ires% setting snares&
Always they were greeted with !riendliness& They looked as they wereD pilgri.s
.aking !or the /oly ,and and salvation&
O!ten they wo#ld s.ell the inviting aro.a o! so.eone's "ooking pot nearby% or hear
the high pit"hed whistle o! a h#nter "alling ba"k his ho#nds&
The path was wider here% edged with so!t green !ronds and shaded by a da??ling
"anopy o! gold and r#sset leaves swaying gently overhead& *t was a pla"e o! pea"e% and as
they walked% the sadness o! the day be!ore !ell !ro. the. like a light s#..er shower on
new wool&
Christian gathered ha?eln#ts and late berries and with .#"h good nat#red .o"kery
!ro. Andre% "hased a hare till he "ornered it in the tangled roots o! a tree% its so!t doe
eyes wide with !right& /e wr#ng its ne"k 9#i"kly% asking !orgiveness& Then he #sed his
!lint and steel to .ake a s.all !ire and roasted it slowly% savo#ring its ri"h earthy .eaty
s.ell& *t was the !irst hot !ood they'd eaten sin"e leaving the .onastery and they relished
it with grate!#l en4oy.ent and la#ghter&
At night!all they .ade a bed o! !erns at the !oot o! a spreading bee"h and slept #nder
its sheltering bran"hes% prote"ted !ro. the .isty a#t#.n rain&
*t was a good day&
Christian woke be!ore the !irst rays o! the s#n% b#t Andre's pla"e was already e.pty&
/e "o#ld see hi. thro#gh the dappled leaves% head bent in prayer% as always in the
tran9#il ho#rs o! the .orning&
A light !rost "overed the .ossy gro#nd and Christian lay "ontentedly in his sweet
s.elling bed% "onte.plating the bea#ty o! the i"y "rystalline !or.s& A r#stle o! leaves
t#rned hi. sharply toward the so#nd b#t all was #ndist#rbed& /e wat"hed as Andre
straightened and .oved toward hi. with his !a.iliar #pright stride&
The leaves r#stled again&
This ti.e Christian was ready and leapt to his !eet& /e rea"hed !or the s.all kni!e he
kept in his 4erkin% b#t s#ddenly a hand snaked o#t o! the 9#ivering bran"hes and "l#t"hed
at his wrist& Then the bran"h !ell to the gro#nd and a wo.an was standing beside hi.%
leaves and twigs sti"king in her long "hestn#t hair& /e tried to wren"h away b#t her
strong hand held hi. still&
/er sleeveless shi!t o! "oarse sa"king showed well !or.ed sho#lders and slender
ar.s& One hand still gripped Christian's wrist% b#t the other held a "l#t"h o! hen's eggs%
whi"h she o!!ered to hi. with sole.n gra"e&
Andre ret#rned and took in the s"ene with so.e a.#se.ent& 7* see yo# have been
"apt#red& Are yo# not going to re.e.ber yo#r .anners and thank her !or the eggsA8
Christian looked asha.ed% seeing now what Andre was seeing% a wo.an o!!ering
!ood to travellers& /e lowered his head and took the gi!t& 7* thank yo# .istress&8
/er #nlined !a"e and "lear skin showed her to be a wo.an o! no great years b#t the
pleasing !eat#res were dis!ig#red by a .ass o! deep welts and b#rns aro#nd her .o#th&
<he t#rned her attention to Andre% her ga?e travelling #pward !ro. his broad !eet and
strong hands% his ro#gh woollen habit and greying hair% to rest on his open !a"e& /e in
t#rn st#died her% and the terrible in4#ries that .arred a !a"e that on"e .#st have been very
Then it see.ed that the air had beg#n to ripple aro#nd the.&
/e'd heard .any tales o! wise wo.en living in the woods% "alled on by the
towns!olk to birth their babies and tend to the si"k and then s"#ttling ba"k to their hiding
pla"es to avoid a""#sations o! wit"h"ra!t& /e wondered i! she were s#"h a one&
<he t#rned as i! to leave% then "hanged her .ind and be"koned !or the. to "o.e&
Andre raised his eyebrows and !ollowed her o!! the path and thro#gh the #ndergrowth&
They walked side by side wat"hing the wo.an's straight ba"k as she strode on
ahead& Christian whispered 7;hy does she not speakA8
Andre answered so!tly% not wanting her to hear% 7<he has spittle on her "hin% her teeth
are broken and there are b#rns aro#nd her .o#th& * believe she has had her tong#e "#t
*t wasn't long be!ore they "a.e #pon a "learing and a s.all wattle h#t% "overed in
!orest vines& Bright wild!lowers were growing on either side o! the well swept path and
wisps o! s.oke dri!ted !ro. the "rooked "hi.ney& <he opened her door and gest#red !or
the. to enter and the enti"ing aro.a o! !ood drew the. "loser&
Andre wat"hed Christian as he hesitated on the path& 7;hat does yo#r heart tell yo#
abo#t this% .y boyA <ho#ld we enter the hag's lairA8
7The "ottage looks well kept and the wo.an see.s har.less& * !eel now that she was
trying to set the eggs beside .e #ndete"ted% perhaps to save .y pride&8 Andre was
pleased that he had beg#n to eval#ate and reason& *t wo#ld help to keep hi. sa!e& They
d#"ked their heads #nder the low doorway: and entered an Aladdin's "ave o! ri"hes&
0verywhere were wonder!#l s.ells& A p#ngent broth b#bbled in a pot on the so!tly
"ra"kling !ire% herbs h#ng in b#n"hes !ro. the low roo! bea.s% ro#gh .ade shelves held
earthen bowls o! !r#it and n#ts and everywhere were !lowers& *n this ho.ely pla"e were
all the treas#res o! the !orest&
<he gest#red !or the. to sit on a wooden ben"h "lose to the hearth and ladled o#t
two bowls o! stea.ing so#p thi"k with wild t#rnips and onions& <he took no no#rish.ent
hersel! b#t stood 9#ietly by as Christian wol!ed it down& Then she o!!ered !resh .ade
bread and .ore broth and "#t so.e honey"o.b !ro. a larger pie"e and handed it to hi.&
Christian's eyes were wide with wonder& /e saw a pallet in the "orner% sweet
s.elling bra"ken "overed with rabbit pelts and !elt he "o#ld "#rl #p there and sleep
!orever in this sa!e% war. ho.e&
<he held o#t the honey"o.b to Andre% who re!#sed it with a shake o! his head and a
s.ile% b#t she did not t#rn away& <he rea"hed #p her hand and as her war. !ingers
to#"hed his "heek% her eyes lo"ked onto his& On"e .ore he !elt the ripple o! the light
aro#nd the.& And the s.ile began to !ade !ro. his lips&
/e !elt a gentle p#lling as his s#rro#ndings disappeared in a ha?y di.ness and all
that re.ained were the two o! the.% their eyes lo"ked together& /e wanted to tear his
head away% a!raid that she .ight see the sins o! his past i.printed on his so#l& And then
his body be"a.e as a !eather !loating in ti.e% as his past reared #p be!ore hi. and his
!#t#re !ollowed in its wake&
Christian waited% wat"hing the silent e$"hange between the two& Then she gr#nted
lo#dly and p#lled her head away% tears in her eyes& Andre sat .otionless6 saying nothing%
his !air skin had t#rned ashen in the so!t .orning light&
/e !elt the sharp sting o! tears also% !or i! he laid his so#l bare to her% she had laid her
so#l bare to hi.& *n the spa"e o! a breath he saw her% standing ere"t and de!iant be!ore the
.ight o! the Ch#r"h% her h#sband tort#red #nto death beside her% and writhing in agony as
white hot pin"ers were !or"ed into her .o#th to tear her tong#e !ree o! its roots& /e !elt
the blinding pain and terror o! that aw!#l p#nish.ent and his head swa. with the
They spent the day "hopping wood !or the winter ahead and piling it neatly beside
the "ottage& <he gave Christian a !#r bonnet and .ittens and they all la#ghed when he
p#lled the. on and wagged his ears% the !laps .aking hi. look like a giant% long li.bed
rabbit& <he "overed her .o#th with her hand b#t the s.ile re.ained in her eyes&
Then her kind !a"e be"a.e sole.n& <he handed Christian a s.all earthen pot sealed
with wa$ and p#t her other hand to her "hest in a r#bbing .otion& <he pointed to Andre&
/er instr#"tions were "lear& Andre stood 9#ietly and nodded his thanks to her% their
eyes .eeting on"e again& This ti.e he !elt no an$iety& Both had seen and both
And as the a!ternoon shadows lengthened they took their leave% h#.bled by her
generosity& <he stood at her door% wat"hing as they set o!! down the path& Christian !elt
sad as they ro#nded a bend and she disappeared !ro. view& 7* wo#ld have liked to know
her na.e&8
Andre s.iled 7And * too% b#t perhaps she has no need o! it now&8
The s#n was beginning to set b#t they de"ided to walk on% the !#ll .oon lighting
their way& They saw no !irelights as they travelled deeper into the woods% heard no h#nter
"alling his dogs& At night!all the wolves began howling and as Christian t#ned his ears to
the o.ino#s so#nd% long b#ried .e.ories rose to the s#r!a"e& /is voi"e dropped to a
whisper 7* do not like that noise&8
Andre la#ghed& 7Ah% .y boy& +o# "an "har. the birds o#t o! the trees and the pigs
!ro. their swill& O! what "on"ern is an overlarge dogA 3o yo# not have as .#"h right to
walk here as heA8
7+es% b#t * re.e.ber the tales * heard as a "hild&8 Andre stopped s#ddenly and
looked sternly at Christian% the !irst ti.e he "o#ld re"all doing so&
7Childish !ears have no pla"e in a .an's li!e& There will be .any dangers on o#r
4o#rney6 wolves the least o! the.& B#t they will s.ell yo#r !ear and atta"k i! they
per"eive weakness& <o% hold #p yo#r head& The .oon is bright and o#r path is "lear& <oon
we will be o#t o! these woods and there will be other "on"erns&8
Christian looked sheepish and lowered his head& 7)orgive .e sire% * have .#"h to
Andre "lasped his sho#lder in a !atherly gest#re& 7+o# have .#"h wisdo. already
.y boy% !ar .ore than * at yo#r age& 3id * tell yo# * on"e stole a .aiden's petti"oat as she
bathed naked in the .oonlightA /er !ather ran a!ter .e with his a$e% swinging it above
his head like a .ad.an% b#t * st#!!ed .y pri?e into .y 4erkin and hid #ntil he gave #p the
"hase&8 And then he s.iled his broad .is"hievo#s s.ile& 7* still re.e.ber the s.ell o!
that wonder!#l gar.ent&8
They walked on thro#gh the night and the baying wolves !aded into the darkness as
Andre re"o#nted the e$ploits o! his yo#th&
Two weeks later they e.erged !ro. the shadowed woods to !ind a vast ro"k5 strewn
plain and snow "overed peaks sharply o#tlined against a slate grey sky&
They lit a !ire and roasted the rabbit Christian had snared earlier& These har.less
"reat#res had blessed the. with !resh .eat !or .ost o! their 4o#rney b#t the desolate
s"ene ahead held little pro.ise o! !ood&
Christian took o#t his astrolabe and sighted it at the sky% ad4#sting the r#le and rete to
"al"#late their position& Andre had ta#ght hi. well how to #se it and his intention now
was to !ind a ro#te toward the 0ast% to the (#ibla& As he .ade his re"koning% he saw that
their dire"tion lay between the ridges o! the two highest peaks& They wo#ld have to "li.b
b#t not as"end to the .o#ntain tops& /e looked to Andre who had !allen asleep with his
ba"k against a ro"k% wrapped in his "loak& /is !a"e was grey with !atig#e% altho#gh not
on"e had he .ade "o.plaint or s#ggested they rest&
;hen they began their trek to the .o#ntains% they bent into the i"y wind that howled
a"ross the !lat% barren land% snat"hing at their "lothes% biting into their skin& Christian
be"a.e very !ond o! his bonnet and .ittens and altho#gh Andre see.ed i.pervio#s to
"hanges in the weather% Christian noti"ed that his pa"e had slowed and his #s#al steady
gait was ha.pered by a li.p&
Crags and ridges loo.ed #p% dark and .ena"ing% water t#.bled over ro"ky o#t"rops
and ledges% snow "lothed the peaks in a ragged "ape o! white la"e&
Bow Christian #nderstood what Andre .eant abo#t the wolves& They'd le!t the.
alone% stalking alongside b#t not approa"hing% inti.idating with their growls b#t not
atta"king& They were o! no "onse9#en"e in "o.parison to this !or.idable barrier& /e'd
kept his !ear tight inside and he kept it in now% sensing that he wo#ld need all his strength
!or this part o! the 4o#rney&
They walked on witho#t stopping #ntil the light began to !ade% then took shelter in
the lea o! a giant ro"k !or.ation whi"h stood like a sentinel at the !oot o! the .o#ntain&
Christian tho#ght o! what lay ahead% the people he .ight .eet and the .arvels he
.ight see% the bright whirling dervishes% the .agi o! the 0ast with their "harts and s"rolls
and in"antations% the wise /ebrew s"holars and .ysterio#s 0gypt% !#ll o! grand te.ples
and hidden knowledge&
;ith all his heart he wanted that knowledge% to heal and "o.!ort and ease the
s#!!ering o! those he saw aro#nd hi.& And he knew with a s#reness he "o#ldn't e$plain%
that one day% it wo#ld be granted&
/e wrapped hi.sel! in his travelling "loak% p#lled his bonnet over his !a"e and
dri!ted into "ontented sleep&
To.orrow they wo#ld begin the 4o#rney thro#gh the passes% o#t o! Ger.any and
onward to the "oast% to take ship to @er#sale.&
The snow !ell heavily the ne$t day and the day a!ter& They were !ort#nate they had so
!ew possessions& Christian's s.all apothe"ary bo$ weighed heavy on his sho#lders and
began to "ha!e against his ba"kbone% "reating sore pat"hes o! raw% bleeding skin&
Andre's li.p be"a.e worse #ntil Christian insisted he stop to e$a.ine his !eet and
!o#nd large% in!la.ed blisters where his new boots had r#bbed against his toes& /e
applied salve and bo#nd the. with the .#slin that Mistress Berta had wrapped the
d#.plings in and they 4oked abo#t the healing power o! honey d#.plings&
0erie e"hoes howled like long dead ghosts thro#gh the nat#ral "orridor .ade by the
"li!!s towering above the.% b#t the snow had hardened to a !ir. "r#st% .aking walking
easier& They said little as they 4o#rneyed on% the !ier"e wind whipping the words !ro.
their .o#ths as soon as they were spoken&
;hen their battle with the wind bent the. do#ble with weariness% they stopped at
last% !inding an #nderhanging ro"k to shelter the.& They ate the ha?eln#ts Christian had
gathered in the !orest and slept till the .orning% wrapped like "o"oons in their "loaks&
The ne$t day the sky was heavy and grey with threatened snow b#t it stayed in the
heavens and they .ade their way steadily% en4oying the s#rreal .a4esty o! the alpine
peaks& *t was a pla"e where ti.e was .eas#red by the beating o! a heart or the inhalation
o! a breath& *t was not hard to i.agine that they alone inhabited the world&
They saw the tra"ks o! snow !o$es and .ar.ots% b#t no living thing "rossed their
path% even the birds had disappeared !ro. the sky&
Christian padded like a leopard in the snow% alert and wat"h!#l !or s.all ga.e%
"o.!ortable in his s#rro#ndings& *t .ade Andre glad and he prayed that the boy wo#ld
!ind that whi"h he so#ght&
)or hi.sel!% he tho#ght o! the righting o! wrongs and o! pea"e&
Bothing "o#ld give the "hildren ba"k their lives% b#t they had been inno"ent%
wel"o.ed into the ar.s o! the ,ord with 4oy& /is bea#ti!#l +iola had taken her own li!e
and wo#ld b#rn in eternal tor.ent i! he "o#ld not .ake a.ends&
*t was his !a#lt that the "hildren had been .#rdered in their beds% not hers& And he
had "arried his g#ilt thro#gh the years like a bloated lee"h !astened to his so#l&
/e'd hidden behind a pillar as she tended the babes in the n#rsery% singing sweet
l#llabies% her p#re "lear voi"e like a so!tly ringing bell& /e'd wat"hed her lay a dead "hild
to rest% her tears !alling like pearls on the pale wa$en !a"e and a"hed to kiss away her
And when he wrapped his strong ar.s aro#nd her at last and p#lled her "lose% his
t#ni" still stained with the blood o! the battle!ield% she'd tried to p#sh hi. away b#t he'd
held her% knowing by her bright eyes and the heart beating like a !l#ttering wing #nder his
hand that she wanted hi. too&
/e re.e.bered p#lling away her veil and the "lean% silken !eel o! her hair as it !ell
thro#gh his !ingers like s#nlit water% the so!t war.th o! her "heek as he tasted her salty
tears and then the .oist velvet !eel o! her tong#e in his .o#th as his need !or her rea"hed
s#"h heights that he tho#ght he wo#ld drown in an o"ean o! desire& And later% the s.ell o!
4as.ine on the war. s#..er night% his big hand "#pping her breast as the other e$plored
gently between her parting thighs% not needing now to be over"o.e by his strength& And
the world disappearing as her "ool hand rea"hed down to "lose aro#nd his swollen
.anhood and g#ide hi. to her% willingly&
They'd both known it was wrong& /e was bo#nd by his vows and she% an orphan p#t
to #se in the n#rsery to save her !ro. starvation& B#t he'd been yo#ng and strong and !#ll
o! !ire&
The .e.ory o! what he'd done !illed hi. with sha.e even now& /e walked on% not
looking at Christian% lost in his past&
<he'd tried to resist hi.% he knew that now& <he'd shown hi. in the way her eyes
averted his ga?e as he worked in the in!ir.ary and in the way she stayed "lose to the
others as they tended the si"k&
Gaspard knew& /e'd sensed the tension between the.& The big knight was not
known !or his s#btlety and he'd waited #ntil they were alone% grabbed Andre by the throat
and p#shed hi. against the wall& /e .#st stop& The wo.an had been dishono#red& Co#ld
he not see that he pla"ed the. both in dangerA
Andre had bro#ght #p his !ist and s.ashed it into his !riend's !a"e% o#trage blinding
hi. to the tr#th& Blood sp#rted !ro. a gash in Gaspard's "heek b#t he was bigger and not
given to displays o! te.per& /e'd looked "al.ly into Andre's eyes then rea"hed down to
take the dagger !ro. his belt& /e threw it into the "orner and walked away% saying
nothing& )or the !irst ti.e sin"e they were "hildren% they'd raised a hand against ea"h
The en"o#nter had le!t hi. shivering and over"o.e with sha.e& /e'd h#rt his !riend
in a !lash o! anger and worse% Gaspard had !elt the need to disar. hi.& /ad he tho#ght he
wo#ld #se his kni!e against the .an he'd always loved as a brotherA
B#t Gaspard was right& The knights o! <t @ohn were looked #pon as intr#ders on the
island and now the "iti?ens had be"o.e s#rly and resent!#l& The penalty !or relations with
a Cypriot wo.an was severe& And he had broken his vows% an ine$"#sable a"t&
/e'd wept at the tho#ght o! not holding her in his ar.s% not !eeling her so!t lips
against his& That he loved her he had no do#bt% b#t he realised his love !or his Order and
his ,ord .#st be stronger& /e wo#ld do penan"e !or his disobedien"e% his pride and his
l#st& /e wo#ld ask her !orgiveness !or the loss o! her inno"en"e and try as best he .ight
to atone !or his behavio#r&
/e'd resolved to leave her alone and attend to his d#ty&
B#t the world was bigger than two lovers and the horror that was to "o.e wo#ld
drive all tho#ghts o! her !ro. his .ind&
A !ew weeks later the plag#e showed its loathso.e !a"e to the beleag#ered
inhabitants o! Cypr#s&
A 1ort#g#ese slave5galley "arrying natives to be sold in the .arkets o! Genoa
do"ked in the harbo#r% bringing with it spi"es% silks and the reek o! death&
The stink o! the ship !orewarned the. o! its approa"h while still o#tside the headland
and as it "a.e "loser% the wailing o! the slaves sha"kled below "arried on the wind like
the howl o! whipped dogs&
There was so.ething grey and "owering abo#t the way the vessel h#ng li.p in the
water and the harbo#r .aster denied the "aptain re!#ge% "alling to hi. !ro. the whar!
that no ship "o#ld berth witho#t a per.it !ro. the <enes"hal% and per.ission wo#ld not
be granted i! the ship "arried "ontagion&
The swarthy "aptain p#lled ba"k his sho#lders and vowed that his ship was witho#t
disease b#t r#n dangero#sly low on water% being t#rned away !ro. every port they'd
The orange s#n h#ng low on the hori?on as it "a.e alongside the pier% the "aptain
.anoe#vring the ship "lose be!ore sho#ting down with a "arrion s.ile that he "arried
bla"k pepper% n#t.eg and opi#. !ro. the /oly land% whi"h he wo#ld be willing to trade%
!or the right pri"e&
;hile two silent "rew.en threw the do"k5lines over the bollards and tied it !ast% the
harbo#r .aster walked its length% noting the !ilth en"r#sting the h#ll above the water line%
the rats s"#ttling along the hawser to shore and the reek o! h#.an waste seeping !ro. its
hold& Barrels o! water and !r#it were ha#led a"ross on ropes while the towns!olk a.bled
down to the whar! to wat"h the spe"ta"le o! a !#lly laden slave5ship&
They were disappointed& The pleas and groans o! the wret"hes pa"ked tight in the
hold wo#ld have .elted the heart o! the devil% b#t the "aptain kept the. lo"ked below&
The harbo#r .aster set a wat"h !or the night to ens#re no5one dise.barked and
waited !or the <enes"hal& The ne$t .orning it was t#rned away% both agreeing that the
ship had a "ertain !etid .ias.a that bespoke o! tro#ble&
The "aptain was #n"on"erned6 he had water and his goods were a val#ed "o..odity
everywhere& /e showed his gratit#de by dropping his kedges at the !#rthest point o! the
bay and throwing over the side the rotting "ar"asses o! the slaves who'd lain dead in the
hold% .ana"led to the living&
The sharks had s#rro#nded the ship% thrashing and whirling in !ren?ied "ir"les as
they ripped and tore at the bodies as they t#.bled into the water& The rest washed #p on
the sands and over the ne$t !ew days% and be!ore the s#n set on the third% the in!ir.ary
began to !ill with !everish and worried "iti?ens&
Andre worked in the open "o#rtyard% tending to the .ost severe% b#t between one
<abbath and the ne$t% hal! the islands pop#lation had s#""#.bed and swollen "orpses lay
in the hot d#sty streets !or want o! strong hands to b#ry the.&
The .en were always the !irst to s#""#.b and the !irst to be sh#t away !ro. loved
ones and help% in !ear o! spreading the disease !#rther& There was #s#ally nothing to be
done& 0ither they lived or died% stinking o! p#tre!a"tion% bla"k b#boes livid and disg#sting
and their !a.ilies wo#ld be le!t witho#t strong .en to till the !ields or bring in the
They tried to keep the "hildren sa!e% only +iola "o.ing and going between the
n#rsery and the o#tside% !et"hing "lean water and !ood% then blo"king the gaps #nder the
doors and "overing the s.all windows to keep the evil h#.o#rs o#t& They were orphans
too and she "osseted the. like her own&
One week stret"hed into another and still they battled the Bla"k 3eath% Andre
working thro#gh the nights% dragging his !eet% his eyes grown di. !ro. weariness% #ntil
!inally Gaspard ordered hi. to rest& /e sat propped against the wall eating a !ig% the
sten"h o! de"ay thi"k in his nostrils& And then he saw her drawing water !ro. the well%
her !a"e swathed in .#slin& <he t#rned and .oved toward hi.% her bea#ti!#l eyes !illed
with longing% b#t he 4#.ped to his !eet and blo"ked her path% his hands held #p in !ront o!
hi. as i! to t#rn her away&
<he .#st have seen the tr#th in his eyes !or she lowered her head% her kn#"kles white
on the handle o! the water 4ar and he p#t his hand #nder her "hin and li!ted it #p% !or"ing
her to look at hi.& ;hat he saw there .ade his heart leap% b#t he p#shed away his desire
!or her and stepped ba"k% steeling his resolve&
/e begged her !orgiveness and ad.itted the sha.e he !elt !or the advantage he had
taken& /e'd !or"ed hi.sel! #pon her !or the basest o! reasons& /e told her to look !or a
h#sband who wo#ld "are !or her% as his d#ty "o#ld be to no earthly wo.an& /e knew
what he said was "r#el6 he "o#ld see the h#rt in her eyes& <he'd looked at hi. !or 4#st a
.o.ent% her dark eyes .oist with tears and ran past hi. to the n#rsery&
/e stood silently% tasting the bitter gall o! trea"hery on his tong#e and then walked
ba"k to the "o#rtyard to tend to the living a.ong the dead&
Bo5one saw +iola the ne$t day or the day a!ter& The "haplain be"a.e "on"erned
when he went to bless the "hildren on the .orning o! the <abbath and all was in silen"e&
They !or"ed open the door and !o#nd her li!eless% her veins opened and e.ptied onto the
stone !loor& The "hildren had been washed% neatly t#"ked into bed and s.othered in their
sleep& ;hen the "haplain e.erged pale and sho"ked it was Andre he looked !or a.ong
the others&
/e went straight to the Grand Master and "on!essed&
/e had dishono#red her% he had !or"ed her against her will and it was his !a#lt that
her .ind had given way& <he was a poor orphan and he had taken the only thing she had%
her inno"en"e& /e did not want the san"tity o! the "on!essional% he wanted his g#ilt laid
bare and sho#ted to the world&
The Grand Master looked #pon hi. with distaste and had hi. !logged in the stables%
with all the knights asse.bled as witness& /e was a worldly .an% #sed to the passions o!
yo#ng .en% so he saved his anger !or Gaspard who% a!ter the !i!th lash tore into Andre's
!lesh% strode a"ross the yard and kno"ked the whip o#t o! the li"tor's hands& Then he
stood% !eet planted apart% his sword resting between the.% de!ying the others to approa"h&
Bo5one did& They were well loved a.ong their brethren&
The Grand Master e$pelled the. both !ro. the Order !or the breaking o! their vows&
1overty% "hastity and obedien"e& Only poverty re.ained to the. now and they
walked away with their !ew possessions and begged passage ho.e&
Andre had lain !everish !or a week on the de"k o! the ship% his wo#nds weeping and
livid& Gaspard saw to the o#tward da.age b#t "o#ld do nothing !or the g#ilt that sk#lked
aro#nd hi. like a wraith&
The "hildren were interred in the "rypts% a .ass said !or their inno"ent so#ls& +iola
was b#ried o#tside the walls and the towns!olk spat on the last sod that "overed her&
Andre st#.bled and Christian .oved 9#i"kly to his side& 7* thank yo# .y boy& The
ro"ks are trea"hero#s here&8 B#t Christian had been wat"hing hi. !or so.e ti.e and had
seen the ang#ish that he'd not tho#ght to hide&
*"e blasted trees stood like skeletons against the !ading light as they !o#nd shelter
on"e again in the lee o! the ro"ks& The wind had "arved a s.all "ave in the !a"e o! the
"li!! and here they took re!#ge !or the night% Andre wrapping hi.sel! against the "old and
!alling grate!#lly into sleep&
Christian gathered the dry twigs that lay aro#nd the. and lit a s.all !ire at the
entran"e% !illing the "ave with "osy war.th and the so!t% resino#s s"ent o! pine& /e ate
hal! the n#ts that were le!t% saving the rest !or Andre% b#t he was still h#ngry and the "hill
see.ed to have seeped thro#gh to the .arrow o! his bones% denying hi. sleep&
/e took the astrolabe o#t o! his !ather's po#"h&
The wind "eased its howling and the night "a.e down 9#i"kly% a sliver o! .oon
hanging pale in the heavens% setting a s"ene o! s#"h pro!o#nd bea#ty that Christian
tho#ght he .ight weep at the sight&
/e handled the instr#.ent "are!#lly% setting the pend#l#. and r#le in line with the
hori?on that lay !ar in the distan"e% b#t his "al"#lations were .ade di!!i"#lt by the poor
light and their lo!ty perspe"tive% so he "ontented hi.sel! with st#dying the !ine
engravings on its s#r!a"e& /e'd never asked Andre how he "a.e to own s#"h a thing and
he wondered now at its provenan"e& /ad it been possessed by an astrono.er% a learned
.an% a prin"eA ;hat other hand had sighted it at the sky and "alled down the starsA /is
!ingers tingled at the tho#ght&
/e was still wat"hing the play o! the stars against the velvet sky when Andre rose to
pray& /e stood beside hi.% laid a hand on his sho#lder and pointed at lights twinkling in a
ha?y shi..er below& Christian had been so intent #pon his "onte.plation o! the heavens
he hadn't noti"ed the early .orning wakening o! the town beneath the.&
The road to the town was narrow and ill .ade and the stinking gibbet "ages on either
side over!lowed their !o#l "argo onto the .#ddy gro#nd& Andre !ingered his beads& They
had been .en on"e&
This death by hanging% till the !lesh rotted and !ell !ro. the bones% was a "o..on
eno#gh p#nish.ent now& /e re.e.bered a 4o#rney to <t#ttgart one !rosty spring
.orning% where he'd gone to negotiate the pri"e !or a wagonload o! wine the brothers had
p#t away to pay !or repairs to the s#..er re!e"tory& /e'd stopped to give thanks !or his
sa!e 4o#rney at a bea#ti!#l three5naved "h#r"h in the "entre o! the town and looked #p to
see the tower h#ng with iron "ages 4#st like these% ea"h with a whi.pering .an inside&
The "iti?ens had gathered to wat"h% hoping !or sight o! the devil dragging his .inions o!!
to hell% !or it was always a good showing% they said% when ;aldensians were bro#ght to
a""o#nt& They were to hang till the "rows pe"ked o#t their eyes and thirst drove the. to
rip open their veins with their teeth !or want o! a drink& They were given no .er"y&
/e banged with the !lat o! his hand on the thi"k wooden gate and a "oarse% wavering
voi"e answered !ro. within& 73e"lare yo#r b#siness=8
7;e are pilgri.s sire% bo#nd !or the /oly ,and and @er#sale.&8 Andre "o#ld see the
pride in Christian's !a"e as he "alled thro#gh the s.all opening b#t the reply was harsh
and #ne$pe"ted&
7+et .ore pio#s s"avengers in sear"h o! a .eal they haven't earned is itA8
Christian's 4aw dropped open in s#rprise b#t Andre's voi"e was gentle& 7Good
gatekeeper% we are pilgri.s s#rely% b#t we are also trained in physi"& Many are s#!!ering
in these di!!i"#lt ti.es and we o!!er help& ;e ask no pay.ent&8
A dark eye and b#shy grey eyebrow showed at the peephole% .oving #p and down%
resting on Andre's grey robe& 7;ell% the good !olk o! Trent won't be needin' the help o!
any beak do"tors and lee"h s9#ee?ers% thanks be to the ,ord&
A .onk hehA8 The eye narrowed and regarded the. steadily& 7Bo po$ or swellingsA8
Andre p#shed ba"k his hood and showed his #ns"arred !a"e to the eye& 7;hat abo#t the
boyA8 Christian did the sa.e& /oarse la#ghter !ollowed the. as the gate sw#ng open on
"reaking hinges& 7;ell% * bid ye enter then% lest we be in peril o! o#r .ortal so#ls&8
They approa"hed the town s9#are and saw a hive o! a"tivity in the dawning light& *t
was .arket day& <hopkeepers were #nloading their wares !ro. "arts and wagons%
sho#ting and whistling% ea"h "alling to the other in good nat#red rivalry&
Christian's eyes grew wide as he wandered a.ong stalls laden with loaves o! war.
bread% !resh apples and !r#it pies% "ider in barrels and new .ilk in 4#gs% bright painted
eggs% tr#ssed and s9#awking "hi"kens tied on poles and t#bs o! wriggling eels&
/e h#rried a"ross to help a !ishwi!e whose "at"h o! ten"h was so !resh it had
slithered o#t onto the "obbles& /e grabbed at the slippery% !lipping !ish and pla"ed the.
ba"k in the basket% la#ghing& The !ishwi!e s.iled her thanks and gave hi. a penny&
/is nose led hi. to a trestle table piled high with golden baked bread stea.ing in the
"hill air& /e "hose two so!t honey rolls and handed his .oney to the portly baker% then
o!!ered the. to Andre% who waved the. away% 7Too ri"h !or .e: b#t let the. not go to
The baker was a kindly .an% who'd noti"ed the boy's ga#nt "heeks and sparse !ra.e
and the .onk standing 9#ietly by& /e waddled over% a ro#nd girth b#lging !ro. his
pristine white apron& 7/ere boy% yo# look like a lad with so.ething between yo#r ears&
Tis a b#sy .orning *'ll have% what with the goodwives gossiping and this !ine spe"i.en
yo# see be!ore yo# and his !a.o#s "herry pies ear.arked !or betrothal& *'d be glad o!
so.e help with the loaves&8
Christian looked to Andre% who nodded% his eyes twinkling&
7*'ll pay yo# a t#ppen"e !or the .orning and a hot .eal at the last& ;hat say yo#A8
/is !a"e lit #p% his .o#th still !#ll o! bread& 7Thank yo# sire% * a. very strong& * "an
work hard&8
The baker la#ghed% his big white teeth showing& 7;ell% !irst sit yo# both down and
break yo#r !ast& These la?y goodwives don't do their shopping #ntil the s#n is right #p
and * have so.e .#tton pies even the angels wo#ld !ight over&8 And he handed the.
ea"h a war. pie and s.all beer !ro. his own 4#g% then le!t the. to eat while he
rearranged his wares& Beither "o#ld re.e.ber having a better .eal&
Christian spent the .orning shyly selling bread to the wo.en o! the town% bl#shing
as they r#!!led his !air hair or pin"hed his "heek% la#ghing to their da#ghters% who giggled
behind their hands and bl#shed the.selves&
Andre entered the s.all "h#r"h and knelt at the altar% giving thanks !or their sa!e
They slept that night war.ed by the bakery oven& The baker re!#sed the o!!er o! their
!ree labo#r% telling the. his wen"hes needed the work and !illing the. #p with stewed
.eat and "abbage and big sli"es o! "herry pie with dollops o! thi"k yellow "rea.&
Christian "o#ldn't wipe the s.ile !ro. his !a"e& *t had been a long ti.e sin"e his belly
was !#ll and his body war.&
Andre wat"hed the boy !ondly as he "#rled #p on the sweet s.elling straw& /e was
indebted to the baker's good "harity& *t wo#ld be a good .e.ory !or Christian to hold on
to in the hard ti.es ahead&
*n the .orning they bid their !arewells and .ade their way thro#gh the town loaded
#p with loaves and eggs and good wishes& Andre was str#"k by how healthy and happy
the people see.ed& 0veryone ret#rned their greetings with a "heery s.ile6 their ro#nd
!a"es rosy and pl#.p& The "hildren skipped along gaily with their .others% dressed war.
and .#!!led !ro. the "old&
/e'd never entered a town where ver.in in!ested .iddens were not piled high and
reeking and no piss and shit ran in the g#tters% yet there was no ord#re in the streets% or
rats gnawing on !ilth in the alleys& And he "o#ld see no signs o! po$ or disease& 1erhaps
the shadow o! the glorio#s alpine peaks above prote"ted the towns!olk !ro. har.A
Then he re.e.bered the s#rly gatekeeper and the thi"k stone walls s#rro#nding
the.& <tri"t b#rghers and isolation kept the. sa!e% !or now& *t saddened hi. that these
good people wo#ld one day !a"e the "reeping evil o! the plag#e& *t was as i! the very air
o! the world were rotten with its presen"e&
As they strolled thro#gh the well swept streets% a "#rly haired girl broke away !ro.
her .other and bo#nded #p% holding in her "h#bby hand a posy o! .eadow !lowers%
whi"h she sole.nly o!!ered to Christian& /e took it with a "o#rtly bow and a s.ile& 7*
thank yo# pretty .aiden&8 and t#"ked it into his 4erkin&
Andre noti"ed the attra"tion he see.ed to have !or the yo#ng ladies% seeing .any
peeping !ro. beneath their bonnets at the tall% !air haired stranger with the noble bearing
and gentle !a"e& The baker said he'd in"reased his trade ten!old and begged hi. to stay as
his apprenti"e&
/e !elt that i! Christian wore !ine robes instead o! lowly ho.esp#n garb% he wo#ld
have been treated like a prin"e& The s#.pt#ary laws had been ena"ted all over 0#rope to
keep ea"h to his own station% b#t they did not apply to hi.& /e had the right to wear
velvet and weasel and e.broidered la"e& B#t Christian had never lost his serene
"onte.plation o! the world and a""epted it all with 9#iet h#.ility&
They walked on% stopping only to .ake an evening .eal o! the baker's !ine gi!ts and
rea"hed the so#thern.ost gate be!ore s#nset&
/ere the sho#ts and whistles and haggling o! "o..er"e rattled thro#gh streets
"rowded with woolly haired .oors% t#rbaned .en and wo.en swathed in layers o! "loth%
.any with one red shoe and one bla"k% the .ark o! a @ewish wo.an% deter.ined by law&
Trent was a pla"e thro#gh whi"h .any passed on their way to other lands% a .elting
pot o! "#lt#res and lang#ages& Andre heard snat"hes o! )ren"h and *talian as well as their
own plain Ger.an and the aro.a o! e$oti" spi"es and #n!a.iliar !oods "#rled aro#nd
the.% .aking their .o#ths water&
The @ewish .er"hants% @#denh#ts per"hed on their heads and yellow pat"hes sewn on
their wide bla"k robes sat together in earnest "onversation% wat"hing the "rowd as they
h#rried by& /ere was a world away !ro. the rosy "heeked towns!olk o! the northern part
o! the town&
;ith his wages o! the .orning Christian bo#ght Andre a "#p o! stea.ing sweet tea
!ro. a la#ghing .an with a bright polished sa.ovar strapped to his ba"k& )or hi.sel!%
.ilk taken !resh !ro. a bellowing "ow tethered to a post% the !ine hairs !ro. its #dder
!loating in the thi"k war. "rea.& The doe eyed .ilk.aid bl#shed s"arlet as she handed
hi. the bri..ing tankard and s.iled shyly when he handed it ba"k% the white .ilk !roth
still standing on his #pper lip&
Christian had no need to #se his astrolabe to "al"#late their ro#te&
The !at t#rbaned gate.an in!or.ed the. thro#gh a "lo#d o! s.oke !ro. his hashish
pipe that a !ine road led !ro. his gate to the great "ity o! Feni"e% a "ity where anything
"o#ld be had i! a .an had gold eno#gh% even a pretty virgin boy& /e winked le"hero#sly
at Christian and stret"hed o#t his sweating sa#sage !ingers to to#"h his !a"e&
Andre's hand went to the hilt o! his hidden !al"hion b#t Christian stepped ba"k
warily and the gate.an waved the. away% "o#ghing thi"kly and spitting brown gobs into
a bowl in his lap&
That night they slept against the da.p stone wall o! the <o#thern gate% Andre staying
alert and wat"hing as dark shadows loo.ed over the.% pa#sed !or a .o.ent and then
h#rried on: perhaps seeing the glint o! steel a.id a .onk's grey robes&
They rose be!ore dawn% hearing the gr#.bling snores o! the gate.an as they passed
thro#gh to the green plains beyond&
Be!ore they had gone very !ar% Andre stopped by a brook to pray% leaving Christian to
sear"h a.ongst the low shr#bs against the wall& )inding !ood had be"o.e the .ost
di!!i"#lt part o! their 4o#rney and he lost no opport#nity in its p#rs#it& /e hoped to !ind
rabbit warrens or nesting birds&
/e !o#nd an open "harnel ho#se instead&
Bones% so.e weathered and blea"hed white% others still with !lesh "linging% grinning
sk#lls and .atted hair% ragged s"raps o! "loth "overing skeleton ribs% the s.ell o! de"ay
and the insistent% b#sy drone o! !lies& <.all !ra.es o! "hildren h#ddled against the wall%
or s"attered% p#lled apart by s"avengers& <o.e lay "l#t"hed together as i! the "loseness o!
the other "o#ld save the. !ro. their aw!#l !ate&
Christian wandered a.ong the dead% the gentle sighing o! the wind a"ross the plain
strange in his ears a!ter the noisy b#stle o! the town& /e wondered i! this was why there
see.ed to be no disease a.ong the people& /ad the si"k and in!ir. been !or"ed o#tside
to die alone against the wallsA Or were they travellers denied entry and with it% hopeA
/e shook his head sadly% his sto.a"h "h#rning& /e had .#"h to learn abo#t h#.an
They "ontin#ed so#th along the wide% d#sty road% .eeting pilgri.s and .er"hants
and whole !a.ilies "o.ing ba"k !ro. the "ity or going onward to the /oly land& The
nobles and ri"h .er"hants rode in !ine litters% or on st#rdy pal!reys% veiled in .#slins and
silks to keep o#t the d#st% "o.plaining all the while% while the others walked% p#lling
"arts laden with pots or "loth to sell in the .arkets and so.e% believing the.selves
sinners% prostrating the.selves in the dirt with every ro#nd o! their beads&
They passed a gro#p o! !lagellants% white robed and do#r !a"ed% "hanting and
whipping their !lesh as they walked on in a slow% .o#rn!#l !ile& <in"e the pestilen"e had
"o.e #pon the.% h#ndreds o! these penitents had taken to the streets% !laying the.selves
with iron tipped whips% praying to God that they "o#ld be spared by their blood and their
And a .other% str#ggling along behind her h#sband% "arrying an idiot "hild on her
ba"k% a wide "ross shaved into the hair on the ba"k o! its head in the hope o! the ,ord's
Many showed the s"ars o! s.allpo$ or the ravages o! leprosy& *t see.ed as i! the
whole o! travelling h#.anity were .arred and weakened by disease&
And they .ade "a.p one evening with a ragged% s.iling .instrel% who'd walked
with the. !or .iles% playing sweet t#nes on a battered l#te and singing pretty love songs%
la#ghing all the while& /is eyes were the sparkling bl#e o! an alpine lake% his 9#iet%
"o#rtly .anner belying his shabby appearan"e& Christian sat .es.erised as he spoke% in
the gentle% lilting a""ents o! the ,ang#edo"% o! the .ysterio#s bla"k Madonna adorning
his "h#r"h and the .assa"re in a ti.e gone by% o! .any o! his kin!olk% !or the sin o!
holding to the !aith o! the Cathari&
Andre re.e.bered the brothers speaking o! the great p#rge at Be?iers on the t#rning
o! the "ent#ry% praising their sainted abbot Ana#d5A.a#ry !or p#tting twenty tho#sand to
the sword: and ridding the "ity o! the stain o! heresy& They'd la#ghed as they re"o#nted
his !a.o#s words Gill the. all% !or the ,ord knoweth the. that are his&' +et he had
heard that their !aith was one o! "o.passion to all "reat#res and absol#te devotion to
The tro#bado#r le!t the. in the .orning% s#ddenly de"iding to ret#rn to his ho.e in
To#lo#se& Be!ore his depart#re% he took !ro. his po#"h a s.all par"el wrapped in
par"h.ent and pla"ed it s.iling% in Christian's hand& And as his wide sleeve !ell away in
the o!!ering% a s.all tattoo showed at his wrist% the sa.e triangle and rose "ross as the
seal on his !ather's letter&
Christian gasped in s#rprise b#t the .instrel la#ghed and skipped away% his eyes
!lashing& /e begged a ride with a wagon driver ret#rning to Trent and waved gaily as they
disappeared over the "rest o! a hill&
Christian walked along !#ll o! wonder at this "han"e .eeting 7;e .et only
yesterday b#t it !eels as i! * have known hi. all .y li!e&8
Andre nodded& 7+es& /e was so.eone o! greater signi!i"an"e than he appeared% *
!eel& And to have a .ark the sa.e as yo#r !ather's is a .ystery indeed& *t .ay be a
dangero#s thing to bear in these dark ti.es&8
Christian's eyes widened& 73o yo# think that's what !ather's seal was% a sy.bol o!
the CatharsA8
Andre shook his head 7Bo% they had a si.ple philosophy * believe% one that denied
the i.portan"e o! this world& *t wo#ld have been anathe.a to the. to "arry anything that
looks like a "r#"i!i$&8 /e'd heard that they'd held a belie! in the innate evilness o! all
earthly things% that .ans' body had been a "reation o! <atan and that even .arriage was a
Christian looked down at the par"el in his hand then s#ddenly thr#st it toward Andre
as a large hare darted a"ross their path& *n a !lash% he'd whipped o#t his sling% grabbed a
pebble !ro. his bag and whirled it aro#nd to let it !ly in a s.ooth ar" toward the still
leaping ani.al& *t "a#ght the ani.al !#ll on and it dropped to the gro#nd% #n.oving& /is
skill with the s.all weapon was i.pressive indeed& *n a tri"e it was g#tted and skinned
and roasting over a s.all !ire% a !ine break!ast !or the 4o#rney ahead&
Andre s#ddenly re.e.bered the .instrel's gi!t and sat wat"hing as Christian
!#.bled with the twine that held it tight& *t was a s9#are "#t pris. o! glass& ;ith boyish
delight% Christian tilted it to and !ro% "apt#ring its bea#ti!#l rainbow "olo#rs in the light&
/e handed the heavy glass to Andre and s.oothed o#t the sti!! yellow par"h.ent%
noti"ing a s"ript written in dark sooty ink& A !rown "reased his s.ooth !eat#res as he
2 0othing is as it seems43
And Christian saw tr#ly% by the wondro#s light !lashing and winking thro#gh the
glass% by the so!t pink and yellow and bright% "lear green and violet that wo#ld p#t a
!lower to sha.e% that even the very air he breathed and the plain light o! day% was
so.ething .ore .agi"al than he "o#ld ever have i.agined&
They rea"hed the walled "ity o! Feni"e at .idday on the !i!teenth day o! their
depart#re !ro. Trent% and stood wat"hing in awe as the rays o! the bright s#n lit #p the
do.es and parapets and !ine "ivi" b#ildings% bathing the "ity in a so!t golden glow&
Other pilgri.s had told the. that the laws o! Feni"e prohibited entry #ntil !orty days
had passed to ens#re that disease did not enter also% b#t there were no 9#estioning
gatekeepers here& The "ity gates stood open and a steady throng o! travellers were passing
a"ross the bridge to disappear into its dark interior&
All were ad.itted& The lepro#s% the la.e and those% who Andre "o#ld see even in the
"r#sh o! a "rowd% were stri"ken with !ever and shaking with ag#e&
The overhanging roo!s and bal"onies o! b#ildings halted the s#n's war. radian"e
and they !elt the "hill o! stone and shadowed alleys as they .ade their way thro#gh
narrow streets stinking o! open sewers& They "rossed endless stone bridges "ongested
with donkey "arts laden to over!lowing with vegetables and !reshly b#t"hered .eat and
sho#ting% angry people% their eyes dark slits o! s#spi"ion as Andre's greetings went
#nanswered& The "ity had long been .ired in wars with their neighbo#rs and the people
had be"o.e g#arded and #n!riendly&
Canals ran grey and stagnant between the "r#.bling b#ildings and s.all boats
bobbed like "orks on the oily water& And shabby% painted wo.en% staring "old eyed !ro.
haggard !a"es displayed their wares% li!ting their skirts to show s"rawny "alves and bony
!eet% "alling o#t in ribald% wheedling voi"es& Christian's !a"e was rigid with horror&
They stopped and bo#ght bread with the last o! his wages and !o#nd a tree beside the
"anal to rest& A drowned% bloated "ow !loated past% hal! rotted and "overed with !lies&
Andre !elt his sto.a"h t#rn& /e hoped they "o#ld .ake their way to the harbo#r and a
swi!t galley& )or all its brillian"e !ro. a!ar% there was so.ething deeply #npleasant abo#t
this b#stling% noisy pla"e&
+et there was bea#ty here also& The shining do.es and spires o! "h#r"hes towered
above the b#ildings and gardens !illed with !lowers .ade bright islands o! "olo#r a.ong
the seething waterways& And white regal swans lent a serene gra"e to the !ilthy "anals&
Christian rea"hed into his po#"h to take o#t his glass% seeing the play o! light on the
water% b#t Andre stayed his hand& 7Geep yo#r treas#res hidden% .y son& The towns!olk
here see. wary and over interested in two poor travellers& *ndeed% * have !elt their eyes
like knives in .y ba"k sin"e we "rossed the bridge and the "loser we get to that "h#r"h%
the .ore * !eel the. wat"hing& <ee there% hidden by the pillarA8
/e pointed to the bea#ti!#l .osai" "overed b#ilding in !ront o! the.& As Christian
t#rned to look% a large% ro#ghly dressed .an p#lled his hood over his eyes and sl#nk away
into the darkness o! the doorway&
Andre's spine tingled& /e p#shed his travelling bag behind hi. to shield his ba"k and
!ree his ar.s& Christian rea"hed !or his s.all dagger and then tho#ght better o! it& They
were entering God's ho#se& ;hat har. "o#ld be!all the. hereA B#t Andre knew
otherwise& <an"t#ary was no prote"tion !ro. .en bent on evil& The "r#sades had ta#ght
hi. that&
They entered thro#gh the .agni!i"ent ar"h o! <an Mar"o% into the narthe$ and
thro#gh to a da??ling gold "overed wonder !illed with 4ewelled .osai"s% gilded !res"os
and bright painted "#polas% all glea.ing in the so!t "andlelight& /#shed% reverent voi"es
e"hoed a"ross the "averno#s spa"e as they walked slowly toward the altar6 Christian's
head swivelling in every dire"tion% his .o#th open in awe& They !ell to their knees in
!ront o! the glorio#s altarpie"e and bowed their heads in prayer% !or ga?ing serenely down
#pon the.% and glittering with a tho#sand 4ewels% were Christ the <avio#r and all the
A .o.ent later Andre to#"hed Christian's sho#lder 7Co.e% we sho#ld !ind the
harbo#r be!ore night!all and se"#re o#r passage&8
The boy's bright eyes shone gold in the re!le"ted light 7@#st a little longer% * beg yo#&
My heart a"hes to see s#"h bea#ty& 8
Andre s.iled& +o#th "o#ld be !orgiven !or being sed#"ed by gold and pretty pi"t#res&
A prayer by a .eadow pond was 4#st as holy&
/e "a#ght a .ove.ent !ro. the "orner o! his eye and looked ro#nd to see a priest
lighting "andles in the "hapel beside the.& /e raised his hand and Andre rose to greet
hi.% leaving Christian to "onte.plate the altarpie"e% his hands !olded% his !a"e a pi"t#re
o! e"stasy&
The priest% wearing the bla"k robes o! <t& 3o.ini" was so!t o! !eat#res and gentle o!
spee"h& They talked o! the bea#ty o! the .osai"s and the 1ala d Oreo: the golden
altarpie"e taken as booty !ro. Constantinople on the !o#rth "r#sade& /e asked i! they
wo#ld like to see the reli"s o! their blessed <aint Mark% kept in an oss#ary behind the
altar& *t see.ed as tho#gh he had t#rned his ba"k !or only a .o.ent b#t when he looked
ba"k to Christian% he was gone&
/e "alled o#t% his voi"e bo#n"ing against the walls and e"hoing ba"k% #nanswered&
/e sear"hed thro#gh the "hapels6 saw nothing in the vast e$panse o! the "athedral& /e
strode to the open door o! the vestry and peered inside& /e ran to the entran"e and
sear"hed the pia??a& Then he looked ba"k to the priest who stood% pale and spee"hless in
the aisle& /is !rightened eyes told Andre what he already knew6 Christian was not the !irst
"o.ely yo#th to disappear !ro. the golden san"tity o! <t Marks&
Then he t#rned a "orner into a darkened re"ess and saw a bo$ o! re.edies strewn on
the !loor and blood staining the tiles&
/e !elt his own blood t#rn to i"e& /e p#shed aside his habit and p#lled the !al"hion
!ro. his sword5belt% bringing it shining into the light& /e !ollowed the blood to a "arved
wooden door% o#t into a dark passageway "hoked with re!#se !ro. the .orning .arkets
and began to .ake his way slowly along the narrow% stinking alley% his sword held loose
and ready& /e "o#ld see light and hear .er"hants to#ting their wares at the end o! the
passage% b#t all else was shadowed in gloo.&
<#ddenly he heard .oaning and the sharp% br#tal bark o! a .an's voi"e% and altho#gh
his "ons"io#s .ind wo#ld s"ar"ely re"ognise it% as he gripped the po..el o! his sword%
he'd pro.ised hi.sel! that i! any har. had be!allen the boy% there wo#ld be death to pay
!or the pri"e&
Then he saw the.& Christian stret"hed o#t in the !ilth% #n.oving% his eyes sh#t tight&
And the .an they had seen behind the pillar% bending over hi.% !#.bling with his
bree"hes& Blinding anger s#rged thro#gh his li.bs% .aking his .ove.ents swi!t:and
Christian did not hear the sigh o! the blade as it bit into the thi"k ne"k% nor !eel the
hot blood as it sprayed over his !a"e& /e did not see Andre's look o! !#ry as he ki"ked the
twit"hing body aside and knelt beside hi.& 7)orgive .e% .y son% !or e$posing yo# to
s#"h danger& To take .y eyes !ro. yo# !or even a .o.ent:8 And as he t#rned hi. onto
his ba"k% seeing the #gly wo#nd on his head and his bree"hes tangled by his !eet% he
groaned 7Oh% Christian% what wi"kedness breeds in .en's hearts&8
Tears "a.e to his eyes6 tears he tho#ght had long sin"e dried to d#st in the harsh
reality o! his li!e&
The 3o.ini"an helped "arry hi. to the hostel a"ross the pia??a and bro#ght war.
water and the boys s"attered things& /e h#rried away again and ret#rned shortly with a
new t#ni" and bree"hes and st#rdy woollen #ndergar.ents% paid !or !ro. the abbot's
Andre washed the wo#nd and bo#nd it with linen& The "#t wasn't deep b#t an angry%
p#rple br#ise showed the !or"e o! the blow& 0$"ept !or that% he was #nhar.ed&
Christian re.e.bered nothing% waking #p with a new set o! "lothes and a blinding
heada"he& 7* re.e.ber only the wonder!#l paintings and a kitten wandered !ro. its
.other&8 /e eyed his bloodstained "lothes% heaped on the !loor& 71erhaps * !ell% tho#gh
there see.s to be a lot o! blood !or s#"h a s.all wo#nd&8
They spoke no .ore o! it% the priest showing his generosity on"e again by bringing
the. bread and "heese and sweet% honeyed wine& They .ade their way to the do"ks at
!irst light% not wanting to wake their !riend to thank hi.&
Christian looked o#t over the wide lagoon and s.iled& *t was .#"h .ore bea#ti!#l
than he i.agined% this pristine bl#e i..ensity that was the sea&
The water rippled gently% lapping at the walls o! the pier% its bl#e the "olo#r o! the
"lo#dless heavens% so that both the sky and the water blended into a so!t% "lean whole%
divided only by the o"ean laying 4#st beyond the harbo#r% its white "apped waves dan"ing
on the hori?on&
Galleys glittered in the water like 4ewels in a bl#e velvet "rown% "rew.en pa"ing
their lengths and sho#ting orders& )ro. the pier they looked like a nest o! giant spiders%
waiting& Those tethered to their .oorings were "rowded by stevedores loading b#ndles
and rolling barrels% sta"king goods in holds% p#shing past ea"h other on the narrow de"ks
and "#rsing% readying the ships !or depart#re&
Andre told hi. slaves and "ri.inals .anned the galleys o! Feni"e% so.e !or only a
!ew .onths and so.e% depending on their "ri.e% !or the rest o! their lives& /e wondered
what it .#st be like% to be .ana"led to an oar and whipped like a dog% knowing that .ost
ti.es the only es"ape is death& /e "o#ld hear the. singing% their voi"es #nd#lating so!tly
a"ross the water% a #nity o! sorrow% their .#si" a desolate% hopeless t#ne& B#t he p#shed
away the so#nd& )or now he "o#ld !eel e$"ite.ent b#bbling #p inside hi.% s.ell the salt
in the gentle wind and hear the song o! the o"ean beyond singing to hi. o! !reedo. and
wonders and #nknown things&
/e looked to Andre who stood at the water's edge% talking to a one ar.ed .an
dressed in bright pantaloons and a wide pea"o"k !eather hat& /e saw hi. hand over one
o! the abbot's gold "oins and t#rn to point in his dire"tion& Christian's heart leapt& They
were taking ship at last&
/is head still a"hed !ro. the night be!ore and he p#??led over his s.all in4#ry& /e
looked down at his new t#ni" and bree"hes% the !inest he'd ever worn& ;hy did he need
new "lothes% the old ones were still servi"eable and it was only blood& Andre had been
insistent% he wo#ld need !iner gar.ents !or their 4o#rney and the priest h#rried away with
his old ones be!ore he "o#ld protest&
Andre walked slowly toward hi.% looking weary and so.ehow sad& *t was the !irst
ti.e Christian "o#ld re.e.ber that he hadn't a s.ile on his !a"e& /e pro.ised hi.sel!
that he wo#ld take .ore "are o! his beloved !riend& /e owed hi. .#"h .ore than "o#ld
ever be repaid& They were both glad to be away !ro. this strange "ity where people o! all
ra"es and "olo#rs walked b#t warily and .oney see.ed to be the only "#rren"y o! any
Andre sat down on an e.pty barrel and s.iled at last& 7;ell% are yo# readyA8
Christian stret"hed o#t his ar.s& 7CeadyA * !eel that * "o#ld take wing like those white
g#lls over there and !ly to the /oly ,and&8
/e la#ghed and pointed toward a stately galley .oored alongside the pier% its
"rew.en b#sy on the de"ks& 7Behold o#r noble !al"on o! the seas& The "aptain is an
0nglish.an% and tells .e he pilots the swi!test galley in the whole Mediterranean& ;e
will be drinking sweet T#rkish tea in @a!!a in twenty nine days% regardless o! the
Christian 4#.ped #p and ran toward the ship% whooping and 4#.ping like an e$"ited
"hild& /e stood !idgeting with i.patien"e to board the bright painted vessel% b#t be!ore
they .ade their way a"ross the wooden plank% Andre gest#red to his po#"h 7* wo#ld
know .y boy% in whi"h dire"tion o#r destination liesA
/e nodded and took the astrolabe !ro. his bag& /e aligned it with the hori?on%
ad4#sted the r#le and noted the .at"hing o! the sy.bols and there% o#t to sea and straight
as an arrow shot% lay the (#ibla o! the Arabs and @er#sale.& 7+o#r eyes% were they
stronger sire% wo#ld rest #pon her shores already& * "an al.ost hear the !aith!#l being
"alled to prayer and s.ell the spi"ed la.b in the .arketpla"e&8 Andre la#ghed and p#t his
ar. aro#nd his sho#lder as they boarded the so!tly ro"king ship&
Christian stared .iserably at the sparse "ontents o! his sto.a"h spread a"ross the
de"k& ,a#ghter rippled behind hi. and he t#rned to peer thro#gh bleary eyes at two
sailors wat"hing !ro. the stern& The yo#nger o! the two grinned to his .ate and pointed
7Ah% the sea is a harsh .istress& ,ook yo#% yon son o! Bept#ne there& The lad has the
!eeble sto.a"h o! a .ilk.aid with "hild&8 he sni"kered and p#shed a wooden b#"ket
toward hi.& B#t they were not #nkind and !et"hed hi. water and a dried apple to "hew
The !irst part o! their 4o#rney had been blessed with "al. seas and bright s#nshine
and Christian 4oined the "rew in the daily li!e o! the galley% .ending ropes and s"r#bbing
de"ks& ;hen the .en settled !or the night% he .ade hi.sel! "o.!ortable in their 9#arters%
listening bright5eyed to tales o! daring they e$aggerated !or his bene!it& /e was 9#ite
sa!e& Bone had !ailed to noti"e the 9#iet presen"e o! the giant% steely eyed .onk& They
knew a !ighting .an when they saw one&
Most o! the "rew were Fenetians% and Christian spoke with the. in the si.ple *talian
he had learned at the abbot's knee& There were several Ger.ans also% who begged !or
news o! their ho.eland and he obliged% sprinkling his narrative liberally with pl#.p
"heeked Chineland .aids !or the bene!it o! those who had been away the longest& The
tr#th was that the "o#ntry had long sin"e been bogged down in inter.inable wars
between its !e#dal lords% and the Ger.any they re.e.bered held little rese.blan"e to the
reality now& As in all wars it was those least able who bore the "onse9#en"es o! their
r#lers' "on"eit&
A!ter those pleasant !ew days a s9#all had blown #p that kept the galley dipping and
bobbing in the water like a dr#nken horse and the s.ell !ro. below% where the oars.en
sat "hained to their planks% .ade hi. giddy with na#sea and le!t hi. laying "r#.pled on
the de"k like a wet rag&
/e'd kept no !ood down !or .ore than a week and his skin stret"hed a"ross his
"heeks and his already thin ar.s& /e was s#re he "o#ld hear the rattle o! his bones&
/e saw little o! Andre these days& ;ithin days o! leaving Crete .any o! the "rew had
taken to their ha..o"ks over"o.e by the !l#$ and he'd stayed below to tend the.& /e'd
helped when he "o#ld between bo#ts o! si"kness% .i$ing sweet and salty waters !or the
voiding and holding bowls to tre.bling lips b#t as .ore and .ore s#""#.bed to the
disease% he !o#nd he "o#ld tolerate the sten"h no .ore and !o#nd a pla"e on the de"k to
lie #ndist#rbed&
Andre was grate!#l Christian had no sto.a"h !or the sea& *t kept hi. above in the
!resh air and away !ro. the rotten stink below& /e worried that Christian had .ore than
4#st sea si"kness: that the typhoid raging below had a grip on hi. too% b#t whenever he
approa"hed the boy% he'd .ade light o! it& 7*t's 4#st these a""#rsed waves& * a. b#t
shaken to pie"es and .y sto.a"h is in protest&8 /e had no ill#sions abo#t the devil that
had taken hold o! the. all& The !resh water bro#ght on board had been !o#led and the
!ever rippled silently thro#gh the galley like a bale!#l tide& ;ith aw!#l reg#larity% the
bodies o! those beyond help were tossed over the side to the "ir"ling sharks below&
Andre re.e.bered the wo.an in the !orest% still bea#ti!#l despite her ravaged
.o#th% and the vision he'd seen by the to#"h o! her hand& <he'd given hi. a pri"eless
gi!tD a gli.pse o! his !#t#re& /e knew that be!ore they rea"hed Cypr#s .any wo#ld have
been "onsigned to the waters and .ost wo#ld be a!!li"ted& /e staggered% ignoring the
pain in his g#ts as he .ade his way below with broth !or those well eno#gh to eat& /e
stepped aside !or a "rew.an "arrying the body o! a "hild% little .ore than seven or eight
years old& The .an was weeping% !or the "hild was his son& Andre "losed his eyes in
prayer% seeing the pale !a"e sla"k and da.p with s#!!ering and gave thanks !or the pea"e
o! death&
Christian washed down the de"k and looked #p to see a .an sewing a dead "hild into
a blanket& The .an sat 9#ietly% wiping away big tears that rolled down into his beard as
he worked with twine and a big glea.ing bobbin& /e plied his needle "are!#lly% his
sho#lders shaking% as he "overed the boy with the sti!! grey wool&
Christian "o#ld think o! nothing b#t to !et"h the "aptain% who "a.e at on"e and
began re"iting the "o.!orting words o! a psal. in his deep% "lear voi"e% as the !ather
stood "l#t"hing the tight wrapped b#ndle in his ar.s% weeping piteo#sly& As !or .an% his
days are like grass% as a !lower o! the !ield% so he !lo#rishes& Till the wind passes over it
and he is gone% and his pla"e is re.e.bered no .ore& B#t the .er"y o! the ,ord is
everlasting:' The "rew stood silently by as his !ather li!ted hi. gently over the side and
let hi. !all into the wel"o.ing ar.s o! the sea&
/e'd weighted the shro#d with ballast taken !ro. the hold and it sank 9#i"kly%
be"o.ing 4#st a s.#dge in the "lear bl#e water& One by one his ship.ates walked #p and
pla"ed their hand on the heaving sho#lders and then 9#ietly departed% leaving hi. to his
Christian stood behind wat"hing b#t so.ehow% !or hi. this ret#rn to the boso. o!
the o"ean% with so!t words% the sighing o! the wind and the "reaking o! the oars% didn't
have the horror o! the plag#e pits or the indis"ri.inate diseases o! the towns& /ere it was
as i! it was a ho.e"o.ing% a ret#rn to a .other's wo.b by loving hands& /e looked #p
!ro. his .#sing to hear Andre speaking to the distra#ght .an& 7My .other always #sed
to tell .e that the ,ord never gives #s .ore than we "an bear% b#t so.eti.es * !eel that
.#"h has to be borne be!ore /e gives #s rest& The loss o! one's "hild .#st be the .ost
#nbearable sorrow o! all&8 The sailor's head drooped and he sobbed into his hands&
Christian !elt asha.ed6 he'd "onsidered only the disposal o! a "orpse when he sho#ld
have "onsidered the pain s#!!ered by those who grieve !or a loved one& /e hoped that
with .at#rity he .ight be able to see beyond the bo#nds o! earthly trappings&
Andre .oved slowly to stand beside hi. and Christian noti"ed the dark lines o!
e$ha#stion aro#nd his eyes& 7* have news% .y boy& /ave yo# !elt the rowers 9#i"ken their
pa"eA ,and has been sighted in the 0ast& They have t#rned the galley and beg#n their
approa"h& Be!ore s#nset yo#r !eet will be dry&8
A s.ile "reased Christian's s#n browned !a"e& 7That is good news indeed& * ad.it *
tho#ght this o"ean in!inite and * wo#ld be p#king !or eternity&8 /e s#ddenly be"a.e
serio#s& 7)orgive .e sire% * have done nothing to relieve yo#r labo#r& <o .any have been
si"k and here * lay abed like a "osseted wo.an&8
7Bay% Christian% even the heartiest o! .en have no sto.a"h !or the sea& * re.e.ber
Gaspard wasting away to a shadow on this sa.e "rossing& /e wept like a baby when the
ship do"ked and kissed the gro#nd when we dise.barked&8 /e la#ghed so!tly 7;hen he
re"overed he ra.paged thro#gh an inn5keeper's larder like a wild boar at a wedding
!east&8 Andre !elt a stab o! ho.esi"kness as he tho#ght o! his good !riend and brother& /e
knew they wo#ld not see ea"h other again& /e o!!ered Christian a twist o! ginger root and
they sat together on a "oil o! rope wat"hing the white "apped waves rippling a"ross the
7Thankyo# !or letting .e "o.e with yo#% sire& * have learned so .#"h&8
Andre s.iled 7* know .y boy& * know& And yet yo#r 4o#rney has not yet really
beg#n& /ave yo# a plan !or what yo# will do when yo# rea"h the /oly landA8
Christian hesitated% realising what he had said& 7* will go to @er#sale. and visit the
/oly <ep#l"hre like other pilgri.s& Then * will seek o#t the wise .en there and beg their
7A good plan:yes% a very good plan& And tell .e again% what will yo# do with the
knowledge yo# obtainA8
7)or as long as * "an re.e.ber% * have had a drea. o! "arrying a light in a dark
Andre sti!led a "o#gh and s.iled 7Go on&8
7And * think this drea. is telling .e to #se this #nderstanding to !ind a way to ease
the s#!!ering and despair that see.s s#"h a part o! o#r lives% !or it see.s to .e that the
world wo#ld be a paradise witho#t these two a!!li"tions& And .#"h "an be attrib#ted to
ignoran"e also% so * wo#ld like to share .y knowledge with all% not 4#st the learned .en
b#t the labo#rers in the !ields and the washerwo.en at their t#bs&8
Andre la#ghed and "lapped his ba"k hard 7Ah% .y boy= * have been waiting !or yo#
to tell .e o! yo#r drea. sin"e the !irst ti.e * set eyes on yo#% wonder!#l% wonder!#l=8
Christian's .o#th dropped open in s#rprise 7/ow did yo# knowA8
Andre's hand stayed on his sho#lder 7Be"a#se it's .y drea. too&8
They heard the "reak o! the oars and the 9#i"kened dr#.beat o! the galley .aster as
the ship plo#ghed thro#gh the water and paid it no .ind& They sat "o.panionably
together% a gentle bree?e blowing now% as Andre told hi. how he "a.e to be at
Bebenha#sen when the wagon driver delivered his spe"ial "argo&
Christian "hewed on the ginger and !orgot his na#sea% losing hi.sel! in Andre's "al.
voi"e as he talked o! his rise !ro. lowly page to knighthood in the Order o! /ospitallers6
a trib#te a""orded only the bravest o! soldiers& /e spoke baldly% with no pride& *n Andre's
.ind there was no hono#r in the wanton killing% the pillage and arrogan"e that .arked his
ti.e in the 0ast& /e "o#ld see "learly now that he had been a pawn in an endless politi"al
ga.e dressed #p as a holy war&
Christian rose to !et"h hi. water as he began to "o#gh again% trying to hide a stab o!
pain and the gri.a"e that "rossed his !a"e&
/e told o! blood r#nning in the streets and soaking into the sand o! the battle!ield& O!
hono#rable and dishono#rable deeds done% the looting% rapine and killing o! old .en and
wo.en and "hildren and so.eti.es:9#arter given and .er"y granted&
And he told hi. o! +iola and the in!ants and their dis.issal in disgra"e !ro. the
Order and tears !or.ed in Christian's eyes !or the hearta"he his good !riend had hidden
behind his ready s.ile&
*t was a harsh tale b#t ne"essary& As Christian "raved knowledge so he needed to
know what .anner o! .an had been "hosen as his g#ide% an ordinary .an !#ll o! passion
and earthly !a#lts&
The s#n lowered like a ball o! !ire into the sea as the galley pointed its prow toward
the harbo#r and still they sat% the b#stle aro#nd the. #nnoti"ed&
Then the green hills o! )a.ag#sta loo.ed #p where be!ore there was o"ean and the
"aptain bellowed to heave to% the oars stilled and li!ted in readiness and Christian spoke at
last 7There .#st be .any sad .e.ories !or yo# here& +et yo# have "o.e ba"kA8
Andre looked dire"tly into Christian's eyes& 7* know not why& *t all see.ed so "lear
at !irst& * told .ysel! that i! * ret#rned * .ay be able to .ake a.ends so.ehow& B#t it's as
i! * have been battling !or the .oon on the water&8 The galley b#.ped the do"k and a
"heer went #p a.ong the .en& 7*'ve tho#ght on this these last .onths o! o#r 4o#rney and
now * !eel: that .y tr#e p#rpose s#rely has been to see yo# sa!ely to @er#sale.&8 /e
"lasped Christian's hands 7*n .y vision o! yo# as a "hild% yo# asked .y help only #ntil
yo# "o#ld "arry yo#r light alone& ;ith God wat"hing over yo# and g#iding yo#r way% yo#
have grown to be a .an worthy o! yo#r drea.& <o !ollow it Christian& * a. hono#red to
have been a s.all part o! it&8 And he !lashed a bea.ing% bright and "ontented s.ile&
Christian !elt heat in Andre's hands% saw perspiration beading his #pper lip& /e
looked into his "areworn !a"e and #nderstood now what it had "ost hi. to .ake this
4o#rney& /e !elt his heart 9#i"ken& 73o yo# still "arry yo#r sword beneath yo#r robeA8
Andre looked s#rprised% he hadn't realised Christian knew o! it& )or on"e he was lost
!or words& 7+es&8
7Then relieve yo#rsel! o! it sire% and worry no .ore on .y a""o#nt&8
;hat Christian did ne$t took all o! his "o#rage& /e gently p#lled Andre's habit aside%
e$posing the dark e.bossed s"abbard and worn sword5belt that travelled with the.
#nseen& The sight sent a shiver thro#gh hi. that he tried hard to s#ppress&
Andre did not .ove&
;ith slow% "are!#l .ove.ents he #ndid the knot and p#lled the sword and belt !ree%
laying it beside hi. on the "oiled rope&
Andre ga?ed steadily at Christian& 7+o# have grown wise .y boy& As yo# "an see%
eviden"e o! typhoid is hard to "on"eal& +o# will .ake a !ine do"tor& +o#r hands are
war.&8 Angry red pat"hes lay beneath his !ingers& /e p#shed the gar.ent higher to see
the e$tent and saw that the in!la..ation "overed the whole o! Andre's abdo.en&
Christian wanted to "ry& The pain .#st have been agonising and yet he had said not a
7/ow long have yo# s#!!ered thisA8
Andre la#ghed and bro#ght on another bo#t o! "o#ghing& /e took a sip o! water b#t
did not answer& /e sat wat"hing Christian with his kind% twinkling eyes& ;hen he spoke%
his voi"e was hoarse& 7* wo#ld like to see the b#rial pla"e o! .y brethren&8 Christian
nodded and went below to gather their things&
They saw the "aptain's pea"o"k !eather hat in the distan"e% roa.ing a.ong the idlers
on the whar!& B#siness did not bow down to disease and he was b#sy re"r#iting his new
"rew& They "alled o#t their goodbyes and .ade their way slowly #p the hill thro#gh the
town% past the bea#ti!#l "athedral o! <t Bi"olas% to the pre"eptory o! the Gnights o! <t
*t see.ed to take an age to rea"h% Andre needing to rest every !ew .in#tes to get his
breath and ste. the "o#ghing that be"a.e worse as the night "ooled the still air& By the
ti.e they "a.e to the heavy gates% Christian had his ar. #nder Andre's holding hi.
#pright& /e banged lo#dly and a priest h#rried o#t% two others with hi.&
They "arried hi. to the in!ir.ary and laid hi. down on "lean linen sheets% the priest
seeing at on"e his a!!li"tion& /is voi"e was gentle 7Brother% * "an see the !l#$ has been
#pon yo# !or so.e ti.e& *s there painA8
Andre tried to la#gh b#t "o#ldn't% his head h#rt too .#"h and the !ire in his bowels
.ade tears "o.e to his eyes& /e was well #sed to pain b#t not agony s#"h as this&
/e looked aro#nd the !a.iliar sand "olo#red walls% lit by la.ps set into ni"hes in the
bare stone& /e re.e.bered .onks singing here and !lowers in great pots lining the walls&
/is order had been !a.o#s !or its healing .ethods% tending to the so#l as well as the
body& All he "o#ld see now was a sorrow!#l Christ #pon the "ross over the .antle% head
hanging li.p on /is sho#lder% s#nken eyes "ast down&
The priest bro#ght hi. "ool water to drink and re.oved his habit% li!ting it gently
over his head& Christian stood sole.nly by% his !a"e "r#.pled with "on"ern&
*n tr#th Andre !elt .#"h better now that he was lying down& /e gest#red to Christian
to sit beside hi. and s.iled 7Thankyo#% .y boy& * "o#ld not have walked here alone&8
The priest "a.e again with war. water and "loths and washed away the sweat o! his
!ever& /e .ade no protest b#t talked 9#ietly as he a""epted the gentle "are&
7Tell .e Brother% are there so.e o! the Order o! @ohn o! @er#sale. hereA8
The kindly priest shook his head& 7Bo .y !riend% they have long gone& * hear they are
settled on the island o! Chodes now and have .ade it a !ortress worthy o! a !ine ar.y& *
have heard that none dare disp#te their sovereignty&8
Andre s.iled and win"ed in pain& 7Aye% .y brethren were ever ha#ghty landowners&
<in"e the Gnights o! the Te.ple ended in disgra"e% they have tho#ght it their d#ty to !ill
their shoes& B#t there are .any a.ong the. worthy o! hono#r&8
8 +es% the towns!olk here tell .any tales o! their bravery and their skill in .edi"ine&8
Christian sat% listening to the easy "onversation between the two .en& Celie! washed
over hi.% knowing there were others here to help% that they wo#ld not be alone& The
priest !inished his "are!#l .inistrations and le!t the. to s"avenge in the kit"hens !or
Christian& /is sto.a"h having settled sin"e they landed% he was !a.ished&
Andre slept !it!#lly% the boy by his side& 3#ring the night he woke and "alled o#t%
groping !or hi. in the di. light& /e p#lled hi. "loser and whispered% his so!t voi"e
e"hoing a"ross the va#lted "eiling& 8;o#ld * have been yo#r blood !ather * "o#ld not have
been .ore pro#d o! yo#&8
Christian !elt heavy tears on his "heeks 7+o# have been .ore than that to .e&8
Andre s.iled b#t pain di..ed his eyes and he "o#ld see only an o#tline and shadow
along the wall& 7* have so.ething to ask&8
Christian bent "loser to hear 73o yo# re.e.ber the salve given by the wo.an in the
!orestA8 /e nodded 7;hen * "an speak no .ore:;hen * "an speak no .ore% .y son% *
pray yo#&8
/e !elt a l#.p rise in his throat& /e wo#ld have walked the length and breadth o! the
earth !or hi.& /e knelt beside Andre and took his hand as his eyes "losed on"e again& /e
knew what the oint.ent was b#t not why he had asked !or it& *t was hen5belle% "alled
henbane by the 0nglish and it was a power!#l tool !or pain% b#t it had other properties too
and killed .ore o!ten than it helped& Christian knew the risk he wo#ld e$pose hi. to& /e
looked !or the s.all earthen 4ar a.ong his re.edies and t#"ked it into his t#ni"&
Andre slept all the ne$t day and woke as the s#n began to set& An orange glow
!iltered thro#gh the narrow window to lite on the .o#rn!#l Christ% wreathing the twisted
body in rays o! gold& /e lay still% wat"hing the boy as he slept on the pallet beside hi.&
/e re.e.bered the little !rightened boy in the hide tanner's "art and his st#dio#s
e$pression as he labo#red over his lessons& And he saw on"e again the power% "oiled like
a seed ready to grow into a .ighty tree% in the visions he had seen&
/e !elt sad that this inno"ent% e$traordinary yo#ng .an .#st "ontin#e his 4o#rney
alone& /e tr#ly loved hi. like a son& /e stret"hed o#t his hand to r#!!le his hair b#t an
agonising bolt o! pain .ade hi. "ry o#t and Christian 4#.ped #p in alar.&
/e "o#ldn't get his breath& )ire blinded his eyes and b#rned in his entrails& /e
thrashed wildly aro#nd in the sheets% straining to get #p& /e !elt hands holding his wrists%
others holding hi. down& Oh% what tort#re was this=
Then a gentle hand r#bbing his "hest:and darkness&
/e was !lying% soaring over a blood splashed desert% looking on as .o#nted knights
!o#ght hand to hand with <ara"en warriors% their swords and s"i.itars !lashing in the s#n&
/e wat"hed as a straight ba"ked knight killed a .an with a sword thr#st thro#gh the
throat and bowed his head !or an instant be!ore t#rning to the ne$t& /e heard the sho"k o!
"onta"t as horses tangled together% ar.o#r and tasselled bells "lashing% .en s"rea.ing&
And still the knight !o#ght on% gri. deter.ination setting his 4aw tight% lighting his bl#e
eyes& /e wore no visor% b#t a hel.et with a strip o! steel prote"ting his nose and the white
"ross o! A.al!i bla?ing on his red s#r"oat& A thi"k plait o! blond hair !ell behind hi. as
he .anoe#vred his war horse into the !ray&
Andre wat"hed as he sw#ng his blade and took a bright t#rbaned head !ro. its
sho#lders% on"e again bowing his head in respe"t& There was yo#th b#t no pride6 no over5
weaning tri#.ph .arring his strong !eat#res&
+et he knew this !a"e& *t was his own&
A "aravan o! pilgri.s lay beyond the d#nes& /e "o#ld hear babies "rying in their
.others ar.s&
The battle !aded and he saw +iola% her ar.s stret"hed o#t wide% the thin st#!! o! her
dress billowing o#t in the wind as she wrapped hersel! aro#nd hi.&
And Gaspard% ever his !riend% !ighting ba"k to ba"k and la#ghing in the !a"e o! death
and standing% his .ighty sword between his legs% "hallenging those who wo#ld take #p
the lash against his brother&
Then% swelling his heart with 4oy% a .an% wisdo. and "o.passion shining in his
eyes% holding a light .ore bea#ti!#l than the stars o! eternity% s.iling at hi. and li!ting its
golden bea.s high&
)or all the world to see&
/e heard the so!t words o! the priest% Blessed is o#r God% always now and ever% and
#nto the ages o! ages:'
And dri!ted into pea"e&

1CO )*30% 1CO 2T*,*TAT0 /OM*B2M

)or !aith% and in the servi"e o! h#.anity&

Metho#ght a Being .ore than vast in si?e beyond all bo#nds "alled o#t .y na.e and
saithD ;hat wo#ldst tho# hear and see and what hast tho# in .ind to learn and knowA'

/er.es Tris.egist#s
HCorp#s /er.eti"#.I
Christian knew then what grie! !elt like& *t sat like a "old stone in his belly% weighing hi.
down& /e !elt n#.b and e.pty all at on"e% as i! a hole had been ripped in his so#l&
They b#ried Andre on the hill overlooking the o"ean and be!ore they .ade the pla"e
!or hi. a.ong his brethren% Christian took #p his astrolabe and sighted it on the (#ibla&
/e asked that his grave be dire"ted toward it% to be with hi. in spirit on the ne$t part o!
his 4o#rney&
*t .ade hi. !eel better this s.all token& /e dwelt in heaven with his .other and
!ather now&
/e'd thrown the pot o! henbane !ro. the "li!!% wat"hing with satis!a"tion as it
s.ashed on the 4agged ro"ks below& /e knew Andre's death had been hastened by it& /e
was also s#re he'd s#!!ered agonies at the last and the #ng#ent had eased that s#!!ering&
B#t to shorten the beating o! that .agni!i"ent heart by even a .o.ent see.ed to hi. a
terrible "ri.e& 1ri.#. non no"ereA' /e was not even a physi"ian and already he was
disregarding the basi" tenets o! a healer:/ippo"rates' !irst prin"iple:)irst% do no har.&
B#t brother 1hillipe was a physi"ian and he'd known by the s.ell what the oint.ent
was& /e'd whispered en"o#rage.ent as Christian spread the !o#l "on"o"tion on Andre's
"hest% then ordered hi. to wash it !ro. his hands& 0ven !ro. that s.all e$pos#re%
Christian's heart had beaten lo#dly and he'd been over"o.e by the sensation that he'd
risen !ro. the !loor and was hovering over the. all% invisible&
1hillipe told hi. it was an e!!e"t o! the nightshade% whi"h was one o! the bo#nties o!
nat#re to ease .an's s#!!ering& *t was little "o.!ort& ;hat Christian had done% he'd done
o#t o! love !or Andre% b#t he knew now that a do"tor wo#ld pay a pri"e with his
"ons"ien"e !or the servi"e he gave to others and it wo#ld take .#"h "o#rage to .ake o! it
his li!e's work&
/e stayed at the "o.po#nd !or a .onth% helping the brothers tend the si"k& Then he
took sto"k o! his !ew possessions6 his astrolabe% the light glass the .instrel had given
hi.% the 9#ills and par"h.ent and his bo$ o! re.edies& /e had Andre's .edi"al book and
instr#.ents% his C#baiyat and one gold sovereign !ro. the Abbot's endow.ent&
/e also took sto"k o! the .yriad gi!ts he'd been given that had no earthly !or.&
/e knew his letters and n#.bers% he'd learned ,atin% Greek and Ara.ai" passingly
well% good plain *talian and so.e 0nglish and <panish& /e "o#ld read so.e Arabi" b#t
not speak it% hearing only Gaspard's "#rses and !orbidden words that all soldiers learn in
war& /e .ight !ind e.ploy.ent as a "lerk or s"ribe% anything to earn his passage to
/e was .annered% his health was good% i! so.ewhat s9#ea.ish at sea& /e'd never
learnt to dan"e b#t he "o#ld play a l#te and sing% at least #ntil his voi"e had broken& /e
had so.e skill in physi"& /e was o! noble birth !or all the di!!eren"e that .ade% all being
e9#al in the eyes o! the ,ord&
On the other hand% he !elt his looks were plain and his body awkward% altho#gh he
attra"ted .#"h attention !ro. girls in the town% who .ade great sport o! hi. as he
walked along% stroking his hair and planting shy kisses on his "heek while their .others
were distra"ted by their shopping& /e'd o!ten have to s"#rry o#t o! sight down an alley or
behind a tree% to hide his red !a"e and his b#lging bree"hes&
/e was virgin still& The abbot had told hi. so.ething o! the yearnings o! .en and
the dangers o! #nbridled l#st% so he tried hard not to think o! those girls% tried not to
i.agine their s.all pink nipples and .oist po#ting .o#ths as he lay by the kit"hen
!ireside a!ter the brothers had retired& /e longed to learn the se"rets o! the !e.ale
anato.y% to breathe the s.ell o! a wo.an's skin% to e$plore war.% responsive openings&
/e'd !elt e9#al .eas#res o! sha.e and elation d#ring these !orbidden reveries b#t was
wise eno#gh to know that God had given hi. these !eelings and ti.e wo#ld !ind a
/e harbo#red no ill to anyone& /e was o! an en9#iring .ind& /e had a drea. and a
*t was ti.e to be on his way&
/e spent his .ornings on the whar!% wat"hing the galleys and sailing ships that
do"ked in the harbo#r&
They'd bro#ght l#$#ry goods !ro. the 0ast% silks and spi"es and wonder!#lly woven
"arpets% transported overland in "aravans or on donkeys% a"ross snowbo#nd steppes and
.o#ntain passes and loaded onto the ships at ports all along the A!ri"an "oastline& 0ven
wat"hing as the b#ndles were #nloaded gave Christian a tingling in his spine&
/e took the astrolabe on"e again !ro. his po#"h& This% o! all things% .ade hi. !eel
"losest to Andre% as i! so.e part o! his spirit atta"hed to it& /e'd never gotten ro#nd to
asking hi. how he "a.e to own s#"h a thing& Bow he wo#ld never know&
/e sighted the instr#.ent% the engraved "ir"les denoting the a?i.#th and altit#de%
showing the "elestial bodies above the hori?on% .eeting with the gradations on the ri. o!
the .ater& This parti"#lar devi"e had two inter"hangeable ty.pans so when they'd set sail
!or Cypr#s% Christian had "hanged the. to re!le"t the latit#des o! the
/e was still engrossed in his "al"#lations when he heard a gr#!! voi"e behind hi.
7Old <i.eon the @ew wo#ld o!!er #p is so#l and is only da#ghter !or s#"h a pretty toy as
that&8 /e t#rned aro#nd to see a yo#ng .an abo#t his own age and like hi.sel!% all knees
and elbows and #nr#ly hair& B#t where he was !air% this one was dark eyed and olive
skinned and his stat#re was short where Christian's was tall& Cagged "lothes o! no
dis"ernable "olo#r h#ng !ro. his thin !ra.e and he leaned against the pylon with an
a!!e"ted% insolent slo#"h& 7;hat * .ean is% yo# an' .e "o#ld have a right old ti.e at
Mada.e 1's% where the girls is "lean and nearly always virgin&8 ;ith this he s.iled
widely% showing broken% rotted teeth and hard% glittering eyes& 7Then a p#!! o! opi#. to
send #s o!! to eaven& ;ot abo#t itA +o# look like yo# "o#ld do with a !riend&8
Christian s.iled war.ly ba"k 7My na.e is Christian& And yo#rsA8
The boy la#ghed and the so#nd was harsh and gravely 7Call .e anythin' yer want%
<hit% t#rd and whore's beggar% that's .e&8 /e t#rned his head a spat thi"kly into the water%
wiping his .o#th on his !rayed sleeve& 7;ell% let's go then:...:* "an taste the.
"hops already&8
Christian pla"ed the astrolabe "are!#lly ba"k in his po#"h& /e'd seen the "ra!tiness in
the boy's .ove.ents% the sly e$pression on his !a"e& /e !elt a s#rge o! pity !or the yo#th&
0verything abo#t hi. spoke o! deprivation and re4e"tion& 7The astrolabe is not !or sale& *
have need o! it to !ind .y way to the /oly ,and&8
The boy snorted 7The /oly landA /oly% .y arse:* hear the sailors talk in the tavern%
abo#t how the. Arabs ave hare.s !#ll o! bea#ti!#l wi..en b#t only want to get their
ands on good Christian boy's "o"ks&8
/e spat again and Christian !elt his gorge rise& /e'd had eno#gh o! "r#de lang#age
and bad habits& 7* have nothing to sell that will get yo# what yo# want .y !riend&8 /e
instin"tively held his po#"h "loser& 7B#t i! yo# wo#ld like to "o.e with .e% * will !et"h
yo# a .eal& Also% * have been trained to draw teeth& * wo#ld be happy to ease yo#r pain&8
7Oh% yesA 0ase .y painA ;ell% a bit o! tit and a s.oke will ease all o! .y pains&
;hat else have yo# got in that bagA8 /is eyes narrowed into slits when Christian didn't
respond& 7* said% what's in that bagA8
Christian wat"hed the boy's hand "reeping into the !olds o! his sleeve& /e saw the
thin wrists% the pre.at#re stoop in the sho#lders and dry% !laking skin on his "heeks and
hands& /e readied hi.sel!&
(#i"ker that he tho#ght possible% the boy l#nged !orward and pinned hi. against the
pylon% a sharp blade p#shed against his throat& /e s.elt #nwashed "loth and si"kness as
the leering !a"e "a.e "lose to his 7Give .e that bag:or *'ll g#t yo# like a !ish&8 B#t he
had de"ided that only death was going to part hi. !ro. Andre's pre"io#s gi!t& /e bro#ght
his knee #p hard between the s"rawny legs and as the boy 4erked ba"k in sho"k% grabbed
the ar. that held the kni!e% snapping the bone with a sharp twist&
There was a howl o! pain and the kni!e "lattered onto the wooden planks& Christian
ki"ked it into the water% still holding hi. by his broken ar.& 7* a. tr#ly sorry& B#t yo#
"annot take what is not !reely given& 1lease% let .e help yo# so.e other way&8
/e let hi. go and stepped away and the boy stared at hi. with shrewd% hostile eyes
7Ow% .y ar.% yo#'ve broken .y ar.& By <atan's arse% *'ll be starving in the streets like a
Christian tho#ght i! it were he% he wo#ld rather starve like a beggar than swing !ro.
a rope as a thie! b#t he !elt bad that he had "a#sed s#"h an in4#ry to anyone& 7Co.e with
.e% * will set the bone and get yo# so.e !ood&8 /e wondered at the ease with whi"h he
had broken the ar.& Ci"kets was a "o..on proble. in these hard ti.es& *! so% he knew
that the so!tened bone wo#ld heal awkwardly and slow& 1erhaps the brothers "o#ld assist
hi. to !ind e.ploy.ent% i! he "o#ld re!rain !ro. "#rsing and thievery&
/ad Christian been worldly in the ways o! .en he wo#ld have realised that he was%
to #se Andre's e$pression Battling !or the .oon on the water&' A!ter setting his ar.%
d#ring whi"h the boy s"rea.ed like a girl in "hildbirth% and !illing hi. #p with good .eat
and bread% he ret#rned with wine !ro. the kit"hens to !ind the po#"h that held his
astrolabe lying on the !loor:and the roo. e.pty&
/is heart leapt into his .o#th& /e ran to the open doorway b#t saw no5one& /e
!o#ght to keep the tears !ro. his eyes& /e "alled to brother 1hillipe who "a.e r#nning%
his !a"e !#ll o! "on"ern& /e sat Christian down% po#red hi. so.e wine and pointed o#t
that Cypr#s was an island and #nless the boy tried to swi. his way a"ross the
Mediterranean% he wo#ld be !o#nd soon eno#gh& /e sent the brothers down to the
harbo#r% to ask the ship.en there to look o#t !or the rog#e and his ill gotten gains&
And then Christian .entioned a @ew na.ed <i.eon&
/e'd never been in the @ewish 9#arter% b#t he relished the s.ells and noises o! the
.arketpla"e% the la#ghter o! "hildren and the good nat#red banter o! the shopkeepers
ringing thro#gh the streets% !a.iliar and "o.!orting& The stares o! passers5by see.ed
"#rio#s and not #n!riendly% seeing the tall lad with the noble bearing and the short% rather
portly .onk with no tons#re% his bald head shining bl#ely% like an ostri"h egg&
1hillipe had been there be!ore and at last they "a.e to <i.eon's ho#se% a low stone
dwelling with a !ine ar"hed porti"o& They kno"ked on the brass st#dded door and it was
opened i..ediately by an enor.o#s dark skinned slave% who bobbed his head !ranti"ally
as a pretty girl o! abo#t !i!teen entered the vestib#le and addressed the. with down"ast
eyes% her thi"k lashes resting on her "heeks like obedient "aterpillars& 71lease sirs% enter
yo# and wel"o.e& My !ather will be with yo# shortly&8
/er voi"e was gentle and !lowing% like war. honey and Christian "a#ght the s"ent o!
4as.ine as she led the. to a brightly lit anteroo.& The slave walked 9#ietly behind%
wat"hing the. "losely&
*t was .#"h bigger inside than it looked !ro. witho#t and this roo. was !#rnished
with l#$#riant pal.s% "arved sideboards and so!t otto.ans% giving the whole an
#nderstated air o! wealth and "o.!ort& Christian seated hi.sel! and waited% trying not to
!idget& /e "o#ld not think o! the !#t#re& *t was as i!% !or hi.% the /oly ,and "o#ld not be
!o#nd e$"ept by the g#idan"e o! his pre"io#s astrolabe& A "hildish tho#ght% he knew&
Brother 1hillipe sat on a gold e.broidered divan% his short legs dangling in the air%
reading a book he'd pi"ked #p !ro. the table in !ront o! hi.: Mai.onides:' G#ide !or
the 1erple$ed%' handling it as reverently as he wo#ld a work o! his own !aith&
The girl entered again% "arrying a tray o! sweet "akes and !r#it "ordial in thin glass
"#ps& <he served 1hillipe !irst and then Christian and he took the deli"ate glass nervo#sly
in his big hands& /e was #n#sed to handling s#"h !ine things& /er wide ha?el eyes t#rned
#p at the "orners like a "at as she s.iled and she waited while he drained the "#p and
po#red hi. another !ro. a silvered pit"her&
Then the inner door opened and a .an walked 9#ietly into the roo.% his !a"e sole.n
and his eyes attentive& /e pla"ed a gentle hand on his da#ghters head 7Thank yo#
Cebe""a& +o# .ay depart&8 /e .oved a s.all stool to sit in !ront o! the. and s.iled&
7Bow Brother 1hillipe% * know yo# have not "o.e to sell .e the treas#res o! yo#r
"hapel& <o what is the p#rpose o! this visit that gives .e so .#"h pleas#reA8
There was a deep% !ir. 9#ality to his voi"e that de.anded attention& Christian noted
the plain bl#e robe and !ingers bare o! 4ewels or orna.ent& /is beard and hair was long
and neatly dressed and there were no @#den badges or .ark sewn on his "lothes&
1hillipe took the o!!ered hand 7Greetings to yo# <i.eon% .y !riend& ;e are here
be"a#se this boy has been robbed and we believe the thie! intended to "o.e to yo# to sell
the goods&8
The @ew sat straight #pon the stool% his dark eyes sharp and penetrating& Christian
stood% bowing his respe"ts 7Good day to yo#% <ire& My na.e is Christian% o! the !a.ily
Ger.elsha#sen and * thank yo# !or taking the ti.e to see #s&8
*n the spa"e o! that !ew se"onds the .eas#re o! the boy was taken% the Ger.an
a""ented Greek% well .ade b#t worn "lothes% the #pright stan"e and the steady% bright
ga?e& /e held o#t his hand and took Christian's in a !ir. grip 7G#ten Tag% .ein 4#nge&
*"h bin <i.eon Ben Abraha.& <ie sind einenlangen ;eg von ?# ha#se a#sA8
7+es% * a. a long way !ro. ho.e& * a. travelling to @er#sale. in the hope * .ay be
allowed instr#"tion !ro. the wise .en there&8
<i.eon held a !ingertip to his lips% see.ing to r#.inate on what Christian had said&
7That is a perilo#s 4o#rney !or one so yo#ng& +o# are aloneA8
7+es <ire% .y g#ardian% a knight% resides now with the ,ord% taken by the !l#$ these
!ive weeks past&8
<i.eon nodded% swit"hing to ,atin 7+o#i "onstit#i te labor&8
Christian responded i..ediately 7* have set .ysel! a heavy labo#r% sireA 1erhaps%
b#t it has been .y drea. sin"e * was s.all&8
7Fo#s ave? de l'argentA'
7MoneyA * a. le!t with b#t one sovereign% b#t * hope to gain e.ploy.ent and earn
.y passage to the /oly land&8
7<i p#o leggere e s"rivereA Avete knw t#oi n#.enA8
Christian s.iled 7+es% sire& The kind .onks at the abbey where * grew #p ta#ght .e
.y letters and .y n#.bers&8
<i.eon's !a"e lit #p with delight& 7And how "a.e yo# to be at the abbeyA8
/ere Christian !altered% #ns#re how he wo#ld be seen on"e the tr#th was o#t 7Both
.y .other and .y !ather were "onsigned to the !la.es as hereti"s&8
B#t <i.eon spoke kindly and #nderstanding so!tened his eyes 7Ah% we @ews know
all abo#t heresy& *t is a way o! li!e with #s&8 And he and 1hillipe la#ghed like old !riends
at the 4oke& 7B#t "o.e% yo# are here !or a reason& +o# said yo# were robbedA8
7+es% <ire& * .et a boy on the whar! and took hi. ba"k to the in!ir.ary to ah: set
his broken ar.&8
The wise .er"hant t#tted 7And who is so !oolish as to allow a stranger into his ho.e
and show hi. his treas#resA8
Christian h#ng his head in sha.e 7To .y regret&8 And <i.eon la#ghed& /e "lapped
his hands and Cebe""a entered on"e again% bending !or hi. to whisper in her ear& <he
went to a "hest at the other end o! the roo. and ret#rned a .o.ent later with two
pa"kages% one s9#are and thi"k% abo#t the si?e o! the book still resting in 1hillipe's hands
and the other wrapped in plain .#slin% ro#nd and !a.iliar&
/e grinned 7*s it this that yo# seekA8 Cebe""a pla"ed it in Christian's hands and he
#n"overed it "are!#lly% revealing his astrolabe% glea.ing in the la.plights& Then he
be"a.e serio#s% a .er"hant at last& 7O! "o#rse% the ite. was traded in good !aith& The
#r"hin said he'd been given the instr#.ent in "o.pensation !or the loss o! his livelihood&
/e said a Ger.an sailor atta"ked hi. on the pier% breaking his one good ar.&
* paid hi. a goodly s#.&8
Christian "o#ldn't hide his sho"k% or his e.barrass.ent& 7<ire% * had no wish to h#rt
hi.& /e held a kni!e to .y throat&8
<i.eon s.iled again% en4oying the ga.e 7B#t he has told .e in lang#age a bordello
slave wo#ldn't repeat that yo# had the advantage o! hi. and he was !ear!#l o! his
inno"en"e&8 Both .en la#ghed heartily and he bl#shed s"arlet% trying not to look at
Cebe""a standing 9#ietly beside her !ather&
7*t is #ntr#e% <ire&8
The .er"hant de"ided it was ti.e to end the 4est% he "o#ld see the light shining
aro#nd this #n#s#al yo#ng .an& 7* know& B#t like all "ities% we are plag#ed by vagabonds
and thieves& +o# are l#"ky to be alive& /e was a very #nsavo#ry !ellow&
Bevertheless% we have the di!!i"#lty o! the .oney * will lose% sho#ld * ret#rn the ite.
to yo# #n"o.pensated&8 <i.eon e$a.ined hi. intently% at the earnestness and longing in
the boy's eyes% the astrolabe "l#t"hed to his breast 71erhaps we "an "o.e to so.e
Christian's heart .issed a beat& /e had nothing to give in ret#rn !or his astrolabe&
7* have need o! a "lerk% one who is "onversant with the .any lang#ages spoken in
the "o#rse o! .y b#siness& ;hat others do yo# haveA8
7<o.e T#rkish% <ire and Brother Andre ta#ght .e a little <panish on o#r way here&8
73o yo# have the Arabi"A8
7Bo& B#t with all .y heart * wish to know it& *t is bea#ti!#l% like poetry to .y ears&8
<i.eon nodded 7;ell% a bright boy like yo# will learn 9#i"kly eno#gh& This is .y
+o# will work !or .e as "lerk !or si$ .onths& The astrolabe will re.ain lo"ked in
that bo$ #ntil yo#r ten#re is ended& *! yo# leave be!ore yo#r ti.e is #p% it will be !or!eit to
.e&8 Christian's head bobbed abo#t in agree.ent b#t <i.eon held #p is hand 7;ait% there
is .ore:+o# will "ontin#e in the evenings and when the brothers have need o! yo#% to
aid the. in the hospiti#.% taking instr#"tion !ro. brother 1hillipe here% in physi"&8
Christian wondered how he knew& <i.eon pi"ked #p the pa"kage Cebe""a had pla"ed in
!ront o! hi. 7This is the pay.ent !or yo#r ed#"ation& Mind yo# learn its #ses well& *n the
right hands it is a gi!t !ro. God% in the wrong6 it "an be"o.e a night.are worthy o! the
terrible pen o! 3ante&8 /e passed it to 1hillipe% who handled it as "are!#lly as he had the
book% his eyes wide&
7*! yo# do yo#r work diligently and "a#se .e no tro#ble% * will see yo# are given
sa!e passage aboard a vessel to the /oly ,and% with pay.ent !or every .onth o! yo#r
servi"e and yo#r instr#.ent ret#rned& ;hat say yo#A8
Christian had to stop hi.sel! !ro. 4#.ping to his !eet and wrapping his ar.s aro#nd
hi.& 7* a. h#.bled% <ire& *t is .#"h .ore than * deserve& On .y oath * will serve yo#
well&8 /e t#rned to brother 1hillipe 7And yo# also Brother% who has shown .e s#"h
<i.eon held #p his hand on"e .ore 7One .ore thing:yo# will reside in .y ho.e
as part o! .y !a.ily and see what it .eans to be a @ew&8
The par"el "ontained a thi"k yellow blo"k o! opi#.& 1hillipe told hi. it was worth
.ore that the bri"ks and .ortar o! the hospiti#. itsel!& /e pro.ised to tea"h Christian
how to h#sband the pre"io#s paste to .ake it last and how to "o.bine it with other
ingredients to lessen its bad e!!e"ts and enhan"e the good& *t was a wonder!#l gi!t to the
poor o! Cypr#s% one that <i.eon had given be!ore% se"retly&
Christian was provided with a roo. at the ba"k o! the wareho#se% a straw pallet and
blanket and an #ne$pe"ted gi!t:a writing table and stool& /e was also given a bowl to
wash in% a tallow la.p and a st#rdy lo"k and key to se"#re his door& *t was the !irst ti.e
he'd had a spa"e to hi.sel! and he arranged his !ew possessions several ti.es be!ore he
was "ontent& /is writing 9#ills and par"h.ent sat pro#dly on his desk% his pre"io#s books
beside it& The re.edy bo$ he #sed as a table by his bed% nails in the walls held his po#"h
and 4#te bag&
There was no window in the s.all spa"e and in the evenings the s.oke !ro. the
tallow .ade his throat sore and his eyes water% so he took to sitting o#tside in the
.oonlight% when the noise and b#stle o! the .arket stilled&
/is d#ties were not onero#s% his ni.ble .ind grasping the intri"a"ies and n#an"es o!
"o..er"e 9#i"kly& )or the .ost part he a""o.panied <i.eon on his trips to the
wareho#ses and ports o! ,i..asol or )a.ag#sta% so.eti.es travelling in a plain open
wagon% .ostly on !oot% inspe"ting% b#ying and "atalog#ing ite.s that the .er"hant had
already .e.orised with #n"anny a""#ra"y& *t was no wonder to hi. now that <i.eon
knew o! hi. be!ore they .et& /e .ade it his b#siness to know all the happenings o!
Cypr#s& /e was a b#yer o! gold and ge.stones and well known as a !air and genero#s
.oneylender% so Christian had to keep a""o#nt o! .oneys owing and .oneys paid%
writing it all in the heavy leather bo#nd ledger he "arried on his sho#lders&
<i.eon told hi. that in these ti.es% @ews were not allowed to own property and so
#s#ally the only way to s#rvive was trading and .oney lending& *t had .ade hi. a
wealthy .an b#t still he longed to !eel the soil o! his own land tri"kle thro#gh his !ingers&
;hen he went to pray in the synagog#e% Christian sat in the .arketpla"e% listening to
the traders' spr#iking their wares% or begging a !ew .o.ents instr#"tion !ro. elderly
.en sitting alone while their wives shopped and gossiped in the town& Always he was
treated with "o#rtesy and help!#lness% their polite greetings to#"hing his heart with its
sin"erity and in this way slowly% he learned the lang#age o! the /oly ,and&
/e sat with the !a.ily at .ealti.es% observing their "#sto.s and stri"t observan"es&
/e ate #nleavened bread and no .eat at all lest he sho#ld o!!end his host by !lo#ting any
o! the si$ h#ndred and thirteen "o..and.ents they kept&
/e saw Cebe""a o!ten& /e learned that she had been betrothed to the son o! a rabbi
sin"e she was three years old and was soon to be wed& /er .other eyed hi. with
s#spi"ion every ti.e he spoke to her and !lapped and !#ssed over the girl% who lapped #p
the attention like a spoilt kitten to .ilk&
/er two brothers% .er"hants in their own right% were grown .en with !a.ilies o!
their own and visited o!ten% bringing their wives and "hildren to share in noisy% "heer!#l
dinners that lasted well into the night& They were a virt#o#s% devo#t and loving people
and <i.eon treated hi. with .#"h kindness& /is only sadness was the e.pty pla"e in his
li!e where Andre sho#ld have been&
/is work day started be!ore dawn and at s#nset he walked #p the steep hill to the
hospiti#.% to "ontin#e his st#dies with Brother 1hillipe% who ta#ght hi. how to wat"h the
phases o! the .oon% the tides and the orbit o! the planets to deter.ine the a#spi"io#sness
o! a "#re& 1hillipe had been trained at the great s"hool o! .edi"ine in Montpellier and
sent to Cypr#s on the order o! the /oly )ather when the /ospitallers abandoned the
island% and altho#gh Christian had been instr#"ted in bleeding and p#rging% he learned
now how to per!or. these operations with !inesse and little pain or dis"o.!ort to the
/is rest "a.e late in the evenings% in his ho#r o! "onte.plation #nder the stars and
then to sleep% to start again in the .orning& The <abbath was his own and he spent in
e$ploring the island or sitting% with his bag !illed with apples and books% on the "li!!s near
the b#rial gro#nd o! the Gnights o! <t& @ohn&
O! the @ewish !aith he learned .#"h& And o! the hatred o! the gentile "iti?ens o!
Cypr#s toward it% he learned even .ore& O!ten <i.eon vent#red a!ar to attend to his
b#siness and these ti.es were always !ra#ght with worry !or Christian& The towns!olk
wo#ld 4eer and hiss at hi. as he walked pro#dly along% greeting the. politely& /e "arried
a paper% signed by the "ity !athers% stating his right to wear his gar.ent witho#t the badge
o! sha.e atta"hed and .any ti.es pa#pers and raga.#!!ins and s#rly traders de.anded
sight o! it be!ore allowing hi. to pass% !or those who disobeyed this law .#st !or!eit their
gar.ent to the one who a""#sed& <o.eti.es% he wo#ld be pelted with rotten !r#it% or spat
#pon% b#t always he "ond#"ted hi.sel! with dignity and patien"e% as i! this intoleran"e
had always e$isted !or hi. and he was above it&
And then one day it wasn't a rotten pie"e o! !r#it or "abbage that sailed thro#gh the
air to splatter against his t#rban or !o#l his robe b#t a ro"k% wielded by yo#ths and thrown
hard in bitterness and spite& *t "a#ght <i.eon in the so!t pla"e beside his eye and he was
dead be!ore he !ell into Christian's ar.s&
Christian had worked !or this .an !or only !o#r .onths b#t he was given a s.all bag
o! silver and two ri"hly bo#nd books on his depart#re& <i.eon's eldest son% *srael% a .an
as sensitive and as #pright as his !ather% "alled hi. to the !a.ilies' private apart.ents and
gave hi. a ti"ket o! passage to @a!!a and a letter o! re"o..endation to his "o#sin in
Cebe""a stood 9#ietly by as the !a.ily said their !arewells% then thr#st the astrolabe
into his hands and ran !ro. the roo. in tears&
;hile the brothers o!!ered #p their prayers !or <i.eon's so#l% Christian's drea.
"a.e another step "loser&
The 4o#rney a"ross the sea was di!!i"#lt& The weather !o#led and kept #p a steady%
strong wind !or .ost o! the voyage and his sto.a"h b#rned with ret"hing& B#t he had
"hosen his vessel well% a !lat botto.ed sailing "og !lying the !lag o! 3en.ark on its .ast
and with the wind at their ba"k they rea"hed @a!!a's "rowded harbo#r in less than a week&
/e sat in the prow as the ship p#lled alongside and those on the whar! swar.ed
aboard% all "hattering and sho#ting&
/e saw darkly veiled wo.en sitting 9#ietly #nder tattered awnings% platters o!
oranges% peppers and dates heaped aro#nd the.% while others roasted !ood over
s.o#ldering bra?iers& And wonder o! wonders:"a.els% ri"hly "aparisoned in brightly
plaited tethers and tassels and 4ingling bells% standing with so!t eyed patien"e or sitting
with their bellies in the sand and their long legs !olded #nder the.% their strange h#.ped
ba"ks i.possibly laden with bales and bo$es and rolled #p "arpets&
0$oti" aro.as wa!ted a"ross the prow% sa!!ron% t#r.eri" and #n!a.iliar .eat si??ling
on b#rning "har"oal& /e heard the "ries o! the beggars and the sho#ts o! the shopkeepers
and the bright s#n overhead lent a sharpness to the light% so he saw it all in per!e"t "larity&
/e'd bro#ght with hi. only his astrolabe% re.edy bo$ and .edi"al tools% his .oney
and letters% leaving the books *srael had given hi. with the good brothers in Cypr#s&
/is skin b#rned and his "lothes be"a.e "la..y and da.p and he realised now why
everyone wore !lowing gar.ents and so!t shoes& 0$"ite.ent b#bbled inside hi.& /e
gathered his things% bid a hasty !arewell and bo#nded down the gangway to the whar!&
The d#sty streets rang with the raised voi"es o! the shopkeepers% haggling and
bargaining% wheedling and sho#ting& /e waved to a sailor !ro. the ship who sat drinking
ale #nder a striped tent% his ar. draped aro#nd a bea#ti!#l% dark skinned wo.an& /e
winked and be"koned and Christian s.iled and shook his head&
/e allowed hi.sel! to be l#red into a shop and p#r"hased a plain shirt and .antle% a
pair o! "ork soled sandals and a long length o! !abri" to wrap abo#t the head or to keep
the s#n !ro. his !a"e& /e stood in !ront o! the .er"hant's bron?e .irror% ad.iring his tall
!ra.e swathed in the gar.ents o! the /oly ,and& *t !elt right% in this pla"e% in these
"lothes% as i! it were the .ost nat#ral thing in the world to hi.&
1l#.s and sage and b#n"hes o! .int had been laid o#t !or sale on the sides o! the
road and ragged "hildren sat !anning the !lies !ro. piles o! raw .eat% "alling o#t in piti!#l
wails as he passed&
)or two pennies a wo.an o!!ered hi. a po.egranate and !lat bread !illed with
spi"ed la.b and he !o#nd a pla"e #nder a date pal. to eat& The tastes were pleasing and
the "ool% tangy taste o! the !r#it !elt "lean in his .o#th& The war.th o! the day spread
over hi. and he do?ed #nder the swaying pal.s in pea"e!#l "ontent.ent&
Then he !elt a t#g at his sleeve and looked aro#nd to see a s.all boy% his skin the
"olo#r o! b#rned honey% his eyes dark li9#id pools o! inno"en"e& Christian s.iled%
atte.pting a greeting in the T#rkish .anner 7Assala.# Alai"#.&8 1ea"e be #pon yo#&
The boy bowed sole.nly ba"k 7;a Assala.# Alai"#.% ,ord8 then stood% al.ost to
attention% looking over his sho#lder into the distan"e&
/e wat"hed hi. !or a while a.#sed% wondering what was e$pe"ted& 7/ave yo#
"o.e !or !oodA8 /e broke o!! a pie"e o! the po.egranate and o!!ered it b#t the "hild
stayed #n.oving& /e didn't look like a beggar& /is t#ni" and pantaloons were "lean and
neatly .ade& /e !a"e was s"r#bbed and his hair shiny and well oiled& A s.all% "#rved
dagger rested in a tooled s"abbard abo#t his waist&
Christian got to his !eet and .oved to walk away and the boy 4#.ped !orward
9#i"kly 71lease ,ord% * beg o! yo#& +o# .#st re.ain& * a. to g#ard yo# #ntil .y !ather
has !inished his noon5 ti.e prayers& * will look sha.e!#l in his eyes sho#ld * !ail in .y
7;ell then% i! it is yo#r d#ty% * a. bo#nd to obey8 And he waited in the shade while
the "hild stood to attention in !ront o! hi.&
1resently an elderly .an leading a !lea5 bitten "a.el approa"hed and the boy bowed
low 7)ather% * have done .y d#ty% as yo# ordered&8
The old .an grinned toothlessly and patted hi. on the head& 7;ell done Ah.ed&
+o#r years are !ew b#t yo#r bravery is already apparent& +o# will .ake a !ine warrior&8
/e bowed to Christian 71ea"e be #pon yo#% Good <ir& * a. Ah.ed ab# bin Casa and * a.
at yo#r servi"e&8
71ea"e be #pon yo# also% Ah.ed% b#t * a. sorry to say that * re9#ire no servi"e&8
7Are yo# not 4o#rneying to 3a.as"#sA8
Christian li!ted his !oot 7+es% b#t * have a st#rdy pair o! shoes and strong legs to take
.e there&8
Ah.ed's dark eyes twinkled as he li!ted a s"rawny ar. and pointed to the s"r#b
"overed d#nes in the distan"e& 7The great "ity o! 3a.as"#s is .any leag#es hen"e by
swi!t "a.el% yo#ng sir& And yo# .#st beware the evil @inn that g#ards this land and has
been known to rend a traveller li.b !ro. li.b with his devilish !angs and "ast hi. into
the swar.ing s"orpion pits that are hidden beneath the sand& Only one who has spent his
entire li!e:8 /e bowed and pla"ed his bony hand #pon his heart&8 * a. li"ensed% yo#ng
sir% as an agent o! transportation& )or the pri"e o! a !ew "oppers and by the gra"e o!
Al.ighty Allah% Giver o! all things% .y !aith!#l beast shall willingly "onvey yo# in
prin"ely "o.!ort and good speed to yo#r destination&8 /e waved his other hand at his
"a.el% 9#ietly r#.inating with yellowed% worn down teeth&
Christian eyed the .otley ani.al& The hide shone with "are!#l groo.ing and its
i.pressive harness da??led the eye with polished bells and "olo#red tassels b#t bald
pat"hes were showing on its !lanks and its nobbled knees were "ra"ked with age& /e
looked down at the "hild ga?ing #p at his !ather with pride and s.iled& 7*n that "ase% *
thank yo# !or yo#r genero#s o!!er% Ah.ed& * wo#ld be hono#red to have yo# "ond#"t .e
to 3a.as"#s& A !ew "oppers yo# sayA8
They haggled and bargained !or .ost o! the a!ternoon #ntil both were al.ost
satis!ied% one !eeling he had paid too .#"h% the other !eeling he'd been paid too little&
They sealed their b#siness with a glass o! strong tea and arranged to .eet at dawn o!
the ne$t day&
/e spent the night above a shop sleeping three to a stained and b#g ridden .attress%
the two others with hi. snoring and !arting lo#dly all night& /e kept one eye open% his
ba"k to the wall and his po#"h "l#t"hed to his "hest& B#t he had no need to worry&
Cri.e in these lands was p#nished so severely that his possessions "o#ld have been
le!t in plain sight and re.ained #nto#"hed& /e staggered o#t bleary eyed at dawn to hear
the .#e??in "alling the !aith!#l to prayer and stood in the doorway listening% his s"alp
tingling& /e bowed his head in prayer also and gave thanks to the ,ord&
,ittle Ah.ed was waiting !or hi.% standing in rigid attention by the door& They
threaded their way thro#gh the "rowded% noisy streets to where old Ah.ed waited with
not one% b#t two "a.els&
Christian was assigned the elder% balding one% d#e to the other's habit% a""ording to
Ah.ed% o! spitting and biting all in the one breath& *t !elt strange sitting atop the #nwieldy
beast b#t on"e he'd gotten #sed to it% !o#nd it !leet !ooted and 9#i"k to respond&
They set o!!% Christian !#ll o! e$"ite.ent and anti"ipation& They sho#ld be in
3a.as"#s by s#nset o! the ne$t day% by the gra"e o! Allah% .ost loving% .ost .er"i!#l&
Christian was s#re that by the ti.e the pitiless s#n rea"hed its height% it wo#ld have
boiled the .arrow in his bones b#t Ah.ed was soli"ito#s o! his "o.!ort and re.inded
hi. o!ten o! the water5skin tied to the "a.el's side& 73rink% .y !riend% else the de.ons o!
the sand will enter thro#gh yo#r .o#th and nostrils and t#rn yo#r innards to d#st&8 and he
pointed to the s#n blea"hed sk#ll o! a horse hal! b#ried in the sand 7+o# see% even the
pro#d o!!spring o! <aladin's .ighty steeds do not have the strength to resist the.&8
/e wrapped his "loth tighter abo#t his !a"e& /is eyes !elt b#rned and sandblasted and
!lies b#??ed annoyingly aro#nd the.& /e'd !inally be"o.e #sed to the "a.el's loping gait
and stilled the bile that rose in his throat every ti.e he looked down and he began to
en4oy the 4o#rney thro#gh the endless lands"ape o! the desert% seeing a ti.eless bea#ty in
the i..a"#late d#nes s"#lpted by the wind driven sands&
Ah.ed was a good "o.panion% keeping #p a steady "o..entary o! their
s#rro#ndings% sprinkled with ro#nd eyed warnings o! evil genies and 9#i"ksands and
veno.o#s serpents that slithered sideways% their !li"kering bl#e tong#es tasting the air !or
the sweat o! their ne$t vi"ti.&
They galloped on #ntil the s#n rea"hed its ?enith and 4#st when Christian !elt he
wo#ld topple !ro. the saddle with e$ha#stion% Ah.ed stopped and ere"ted an awning
!ro. poles and "loth he'd "arried on his own "a.el's ba"k& /e prod#"ed% as i! by .agi"%
sweet oranges% !lat bread% spi"y goat .eat and a leather !lask o! tea% war.ed by the s#n&
They slept in the shade till the s#n began to set in golden rays% then Ah.ed gave hi.
"akes sweetened with honey and .ore tea and helped hi. to .o#nt on"e again&
The evening had "ooled and he shivered in his thin "lothes as the "a.els kept #p
their steady pa"e& Ah.ed threw hi. a ro#gh blanket s.elling strongly o! goats and he
rode on thro#gh the darkening night% war. and grate!#l !or the kindness&
;hen the way ahead be"a.e an inky bla"kness and the sand shi..ered with ghostly
light% he looked #p at the sky% at a bla?ing glory o! starlight and la#ghed with 4oy& Bever
had he realised there were so .any stars in the sky& /e threw ba"k his head% "raning his
ne"k to take in the wondro#s sight& /e !elt s.all:and h#.bled& And yet% he was an
entity also% a tiny spe"k% less than a .ote o! d#st% b#t with a p#rpose and a reason% a
.i"ro"os.os in the great .a"ro"os.os o! being& /e had his pla"e in this great i..ensity
too and the #ni.aginable !or"e that g#ided this wonder% g#ided hi.&
A distant .e.ory "a.e to his .ind% o! his !ather and bedti.e tales and s"or"hing
deserts travelled by the light o! the stars& /ad his !ather .arvelled at these sa.e sights%
wondered at his pla"e in the #niverse alsoA
They stopped to rest at dawn and Christian was again a.a?ed at his g#ide's
.#ni!i"en"e% .ore !ood appearing !ro. the old .an's vol#.ino#s saddlebags% salted !ish
and sesa.e "akes and pl#.p% 4#i"y dates& As he sat in the shade o! their .akeshi!t tent%
he wat"hed Ah.ed as he rolled o#t his prayer .at and knelt to pray% his head to#"hing the
sand& On an i.p#lse% he took #p his astrolabe and sighted it on the hori?on and the (#ibla
and was s#rprised to see that the old .an !a"ed that dire"tion e$a"tly& /e deter.ined to
ask hi. how he knew b#t when Ah.ed ret#rned he saw Christian with the astrolabe still
in his hand& 7+o#ng sir% yo# "arry a star5taker& /ow "a.e yo# to have s#"h a thingA8
A star5takerA /e liked the so#nd o! that na.e& 7*t was a gi!t Ah.ed& One that *
Ah.ed e$a.ined the brass dis"s "are!#lly% r#nning his !ingers reverently over the
raised sy.bols& 7* was not always this dried #p bag o! bones& * spent .y yo#th in the
ho#se o! a great lord% in servi"e to his wise astrologer Artephi#s% .ay Allah grant hi. 4oy&
* was bo#nd to hi. as a servant and "arried his instr#.ents o! divination and .agi"& One
o! those instr#.ents was a devi"e s#"h as this&8
At the .ention o! this Christian's eyes lit #p 7Magi": divinationA Oh Ah.ed% tell
.e .ore& * have 4o#rneyed here !or knowledge& * .#st know .ore: * beg yo#&8
The "a.el driver la#ghed% his eyes disappearing in heavy lidded !olds 7Gnowledge is
a heavy b#rden& ;hy not aspire to be a warrior like .y sons and drea. si.ple drea.s o!
glory and long li.bed virgins and !o#ntains !lowing with wineA The possession o!
learning "an bring yo# nothing b#t sorrow&8
7B#t Ah.ed% witho#t it% li!e is not worth the living&8
The old .an !i$ed his eyes on Christian& 7Then beware% yo#ng lord% do not be
de"eived by .agi" tri"ks and signs and portents& *t is tr#e% .y .aster o!ten #sed these
g#iles% b#t to .ysti!y and beda??le& Their real p#rpose was to gain tr#st so that his tr#e
knowledge .ay be e.ployed& The healing o! the si"k% the !inding o! sweet water in the
wells% the best ti.es o! the .oon to plant% these are the real .agi"&8
/e ga?ed at Ah.ed:and re.e.bered the par"h.ent wrapped pris. and its thi"kly
printed words Bothing is as it see.s&' /ad he not yo#th's disdain !or the wrinkled skin
and !aded eyes o! age% he wo#ld have seen the reality o! the .an sitting 9#ietly in !ront o!
hi.& Ah.ed had le!t little Ah.ed in the "are o! his .other% one o! three yo#ng wives
he'd taken to "o.!ort hi. in his old age% three others having gone to their rest& /e had
si$teen "hildren% two o! the. yo#nger than Ah.ed& /e was strong still and had prod#"ed
!ro. his baggage a veritable "orn#"opia o! ri"hes and shared then genero#sly with a
stranger& On"e again he deter.ined to eval#ate his i.pressions .ore "are!#lly&
Ah.ed went on 7* wat"hed .y .aster rid a whole town o! the pestilen"e on"e& /e
"li.bed the .inaret in his starry robes and waved his sta!!% th#ndering in"antations over
the heads o! the people% then ordered the killing and b#rning o! ver.in that prowled the
streets and the washing o! gar.ents and bedding& /e told the. his power!#l .agi" wo#ld
not enter an #n"lean dwelling& ;ithin the spa"e o! two .oons the si"kness was gone& The
people de"lared hi. to be a great .agi"ian and raised #p their ar.s b#t he wo#ld have
none o! it&8
/e sighed 7That was a very long ti.e ago& Magi"ians and soothsayers "rawl over the
land like .aggots now% preying on the g#llible and greedy& B#t the light does not shine
aro#nd the. and tr#e adepts are not !ooled by their sleight o! hand&8
Christian sat% .es.erised& /e !elt that he was entering a new world% where .agi"
was real and the taint o! heresy .attered little& 7Tr#e adeptsA Ah.ed% yo# speak in words
that glitter like gold and 4ewels& 1lease% tell .e .ore&8
/e la#ghed 7Bo yo#ng ,ord% we .#st "ontin#e on% !or i! all is well% we will be in
3a.as"#s by s#nset&8
At the .ention o! 3a.as"#s% Christian realised that Ah.ed had already known his
destination& 7Ah.ed% who told yo# * was bo#nd !or 3a.as"#sA8
7Bo5one ,ord&8
/e !elt the tingle o! the .ysterio#s& /ad this old .an the power o! divinationA /ad
he known by so.e #nearthly knowledge o! his intentA 7Then how did yo# knowA Are
yo# an adept alsoA8
7+o# did not see .e on the ship% talking to the sail5.akerA * asked i! there were any
who wished transportation& /e pointed to yo# and told .e yo# spoke o! a great "ity o!
learning&8 Then he b#rst into peels o! good nat#red la#ghter while Christian "li.bed
sheepishly on to the "a.els ba"k&
That day% they did not stop when the s#n rea"hed its height% b#t galloped on& /is
"a.els h#.p was growing li.p% it needed to drink& A yo#ng "a.el "o#ld travel the desert
!or a week witho#t needing water b#t age so!tened ani.als as well as people& And their
own s#pply was dwindling now& <igns o! other travellers also appeared% tra"ks !ro. a
passing "aravan% s.oke !ro. a !ire in the distan"e% a dis"arded sandal& ;ithin the ho#r all
wo#ld have disappeared in the wind blown sand% b#t Christian knew that it .eant they
were "lose&
Then they topped a d#ne and saw 3a.as"#s arrayed be!ore the. like a garden o!
golden !lowers in the desert&
/e let o#t a whoop and sp#rred his #ngainly .o#nt on b#t Ah.ed "alled hi. ba"k
be!ore he rea"hed the gates& 7Co.e% yo#ng ,ord% let #s take a glass o! tea be!ore yo#
enter the "ity&8 <o they sat in the shade o! the hobbled "a.els% sharing the last o! the tea
and "ake his !avo#rite wi!e had .ade !or their 4o#rney& 7;here will yo# go% when yo# are
Christian spoke thro#gh a .o#th !#ll o! "r#.bs 7* have been given a letter o!
introd#"tion to a .er"hant& * hope to gain e.ploy.ent there and when * have the .eans%
.ake .y way to @er#sale.&8
Ah.ed see.ed to think on this !or a while% "losing his eyes as i! asleep and then he
said% 9#ietly 7My .aster still lives:8 and Christian's head 4erked #p in s#rprise&
7The passing o! the years see. to wither hi. not% !or it is said that he has in his
possession the .agi" stone o! the philosophers to keep hi. yo#ng&8
Christian's heart began beating lo#dly% he'd read o! the !abled stone that bro#ght the
heart's desire to those who knew it's se"ret& 7* .#st speak with hi.& * .#st know& ;ill
yo# take .e to hi. Ah.edA8
7Alas yo#ng ,ord% * "annot& /e dis.issed .e !ro. his servi"e& * had be"o.e
#n"lean% #nworthy to to#"h even the he. o! his robe&8 /e h#ng his head in sha.e at the
.e.ory& 7* "hose a wi!e% yo# see:a bea#ti!#l girl o! twelve years% "haste and !#ll o! li!e&
On the eve o! o#r betrothal she was p#lled !or. her .other's ar. by a stranger and
"arried away& A!ter the br#te !inished with her% he "#t her throat and le!t her to die in the
* h#nted hi. down and .ade hi. pay !or his "ri.e& /e begged .e to kill hi. in the
end and * did:gladly&8 Ah.ed grinned and Christian saw a gli.pse o! satis!a"tion in the
dark eyes& 7My .aster knew * had blood on .y hands as soon as he set eyes on .e and
t#rned .e o#t&
* did not #nderstand then% .y heart was !#ll o! wrath% b#t * #nderstand now& Cevenge
destroys the avenger& *t stains the very li!e blood with evil& *t was .any years be!ore * !elt
"lean again& Ask in the town !or Artephi#s and seek his advi"e& /e is a good .an and will
dire"t yo# wisely& +o# will not !ind hi. in a pala"e% !or he has "ast o!! worldly things b#t
with those who are s#!!ering and the poor&8
Christian "lasped Ah.ed's hand in gratit#de 7* thank yo#% .y !riend& * a.
overwhel.ed by yo#r generosity& This !ine 4o#rney% * will re.e.ber all .y days&
Assala.# Alai"#.&8
As he gathered #p his things to walk the short way% Ah.ed held #p a hand in
7May the .er"y and blessings o! Allah be #pon yo# also% yo#ng ,ord& And beware
the honey5 tong#ed rog#es in the .arketpla"e and the painted serpents o! the night% who
will "oo in yo#r ear like doves and relieve yo# o! yo#r p#rse as yo# sleep&8
A riv#let o! sparkling water !lowed so!tly down !ro. the .o#ntain bordering the
"ity's eastern side and b#bbled thro#gh an a9#ed#"t r#nning #nder the sto#t walls& 1retty
wild !lowers and grasses grew on both sides o! its banks and s.all trees trailed their
bran"hes in the "lear% "lean water& /e walked behind a !a.ily o! Bedo#ins% "rossed the
st#rdy stone bridge and thro#gh the open gates&
Bo g#ard stood sentinel or 9#estioned his b#siness there and he !ollowed the others%
walking narrow roads% thro#gh thi"kly planted or"hards o! apples% n#ts% apri"ots and
pl#.s% the ripe !r#it hanging heavily on the bran"hes&
*t see.ed to Christian that he was walking in the Garden o! 0den a!ter the par"hed
4o#rney thro#gh the desert and he relished the da.p% "ool !eel o! the leaves on his !a"e&
/e "o#ld see golden do.es and "#polas shining above the trees and low b#ildings o! s#n5
baked "lay& /e drank "ool water !ro. a .arble !o#ntain by the side o! the road and rested
in a rose "overed arbo#r while others ga?ed in rapt#re at the sight% lo#dly e$"lai.ing the
bea#ty and pea"e!#lness o! their s#rro#ndings&
Men tended the gardens and swept the paths% others per"hed on ladders 9#ietly
pi"king the ripened !r#it or pr#ning the bran"hes with sharp "#rved blades& A .an in a
d#sty t#rban and .#d splattered pantaloons o!!ered hi. a hand!#l o! waln#ts as he passed
and Christian s.iled his thanks&
/e walked on% passing s.all shops selling ironware% pottery and woven !abri"s and
stopped to e$a.ine a sword5s.ith's bea#ti!#lly wro#ght blades glinting gold in the
setting s#n& /e saw a .os9#e topped by a glittering "#pola% with row a!ter row o! sandals
and pointed toed slippers set neatly on its steps and over the doorway o! a d#n "olo#red
b#ilding the Arabi" sign !or pilgri.' and help& /e .ade his plans&
A!ter he presented hi.sel! to the .er"hant who .ight grant hi. e.ploy.ent% he
wo#ld ret#rn to this pla"e and o!!er assistan"e in a""ord with the de"ision both he and
Andre had .ade6 to heal the si"k and that gratis& Then he wo#ld seek o#t Ah.ed's .aster
the soothsayer and beg !or instr#"tion& /e wo#ld tarry here a little while learning what he
"o#ld% then .ake his way to the /oly <ep#l"hre% in @er#sale.&
The shadows o! the trees lengthened as the s#n began to set& /e "o#ld s.ell the
s.oke !ro. the "ooking !ires as the wo.en began to prepare the evening .eals and hear
the .#e??in "alling the !aith!#l to prayer% gave thanks on"e again% and "#rled #p #nder a
so!tly r#stling tree to sleep&
/e didn't see the snake #ntil a!ter it had bitten hi.& /e "a.e awake in an instant%
knowing he was in danger% pain searing his leg& Then he saw it "oiled at his !eet and
blood tri"kling !ro. the wo#nd& /e lay rigid% too !rightened to .ove% wat"hing its
glittering eyes% its dia.ond shaped sno#t& The horn on either side o! its head told hi. it
was a viper and he tho#ght o! Andre's tale o! .any a knights' deadly en"o#nter and the
horses bolting in terror at the sight& The s#n had 4#st risen and he "o#ld see no5one who
.ight help&
/e lay still #ntil his eyes grew di. and the b#??ing in his ears be"a.e a r#shing
torrent o! noise& *t see.ed as i! his .o#th was !illed with wool and a heavy weight lay on
his "hest% "r#shing the breath o#t o! hi.& /e knew he sho#ld do so.ething be!ore his
drea. "a.e to no#ght and he went to heaven with nothing to .ake his .other pro#d& At
the tho#ght o! this he stirred% took hold o! a ro"k that lay nearby and !l#ng it hard at the
reptile whi"h was rearing #p to strike again& *t whipped away and slithered o!! thro#gh
the trees while he p#lled hi.sel! slowly to his !eet and staggered toward the pilgri.'s
/e passed others walking or setting o#t their wares !or sale b#t no5one see.ed to
noti"e the yo#ng .an st#.bling along the road& 1erhaps they tho#ght he was .ad% or
over"o.e with si"kness& /e banged on the door and !ell to his knees% his apothe"ary bo$
and po#"h and #nbearable b#rden in his e!!ort to breathe& /e knew no .ore #ntil he
awoke ne$t day% his leg a!la.e and his eyes swollen sh#t&
;as he blindA /e !elt pani" rise inside hi.& 1lease ,ord: not blind& /ow "o#ld he
obtain knowledge witho#t sightA /ow "o#ld he tend the si"kA ;as he destined to spend
his li!e in darkness when all abo#t hi. was lightA /e groped !or his leg and to#"hed
where the skin b#rned and "ried o#t in pain& /e heard hi.sel! whi.pering and "o#ld not
still it&
Then a !ir. hand grasped his and a deep% "al. voi"e whispered in his ear 7Be at
pea"e& Al.ighty Allah% in /is in!inite .er"y has spared yo#&8 /e 9#ieted and the voi"e
went on 7The wise serpent kept ba"k her veno. in the knowledge yo# .eant her no
har.& *t was .erely o#t o! !ear that she str#"k& And are not all beings th#s% who strike o#t
in !ear% we .ore than the asp or the viperA8
/e tried to sit #p&
Again the whispered voi"e 7Bay% yo#ng sir% rest% * have "overed yo#r eyes lest the
light da.age the. !#rther b#t the !lesh o! yo#r leg is .#"h swollen and it will "a#se yo#
.ore pain sho#ld yo# .ove&8
Christian wanted to speak b#t his tong#e had "leaved to the roo! o! his .o#th and no
words "a.e& /e !elt a "#p o! "ool li9#id pressed to his lips and drank thirstily b#t be!ore
he "o#ld #tter a so#nd% !ell ba"k% e$ha#sted& By the evening he was alert and listening to
the steady b#stle o! people aro#nd hi.& /e heard so!t voi"es and tinkling la#ghter and the
s.ell o! roasting .eat .ade his .o#th water and his sto.a"h gr#.ble in anti"ipation&
There were other odo#rs too% the astringent tang o! po#lti"es% the p#ngen"y o! herbs and
the earthy s.ell o! blood& These "o.!orted hi.% !or they were the s"ents o! ho.e:and
Andre& <o he lay ba"k% "ontent to rest&
And then a war. hand on his ar. and that voi"e again% serene and "lear 7Ah% the
strength ret#rns to the li.bs= The !l#sh to the "o#ntenan"e= ;hat .agi" resides in the
sweet so#l o! yo#thA8 /e longed to see the !a"e that belonged to that wondro#s% healing
voi"e& Blind or not% he was still learning& *t was not 4#st .edi"ine and salves that "o#ld
heal b#t 4oy!#l words and kindness&
The voi"e went on 7+o#ng sir% * beg yo#r pardon b#t * have per#sed the "ontents o!
yo#r .agni!i"ent bo$ and prepared a tin"t#re !or yo# !ro. yo#r own .edi"ines& ;e have
very little here to o!!er the .any who seek "o.!ort and yo# "arry s#"h ri"hes% they !ill
.y eyes with wonder&8
Christian spoke at last% his own words "roaky and ill !or.ed 7+o# are wel"o.e sire%
to all that * have% and * thank yo# h#.bly !or yo#r kindness&8
There was a la#gh like so!tly babbling water 7*t is yo# who are to be wel"o.ed& ;e
have been waiting !or yo# !or so.e ti.e&8
;hat did he sayA ;ere his ears playing tri"ksA Or was he still asleep and drea.ingA8
7* .#st say% yo#r theria" was .ost i.pressive& 3id yo# know that Bero's !avo#rite
physi"ian Andro..a"his enhan"ed its poten"y by adding the !lesh o! vipers% aged it in
golden "askets and then sold it !or !ive h#ndred ti.es its val#e in the pala"es o! the 0astA
Ah% s#"h are the "on"eits o! the ri"h and the wiles o! the learned&
B#t alas yo#ng sir% * have others to attend& Cest now and later we will talk and
perhaps re.ove the "overing !ro. yo#r eyes& Are yo# h#ngryA * will order a pretty girl to
prepare yo# so.e !ood&8 And a!ter another pat o! the hand% the voi"e was gone and
Christian had never !elt so alone in his li!e&
<oon a war. hand to#"hed his and the deli"io#s s.ell o! .#tton "ooked in dates
teased his nostrils& /e ate h#ngrily% asked !or .ore and wol!ed that down too& Then he
was given a "#p o! po.egranate 4#i"e and believed he had never tasted a drink so
wonder!#l& /e t#rned his head toward the 9#iet presen"e by his side 7* thank yo#
.istress% !or the !ood&8 /e re"eived no answer and realised she had gone& *t saddened hi.
to think that wo.en here were regarded as s#"h little worth% they .oved like wraiths in
their own land&
/e needed to .ake water and p#lled hi.sel! to the edge o! the pallet b#t pain !lared
in his leg as he tried to stand and le!t hi. weak and tre.bling& /e lay ba"k and slept and
awoke only when he !elt the bandages ro#nd his eyes #nwinding& At the last t#rn% a
blinding !lash o! light .ade hi. 4erk his head away b#t the gentle voi"e "al.ed hi. on"e
again 7*t is a good sign& *ll#.ination is always overwhel.ing at !irst& Then one be"o.es
a""#sto.ed and delights in its presen"e& Open yo#r eyes and behold& The s#n has risen
4#st !or yo#&8
Christian !or"ed open his swollen eyelids and looked abo#t hi.& /e peered as i! thro#gh
a ha?e% #ntil his eyes be"a.e adapted to the light and then he s.iled at the .arvel be!ore
The .orning light glea.ing thro#gh the grilled window shone #pon a yo#ng girl
standing at the !oot o! his bed% holding a spray o! brightly "olo#red !lowers& /er eyes
were de.#rely "ast down% her deli"ate hands a so!t !ra.e !or the blosso.s whi"h paled in
"o.parison to her bea#ty& /er #nveiled hair !ell dark and l#stro#s as a bat's wing to her
waist% and the thi"k !ringe o! her lashes rested on "heeks the "olo#r o! ripe pea"hes& <he
opened her eyes and it was i! the sky had settled in the.% so a?#re bl#e was their "olo#r&
Then she s.iled and her s.all teeth glea.ed white and per!e"t !ro. rose "olo#red lips&
/e heard la#ghter% deep and r#.bling 7*s she not a better .edi"ine than all the
eli$irs and potions in 3a.as"#sA8 Christian "o#ld not take his weakened eyes !ro. the
girl% so lovely was her !a"e and !air her !or.& 7B#t eno#gh% lest yo# are drawn to the light
like a .oth and b#rned in its !la.e&8 <he lowered her eyes on"e again% laid the !lowers at
his !eet and departed% leaving Christian staring a!ter her like a ho.eless p#ppy&
The voi"e beside hi. "a.e "loser& 7The "hild is lovely and a pana"ea !or .any ills&
/er na.e is ,eah and she is a slave o! the wise <#ltan O.ar& <he is greatly loved by the
people% who treat her as i! she were an angel des"ended !ro. heaven to ease their
s#!!ering& <he gra"es o#r presen"e with the kind per.ission o! her .aster% !or 4#st a
glan"e at her .akes .any arise !ro. their beds% renewed&8
Christian t#rned and saw the owner o! the voi"e at last&
The .an was tall% taller than Andre and slender as a willow bran"h& ;ide brown eyes
shone !ro. a !a"e shiny with good nat#re and his genero#s .o#th was s.iling still& /e
wore a plain brown robe and t#rban with in"ongr#o#sly% a rose t#"ked into one o! its
!olds& *t had the e!!e"t o! .aking hi. at on"e "o.i"al and approa"hable and Christian
knew instantly that here was a .an to be tr#sted&
7+es% she is very bea#ti!#l& * a. overwhel.ed sire% by the tro#ble yo# have taken !or
.y "o.!ort& * hope that so.ehow% * will be able to repay yo#r kindness&8
7@#st seeing yo# re"overing is pay.ent eno#gh& Ah% !orgive .y r#deness6 * a.
*sh.ael /a.id Al5Gha?ali&8 The physi"ian bowed low with a !lo#rish o! his hand
7,ately !ro. the great "ity o! Cairo% in 0gypt& A"t#ally% * a. a wanderer on the path o!
li!e .ysel!& * was on .y way ho.e #ntil * de"ided to stay& B#t eno#gh o! .e% what o!
yo#r eyes% is there sorenessA8
Christian s"rewed #p his eyes and opened the. again 7Better than be!ore&8 Then he
looked down at his leg% at a large pat"h o! s#pp#rating !lesh where the viper had bitten
hi. and !elt a r#sh o! !ear& /e had seen .any rotted li.bs& <in"e the /oly )ather had
!orbidden the .onks to per!or. a s#rgeons' d#ties% it had been le!t to the !ar.ers% who
ha"ked away with sharpened wedges and blades and white hot irons to "a#terise% the
patient o!ten dying in the pro"ess& 7My leg too% !eels less pain!#l b#t * !ear there .ay be
so.e ne"rosis in the wo#nd&8
The physi"ian bent to e$a.ine .ore "losely% his !ingers probing the area%
deter.ining the e$tent& Christian wanted to "ry o#t b#t kept his lips pressed tightly sh#t&
/e had been eno#gh o! a b#rden already&
*sh.ael did not look #p b#t "arried on 7* believe yo# are right& ;hat% in yo#r land is
the treat.ent !or s#"hA8
/e !or"ed hi.sel! not to tre.ble as he answered 70$"ision:and i! that is not
s#""ess!#l% re.oval o! the li.b&8
/e nodded 7+es& *t .ay be that s#"h an operation will have to be per!or.ed& The
in!e"tion is progressing swi!tly% only last night * e$a.ined the wo#nd and it see.ed little
"hanged& B#t we shall see& There are other re.edies we "an try&8 /e applied a hand!#l o!
.aggots and bo#nd the leg in the hope they wo#ld eat away the rotted !lesh and Christian
spent a restless day and night !#ll o! night.ares and !ear!#l s9#ir.ing&
*n the .orning the wo#nd was .#"h "leaner b#t also larger% so *sh.ael de"ided to
"ons#lt with his !riend Ali% prin"ipal physi"ian to the Caliph o! 3a.as"#s&
Christian was worried& /e hadn't eno#gh .oney to pay and tried to .ake light o! the
in4#ry% b#t *sh.ael g#essed his "on"erns and p#t his .ind to rest& 7All those who "arry
the rod o! As"lepi#s in this great "ity have sworn to ease the s#!!erings o! all& *t is a thing
#nderstood& 1ay.ent is not a ne"essity&
*! one is able to re"o.pense% it is well& *! not:then Al.ighty Allah will provide&8
/e lay ba"k and .arvelled at the enlightened and genero#s pla"e to whi"h he had
"o.e& /e tho#ght o! the br#tality o! the "r#sades and how these good people .#st have
s#!!ered and was asha.ed&
The do"tor "a.e early& Ci"hly attired in the T#rkish .anner% with rings glittering on
every pl#.p !inger% he strode regally thro#gh the .odest doors like a king to his throne%
leaving a wa!t o! e$pensive per!#.e in his wake& +et he was kind% his voi"e gentle
7+o#ng .an% .y !riend tells .e yo# have been bitten by a viper and while yo# have
over"o.e the poison% the wo#nd does not heal& This is soA8 /e nodded and the physi"ian
"lapped his hands !or war. water and "loths& /e washed away the p#s and "are!#lly
e$a.ined the wo#nd% see.ing not to noti"e the si"kly sweet s.ell o! p#tre!a"tion iss#ing
!ro. it& Then he straightened #p and looked into Christian's eyes% his own dark and
penetrating& 7* a. told yo# have so.e knowledge o! .edi"ineA8 /e did not wait !or hi.
to reply 7Then yo# know what .#st be done&8
Christian's body !elt instantly "old and his head swa.& /e wanted to r#n !ro. the
roo. and .ake his way ho.e to Ger.any% to be sa!e behind the "loistered walls o! the
.onastery& B#t he knew he wo#ld not live past a week with his leg !estering and p#trid&
/e had no "hoi"e&
*sh.ael "a.e to stand beside hi.& 7Ali is the !inest s#rgeon in all o! <yria& +o# are
!ort#nate& /e will work swi!tly% with great skill&8 /e o!!ered a s.all "#p 73rink%
yo#ng sir& *t is b#t a thi.ble!#l o! poppy b#t it will help with the pain&8 /e drank the
!o#l tasting li9#id and lay ba"k% wat"hing the. prepare !or his ordeal% bringing basins and
"loths% laying o#t sharpened knives and serrated blades&
Both physi"ians washed their hands thoro#ghly in a bowl set aside !or that p#rpose%
Ali re.oving his rings and pla"ing the. in a s.all bag abo#t his ne"k& Then a bra?ier
was bro#ght in% two s.all irons glowing hot in its "entre&
/e !elt a little ripple o! !ear at the sight& B#t soon the n#.bing dra#ght began to
work and it was as i! all his trepidation had !allen away and his body had grown lighter&
/e wat"hed the. standing together% heads bent% whispering and then he was !loating
pea"e!#lly in a so!t world o! "arelessness% #n.ind!#l o! the preparations being .ade !or
the re.oval o! his leg& They "a.e to his bed& Ali patted his hand and said 9#ietly 7+o#
are a .an now% with a .an's "o#rage& All will be well& *nshallah& :*! it be the ;ill o!
God&8 Thro#gh bleared and heavy eyes Christian saw hi. take #p a "#rved blade and
bend silently to his task&
Then s#ddenly it see.ed that his leg had been thr#st into boiling water or !ro?en in
i"e& /e "o#ld !eel the skin being !layed and torn% s.ell the revolting sten"h o! b#rnt%
rotted !lesh and !ro. so.ewhere deep in the past% 9#ietly at !irst and then spiralling into
a "res"endo o! agony% the howling o! wolves and the "ries o! a s.all boy% galloping alone
and !rightened thro#gh a "old winter's night&
Again he slept !or a day% perhaps two& /e had no way o! knowing& /e p#lled hi.sel!
#p !ro. the depth o! a drea.less sleep to the so#nd o! labo#red breathing and t#rned to
see a "hild asleep in the "rook o! his ar.% shivering and !everish& /e rea"hed o#t and
to#"hed the s.ooth !a"e% hot and da.p% the eyelids al.ost transparent over s#nken eyes&
/e noted the !l#shed and spotted "o.ple$ion% hiding greyness beneath it% the 4erky rise
and !all o! the s.all "hest& /e bro#ght his ar. o#t gently !ro. #nder the li.p head and
sat #p& There was .#"h in his re.edy bo$ that .ight help6 !ebri!#ges and salves% also
po#lti"es and "rea.s& /e p#lled the thin blanket #p over the narrow sho#lders and rose to
!et"h it&
A blinding 4ot o! pain shot thro#gh hi.% re.inding hi. sharply why he was there& /e
looked down at his leg& 0ven wrapped in thi"k layers o! linen it looked thin and
de!or.ed% .ost notably where the .#s"les o! his "al! sho#ld have been& B#t they had not
"#t it o!!& Bo wonder Ali was !a.ed !or his skill& /e said a silent prayer o! thanks%
ignored the pain and sear"hed !or his re.edy bo$&
/e !o#nd his belongings neatly piled in a "orner and set to work .i$ing a dra#ght&
/e did not stop to wonder at the phases o! the .oon or whi"h stars were a#spi"io#s& The
.edi"ine was the i.portant thing&
/e patiently dropped the tin"t#re between the boy's teeth& /e'd .i$ed it with honey
to .ask the bitter taste and the "hild took it willingly% li"king his lips "lean o! the
sweetness% his eyes still tightly sh#t& Then Christian heard a baby "ry and noti"ed the
others& ,ined against the long% narrow walls were pallets o! "lean straw and in ea"h were
several "hildren% so.e asleep% so.e staring blankly ahead& All see.ed !everish and
poorly& /e pi"ked #p a sn#!!ling baby and held it while .#"#s b#bbled thi"kly !ro. its
nose% !eeling the rattle o! the tiny "hest against his own& /e li.ped between the beds%
spooning .edi"ine into s.all .o#ths% playing the 4ester to "oa$ the #nwilling&
Then *sh.ael was beside hi.% doing the sa.e& /e "ons#lted with hi. abo#t the
ingredients o! his tin"t#re and what yet "o#ld be done& /e didn't treat hi. as a "hild or as
a patient b#t as one o! his own% a .an "on"erned with the "are o! the si"k& A bedraggled
"aravan o! pilgri.s had tr#ndled thro#gh the "ity% its "hildren blot"hed and blinded with
.easles& The townspeople sla..ed and bolted their doors in disg#st% believing that the
plag#e had !ollowed the.% so the Fi?ier ordered their 9#arantine in the hostel and their
.others stood wailing o#tside% begging to be let in&
*t was ten days be!ore the !evers abated and !or Christian% it was a "on!ir.ation o!
his li!e's "o..it.ent&
A!ter the "hildren had been ret#rned to their .others% *sh.ael and Christian sat
together in the shade o! an apple tree% drinking strong T#rkish "o!!ee and talking o! their
lives& *sh.ael told hi. o! his ho.e and the wise priests o! the te.ples there% who
instr#"ted the !ew in the .ysteries and "lothed their knowledge in !earso.e deities and
dark warnings !or the rest& /e was a .e.ber o! that se"t known !or their .ysti"al
devotions as <#!i and all he did6 he did with loving kindness% h#.bly and o! good "heer&
Bo boon "o#ld be too .#"h to ask o! hi.% no thing too .#"h to give% !or all was one in
the eyes o! Allah% .ost in!inite% .ost loving&
/e told Christian o! arriving in 3a.as"#s a year sin"e% to await the "o.ing o! a great
sage !ro. the ;est% one who had been !oretold by the astrologers and .agi o! his own
land& And !or one who had barely rea"hed his si$teenth year% Christian also had .any
tales to tell& /e talked o! his 4o#rneys by sea and the great "ity o! Feni"e and he told hi.
o! the "a.el driver's instr#"tions to !ind Artephi#s&
*sh.ael's !a"e grew sole.n 7+es% yes& A visit to that one sho#ld be very val#able to
yo#% i! only to learn what not to learn&8
A week later he woke early% took a st#rdy sti"k to lean on and begged dire"tions in
the town&
Two s.all boys led hi.% with rolling eyes and awestr#"k whispers to a dirty%
overh#ng doorway at the end o! an alley& /e banged on the wood and waited& Then he
heard the bad te.pered bark o! a dog% gr#.bling and .#ttering and a sharp voi"e behind
the door 7;hat ill bred oa! "o.es at this devilish ho#r and dist#rbs .y sleepA8
/e was so #nprepared !or the gr#!!ness o! the response% he st#.bled on the words
7*:* a. a traveller in sear"h o! knowledge and: * h#.bly beg an a#dien"e o! one who
is spoken o! with .#"h hono#r by his servant&8 There was the slow "reaking slide o! a
lat"h and a narrow "hink o! light glea.ed thro#gh the opening and then !ra.ed in the
doorway an apparition% swathed in tattered brown robes and head5"loths% bent and
twisted% !ier"e o! "o#ntenan"e% with a hooked nose .ore be!itting an eagle than a .an& At
!irst he tho#ght he was looking at a shaggy dog #ntil a gnarled hand snaked o#t !ro.
#nder the .antle and thr#st toward his !a"e& The boys !led shrieking ba"k down the alley&
7And this is o! "on"ern to .eA8
Christian bowed his head and !l#shed in e.barrass.ent& /e had pres#.ed too .#"h&
/e sho#ld have sent a .essenger and asked an a#dien"e like a gentle.an% instead o!
banging on the door in the early ho#rs like a r#!!ian& 7My sin"ere apologies <ire& *t was
tho#ghtless o! .e to a""ost yo# like this& * will depart and leave yo# to yo#r sl#.ber&8 /e
"o#ld !eel the b#rning intensity o! the dole!#l eyes as he stood waiting 9#ietly at the door%
while the dog sat obediently at his .aster's !eet% its ears #p and tail th#.ping the gro#nd&
Christian held o#t his hand and the ani.al p#shed his head #nder it to be stroked&
*n his i.agination a .agi"ian was #pright and rob#st% #ttering in"antations with
bla?ing eyes% a !iery wand h#rling lightening at the sky& Bot this .iserable% shrivelled
wret"h& *! this was the boon o! the philosophers' stone% a .an wo#ld be a !ool to seek it&
The b#ndle o! rags #ttered one word 7Good=8 and sla..ed the door in his !a"e&
Christian was st#nned& /e hobbled away% grate!#l to stand in the s#n% breathe the
good air o! the .orning& /e .ade his way ba"k to !ind a .an sitting by the door% holding
a "loth to a deep "#t in his hand& *t was the gardener who'd given hi. the waln#ts on his
!irst day in 3a.as"#s and he h#rried to help% bringing linen bindings and sweet tea&
The gardener sat 9#ietly while the wo#nd was bo#nd% wat"hing hi. with the .#ddy%
"atara"t "lo#ded eyes o! those who spend their lives #nder the !ier"e desert s#n& Then he
s.iled% p#t his hand in a "loth bag at his waist and bro#ght o#t another hand!#l o!
waln#ts& 7My .aster o!!ers these as a token o! wel"o.e&8
Christian took the. rel#"tantly% his instin"ts warning hi. to beware& 7Be not #ns#re
in .y presen"e% yo#ng sir& * a. b#t a lowly .essenger&8
/e did not like this ga.e playing and stage5a"ting& /e had learned to speak plainly
and e$pe"ted the sa.e o! others& )or the !irst ti.e in his li!e Christian e.ployed the
advantage o! his noble birth& /e stood #pright and looked hard at the seated .an&
7And who is yo#r .asterA8
The .an stared at hi. !rankly% a broad s.ile "reasing his dark !a"e& 7*t is he who.
tho# seek&8
Christian kept the hard edge to his voi"e 7* seek no5one&8
7Art tho# not seeking a .an o! learning to g#ide theeA8
7* have !o#nd no5one in this "ity .ore !itted to tea"h .e than .y !riends here& *n any
"ase% * shall shortly take .y leave and 4o#rney on to @er#sale.&8
The gardener nodded 70ven so% .y .aster% Artephi#s wo#ld have thee attend #pon
/e gaped in s#rprise& Artephi#sA /ad he gone to the wrong ho#seA 7*:* will think
on it& ;here is his ho.eA8
7Tho# hast been there already this .orning& 1ray% disregard the ho#r& /e sleeps
little&8 /e departed% pla"ing a "oin !or the hospi"e in Christian's hand&
;hat to .ake o! thisA /e !elt deeply #n"o.!ortable ret#rning to that #nwholeso.e
pla"e b#t he p#shed all tho#ghts o! it o#t o! his .ind as the insistent throbbing in his leg
began again& *sh.ael soaked the linen to loosen the dried blood and re.oved the
bandages "are!#lly& Most o! the .#s"le o! his "al! had been "#t away and neatly
"a#terised% leaving good% pink !lesh to s"ab over and heal& Tho#gh the wo#nd was #gly
and !rightening in its rawness% Christian .arvelled at the s#rgeon's skill&
That he had not lost his leg or even his li!e was tr#ly a .ira"le&
/is eyesight took longer to re"over& /e did not seek o#t the @ewish .er"hant% his
vision too poor to .ake good letters% so he stayed with *sh.ael and did what he loved
best& They "riss5"rossed the "ity% !eeding the h#ngry% bringing the .ost needy ba"k on a
donkey donated by the Caliph% *sh.ael all the while la#ghing and 4oy!#l& /e wo#ld greet
even the lowliest beggar with loving words 7Thanks be to Allah that yo# are still with #s=
/ow poor the world wo#ld be witho#t yo# in it&8 And eyes wo#ld light #p and pain and
h#nger !ade& And Christian% tho#gh 3a.as"#s like all "ities was !illed with s#!!ering and
h#.an tragedies% lost so.e o! his earnest serio#sness and learned to la#gh&
,i!e was good& The plenti!#l !ood p#t .eat on his bones and the "o.pany o! "lever%
"heer!#l .en gave hi. s#"h satis!a"tion that he i.agined spending his li!e here% tending
the si"k& 1erhaps he "o#ld .eet a pretty girl% start a !a.ily% be"o.e a respe"ted physi"ian
like Ali and have ri"hes heaped #pon hi.& /is astrolabe re.ained in its po#"h& And as
yo#ng people do he began to !orget% the .onastery and its kindly brothers% the abbot%
even Andre's !a"e be"a.e indistin"t in his .e.ory&
/e wat"hed the shy% doe eyed .aidens in the ba?aar% tantalisingly "overed% attended
always by brothers and !athers and #n"les and wondered what it wo#ld be like to li!t a
!li.sy veil to kiss so!t% parting lips or .ove his hand #p a slender thigh to rest on the
war.% .oist deepness between& These tho#ghts took hold o! his dayti.e and ha#nted hi.
into the night% so that his drea.s were t#rned into l#st!#l i.aginings% all else !ading into
And one day% as he sat !#rtively wat"hing the wo.en gliding by and listening hal!5
heartedly to the instr#"tion o! the .#llah% an old wo.an tottered toward hi. and dropped
a hand!#l o! waln#ts in his lap& /is sto.a"h sank& /e "o#ld not have been .ore horri!ied
had a s"orpion !allen there instead& Tho#gh the .orning s#n shi..ered on the hard
pa"ked gro#nd and !lies were drinking !ro. the perspiration standing on his brow% he
shivered with dread&
;hen he looked #p% he saw the shrewd eyes o! the .#llah !i$ed on his& /e readied to
leave b#t a hand was raised in a gest#re o! "o..and& 7<tay% yo#ng traveller% and listen to
the story o! the ant5lion% !or * tell it 4#st !or thee&8 The tea"her held #p a long% bony !inger
to still the .#r.#rings o! the "hildren gathered at his !eet and went on% his high% reedy
voi"e "arrying "learly a"ross the s9#are&
7<#"h a sorry being is the ant5lion& /e% o! all God's "reat#res% is the .ost to be
pitied% !or he has the !a"e o! a lion and the body o! an ant&8 /e ill#strated with his hands
the !eat#res o! a lion and the s.all body o! an inse"t% and the yo#ngsters giggled& 7And
altho#gh his !ather the lion is a .ighty h#nter who relishes the !lesh o! his prey% his
.other the ant is a gatherer o! "r#.bs% a dweller in low pla"es& <he "an eat only grain&
B#t alas% the ant5lion "annot eat !lesh be"a#se o! the nat#re o! his .other and he
"annot eat grain be"a#se o! the nat#re o! his !ather& <o% this wret"hed .istake o! nat#re:
starves to death&8
On"e again he stilled the e$"la.ations o! his p#pils b#t the wise eyes never le!t
Christian's as he spoke& 7Thereby every do#ble5.inded .an% #nstable in all his ways%
Bow he #nderstood& /e had lost sight o! his drea. in the "o.!ortable li!e he'd
!o#nd& /e stood% h#.bly bowed his thanks and departed !or the ho#se at the end o! the
This ti.e% the door opened swi!tly to his kno"k and the sa.e b#ndle o! greasy rags
stood on the threshold% haloed by the di. light& /e did not look as !earso.e as at their
!irst .eeting b#t still Christian hesitated&
71raise be to Allah% yo# have "o.e= ;el"o.e: wel"o.e to the ho.e o! Artephi#s&8
/e la#ghed and g#ided hi. thro#gh the door and Christian i.agined he was being drawn
by a will that .ight not be his own% into a poisono#s spider's web&
/e had never entered s#"h a pla"e& <oot bla"kened pots and "lo#ded vessels% b#lbo#s
ale.bi"s and twisted retorts b#bbled on stoves% giving o!! eye watering% p#ngent !#.es&
<"rolls and books and rolled #p "harts piled on ri"kety tables had beg#n to spill over into
the r#shes on the !loor& Co.passes% "allipers% s"ales and writing i.ple.ents 4#.bled
together on wooden ben"hes and tools h#ng !ro. hooks !ro. the roo! bea.s& A !#rna"e
bla?ed in one "orner inside% an earthen vessel glowing white&
Christian's head swivelled !ro. the walls to the "eiling and ba"k again& Crossed and
re"rossed on the stained stonework were stars and planets and astrologi"al .arkings% with
words and .ottoes s"ribbled aro#nd the walls& A legend written in so.e tarry s#bstan"e
over the .antle o! the !#rna"e "a#ght his eye:'<apere a#de:3are to be wise' and
F&*&T&C&*&O&,& was painted in thi"k dark lettering a"ross the doorway& @ars and bottles
lined narrow shelves% ea"h neatly labelled and "lothed in thi"k d#st and "obwebs
/yle:Cas Celi:A?oth:<ang#is dra"onis:1ri.ordial Matter:3ew o! the /eavens:
3ragons' blood&'
2n!a.iliar na.es tingling with .ystery&
Bones lay strewn a.ong the "inders% so.e he re"ognised as ani.al% so.e other%
.aking his hair stand on end&
+et this pla"e did not have the "loying s.ell o! an apothe"ary's workroo.% or the
!ier"eness o! an iron.onger's or sword5s.ith& *t was so.ething in between&
The heat !ro. the !#rna"e seared his skin and the whole vast spa"e !li"kered and
wavered in the !irelight% giving it an #nreal% drea.y 9#ality% "on!o#nding his eyes&
/e wished he had not "o.e& *t re.inded hi. o! stories the brothers told o! <atan and
his in!ernal dwelling pla"e&
Artephi#s br#shed the d#st !ro. an ornately "arved "hair& 7A noble "hair !or a
noble.an's son: be seated&8 /e saw Christian's brow rise in astonish.ent and s.iled&
7+es Christian o! Bebenha#sen% there is .#"h abo#t thee * know:* know that the blood
o! prin"es r#ns in thy veins% yet li!e has been .eagre and !#ll o! hardship& And * know
that the knight who "a.e with thee a"ross the waters drea.ed o! thee be!ore thy !ather's
seed took root in thy .other's wo.b&8
Then his eyes be"a.e !i$ed and staring and the words "a.e o#t d#lly% witho#t
e$pression 7The book is hidden with the 4ewel& <#"h treas#re is not !or the eyes o! the
pro!ane b#t !or those who have partaken o! the bitter dra#ght o! knowing& <oon tho# wilt
#nderstand and know their val#e and only then will thee be able to light the dark pla"es&8
Christian !elt a shiver o! apprehension as Artephi#s pla"ed be!ore hi. a bowl o!
pl#.s and a 4#g o! wine& /e wanted to stop his ears to the words& /ow did this .an know
s#"h thingsA /is own voi"e e"hoed ba"k a"ross the roo.& 7;hat .anner o! pla"e is
Artephi#s s.iled again 7*t is a pla"e where .en t#rn base .atter into gold&8
/e "o#ldn't hide his disappoint.ent& /e'd e$pe"ted another kind o! knowledge&
7* see disapproval in thy eyes& 3ost tho# not wish !or goldA8
Christian shook his head 7The abbot said the ,ord pla"es it deep in the earth% !or it is
worthy only to be trodden #nder!oot& * val#e other things&8
7+es% yes% learning and tr#th and #pright ways& /ave we not all yearned !or that
ideal:when we were yo#ng and wanting in wisdo.A The tr#th is .an is base and greedy
and wo#ld "#t his .other's throat !or a "ir"let o! gold aro#nd his own& Take that s.all
ingot there&8 /e pointed to a blo"k o! glea.ing .etal atop a wor. eaten book 7;hat
wo#ldst tho# have% that .o#ld "overed to.e:or eno#gh gold to !eed all o! 3a.as"#s in
a !a.ineA8
/e hesitated and Artephi#s la#ghed 7* see thee "ast aside si.ple philosophies when
thy ears pri"k to the voi"e o! reason& Good= Tho# art ready to learn&8
Christian did not want the pl#.s or the drink& *n !a"t he wanted nothing this .an
o!!ered& /e stood to take his leave and rea"hed o#t a hand to the door b#t Artephi#s'
voi"e boo.ed o#t in the hollow spa"e&
7Be still=8
/is dark eyes bored into his own& 7;here is thy "o#rageA 3ost tho# not know that
we o! 3a."ar "lai. knowledge that no others possessA Angels !ly to #s on gilded wings
to instr#"t #s% de.ons "ower at o#r !eet= O#r a.#lets "#re all diseases6 o#r eli$irs prolong
lives thro#gh generations& ;hat arrogan"e possesses thee that tho# re!#se s#"h ri"hesA8
Christian did not answer& /e !elt as i! his ar.s had been bo#nd% his !eet !i$ed to the
!loor& /e !elt pani" at this #nholy bondage and str#ggled to .ove& Artephi#s towered over
hi.% "l#t"hing a weathered sta!!% his eyes bla?ing& /e was every in"h the .agi"ian now&
7<top thy 9#ivering boy& * will allow thee to re.ove thysel!% !or .ine eyes do not
wish to rest #pon thee .ore this day& B#t take heed:be!ore the "o"k "rows in the
.orning% tho# wilt ret#rn: and hearken to one who wo#ld open thy eyes to the tr#th&8
There was .adness in the eyes now:and threat& 7*! tho# do not% * will send to thee a
night.are s#"h as tho# hast never known% one that will leave thy "hildish eyes awash
with tears and tre.bling !or thy .other& 3ost tho# hearA8
Christian still strained against his invisible bonds% twisting and t#rning in a !#tile
e!!ort to break !ree& And then he re.e.bered Andre's "onstant instr#"tion% that anything
"o#ld be over"o.e by the strength o! the will& /e took a deep breath and willed hi.sel!
to a"tion& /is !eet "a.e !ree and his ar.s #nlo"ked& /e rea"hed !or the door% !l#ng it
open and hobbled o#tside% hearing Artephi#s' o.ino#s words ringing in his ears& 7Be!ore
the "o"k "rows:8
;hen he rea"hed the hospi"e and related his e$perien"e to his !riend% the so!t eyes
grew grave 7+es% * ad.it * was dis9#ieted& A .an "annot hide his tr#e nat#re behind
"lever tri"ks& * have heard that he was on"e a .an o! shining virt#e% that he spent his days
o!!ering aid and "o.!ort to the s#!!ering& * have also heard that he was sed#"ed by the
power o! .agi"& /e is possibly very dangero#s% i! yo# believe in s#"h things&8
/e took #p a .etal !lea. and bowl and .oved toward a !at .an snoring on a pallet
by the door 7Co.e% assist .e to bleed this worthy gentle.an& * !ear he has overind#lged
in the delights o! this !air "ity and looks as ready to b#rst as an over5ripe .elon&
Christian p#t the events o! the .orning o#t o! his .ind% #ntil the early ho#rs when he
began to toss on his .attress% "on4#ring .yriad horrors visiting hi. in the night& /e rose%
r#bbed his !a"e with his sleeve and hobbled o#t into the dark& /e walked on thro#gh the
great gates% toward the .o#ntain standing like a giant in the .oonlight and sat down on
the banks o! the strea.% allowing hi.sel! a 9#iet .o.ent o! "onte.plation% and the
sweet% earthy s"ent o! !orget5.e5nots s#rro#nded hi.% bringing a sharp #ne$pe"ted
.e.ory o! ho.e&
Artephi#s had .ade hi. #n"o.!ortable and wary b#t what had "a#sed this !earA
/e'd travelled all this way& Bow he was being o!!ered knowledge beyond his wildest
i.aginings and he was !rightened& /e heard again the .#llah's lesson o! wavering and
in"onstan"y and .ade #p his .ind& /e wo#ld visit Artephi#s again% listen and si!t his
tea"hings as i! thro#gh a sieve o! reason% keep the good% wholeso.e kernels and dis"ard
the "ha!!& 0ven i! one tenth o! it "o#ld be #sed to aid others% it wo#ld be worthwhile& /e
.ade his way ba"k thro#gh the gates% down the gloo.y laneways and in thro#gh the open
A !ig#re .oved s#ddenly by the !#rna"e% poking at the dying e.bers& Artephi#s did
not t#rn aro#nd tho#gh he knew Christian was there& 7Co.e% boy and see the glorio#s
wonder arising !ro. the !ire that 1ro.ethe#s stole !ro. the s#n&8 /e took a set o! long
tongs !ro. the wall and "la.ped the. aro#nd the ne"k o! the vessel resting on the "oals&
7This is the !irst !iring& There will be si$ others&8 /is voi"e see.ed so!ter now% al.ost
reverent as he gently pla"ed the pot on the ben"h% resting it on a thi"k pad o! goat's hair%
whi"h stea.ed with a ran"id stink !ro. the heat& Then he per"hed on a narrow stool% took
#p a 9#ill and ink and began to write% .#.bling to hi.sel! 7Begrido% albedo% "itrinas%
r#bedo& Ah:dragon% tho# .#st shed thy obs"#rity: !or * wo#ldst "lothe thee in
heavenly gar.ents&8
Christian wat"hed and stayed 9#iet% noting that the hand was steady and the Arabi"
s"ript neat and pre"ise& ;itho#t looking #p Artephi#s pointed to the tools over the .antle
7Bring .e that .allet% boy&8 /e !et"hed it and the tongs were pla"ed aro#nd the vessel's
ne"k again& 7Bow% kno"k the top o!!= B#t have a "are& <ho#ld the bottle e$plode% it will
!lay the skin !ro. thy !a"e and boil thy eyes in their so"kets& Many a "l#.sy work.an
has been t#rned into !ood !or wor.s by the "apri"io#sness o! the genie that g#ards this
treas#re&8 Christian began nervo#sly% #sing tentative taps with the ha..er% standing well
The ash en"r#sted top !lew o!! and he .oved "loser as a wa!t o! stea. es"aped&
7<tand ba"k= The vapo#r o! heated .er"#ry is deadlier than the .etal= /ave thee no
gro#nding in the s"ien"esA Al"he.i"al s#bli.ation is !ra#ght with danger& <it here% where
* "an see thee and try not to .eddle&8 Christian s.iled& /e was not so !rightening a!ter
all& /e wat"hed as Artephi#s wrapped his !a"e in a stained .#slin "loth% donned heavy
.ittens and po#red the grey sl#dge into another earthen 4ar% nodding approvingly& /e
pl#gged the opening with new "lay and b#ried the vessel in a t#b o! sand sitting over a
slow !ire& /e had a 9#estion he wanted to ask b#t Artephi#s see.ed to have !orgotten
hi.% sh#!!ling !ro. worktable to ben"h and ba"k again% li!ting glass vials and e$a.ining
their "ontents% grinding and si!ting powders and salts% then writing it all in his book& /e
re.e.bered Gaspard .i$ing herbs and seeds% "o#nting and weighing% .eas#ring pre"ise
a.o#nts into !olded par"h.ent pa"kets and saw the sa.e "on"entration% the sa.e sense
o! p#rpose&
7Are:are yo# .aking gold sireA8 There was no answer& 7* have no interest in the
.aking o! gold& * will be on .y way&8
7Be still=8 The "o..and "a.e "learly and Christian obeyed% tho#gh he knew he
"o#ld .ove i! he desired&
Artephi#s spoke again% gentler now 7The .aking o! gold is o! no "onse9#en"e& *t is
the trans.#tation that is the i.portant .atter% the "hanging o! the one into the other&
/ave thee not tho#ght on this .ira"leA8 /e "o#ld see Christian did not #nderstand&
7;o#ldst tho# not wish to "hange the si"k into the wellA A heart shrivelled with hate into
one glowing with love and pityA8 he p#t down the 9#ill and r#bbed his eyes with the ba"k
o! a gri.y hand& 7* have spent .y whole li!e% given .y blood% .y very so#l in sear"h o!
the .agi" stone o! the philosophers& * wo#ld have that .en "o#ld see what glories
s#rro#nd the. i! they were not str#"k blind by the sight o! gold& * wo#ld ret#rn .y d#st
to the sands and be done with it% b#t the world is in dire need& * have only what was le!t to
1andora when she opened her golden 4ar and all the evils o! the world !ell o#t:a shred o!
Christian h#ng his head in sha.e 7)orgive .e% sire& *t is a great !ailing o! .ine that *
do not look deeply eno#gh&8
7Bay% it is * who .#st ask !orgiveness&8 /e waved his ar.% taking in their strange
s#rro#ndings 7)or hiding .y tr#e p#rpose #nder this:this sha.:and !or .y la"k o!
"o#rtesy at thy !irst kno"ks at .y door& Alas% it was ne"essary& Always there are those
who wo#ld not #nderstand% who wo#ld twist and .ake #gly and #se this knowledge !or
ill& *t is as the /oly books say Cast thee not pearls be!ore swine' and * .#st g#ard it !or
the great treas#re it is&8 /e .oved again to stand at his workben"h& 7*t is not gold * wish
to .ake b#t a pana"ea !or all ills% a bal. !or all "ares& *t is so "lose6 * "an !eel it "alling to
.e !ro. heaven& +et all that * have bro#ght !orth is this a""#rsed .etal&8 /e wiped at his
eyes again 7,et #s talk o! other things&8 /e #n"overed a s.all table set with bread% !r#it%
a dish o! yellow b#tter and a 4#g o! .ilk& 7)orgive .e also% !or .y threats and
!earso.eness& Thy re"tit#de and la"k o! awe !or the golden .etal .ade .e !ear!#l thee
wo#ld not ret#rn&8
Christian s.iled 7;ere * able to p#t .y !ear o! night terrors o#t o! .y .ind% * wo#ld
not& Tho#gh * a. very glad now sire% that * have&8 /e bowed his head brie!ly in thanks as
he broke o!! a pie"e o! the still war. bread and spread it thi"kly with b#tter&
They sat together thro#gh the day and Christian be"a.e enthralled by Artephi#s'
learning6 0#"lid and 1ythagoras% 1lato and 3e.o"rit#s% the politi"s o! "ivilisations% the
tr#e age o! the .oon% 0gypt and its .ysterio#s bea"ons in the desert% enshrining
knowledge% disg#ised as to.bs& There was no thing that Christian #ttered that Artephi#s
"o#ld not provide hi. with .ore o! it to think on& /e p#lled o#t tattered books and
par"h.ents in ill#stration o! his words% tra"ed the o#tline o! the sk#ll on his ben"h as he
talked o! .an's pla"e in the #niverse and the i.per.anen"e o! all things&
This was the knowledge Christian "raved and he !ell on it like a starving .an to
good% wholeso.e !ood& By the ti.e he took his leave at s#nset% his head was reeling !ro.
wonder.ent and his !a"e a"hed !ro. s.iling& Artephi#s asked that he "o.e again% every
day i! he had a .ind to and slake his thirst in the deep well o! his knowledge&
<o he divided his ti.e% helping *sh.ael in the hospi"e% 4#st as he had at Cypr#s and
at night .aking his way thro#gh the dark% winding laneway% !or never again wo#ld he
think o! the wi?ened .an who stood waiting patiently by his door as a wret"h worth only
One night he took #p his astrolabe and showed it to Artephi#s% who e$a.ined it
"are!#lly% ad.iring the work.anship& 7*ndeed% * have one si.ilar b#t not so !inely
wro#ght as yo#r own& Co.e% we will go to the roo! and take down the heavens&8
They as"ended the stairs together and stood ga?ing o#t over the sleeping "ity% while
Artephi#s sighted the instr#.ent with e$pert "are& /e s.iled "ontentedly and whispered
to Christian 7,ong ago% the kings o! the 0ast were led by the light o! a new star6 even to
the "radle o! /i. thy people "all the <#n o! Cighteo#sness& <oon .y !riend% new stars
will again be sighted in the heavens% in the "onstellations o! Cygnet and <erpentaria and
they will portend great things% perhaps even an e$plosion o! wisdo. or a b#rst o!
"o.passion !or others& ;ho "an tellA8
And Christian blosso.ed and grew wise !or one so yo#ng% yet @er#sale. was not so
.#"h in his .ind now as 3a."ar% in Arabia% the so#r"e o! the knowledge the al"he.ist
possessed& /is hypnotising e!!e"t on others% his a.#lets and "har.s% his #nderstanding o!
the properties o! .etals and #n"anny insight into the nat#re o! .an% all these Christian
"o#ld t#rn to the servi"e o! others& Co.bined with his knowledge o! .edi"ine% the
despair and hopelessness he saw aro#nd hi.% espe"ially in the dark valleys o! his
ho.eland% "o#ld be relieved&
Artephi#s told hi. also% o! the .en o! )e?% who "on4#red #p the ele.ental
inhabitants and #sed the. !or s"rying and !ore5telling or "oa$ing the "lo#ds to bring !orth
rain% to breathe li!e into a death rattled "hild or strike down an ene.y& Christian pi"ked
o#t the words he wanted to hear% not seeing the do#ble edged sword i.pli"it in the rest&
And the .ore ti.e he spent in his presen"e% the .ore knowledge he "raved& *t was
like a dr#g% li!ting his .ind to lo!ty heights% leaving his body tingling with delight&
The 9#i"ksilver t#rned the "olo#r o! blood and Artephi#s .i$ed it with .agnesia and
s#lph#ro#s powders and added a pin"h o! yellow d#st !ro. a tiny silver bottle he wore
aro#nd his ne"k% .#.bling prayers and in"antations all the while&
They sat thro#gh the night% h#sbanding the !ire% teasing the e.bers to 4#st the right
heat and !iring it again& Then the last% and Christian's tre.bling anti"ipation as the
earthen "r#"ible was s.ashed apart% leaving a bright% .alevolently glowing s#bstan"e
behind& Gold&
And he stood .#te with awe% not !or the .etal that twisted .en's so#ls b#t at its
trans.#tation and the good that "o#ld be a""o.plished by it& /e deter.ined then to go to
3a."ar and )e? and learn !ro. the wise .en there&
<o he took his leave o! his !riends% who shed tears at the parting and Artephi#s gave
hi. a pre"io#s gi!t% the gold they'd bro#ght to birth with their own hands& 72se it wisely
and it will serve thee well% !or the years o! a .an's li!e are too !ew to waste in this vile
p#rs#it& There is lo!tier work to do&8 /e'd .elted the gold into s.all slivers and pla"ed
the. in a tooled leather p#rse set with sapphires&
The physi"ian Ali% whose kindness and skill had saved his leg gave hi. a set o!
s#rgeon's knives% bright 3a.as"#s steel and glinting with sharpness and *sh.ael% a
.andolin with a long ne"k and an other5worldly note that li!ted the spirits as soon as its
strings were pl#"ked&
Be!ore he .ade his way to the gates% he stopped at the ba?aar and bo#ght wool
"arpets and blankets !or the hospi"e and paid !or !resh !r#it and bread to be delivered&
Then he looked !or the .#llah% who a""epted his gratit#de with a nod and a !riendly
"lasp o! hands&
Ah.ed and his !lea bitten "a.el were not a.ong those who .illed abo#t the gates
waiting !or "#sto.ers and Christian !elt a !ri??le o! disappoint.ent that it wo#ld not be
he that transported hi. into the +e.en where% a""ording to Artephi#s% 3a."ar lay hard
#p against a low grey .o#ntain& *nstead% he handed do#ble the !ee to a s#rly Arab whose
.#s"#lar% yo#th!#l "a.els pro.ised a speedy% i! 4oyless trek a"ross the desert&
/e'd taken instr#"tion !ro. Artephi#s in the setting o! his astrolabe% !or .any an
advent#rer had been swallowed by the sands in their h#nt !or that el#sive pla"e% whi"h
was spoken o! only in whispers by the learned o! 3a.as"#s&
They set o!! and a!ter he over"a.e his ti"klish sto.a"h% rode the stately ani.al like
he was born to the desert% his robes !lying in the hot wind& The driver spoke only to
harang#e his "a.els to greater speeds and to Christian not at all& 1rayer ti.es were
stri"tly adhered to and when they stopped% sat apart to break bread& /e re!#sed the !ood
that Christian bro#ght with hi. and when he o!!ered it% wo#ld not share his water5skin&
The "a.els were indeed swi!t and a!ter two days hard riding thro#gh the bla?ing
days and !ree?ing nights% they "a.e to a s.all town at the !oot o! a slate "olo#red ridge%
hardly to be "alled a .o#ntain at all& 3a."ar&
*t looked to be a town like any other% with white .inarets do.inating its s9#ares and
s.all% d#n "olo#red ho#ses b#t the loo.ing grey peak see.ed to absorb all the light
aro#nd it% leaving the b#ildings awash with gloo. even in the light o! a !iery a!ternoon
Christian's head a"hed and the hollow go#ged !ro. his leg !elt raw and open as i! the
!lesh had 4#st been !layed and not .onths in the healing and as he sat looking down !ro.
the "a.el's ba"k% he began to !eel a deep sense o! !oreboding& The "a.el driver wo#ld go
no !#rther and as soon as Christian dis.o#nted% t#rned his beasts' heads !or ho.e%
witho#t !arewell or good wishes% a rare brea"h o! .anners in this polite and genero#s
There were no gates and he walked into the "ity as the s#n began to go down behind
the .o#ntain% leaving only dis.al shadows on .#d da#bed walls and e.pty streets&
/e wandered along% seeing no5one% hearing nothing b#t the dry r#stling o! the trees
standing like hal! !leshed skeletons at the edge o! the roads& /e t#rned down deserted
laneways% his ears pri"ked !or any so#nd% any .ove.ent b#t even the birds see.ed to
have !led this strange pla"e& /e rea"hed !or his water5skin knowing already that it was
e.pty& /e'd !o#nd no water in the wells and his .o#th tasted ashy with thirst&
Then he heard it "learly% a high pit"hed piti!#l wailing% "arried on the wind% growing
lo#der% "hanging to howling% rising to a s"ree"h as it "a.e "loser% an eerie% pri.itive
noise& And then it began to whirl aro#nd hi. like windblown sand&
All his li!e he had heard s"rea.s% o! pain and terror and in the depths o! despair b#t
nothing like this ang#ished% #nearthly so#nd& *t !illed his ears% rippled the dry air& /e !elt
his ha"kles rise and sweat begin to tri"kle down his spine&
<in"e he had been a s.all boy at his !ather's knee% in ti.es o! !ear and #n"ertainty%
he had asked o! the ,ord% /is g#idan"e and he asked !or it now& /e knelt in the dirt at the
side o! the road% bowed his head and began to pray:8Oh% ,ord prote"t thy !aith!#l
servant:8 And the words o! a psal. "a.e to hi.% so!t and "o.!orting 7+ea% tho * walk
thro#gh the valley o! the shadow o! death% * will !ear no evil% !or Tho# art with .e:8
and slowly his heart stopped its ha..ering and his .ind stilled& /e heard the s"ree"hing
now as !ro. a distan"e% retreating !#rther as the heart!elt words !or.ed in his .o#th and
went !lying into the wind&
/e stood% #nsteady and "arried on& Bo5one showed their !a"e at a window% no
!a.iliar s.ells o! "ooking teased his nostrils& /e walked thro#gh ar"hes !estooned with
the dry% brittle "anes o! roses% the !lowers long sin"e gone% the hips shrivelled to a"orns on
the vines& 3#sty !o#ntains and broken .arble hinted at the pretty pla"e it .#st have been
b#t now it was desi""ated and li!eless% a pla"e !or wraiths and d4inns and #n!or.ed
As darkness des"ended he h#ddled in a doorway and listened as the wailing began
again& The s"ree"hing rose in pit"h and vol#.e #ntil it be"a.e a .o#rn!#l "a"ophony%
s#rro#nding hi.& /e p#t his hands over his ears to sh#t o#t the so#nd b#t it was as i! the
noise "a.e !ro. within hi. as well as witho#t% "hilling his blood&
The strings o! the instr#.ent *sh.ael had given hi. thr#..ed at a "han"e to#"h o!
his elbow% sending its so!t vibrations #p his ar.& /e took it #p& /e'd learned to play a l#te
in the .onastery and he str#..ed on the strings& *nstantly the air was !illed with so#nd% a
deep% .elodio#s h#.% o! no dis"ernable pattern b#t !lowing and ringing all at on"e& /e
!ingered the long ne"k% e$peri.enting with the so#nd the strings .ade% ea"h one
distin"tly di!!erent b#t "o.ing together in a so!t har.ony&
Christian's dry lips "ra"ked into a grin& *t was the so#nd o! the .arketpla"e and the
.os9#e and "hildren la#ghing& *t was the "h#r"h bells in the town and the tinkling songs
o! girls and Andre's deep% "al. voi"e% all .ingled together& /e !ell asleep holding it to his
breast% willing the .#si" to go on& And in his drea.s it did& /e was ho.e% with Mistress
Berta and hot% stea.ing d#.plings and Andre's good nat#red s.ile and the gentle voi"es
o! the .onks rising to heaven in ho.age to God&
/e woke to a harsh dawn% the .o#ntain a bla"k shadow a"ross the town and the wind
still r#stling in the trees& B#t he was re!reshed and able to think .ore "learly& ;hat had
happened hereA
Artephi#s told hi. the .agi"ians o! )e? "on4#red ele.entals to do their bidding&
;hat o! 3a."arA ;as that #nearthly howling a being !ro. the otherworld "on4#red #p
and set !ree to wanderA /e de"ided it was all too !antasti" to be believed& 1erhaps tales o!
3a."ar had been e.broidered and e$aggerated to hide its de"ay&
/e wondered where those who re.ained wo#ld abide in this desolate pla"e& There
were no !ootprints or wheel tra"ks on the roads& *t was as i! everything had been swept
"lean by the wind& /e !o#nd a well in the s9#are b#t when he dropped a pebble down% no
so#nd "a.e ba"k&
A new !ear began to !or. in his .ind% o! wandering alone with no !ood or water% no
travellers passing& /ow long "o#ld he last witho#t waterA /e "o#ld not believe that
Artephi#s% good Artephi#s wo#ld send hi. to s#"h a lonely% !ear!#l death& /e rea"hed
into his po#"h and took o#t a s.all par"el o! dates and ate the. slowly% with no spit to
swallow the.&
/e looked !or an inn or a hospi"e and !inding none "li.bed the .inaret to look o#t
over the ho#ses& <till he saw no .ove.ent% no ani.als gra?ing& /e st#.bled on the loose
stone steps and al.ost toppled over the edge in his haste& /e !elt sad to see this
.agni!i"ent tower !all into s#"h r#in& *t .#st have been .any years sin"e the bea#ti!#l
"hants o! the .#e??in had been heard "alling the !aith!#l to prayer&
And then !ar in the distan"e% on the side o! the .o#ntain% he saw a large "ave and a
path leading #p&
/ad the people abandoned the town and taken re!#ge in the "aveA 1erhaps the plag#e
had "o.eA And as Christian's eyes !o"#sed on the yawning bla"k .aw% he !an"ied he saw
a .an standing at its entran"e% be"koning&
/e h#rried on thro#gh the town and #pward% slipping on the "r#.bling shale& /e !elt
again that dis.al heaviness% as i! the .o#ntain itsel! threatened to "r#sh hi.& The "loser
he got to the "ave% the .ore leaden his li.bs !elt& /is leg !lared and b#rned with pain% his
eyelids s"raped against his dry eyes&
/e rea"hed the entran"e 4#st as the grey light disappeared into darkness& *t had taken
hi. the whole day to "li.b that s.all distan"e& *t see.ed as tho#gh ti.e had slowed
#nder the heavy pall o! dread that enveloped hi.& /e p#t down his re.edy bo$ and
.andolin and peered down at a set o! stone steps neatly laid one #pon the other% ending in
pit"h bla"kness below&
There was a s.all hollow beside the "ave and he stowed his belongings there% taking
only his !athers' sat"hel% the astrolabe and e.pty water5skin& /e'd heard travellers' talk o!
!inding "ool r#nning strea.s in the depths o! "aves&
The steps were pre"isely "#t into the ro"ks and on"e he'd lost sight o! the opening%
s#rprisingly easy to des"end& As he .ade his way down% he realised that while he "o#ld
not see his hands in !ront o! his !a"e% or the tiny bats that !l#ttered against his "heeks and
tangled their "laws in his hair% he "o#ld see the steps% lit as they were by a glowing
"rystalline s#bstan"e in the ro"k itsel!& 0$"ite.ent .o#nted with every step that he took%
his thirst !orgotten& Then the stairs ended and he !o#nd hi.sel! in a vast grotto% the sa.e
twinkling "rystals lighting the walls and ro"k "eiling !ar above% a so!t bree?e blowing
against his skin&
/e "o#ld see 9#ite "learly& *t was a bea#ti!#l nat#ral !or.ation:b#t it was e.pty&
Christian sl#.ped against the wall& /e'd been .oving all day and the day be!ore
with no water and little !ood and he did not have the strength to "li.b ba"k #p& /is skin
!elt stret"hed a"ross his !a"e% his teeth "at"hing on his dried o#t lips& /e began to shake%
wanted to "ry% b#t no tears "a.e&
/e was going to die here% his drea. wo#ld end and !or the !irst ti.e% he did not "are&
,et another bear this b#rden& There wo#ld be others% .en and wo.en who wo#ld
live in other ti.es and pla"es% sear"hing !or tr#th and reason% o!!ering their light to the
world& ;hat was he% an orphan boy with his head !#ll o! !antasiesA ;here was the loss to
the world i! he sho#ld pass into the ,ord's "areA /e tho#ght with pain!#l longing o! his
.other and !ather& *! his .other were not pro#d o! hi.% he wo#ld beg her !orgiveness&
/e'd tried so hard and he was so tired% so worn !ro. the 4o#rney&
Then he heard it again% at !irst !ro. a!ar% then "loser& /e stopped his !oolish sobbing
to listen to the howling s"ree"hing wind& Or was it the windA *t "a.e nearer% s#rro#nding
hi. and shrill% .o"king words !or.ed in the .aelstro.& /e "o#ld hear whispers hidden
in the t#r.oil% .#!!led "ries and 4eering ta#nts 71#ny being:did yo# think the devil
wo#ld not !ind yo#A8 he heard it in the lang#age o! the street vendors% then his native
Ger.an 7 +o# are nothing:die=8 now in the ,atin o! his s"hoolbooks 71ray to yo#r God
And a wo.an% her lilting% soothing tones so di!!erent !ro. the others 7Co.e "hild:*
know what ails thee:Tho# art al.ost a .an:"o.e: and a .an's pleas#re shall be
Then another% s"orn!#l deep and sly 7+es% boy:be"o.e a .an in the ar.s o! ,illith
and s#rrender to the 9#een o! .isery=8 and la#ghter% sharp and "r#el washed over hi.&
This ti.e he was too weakened to !ight the. with prayer& /e "overed his eyes with
his hands in "hildish terror and the .#ltit#de "arried hi. away&
*t was "old% "older than he had ever been& Bla"kness en"losed hi. and silen"e% deep
as the grave& /e "o#ld !eel nothing% e$"ept the i"y sti!!ening o! his li.bs&

/ad death visited hi. at lastA /e lay still and waited& )or angels to bear hi. to
heaven on so!tly !eathered wingsA Or !or the leathery !eel o! de.on "laws grasping and
dragging hi. down to hellA /is i.agination painted pi"t#res on the bla"k o! the
darkness& /e saw eyes wat"hing hi.% spiders s"#ttling #p his ar.s to disappear inside his
"lothes% s.all ani.als and other% stranger things "reeping a"ross the !loor&
/e wrapped his ar.s abo#t hi.sel! and .arvelled at the good% si.ple pleas#res the
,ord had given hi.% the bl#e sky and a war. hearth% a snat"h o! .#si"% a "#p o! "ool
water or a 4#i"y pear& Things he took !or granted #ntil they were .issing&
/e was not dead& /e still longed !or the "o.!orts o! this world&
/e p#shed hi.sel! to his !eet and !elt his way "are!#lly #ntil he to#"hed the ro"k& /e
.#st have r#n in his !right and lost hi.sel! so.ehow% altho#gh he'd seen no other
openings in the "avern walls& The air s.elt !resh and he "o#ld !eel a bree?e r#!!ling his
hair& /e in"hed his way along the wall #ntil his eyes grew a""#sto.ed to the dark&
*t was a t#nnel with a low "eiling and s.ooth walls& Bo light e.anated !ro. the
ro"ks b#t he "o#ld !eel the tool .arks le!t by work.en and the #nnat#ral angles o! the
roo!& /e de"ided he wo#ld !ind his way o#t and persevere in the town& ;ater now% was
the i.portant .atter&
/e wended his way thro#gh twisting% endless passageways !or what see.ed to hi.
an eternity% despair beginning to drag hi. down% slowing his pa"e& /e was lost&
Then he t#rned a "orner and another and saw light:a lantern set into the wall%
ill#.inating a heavy wooden door& /ope sp#rred hi. on& /e banged on the wood% "alling
o#t% his voi"e rasping 71lease% * beg yo#& Open the door= *! there is so.eone there:
There was no answer& Christian ha..ered #ntil his strength was gone% "alled #ntil
no words "a.e& /e t#rned wearily and began again to !eel his way ba"k% to look !or
another way o#t&
And the door "reaked and groaned on its hinges as it slowly opened inwards and a
brilliant light blinded his dark adapted eyes&
/e heard voi"es% "heer!#l% !riendly% speaking 9#i"kly& <weet !a.iliar aro.as wa!ted
ro#nd hi.% "loves and garli"% "inna.on and the sharp tang o! b#rnt b#tter&
/ands g#ided hi. thro#gh the door and led hi. to a stool% a "#p o! "ool water pla"ed
in his hands& /e drank greedily% begging !or .ore& Another was o!!ered and he drank that
too% not wasting a drop&
More hands grasped his sho#lder or gently patted his head and tho#gh his weak eyes
were still #nable to !o"#s% he listened to the words being spoken aro#nd hi.&
7*t is he& At last=8
7<#"h a yo#ng .an:s#"h a 4o#rney&8
7+es:+es /assan& * see the light& *t b#rns like !ire aro#nd hi.=8
7*t is as !oretold in .y drea. O.ar% here on his "hin% the lash that le!t its .ark ere
he was delivered #nto o#r brethren&8
71ity:pity !or the poor "hild to be treated so% when s#"h as he are all the hope we
7Bo% dearest% we .#st wait #ntil he regains his strength& 1ray% allow hi. to rest& /is
ordeal has been long and witho#t let& /e is b#t a "hild&8
And another% deeper% stronger 7;e have awaited thy "o.ing !or so.e ti.e now%
/e "o#ld not !i$ in his .ind the in!le"tions in the s.ooth% well !or.ed words& *t was
as i! the strains o! all nations "o#ld be dete"ted there& The voi"e went on 7*t is by the
gra"e o! the Great *..ensity that yo# are delivered sa!ely #nto #s&8 /e allowed hi.sel!
to be led to a "o#"h b#t "o#ld not rest% his .ind was reeling& /ow had they knownA ;hat
was this .agi"A /e sat #p and opened his eyes&
And there they were% arrayed in a "ir"le aro#nd hi.% wat"hing hi. intently and
s.iling% robed and t#rbaned .en% others in shirts and .antles and wide pantaloons and
so.e in so.bre "oats and pl#.ed hats& /e saw the !lattened "ap o! a s"holar% the "oni"al
hat o! an astrologer and the shaven tons#re o! a .onk&
And a wo.an% dressed in pristine white robes% her grey hair "oiled in intri"ate
plaiting% sitting in stately .a4esty in the .idst o! the rest& <he re.inded Christian o! a
painting he'd seen in Cypr#s% o! the ora"le at 3elphi atop her golden tripod& /e wat"hed
the. as they wat"hed hi. and he !elt the glowing war.th o! their regard&
/e spoke% his voi"e still hoarse and !eeble 7* thank yo# all !or yo#r soli"it#de& * a.
very glad to be ba"k in the light&8
/e looked aro#nd& /e was in a large "avern% with ar"hed roo! bea.s towering above&
Great tor"hes set into the ro"k lit #p bright !res"os adorning the walls% one a pi"t#re o!
e.erald trees and twisted vines% !lowers and so!t grasses% a Garden o! 0den&
On another% a "ity% its gilded b#ildings set like 4ewels between green valleys and
a?#re skies& And beside it% that sa.e "ity% broken and rent by a .assive !iss#re in the
earth% t#.bling into the abyss% the o.ino#s .o#ntain behind spewing !ire and ash into
the air&
And on this wall a .an% a winged hel.et on his head% wings on his heels% holding the
twin serpent sta!! o! /er.es in one hand% in the other a green% "lear slab o! stone% et"hed
with hieroglyphs& And "r#shed #nder his !eet "owering like a dog lay the .onstro#s
Typhon% destroyer o! so#ls& *! Christian "o#ld have seen his own !a"e% he wo#ld have
seen the "hildlike wonder shining there& B#t those seated aro#nd hi. saw it plainly and
One by one they presented the.selves6 a la#ghing% dark eyed .an in a starry robe o!
.idnight bl#e% bowing low 7<alaa. Beloved& * a. O.ar Billah% "o.e !ro. the great "ity
o! Bagdad to i.part to thee the wisdo. o! the sages&8
And another% a white shawl edged in bl#e abo#t his sho#lders 7<halo.% !riend& * a.
Cabbi @a"ob and * have 4o#rneyed !ro. @er#sale.% to tea"h thee the .ysteries o! Cabala
and the lang#age o! the angels% !or tho# wilt need "onverse with the .essengers o!
And another stepped !orward% pl#.p% pink% tons#red and bea.ing with 4oy
7;el"o.e !riend& * a. @ohn% o! Bor!olk& * a. to instr#"t thee in the good governan"e o!
nations% !or this la"k is the "a#se o! .#"h .isery to the "o..on people&8
Be$t% a giant o! a .an% shaven bald and rippling with .#s"le% 7* a. Josi.os& * will
tea"h yo# the sa"red knowledge o! Al5Ghe.% whi"h to yo# is known as 0gypt% and the
s"ien"e o! Chaldea% *ndia% 1ersia and Babylon& To yo# will be given the art o!
trans.#tation and the se"ret o! the stone&8
Then the wo.an glided toward hi.% her head held high% serene and s.iling 7* a.
Theresa& * will show thee the .agi" o! n#.bers !or% a""ording to wise 1ythagoras% it is
.athe.ati"s whi"h brings order to the #niverse&
And another% #pright% bearded and grey% his plain brown robe girded abo#t with a
white "ord& /e took Christian's hand !ir.ly and held it as he spoke% gently and witho#t
the #s#al hesitan"e o! age 7* a. 3o"tor @ohannes& *t is .y task to reveal to thee the
wonders o! the h#.an !or.& Then together we shall b#ild thy !o#ndation on the !o#r
pillars o! .edi"ine&8
And on #ntil the last% tall% brown skinned% his eyes pier"ing bright and resting
steadily on Christian's& 7* a. Althotas&8 his was the voi"e he had heard above the others&
7;hen .y brethren have instr#"ted thee in the .ysteries% * will #nveil to thee a greater
.ystery still:the power o! Mind&
Moses' sta!! be"a.e a serpent in the .ind o! 1haraoh and the Master known as
+esh#'a wro#ght .ira"les by his "o..and o! it& *t will be thine also&8 /e pointed to the
painting o! the r#ined "ity 7;hen the great lands o! 1oseidon sank below the sea% its high
priests bro#ght knowledge o! its arts to 0gypt% then on to other lands& Tho' this
knowledge li!ted .en o#t o! the .ire o! ignoran"e% it "o#ld not save Atlantis% !or its
people had s#nk into s#perstition and #n"lean ways& ;isdo. is a !lower !ro. whi"h the
bee .akes its honey and the spider poison% ea"h a""ording to his own nat#re& *t .#st be
g#arded "losely&8
Althotas "a.e to stand beside hi. 7There is another% one who wo#ld tea"h thee the
virt#e o! "o.passion& *t is this one who is to be hono#red above all others% !or she
represents the .#ltit#de% whi"h tho# hast o!!ered the days o! thy li!e to serve&8 And their
heads bent in reveren"e as an old wo.an sh#!!led !orward% dressed in rags% her !eet
wrapped in bandages% .ost o! her nose and part o! her lip rotted away& A leper&
Christian stood as she "a.e "loser and bowed also& <he was so s.all her head "a.e
only to his sho#lders& Between the withered st#.ps o! her hands she "arried a s.all
par"el wrapped in linen and she o!!ered it to hi.% s.iling "rookedly% her de!or.ities
grotes9#e to look #pon% the rank odo#r o! her a!!li"tion per.eating the spa"e between
/e knew what it was be!ore he'd li!ted the spotless "loth and his eyes welled with
tears& ;ar. d#.plings% so!t and !at and oo?ing with honey& /ow had she knownA ;hat
pain had she end#red to .ake this pre"io#s !ood !or hi.A /e knelt on one knee be!ore
her% in a noble5.an's a"knowledge.ent o! her generosity&
,ater% Althotas walked with hi. to the .o#th o! the "ave& As they stood looking o#t
over the town% he told hi. o! the 3a."ar o! long ago% be!ore a d4inn had taken to
ha#nting the streets& *t was a "ity !a.ed !or the .agni!i"en"e o! its gardens and the
!airness o! its wise governors% who had a di!!erent politi" order !ro. the rest o! Arabia%
#ntil one by one the "iti?ens !led% spreading word as they went o! howling and s"ree"hing
and strange happenings in the night& The "on4#ring o! the ele.ental was ne"essary% he
said% !or the Great ;ork to go on&
Christian's !a"e showed only p#??le.ent so Althotas seated hi.sel! on a step%
gest#ring !or hi. to sit also and e$plained:7)ro. the ti.e when .en wat"hed in awe as
lightening sent !ire !ro. the skies% !ro. Gree"e% 0gypt and *ndia and the great
"ivilisations be!ore the.% !ro. hidden lands beyond the seas and the i"y waters% a great
body o! learning has been b#ilt #p:and hidden !ro. the pro!ane&
)or only little by little "an .an stand in the "lear light o! Tr#th&
Moses and <olo.on% 1lato% Aristotle and those who "a.e a!ter were initiated into
these .ysteries% all avowing silen"e& B#t these worthy .en were ready and willing% #nder
the veil o! se"re"y% to i.part their knowledge to others% !or the bene!it o! .ankind&
/ere in this hidden pla"e% we .eet and learn !ro. ea"h other% what is new and what
"an be dis"arded in the light o! that new knowledge% and what "an be done to ease
h#.anity's plight& ;e travel here in se"ret and go !orth to o#r own lands to disse.inate
this knowledge% in .edi"ine% the arts and s"ien"es and the "onte.plation o! the 3ivine in
all things& *t is !or thee also% .y brother% to perpet#ate this heritage&8
Christian knew it was tr#e% he'd spent his whole li!e n#rt#ring this drea.% hearkening
to his inner voi"e& /e !elt it tingling in his blood&
7There is so.ething * wish to show thee&8 /e led hi. again% thro#gh dark
passageways and #pwards by .ore narrow steps% #p #ntil it see.ed they .#st rea"h the
very peak o! the .o#ntain itsel!& Christian's leg began to a"he and he longed to rest b#t
Althotas see.ed #nwearied by the "li.b& Then they "a.e o#t into the s#nlight% to a vast
platea# hidden !ro. the gro#nd by grey% wind blasted ro"ks&
And in the .iddle a golden wonder% a giant "ir"#lar devi"e% rings set within rings%
with sy.bols and lines engraved on its edges& At its "entre and !i$ed in pla"e by an ornate
spindle% an orb% "ast in gold and set with pre"io#s stones& Christian "o#ld not take his
eyes !ro. it6 the b#rnished s#r!a"es re!le"ted the light% t#rning it into a glittering ball o!
"old !ire& 7;hat is it <ireA8
7*t is an invention o! 0ratosthenes% !ro. the ti.e be!ore 1tole.y& An ar.illary
sphere& Men o! s"ien"e #se it to "al"#late the passage o! ti.e&8
Christian tho#ght o! his astrolabe% an instr#.ent .#"h .ore "o.ple$ in its design&
7/ow does it workA8
7A devi"e s#"h as this is set o#tside to "at"h the s#n's rays% !or shadows to be "ast
#pon it& *t was a gi!t !ro. the noble <alah5al53in% .ay songs be s#ng !or hi. in paradise&
<plendid% is it notA8 /e pointed to the glittering globe in the .iddle 7Many wo#ld have
#s believe that the #niverse revolves aro#nd o#r world% !or the bene!it o! .an alone& This
instr#.ent "ontains a little tr#th& B#t its bea#ty blinds .en to the lie&
;e .#st li!t the veil o! ignoran"e !ro. those whose pride and "oveto#sness holds
h#.anity ba"k !ro. its right!#l pla"e& ;ere they #nited they .ight% o#t o! the great gi!ts
that God has bestowed #pon #s% "olle"t a per!e"t .ethod o! all arts and .ake this world a
paradise&8 Althotas pa#sed% looking at Christian's s9#inting% weepy eyes and de!or.ed
leg& 7)irst% we .#st "ons#lt with 3o"tor @ohannes% to strengthen that whi"h is needed&
Then the instr#"tion will begin& Mada.e Theresa is a !ollower o! the !a.ed /ypatia%
who was s"raped to death with oyster shells in the Caesari#. !or the sin o! holding to
pagan gods& <he is .ost learned in .athe.ati"s and astrono.y& ;e will start with the
"reation o! the #niverse&8
/e stood and took Christian's hand% his !a"e sole.n 7;hat thee has "hosen to do is
!#ll o! danger& +o# .#st beware the Old 0ne.y& By s#btlety and "ra!t he hinders every
good p#rpose with his instr#.ents and "ontentio#s% wavering people&
;hatever is in .y power to do: however * .ay aid thee: * will&8
Christian stayed at 3a."ar !or three revol#tions o! the earth aro#nd the s#n&
/ere he learned his .athe.ati"s% .#si" and astrono.y #nder the stern t#telage o!
Theresa% who treated hi. as a son& And he learned better the Arabian tong#e% translating
into good ,atin% the book M' whi"h was held in s#"h reveren"e by his learned !riends
that they "o#ld not speak its na.e% to take with hi. on his 4o#rney&
/e spent long .onths with 3o"tor @ohannes and .arvelled at the breadth o! his
#nderstanding% o! disease% o! anato.y and .edi"ine& 0very bone% every nerve and sinew%
.#s"le and organ% all the se"rets o! the h#.an body were revealed to Christian's ni.ble
and re"eptive .ind& And he soaked #p the knowledge% as a sea sponge soaks #p its li!e
giving brine& 2nder his .inistrations% Christian's leg regained its strength and his eyes
began to sparkle with health&
Bat#ral philosophy% astrono.y% al"he.y and virt#e:o! the do"tor% the herb or the
.etal% these were the !o#ndation stones o! healing and he grew in knowledge and
"on!iden"e as he was g#ided toward an #nderstanding o! .an's pla"e in the great wonder
o! nat#re&
O.ar took hi. !#rther into the depths o! the .o#ntain to a vast repository% shelves
#pon shelves% books% par"h.ents% et"hed "lay tablets% "hiselled stones and "arved !ig#res%
so.e old and de"aying to d#st% others pristine and newly bo#nd& /e allowed Christian to
take a lantern and lo"k hi.sel! away a.ong these #ndrea.t o! treas#res& And treas#re it
s#rely was& Most written in lang#age he "o#ld not read b#t so.e in Greek% others in
,atin& /e !o#nd d#sty .an#s"ripts written in Old Ger.an on the properties o! .etals and
others% in the treat.ent o! disease and the birthing o! in!ants&
The !#rther down the shelves he went% the older were the works& M#"h was written
on "loth and par"h.ent or wood in strange "hara"ters% part o! a great hidden library that
was s.#ggled pie"e by pie"e a"ross the i"y .o#ntains by the .onks o! Thibet% in !ear o!
its dis"overy% !or the Mongol hordes had overr#n the "o#ntry and pl#ndered it's
And deeper still were the re.nants o! works even older% !ro. *ndia and Babylon and
the "old ashes o! the library at Ale$andria& And so.e% so !ar ba"k in ti.e that even the
legends o! their origin was lost& The ho#rs he spent in solitary reading in this wonder!#l
pla"e were a so#r"e o! #ntold pleas#re and learning&
B#t Christian was no longer the !rightened yo#th who'd thrown hi.sel! at their door%
begging ad.ittan"e& /is tea"hers #nderstood the i.portan"e o! his "alling& 0#rope had
be"o.e rotten with disease and ignoran"e and beaten down by its overwhel.ing relian"e
on the "h#r"h&
There were others daring to part this .ysterio#s Feil o! *sis% o!!ering gli..ers o!
tr#th in the darkness& B#t they were !ew% working alone and in terrible !ear% and as
1l#tar"h saw "arved on the shrine to Minerva at <ais% * a. all that hath been% and is% and
shall be% and .y veil no .ortal hath yet #n"overed&'
Christian .#st b#ild an edi!i"e that wo#ld shine its light into the "ent#ries to "o.e&
/e woke one .orning sweating% 4arred awake by a vivid drea. o! ti.e going
ba"kward and the world t#.bling into its swirling vorte$ and realised it was ti.e to
They !ollowed hi. to the .o#th o! the "ave% walking slowly thro#gh the twisting
t#nnels& Bo 4inn s"ree"hed and railed at hi. now% he'd learnt that it was his own !ear that
!ollowed hi. that day% "on4#red by his i.agination and .ade stronger by his weakened
state& *t wo#ld not happen again& At the entran"e% one by one they said their goodbyes%
Theresa standing in rigid sel! possession% tears glistening in her eyes& <he laid her hand
on his head and sighed% and Christian !elt the tre.ble in her strong !ingers 7Ah% * will
.iss thee% boy&8
7And *% yo# Mada.e& +o# have ta#ght .e so .#"h& *t was .ore than * "o#ld have
hoped& * will re.e.ber yo# all .y li!e&8
<he la#ghed 7Bah% tho# wilt !orget .e the instant thy rog#ish eye sets #pon a pretty
/is !a"e reddened like a bea"on&
;ith the help o! a willing servant% @ohannes had instr#"ted hi. in the parts and
!or.s o! the !e.ale and the diseases to whi"h they were prone& The girl had "o.e with
hi. !ro. J#ri"h and "o#ld neither hear nor speak% b#t sat 9#ietly% ga?ing #p at Christian
with eyes the "olo#r o! deep water% and he'd had to stop hi.sel! !ro. shaking and his
.anhood !ro. rising as he laid his head on the girl's heaving breast to listen to the
wo.anly heart beating within& More than on"e he'd broken into a sweat and retreated to
"o.pose hi.sel!% e.barrassed% b#t @ohannes 4#st la#ghed and sent the girl away& 7/ow
.any are thy years% .y boyA8
Christian had h#ng his head in sha.e 7Bineteen% * believe% sire&8
8;ell% no wonder thy blood is #p% trapped here with d#sty books and even d#stier
tea"hers& 1ro.ise .e that tho# wilt !ind a "lean girl and know her !#lly& *t is #nbe"o.ing
a physi"ian to slaver over his patients&8 And he'd roared with good nat#red h#.o#r%
.aking Christian wish he "o#ld "rawl #nder the "ra"k in the door and !lee&
Bow his .#"h loved tea"hers were sole.n: grieving already& The do"tor wiped a
tear !ro. his eye and grasped his hands& 7Ce.e.ber always thy "alling% .y boy and hold
it above any other "onsideration& To heal is the greatest gi!t a .an "an o!!er&8
Josi.os stepped #p% his strong oiled body glistening in the s#nlight 7Tho# art well
learned now% in the s"ien"e o! al"he.y and the properties o! the stone& O! this keep silent&
3eath !ollows he who boasts o! gold .aking& And .any will l#re thee !ro. thy path
sho#ld they hear o! it& @o#rney now to Ghe.% to the /o#se o! ;isdo.& )ollow the
"ro"odile and the water beast and begin where the lot#s lies at the water's edge% !or those
who wait in the darkness o! the te.ple% wait !or thee&
Althotas stood patiently #ntil they had bidden !arewell% then .oved to stand at his
side& Christian was gain str#"k by the brillian"e o! his eyes% his dark% polished skin&
7+o#r 4o#rney has been hard& ;hat lies ahead% will be harder&8
7This sire% * know& B#t by yo#r generosity% * "arry with .e the knowledge * need&8
Althotas went on 7*t is not the "o..on people who will re!#se yo#r gi!ts% it is the
learned% who will la#gh and s"o!! at yo#r pres#.ption and deride yo# p#bli"ly !or
e$posing their ignoran"e&8
Christian s.iled and Althotas saw the deter.ination in the set o! his 4aw& 7Then *
will da??le the. with wonders&8
/e stood in the bright s#nshine% dressed in the !ine% sky "olo#red t#ni" that Mada.e
Theresa had .ade !or hi.% his !air hair hanging in long "#rls% his skin shining& /e'd
pa"ked his belongings in his !ather's sat"hel% his astrolabe and beloved book M' in his
po#"h% his re.edy bo$ and instr#.ents ready to be taken on his ba"k&
/e was s#rprised to !ind si$ "a.els waiting% saddled and braided with tassels and
ga#dy ribbons& One snorted% spat and p#lled away and Christian .oved !orward to
reass#re it% seeing an ani.al too old to traverse the open desert% its !lesh s#nken on its
bony !ra.e% its thi"k !ringed lashes shading pale% watery eyes& /e la#ghed& /e knew this
"a.el:and the wiry driver who stood nearby% grinning toothlessly&
7Ah.ed= By all the stars in the heavens=8
Ah.ed allowed hi.sel! to be swept #p and kissed on both "heeks& 7*t is a 4oy to see
yo# also% yo#ng lord& B#t pray% have a "are& <#"h a display o! a!!e"tion has its dangers&
My bones now are as brittle as those o! a t#rtle dove& ;o#ld yo# have .y wives widows
and .y "hildren orphansA8 ,ittle Ah.ed was there also% grown into a strapping bron?e
skinned yo#th% a shining s"i.itar now added to the dagger at his waist& /e stood gravely
to attention holding the tethers o! the other "a.els&
Three were piled high with bo$es and b#ndles and strange shaped par"els% gi!ts !ro.
his !riends&
/e t#rned to Althotas 7<ire% there are no words to e$press what .y heart is longing
to say&8
Althotas s.iled 7Bo words are ne"essary% .y brother& Bo words at all& Go with the
blessing o! those who love yo#&
And .ay the Great *..ensity hide yo# #nder the shadow o! /is wings&8
The 4o#rney to the "oast took three days and this ti.e he rode in "o.!ort% his s.all
"aravan abla?e with "olo#r% 4oy!#l with so!tly tinkling bells& Their saddlebags had been
!illed to over!lowing by Ah.ed's wives% n#ts and dates and spi"y la.b% aro.ati" ri"e and
4#i"y oranges% boiled goats "heese and !lat% golden bread& A !east !it !or a prin"e&
And he saw the pride now in the old .an's eyes as he wat"hed his son !ollowing
9#ietly behind% alert and wat"h!#l&
;hen they rea"hed the port at last% they loaded his goods into the hold o! a vessel
sailing the "oasts o! A!ri"a with pre"io#s oils to trade and stood 9#ietly on the do"k as he
boarded the waiting ship& They were to ret#rn now to @a!!a% and take #p their work again&
/e held #p his hand in !arewell and Ah.ed "alled o#t% the war. g#sts that !illed the
sails taking the words !ro. his .o#th% tho#gh Christian heard the. "learly eno#gh&
7+o#ng lord% think so.eti.es o! yo#r !riend Ah.ed% when yo# hold yo#r star5taker alo!t
and bring down the heavens% !or soon .y !lesh will be b#t a grain o! sand in the desert&
B#t we will .eet again in paradise&
Assala.# Alaik#.=8
The sea was "lear and !illed with li!e% !lying !ish% porpoise% long !inned sharks and
giant !loating beds o! kelp& ;hen the ship neared the shores% he swa. a.ong pretty
"orals tee.ing with silvery darting "reat#res and golden !an5tailed "arp& /e bro#ght to
the s#r!a"e shells and star!ish and tiny hard skinned water dragons and dried the. in the
s#n to add to his "olle"tion&
The sailors told hi. o! 0gypt's great river and the beasts that lived by its waters%
poisono#s serpents and "ro"odiles and the !earso.e hippopota.#s% known !or its evil
te.per and "r#shing 4aws&
And soon they were there% sailing on a vast waterway% the o#tlines o! wind5blasted
r#ins !ar in the distan"e% the !ields along its edge an i.probable green !ra.ed by the
bright% barren sands behind& /e saw brown skinned "hildren splashing in the shallows
and wo.en beating "lothing on the wet ro"ks and lay ba"k on his "arpet "overed divan
"ontentedly wat"hing the sailing boats as they s"#dded 9#ietly a"ross the so!tly rippling
They "ontin#ed on #ntil the river rea"hed its greatest width and hove to beside a
te.ple "r#.bling to sand on the banks% giant serried "ol#.ns o! hewn stone% in i.itation
o! the lot#s blosso.&
/e asked the "aptain to keep his pre"io#s "argo in the hold and .eet the ship on its
ho.eward voyage% seven days hen"e% pro.ising a king's ranso. !or its sa!e ret#rn&
/e had a.ple .oney% Althotas insisting that he be provided with gold s#!!i"ient !or
his needs& Abo#t his waist h#ng a s.all bag o! !arthings and when he stepped ashore% was
soon s#rro#nded by la#ghing% boistero#s "hildren& /e pressed one into ea"h s.all hand
and the "rowd grew larger% "arrying hi. along thro#gh the noisy% d#sty streets&
Then they rea"hed the steps o! a te.ple% "arved with .a4esti" pillars and set with
golden stat#ary and the "hildren stopped and drew apart% silently& A .an was standing at
the top% dressed as Josi.os had been% with a wide "ollar o! lapis beads aro#nd his ne"k&
Christian as"ended the steps% .eeting the eyes o! the g#ardian% who greeted hi. as a
brother wo#ld greet another& And grate!#lly% he relieved hi.sel! o! his b#rdens: and
!ollowed hi. into the "ool% 9#iet darkness&
A week later% the boy he'd set as wat"h banged on his door to tell hi. the ship had
berthed and was awaiting his ret#rn& /e h#rried to the whar!& <o pro!o#nd had been his
e$perien"e% so overwhel.ing the hono#rs given% he prayed earnestly that none o! it
wo#ld be lost to his .e.ory& /e was to speak o! it to no5one% nor write o! it in books& /e
.#st keep it hidden% as the others had be!ore hi.&
/e was to 4o#rney now to Moro""o% to take instr#"tion there in .agi" and the
"on4#ring o! ele.entals& And as the noon s#n beat down and t#rned the water into
glittering silver% he gli.psed in the distant ha?e three giant stone pyra.ids and wept at
the sight&
Christian sailed the whole "oast o! A!ri"a #ntil he "a.e to the 9#iet port "ity o!
Cabat% and !ro. there he e.ployed two "a.el drivers and their strong sons to "arry his
pre"io#s "argo a"ross the desert and over the .o#ntains to )e?&
/is "aravan had swollen now to ten "a.els% all piled high with ri"hes6 rare books o!
astrono.y% .athe.ati"s% .edi"ine% lost inventions and philosophies% .aps and
instr#.ents o! navigation% "olle"tions o! rare plants and pre"io#s ge.stones and s.all
devi"es he'd .ade in the 9#iet ho#rs% looking glasses o! diverse virt#es% little b#rning
la.ps and "hie!ly wonder!#l arti!i"ial songs&
/e "arried also the "r#shed stone o! A.ianth#s% the sa.e .ineral that glowed in the
ro"ks in the .o#ntain o! 3a."ar% to be #sed in the .aking o! ever b#rning la.ps&
*t was by these treas#res and his pro!o#nd learning that he hoped to open .inds to
the possibilities o! a re!or.ation in the s"ien"es and arts% a new a$io.ata:and a new
/e p#r"hased a !ine Arab stallion !ro. the best horse!lesh dealer in Cabat and his
heart re4oi"ed in the !reedo. it gave hi.% galloping and whooping over the d#nes% his
hair !lying% the yo#ng ani.al's strong .#s"les #ntiring in the desert heat&
And soon eno#gh they rea"hed the walls o! )e?% a "ity bigger than any he had seen%
spread o#t in light and shadow a"ross the sands&
They entered thro#gh a bea#ti!#l ar"hed gate into a s9#are "rowded with .arket
stalls and sho#ting shopkeepers& Christian bro#ght a drink !ro. a water seller wearing a
red !eather hat% his goatskin strapped to his sho#lders% silver "#ps 4angling !ro. a "hain
aro#nd his ne"k&
The "a.els be"a.e skittish as they tried to wend their way thro#gh the narrow
streets% so he so#ght o#t a donkey "arter and his train o! st#rdy beasts "arried the load the
short way to a @ewish .er"hant willing to wareho#se the.& As was e$pe"ted% they
haggled over the pri"e b#t Christian le!t satis!ied that the old .an was tr#stworthy and
his treas#res were sa!ely lo"ked away #ntil his ret#rn&
)e? was "elebrated !or its great s"hools o! learning and its bea#ti!#l .adrasa%
lovingly de"orated with "edarwood panelling and .arble pillars% and it was here he
stopped% to ask dire"tions to the ho#se o! Beili.an% the Cabalist% spoken o! with hono#r
by Artephi#s o! 3a.as"#s&
They warned hi. away& The @ew was a "harlatan% ignorant% tra!!i"king in .isery%
"heating the #nwary with talis.ans% bog#s "har.s and spells& ;hy was one s#"h as he% a
learned .an they "o#ld see% seeking a d#per o! !oolsA
<tay: and be instr#"ted in the intri"a"ies o! the law and the /oly (#'ran&
Christian thanked the. !or their kindness and rode on and a pretty bare!oot beggar
led hi. to Beili.an's ho#se% a pink stone b#ilding with l#sh pal.s shading a !o#ntain
splashing in the .iddle o! a "o#rtyard !illed with !lowers& /e'd handed her the sapphire
p#rse that Artephi#s had given hi.% !#ll o! gold% and p#lled her #p onto his horse%
en4oining her st#nned .other to #se the .oney wisely and it wo#ld provide all that they
needed& And to #se so.e o! it !or a worthy dowry !or her da#ghter% so her beggar's li!e
"o#ld be !orgotten&
/e ret#rned to the pink ho#se and walked to the entran"e% ad.iring the bea#ty o! the
roses% savo#ring their so!t sweet s.ell& And in the doorway stood a wo.an% "overed all
over in pale ga#?es% only her "oal bla"k eyes showing thro#gh a slit in her veil&
<he gest#red with a sweep o! her ar. and drew hi. into the "ool% dark ho#se&
/e .arvelled at the ri"hly h#ng tapestries and thi"k "arpets #nder!oot% the bright
"#shions arranged aro#nd tables et"hed with the signs o! the ?odia"% the heady s"ents o!
4as.ine% rose and !rankin"ense&
<he p#shed hi. down onto the so!t pillows and glided into another roo.% ret#rning
only a .o.ent later with a tray o! !r#its% a loa! o! bread% a dish o! honey and a 4#g o!
wine and pla"ed the. on a table in !ront o! hi.& <he le!t again and "a.e ba"k with a
water5pipe and a bowl o! n#t brown hashish and prepared it !or hi. in silen"e% her
.ove.ents pra"ti"ed and witho#t haste&
/e waited patiently% noti"ing the i.pressive shelves o! books lining the walls& There
was no sign o! his host and he wondered whether he was to be granted an a#dien"e& And
when he t#rned ba"k to the wo.an% she was gone&
/e took #p the pipe% inhaling the !ragrant aro.a% !illing his l#ngs with the ri"h%
resino#s s.oke& /e was tired !ro. the 4o#rney and his eyes !l#ttered "losed in pea"e!#l
"ontent.ent& Then s#ddenly he was woken by angry sho#ts and a wo.an's !rightened%
.#!!led pleadings&
71lease% .y .aster:Thy g#est has been o!!ered re!resh.ents as the tea"hing o! the
prophet de"rees:/ave pity=8
And a deep% s"orn!#l voi"e% e"hoing thro#gh the roo.s& 7And wo#ldst tho# give a
prin"e !or his s#pper% wor. eaten !r#its% weevilled bread% wine only last week !ro. the
And the wo.an again% whispering 7One s#"h as * e$ist only to serve thee:Master
:* !all at thy !eet in sha.e&8
Christian p#lled hi.sel! #p% he had been treated with the #t.ost attention and the
wo.an did not deserve this tirade& 1erhaps what the *.a.s had said was tr#e and this
.an was #nworthy& /e walked #nsteadily thro#gh the low doorway% into another roo.
and then thro#gh another% his head spinning% his eyes heavy with the e!!e"t o! the dr#g&
The sho#ting see.ed !ar away% the whispered pleading #rgent and "lose& The walls
rippled and shrank !ro. his o#tstret"hed hand% the "eiling "losed in over his head&
Then he p#shed aside a heavy "#rtain and saw a bearded .an standing in the .iddle
o! a "ir"le% sy.bols painted on the !loor in a pentagra. inside it& /e was pointing a
wooden sta!! at the wo.an who had wel"o.ed hi.% kneeling in ab4e"t .isery in the
"orner% her slender ar.s held #p in s#ppli"ation&
7My .aster% * beg yo#:tho# art .y li!e as the !lower is to the s#n% .y breath as the
seed is to the wind:do not send .e ba"k=8
Again the "onte.pt#o#s% boo.ing voi"e 7Begone: !o#l disobedient "reat#re=8 and
he li!ted the sta!! into the air and sw#ng it in a wide ar" toward her&
To Christian it see.ed as i! a bolt o! lightning had !lashed and rent the spa"e in !ront
o! hi.& /e !elt the ele"tri" h#. and "ra"kle o! it abo#t his ears% tasted it on his tong#e& /e
l#r"hed !orward to stop the .#rdero#s intent o! a .ad.an as a shattering s9#eal pier"ed
the air& Then the .an t#rned his !a"e to hi. and sho#ted a"ross the roo. 7Bay:do not
approa"h= *! the seal is broken% the ele.ental will slay #s both& Tho# art de"eived:look
again=8 And Christian t#rned to the "ro#"hing !or. in the "orner% whi"h was "ro#"hing
no .ore&
/e gasped& The !ine gar.ents lay in a "r#.pled% s.o#ldering heap and the wo.an
had trans!or.ed into a thing al.ost beyond i.agining% risen #p and towering over the.
*ts skin was grey and s"aled% the body long% sinewy% witho#t ar.s% the !orked tail
writhing and lashing the gro#nd& The sa.e !atho.less eyes b#lged o#t o! a head "overed
with greying hair& /e !elt vo.it#s rise !ro. his sto.a"h& <#rely this abo.ination "o#ld
not be realA And it t#rned toward hi. and spoke% in the sweet% !e.inine voi"e he had
heard as it pleaded !or its li!e& 7;ert tho# not pleased with the vi"t#als * prepared thee%
yo#ng travellerA ;as the herb not to thy likingA8 *ts head swivelled ba"k and a strea. o!
bile shot !ro. its .o#th toward the old .an in the "ir"le% landing 4#st at its edge&
The "reat#re looked to Christian again and la#ghed% p#lling ba"k its !leshy lips to
show the rows o! bla"kened teeth lining its .o#th& 71ray:allow an e.bra"e then:tho#
art !air:and * did not !ail to noti"e the l#st in thy eyes at o#r !irst .eeting&8 *t loo.ed
over hi.% leering& And as he stepped ba"k% the thing la#ghed again% hollow and rattling
7Ah:a. * not pleasing to thine eyes: *% who e$"eeds even the sala.ander in bea#tyA
Bo .atter:we will have eternity to sate o#r desires&8
Then another bolt o! lightening threw it ba"k against the wall& /e heard the old .an
sho#ting b#t "o#ld not .ake o#t all the words&
72nder the r#le o! the *n!erior Governors:
By the "o..and o! the G#ardian o! 3eath:
*n the na.e o! /i. who "reated #s all:
Ba"k to the Borth:*nto the dark=
And the shrieking peeled as the lightening !lashed again and again% searing its !lesh%
the stink bringing tears to Christian's eyes&
;as it all a drea.A /e wat"hed the old .an% h#rling th#nderbolts% #ttering
in"antations& /is ba"k was bent al.ost do#ble now% the wrist that held the heavy sta!!
weakening& /e "alled o#t 7Tell .e what to do:let .e aid yo#:8
And the thing in the "orner .o"ked and reviled the.& 7Bot long now #ngrate!#l
beings:a li!eti.e !or .e is as the birth o! a star:b#t !or thee:the !all o! a single tear&8
Then% witho#t taking his eyes !ro. the "reat#re% the .an sho#ted o#t 7Take yon sti"k
o! al#. and draw abo#t thee a "ir"le& 3o not li!t thy hand !ro. the !loor& There "an be no
breaks&8 Christian grabbed #p the so!t stone and drew a "ir"le an ar.s length aro#nd hi.&
The ele.ental s"ree"hed again% its tail lashing wildly& 7Bow 9#i"kly:3raw within it the
pentagra. and the .ark o! the dae.on as yo# see here&8 And he .oved a little so
Christian "o#ld see the pattern #nder his !eet& /e .ade the !ig#re and stood #pon it& Then
the !loor began to shake as i! the gro#nd were opening #p and the wi?ard sho#ted again%
his voi"e be"o.ing lost in the din as the "reat#re hissed and writhed and "oiled aro#nd
itsel!& 7Bow:hold #p thy hand to .e:and the power o! the heavens shall be thine=8
0ven be!ore Christian "o#ld raise his ar.% his !ingers began to tingle and pain like a
thr#st into a bla?ing !#rna"e p#lled a s"rea. !ro. hi. that he "o#ld not sti!le& And there
in his hand was a glowing ball o! white !ire% p#lsing and !lashing in the darkened roo.&
7Bow% pray to thy God and strike=8
/e h#rled the !ireball and another !or.ed in his hand as soon as the !irst one le!t it as
the .onster s"rea.ed and beat the !loor with its tail& /e threw that one too and another%
bolt a!ter bolt% !eeling hi.sel! growing in strength as the ele.ental weakened #nder the
!iery onsla#ght& The old .an too% threw his th#nderbolts and between the. they red#"ed
it al.ost to ashes in the "orner&
And then% a .ewling like the "ry o! a newly birthed kitten% so!t and witho#t
.ena"e:and it was gone&
0arth% Air% )ire and ;ater&
The "lay o! the 1otter&
)or the .o#ntains% the trees% the ani.als% !or .an& And !or the ele.ental inhabitants
o! the aether% neither o! the earth% nor o! the heavens b#t in5between% so#lless and witho#t
This was the "reat#re Beili.an had bro#ght !orth and "lothed in the d#st o! the earth&
)or twenty years it had served his needs% shared its wisdo. and obeyed his "o..ands&
B#t the Old 0ne.y has its .inions&
/e'd seen the danger% the way it wat"hed and waited patiently !or the boy who was
a.ongst those who wo#ld bring light to the world& /e'd been resting when his g#est
arrived and the ele.ental neither in!or.ed hi. nor obtained per.ission to wel"o.e hi.&
<#ddenly he'd lost the iron willed "ontrol he'd e$erted over it sin"e he'd s#..oned it all
those years ago& *t had to be banished be!ore it "o#ld do .ore har.& Already the dr#g had
the potential to destroy all that the boy had b#ilt& /is .ind .#st be strong to "arry on the
Great ;ork&
/e'd l#red it into his workroo.% regaling it with "o.plaints abo#t the .eal& B#t it
did not know his .ind& 2ntil he'd stepped ba"k inside his .agi" "ir"le and took #p his
wand& *t pleaded !or its li!e then and when it realised that its tr#e intent had been
dis"overed% slo#ghed o!! its earthly !or. and revealed to hi. the tr#e nat#re o! its being&
/is heart had al.ost !ailed hi. b#t the yo#ng .an appeared in the doorway% a light
shining aro#nd hi.:and 4oined his "o#rage to his own&
A!terward% he'd tottered to his "o#"h e$ha#sted% leaving Christian still standing in
the .idst o! his "ir"le% his inno"ent !a"e blan"hed with horror&
There was .#"h he needed to tea"h and .#"h perhaps that .#st be le!t to lie !allow%
to be lost to a ti.e when all .en have the strength to be .aster o! the.selves and th#s
"o..and the beings who inhabit the spa"es between&
Beili.an was a .athe.ati"ian and an astrono.er as well as a .agi"ian and it was
these s"ien"es that bro#ght the. "lose% keeping the. h#ddled over the light o! a
sp#ttering "andle% .eas#ring the earth% the deeps o! the o"eans% the distan"e to the
.oon:and sear"hing !or !abled Anti"hthon% earth's dark twin&
Christian learned to draw .agi" s9#ares to be #sed as talis.ans and never !ailed to
be asto#nded at the way the n#.bers tallied #p% down and a"ross% always adding #p to the
sa.e% !or there was a deeper .eaning there% all#ding to order and reason% as 1ythagoras
had ta#ght&
And he was instr#"ted in the "on4#ring o! ele.entals% tho#gh now he had no desire to
do so% seeing all at on"e its dangers&
B#t Beili.an .issed his "reation& As he pointed o#t to Christian when he regained
his strength% <o"rates had his dae.on as did *a.bli"#s be!ore hi. and they had be"o.e
wise and respe"ted:#ntil the great .an "o#ld not hold his tong#e a!ter the water 4ar was
!illed at his trial and he was senten"ed to death !or "orr#ption&
The oriental sages ta#ght that a "orner o! "reation was given to ea"h o! the !o#r
kingdo.s% the gno.es and the goblins o! the earth were given the Borth% to live in
darkness and toil% the #ndines the water% to sing their .o#rn!#l songs to the ;estern
winds% the sala.anders !ire and the <o#th% and the sylphs o! the air the 0ast:and the
land o! the !airy5!olk& At one ti.e the ele.ental inhabitants were revered as gods and to
the. still% are altar !ires kept b#rning& B#t beings with no heart and no so#l .#st be
s#b4e"t to greater will and <atan had need o! an instr#.ent to sti!le the e.ergen"e o!
Christian knew that i! it was not !or hi.% Beili.an wo#ld s#..on it on"e again and
live o#t his days in its "o.pany% !or ordinarily an ele.ental was no danger to the .an
who gave it !lesh&
/e .ade his plans to leave&
Tho#gh he "on!essed that the .agi" o! those o! )e? was so.eti.es i.p#re and their
Cabala was o!ten de!iled by their religion% still he had learned eno#gh in the al"he.i"al
laboratory o! Artephi#s and the "on4#ring "ir"le o! Beili.an to .ake good #se o! the
kernels o! wisdo. he !o#nd there&
*n !a"t% the two years he spent in )e? ta#ght hi. the val#e o! all he had learnt and
bro#ght hi. "loser to a deeper #nderstanding o! not 4#st the hal! part o! the world% one
that the eyes "o#ld see% the hand "o#ld to#"h b#t the "elestial and ele.ental real.s% a
wondro#s "reation too pro!o#nd !or .ortal .an to "o.prehend&
Bow% he "olle"ted this knowledge into a "ohesive whole% to take with hi. on the
!inal part o! his 4o#rney:to the "ity o! <eville% in <pain&
*t was here that the learned o! 0#rope gathered&
And here he .#st begin&

B#t now% draw near and pay heedD take this "ross #nto yo#rsel!% !or the one who
in"reases knowledge in"reases sorrow% !or in .#"h knowledge is .#"h grie!% as we know
!ro. e$perien"e:'

Cobert )l#dd
H!ro. 0""lesiastesI
*n the +ear o! O#r ,ord 1K00

Christian dressed "are!#lly% as be!itting his rank% in a bla"k velvet do#blet and silken hose
and aro#nd his sho#lders% a heavy bro"ade "ape lined with satin and edged with !iligree
and bla"k pearls& /is hat was o! si.ple design s#ggesting the "ap o! a s"holar b#t with a
sweep o! bla"k !eathers trailing behind& /e'd so#ght o#t the !inest tailor in all o! <eville
to .ake these "lothes !or hi.% the 9#ality evident in work.anship and !abri"% not in its
orna.entation& To be tho#ght !rivolo#s and vain wo#ld be detri.ental to his "a#se&
/e'd arranged to .eet the .asters o! the General <"hool o! <eville% be!ore the /ora
<e$ta% the si$th ho#r a!ter dawn% when it see.ed that every "iti?en o! <pain lay down%
sheltered !ro. the blistering s#n&
/e rode his stallion thro#gh the "obbled streets% the horse tossing its !ine head as i! it
#nderstood the weighty .ission entr#sted to his .aster& Bo !aded harlots l#rked in
al"oves to a""ost hi.6 no open sewer assailed his senses& The people he .et were .ostly
sto"ky and dark eyed% well dressed in .#ted "olo#rs% with only s.all !lo#rishes o! la"e
and ribbon to disting#ish the.&
/e !elt a !l#tter o! e$"ite.ent& Bow at last% his drea. wo#ld be !#l!illed& /e had
bro#ght with hi. wonders and .arvels:and new knowledge& The h#.anist drea.s o!
the abbot% the longed !or Trygono igneo o! Artephi#s and the lo!ty ideals o! his tea"hers
were to be "oales"ed into a new a$io.ata% !or the bene!it o! all&
/e wanted to gallop the rest o! the way% sho#t his 4oy to the roo!tops& B#t he .#st
"arry hi.sel! with sole.n dignity or he wo#ld not gain the ear o! the learned& /is yo#th
wo#ld "o#nt against hi.&
1eople wat"hed !ro. every window% eyes glittered in the shadows& /e li!ted his head
higher and "antered on& There wo#ld be no spe"ta"le today&
/e entered the gates o! the #niversity and as"ended a wide !light o! steps into a long
hall% b#ilt #p on either side in tiered rows& ;hen his eyes be"a.e a""#sto.ed to the di.
interior% he saw that ea"h seat was o""#pied by a silent do#r !a"ed s"holar% his bla"k robe
blending with the others into a dark whole% swallowing the light&
A !rowning% grey haired .an dressed in the sa.e dark robes pointed at hi. with a
"rooked !inger 7Approa"h yo#ng .an&8 /e s9#inted along the length o! his nose% peering
down at hi. with #ndisg#ised disdain& 7O#r in!or.ants tell #s yo# have spoken o#t
against the ed#"ated .en o! this "ity% "alling the. ignora.#s:"alling the. disrep#table%
a""#sing the. o! greed and evil doings&8 Christian stood 9#ietly% p#??led by this i"y
/e had said nothing against anyone&
7;e hear also that yo# are en"o#raging #nnat#ral pra"ti"es a.ong the people%
e$horting the. to bathe% eat !ood .eant !or their betters% to disregard the h#.ble station
de"reed !or the. by God& ;ell% insolent p#p% we wo#ld hear yo#r reply:or wo#ld yo#
pre!er to e$plain be!ore the .agistrateA8
M#r.#rs o! o#trage tri"kled down as Christian do!!ed his "ap and bowed low& This
"onte.pt had not been e$pe"ted& Althotas was right&
7<ire% .y na.e is Christian von Ger.elsha#sen% !ro. the !orests o! Th#ringowa%
near /esse& My !a.ily is an old one& And noble&8 /e stood #p straight and .et the "old
eyes o! the .asters&
7Gentle.en o! <eville% !or years * have been travelling% a"ross the whole o! <in#s
Arabi"a and beyond& And * have gathered knowledge as a bee gathers its ne"tar&
Bow * wish to share its divine sweetness with the learned o! 0#rope&8
The .#r.#rs grew to .#ttering and sneering la#ghter& The old .an's !a"e grew
p#rple with anger 7;hat: a boy barely o#t o! his swaddling bandsA And a Ger.an at
/e waved his hand i.perio#sly at the in"reasingly hostile "rowd 7;hat "o#ld yo#
possibly have to tea"h these .ost ed#"ated .en o! this .ost "ivilised landA ;hat !#rther
knowledge "o#ld yo# o!!er that o#r blessed <aint *sidor#s has not already provided by his
<#ddenly an inkpot !lew thro#gh the air and splattered against Christian's sho#lder%
leaving a wet pat"h o! r#sty ink on his dark "loak& /e stood still% waiting !or another
volley and when none "a.e spoke again% his voi"e stronger& 7<ires% * know what yo# see
be!ore yo# is b#t a "allow yo#th b#t * take oath be!ore God: * have "o.e to yo# with
goodwill& *n the "ity% * asked to be dire"ted to the .ost er#dite% the .ost pro!o#nd&
And * was told it was here&
*t is tr#e% * will o!!er these treas#res to others% !or it is not 4#st !or prin"ely .en or
wise s"holars b#t !or all% poor and ri"h% "o..on and noble&
* bring knowledge s#"h as Ada. a!ter the !all re"eived it and as Moses and <olo.on
#sed it& And * bring the learning o! the an"ients o! the tr#e nat#re o! .en% !or 4#st as an
a"orn "ontains the whole great tree% so the body o! .an "ontains the whole great world%
vibrating in har.ony with God% heaven and earth& <o now "an be revealed to hi. an
#nderstanding o! .an's nobleness and worth and why he is "alled .i"ro5"os.os: and o!
the deep knowledge o! nat#re that has been entr#sted to hi.&8
An o#traged sho#t !ro. the tiers "#t thro#gh the silen"e 7This is blasphe.y= +o#
speak o! s"ien"e% not God= Ceason witho#t !aith is heresy= * will not hear .ore&8 and a
large .an p#shed his way thro#gh the rows and swept #p the aisle% "at"hing against his
ar. and al.ost toppling hi. over&
Christian spoke again 7The ,ord has s#stained .e thro#gh .any trials& ;hat * have
learned has bro#ght .e "loser to an #nderstanding o! /is wonders& * a. no hereti"&8 /e
wondered i! his .other and !ather had pleaded their "ase be!ore ones s#"h as this% whose
ears and eyes were "losed and only their .o#ths opened& 7Good sirs% the sear"h !or tr#th
"an bring only enlighten.ent& * do not re4oi"e that * "an trans.#te .etals% or that the
devils are obedient to .e b#t that the heavens open #p and * see the angels o! God
as"ending and des"ending and .y na.e written in the book o! li!e&8
And now the gallery roared and th#ndered with sho#ting and t#.#lt& The old .an
held #p his hand and 9#ieted the.& 7Ah% the lad is an al"he.ist thenA And a sor"erer no
lessA Can yo# t#rn lead into gold:water into wineA And o! "o#rse% yo# sit with O#r ,ord
and the Firgin at the right hand o! God% with the 1ope at yo#r !eet&8
/e waved his hand in dis.issal& 7The boy is .ad& Give hi. a !ew piastres and shove
hi. o#t the door& *ts ti.e !or o#r siesta&8
Then a tall% bearded .an rose !ro. Christian's le!t and "alled o#t% his voi"e steady
over the "la.o#r and noise& 7;ait% * wish to hear what this yo#ng prin"eling has to say&8
and the .en be"a.e 9#iet again& 8Tell .e:3o yo# not #nderstand the penalty the
"h#r"h .ay i.pose i! yo# speak words o! heresyA +o# "o#ld be p#t to the tort#re% or le!t
to rot in the d#ngeons% or tied abo#t with !aggots and b#rnt at the stake& And yo#r noble
birth will not save yo#&8
Christian looked to the speaker standing with his head bent toward hi.% intent on his
reply& 7Thankyo# sire% .ay * answer yo#r 9#estion with anotherA8 the .an nodded and
Christian went on&
7;o#ld it not be a wonder!#l thing to over"o.e disease and poverty% h#nger and old
ageA And what i!% there was a realisation so pro!o#nd that i! all other learning were lost% it
wo#ld be possible to b#ild !ro. this again a great storeho#se o! tr#thA And to read in this
one book all the books o! the world !ro. the ti.e that is past and the ti.e that is to
And wo#ld it not be a desirable thing to have an #nderstanding o! all the "o#ntries o!
the world and the se"rets they "ontainA8
The .an s.iled and shook his head 7;hat yo# speak o! is #topian idealis.%
e$po#nded by 1lato and 1l#tar"h and .any a!ter the.& *t has been the hope o! .an sin"e
0ve te.pted Ada. and God "ast the. into the wilderness& *t is #nattainable& ;e .#st be
p#nished !or o#r sins&8
Christian shook his head& 7Bo% it is possible:and with the 4oy and blessing o! the
Creator:*! the pride o! the learned was not so great that they "o#ld agree together% they
"o#ld% were they #nited% "olle"t a per!e"t .ethod o! all the arts& B#t they are loath to
leave the old "o#rse% .ore estee.ing popery and Aristotle and Galen% who i! they were
still living wo#ld soon see the error o! their ways and re4oi"e% !or it is not that whi"h has
the .ere show o! learning b#t that whi"h is .ani!ested in the "lear light o! tr#th:in
.athe.ati"s% .edi"ine% reason and the nat#ral philosophies&8 Gr#.bles and .#ttering
began again b#t he went on% his voi"e rising&
7<ires% we .#st beware the Old 0ne.y who is the !irst% .iddle and last "a#se o!
darkness and stri!e in the world and #nite !or the good o! .ankind&8
The old .an was in"andes"ent with rage and sho#ted to Christian standing with his
!eathered "ap in his hand& 7;hat yo# say is i.p#dent and witho#t gro#nds& ,et hi. who
loves #n9#ietness be re!or.ed& ;e have done o#r best=8
And the .an on the le!t spoke again as the roo. !ell silent 7+o#ng .an% in what
s"hool have yo# attained yo#r #nderstandingA
By what a#thority do yo# stand be!ore #s todayA8
Christian tho#ght on this !or a !ew .o.ents and answered with a !ir. voi"e& 7* have
gained .y knowledge in the .ystery s"hools o! the 0ast&
* "o.e with the a#thority o! the Brotherhood o! the Cosy Cross&8 Then the noise in
the hall be"a.e a "la.o#ring as they all began to talk at on"e&
The old .an raised his !inger and sneered& 7Brotherhood% ehA <trangely eno#gh% we
are very !a.iliar with brotherhoods&8 And he waved his hand at a sli.% e!!e.inate .an in
the !irst row o! the gallery& 7<enor Castelentor here says he is a high adept o! the
brotherhood o! Al#.brados% tho#gh we are all s#re he "lings so tightly to his o!!i"e so he
"an !#"k his .istress and tell hi.sel! he's doing it !or God=8
Cibald la#ghter rippled thro#gh the roo. as he pointed to a hawk nosed .an in the
ba"k row& 7And 1ro!essore Corte? believes he is the rein"arnation o! /or#s and spends
his nights inventing rit#als to per!or. in the "ata"o.bs #nder the "ity% tho#gh the only
brethren he has gathered so !ar are the rats that gnaw on the p#trid !lesh o! the dead&8
And again to a !at .an who s.irked at Christian and .ade a lewd gest#re with his
hand& 7And here sits 1ietro 3ia?% the "rea. o! Castilian aristo"ra"y% who belongs to the
brotherhood o! 1ro"#rers o! Firgin Boys& B#t these days we know very well he is .ore
interested in the brotherhood o! Gl#ttons and 0vil Gossip&8
The la#ghter pier"ed the air with its harshness% .aking Christian's sto.a"h t#rn& /e
knew that today was not the day to be heard& /e addressed the. again% now e.ploying
the power o! spee"h he had been ta#ght in the .o#ntain at 3a."ar&
7,earned gentle.en:;ith the per.ission o! the .ayor o! <eville% * have installed
.ysel! in the Golden Tower by the harbo#r& And * have bro#ght with .e !ro. the 0ast
great wonders and pre"io#s things& * wo#ld be hono#red i! yo# wo#ld attend .e there%
perhaps on the day be!ore the !east o! Corp#s Christi% and partake o! these ri"hes&8
<tony silen"e greeted hi. b#t the .an who had been kind stood on"e .ore& 7* will
attend yo#r ho.e Christian Cosen"re#?& * wo#ld know what knowledge yo# bring&8
And he nodded i.per"eptibly as Christian bowed low with a sweep o! his "ap and
walked 9#ietly !ro. the hall&
The "ity was ab#?? with talk o! the .ysterio#s stranger so lately arrived&
)or .onths% a steady pro"ession o! wagons and "arts had wended its way thro#gh the
streets% driven by silent liveried servants& 3rays !illed with !resh "#t grasses% slabs o!
9#ivering .eat and baskets o! !ish all disappeared into the pal. shaded "o#rtyard% the big
wooden gates "losing swi!tly behind the.& Barges do"ked in the harbo#r% only !eet !ro.
the great doors% the sa.e wordless .en #nloading in the darkness% strange shaped
b#ndles and barrels and "overed "ages& ;ork.en po#nded and sawed and ani.als "o#ld
be heard in the night% !illing the air with !ear!#l howls and gr#nts% whistling and roaring&
/e .#st be a noble.an% they said& <#"h ri"hes= <#"h !ood= <#"h .agni!i"en"e=
B#t now% an in"redible thing was happening&
By the .eanest h#ts% the darkest alleys% where the si"k% the lepro#s and the h#ngry
"owered in .isery% wonder!#l s.ells wo#ld wa!t o#t% o! new bread and spi"y so#p and
roasted .eat& And there wo#ld be a .an% dressed si.ply in dark robes% be"koning&
Those who were too weak to !eed the.selves% he wo#ld !eed& And those who were
si"k% he wo#ld tend& And he wo#ld press a sliver o! gold into the pal.s o! all who "a.e%
pla"ing his !inger to his lips to beg !or silen"e& Then disappear into the shadows&
Bight a!ter night&
Co.e and behold= The glorio#s wonders o! God='
Boti"es had been nailed #p in the s9#ares and the "ryers paid to spread the news
a.ong the people& And be!ore the s#n "a.e #p on the eve o! Corp#s Christi% the ragged
poor o! <eville gathered in their h#ndreds o#tside the gates& *t was all they had been
talking abo#t !or days& And now they stood in shy #n"ertainty% !or the doors had opened
and s"arlet "lad servants were e.erging with pots o! stea.ing !ood to pla"e on trestles
standing #nder the trees&
Golden loaves o! so!t% white bread% whole roasted !owl% basted la.bs and s#"kling
pigs% barrels o! sweet orange ne"tar and platters o! !r#it& And a wild boar tr#ndled o#t on
a dray% baked honey brown and s#rro#nded by !ragrant onions and garli" and peppers&
They waited with ha#nted eyes and open .o#ths as the old and the yo#ng were led to the
tables% then the rest% ass#red by the s.iling servants that there was plenty !or all% were
invited to eat their !ill& And .ore people "a.e% "l#t"hing their rosaries and e$"lai.ing in
awestr#"k whispers& This was a glorio#s wonder o! God indeed=
O! the noble stranger there was no sight% #ntil the devil and his wi!e poked their
horned heads over the o#ter wall and sent people s"rea.ing in pani"% kno"king over the
tables in their haste to !lee& Then he walked down the wide stone stairs% a !air haired .an
dressed all in bla"k% reass#ring the. that the i.possibly tall beast that stood 9#ietly
ripping the new leaves !ro. the trees were not devils% b#t .agni!i"ent wonders o! nat#re&
7Good people% what yo# see are gira!!ids% !ro. the grasslands o! A!ri"a& God has
provided the. with long ne"ks and so!t .o#ths% to eat !ro. the treetops& There is no
Today% * will show yo# .any wonders&
* have bro#ght a "ro"odil#s !ro. 0gypt and a hooded serpent !ro. Arabia& There are
!lowers that hang like a "l#ster o! golden stars !ro. their ste.s and berries% one bite o!
whi"h and the so#rest !r#it be"o.es as .anna !ro. heaven% !or it is yo#r right to see
what .arvels e$ist in the world&8
CightA ;e have no right%' they said& ;e are peasants% less than nothing& 0ven the
leavings !ro. the tables o! the nobles and the priests are given gr#dgingly% with well
ai.ed ki"ks and spite!#l 4ests& ;ho is this lord who wo#ld provide a !east !it !or kings
and give it to the "o..on people% who wo#ld "are that their eyes beheld the wonders o!
Christian wo#ld hear no protests& /is servants gathered #p the "hildren and "arrying
the halt and la.e on their sho#lders% entered the "o#rtyard% the so!t trill o! bird5song and
playing !o#ntains wel"o.ing the. in&
Mothers and da#ghters stood wringing their hands o#tside& ;hat i! their loved ones
did not ret#rnA B#t soon they "o#ld hear so.ething that had never been heard in the
so.bre streets o! <eville% s9#eals o! la#ghter and 4oyo#s so#nds& And the "hildren "a.e
o#t s.iling% "arrying tiny .onkeys on their sho#lders% or pretty li?ards% or "l#t"hing
bright tinkling bells and deli"ate !lowers& And the older !olk held gi!ts too% .ira"le berries
and lini.ents and soothing #ng#ents&
And the people 4ostled ea"h other to be ne$t to enter the golden tower o! wonders&
*t was night!all be!ore the "rowds began to thin o#tside the gates&
The boar was eaten down to the bone and the s"raps wrapped in "loth to distrib#te
a.ong the people and the gira!!es were now standing "ontentedly wat"hing as the last o!
the "#rio#s e.erged wide eyed% !ro. the tower&
Christian waited 9#ietly on the steps% overwhel.ed by disappoint.ent& /e'd
sear"hed in vain !or the one !a"e he tr#ly tho#ght he wo#ld see& The 4oy and e$"la.ations
o! the people .ade his heart glad b#t it was the learned and the noble who had the power
to "hange the world !or good&
And they had not "o.e&
/e t#rned to the door to gather the instr#.ents and si.ples !or his evening rit#al%
and stopped as a "arriage drawn by two dappled horses rattled to a halt o#tside the gates%
a do?en bla"k robed "leri"s riding donkeys% p#lling #p behind& /e wat"hed as a pink
!l#shed !a"e appeared at the window and a nervo#s page h#rried to open the door%
re"eiving an ill te.pered "#!! aro#nd the ears !or his tardiness&
Then his visitor stepped down in a !l#tter o! red satin and a glitter o! golden "hain
and "r#"i!i$% a "ardinal's wide bri..ed hat 4a..ed tight on his head& /e held a
po.ander against his nose% s"rewing #p his eyes in distaste at the !ew stragglers standing
by the gates& And when he sket"hed the sign o! the "ross hastily over the. and waved his
hand in dis.issal% they "overed their heads and s"#ttled away&
Christian !elt a .o.ent o! #nease& An a#ra o! power and derision s#rro#nded this
.an% a dangero#s "o.bination in a .inister o! the "h#r"h& /e walked down the path and
knelt to kiss the r#by ring on his hand& 7+o#r 0.inen"e% *t is an hono#r&8
The "ardinal's eyes were pinpri"ks o! bla"k in po#"hes o! wrinkled !lesh% they held
no s.ile& 73o not believe we are here !or a.#se.ent% yo#ng .an& ;e have heard
r#.o#rs in the "ity:o! heresies and sor"ery:and also o! one who has the arrogan"e to
9#estion that whi"h /oly <"ript#re has already de"lared to be per!e"t=8
The "old eyes .oved #p and down% taking in Christian's !ine "lothes% his #n!lin"hing
ga?e& *t was "lear that this yo#ng .an was not easily inti.idated& Bo .atter% there were
.any ways to !righten hereti"s into bowing to the will o! the "h#r"h&
Christian straightened #p% a broad s.ile showing his white teeth& 70ven so%
0.inen"e% yo# are very wel"o.e&8 /e stepped o!! the path to give the "ardinal and his
ento#rage roo. and looked #p to see the kindly .an !ro. the #niversity walking toward
hi.& This ti.e his 4oy was gen#ine and #nreserved as he grasped the other's hand& 7* bid
yo# wel"o.e% !riend&8 And the .an s.iled ba"k&
7Thankyo# Christian Cosen"re#?% * a. 0nri"o Mendo?a% pro!essor o! ,aws at the
General <"hool& * a. very "#rio#s abo#t what is behind yo#r doors&8
/e bowed to the "ardinal% stooping lower to kiss his ring& 7+o#r 0.inen"e% how
good to see yo# again=8 and t#rned to Christian and la#ghed 7;hat a stir yo# have .ade
in the "ity% to warrant the visit o! s#"h an i.portant .an as Cardinale Coelas& * hope yo#
have wonders eno#gh to i.press hi.&8
Christian waited #ntil the others had walked ahead and whispered 7*t is not a
"ardinal * wish to i.press% 1ro!essore 0nri"o&8 And he be"koned to the page standing
9#ietly by the "arriage& 7Co.e% "hild% see the world that God has .ade !or yo#&8
*t was the "eiling that eli"ited the !irst gasps o! s#rprise !ro. his g#ests&
As they passed thro#gh the ornate inner doors% their eyes were drawn #pward by a
riot o! .ove.ent and "olo#r% to see a .#ltit#de o! stars in a .idnight sky% all twinkling
and !lashing in so!t h#es o! red and p#rple% rainbow pinks and bl#es& They wat"hed
!as"inated% as a tiny orb o! !iery light !lew in a gentle ar" a"ross the void% only to
disappear in a wink !or another% brighter and bigger to take its pla"e&
7<or"ery8 .#r.#red the "ardinal as he ki"ked away the page "linging desperately to
his robes&
B#t Christian was #n"on"erned& /e intended to show his g#ests the workings o! the
.arvel his artisans had toiled day and night to set in pla"e& 7* bid yo# look "losely& Can
yo# see thro#gh the "olo#red glass to the wheels and "ogs behind it as they strike at the
!lints and sparkA *t is .erely a shadow play o! the tr#e .ira"le that lies above #s in the
heavens&8 and he p#lled aside a wooden panel to reveal a large .etal dis" atta"hed to a
rod whi"h in t#rn .oved s.aller wheels and rods high above the.& 7*t is .oved by the
!low o! water in the harbo#r&8 The "ardinal gr#nted b#t 0nri"o "lapped his hands and
Christian t#rned to Cardinal Coelas 7+o#r 0.inen"e% within these walls are
"lo"kworks and .#si"al inventions and #n!a.iliar ani.als and plants whi"h "on"#r with
old philosophies& There are also .an#s"ripts on .athe.ati"s% .edi"ine and instr#.ents
o! navigation and astrono.y that .ay interest yo#& There is a reli" !ro.
Constantinople: the !ingernails o! <t& <ebastian% and an e$"ellent painting o! O#r ,ord
and /is Blessed .other&
And * have gathered stones !ro. the depths o! an Arabian .o#ntain !or the .aking
o! everlasting la.ps& B#t there has been no sor"ery&8
They looked aro#nd the "ir"#lar hall% at the .arble !loor sparkling with re!le"tions o!
the starlight above and in the "entre% the .agni!i"ently 4ewelled ar.illary sphere that
<aladin gave to the wise .en o! 3a."ar&
There were several large roo.s leading !ro. this "entral spa"e and he led the. to
the !irst% !or here was the i"on he had pro.ised& And now these pio#s .en were .oved%
"rossing the.selves and taking #p their beads% !or it was rendered in s#"h brilliant living
"olo#r% it see.ed that the blood "o#ld be seen p#lsing beneath the <avio#r's pale skin and
the so!t !olds o! the Madonna's bl#e robe .ight be li!ted to kiss& And so !inely e$e"#ted
were the eyes% their glistening tears .ight be br#shed away with a tre.bling hand&
The "ardinal took a .o.ent to regain his "o.pos#re and t#rned% eyeing hi. with
s#spi"ion 7The stink o! the s#pernat#ral s#rro#nds yo#% yo#ng .an& Be warned& The
,ord's 4#sti"e will be swi!t: and terrible in its e$e"#tion& There will be no .er"y&8
Christian said nothing% b#t walked to a golden oss#ary set #pon white da.ask% the
/oly reli" o! <t& <ebastian& /e took down the s.all "asket and pla"ed it in the "ardinal's
hands% then waved his ar. to take in the whole roo.% h#ng with other pre"io#s paintings
and lined with .arble stat#ary 7+o#r 0.inen"e:!or the people o! <eville&8 /e gest#red
to another doorway& 7Co.e% there is .#"h .ore to see&8
1ro!essore 0nri"o said little as he stepped over the threshold% #ntil he realised what
he beheld:books:!ro. the !loor to the lo!ty "eiling% "ontin#ing ro#nd in dark #nbroken
rows& ,ow divans were pla"ed here and there #pon wine red T#rkish "arpets% giving the
large spa"e a war. "osiness% enhan"ed by the so!t glow o! "andlelight and the .oon
shining thro#gh the tall windows& /e threw #p his ar.s in a.a?e.ent 7By the blessed
saints= *t wo#ld take li!eti.es to a.ass s#"h a wonder&8
/e let his !ingers linger on an ill#.inated .an#s"ript open #pon a table:a work o!
Ci"ero& 7Ah:"an yo# not hear it whisperingA8 Christian s.iled:and led the. to
another roo.&
And the "hild "l#t"hed at the "ardinal's robe again as a li!e5si?e "lo"kwork knight
.o#nted #pon a pran"ing "lo"kwork horse raised his ar. in a sal#te as they passed
thro#gh the door&
/ere were s.all .a"hines and inventions% all "li"king and h#..ing and t#rning%
.a"hines !or pressing grapes% kneading do#gh% "h#rning b#tter and another !or spinning
!la$ and wool and weaving it into "loth% all .eant to ease the lot o! the "o..on people&
And against the walls% .#si"al instr#.ents playing so!t .elodies% little ringing bells and
water !illed vessels that sang when to#"hed&
/ere also were #ng#ents to ease a"hing 4oints% powders to preserve .eat and sweeten
water and .edi"ines to ease the pain o! broken bones% rotted teeth% "hildbirth and :
*t see.ed that his g#ests wo#ld linger b#t Christian g#ided the. to yet another roo.%
its shelves displaying .eas#ring tools% ho#rglasses% instr#.ents o! navigation and "#rved
enlarging lenses% to see li"e on the skin or !leas in the .attress& And tethered by "ords to
the roo! bea.s% wooden birds !lew slowly aro#nd% whistling and "hirping& They saw the
skeletons o! strange beasts and !ishes and alone on a high "arved "hest% grinning blindly
o#t at the.% the sk#ll o! a !#ll grown .an&
This ti.e Christian took the.% not to another roo. b#t to a wooden gate leading to a
walled en"los#re and he waved the. thro#gh% into a glorio#s garden:giant lilies
hanging like "h#r"h bells !ro. painted ar"hes% e$#ding a per!#.e that .ade the. giddy
with its intensity% and tiny white blosso.s spread like an e$9#isitely woven "arpet #nder
their !eet& And high above the.% bran"hes o! golden !lowers% "as"ading and t#.bling
down like !alling stars into a pond alive with glittering% splashing !ish&
Bight eyes peered at the. thro#gh the leaves% owls and s.all ani.als .elting away
into the darkness as the s.all pro"ession "arried on along the path& And the gro#nd
r#.bled beneath the. as they approa"hed a roaring lion% its tawny .ane !laring o#t
aro#nd its head as it !i$ed the. with its golden% wary eyes&
Christian showed the. a leopard% its pelt glowing ebony in the .oonlight% a "obra in
a wi"ker basket s#rveying the world o#tside with bla"k% bead5like eyes% and a knot o!
white !a"ed .onkeys% asleep in ea"h others ar.s&
And s#ddenly so.eone s"rea.ed as a tr#ly terri!ying "reat#re l#nged !ro. a dark
pool% gnashing and hissing as it threw itsel! at the iron bars&
*t was !#lly the length o! three .en% its gaping 4aws !illed with long% pointed teeth% its
hide grey and plated& As it sw#ng its long tail aro#nd in !#ry they "o#ld see two rows o!
serrated ar.o#r standing #p along its length& *! ever the devil were e.bodied in this
pla"e% it was not with the gentle% long li.bed ani.als nibbling at the trees b#t here% in this
night.are dragon&
The "ardinal tottered and Christian .oved 9#i"kly to s#pport hi.% g#iding hi. to a
ben"h #nder a !lower "overed arbo#r& Mopping at the sweat that ran down his !a"e with a
!ine la"e "loth% he sho#ted over the "o..otion .ade by the #nsettled ani.als& 70no#gh%
yo#ng .an& * have had eno#gh= <#..on .y "arriage&8
A servant was "alled to es"ort the page to his .aster's horses and bring the. to the
gate& 7;ill yo# take so.e wine% 0.inen"eA8
The "ardinal looked at hi. with so#r% a""#sing eyes 7This is the way yo# wo#ld treat
yo#r g#ests% by !rightening the. with !iends !ro. hellA8
Christian was asto#nded by his ignoran"e 7They are God's "reat#res& ;ere it not !or
this reptile% the "lean waters o! the Bile wo#ld be rotten with "arrion% also the lion% known
as a king a.ong ani.als in his native land&8
The "ardinal gr#nted 7+o# are a show.an% a "harlatan:and not to be tolerated& Take
these tri!les:this .enagerie:and leave& Be gone be!ore the <abbath& *! yo# are not% *
will order the "ity g#ards to take yo# to the d#ngeons:and yo#r "lai.s to ar"ane
knowledge' will be investigated !#rther&
;e will see i! the Boot and the Maiden will re"ti!y yo#r i.pertinen"e&8
The .essage was "lear and there were no words to ass#age his anger& Cardinal
Coelas waddled o#t thro#gh the gates% s#rro#nded by his retin#e% all !lapping and
"hattering like a .#rder o! "rows& As he stepped into his "arriage% he t#rned to the .an
standing beside Christian& 71ro!essore Mendo?a% it see.s to .e that yo# are over!ond o!
novelty and diversion&
1erhaps yo#r position at the General <"hool is too b#rdenso.e a d#ty% one that
leaves little ti.e !or entertain.entsA
* will arrange a repla"e.ent !or yo# in d#e "o#rse&8
0nri"o paled and spl#ttered 7B#t +o#r 0.inen"e:the books:the wonder!#l
And the "ardinal s.iled 7Ah% yes% the gi!ts !or the people o! <eville& * will send .y
.en in the .orning to take possession o! yo#r genero#s endow.ent% /err Cosen"re#?&
Be ass#red% they will be kept sa!e in .y private apart.ents #ntil a worthier pla"e is !o#nd
!or the.&8 And his red robe billowed ro#nd hi. as he seated hi.sel! and waved the
driver on&
The pro!essor sat down heavily on the re"ently va"ated ben"h and lowered his head
into his hands 7Ah% .y !riend& * have worked so hard !or .y position at the #niversity&
And * have .y !a.ily to think o!& ;hat is to be doneA8
Christian did not hesitate 7* a. tr#ly sorry !or the sit#ation * have pla"ed yo# in& *
beg yo#6 do not endanger yo#r livelihood& Fisit the "ardinal to.orrow6 disavow yo#r
interest in these things& Tell hi. yo# are here to report ba"k to the "on"lave& /e will
re"onsider% * a. s#re& Co.e% there is one .ore thing * wish yo# to see be!ore yo# leave&8
and he led hi. to a hidden door behind the veil o! golden !lowers and down% by slippery%
.o#ld "overed steps% down% winding and twisting to the very !o#ndations o! the tower
The air was .#sty here and the light di.% ill#.inated by only a single s.oking
They .oved slowly% !eeling their way along a narrow "orridor #ntil they "a.e
s#ddenly to a dark stone wall& Christian pressed a s.all lat"h hidden in the "orner and an
opening appeared% bathing the. in a brilliant golden glow&
0nri"o stepped ba"k% s#rprised 7/ave we "o.e o#t into the daylightA *t see.ed that
the night had 4#st beg#n when * arrived&8
7Bay% sire% look again&8 And he pointed #pward% to a shi..ering% !iery light hanging
by an iron "hain !ro. the "eiling& 7*t is an everlasting la.p&8
The pro!essor's .o#th stood agape as he "raned his ne"k to see 70verlastingA8
Christian nodded& 7*t has learned its light !ro. the s#n& As long as the s#n shines
#pon this earth% it will never be e$ting#ished8
0nri"o looked aro#nd the s.all% strange roo.& *t was a va#lt% o! seven sides and
"orners% ea"h side abo#t !ive !eet in length% its height perhaps eight !eet% all brightly
"olo#red and "learly de"orated with sy.bols and !ig#res&
O! the #pper part% the "eiling% it appeared that these de"orations were divided
a""ording to the seven sides o! the triangle% r#nning !ro. the walls to the bright "entre%
b#t the intensity o! the light obs"#red the pi"t#res% leaving hi. to wonder what they
And the sa.e !or the lower part% whi"h was again parted in the triangle and painted
with the in!erior governors b#t winding thro#gh the whole and hiding the .ost part% was
a twisted% evil !a"ed dragon% spreading its talons a"ross the !loor& )or 4#st a .o.ent he
tho#ght the serpent lived and re"oiled with !ear% so realisti"ally was it .ade&
O! the .iddle% every side or wall was parted into ten !ig#res% ea"h with their several
senten"es and "hara"ters and into every wall was set a door or "hest&
They .oved along opening the doors% !inding old books and s.all devi"es% looking
glasses o! diverse virt#es% little bells% b#rning la.ps and e$9#isitely .ade singing
instr#.ents% !iner even than that whi"h were displayed in the tower above&
And a !ine golden astrolabe% too bea#ti!#l to to#"h&
Then Christian g#ided hi. to the "entre% to a .agni!i"ent ro#nd altar "overed with a
brass plate% whi"h was all over et"hed with writing&
The o#ter edge had been engraved in ,atin6 This "o.pendi#. o! the 2niverse% *
.ade in .y li!eti.e to be .y to.b&' *nside was another "ir"le and written there6 @es#s:
all things to .e&'
*n the .iddle were !o#r !ig#res% en"losed in "ir"les and ro#nd abo#t ea"h were also
ins"riptions6 7A va"##. e$ists nowhere% the yoke o! the ,aw% the liberty o! the Gospel%
the whole glory o! God&' The pro!essor bent over it% !rowning% as he e$a.ined the strange
tablea# .ore "losely% then straightened #p and Christian "o#ld see that there were tears in
his eyes&
7;ho are yo#% that yo# show .e thisA8
Christian stood 9#ietly% saying nothing&
7;hy b#ild a to.b and !ill it with s#"h knowledgeA8
<till Christian did not speak& 0nri"o Mendo?a sear"hed his !a"e !or the answer:and
!o#nd it&
/e r#bbed at his eyes and sighed 7+o# are in grave danger% Master Cosen"re#?&
Cardinal Coelas will not !orget what he has seen here tonight& /e will not be satis!ied
with the gi!ts yo# have given& +o# .#st leave now&8 /e stopped% as i! s#ddenly realising
the enor.ity o! what he had witnessed& 7B#t there is no pla"e that will be sa!e !or one
s#"h as yo#&8
And Christian s.iled sadly 7* know 1ro!essor Mendo?a: * have always known&8
/e grasped the other's hand with a!!e"tion 7,et #s walk together to the gates% !riend&
)or yo# have tr#ly been a !riend to .e&8
Christian 4o#rneyed on% ea"h year #pon the other #ntil de"ades had passed& And the
sa.e song was s#ng to hi. by other nations% whi"h h#rt hi. all the .ore% be"a#se it was
"ontrary to his e$pe"tations& /e travelled now in se"ret% loading and #nloading his
wonders by night% "arrying the. hidden% in hay wagons and .eat "arts and "o!!ins& /e
walked alongside% dressed as a plag#e do"tor% a stone .ason% a tinker% a .instrel&
And he "rossed the seas again% to Britain% in the .er"hant ship he'd p#r"hased with
the ge.s he'd bro#ght !ro. Arabia% !illing the hold with his treas#res and !inding his
"rew a.ong the Barbary pirates& And they'd sworn !idelity and prote"tion to the !air
Ger.an prin"e who'd spoken to the. in their own tong#e and pro.ised the. .ore gold
than the two *ndies gave to the king o! <pain !or their reward&
/e sailed thro#gh the <traits o! Gibraltar% and on to Bristol where the ship was
do"ked and disg#ised as an e.pty .er"hant.an in need o! repairs& Then he took his !air
and st#rdy horse and "arried on alone&
/ere% he !o#nd the people base and steeped in dark s#perstitions% o! devils and
goblins and eternal da.nations% their roads and p#bli" b#ildings still attesting to the yoke
o! Co.an r#le long sin"e ended b#t their religion and politi"s in #pheaval and ripe !or
revolt& They were s#rly and warlike and gri.% endlessly !e#ding with their neighbo#rs
and "r#elly "areless o! li!e&
B#t they were lovers o! !reedo. and willing to !ight !or it& And everywhere was told
in whispers% a legend o! a <"ottish lord% ;illia. ;alla"e% who'd gathered an ar.y and
dared to !ight !or the right o! <"otland to r#le itsel!% dying a traitor's death !or his "ri.es
against the 0nglish king&
Christian had pondered on this dile..a% knowing that there were other ways than
war& 1erhaps a so"iety "o#ld be !or.ed in 0#rope% !or the ed#"ation o! wise governors
and kingsA *n this way the gold that was everywhere i! .an "o#ld b#t see it% wo#ld be p#t
to good #se !or the bene!it o! the .asses&
The people were thin and hollow eyed6 the plag#e leaving the "o#ntry di.inished
and !#rther oppressed by #n4#st laws% and he'd heard gr#.bling in the taverns and
bakeries and .arket !airs as he wandered thro#gh the towns& Great swathes o! verdant
past#res and thi"k !orests was given over !or the private #se o! their !e#dal lords% and
tithes and poll ta$es had le!t the. wallowing in poverty&
/e .ade his way to O$!ord% to the great #niversity there% b#t was t#rned away !or a
!ra#d at the gates and la#ghed o#t o! the "ity& <o he .ade his way #p thro#gh the
Midlands% to Bortha.pton% to ,eeds% to Carlisle in the hope o! !inding the kind o! brave
.en who wo#ld have the "o#rage to stand !or the tr#th&
And everywhere he 4o#rneyed thro#gh that da.p and dis.al island% there were
rotting "adavers by the sides o! the roads% bo#nd in "hains% or heads spitted on pikes at
the "ity gates and gibbets in the s9#ares& And wit"h b#rnings and hangings and
drownings% attesting to the ignoran"e o! the people and the iron hand o! the "h#r"h&
Then% in the rolling p#rple !lowered hills o! the <"ots% he was waylaid by a ragged
band o! !earso.e .en% with braided beards and woaded "heeks% bearing great
broadswords and a$es and spiked .a"es& They'd p#lled their shaggy .o#nts in !ront and
behind his stallion% who shied and whinnied in !right as the little horses pressed in against
/is treas#res re.ained in the ship b#t he still "arried gold eno#gh in his p#rse&
Bone see.ed s#perior to the others b#t when the yo#nger o! the. grinned wi"kedly%
drew his dagger and pointed it at hi.% the others had all la#ghed% #nsheathed their own
and did the sa.e& /e was s#re he was to be killed% !or tho#gh his gar.ents were
deliberately poor% his horse alone was worth a .#rder& And who was there on these lonely
.oors to seeA
/e'd nodded sole.nly to the la#ghing .en and shi!ted aside his heavy travelling
"loak to #ntie the p#rse that was hidden beneath his .antle% b#t as he did% a short% heavy
set .an with "old grey eyes gave a start and "ried o#t% seeing the talis.an that Beili.an
had given hi. to ward o!! evil&
Christian was s#rprised& /e'd known that the bright silver token held no .agi"al
properties& *t was .erely a depi"tion o! two knights riding the sa.e horse% a sy.bol o!
the poverty and brotherhood o! Gnights o! the Te.ple& /e'd worn it nevertheless%
be"a#se he'd !elt a strange kinship with this long s#ppressed order% perhaps only in its
relationship with the /ospitallers% and Andre&
The .an had sheathed his dirk and p#lled ba"k his horse% speaking 9#i"kly to the
others in rolling% #nintelligible words and they'd p#t away their knives and ba"ked their
ponies away& Then they'd gest#red !or hi. to 4oin the. !or a .eal% lighting a !ire and
roasting the !at b#"k they'd poa"hed !ro. the laird's dark glen& And Christian thanked
the. h#.bly and o!!ered the. his p#rse% b#t they'd shaken their heads and ridden away&
*t was a .ystery to hi. #ntil he'd rea"hed the ne$t town and entered the "hapel to
give thanks !or his deliveran"e% !or in the tiny "h#r"hyard were two high stone "rosses%
with the sa.e sy.bol "arved into the stone at their base and another with a sk#ll and
"rossed bones laying nearby&
+et even here% he'd !o#nd no .an willing to hear hi.% and he .ade his way slowly
ba"k% to his ship&
One by one his !aith!#l servants departed% wearied by age% b#t Christian was hearty
and !#ll o! hope& /is tho#ghts t#rned at last to the green valleys o! his ho.eland% to plan
!or the !#t#re&
/e .ade the long 4o#rney ba"k thro#gh the passes% .oving 9#ietly thro#gh the
towns% o!!ering aid and then .elting ba"k into the darkness o! the !orests% drawing no
attention to hi.sel!% o!!ering no gold& And a great sadness over"a.e hi.% be"a#se
thro#gh every "o#ntry he travelled% every town and village he passed6 he "o#ld not help
b#t to be str#"k by the .isery o! the "o..on people&
There was no !ood% no aid !or the s#!!ering& The .onasteries and "onvents had been
sh#t #p tight% the priests and n#ns hidden behind their st#rdy gates and iron grilles&
They hoarded the !ood that was paid to the. in tithes% leaving the peasants to
s"rabble thro#gh the .iddens in desperation&
A "hange .#st be wro#ght !ro. this tyranny% he knew% !ro. the .asses as .#"h as
their oppressors& The heart o! every .an .#st be !ree to "hoose and live his li!e as the
,ord intended% e9#ally and with #nderstanding&
/e .ade his way ba"k to Ger.any% to the lands o! his !orebears and b#ilt a
wonder!#l ho#se% hidden in a glade o! oaks& And there he pondered his li!e and his
This ho.e% he !illed with the treas#res he'd a""#.#lated% books% instr#.ents%
inventions and .e.ories& A garden was established% bright !lower beds% an or"hard and a
wonder!#l herbari#.% !#ll o! #se!#l plants& And he "onstr#"ted an al"he.i"al laboratory%
!or the trans.#tation o! .etals& /e spent a great deal o! ti.e in the st#dy o! .athe.ati"s
and the .aking o! instr#.ents b#t he did not !orget his d#ty% riding o#t at night with
no#rishing !ood% his .edi"al tools and his re.edies% to alleviate the wret"hedness o! the
And !ive years went by% #ntil as it .#st% the re!or.ation "a.e again into his .ind%
!or 0#rope was swollen with the "hild o! dis"ontent and wo#ld soon stand in need o! a
great god!ather's gi!t&
There was another 4o#rney he needed to .ake% to Bebenha#sen% to take possession o!
the 4ewel and book he now knew to be so.ething other than they see.ed& And to bring
together the great Order o! .en and wo.en who wo#ld spread the light o! knowledge
and #nderstanding to all the "orners o! the earth:and into the "ent#ries to "o.e&
*n the year o! O#r ,ord 1K-K&

)rater Christian Cosen"re#? s#..oned the last o! the brethren to his side&
)or a long ti.e now there had always been with hi. two brothers% so that in his later
years he wo#ld not be alone% the rest having been dispersed thro#gho#t 0#rope !or the
p#rposes o! the Order&
/e sat 9#ietly% stroking his long grey beard% lost in tho#ght as he r#bbed at the brass
plate with a wad o! so!t wool& At last it was !inished& *t had taken hi. the best part o! a
.onth to engrave the na.es on it and now he s.iled with satis!a"tion as the golden .etal
re!le"ted the s#nlight shining thro#gh the long windows o! his workroo.& /e to#"hed his
!ingers !ondly to the !a.iliar na.es% !eeling the tears in his eyes as their .e.ories "a.e
!looding ba"k& B#t his reverie was soon dist#rbed as his "o.panions h#rried thro#gh the
door% their !a"es tight with worry&
Brother Cay.ond p#lled a stool toward hi. and took his hands in his own% an$iety
.aking yet .ore "reases in his wrinkled !a"e& 7+o# are ill% "o#sinA8
And Brother *nigo b#stled aro#nd with the "on!ident air o! his pro!ession% !eeling his
brow !or !ever% his p#lse !or !l#ttering& /e'd bro#ght with hi. his .edi"al bag% his 4ar o!
lee"hes and his bleeding tools& Christian la#ghed% his bright eyes twinkling 7Bow 3o"tor
Over.eir% * pray yo# keep yo#r devilish instr#.ents to yo#rsel!& * a. per!e"tly "ontent&
Co.e% let #s sit down and share a .eal& There is a .atter o! so.e i.port we .#st
/is own needs were !ew% being in the habit now o! eating only a porridge o! grains
and n#ts% b#t he'd ens#red that his g#ests were well provided !or with a s.all bra"e o!
pheasant% a s.oked ha.% winter berries and a ro#nd o! ri"h% "rea.y "heese&
And now that they "o#ld see their beloved )rater was vigoro#s and "heer!#l% their
an$iety eased& They sat be!ore the so!tly "ra"kling hearth% en4oying ea"h other's
"o.pany% dis"o#rsing on any and every s#b4e"t% as "lever .en were wont to do%
espe"ially with the help o! good !ood and plenti!#l wine&
Then% in Christian's good nat#red and gentle way% he showed the. the brass plate
engraved with all the na.es o! the brethren and instr#"ted the. in what .#st be done&
;hen !inally he'd !inished% they pleaded with hi.% holding ba"k their tears <#rely
the ,ord will allow a little .ore ti.eA' B#t Christian only s.iled& Altho#gh his body
re.ained so#nd and his .ind still retained its sharpness% nevertheless he "o#ld not pass
the ti.e appointed by God&
/e was 10L years old&
/e e.bra"ed his treas#red "o.panions% "o.!orting the. in their ang#ish& Then he
thanked the. !or the love and !idelity they had borne hi.% .ade the sign o! the
brotherhood:and retired to his bed"ha.ber&
Cay.ond and *nigo wo#ld not leave his door b#t stayed o#tside it% lest he be
distressed in the night& B#t Christian !elt no distress% none at all&
/e !elt rather e$"ited&
/e washed his !a"e and hands% drank so.e water and lay down to sleep& /e tho#ght
o! the na.es he had et"hed !or posterity on the brass dis" and o! his ret#rn to his "loister
in the hope o! !inding those who wo#ld help hi. in the work ahead&
/e allowed hi.sel! a s.all .o.ent o! pride& ;hat !ine and #pright .en they'd
been% what 4oy he had !elt in their "o.pany&
/e re.e.bered his ret#rn to Bebenha#sen% entering witho#t "ere.ony and standing
silently in the "hapel% listening to the !a.iliar "hanting o! the .onks as their voi"es
dri!ted ro#nd hi. like a so!t .ist and #pward he i.agined% #p thro#gh the ar"hed roo!%
thro#gh the rain laden "lo#ds% #pwards thro#gh the bl#e skies and darkened heavens% to
/e'd stayed #nnoti"ed in the shadows and p#lled his hood over his !a"e% #sing the
power o! his will to s#..on the three brothers who had already "o.e to hi. in his
drea.s& And the !irst to t#rn his head had been Gaspard% who was standing head and
sho#lders above the others% his #pt#rned !a"e aglow in the "andlelight& /e was hearty
still% only his snow white hair attesting to his age&
Then Brother *gnati#s t#rned also and Christian re.e.bered hi. as the kindly .onk
in the s"riptori#. whose task it had been to tea"h hi. his letters&
And another% with a deli"ate% open !a"e and penetrating eyes who% he learned later
was a novi"e% *nigo Over.eir% a do"tor o! .edi"ine% who had o!!ered hi.sel! #p to /oly
Orders to better serve the needs o! the people&
/e'd a"knowledged the. one by one and then walked o#t into the !rosty .orning to
wait #ntil they had !inished their prayers& Then s#ddenly it was as i! a bear had "r#shed
hi. in its great paws% s9#ee?ing the breath o#t o! hi.% li!ting hi. #p and spinning hi.
aro#nd& /e'd t#rned his head to see Gaspard% la#ghing&
*t was a wel"o.e that still war.ed his heart when it "a.e to his .ind&
And he'd told hi. o! Andre's !ate and the big tears rolled down his "heeks%
#nasha.ed& There was no thing that "o#ld be said to lessen his grie! #ntil the others
"a.e% o!!ering words o! sola"e and .anly "o.!ort and he knew i..ediately that these
were the .en he had been waiting !or&
,ater% when the .oon was in its ripeness and the signs in the heavens attested to its
portent% he'd sworn the. to se"re"y% to be !aith!#l and diligent and to "o..it to writing
all that he sho#ld instr#"t the. in% so that in the years to "o.e not even a syllable o!
Tr#th sho#ld be lost&
*n this .anner by !o#r .en only% began the )raternity o! the Cosie Cross&
They worked hard% setting down a .agi"al lang#age and writing% whi"h had been
"arried in se"ret thro#gh the ages !ro. the ti.e o! Ada. and 0no"h& And they .ade a
large di"tionary% !#ll o! wisdo.% whi"h still .ade Christian stand in awe at the .agnit#de
o! it&
They'd tried also to write the !irst part o! a book M' b#t the overwhel.ing
"on"o#rse o! the si"k hindered the.% being the .ore i.portant% !or its relie! was the tr#e
reason !or the Order's e$isten"e&
And when the great "onstr#"tion was !inished% Christian de"lared it to be a wonder
and na.ed it <an"ti <pirit#s' in hono#r o! the love that had gone into its .aking%
resolving then to draw yet others into the )raternity&
To this end was "hosen% in the sa.e .anner as the !irst% Brother Ba"on% a skil!#l
painter% Brother Georgio% the al"he.ist% 1etr#s 3o.inensis% the se"retary% and 4oy o! 4oy
and wonder o! wonders% his "o#sin Cay.ond% his !ather's brother's son% who had
sear"hed !or hi. !or years% travelling !ro. .onastery to .onastery on the strength o! a
r#.o#r6 that the son o! the hereti" Ger.elsha#sen had been spirited away !ro. the world
to save hi. !ro. the !la.es o! hell&
;hen the greater portion o! the work had been done% the brothers dispersed% to
dis"o#rse on their learning to other parts o! the world in the hope o! s.all s#""esses and
to learn like the adepts o! old% so.e new thing that .ight be help!#l% !or the better.ent o!
And they .ade an agree.ent: that they sho#ld have no other pro!ession than to
"#re the si"k and that !reely and witho#t reward&
They wo#ld draw yet others into their !old% !ro. every "ondition o! li!e and every
!aith% .en o! s"ien"e and #nderstanding and passion& And so.e wo#ld be learned .en%
advisors o! kings% wise governors and pro!o#nd thinkers% like the great philosophers o!
old% agreeing not to keep their knowledge hidden% b#t o!!ering it to all% with proo!s and
/e knew that the strength o! the Brotherhood wo#ld swing like a pend#l#. thro#gh
the years% that there wo#ld be ti.es that its .essage "o#ld be sho#ted !ro. the roo!tops%
pinned to the gates in the p#bli" s9#ares and printed in books& And he knew there wo#ld
be other ti.es when even the na.e Cosi"r#"ian wo#ld send a "hill thro#gh the blood o!
the ignorant& A h#ndred years !ro. now% a tho#sand& *t wo#ld .ake no di!!eren"e& The
spirit o! .an evolves slowly and ea"h .#st ga#ge his own readiness !or the tr#th&
B#t the Order wo#ld end#re&
And now% his part in the Great ;ork was over&
/e "losed his eyes and o!!ered #p his thanks !or it all&
And it see.ed to hi. that the whole roo. had !illed with light& /e sensed it bea.ing
thro#gh his eyelids% !elt it war.ing his !a"e% tingling against his skin&
/e la#ghed with 4oy and "ontent.ent&
And soon he heard it:
The !aint swish o! his .other's skirts against the bed:and his !ather's deep% strong
Calling hi. ho.e&
*n the year o! God's Good Gra"e 1L1K
T#bingen% Ger.any&

Monsie#r Ba#de sat with the "r#.pled letter in his hand% ga?ing with #nseeing eyes
o#t o! the window at the snow that had settled like a virgin !lee"e #pon the gro#nd& /e
was deeply saddened&
Brother Andrew was dead&
/e knew he'd grieve the loss o! his !ine "o.pany% .iss their "heer!#l dis"#ssions%
his la#ghter& There was not even a "orpse to weep over& Andrew had passed into the
,ord's "are tending the lepers in Montpellier and he'd been interred se"retly% with s"ant
regard !or "ere.ony& *t was le!t to hi.sel! who s#""eeded in his pla"e% to b#ild !or hi. a
!itting .e.orial&
A "hapel% a garden% a gilded stat#e .ade in his hono#rA
Bo& *t was not the way o! the Brotherhood&
An earthly .e.orial wo#ld not do&
*t was to Andrew he owed the privilege o! a""eptan"e into the Order and to hi. that
he'd taken his sole.n vow o! se"re"y and !idelity& /e'd told hi. that the )raternity
wo#ld re.ain not long hidden% that soon the whole o! 0#rope wo#ld re4oi"e in the
treas#res it held& /e hoped with all his heart it was so& The plight o! the si"k and
downtrodden had be"o.e #nbearable% ignoran"e still weighed heavy on the people and
the Old 0ne.y still whispered silkily into the ears o! the willing&
/e swallowed the so#r bile o! g#ilt& Many a ti.e he'd spoken against the
Brotherhood% written long tra"ts "onde.ning it% denied even its e$isten"e& *t had see.ed
to hi. to be the only way to de!le"t attention !ro. its a"tivities% and keep hi.sel! sa!e&
The wit"h b#rnings had be"o.e an obs"ene testa.ent to the ignoran"e o! the people&
Tho#sands #pon tho#sands o! poor so#ls had been "onde.ned to hang or b#rn and the
"h#r"h had en"o#raged its parishioners in the den#n"iation o! their neighbo#rs%
!rightening the. with tales o! spells and stor.s% still born babies and blighted "rops&
Great .en too had gone to the !la.es !or having the "o#rage to speak the tr#th& The
learned 3o.ini"an Giordano Br#no% not too .ay years ago% gagged lest he #tter another
word o! tr#th and b#rnt at the stake !or daring to speak o! the pl#rality o! worlds and the
in!inity o! the 2niverse&
And there was Coperni"#s% so terri!ied o! the in9#isition's tort#rers that he dare not
p#blish his works till he had taken his last breath&
And 1ara"els#s% so !#ll o! "o.passion and wise re.edies% "alled Ca"ophrast#s' by
his ene.ies and ho#nded o#t o! his ho.eland !or tending to the poor and re!#sing to bend
his knee to !ools&
The longed !or re!or.ation beg#n by ,#ther when he nailed his thesis to the door at
;ittenberg was disappointing in its narrowness and slow in easing the poor "onditions o!
the people& These were still dangero#s ti.es to de"lare a heresy&
/e sat% his head in his hands% listening to the sp#tter and hiss o! the da.p logs in the
!irepla"e as the a!ternoon wore on% the white !og rolling in #nder the long window
.aking it see. as i! he were sitting high above the "lo#ds% alone&
At length he de"ided& /e wo#ld 4o#rney to Montpellier and take #p the work Andrew
had started& /is pla"e o! re!#ge had be"o.e a bea"on o! hope in the darkness and !inally
!or lepers% a ho.e where they "o#ld live away !ro. the 4ibes and ta#nts o! the ignorant& *t
was !itting that he sho#ld "ontin#e this work&
/e looked aro#nd the shabby roo.% at the "r#.bling stonework and !aded tapestries&
;hy had he not noti"ed that it had !allen into de"ayA *t had always see.ed to hi. to be
!illed with light& /e did not know how old the ho#se was& Those who had gone be!ore
were all dead and its history had been lost&
*t was well hidden% s#rro#nded by high walls and wi?ened oaks% their bran"hes
tangled together as i! to prote"t it !ro. prying eyes& And now it was he who saw to its
invisibility% keeping the towns!olk away with tales o! ogres and i.ps and evil spirits&
Be"a#se it was the .eeting pla"e o! the brethren&
/e de"ided that be!ore he le!t he wo#ld .ake it worthy o! its heritage&
*t had ever been his d#ty to provide !or the #n!ort#nate and his .edi"al training had
!itted hi. !or !#rther servi"e% whi"h he gave !reely& B#t still it was as i! he had been
provided with )ort#nata's p#rse& /e was a wealthy .an& /e "o#ld obtain the !inest
woods% the palest .arbles and the greatest works o! art& Tho#gh !or the sake o! se"re"y%
the work .#st be done by the brothers% it "o#ld be again as it .#st have been at its
"reation% !#ll o! bea#ty and li!e&
/e wo#ld begin here6 in the very roo. he had taken his initiation& The paint was
peeling badly and the bea.s a"ross the high "eilings were beginning to sag& And there
were b#rns on the !loor and along the walls as i! it had been #sed as a workroo. or
laboratory& Bo .atter% he wo#ld .ake o! it a hall .ore bea#ti!#l than those o! the greatest
pala"es o! )ran"e&
As his eye .oved !ro. the !loors to the wide inglenook% they "a#ght #pon the large
brass plate that had h#ng in the sa.e pla"e sin"e he'd !irst stepped a"ross the threshold%
thirty !ive years ago& Tho#gh .#"h i.portan"e had been atta"hed to it% no5one "o#ld
re.e.ber why% its p#rpose lost in the verdigris that "overed .ost o! its s#r!a"e& /e
de"ided to "lean away the "orrosion and e$a.ine it .ore "losely% to .ake a better pla"e
!or it in the newly restored roo.&
The plate was wide and heavy and one .an "o#ld not li!t it% so he "alled !or so.e o!
the others to help& They strained and p#lled% prying it o#t little by little& And then they
saw that there was a nail% so.ewhat strong that was keeping the plate in pla"e&
<o they wrapped a pit"h!ork in a woollen "loth and #sed it as a lever to #rge the nail
o#t o! the wall&
And s#ddenly it gave way and took with it a large stone and great deal o! plaster%
leaving the. all enveloped in "lo#ds o! d#st and "obwebs and when the air "leared they
saw with astonish.ent that a wooden door had been #n"overed by their labo#rs&
;ith .any e$"la.ations and e$pressions o! wonder.ent they p#lled away the rest
o! the plaster and e$posed the whole o! the door& And brother @oseph% whose eyes were
better than the rest% let o#t a whoop o! e$"ite.ent% !or there was writing "arved in the
wood at the top&
1ost CMM annos patebo'
A!ter 120 years% * shall be opened'A
They all began to talk at on"e% b#t Ba#de held #p his hand% he was the .ore senior
and respe"ted by all& 7My dear brothers% ti.e has !allen away:and the poor are waiting&
These !ree?ing nights are an ordeal !or those with little .eans& ,et #s leave o#r dis"overy
till the .orrow: and attend to o#r d#ty&8 And they all nodded in agree.ent and departed
till the .orning&
The ne$t day% they asse.bled early6 having .ade their way thro#gh the twisting%
se"ret labyrinth leading !ro. a hidden door in the tavern to this very roo.&
They began with a prayer o! thanks& And a hope o! prote"tion sho#ld the door reveal
so.ething beyond their #nderstanding&
@oseph #sed his yo#ng strength and p#t his sho#lder to the door b#t the wood had
been sealed with pit"h and it took .any blows be!ore the door gave way and opened%
"reaking inward on its r#sted iron hinges& They stared at ea"h other in dis.ay& There was
only a set o! dark stone steps leading down into bla"kness&
;hat "o#ld it possibly be: that .#st be lo"ked and sealed behind a wall !or one
h#ndred and twenty yearsA
Ba#de's sinister warnings to the townspeople had taken on a li!e o! their own and
their i.aginations were s#pplying the rest& Bevertheless% they took a lantern and !ollowed
ea"h other down the stairs&
*t see.ed to take an age to rea"h the botto.6 the gro#nd was sli.y with .o#ld% the
air da.p and !etid& ,ong strands o! d#sty "obwebs br#shed against their !a"es% t#gged
against their wigs& The lantern began to !li"ker% !illing the air with s.oke and .aking
their shadows long and .ena"ing in the di. light& And then they rea"hed another door%
!ashioned !ro. oak and "arved with sy.bols and strange signs& They held their breath in
anti"ipation as Ba#de grasped the lat"h and p#lled open the door&
And s#ddenly they were standing in a brilliant% golden light% with all aro#nd the.
"olo#r and .ove.ent and strange% glittering orna.ents&
On the !loor beneath the. was painted a terri!ying dragon% its eyes glea.ing with
.ena"e% its talons poised to strike& And above the.% a planetary heaven lit by an
i.possibility:a s.all glowing s#n&
0very bright wall was .ade with doors and "abinets and in the "entre% a great altar%
.ade o! brass and et"hed with .ottos and !ig#res&
And they knew% as they looked aro#nd the wonder!#l seven sided roo.% at the love
that had gone into its .aking% that they had !o#nd the resting pla"e o! their beloved
!ather% CCC:
And 0#rope had at last given birth to the "hild o! 0nlighten.ent&

/ide .e #nder the shadow o! Thy wings% @ehova'

OB0 MOCB*BG in 1L23% 1arisians were hailed by .ysterio#s pla"ards on the streets o!
the "ityD

;e% the dep#ties o! the /igher College o! the Cose Croi$% do .ake o#r stay% visibly
and invisibly in this pla"e% by the gra"e o! the Most /igh% to who. t#rn the hearts o! the
;e de.onstrate and instr#"t witho#t books and distin"tions% the ability to speak all
.anner o! tong#es o! the "o#ntries we "hoose to be% in order to draw o#r !ellow "reat#res
!ro. the error o! death:'

3#ring the .iddle ages% the Ch#r"h's stranglehold kept the .asses in a twilight
real. between the pra"ti"al realities o! s#rvival% the hope o! heaven and the threat o! hell&
At a ti.e when .ost o! h#.anity was beaten down by .isery and s#!!ering%
inter.inable wars were being !o#ght in the na.e o! religion and the ri"h held the power
o! li!e and death over the "o..on people% so"ial re!or.% the healing o! the si"k and
religio#s !reedo. see.ed #nattainable&
+et% !ro. the .ystery s"hools o! 0gypt% Chaldea% 1ersia and *ndia% there has been
"arried thro#gh the ages% a gnosis% gro#nded in nat#re and in!or.ed by the highest ideals
o! servi"e to h#.anity&
*t was bro#ght to 0#rope with the traders !ro. the 0ast% the al"he.ists% by the
"r#sader knights in their "onta"t with the Arabs% with the tro#bado#rs in their love songs%
hidden in the .onasteries and religio#s orders&
This knowledge had always been pro"lai.ed hereti"al and br#tally s#ppressed&
;ith 0#rope .ired in this bigotry and ignoran"e% it is the tena"ity and "o#rage o! the
!ew who !o#ght to disse.inate the tr#th that shines thro#gh the "ent#ries:.en like
Coperni"#s% Galileo% 1ara"els#s and Giordano Br#no&
The great 3o.ini"an% Br#no was b#rnt at the stake !or holding to the in!inity o! the
#niverse% the possibility that there "o#ld be li!e on other worlds&
Coperni"#s was so terri!ied o! the Ch#r"h's rea"tion to his dis"overies that his works
were only p#blished a!ter his death& And 1ara"els#s wandered !ro. one land to another%
healing the si"k% taking no !ee% showing ordinary people the power inherent in nat#re:
be"a#se the learned wo#ld not listen&
Christian Cosen"re#t? was e$po#nded as a .yth by his s#pposed "reator% the brilliant
theologian @ohannes Andreae% one ti.e abbot o! Bebenha#sen% who years later bla.ed it
on the depravity o! his si$teen year old i.agination& At a ti.e when the stake and the
ra"k were very real possibilities% denial was the only !or. o! de!en"e& /e said he was a
l#dibri#.% a 4oke% and it kept hi. away !ro. the prying eyes o! the in9#isition&
Two strange do"#.ents were p#blished in Ger.any in the early seventeenth "ent#ry%
the )a.a )raternitatis' p#blished at Gassel in 1L1K and a year later the Con!essio
)raternitatis%' elaborating on the !or.er% together with the 7Che.i"al ;edding o!
Christian Cosenkre#t?%' they were regarded as the 7Cosi"r#"ian Mani!estos&'
And they "a#sed a sensation thro#gho#t 0#rope&
They told the story o! an a#g#st !raternity% the Brotherhood o! the Cosy Cross% and
one erstwhile wanderer )rater CCC% whose sear"h !or knowledge bro#ght hi. into
"onta"t with the wise .en o! 3a."ar% in Arabia&
/is atte.pt to share the knowledge he'd a"9#ired with the learned o! 0#rope in the
hope o! a h#.anisti" re!or. was #ns#""ess!#l% so he gathered together this gnosis and
!o#nded a !raternity% based on the ideals o! toleran"e% the wel!are o! h#.anity and the
right o! every .an to !ind his tr#e pla"e in the great wonder o! nat#re&
*t s#rvives to this day&
Authors note:
* owe a great debt to the .an#s"ript )a.a )raternitatis&'
*t is !or the spirit and love o! h#.anity e.bodied in its si.ple allegory that this work
was written&

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