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The boundary layer equations

Having introduced the concept of the boundary layer (BL), we now turn to the task of deriving the equations that govern the ow inside it. We focus throughout on the case of a 2D, incompressible, steady state of constant viscosity. We start for simplicity by considering a at plate of length L with normal in the y direction, subject to a uniform free stream far from the plate of velocity U in the x direction. We return below to discuss the extension of our results to curved surfaces.

Figure 5: The boundary layer along a at plate at zero incidence. (After Schlichting, Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw Hill.)


y y= y

rescale x L

x= x L

Figure 6: Boundary layer transformation, to render the ow variables O (1). Dotdashed line shows the thickness of the boundary layer.

Looking back at the derivation of the non-dimensional NS Eqns. 26 to 28, we recall that we expressed all lengths and velocities in the natural units L and U . The key point in boundary layer theory, however, is the existence of two dierent length scales: the characteristic size of the object L, the typical thickness of the boundary layer L. Recall Fig. 4.

(The smallness of will emerge from the analysis that follows.) Accordingly, we now take L as the natural unit of length in the x direction, and as that in the y direction,


y x , y = . (36) L The actual thickness of the BL will actually vary with distance along the plate (Figs. 5 and 6; not shown in Fig. 4), so we now choose to be the value at the trailing edge, x = L, Fig. 6. Thus, both L and are constants in what follows. Similarly, we expect dierent scales for the x and y components of velocity, and choose: x = u = u v , v = , U V (37)


where U and V are likewise constants. and V are as yet unknown: they will be determined by the following analysis. Finally we adimensionalise the pressure in the usual way: P . (38) P = U 2 The basic strategy in such a transformation is to render all ow variables x , y , u , v , P and all derivatives (u /x , etc.) of order unity, Fig. 6. By expressing the ow equations in terms of these rescaled variables, any terms that are negligible will then reveal themselves by having a small prefactor. (This was precisely the procedure adopted to identify regimes of high and low Re in Sec. 2.1.) We this in mind, we now apply the transformation 36 to 38 to each of the ow Eqns. 22 to 24 in turn. Continuity: In terms of the above variables the continuity equation, Eqn. 22, becomes U u V v + = 0. L x y For u /x and v /y to both be of order unity, we require LV = O(1), and so choose V = U . U L The non-dimensional continuity equation is then u v + = 0. x y (41) (40) (39)

Anticipating the result (derived below) that the BL thickness is small, we see from Eqn. 40 that the characteristic vertical velocity V is also small, as we would expect intuitively. x-momentum The horizontal component of the force balance equation, Eqn. 23, becomes U u U 1 u U 2 P 1 2 u 1 2 u 1 U u + Uv = + U + U L x L y L x L2 x2 2 y 2 . (42)

On dividing through by U 2 /L, we obtain the non-dimensional form u

u P 1 2 u (L/)2 2 u u + v = + + , x y x Re x2 Re y 2



in which the Reynolds number Re = U L/, as usual. In the limit Re , the coecient of 2 u /x2 becomes small, so this term can be ignored. In order for the remaining viscous term to be retained in accordance with the discussion of Sec. 2, the coecient of 2 u /y 2 must remain of order unity. Therefore we require = O(Re1/2 ), and so choose = Re1/2 . L L The xmomentum equation then becomes u
P 2 u u u + v = + 2 . x y x y



Eqn. 44 is an important result: it tells us that the BL becomes innitesimally thin in the limit Re , as anticipated above. Eulers equations of inviscid ow, valid outside the BL, therefore apply right down to (an innitesimal distance above) the body surface. This will allow us below to nd an expression for the term P /x on the RHS of Eqn. 45. y -momentum: The vertical component of the force balance equation, Eqn. 24, becomes U U 1 2v U 1 2 v U 1 U v U 2 P 1 U v u + v = + + L L x L L y y L L2 x2 L 2 y 2 . (46)

On division throughout by U 2 /, we obtain L


v v + v x y

1 P + y Re

2v 2 v + 2 x2 y


Neglecting small terms, O(Re1 ), we get simply 0= P . y (48)

This tells us that the pressure does not vary vertically through the BL: P = P (x ) only. The BL therefore experiences, through its entire depth, the pressure eld that is (x ). On the exterior, the ow is governed by imposed at its exterior edge, P (x ) = Pe Eulers inviscid equations. As noted above, we solve these in a domain that continues essentially right down to the solid surface, since the BL is innitesimally thin. The BL however plays the crucial role of rendering Eulers equations free of the no-slip condition, Fig. 4 (leaving only no-permeation). For our purposes, we assume that this inviscid calculation has already been performed, giving u = u e (x ), v = 0 on the exterior edge of the BL: i.e., the function ue prescribing the inviscid slipping velocity (x ) can be expressed in terms of u via the x component of is given to us. P (x ) = Pe e the inviscid momentum equation, Eqn. 34 u e
dPe du e = . dx dx



Substituting this into Eqn. 45, and recalling Eqn. 41, we get nally the adimensional boundary layer equations: u v + x y u u u + v x y with the transformation variables x = y v u UL x , y = Re1/2 , u = , v = Re1/2 Re = L L U U (52) = 0, = u e du 2 u e + 2 , dx y (50) (51)

and boundary conditions: On the body surface, y = 0: no slip and no permeation, u = v = 0. At the exterior edge of the boundary layer3 , y , the velocity must match the surface slipping velocity calculated according to inviscid theory: u u e (x ).

Because the boundary layer equations are independent of Re, the only information required to solve them is u e (x ), which depends on the shape of the body and its orientation relative to the free stream4 .


The stream function

The equations just derived can be simplied by noticing that the continuity equation is automatically satised (in 2D) if we dene a stream function such that u= , v= . y x , v = , y x Re1/2 = . UL U L (53)

Plug these into Eqn. 22 to verify this. In dimensionless form u = in which is dened by = (55) (54)

(Check this scaling of by plugging the usual transformations x = x L, y = y L/Re1/2 , u = u U , v = v U/Re1/2 together with = / into Eqn. 53 to see that we get Eqn. 54 provided matches the prefactor in Eqn. 55.) Having (automatically) solved the continuity equation 50, we now just need to solve the momentum equation 51. Expressed in terms of the stream function, this is:
2 3 2 due = u + . e y x y x y 2 dx y 3


The boundary conditions are, as usual:

The limit y , which takes us to the inviscid side of the innitesimally thin boundary layer, is very dierent from the limit y , which truly takes us far from the body, out to the free stream. 4 Strictly, the equations just derived become exact only in the limit Re . For large Re, they represent a rst order approximation. The scaling used to obtain them implies an O(Re1/2 ) correction in the inviscid region, for example.


No slip and no permeation at the solid surface, = = 0 at y = 0. y x Inviscid slipping solution on the exterior edge of the boundary layer, u = u e (x ) as y . y (58) (57)

We will employ the stream function extensively throughout the course.


Curved surfaces

The boundary layer equations just obtained appear rather restrictive, because they were derived for a at surface. What about curved surfaces? Provided remains small compared with the local radius of curvature of the surface, it is possible to show that Eqns. 50 and 51 still apply. The only modication is geometrical: x becomes the coordinate measured along the curved surface and y the normal to the local surface direction. See gure 7 (which also shows the way in which the boundary layer can continue as a wake behind the obstacle).

x aerofoil

y boundary layer and wake

Figure 7: Boundary layer around a curved surface (and the wake behind it).


Forces on the body

We now consider the forces exerted by the ow on the body. These are calculated by integrating the normal and tangential stress components over the surface to nd the lift and drag forces respectively. We recall that the dimensional stress tensor, Eqn. 17 can be written as ij = P ij + p0 ij + uj ui + xj xi . (59)

When integrated over the surface, the static pressure p0 yields a buoyancy force gVb (where Vb is the volume of the body) that is generally insignicant, at high Re, compared with the other forces of lift and drag. In any case, it is independent of the ow, and we neglect it. The (remaining) stress tensor may be non-dimensionalised using the boundary layer transformations 52 to give 2 u xx = P + , U 2 Re x yy 2 v = P + , U 2 Re y (60)


yx 1 xy = = 2 2 U U Re1/2 For large Re, these reduce to xx yy = = P , 2 U U 2

1 v u + . y Re x


xy 1/2 u Re = . U 2 y


The normal stresses are thereby seen to reduce to the pressure P , and the viscous shear stress xy to u/y . The skin friction coecient at the body surface y = 0 is dened as a measure of the shear stress relative to the natural pressure scale U 2 : cf = (u/y )y=0 (xy )y=0 = . 1 1 2 2 2 U 2 U (63)

(The factor half is for convention.) Using transformations 52 we see cf Re1/2 = 2 u y = f (x ) alone, for geometrically similar bodies.
y =0



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