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Surat AsSaaffaat.37. :

In the name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Wassaaffaati saffan. [1]
1. [I] Swear by/ [in the name of] Arranged, [angels arranged in] rows.

Fazzaajiraati zajran. [2].
2. [I] Swear by/ [in the name of angels] the away, drivers, in a complete away, driving.

Fattaaliyaati zikran. [3].
3..[I] Swear by/ in the name of angels] so the reciters/part takers in Zikr [reciting
AlQuran/offering praises to Allaah].

Inna Ilaahukum lawaahidun. [4].
4.Certainly, your Ilaah [god] is indeed the only one.

Rabbussamaawaati walarzi wa maa bainahumaa wa rabbul` mashaa riqi. [5].
5. Nourisher of skies and the earth and that which is in between the two and the Nourisher of
Mashariq, [east and west].

Innaa zaiyannassamaaaddunya bizeenatilkawaakib. [6].
6.Certainly, We have adorned the sky of the world, with the decoration of stars.

Wa hifzan min kulli shaitaanun maaridin. [7].
7. And a protection from all the Shaitaans [devils], rebellious.

Laa yasmauuna ilalmalaailaalaa wa yuqzafoona min kulli jaanibin. [8]
8.They can never listen to the "Malaae'aala [the highest group of the angels] and are being
thrown away from all sides.

Duhooran wa lahum azaabun waasib. [9].
9.[In a state of forceful] drives away and for them is constant punishment.

. Illaa man qatifalqatfata faatbaahu shihaabun saaqib. [10].
10. Except the one who snatched a snatchment, so a piercing shooting star followed it


Fastaftihim a hum ashaddu qalqan am man qalaqnaa, innaa qalaq naa hum min teenin
laazib. [11].
11. So, ask them, Are they strong in creation or whom We have created, certainly, We have
created them from [with] sticky mud.

Bal ajibta wa yasqaroon. [12].
12. Rather, you [Muhammad SAS] have wondered [with Our creation] and they do mockery.

Wa izaa zukkiroo laa yazkuroon. [13].
13. And when they are advised, they do not heed to it.

Wa izaa raow aa'yatan yastasqiroon. [14].
14.And when they see a verse/sign, they make mockery [to it].

Wa qaaloo in haazaa illa sihrun mubeen. [15].
15. And they said, This is nothing but a clear sorcery.

A iza mitnaa wa kunnaa turaaban wa izaaman a innaa lamabuusoon. [16].
16.What, when we die and become dust and bones, Are we indeed to become the resurrected
ones [with life]?.

A wa aabaauunal awwaloon. [17].
17. Or our forefathers, the earlier ones?.

Qul naam wa antum daaqiroon. [18].
18. Say [O Muhammad. SAS] yes, and you are the humiliated ones.

Fa innama hiya zajratun waahidatun faiza hum yanzuroon:. [19].
19. So, it is indeed a single reprimand, thus they will be gazing.

Wa qaaloo yaawailanaa haaza yaowmuddeen. [20].
20. And they said, Woe to us, this is the Day of religion/Doomsday.

Haaza yaowmulfaslillazee kuntum bihi tukazziboon. [21].
21. This is the Day of judgment, with which you used to deny.

Uhshurullazeena zalamoo wa azwaajahum wa maa kaanoo yabudoon. [22].
22. Gather those who did wrong and their wives and that which they used to worship.

Min doonillaahi fahdoohum ilaa siraatiljaheem. [23].
23. Leaving Allaah, so guide them to the way of Jaheem [Hell].

Waqafoohum innahum masuuloon. [24].
24. Make them stand, certainly, they are to be asked.

Maa lakum laa tanaasaroon. [25].
25. What is for you that you are not helping one another?.

Bal humulyaowma mustaslimoon. [26].
26. Rather, to day they are obedient/peaceful.

Wa aqbala bazuhum alaa bazin yatasaaaloon. [27].
27. And some of them come upon some asking [one another].

Qaaloo innakum kuntum tatoonanaa anilyameen. [28].
28They said, Certainly, you used to come to us from the right side [to miss-lead].

Qaaloo bal lam takoonoo mumineen. [29].
29. They replied, Rather, you never became the believers.

Wa maa kaana lanaa alaikum min sultaanin, bal kuntum qaowman taageen. [30].
30. And there was not any authority for us upon you, rather you were the community of

Fa haqqa alainaa qaowlu rabbinaa innaa lazaaiqoon. [31].
31.So, the saying of our Nourisher, [proved] correct, certainly, we are indeed the tasters [of

Fa agwaiynaakum innaa kunnaa gaaween. [32].
32. So, we have strayed you, certainly, we were the strayed ones.

Fa innahum yaowmaizin filazaabi mushtarikoon. [33].
33. So, certainly, they will be on that day, the sharers of punishment.


Innaa kazaalika nafalu bilmujrimeen. [34].
34.Certainly, like that We do with the criminals [offenders].

Innahum kaanoo iza qeela lahum laa Ilaaha illallaahu yastakbiroon. [35].
35. Certainly, they were, when it was said to them, there is no Ilaah [god] except Allaah, they
used to regard themselves great with pride.

Wa yaqooloona ainnaa lataarikoo aalihatinaa lishaairin majnoon. [36].
36. And [they] used to say, "Are we indeed to leave away our gods for a mad poet.

Bal jaaa bilhaqqi wa saddaqalmursaleen. [37].
37. Rather, [Muhammad SAS] came with truth and confirmed the truthfulness of the

Innakum lazaaiqulazaabilaleem. [38].
38. Certainly, you are indeed the tasters of the painful punishment.

Wa maa tujzaowna illa maa kuntum tamaloon. [39].
39. And you will not be rewarded except that which you used to do.

Illaa ibaadallaahilmuqlaseen. [40].
40. Except the sincere servants of Allaah.

Ulaaika lahum rizqun maloom. [41].
41. Those are, for them are known provisions.

Fawaakihu wa hum mukramoon. [42].:
42. Fruits and they are the honoured ones.

Fee jannaatin naeem. [43].
43. In the Heavens of comforts.

Alaa suroorin mutaqaabileen. [44].
44. On the umbilical cord [situated near a rope like structures], opposite to each other.

Yutaafu alaihim bikaasin min maeen. [45].

45. It will be rounded upon them the drinking of Mayeen [pure wine].

Baizaaa lazzatin lishshaaribeen. [46].
46. White, delicious taste for the drinkers.

Laa feeha gaowlun wa laa hum anha yunzafoon. [47].
47. Alcohol will not be in it and they will not be made exhausted from it [use filthy language].

Wa indahum qaasiraatuttarfi eenun. [48].
48. And with them [there will be] women with shortened eye-sighted ones , [beautiful] eyes.

Kaannahunna baizun maknoon. [49].
49. As if they are hidden eggs.

Fa aqbala bazuhum alaa bazin yatasaaaloon. [50].
50. So, [they] confronted some of them on some , asking.

Qaala qaailun minhum inee kaana lee qareenun. [51]
51. A talker from them said, Certainly, there was a mate for me [in the world].

Yaqoolu ainnaka laminalmusaddiqeen. [52].
52. [used to] say. Are you from the truthful [having Faith in the resurrection truthfully]?.

A iza mitnaa wa kunnaa turaaban wa izaaman ainnaa lama deenoon.[53].
53. Are we when died and become dust and bones [also], Are we certainly, to be the dwellers of
town [resurrected into the present state]

Qaala hal antum muttaliuun. [54].
54. He said, Are you to be the peepers to view [to be the informed ones]?.

Fattalaa faraahu fee sawaailjaheem. [55].
55. So, he peeped, thus he saw him in the middle of the Jaheem [Hell].

Qaala tallaahi in kitta laturdeenee. [56].
56. The peeper said, I vow in the name of Allaah, you have laboured hard to deflect me from
the religion [would have destroyed me].

Wa laow laa nimatu rabbee lakuntu minalmuhzareen. [57].
57. Had there not be the grace of my Nourisher, I would have, surely become from the presented
ones [for punishment].

A fa maa nahnu bimaiyyiteen. [58].
58. Are we, not to be the dead ones [not to die]?.

Illa maowtatanaluula wa maa nahnu bimuazzabeen. [59].
59. Except our first death and we are not with the punished ones.

Inna haaza lahuwal faowzulazeem. [60].
60. Certainly, this, indeed, it is the greatest success.

Limisli haaza fayamalilaamiloon. [61].
61. Like this example, the workers should work.

A zaalika qairun nuzulan am sha'jaratuzzaqqoom. [62].
62. Is this a better descending/getting down as guest or the tree of Zaqqoom [a bitter tree in
the Hell]?.

Innaa jaalnaaha fitnatan lizzaalimeen. [63].
63. Certainly, We have made it [Zaqqoom] a test for the wrong doers.

Innaha shajaratun taqruju fee asliljaheem. [64].
64. Certainly, it is the tree, comes out from the base of the Jaheem [Hell].

Taluha kaannahu ruuusushsha'ya'teen. [65].
65. Its ascent is, as if it is the heads of Shaitaans.

Fa innahum laaakiloona minha famaaliuuna minhalbutoon. [66].
66. So, certainly, they are the eaters from it, so are the fillers of the abdomens from it.

Summa inna lahum alaiha lashaowban min hameem. [67].
67. And for, them upon it, indeed, to be a hot mixture [to drink].

Summa inna marjiahum lailaljaheem. [68].
68. Then certainly, their return is indeed towards the Jaheem [Hell].


69. Innahum alfaow aabaaahum zaalleen. [69].
Certainly, they had kept company with their fore-fathers, as strayed ones.

Fahum alaa aasaarihim yuhrauun. [70].
70. So, they used to hurry on their foot-steps.

Wa laqad zalla qablahum aksarulawwaleen. [71].
71. And indeed, strayed before them, many from the earlier ones.

Wa laqad arsalnaa fee him munzireen. [72].
72. And indeed We have sent in them the warners.

Fanzur kaifa kaana aaqibatulmunzareen. [73].
73. So, look at, how was the end of the warned ones.

Illa ibaadallaahilmuqlaseen. [74].
74. Except the servants of Allaah, the sincere ones.

Wa laqad naadaanaa Noohun falanimalmujeeboon. [75].
75. And indeed Nooh [AS] called Us, so how excellent are the responders.

Wa najjainaahu wa ahlahu minalkarbilazeem. [76].
76. And We saved him and his family from the great sufferings.

Wa jaalnaa zurriyatahu humulbaaqeen. [77].
77. And We made his progeny, they are the remainers

Wa taraknaa alaihi filaaqireen. [78].
78. And We left on him [to be remembered] among the later ones.

Salaamun alaa Noohin filaalameen. [79].
79. Peace be on Nooh [AS] in the Aalameen [worlds].

Innaa kazaalika najzilmuhsineen. [80].
80. Certainly, like that We reward the benevolents [Muhseneen].


Innahu min ibaadinalmumineen. [81].
81. Certainly, he was from Our servants, the believers.

Summa agraqnalaaqireen. [82].
82. Then We drowned others.

Wa inna min sheeatihi liIbraaheem. [83].
83. And certainly, from his [Nooh AS] followers, was indeed Ibraaheem ;AS].

Iz jaaa rabbahu biqalbin saleem. [84]..
84. "When he came to his Nourisher, with a peaceful heart.

Iz qaala liabeehi wa qaowmihi maa zaa tabudoon. [85].
85. When he said to his father and his people, What is that which you worship?.

A ifkan aalihatan doonallaahi tureedoon. [86].
86.Is it false-hood, Aalihat [gods] leaving Allaah, you desire?.

Fa maa zannukum birabbilaalameen. [87].
87. So, What is your imagination with/about the Nourisher of the Aa'lameen [worlds].

Fa nazara nazratan finnujoom. [88].
88. So, he [Ibraaheem AS] looked [a thoughtful] into [about] the stars.

Fa qaala innee saqeemun. [89].
89. Then he said, I am sick.

Fa tawallaow anhu midbireen. [90].
90. So, they turned away from him [as] backward turners.

Fa raga ilaa aalihatihim faqaala alaa takuloon. [91]
91. So, he [Ibraaheem SA] dodged towards their Aalihat [gods], then said, :Why do you not
eat [the offerings before them].

Maa lakum laa tantiqoon. [92].
92. What is for you that you do not speak.


Faraaga alaihim zaban bilyameen. [93].
93. So, he dodged upon them a strike with his right hand.

Faaqbaloo ilaihi yaziffoon. [94].
94. So, they [his ] people confronted him hastily.

Qaala atabudoona maa tanhitoon. [95].
95. He said, Do you worship that which you chisel.

Wallaahu qalaqakum wa maa tamaloon. [96].
96. And Allaah created you, and what is that you do.

Qaaloobnulahu bunyaanan faalqoohu filjaheem. [97].
97. They said, Construct a structure, then drop him in the fire.

Faaraadoo bihi kaidan fajalnaahumulasfaleen. [98].
98. So, they intended with him a cunningness, thus We made them the inferiors.

Wa qaala innee zaahibun ilaa rabbee sayahdeenee. [99].
99. Then [Ibraaheem AS] said, Certainly, I am going towards my Nourisher, He will guide me.

Rabbee hablee minassaaliheen. [100].
100. O My Nourisher, grant me, from the righteous ones [children].

Fa bashsharnaahu bigulaamin haleem. [101].
101 So, We conveyed to him, good news of a tolerant son.

Fa lamma balaga maahussaya qaala yaa bunaiyya innee ara filmanaamee annee
azbahuka fanzur maa zaa tara, qaala yaa abatifal maa tumaru satajidunee in
shaaallaahu minassaabireen. [102].
102. So, When he [ Ismaeel AS] reached the age of pursuit with him [Ibraaheem AS], he said,
I have seen in the dream [that] I am slaughtering you, so, look into it, what do you see [your
opinion]. [Ismaa'eel AS] said, O My father, do that which you are ordered ?, you will find me, if
Allaah desired, from the observers of patience.

Falamma aslamaa wa tallahu liljabeen. [103].
103. So, when both of them agreed and he [Ibraaheem AS] put him down on the fore-head [to

Wa naadainaahu an yaa Ibraaheem. [104].
104. We [Allaah] called out O Ibraaheem.

Qad saddaqtarruya innaa kazaalika najzeelmuhsineen. [105].
105. Indeed you made the dream true, certainly, like that, We reward to Muh'seneen

Inna haaza lahuwalbalaaulmubeen. 106]
106. Certainly, this was a clear tribulation.

Wa fadainaahu bizibhin azeem. [107].
107. And We have ransomed him, with a great slaughter [of a lamb].

Wa taraknaa alaihi filaaqireen. [108].
108. And We left on him [remembrance] in the later ones [coming generations].

Salaamun alaa Ibraaheem. [109].
109. Salamun [peace be] on Ibraaheem.

Kazaalika najzeelmuhsineen. [110].
110. Like that We reward the Muh'seneen [benevolents].

Innahu min ibaadinalmumineen. [111].
111. Certainly, he was from Our servants, the believers.

Wa bashsharnaahu biIshaaqa nabeeyan minassaaliheen. [112].
112. And We conveyed to him good news of Ishaaq, a prophet from the righteous persons.

Wa baaraknaa alaihi wa alaa Ishaaqa wa min zurriyatihimaa muhsinun wa zaalimun
linafsihi mubeen. [113].
113. "And We blessed upon him and upon Ishaaq, and from the families of the two, the
Muhsin [benevolent] and a clear wrong doer to his own self.

Wa laqad manannaa alaa Moosa wa Haaroon. [114].

114. And indeed We have bestowed favour upon Moosa (AS) and Haroon(AS).

Wa najjainaahumaa wa qaowmahumaa minal karbilazeem. [115].
115. And We saved the two and the community of the two from the great sufferings.

Wa nasarnaahum fakaanoohumulgaalibeen. [116].
116. And We helped them, so they became the victors.

Wa aatainaahumaalkitaabalmustabeen. [117].
117. And We gave the two the Book, the report.

Wa hadainaahumaassiraatalmustaqeem. [118].
118.And We guided the two [towards] the straight way.

Wa taraknaa alaihimaa filaaqireen. [119].
119.And We left upon the two [remembrance] in the Aakhareen [coming generations].

Salaamun alaa Moosa wa Haroon. [120].
120. Salaamun [peace be] on Moosa (AS) and Haroon(AS).

Innaa kazaalika najzeelmuhsineen. [121].
121. Certainly We, like that We reward the Muhsineen

Innahumaa min ibaadinalmumineen. [122].
122. Certainly, both the two were from Our servants, the believers.

Wa inna Ilyaasa laminalmursaleen. [123].
123. And certainly, Ilyaas(AS) was indeed from Our messengers.

Iz qaala liqaowmihi alaa tattaqoon. [124].
124. And when he said to his community, Why are you not fearful [of Allaah in doing evils].

Ataduuna Balan wa tazaroona ahsanalqaaliqeen. [125].
125. Do you call Bal [ a well known idol] and you leave away the best of the creators

Allaaha rabbakum wa rabba aabaaikumulawwaleen. [126].

126. Allaah is your Nourisher and the Nourisher of your fore-fathers, the earlier ones.

Fakazzaboohu fainnahum lamuhzaroon. [127]
127. So, they belied him, thus indeed they are to be the presented ones [before Allaah].

Illa ibaadillaahilmuqlaseen. [128].
128. Except the servants of Allaah, the pure sincere.

Wa taraknaa alaihi filaaqireen. [129].
129. And We left upon him [remembrance] in the :Aakhireen [later ones]

Salaamun alaa Ilyaaseen. [130].
130. Salaamun [ peace be] on Ilyaseen(AS).

Innaa kazaalika najzeelmuhsineen. [131].
131. Certainly, like that We reward the Muhsineen [benevolents].

Innahoo min ibaadinalmumineen. [132].
132. Certainly, he was from Our servants, the believers.

Wa innaa Lootan laminalmursaleen. [133].
133. And certainly Loot [AS], he was from the messengers.

Iz najjainaahu wa ahlahu ajmaeen. [134].
134. When We saved him and his family all together.

Illa ajoozan filgaabireen. [135].
135. Except an old lady [his wife], she was from the dust-covered ones [destroyed with mudstorm].

Summa dammarnaalaaqareen. [136].
136. Then We destroyed the later ones.

Wa innakum latamurroona alaihim musbiheen. [137].
137, And certainly, you are crossing over them as morning-movers [over that place].

Wa billaili afalaa taqiloon. [138].

138. And during night, so why do you not think over.

Wa inna Yunusa laminalmursaleen. [139].
139. And certainly, Younus [AS], was from the messengers.

Iz abaqa ilalfulkilmashhoon. [140].
140. When he escaped towards the loaded ship.

Fasaahum fakaana minalmudhazeen. [141].
141. So, he [became] bad [for] them, thus he was from the untenable, [to be retained in the

Faltaqamahulhootu wa huwa muleem. [142].
142. So, the fish swallowed him [Younus AS], he was the blamed one.

Falaowlaa annahu kaana minalmusabbiheen. [143].
143. So, had he not been from the praisers of Allaah, [repented and started praising Allaah].

Lalabisa fee batnihi ilaa yaowmi yubasoon. [144].
144. He would have remained in its [fishs] belly up to the Day of Resurrection.

Fanabaz'naahu bilaraae wa huwa saqeem. [145].
145. "So, We cast him out [dropped him out] on the open space and he was sick.

Wa anbatnaa alaihi shajaratan min yaqteen. [146].
146. And We grew on/for him a plant of pumpkins.

Wa arsalnaahu ilaa miati alfin aow yazeedoon. [147].
147. And We sent him towards one hundred thousand or more [people].

Faaamanoo famattanaahum ilaa heen. [148].
148. So, they believed [on the omni potency of Allaah and Younus [AS] as Allaahs
messenger], thus We provided them means of comfortable life for a period.

Fastaftihim alirabbikalbanaatu wa lahumulbanoon. [149].
149. So, ask them [O Muhammad SAS] why, for your Nourisher daughters and for them sons


Am qalaqnalmalaaikata inaasan wa hum shaahidoon. [150].
150. Or We have created the angels as females, and they were the witness [for that].

A laa innahum min ifkihim layaqooloon. [151].
151. Be ware, certainly they say [only] their falsehood.

Waladallaahu wa innahum lakaaziboon. [152].
152. "Allaah has begotten an offspring, and certainly, they are the liers.

Astafalbanaati alalbaneen. [153].
153. Has, He preferred daughters on the sons?.

. Maa lakum kaifa tahkumoon. [154].
154.. What is that for you, how can you decide?.

A fa laa tazakkaroon. [155].
155. For what you do not think over?.

Am lakum sultaanun mubeen. [156].
156. Or is there any clear authority for you ?.

Fatoo bikitaabikum in kuntum saadiqeen. [157].
157. So, bring out your Book, if you are truthful ?.

Wa jaaloo bainahu wa bainaljinnati nasaban, wa laqad alimatiljinnatu innahum
lamuhzaroon. [158].
158. And they have made, a kinship between Him [Allaah] and the jinns and indeed the jinns
knew [that] they are to be the presented ones, before Allaah.

Subhaanallaahi ammaa yasifoon. [159].
159. All glory is for Allaah, from that which they describe.

Illaa ibaadallaahilmuqlaseen. [160].
160. Except the servants of Allaah, the sincere [in Allaahs Faith].

Fa innakum wa maa tabusoon. [161].

161. So, certainly you and that which you worship.

Maa antum alaihi bifaatineen. [162].
162. You are not on Him, with the seducers.

Illaa man huwa saaliljaheem. [163].
163. Except the one who leaped in to the Jaheem [Hell].

Wa maa minnaa illa lahu maqaamummaloom. [164].
164 There is none from us, but His [position] place is made known, [all know their

Wa innaa lanahnussaaffoon. [165].
165. And certainly, indeed we are the standers in straight lines, [before Allaah].

Wa innaa lanahnulmusabbihoon. [166].
166. And certainly, indeed We are the glorifiers [to Allaah].

Wa in kaanoo layaqooloon. [167].
167. And that they used to say.

Laow anna indanaa zikran minalawwaleen. [168].
168. If We had, with us, the advice from the earlier ones.

Lakunnaa ibaadallaahilmuqlaseen. [169].
169. Indeed We could have become the servants of Allaah, the sincere ones [righteous ones].

Fakafaroo bihi fasaowfa talamoon. [170].
170. So, they rejected with/to it, thus very soon they will know.

Wa laqad sabaqat kalimatunaa liibaadinaalmursaleen. [171].
171 "And indeed Our word has passed away for Our servants, the messengers.

Innahum lahumulmansooroon. [172].
172. Certainly, they are, for them are the supported ones.

Wa innaa jundanaa lahumulgaaliboon. [173].

173. And certainly, Our troops, for them are the victors.

Fatawalla anhum hattaa heen. [174].
174. So, turn away [Muhammad SAS] from them for a period.

Wa absirhum fasaowfa yubsiroon. [175].
175. See [watch] them, so very soon they will see.

A fabiazaabinaa yastajiloon. [176].
176. So, Is it for Our punishment, they make haste ?.

Fa izaa nazala bisaahatihim fasaaa sabaahulmunzareen. [177].
177. So, when it came down with/on their court-yards, thus too bad was the morning of the
warned ones.

Wa tawalla anhum hattaa heen. [178].
178. And you [Muhammad SAS] turn away from them for a period.

Wa absir fasaowfa yubsiroon. 179].
179. And look at [watch] them, very soon they will see.

Subhaana rabbika rabbilizzati ammaa yasifoon. [180].
180. Glorified is your Nourisher, the Nourisher of the Power, from that which they describe [to

Wa salaamun alalmursaleen. [181].
181. And peace be on the messengers.

Walhamdu lillaahi rabbilaalameen. [182].
182, All praises are for Allaah, the Nourisher of the worlds.

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