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Chapter 19 Bureaucracy 1. Federal agencies cannot spend money unless a.

. the expenditure is approved by the Office of Management and Budget b. the president directly approves the funding c. the funds are authori ed and appropriated by Congress d. the agency head explains to Congress ho! the money is to be spent e. the agency has enacted a rule detailing the spending " . #hich of the follo!ing statements best describes the federal civilian !or$ force% &. 'olitical factors play no role in ma$ing civil service appointments B. Many employees must pass competitive examinations for promotion C. (alf of the employees in the )xecutive Branch are appointed by the president *. Federal employees face no limitations on their participation in the political process ). Once hired+ a federal employee can never lose her,his -ob .. /he gro!th of the federal bureaucracy can be attributed to all of the follo!ing )0C)'/ &. the need to regulate business B. responsibility of the government for the !elfare of the people C. administrators !ho push for larger budgets and staff *. 1upreme Court decisions on federal state relations ). the creation of ne! agencies to give policy issues a high profile 2. &n important difference bet!een an independent executive agency and an independent regulatory agency is that &. executive agencies are funded through executive departments B. the head of an executive agency holds cabinet ran$ C. presidential appointments to a regulatory agency serve for a fixed term *. executive agencies do not engage in rule ma$ing ). actions by regulatory agencies must be approved by Congress 3. &n iron triangle refers to the close relatinship bet!een &. the #hite (ouse press corps+ the press secretary+ and ma-or net!or$s B. congressional committees+ interest groups+ federal agencies C. national security advisor+ 1ecretary of *efense+ 1ecretary of 1tate *. congressional campaign committees+ '&Cs+ party national committees ). defense contractors+ *epartment of *efense+ 4oint Chiefs of 1taff 5. & common criticism of the federal bureaucracy is that &. too many civil servants are political appointees B. there are no control over federal agencies C. the public is una!are of ho! federal agencies ma$e decisions *. overlapping -urisdiction contributes to !asteful spending ). it is constantly gro!ing in responsibilities and labor force 6. #hich of the follo!ing is 7O/ a government corporation% &. Corporation for 'ublic Broadcasting B. /ennessee 8alley &uthority C. &mtra$

*. 9.1. 'ostal 1ervice ). 7ational )ndo!ment for the &rts :. #hich of the follo!ing is 7O/ part of the rule;ma$ing process% &. 'ublication of proposed rules in the Federal Register B. <evie! of proposed rules by the Office of Management and Budget C. Comment period on proposed rules *. 'ublication of final rules in the Federal Register ). <evie! of final rules by congressional oversight committees 9. Critics of government regulation of business argue that =. regulation leads to higher prices for consumers ==. regulation adds to corporate profits ===. regulation ultimately harms the environment =8. regulation ma$es the 9.1. less competitive in !orld mar$ets &. = only *. = and =8 only B. = and == only ). =+ ==+ and =8 only C. == and ===

1>. #ith regard to the federal bureaucracy+ recent presidents have tried to &. reduce the si e of the !or$force and reorgani e the structure B. increase spending for all federal agencies C. get Congress to approve additional staffing levels for executive departments *. eliminate the *epartment of ?abor ). limit congressional oversight of independent regulatory agencies 11. & regulatory agency that selects from a range of policy options is said to exercise its &. rule;ma$ing authority B. administrative discretion C. oversight responsibility *. mandate po!er ). administrative routine 1". &ll of the follo!ing are included in the standard definition of bureaucracy )0C)'/ &. hierarchal organi ation B. standard operating procedures C. patronage *. speciali ed tas$s ). formal rules 1.. #hich of the follo!ing tools at the disposal of a president is ?)&1/ li$ely to impact the bureaucracy% &. /he appointment of people to government positions that are committed to his policy goals B. /he use of executive orders to direct bureaucracy to ta$e a particular action C. /he appointment of federal -udges !ho support the principle of -udicial activism *. )ither reducing or increasing funding for an agency in the administration@s budget ). /he ability of the president to spea$ directly to agency heads about the administration@s priorities

12. /he purpose of the 'endleton &ct !as to &. ensure that federal !or$ers !ere paid the same as !or$ers in the private sector B. give federal !or$ers the right to form labor unions C. develop a professional civil service based on merit *. reduce corruption by substantially increasing the salaries of federal employees ). allo! the president to appoint the higher levels of the federal civil service 13. /he means Congress has at is disposal to control the bureaucracy include all of the follo!ing )0C)'/ &. issue net!or$s B. po!er of the purse C. confirmation of presidential appointments *. agency , program authori ation ). oversight hearings 15. /he gro!th of the federal bureaucracy can be attributed to all of the follo!ing )0C)'/ &. the need to regulate business B. responsibility of the government for the !elfare of the people C. administrators !ho push for larger budgets and staff *. creation of ne! agencies to give policy a high profile ). 1upreme Court decisions on federal;state relations 16. #hich of the follo!ing statements is an accurate characteri ation of the federal bureaucracy% &. /he president appoints a ma-ority of the staff of the federal bureaucracy B. /he si e of the federal bureaucracy has gro!n steadily since ##== C. =t is easy to fire a federal bureaucrat under the civil service rules *. (alf of all federal -obs are based on a competitive+ merit process ). =ndividuals appointed by the president are completely independent of the #hite (ouse 1:. & !histleblo!er is &. a member of Congress !ho does not vote !ith his party B. a presidential aid !ho lea$s a story to the press C. the head of a federal agency !ho as$s for additional funding *. a bureaucrat !ho informs the public about !aste in government ). a union leader !ho accepts a management settlement offer

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