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Graduate Study Unit International Burch University 2012 1

PREFACE The purpose of this thesis writing guideline is to clarify, simplify and promote excellence in Ph ! "aster Thesis writing and presentation# This guideline descri$es the important re%uirements for maintaining the uniformity at the International Burch University# &ecommendations are most welcome# 'uch recommendations will $e evaluated annually#

Table of Contents
Introdu!tion # & ) General Guidelines and Parts of t$e T$esis Sub'ission of T$esis For'at and A**earan!e (#1 Paper )uality and uplication (#2 "argins and +ustification (#, -ont (#( 'pacing (#/ Paragraph and -ormatting (#0 Pagination (#* "ultiple 2olumes (#. -ront 3over and Binding " Writin+ t$e Parts of t$e T$esis /#1 Preliminary Pages /#1#1 Title Page /#1#2 4pproval Page /#1#, 4$stract /#1#( 4c5nowledgements /#1#/ eclaration /#1#0 Ta$le of 3ontents /#1#* 6ist of Ta$les /#1#. 6ist of -igures7 6ist of Illustrations 8 6ist of 'ym$ols /#1#1 6ist of 4ppendices /#1#10 6ist of 4$$reviations /#2# The Body /#2#1 9eadings /#2#2 Illustrative "aterial7 Ta$les and -igures /#2#, -ormulas /#2#( )uotations /#2#/ -ootnotes and :ndnotes /#2#0 3itations /#2#* &eferences , 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1( 10 10 10 1* 1* " % ( ( * * . . . 1 10 10

/#2#. 4ppendices /#2#1 3urriculum 2itae A**endi!es 4ppendix 1 3over Page 4ppendix 2 Title Page 4ppendix , 4pproval Page 4ppendix ( 4$stract 4ppendix / 4c5nowledgements 4ppendix 0 eclaration 4ppendix * Ta$le of 3ontents 4ppendix . 6ist of Ta$les 4ppendix 1 6ist of -igures 4ppendix 10 6ist of 4ppendices 4ppendix 11 6ist of 4$$reviations 4ppendix 12 'ample Ta$le 4ppendix 1, 'ample -igure 4ppendix 1( 3urriculum 2itae 4ppendix 1/ -ormat for &eferences

1* 1. 11 20 21 22 2, 2( 2/ 2* 2. 21 ,0 ,1 ,2 ,, ,(

, Introdu!tion
This guide descri$es the style and format regulations in preparation of a satisfactory thesis8dissertation for International Burch University students# The manuscripts are re%uired to follow these guidelines in full for acceptance $y International Burch University graduate school#

#, General Guidelines and Parts of t$e T$esis

4ll theses must $e prepared electronically $y using a word processor, a mar5;up language <e#g# 6aTe=> and drawing or graphics software# 4ll ta$les, figures and formulas should $e electronically generated $y using word processor or relevant software# -igures that cannot $e generated electronically should $e manually drawn su$?ect to technical drawing principles# 4ll ta$les, figures should $e cited within the main $ody of the thesis# 6aser or in5;?et printer outputs are re%uired# 4ll print must $e in permanent $lac5 in5 and must appear on only one side of the paper# @o in5 corrections, stri5eovers, correction fluid, correction tape, paste;ups, insertions $etween lines, or letterset are permitted on the final $ound copies# If any corrections are needed, they should $e made on the original manuscript <$ut not $y in5 corrections or stri5eovers which are never allowed> and the corrected pages must $e reprinted $efore ma5ing copies of the thesis# :very thesis should include three main parts or divisions7 the preliminary pages, the $ody, and the reference material# The thesis should $e written in :nglish, or in Tur5ish#

&, Sub'ission of T$esis

3andidates should follow the following procedures in su$mission their thesis7 i# 4 candidate should su$mit 4uthoriAation &e%uest to 'chedule a Ph least one month $efore efense date ii# 4 candidate should su$mit to the Braduate 'tudy Unit three hard$ound copies and a soft copy on 3 of the approved thesis within ,0 days after the successful defense of his8her thesis# The candidate should also su$mit one $ound copy to each mem$er of the Thesis 'upervisory 3ommittee# Thesis efense -orm, Pu$lication -orm and four copies of his8her thesis for examination at

), For'at and A**earan!e

), Pa*er -uality and Du*li!ation 4ll copies of the thesis should $e printed on good %uality, prefera$ly acid;free, white $ond paper, of .0 g8m2, measuring 210 $y 21* mm <4(># Cnly single;sided copies will $e accepted# ),# .ar+ins and /ustifi!ation The left margin <$inding side> should $e (0 mm and the right, top and $ottom margins should $e 2/mm# 4ll footnotes, headings, page num$ers, text, ta$les, illustrations should $e within these margins# The headings of all main sections <such as, 4pproval page, 4c5nowledgements, Ta$le of 3ontents, 6ist of Ta$les, 6ist of -igures, 6ist of 'ym$ols, 6ist of 4$$reviations, Introduction, all other sections in the main $ody of the thesis, 3onclusion, &eferences, 4ppendices, 3urriculum 2itae> should $e 00 mm $elow the top of the page# @o hyphenation is allowed in the headings and in the text of the preliminary pages# The headings should $e center ?ustified#

4.3 Font 4 conventional font type prefera$ly Times @ew &oman, siAe 12;point, should $e used consistently throughout the manuscript# Bold face letters and sym$ols, and italics should $e used sparingly throughout the thesis# -ont siAe of the footnotes must $e 10 points# -ont siAe of figure captions and ta$le headings must $e 12 points# -ont siAe of characters in ta$les and figures can $e reduced down to . points if space limitations ma5e it imperative# Dhen necessary, for example in large volume theses, all the font siAes indicated a$ove can $e reduced $y 1 point# ),) S*a!in+ The thesis should $e typed one and a half spacing and three spaces $etween paragraphs# Ta$les, long %uotations, footnotes, endnotes, $i$liographies, references and $i$liography <except $etween entries>, headings or su$headings, multiline captions and algorithms <pseudo;codes, software programs> should $e single;spaced# )," Para+ra*$ For'attin+ :ach paragraph should start from the left margin and , spaces <2x1#/> distance from the preceding paragraph# If a paragraph is split $etween pages, at least two lines of a paragraph must appear together at the top or $ottom of a page# 4ll headings and su$headings must $e followed $y at least two lines of a paragraph $efore a page $rea5# 4lgorithm descriptions <pseudo;codes, software program codes> should $e written in single spacing using a mono;spaced font type as a separate paragraph and indented in its entirety at 10 mm from the left margin#

),% Pa+ination

T4B6: 1#1 Crder of appearance and pagination#

-ront cover <$ind> Inside cover <title page> 4pproval page 4$stract 4c5nowledgements Ta$le of 3ontents 6ist of Ta$les 6ist of -igures 6ist of 'ym$ols 6ist of 4$$reviations Introduction "ain $ody of the thesis 3onclusion &eferences 4ppendices 3urriculum 2itae EEE 7 @o page num$er EE 7 @um$er does not appear on the page E 7 @um$er appears on $ottom center EEE EEE EE E E E E E E E E E E E E E

Page i Page ii F G G G G G G 1F G G G G G

The title of the thesis and 4$stract pages should not include ta$le, figure, $oldface, italics, chemical or mathematical formulas, sym$ols, su$scripts superscripts, Bree5 letters or other non;standard a$$reviations or characters. 4ll pages, except for outside and inside cover page should $e num$ered centrally# Preliminary pages <such as, 4pproval page, 4$stract, 4c5nowledgements, Ta$le of 3ontents, 6ist of Ta$les, 6ist of -igures, 6ist of 'ym$ols, 6ist of 4$$reviations> should use lower case &oman numerals <i, ii, iii, G#># 'tarting from the $ody of the thesis <namely from the HIntroductionI section>, all num$ers should use 4ra$ic numerals <1, 2, ,,G> $eginning with H1I and should $e consecutively applied continuously throughout the thesis until the last page, including the pages containing illustrations, ta$les, figures, and photographs# ),( .ulti*le 0olu'es If a finished manuscript exceeds /0 mm in thic5ness it must $e $ound in two or more volumes, each limited to /0 mm in thic5ness, too# 4ll volumes must $e num$ered consecutively, using capital &oman numerals# :ach additional volume must contain a title

page# Title pages should $e identical except for the notation 2olume I, 2olume II, etc#, ?ust $elow the title to differentiate the volumes# Both the &oman and the 4ra$ic num$ering systems used in 2olume I should continue through 2olume II# 4s with the title page of 2olume I, that of 2olume II counts among the preliminary pages $ut does not $ear a num$er# If JivJ is the last &oman numeral used in 2olume I, for example, the title page of the second volume will count as page JvJ and will $e followed $y preliminary pages JviJ, JviiJ, etc# :ach volume must contain a complete Ta$le of 3ontents, 6ist of Ta$les, 6ist of -igures, 6ist of 'ym$ols and 6ist of 4$$reviations# ),1 Front Co2er and 3indin+ 4ll masterKs theses are to $e $ound in reflex $lue cloth# 4ll doctoral theses are to $e $ound in $lac5 cloth# 'ynthetic, leatherette, or similar cloths are not accepta$le# 4 $ound copy of the thesis should measure 21/ $y 2./ mm# The title of the thesis should appear 00 mm from the top of the cover# 'ee 4ppendix 4 for an example of the front cover and the spine#


C$a*ter " Writin+ t$e Parts of t$e T$esis

", Preli'inary Pa+es ", , Title Pa+e The title should $e typed single;spaced, all in capital letters, and should $egin at 00 mm from the top of the page# The format of the title page and cover page, including spacing and capitaliAation should $e exactly as in the sample title page shown in 4ppendix 2# ", ,# A**ro2al Pa+e 4 sample approval page is presented in 4ppendix ,# Cnly the university or organiAation name should $e used to indicate affiliation# 4cademic titles in :nglish are Prof#, 4ssoc# Prof#, 4ssist# Prof# or simply r# for instructors# ", ,& Abstra!t The o$?ective of an a$stract is to give the reader a concise account of the thesis or dissertation# The a$stract should have three main parts7 the statement of the pro$lem, methods and procedures, results and conclusion# It must not exceed ,/0 words for $oth masters thesis and doctoral thesis, must not include references, diagrams, mathematical formulae unless a$solutely essential or footnotes# 4 sample a$stract page is provided in 4ppendix (# ", ,) A!4no5led+e'ents 4c5nowledgements contain expressions of appreciation to the individuals or institutions who have helped the author in any way during his8her studies# 4 sample ac5nowledgement page is presented in 4ppendix /#


", ," De!laration The declaration form in 4ppendix 0 should $e filled and signed# ", ,% Table of Contents The ta$le of contents must list the title of each chapter and its parts and sections, references or $i$liography, appendices and 3urriculum 2itae <if applica$le># The wording used for all entries in the ta$le of contents must match exactly with what is used in the text# :ach entry must have leader dots which connect it to its corresponding page num$er# The heading Ta$le of 3ontents appears without punctuation centered $etween the text margins, 00 mm from the top of the page# The listing of actual contents $egins at the left margin at least 1/ mm $elow the heading# 4 sample ta$le of contents is provided in 4ppendix *# ", ,( List of Tables The list of ta$les should immediately follow the ta$le of contents on a new page# The heading 6ist of Ta$les appears centered $etween the texts margins, without punctuation, 00 mm from the top of the pageL the listing $egins at the left margin at least one and a half spacing $elow the heading# :ach entry should have the same num$er and the same caption or title used for a ta$le in the text, although a long caption may $e a$$reviated to the extent of using only the first full sentence# 4s in the ta$le of contents, each entry must have leader dots which connect it to its page num$er# 4 sample list of ta$les is provided in 4ppendix .#


", ,1 List of Fi+ures6 List of Illustrations6 List of Sy'bols If included, these lists must appear on separate pages and are governed $y the same rules as the list of ta$les# 4 sample list of ta$les is provided in 4ppendix 1# ", ,7 List of A**endi!es If included, this list must appear on separate pages and are governed $y the same rules as the list of ta$les# 4 sample list of ta$les is provided in 4ppendix 10# ", ,7 List of Abbre2iations If included, this list must appear on separate pages and are governed $y the same rules as the list of ta$les# 4 sample list of ta$les is provided in 4ppendix 11# ",# T$e 3ody ",#, Headin+s The text, or the main $ody of a thesis, is divided into multiple chapters to help the reader in understanding the su$?ect matter# 4lthough the detailed organiAation of the text varies among academic disciplines, the formatting of the text must $e consistent throughout# 4ll headings and su$headings should $e presented in the same way in each chapter, in terms of capitaliAation, placement on type page and 5ind of type used# 9eaders, giving the chapter num$er and chapter title, are allowed at the top of the pages 3hapters are num$ered consecutively in Bree5 or 4ra$ic numerals and capital letters <3hapter 1, 3hapter 2, etc#, or 3hapter I, 3hapter II, etc#># In addition to general titles li5e Introduction, the chapters need short $ut su$stantially descriptive titles, as well# Cnly new chapters should $egin with a new page# Dithin a chapter, the presentation of su$sections must $e continuousL partially filled pages of text are accepta$le only on non; textual pages, such as those presenting ta$les and illustrations#


The title of the 3hapter should $e written in all $old capital letters and 1(;point font siAe is centered $etween the text margins, 00 mm from the top of the pageL the title in all $old;faced and 1(;point font siAe goes one and a half space $elow and is also centered# The text $egins at least one and a half spacing $elow# 'econd;level headings, first;level su$headings and second;level su$headings must $e left ?ustified, $old;faced and 12;point font siAe# 'econd;level headings should $e num$ered as 2#1, 2#2, G# The first letter of each word except con?unctions, propositions and articles must $e capital# 'econd;level heading should $e separated from the preceding and succeeding text $y a distance of one and a half space or $y carriage return# -irst;level su$headings should $e num$ered as 2#1#1, 2#1#2, G and should have a distance from the preceding and succeeding text of at least . mm# The first letter of each word except con?unctions, propositions and articles must $e capital# 'econd;level su$headings, if needed, should $e num$ered as 2#1#1#1, 2#1#1#2, G and should have a distance from the preceding and succeeding text of at least . mm# 9owever, second su$headings should $e avoided if possi$le# @o further su$headings are allowed# ",#,# Illustrati2e .aterial Illustrations include drawings, charts, figures, ta$les, diagrams, plates, and photographs# These may $e inserted wherever the author feels appropriate, $ut as a general rule, should appear as close as possi$le to the part of the text which refers to them# Ta$le num$ers and captions should $e centered a$ove the illustrationL figure num$ers and captions should $e centered $elow the illustration# Ta$le num$ers, figure num$ers and captions should $e separated from the illustrations $y least . mm# Illustrations of one;half page or less in length may appear on the same page with the text, separated from the text a$ove and $elow one and a half space# Illustrations that are too wide to $e placed in portrait orientation $etween the left; and right; hand margins should $e rotated countercloc5wise 10 degrees so that the top of the illustration 1(

runs parallel to the left;hand margin of the page# In such a case, the whole page must $e reserved only for that illustration# The caption or legend for such an illustration must also $e rotated# Dhen illustrations are presented in this manner, the usual margin re%uirements remain in effect, and page num$ers should appear in their normal place# Illustrations of any 5ind must $e num$ered consecutively, including appendices# 4 decimal approach <1#1, 1#2, 1#,,G, 4#1, 4#2,G, where the first digit is the chapter or appendix num$er, and the digit after the decimal point is the illustration num$er within that chapter or appendix> should $e used# Illustrations may run longer than one page# In such cases, all su$se%uent pages of the illustration must include at least the illustration num$er and the notation that is continued, e#g#, JTa$le 1#2 <contMd>J or JTa$le 1#2 <continued>J# Ta$le headings and figure captions must $e in the same font used in the text# The siAe of characters in figure captions and ta$le headings must $e 12 points# 4 point siAe that is easy to read, especially for ta$les, axis scales, axis titles, legends, and la$els in charts and diagrams must $e chosen# -ont siAe of characters in ta$les and figures can $e reduced down to . points if space limitations ma5e it imperative# 3olor may $e used in figures and photographs as long as duplicate copies are all produced $y color photocopy. Photographic illustrations must $e originals or well;made photographic copies of the originals# 'tandard photocopies of photographs are not accepta$le# Dherever re%uired, mounting of illustrations should $e done with a techni%ue that ensures dura$le and good %uality result <e#g#, dry mounting># Dith dry mounting, the paper to which photographs are attached will not curl# Cther methods, such as li$rary paste, ru$$er cement, spray mounting, or tape, are not accepta$le7 such mounting techni%ues are not permanent, and the adhesives used will eventually destroy $oth the paper and the photograph in the long run# If an audio visual material <e#g#, videotape, cassette, etc#> is needed to accompany and supplement the text, it should $e ade%uately descri$ed within the continuity of the text# Cnly one copy of the material will $e su$mitted#


4 soft copy of the thesis in the form of 3 will $e su$mitted with all copies# 3omputer print; outs must conform to the margin specifications, must $e dar5 and legi$le with high $lac5 and white contrast, and must $e copied on thesis;%uality paper# 'amples of ta$le and figure are provided in 4ppendix 12 and 1,# ",#,& For'ulas "athematical and chemical formulas, e%uations and expressions must $e computer generated using an e%uation editor or a mar5;up language# If a reference is made to them, they must carry a numerical identification# :ach e%uation must $e num$ered in parentheses and this must $e given next to the right margin# 6i5e illustrations, e%uation num$ers must have two parts where the first part is the chapter or appendix num$er, and the part after the decimal point is the e%uation num$er within that chapter or appendix# -or instance, <1#1> or <4#2># ",#,) -uotations 'hort, direct prose %uotations of three lines or less should $e incorporated into the text, enclosed in dou$le %uotation mar5s# Prose %uotations which exceed three lines should $e set off from the text in single spacing and indented in its entirety at least 10 mm from the left margin, with no %uotation mar5s at the $eginning or end# ",#," Footnotes and Endnotes @otes may $e in the form of footnotes, placed at the $ottom of each page, or endnotes, placed at the end of each chapter or at the end of the thesis $efore the $i$liography# -ootnoting practices differ widely among pu$lications in the sciences, humanities, and social sciences# 3andidates should consult with their departments regarding accepted footnoting practice in their individual disciplines# The most common mode of presentation for $oth footnotes and endnotes is to single;space within, and dou$le;space $etween, each listing# If placed at the $ottom of a page, footnotes


must $e separated from the text $y a complete horiAontal line ( mm a$ove the first line of the footnote# 4ra$ic numerals, asteris5s or small letters should $e used for footnotes and endnotes# In either case, the la$el used may appear either a$ove the line or in parentheses even with the line# ",#,% Citations The Pu$lication "anual of the 4merican Psychological 4ssociation <4P4> referencing system should $e used# 'amples for writing &eferences is provided in 4ppendix 1/# ",#,( Referen!es 4ll of the references are to $e listed at the end of the thesis# The references in a section headed J&eferencesJ# 4ll cited material in the text should $e listed in the &eferences# 'imilarly, all referenced material should $e cited in the text as well# The references section is not assigned a chapter num$er, $ut it must have page num$ers written in the same font and point siAe used for pagination throughout the thesis# The heading &eferences is centered $etween the margins, without punctuation, 00 mm from the top of the pageL the list $egins one and a half space $elow# :ach $i$liographic entry should $e single; spaced with dou$le spacing $etween entries# ",#,1 A**endi!es 'ome authors may desire to include certain material of the thesis in an appendix rather than in the main text# -or example, an appendix may contain test forms, detailed apparatus description, extensive ta$les of raw data, computer programs, etc# If the information to $e appended re%uires more than one appendix, each should $e given a num$er <4ppendix 1, 4ppendix 2, etc#># The heading 4ppendix 1 should appear centered


$etween the text margins, 00 mm from the top of the page# :ach appendix has a descriptive title# The font and point siAe should $e same as those used for chapter titles# 'pacing need not $e the same for each of the appendices# ocuments and case studies may $e single;spaced, whereas spacing for the explanations of methods and procedures may $e similar to that of the text# :ach appendix with its title must $e listed separately in the ta$le of contents, similar to a chapter# 4ll appendices must have page num$ers written in the same font and point siAe used for pagination throughout the thesis# If an appendix contains photocopied material, the photocopies should $e of pu$lication %uality# ",#,7 Curri!ulu' 0itae The 3urriculum 2itae is re%uired for $oth master and doctoral theses# It is a professional, one or two paragraph, $iography of the candidate which includes, educational institutions attended <after high school>, degrees and honors won, and teaching and professional experience# It should $e short, concise, and written in the third person# o not give the 3urriculum 2itae a chapter num$er, $ut it must have page num$ers and $e included as the last item in the ta$le of contents# The 3urriculum 2itae must $e in the same font and point siAe as the rest of the thesis# 4 sample 3urriculum 2itae is provided in 4ppendix 1(#


Appendix 1 Cover Page The top of the page 20 mm 00 mm#

O4-:& PC@4P6I Ph# # <or "#'# or "#4#> Thesis 2010

I@T:&@4TIC@46 BU&39 U@I2:&'ITN2(0 mm

-43U6TN :P4&T":@T
10mm 1(0 mm

T9: TIT6: C- T9: B&4 U4T: P&C+:3T8T9:'I'8 I'':&T4TIC@ <1( points>

1.0 mm

B&4 # P&C+:3T8"asterMs T9:'I'8Ph T9:'I' 'TU :@T -U66 @4": <12 points>


2/0 mm '4&4+:2C <12 points> 'eptem$er, 2010 20 mm 11

APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 # Title Pa+e The top of the page

00 mm

T9: TIT6: C- T9: B&4 U4T: P&C+:3T8T9:'I'8 I'':&T4TIC@ <1( point>

00 mm

'TU :@TM' -U66 @4": <1( point>

00 mm

Thesis 'u$mitted in -ulfillment of &e%uirement for the egree of "aster Pro?ect8"aster Thesis8Ph Thesis GGGGGGGGG## <12 point>

2/0 mm

I@T:&@4TIC@46 BU&39 U@I2:&'ITN <12 point> 2012 <12 point> 20

A**endi8 & A**ro2al Pa+e

The top of the page 00 mm

APPR:0AL PAGE <1( points>

, spaces Student Na'e ; Surna'e Fa!ulty De*art'ent T$esis Title Date of Defense < < < < <

I certify that this final wor5 satisfies all the re%uirements as a "aster Pro?ect8"aster Thesis8Ph Thesis for the degree of GGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGG Head of De*art'ent

This is to certify that I have read this final wor5 and that in my opinion it is fully ade%uate, in scope and %uality, as a "aster Pro?ect8"aster Thesis8Ph Thesis for the degree of GGGGGGG## GGGGGGGGGGGG# Su*er2isor E8a'inin+ Co''ittee .e'bers Title 8 @ame ! 'urname 1; 2; ,; It is approved that this final wor5 has $een written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down $y the Braduate 'tudy Unit# GGGGGGGG# Head of Graduate Study Unit 21 4ffiliation 'ignature

APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 ) Abstra!t The top of the page 00 mm



, spaces

A3STRACT <1( point>

, spaces ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8," A!4no5led+e'ents The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9

AC>N:WLEDGE.ENTS <1( point>

, spaces There are many people who helped to ma5e my years at the graduate school most valua$le# -irst, I than5 GG, my ma?or professor and dissertation supervisor# 9aving the opportunity to wor5 with her over the years was intellectually rewarding and fulfilling# I also than5 GG who contri$uted much to the development of this research starting from the early stages of my dissertation wor5# GGG provided valua$le contri$utions to the development of the econometric model# I than5 him for his insightful suggestions and expertise# "any than5s to epartment computer staff, who patiently answered my %uestions

and pro$lems on word processing# I would also li5e to than5 to my graduate student colleagues who helped me all through the years full of class wor5 and exams# "y special than5s go to GG# whose friendship I deeply value# The last words of than5s go to my family# I than5 my parents GG and my $rother G## for their patience and encouragement# 6astly I than5 my hus$and, G, for his endless support through this long ?ourney# This study was supported $y the 'tate Planning CrganiAation < PT> Brant @o7 B4P;GGG


A**endi8 % De!laration The top of the page 00 mm

DECLARATI:N , spaces I here$y declare that this "aster Pro?ect8"asterMs Thesis8Ph Thesis titledGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGG## is $ased on my original wor5 except %uotations and citations which have $een duly ac5nowledged# I also declare that this thesis has not $een previously or concurrently su$mitted for the award of any degree, at International Burch University, any other University or Institution#

<'ignature> @ame of 3andidate ate7


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 ( Table of Contents The top of the page 00 mm

TA3LE :F C:NTENTS <1( point>

, spaces APPR:0AL A3STRACT AC>N:WLEDGE.ENTS DECLARATI:N TA3LE :F C:NTENTS LIST :F TA3LES LIST :F FIGURES LIST :F APPENDICES LIST :F S?.3:LS LIST :F A33RE0IATI:NS , spaces CHAPTER , spaces INTR:DUCTI:N , spaces # LITERATURE RE0IEW #, Poli!y Di2er+en!e and Traditional Resear!$ 2#1#1 ivergence of 6ong;Term 3are Cutputs in &ural and Industrial 'tates 2#1#2 The 3ontrast and Its 3auses 2#2 Traditional 'tudies and the -ailure to Provide a Plausi$le :xplanation , spaces & .ETH:D:L:G? ,#1 &ationale for the &esearch "ethod ,#2 :mpirical ata and Their 3ollection ,#, ata 4nalyses 2/ (1 /. 0* *2 21 0 10 / / 1 i ii iii i2 2 2i 2ii 2iii i8 8

) RESULTS , spaces " C:NCLUSI:N , spaces REFERENCES , spaces APPENDICES

1(0 1.0 210 22/

A**endi8 1 List of Tables 20


The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9

LIST :F TA3LES <1( point>

, spaces Ta$le 1#1 :nvironmental conditions that influence swelling potential Ta$le 1#2 'tress conditions that influence swelling potential Ta$le 1#, Ta$le 2#1 iagnostic Testing &esults ata sources (. (1 /1 10,

<@ote7 Ta$le 1#1 indicates the first ta$le in 3hapter 1, Ta$le 2#1 indicates the first ta$le in 3hapter 2>


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 7 List of Fi+ures The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9

LIST :F FIGURES <1( point>

, spaces -igure 1#1 Theoretical -ramewor5 -igure 1#2 4nalytical -ramewor5 -igure 1#, "ethodological -ramewor5 -igure 2#1 3usum and 3usums% Braphs 1. (1 *1 1/,

<@ote7 -igure 1#1 indicates the first figure in 3hapter 1, -igure 2#1 indicates the first figure in 3hapter 2>


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 @ List of A**endi!es The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9


, spaces 4ppendix 1 6iterature &eview -low 3hart 4ppendix 2 ata Ta$le 4ppendix , 2aria$le Ta$le 4ppendix ( ata 'ources 1/1 1/2 1/( 1/0


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 List of Abbre2iations The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9

LIST :F A33RE0IATI:NS <1( point>

, spaces ARDL CPI ECSC EC. EEC E.U EU GARCH 4utoregressive istri$uted 6ag 3onsumer Price Index :uropean 3oal and 'teel 3ommunity :rror 3orrection "odel :uropean :conomic 3ommunity :uropean "onetary Union :uropean Union BeneraliAed 4utoregressive 3onditional 9eteroscedasticity


A**endi8 # Sa'*le Table T4B6: 1#, iagnostic Testing &esults Test Performed for @ormality 9eteroscedasticity 'erial 3orrelation Test Test 'tat# 3onclusion &esiduals normally distr# &esiduals are 9omosc# @o 'erial 3orrelation

+ar%ue;Bera 1#(2* 4&39 0#0*12 Dhite 0#(*, Breusch;Pagan;Bod# 1#,0* Breusch;Bodfrey 0#.00


A**endi8 & Sa'*le Fi+ure

Plot of Cumulative Sum of Squares of Recursive Residuals

.5 .0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 !""#5 !! #!
-IBU&: ,#1 3usum Braph



$00 #!



The straight lines represent critical bounds at 5% significance level


APPENDI9 3 A**endi8 ) Curri!ulu' 0itae The top of the page 00 mm APPE NDI9

CURRICULU. 0ITAE <1( point>

, spaces 'er5an Oor was $orn on 1 4pril 11*0, in 4n5ara# 9e received his B' degree in :lectronics :ngineering in 1110 and "#'# degree in 1111 in 3omputer :ngineering $oth from 'ample University# 9e wor5ed as a research assistant at the department of computer engineering of 'ample University from 111* to 200,# uring this time he has $een affiliated with the Informatics &esearch and evelopment 3enter# 9is research interests include %uality operating systems, data mining and computer networ5s# 'ince 200, he has $een a chief programmer at a private company#


A**endi8 " For'at for Referen!es The top of the page 00 mm

REFERENCES A1( point> , spaces

3oo4 4uthor<s># < ate of Pu$lication># Title of book# 6ocation of Pu$lisher7 Pu$lisher# "eyer, '# <200*># Eclipse# @ew Nor5, @N7 6ittle, Brown and 3ompany# "arAano, &# +#, ! "arAano, +# '# <11..># A cluster approach to elementary vocabulary instruction. @ewar5, :7 International &eading 4ssociation# Arti!le 5it$ doi 4uthor, 4# 4#, 4uthor, B# B# ! 4uthor 3# 3# <Near of pu$lication># Title of article# Title of Periodical, volume<issue>, pp;pp# doi7xx#xxxxxxxxx Arti!le 5it$out doi 4uthor, 4# 4#, 4uthor, B# B# ! 4uthor 3# 3# <Near of pu$lication># Title of article# Title of Periodical, volume<issue>, pp;pp# Websites Breen, # <2010># Gardening tips perennials# &etrieved 4ugust 12, 2001 from http788www#gardening;tips;perennials#com8index#html Annual Re*ort 2ermont Teddy Bear 3ompany# <200(># 2 4uthor# ! annual report# 'hel$urne, 2T7

Annual Re*ort :nline Proctor ! Bample 3ompany# <2010># P " G 2 # annual report# &etrieved from http788www#pg#com8annualreport20108index#shtml


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