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The Reclamation of Independence for the Republic for the united States of America GENERAL PUBLIC NOTICE

Foreword: This and all other documentation prepared by the People of the united States of America constitute findings and recommendations for the people of the united States of America to use in the restoration of the great Republic to it's intended form and to assist them in securing for themselves both the individual liberties and economic function which the original founders intended them to have. Those preparing and presenting this documentation represent no one, are not members of any political party or organization and have absolutely no affiliation with any corporate or commercial enterprise except such owned by and used to sustain ourselves. We are the People. This documentation is presented as a public service to the people of the united States of America and to the populations of the world as well. It is public property and may be freely copied, distributed and used, by anyone, anywhere and in any manner they see fit. Description of the current Corporate Economic/Political system existing in Treason of the Republic and its People: INSANITY ! Oh yeah, just keep trusting and believing people. Keep thinking that it's okay for Private Banks who exist as a parasitic infection on humanity and create nothing, to issue public money into circulation as Private Interest Bearing Bank Debt and then incrementally consume the population's entire wealth and productive effort with interest on the Debt that they do not create. Keep thinking that money can be a business for profit, making it a random thing and then expecting it can sustain function in such a thing as a free and independent trade and enterprise system which is also a random thing. Keep bearing the burdens of never enough when we as a population are capable of creating a rich abundance beyond anyone's imagination were it not for the fact that our ability to do and exchange this is restricted by the Private Banks that own and issue the Public money as Private Interest Bearing Bank Debt. Keep believing that you are part of this system and an enemy of Communism/Socialism when Communism/Socialism is simply and only the final

evolution of Free Market Capitalism where the Private Banks that own the Capitalist money establish the power through the Political system that they own to keep what they have stolen with it once the people have nothing left for them to steal. Keep thinking that you can affect change through your vote when the entire election process and every single political party, including the Republicans, the Democrats and even the Tea Party and Libertarian Party are owned by these same Private Banks who give you their choices of candidates to vote for, when democracy under the current conditions is nothing more than a lie told by thieves in order to convince fools that they are being robbed by their own consent. You didn't realize you were all on the same team, did you ? Keep drinking that fluoride people, so you can continue to trust and believe and never, ever allow yourself to think, or to question what you have been told by your Politicians or on the Network News, which are also all owned by the same Private Banks that own your money. Have we managed to define INSANITY here ? The Solution: Since the Private Banks that own the Corporate Government also own and control the democratic process, the single and only option that remains toward the restoration of the Republic to its original intent is the forcible arrest/removal of all individuals involved in the current Private Bank/Corporate Government Criminal enterprise with subsequent trials proving and holding them accountable for their Treason, with full legal justification for this removal being provided by the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the worldwide OPPT legal filings of which every Bank, Public Corporation and Corporate Government currently exist in default. This will also include the seizure of all assets from these Treasonous elements for restoration to the people, etc.. Removal will be accomplished by members of the population in support of this effort and by using the Treason's own assets against it, all of whom have sworn allegiance to the Republic and it's Constitution and who currently face a binding legal obligation to either participate in the removal or be held individually and criminally liable for complicity in the Treason of which all have been served notice and are fully aware. If well organized this can be accomplished in a matter of days with minimal consequences to the general population. Complete nullification of all actions of the United States Government since it's illegal and unconstitutional incorporation in the service of the world's Private Banking Families in 1871, hence returning all rights then secured only to the Corporation back to the population, along with elimination by default and conflict of any and all clauses contained in the Constitution,

established by prior Treasonous elements, in service of these same Private Banking Families, which conflict with the intent and purpose stated in the Declaration of Independence and/or with other clauses contained in the Constitution with which they are in conflict.. The end result will be a clear and concise document permanently securing the rights of the sovereign people which can be enforced to the word and to the letter leaving absolutely no room for "interpretation". The complete and total dismantling of the current Political/Economic system of Debt Slavery and the establishment of simple and functioning systems in full compliance with the intent and principles established by the Declaration and the terms and conditions established by the Constitution, hence securing in full, both the Republic and it's political and economic function to the Sovereign people of the Republic. The people must issue and manage a real, legitimate, legal and constitutional public currency which exists simply and only as a legal representation of wealth for trade, as a public service, by the people to themselves, through the United States Treasury so that enough of it can be maintained in circulation for the population to exchange everything they have available for trade, ON PURPOSE and ALL THE TIME. The people must back the currency with the full value of the full extent of the wealth that the currency is needed to trade for and regulate it's value by maintaining balance between currency in circulation and goods and services created/made available by the population for trade. Recession/depression become impossible as money is regulated by the population's productive effort as opposed to the population's productive effort being regulated by money. That it has always and ever been otherwise is COMPLETELY, TOTALLY AND IRREVOCABLY INSANE !. The public currency and economy will now exist to serve the people and exist to promote the creation and trade of wealth by the population, as opposed to the people existing in slavery to illegal and unconstitutional Private Bank Debt, issued as a means of incrementally consuming their wealth and progressively reducing them under absolute despotism.

Benefits to the People of the Reclamation: Securing to every individual the full rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution for the Republic of the United States of America, including the absolute right of each individual to live, acquire and do exactly what they choose provided that the exercise of such rights do not interfere with the rights of another individual to the same. Securing to every individual the absolute right to the creation and trade of their own productive efforts with other members of the population, along with the absolute right of every individual to keep the full benefits of the same. In other words, the total abolishment of all forms of taxes and any and all other involuntary servitude, in any form.

All debts, public and private, of every individual will be rendered null and void due to having been illegally and unconstitutionally created, with every individual retaining and securing full title to all assets in their possession and owing nothing. Securing of full economic function to every individual, as Congress will be required to maintain a circulation of public currency to facilitate the trade of all goods and services created by the population for trade. Currency injections necessary to maintain such circulation in excess of the costs of maintaining government will be injected directly into the hands of the population by all levels of government and we expect that as the economy expands they will very rapidly become sufficient to cover the basic costs of living above and beyond what the people are able to earn, progressively increasing thereafter as technology and production capacity expands, with such public benefits being equally distributed to every individual residing within the Republic. Hence also enabling the population to obtain the benefits of such technological development as it progressively replaces human labor. Neither sustainable economic growth nor technological development can be facilitated without the ability to inject free purchasing power into the system for the population to obtain it. The full right of every individual to maintain an account with the United States Treasury, nor shall there be any requirement to maintain such an account in order to conduct business within the Republic. The United States Treasury will provide full financial services to the population, will provide full access to such services through local offices, including the issue of secured, interest free loans of the public currency on demand. The right of every individual to receive full restoration of the theft of the former Private Bank/Corporate Government Criminal Enterprise which has been perpetrated on the American population. This should consist of an immediate injection of $ 200,000.00 United States Dollars into the hands of every individual immediately upon removal of the Treasonous elements, to be followed with additional injections over a period of approximately 5 years following the removal of the Treason, which we expect will total at least $ 750,000.00 per individual and possibly much more once a full accounting of the theft is rendered, with such benefit being equally distributed to all inhabitants of the Republic. Said injection also being necessary in order to give the population the purchasing power in order to freely and naturally restore the economic function of the Republic to the levels where it should have been without the theft. Counterfeit Federal Reserve notes/credit legitimately in the possession of members of the population will be exchanged for United States currency at a 7:1 ratio establishing a value for the currency equivalent to 4 pounds of processed low grade Iron/steel to one Dollar. This will remain simply and only a "measure of value" for the currency, with the backing and circulation of the currency established by the total volume of goods and services available among the population for trade at this value. Again, the question simply is, can every useful person in America create a million dollars worth of real

wealth for every member of the population in the next 5 years ?. The answer is yes, we can do this easily. Return of full sovereignty to people of the Republic where all levels of Government as well as the public currency and economy exist strictly and only in service to them. Full elections should be instated within 5 years of the initial removal of the Treasonous elements in order to give those accomplishing the removal, time to accomplish this removal in full, secure the restoration of full economic function to the people and establish such governing processes as will secure them to the people as well. Public policy for all levels of Government should primarily be decided by referendum with the people voting on all proposals and issues along with a requirement by each individual to demonstrate that they know what they are voting for.

______________________________ Further details and historical background for the Reclamation of Independence can be found in our

Intent and Purpose for Public Presentation

Full details in terms of securing the currency and economy of the Republic to the people can be found in our

Plan for Economic Restoration and Function

The Reclamation of Independence for the Republic for the united States of America INTENT AND PURPOSE FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATION

Foreword: This and all other documentation prepared by the People of the united States of America constitute findings and recommendations for the people of the united States of America to use in the restoration of the great Republic to it's intended form and to assist them in securing for themselves both the individual liberties and economic function which the original founders intended them to have. Those preparing and presenting this documentation represent no one, are not members of any political party or organization and have absolutely no affiliation with any corporate or commercial enterprise except such owned by and used to sustain ourselves. We are the People. This documentation is presented as a public service to the people of the united States of America and to the populations of the world as well. It is public property and may be freely copied, distributed and used, by anyone, anywhere and in any manner they see fit. Introduction: We are the People of the united States of America. We are a think tank of individual men and women who have volunteered their services on behalf of the people of America in order to present findings, recommendations and solutions to help them restore in full, their individual rights and freedoms which are guaranteed in the Constitution for the United States of America, along with the right to full economic function which will enable each individual within the Republic to trade and keep the benefits of their own productive efforts by removing the Treasonous elements within the Republic who's single and only purpose has been to consume and hold hostage the wealth of the population thereby reducing them under absolute despotism which must also of necessity and consequence threaten those freedoms today. All should note that since the Treasonous elements own the entire democratic process, this cannot be accomplished as a Democratic Action which is subject to anyone's vote, but can only be accomplished as a Police Action, by such individuals willing to volunteer their services toward this, which is fully demanded and justified both by Constitutional law, the United States Declaration of Independence and also by legal filings made worldwide by the O.P.P.T. of which every Corporate Government, Private Bank, political and economic system in the world are currently in default for lack of the ability to defend their claims to power.

The purpose of this action is to remove such Criminal and Treasonous elements from power, returning both the Government and economy of the United States of America to the people, so that they then will actually have the opportunity to elect such Government and maintain control of such economic system for their benefit as opposed to sustaining the current system of theft and fraud which can only consume all that could possibly make their lives a worthwhile thing. The United States of America was established as a Constitutional Republic where the rights and freedoms of every single individual are protected by law, even against the will of the majority. It is this natural law, contained in the Declaration of Independence and further secured in the Constitution which must be enforced and returned to the people thereby enabling them to act and function toward their own individual benefit and to the collective benefit of the Republic to which they all belong. In order to generate a public understanding the problems facing the population at this time along with the self evident solutions, we have prepared this short brief of American History which we hope can establish an understanding among the general population of exactly what has been done to them which most are currently unaware of, the necessity of both the recommended action, along with their need to participate in it and also to demonstrate the benefits which will be accomplished for them upon success.

Where we Started: The United States of America began as an association of 13 British Colonies, who's populations consisted of people from England and all over the world, most of whom, having found it absolutely impossible to sustain themselves among the abject poverty which had been inflicted on most of the European populations, came here with the hope of escaping those conditions and establishing a new and better life. At the time and for centuries before, Gold and Silver had been considered money and were the exclusive means of trade among all of the European nations. Using these scarce and finite commodities in place of money had enabled both European Royalty as well as the Church to perpetually hoard and tax them out of circulation, leaving the only purchasing power in their hands alone, thus guaranteeing that 100 % of the productive effort generated by the population was created for their benefit alone, with none of it being created by the population for themselves. Subsequently Private Banks became established and began loaning a little Gold and Silver at interest to these entities eventually consuming all of their Gold and Silver with interest and making themselves the Kings of Kings and the Lords of Lords. It was exactly the use of these commodities as money which had subjected these populations to the conditions of abject poverty

and misery which the European immigrants came to the New World in order to try to escape. These people had land, they had natural resources, they had their own ambition and abilities, but they had no Gold and Silver nor any other form of money to exchange their productive efforts between themselves nor did they have any Banks. They existed primarily as a simple agrarian society for many years, each sustaining themselves at great cost in terms of labor and bartering on a local level with their neighbors. Then Ben Franklin came along and presented the idea of printing paper money, which could be put into circulation as an artificial representation of wealth in order to allow the people of the Colonies to exchange their productive efforts between themselves on a widespread scale and lo and behold a rich and thriving industrial nation was born. Since this money which they called Colonial Scrip could simply be created at no cost and put into circulation in sufficient quantities to allow the entire population to exchange the full extent of their productive efforts, despite the primitive technology available to them at the time, immense wealth was generated both personally for every single person in the Colonies as well as collectively for the Colonies as well, as each person had both the right and ability to trade 100 % of the effort they were able and willing to create with that of all the others. At the same time, 2/3 of the population of England, the mother country, was quite literally starving in the streets for the simple lack of Gold and Silver in order to exchange what they could do between themselves. Ben Franklin described conditions in the Colonies at the time as follows; "There was abundance in the Colonies, and peace reigned on every border. It was difficult, even impossible, to find a happier and more prosperous nation on all the surface of the globe. Comfort prevailed in every home. The people, in general, kept the highest moral standards, and education was widely spread." When asked now this was accomplished he replied; "Why, that is simple! In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It's called 'Colonial Scrip.' We issue it to pay the government's approved expenses and charities. We make sure it's issued in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In other words, we make sure there is always adequate money in circulation for the needs of the economy. In this manner, by creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay, to anyone." The American Revolution: The means to this immense prosperity which had been generated in the Colonies soon came to the attention of the British Bankers, whom by that time also owned the British King and Parliament lock stock and barrel having had many years to

gain control of all of Britain's Gold and Silver through Usury. They quickly used their influence to have the British Parliament pass a law that prohibited the Colonies from using their Colonial Scrip money. The new law ordered them to use only credit redeemable in gold and silver coins that were provided in insufficient quantity by the banks of England. So began in America the plague of debt-based money, which has ever since brought as many hardships to the American people, as it has to Europeans. Franklin reported that only one year after implementation of the prohibition on Colonial Scrip, the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed and beggars, just like those he had seen in England, because there was not enough money to pay for their goods and work. The English Banker's new laws had reduced the circulating medium by half. Franklin added that this was "the original and true cause of the American Revolution;" and not the tax on tea or the Stamp Act, as has been taught our children for generations in "history" books. The Financiers (bankers) of every generation manage to have removed from school books any information that can throw light on their own schemes and fraudulent actions that protect their power over the people. Franklin put it clearly: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been for the poverty created by the bad influence of the English Bankers on the Parliament, which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War." In order to right these wrongs, the people of the Colonies began the American Revolution in order to throw off the yoke of the European Bankers and return to themselves the rich and abundant prosperity which they had formerly been able to create. The Revolution was established on the principles declared in the Declaration of Independence which they issued to the British King at the time, being; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,

pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." During the course of the American Revolution, the same European Bankers who were financing the efforts of the British King against the Colonies, also sent agents to the Colonies offering to loan them Gold and Silver in order to help them finance their war effort as in this way they hoped to establish control of the new Republic in case the Colonists should win. The Colonies, having attempted to reintroduce their Colonial scrip into circulation to finance the war effort and having had it collapsed by Counterfeit Scrip put into circulation by British Agents, had little choice but to accept. By the time the Revolution was done, through having created a sense of obligation as well as through the corruption and bribery of many of the individuals involved, these foreign Bankers had managed to once again establish Gold and Silver as the public means of trade with them having the absolute power to issue and loan it at interest to both the population and the new United States Government, leaving us right back where we started with the primary cause of the Revolution not having been resolved. This was also done amid the very strong objections of many of the original Founders the most notable statement made by Thomas Jefferson who predicted that under the conditions established "the children would wake up homeless in the land that their fathers conquered". Although the primary cause of the Revolution had not been resolved and although there are elements contained in the Constitution which were added in treason of the Republic which conflict with other elements intended to secure he Republic to it's original intent, the original founders did manage to secure to the people the remaining rights and freedoms enumerated in the Constitution along with the clause that this enumeration should not be construed to deny or disparage other rights retained by the people, which is the single and only reason why America has survived until today but has reached the point where without resolving this primary threat, it can survive no longer. The Final Death of the Republic: On February 21, 1871, only ninety-five years after the Republic was formed, the Forty First Congress dissolved the organic Government established by the Constitution under the direction of the World's Private Banking Families, in Treason of the Republic and the Constitution for the United States of America and without the knowledge of the American people. On that date, the Forty First Congress established the United States Government as a Private Corporation in the service of these foreign Private Banking Families against the interests of the people of the united States of America. In the process they formed and incorporated the District of Columbia as their base of operations.

In doing so each and every single one of the remaining rights and freedoms secured to the people by the Constitution for the United States of America were stripped from the people and secured only to this Corporation, which Corporation has existed simply and only in order to made us slaves to the private money changers, who are currently known as the Federal Reserve along with any and all other Private Banks currently operating on American soil. We currently have a great deal of turmoil in this country in regards to the actions of this current Private Corporation people think of as Government in reaction to current and dire threats they are posing to Constitutional Rights and Freedoms claimed by the people. What the people do not understand is that these Constitutional rights have not applied to them since 1871 and that every single one of them, including their bodies, their lives, their children and 100 % of their productive efforts, has been signed over long ago as collateral to the Private Banks that own the Corporate Government and that they since have existed as nothing more than the slaves and the property of these Private Banks, having absolutely no rights or freedoms whatsoever to which they are legally entitled under the Corporate Law established at that time and since. In short, each and every single thing that every single one of you has ever believed about America is nothing more than a Bankers Lie designed to fool you into thinking you had something which you did not and motivate you create more wealth with your own productive effort, only for it to all be eventually consumed by this Parasitic Infection toward their own benefit and for the satisfaction of their envy and craving for absolute power. You are an American, in terms of what you are, this was stated by the Banking Interests to Woodrow Wilson who was president of the Corporate Government at the time they established the Federal Reserve Bank whom, having realized that they had all but consumed all of the Gold and Silver in Interest, needed to establish the power to create entirely fictitious Debt in order to fool the population into creating more wealth for them to consume; "Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans." Immediately upon this accomplishment the Private Corporate Government granted itself the right in the Corporate Constitution to forcibly seize the incomes of the population via the Internal Revenue Service and Income Tax, so there you have the proof of to whom all Constitutional rights currently belong under the current Corporate Law.

With 5/6ths of the average American's productive effort being consumed in Bank Interest and Taxes today, with only 1/6th of that effort coming back to the population to facilitate trade for our own benefit, can anyone tell us how they are anything other than simply a slave and property to some fat stinky Banker sitting in an ivory tower on Wall street who has never accomplished one single useful thing in his entire life and has nothing to do except to count the wealth which he has stolen from the productive efforts of those who have with profit from money ? The Solution: Well. Many of us have become "the wiser" and now each and every one of you has become so as well. It is truly shameful that so few of the population until now have been willing to devote the little thought and effort that it takes in order to figure these things out. That no one has realized that if money can only come into circulation as Private Interest Bearing Bank Debt, that eventually all wealth must end up in the hands of the Bankers who issue the Debt as no one creates the Debt to pay the Interest on the Debt. That no one has figured out that in establishing money as a business for profit you also establish it as a random thing and that trying to maintain function in such a random thing as a free and independent trade and enterprise system with another random thing is the very definition of insanity. But at least we all know it now and we have figured it out while we still had the means within our hands to do something about it, unlike the remaining populations of the world who only figured it out after it was too late. So, here is the plan to fix this. First of all, this is not going to happen peacefully as those that maintain power over the current system of theft and fraud are not going to give up their power voluntarily. This effort must be undertaken by the people for the benefit of ALL American's regardless of race, religion, or culture but for those Christians reading this, they will be following Christ's example in that solution consists of "casting out the money changers", completely, totally and absolutely and he did this by force as well. The solution will begin by presenting and rallying the American People behind this effort and can already depend on the support of 100 million who's Second Amendment rights are being threatened by the current Corporate administration. The people must also rally the support of the men and women of the United States Military, each and every one of whom have sworn an oath to defend the very Constitution and Republic which must be restored to the people against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. The people must rally the support of law enforcement and as many members of the Federal Agencies whom the Corporation would depend on in order to enforce their tyranny against you the people as possible, with an enormous level of such support already in place throughout the Republic, all of whom have sworn the same oath as the members of the Military. We currently have a great many State Governments who have already declared unconstitutional federal laws null and void many of whom are in

the process of forming their own state militias which the people can rally in direct support of the effort, which at the very least will be functioning to maintain the security of their own populations while the effort is being accomplished. The effort must be presented to the full 216 million of the population, most of whom are still ignorant of the current situation, in order to rally their support as well, not only in terms of informing them of what has been done to them which most are still completely unaware of, but by demonstrating the enormous benefits to them once the effort succeeds, which benefits will also naturally gain the support of the entire population simply by demonstrating what they will receive. The people have already formed legal and Constitutionally authorized Grand Juries to issue indictments against all members of this illegal and Unconstitutional Criminal Enterprise, which will issue to all Law Enforcement, State and Federal Agencies, as well as the United States Military, requiring them to either perform the arrests of said individuals, or to be held personally and individually liable for complicity in the Treason. Notice has already been delivered to all and across the board informing them of their legal and Constitutional obligations, so they are well aware that this is coming, and have had ample time to consider their positions. Once all of the necessary support is in place, the people can take the Criminal Enterprise down both from without and from within, using such members of the population willing to participate in this action as well as using it's own agencies and assets against it. Under such circumstances and with sufficient organization the people can have this accomplished very quickly and most likely within a matter of days, with minimal turmoil or hardship for the population during the process. The people should also have their Militia Forces in place to protect the resources, businesses, homes and lives of our local populations while this effort is going down and this will require enlistment and support of a great many of the population toward this purpose, which they are already in the process of assembling. The people must arrest the principal agents of every Private Bank in America, along with every single one of their agents in the Corporate Government which they have put into place in order to serve their interests, which will include the current President, most of the Senate and many members of the Congress and will also include all living Presidents and other such agents who have held positions in the past and been party to the Treason against the American people, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence for the United States of America. All of these may then be put on trial for their Treason against the Republic, given a chance to defend their actions according to established law and if convicted dealt with as mandated by established law as well. Upon conviction 100 % of all private and corporate assets held by such individuals must be seized, sold and their value returned to the population from which they have been illegally and Unconstitutionally stolen. All public

corporations must be either sold off complete, or broken up and sold off in parts to private individuals within the population, with the proceeds from this sale being returned to the population as well with new legitimate Congressional money and interest free loans being created to facilitate these sales and also to make up any difference between the value of the assets seized and the total theft from the people of the Republic once that amount is determined. By rough calculation this should come out to a minimum sum of at least 3/4 million dollars for every person in America and we expect much more once a full accounting of the theft is rendered, which should primarily be injected directly into the hands of the population over a period of a few years so as not to overwhelm their capacity for economic growth so that this purchasing power can freely and naturally rebuild our economy and domestic production capacity to where it should have been without the theft according to such demand as the people themselves create for the resulting production. In terms of the economic viability of such an action, the only consideration is whether every manufacturer, builder and other productive person in America are capable of creating a million dollars worth of wealth for every person in America over the next 5 years or so ?. Of course they are and given the purchasing power of the population to obtain it, of course they will. The single and only reason such a thing has not been accomplished long ago is the fact that they have been existing under the yoke of debt slavery imposed by Private Banks as opposed to simply creating this simple means for themselves as required by the Constitution and demonstrated by Ben Franklin and the colonies prior to the Revolution. The Constitution for the united States of America will be reset to it's organic 1870 status by default, including changing of the title back to the "Constitution for" instead of the "Constitution of", as anything added to it since then was added in Treason of the Constitution itself and all laws made since the 1871 Treason will be rendered null and void for the same reason. The Constitution for the united States of America prior to this point, also represents a conflict between the founding fathers wanting to establish the republic to it's original intent, as so well stated in the Declaration of Independence and those acting in Treason of this intent, on behalf of the Private Banks wishing to establish a system under which they would secure control/ownership of the Republic's currency and economy, which they accomplished successfully. As a case in point, Article 1 Section 8, Powers of Congress., requires Congress to "coin money and regulate the value thereof", as a public service, by the people, to themselves. Then further down it grants Congress the right "to borrow money on the credit of the united States". Now what business has congress borrowing that which they are obligated to create and manage themselves and subjecting the Republic to debt slavery ? The first clause eliminates the second by default due to the absolute conflict existing between the two and based on the principles of a Republic by the people, for the people and of the people established in the Declaration of Independence as well.

Securing the Republic to it's original intent must evidently involve the complete nullification of all actions of the United States Government since it's illegal and unconstitutional incorporation in the service of the world's Private Banking Families in 1871, hence returning all rights then secured only to the Corporation back to the population, along with elimination by default and conflict of any and all clauses contained in the Constitution, established by prior Treasonous elements, in service of these same Private Banking Families, which conflict with the intent and purpose stated in the Declaration of Independence and/or with other clauses contained in the Constitution with which they are in conflict.. The end result will be a clear and concise document permanently securing the rights of the sovereign people which can be enforced to the word and to the letter leaving absolutely no room for "interpretation". The Constitution requires Congress "to coin money and regulate the value thereof" which regulation cannot be accomplished with any Private involvement in the monetary system whatsoever, effectively already prohibiting any form of Private Banking as well as the use of any form of specie/commodity currencies as they negate the ability of Congress to "regulate the value". Hence rendering 100 % of all current and past economic systems of theft and fraud with money, 100 % illegal and Unconstitutional as well. Further down there is a prohibition against the States creating their own individual currencies but yet allowing them to specifically coin Gold and Silver. Although it would seem this clause was added by the elements acting in treason of the Republic, it does legally and Constitutionally separate these from the public money, with the effect of requiring Congress to put in place a legitimate public currency backed simply by the wealth and productive effort of the population which it is needed to trade for, per: the example of Franklin and the Colonies prior to the Revolution. Since Private control and ownership of our Public money supply is the root source of each and every threat which has been encountered to the people and the Republic for the united States of America all threats are instantly resolved. Either we own the money and make it serve us, or the money will own us and we will serve it, as we always have. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it ?. Upon the removal of the Treasonous elements, the people must immediately establish and issue into circulation a legal, legitimate, functioning, Constitutional public currency as the control element provided for and managed by the population as a public service to themselves, which can be put and maintained in circulation in order to facilitate the trade of ALL of their productive efforts, ON PURPOSE and ALL THE TIME. thus ending the STUPID INSANITY of the previous 237 years where our individual wealth and collective development has been perpetually restricted because of private money. The current Private Bank Outlets must become United States Treasury offices where people can conduct their financial transactions, obtain loans for the purchase of property, development of business, etc. just as they have been doing

all along except absent the existence of Private Banks and Interest, which is nothing more than the theft of another person's productive effort without returning anything tangible to the system in return for the profit and is exactly that which must eventually render any economy unsustainable. Further to this, the people have now established a means to fund all levels of government with injections of new Congressional money to compensate for the economic growth created by the population, given their established ability to trade the full extent of what they can do, resulting in a 100 % tax free economy, where each individual within the population will have the absolute right to keep and benefit from 100 % of the proceeds from their own productive effort. When a business or individual figures out how to produce more next year than they did the year before, they also create an equal public benefit by increasing the GNP of the Republic by the same amount. This requires Congress to create new money to facilitate the purchase of this increase in the GNP so that is where this comes from. In short, we see no way that Government will ever be able to spend enough to make up for this necessary injection so you can expect national dividend checks to make it into your hands in order to make up the difference instead of taxes. NO MORE IRS. They and their agents will be up on charges of Treason and theft along with the Corporate Government and the Private Banks that own both and never again will one single person have to worry about these evil, filthy parasites stealing by illegal and Unconstitutional extortion, that which you have rightfully earned. This also means that 100 % of the Debts of each and every member of the population will be instantly wiped clean upon removal of the Treasonous elements from power as they have been illegally and Unconstitutionally created thus rendering them null and void, leaving each and every one of you with any and all assets currently in your possession and owing absolutely nothing. Upon removal of the Treasonous elements and upon restoration of full economic function, the people may institute elections which, absent the existence and power of the former Treasonous elements, will actually give the population a chance to elect those whom the population thinks best capable of helping to sustain and increase their prosperity, as opposed to who they perceive to pose the lesser threat to their remaining freedoms and steal the lesser of their productive efforts. We also recommend that full elections will be instated within 5 years of the initial removal of the Treasonous elements in order to give those participating in the reclamation time to accomplish this removal in full, secure the restoration of full economic function to the people and establish such governing processes as will secure them to the people as well. Public policy for all levels of Government both before and after the instatement of such elections, should primarily be decided by referendum, with the people voting on all proposals and issues along with a requirement by each individual to demonstrate that they know what they are voting for. Bottom line. To start with, you need a few people who have figured these solutions out and know how to execute and implement them on your behalf, not a thousand people who understand nothing, fighting and arguing over now to

totally mess things up a second time around, with 2/3 of those seeking power for personal gain at your expense. Those of you capable of doing this will become readily apparent during the events leading up to the removal of the Treason, you will have the support of the rest due to what you have helped them accomplish, you need to stay and finish this and secure the accomplishment for them as well . These will be exactly the ones who have taken charge out of the necessity to make this thing happen and have directed the effort toward success. They need to have time to finish the job. Let them do it and let them finish !. Make them do it and make them finish !. Now we can look forward to each and every year becoming better than the last as opposed to the age old Bankers Debt guarantee that as bad as this year has been, the next one will be worse. Short of the people implementing the demonstrated solutions, the people have no hope. As any and all can plainly see, the entire Debt based economy has reached the point of being absolutely unsustainable, is collapsing in on itself and within a very short time will quite literally leave 90 % of the population starving in the streets, with 100 % of the people's wealth resting in the hands of the Private Bankers who have stolen it with profit from money. Your children will curse you for having brought them into the world which you allowed to be created for them, right before they kill themselves, as under the established conditions they will have absolutely no hope of accomplishing anything in their lives which could possibly make them a worthwhile thing, just as many of the children do in other parts of the world at this point, as this remains the single and only "good thing" which any of them can do for themselves. As hopeless and impossible as the current situation has seemed, if only the people will have brains enough to realize that the tape worm which is killing them is actually a parasite and not an integral part or their body, then flush it from their system along with every single one of it's eggs, abundant health and function will be restored within a single day and in perpetuity for all of their descendants as well. Just as we have demonstrated here. The Question in front of each and every one of you today is "Am i an American who is prepared to seize back the rights, freedoms and prosperity which are the right of every human being on our planet and were guaranteed by the founders of America for us to enjoy, or am i simply the Chattel and property of the most evil, filthy and vile parasitic infection that has ever afflicted humanity which has stripped these rights and freedoms from us ?. Let us send the Bankers and their political sycophants to the gates of Hell where they can be united with the Banker in Chief. Will you now finally do this for your own, your children's and all others benefit, or will you submit to their power and become party to their evil yourself ?.

Maybe Freedom is just another word for "no one left to screw us" ?. Don't you think ?. ______________________________ Full details in terms of securing the currency and economy of the Republic to the people can be found in our

Plan for Economic Restoration and Function

The Reclamation of Independence for the Republic for the united States of America Plan for Economic Restoration and Function PUBLIC PRESENTATION
Foreword: This and all other documentation prepared by the People of the united States of America constitute findings and recommendations for the people of the united States of America to use in the restoration of the great Republic to it's intended form and to assist them in securing for themselves both the individual liberties and economic function which the original founders intended them to have. Those preparing and presenting this documentation represent no one, are not members of any political party or organization and have absolutely no affiliation with any corporate or commercial enterprise except such owned by and used to sustain ourselves. We are the People. This documentation is presented as a public service to the people of the united States of America and to the populations of the world as well. It is public property and may be freely copied, distributed and used, by anyone, anywhere and in any manner they see fit. Introduction: The purpose of this document is as follows; Firstly, to explain in brief, the operations of the current illegal and Unconstitutional economic slavery system of theft and fraud with money which is in place in the United States along with most of the world at this point, being operated by the world's Private Banking interests who have treasonously incorporated Government in their service against the interest of the people. Secondly, to explain in brief, the bases of functioning economic systems, designed for public benefit, in order to facilitate the trade of wealth among a population and hence facilitate their ability for it's creation to the greatest extent of their ability, along with the legal and Constitutional requirements toward the establishment of such a system . The specific example we are using for this is the pubic currency and economic system established by Ben Franklin and the American colonies prior to the American Revolution, although there have been many others based on similar concepts which have been successful throughout history in creating benefit for entire populations, until derailed by parasitic elements needing to establish power by controlling the public means of trade. Thirdly, to explain fully and comprehensively, the specific plans and primary details of operation which need to be implemented by the People, to establish full and complete economic function within the Republic for the united States of America upon its reclamation from the Treasonous elements,

in order to establish and maintain such function in perpetuity and necessary plans in order to secure such function to the people in perpetuity as well. These are presented as an "act" for the people to implement, with the functioning economic policy and regulations presented and by enforcing to the word and to the letter, the Constitutional law backing them up. This is intended as a companion document to; The Reclamation of Independence for the United States of America INTENT AND PURPOSE FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATION Which also contains more complete historical references, explanations of the Treason which has been committed against the Republic and the status of it's population under the current slavery system which exists today. This document assumes that the reader is already familiar with this companion presentation as well. Constitutional Law: From Article 1 Section 8, Constitution for the United States of America, Powers of Congress: "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;" 1; "to coin money" This establishes the power of congress to create and issue money in any form they deem necessary to facilitate trade within the population and with our foreign trading partners, in other words, they are free to create anything which they deem can work without restriction in terms of type or species, it simply states that they have the power to "coin money" and nothing more. 2; "regulate the Value thereof" This establishes that congress and only congress shall have absolute power over every aspect of the money they coin, as there is no way for congress to regulate it's value unless they maintain complete and absolute control over all aspects of it's management in order to enable them do that. By default, this makes any form of private banking system or other financial services in America absolutely illegal and unconstitutional as any private involvement in the system completely negates their ability to do this. This also gives congress the power to regulate the value of the money in any manner that they choose and it also includes price fixing should they deem it necessary where they have the power to legislate the value of a unit of currency to any standard unit of property they want to relate it to regardless of its circulation. The obvious and intelligent thing to do is to back it

by the full volume of the useful goods and services it is needed to trade for and maintain it in circulation at all times to pay for the full extent of them that we are capable of creating in which case the money becomes "sound" and will maintain a consistent value over the long term, but the Constitution does not specify this and gives congress absolute power to do anything they want with the national currency, while making absolutely no allowance for the existence of any form of private involvement or business in its creation, distribution or management whatsoever. This clause also effectively prohibits the use of specie/commodity currencies as again their value is subject to markets and impossible to regulate. 3; "and of foreign Coin" This again gives congress the absolute power to regulate the value of any foreign currency in relation to the public currency they are obligated to create and manage as well. If a British pound sterling will buy about a dollar and a half worth of stuff in England, congress has the power to say that it is only worth 10 cents here. It is their right and duty according to the Constitution to do this and they have the absolute power to legislate absolutely any value for any foreign currency or other means of trade for that matter as they choose. .................................... "To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;" Every single Federal Reserve note and every single dollar worth of Bank credit which is loaned into circulation by any private bank is counterfeit coin and security of the United States. The simple inclusion of the words "United States of America" and "legal tender" on every federal reserve note is a lie and establishes them as counterfeit as well, as the Federal Reserve is owned by private banking interests in who's service Government has been incorporated against the interest of the people. We have not and have never had, except for a short time prior to the American Revolution, such a thing as a legal Constitutional currency in America due to private banks having usurped control of it from Congress. Hence the entire United States economy and monetary system is 100 % illegal and unconstitutional and not only is every single dollar, paper and credit, in circulation counterfeit, created by a private bank and pretending to be United States Currency, but the United States Congress is also guilty of treason against the Constitution of the United States, in abrogating their responsibility to coin Money and regulate the Value thereof to private banks, so it can be used to consume the nations wealth instead of promote its creation and trade, then making illegal and unconstitutional laws securing the authority of private banks to issue the counterfeit.

The Constitution calls for punishment of these acts, both in terms of the current private financial industry, which has engaged in the counterfeit and in terms of the current and all past United States Congress, which have abrogated their responsibility and helped them to do this instead. Since control of the United States Currency and the United States Congress has been illegally and unconstitutionally usurped from the people of the United States by private banks, it now falls on "we the people" to effect such punishment and establish a legal, legitimate and Constitutional system of government and trade, in place of the theft and treason which we have been subjected to thus far, by any and all means which shall become necessary. An Introduction to Ben Franklin Economics / Freedom and Function vs. Slavery and Insanity: Based on the knowledge of history and the currency and economy which were in operation within the American colonies prior to the Revolution, the outlawing of which was the primary cause of the American Revolution as detailed in our INTENT AND PURPOSE FOR PUBLIC PRESENTATION for the Reclamation of Independence for the United States of America, it becomes evident that these Constitutional requirements detailed in Article 1, Section 8 in terms of the National Currency indicate the restoration of such a system, with the power of Private Banks and the issue of Private interest bearing debt in place of such a legitimate currency having prevented such restoration until now. The Article 1, Section 8 clause "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof". This seems to have been made as non-specific as possible while incorporating the two essential elements to function and without question, requiring Congress to create and manage a public National Currency as a public service, by the population, to itself, with the obvious intent of keeping enough currency in circulation to enable the trade of the ALL of the populations productive efforts, ON PURPOSE and ALL THE TIME. This, absent the ability of private interests to use the currency as a means to profit and enslavement of the population, is the single and only sensible thing to do. We also strongly suspect that this clause and it's simple wording would have been a successful conspiracy on the part of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Madison and others in order to invalidate the existence of the Private Banks and the Private Bank owned commodity currencies immediately established after the Revolution without the Treasonous elements, which had already established ownership over the Government of the new Republic, being aware of this, giving us the Constitutional means to invalidate the entire system of theft and fraud with money which is still in place today. This is also strongly indicated in view of remaining clauses in the section, seemingly having been established to deal with a Private Debt Based economy in complete contradiction to the first. In short, the wisdom of these true founders who remained incorruptible to the principles of individual freedom and public benefit established in the original Declaration of Independence, gave us the means and the tool in two simple phrases, if enforced

to the world and to the letter, to completely invalidate the entire system or theft and fraud with money which had already been established at the time and which did and has further evolved to threaten those very principles to which they remained incorruptible, today. Note that Article 1, Section 10 contains a prohibition against States issuing their own money or bills or credit, securing all creation and management of the functioning public currency on a National level, but also allows them to make Gold and Silver a tender in the payment of debts, hence separating them from the functioning public currency but allowing their use by states despite the prohibition by default in Section 8 in terms of the Congressional currency. Several states have been currently using this in order try to circumvent the Federal legal tender laws prohibiting the use of any forms of "money" other than counterfeit Private Bank Debt issued by the Federal Reserve, however this has been unsuccessful due to the simple reason that there simply is not enough Gold or Silver to function for trade. As a case in point, how many people who live in these states have actually received in payment or purchased anything with a Gold of Silver coin issued by their state ? If even a single person has, then how many times. ? Once the reclamation has been accomplished, the Treasonous elements removed from power, with all of their past actions rendered null and void, we will finally be free to implement the single and only sensible thing which actually can work, sustain trade, function and economic growth within the Republic and can be easily made to work for this on purpose and all the time, absent the power of the Private Interests who create absolutely nothing, sustain themselves on the theft of your productive efforts with Profit from their Money and must eventually abrogate each and every one of your freedoms in order to establish the power to keep what they have stolen from you once you have nothing left for them to steal. Communism is simply, only and nothing other than the final evolution of Free Market Capitalism where the Private Banks that own the capitalist Government and own and issue the Capitalist Money, establish this power once they've brought you to this point with their theft of your productive efforts. If you still remain a Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Capitalist, Socialist or Communist, you are part of the problem as all of these have been created by and serve the same thing. Private Banks. You didn't think that you were all on the same team did you ? What does this make anyone who is a part of this team ? Guilty of aiding and abetting the Treason against the Republic, it's people and the principles on which it is founded, however guilt cannot be established in ignorance of the facts. Now you have them, it's time to choose !.

Time to stop believing all of the stupid bullshit theory and economic religion you've been taught and start thinking people, while there is still time for you to do so. From Ben Franklin; "There is a certain proportionate Quantity of Money requisite to carry on the Trade of a Country freely and currently; More than which would be of no Advantage in Trade, and Less, if much less, exceedingly detrimental to it."

"Why, that is simple! In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It's called 'Colonial Scrip.' We issue it to pay the government's approved expenses and charities. We make sure it's issued in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In other words, we make sure there is always adequate money in circulation for the needs of the economy. "In this manner, by creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay, to anyone. You see, a legitimate government can both spend and lend money into circulation, while banks can only lend significant amounts of their promissory bank notes, for they can neither give away nor spend but a tiny fraction of the money the people need. Thus, when your bankers here in England place money in circulation, there is always a debt principal to be returned and usury to be paid. The result is that you have always too little credit in circulation to give the workers full employment. You do not have too many workers, you have too little money in circulation, and that which circulates, all bears the endless burden of un-payable debt and usury."

Before we begin the presentation of our plan for Economic Restoration, we want each and every one of you to take 10 minutes and spend it simply thinking about the ABSOLUTE INSANITY of YOUR Government taxing / stealing YOUR productive effort, in order to pay interest to Private Banks to get them to issue Counterfeit Private Interest Bearing Debt pretending to be United States Currency into circulation for you to trade with, when they are legally and Constitutionally obligated to issue Real, Legitimate, Legal, Constitutional, United States Currency into circulation which they can create for free and then manage themselves it in order to keep it in circulation as opposed to it being sucked out of circulation by Interest, paid by YOU, to the same Private Banks who created the counterfeit when YOU make YOUR payments on YOUR mortgage, YOUR car payment and YOUR credit cards. What do you think about this ? What does this tell you about who owns your current Government and has owned the United States Government ever since

the conclusion of the first Revolution ? Is it you ? Does not any voluntary compliance with this system constitute aiding and abetting the Treason which has been committed against you and the Republic itself ? Take those 10 minutes and think on these things before proceeding any further. From the United States Declaration of Independence; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." Does this Government and Private Monetary system of Theft and Fraud exist to secure your unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or is it destructive to these ends ? What is your right as a resident of the Republic of the United States of America in view of the question you just answered ? "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." When YOUR public means of trade, which YOU and everyone else in the population needs in order to exchange your own productive efforts in order to survive and prosper together, can only come into circulation as Private Interest Bearing Bank debt, whether it be Gold or Silver or Counterfeit paper money, since no one creates the Private money to pay the interest on the Private debt, can this accomplish anything other than to incrementally channel all wealth and all purchasing power into the hands of the Banks who issued the debt and out of the hands of the people who created the wealth ? Can we really be so stupid as to believe that 2 less 1 can still equal 2 ? We have been for 236 years. What design does any economic and political system functioning on such a means of trade evince ? Is it's single design and only possible outcome not to finally reduce the population under absolute despotism by stealing that which they have rightfully earned and eliminating their ability to sustain themselves and each

other with their own productive efforts. ? Isn't any form of profit from money, interest, usury of whatever you want to call it, simply and only the theft of another persons productive efforts without contributing anything tangible to the system in return for the profit ? Isn't any form of profit taken in any way, shape or form, without exchanging something which someone else wants and is willing to pay for voluntarily, a crime ? Can any form of economic and political system where this is tolerated result in anything but the eventual complete and total reduction of the population under absolute despotism ? What is not only your right, but also your duty and obligation as a resident of the Republic of the United States of America in view of the self evident fact that we currently have and always have had an economic hence political system which can evince nothing other than such a design. ? "The President, Directors and Company, of the Bank of the United States, commonly known as the First Bank of the United States, was a central bank, chartered for a term of twenty years, by the United States Congress on February 25, 1791. Establishment of the Bank was included in a three-part expansion of federal fiscal and monetary power (along with a federal mint and excise taxes) championed by Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton believed a central bank was necessary to stabilize and improve the nation's credit, and to improve handling of the financial business of the United States government under the newly enacted Constitution. Officially proposed to the first session of the First Congress in 1790, Hamilton's Bank faced widespread resistance from opponents of increased federal power. Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and James Madison led the opposition, which claimed that the bank was unconstitutional, and that it benefited merchants and investors at the expense of the majority of the population."

How was the very first Government and economic system of the Republic of the United States established ? Well, evidently in complete, total and absolute Treason of the very principles on which the Revolution was founded and has remained so ever since. Solution: Can the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America be accomplished through the current democratic or political processes, protest, redress of grievances or in any other peaceful manner ? Well, each and every United States President who has managed to circumvent the control of the media and election process by the Private Banks which have established Government in their service and managed to become elected by the people, has been assassinated by these Private Banks and their agents before this restoration could be accomplished with whatever progress these presidents

made being immediately undone upon their assassination as the Private Banks who killed them still owned the majority of the Senate and Congress. Can the Restoration of the Republic of the United States of America be accomplished through Legal and Constitutional Revolution ? Absolutely and simply and only, as the Private Banks cannot assassinate 316 million Americans, with Legal and Constitutional Revolution being essential to the preservation and establishment of the principles on which the Republic was founded. Who is the de facto Government of the Republic of the United States of America in view of that the current and all past Governments have existed in Treason of the Republic, it's people, Constitution and the principles on which it was founded ? Those organizing and promoting Legal and Constitutional Revolution toward the restoration of these principles, the benefit of the people and the removal of the Treason. Don't you think ? Plan for Economic Restoration and Function: Article 1 - Principles of operation; The basis and concepts for our economic restoration are well defined in the preceding sections, so to begin, we will simply outline the points, principles and general regulations by which this restoration and establishment of sustainable function and economic growth will be accomplished. 1 - The purpose of the new economic system will be simply and only to establish, sustain and increase a totally free and independent system of trade and enterprise operated by the individual members of the population of the Republic with each individual having full and equal right and opportunity to trade and keep the benefits of any and all productive efforts they create which other members of the population are willing to trade for, according to that which they themselves are both able and willing to create. 2 - Legitimate business within the Republic will consist simply and only of the creation of tangible wealth for trade either within the Republic or with foreign trading partners, with tangible wealth being defined as any tangible product or service created by any member of the population which someone else is willing to purchase voluntarily for the benefits it provides to them. The taking of profit by any member of the population by any other means is defined as a criminal act and where that taking of profit involves any use or manipulation of the public currency it is defined as an Act of Treason against the United States of America and a capital crime. 3 - The public currency will be created and managed solely and exclusively by the United States Treasury under the direction of the United States Congress, simply and only as a non-profit public service, by the population to itself, with the

United States Treasury maintaining accounts for and providing full financial services to the population of the Republic. Any attempt by any member of the population to gain control of any aspect of this currency or it's management, or to use this currency as a means to gain private profit without the creation of wealth in any form, is again defined as an Act of Treason against the United States of America and a capital crime. 4 - The United States Treasury will be required at all times to maintain a circulation of currency / credit within the population sufficient to exchange the full extent of all tangible wealth created by the population of the Republic which is available for trade. Failure to maintain such an adequate circulation of currency within the Republic at any time shall constitute grounds for the immediate removal of said Congress and the establishment of a new Congress which will immediately restore such conditions. 5 - All Corporate entities, in compliance and in accordance with the UCC filings of which all Banks and Corporate Governments exist in default, will be abolished and all business within the Republic will be conducted by private individuals or groups thereof on the basis of sole proprietorships and partnerships only. All individuals conducting business within the Republic will be held fully and individually liable for each and every one of their actions as will all individuals in public service or any other category within which they are operating. This will ensure legitimate business, trade and service within the Republic as there will no longer be a corporate safety net for individuals to escape the consequences of fraudulent actions. All liability shall also be limited to that which can be proven to have caused direct harm to another, with no liability being incurred for incidental occurrences or occurrences in association with the actions or misuse of another. In other words, McDonalds made their coffee hot because people wanted it that way, the idiot woman who spilled it on herself did not have the right to sue McDonalds because she spilled it on herself. 6 - Every member of the population will have the full right, at all times and without restriction, to the creation and trade of whatever tangible wealth they are both able and willing to contribute for trade with the sole restriction on such trade being the willingness of other members of the population to voluntarily trade for the wealth created and the ability of said member of the population to create and market the wealth to those it's intended to serve. Any action, either by any level of Government, or by any private individual or group thereof within the Republic, which in any way whatsoever could restrict or interfere with the right of any individual or group thereof toward the creation and trade of the full extent of tangible wealth which they are both willing and capable of creating, or toward the full right of management of whatever business they engage in without their express consent, will be regarded as a violation of the rights of the persons affected, with full personal, financial and criminal liability to those affecting said violation. The only exception will be the creation and trade of wealth or other conduct of business, which would infringe on the proprietary interests of another

member of the population where such interests will be secured by established legal convention and where those infringing will be fully and individually liable for same. 7 - The 13th. Amendment, Section 1, United States Constitution, Ratified December 6, 1865 states; Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. This amendment invalidates any and all clauses in both the United States Constitution, any State Constitution, as well as all existing legislation granting any level of government the right to collect Taxes from their respective populations. All Taxes of any form involve the forcible seizure under penalty of legitimately earned wealth from members of the population and hence can simply and only be defined as "involuntary servitude" being in direct violation of this Amendment, as are any and all other appropriations of wealth without the voluntary consent of each and every individual from whom they are appropriated. All levels of Government within the Republic will have the right to such reasonable use of injections of the public currency by the United States Treasury as to provide public services which are needed and beneficial to every member of the population. Examples of these are first and foremost the creation and management of the Currency itself which is needed by every single member of the population in order to enable the creation and acquisition of goods and services toward their benefit. The arming and operation of the United States Armed Forces and People's Militia essential to the protection and security of the Republic. Public education systems which are essential to maintaining function within the Republic and to which every member of the Republic has the right to free and unrestricted access. The public road and transportation systems which are needed by every single member of the population in order to move such goods and services and also themselves from place to place as needed. Specific definitions of such programs not already apparent by simple common sense and reason will be established between the United States Government and all State and Local levels of Government in order to justify the use of injections of the public currency toward their funding. Further programs created by any level of Government which cannot be demonstrated to be of benefit and essential to every member of the population will be offered to their respective populations on the basis of voluntary participation with those participating in the programs bearing the costs of their operation as well and those not participating having no claim to the benefits offered by said programs due to their voluntary choice of non-participation. All levels of Government will also have the right to solicit voluntary donations from their respective populations in regards to any program which they wish to operate falling into this category, hence ensuring that all such programs have the support of the population based on their willingness

to contribute to them. All levels of Government may also engage in any form of profit making promotions which they choose in order to fund such public services provided that such promotions do not infringe on the rights of any members of the population in the conduct of their private business and provided that any excess profit obtained to the cost of such programs is returned directly to their respective populations. 8 - All levels of Government and all Government functions within the Republic will operate on the basis of non-profit public services, with all funding received through injections of the public currency which is not used in any given fiscal year, being subject to equal distribution among all members of their respective populations above the age of 21 years, as a public dividend for them to freely spend into circulation where the public currency can function for trade. All levels of Government will be permitted to maintain reserves of the public currency not in excess of 10 % of their annual operating costs of the previous year in order to provide emergency funding to deal with any possible unexpected occurrences which might arise which require action on a public level. This will also provide incentive for the respective populations to maintain control of these respective levels of government by balancing the usefulness of Government expenditures against the value of public dividends returned to directly to them. 9 - Any and all compulsory regulatory processes applied to any business being conducted within the Republic established by any level of Government and deemed essential to the welfare of every member of the population, such health and safety regulations will be funded by injections of the public currency and no fees shall be applied toward any private individual or business required to demonstrate compliance with these regulations. The purpose of this is to prevent such fees from denying any member of the population the right to participation in any market or form of business which they choose to participate in. Further to this, there shall be no regulation by any level of Government within the Republic which forces or makes subject any member of the population to the business being conducted by any other member of the population. Case in point the former prescription drug laws. If any member of the population deems themselves to have the knowledge of what drugs/medications they need for their own use and benefit, they cannot be forced to pay another individual for a prescription in order to obtain them, with said individual bearing sole, full and individual responsibility and liability for the use of whatever they obtain, as detailed in Section 5 of this Article. 10 - All forms of Insurance within the Republic shall be organized on the State level, with State Governments establishing and maintaining at cost, public insurance co-operatives allowing members of their respective populations to insure each other at cost against whatever occurrences they deem themselves to require insurance against. Participation in these programs will be voluntary to members of their respective populations with the only exceptions being situations where the lack of such insurance by one individual could pose a threat to the

security of another individual such as automotive liability insurance. Absent the involvement of private banking within the Republic where currency itself is manipulated as a business for profit, this resolves the other huge money drain, which has been generally operated by the former Private Banks, which has been used to suck enormous volumes of currency out of circulation with the creation of no tangible wealth for trade in return for the profit. Article 2 - Economic restoration plan; 1 - Upon the removal of the Treasonous elements from power, the People will immediately seize all assets of all Private Banks which have been operating within the Republic, seize the assets of all Public Corporations, with those providing essential services to the population temporarily maintained in operation by the Congress on a non-profit basis until they and / or their assets can be sold to private individuals in the population in order to maintain said essential services without interruption. All owners and executives of all Private Banks which have been operating within the republic will be immediately arrested and put on trial for Treason against the Republic of the United States of America as evidence of guilt is already established by occupation. Investigations will be initiated against all current and all past Presidents, Senators, and members of Congress of the Corporate Government in order to establish evidence of guilt and compliance with the Treason, with arrests and charges laid and trials initiated accordingly. Investigations will also be initiated against all executives and certain employees of all former Public Corporations in order to establish same along with investigations toward crimes against humanity of which there already exists clear and abundant evidence as well, with arrests, charges and trials being initiated accordingly. Upon conviction all personal assets of every individual guilty of these crimes will be seized and sold along with all Bank and Corporate assets for restoration of the theft by the former criminal enterprises and treasonous elements to the people of the Republic. In terms of Credit Unions operating within the Republic all assets will be seized along with those of the Private Banks and Public Corporations and restored to the people. However, due to the fact that although participating in the same practices, they have been somewhat damaging to the large Private Banks and have not established influence over the Treasonous Corporation established in the service of these Banks as Government, no charges will be issued against any executives or other individuals involved in their operation. All privately owned Corporations within the Republic will be dissolved, however their assets and management will remain in the hands of their current owners who may henceforth continue their operation in the form of partnerships or proprietorships as appropriate, with said owners assuming full individual liability and responsibility for their operation.

Upon removal of the Treasonous elements, all Bank and Credit Card debts owed by any and all members of the population will be instantly rendered null and void due to having been illegally and unconstitutionally created, with members of the population simply retaining full title, possession and ownership to all assets in their possession at the time. This is not necessarily fair to such members of the population who have no such debt at the time of reclamation, however it is simple and the urgent need toward restoring full economic function takes precedence for the time being. At a later time once there is an opportunity to make a full accounting of all former loans and credit issued by the Treasonous elements, the Congress reserves the right to adjust public benefits distributed to the people by the United States Treasury in order to fairly balance compensation for the theft among all residents in this regard. 2 - The People will immediately upon removal of the Treasonous elements, create a legitimate Constitutional currency such that can be issued into immediate circulation in order to fully meet the demands of trade within the Republic and with our foreign trading partners as well. The currency will exist as paper money and also as digital credits issued and maintained by the United States Treasury in the accounts of members of the population, with all digital credits being redeemable in paper currency on demand. We will retain the Dollar unit and it's sub denominations as this is what the population is accustomed to trading in. As an initial measure of value for one dollar we will use 4 pounds of processed iron/steel at the distributor price to establish this. This will reset the value of the currency to what it was in the 2,000 era before the Private Banks that own the current counterfeit debt sucked it all out of the system causing prices to skyrocket (see Appendix 1). Per: Section 4 of Article 1, the currency will be backed by the full volume of the productive effort created by the population, with iron simply and only being used to establish a measure of value for a single unit of currency at this time. The new Congressional currency must include but not be limited to the following text on each bill. - THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - UNITED STATES TREASURY NOTE - This note is the property of the people of the Republic of the United States of America and is a legal representation of wealth for trade. Any use of this note for any other purpose is an act of Treason and a capital crime against the Republic. - The denomination in United States Dollars and the serial number of each note. The Congress and the United States Treasury shall have full discretion in regards to any other aspects of the printing of the new currency and may maintain a similar format to that which people are accustomed or introduce a new format of currency. The only stipulations being, that any and all images which could be deemed to have an occult / mystic origin or reference be removed from

the currency. Any and all images appearing on current bills of individuals guilty of treason against the founding principles of the Republic will also be removed and replaced by images of others who remained incorruptible to these principles. Case in point the image of Alexander Hamilton who was one of the chief engineers of the original treason being removed from the 10 dollar bill and be replaced by an image of James Madison for example . Appropriate measures must also be taken against potential counterfeit of the currency such as are already in common usage. Bills will be issued in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 1,000 United States Dollars. At the discretion of Congress and the Treasury, current coinage may be retained as is. The People also reserve the right to introduce said currency into circulation prior to the removal of the Treasonous elements should it be deemed an advantage toward collapsing the current counterfeit debt system for the purpose of accomplishing this removal. 3 - The United States Treasury under the direction of Congress will immediately issue the minimum sum of $ 200,000.00 United States Dollars directly to every resident of the republic except those having continued to support and sustain in any way, the Treasonous elements against the Republic in violation of the orders of the People during the reclamation effort, with such action being deemed grounds for removal of resident status. This removal of status is contingent of course on the ability of the Congress to inform said population of their obligations prior to the removal of the treason, with such support of the treason being provable by tax and bank records seized upon reclamation. Concurrently residents of the republic who are not yet residents will be granted residency status through direct participation in the reclamation. The total initial sum issued into circulation shall not be less than 60 trillion United States Dollars and such issue freely spent into circulation by the population will serve to begin the restoration by freely and naturally restoring the ability of the population toward the creation and trade of such wealth as they themselves create demand for, which has been denied them as a result of the theft of their means of trade by the Treasonous elements removed. All public benefits issued to the population from the restoration of the theft of the former Treasonous Elements, as well as such benefits resulting from the requirement of maintaining the public currency in circulation appropriate to the demands of trade, shall issue in accordance with the opening clause in the United States Declaration of Independence "that all men are created equal." and shall issue in equal proportion to every resident of the Republic, legally residing therein.

4 - The United States Treasury will establish local branch offices throughout the Republic generally using the seized Private Bank outlets for this purpose and most likely incorporating the same employees working in these locations prior to the removal of the Treasonous elements. The number and locations of these offices will be sufficient to provide full and efficient financial services to the entire population of the Republic and loan policies of the public currency to the population established in order to promote economic growth within the republic as opposed to promoting the theft of the populations wealth as it has always been before. All loans of the public currency to the population will be issued free of interest, will be secured either by the assets the loans are taken out to pay for or by additional assets held by the recipient of the loan. Minimum payment schedules will be established according to standard rates of depreciation established for various assets securing such loans. No unsecured loans or credit shall be issued to any member of the population as such policy would infringe on the rights of other members of the population. Every member of the population legally residing in the Republic shall have the right to the establishment of a United States Treasury account nor shall any member of the population be required to establish such an account in order to work or conduct business within the republic. The establishment of a Treasury account may however be essential toward the receipt of public dividends issued directly to the population by the respective United States and State Treasuries. Upon the removal of the Treasonous elements all Counterfeit currency in circulation will immediately be rendered null and void. For a period of 6 months after the Reclamation members of the population will have the opportunity to exchange, at the rate of 7 dollars Counterfeit Federal Reserve notes to 1 United States Dollar such counterfeit notes or existing bank credit as is in their possession, representing a fair exchange (based on the current distributor prices of iron and steel as a result of production having been non-existent since the Treasonous elements crashed the economy) due to the restoration of the legitimate currency at pre-recession values. Everyone who has legitimately earned the Counterfeit in their possession by creating tangible value (real goods or services that people want and are willing to pay for) will be entitled to exchange for the real thing and others not, with the Treasury requiring proof upon exchange of what their occupation is and how the Counterfeit was earned, with severe penalties for falsifying information. This is a simple thing for anyone but a criminal to do. In short, we expect overall price indexes to stabilize at approximately 1/4 of what they are currently once full economic function is restored however saving excessive amounts of the counterfeit debt out of circulation has contributed to the economic difficulties experienced by the population so a slight loss for those who have done so is considered both appropriate and acceptable as well. The value of all shares held by members of the population in Public Corporations as well as the value of all funds in any form of interest bearing investment accounts shall be forfeit and such members of the population can simply be

thankful that they are not being held accountable for their participation in the theft due to their presumed ignorance of the Treason. 5 - The People, immediately upon removal of the Treasonous elements, will begin selling off all assets seized from the Treasonous elements to members of the population with regard to maintaining vital services provided by the former Public Corporations functioning through the process. Assets may be purchased by members of the population who have legitimately earned sufficient counterfeit prior to the reclamation and exchanged for United States Dollars in order to do so and the United States Treasury may also issue loans to members of the population qualified to maintain such necessary operation and services for the purchase of these assets with payment schedules as described in Section 4 of this article. The People reserve the right to sell off the assets of all Public Corporations complete, or to break them up and sell them to multiple individuals or groups thereof in order to generate competition and greater advantage to the public with the latter being the preferred option provided that all vital services will be maintained. All funds thus received will be included in the restoration of the theft to the residents of the Republic with additional United States Currency created to make up any difference between the value of assets seized and sold and the total amount of the theft once that is established by a full accounting of the activities of the Treasonous elements. This restoration will be injected by equal distribution directly to all residents of the republic at the initial rate of $ 100,000.00 United States Dollars per year until the full amount due to every resident is repaid. The rate of injection may be increased as necessary so as to provide maximum restoration and growth of economic function short of exceeding the population's capacity to create such economic growth once that capacity is determined by observation. We expect to see prices on certain goods and services fluctuate somewhat as the population of the Republic rebuilds it's production capacity from the former non-existent state to their full capability but these will very quickly stabilize at their lowest possible value due to competition and the economy of volume production as illustrated in Appendix 1. We estimate that this restoration will amount to a minimum sum of at least 3/4 million dollars due each and every resident and expect that it may well become far more than that once a full accounting of the theft is accomplished. Further to note, we expect the elimination of the corporate entity, along with the ability to maintain sufficient currency in circulation for the population to exchange it's entire productive effort, to not only restore to the greatest possible extent, America's domestic production capacity and self sufficiency, resulting in full and gainful employment for the entire population, but also to restore the quality of American production which was in place before it became dominated by Bank owned Corporations and their pre-programmed obsolescence schemes, while at the same time, providing these quality goods and services far more economically than was possible by the former Corporations while sub contracting their production overseas, due to the self

evident efficiency of private, independently owned enterprise by comparison. (see example provided in Appendix 2) Article 3 - Plan for sustainable economic function; 1 - The United States Treasury under the direction of Congress will be charged with maintaining a ratio of One United States Dollar in circulation for every United States Dollar worth of goods and services being offered by and available to the population for trade. This circulation may incorporate the efforts of foreign trading partners as well and Congress reserves the right to establish whatever regulations are deemed necessary in order to ensure the greatest benefit in terms of foreign trade toward the people of the Republic and it's economy, also with consideration toward maintaining full self sufficiency in terms of the creation of all things necessary toward the survival of the Republic and it's people, as a matter of National security. 2 - In order to maintain this circulation, the United States Treasury will have to inject new currency periodically and regularly in order to compensate for economic growth generated by the population. As a matter of explanation, if an individual / business within the republic increases their ability to create whatever goods and services are being offered for trade, for every dollars worth of increase in that production capacity, this individual / business has also created an equal public benefit in that new money has to be created by the Treasury and injected into circulation in order to allow the population to trade for this increase in the Republic's Gross National Product. Given the ability of Congress and the Treasury to freely inject currency in compensation for such economic growth as opposed to this STUPID INSANITY of allowing such growth to be restricted by lack of money as it has for the past 236 years, the incentive of every single person and business within the republic will naturally be to increase their capacity to provide goods and services for trade resulting in exponential expansion of the economy right up until the point where every possible market for every possible product or service has been completely filled which in practical terms will never happen. Further to this, additional currency has to be created and injected into circulation to make up for discrepancies between the earnings of the population and the actual value of their total production of goods and services they create. To illustrate, when two business owners exchange products with each other, the products are exchanged / sold at their full value with balance maintained and no additional compensation of currency being necessary, however, those employed by these business owners are of necessity earning much less than the actual value of the production they create. Since the products or services are being created for the benefit of the entire population all such discrepancy must be compensated for with injections of currency by the Treasury in order to enable trade for the full value of this production or service as well, in order to maintain said circulation to match the total value of goods and services available for trade at all times. Further to this, members of the population will through the

abundance they are capable of creating for themselves be saving certain amounts of this currency out of circulation toward their retirements, etc.. Although saving an artificial representation of wealth toward the establishment of security is not necessarily wise in comparison to establishing it with tangible assets, given the ability of Congress and the Treasury to maintain a stable value for the currency by backing it with the population's total productive effort, they will do it and it will work as well. Consequently the Treasury is required to inject additional currency into circulation in order to compensate for that which is saved out of circulation versus that being spent into circulation by others from their savings. In terms of loans of the public currency issued to members of the population by the United States Treasury, the repayment of these loans can be either retired from circulation or re-injected by the Treasury as needed in order to maintain balance within the system. This sounds complicated and one could spend years trying to come up with formulas in order to determine how to exactly match the currency injections to the demands of trade within the Republic, or, Congress and the Treasury can simply watch the overall price indexes in order to determine when a match has been achieved. Case in point, after trade within the Republic has been restored to the full capacity of the population to create goods and services for trade, when overall prices on goods and services within the Republic increase by 2 %, this is an indication that the supply of currency has slightly exceeded the populations ability for creation. At this point new injections of currency can be reduced until the overall price index drops to 2 % below the formerly stable level at which point new injections of currency will again need to be increased. This simple approach will allow the economy to freely and naturally adjust itself with currency injections being matched to this accordingly by simple observation of overall results. 3 - All States will initially be allocated funding from the United States Treasury in the amount of $ 4,000.00 United States Dollars per year per capita based on their respective populations with the States having the responsibility to distribute this funding to the Counties and Cities within their territory as required. Management and distribution of excess funding to their operating costs received by the States will be in accordance with Section 8 of Article 1. Amounts of such funding may be adjusted as required and negotiated between the United States Congress and the States with the equality clause in the Declaration of Independence taken into account in view of such adjustments. At the restored value of the United States Currency this will be excessive to the typical combined budget requirements of States, Cities and Counties in the northern parts of the Republic who's operating costs are the highest due to climatic conditions. Taking into account that a substantial amount if not the majority of these budgets currently include servicing debt borrowed from Private Banks, this will be well excessive, requiring substantial distribution of unused portions of this funding directly to the people of the respective states.

Any State making or enforcing any law in violation of any of the rights and freedoms of it's population guaranteed by the Constitution for the United States of America, will immediately have it's funding revoked by Congress and the United States Treasury, which will not be restored until the population of said State has removed such Treasonous government from power and replaced it with a legal and Constitutional government returning said rights and freedoms to the people. The States are required to apply the same principle toward County and City governments within their jurisdictions and any failure to do so will also result in the revocation of funding at the State level. 4 - Along with Treasury allocations of funding to the States, the operations of the restored United States Government will also be funded by the necessary injections of currency detailed in Section 2 of this Article, with any unused currency being equally distributed among the population as a national dividend in order for them to spend it directly into circulation in order to sustain the economy at its full capacity again in accordance with Section 8 of Article 1. The bottom line is, that there is no possible way that all levels of Government combined can possibly spend this amount of currency into circulation without expanding beyond all proportion and we fully expect that once economic function within the republic has been restored to its full capacity for function and economic growth that the combined State and National dividends distributed to the population, will well exceed the standard costs of living for each member of the population in addition to what they can earn and will rapidly expand well beyond this as the economy expands and technology develops in order to provide greater efficiency and take the place of ever more human labor. This also provides the means for such technology to develop as it gives the population the means to trade for what the technology produces as opposed to the people being put out of work by the technology and the technology becoming useless due to the inability of the population to obtain it's production. In short and before too long we expect that the system will evolve to where people will have the option of spending their time in the simple enjoyment of their lives in rich abundance simply by allowing themselves the opportunity to freely create and progress as they themselves are able. This is indeed the natural order of human development, absent the existence and power of the former Parasitic Infection to restrict such creation and progress toward the establishment of power for themselves and in violation of every tenet on which our Republic was founded. This was the vision perceived and stated by many of the Republic's original founders 236 years ago and we will finally destroy the Treason which has prevented it's accomplishment in order to make that vision freely and naturally attainable. Closing statement; The bottom line with everything which is detailed herein is that the numbers work and the most basic and simple reason demonstrates the function, involving

nothing more than very simple levels of arithmetic in order to prove. All of you have actually see the beginning of this process when the Banks were literally flooding debt into the system to finance inflated housing prices and sucker people into working 3 1/2 weeks out of each month to pay them interest on their 30 year mortgages. They created the debt for free, pumped huge volumes of it into circulation which people borrowed and did not earn, production was rampant, prices were low and stable, then the interest became due and they sucked it all out again shutting everything down and sending prices through the roof. The example has also been repeated many times throughout history, most notably, in World War II where the Private Banking interests needed America's military and industrial power in order to save them from Nazi Germany, which had ruined their plans toward establishing America as a Soviet style Communist police state, toward which they were starving the population into submission through the 1930's depression, which they had created as well. They simply pumped huge volumes of Counterfeit Bank Debt, created at no cost, into the system to facilitate this production, which remained in circulation for decades afterwards as they incrementally sucked it out of circulation in interest. Concurrently, how did Nazi Germany who began in the same state of depression as the United States and the rest of the world establish the industrial and military power to almost conquer the world, even though they were outnumbered 30:1 ? Simply by creating huge volumes of money in order to trade for and utilize the production capacity which they already had. Now we inject Real Legal, Constitutional, debt free money instead of Counterfeit Bank Debt, keep it there and add to it, in order to allow you to create wealth that you can keep to the absolute maximum of your ability to do so, as opposed to suckering you into such temporary creation which the parasite can then steal back from you with private profit on the debt they own. You know this will work, you have already seen the evidence in front of your faces but were just too careless to look and figure out what it was, so now, remember. The single and only reason why such benefit has not been established and such end result not accomplished many years ago, is the abject ignorance and blatant carelessness of the American population in simply refusing to think about their own condition and reasoning out such function for themselves, as we have here and as Ben Franklin and the Colonies did before this nation was even established. Instead they have spent their lives living in absolute terror of having to think for themselves and wanting instead to be told what to think and do (which we suppose is the closest definition of a "normal" person that any of us can think of), with the very Treasonous elements, owned by the very Parasitic infection, which threatens to remove the very freedoms they have spent their lives thinking they had, for the purpose of subjecting them to the same conditions of abject poverty and servitude as they have the populations of the rest of the world for centuries, telling them what to think and do toward their own destruction. STUPID PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order for the People to restore the Republic to it's people, in order for us to make these benefits come to pass for the population and in order for the population to keep, sustain and increase these benefits for themselves in the future, there are many within the population, the majority in fact, who are going to have to completely reverse their thinking in order to make this possible. Firstly and as stated in the Introduction to Ben Franklin Economics, all Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Capitalist, Socialist or Communist, political views have all been created by and serve the same thing. Private Banks. The single and only motivation behind any of these political philosophies is the single and only motivation of the Private Bankers who created them, which is pure and simple ENVY, resulting in a craving for absolute power in order to ensure that no one could possibly have anything which could make their lives worth living except themselves. All actions of all of these philosophies they have motivated, are directed toward this end whether those believing them have realized this or not. We have no room for ENVY in the restored Republic of the United States of America and if anything will once again bring about it's eventual destruction it will be ENVY as well. The simple fact of the matter is that any form of economic restoration and establishment of full economic function and growth simply cannot be accomplished without the distribution of free purchasing power to everyone in the population as there is no possible way to get enough currency into circulation in order to sustain full economic function and growth without this. There will be those former capitalists/conservatives who will piss and moan and cry and complain that in such a case many members of the population will simply stop working and live off the benefits of these free injections of currency. Yes, a great many of them will, a great many of them already have for a great many years and at your expense. For every single one that does, it simply decreases competition and increases market volume toward the creation of wealth for those who work and without the existence of their purchasing power your own ability to generate prosperity for yourself would be greatly diminished so who are you to complain ? Especially while you yourself are receiving exactly the same public benefit as they at absolutely no cost to you nor anyone else whatsoever. There will be those former liberals/socialists/communists who will piss and moan and cry and complain that the manufacturer who is already earning a million dollars worth of profit a year, should not be a recipient of the benefits of these free injections of currency along with others who are earning less. Well, that manufacturer is exactly the person who created the economic growth which necessitates these free injections of currency and without him these injections would simply not exist. He is also the one creating the wealth which is needed by those who earn nothing in order to sustain themselves and yet you would deny him the right to that which he himself has created in return for the benefit he has also created for you ? How evil, destructive, petty and foolish are these stupid little minds of yours ? You sound like Bankers, each and every one of you !. The United States of America was founded as a Republic and a Republic we shall restore, where the rights of each and every individual are protected by law,

even from the majority. If you stupid ignorant idiots cannot forget what you have been taught to believe and stop acting toward your own and everyone else's destruction as you always have, then you have no place in the Republic of the United States of America and you need to leave and go someplace where things already are as you would have made them for us here. You are the idiots who believed in and supported the treason. You are the idiots who have spent your lives fighting among yourselves with all of you working toward the same end and being too stupid to figure out that you were all on the same team in support of your own destruction by the most evil, filthy, vile parasitic infection which has ever inflicted itself upon humanity and has been responsible for 95 % of the suffering and misery experienced by humanity over the past many centuries as well. Either you become part of the solution or you remain part of the problem. There is no neutral ground here and if you are unable to become part of the solution then you simply need to be gone as you have absolutely no right whatsoever to threaten the life, freedom and prosperity of even one single individual with your own ignorance and stupidity, no matter how many of you there are, as you already have. As for the rest of you. Well, we are doing nothing more than removing the Treasonous elements owned by the parasitic infection which threaten the rights, freedoms and prosperity to which you are already naturally entitled. For this we as the People presenting this effort, can and do take credit. If you are participating in the effort along with us, as part of the Reclamation forces or otherwise in support of this effort, then such credit belongs to you as well. Our success will be a result of presenting the real possibility of the full restoration of the Republic to it's intended form, with full legal and Constitutional justification toward this action and accomplishment, presenting full solution toward the reestablishment and securing of the natural rights of humanity along with securing the final right of humanity to trade and prosper from their own productive efforts, thus finally fulfilling all of the terms and conditions so well articulated in the United States Declaration of Independence by the original founders of our great Republic and establishing for the first time, our great Republic to their original intent. We ask you upon this restoration to simply to live long, live well, prosper abundantly, pursue and achieve happiness as you will now have the means to this accomplishment through the simple freedom of using your own efforts and talents toward this end. Guard these freedoms with your life and teach your children and grandchildren to do the same, so that they may be enjoyed by all generations to come for all posterity just as we and the original founders intended them to be. Never forget those who have risked all in order to secure these things to you and always remember that you must be prepared to risk all in order to keep them as well. Greater love has no man than that he would be willing to lay down his life for a friend.

Appendix 1 Real World Economics Vs. Economic Theory: Hi Guys; All of these nit wits who consider themselves experts in Economics remind me of this former Union Backhoe operator whom i hired to help me do the foundation work when i was building my new place here. We were digging in the sewer line, which by all standards needs to have a slope of between 1/8 and 1/4 inch per foot, so for the sake of function i decided to make it 3/16 ths. This nit wit had been taught some rule in union school about positioning the bubble on the level at a certain point off from center in order to obtain the proper slope. I noticed that what he was doing didnt look right and picked up the level along the pipe until the bubble was in the middle, over the 4 foot length of the level, he had a drop of about 1/16th of an inch, in which case the whole damn system would have backed up every time someone flushed a toilet. I asked him, on the 4 foot level how much of a drop the line should have if the level were straight from one end to the other ? He hemmed and hawed, and i finally said with a slope of 3/16 inch per foot, shouldnt it be 3/4 inch ? and he agreed. I got a small piece of 3/4 inch plywood, and placed it under one end of the level and dug the pipe into the ground until the bubble was centered. He then took the piece of plywood out from under the one end of the level, placed it directly on the pipe, said this is wrong, the bubble isnt in the right place, and wanted to bring it up again. At that point i told him to go home, and i proceeded to dig in the remaining 70 feet of sewer line myself. Early the following day he hadnt shown up because he was home sulking, and 3 young Mexican boys showed up looking for work. I gave them a rake and two shovels and instructions on what needed to be done, i found they could move more dirt in a day and do it much more accurately than the Union guy could with the big machine, they didn't know too much about construction, but they listened to what i asked them to do and did exactly as instructed, so they didnt have to spend 80 % of their time fixing mistakes. I fired the Union guy and kept the 3 Mexican boys and the job got done and now that it is, everything works perfectly. Here we have economists, with education and theories on money, and expecting that people will trust and believe in them because of their education when all they understand is the bullshit theyve been taught about money and have absolutely no clue or understanding of the trade and production we need it to facilitate, without which America ceases to exist, and will very shortly if we dont get this right. They think that more money = less value, and that restricting our trade to scarce and finite commodities will ensure that the money maintains value, irregardless of the fact that they are willing to tolerate Banking and money as a business in which case the money will have value but will be saved out of circulation within a month shutting down our trade and production completely.

This is what you nit wits need to understand !. I own and operate and engineering / manufacturing business. If you come to me and want me to manufacture one of a particular item for you, the price on that item for the sake of argument will be $ 5,000.00. If you line up 100 other people who need and can afford to buy the same thing, i can use the same machine set ups to make the same parts 100 times over and then the price for each of you will be down to $ 500.00. In the first instance, $ 5,000.00 had to be created or appear from someplace in order to pay for the one item, so each one of those $ 5,000.00 had very little value or purchasing power. In the second case $ 50,000.00 had to be created or appear from someplace, but each one of those dollars had 10 X the purchasing power of the original $ 5,000.00. If my market expands to one million people who need the same item, then i can afford to build dedicated production tooling and look at automation of the process, in which case ill most likely be able to produce the same item for $ 50.00 a pop. In this case, $ 50,000,000.00 will have to be created or come from someplace to buy the million items, but the value of each of those dollars will be 100 times what they were with the original $ 5,000.00, and the money will simply keep increasing in value until my production capacity is actually exceeded, which with todays level of technology would be next to impossible. So much for every single ounce of all of this stupid economic theory and religion that people are being asked to trust and believe in on here. This is the real world that we live in people, and we are fully capable of creating a standard of living 30 times what it has ever been in the past, provided that we do not remain so incredibly stupid as to believe that money can be a business and facilitate trade, and create it for ourselves as a public service so we can actually make it do that. We have only one problem, and that is this bigass huge parasitic infection called Banks, who dont build anything, fix anything or feed anyone, who rape the population of its productive effort with the business of money, usurp control of our government from the people to whom it belongs in order to help them do this, and will finally turn America into the same fing socialist police state that they have turned the rest of the world into by now as well. If we leave things alone, this will happen in the next couple of years, if we listen to all these idiot Austrian theorists on here, it will happen within a couple of months, and if we think for ourselves, use our own minds, reason and common sense, and turn the matter over to the people who actually live and work in the real world and understand the single and only useful function we need money for then it will never happen. We hold these truths to be self evident and anything which exists on the basis of faith and trust and cannot be demonstrated through practical example to provide function is guaranteed to be a lie. Something which time and time again they have all failed to do miserably. Anonymous Written Circa 2008 during the establishment of the anti-banking movement.

Appendix 2 Hi Everyone; Okay, I have a little story here for everyone based on my own personal experience in order to illustrate some of the common sense, reason and function behind our current effort. When Richard introduced me to the effort awhile back, upon examining the paperwork, i realized that we had everything right and according to the UCC filings as well as the enforcement of already existing and compliant Constitutional requirements, we would necessarily have an end to any and all Banks and to the entire Corporate entity as well. The need to destroy the Banks an establish a legitimate, functioning system of trade as opposed to the current of theft and fraud with money is obvious to everyone i think, so i will demonstrate the benefits of eliminating the Corporate entity as well and establishing a free economy where all trade and commerce are conducted by individuals each of whom remains fully responsible and liable for what they do. In terms of what i do here. I own and operate a small Engineering / Manufacturing business and one of my main products for the past 13 years has been some high end medical technology which represents the state of the art in it's field at the current time. I'm an old German and i was raised on the concept that a man is worth exactly as much as the quality of his work. The product has my name attached to it and i manufacture the units well, using the best possible components, processes, engineering and materials, with the objective that it should be possible for them to be maintained in service for the rest of a person's lifetime. I back my stuff with a 10 year manufacturer's warranty and to my knowledge every single one of the units i first sold 13 years ago is still functioning perfectly without any problems. I'm not a corporation of any form. I built the business myself with my own time and productive effort and do not owe one single nickel in Bank Debt. I have only my wife and myself to feed and with the typical product going in the $ 20,000.00 range with a 2/3 profit margin toward which i have about 5 days of actual production time based on having built very efficient production tooling for the project. If i can tap into only a tiny portion of the potential market we have already made more than enough profit to do anything we would want to do and have no need for anything more, nor any need to design things to break down so that i can steal the price of something that someone has already paid for again in another year or two. Sunrise Medical and Invacare are the two huge Bank Owned Public Corporations in competition with me and have neither the understanding nor ability to duplicate the technology so my market is secure as well. A number of years ago, i was approached by an individual who had become aware of the technology and knew a large number of investors and Bankers, who proposed the idea of setting up a Corporation, to manufacture a cheap ass version of my product in order to tap into the Medicare market. I've actually had quite a number of State health care agencies purchase the units from me for

issue to clients, both in terms of the vast additional function they provide and who also figured out that it was more economical to pay twice as much for something once, than to pay half as much for something they were going to have to replace every 2 years and spend another time as much fixing in between. In terms of the Federal market, i think that it's pretty apparent to anyone that, despite any pretenses to the contrary, the Federal Government will buy from the Public Corporations owned by the same Private Bankers who own the Federal Government so in view of this and the fact that i would never be willing to do business with them under their terms and conditions in the first place, this was a market which i was never going to tap into. In the end i finally agreed to license the technology to them, under the condition that i would maintain my own production in competition with what they manufactured, in exchange for a percentage of the company and on the condition that there was no way my name would be associated with the product in any way, shape or form. Oddly enough, i did warn the guy at this time that if he attempted this according to the rules of the system he believed in, that he could expect to fall flat on his ass and lose everything he had while accomplishing exactly nothing, but he had his faith. Well, then they went to work. I had provided the basic information in order for them to make the product work and they put a team of engineers on it in order to figure out how to make it cheap. I'm estimating that they spent approximately 8 million dollars during this process, which included lining up subcontractors in China in order to perform 100 % of the production on the unit overseas. The product they came up with, which sort of made me want to vomit but which this individual was very proud of, consisted of a piece of shit made of stamped sheet metal, plastic bearing surfaces and components, with a shiny plastic cover in order to hide what was underneath. It had a one year warranty and a design such that they would have been lucky for the product to make it through that warranty period as well. Once they got to the point where they were actually ready to start producing these things and figured out the cost of paying interest and dividends to all of the Banks and investors involved in the project the minimum price they could come up with in order simply maintain their debt obligations on the project was $ 29,000.00 per unit. My competitive unit was priced at $ 16,000.00 at the time, at which price i was clearing a profit of well over $ 2,000.00 for every day i spent working on production in my shop. They then spent several more million dollars on marketing this abortion they had come up with and every person who found their product, also went looking for something similar and hence found my technology at a lower price with 10 X the warranty and they purchased from me instead. In the end and to my knowledge, they did not sell a single unit, including the inventory they had made and offered at an $ 8,000.00 clearance price when the Corporation was going into receivership. As a result of my involvement i simply ended up with a $ 500,000.00 tax write off which did not cost me a single penny. Can anyone at this point tell me why we need Corporations ?

Further to this, when i began this project, The technology was subject to approval by the FDA and at that time the approval process was either free or consisted of a very nominal fee, i don't remember which and simply was a matter of me demonstrating their requirements in terms of both safety and functionality. In fact this also gave me pretty much ironclad liability protection in complying with the established regulations as well, which is something i very much appreciated. It was a very smooth and easy thing with minimal effort on my part as the individual i was dealing with on the other end was very intelligent in terms of the engineering involved and we both thought and spoke in the same terms and language. When i released my technology on the market it scared the living shit out of Invacare and Sunrise Medical, as for the function it provides, it makes all previous technology obsolete and there was no way for them to duplicate it (one outfit tried and failed miserably), who immediately sent word out to every single dealer in North America that they would pull their entire lines from anyone who took on my product. Since i had already set things up to manufacture custom built units and sell directly to the individual customers, avoiding the typical 300 % dealer markups involved in this field, this was little consequence to me. Then these Corporations applied pressure through the sycophants they owned in Congress on FDA itself in order to establish fees and costs for the once free/cheap approval process running into the multiple millions of dollars, guaranteeing that i was the last independent manufacturer who would ever be able to enter this field of technology again. It was too late to stop me as i'd caught them with their pants down, but now they have effectively stopped anyone else who would come up with anything in competition of them for all time to come. Then shortly after this, FDA's former annual $ 70.00 establishment registration fee went up to several thousand dollars and realizing the source of this i simply refused to pay it. They had made a mistake in their wording that the registration requirement was for products which were in "commercial distribution" so i simply stated that my products were sold on a custom manufactured basis, were not in "commercial distribution" and hence exempted myself from the requirement. I did get a call from them trying to enforce the establishment registration despite this, however once the person on the other end realized that i wanted this matter to end up in a courtroom where i could publicly expose the manipulation which had taken place, he backed down immediately and i have since been cranking out the units for many years since, with absolutely no problems whatsoever and nothing other than very happy customers enjoying the benefits the technology provides. Can anyone at this point tell me how what we have in America today can possibly resemble a "Free Economy" ? I have been hoping that someone would see the need to destroy the Corporate entity altogether. Any free trade, production and enterprise system can and should, simply and only, consist of real people contributing their productive efforts for the benefit of the rest with individuals owning and responsible for all business within such a system as well. Once we issue and manage our own

public means of trade so that it can be made to function for that "ON PURPOSE" and all Bank Owned corporations have been dismantled and the stock market no longer exists, there remains no further way to artificially crash the economy for any reason whatsoever. For every Corporation we lose, there will rise up many real independent businesses to replace their production who will do so more economically and can afford to produce quality as the individual owner only has to feed himself and can do so by selling one thing to each person one time. Hence we will no longer be wasting 95 % of the 1/6th of the average person's productive effort which currently is not consumed by the bank interest and taxes replacing shit that was designed to break so that the same Corporation can steal the price of the same thing from them over and over and over again. 150 years ago, people in Germany and Switzerland were willing to pay double for American production vs. domestic because it was simply the best in the world. Now anything made in America has the reputation of having been built by Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Can anyone guess what our standard of living will be once this is accomplished ?. Very few are capable of imagining this because none have lived without the parasite before. I guess i should tell you all about the old metal shaper i have in my shop which was built by another real American manufacturer in the year of 1899 when my grandfather was 2 years old. I built an electric drive for it to replace the old steam pulley system and with it, i am cutting surfaces flat and parallel within 0.0002 inch today. It also has a rudimentary power feed on it so i can generally just clamp the block of material, turn it on and go do something else while the machine is working. Can't buy a modern CNC milling machine for 10 million dollars which will even come close to that kind of accuracy. Can an individual like myself expand to handle the production demand created by everyone who would have a need for my product having within their hands the means to purchase it ? Well despite the fact that i'm pretty happy with what we're accomplishing now and have never tried to get too big in view of the problems the current system presents in such a case, i have lots of land here to expand on, the tooling i have in place could produce into the thousands of units a month range, with me having access to unlimited labor where i am and also having the ability to pay those working for me in the $ 30.00+/hour range, with lots and lots of profit left over for my wife and myself and any need for further expansion simply being paid for by profits from the sales. Then with 100 % of the work being done here at home and none of it subcontracted overseas and with 100 % of the both the employment benefits and the profit from the project remaining right here at home as well. Then with the product itself (absent the need to make it break in order to keep feeding a bunch of greedy investment Bankers who create absolutely nothing) consisting of real and long term tangible wealth contributed to the Republic, does this not indeed sound like the way to move forward and actually start accomplishing things ?. Dave :{)

Appendix 3 The people must be helped to think naturally about money. They must be told what it is, and what makes it money, and what are the possible tricks of the present system which put nations and peoples under control of the few. Henry Ford, My Life and Work, Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922. The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent. J. Edgar Hoover, as quoted in The Elks Magazine (August 1956). I am one of those who do not believe the national debt is a national blessing... it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristocracy dangerous to the liberties of the country. Andrew Jackson, letter to L. H. Coleman of Warrenton, North Carolina (29 April 1824) The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent. Congressman Larry MacDonald, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets. Introduction to The Rockefeller File (1976) by Gary Allen Excerpts from Rep. Louis T. McFadden's speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, June 10, 1932: Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. ... Some people think the Federal reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers, foreign and domestic speculator sand swindlers, and rich and predatory money lenders. ... Those 12 private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by bankers who came here from Europe and who repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money

out of this country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia and thus drove a wedge between the Allies in the World War. ... Every effort has been made by the Federal Reserve Board to conceal its power but the truth is the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the Government of the United States. ... Mr. Chairman, when the Federal reserve act was passed the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here which would make the savings of an American school-teacher available to a narcoticdrug vendor in Macao. They did not perceive that the United States was to be lowered to the position of a coolie country which has nothing but raw materials and heavy goods for export. That Russia was destined to supply man power and that this country was to supply financial power to an international superstate--a superstate controlled by International bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Congressional Record, 72nd Congress, 1st session, June 10, 1932; Vol. 72, pp. 12595-12603. McFadden served as Chairman of the United States House Committee on Banking and Currency 1920 to 1931. The present Federal Reserve System is a flagrant case of the Government's conferring a special privilege upon bankers. The Government hands to the banks its credit, at virtually no cost to the banks, to be loaned out by the bankers for their own private profit. Still worse, however, is the fact that it gives the bankers practically complete control of the amount of money that shall be in circulation. Not one dollar of these Federal Reserve notes gets into circulation without being borrowed into circulation and without someone paying interest to some bank to keep it circulating. Our present money system is a debt money system. Before a dollar can circulate, a debt must be created. Such a system assumes that you can borrow yourself out of debt. Willis A. Overholser, A short review and analysis of the history of money in the United States, with an introduction to the current money problem (1936), p. 56 For more than a century, ideological extremists, at either end of the political spectrum, have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal, working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists,' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structureone world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it. David Rockefeller, in Memoirs (2002)

The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson. Franklin D. Roosevelt, letter to Col. Edward Mandell House (21 November 1933) Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the rst task of statesmanship. President Theodore Roosevelt, "The Progressive Covenant With The People" speech (1912) I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies. If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency (instead of Congress), first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. Attributed to Thomas Jefferson, purportedly in a 1802 letter to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin. The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight. Attributed to John F. Kennedy, purportedly in a speech at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination. The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no secret is revealed. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent. John F. Kennedy, from his address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association (27 April 1961)

[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a national system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will effect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being unable to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call Social Insurance. Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America. Statement from Edward Mandell House to President Woodrow Wilson regarding the establishment of the Federal Reserve; http://www.usavsus.info/EdMandellHouse.htm

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