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Time Expressions and Tenses

Days of the Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Notice that all days of the week are capitalized. When speaking about an action that is repeated E E!" Saturday# Monday# etc. use the day of the week $ %s% Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays The Weekend &ritish English' at the weekend (! at weekends )in general* +,erican English' on the weekends (! on weekends )in general* E-a,ples' . play tennis at weekends. She /isits her ,other Tuesdays. Ti,es of the Day 0se the following ti,e e-pressions to e-press things that happen during the day. in the ,orning in the afternoon in the e/ening at night N(TE' Make sure to note that we say %at night% N(T %in the night% E-a,ples' They do the cleaning in the ,orning. 1e goes to bed late at night. Ti,e E-pressions to 0se with the 2resent Si,ple every day# ,onth# year# etc. E-a,ples' She tra/els to 3as egas e/ery year. 4ack tries to e-ercise e/ery day.

adverbs of frequency )usually# so,eti,es# often# etc.* E-a,ples' They so,eti,es play golf. She rarely s,okes. Ti,e E-pressions to 0se with the 2resent 5ontinuous now 6 To, is watching T now. today 6 .%, working on the S,ith pro7ect today. at the moment 6 4ane is doing her ho,ework at the ,o,ent. Ti,e E-pressions (ften 0sed in the 2ast last 6 used when speaking about the pre/ious week# ,onth or year E-a,ple' They went on holiday last ,onth. yesterday 6 used when speaking about the pre/ious day E-a,ple' . /isited ,y best friend yesterday. ago 6 used when speaking about 8 days# weeks# ,onths# years before. N(TE' %ago% follows the nu,ber of days# weeks# etc. E-a,ple' We flew to 5le/eland three weeks ago. in 6 used with specific years or ,onths E-a,ple' She graduated in 9:;<. when 6 used with a past ti,e clause E-a,ple' . played tennis e/ery day when . was a teenager. Ti,e E-pressions 0sed in the Future next 6 We are going to /isit our friends in 5hicago ne-t week. tomorrow 6 1e%ll be at the ,eeting to,orrow. in X weeks, days, years time 6 use this e-pression with the future continuous to e-press what you will be doing at a specific of ti,e in the future. E-a,ple' We will be swi,,ing in a crystal blue sea in two weeks ti,e. by (date) 6 use this for, with the future perfect to e-press what you will ha/e done up to that point in ti,e. E-a,ple' . will ha/e finished the report by +pril 9=. by the time + time clause 6 use this for, with the future perfect to e-press what will ha/e happened up to a specific action in the future. E-a,ple'

She will ha/e bought a new ho,e by the ti,e he arri/es.

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