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Diego Zilio

SciELO Books / SciELO Livros / SciELO Libros ZILIO, D. A natureza comportamental da mente: behaviorismo radical e filosofia da mente [online]. So Paulo: Editora UNESP; So Paulo: Cultura Acadmica, 2010. 294 p. ISBN 978-85-7983-090-7. Available from SciELO Books <http://books.scielo.org>.

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SKINNER, B. F. Current trends in experimental psychology. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961b. p.223-41. (Obra original publicada em 1947). _____. The concept of reflex in the description of behavior. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Apple ton -Century -Crofts, 1961c. p.319-46. (Obra original publicada em 1931). _____. The experimental analysis of behavior. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961d. p.100-31. (Obra original publicada em 1957). _____. The generic nature of the concepts of stimulus and response. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961e. p.347-66. (Obra original publicada em 1935). _____. The flight from the laboratory. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961f. p.242-57. _____. The operational analysis of psychological terms. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Apple ton -Century -Crofts, 1961g. p.272-86. (Obra original publicada em 1945). _____. Two types of conditioned reflex and a pseudo -type. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Apple ton -Century -Crofts, 1961h. p.367-76. (Obra original publicada em 1935). _____. Two types of conditioned reflex: a reply to Konorski and Miller. In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961i. p.376-83. (Obra ori ginal publicada em 1937). _____. What is psychotic behavior? In: _____. Cumulative record: a selection of papers. 2.ed. Nova York: Appleton -Century -Crofts, 1961j. p.202-19. (Obra original publicada em 1956). _____. Behaviorism at fifty. Science, New Series, v.140, n.3.570, p.951-8, 1963a.

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