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What is IT What is Computertechnology Communicationtechnology? Why is IT important Data vs Information? What is a computer? What is an embeddedcomputer? What is a server?

Characteristics of usefulinformation? (relevant, complete, accurate, current, economical) 10. Define SW 11. Define HW 12. What is a system? 13. What is a computer network? 14. Positivefactsabout IT? 15. Negativeinfluence of IT? 16. Why is IT in businesssoimportant? 17. What is a numeralsystemusedfor? 18. How manysymbolsdoesthedecimalsystemhave? 19. Whichnumeralsystem is used in computers? 20. Why? 21. How aresymbolswith a valuegreaterthan "9" represented in thehexadecsystem? 22. What is positionalnotation? 23. Is ourdecimalsystemwhichweuse in oureverydaylivesusingpositionalnotation? 24. Convert (777) tobinary (x) 25. Convert (1000101011) todecimal (x) 26. WhatmeanthetermsMostSignificant Bit (MFS) andLeastSignificant Bit (LFS)? 27. What is thedifferencebetween an analog and a digitalsignal? 28. How do youconvert an analog signalinto a digitalsignal? How is thisprocesscalled? 29. How is datarepresented in a computer? 30. What is alphanumericdata? 31. Whichencodingtypes do youknowforalphanumericdata? 32. For Video? 33. Image? 34. Audio? 35. How manydifferentvalues can youcodeusing a byte? 36. How manydifferentvalues can youcodebyaddingonemore bit (using 9 instead of 8 bits)? 37. Generally, how manydifferentvalues can youcodeusing n bits?(nN) 38. Whatdoes CPU standfor? 39. Whatarethe 2 majorcomponents in a CPU? 40. Define / Draw thevonNeumannarchitecture? 41. What is a bus? 42. What is a motherboard? 43. What is a BIOS? Where is it located? What is it usedfor? 44. Whatdoes RAM standfor? What is it usedfor? 45. What is Cache? 46. What is thedifferencebetween RAM and ROM? 47. Whatdescribesthememorypyramid? Draw it! Explain it! 48. Name someinputdevices? 49. Outputdevices?
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

50. Software is mainlydividedintotwomajorgroups. Whicharethey? 51. Systemsoftware is dividedintotwomajorgroups. Whicharethey? 52. What is an operatingsystem (OS)? Define it. Draw a schemewhichdisplaystheposition of OS comparedto HW, Application Filesanduser(s). 53. An OS is primarily a resourceallocator / manager. Which 4 majorresourcesdoes an OS manage? 54. Define theterm KERNEL. 55. Define theterm PROCESS. 56. Whatarethe 4 majorKernel (OS) models? 57. Why do weneed an OS? Whatare his main functions? 58. Whatarepriorities in OSsusedfor? 59. Ifyouhave a single-core, single-thread CPU, how manyconcurrentprocesses can be run (in means of executing in the CPU) at thesame time? 60. Explaincontextswitching. 61. Name sometypes of OSs. 62. Ifyouwouldbuild a bankingsystemwhichtype of OS wouldyouchoose? 63. Name twomajormechanismsforcheckingthestatus of I/O operations. 64. What is thedifferencebetweenthepollingandtheinterruptmechanism? 65. Explaintimesharing in means of processexecution. 66. Explaintheversion of timesharingwhen time slicing is used. 67. Define a typicalscenario of of processexecution in a time sharedenvironment. 68. Whatarereal time systems? 69. Name someOSsavailable at the market. 70. What is utility SW? 71. Name someutility SW categories.

72. Name someadvantageswhicharepossibletoachievebyusingapplicationsoftware 73. Name someforms of Application Software 74. Define briefly: Packaged -, Custom -, Web application -, Open source -, Shareware -, Freeware - andPublic-domain SW 75. What is a window? A dialogbox? 76. Whatarethefourmajorcategories of Application Software? Name somerepresentativesforeachcategory! 77. What is meantundertheterm wordprocessingsoftware? 78. What can you do with a wordprocessor? 79. What is thedifferencebetweenthe Save and Save As action (exceptits name, which is obvious :) )? 80. Can yousearchforspecificcharacters / letters / phrases / sentences in MS Word? 81. Explainthedifferencebetweencreating, editingandformatting a document in wordprocessing SW. 82. What is a font? 83. Define spreadsheet SW 84. What is spreadsheetsoftwareusedfor? 85. Whywouldoneusespreadsheet SW? 86. What is thedifferencebetween ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending) sorting? 87. What is a formula in MS Excel? 88. What is a function? 89. Whatwouldthefunction =SUM(A1:A10) in MS Excel do? 90. Whatwouldthefunction =MAX(B2,C10,E17) in MS Excel resultwith? 91. What is a function in means of spreadsheet SW?

92. Name threecommonfunctions in spreadsheetSWs. 93. Name sometypes of chartsyou can createwith MS Excel. 94. What is a database? 95. Define database SW 96. What can be donewith DB SW? 97. Define presentationsoftware 98. Explainwhatnotetaking SW is usedfor 99. What is a businesssoftwaresuite? Name an example! 100. Whatdoestheabbreviation CRM standfor? 101. What is ERP? 102. Explainwhat SCADA systemsareusedfor 103. Name someapplicationswhich can be part of personalinformationmanager (PIM) SW 104. Whyare SW implementations on mobile devicesmostlyscaleddown in means of featuresetc. comparedto SW implementations of thesametypeused on desktopcomputers? 105. Define projectmanagement SW 106. Define Accounting SW 107. Define Documentmanagement SW 108. Name sometypes of applicationsoftware in the Graphics & Multimedia category 109. What is CAx (Computer-aidedtechnologies) software? Write an example! 110. What is paint/imageediting SW? 111. Video/Audioediting SW? 112. Multimedia authoring SW? 113. Name somesubcategories of SW for Home/Personal/Educationaluse 114. What is a web application? 115. How do youknowthatsome SW is a web application? 116. Name three web applications 117. Name 5 applicationSWsusedforCommunication 118. What is online-help? 119. What is web-basedhelp? 120. What is distancelearning?

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