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Assistant Professor Educational Leadership Isabelle Farrington College of Education Sacred Heart University Educational Leadership

Sacred Heart University, in Fairfield, Connecticut, is the second-largest Catholic university in New England. The Princeton eview includes SHU in its !"est #$% Colleges& '()'! and U.S. News * +orld e,ort-s !./erica-s "est Colleges '()'! ran0s SHU in the to, tier of 1aster-s Universities in the North. 2ver %,((( students are enrolled in its five colleges& College of .rts * Sciences3 College of Health Professions3 the ..CS"-accredited 4ohn F. +elch College of "usiness3 University College3 and the NC.TE accredited 5sa6elle Farrington College of Education.

Assistant Professor The Department of Educational Leadership is seeking a successful educational leader to work in a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.), pending final state authori ation, and a post!graduate program the lead to "onnecticut administrati#e certifications. The successful candidate will teach, mentor, and ad#ise the ne$t generation of educational leaders in %oth theor& and applications' possess %ackground and e$perience working with (tandards for (chool Leadership at the state and)or national le#el' ha#e e$perience in assessment and e#aluation, performance!%ased teacher super#ision, e#aluation and instructional anal&sis, case stud& anal&sis of leadership %eha#ior, use of standards!%ased performance for e#aluating school leadership, and *uantitati#e and *ualitati#e anal&sis of data for school impro#ement and research design. The successful candidate will teach in the Ed.D. program, super#ise doctoral dissertations and ha#e teaching responsi%ilities in the administrati#e certification and ad#anced studies programs. +acult& assignment will %e in %oth the traditional schedule and the weekend cohort programs. Mini , , , , u !ualifications" Doctoral degree E$perience in educational leadership E$perience in educational research and research applications E$perience in e#aluation and assessment

#he ideal candidate $ill have" , Administrati#e e$perience at the district le#el , "onnecticut (uperintendenc& "ertificate or e*ui#alent , E$perience with *uantitati#e research methodolog& , E$perience teaching at the uni#ersit& le#el (particularl& post!graduate le#el) , E$perience mentoring doctoral students and super#ising dissertations Applications should su%mit a letter relating the candidate-s e$perience to the re*uirements of the position, curriculum #itae, three letters of reference, sample of scholarl& writing, and transcripts to Dr. .ichael /ar%our, 0sa%elle +arrington "ollege of Education, (acred 1eart 2ni#ersit&, 3434 Park A#enue, +airfield, "T 56783, (859) 9:6!7;;6 or %& email< /ar%ourm84=sacredheart.edu.

The re#iew of applications will %egin on Decem%er 4, 8549 and the position will remain open until filled. The 2ni#ersit& offers a comprehensi#e %enefits package including tuition remission. Please #isit our we%site at< $$$%sacredheart%edu
Ecu/enical in s,irit and led 6y the laity, Sacred Heart University is dedicated to e7cellence in acade/ics and to the Catholic intellectual and li6eral arts traditions. +e are loo0ing for individuals who value the University8s Catholic identity, tradition and s,irit, and su,,ort its co//it/ent to the intellectual and ethical develo,/ent of our students. Sacred Heart University is an E2E9.. e/,loyer.

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