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Organizational Analysis Daniel A. McFarland Stanford/Coursera Fall 2012 ADDITIONAL READINGS (in case you ant to e!

!"lore t#e to"ics furt#er$ %ee& '. Organizational (le)ents and Organizing *arrati+es ,erro - C#arles. 1./0. Complex Organizations: A Critical Essay. (An iconoclastic loo& at t#e #istory of Organizational 1#eory in A)erica.$ ,feffer- 2effrey. 1../. 34nderstanding Organizations5 Conce"ts and Contro+ersies-6 in D. 7il8ert- S. Fis&e- and 7. 9indzey ((ds.$- Handbook of Social Psychology, ol! "- *e :or&5 Mc7ra ;<ill- =>>;===. Scott- %. ?. 200> (@t# ed$. Organizations, #ational, $at%ral, and Open Systems. ,rentice <all. %ee& ''. Decisions 8y ?ational and ?ule;Aased ,rocedures Aec&er- Mar&us C. 3Organizational ?outines5 A ?e+ie of t#e 9iterature.6 &nd%strial and Corporate Change 1>- B5 0B>;0==. (rule follo ing$ Cicourel- Aaron. 'he Social Organization of (%)enile (%stice- c#a"ters B- @. Cyert- ?ic#ard and 2a)es 7. Marc#. 1.0> C1..2D. A *eha)ioral 'heory of the +irm. ,rentice; <all- C#. =. 9ortie- Dan. Schoolteacher. (teac#ers as li)ited "ro8le) sol+ers$ Marc#- 2a)es 7.- and <er8ert Si)on. 1.@/. Organizations! Mc7ra ;<ill- C#. 0- 3Cogniti+e 9i)its on ?ationality.6 Si)on- <er8ert A. 1.0. C1../ >rd edD. 'he Sciences of the Artificial- c#. 2- B. M'1 ,ress. Sizer- 1#eodore. 1./B. Horace,s Compromise.(teac#ers as li)ited "ro8le) sol+ers$ Eaug#an- Diane. 'he Challenger -a%nch .ecision. %ilda+s&y- Aaron. 'he Politics of the *%dgetary Process- c#. 2. %ee& '''. Decisions 8y Do)inant Coalitions Aardac#- (ugene. 'he &mplementation /ame: 0hat Happens after a *ill *ecomes -a1. Caro- ?o8ert. 'he Po1er *roker- c#. >>- "". =0>;=@B. (#o tec#nocrat ta&es control$ Crenson- Matt#e . 'he 2n3Politics of Air Poll%tion- c#. 2. Crozier- Mic#el. 'he *%rea%cratic Phenomenon. ("". 10=;111- 1>.;1B2- and C#. 0 "". 1B@;1=B$. (#o )iddle )anagers or engineers can 8eco)e "o er;8ro&ers in co)"any$ Cyert- ?ic#ard and 2a)es 7. Marc#. 1.0> C1..2D. A *eha)ioral 'heory of the +irm. ,rentice; <all- C#. >;=. ()erson- ?ic#ard. 1.02. F,o er;De"endence ?elations.F American Sociological #e)ie1 2=5>1; B0. 9i"set- S. M. 31#e ,olitical ,rocess in 1rade 4nions6 in Political 4an: 'he Social *ases of Po1er- c#a"ter 12 ("". >/=;B>0$. Marc#- 2a)es 7. F1#e Ausiness Fir) as a ,olitical Coalition-F (o%rnal of Politics 2B (1.02$5 002;0=/. Marc#- 2a)es 7. 1..B. A Primer on .ecision 4aking: Ho1 .ecisions Happen. *:5 1#e Free ,ress. ,". 1>.;1=B! Marris- ,eter and Martin ?ein- .ilemmas of Social #eform: Po)erty and Comm%nity Action in the 2nited States. ,feffer- 2effrey. 1..2. 4anaging 0ith Po1er. <ar+ard Ausiness Sc#ool ,ress. Scott- %. ?ic#ard. 200>. 37oals- ,o er- and Control.6 C#a"ter 11 in Organizations, #ational, $at%ral, and Open Systems ("". 2.1;>2B$.

Organizational Analysis Daniel A. McFarland Stanford/Coursera Fall 2012 %ee& 'E. Decisions 8y Organized Anarc#ies C#is#ol)- Donald. Coordination 1itho%t Hierarchy: &nformal Str%ct%res, 4%ltiorganizational Systems, and the *ay Area 'ransportation A%thority. Co#en- Mic#ael D- 2a)es 7. Marc#- and 2o#an ,. Olsen. 1.=2. 3A 7ar8age Can Model of Organizational C#oice.6 Administrati)e Science 5%arterly 1=5 1;2@ (1#is is a #ard read so ignore t#e statistics- "rogra)- etc- and focus on t#e )ain conce"ts of )eetings CcansD"artici"ants- issues- and access structures CG10 "agesD$. Co#en- Mic#ael D. and 2a)es 7. Marc#- -eadership and Ambig%ity: 'he American College President. *e :or&- *:5 Mc7ra ;<ill- 1.=B. 2nd ed.- Ca)8ridge- MA5 <ar+ard Ausiness Sc#ool ,ress- 1./0. Feld)an- Mart#a. Order 1itho%t .esign: Policy 4aking in the .epartment of Energy. Marc#- 2a)es and 2o#an Olsen. C#a"ters 1;B of Ambig%ity and Choice in Organizations- Aergen5 4ni+ersitetsforlaget- 1.=0- "". 10;0/. Marc#- 2a)es 7 and ,ierre ?o)elaer. 1.=0. 3,osition and ,resence in t#e Drift of Decisions.6 C#a"ter 12 ("". 2@1;2=0$ in Ambig%ity and Choice in Organizations. (eds$ Marc#- 2a)es and 2o#an Olsen. Aergen5 4ni+ersitetsforlaget (<ig#er (d case of c#anges in StanfordHs courses ; s&i) if you ant furt#er illustration$. Marc#- 2a)es 7. and 2o#an ,. Olsen- F%#at Ad)inistrati+e ?eorganization 1ells 4s a8out 7o+erning-F APS# ==(1./>$5 2/1;2.0. Scotc#- ?ic#ard. +rom /ood 0ill to Ci)il #ights: 'ransforming +ederal .isability Policy. %einer- Ste"#en S. 1.=0. 3,artici"ation- Deadlines- and C#oice6 C#a"ter 11 ("". 22@;2@0$ in Ambig%ity and Choice in Organizations. (eds$ Marc#- 2a)es and 2o#an Olsen. Aergen5 4ni+ersitetsforlaget (I;12 case of desegregation in SF sc#ools$. Ja#ariadis- *i&olaos. 200>. Ambig%ity and Choice in P%blic Policy: Political .ecision 4aking in 4odern .emocracies. %as#ington- D.C.5 7eorgeto n 4ni+ersity ,ress (recommended$. %ee& E. Organizational 9earning and 'ntelligence Allen- 9.- it# C. A)edia and A. Stein8erg. 2001. 3%all to %all5 ')"le)enting S)all 9earning Co))unities in Fi+e Aoston <ig# Sc#ools.6 9AA %or&ing ,a"er *o. >. Argote- 9inda. 1.... Organizational -earning: Creating, #etaining and 'ransferring 6no1ledge. Aoston5 Ilu er. Argote- 9inda. 1.... Organizational -earning: Creating, #etaining and 'ransferring 6no1ledge. Aoston5 Ilu er. (Concretely addresses )any org learning t#e)es$. Aro n- 2o#n Seely and ,aul Duguid. 1..1. 3Organizational 9earning and Co))unities;of; ,ractice5 1o ard a 4nified Eie of %or&ing- 9earning- and 'nno+ation.6 ,". @/;/2 in Organizational -earning. (ds. Mic#ael Co#en and 9ee S"roull (also listed in Organization Science- 2(1$- Fe8. 1..1.$. 9ondon5 Sage. (d)ondson- A)y C.- ?.M. Ao#)er K 7.,. ,isano. 2001. 3Disru"ti+e routines5 1ea) learning and ne tec#nology i)"le)entation in #os"itals.6 AS5 B05 0/@;=10. (ricson- 2. and D. Sil+er)an- it# ,. Aer)an- A. *elson- and D. Solo)on. 2001. 3C#allenge and O""ortunity5 1#e ')"act of C#arter Sc#ools on Sc#ool Districts.6 <utc#ins- (d in. 1..1. 3Organizing %or& 8y Ada"tation.6 Organization Science 2- 15 20;@= (concrete application7. <utc#ins- (d in. 1..@. Cognition in the 0ild. Ca)8ridge- MA5 M'1 ,ress.

Organizational Analysis Daniel A. McFarland Stanford/Coursera Fall 2012 9e+int#al- Daniel A. and 2a)es 7. Marc#- F1#e Myo"ia of 9earningF- Strategic 4anagement (o%rnal- 1B (1..>$ .@;112. 9e+itt- Aar8ara and 2a)es 7. Marc#. 1.//. FOrganizational 9earning.6 Ann%al #e)ie1 of Sociology 1B5 >1.;>B0. Marc#- 2a)es 7. 1..1. 3(!"loration and (!"loitation in Organizational 9earning.6 Organization Science- 2- 15 =1;/=. Marc#- 2a)es 7. and ?o8ert '. Sutton- FOrganizational ,erfor)ance as a De"endent Earia8leFOrganization Science- / (1..=$ 0.=;=00. Marc#- 2a)es 7. and ?o8ert '. Sutton- FOrganizational ,erfor)ance as a De"endent Earia8leFOrganization Science- / (1..=$ 0.=;=00. Marc#- 2a)es 7.- 9ee S"roull- and Mic#ael 1a)uz. 1..1. 39earning Fro) Sa)"les of One or Fe er.6 ,". 1;1. in Organizational -earning. (ds. Mic#ael Co#en and 9ee S"roull (also listed in Organization Science- 2(1$- Fe8. 1..1.$. 9ondon5 Sage. S"illane- 2.- and ?. <al+erson- 2. Dia)ond. 200B. 31o ards a 1#eory of 9eaders#i" ,ractice5 a Distri8uted ,ers"ecti+e.6 (o%rnal of C%rric%l%m St%dies >0 (1$5>;>B. %ee& E'. Organizational Cultures Clar&- A.?. (1.=2$. 31#e Organizational Saga in <ig#er (ducation.6 Administrati)e Science 5%arterly 1=(2$5 1=/;1/B. (case of narrati+e$ Czarnia s&a- Aar8ara. 1..=. $arrating the Organization: .ramas of &nstit%tional &dentity! C#icago5 4ni+ersity of C#icago ,ress. (C# 1 e)"loys narrati+e a""roac#es to t#e understanding of organizational "rocesses. (nd of 8oo& #as a""lications$ Fine- 7ary Alan. 1.=.. FS)all 7rou"s and Cultural Creation5 1#e 'dioculture of 9ittle 9eague Aase8all 1ea)s.F American Sociological #e)ie1 BB5=>>;=B@. 7rant- 7erald. 1.//. 'he 0orld 0e Created at Hamilton High. Ca)8ridge- Mass.5 <ar+ard 4ni+ersity ,ress. ("rescri8es 8uilding co))unity et#os / culture$ 9es&o- *ancy. 1.//. Symbolizing Society: Stories, #ites, and Str%ct%re in a Catholic High School. (ducation ,olicy ,ers"ecti+es Series. (focus on rites in )iddle sc#ools$ Martin- 2oanne and De8ra Meyerson. 1.//. 3Organizational Cultures and t#e DenialC#anneling and Ac&no ledg)ent of A)8iguity.6 C#a"ter 0 ("". .>;12@$ in 4anaging Ambig%ity and Change- 9. ,ondy- ?. Aoland- and <. 1#o)as ((ds$. Martin- 2oanne- ,eter 2. Frost- and Oli+ia A. OH*eill. 200B. 3Organizational Culture5 Aeyond Struggles for 'ntellectual Do)inance.6 1o a""ear in S. Clegg- C. <ardy- %. *ord- and 1. 9a rence- ((ds.$ Handbook of Organization St%dies- second edition- 9ondon5 Sage ,u8lications. #tt"s5//gs8a""s.stanford.edu/researc#"a"ers/li8rary/?,1/0B."df Martin- 2oanne. 1..2. C%lt%res in Organizations: 'hree Perspecti)es. *e :or&5 O!ford 4ni+ersity ,ress. McFarland- Daniel A. 200B. 3?esistance as a Social Dra)a A Study of C#ange;Oriented (ncounters.6 American (o%rnal of Sociology 10.(0$512B.1>1/ ()icro a""lication$. 1rice- <arrison M.- and 2anice M. Aeyer. 1..>. 'he C%lt%res of 0ork Organizations! (ngle ood Cliffs- *25 ,rentice;<all. (1#e 8est re+ie to date of organizational culture$. Van Maanen, John and Gideon Kunda. 1991. "The Smile Factory: Work at i!neyland." "#. $%&'( in Reframing Organizational Culture )ed!. "eter Fro!t et al*. Sa+e. %eic&- Iarl. Sensemaking in Organizations.


Organizational Analysis Daniel A. McFarland Stanford/Coursera Fall 2012 %ee& E''. ?esource De"endencies Alford- ?o8ert. Health Care Politics. Aec&er- <o ard S- Alanc#e 7eer- and (+erett C. <ug#es. 1.0/. 4aking the /rade: 'he Academic Side of College -ife. *e :or&5 2o#n %iley and Sons. Fligstein- *eil. FMar&ets as ,olitics5 A ,olitical;Cultural A""roac# to Mar&et 'nstitutions-F American Sociological #e)ie1 01 (1..0$5 0@0;0=>. Gosden, P.H. 1977. The Origins of Cooptation to Membership of Local Education Committees. British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3:258-267. ,feffer- 2effrey and 7erald Salanci&- 1.=B. FOrganizational decision )a&ing as a "olitical "rocess5 1#e case of a 4ni+ersity 8udget-F Administrati)e Science 5%arterly- 1.5 1>@;@1. ,feffer- 2effrey and 7erry Salanci&- 'he External Control of Organizations. 1.=/. C#a"ters 1- >@;= (200> edition 8est$. Salanci&- 7erald ?. and 2effrey ,feffer. 1.=B. 31#e Aases and 4se of ,o er in Organizational Decision;Ma&ing5 1#e Case of a 4ni+ersity.6 Administrati)e Science 5%arterly 1.B5B@>;B=> (?esource de"endence +ie of #o "o er is esta8lis#ed it#in uni+ersities$. Selznic&- ,#illi". 1.B.. ' A and the /rassroots- 4ni+ersity of California ,ress. 'ntroductionC#. >;B- and conclusion ("". >;10- /@;1@>- 2B.;200$ (old- 8ut nice case a8out #o a federal "rogra) to 8uild da)s and t#en assist and train "oor- )inority far)ers ins t#e for)er effort 8y allo ing (log;rolling$ t#e latter effort get coo"ted 8y local elites. 1#e second- 3grass;roots6 effort at training "oor far)ers and dis"ensing needed fertilizer fails and )erely )aintains status;Luo.$ %ee& E'''. *et or& Models of Organizing Aa&er- %ayne. 1..B. $et1orking Smart. (strategies for getting a#ead as a )anager$. Aa&er- %ayne. 2000. Achie)ing S%ccess thro%gh Social Capital. (#o to de+elo" and use net or&s to ac#ie+e success$. Aorgatti- Ste"#en ,. and ,.C. Foster. 200>. 3A *et or& ,aradig) in Organizational ?esearc#5 A ?e+ie and 1y"ology.6 (o%rnal of 4anagement 2.(0$5..1;101> (&ey conce"ts$. Aurt- ?on. 1..2. Str%ct%ral Holes. (*et or&ing to t#e to"$ Cole)an- 2a)es S. 1.01. Adolescent Society! *e :or&5 Free ,ress. (*et or&s in #ig# sc#ools$ Fran&- Iennet#- :ong J#ao- and Iat#ryn Aor)an. 200B. 3Social Ca"ital and t#e Diffusion of 'nno+ations it#in Organizations5 1#e Case of Co)"uter 1ec#nology in Sc#ools.6 Sociology of Ed%cation ==- 25 1B/;1=1. (Diffusion case$ 7rano+etter- Mar& 1./@. F(cono)ic action and social structure5 1#e "ro8le) of e)8eddedness-F A(S .15B/1;@10. Iilduff- Martin and%en"in 1sai. 200>. Social $et1orks and Organizations. SA7( ,u8. Irac&#ardt- Da+id. 1..2. 31#e Strengt# of Strong 1ies5 1#e ')"ortance of ,#ilos in Organizations.6 C# / of $et1orks and Organizations: Str%ct%re, +orm, and Action. (ds. *. *o#ria and ?. (ccles. Aoston5 <ar+ard Ausiness Sc#ool ,ress. (*ice case of #o a union fails to infiltrate co)"any 8ecause t#ey did not &no infor)al net or&s$ 9au)ann- (d ard and Da+id Ino&e. 1./=. 'he Organizational State: Social Choice in $ational Policy .omains. (*et or&s in #ealt# "olicy do)ain$ McFarland- Daniel A. 2001. 3Student ?esistance5 <o t#e For)al and 'nfor)al Organization of Classroo)s Facilitate (+eryday For)s of Student Defiance.6 American (o%rnal of Sociology 10= (>$5 012;=/.(Micro;case of net or&s and #o t#e for)al and infor)al organization of relations can act to under)ine educational ai)s$. B

Organizational Analysis Daniel A. McFarland Stanford/Coursera Fall 2012 ,odolny- 2oel and Iaren ,age- 3*et or& For)s of Organization-6 Ann%al #e)ie1 of Sociology2B- 1../- @=;=0. (7et )ain idea of #o net or& for)s of organization )ean a different social structure- and #at functions t#at )ay #a+e and #o it needs to 8e )anaged$. %ee& 'M. 'nstitutional ,ers"ecti+es Aru)- ?ic#ard. 2000. 3Sc#ools and Co))unities5 (cological and 'nstitutional Di)ensions.6 Ann%al #e)ie1 of Sociology 205>.@B1/ (si)ilar to ?enzulli 8ut re+ie "iece$. Ainder- A)y 2. 2002. Contentio%s C%rric%la: Afrocentrism and Creationism in American P%blic Schools! ,rinceton 4ni+ersity ,ress. Arint- Ste"#en and 2ero)e Iara8al. 1..1. 3'nstitutional Origins and 1ransfor)ation5 1#e Case of A)erican Co))unity Colleges6- "". >>=;00 in ,o ell and DiMaggio. Co8urn- Cynt#ia (. 200B. 3Aeyond Decou"ling5 ?et#in&ing t#e ?elations#i" Aet een t#e 'nstitutional (n+iron)ent and t#e Classroo).6 Sociology of Ed%cation ==- >5211;2BB. Da+ies- Scott. 1.... 3Fro) Moral Duty to Cultural ?ig#ts5 A Case Study of ,olitical Fra)ing in (ducation.6 Sociology of Ed%cation =2- 151;21. DiMaggio- ,. K %. ,o ell. 1./>. F1#e 'ron Cage ?e+isited5 'nstitutional 'so)or"#is) and Collecti+e ?ationality in Organizational Fields.F American Sociological #e)ie1 B/51B=; 100. Douglas- Mary. Ho1 &nstit%tions 'hink. C#s. 1- B;@- /. (s"eland- %endy *elson. 1../. 'he Str%ggle for 0ater: Politics, #ationality, and &dentity in the American So%th1est. ?eco))ended. Ia)ens- Da+id. F9egiti)ating Myt#s and (ducational Organization.F American Sociological #e)ie1 B2 (1.==$5 20/;21.. Meyer- 2o#n and Arian ?o an. 1.==. F'nstitutionalized Organizations5 For)al Structure as Myt# and Cere)ony.F American (o%rnal of Sociology />5>B0;>0> ?o an- Arian and Cecil 7. Mis&el- 1.... 3'nstitutional t#eory and t#e study of educational organizations-6 Handbook of #esearch on Ed%cational Administration, >@.;/>- 2ose"# Mur"#y and Iaren Seas#ore- ed. Scott- %. ?ic#ard- 1..@. &nstit%tions and Organizations. Sage.

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