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Suicide Prevention Reading List: II.

Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation

Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
1. M. Abbar, P. Courtet, F. Bellivier, M. Leboyer, J.P. Boulenger, D. Castelhau, M. Ferreira, C. Lambercy, D. Mouthon, A. Paoloni Giacobino, M. Vessaz, A. Malafosse, C. Buresi, Suicide Attempts and the Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene, Molecular Psychiatry, 6 (3), 268-273, 2001. 2. M. Abbar, P. Courtet, A. Malafosse, D. Castelhau, Epidemiologic and Molecular Genetic of Suicidal Behavior, LEncephale, 22 (Spec No. 4): 19-24, 1996. 3. E. Arensman, A.J. Kerkhof, M.W. Hengeveld, J.D. Mulder, Medically Treated Suicide Attempts: A Four Year Monitoring Study of the Epidemiology in the Netherlands, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 49 (3): 285-289, 1995. 4. C. Bagley, P. Tremblay, Elevated Rates of Suicidal Behavior in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth, Crisis, 21: 111-117, 2000. 5. R.J. Baldessarini, L. Tondo, J. Hennen, Lithium Treatment and Suicide Risk in Major Affective Disorders: Update and New Findings, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64 (5): 44-52, 2003. 6. C. M. Banki, M. Arato, Z. Papp, M. Kurcz, Biochemical Markers in Suicidal Patients. Investigations With Cerebrospinal Fluid Amine Metabolites and Neuroendocrine Tests, Journal of Affective Disorders, 6 (3-4): 341-350, 1984. 7. A.L. Beautrais, Further Suicidal Behavior Among Medically Serious Suicide Attempters, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 34 (1): 1-11, 2004. 8. A.L. Beautrais, Suicide and Serious Suicide Attempts in Youth: A MultipleGroup Comparison Study, American Journal of Psychiatry, 160:6, 1093-1099, 2003. 9. A.L. Beautrais, Risk Factors for Suicide and Attempted Suicide Among Young People, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 34(3): 420-436, 2000. 10. A.L. Beautrais, P. Joyce, R. Mulder, Precipitating Factors and Life Events in Serious Suicide Attempts Among Youths Aged 13 through 24 Years, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36: 1543-1551, 1997.

1 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
11. A.T. Beck, R. Steer, M. Kovacs, B. Garrison, Hopelessness and Eventual Suicide: A 10 Year Prospective Study of Patients Hospitalized With Suicidal Ideation, American Journal of Psychiatry, 142: 559-563, 1985. 12. A.T. Beck, R.A. Steer, M.G. McElroy, Relationships of Hopelessness, Depression and Previous Suicide Attempts to Suicidal Ideation in Alcoholics, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 43 (9): 1042-1046, 1982. 13. A.T. Beck, M. Kovacs, A. Weissman, Assessment of Suicidal Intention: The Scale for Suicide Ideation, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47 (2): 343-352, 1979. 14. A.T. Beck, A. Weissman, M. Kovacs, Alcoholism, Hopelessness, and Suicidal Behavior, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 37 (1): 66-77, 1976. 15. A.T. Beck, A. Weissman, D. Lester, L. Trexler, Classification of Suicidal Behaviors. II. Dimensions of Suicidal Intent, Archives of General Psychiatry, 33 (7): 835-837, 1976. 16. A.T. Beck, M. Kovacs, A. Weissman, Hopelessness and Suicidal Behavior: An Overview, Journal of the American Medical Association, 234 (11): 1146-1149, 1975. 17. A.T. Beck, D. Lester, Components of Depression in Attempted Suicides, Journal of Psychology, 85: 257-260, 1973. 18. C.G. Beevers and I.W. Miller, Perfectionism, Cognitive Bias, and Hopelessness as Prospective Predictors of Suicidal Ideation, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 34 (2): 126-137, 2004. 19. F. Bellivier, A. Szoke, C. Henry, J. Lacoste, C. Bottos, M. Nosten-Bertrand, P. Hardy, F. Rouillon, J.M. Launay, J.L. Laplanche, M. Leboyer, Possible Association Between Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphism and Violent Suicidal Behavior in Mood Disorders, Biological Psychiatry, 48 (4): 319-322, 2000. 20. R.C. Bland, S.C. Newman, R.J. Dyck, H. Orn, Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders and Suicide Attempts in a Prison Population, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 35 (5): 407-413, 1990.

2 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
21. S. Blauner, How I Stayed Alive When My Brain Was Trying To Kill Me: One Persons Guide to Suicide Prevention, New York: William Morrow an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 2002. 22. I. Borowsky, M. Ireland, M.D. Resnick, Adolescent Suicide Attempts: Risks and Protectors, Pediatrics, 107 (3): 485-493, 2001. 23. I. Borowsky, M. Resnick, M. Ireland, R. Blum, Suicide Attempts Among African American, Indian, and Alaska Native Youth: Risk and Protective Factors, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 153: 573-580, 1999. 24. H.R. Bourne, W.E. Bunney, Jr., R.W. Colburn, J.M. Davis, J.N. Davis, D.M. Shaw, A.J. Coppen, Noradrenaline, 5-Hydroxtryptamine, and 5Hydroxyindoleactic Acid in Hindbrains of Suicidal Patients, Lancet, 2 (7572): 805-808, 1968. 25. D.A. Brent, M.A. Oquendo, B. Birmaher, L. Greenhill, D.J. Kolko, B. Stanley, J. Zelazny, B.S. Brodsky, J. Bridge, S.P. Ellis, O. Salazar, J.J. Mann, Familial Pathways to Early-Onset Suicide Attempts: A High Risk Study, Archives of General Psychiatry, in press. 26. B.S. Brodsky, K.M. Malone, S.P. Ellis, R.A. Dulit, J.J. Mann, Characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder Associated with Suicidal Behavior, American Journal of Psychiatry, 154 (12): 1715-1719, 1997. 27. M. L. Bruce, T.R. Ten Have, C.F. Reynolds, I.I. Katz, H.C. Schulberg, B.H. Mulsant, G.K. Brown, G.J. McAvay, J.L. Pearson, G.S. Alexopoulous, Reducing Suicidal Ideation and Depressive Symptoms in Depressed Older Primary Care Patients, Journal of the American Medical Association, 291 (9), 1081-1091, 2004. 28. J. Brunner, T. Bronisch, Neurobiological Correlates of Suicidal Behavior, Fortschritte Der Neurologie-Psychiatrie, 67(9): 391-412, 1999. 29. W.E. Bunney, Jr., J.A. Fawcett, J.M. Davis, S. Gifford, Further Evaluation of Urinary 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids in Suicidal Patients, Archives of General Psychiatry, 21 (2): 138-150, 1969. 30. S. Cannetto, Gender Issues in the Treatment of Suicidal Individuals, Death Studies, 18: 513-527, 1994.

3 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
31. K. Carpenter, D. Hasin, D. Allison, M. Faith, Relationship Between Obesity and DSM-IV Major Depressive Disorder, Suicide Ideation, and Suicide Attempts: Results From a General Population Study, American Journal of Public Health, 90: 251-257, 2000. 32. J. Chabot, New Lease On Life, Minneapolis: Fairview Press, 1997. 33. J. Chu, Trauma and Suicide. In: D.G. Jacobs, editor, The Harvard Medical School Guide to Suicide Assessment and Intervention, 332-354, San Francisco: JosseyBass Publishers, 1999. 34. J. Clemons, Children of Jonah: Personal Stories by Survivors of Suicide Attempts, Herndon, Virginia: Capital Books, 2001. 35. J. Collins, Sanity and Grace: A Journey of Suicide, Survival and Strength, New York: Penguin, 2003 36. L. Cooper-Patrick, R. Crum, D.E. Ford, Identifying Suicidal Ideation in General Medical Patients, Journal of the American Medical Association, 272: 1757-1762, 1994. 37. E.M. Corbitt, K.M. Malone, G.L. Haas, J.J. Mann, Suicidal Behavior in Patients With Major Depression and Comorbid Personality Disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders, 39 (1): 61-72, 1996. 38. H. Correa, F. Duval, M. Mokrani, P. Bailey, F. Tremeau, L. Staner, T.S. Diep, Y. Hode, M.A. Crocq, J.P. Macher, Prolactin Response to D-Fenfluramine and Suicidal Behavior in Depressed Patients, Psychiatry Research, 93 (3): 189-199, 2000. 39. J.R. Davidson, D.C. Hughes, L.K. George, D.G. Blazer, The Association of Sexual Assault and Attempted Suicide Within the Community, Archives of General Psychiatry, 53 (6): 550-555, 1996. 40. G. Dieserud, E. Roysamb, O. Ekeberg, P. Kraft, Toward an Integrative Model of Suicide Attempt: A Cognitive Psychological Approach, Suicide and LifeThreatening Behavior, 31 (2): 153-168, 2001.

4 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
41. R.E. Drake, C. Gates, P.G. Cotton, Suicide Among Schizophrenics: A Comparison of Attempters and Completed Suicides, British Journal of Psychiatry, 149: 784-787, 1986. 42. B. Draper, Attempted Suicide in Old Age, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 11: 577-587, 1996. 43. B. Draper, Suicidal Behaviors in the Elderly, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 8: 655-661, 1994. 44. C.F. Duggan, P. Sham, A.S. Lee, R.M. Murray, Can Future Suicidal Behavior in Depressed Patients Be Predicted? Journal of Affective Disorders, 22 (3): 111-118, 1991. 45. D.K. Elavin, J.E. Franklin, R.J. Frances, Substance Abuse and Suicidal Behavior. In: S.J. Blumenthal, D.J. Kupfer, editors, Suicide Over the Life Cycle: Risk Factors, Assessment, and Treatment of Suicidal Patients, 177-204, Washington D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. 46. C. Esposito, G. Clum, Psychiatric Symptoms and Their Relationship to Suicidal Ideation in a High-Risk Adolescent Community Sample, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41: 44-51, 2002. 47. A. Fagiolini, D.J. Kupfer, P. Rucci, D. Stat, J.A. Scott, D.M. Novick, E. Frank, Suicide Attempts and Ideation in Patients With Bipolar I Disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65(4: 509-514, 2004. 48. N.L. Farberow, Indirect Self Destructive Behavior: Classification and Characteristics. In: N.L. Farberow, editor, The Many Faces of Suicide: Indirect Self-Destructive Behavior, 15-27, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1980. 49. L. Farrer, Suicide and Attempted Suicide in Huntingtons Disease: Implications for Preclinical Testing of Persons at Risk, American Journal of Medical Genetics, 24: 305-311, 1986. 50. J. Fawcett, D.C. Clark, W.A. Scheftner, The Assessment and Management of the Suicidal Patient, Psychiatric Medicine, 9 (2): 299-311, 1991.

5 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
51. D.M. Fergusson, L.J. Woodward, L.J. Horwood, Risk Factors and Life Processes Associated With the Onset of Suicidal Behaviour During Adolescence and Early Adulthood, Psychological Medicine, 30 (1): 23-39, 2000. 52. E.M. Forman, M.S. Berk, G.R. Henriques, G.K. Brown, A.T. Beck, History of Multiple Suicide Attempts as a Behavioral Marker of Severe Psychopathology, American Journal of Psychiatry, 161 (3): 437-443, 2004. 53. R.S. Friedman, Hospital Treatment of the Suicidal Patient, In: D.G. Jacobs, H.P. Brown, editors, Suicide: Understanding and Responding, 379-402, Madison CT: International Universities Press, 1989. 54. M.R. Fyer, A.J. Frances, T. Sullivan, S.W. Hurt, J. Clarkin, Suicide Attempts in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder, American Journal of Psychiatry, 145 (6): 737-739, 1988. 55. D.L. Gardner, R.W. Cowdry, Suicidal and Parasuicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder, Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 8 (2): 389-403, 1985. 56. B.D. Garfinkel, A. Froese, J. Hood, Suicide Attempts in Children and Adolescents, American Journal of Psychiatry, 139 (10): 1257-1261, 1982. 57. R. Garofalo, R.C. Wolf, L.S. Wissow, E.R. Woods, E. Goodman, Sexual Orientation and Risk of Suicide Attempts Among a Representative Sample of Youth, Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 153 (5): 487-493, 1999. 58. M.J. Garvey, F. Spoden, Suicide Attempts in Antisocial Personality Disorder, Comprehensive Psychiatry, 21 (2): 146-149, 1980. 59. T. Geer, A. Frisch, M.L. Persson, D. Wasserman, R. Rockah, E. Michaelovsky, A. Apter, E.G. Jonsson, M.M. Nothen, A. Weizman, Search for Association Between Suicide Attempt and Serotonergic Polymorphisms, Psychiatric Genetics, 10 (1): 19-26, 2000. 60. A. Giddens, Suicide, Attempted Suicide and the Suicidal Threat, Man: A Record of Anthropological Science, 64: 115-116, 1964. 61. A.L. Glowinski, K.K. Bucholz, E.C. Nelson, Q. Fu, P.A. Madden, W. Reich, A.C. Heath, Suicide Attempts in an Adolescent Female Twin Sample, Journal of the

6 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40 (11); 1300-1307, 2001. 62. D.B. Goldston, S.S. Daniel, B.A. Reboussin, D.M. Reboussin, P.H. Frazier, A.E. Harris, Cognitive Risk Factors and Suicide Attempts Among Formerly Hospitalized Adolescents: A Prospective Naturalistic Study, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40 (1): 91-99, 2001. 63. F. K. Goodwin, B. Fireman, G.E. Simon, E.M. Hunkeler, J. Lee, D. Revicki, Suicide Risk in Bipolar Disorder During Treatment With Lithium and Divalproex, Journal of the American Medical Association, 290 (11): 1467-1473, 2003. 64. P. Gorwood, P. Batel, J. Ades, M. Hamon, C. Boni, Serotonin Transporter Gene Polymorphisms, Alcoholism, and Suicidal Behavior, Biological Psychiatry, 48 (4): 259-264, 2000. 65. D. Gunnel and D. Ashby, Antidepressants and Suicide: What is the Balance of Benefit and Harm? British Medical Journal, 329: 34-38, 2004. 66. A. Hardan, R. Sahl, Suicidal Behavior in Children and Adolescents With Developmental Disorders, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 20: 287-296, 1999. 67. J.M. Harkavy-Friedman, K. Restifo, D. Malaspina, C.A. Kaufman, X.F. Amador, S.A. Yale, J.M. Gorman, Suicidal Behavior in Schizophrenia: Characteristics of Individuals Who Had and Had Not Attempted Suicide, American Journal of Psychiatry, 156 (8): 1276-1278, 1999. 68. R. Harrington, M. Kerfoot, E. Dyer, F. McNiven, J. Gill, V. Harrington, A. Woodham, S. Byford, Randomized Trial of a Home-Based Family Intervention For Children Who Have Deliberately Poisoned Themselves, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 37 (5): 512-518, 1998. 69. K. Hawton, J. Fagg, P. Marsack, Association Between Epilepsy and Attempted Suicide, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 43 (2): 168-170, 1980. 70. R. Hecker, Waking Up Alive, New York: Balantine Books, 1994.

7 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
71. J. Hovey, Acculturative Stress, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation Among Central American Immigrants, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 30: 125-139, 2000. 72. B. Howard-Pitney, T.D. LaFromboise, M. Basil, B. September, M. Johnson, Psychological and Social Indicators of Suicide Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Zuni Adolescents, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 60 (3): 473476, 1992. 73. N. Ialongo, B. McCreary, J. Pearson, A. Koenig, B. Wagner, N. Schmidt, J. Poduska, S. Kellam, Suicidal Behavior Among Urban, African American Young Adults, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 32: 256-271, 2002. 74. K. Jamison, Night Falls Fast, Understanding Suicide, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999. 75. R.T. Joffe, J.J. Regan, Personality and Suicidal Behavior in Depressed Patients, Comprehensive Psychiatry, 30 (2): 157-160, 1989. 76. T. Joiner, M. Rudd, Intensity and Duration of Suicidal Crises Vary as a Function of Previous Suicide Attempts and Negative Life Events, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68: 909-916, 2000. 77. P. Joyce, A. Beautrais, R. Mulder, The Prevalence of Mental Disorder in Individuals Who Suicide and Attempt Suicide. In: M. Kelleher, editor, Divergent Perspectives on Suicidal Behavior, Cork: Fifth European Symposium on Suicide, 1994. 78. S. Kalichman, T. Heckman, A. Kochman, K. Sikkema, J. Berghotte, Depression and Thoughts of Suicide Among Middle-Aged and Older Persons Living with HIV-AIDS, Psychiatric Services, 51: 903-907, 2000. 79. M.L. Kaplan, G.M. Asnis, D.S. Lipschitz, P. Chorney, Suicidal Behavior and Abuse in Psychiatric Outpatients, Comprehensive Psychiatry, 36 (3): 229-235, 1995. 80. S.J. Kaplan, D. Pelcovitz, S. Salzinger, P.S. Mandel, M. Weiner, Adolescent Physical Abuse and Suicide Attempts, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (6): 799-808, 1997.

8 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
81. S. Kapur, T. Mieczkowski, J.J. Mann, Antidepressant Medications and the Relative Risk of Suicide Attempt and Suicide, Journal of the American Medical Association 268 (24): 3441-3445, 1992. 82. J.G. Kelip, H.A. Sackeim, B.S. Brodsky, M.A. Oquendeo, K.M. Malone, J.J. Mann, Neuropsychological Dysfunction in Depressed Suicide Attempters, American Journal of Psychiatry, 158 (5): 735-741, 2001. 83. R.C. Kessler, G. Borges, E.E. Walters Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Lifetime Suicide Attempts in the National Comorbidity Survey, Archives of General Psychiatry, 56 (7): 617-626, 1999. 84. R. King, M. Schwab-Stone, A. Flisher, S. Greenwald, R. Kramer, S. Goodman, B. Lahey, D. Shaffer, M. Gould, Psychosocial and Risk Behavior Correlates of Youth Suicide Attempts and Suicidal Ideation, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40: 837-846, 2001. 85. A.R. Kirk, R.A. Zucker, Some Sociopsychological Factors in Attempted Suicide Among Urban Black Males, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 9 (2): 76-86, 1979. 86. L.J. Kirmayer, L.J. Boothroyd, S. Hodgins, Attempted Suicide Among Inuit Youth: Psychosocial Correlates and Implications for Prevention, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (8): 816-822, 1998. 87. R. Kosky, S. Silburn, S.R. Zubrick, Are Children and Adolescents Who Have Suicidal Thoughts Different From Those Who Attempt Suicide?, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 178 (1): 38-43, 1990. 88. R. Kosky, S. Silburn, S. Zubrick, Symptomatic Depression and Suicidal Ideation: A Comparative Study With 628 Children, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 174 (9): 523-528, 1986. 89. M. Kovacs, A.T. Beck, A. Weissman, The Use of Suicidal Motives in the Psychotherapy of Attempted Suicides, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 29 (3): 363-368, 1975. 90. R. Kraus, Suicidal Behavior in Alaska Natives, Alaska Medicine, 16 (1): 2-6, 1974.

9 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
91. L. Kryzhanovskaya, G. Pilyagina, Suicidal Behavior in the Ukraine, 1988-1998, Crisis, 20 (4): 184-190, 1999. 92. J. Landmark, Z.Z. Cernovsky, H. Merskey, Correlates of Suicide Attempts and Ideation in Schizophrenia, British Journal of Psychiatry, 151: 18-20, 1987. 93. A. Leenars, J. Maltsberger, R. Neimeyer, editors, Treatment of Suicidal People, New York: Taylor and Francis, 1994. 94. M.S. Lerner, G.A. Clum, Treatment of Suicide Ideators: A Problem-Solving Approach, Behavior Therapy, 21 (4): 403-411, 1990. 95. D. Lester, A.T. Beck, Suicidal Wishes and Depression in Suicidal Ideators: A Comparison With Attempted Suicides, Journal of Clinical Psychology 33 (1): 9294, 1977. 96. G.S. Leverich, R.M. Post, Factors Associated With Suicide Attempts in 648 Patients With Bipolar Disorder in the Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 64(5): 506-515, 2003. 97. P. Lewinsohn, P, Rohnde, J. Seeley, C. Baldwin, Gender Differences in Suicide Attempts From Adolescence to Young Adulthood, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 40: 427-434, 2001. 98. P. Lewinsohn, P. Rohnde, J. Seeley, Adolescent Suicidal Ideation and Attempts: Prevalence, Risk Factors, Clinical Implications, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 3: 25-46, 1996. 99. R. P. Liberman, T. Eckman, Behavior Therapy vs. Insight-Oriented Therapy for Repeated Suicide Attempters, Archives of General Psychiatry, 38 (10), 11261130, 1981. 100. M.M. Linehan, S.L. Rizvi, S.S. Welch, B. Page, Psychiatric Aspects of Suicidal Behavior: Personality Disorders, In: K. Hawton, K. von Heeringen. editors, The International Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, 147-178, Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 101. M.M. Linehan, H.E. Armstrong, A. Suarez, D. Allmon, H.L. Heard, CognitiveBehavioral Treatment of Chronically Parasuicidal Borderline Patients, Archives of General Psychiatry, 48 (12): 1060-1064, 1991. 10 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.

102. M.M. Linehan, P. Camper, J.A. Chiles, K. Strosahl, Interpersonal Problem Solving and Parasuicide, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 11 (1): 1-12, 1987. 103. M.M. Linehan, J.L. Goodstein, S.L. Nielsen, J.A. Chiles, Reasons For Staying Alive When You are Thinking of Killing Yourself: The Reasons For Living Inventory, Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 51(2): 276-286, 1983. 104. P. Linkowski, V. de Maertelaer, J. Mendlewicz, Suicidal Behavior in Major Depressive Illness, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 72: 233-238, 1985. 105. J.K. Lnnqvist, Psychiatric Aspects of Suicidal Behaviour: Depression. In: K. Hawton, K. van Heeringer, editors, The International Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, 107-120, Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 106. K.M. Malone, C. Waternaux, G.L. Haas, T.B. Cooper, S. Li, J.J. Mann, Cigarette Smoking, Suicidal Behavior, and Serotonin Function in Major Psychiatric Disorders, American Journal of Psychiatry, 160 (4): 773-779, 2003. 107. K.M. Malone, M.A. Oquendo, G.L. Haas, S.P. Ellis, S. Li, J.J. Mann, Protective Factors Against Suicidal Acts in Major Depression: Reasons for Living, American Journal of Psychiatry, 157 (7): 1084-1088, 2000. 108. K.M. Malone, E.M. Corbitt, S. Li, J.J. Mann, Prolactin Response to Fenfluramine and Suicide Attempt Lethality in Major Depression, British Journal of Psychiatry, 168 3): 324-329, 1996. 109. K.M. Malone, G.L. Haas, J.A. Sweeney, J.J. Mann, Major Depression and the Risk of Attempted Suicide, Journal of Affective Disorders, 34: 173-185, 1995. 110. J.J. Mann, D.A. Brent, V. Arango, The Neurobiology and Genetics of Suicide and Attempted Suicide: A Focus on the Serotonergic System, Neuropsychopharmacology, 24 (5): 467-477, 2001. 111. J.J. Mann, C. Waternaux, G.L. Haas, K.M. Malone, Toward a Clinical Model of Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Patients, American Journal of Psychiatry, 156 (2): 181-189, 1999.

11 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
112. J.J. Mann, K.M. Malone, Cerebrospinal Fluid Amines and Higher-Lethality Suicide Attempts in Depressed Inpatients, Biological Psychiatry, 41 (2): 162-171, 1997. 113. J.J. Mann, K.M. Malone, D.A. Nielson, D. Goldman, J. Erdos, J. Gelernter, Possible Association of a Polymorphism of the Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene With Suicidal Behavior in Depressed Patients, American Journal of Psychiatry, 154 (10): 1451-1453, 1997. 114. J.J. Mann, K.M. Malone, M.R. Psych, J.A. Sweeney, R.P. Brown,, M. Linnoila, B. Stanley, M. Stanley, Attempted Suicide Characteristics and Cerebrospinal Fluid Amine Metabolites in Depressed Inpatients, Neuropsychopharmacology, 15 (6): 576-586, 1996b. 115. J.J. Mann, P.A. McBride, R.P. Brown, M. Linnoila, A.C. Leon, M. De Meo, T. Mieczkowski, J.E. Myers, M. Stanley, Relationship Between Central and Peripheral Serotonin Indexes in Depressed and Suicidal Psychiatric Inpatients, Archives of General Psychiatry, 49 (6): 442-446, 1992. 116. D.G. Mayfield, D. Montgomery, Alcoholism, Alcohol Intoxication and Suicide Attempts, Archives of General Psychiatry, 27 (3): 349-353, 1972. 117. H. Meltzer, L. Alphs, A. Green, A. Altamura, R. Anand, A. Bertoldi, M. Bourgeois, G. Chouinard, M. Islam, J. Kane, R. Krishnan, J. Lindenmayer, S. Potkin, Clozapine Treatment for Suicidality in Schizophrenia: International Suicide Prevention Trial, Archives of General Psychiatry, 60: 82-91, 2003. 118. H. Meltzer, G. Okayli, Reduction of Suicidality During Clozapine Treatment of Neuroleptic-Resistant Schizophrenia: Impact on Risk-Benefit Assessment, American Journal of Psychiatry, 152: 183-190, 1995. 119. M.F. Mendez, D.J. Lanska, R. Manon Espaillat, T.H. Burnstine, Causative Factors for Suicide Attempts by Overdose in Epileptics, Archives of Neurology, 46 (10): 1065-1068, 1989. 120. J. Merrill, G. Milner, J. Owens, A. Vale, Alcohol and Attempted Suicide, British Journal of Addiction, 87 (1): 83-89, 1992. 121. A.L. Miller, J.H. Rathus, M.M. Linehan, S. Wetzler, E. Leigh, Dialectical Behavior Therapy Adapted for Suicidal Adolescents, Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 3 (2): 78-86,1997. 12 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
122. K. Minkoff, E. Bergman, A.T. Beck, R. Beck, Hopelessness, Depression, and Attempted Suicide, American Journal of Psychiatry, 130 (4): 455-459, 1973. 123. H.J. Mller, Efficacy of Different Strategies of Aftercare For Patients Who Have Attempted Suicide, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 82: 643-647, 1989. 124. B.E. Molnar, L.F. Berkman, S.L. Buka, Psychopathology, Childhood Sexual Abuse and Other Childhood Adversities: Relative Links to Subsequent Suicidal Behaviour in the U.S., Psychological Medicine, 31 (6): 965-977, 2001. 125. S.A. Montgomery, D.L. Dunner, G.C. Dunbar, Reduction of Suicidal Thoughts With Paroxetine in Comparison With Reference Antidepressants and Placebo, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 5 (1): 5-13, 1995. 126. G.E. Murphy, Psychiatric Aspects of Suicidal Behavior: Substance Abuse. In: K. Hawton, K. van Heeringen, editors, International Handbook of Suicide and Attempted Suicide, 135-146, Chichester, U.K.: John Wiley and Sons, 2000. 127. S.L. Murphy, B.J. Rounsaville, S. Eyre, H.D. Kleber, Suicide Attempts in Treated Opiate Addicts, Comprehensive Psychiatry, 24 (1): 79-89, 1983. 128. W.C. Myers, T.A. Otto, E. Harris, D. Diaco, A. Moreno, Acetaminophen Overdose as a Suicidal Gesture: A Survey of Adolescents Knowledge of Its Potential For Toxicity, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 31 (4): 686-690, 1992. 129. R. Negron, J. Piacentini, F. Graae, M. Davies, D. Shaffer, Microanalysis of Adolescent Suicide Attempters and Ideators During the Acute Suicidal Episode, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36 (11): 1512-1519, 1997. 130. C.I. Neutel, S.B. Patten, Risk of Suicide Attempts After Benzodiazepine and/or Antidepressant Use, Annals of Epidemiology, 7 (8): 568-574, 1997. 131. P. Nordstrm, M. Samuelson, M. Asberg, L. Trskman-Bendz, A. Aberg-Wistedt, C. Nordin, L. Bertilsson, CSF-5HIAA Predicts Suicide Risk After Attempted Suicide, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 24 (1): 1-9, 1994. 132. I. ODonnell, A.J. Arthur, R.D. Farmer, A Follow-up Study of Attempted Railway Suicides, Social Science and Medicine, 38 (3): 437-442, 1994.

13 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
133. G.N. Papadimitriou, P. Linkowski, C. Delarbre, J. Mendlewicz, Suicide on the Paternal and Maternal Sides of Depressed Patients With a Lifetime History of Attempted Suicide, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 83 (6): 417-419, 1991. 134. A.T. Patsiokas, G.A. Clum, Effects of Psychotherapeutic Strategies in the Treatment of Suicide Attempters, Psychotherapy, 22 (2): 281-290, 1985. 135. B.P.G. Pendse, G. Engstrm, and L. Trskman-Bendz, Psychopathology of Seasonal Affective Disorder Patients in Comparison With Major Depression Patients Who Have Attempted Suicide, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 65 (3): 322-327, 2004. 136. S. Perry, L. Jacobsberg, B. Fishman, Suicidal Ideation and HIV Testing, Journal of the American Medical Association, 263: 679-682, 1990. 137. K.R. Petronis, J.F. Samuels, E.K. Moscicki, J.C. Anthony, An Epidemiologic Investigation of Potential Risk Factors for Suicide Attempts, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 25 (4): 193-199, 1990. 138. C.R. Pfeffer, L. Normandin, T. Kakuma, Suicidal Children Grow Up: Suicidal Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders Among Relatives, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 33 (8): 1087-1097, 1994. 139. C.R. Pfeffer, P. Stokes, R. Schindledecker, Suicidal Behavior and HypothalamicPituitary-Adrenocortical Axis Indices in Child Psychiatric Inpatients, Biological Psychiatry, 29 (9): 909-917, 1991. 140. C. Pfeffer, The Suicidal Child, New York: Guilford Publications, 1986. 141. D. Pilowsky, L. Wu, J. Anthony, Panic Attacks and Suicide Attempts in MidAdolescence, American Journal of Psychiatry, 156: 1545-1549, 1999. 142. A. Pinto, M.A. Whisman, K.J.M. McCoy, Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire in a Clinical Sample, Psychological Assessment, 9 (1): 63-66, 1997. 143. L. R. Pollock, J. Williams, G. Mark, Effective Problem Solving in Suicide Attempters Depends on Specific Autobiographical Recall, Suicide and LifeThreatening Behavior, 31 (4): 386-396, 2001. 144. Preliminary Report of the Task Force on SSRIs and Suicidal Behavior in Youth, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 11, 2004. 14 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
145. P. Quinnett, Counseling Suicidal People: A Therapy of Hope, Spokane, WA: The QPR Institute, Inc. 2000. 146. E.D. Radomsky, G.L. Haas, J.J. Mann, J.A. Sweeney, Suicidal Behavior in Patients With Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders, American Journal of Psychiatry, 156 (10): 1590-1595, 1999. 147. L. Range, C. Campbell, S. Kovac, M. Marion-Jones, H. Aldridge, No-Suicide Contracts: An Overview and Recommendations, Death Studies, 26: 51-74, 2002. 148. R. Rao, T. Dening, C. Brayne, F. Huppert, Suicidal Thinking in Community Residents Over Eighty, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12: 337-343, 1997. 149. H.L.P. Resnick, L.H. Dizmang, Observations on Suicidal Behavior Among American Indians, American Journal of Psychiatry, 127 (7): 882-887, 1971. 150. W. M. Reynolds, Suicide Ideation Questionnaire: A Professional Manual, Odessa FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, 1998. 151. A.H. Rifai, C.J. George, J.A. Stack. J.J. Mann, C.F. Reynolds, Hopelessness in Suicide Attempters After Acute Treatment of Major Depression in Late Life, American Journal of Psychiatry, 151 (11): 1687-1690, 1994. 152. J. Roberts, K. Hawton, Child Abuse and Attempted Suicide, British Journal of Psychiatry, 137, 319-323, 1980. 153. M Rotheram-Borus, J. Piacentini, C. Cantwell, T. Belin, J. Song, The 18-month Impact of an Emergency Room Intervention For Adolescent Female Suicide Attempters, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68: 1081-1093, 2000. 154. A.J. Rothschild, C.A. Locke, Reexposure to Fluoxetine After Serious Suicide Attempts by Three Patients: The Role of Akathisia, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 52 (12): 491-493, 1991. 155. A. Roy, Relation of Family History of Suicide to Suicide Attempts in Alcoholics, American Journal of Psychiatry, 157 (2): 2050-2051, 2000. 156. A. Roy, N.L. Segal, M. Sarchiapone, Attempted Suicide Among Living Co-Twins of Twin Suicide Victims, American Journal of Psychiatry, 152 (7): 1075-1076, 1995. 15 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
157. A. Roy, Relationship Between Depression and Suicidal Behaviour in Schizophrenia. In: L.E. Delisi, editor, Depression and Schizophrenia, Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. 158. A. Roy, D. Lamparski, J. De Jong, B. Adinoff, B. Ravitz D.T. George, D. Nutt, M. Linnoila, Cerebrospinal Fluid Monoamine Metabolites in Alcoholic Patients Who Attempt Suicide, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 81(1): 58-61, 1990. 159. A. Roy, D. Pickar, J. De Jong, F. Karoum, M. Linnoila, Suicidal Behavior in Depression: Relationship to Noradrenergic Function, Biological Psychiatry, 25 (3): 341-350, 1989. 160. A. Roy, P. Ninan, A. Mazonson, D. Pickar, D. van Kammen, M. Linnoila, S.M. Paul, CSF Monoamine Metabolites in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients Who Attempt Suicide, Psychological Medicine, 15 (2): 335-340, 1985. 161. A. Roy, A. Mazonson, D. Pickar, Attempted Suicide in Chronic Schizophrenia, British Journal of Psychiatry, 144: 303-306, 1984. 162. M. Rudd, T. Joiner, Jr., H. Rumzek, Childhood Diagnoses and Later Risk for Multiple Suicide Attempts, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 34 (2): 113125, 2004. 163. M. Rudd, T. Joiner, M. Rajab, Treating Suicidal Behavior: An Effective, TimeLimited Approach, New York: Guilford Press, 2001. 164. M.D. Rudd, T.E. Ellis, M.H. Rajab, T. Wehrly, Personality Types and Suicidal Behavior: an Exploratory Study, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 30 (3): 199-212, 2000. 165. M. Rudd, T. Joiner, M. Rajab, Relationships Among Suicide Ideators, Attempters and Multiple Attempters in a Young-Adult Sample, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105: 541-550, 1996. 166. P.M. Salkovskis, C. Atha, D. Storer, Cognitive-Behavioral Problem Solving in the Treatment of Patients Who Repeatedly Attempt Suicide: A Controlled Trial, British Journal of Psychiatry, 157: 871-876, 1990. 167. E.E. Santa Mina, R.M. Gallop, Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse and Adult Self-Harm and Suicidal Behaviour: A Literature Review, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 43 (8): 793-800, 1998. 16 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
168. D. Shaffer, V. Vieland, A. Garland, M. Rojas, M. Underwood, C. Busner, Adolescent Suicide Attempters: Response to Suicide-Prevention Programs, Journal of American Medical Association, 264 (24): 3151-3155, 1990. 169. M. Silverman, T. Simon, The Houston Case-Control Study of Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 32: Suppl., 2002. 170. P.H. Soloff, J.A. Lis, T. Kelly, J. Cornelius, R. Ulrich, Risk Factors for Suicidal Behavior in Borderline Personality Disorder, American Journal of Psychiatry, 151 (9): 1316-1323, 1994. 171. S.B. Sorenson, J.M. Golding, Prevalence of Suicide Attempts in a MexicanAmerican Population: Prevention Implications of Immigration and Cultural Issues, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 18 (4): 322-333, 1988. 172. A. Spirito, J. Boergers, D. Donaldson, D. Bishop, and W. Lewander, An Intervention Trial to Improve Adherence to Community Treatment By Adolescents After a Suicide Attempt, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 41: 435-442, 2002. 173. E. Stengel, Suicide and Attempted Suicide, New York: Penguin, 1964. 174. J. Suokas, K. Suominen, E. Isomets, A. Ostamo, J. Lnnqvist, Long-Term Risk Factors for Suicide-Mortality After Attempted Suicide-Findings of a 14-Year Follow-Up Study, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 104, 117-121, 2001. 175. K. Taylor, Seduction of Suicide: Understanding and Recovering From Addiction to Suicide, Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 2002. 176. M.H. Teicher, C. Glod, J.O. Cole, Emergence of Intense Suicidal Preoccupation During Fluoxetine Treatment, American Journal of Psychiatry, 147 (2): 207-210, 1990. 177. L. Tondo, R.J. Baldessarini, J. Hennen, G. Floris, F. Silvetti, M. Tohen, Lithium Treatment and Risk of Suicidal Behavior in Bipolar Disorder Patients, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 59 (8): 405-414, 1998. 178. L. Trskman-Bendz, R. Ekman, G. Regnell, R. Ohman, HPA-Related CSF Neuropeptides in Suicide Attempters, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2 (2): 99-106, 1992.

17 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
179. S.J. Tsai, C.J. Hong, Y.C. Wang, Tryptophan Hydroxylase Gene Polymorphism, (A218c) and Suicidal Behaviors, Neuroreport, 10 (18): 3773-3775, 1999. 180. K. Tullis, The Courage to Live Workbook, A Workbook to Help Suicidal People Live One Day at a Time, Memphis: KFT Press, 2003. 181. K. Tullis, C. Westcott, T. Winton, A Theory on the Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Plus Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) To Reduce Suicidal Thoughts in Childhood Trauma Victims, appendix in, The Courage to Live Workbook, Memphis: KFT Press, 2003. 182. K. Tullis, A Theory of Suicide Addiction, Journal of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, 5: 311-324, 1998. 183. B. van der Kolk, J.C. Perry, J.L. Herman, Childhood Origins of Self-Destructive Behavior, American Journal of Psychiatry, 148 (12): 1665-1671, 1991. 184. R. van der Sande, E. Buskens, E. Allart, Y. van der Graaf, H. van Engeland, Psychosocial Intervention Following Suicide Attempt: A Systematic Review of Treatment Interventions, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 96 (1): 43-50, 1997a. 185. H. O. Veiel, G. Brill, H. Hafner, R. Welz, The Social Supports of Suicide Attempters: The Different Roles of Family and Friends, The American Journal of Community Psychology, 16 (6): 839-861, 1988. 186. M. Virkkunen, J. De Jong, J. Bartko, M. Linnoila, Psychobiological Concomitants of History of Suicide Attempts Among Violent Offenders and Impulsive Fire Setters, Archives of General Psychiatry, 46 (7): 604-606, 1989b. 187. B.M. Wagner, Family Risk Factors For Child and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior, Psychological Bulletin, 121 (2): 246-298, 1997. 188. M.E. Weishaar, A.T. Beck, Cognitive Approaches to Understanding and Treating Suicidal Behavior. In: S.J. Blumenthal, D.J. Kupfer, editors, Suicide Over the Life Cycle: Risk Factors, Assessment, and Treatment of Suicidal Patients, 469-498, Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press, 1990. 189. M.M. Weissman, G.L. Klerman, J.S. Markowitz, R. Ouellette, Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Panic Disorder and Attacks, New England Journal of Medicine, 321 (18): 1209-1214, 1989.

18 March 2005

Suicide Prevention Reading List: II. Attempted Suicide and Suicidal Ideation
Compiled by: Kenneth F. Tullis, M.D., Cindy Westcott, LCSW Traci Winton, R.N., and Kathleen G. Grice, R.N.
190. S. Wessely, R. Kerwin, Suicide Risk and the SSRIs, Journal of The American Medical Association, 292: 379-381, 2004.

191. A. Westrin, R. Ekman, L. Trskman-Bendz, Alterations of Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Plasma Levels in Mood Disorder Patients With a Recent Suicide Attempt, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 9 (3): 205-211, 1999. 192. T. Wise, Waking Up: Climbing Through the Darkness, Oxnard, CA: Pathfinder Publishing, 2004. 193. B. Yang, G. A. Clum, Life Stress, Social Support, and Problem-Solving Skills Predictive of Depressive Symptoms, Hopelessness and Suicidal Ideation in an Asian Student Population: A Test of a Model, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 24 (2): 127-139, 1994.

19 March 2005

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