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Multiple Choice. Read the questions very carefully and choose the correct answer by writing the letter in a space provided before each number. No erasure is allowed. Concept; The Human Organism 1. Most of the systems of the body are regulated by the negative feedback mechanisms, which function to maintain homeostasis. Which of the following means any deviation from the set point is made smaller or is resisted? a. Negative b. Feedbach c. Homeostasis d. Positive Concept: The Chemical Basis of LIfe 2. Unsaturated fats are best type of fats in the diet because, unlike saturated fats, they do not contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease. Which of the following is an example of saturated fats? a. Palm oil b. Sunflower oil c. Corn oil d. Fish oil 3. Coiled spring has capacity to do work that is to move matter. It could push against an object and move the object, but as long as the spring does not uncoil, no work is accomplished. Which of the following is the energy present in a coiled spring? a. Potential energy b. Kinetic energy c. Mechanical energy d. Chemical energy 4. Anatomy is a term, which means: a. Phyiology b. All c. Cell functions d. Cell structures 5. Another name for the cavity in front is: a. Dorsal b. Ventral c. Abdominopelvic d. Vertebral 6. Which of the following would not be lined by peritoneum? a. Heart b. Stomach c. Intestine d. Liver 7. Which of the following section divides an organ into top and bottom? a. Sagittal b. Oblique c. Coronal d. Transverse 8. Which abdominal region is most inferior and medial? a. Epigastric b. Hypogastric c. Inguinal d. Umbilical 9. Which chemical is not a compound? a. Co2

b. H2O c. NaCl d. O2 10. Which substance always has a pH of below 7? a. Acid b. Base c. Buffer d. Salt 11. Which element is the basis of organic chemistry? a. Carbon b. Oxygen c. Hydrogen d. Nitrogen 12. Which organic compound catalyzes metabolic reactions? a. Carbohydrate b. Enzyme c. Lipid d. Nucleotide 13. Which organic compound is used to store genetic information? a. Carbohydrate b. Enzyme c. Lipid d. Nucleotide 14. In what organelle does ATP synthesis occur? a. Endoplasmic reticulum b. Golgi apparatus c. Mitochondria d. Nucleus 15. What is the movement of solute for a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration called? a. Diffusion b. Endocytosis c. Exocytosis d. Osmosis 16. Which of the following is an example of monosaccharide? a. Starch b. Glycogen c. Glucose d. All 17. Which of the following muscle tissue is involuntary and striated? a. Cardiac b. Skeletal c. Smooth d. All 18. Enzymes play important roles in digestion of foods. Enzymes like collagen are? a. Protein b. Phospholipid c. Pprotein d. Organelle e. Substance 19. Which of the following increases bone breakdown? a. Calcium b. Osteoclast c. PTH d. Calcitonin 20. Melanin production is determined by the following factors, except: a. Genetic factors b. Exposure to UV light c. Hormones d. Race

21. In tissue repair, what type of substitution occurs when new cells are the same type as those that were destroyed and normal function is usually restored? a. Labile b. Stable c. Replacement d. Regeneration 22. Inflammatory response occurs when there is damage to tissues. Which of the following is not a major symptom of inflammation? a. Redness b. Swelling c. Pain d. None 23. In pseudostratified epithelium, the tissue appears: a. Stratified b. Simple c. Columnar d. Epithelium 24. Which of the following has no characteristic of ability to contract, shorten and make movement? a. Skeletal b. Cardiac c. Smooth d. None 25. Which of the following membrane has no ability to produce watery secretions? a. Mucus membrane b. Pleura c. Pericardium d. Peritoneum 26. How does integumentary system regulate the body temperature? a. By controlling the blood flow b. By regulating the activity of sweat glands c. None d. Both a and b 27. Which of the following foods contain yellow pigment that is also a good source of vitamin? a. Carrots b. Banana c. Oil d. All Direction. Name the body part in each of the following. No erasure allowed. Cephalic 1. Cranial 2. Occipital 3. Cervical 4. Brachial 5. Antecubital

6. Umbilical 7. Caudal 8. Femoral 9. Patellar 10. Popliteal 11. Pedal 12. Plantar Direction. Name the region in each of the following. 1. Above or in a higher position: 2. Below or lower: 3. Toward belly surface or front of body: 4. Nearer to midline of body, dividing into left & right: 5. Away from midline, toward the side: 6. Nearer to the origin of a structure: 7. Farther from the origin: 8. Divides the body into anterior or ventral (front) and posterior or dorsal (back) sections: 9. Body cavity that is located toward the back part of the body; divided into the cranial cavity and the spinal cavity: 10. Cavity along the anterior side of the body made of the abdominal cavity and the thoracic cavity: Direction: Name the element that each number asks for. 1. This element participates in ATP production: 2. This element is the building block of organic compounds: 3. This element participates in acid-base balance: 4. This element is present in protein, DNA, RNA, and ATP:

5. This element builds bones & teeth: Direction. In the image below, name the bones of the body with respect to arrows.

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