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Submitted by
(Reg.No: JDAGBBAR 22)


Under the Guidance of (Lecturer, JDT Islam College of Arts & Science)

Miss.Nafeeza Masoodha

Project Science degree Calicut

Training Report Submitted to JDT Islam College of Arts and in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of ni!ersit"#


De artment !f "usiness Administration JDT Islam College of Arts and science #ellimadu$unnu Calicut%&'&()* *((+


JDT !S"AM #O""EGE OF ARTS $ S#!EN#E %E""!MAD & NNE' #A"!# T()2

This is to certify that the Project work entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION IN IQRAA INTERNATIONAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE, MALAPARAMBAis a bonafied record of the work done by Mr. RATHEESH.D, Reg o. !DA"##AR$$ s%b&itted to the de'art&ent in 'artial f%lfil&ent for the re(%ire&ent of ##A )#achelor of #%siness Ad&inistration*.

The internal +i,a is held on----------......................--..and co&&ented as-------------..

Head of the Department.



Examiner Mr. a!ee".#. $M%&' M.(hil)

I hereby de*lare' the pro!e*t +or, entitled A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION IN IQRAA INTERNATIONAL AND RESEARCH CENTRE, MALAPARAMBA for partial fulfilment of the re-uirement. for the a+ard of the de/ree of .BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION' a. a re*ord of ori/inal +or, done by me under the .uper"i.ion and /uidan*e of Mi""!Na#$$%a Ma"&&'(a' 0e*turer of 1D2 I.lam 3olle/e of &rt. 4 .*ien*e.5ellimadu,unnu.. 2hi. pro!e*t +or, ha. not formed the ba.i. for the a+ard of any De/ree 6Diploma6&..o*iate. hip67ello+.hip of .imilar title. to any 3andidate of any uni"er.ity.


(la*e9 Date9



I am indebted to the all po+erful almi/hty /od for all the ble..in/. he .ho+ered on me and for bein/ +ith me throu/hout the .tudy. I +ould li,e to expre.. my .in*ere than,. to Mr"! Dr! S)ar*a+umari, the prin*ipal' Mr! Ra,$$-' 5i*e:(rin*ipal and Head of the %%& department' of 1D2 I.lam 3olle/e of &rt. and S*ien*e' +ho pro"ided me an opportunity to do thi. pro!e*t. I am deeply obli/ed to Mi... Mi""!Na#$$%a Ma"&&'(a, fa*ulty of %%& Department' 1D2 I.lam 3olle/e of &rt. and S*ien*e' for hi. exemplary


/uidan*e and .upport +ithout +ho.e help thi. pro!e*t +ould not ha"e been .u**e... I al.o expre.. my .in*ere than,. to all other fa*ulty of Department of %u.ine.. &dmini.tration I am /reatly than,ful to Mr.Madha"an <air' &dmini.trati"e offi*er of I-raa International Ho.pital and e.ear*h 3entre' and al.o all other .taff member. for their *o:operation and a..i.tan*e durin/ my trainin/ period

CHAPTER./ I al.o ta,e thi. opportunity to expre.. my deep

/9.// /ratitude to my lo"in/ parent. and friend. +ho are /!/INTODUCTION OF JOB SATISFACTION //./1 a *on.tant .our*e of moti"ation and for their ne"er 1.2 FACTORS INFLUENCIN0 JOB SATISFACTION /!1RE2IE3 OF LITERATURE /1./4 endin/ .upport and en*oura/ement durin/ thi. /!4OBJECTI2ES OF THE STUDY /6./6 pro!e*t. /7./: /;.54 Ratheesh.D 56.56





57.5< 5:.7/









<1.<4 <6.<6 <7.:9




/ 5 1 4 6 7 <

TITLE OF THE TABLE 2able .ho+in/ /ender of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ re.pondent. monthly in*ome of the


5; 19 1/ 15 11 14 16 17 1< 1: 1; 49 4/ 45 41

2able .ho+in/ Edu*ation -ualifi*ation of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ marital .tatu. of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ Aear. of experien*e of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ Bor,in/ hour. are *on"enient for me of the employee. 2able .ho+in/ ICm happy +ith the +or, pla*e of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ the li/htin/. and other arran/ement. in the offi*e are .ati.fa*tory of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ I ha"e too mu*h +or, to do of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ .afety mea.ure. pro"ided by the *ompany of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ My relation.hip +ith .uper"i.or. i. *ordial of the re.pondent. my

; /9 // /5 /1 /4

2able .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or in not partial of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or *on.ider. my idea too +hile ta,in/ de*i.ion of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the .upport from my *o:+or,er. of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ (eople here ha"e *on*ern o"er one another and tend to help one another of the re.pondent.


51 54

2able .ho+in/ the .alary +e re*ei"e are /ood a. other or/aniEation. offer of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the allo+an*e. pro"ided by the or/aniEation of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ I feel my bo.. moti"ate. me to a*hie"e the or/aniEational /oal. of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or moti"ate. me to in*rea.e my produ*ti"ity +hen ICm unprodu*ti"e of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ *ommuni*ation .eem. /ood +ithin thi. or/aniEation of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ +or, a..i/nment. are explained *learly to me of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ I lo"e thi. !ob and to +or, in thi. or/aniEation of the re.pondent.. 2able .ho+in/ My +or, life i. meanin/ful to me of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ my +or, life i. "aluable in attainin/ or/aniEational /oal. of the re.pondent.

6/ 65 61



64 66 67 6< 6: 6;

5< 5: 5; 19


15 11

2able .ho+in/ I ha"e ade-uate opportunitie. to u.e my ability of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ o"erall ICm .ati.fied +ith the !ob of the re.pondent. 2able .ho+in/ the .i/nifi*an*e differen*e amon/ experien*e /roup of re.pondent. +ith referen*e to en"ironment and nature of +or, fa*tor 2able .ho+in/ the .i/nifi*an*e differen*e amon/ experien*e /roup of re.pondent. +ith referen*e to elation.hip +ith .uper"i.or. and *ollea/ue. fa*tor

79 7/






SL!N O= / 5 1 4 6 7 < : ; /9 // /5

TITLE OF THE CHART 3hart .ho+in/ /ender of the re.pondent.. 3hart .ho+in/ monthly in*ome of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ Edu*ation -ualifi*ation of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ marital .tatu. of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ Aear. of experien*e of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ Bor,in/ hour. are *on"enient for me of the employee. 3hart .ho+in/ ICm happy +ith the +or, pla*e of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ the li/htin/. and other arran/ement. in the offi*e are .ati.fa*tory of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ I ha"e too mu*h +or, to do of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ .afety mea.ure. pro"ided by the *ompany of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ My relation.hip +ith my .uper"i.or. i. *ordial of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or in not partial of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or *on.ider. my idea too +hile ta,in/ de*i.ion of the re.pondent.

P0!N O

5; 19 1/ 15 11 14 16 17 1< 1: 1; 49




3hart .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the .upport from my *o: +or,er. of the




3hart .ho+in/ (eople here ha"e *on*ern o"er one another and tend to help one another of the re.pondent.



3hart .ho+in/ ICm happy +ith the refre.hment fa*ilitie. of the re.pondent.


/< /: /;

3hart .ho+in/ +e are pro"ided +ith the re.t and lun*h room fa*ilitie. and they are /ood of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ the par,in/ .pa*e for our fa*ilitie. of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the fir.t aid fa*ilitie. of the re.pondent.. 3hart .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the loan fa*ilitie. and other per.onal +elfare fa*ilitie. offered by the *ompany of the re.pondent.

46 47 4< 4:




3hart .ho+in/ I feel ICm paid a fair amount for the +or, I do of the re.pondent. 2ale .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the *han*e. for my promotion of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ the .alary +e re*ei"e are /ood a. other or/aniEation. offer of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ ICm .ati.fied +ith the allo+an*e. pro"ided by the or/aniEation of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ I feel my bo.. moti"ate. me to a*hie"e the or/aniEational /oal. of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ my .uper"i.or moti"ate. me to in*rea.e my produ*ti"ity +hen ICm unprodu*ti"e of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ *ommuni*ation .eem. /ood +ithin thi. or/aniEation of the re.pondent.

4; 69













3hart .ho+in/ +or, a..i/nment. are explained *learly to me of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ I lo"e thi. !ob and to +or, in thi. or/aniEation of the re.pondent.. 3hart .ho+in/ My +or, life i. meanin/ful to me of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ my +or, life i. "aluable in attainin/ or/aniEational /oal. of the re.pondent. 3hart .ho+in/ I ha"e ade-uate opportunitie. to u.e my

67 6< 6: 6;




3hapter :I I<2 GDH32IG<



1.1 Job Satisfaction:

1ob Sati.fa*tion i. the fa"ourablene.. or un: fa"ourablene.. +ith +hi*h the employee "ie+. hi. +or,. It expre..e. the amount of a/reement bet+een oneC. expe*tation of the !ob and the re+ard. that the !ob pro"ide.. 1ob Sati.fa*tion i. a part of life .ati.fa*tion. 2he nature of oneC. en"ironment of !ob i. an important part of life a. 1ob Sati.fa*tion influen*e. oneC. /eneral life .ati.fa*tion. 1ob Sati.fa*tion' thu.' i. the re.ult of "ariou. attitude. po..e..ed by an employee. In a narro+ .en.e' the.e attitude. are related to the !ob under *ondition +ith .u*h .pe*ifi* fa*tor. .u*h a. +a/e.. Super"i.or. of employment' *ondition. of +or,' .o*ial relation on the !ob' prompt .ettlement of /rie"an*e. and fair treatment by employer. Ho+e"er' more *omprehen.i"e approa*h re-uire. that many fa*tor. are to be in*luded before a *omplete under.tandin/ of !ob .ati.fa*tion *an be obtained. Su*h fa*tor. a. employeeC. a/e' health temperature' de.ire and le"el of a.piration .hould be *on.idered. 7urther hi. family relation.hip' So*ial

.tatu.' re*reational outlet.' a*ti"ity in the or/aniEation. et*. 3ontribute ultimately to !ob .ati.fa*tion.
1.2 FACTORS INFLUENCING JOB SATISFACTION The major factors influencing job satisfaction are presented below:

2o a +or,er' Super"i.ion i. e-ually a .tron/ *ontributor to the !ob .ati.fa*tion a. +ell a. to the !ob di..ati.fa*tion. 2he feelin/. of +or,er. to+ard. hi. .uper"i.or. are u.ually .imilar to hi. feelin/ to+ard. the *ompany. 2he role of .uper"i.or i. a fo*al point for attitude formation. %ad .uper"i.ion re.ult. in ab.enteei.m and labour turno"er. Iood .uper"i.ion re.ult. in hi/her produ*tion and /ood indu.trial relation..


5ariou. .tudie. had tra*ed thi. fa*tor a. a fa*tor of intermediate importan*e. GneC. a..o*iate. +ith other. had fre-uently been moti"ated a. a fa*tor in !ob .ati.fa*tion. 3ertainly' thi. .eem. rea.onable be*au.e people

li,e to be near their friend.. 2he +or,er. deri"e .ati.fa*tion +hen the *o:+or,er. are helpful' friendly and *o:operati"e.


Studie. al.o .ho+ that mo.t of the +or,er. felt .ati.fied +hen they are paid more ade-uately to the +or,


performed by them. 2he relati"e important of pay +ould probably *han/in/ fa*tor in !ob .ati.fa*tion or di..ati.fa*tion.

&/e ha. al.o been found to ha"e a dire*t relation.hip to le"el !ob of .ati.fa*tion of employee.. In .ome /roup. !ob .ati.fa*tion i. hi/her +ith in*rea.in/ a/e' in other /roup. !ob .ati.fa*tion i. lo+er and in other there i. no differen*e at all.

,arital status has an im ortant role in deciding the -o. satisfaction/ ,ost of the studies ha0e re0ealed that the married erson finds dissatisfaction in his -o. than his unmarried counter art/ The reasons stated to .e are that 1ages 1ere insufficient due to increased cost of li0ing, educations to children etc.

Studie. *ondu*ted amon/ "ariou. +or,er. re"ealed that mo.t of +or,er. +ho had not *ompleted their .*hool edu*ation .ho+ed hi/her .ati.fa*tion le"el. Ho+e"er' edu*ated +or,er. felt le.. .ati.fied in their !ob.

2he re.ult of "ariou. .tudie. .ho+. that +or,in/ *ondition i. an important fa*tor. Iood +or,in/ atmo.phere and plea.ant .urroundin/. help in*rea.in/ the produ*tion of indu.try. Bor,in/ *ondition. are more important to +omen +or,er. than men +or,er..




J %y Nazrul Islam & Gour C a!ra S a

This st%dy atte&'ts to e,al%ate job satisfaction of bank officers in #angladesh. /t foc%ses on the relati,e i&'ortance of job satisfaction factors and their /&'acts

on the o,erall job satisfaction of officers. /t also in,estigates the i&'acts of bank ty'e, work e0'erience, age, and se0 differences on the attit%des toward job Satisfaction. The res%lt shows that salary, efficiency in work, fringe s%'er,ision, and co1worker relation are the &ost i&'ortant factors contrib%ting to job satisfaction. Pri,ate bank officers ha,e higher le,els of job satisfaction han those fro& '%blic sectors as they enjoy better facilities and s%''orti,e work en,iron&ent. Se0 and age differences ha,e relati,ely lower le,el of i&'act on it. The o,erall job satisfaction of the bank officers is at the 'ositi,e le,el.



" B# P$ C %ma&%'%r() E$ Mu*a&!+a) C$ T$ Ga!z%ra#%) N$ Muzo&!o a&! B$ Mu*a&!+a

The broad objecti,e of this st%dy was to deter&ine factors affecting job satisfaction a&ong acade&ic 'rofessionals in tertiary instit%tions of 2i&babwe against the backdro' of high brain drain in the


sector. A total of eighty res'ondents were selected rando&ly fro& de'art&ental lists and inter,iewed %sing str%ct%red (%estionnaires. The res%lts of the st%dy showed that a greater 'ro'ortion of the acade&ic staff was not satisfied with their jobs. Reasons for dissatisfaction incl%de high ,ol%&e of work, inade(%ate salaries, allowances, loans to facilities '%rchase of ho%sing stands and cars.


/!4 Ob,$c i-$ &# ($ " u'?=

1. 2o Study the o"erall !ob .ati.fa*tion of employee. in IK && I<2E <&2IG<&0 HGS(I2&0 ("t.0td' Malaparamba' 3ali*ut. 2. 2o Mea.ure the .ati.fa*tion le"el. of employee. on "ariou. fa*tor. and /i"e .u//e.tion. for impro"in/ the .ame. 8. 2o find out +hether experien*e ha"e an effe*t on 1ob 7a*tor.. ;. 2o find the .i/nifi*an*e differen*e amon/ a/e /roup. +ith re.pe*t to !ob 7a*tor.. >. 2o find the .i/nifi*an*e differen*e amon/ male and female employee. +ith re.pe*t to !ob 7a*tor..

/!6 Limi a i&*" &# ($ " u'?=

1. Sample .iEe of the .tudy i. only 1FF. 2. Some of the re.pondent. +ere not re.pondin/ to .ome of the -ue.tion.. 8. Due to time *on.traint the re.ear*her +a. not able to *omplete the pro!e*t to de.ired le"el.





2.1 ')a*t+ Ca,) In-.st,/ Bith the in"ention of late.t te*hnolo/i*al de"elopment.' the +orld health *are indu.try i. *at*hin/ up +ith the other leadin/ indu.trie. of the +orld. Borld health *are indu.try i. one of the lar/e.t indu.trie. *aterin/ to the medi*al need. of innumerable people around the /lobe. Stati.ti*. .ho+ that in the year 2FF;' employment pro"ided by the health *are indu.try a**ounted for 18.> million !ob opportunitie.. Gut of the 18.> million !ob.' .ome of the people opted for .elf employment +hile other. remained .alaried +or,er. related to the health *are. It ha. been predi*ted that bet+een 2FF; throu/h 2F1;' in*rea.e in the health *are !ob. +ould be by approximately 1DL or a. many a. 8.= million !ob openin/ +ould be produ*ed.

')a*t+ Ca,) In-.st,/ in In-ian: Ho.pital indu.try i. an important *omponent of the "alue *hain in Indian Health*are indu.try renderin/ .er"i*e. and re*o/niEed a. health*are deli"ery .e/ment of the health*are indu.try' +hi*h i. /ro+in/ at an annual rate of 1;L. 2he .iEe of the Indian health*are indu.try i. e.timated at .. 1'?1? billion in 2FF?. It i. e.timated to .. 8'1=8 billion at 18L 3&I . 2he pri"ate /ro+ by 2F12 to

.e*tor a**ount. for nearly @FL of the health*are mar,et' +hile publi* expenditure a**ount. for 2FL. 2he *ountry


had 1>'8D8 $2FF>) ho.pital.' +hi*h had @.?> la*, ho.pital bed.. &**ordin/ to the BHG report' India need. to add @F'FFF ho.pital bed. ea*h year for the next fi"e year. to meet the demand. of it. /ro+in/ population. <e+found pro.perity of many Indian hou.ehold. i. .purrin/ demand for hi/h:-uality medi*al *are' tran.formin/ the health*are deli"ery .e*tor into a profitable indu.try. Medial touri.m i. *han/in/ the fa*e of traditional health*are indu.try in India. IndiaC. ex*ellen*e in the field of modern medi*ine. &n*ient method. of phy.i*al and .piritual +ellbein/ ma,e it the mo.t fa"ourable de.tination for /ood health and pea*eful li"in/. IndiaC. *o.t ad"anta/e and explo.i"e /ro+th of pri"ate ho.pital.' e-uipped +ith late.t te*hnolo/y and .,illed health*are profe..ional. ha. made it a preferred de.tination for medi*al touri.m. &**ordin/ to Mini.try of 3ommer*e and Indu.try' Indian medi*al touri.m that +a. "alued at HSM8>F million in 2FF=' i. e.timated to /ro+ into a HSM2 billion indu.try by 2F12.


H&"pi al PROFILE



5!5 IQRAA HOSPITAL IK && International ho.pital i. *harity endea"our promoted by I-raa for human relation.' 1eddah' Soudi &rabia and run by ID2 I.lam. It lo*ated at Mlapramba.3ali*ut in a .erene atmo.phere .thi. ho.pital i. en"i.ioned a. *entre of ex*ellen*e +here *ommitted profe..ional deli"er health *are .er"i*e. at affordable *o.t. 2hi. 2>F bedded ho.pital ha. .enior *on.ultant in*ludin/ retired .pe*iali.t. +ho are +ell "er.ed in their re.pe*ti"e area. of medi*al profe..ion. I-raa i. +ell e-uipped +ith all modern fa*ilitie. to deli"er the be.t .er"i*e. .2he primary ob!e*ti"e of I-raa i. to ma,e a"ailable modern medi*al treatment. at rea.onable rate e.pe*ially for tho.e +ho are finan*ially +ea,. %y no+' the ho.pital ha. *ar"ed out a ni*he for it.elf amon/.t the other ho.pital in the re/ion. I-raa i. mana/ed under the leader.hip of Dr.3.(.&n"er.M.D' the Exe*uti"e Dire*tor. 2he ho.pital i. +ell ,no+n for it. out.tandin/ medi*al *are .er"i*e. and .pe*ial experti.e in different area.. Hi/h -uality nur.in/ and dia/no.ti* .er"i*e. are the hallmar, of I-raa.3ommenable .er"i*e. for ailin/ ma..e. ha"e earned I-raa prai.e and a**olade. o"er the year.. Be *on.tantly update the fa*ilitie. in the ho.pital in line +ith the te*hnolo/i*al ad"an*ement. ta,in/ pla*e in health*are field all o"er the /lobe +ith a "ie+ to pro"ide the mo.t effe*ti"e remedy to patient.. I-raa ha. a panel of ;1 do*tor. +ho ha"e .pe*iali.ed in "ariou. field.. I-raa ha. t+enty department. under it. fold


that *ater to need. of patient. +ith a +ide "ariety of illne... &ll of them are headed by eminent phy.i*ian. +ho po..e.. lon/ experien*e in medi*al profe..ion. In addition to the department. 'the ho.pital run ei/ht .pe*ialty *entre. that fo*u. on .u*h health and medi*al *ondition. that *all for /reat *are and attention. 2hey are 3ardia* 3are' Diabeti* *entre' Diabeti* Eye 3lini*' De:addition *are' Infertility' (re/nan*y *are and Dialy.i. *entre. 2he operation theatre in the ho.pital i. fully e-uipped +ith all modern medi*al *are fa*ilitie.. Do*tor.' (aramedi*alN .taff and other employee. in I-raa are dedi*ated to pro"ide e"ery patient ri/ht *are they de.er"e. e.ear*h oriented medi*al .er"i*e. ha"e helped I-raa /ro+ by leap and bound in .hort .pan of time .I-raa pro"ide. round the *lo*, .er"i*e. thereby fulfillin/ it. *ommitment. to the .o*iety. I-raa ha. .et up a ho.t of medi*al fa*ilitie. for di.or/ani.in/ and treatin/ tho.e +ho .uffer from myriad di.ea.e. .I3H' I33H' adiant Barmer of (hoto therapy' *omputeriEed (ulmonary fun*tion te.t' Mi*rometer' Halter Mentor' E*ho 3ardio/ram:3olour Doppler et*. are .ome of thi. fa*ilitie.. I-raa i. *ommitted to pro"ide -uality medi*al *are to the needy at the mode.t rate. 2; hour *a.ualty .er"i*e i. a"ailable in the ho.pital .I-raa i. ,een to .ati.fy both inpatient. and outpatient. by pro"idin/ fir.t rate dia/no.i. and treatment. Be al+ay. ,eep tab. on the .hift in need. of the *ommunity and te*hnolo/i*al ad"an*ement.i-raa offer. .e"eral .pe*ial Health (a*,a/e. li,e E*onomi* Health 3he*, up' Diabete. 3he*, Hp' (re/nan*y (a*,a/e. and deli"ery pa*,a/e.. 2he.e are a"ailable at "ery rea.onable *o.t..


HGS(I2&0 DE(& 2ME<2S

Ieneral Medi*ine Ieneral .ur/ery Iene*olo/y <eurolo/y (aediatri*. 3ardiolo/y Endo*rinolo/y Diale*tolo/y Dermatolo/y 4 5enereolo/y E.<.2 Grthopaedi*. Hrolo/y

(aediatri* Sur/ery e*on.tru*ti"e .ur/ery

(la.ti* 4 Dental

Gphthalmolo/y (.y*hiatri* 4 De:addi*tion

(hy.iotherapy &nae.the.iolo/y

Medi*al So*ial Bor, Dialy.i. 3entre




FACILITIES IN IQRAA HOSPITAL I3H'I33H Multi (arameter Monitorin/ Sy.tem 2elemetry Sy.tem'Seimen. 5entilator. Infu.ion (ump

<I3H 5entilator' In*ubator' 3ardia* Monitor. adiant Barmer of (hoto 2herapy

&ir:3onditioned 0abour Hnit Emer/en*y Gperation 2heatre 3omplex DAI0NOSTIC FACILITIES 3omputeri.ed Hi:2e*h 0ab

Spiral 32 S*an

E3I 8 3hannel 3omputeri.ed E*ho:3ardio/ram:3olour Doppler 3omputeriEed 2read Mill 2e.t 3omputeriEed (ulmonary 7un*tion te.t Holter Monitor 5ibrometer

O: &A 4 7luoro.*opy 8FF M& 4 @FF M& (otable O: &A

30I<I3&0 SE 5I3ES

0$*$ral M$'ici*$ 0$*$ral "ur@$r? 0$*$c&l&@? N$ur&l&@? Pa$'ia ric" Car'i&l&@? E*'&cri*&l&@? Dial$c &l&@? D$rma &l&@? A 2$*$r$&l&@? E!N!T Or (&pa$'ic" Ur&l&@? Pa$'ia ric Sur@$r? Pla" ic A R$c&*" ruc i-$ "ur@$r? Op( (alm&l&@? D$* al P"?c(ia ric A D$.a''ic i&* P(?"i& ($rap? A*a$" ($"i&l&@?


M$'ical S&cial 3&r+ Dial?"i" C$* r$ Di$ ar?




3hapter :8



2he methodolo/y follo+ed for *ondu*tin/ the .tudy in*lude. the .pe*ifi*ation of re.ear*h de.i/n' .ample de.i/n' -ue.tionnaire de.i/n' data *olle*tion and .tati.ti*al tool. u.ed for analyEin/ the *olle*ted data.
&.1 R)s)a,c+ -)si0n:

2he re.ear*h de.i/n u.ed for thi. .tudy i. of the de.*ripti"e type. De.*ripti"e re.ear*h .tudie. are tho.e .tudie. +hi*h are *on*erned +ith de.*ribin/ the *hara*teri.ti*. of a parti*ular indi"idual or a /roup..
&.2 Sa12*) si3):

2he .ample .iEe *on.i.tin/ of 1FF re.pondent. +ere .ele*ted for the .tudy.
&.& Sa12*in0 -)si0n:

Sin*e it i. diffi*ult to *onta*t the entire population' .amplin/ te*hni-ue +a. adopted. 2he employee. +ere inter"ie+ed u.in/ *on"enien*e .amplin/ te*hni-ue..
&.4 5.)stionnai,) -)si0n:

Kue.tionnaire +a. de.i/ned in *on.ultation +ith the admini.trati"e offi*er of I-raa International Ho.pital and e.ear*h 3entre' in .u*h a manner that it +ould fa*ilitate the re.pondent. to re"eal maximum information.
&.6 %ata co**)ction :







method +ith the *on*erned per.on. +ill be u.ed to *olle*t the primary data.


Secondary data: Gffer do*ument.' fa*t .heet.' ne+. paper.' ma/aEine. publi.hed from time to time and Internet' Ho.pital .our*e..

&.7 Statistica* too*s .s)- fo, ana*/sis:

2he *olle*ted data +ere analyEed by u.in/ follo+in/ te*hni-ue.9 (er*enta/e analy.i. Gne:+ay &<G5&

3H&(2E :; D&2& &<&0ASIS &<D I<2E ( E2&2IG<


#ha-.e/ +!%
D&2& &<&0ASIS &<D I<2E ( E2&2IG<
TAB"E NO: ) Tabl$ "(&)i*@ @$*'$r &# ($ r$"p&*'$* "B

Pa/.i012a/s Ma2e Fe6a2e To.a2

F/e31e405 89 2: );;

Pe/0e4. 89.; 89.; );;.;

%a2id Pe/0e4. 89.; 89.; );;.;

#1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. 89.; );;.;



Ta<2e Sho=s .he Mo4.h25 !40o6e of .he /es-o4de4.s:



F/e31e 405


%a2id Pe/0e4.

#1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.

<e2o= (Rs.);;;; );;;;(2;;;; 2;;;;(>;;;; a<o7e >;;;; To.a2

9? >) ): @ );; @.; 9?.; >).; ):.; );;.; @.; 9?.; >).; ):.; );;.; @.; ?>.; @9.; );;


TAB"E NO:> Ta<2e sho=s .he Ed10a.io4a2 A1a2ifi0a.io4 .he /es-o4de4.s: Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.

P!0 U!0

9: ?9

9:.; ?9.;

9:.; ?9.;

9:.; );;.;


T& al





TAB"E NOB9 Ta<2e sho=s .he Ma/i.a2 S.a.1s of Res-o4de4.s: Pa/.i012a/s Ma//ied 46a//ied To.a2 F/e31e405 ?? 9? );; Pe/0e4. ??.; 9?.; );;.; %a2id Pe/0e4. ??.; 9?.; );;.; #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. ??.; );;.;



TAB"E NO: ?. Ta<2e sho=s .he 5ea/s of eC-e/ie40e of /es-o4de4.s: Pa/.i012a/s "ess .ha4( )5/ )(2 5/s 2(>5/s >(95/s A<o7e 95/s To.a2 F/e31e405 @ 28 )@ 2? 22 );; Pe/0e4. @.; 28.; )@.; 2?.; 22.; );;.; %a2id Pe/0e4. @.; 28.; )@.; 2?.; 22.; );;.; #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. @.; >9.; ?9.; @;.; );;.;



TAB"E NO:: *o/Di4g ho1/s a/e 0o47e4ie4. fo/ 6e2 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!78 F/e31e405 >9 >2 )@ )> > );; Pe/0e4. >9.; >2.; )@.; )>.; >.; );; %a2id Pe/0e4. >9.; >2.; )@.; )>.; >.; );; #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. >9.; ::.; @9.; E8.; );;.;


9rom the a.o0e chart and ta.le it is clearl3 e0ident that &:; of the res ondents strongl3 agree that 1or$ing hours are con0enient from them and &*; agree 1ith that and )<; neither agree nor disagree and )&;disagree 1ith the 1or$ing hours and &; are strongl3 against 1or$ing hours/

TA"L= 4!7' !F6 ha--5 =i.h 65 =o/D -2a0eG


Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total

F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. &( &+ )< < > )(( &(/( &+/( )</( </( >/( )((/(

%a2id Pe/0e4. &(/( &+/( )</( </( >/( )((/(

#1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. &(/( 8+/( <'/( +>/( )((/(

C5A6T 4!7'


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that &(; res ondents strongl3 agree and &+; res ondents agree that the3 are ha 3 1ith their 1or$ lace onl3 )&; disagreed and )<; ha0e no idea to1ards their 1or$ lace/


TA"L= 4!7< The 2igh.i4gs a4d o.he/ a//a4ge6e4.s =i.h offi0e a/e sa.isfa0.o/5 %a2id #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. Pe/0e4. &&/( &'/( )</( >/( '/( )((/( &&/( '(/( <</( +&/( )((/(

Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7<

F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. && &' )< > ' )(( &&/( &'/( )</( >/( '/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le its is e0ident that &&; res ondents strongl3 agree 1ith the lightings and arrangements in the office, &'; agree 1ith that and )*; disagree 1ith the lightings and arrangements and )<; ha0e no idea to1ards lightings and arrangements/ TA"L= 4!7+ ! fee2 ! ha7e .oo 610h =o/D .o doG Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.


Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7+

' + *> &' ** )((

'/( +/( *>/( &'/( **/( )((/(

'/( +/( *>/( &'/( **/( )((/(

'/( )8/( :)/( '</( )((/(

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that the 1or$ load is not high, &'; of the res ondents disagreed 1ith the ?uestion@ I feel I ha0e too much 1or$@ and another **; strongl3 disagreed, )<; admits the3 ha0e too much 1or$ and *&; ha0e no idea to1ards this ?uestion/


TA"L= 4!7)( "a#$ ? m$a"ur$" pr&-i'$' b? ($ c&mpa*?C Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7)( F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *< &) *: )) 8 )(( *</( &)/( *:/( ))/( 8/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *</( &)/( *:/( ))/( 8/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *</( >+/( <&/( +:/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that the safet3 measures ro0ided .3 the organiAations are good as *< and &); of the res ondents agree 1ith that and onl3 ))& 8; disagreed and *:; neither agreed nor disagreed/


TA"L= 4!7))
M? r$la i&*"(ip )i ( m? "up$r-i"&r i" c&r'ialC

Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7))

F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. &( :) )8 8 ' )(( &(/( :)/( )8/( 8/( '/( )((/(

%a2id Pe/0e4. &(/( :)/( )8/( 8/( '/( )((/(

#1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. &(/( ')/( <'/( +&/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that relationshi .et1een em lo3ees and their su er0isors are cordial .ecause &(; of res ondents strongl3 agreed to it and :); agreed to it and onl3 )&; disagreed and )8; of res ondents ha0e neither agreed nor disagreed. TA"L= 4!7)* M5 s1-e/7iso/ is 4o. -a/.ia2G Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.


Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7)*

)< &( )> )+ )< )((

)</( &(/( )>/( )+/( )</( )((/(

)</( &(/( )>/( )+/( )</( )((/(

)</( :</( 8&/( <*/( )((/(

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that the su er0isors are not artial to the em lo3ees as )<; strongl3 agreed and &(; agreed to the ?uestion .ut )+; disagreed and )<; strongl3 disagreed this le0el is ?uite high com ared to other ?uestions


TA"L= 4!7)& M5 s1-e/7iso/ 0o4side/s 65 idea .oo =hi2e .aDi4g de0isio4 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7)& F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *8 :& *8 ** && )(( *8/( :&/( *8/( **/( &&/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *8/( :&/( *8/( **/( &&/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *8/( 8+/( +>/( +'/( )((/(

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that *8 and :*; of the res ondents agree that su er0isors consider their em lo3ees ideas also and onl3 >; disagreed and *8; neither agreed nor disagreed/


TA"L= 4!7 ): !F6 sa.isfied =i.h .he s1--o/. f/o6 65 0o(=o/De/s Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7 ): F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *) :' )8 + ' )(( *)/( :'/( )8/( +/( '/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *)/( :'/( )8/( +/( '/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *)/( 8</( <:/( +&/( )((/(

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that relation 1ith co%1or$ers is ?uite good as nearl3 8<; of the res ondents agree that the3 are satisfied 1ith su ort from co%1or$ers and onl3 )>; disagreed and )8; ha0e no ans1er to this/


TA"L= 4!7)>
Tabl$ "(&)i*@ P$&pl$ ($r$ (a-$ c&*c$r* &-$r &*$ a*& ($r a*' $*' & ($lp &*$ A*& ($r &# ($ r$"p&*'$* "C

Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total

F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *8 :) )+ + > )(( *8/( :)/( )+/( +/( >/( )((/(

%a2id Pe/0e4. *8/( :)/( )+/( +/( >/( )((/(

#1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *8/( 8'/( <8/( +>/( )((/(

C5A6T 4!7)>

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that in this organiAation eo le ha0e concern o0er each other as *8; strongl3 agreed and :); agreedand onl3 ):; disagreed and )+; neither agreed nor disagreed/ TA"L= 4!7 )8 !F6 sa.isfied =i.h .he /ef/esh6e4. fa0i2i.iesG Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.


Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7)8

+ *( &( *8 )> )((

+/( *(/( &(/( *8/( )>/( )((/(

+/( *(/( &(/( *8/( )>/( )((/(

+/( *+/( >+/( <>/( )((/(

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that the em lo3ees are not satisfied 1ith the refreshment facilities offered .3 the com an3 as *8; of res ondents disagreed and )>; strongl3 disagreed and &(; neither agreed nor disagreed and onl3 *+; agreed/ TA"L= 4!7)' *e a/e -/o7ided =i.h .he /es. a4d 2140h /oo6 a4d .he5 a/e good Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. < )8 ** &: *( </( )8/( **/( &:/( *(/( %a2id Pe/0e4. </( )8/( **/( &:/( *(/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. </( *:/( :8/( <(/( )((/(






C5A6T 4!7)<

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite e0ident that *:; strongl3 disagreed and &(; of the res ondents disagreed and **; neither agreed nor disagreed and onl3 *:; of the res ondents are satisfied 1ith the rest and lunch room ro0ided/

TA"L= 4!7)< The -a/Di4g s-a0e fo/ o1/ 7ehi02es a/e sa.isfa0.o/5G Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. &* *: &) : + )(( &*/( *:/( &)/( :/( +/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. &*/( *:/( &)/( :/( +/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. &*/( &'/( >'/( 8+/( )((/(


C5A6T 4!7)<

Int),2,)tation: 9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that res ondents are not satisfied 1ith the ar$ing facilities ro0ided .3 the com an3 as &); of res ondents strongl3 disagreed and &*; of res ondents disagreed and onl3 )&; of res ondents are satisfied 1ith the ar$ing facilities and *:; ha0e neither agreed nor disagreed. TA"L= 4!7)+ !F6 sa.isfied =i.h .he fi/s. aid fa0i2i.ies Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total F/e31e4 05 &) &) *) )* > )(( Pe/0e4. &)/( &)/( *)/( )*/( >/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. &)/( &)/( *)/( )*/( >/( )((/( #1612a.i 7e Pe/0e4. &)/( 8*/( <&/( +>/( )((/(

C5A6T 4!7)+



9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that em lo3ees are not satisfied 1ith the first aid facilities as more than >*; ( &); disagree and *); strongl3 disagree) disagreed and onl3 )'; agreed and &); of res ondents neither agreed nor disagreed. TA"L= 4!7*( Sa.isfied =i.h .he 2oa4 fa0i2i.ies a4d o.he/ -e/so4a2 =e2fa/e fa02i.ies offe/ed <5 .he o/ga4isa.io4. Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. ' )* &( &: )' )(( '/( )*/( &(/( &:/( )'/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. '/( )*/( &(/( &:/( )'/( )((/( #1612a.i 7e Pe/0e4. '/( )+/( :+/( <&/( )((/(

C5A6T 4!B*(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that res ondents are not satisfied 1ith the loan facilities offered .3 the organiAation as &:; of res ondents disagree and )'; of res ondents strongl3 disagree &(; of res ondents neither agree nor disagree and onl3 )+; are satisfied 1ith the loan facilities/ TA"L= 4!7*)


! fe22 !F6 -aid a fai/ a6o14. fo/ .he =o/D ! do Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7*) %a2id #1612a.i7e F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. Pe/0e4 Pe/0e4. . )> &+ *> )& < )(( )>/( &+/( *>/( )&/( </( )((/( )>/( &+/( *>/( )&/( </( )((/( )>/( >:/( '+/( +*/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that the res ondents are satisfied 1ith their salar3 as &+; agree and )>; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 C&; disagree and <; strongl3 disagree, *>; neither agree nor disagree/


TA"L= 4!7** !F6 sa.isfied =i.h .he 0ha40es fo/ 65 -/o6o.io4 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7** F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *' :& )& + < )(( *'/( :&/( )&/( +/( </( )((/( %a2id #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. Pe/0e4. *'/( :&/( )&/( +/( </( )((/( *'/( '(/( <&/( +*/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that em lo3ees are satisfied 1ith their chances for romotion as :&; agree and *'; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 +; disagree and <; strongl3 disagree, )&; neither agree nor disagree/


TA"L= 4!7*& The sa2a/5 =e /e0ei7e a/e good as o.he/ o/ga4iza.io4s offe/ -a5 .o .hei/ e6-2o5ees Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7*& F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *' &' *8 8 : )(( *'/( &'/( *8/( 8/( :/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *'/( &'/( *8/( 8/( :/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *'/( 8:/( +(/( +8/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that the salar3 in this organiAation is at ar to the industr3 as &'; agree and *'; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 8; disagree and :; strongl3 disagree, *8; neither agree nor disagree/


TA"L= 4!7*: !F6 sa.isfied =i.h .he a22o=a40es -/o7ided <5 .he o/ga4iza.io4 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7*: F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. )+ :* *) )) ' )(( )+/( :*/( *)/( ))/( '/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. )+/( :*/( *)/( ))/( '/( )((/( #1612a .i7e Pe/0e4. )+/( 8)/( <*/( +&/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that the em lo3ees are satisfied 1ith the allo1ances and other .enefits ro0ided .3 the organiAation as :*; agree and )+; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 )); disagree and '; strongl3 disagree, *); neither agree nor disagree. TA"L= 4!7*> ! fee2 65 <oss 6o.i7a.e 6e .o a0hie7e .he o/ga4iza.io4a2 goa2s Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.


Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7*>

)) && *> ** + )((

))/( &&/( *>/( **/( +/( )((/(

))/( &&/( *>/( **/( +/( )((/(

))/( ::/( 8+/( +)/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that em lo3ees .oss are moti0ating to achie0e organiAational goals as &&; agree and )); strongl3 agree/ **; disagree this is ?uite high com ared to other factors and +; strongl3 disagree and *>; neither agree nor disagree/ TA"L= 4!7*8 M5 s1-e/7iso/ 6o.i7a.es 6e .o i40/ease 65 effi0ie405 a. .i6es =he4 iF6 4o. -/od10.i7e Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7 e Pe/0e4.


Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total C5A6T 4!7*8

)< :: )< )& ' )((

)</( ::/( )</( )&/( '/( )((/(

)</( ::/( )</( )&/( '/( )((/(

)</( 8*/( <(/( +&/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that em lo3ees .oss moti0ates the em lo3ee 1hen he is un roducti0e and hel him to .e roducti0e as ::; agree and )<; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 '; strongl3 disagree and ';disagree, )<; neither agree nor disagree/ TA"L= 4!7*' #o6614i0a.io4 see6s good =i.hi4 .his o/ga4iza.io4 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *8 &+ )' )( < )(( *8/( &+/( )'/( )(/( <//( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *8/( &+/( )'/( )(/( </( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. *8/( 8>/( <*/( +*/( )((/(


C5A6T 4!7*'

9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that communication seems good in this organiAation as &+; agree and *8; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 )(; disagree and <; strongl3 disagree/ )'; neither agree nor disagree/


TAB"E NO: 2@ *o/D assig46e4.s a/e eC-2ai4ed 02ea/25 .o 6e Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total #HART NO: 2@ F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. )' :) )> )' )( )(( )'/( :)/( )>/( )'/( )(/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. )'/( :)/( )>/( )'/( )(/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. )'/( ></( '&/( +(/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that res ondents are ?uite ha 3 1ith the 1a3 1or$ assignments are eD lained as :); agree and )'; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 )(; strongl3 disagree and )'; agree, )>; neither agree nor disagree/


TAB"E NO: 2E I l&-$ m? ,&b a*' & )&r+ i* (i" &r@a*i%a i&* Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total #HART NO: 2E F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. )+ &< *( ): + )(( )+/( &</( *(/( ):/( +/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. )+/( &</( *(/( ):/( +/( )((/( #1612a.i 7e Pe/0e4. )+/( >'/( ''/( +)/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that em lo3ees lo0e their -o. as &<; agree for this ?uestion and )+; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 +; strongl3 disagree and ):; disagree, *(; neither agree nor disagree/


TAB"E NO:>; M5 =o/D 2ife is 6ea4i4gf12 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total #HART NO:>; F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *> :( )8 ' )* )(( *>/( :(/( )8/( '/( )*/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *>/( :(/( )8/( '/( )*/( )((/( #1612a.i 7e Pe/0e4. *>/( 8>/( <)/( <</( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is clear that res ondents feel that their -o. is meaningful for them as :(; agree and *>; strongl3 agree/ !nl3 '; disagree and )*; strongl3 disagree, )8; neither agree nor disagree


TAB"E NO:>) ! 0o4side/ .ha. 65 =o/D is 7a21a<2e i4 a..ai4i4g 65 o/ga4iza.io4a2 goa2s Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total #HART NO:>) F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. *> :' )* ' + )(( *>/( :'/( )*/( '/( +/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. *>/( :'/( )*/( '/( +/( )((/( #1612a.i7 e Pe/0e4. *>/( '*/( <:/( +)/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that most res ondents feel that their -o. is contri.uting for organiAational goals as :'; agree and *>; strongl3 disagree/ !nl3 +; strongl3 disagree and '; disagree, )*; neither agree nor disagree/


TAB"E NO:>2 ! ha7e ade31a.e o--o/.14i.5 .o 1se 65 a<i2i.5 Pa/.i012a/s Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree Total #HART NO:>2 F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. )* &( *: *) )& )(( )*/( &(/( *:/( *)/( )&/( )((/( %a2id Pe/0e4. )*/( &(/( *:/( *)/( )&/( )((/( #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4. )*/( :*/( 88/( <'/( )((/(


9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is ?uite clear that res ondents ha0e ade?uate o ortunit3 to use their a.ilit3 as &(; agree and )*; disagree !nl3 )&; strongl3 disagree and *); disagree and *:; neither agree nor disagree/


TAB"E NO: >> O7e/a22 !F6 sa.isfied =i.h 65 Ho< Pa/.i012a/s F/e31e405 Pe/0e4. %a2id Pe/0e4. #1612a.i7e Pe/0e4.

Strongl3 agree Agree 4either agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongl3 disagree To.a2

*) >( )> )* * )((

*)/( >(/( )>/( )*/( */( )((/(

*)/( >(/( )>/( )*/( */( )((/(

*)/( ')/( <8/( +</( )((/(



9rom the a.o0e ta.le it is e0ident that !0erall satisfactions of the res ondents are good as >( ; agree and *); strongl3 agree/ !nl3 * ; strongl3 disagree and )*; disagree and )>; neither agree nor disagree/



&<G5& 2able9 &<G5& 2able repre.ent. the "ariou. re.ult obtained +hile *arryin/ out the &naly.i. of 5arian*e.


2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to En"ironment and nature of +or, fa*tor.

2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to En"ironment and nature of +or, fa*tor
Tabl$ N&= 14 E*-ir&*m$* a*' Na ur$ &# 3&r+" ANO2A
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*a nt

%et+een Iroup.


.1;@ .;=> .?=1

Bithin Iroup.

8F.1=@ 19!<6:

D> ;;




I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant inferen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to en"ironment and nature of +or,.



2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor elation.hip +ith .uper"i.or. and *ollea/ue.!

2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. Experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor elation.hip +ith .uper"i.or. and *ollea/ue..
Tabl$ N&= 16 R$la i&*"(ip )i ( "up$r-i"&r" a*' c&ll$a@u$"= ANO2A
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*a nt

%et+een Iroup.


.8FF 1.2?8 2@=

Bithin Iroup.


D> ;;




I* $rpr$ a i&*9 Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of

"ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to .uper"i.or. and *ollea/ue.!

elation.hip +ith

H9= 2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor Belfare fa*ilitie.. H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor Belfare fa*ilitie. Tabl$ N&= 17 3$l#ar$ #acili i$"
ANO2A Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*a nt

%et+een Iroup.


.;8> 1.;;1 .22?

Bithin Iroup.








I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to +elfare fa*ilitie..


2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor (ay and (romotion H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor (ay and (romotion Tabl$ N&= 1< Pa? a*' Pr&m& i&*
ANO2A Sour*e of Sum of De/ree of Mena 7 atio Si/nifi*a







%et+een Iroup.


.?@? 2.18> .F@2

Bithin Iroup.







I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to (ay and promotion.


H9= 2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor 3ommuni*ation and Moti"ation. H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to the fa*tor 3ommuni*ation and Moti"ation. Tabl$ N&= 1: C&mmu*ica i&* a*' M& i-a i&* ANO2A
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedo m Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*ant

%et+een Iroup.


.28; .=>2 .=2?

Bithin Iroup.







I* $rpr$ a i&*=


Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to *ommuni*ation and moti"ation.

H9= 2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e /roup. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. Tabl$ N&= 1; ANO2A J&b #ac &r
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*ant

%et+een Iroup.


.8>D .@=? .;@?

Bithin Iroup.








I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. experien*e +ith re.pe*t to 1ob fa*tor.


H9= 2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. &/e /roup. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. &/e /roup. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. Tabl$ N&= 49 ANO2A J&b #ac &r
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi*a nt

%et+een Iroup.


.FF; .FFD .DD1

Bithin Iroup.







I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. a/e /roup. +ith re.pe*t to 1ob fa*tor..


H9= 2here i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. /ender. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. H/= 2here i. .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. /ender. +ith re/ard to 1ob 7a*tor.. Tabl$ N&= 4/ ANO2A J&b #ac &r
Sour*e of 5ariation Sum of S-uare. De/ree of 7reedom Mena S-uare 7 atio Si/nifi* ant

%et+een Iroup.


.F8= .F@= .??F

Bithin Iroup.








I* $rpr$ a i&*= Sin*e the .i/nifi*ant differen*e i. /reater than F.F> a**ept null hypothe.i. and re!e*t alternate hypothe.i. +hi*h .ay.' there i. no .i/nifi*ant differen*e amon/ re.pondent. of "ariou. /ender. +ith re.pe*t to 1ob fa*tor..


3H&(2E : > 7I<DI<IS 4 SHIIES2IG<S



D$"crip i-$ S a i" ic"

N Mi*imum MaDimum M$a* S '! D$-ia i &*

E*-ir&*m$* a*' *a ur$ &# )&r+






/99 R$la i&*"(ip )i ( "up$r-i"&r" a*' c&ll$a@u$" /99 3$l#ar$ #acili i$" /99 Pa? a*' pr&m& i&* /99 C&mmu*ica i&* A m& i-a i&*






















J&b #ac &r"


6!/ Fi*'i*@"
2he de.*ripti"e .tati.ti*. table help. u. to deri"e .ati.fa*tion le"el of Employee. on "ariou. fa*tor.9 2he re.pondent. are .ati.fied +ith the en"ironment and nature of +or, 7a*tor. a. their mean "alue i. near to 2.>F 2he re.pondentC. relation.hip +ith the .uperior. and *ollea/ue. are -uite /ood a. their mean "alue i. 2.8= i. an a/reeable le"el. 2he e.pondent. are not pro"ided +ith proper +elfare fa*ilitie. thatC. the rea.on the mean "alue i. -uite hi/h at 8.;= le"el. +hi*h i. di.a/ree le"el. 2he *ommuni*ation and moti"ation of employee. by their .uperior. in thi. or/aniEation i. rea.onable a. the mean "alue i. 2.>?. 2he (ay and promotion a*ti"itie. in thi. or/aniEation i. al.o /ood a. their mean "alue i. 2.; 2he e.pondent. are o"erall .ati.fied +ith their !ob a. their mean "alue i. 2.>; +hi*h i. an a/reeable le"el. 2he (ar,in/ fa*ilitie. pro"ided by the or/aniEation are not /ood thatC. +hy mo.t re.pondent. di.a/ree +ith thi. -ue.tion. 2he refre.hment fa*ilitie. are al.o need to be impro"ed be*au.e mo.t of the employee. are di..ati.fied on thi. fa*tor. 2he e.t room fa*ilitie. in the ho.pital are not /ood and they are not .ati.fied +ith the lun*h fa*ilitie.

6!5 Su@@$" i&*"=

7rom my t+o month. of pro!e*t experien*e in IKK & Ho.pital' I +ould li,e to /i"e the follo+in/ .u//e.tion..


e.pondent. are not .ati.fied +ith the par,in/ fa*ilitie. pro"ided by the ho.pital authority' .o the ho.pital mana/ement ta,e. thi. into *on.ideration e.pondent. are not .ati.fied +ith the a"ailable refre.hment fa*ilitie. in the ho.pital' .o the authority al.o loo,. into thi. .eriou.ly

2he employee. are .tron/ly di.a/reein/ +ith their pre.ent re.t room fa*ilitie. in the ho.pital. 2he ho.pital mana/ement ta,e. thi. into a**ount for better produ*ti"ity of the employee. Ho.pital .hould /i"e more important to de"elopment e.ear*h 4

3ondu*t +or, e"aluation of employee. monthly' -uarterly or yearly. Ma,e a *han*e to employee. to expre.. their "ie+.' idea. and problem fa*in/ in +or,in/ area

(ro"ide moti"ation' trainin/ and "alue added .er"i*e. for impro"e the produ*ti"ity and effi*ien*y of the employee..


3H&(2E := 3G<30HSIG<


1ob Sati.fa*tion i. the fa"orablene.. or un:fa"orablene.. +ith +hi*h the employee "ie+. hi. +or,. It expre..e. the amount of a/reement bet+een oneC. expe*tation of the !ob and the re+ard. that the !ob pro"ide.. 1ob Sati.fa*tion i. a part of life .ati.fa*tion. 2he nature of oneC. en"ironment of !ob i. an important part of life a. 1ob Sati.fa*tion influen*e. oneC. /eneral life .ati.fa*tion. 1ob Sati.fa*tion' thu.' i. the re.ult of "ariou. attitude. po..e..ed by an employee. In a narro+ .en.e' the.e attitude. are related to the !ob under *ondition +ith .u*h .pe*ifi* fa*tor. .u*h a. +a/e.. Super"i.or. of employment' *ondition. of +or,' .o*ial relation on the !ob' prompt .ettlement of /rie"an*e. and fair treatment by employer In IKK & International ho.pital if +e loo, into o"erall .ati.fa*tion f employee. it *ome. nearly >FL of employee. are fully .ati.fied +ith their !ob and +or,in/ en"ironment. In thi. ho.pital employee. are .ati.fied +ith their !ob expe*t .ome *a.e. a"ailable *anteen fa*ilitie.' re.t room fa*ilitie. and par,in/ fa*ilitie. et*. %ut other+i.e the ta.,


a..i/nment to the ea*h +or,er. are in ri/ht manner and al.o they are .ati.fie. +ith that al.o. Bithin .hort .pan of time the IKK & Ho.pital ha. a*hie"ed a +ell po.ition in 3ali*ut Di.tri*t a. +ell a. in #erala +ith it. di.tin/ui.hable .er"i*e. . It .ure that the in future the ho.pital mana/ement +ill find out a /ood .olution for the problem +hi*h I ha"e mentioned abo"e. I +i.h e"ery .u**e.. to the ho.pital


T$D B&&+"= Jo. satisfaction Jo. Satisfaction and ,oti0ation Jo. Satisfaction and Eroducti0it3 !rganiAation "eha0ior % % % % 5os 6o.ert 5o oc$ Linda =0ans Suresh Sri0ast0a 9red Luthans ital & 5ealth Ser0ice % American College 5os ital Administration



111/humanlin$s/com 111/1i$i edia/org

Qu$" i&**air$ EA " u'? &* J&b Sa i"#ac i&* &# Empl&?$$" i* IQRA INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALF


I am Mr.Ratheesh.D, student of JDT Islam College of Arts & Science, Vellimadukunnu.As art of m! academic course curriculum of ""A, I am doing this ro#ect. It is o$ser%ed that the o%erall JOB SATISFACTION of this organisation and to hel s the managers in their lanning and decision making rocess. &ere I ha%e made an attem t $! designing the follo'ing sur%e! (uestionnaire. This sur%e! should take a ro)imatel! 10 minutes of !our time to com lete. *lease res ond candidl! to the (uestions. Confidentialit! of !our o inions + %ie's 'ould $e maintained. Thank !ou, in ad%ance, for !our time and artici ation. Ins ite of !our $us! schedule.

(lea.e fill the follo+in/ Detail.9

(Please wherever applicable)

1. <ame9 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PP 2. &/e9 PPPPPP 8. Iender9 Male 7emale >. Department9 ............................................................................... ;. Monthly In*ome9 %elo+ e.t. 1F'FFF 1F'FFF: 2FFFF 2F'FFF:8FFFF &bo"e 8F'FFF >. Edu*ation Kualifi*ation9 Hnder Iraduation =. Marital Statu.9 Married (o.t Iraduation



?. Aear. of experien*e9 0e.. than 1 year 1:2 year. 8:; year. abo"e year.

2:8 year.

(lea.e Indi*ate Aour 0e"el Gf &/reement In 3onne*tion Bith 5ariou. 7a*tor.9

$(lea.e in the boxe. belo+.)

,or' E&-%ro&m(&* a&! &a*ur( o. +or'

N$i ($ r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@r $$



S r&* @l? a@r$$


Di"a@r $$

S r&*@l ? Di"a@r $$

2he amount of +or, I am expe*ted to do on !ob i. rea.onable. Bor,in/ hour. are *on"enient for me

ICm happy +ith my +or, pla*e

2he li/htin/ and other arran/ement. in the offi*e are .ati.fa*tory

I feel I ha"e too mu*h +or, to do

ICm .ati.fied +ith the .afety mea.ure. pro"ided in my +or, pla*e.


R(la*%o&s %/ +%*
Sl.< o

su/(r-%sors a&! 0oll(a1u(s2

S r&* @l? a@r$$ N$i ($ r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@r $$ Di"a@r $$ S r&*@l? Di"a@r$$




My relation.hip .uper"i.or i. *ordial



My .uper"i.or i. not partial

My .uper"i.or *on.ider. my idea. too +hile ma,in/ de*i.ion


ICm .ati.fied +ith the .upport from my *o:+or,er.


(eople here ha"e *on*ern for one another and tend to help one another Belfare 7a*ilitie..

,(l.ar( Fa0%l%*%(s


Sl.< o


S r&*@l ? a@r$$


N$i ($ r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@r $$

Di"a@r $$

S r&*@l ? Di"a@r$ $


ICm .ati.fied +ith refre.hment fa*ilitie.



Be are pro"ided +ith the re.t and lun*h room and they are /ood

2he par,in/ fa*ilitie. pro"ided for our /4 "ehi*le. are .ati.fa*tory


ICm .ati.fied +ith the fir.t aid fa*ilitie.


ICm .ati.fied +ith the 0oan fa*ilitie. and other per.onal +elfare benefit. offered by or/ani.ation.

Pa# a&! /romo*%o&

S. <o (arti*ular.
S r&*@l ? a@r$$ A@r$$ N$i ($ r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@r Di"a@r $$ S r&*@l ? Di"a@r$


$ $$


I feel ICm bein/ paid a fair amount for the +or, I do

ICm .ati.fied +ith my *han*e. for /: promotion


2he .alarie. +e re*ei"e are /ood a. other or/aniEation. pay to their employee..

ICm .ati.fied +ith the allo+an*e. pro"ided by my or/aniEation 59

Commu&%0a*%o& a&! mo*%-a*%o&2

N$i ( $r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@ r$$ S r&*@l ? Di"a@r$ $



S r&* @l? a@r$$


Di"a@ r$$


I ha"e ade-uate information a"ailable +hi*h enable me to


do my !ob +ell! I feel that my %o.. moti"ate me to a*hie"e the or/aniEation /oal



My .uper"i.or moti"ate. me to in*rea.e my effi*ien*y at time. +hen ICm not produ*ti"e

3ommuni*ation .eem /ood +ithin thi. 54 or/aniEation


Bor, a..i/nment. explained *learly to me


Jo3 .a0*ors2
S r&*@ l? a@r$$ N$i ( $r a@r$$ *&r 'i"a@r $$ S r&*@l? Di"a@r$ $



Di"a@ r$$


I lo"e my !ob and to +or, in thi. or/aniEation My +or, life i. meanin/ful I *on.ider that my +or, i. "aluable in attainin/ my or/aniEational

5< 5:


/oal. I ha"e ade-uate opportunity to u.e my ability G"erall' ICm .ati.fied +ith my !ob



A*? & ($r "u@@$" i&* a*' r$mar+", -i$)" a*' &pi*i&* GMa*'a &r? & )ri $H Sl.< o
1 2 8 ;

Car$$r Opp&r u*i ? C&mp$*"a i&* R$)ar' L$a'$r"(ip C&mmu*ica i&* 0ap



Date9 ............................. Si/nature


(la*e9 ............................


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