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Name: Mariana Yern Grade: 1st 6th grade Choir

Musical Focus: #on#e$ts/s%ills to

em$hasi&e Pla'ing instr(ments Tim)re Singing *armon' Melody Creating Rhythm Mo+ement Expressive Qualities ,orm

Date: 09/23/2013 Title: earning !ol"ege

Preparation: /lin% to $rior %no0ledge or 12(m$ start34 5s st(dents #ome into the #lassroom6 7 0ill )e $la'ing the song 0e learned the $re+io(s #lass8 7 0ill )egin the lesson )' as%ing st(dents ho0 to stand and )reathe #orre#tl' in order to o+er+ie0 the singing $osition8 Then6 7 0ill introd(#e them to the $ra#ti#e o" 10arm9($s3 )' (sing the 0ords 1)())le g(m3 in an as#ending/des#ending motion "rom Do to !ol/!ol to Do8 /: min4


-oard .%(lele Piano Poster iPad

Po Process & Personalization: /tea#hing se;(en#e < st(dent $arti#i$ation4

9 7 0ill start the lesson )' telling st(dents a stor' 0ith sol"ege s'm)ols8 This stor' (ses 0ords that are $rono(n#ed the same as sol"ege s'lla)les in order to hel$ st(dents remem)er them )etter8 5s 7 tell the stor'6 a $oster o" the sol"ege s'm)ols 0ill )e ($ on the )oard to stim(late st(dents= #(riosit'6 and gi+e them a #l(e o" 0hat is going on8 /3 min4 9 >n#e 7 am done6 7 0ill as% st(dents 0hat similarities the' "o(nd )et0een the stor' and the $oster on the )oard8 7 0ill lea+e room "or dis#(ssion "or a min(te6 and 0ill $(t all the $ie#es together )' singing 1Do6 ?e6 Mi3 "rom the !o(nd o" M(si# 0ith m' .%(lele8 /!ome st(dents might sing along sin#e this is s(#h a "amo(s "ilm4 /: min4 9 5"ter this song6 the' 0ill ha+e a "(ller (nderstanding o" 0hat sol"age so(nds li%e6 and 0ill $ro)a)l' )egin as%ing ;(estions8 There"ore6 7 0ill e@$lain that sol"ege s'lla)les re$resent the m(si#al notes that 0e (se to read m(si#8 5lso6 the' 0ill )e #(rio(s to %no0 0hat instr(ment 7 0as $la'ing8 7 0ill as% them to tell me i" the' %no0 the name o" the instr(ment8 7" the' do not6 then 7 0ill tell them and go on to s$ea% a)o(t it8 7 0ill let three st(dents $la' it6 and the rest o" them 0ill $la' it at the end o" #lass8 /10 min4 9 Then6 7 0ill go to the $iano and $la' the sol"ege s'lla)les 0ith their #orres$onding s'm)ols8 5"ter that6 7 0ill as% the #hoir to do it 0ith me +er' slo0l'8 /: min4 9>n#e the' are #om"orta)le singing them6 the' 0ill )egin learning the 1Do ?e Mi3 song8 ,irst6 0e 0ill do it $hrase )' $hrase8 7 0ill sing a $hrase6 and then the' 0ill sing it 0ith me8 >n#e 0e do t0o $hrases6 0e 0ill $(t them together6 and so on (ntil 0e #an do the 0hole song8 /7 0ill a##om$an' them 0ith the .%(lele4 /1:4 9 Then6 0e 0ill re+ie0 the song 0e did the $re+io(s #lass8 7 0ill a##om$an' them on the $iano8 /10 min4 95t the end o" #lass6 st(dents 0ill )e a)le to $la' the .%(lele6 and 0ill gi+e them a sol"ege 0or%sheet to do at home8 /10 min4

!tandards 5ddressed
!(nshine !tate !tandards /m(si#4

!(nshine !tate !tandards />ther !()2e#t4

O !ectives: !t(dents 0ill88

.nderstand ho0 sol"ege $la's a %e' role in singing8 An#o(nter : !t(dents en#o(nter sol"ege s'm)ols8 An#o(nter /e@$eriential4: !t(dents en#o(nter a ne0 instr(ments6 the .%(lele8

Britten 'n(ormal 7ndi+id(al Per(ormance +roup >ther: #om$osition

"otes#Extension: "o$% students understand $hat the musical notes they sing are& 'n the (uture% they $ill e a le to sigh) read their pieces&

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