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Experts Exchange MS Server S !indows "00# Server !hat $oes %srlogon&Cmd $o 'n !ins "00# Se(

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what does usrlogon.cmd do in wins 003 ser!er"

Asked by: SJCA

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Hi Experts, I have seen usrlo on!c"d script in #ins $003 %ox, %ut not sure #hat does it do in the server & In the code, It "entions a%out usrlo n'!c"d and usrlo n$!c"d %ut I don(t see the" exit in )syste"3$ *older +& Thanks!
03 -3 ,3 :3 ;3 <3 =3 >3 ?3 013 003 0-3 0,3 0:3 0;3 0<3 0=3 0>3 0?3 -13 -03 --3 -,3 -:3 -;3 -<3 -=3 ->3 -?3 ,13 ,03 ,-3 ,,3 ,:3 ,;3 ,<3 ,=3 ,>3 @Echo Off Call "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\SetPaths.Cmd" If "% SE!PA!"S%" ## "$AI%" &oto 'one Rem Rem !his is for those scripts that don(t need the Root'ri)e. Rem If *ot E+ist "%SystemRoot%\System,-\.srlo/n0.cmd" &oto cont1 Cd 2d "%SystemRoot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\%o/on" Call "%SystemRoot%\System,-\.srlo/n0.cmd" 3cont1 Rem Rem 'etermine the 4ser(s home directory dri)e letter. Rem set5 e+it. Rem Cd 2d %SystemRoot%\"Application Compatibility Scripts" Call Root'r).Cmd If "A%Root'ri)e%A" ## "AA" End.Cmd Rem Rem 6ap the .ser(s "ome 'irectory to a 'ri)e %etter Rem *et .se %Root'ri)e% 2' 7*.%3 -780 S4bst %Root'ri)e% "%"ome'ri)e%%"omePath%" if ERROR%E9E% 0 /oto S4bstErr /oto AfterS4bst 3S4bstErr S4bst %Root'ri)e% 2d 7*.%3 -780 S4bst %Root'ri)e% "%"ome'ri)e%%"omePath%" 3AfterS4bst Rem

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