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Netbackup Reports

NetBackup Commands UNIX

System Administration Commands Volmgr commands

Veritas NetBackup is based on a client /server architecture. Each NetBackup client and server belongs to a storage domain. A storage domain consists of a single master server, its associated media servers, and NetBackup clients. The master server controls and directs all NetBackup operations in its storage domain. Each media server controls the backup devices it is connected to. A media server can have one master server only, but a master server can control more than one media server. The NetBackup clients are any systems containing data to be backed up. A master server can acts as a media server, and both are capable of acting as clients. The NetBackup master server is the manager of the storage domain. An administrator can control all NetBackup functions in the storage domain from the master server. t manages all backups, archives and restores. The NetBackup client is any system !ith data to be backed up. The client soft!are is tailored to the operating system on !hich it is installed. Normally, a client operates under the control of the master server according to the policies and schedules set forth by the administrator. A backup client accesses the storage media through a media server. The NetBackup media server hosts one or more backup devices. "edia servers are directed by the master server and provide additional storage by enabling NetBackup to use the storage devices they control. "edia servers can also increase performance by distributing the net!ork load. A NetBackup master server may function as a media server, client may also function as a media server. NetBackup manages client data in incremental called backup images. A backup image originates from a single client and may consist of a file, a directory, a file system, a partition, or a database. The NetBackup file database on the master server contains detailed information about each backup image such as the filename of each file backed up, the backup time, si#e, permissions, and o!nership. An entry for each backup image is !ritten in the master server$s volume database that maps the backup images to the volumes !here they are stored.

Netbackup Reports

%tatus of Backup reports & t sho!s status and error information on 'obs completed !ithin the specified time period. (lient backups report & t sho!s detailed information on backups completed !ithin the specified time period. )roblems report & *ists the problems that the server has logged during the specified time period. The information in this report is a subset of the information obtained from the all log entries report. All log entries & *ists all log entries for the specified time period. t includes the information from the problems report and media log report. This also sho!s the transfer rate +the transfer rate does not appear for multiple,ed backups-. "edia list report & t sho!s information for volumes that have been allocated for backups. "edia contents report & t sho!s the contents of a volume as read directly from the media header and backup header. mages on media report & *ists the contents of the media as recorded in the NetBackup image catalog. "edia log report & t sho!s media errors or informational messages that are recorded in the NetBackup error catalog. "edia summary report & t summari#es active and non active volumes for the specified server according to e,piration date. "edia !ritten report & t identifies that !ere used for backups !ithin the specified time period.

NetBackup Commands
bpsyncinfo L & for catalog backup checkup. bprecover -m .media/id0 -d .density0 -l : to check for the catalog images in the catalog backed up media. bprdreq rereadconfig bpschedreq -read_stunits bpschedreq -read_stu_config bpdbm ctime <image> : for checking the date of the backed up image. tpconfig dl & sho!s for the drive path. Iostat 1,n 2 3grep 1 rmt 4444 to check for media / drive !riting throughput. bperror -backstat -hoursago <hours> -server <server/name> - !grep "um & for checking the backups happened in 25 hours !ith date and time bperror -all -backstat -by_statcode -hoursago <hours> & for checking the clients !ith status code +sorting by status code-

%tep6 7 Take an error log of 8 bperror -hoursago #$% -server .mediaservername 0 mediaserver.t,t 9 .. :on$t use 4backstat ; 4< s!itches 00 %tep2 7 grep =bytes/sec mediaserver.t,t 3grep 4v duplicate3grep 4v restore3a!k 4>?, @Aprint BN>C@ %tepD 7 )ut the info in a e,cel sheet and take average through put. bperror - -backstat -client .client/name0 -hoursago .hours0 !grep "um & for checking the client entries for completed backups The Backup %tatus report sho!s status and error information on 'obs completed !ithin the specified time period. f an error has occurred, a short e,planation of the error is included. bperror - -backstat -s info &-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>' The )roblems report lists the problems that the server has logged during the specified time period. This information is a subset of the information you get from the All *og Entries report. bperror - -problems &-d <start_date> <start_time> -e <end_date> <end_time>' The All *og Entries report lists all log entries for the specified time period. This report includes the information from the )roblems report and "edia *og Entries report. This report also sho!s the transfer rate, !hich is useful in determining and predicting rates and backup times for future backups +the transfer rate does not appear for multiple,ed backups-. bperror - -all &-d <start/date> <start/time> -e <end/date> <end/time>' bperror - -media &-d <start/date> <start/time> -e <end/date> <end/time>' bpclient -add -client .client/name0 -()*+_*I, - -()*+_enabled - & >or disable/enable the V%)/V%% on "aster server for clients bpplclients & for checking clients !ith E% option bpgetconfig -s .client/name0 - & :isplays the client / server backup configuration details vmquery -b a & for checking the media list and it sho!s all "edias detail. vmquery -b pn <pool name> vmquery -b -a !.c l & for checking the media list !ith count bpduplicate -/, -cn 0 -s #12#1-3 &To find images that have more than one copy This !ill list all images that are copy 72. usr1openv1netbackup1bin1install_client_files & pushing NetBackup soft!are to clients. bpimagelist -media - -d .start/date0 -e .end/date0 -policy .policy/name0 & for checking the !ritten mediaid for policies / clients

bpimagelist -4 -d .start/date0 -e .end/date0 -client .client/name0 & for checking the complete status of the backed up client and also for check the elapsed time etc. E,& bpimagelist 4A 4client cscvappausFDG 4hoursago 25 3grep Time bpimmedia -mediaid <media/id> -client <client/name> & for finding the imageid for the client. bppllist byclient .client name0 4< & for checking the list of the client +includes schedules, clients name, file selection list etc bpmedialist -summary !pg & for checking the media summary bpclsched .policy name0 - & gives the policy details. bpimage -compress allclients & for compress of the catalog backup bpimage compress client .client name0 & for compress of the catalogs in Hindo!s system. B)I: !ill go do!n !hile doing compression. E, & bpimage 1compress 1client cscimgdalFF6 bpdir -, .host/name0 & it gives the list of the directories / :rives E, & bpdir 1" cscvlssausFF2 /e/ bpstuadd -label J:=F2NA%FK/E"(/N:") -density hcart2 -rt tld -rn F -host #dkF2bakF2 -mfs 2FFF -nh #dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.com -, #dkF2bakF6 -ma5mp5 G vmchange -p # m .mediaid0 & for changing media to different pool vmpool -listall b& for checking the list of volume pool. t gives volume pool list !ith brief. vmrule -listall b & for checking the list of bar code rules 1usr1openv1netbackup1bin1bpps : To check the state of bprd and bpdbm, use the follo!ing command >or doing the inventory by command line vmupdate -rt 6L7 -rn - -rh .robot/control/host0 -h .volume/database/host0 -mt .media/type0 >or doing the inventory !ith empty map option& it !ill first move the tapes from ports to slots and do the inventory. vmupdate -rt .robot/type0 -rn .robot/number0 -rh .robot/control/host 0 -h .volume/database/host0 -mt .media/type0 -empty map vmoprcmd -deactivate_host -h device_host : for deactivating media servers :o the telnet locally if any ports are not !orking

telnet - .port number0& it connects immediately if the connection is there or else it !ill take time. E,& telnet F 6DL22 +for bp'ava portbpmedialist - -summary& for checking the media summary +active ; non4activebpmedialist - -mcontents 8-m .media/id09& The "edia (ontents report sho!s the contents of a volume as read directly from the media header and backup headers. vmadd -m .media :0 -mt .media type0& for adding the media into volume database for stand4 alone drive +cannot do the media for inventory optionE, & vmadd 1m :ADFK6 1mt hcart2 vmdelete m .media :0& for removing media from volume database for stand4alone drive vmoprcmd assign& for assigning the reMuested media if it is in pending state. +for :allas account the backup asked the media :ADFKD but it is not mounting even after inserting the media into standalone drive. <sed the above method to mount the media and it started the !ritingbpstart/notify vmglob 1listall & for listing the connected drives list and their configuration details. bpschedreq -predict .mm&dd&yy0 L& for checking the schedule date and time for all policies 87,/ ./set/ndmp/attr 1help ./set/ndmp/attr 4insert 4auth #dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.com ndmp )ass!ord for host N#dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.comN user NndmpN& Ie4enter )ass!ord for host N#dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.comN user NndmpN& nserted host N#dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.comN 7 ./set/ndmp/attr 4verify #dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.com (onnecting to host N#dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.comN as user NndmpN... Haiting for connect notification message... Epening session44attempting !ith N:") protocol version 5... Epening session44successful !ith N:") protocol version 5 host supports TEOT authentication host supports ":P authentication Qetting ":P challenge from host... *ogging in using ":P method... Rost info is& host name Nserver/2N os type N:artE%N os version NE"( (elerra >ile %erver.T.P.P.2L.PN host id Nabc6SSLN *ogin !as successful Rost supports *E(A* backup/restore Rost supports D4!ay backup/restore

7 ./set/ndmp/attr 4probe #dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.com Rost N#dkF2nasFK.cphse6FF.comm.mot.comN tape device model N<ltrium 24%(% N& :evice NcK5tFlFN attributesT+F,5- IAH (E")IE%% ENT6 %EI A*/N<"BEITR<*P:FSFPS for NetApp filer the device name !ill be sho!n like UnsrtVW by doing probe. (heck !hether attached :rive can be seen by N:") host NA%/RE%TNA"E 0 sysconfig 1t (heck !hether ndmpd status is EN on the N:") host NA%/RE%TNA"E 0 ndmpd status. f ndmpd status is E>>, then Enable ndmpd. NA%/RE%TNA"E 0 ndmpd on )lace an entry in /etc/rc file to make it permanent.

Volmgr commands
vmglob 4listall 1b 444 for checking the serial number of devices on media or master E,& type device name serial number host name 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 drive A<%:*T/:6 (OL6K%F5L6 cscmanausFFD drive A<%DPG5/:5 FFFLG26LD6 cscmanausFFK robot F 4 cscmanausFFK drive A<%DPG5/:P FFFLG22662 cscmanausFFK drive A<%DPG5/:D FFFLG66PSD cscmanausFF5 drive A<%DPG5/:2 FFFLG66GFD cscmanausFF5 drive A<%DPG5/:6 FFFLG66KFF cscmanausFF5 robot F FFFFFLG6SSGSF5F6 cscmanausFF5 "orrupt 9olume ,anager 7atabase :ecommendations The follo!ing procedure can be used to find/rectify a corrupt Volume "anager :atabase in Veritas Netbackup Verifying !hether or not a Volume manager database is corrupt. 6. >irst change the !orking directory to /usr/openv/volmgr/database. +cd /usr/openv/volmgr/database(&?program >iles?veritas?volmgr?database is the Hindo!s eMuivalent of the above. 2. *ist the files present in the directories such that it sho!s the si#e of each file in bytes. +ls 4l- +:ir for Hindo!sD. *ook for a file named vol:B. note its si#e in bytes. +E,ample D65GGKG is the si#e on our master.-

5. %ubtract G from the above digit. D65GGKG 4 G T D65GGKF. +G bytes is the si#e of the header of the vol:B fileP. :ivide this number by KKF +KKF because each media record is of si#e KKF bytes.a. f you get a !hole number !ithout any decimal points. Then the database is not corrupt. +D65GGKF/KKF T 5LL6b. f you don$t get a !hole number .Then the database is corrupt. Iecovering the Volume "anager :atabase. He have to use the vmdb/compact command to recover. This is an undocumented command. The follo!ing command !ith help option !ill give you the procedure needed to follo!. vmdb/compact 4help X44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444X X Ro! to use this database compaction utility& X X 6. shutdo!n old vmd X X 2. mv /usr/openv/volmgr/database/vol:B X X /usr/openv/volmgr/database/vol:B.old X X D. start ne! vmd +creates empty ne! databaseX X 5. vmdb/compact +reads old and inserts into ne!-X X444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444X t is better to keep t!o copies of the vol:B. i.e. vol:B.old vol:B.old2 rmt is a program used by the remote dump and restore pro4 grams in manipulating a magnetic tape drive through an interprocess communication connection. rmt is normally started up !ith an re,ec+D%E(=ET- or rcmd+D%E(=ET- call. The rmt program accepts reMuests that are specific to the manipulation of magnetic tapes, performs the commands, then responds !ith a status indication. All responses are in A%( and in one of t!o forms. %uccessful commands have responses of& T)(EN> QT/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpconfig T)(*EANT/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpclean %TE)*T :T/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/stopltid *T :T/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/ltid T)>EI"ATT/usr/openv/volmgr/bin/tpformat

8et+ackup 6asks /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpconfig 4tries F & To stop the NetBackup scheduler from running 'obs temporarily. Hhen you are ready to start the 'obs again, set the tries back to the original value. bpconfig 1m' F & for deactivating policies for deactivating media servers /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmoprcmd 4deactivate/host 4h device/host

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