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J Mol Evol (1998) 46:64–73

© Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1998

Organization and Nucleotide Sequence of the Cluster of Five Histone Genes

in the Polichaete Worm Chaetopterus variopedatus: First Record of a H1
Histone Gene in the Phylum Annelida

Rosanna del Gaudio, Nicoletta Potenza, Patrizia Stefanoni, Maria L. Chiusano,* Giuseppe Geraci

Department of Genetics, General and Molecular Biology, University of Naples Federico II, Via Mezzocannone, 8, 80134 Naples, Italy

Received: 23 April 1997 / Accepted: 21 July 1997

Abstract. Histone genes were identified and their Introduction

nucleotide sequences were determined in the polychaete
marine worm Chaetopterus variopedatus. The genes are Histones are basic proteins that associate with each other
organized in about 390 clusters of 7.3 kbp. Each cluster and with nuclear DNA to form the eukaryotic chromatin.
contains one copy of the five histone genes. The H1 There are five histone types. Four of them, H3, H4, H2A,
histone gene present in the clusters is the first ever iso- and H2B, form an octameric structure, the nucleosome
lated in the phylum Annelida. The cluster has the unique ‘‘core,’’ that is, the fundamental unit of chromatin. The
peculiarity that all genes contain both the replication- fifth histone, H1, participates in the formation of higher-
dependent and the replication-independent 38 mRNA ter- order chromatin structures.
mination signals. Despite the differences in cluster orga- Histones are among the most conserved proteins, and
nization and transcription polarity of the individual their genes and the corresponding frameworks of ar-
histone genes between C. variopedatus and Platynereis rangements have been conserved over vast expanses of
dumerilii, the other annelid in which histone genes have evolutionary time (Miller et al. 1993). Due to their dif-
been studied, phylogenetic analysis of the encoded fusion in eukaryotes and to their characteristics, histones
amino acid sequences clearly groups together those two are considered to represent a model system for the study
organisms in a tree in which the other studied worms find of structure, organization, and expression of multigene
closely related positions on the same evolutionary families, providing potentially interesting markers for
branch. evolutionary studies and for resolving phylogenetic rela-
tionships (Hentschel and Birnstiel 1981; Maxson et al.
Key words: C. variopedatus — Nucleotide sequence 1983a). A number of variant histone proteins are known
— Annelida — Polychaete — H1 gene — Histone gene to be expressed in specific tissues at specific stages of
cluster — mRNA double termination signal — Phylo- embryonic development (Brandt et al. 1979) and at par-
genesis ticular periods of the cell cycle (Shumperli 1986; Osley
Studies of histone genes and of their organization in a
variety of organisms have shown the occurrence of two
fundamental arrangements. In one, the five histone genes
are clustered, the clusters are repeated in tandem, and the
sequences of the repeated clusters are generally strongly
* Present address: CRISCEB, Center of Research for Computational
and Biotechnological Sciences, II University of Naples, Via Costanti- conserved. In the other, histone genes are dispersed in
nopoli 16, 80138, Napoli, Italy the genome in single genes or in incomplete clusters. The
Correspondence to: G. Geraci; e-mail geraci@dgbm.unina.it first type of organization is present in the insect Dro-

sophila melanogaster (Lifton et al. 1977), in the trout fragments possibly containing the complete cluster of histone genes.
Salmo gairdnerii (Connor et al. 1984), in the newt No- Digestion with PstI generated a DNA band, corresponding to fragments
averaging 7.5 kbp in length, that was positive to hybridization using as
tophtalmus viridiscens (Stephenson et al. 1981), and in probes the different early histone genes of the sea urchin P. lividus,
various sea stars (Howell et al. 1987; Cool et al. 1988). obtained from the plasmid pPH70 (a gift of G. Spinelli, University of
The second type of organization is present in the nema- Palermo). PstI-restricted genomic DNA (10 mg) was fractionated by
tode C. elegans (Roberts et al. 1987) and in some verte- electrophoresis on 0.8% (w/v) agarose slab gel in TBE buffer (0.089 M
brates like chicken (Engel and Dodgson 1981), mouse Tris, 0.089 M sodium borate, 0.009 M EDTA, pH 8.3); the agarose gel
slice containing the PstI fragments of interest was excised from the
(Sittman et al. 1981), and human (Albig et al. 1991). In slab; and DNA fragments were electroeluted. A genomic library of
sea urchins (Maxson et al. 1983b; Angerer et al. 1985) these fragments was constructed in pBR322 vector (Promega) using
and in Xenopus laevis (Zernik 1980; Ruberti et al. 1982) standard procedures (Maniatis et al. 1982) with the following modifi-
both histone gene arrangements are observed. At present, cations: the molecular ratio in the ligation reaction was 2:1 (vector:
in the phylum Annelida, histone genes have been char- DNA insert) and the final reaction volume was 100 ml. The products of
the T4 DNA ligase (Boehringer, Mannheim) were used to transform
acterized only in the polychaete worm Platynereis CaCl2-competent E. coli HB101 cells. Clones positive to colony hy-
dumerilii (Sellos et al. 1990). Histone gene clusters have bridization were detected using as a probe the sea urchin early H1
been characterized also in the worm Urechis caupo (In- histone gene previously labeled with [32P]-dCTP (3,000 Ci/mmol, Am-
gham and Davis 1988; Davis et al. 1992) belonging to ersham) using the Multiprime DNA labeling system (Amersham).
the closely related minor phylum of Echiuroid. In these Clones showing the strongest hybridization signal with the H1 histone
gene after washing to moderate stringency were used for further stud-
two organisms the core histone genes are organized in ies. The clones were amplified and their DNA inserts were excised and
repeated clusters that do not contain the H1 histone gene analyzed by hybridization with each of the early heterologous sea ur-
and this has not been found elsewhere in their genomes. chin histone genes. The hybridization procedure was as follows. Filters
We have undertaken the characterization of the his- were prehybridized for 6 h at 65°C in 5× SSPE (150 mM NaCl, 10 mM
tone genes in the annelid polychaete marine worm Chae- Na phosphate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4), 0.1% SDS, 5× Denhardt’s solu-
tion (0.02% bovine serum albumin, 0.02% Ficoll, 0.02% polyvinylpyr-
topterus variopedatus as an extension of our work on rolidone), and 100 mg/ml denatured herring sperm DNA. The labeled
histone H1 and protamine—the two molecules that or- probe was then added and hybridization was carried out for 16–18 h at
ganize the sperm chromatin of this organism (De Petro- 60°C in the same solution. Filters were then sequentially washed in 2×
cellis et al. 1983). We show here that in C. variopedatus, SSPE, 0.1% SDS for 5 min at room temperature, for 20 min at 60°C,
differently than in the other polichaete annelid P. dumer- and finally in 1× SSPE, 0.1% SDS for 30 min at 60°C. Hybridization
was revealed by exposing Fuji RX film, with intensifying screens, to
ilii, histone genes are organized in clusters also contain- the filters at −70°C.
ing histone H1. We report their complete nucleotide se-
quences. Differences between the histone gene clusters
Restriction and Hybridization Analysis of Positive Clones. The
of C. variopedatus and the other studied annelid concern gene maps of the inserts of the selected clones were initially derived
also the organization of the genes and their transcription from a set of single and double restriction analyses with PstI, SacI,
polarity. Interestingly, C. variopedatus histone gene BamHI, and EcoRI performed in the conditions specified by the manu-
clusters have the unique peculiarity that all genes have facturer (Boehringer, Mannheim). Digestion products (125 ng of plas-
two termination signals for the mRNA in their 38 un- mid DNA) were separated by electrophoresis on 1% (w/v) agarose gel
in TBE buffer. The presence of the histone genes in the various frag-
translated regions (38-UTR): the stem-loop–forming pal- ments of the inserts was established by Southern blot hybridization of
indrome sequence, with the associated purine-rich motif, the digests with each of the heterologous sea urchin probes previously
typical of the mRNA of replication-dependent genes, ex- labeled with [32P]-dCTP, as described above, using the Multiprime
pressed in a strict correlation with the S-phase of the cell DNA labeling kit. Sequence studies were performed on three clones,
cycle, and the AATAAA polyadenylation signal typical 3D, 6B, and 8D, and the complete sequences of all five histone genes
was determined on clone 8D.
of the replacement basal replication-independent histone
variants, some of which contain introns, producing stable
polyadenylated mRNAs not linked to the cell cycle Plasmid Subcloning and DNA Sequencing. The restriction frag-
ments identified with the heterologous sea urchin probes (see previous
(Hentschel and Birnstiel 1981; Birchmeier et al. 1982).
section) were separated on low-melting agarose gel. Each band of
interest was excised from the gel; the DNA was electroeluted and
cloned into appropriately cleaved Bluescript KS and SK plus and minus
Materials and Methods vectors (Stratagene). Ligation products were used to transform com-
petent E. coli Tg1 cells that were selected for AMP R: lac− phenotypes.
General Methods. Annelid worms C. variopedatus were kindly pro- DNA sequences were determined on both strands of the inserts by the
vided by the Zoological Station of Naples (Italy). Specimens were Sanger method using a modified T7 DNA polymerase kit (Sequenase
collected in the bay of Naples in the month of June, when they are version 2.0, Amersham) on double-stranded DNA plasmid, prepared
sexually active. Sperm cells were obtained from the parapods of a using Quiagen columns or on single-stranded DNA plasmid produced
single male as described (De Petrocellis et al. 1983) and purified with with M13 K07 helper phage. The electrophoretic analyses of the se-
several centrifugations in Millipore-filtered sea water. Sperm cells were quencing reactions were performed with two successive loadings on
lysed in 0.5 M EDTA, 2% SDS, and DNA was extracted and purified 6% acrylamide/bisacrylamide (38:2) gel using the Sequi-Gen II appa-
as described (Blin and Stafford 1976). ratus (Bio-Rad). Histone coding sequences of the analyzed DNA frag-
ments were identified using BLAST and PC-gene programs by com-
Construction of Genomic Library. Genomic DNA (10 mg) was paring encoded amino acid sequences of all open reading frames with
digested to completion with different restriction enzymes to search for the protein sequences in the databases.

Copy Number of Histone Genes. The copy number was determined

by comparing the relative radioactive intensity of the bands containing
the fragments, averaging 7.5 kbp obtained by PstI restriction of geno-
mic DNA, with the radioactive intensity of the insert of plasmid 8D
obtained by hydrolysis of the plasmid with the same restriction nucle-
ase. A set of increasing amounts of the two hydrolyzed DNA samples
were analyzed by electrophoretic separation in adjacent lanes on 0.8%
(w/v) agarose slab gels in TBE buffer. Southern blots of the slabs after
electrophoretic fractionations were sequentially hybridized with three
different homologous histone gene probes derived from clone 8D, pre-
viously labeled with [32P]-dCTP using the Multiprime labeling system.
The amount of DNA loaded in each lane is specified in the legend of
Fig. 3. The results show the occurrence in the genomic DNA of C. Fig. 1. Histone gene cluster in clone 8D of C. variopedatus. A Re-
variopedatus of a unique band, of about 7.5 kbp, that hybridizes with striction map with enzymes used for sequence determination and gene
each of the individual gene probes. The amount of bound radioactive mapping. B Organization of histone genes. The arrows indicate the
probe in the different lanes was determined both by using the Phos- direction of gene transcription. P, PstI; D, DraII; V, EcoRV; E, EcoRI;
phorImager Scanner (Molecular Dynamics) and by comparing the rela- S, SacI; X, XhoI; A, AccI.
tive intensity of the radioactive bands on Fuji RX films exposed to the
filters for appropriate lengths of time at −70°C.
ing that also the cloned clusters of histone genes of C.
Phylogenetic Analysis of the Encoded Histone Molecules. The com- variopedatus contain all histone types, including H1.
putational analyses were performed separately on H2A and H2B
C. variopedatus histone genes to determine their relative positions in
phylogenetic trees. The amino acid sequences encoded in the two genes Restriction and Hybridization Analysis of Clone 8D
were compared with those of the corresponding types obtained from the
histone dedicated data bank created by Baxevanis and Landsman at the
The restriction map (Fig. 1A) shows the enzymes used to
National Center for Biotechnology Information (see Fig. 4). The analy-
ses were performed producing multiple alignments and generating phy- map genes and to produce clones for sequence determi-
logenetic trees by the neighbor-joining method (Saitou and Nei 1987) nation. The map concerns clone 8D as a representative of
of Clustal W, version 1.6 (Thompson et al. 1994). Trees were plotted the five clones that were initially chosen for the sequence
with Phylip, version 3.5c (Felsenstein 1982, 1988). analysis. EcoRI and SacI restriction enzymes were used
because data on genomic DNA showed that they cut in
the histone gene cluster. There is a site for BamHI only
Results in the vector and this was used as an asymmetric site
useful to orient the fragments obtained by SacI hydroly-
sis. The DNA inserts of the selected clones were re-
Construction of the Genomic Library and Isolation
stricted and the Southern blots of the fragments were
of Clones
probed with each of the five histone genes from sea
The possibility of the occurrence of gene clusters con- urchin to localize their relative positions in the fragments
taining all five histone genes was investigated by per- and in the clusters. As reported for clone 8D (Fig. 1A),
forming Southern blot analysis of the genomic DNA di- the H3 gene appeared to be adjacent to H4 and inside the
gested with various restriction enzymes. Hybridization cluster, because both genes hybridized with a fragment
experiments, performed using the five different sea ur- of about 2.2 kbp produced by SacI hydrolysis. They were
chin histone gene probes obtained from the plasmid adjacent to H2A because the probes of the three genes
pPH70, showed that PstI digestion produced a single hybridized with the same 4.2-kbp fragment produced by
band of about 7.5 kbp that hybridized with all heterolo- EcoRI digestion. H1 appeared to be adjacent to H2B
gous probes (see Fig. 3, showing the determination of the because they both showed a positive hybridization signal
histone genes copy number). The gel band containing the on the same 5.8-kbp fragment produced by EcoRI diges-
fragments hybridizing with the sea urchin histone gene tion. The overall results showed that clone 8D contained
probes was excised from the slab; the fragments were one copy of each histone gene in a distinctive organiza-
electroeluted and cloned in pBR322 vector. Clones con- tion (Fig. 1B).
taining the histone gene cluster were identified by colony
hybridization and amplified to analyze the insert DNA. Nucleotide Sequences of the Histone Genes
Electrophoretic analysis on agarose gel of 25 positive
clones showed that the inserts had average value of about The DNA sequence of the histone gene cluster was ini-
7.5 kbp, with some length heterogeneity ranging between tially determined on the three genomic pBR322 clones
about 7 and 8.5 kbp. Five of these clones were analyzed 3D, 6B, and 8D. The inserts of these clones were frag-
by hybridizing their excised inserts with each of the five mented into three parts corresponding to the 2.2-kbp
sea urchin histone genes used as probes. The results of fragment produced by SacI digestion and to the two ad-
these hybridization experiments (data not shown) con- ditional 3.1-kbp and 2.0-kbp fragments produced by fur-
firmed the data obtained on genomic DNA demonstrat- ther digestion of the DNA with PstI (Fig. 1A). These

three fragments, prepared from clone 8D, were cloned

into pBluescript vector and used to perform the complete
sequence analysis of the histone gene cluster. The se-
quence was determined both on subclones prepared on
the basis of restriction sites found in the sequence ini-
tially determined and by extending the analysis directly
on the studied clones by means of synthesized primer
The sequence data confirmed the indications of gene
arrangements derived from the hybridization experi-
ments and permitted one to orient the transcription po-
larity of each gene (Fig. 1B). The nucleotide sequence, as
occurring in clone 8D, demonstrated the presence of a
start codon at 58 nucleotides downstream from the 58
PstI site followed by an open reading frame of 606
nucleotides terminating with TAA. This sequence en-
codes an H1 histone type of 202 amino acids, including
the initial methionine (Fig. 2A). On the basis of the de-
duced amino acid composition and K/R ratio (61 K and
three R), the H1 histone in clone 8D is somatic. After a
spacer of 587 bp there is an open reading frame of 369 bp
terminating with TAA, coding for a 123-amino-acid H2B
histone type, including the first methionine (Fig. 2B). A
spacer of 1,337 bp is then observed followed by an open
reading frame of 408 nucleotides coding for a H3 histone
type of 136 amino acids, including the initial methionine
(Fig. 2C). There is then a spacer of about 800 bp and an
open reading frame of 309 bp terminating with TAG that
encodes a H4 histone type of 103 amino acids, including
the initial methionine (Fig. 2D). After a spacer of 659 bp
there is another open reading frame of 375 nucleotides
terminating with TAA encoding a H2A histone type of
125 amino acids (Fig. 2E). The spacer downstream this
gene is about 1,800 bp, the longest of the cluster, and 38
terminal to the clone.

Analysis of the Genomic Sequences Flanking

Histone Genes

No peculiarity is evident in the sequences 58 to the start

codons of the five histone genes present in the cluster
except that no canonical TATA box is apparent. There
are, however, elements common to other histone genes
of various organisms and to genes transcribed by RNA
Fig. 2. Nucleotide and putative encoded amino acid sequences of C. polymerase II. In the case of the promoters of H2B and
variopedatus histone genes in the cluster of clone 8D with adjacent 58 H2A genes there is the GATCC element (underlined in
and 38 UTRs. No canonical TATA box is present. The conserved Fig. 2B,E) usually present 11 bp upstream of the TATA
promoter motifs are underlined. The putative CAP sites are underlined
box in sea urchin histone genes. This element has been
and in bold type. Initial and stop codons of each encoded histone
protein are in bold type. The conserved 38 UTR palindrome with the found to be essential to start transcription at the appro-
adjacent polypurine tract and the polyadenylation signal are underlined. priate site (Maxson et al. 1983a; Busslinger et al. 1980).
Note that the amino acid sequences of histones H1, H2B, and H4 A similar esamer sequence, 58-GACTTC-38, is present
appear directly encoded while those of histones H3 and H2A appear also 58 to other histone genes. After this element, in the
inverted because their genes are encoded on the complementary DNA
promoter of H2B, there is another sequence that is typi-
strand. The accession number of the cluster sequence is U96764 and
AF007904 in GeneBank. cal of this gene, 58-CCTAATTTGCATATG-38, similar
to the consensus sequence 58-CCTTATTTGCATAAG-
38 corresponding to the H2B-specific-promoter element

Table 1. Transcription termination signals in C. variopedatus histone genes

Spacer Polyadenylation
Genes Palindromea (bp) Purine-rich motif signal


Bases forming the stems of the stem-loop structures are underlined.

(Harvey et al. 1982). This sequence appears essential to an example, there are 17 TA repetitions downstream H3
activate transcription. It contains an octameric subse- and in the spacer between H4 and H2A there are three
quence, 58-ATTTGCAT-38, typical of other gene pro- repetitions of the ATGT motif at about 40 bp from the
moters transcribed both by RNA polymerase II and III CAGAGAA sequence of H2A and an additional 12 rep-
(Sive et al. 1986) that interacts with Oct1 protein etitions 28 bp downstream the polyadenylation signal.
(Fletcher et al. 1987). A similar octameric sequence is This spacer sequence has been determined also in clones
present also in the promoter/enhancer of immunoglobu- 6B and 3D, showing identical compositions except for a
lin genes and interacts with Oct2 protein (Scheidereit et small difference in the number of repetitions of the con-
al. 1987). The core histone genes have putative CAP served motifs. A series of four repetitions forming the
sites in their 58-UTR (Fig. 2). The individual putative sequence 58(TACA)11(TA)14CA(TA)14AC(TGAT)70 is
signal sequences have been identified for their homology present in the long spacer downstream H2A. The
to the corresponding sequences (Sures et al. 1980) re- stretches of short repeated sequences might be involved
ported for the sea urchin (58-PyPyATTCPu-38) and D. in recombination events. In this case, the small differ-
melanogaster (58-NCPuTTPyPu-38). The derived con- ence in the number of repetitions in the same repeated
sensus sequence of C. variopedatus is 58-Py/APyATTCPu/ motif in the different clusters found here in the different
C-38. clones (8D, 6B, 3D) isolated from the DNA of a single
In the region 38 to the stop codons, each of the genes male organism might represent the consequences of re-
of clone 8D has the control elements common to all combination events between clusters.
replication-dependent histone genes: the palindrome se-
quence forming stem-loop and, after 11–12 bp, a purine-
rich region (Hentschel and Birnstiel 1981; Birchmeier et Copy Number Determination
al. 1982) (Table 1). These two elements are involved in
the binding of the primary mRNA transcript to the U7 DNA sequence analysis confirmed the results of the hy-
snRNP prior to the final definition of the 38 terminus of bridization experiments indicating that only one copy of
the message (Krieg and Melton 1984; Birnstiel et al. each histone gene is present in each cluster. For this
1985). As apparent (Table 1), the stem-loop structures reason, both genomic DNA and clone 8D DNA were
conform to the consensus sequences derived for other hydrolyzed with PstI restriction nuclease to obtain the
organisms. However, the H2B histone gene shows the electrophoretic DNA band with the fragments containing
stem composed of 5 bp, with the unique peculiarity that the clusters. The number of copies of the cluster in the
only one GC pair is present at the base of the stem. haploid genome of C. variopedatus was then determined
Surprisingly, downstream the purine-rich element, all by comparing the hybridization signal of the genomic
histone genes in the cluster have at least one AATAAA DNA band with that of clone 8D used as homologous
polyadenylation signal typical of the replication-inde- reference value (Fig. 3). Three different gene probes,
pendent histone genes. corresponding to genes of different conservation, were
In the spacer regions between genes there are several used. The first probe was a PstI-DraII fragment (0.7
simple reiterated units, as initially found in the sea urchin kbp), containing the H1 gene. The second probe was a
histone gene clusters (Hentschel and Birnstiel 1981). As clone corresponding to the EcoRI-RsaI fragment (350

the repeated clusters, are very likely to be present in the

genome of C. variopedatus. In fact, a different H1 his-
tone gene must be coded in another position not yet
identified because a H1 protein has been isolated from
the sperm cells of this organism, showing a sperm-
specific amino acid composition with K/R ratio of about
2 (De Petrocellis et al. 1983), while the H1 encoded in
the clusters identified here shows amino acid com-
Fig. 3. Copy number of the histone genes in the genome of C. vari- position typical of somatic molecules with K/R ratio of
opedatus. Plasmid 8D DNA containing the histone gene cluster and about 20.
genomic DNA were hydrolyzed with PstI and fractionated on agarose Determinations of the histone gene copy number with
slab gel. Lanes 1–6, decreasing amounts of genomic DNA (10 mg, 5 three different probes of different sequence conservation
mg, 2.5 mg, 1.25 mg, 0.6 mg, and 0.3 mg, respectively). Lanes 8–13,
decreasing amounts of the insert DNA present in plasmid 8D (5 ng, 2.5
have shown the presence of about 390 copies of the
ng, 1.25 ng, 500 pg, 250 pg, and 125 pg, respectively). Lane 7, undi- cluster per haploid genome in C. variopedatus (Fig. 3).
gested genomic DNA (4 mg). This value is similar to that found in P. dumerilii (Sellos
et al. 1990) while in U. caupo the cluster copy number is
about 100 (Ingham and Davis 1988). The high number of
bp) containing the H4 gene prepared by PCR. The third histone gene clusters is a characteristic that annelids
probe was a part of the coding region of the H2B gene,
share with echinoderms and some amphibians (Table 2).
obtained by PCR amplification from position 1260 to
The possibility that the high reiteration of the histone
1910 (Fig. 2B) and by digesting this product with HpaII
genes to be activated during the initial cleavage stages
enzyme that generates two fragments: one of 234 bp,
might be a mechanism to provide the high levels of his-
corresponding to most of the coding region (from posi-
tone production necessary to assemble the rapidly in-
tion 1283 to 1517) that was used as a probe, and another
creasing amount of chromatin finds support in the pre-
of 358 bp corresponding to the remaining part of the
sent results concerning an organism with a high rate of
coding region with the adjacent downstream spacer. De-
cell division in the initial embryonic stages.
termination of the copy number using these three probes
was considered useful to obtain an indication of the ho- The histone gene clusters are different in C. variope-
mogeneity of the composition of the clusters concerning datus and in the other annelid not only in the presence of
the least conserved H1 gene, the more conserved core the histone H1 gene but also in the relative positions of
histone gene H2B, and the highly conserved gene H4. the individual genes and their transcription polarity. In
The quantitative results obtained by PhosphorImager fact, H3 and H4 histone genes are contiguous and present
analysis of the radioactivity bound to the genomic DNA between H2B and H2A in C. variopedatus, while in P.
bands, after hybridization with the different probes, were dumerilii H3 and H4 histone genes are at the extremes of
consistent with each other, giving the same average value the cluster, separated by H2B and H2A (Table 2). In the
of 390 copies of histone gene clusters/sperm cell. This echiuroid U. caupo, a gene asset identical to that of P.
value was calculated assuming that the haploid genome dumerilii is present if the direction of the gene cluster is
of C. variopedatus contains 1.45 pg DNA, as reported for inverted in the 58-38 direction. In the clusters of the an-
the haploid DNA amount of the polychaete annelid nelids and in U. caupo, H3 and H4 genes, like H2A and
worm P. dumerilii (Sellos et al. 1990). H2B genes, are transcribed from different DNA strands
but their relative directions of transcription are different.
In C. variopedatus transcription polarities are divergent
Discussion for H3 and H4 genes and convergent for H2A and H2B,
just the opposite of what occurs in P. dumerilii and in U.
The results reported here on the histone genes and their caupo (Table 2). The differences in the structure and
organization in the genome of C. variopedatus show the organization of the clusters of histone genes in other
presence of repeated clusters each containing one copy phyla are not so large even when comparison is made
of the five histone genes. This is different from the other between different classes. As an example, in Echinoder-
known situations of histone genes in annelids. In fact, in mata, the gene cluster is complete in the class Echinoidea
P. dumerilii (Sellos et al. 1990), a worm belonging to the (sea urchins), where the H1 histone gene is associated
same polychaete class of C. variopedatus, histone H1, is with the core histone genes, and is incomplete in the
not present in the repeated clusters of core histone genes class Asteroidea (sea stars), where the H1 histone gene is
and has not yet been found elsewhere. Histone H1 is not present in the cluster; but, in both classes, the genes
missing also in the cluster of histone genes of the worm are transcribed from only one DNA strand showing the
U. caupo (Ingham and Davis 1988) belonging to the same transcription polarity (Table 2).
minor phylum of echiuroids closely related to Annelida. The encoded amino acid sequences of the core histone
Other H1 histone genes, in addition to those present in genes, when analyzed for phylogenetic relations, indicate

Table 2. Organization and transcription polarity of C. variopedatus histone gene clusters

Insert length
Group Species (kbp) Reiteration Order of genes
→ ← → ←
Coral A. formosa 3.8 150 H 3–H2B–H2
← → ←
A–H →
Nematodes C. elegans 4 – H3–H4–H2B−H2 A
← → ← →
5.6 – H4−H3−H2A−H2B
→ → → → →
Sea urchins S. purpuratusa 6.5 300 H 1−H 4−H2 B−H 3−H2 A
→ → → →
Sea stars P. ochraceusb – High copy No. H 2A−H4 –H3 –H2 B
→ ← → ←
Annelida P. dumerilii 6 660 H4–H2 B–H2 A−H3
→ → ← → ←
C. variopedatus 7.3 800 H1–H2 B–H3 –H4 –H2 A
→ ← → ←
U. caupo 5 100 H3–H2 A–H2 B–H4
← → ← → ←
Fruit fly D. melanogaster 5 100 H3–H4–H2 A–H 2B–H1
→ → → → →
Fish S. gardnerii 10.2 145 H4–H2 B–H1–H2A–H3
→ → ← → →
Amphibia N. viridiscens 9.0 600–800 H1–H3–H2B–H2A–H4
→ → → → →
X. borealis 8.5 – H4–H2A–H2B–H1–H3
16 60 H1–H2B–H2A–H1–H4–H3
X. tropicalis 10.5 – H1–H3–H4–H2A–H2B
X. laevis 14 30 H4–H3–H2A–H2B
→ ← → → →
8.5 – H4–H2A–H2 B–H1–H3
(+ 7 other arrangements)

Other sea urchins show the same gene organization.
Other sea stars show the same gene organization.

that the proteins of the two annelids are distinctive and

close to each other. It has not been possible to extend this
comparative analysis to the H1 histone gene because that
sequenced here in C. variopedatus is the first somatic in
the phylum Annelida. The comparison of deduced amino
acid sequences of C. variopedatus histones with those of
the other organisms reported in the dedicated histone
gene data bank of Baxevanis and Landsman has been
made using H2A and H2B histone genes because they
are distinctive in the different organisms. The results
common to the analyses performed individually on H2A
and H2B genes can be presented in a simplified unrooted
phylogenetic tree that clearly shows that the sequences
have the expected phyletic relations (Fig. 4). In this tree,
worms are grouped together in close relation with in-
sects. In detail, C. variopedatus and P. dumerilii are
closest to each other (polycheates), forming a group with
U. caupo (echiuroid) and Sipunculus nudus (sipunculoid) Fig. 4. Simplified unrooted phylogenetic tree based on H2A and H2B
(Kmiecik et al. 1983, 1991), both belonging to minor histones. Branch lengths are not proportional to phylogenetic distances.
Data from the histone gene bank of Baxevanis and Landsman, access:
phyla closely related to annelids. C. elegans (nematode)
is positioned before the bifurcation of echiuroids, sipun-
culoids, and polychaetes and also before the bifurcation
of Insects while echinoderms are on another branch. This as a result of functional needs specific of the particular
structure is in line with the generally accepted phyloge- organisms.
netic relationships. An additional point of interest is provided by the pres-
It is apparent from the results reported here on the ence in the 38UTR of all genes in the cluster of C. vari-
histone gene clusters of C. variopedatus that the relative opedatus of two different 38 termination signals for the
positions of the individual genes and their transcription mRNAs (Table 1). This is a peculiar asset so far unique
polarity are not very useful or indicative of phylogenetic for histone genes in a cluster. In fact, a double 38 termi-
correlations. The apparent mobility of the histone genes nation signal has been recently reported for the H2B, H3,
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